How Do You Make Money On The Side? (r/AskReddit)

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how do you make money on the side I wrote a fantasy novel it took 15 years I missed a lot of television I believe I have sold 11 copies faster than the speed of love shoveling snow the amount of money some people will pay for you to shovel their sidewalks and driveways incredible I started shoving snow on the side three years later I had two trucks six employees and 900 driveways now I am a software developer life is strange I play piano for things like wedding ceremonies corporate events cocktail hours Christmas parties and receptions and just recently I got cast in a pilot for a TV show which I hope will get picked up the next big no-name actor is just sitting here buried in the comments section good luck I work for some really wealthy people who regularly throw away old but perfectly good things I proceed to sell their trash on eBay Craigslist cleaning evicted homes I did it for my landlord during high school and college ten dollars an hour under the table I now have a strong stomach carpentry plumbing and flooring skills it sucks when you find used condoms or crap on the walls but hey I score some neato stuff that people leave behind I also did private housekeeping for some wealthy families in college as well same rate plus they would give me small bonuses for holidays and such I fix fence and work with cows Nebraska life fellow Nebraskan here exactly what it's like I contract out to inspect welds on construction sites make about as much in two days on the weekend as I do during the week at my actual job my dad and I deliver hot tubs for a small pool company we have a special trailer that makes it super easy people buy these six thousand dollars plus hot tubs that weigh upwards of 1,000 pounds and then realize they can't deliver it themselves that's when we come in and charge $200 for an easy one or $300 if it has to go on its side we also remove people's old hot tubs oftentimes they think it's beyond repair so they pay us to get rid of it we then fix it and resell it it's become quite the moneymaker sounds like an honest day's work my wife is a soap maker I was skeptical of homemade soap at first but after trying it I couldn't go back I didn't even know my skin was dry until it wasn't anymore it also lasts forever and smells pretty nice my mom retired and turned soaping into a full-blown business it has gotten to the point she has top pick off booths at craft shows all over the south i buy old wine barrels and convert them into furniture and sell for cash doesn't make huge amounts but every bit helps and as my wife says at least it is a self-funding hobby I teach quincenera wolfson surprise dance routines basically I teach 15 year-olds how to dance for their Mexican coming-of-age party get like 1 K a month out of it I own an online store I am currently losing $30.00 per month I buy cars that have repairable problems at auction cuz it are dirt cheap basically I fix them up clean them up and get them purring like they just drove off the lot then I sell them for much more than I paid and invested in parts I flip like two or three a month sometimes I've made over $1,000 on more than one occasion one time I made like $3,000 but I got a ridiculous deal on the original purchase when I was younger I would rent an apartment or house that was bigger than I needed typically a 3-4 bedroom place I would use one of the smaller rooms and rent the rest out I would get permission from the landlord to sublet the rooms and would have tenant sign a month-to-month lease in almost all cases the rent from the extra rooms covered the rent for the apartment or house and sometimes put extra cash in my pocket as I got older I rented larger places until I bought my house real example 5 bedroom house 3 upstairs plus 2 baths 2 downstairs plus one really big den playroom and a large bathroom which tenants shared we shared the kitchen and had two fridges I bought this house and the mortgage was 1,600 and dollars I rented out the three downstairs rooms for $500 $500 and $900 for a total at $1,900 now that was a $250 mo profit and we lived in the three upstairs bedrooms for free I do a bit of tutoring pays pretty well 30 pounds an hour sometimes did he work more hours than you're paid for prep travel and mostly the kids are shoot so it's pretty boring disheartening I also work a few hours a week at a food co-op they pay terribly but it's fun and a good cause also do charity stuff and pay gets topped up with funny looking or bruised veg get some stock and some beans you've got the stew going I pour my crap and severely regret it three months later I sell plasma I have a divot in my arm from college I work as an audio to text transcriber on the weekend it's self-employed and I work from home I don't earn huge amounts and it's pretty tedious not ever having a day off but it can add up to 80 pounds a week or so which really helps kids don't run up those student overdrafts I make films for children's parties I get given a particular theme Star Wars was the last one and rich parents who just want to distract their children for an afternoon pay me to make a film with their kid and said kids friends the kids love it the parents can relax whilst I do all the work with another person and they get a cool little 7 10 minute film at the end of it all making them look like a Jedi Knight or a mini James Bond I had a friend who used to sell Alaskan land over the internet for $25 an acre he made around $800 which is pretty impressive I think people would tell him what kind of area they wanted then he would find a place and send them coordinates and a certificate of land I'm also fairly positive this was a scam because I don't know how it couldn't be certificate land seems legit I'm a party princess I dress up as Disney Princesses with minor alterations and such to avoid getting a cease-and-desist letter from Disney and entertain kids at parties you kind of have to be at least a little good with kids and have activities planned and know your character inside and out but yet I'm basically a group of children's new got for an hour or two and I make $50 seventy an hour it's pretty cool I also go to yard sales buy stuff that will sell shoes accessories antiques and sell it on eBay but that brings in anywhere from $100 600 a week at first I thought party princess was like a code word for I sell drugs at parties or I'm a prostitute but I kept reading and no you're like a literal party princess I buy rare books and sell them online sometimes I just buy them on eBay and immediately resell them on eBay for more money this used to be my money on the side but I quit my job three months ago and it has paid enough to keep me not homeless I make posters and album covers for local bands and small festivals it doesn't pay much in fact almost nothing but I love it it's something I am good at and which I enjoy and I work with awesome people from my local music scene there is something really great about