Explaining TZEENTCH To My Girlfriend

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Panic sweeps across the land precisely my plan is perfect precisely without the sword Arthur is vulnerable prely and now Excalibur is mine here's where we enter a gray area hello everybody and welcome back to another episode of explaining Warhammer to my girlfriend I am your host Ava and joining me as always is my lovely significant other Carrie woo she is here I am here today we are reaching the end of our trip through chaos the fourth ruinous power the Lord of change the master of Mischief we are wrapping up our chaos God episodes with zinch Zin poo before we get into it though if you want to support us head on over to patreon.com numcols where you can get all sorts of rewards like early episodes a private Discord bloopers behind the scenes stuff personal art and much much more that's Pat pon.com nums and also unfortunately the Black Friday sale on Orchid day.com is over but you can still go over there get yourself some merch you deserve the most comfortable sweatpants I've ever owned I don't know what's going on I think bricky is working with witches because this fabric I got to tell you I haven't taken these off in like a month I've been washing them and everything but like the moment they go into the wash they're coming back out because I want them on my body dampening them you just dip them in there and then pull them out and let them dry just throw them in like fabric softeners they I can't wait for it I got to get I got to get them back on they're that comfortable we also have other merch such as a sleepy nekron hoodie word vomit and much much more trust me that last one's it's a lot cooler than what it sounds like if you want to check out any of that merch check it out at Orchid 8.com Link in the description my love what do you know about Z tricky boy tricky boy yeah tricky boy bird yeah but also wacky wavy wibbly wobbly well I was going to say wacky waving inflatable fundable tentacle man oh listen should I don't know if we're doing well no we're doing good so you actually have the benefit of knowing a little bit more about zinch because Alex and I talk about zinch quite bit because I think zinch is pretty cool Alex thinks zinch is pretty cool yeah zinch is pretty cool yeah I feel like other than slesh zch was definitely the one I was the most interested in mhm well let's get right into it zinch is the Lord of change and it doesn't matter what that change is good bad change that's what the important thing is he is known as the god of Lies knowledge magic Destiny trickery and so much more he is responsible pretty much for all of the magic that's going on in the Galaxy it's all derived from him I always play casters so no like his dedicated Space Marine faction are like just a bunch of wizards that have like this Egyptian kind of motif what and they're literally pretty much yeah they're just like cast in spells and they've got like floating pyramid dark mag Stu it's really cool you can be the Dark Magician and I'll be the Dark Magician Girl do you want to know what the name of his like dedicated Space Marine Army is Sci boys I wish they're called the Thousand Suns not beaky gits no no not beaky gits Birds they they all had the beaky gits around the Horus heresy but they eventually changed that out to the more standardized they had like these Pig faces for a while but now they have like this primaris kind of like almost night looking Vibe which I like the more primar I ified stuff personally but I know I look at the helmets mhm I just my brain just intrusive thoughts like headbutting people and like what that would cause some of the Space Marine Legions would 100,000% headbutt anything that they could and they would use the beak to their advantage it's like a bayonet it's not that it's just bludgeoning damage you have my soul and my beak oh there is a bird themed faction of Space Marines yeah they're Raven themed bir bird bird is the word a bird bird bird but anyway we're not talking about them today we're talking about Zing Lord of magic so as we just mentioned his followers often Mages those who seek knowledge or manipulators oh so they're one or the other you're either a magic user or an AB you be all of them that's the illusion of free choice you can either Gaslight people or use freaking like or use Fireball it achieves the same thing listen you're going to get to your destination either way no it's literally just are you going to go through this game with Firepower or sneak yeah yeah yeah you're going to end up the same place but like what path do you do you think you want see when I did Skyrim for the first time I just put my entire skill tree into archery until I could just play the arrows yeah and I was just taking everyone out so I was more of a sword and board kind yes I know you were I don't know that I wasn't there but I know you Mr K I like I like hitting people with sword and Shi that's good I love that about you I like being off screen and suddenly everyone's dead and nobody knows why well that's why I stand behind you keep you alive and just cast stone at everything as we also mentioned his Vibe is also very much birds or eldr Horrors kind of like be an eldr horror bird well we'll kind of talk about some of that stuff but essentially the vibe of the eldrich horror things is like the unfathomable knowledge of the universe like sort of like I stare into the abyss the abyss is staring back that's Zena's thing when you unlock knowledge with him it's like almost cursing you with the knowledge you know what I mean does that make sense because every time I realize the truth of the world I also get more depressed his Space Marine chaos Space Marine Legion is a yeah they're quite sad so yeah this this tracks the more I know the more I miss the piece of darkness and silence maybe that's what he wants quick thought all change is good yes all change is good good or bad doesn't matter change is the goal change is the goal what if I change into a follower of corn ooh well that's Chang remember our good old friend scar brand a how's he doing not great oh no honey he's he's kind of just rampaging through places somebody bring him like a sandwich maybe a Coke I think he's gonna kill you if you do that well K be sneak leave it under by his door he'll be in a better he's not himself when he's hungry there's a there's a joke from a series called if the emperor had a text of speech device I thought you were gonna I literally thought you were going to say if the emperor had a New Groove and I was like I'm so into