The MOST POWERFUL Space Marine In The Imperium | Warhammer 40K Lore

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[Music] K has a servant my Lord a primarius marine of unusual ability Alpha Primus I read your report what do you think he was not on show during the demonstration and referred to himself as imperfect yet he was a potent psycher he was he was something else Mighty I think cool was trying to keep him hidden I'm not surprised cool always exceeds his remit I do not wish to know what monsters he has locked up in that ship of his did this Warrior give you cause for concern Beyond his creation no Primus protested loyalty and seemed to want to warn me about kol more than anything else what did he say that the arch magos cannot be trusted to each of his sons the Emperor of mankind gave some of his gifts or made them especially strong in one area for example Kus korax can be unseen if he so wishes Magnus the red has incredible psychic talent and rabut Gillman is the ultimate EXL power user occasionally their sons can inherit these unique strengths and abilities and this led to the legions becoming Specialized or developing unique ways of War now some have wondered hey what would it be like if we took all of those abilities and put them into one Space Marine this is of course A childish notion fortunately though belisarius cool is such a child cool is an arch Magus Dominus of the tech Priests of Mars already old at the birth of the Imperium and for 10,000 years he worked to save it after the Horus heresy route Gilman gave Co two great tasks one was to find a way to revive the Primark should he fool and the second was to improve upon the emperor's Space Marine design if you think this sounds like absolute heresy you would be right however belisarius cool has permission and not just from Gillan but from the emperor himself see an important thing to know about bellisari cool is that he is not just bellisari is cool he has an ability to so much with people taking in their memories and their genius the dominant personality however has always remained cool largely because nobody has a bigger ego one instance of this was basically forc upon cool Ezekiel sedan was a scientist who worked with the emperor during the unification Wars and even perfected the black carapace of the Space Marines he sought to extend his life further with CO's knowledge not only did did this backfire with sedan's personality being dominated by K's but K managed to see a memory of sedan where sedan met the emperor and the emperor referred to him as cool clearly aware that the two would one day merge Co of course was very confused about what the emperor wanted him to do I do like you belisarius though many do not but it is not your duty to be popular it is to be important every dream is a reality somewhere know this bisari is cool I will need you you will think you have betrayed me you will not in the end the effect of this has been quite profound and cool essentially operates believing he can do pretty much whatever he wants he did indeed revive the Primark and create a new brand of Space Marine the primaris Space Marine improving upon the emperor's design was no easy feat and to accomplish this Gillman gifted K with the sang Primus portum one of the most valuable artifacts in the Galaxy it contains genetic material of all 20 primarchs cool has accomplished Feats that all consider incredible but some consider heretical he has created chapters like the sons of the phoenix the worst cover for a loyalist chapter made from traitor genene seed that we've ever seen he has a pet cryptech with whom he plays reeside with he even has an abominable approximation of Route Gilman's mind which he uses to run ideas past but his most outrageous work is undoubtedly Alpha Primus before we get onto him however as a devout servant of the omnissiah cool would be very fond of today's video sponsor star forged and especially this thoru which is inspired by the ones carried by the adepts of the adeptus mechanicus this thorel is a classic example of how the cult mechanicus is founded on dogma and any true understanding of its many practices has long since vanished unlike cool many have lost the ability to innovate instead should the machines of the Imperium break down adepts will often seek to appease intractable machine Spirits even the simple process of activating an engine is preceded by the application of ritual oils and the burning of sacred resins whilst chanting long and complex hems you can grab a Thor bable from the Star forged website star forged make products licensed by Games Workshop there's a link in my description which will also give you an 8% discount including on the Christmas and New Year lucky bags available while stocks last I hurt everywhere my dreams are black my soul is Shackled by another man's ideal I see more and know more than any human being ever should in creating me cool tried to match the emperor's achievements it did not work I pay for his arrogance every second of every day I tell you because you should know that the arch Magus dominuses talents are not infinite I am your prototype and living evidence of his overreach as his name suggests officially Alpha Primus is just the first primaris Marine who serves in no chapter but in bisaria CO's retinue however now we know him to be much more than cool has previously revealed Primus is not not a very beautiful creation he is huge even compared to other primaris Marines he has purple lips black eyes and there is a coppery Sheen to his pale scarred skin a coppery Sheen that I