Were there any Loyalist Word Bearers? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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good day guys and girl when the Horus heresy kicked off there was a shitload of Space Marines from trade Allegiance who are not happy about it at all unfortunately most of them were killed during the isvan 3 atrocity however a decent amount survived to fight for the Imperium or become a factionless black shield however one Legion that seemly had zero loyalist in it was the word bearers their fanatical beliefs combined with their enhanced dedication to their Primark made it almost impossible for a word Bearer to go against lar combin that with their humiliation at Aria and a few private purges and you have a massive unified Trader Legion however there were two word bearers who stayed true to the emperor and fought against against their Legion two word bearers who defied the odds and have helped shape the Galaxy impacting the outcome of the Horus heresy as well as the structure of the Imperium as we know it today and that is worth talking about before we get started I hope everyone has had a damn good start to 2024 it's a good time to be alive if you like my content or even crack a smer in this video then consider subscribing it's free easy and helps me out of [ __ ] ton today we'll go over the lore of the only two loyalist word bearers detailing why they remain loyal and how they escaped being purged let's get into it we talked about it briefly in the intro but I want to go a bit more in detail about why the word bearers had so few loyalists I mean [ __ ] even the night Lords at least had a couple hundred Loyalists and they were a legion of degenerate sadistic rapists well it's a couple things the word bearers had Decades of preparation before the heresy was to kick off so they were able to take their time converting the legion with ler personally doing a lot of the converting himself on top of that the word Bearer Legion was already pretty fanatical in their beliefs in God so that fanaticism would have been pretty easy to redirect after all arul tal an extremely solid reliable and not crazy dude who was even BFFs with a few custodians accepted chaos as he saw it as the truth the very few word bearers who seemed resistant to the idea of turning away from the emperor was sent on the front lines of the most grueling suicidal campaigns with a small handful for getting silently killed within the legion so how did our two mysterious loyalists survive this extensive purging and converting well initially they both actually accepted chaos and became traitors the first was a legend of a man called barusa narik one of the deadliest we bearers in the entire Legion who specialized in assassination and scouting although he was initially a traitor and kind of remained one he never really vibed with the whole demon thing but he held his tongue he was involved in the dropsite massacre but suffered a pretty bad wound which slowed him down a bit knocking him down from the Le Legion Elite despite this he would fight on teaming up with a dark Apostle to try find an artifact called the fulgurite the fulgurite was like a dagger however it was made using a Shard of The Emperor's psychic might so was extremely overpowered and was capable of killing primarch and even perpetuals narak would fight against the loyalist shattered Legions in attempting to recover this artifact killing numerous loyalists in the process yes I know he doesn't sound very loyalist but bear with me during this little struggle for the furite narak became extremely disillusioned with the fate of the word bears and their OB obession with gaggling that demonic dick so he resolved to kill lar and restore the honor and soul of his Legion however to do that he needed the ferite which John grammaticus had stolen hence narak recruited the help of two heavily mutated word bearers to use their athame to travel to Ultramar where John was Nar thanked the two for their help before declaring his loyalty to the emperor and then blowing their brains out narak would track Jon down and eventually ended up getting tangled up with the whole Vulcan and Conrad curs WWE Smackdown that happened on mcra getting arrested by the ultramarines in the process however malcador had caught wind of marar and thought he was [ __ ] dope so he sent one of his agents the Space Marine librarian Caspian hect sick Name by the way to go break him out of jail and recruit him Caspian did this however during the recruitment part Caspian began overriding nar's memories and personality to turn him into a more reliable Ally narak wasn't vibing this so he killed Caspian however he found himself semi- overwritten now believing himself to be Caspian this new Caspian I went to a space station and started [ __ ] up a bunch of death guard before he was discovered by the salamanders that were taking vulcan's body back to nocturn after helping them out he joined them on their Journey while in this Caspian form he was a massive asset for the loyless killing numerous word bearers and death guard that attempted to board the ship in one funny scene a word Bearer Champion had been hyped up the whole book as some kind of unkillable Juggernaut he even killed a number of the named salamander characters when he got wind of narck who was on the word bear [ __ ] list due to not following their word he began hunting him narck simply just baited him into a Kill Zone and then blew his brains out without breaking a sweat however in the same battle caspi and Nar would come face to face with the dark Apostle who recognized them as narck and wounded him causing the guys of Caspian to melt away Nar was