5 Insanely Powerful Space Marines You've Never Heard Of | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and girl as a general rule of thumb being really good at killing people makes you pretty popular in Warhammer 40K sigismund abadon Commander farite margan raah all known and beloved Legends with a kill tally higher than your sister's body count but did you know that there are actually wildly powerful legendary Space Marine Warriors that you've probably never heard of Warriors who could match or even surpass the fan favorites but for whatever reason just never really got the attention they deserved and that is certainly worth talking about before we get started yes I got a haircut and as a result of that my kenery is all bit gone the blonde was fun I learn a bit more about myself through the experience and I have realize that I am KU without it what do you guys think should I bring back the blonde around November this year but keep it more casual and highlighty rather than just a full-on bleach or should we just leave that chapter in the past and focus on other things like scrotum piercings speaking of scrotum piercings we are tentatively locking in the eth of March as the launch date for the 2024 nude cosplay calendars this year's Leaps and Bounds better than last year's which was already awesome we have an extra model extra cosplays higher budget cosplays and I've teamed up with a world-renowned composite artist to do the editing for it basically I've learned all the lessons of last year's and improved on everything I wanted to go so hard on this year's calendar that one of the cosplays on it cost more than the rest combined it's epic but I'll do anything for the lord of the first Legion baby the calendars will also be sent out super quickly as well as they're already in the warehouse ready to ship I've assigned a completely different team to do the calendars so I won't mess with any of the major mini stuff like the Big E who I'm happy to report that we've had the highest record of dispatch this week not too much longer left on those exciting times I wasn't joking when I said 2024 would be the biggest year for the channel ever today we'll check out the most powerful Space Marines you've probably never heard of as a bit of a note the first two are semi- poopular but still quite Niche at least compared to how powerful they are however the final three will be dudes you almost certainly don't know about I'll detail how powerful they were and why they never really made it into the halls of Legends let's get into it the First on this list is a grey Knight and a very dope one at that Hyperion the blade breaker although calor Drago gets all the credit for being the most overpowered Grey Knight Hyperion is an absolute monster firstly he's called the blade breaker because he was able to fight angron and not only survive but also he broke the demon Primark sword and was instrumental in banishing him during the months of Shame when the grey Knights and space walles were in allout war he was the only Grey Knight that the Wolves respected and he was also the only one that would have been able to stop Logan grimnar however the two never got to have their Jewel but it would have been [ __ ] awesome the fun thing about Hyperion is that many of you already know him under a different name he was born as z a kid from a hive City who was addicted to drugs he was then taken in and looked after by Inquisitor Gideon ravenor Eisen Horn's old pupil Z would go on a bit of an adventure with them before eventually being handed over to the grey Knights due to his unique and Powerful psychic abilities like the kid was able to purge the blankness from an Untouchable making them a normal human something very very very few people can do I would say he's flown under the radar mostly because of his lack of wider law beyond the months of Shame and the fight with angron he hasn't really popped up anywhere else with his Inquisition backstory being more of an Easter egg than anything he also doesn't have a model which never helps the next on this list I'm sure every night Lord fan has heard of but beyond that I'd be surprised we have desus desus is the son of a navigator and human being born as a highly genetically stable boy due to this stability he was given super Gene seed taken from in the corpse of the legendary Talos the super Jean seed gave desus the ability to accurately see the future without any drawbacks it would not drive him insane like it did to Conrad Kur nor would it slowly kill him like it was doing to tals with this power despite being a pretty young and unknown warlord of the night Lords he was able to unite the legion under his Banner with the intention of taking on craford uway implying that his foresight power was equal to or even greater than the greatest minds of the Elder desus would inherit the gifts of first claw the skin cloak of the warrior usza the winged helmet of the legendary swordsman zal the sword of TS and so on implying that he was the culmination of all these Warriors put together it would not be a stretch to say that Decimus is currently the most powerful night Lord alive unless sevatar is still kicking around somewhere however as he literally only appears in the epilogue of a single series and has never been mentioned again it's not a surprise that not many people know about him okay now we get to the really [ __ ] Niche Space Marines that I seriously doubt you know about the iron hands are known to be tough bastards but with how hard they've got clapped on isvan 3 there isn't too many of them floating around however did you know that there was an iron hand who beat this [ __ ] out of Sigman in an honor Jewel during a great Crusade campaign Ferris and daor disagreed about the course of action so as any reasonable man would they both sent for their Champions the honor Jewel fair enough Dawn chose Sigman Ferris chose thos Shield Centurion of the Fel Clan thos was heavily augmented with barely any of his human body remaining he was massive with his arms and legs bolstered by Pistons to give him strength away Beyond a normal estaris however since he was crafted so well his speed wasn't slowed at all if anything it was sped up the two