this but but the scar brand shows up sometimes as a cameo and he's like scar brand hates being outside he also hates being inside scar brand will stand in the doorway he hates it slightly less he's a cat he is a cat you know when you open the door for your cat and they just stand there but anyway scar brand was actually influenced by zinch if you remember yes he what did he want him to do take the skull of the bear he B no well yes that that was more Total War Warhammer but oh sorry conf with him attacking corn oh yeah yeah yeah yeah he was like you should stab him cuz you're the best and then he was like you're the best and then Dad was like um excuse me and he was like Dad was like how dare you try to hit me in the back at least be about it me and then it didn't go well and then we got SpaceX so if you were to change into a follower of corn zch this is another thing that goes into his Vibe yeah yeah of course sure this is all part of my plan yeah I would my thought was it would just be a step in a direction to zch which isn't necess like again you're change it still change mhm so so people who play zch and people who Vibe with zch they never lose rather zinch himself never loses because it's all part of the plan baby yeah we had this catastrophic loss we lost like half of our planets half our troops are dead ah whatever it's all part of the plan so it's about winning the war not the battle exactly yeah 4 d chess and he's playing with every single person Battleship so now we have the general Vibe of Z let's get into some of the demons demons we're back to De this is going to be like our last demons no the demon can we come back to Demons after probably have demons Harold what was his name Harold you said there was a fifth guy who's not really Canon oh malice malal I wasn't that far off yeah he's got like a sentence of lore there's nothing I'm sure there are independent demons yeah we'll probably have episodes where we go into like different demonic entities like there are named demons that do some pretty cool stuff in the lore so we'll probably have dedicated episodes this will not be the last time that we talk about demons are demons a result of the gods or were there are there demons that are just like existing and they haven't been influenced by the gods or made I believe like if you just went in the warp and looked around would you find some spookers I believe they are all creations of their God right although that is also to say perhaps we don't know of some Gods oh well here's the fun thing about chaos the four chaos gods that we've been talking about Korn zinch nurgle slanesh those are just the four big ones right there are so many minor gods of chaos that cover a whole span of different things such as technology betrayal so on and so forth scar brand no that was a clerical error oh and the most important one I would be berated if I did not mention the most important chaos God rat wrath rat Rathalos no like a rat a cheese boy yeah Burman tide yes how do you think he became the fifth chaos God in warhamer fantasy not 40K he dreamed about it real big he dreamed about it he was he was a little rat in France thinking about flavors realizing there could be so much more than just the trash for if you took the individual pieces of trash and put them together and a strawberry and you eat it it tastes like shit did you know that you com in for my shuer boards anyway no no no okay she's going to attack me I'm just saying I love a good Shak Cur oh there's nothing in the world like a good Shuter Bo anyway so without further Ado let me introduce to you the blue and pink horrors of zinch uh so the bisexuals are coming at you I am sure you didn't mean this but I'm sorry I'm staring at the guy on the right here and I I just can't be aggressive be e aggressive look he's got little pom poms it's supposed to be fire but I see what it looks like a pom pom it does look like a pom pom so Games Workshop has sort of standardized their design to be like kind of humanoid is like they've got two legs they might have two to four arms maybe they hold little daggers they cast Fireball all that stuff but in lore and in some of the older models they're actually more of like just a mass of mouths and eyes and limbs like some HP Lovecraft cthulu stuff you know what I'm saying yeah like like like literal Angels yeah like you're looking at it and it's like changing and like you can't ever like really visualize it in your mind because it's just like this mass of like kind of bluish kind of pinkish thing you can't comprehend CU you were never meant to you were never meant to comprehend this you're looking at the abyss and the abyss is going I'm going to hurt you there's this great moment in the Dres and files and you haven't gotten to it yet but Harry realizes that somebody he's talking to is is an angel oh no like that they're inhabiting a body and they and he has this moment where he almost Soul gazes them by accident don't do that you're going to see the devil they stop him like they turn away and he's like if you did that you would die your brain would like melt God so blue Horrors often have like little knives pink hores are more casty but they can all cast Fireballs just pink horres are better at doing it these are like your standard basic unit of Zing these are your plague bearers your demonet your whatever right yeah these are the normal guys now sometimes they ride on these little discs of zinch which are actually rub full sentient demons sent r that have been turned into like a little disc for them to write on and they like float around and sometimes you can even see chaos Warriors in on them and like they ride into battle and they're like Cavalry that's flying and it's just like these dudes on like these little circles as like Roomba as they just fly in yeah it's like a Roomba can we can we dress up my Roomba can we make him a little Halloween costume of we'd have to paint it blue and we'd have to give it little Tes in different can we give it that little sound thing where every time it hits a wall it's like fuck let's get John we have to go on a Roomba Adventure we're going down the Roomba rabbit hole on Tik Tok later that's what we're doing guys I love roombas something about them is just like trains they always go in the same route and I'm like fascinated by it it's great oh they're adorable so the most notable blue Horrors that I have found are called the Blue scribes of zinch oh bit of a story time really quick oh okay guys Once Upon a Time zinch was the most powerful chaos God just bottom line he was the strongest sure