now himself again and he escaped to the surface of nocturn however Naro was a lot more loyalist now he didn't really want to kill any more salamanders and was actually very impressed by their honor and fortitude while stranded on nocturn eldrad Ulan came to him was like Yo dude I like the way you kill boy if you help me take out these alien [ __ ] called the cabal I'll give you the ferite and narck was like how a Bunger it is so the two then killed the entire cabal before departing Nar with the fgarat in hand narak returned to his Legion still set on killing lar and joined in on the siege of Terror however instead of attacking the Imperials he went around killing a bunch of word bearers his hunt for loger not yet over that is where nar's law ends I'm pretty sure GW are planning on doing a series on the scouring which are the events that occur just after the heresy so wouldn't be surprised to see nar's story end there hopefully by shooting lga's dick off or something the second loyalist word Bearer is actually still alive in the current setting the anchorite like beusa the anchorite began as a traitor hence is why he survived the purges he was just as fanatical as any and gladly took part in the dropsite massacre as well as the invasion of Cal however while stuck in the underground Wars of Cal watching ultramarines and werebears tear each other to shreds the anchorite had a Epiphany he realized that following chaos was [ __ ] [ __ ] and the heresy was a terrible idea he saw the destruction of monarchia not as the emperor punishing the word bearers but by testing their faith a test they had failed he immediately threw down his weapons and surrendered to the ultramarines telling them how sorry he was gilan was so shook by a genuinely remorseful and regretful word Bearer that he allowed him to live however in prison there he remained for the rest of the heresy praying to the god Emperor the chaos gods were not a fan of his existence as the word bearers were supposed to be their most dedicated of servants so they sent demons to try corrup him however the anchorite was so pure that he was able to banish the demons time and time again with his raw Faith after the heresy he began writing more and more about the God Emperor with his writings getting leaked from his cell and then added to the rapidly growing Imperial cult meaning the religion that the Imperium currently practices was written by a word Bearer as well as lurger oh the irony however despite his faith and Purity the anchorite still felt really shitty about his past and attempted to kill himself multiple times eventually resulting in him getting interred within a contempt to dreadn and a massive honor for one that was a traitor after the Great Rift opened a word Bearer chaos Lord became aware of the Anchor's existence and believed him to be a long- lost brother imprisoned by the Imperium at this point the anchorite had been moved to a different more vulnerable World instead of mcra the word Bearer sent a large Fleet to the world and in response the newly awoken Gillman sent a force of his own to protect the anchorite As for the drod himself he had taken a vow of pacificity and would not fight his word bear Brothers although he was happy for them to kill him the chos forces invade and too much for the loyalist as they begin gaining ground as the Defenders were pushed to the final line of defense the Cardinal of the world begged the anchorite to go out there and fight the anchorite refused and told them to just kill him so the word bearers would leave the cardal refus and said he would die a thousand times to protect the anchorite that he was a beacon of light and faith in the darkness the entire world would die to protect him the anchorite was so taken back by the show of devotion and faith that he was like all right it's killing time before charging out against his word bear Brothers the anchorite was Furious to see just how degenerate his Legion had become even recognizing some of them from the heresy so he charged forth and began speaking the old words of cultris which could have been anouna this combined with his faith turbo blasted the caos Army and banished all their demons he then began pulverizing the [ __ ] out of the word bearers all the while calling them a bunch of heretical [ __ ] and naming the Emperor as his Lord and Savior the word bearers were extremely shocked and Confused they had come to rescue their brother only to Now find him solo Med during their entire Army Imperial reinforcements soon arrived and the word bearers were crushed the anchorite then returned to his cell to continue his Penance as you can see loyalist word bearers are absolute Chads I mean you'd have to be in order to survive the purges of the Legion and resist all the brainwashing and [ __ ] I just really hope we see a satisfying end to beusa nar's story if you have read the Horus heresy books you'll quickly find him to be one of your favorite characters up there with theoni sharkin and sa tavits if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where we have a boatload of battle m 40 million hentai Warhammer fan arts and a bunch of live action nude cosplays hit the Subscribe button then hit the real subscribe button for more [ __ ] content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you on the next one peace bow to me
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 153,856
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Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: XzLFZ8o9SiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 24sec (564 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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