assume would be very similar to that of Magnus the red nevertheless he Heralds from no single Legion and his armor demonstrates this he Bears no heraldry but instead wears the pale unpainted gunmetal gray of raw ceramite underneath the hel his heavily scarred features really make him look as if he was cut up and then stitched back together and Primus fears that this may have been the reality though Co has told him that he was grown as a single piece with only his Bas genetic coding drawn from several sources Primus does not believe his master but whatever the manner of his creation he is undeniably impressive whilst his strength level will most likely not be a match for any of the sons of the emperor I would think he would be somewhat comparable to the custodians furthermore it is in his abilities that he becomes a truly formidable opponent he has traits and gifts from multiple Legions perhaps even all of them for example not only does his skin resemble that of Magnus the red but when Fabius bile meets Primus the spider can smell the seed of the Cyclops and it is clear that Primus has some sort of chimeric Gene seed traits from the Thousand Sons were very important for Co desired a powerful psycher not only does Primus act as CO's personal enforcer but his powers of premonition are very useful to the arch magos and on multiple occasions he has warned K of incoming threats and Rivals Primus has an air of great potency about him this even sets a other Space Marines on guard when they're near him however at the same time he is able to naturally mask his psychic Talent even a Space Marine Librarian Is shocked by the fact that he couldn't sense primus's ability the emperor gave the Space Marines many gifts I was given more than most given his Myriad of gifts arguably Primus resembles the emperor far more than any other Space Marine or potentially even primar we actually get insight into his thoughts on the master of mankind when msus of the white consoles asks Primus about Cool's motivations the salvation of mankind but cool is not infallible he believes he is but he is not he sees himself as the instrument of his God the omnissiah your emperor you know I see so much when I look Beyond this crude reality I see him burning in the fire of his Beacon eternally writhing in pain gods do not suffer so he cannot be a god that is my understanding of it Ergo CO's basic understanding of the universe is flawed and that means he is wrong or maybe it is I who am wrong perhaps he could not see the truth and remain unchanged either perhaps he is divine what does it matter so Primus was able to look at the master of mankind and not be or struck however new evidence suggests that when Alpha Primus looked at the emperor the emperor looked back we find this out when Alpha Primus dreams where it appears he is able to astral project and the Relentless energies of the warp batter his soul as it drifts on the winds it's incredibly painful and he sees horrific Visions but most disturbingly far away great and terrible intelligences most likely the chaos Gods themselves are becoming aware of him and he feels them turn their gay and move towards him however a golden presence swoops in to his Aid a great two-headed eagle of Golden Light screams in defiance it looks like the Emperor of mankind knows that primers has an important role in the future of the Imperium nevertheless generally the warp is a source of great pain for Primus every time they pass the veil into the emerium the warp pulled his soul partway out of his body it was like having his skin torn off cool had made him poorly he thought or at least had overreached himself because primus's Spirit was not seated properly in his flesh this was no Idol conjecture he could see the misalignment with his witch site as a smeared rainbow Aura around his Limbs and a ghostly doubling of his fingers if he held them up to his face besides the constant his engineered physique inflicted on him he endured an acid spiritual discomfort each time they moved from one realm to the other that took hours to subside as a result Primus hated warp travel Alpha Primus is quite simply too powerful the arch magos is nowhere near as fine a Craftsman as the emperor primus's Soul does not sit properly within his own body the immense pain this has caused him has led to Primus being quite bitter about his psychic abilities in fact this goes further and generally it seems like he doesn't actually like belisarius cool very much I don't serve him I belong to him that doesn't mean my mind is the same as his working with cool is not just difficult for Primus even having to suppress violent thoughts at times yet according to him for thousands of years he has served loyally for thousands of years he has completed secret missions for the arch magos primus's tenure here would make him the oldest living Space Marine in the Imperium outside of a Dreadnaught though as we've seen Primus isn't really loyal to the emperor so much as he is a devoted servant of belisarius cool being such a unique aati the making of alpha Primus was no simple process and we do get insight into how difficult it was for cool to create him Primus Drew in his Consciousness preventing it from dilution In The Raw Soul stuff of the imiter from his own memories he forged a subm he could Traverse a place of personal truths so it was Primus opened his eyes upon a hell of his own making and yet it was a safer hell than the one it hid he came into himself already walking his bare feet hitting the ice cold decks of CO's laboratorium levels though the place rre of