okay makes sense and he was so strong that it caused corn nurgle and slanesh to all Unite against him so they came in like kicked down his door and they were like zinch you big fucking nerd where is my Goddamn money I know you have it and so one Zing had realized oh I'm not getting out of this I'm going to lose no he basically went to his siblings and said look look look look look I give up I give up watch check out my crystal staff I'm going to break it as a sign of surrender and he slammed it to the ground and all of the pieces like billions un fathom small little pieces and shards spread throughout the world and the Galaxy Chama I don't know what you just said the jewel of four souls in Inu Asha oh the jewel thing shama I remember that the plot of every episode yeah that was kind of the inciting in that's why they had to travel around they had to go find all the shards it's that it's like in Yasha the the thing broke and now there's all these shards around so this is cited as the birth of magic in the universe oh because all the magic spread across so zinch having a plan to get all of his little shards back created two blue Horrors named pic and zap pain and panic yes now their names are just reversed I'm sorry could you say them again pic and zarap so my sibling would be Iraq yes cool and he created these two blue Horrors with the purpose sorry that was an intrusive thought so he created these two blue hores I got excited so zinch created these two blue whes to go and collect all of these shards and I got the vibe that basically every Shard they collect is one spell so there's countless right so there's billions upon billions of spells that they're going and collecting and basically the one in the front is writing down the Spells while the one in the back is like saying them out loud they're recording it and saying it a simultaneous yeah the blue scribes of Zing holy shit she got it everyone guys did you hear that cooking sound in my brain right there the cogs begin remember when I started asking questions and AA said I'm literally about to explain this this is why we love each other I love you no I love you cuz you're the one explaining and then I'm actually would probably be reversed you're the one who's desperately trying to read me the thing and I'm the one who's trying to get through the dungeon without using my I don't know it should be noted Zin specifically made pter and zp blue Horrors because they're not very smart and they probably won't betray him fair enough so I guess one of the downsides to zinch or being a follower of zinch would be you never 100% sure nobody's going to stab you in the back oh yeah yeah it's like I keep back to using Sith as an example but I feel like they're a good like archetype example in the sense of like when you when you align yourself with untrustworthy people guess what things are going to surround yourself with the type of people you want to interact with exactly they do go into battles and basically the idea is that they can use like any spell that they have acquired so they have a ton of spells and a ton of magic at their disposal I really like that he's writing with both hands at the same time yeah I feel like that would be less efficient but also knowing zinch these spells are probably either like one word like Allah Harry Potter or like most wizard magic things or it's like here's the spell it's a novel to say one incantation so who knows weirdest interpretation of Death Note ever ryuk's like is it like I'll take another quill and write it at the same time I my brain went to which one is l which one is light but you took it in a better place oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah moving on we have our next demon of Zing screamers Stingray boy yeah floppy floppy boys so these are just your basic like you you remember like the flesh hounds from corn like the animal kind of adjacent thing these are zenes and so they fly around and they grab people they look like those things from Doctor Who that were on that sand Planet yeah a little bit I remember when we when we watched that I was definitely thinking of these guys cuz I think of those guys when I think of tyranis from what you've described to me so far as here spoilers because we haven't gotten to tan it yet guys big munchie big munchie uh everything thank you bye-bye yeah now screamers are actually the demons that get turned into the discs that okay that makes sense the other followers R which it's often said as like an upgrade but it's like you've been turned from this sentient independent little manta ray and you now are turned into a car it's like when you f get your driver's license as a teenager like yeah you're free but now you have to drive all your friends around M yeah maybe moving on we have our next unit of zinch demons flamers these are living flamethrowers oh every single orifice is a place for fire to come out of and it's not just normal fire this is like magic fire flare six no oh okay imagine you got burn burned and you started to get cold imagine you saw somebody catch on fire from one of these things and they started to turn into crystals like statues well you might not even get burned cuz just like it it it it's almost just like magic that is taking the form of f it's it's a magic flame yeah it's like how in the Skyrim you cast every spell and it's doing the same thing even though it's a different color that's what they're doing even though it's like hey here's fire it takes down HP really fast here's ice it delet stamina even though that's not very useful the most useful one is when you're fighting Wizards you use lightning spells cuz that drains their Magicka so then they won't be able to cast spells the most useful one is that you learn all the Spells where you summon something else to fight and then you gtf out and then you use your I'm the arrow Now power to just snipe the dragons in the eyeball that's what I did did you ever try to resurrect a dragon skeleton you can resurrect things yeah there's a spell resurrection it's like turn zombie so when you do it to a dragon skeleton uh they just launch they raged doll and they like like yeah I did have a moment when I was walking around at first like this was when I first started cuz I only started playing Skyrim a couple years ago like on the switch but I never actually sat down and played it myself so I was like running around learning the world and I was running into this one area and I was trying to get like giants cheese or something anyway suddenly I was in the stratosphere and Alex looked over at me and was like