Warriors fight thos immediately getting the upper hand thos hit sigy in the shoulder exploding his pauldron and breaking his arm in return Sigman kicked thos but all he did was jar his own leg Sigman said it was like kicking a mountain thos then clashed his mace against Sig's sword the impact breaking some of sigy's fingers he then hit sigy in the face breaking his nose and cheek then he hit sigy in the shin cracking it then he hit him in the hand again breaking his other hand before finally crunching him in the gut winding him at this point sigi hadn't even give THS a dent but then plot armor kicks in as it often does and despite being broken and dazed Sigman randomly does one of those anime moves where the screen goes black and you just see a few cut marks and then bam thos has his piston feets cut with sigman's blade hovering in between th's teeth forcing him to yield now yes this wasn't Prime sigismond but the amount of anime plot armor [ __ ] he was nuts thos was so mechanically brutal and effective that sigman's Artful and graceful Sword Play was completely countered also both of Sig's hands were super broken so how can he still be so fast and precise especially with how [ __ ] up he was but regardless almost Bing Sigman like he was nothing is a f only thos has ever achieved however as his entire existence was confined to a single Jewel with sigy and then he was never mentioned again it's no surprise that no one really knows about him the next the Stanis is a pretty cool one as it is a thousand suns blade Master the greatest Thousand Suns swordsman in their entire Legion who combines his master of sorcery with the art of the blade his name was Sak Sak was such a powerful Warrior that none of the Thousand Sons were ever able to foresee his defeat or death sonak would survive the great Crusade as a melee Champion as well as the fall of Prospero taking out many space wvs and even custodes his psycher abilities allowed him to be faster and stronger than a normal Space Marine as well as one of his swords being psychic in nature the fact that a melee specialist was one of the few survivors against an army of spacewolves is pretty nuts he would go on to be a loyal servant of aren on the planet of sorcerers however was eventually confronted by Lucius who was going around the Galaxy trying to Jewel the best there was in order to improve as the two Warriors jeweled Lucius was on the back foot and was surprised with how powerful the Thousand sun was he also wasn't familiar with the fighting style a mix of duel swords infused with psychic power however Lucius then went Super Saiyan mode during the fight and was able to get the upper hand and win however Iran intervened to stop Lucius from killing Sak as he needed him Sak would serve Iran for thousands of years however turned against him when he found out that Iran wanted to do another rubric knowing how badly the first one went Sonu used blanks to take away Iran's psychic ability and he proceeded to body the [ __ ] out of him with his Superior swordsmanship however Iran was able to escape using his power to override Sak's Brain before infusing him with a Shard of Magnus so I guess Sak remains alive but in a bit of a uh changed State the reason no one really knows much about him is because the Iran books are pretty Niche and the Jewel between him and Lucius where first heard about him also requires Some solid reading to come across something that not a whole lot of you guys and gals do which is fine as my job kind of relies on me knowing more than you and finally we have a warrior who transcends all others on this list a warrior who was above Sigman and S as the most obscenely skilled fighter and jewelist out of all the legions I give you to serus Akana of the third Legion this man was multiple leagues Above the Rest he was the first of the palentine blades the elite swordsman of The Emperor's Children and would go around jeweling and be everyone I'm talking named characters and champions not just running the- Mill Space Marines he was like Lucius but way less of a prick and way better at fighting it got to a point where Aku danana was so bored of fighting other space RS due to how weak they were compared to him that he ended up jeweling Ferris Manis himself so that is how an Emperor's Children swordsman ended up in a primarch jeweling cage with the primarch of the 10th Legion Ferris charges but is unable to hit Aku who is blindingly fast Aku Dodges and weaves between the attacks striking at Ferris weak points Aku even begins to laugh mid Jewel and is excited that he might actually have to try for once eventually he sees an opening and stabs his blade at Ferris his [ __ ] The Cheeky bastard but it gets stuck in Ferris armor giving Ferris an opening to break aku's arm and then falcon punch him across the cage ending the fight Aku sits there laughing and choking on his own blood finding the sensation of finally being beaten for the first time in his life invigorating so why isn't this God tier Warrior up there with the likes of Sigman well at the end of the book that he is featured in Aku sacrifices himself in order to save the Imperial forces including Ferris maners his death combined with the fact that he was only present for one book means that unless you've read it you really wouldn't know who he is especially since he doesn't really get referenced after that it's unclear if he would have stayed loyal or not at the Horus heresy as much as I would have liked to see him shoulder-to-shoulder with Sal tavits it seems more likely that he would have gone Trader as he was obsessed with fighting and perfecting very much a more likable lucious type of guy if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then Patron is the place to be where you can get a of what the cosplay calendar will entail hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more unknown but epic content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one [Music] peace bow to [Music] me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 133,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: oPRppMd8cW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 01 2024
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