strong chemicals the smell of blood was everywhere beneath it lights flickered Illuminating Frozen screaming faces only half obscured by the frost covering the suspension caskets these were his brothers stillborn o this was the place he was made Prim breathed deeply of the toxic airs they burned his lungs the way they had the first time he had drawn breath the cold was so intense it felt like fire there was nothing good here only horror enough pain to drive aund men mad yet not only did he allow himself to feel this memory of pain but he allowed himself to feel the pain of his meditating physical body to which he was linked by a tenuous strand of thought he welcomed all pain was what he was Comfort was the most pernicious freedom of all he walked down the Long Avenue of caskets stuffed full of CO's abortive attempts to Fashion him each one identical to the smallest subatomic detail they were him in the most fundamental sense Co had told him many times that the pain he felt should not exist that he was perfect in every way he was dismissive of his offspring suffering as All fathers who have too much to do are but Primus knew the pain was real how many brothers cool had made before he finally succeeded Primus did not know only that his name designating him as first was a mockery of fact and that he bore the agonies of all others in the distance there was a screaming Raw agonized drawn from The Well of pain that went down to the roots of time itself it was his voice Primus walked on the screaming abruptly cut off on the planet of SOA Primus and other Space Marines encounter a dimensional mirror this allows you to see a representation of reality as it might have been had fate taken another course in the mirror Primus is not visible but there are 20 20 Marines all wearing gray armor this could be a nod to the fact that Primus has gifts from all 20 Legions within him however another explanation is that Primus had 20 Brothers before he was perfected in the eyes of his master primus's Brilliance was so great that eventually it attracted the attention of fabus Bio the spider himself once the chief Apothecary of The Emperor's Children Legion bio has a knowledge of genetic manipulation Second To None however due to his dark experiments he is loathed even by those who once called him brother as the endomet Crusade swept the Stars Primus had a premonition that an ancient being known as the spider was coming and he notified kol his premonition of course would be proved correct bio and his forces boarded the Zar quitor a gigantic Freer Hulk and Arc mechanicus that serves as the flagship and mobile laboratory for cool originally cool suspected bile was after the sang primer portum he would discover however to his horror that bile actually saw Primus and more specifically one of his progid glands Space Marines have two of these one in the neck and one in the chest they are incredibly important because new Gene seed organs are made from mature proen that have been removed and cultured this was all the spider needed for when he heard the tales of this mysterious Space Marine he realized that cool had invested within him incredible knowledge and therefore if he could get his hands on one of primus's progid he could take his genetic experiments to another level Primus would indeed be subdued by bio and his servant Porter before they were found by belisarius cool I would guess you have not told Lord Gillman exactly what you have made here wise I would guess you have not told him either have you I can think of no other reason he did not use the full extent of his abilities when he came against us I was a little concerned you know I thought I might have bitten off more than I could Che but he doesn't know what he is does he tell me so I may hear it for self from the mouth of the man who is confident enough to attempt something like this something so audacious I sense the unprecedented blending of many lines of genan seed in this being I see such potential and yet I can only guess the half of what you have done tell me what he is a mea school do me this favor Sate my curiosity cool looked to bio then to Primus then back again what indeed was Primus the first primaris which in a sense he was though that was not strictly true a great experiment a deliberate provocation to the hidebound fools who ran the Marian Empire a demonstration of his own hubris a death sentence maybe if his nature were revealed he was all those things and more but none of them mattered only only one thing mattered he is my son Co said flatly I see I understand I too have affection for my Creations my progeny almost I don't think you understand he is not some thing whose elements were cold from whatever debased Source I could get my hands on he is far more his genetic code is complex but there are elements of myself in him Porter is just as finely designed he is not designed not completely do you not see I made him for myself in his Gene code I live on I nudge at him I I love him he is my son Primus is far more powerful than even he knows and now we know that this creation literally includes the arch magus's own DNA intriguingly whilst bio is relatively dismissive of the primaris design generally he is actually impressed with Primus the spider doesn't even kill the Marine when he has the chance I would rather burn a dozen worlds then destroy so Exquisite a masterpiece as your Alpha Primus as for you our goals are the same though you do not admit it with the progid glands of Primus bio can finally fulfill his obligation to the warm previously after the pandax