oh my God it it happened and I was like what do I do how do I get down and he was like you restart the game I also watched a goat hit what I assume was a rail gun cuz that's the only thing that explains the speed at which it just suddenly was moving sometimes the Skyrim physics engine just doesn't know what to do it was fascinating and it's also one of those things like either that was literally something that only I saw or I'm actually crazy last fun little tidbit about flamers they don't really have feet they just have like fire that's like levitating them so they either flying or they hop around to to get place to place like the whiz robes yeah do they cackle and I just am like oh no I mean they do have a lot of mouths so what else do they do why does this creature exist this like what does it do outside of the battles does it have a house does it have a family we've never discussed demons that just like oh yeah and here's like their daytoday life this is the one that brings it to question the most honestly like I've seen stingrays have lives you know they go about doing their Stingray business demons exist for one thing and one thing only and that is to enact the will of their creator so if zinch wants something done he's going to send a bunch of demons what's their purpose to do whatever they need to do corn well we know what cor you could say the most things about most corporations but people have families you know what I'm talking about demons don't well where did they come from their gods created them are we sure have we checked that's the best explanation I got okay okay fair enough the only ones that really have personality are usually the greater demons or like notable demons that are kind of like chosen by their God to be more specific Picola slimx is the cultivator of nurgle's garden the blue scribes of zch are it's essentially the God gives them a promotion so they get a personality they're more filled without n PCS yeah it's basically your average demon nothing really going on the named ones have been like personally chosen by their God to do something right they have a purpose they have a purpose and not only that it's you know maybe every single blue scribe has like a whole thoughts and personality or whatever but that's not the ones we're focusing on you know what I mean mhh we don't get that lore we get the lore of like Kath and skull taker whoever yeah and like everybody is going to when they're painting their own mini of their thing they're going to like give it well not everybody but like I can see that being a part of if I was going to spend time on like a mini I would give it a little Canon you know I yeah like that's right a little fan fiction on the Bas did yous this is my blood Letter he goes by he him yeah he's a Sagittarius Mercury Rising this brings us to our greater Demons of zinch the Lords of change whoa look at him what is happening that's going to be my posture in 2 years yeah they're they're quite good they're very very Bird that's also what I look like when I'm enthusiastic about [Music] anything that's the noise he made is that the noise I I thought you said you make no he makes that no you because you would be right either way on babe look what remember when suddenly the new episode of and pump rule started we were both like ugly did you just call me an ugly oh you're handsome he is the ugly little we scream y'all y' we were watching we were really sad because we were like oh no the thing doesn't work here we usually watch it in America at aa's place but I live in Canada and AA was visiting me and because of that we usually don't get the next episode until the day after but we I guess it hit midnight we were sitting there going like oh man we're not going to be able to watch it until tomorrow well I guess we'll rewatch the first two parts of the reunion and we were just sitting there and like cuddling and everything and and like the reunion had ended we were just looking at each other and then it was like now played part three of Vander pump rules the reunion and we looked at each other and the noise we made we would have shooketh the mountains it was like two girls seeing each other from across campus and they didn't know yet that they both got into the same College it it was that was such a night anyway Lords of change bir magic look at him no he's very cute Big Bird's big magic and guess what their favorite thing to do is flap about yes but also they love manipulating this is favor thing to do vertebrae I guess so but they these are the guys who are they'll find like the ruler of a of a planet or something and they'll be the ones to like just from the Shadows like in in the darkness just like Whispers like hey you know maybe you should do this the The Temptations the the the manipulations I have this information maybe you would benefit from that little finger maybe little bit yeah it is said that Lords of change can destroy armies with a glance a armored vehicle with a flick of their fingers little fingers they mean business when they show up but as I said before they work from the shadows and if they have to appear on the battlefield they usually are like in the air flapping around and just casting spells yeah that's what I would do I mean it makes sense right that's what I do do in my weird ass dreams here's something really funny if they have to get into melee combat say like a Korn a champion of Korn comes up and he's like and he's going to get this Lord of change the Lord of change they can see like the near future okay so he's just going to dodge like every attack that gets thrown at him I just realized what this guy's face is putting in my brain precisely precisely man remember when ruber was a meme for like two months it was wild CU I didn't know anyone else knew about that movie now watch me create my mechanical army with pride God that movie is so good that movie is wild anyway this this isn't 100% Canon this is considered old lore so take this with a grain of salt but it's pretty neat to think about it used to be that a Lord of change could only really be defeated when it's part of zin's plans and he sends them false visions of the future oh the bomb is going to hit me here so I'll stand here instead but Zing is like uh-uh so they get bamboozled but this is old lore that's kind of fucked up yeah I mean z it's all part of the plan right but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore so they're just big birds wait what do you mean it doesn't seem to be the case anymore so they can kind of like they they have like a sense of what's about to happen