seeing your own work somewhere plowing driveways I live in a town half full of rich to yuppie as the other half scum tree folk who wisely invested in some sort of plowing device whether it be a four-wheeler or a tractor in the middle of nowhere basically they all have these huge ass houses with long us driveways but no means to plow them 10 bucks our drive and I feel like I'm ripping them off since I also asked for free reign to sled all over their property takes me maybe ten minutes I became an elected government official basically a member of a town council of a teeny tiny town didn't even have to run for office because there weren't enough people to fill the required council seats I get about five dollars 6k per year for about four hours a week every other week all from about six o'clock P eight o'clock P during a couple of weekdays about two hours a week average requirements have to live in the town have to make it to meetings as a side note I could never get elected in a real election my political and religious affiliations do not match the prevalent leanings and beliefs of the town at all but when I'm the only one raising my hand to participate no problem you should watch house of cards and use that as a guide to make it to the top I build custom computers for a fifty dollar flat fee after the price of the parts I'm playing drums at a local club on Friday and Saturday nights I have a few apps on the Google Play Store which gives me around 70 euros every six months or so it is not much but I don't have to do anything about it I take tinder profile photos for guys who don't like to smile in New York City $60 for one hour and I email them the results later that day usually 8-12 polish photos I do some stand-up comedy real tough demand money at it though I wouldn't recommend it to anyone really same here hardest thing in the world to do but goddang is it fun and the feeling of getting paid to tell jokes is just blissful finally H I crochet and sell things I make so long as you are not a SEM stris my side job turned into my main job writing erotica I sell plants we'd like to know what kind of plants you sell buddy I'm doing twitch your payoff Rises from month to month I'm a streamer as a hobby but I once got $2 time to drop out and stream full-time at my high school I buy a 12-pack of coke from the store every morning for like four bucks then I sell them for a dollar a piece at lunch I make a decent profit at the end of each week I grow saltwater coral anemones and the occasional fish the fish don't usually make up most of the money I make I am constantly selling clean excess water from my tanks and others who freak up and need to replace the water in theirs after 6 months 6 years the return on coral and anemones is ridiculous plus live rock and Deborah else I can make an easy $1,500 to $2,500 a month on the side for doing nothing but paying my electric bill I have an LLC and I have contracts with a few small businesses to work on their servers networks PCs et Cie I have a monthly fee that covers up to a certain amount of time after that time they are billed hourly I write top ten lists for a site called list verse comm they pay $100 a list and haven't rejected a single list I've sent so far I used to write for the comedy's site cracked combat list verse pays better and all readers do uncracked is be about every little thing in an article writing short stories novellas to post on Kindle you know those Keep Calm and posters that reddit hates yet I make design and sellers my last two vacations were funded by these Etsy is fantastic it's amazing what people will pay for something on Etsy at one time my girlfriend was buying all sorts of stuff that goes in first aid kits in bulk splitting it up into individual handmade first aid kits and selling them and she would spend around two hundred and fifty dollars on supplies makes something like 25 first aid kits and sell them for $50 apiece people love anything that's handmade I guess I do other people's desk jobs for them with more and more jobs being telecommute I just work multiple jobs from home at the same time imagine working a desk job where you spend all day on Reddit and very little time working now imagine if that was a telecommute job where you work from home every day now imagine if you could pay someone else to do that job for you possibly only being pulled in once every few weeks for a question and paying off a portion of your salary that's what I do I take people's jobs off their hands they keep their benefits and a few bucks an hour and go do something else with their life I Babis it their job use auto clickers and anti idlers to make them look active chat programs watch emails maybe do some actual work now and then etc it's basically office space at her several times simultaneously what started off as a side job doing this once is now a full-time gig I will have paid off all my debt - my mortgage in six months and my wife will be able to quit a job by summer I choose her business calc students in college I have no degree at all but I took the class once and sat through another time just to have a huge grasp on it business calc is usually a course business majors have to take in most of them are not overly confident in calculus so I just take advantage of business majors that don't know calc I charge $40 an hour minimum two hours and have at least two students a night it started as a way to make side money and now it's all I do I make dollar sign 900 a week I buy vintage jewelry at rummages and estate sales and sell it on eBay the best find the date was a gold bracelet that sold for over two hundred dollars profit by bead jewelry and sell it for ten dollars fifty plus a piece online I make roughly $100 300 in extra cash a month i import small quantities of items or phalli Express and resell them locally on Craigslist OLX I live in a small third-world country where people don't know how to order online Amazon won't ship here and there are lots of things that aren't available in stores I also bring back small high-value items when I go to the US and resell them like used cellphones or GP says I send Japanese candy on a subscription basis to people abroad I live in Japan I started doing it in addition to apps I had written but those didn't do so well and this side thing ended up being my main thing the perk downside when trying to diet is that I always end up with piles of candy in my apartment if you visit I can offer as much candy as you can eat you have been visited by the dog oh you to comment master so that strengths are worse accompanies you if you are new to the channel you can subscribe publish new videos every day until then check another video ordered either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 29,809
Rating: 4.9152122 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit making money, how to make money, reddit money, reddit money making
Id: KCaBoPYhx_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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