campaign abdon received the Oaths and falty from Fabius bile and his ilk in exchange for the progid glands of epeus one of the original founding members of The Grey nights now bile is armed with these incredible resources he is able to go ahead and create a new type of powerful Warrior for the black Legion and abon's forces can tear through to the heart of the Imperium the Clone father will be very happy to get the warm off his back however afterwards he has further ideas and plans to delve deeper into the Mysteries within Primus whilst this is a video on Alpha Primus I do think think it's worth talking about Porter for a bit because she represents B's answer to Primus and potentially in the future an improvement upon CO's design Porter is one of B's new men and his greatest creation bile is in such or of her that he even imagines his death may come at her hands he thinks back to an ancient Teran adage about the young devouring the old to bile this is almost an inevitability and he well welcomes it whilst some may dismiss her upon her appearance she is gloriously powerful and her rise and his demise would be his ultimate success but for now she is his protector and a hidden dagger it was Porter who was able to engage Primus almost a match for the gigantic Space Marine allowing the spider to hit Primus with his stun darts not only does porter have speed and strength that are a match for the adepto saatis she has superhuman perception and intelligence but most surprisingly of all as she charges against Primus he can sense no movement in the warp not the slightest betrayal of thought it's almost like she has no soul it looks like whatever is causing this may be one of the most important aspects of the new men from bio's point of view and the reason he thinks that Porter and her kind will one day replace homo ipens he makes it clear to co that their shared aim to save Humanity means their goals are aligned and in a way his ideals are also very similar to that of the emperor and the perpetuals for over thousands of years they too sought to improve upon the human race however to BU all the Space Marines are innately flawed as all of the primar and their sons are irredeemably touched by the warp so something new is needed and that something is his new men and with the knowledge within primus's progid glands they could be a match for any within the Imperium and B intends to go further to create a leader for his new men essentially creating a Primark of his own since my Reawakening I have become aware of my new men again and they have changed you should see them cool they are perfect they are resistant to The Lure of the powers in The Warp physically Mighty invulnerable to age and disease their societies are egalitarian and just all know their place and are satisfied to fulfill their role I have seen what they have made of themselves and I am humbled I know now that the greatest Creations must be like children molded by their maker but not finished the greatest Creations finished themselves I have cloned every Primark cool they have all failed the first I made were muing imbeciles but I got better I like you am still a believer in the ancient methods of Discovery and through observation and elimination refined my experiments it got to the point that the last few I made were perfect copies in every way so perfect they had all the flaws of their Originals including being attracted to the bright flame of damnation I've come to believe the emperor's Creations are irredeemably touched by the warp even your beloved Lord and Master and so there we have it it seems to me that in this epic battle of two genius es we have one man who tried to create the ultimate Space Marine and we have another who is trying to make them obsolete the character of Primus is fascinating it's worth remembering that Gilman is aware of his existence as it seems is the Emperor and so I can't wait to see what they do with his storyline I think people tend to want to think of Primus as CO's primarch or at least a Space Marine of Primark level and I'll be honest I don't think that's the case here however the man is still an absolute monster but also the narrative opportunity with Primus is fascinating not just his power level but what other kinds of gifts does he have corvus's invisibility angron's empathy will he get some sort of red thirst wolfen combo could we get some kind of insight into the abilities that the second and 11th primarch had for example let me know in the comments what you think of this character what kinds of abilities do you think he'll have what do you think they'll do with him in the coming books and if you enjoyed this video please do consider liking and subscribing and all of that good stuff and if you really enjoyed the video you can click the join button on the page below to get access to the Discord and more content but thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Sandman of Terra
Views: 410,067
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, space marines, space marine, warhammer 40k, Warhammer 40K, Space Marine Power, Adeptus Astartes, Emperor Protects, 40K lore, Horus Heresy, Ultramarines, Imperium Of Man, Deathwatch, Space Wolf, Dark Angels, Black Templars, Imperial Fists, Blood Angels, Salamanders, Iron Hands, Raven Guard, White Scars, Primaris Marines, Codex Astartes, Imperium Vs Chaos, Space Marine Legends, 40K Stories, belisarius cawl, alpha primus lore, fabius bile, genefather 40k
Id: 9hedCl5UqkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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