yeah that part is still Canon they can see the near future but it used to be they could only be defeated if zch sent them a false so now it's like you could outsmart them you just have to be really clever yeah exactly it's basically they don't have plot armor anymore right you can't explain everything away as you actually lost even if you beat them exactly yeah yeah cuz if like a gr KN is hunting a lord of change and he's like I am the hammer and he like and he wins attitude it's not like uh he didn't really win because it was really part of Z's plan I mean it still is like that but shout out to that guy Gary has the biggest crush on the tutorial guy from chaos gate he just has such conviction I find it so inspiring we're going to see how she feels about Space Marines when we get there very soon I have a feeling it's not going to be as pure and genuine as my for this particular guy yeah I feel like Space Marines you'll like but you'll probably really like some of the primarchs the most notable Lord of Change by far is a lord of the change by the name of chyros Fate Weaver I know what chyros means in Greek in ancient Greek oh what does it mean it means a moment in time I know that this is very appro one of my first voiceover jobs and direct dirting jobs was for the radio play chyros which was a superhero radio play set in Vancouver and the first three episodes are still on YouTube but it's unfortunately it got cancelled but it was a really fun little random thing so yeah the name was Kyros because uh my character the main character she had time Powers so kyos time Weaver anyway in time a moment in time Weaver kyos fate Weaver let me set up this guy really quick let me set him up properly okay the grey Knights have a book that lists 101 of the most dangerous demons to ever come across okay and he is on that list as like one of the worst oh okay if you come across Kyros it's better to run or just hope that he's not here to do something involving you that what is happening with his tongue let me tell you how chyros was created so there's this thing called The Well of Eternity basically some mythological thing basically it's like this hole at the center of the universe you know actually you know Norse mythology you know how Odin lost his eye cuz he like gazed into like the truth of the universe he basically sacrificed an eye for the truth for knowledge so think of it like that so there's this well of Eternity and zinch at the time could see the past and the present but he wanted to gaze into the future and he's looking at this giant well and he's just like that seems really dangerous and he looked over at chyros and he pushed him in well shit and eventually chyros got spat back out but he had two heads now and he just started mumbling insane things he went down and up too fast in the abyss from Maiden in the abyss I don't know about that I haven't seen that it like mutates you if you go down and up too fast that's why you that's very appropriate then this is literally Quest for Camelot he pushed him in the freaking thing and he came out looking different with spooky now watch me create my bird army with pride P so chyos came back out and he's just like mumbling these insane predictions of the future and S was like huh that's weird and so he employed 81 other Lords of change to record every single word that he says because zinch is just extra like that oh so he was like saying the Spells not necessarily the Spells but like oh there's going to be there's going to be a war and the wars basically oh he was having like a he became an oracle yeah he became an oracle because again The Well of Eternity zinch wanted to see the future so he yeated chyros in there right and so now he mumbles things about the past present and future just write down everything he says disgruntled old people will just be like he the war they'll be like youday then my generation had magic My Generation had magic magic magic being homophobia Grandma but you know you sound old I know that's why why I'm sad every time I learn things so as you might have guessed of course one head always tells the truth and the other one always lies but no problem as always you'll never be able to tell which is which oh yeah to add to the confusion one head sees the past the other sees the future but cairo's fate Weaver is blind to the present oh no wonder he's so freaked out he's disoriented exactly this is why zinch is like I need 81 dudes recording every single fucking he just so confused he doesn't know what's going on he only knows what happened and what's going to happen he also knows every spell before it's even created so Aisha is useless Aisha yeah the girl who's Whispering all the spell cures into the universe this guy got it she should take a break I'm just kidding um he knows every spell before it's even created though he is very weak to physical strikes because again blind to the present he can't you didn't see this coming did you shit head fing hit him with a hammer right as you might have guessed from most of Zena's followers they are huge cowards so the moment that Kyros is in danger he flees back into the warp because he is so paranoid that zinch has given him a false vision of the future and that he's like planning to die so the moment it's like oh no the gr Knights have gotten through I got to leave right yeah yeah yeah but that's Kyra's fate Weaver Big Bird boy I like him no he's really cool a spooky boy in um cuz I can't go one demon episode without mentioning it Total War Warhammer 3 yeah when you try to work with him and the old man is talking to him he's already like yeah I know who's going to get the bear I've seen it I knew you were going to come here of course you came here and you have to sort of like trick him into getting him to work for for you not necessarily trick but you have to convince him how do you use the three-eyed Raven how do you use it in Game of Thrones I don't know you just keep seeing it keep seeing it follow it to the North I guess what is the three-eyed R I don't fucking know it's confusing man it's very confusing it's like an omen but a guide I don't know whatever we'll get to it okay it's time to talk about the goofiest zenian character the changeling that's dark heart from Care Bears yeah look at him this was not the connection I expected today Care Bear countown 5 4 3 two God you know who my favorite character was what's up shrieky cuz it was the first person who was just like me I made that sound too oh no so the changling is the greatest prankster in history he's got an award as honored by who Z oh okay so he's the greatest trickster in history on the Z side you'll see what I mean it is unknown what the changeling looks like even to the changeling himself only Z remembers what the changeling's true form is and Zing keeps it to himself to keep the changeling wrapped around his finger he can change into any form any demon human whatever they want he is the embodiment of add me he is just like me for real the biggest problem with the changeling is that he gets very bored very quickly yeah that's me too we a't got enough dopamine guys so often he is doing one thing and before it's even finished like the plan has been completed he's already off doing something else I'm going to own up to it this is why a lot of the videos have been a bit more delayed because of add it's true though listen we're both victims we're both doing our best man it's really Harding on a system um allow me my love to list you a few of the things that the changeling has done stole an apple from sesha's Palace like a golden apple like a Greek and then he did he did he like offer it to a guy no he left it in nurgle's Garden resulting in a battle between the two Gods because sles was like why the fuck is that in your go how dare you and then they fought each other caused a conflict exactly he has melted down brass flesh Hound collars and made diaramas of Corn's greatest defeats okay that's funny cut a piece of sesha's hair off while she slept to make a cloak and gave it to a mortal who eventually became a chaos champion of zinch okay I like this guy so far but on that's in cell Behavior I don't know what the fuck is up with that one that's weird bro sealed the gate to Korn's brass Citadel for forcing him to break the doors to get inside that's again funny put a trio of nurglings onto the skull Throne that k then sat on making a mess and an awful sound he made a nurgling okay no well I mean they're demons they'll come back right they they're on a respawn timer they got squished and then you know listen I don't like the idea of suffering but if this is like pain and panic style like ha that seems to be the case okay and that's funny and Corin sat on it and he was like oh my fucking God I'm going to kill this motherfucker and then he had to clean it up and his butt was all dirty so he had to take a shower he comes over to nurgle's house with a paper towel soaked in nurgling and he's like here this is yours I don't I think it was zeg naturally most of the chaos Gods other than zing zing is like good job uh the chaos Gods fucking hate this dude and they're like I'm going if I have any opportunity I will kill him and zinch is like yeah understandable as a Gretchen he was desguised as a Gretchen at the time oh okay adjusted an orc boss's shooter so that when fired the War Boss exploded I'm kind of anti-establishment so I'm into that what if that was the start of the revolution could you imagine oh like I'm not into it like you know don't hurt anyone like don't but rise up yeah disrupt The Establishment this a bit complicated there was this Lord who was under siege and he was under siege by these Space Marines right sure and so he was like I have to cohort with demons in order to get out of this shit so he made a summoning Circle the changeling saw this disguised himself as a lord of change showed up and the Lord was like what do I do you have to help me and the changeling was like don't worry I have this powerful artifact that will end The Siege all you need to do is use it and he gave it to him him and then he was whisked away back into the warp and the moment that this Lord used the artifact the Space Marines appeared in his room as they had locked onto the teleport Homer that he had in his hands okay so they like manipulating mhm what do they get out of it enjoyment power it's like slesh where you feel happiness that like directly feeds into her it's like when you manipulate someone it directly feeds into Zing also it's funny yes I guess I'm I'm just having to kind of make the bank in my head of seeing manipulation as a thing that that could be measurable in a sense of then like translating into an energy I think I've just never thought about it like that but it it makes sense yeah I think this is also why slans each get along because where there is betrayal where there is manipulation there is pain there is suffering there might also be Joy they're more conceptual whereas like the other two are measurable like there are going to be a certain number of bacteria in the world if you want to like you you know boil down nurgle other than you would kill the bacteria but and then like corn is like skulls and blood like you know I'm measuring cups and like I can count right especially with the spreadsheet well that said Corin also is measured by glory and honor and nurgle is also death and so on and so forth so they're all conceptual in some way but it's just Z and sles are more conceptual than the other two I do see what you're saying yeah Wonder yeah when the other two need like an object there is something physical about there the sickness the skulls but then I guess like with slanesh like pain pleasure like zinch is a little more hidden yeah like this is what I'm kind of asking cuz manipulation is a thing that you do in order to get what you want and and yes like maybe you might find if you're a type of person who finds manipulating people fun then sure the fun is what you're getting out of it think of it like a slippery slope because you manipulate someone one often why do people manipulate someone power yeah so Power Trip he do you want more power well why don't you try casting the spell why don't you try becoming a more powerful wizard why don't you just go ahead and dedicate yourself to me it's love bombing essentially yeah way you're tricking them into thinking that you are on their side so that when they can no longer get away from you they don't have a choice and it doesn't matter if they're loyal or not there are quite a few followers of zinch who absolutely hate zinch yeah and they use his powers and his magic and stuff too yeah they're too far in they're under contract and they got there is a demon that does dealing contracts though he is not a zenan demon contract I use more as a concept of something is bound in a way right whether that be legally or spiritually or when the girl from Sinbad does the ex thing on her oh yeah Across My Heart yeah she vows yeah Zena's followers typically especially in 40K uh do not like zinch in fact a lot of chaos followers do not like their Patron God because they're like we're in this situation out of a bad circumstance and if we could get out of it we would but we can't we're too far in I would like to read for you a little excerpt called the guardian of the maze are you ready for story time I'm ready guys let's turn down the lights it's time within the convoluted Labyrinth of zch it is said that there is one true path to infinite knowledge that any creature mortal or demonic can follow this road leads through nine Gates each barred against entry the gates appear as golden arches Thrice the height of a man wreathed in a purple blue and pink fire at each Gat stands the guardian of the maze little more than a giant gloating mouth in appearance the nature of the Guardian is such that it stands watch over all nine gates at the same time did you know this is actually the most expensive bodyguard the McDonald's in when someone approaches one of the gates the guardian poses them a question one of the 999 riddles of Zero The Guardian itself has no ears and can never hear the reply and so it can never tell the secret to anyone but the Enchantment of the gates means that they will open to the correct reply The Riddles are said to be so taxing that only the greatest lateral and logistical thinkers can discern their answer the guardian swallows whole those Intruders who gave incorrect responses Legends tell that only one Challenger clad in the guise of a young girl with a little black dog managed to make her way through all the gates when zinch questioned him about his failure the guardian accused her of cheating I think I know a couple of what these questions might have been such as what is your question I wish absolute power what what is your favorite color blue no green oh no oh no oh right speaking of colors Z's colors I've mentioned like corn red and stuff nurgle greens and blacks and Browns slanesh purples pinks uh Golds zinch Blues purples pinks gold very nice color scheme but that is all I have for you with s very cool I like the whole riddle I always love riddle games especially like you know in storytelling or whatever like I I remember being a child and my mom reading me the scene between Bilbo and Gollum yep as a kid that was my favorite chapter I I I memorized the riddle y you know I did the same thing yeah it was like it was such a CU we had like what like the old story book with all the illustrations and stuff and it was just such a like I don't know that scene always stuck with me in a weird way like it's just so it's a scene that you could do as a play and typically people do yeah but what I just mean by that is there's like a whole Arc within it yes and it's just it's so well done but it's also so easy to understand because it's like in this dark secluded place so your mind doesn't have to like fill out that much and it's everything that is in it is described so well yeah have I ever told you that I performed at like my local theater what when I was in grade school I performed in a play of you were SM yeah was smow and I was one of the dwarves I hope you went for it like Benedict Cumberbatch I my guy as like a little Nye that oh Babe oh Babe I went I know you did you were like me when I auditioned for the princess and I got cast his Captain Hook there was a really interesting debacle that happened during that stage play where the kid who played Bilbo came in to rehearsal one day and said hey what are we using for the prop for sting fair and they said oh we're going to use this and he goes that's cool can I use this one and he brought out a real replica sword and they were like that's cool no o yeah I can see that happening I can I oh oh that was awesome though I was like oh you no like that's rad that's rad I got my my ex-boyfriend's like Dad when when we were obviously still dating um I got his dad uh a replica of the broken sword because he really liked it for Christmas one year oh yeah that brings an end to our series on the ruinous Powers a don't worry we will definitely have more episodes we will definitely have more episodes involving chaos oh guys can we can we give a round of applause for our cast in this this uh take where is he he's in the rafters just like messing with the stage lights he's the one selling tickets out front running off with the profits probably what do you mean you bought a ticket this is a free show but the guy at the front oh she didn't so my love how do you feel about the chaos Gods overall I enjoyed them like I don't agree with them you know what I mean but like as storytelling Concepts uh I think they're cool I enjoy in a story categorizations and like being able to identify between them if that makes sense for instance the classic one is like what's your Harry Potter house I am a Ravenclaw could you imagine if one of them was yellow and it was like really like wow okay if green became yellow and purple became green are we doing which God goes into which hog okay are okay I'm willing to have this conversation yep obviously yep Pride Joy Glory yep yeah uh zch is Slytherin I disagree how because what is ravenclaw's whole Deal's knowledge right yeah but slytherin's whole deal is deception doing doing whatever it takes to get what you want problem here here's the issue so here's the funny thing is that you and I actually and this is an embarrassing sentence are actually Slither claws Don't Judge Me guys i' this is so like I'm I'm going back to like grade 10 knowledge here I'm just using the here's the thing here's the thing obviously we hate JK rling we don't stand the turf we don't stand JK rling but this is a fun little hypothetical I say slanesh Slytherin specifically because slanesh has a lot of snake imagery like a lot of snake imagery yeah I kind of I'm I'm leaving that out on my mind only you're going for Vibes not for like I'm going vies and and honestly like I could definitely see sles but I would come at it more from the well just do what whatever you want aspect of it like Slytherin are going to steal the example in the first the second movie is like you see Draco like take that cupcake that's not his exactly you know and he just doesn't even give a fuck that would be more of a slesh thing to do but it's also probably why Z and sles get along because in order to kind of indulge yourself you often have to be a little bit deceptive because to have too much is to take from someone else yes so this is why cor and nurgle they get along it's not like their best friend or anything but they they tolerate each other slanesh and zinch definitely tolerate each other yes meanwhile they oppose the other one yeah it's it's it makes a lot of sense like it it feels like there's balance obviously nurgle is Hufflepuff one with nature it's a little bit like looking at it from let's say an avatar the elements usually when an avatar learns one element first for instance Ang learns air first the actual opposite element is going to be the most difficult for them to learn Ang really struggles to learn Earth uh K really struggles to learn Fire yeah it's it's it's like an ecosystem almost it kind of everything is connected even though it's so different yeah like I would be really interested to know about other gods and like non-canon Gods specifically because just to know how they would have F fit in what they would have covered yes and we will definitely have more discussions when it comes to chaos especially when we come to chaos undivided I feel like that's an oxymoron slightly it does feel like that doesn't it well it feels like it and I feel like were I to sit there and write an essay I could make an explanation do you remember what I said to you at the end of the Corn episode where they are often opposed to each other but sometimes there is a scheme that is so great there is so incredibly treacherous that all four Runa Powers will will cooperate resulting chaos contr in some sort of heresy you know what I just got my own joke because it's chaos the God's chaos but it's also Chaos Control who would you say is your favorite chaos god Horus wait that's not nope okay I was we haven't even talked about it well you were saying the thing and I was sorry no it's okay it's okay um I H really mhm not sles well or is it like pretty close my I want to learn more about zch I want to look at slach I see what you're saying so that is to say I think if I went out and bought models right now I would buy slach probably I feel like I have an interest and usually I know that when I feel that interest that's going to be the thing that I delve into that doesn't mean I'm not going to spread out and learn more things but it's like when suddenly I got into healing and suddenly all of my healing were leveled and everybody was like what happened and I was like it works for me my brain gets the good chemicals and then I lb3 and I couldn't like breathe for three days it was great this is going to be really really interesting when we get into the Space Marines and we get into the ones that will eventually become zin's chaos Space Marines okay but I still I feel like I'm still into slena Space Marines though those guys they got yeah yeah they got they got the noise Marines and noise Marines are fantastic they're amazing hey Games Workshop where's that uh Emperor's Children where is it give it to me now please who would you say is your least favorite chaos God in terms of models nurgle but in terms of like I would vibe with them probably corn as in you would not Vibe with them I would probably not Vibe with corn that's fair in a game ah so video game or tabletop whatever what faction do do you think you would play as Zing interesting I can I can see more that I can do with it right now mhm mhm I see what you're saying I feel like I am a person that I love debate I love language and and and understanding that I've gotten my point across and knowing that I understand what the other person is communicating and actually trying to think about it Z followers also would be the first ones to be like let's just talk about things really quick which is always what I say like every time a freaking boss shows up I'm like okay guys let me just try asking if it needs anything right now now if a zinch follower felt like you are wasting their time or you're not giving them the answer that they need great turns you into Ash like it's nothing like it's Wednesday it's just normal Wednesday I turned someone into Ash today ha oh well good thing was actually my clone and not me which I set up earlier I actually have a magic force field and like you can't penetrate treaty it's like invisible yeah you uh you've activated my trap card that's entire that's that's all of zinch you've activated my trap card you you've done everything according to my plan okay well I like Z never loses right that was part of the plan I'll get you next time it's like when villains off themselves and I'm like now what loser any questions on zinch or the chaos Gods overall so okay I want to flip it what's your favorite who would you play as or since you do play yeah what do you have the most fun playing as I have fun with not having to work super hard to have fun like I'm very simple in that hey what's my game plan I'm going to have this group of guys walk up to your group of guys and they're just going to hit each other oh did all my guys die ah that's all right like I don't really my soldiers ride my soldiers rage exactly meanwhile aa's just sitting do you think I love that seat so much I got hype yeah so I find myself gravitating to Corn quite a bit I find that in video games I am the worst when it comes to playing slanesh interesting I am not good at sles okay here's a question cuz I was trying to think about this what do you do like I Corin you run up you hit it nurgle you it's like a it's like a DOT right so in a game Corn is very much like put your guys to those guys and have them hit each other right nurgle you are a wall you're very slow you're going to sit there and they're going to hit you and you're not going to care zinch is I'm going to get you before you even get me because guess what magic magic magic and like they're gone before they even reach your front line right slanesh is all about flanking and hitting the right spot at just the right time for maximum effect she's tactical yeah so there are four of the Gods yes and but like and like whatever else so is the Emperor guy just an atheist it's a whole fucking [Music] thing what is your favorite type of Squig clonk yeah we love Clon are you guys ever going to do fantasy centered episodes or strictly 40K I totally plan on doing fantasy I absolutely love fantasy in age of Sigmar lore but we just have to find the right time to do it I like fantasy [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah now what did we learn nothing wench sheia kazin
Views: 105,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, 40k, lore, story, summary, daemons, daemon, demon, couple, podcast, chaos, tzeentch, lord of change, kairos, kairos fateweaver, blue scribes, magic, thousand sons, tsons, blue horror, pink horror, screamer, flamer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 51sec (3471 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 23 2024
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