How did you get back at someone who wronged you? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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my neighbors slashed my tires and I'm about to sign them up for every mailing list I can think of what are small legal ways you have gotten back at someone that has wronged you one time the next friend borrowed $500 of course he doesn't pay me welches avoids calls emails et Cie so this guy always parked on the street lived in a nice part of town so in the cold winters after my buddies and I left the bar being the DD I'd take everyone for food since most of the guys needed to take a piss I'd usually take a pit stop at the Welsh's house into my mates would urinate all over his car it had fries all over his car also since I didn't think that was enough punishment we went to the exact same model and color vehicle as the well sure put his plates on the rental and would deliberately drive through intersections with red light cameras and get him ticketed afterwards we'd put his plate back on that was amazing we were careful and did the set like 3:00 a.m. but he must have got to around three thousand dollars in traffic violations felt great okay so here's what you do you're gonna go to the hardware store and buy nails at along enough to puncture the wool of the tire next sneak over at night and wedge one nail at an angle behind each tire of their car wake up extra early the next morning make an amazing breakfast and be patient when they back the car out of the driveway to leave for work your ears will be filled with the angelic melody of hissing air and furious profanities enjoy your breakfast newly seasoned with the tears of your enemies okay here what you're going to do get yourself a rotisserie chicken from your local grocery store have a nice chicken dinner maybe invite a girl over have a nice bottle of wine and watch a movie but keep the bones and the F cut of meat then get yourself a nicely sized glass jar make sure it's a mason jar so it's airtight next put the bones and meat in the jar and add milk maybe an egg for good measure boiler your weapon now place this near an air intake in their home preferably an event if you can dry event will work fine and probably best the dealer's this milk and chicken will rot in the jar [ __ ] gets ranked as your crazy uncle heads breath after drinking the end of a jar of pickles on garlic dish night as it rots gas builds up in the jar give it a month or so and this gas gets built up to the point that it shatters the jar guess what your neighbors have got the the most disgusting fluid known to man dripping I to their home the smell won't go away for weeks it will be so bad they will probably leave this gentleman is the chicken dairy bomb this is a little late to the game but the best thing you can do is use the legal method your tires were fine before they impounded it after it was impounded they were slashed file a police report let your insurance know at the very least you can also contact a lawyer if you wish to either sue the towing company or the neighbors do not confront them yourself since it will probably only make them angrier if you want to go even more legal on them there may be some city ordinance that prevents them from building a fence like that contact your local Zoning Commission make a complaint if you have a lot of time and energy you could even join the Zoning Board to get it taken down depending on where you are in LA this may be a fairly easy thing to do legal revenge is the best revenge edit I should add as always this is not legal advice and I am NOT a lawyer seriously contact a real lawyer if you've got a problem my best guess of the tow lot issue is that they are to some degree responsible for the cars they tow and that they would have a hard time convincing a judge or a mediator that the slashed tires on their problem at all my dad ran a concrete company a while back they had an issue over a driveway that they did for a company that was putting up a premiere neighborhood anyways the company was refusing to pay so my dad parked his shitty old work truck in front of their show homes with huge sign in it saying X X X X X X X concrete is suing X X X X X homes of a shady business practices they settled out of course the next day we once shared a floor in a housing project with a young man who forever endeavored to upset and unsettle anyone and everyone within earshot of his apartment from screaming matches with his dealer to starting small fires in the hallway barely a night went by that we didn't see smell or somehow suffer his presence in the building after an evening which ended with a heroin addict guests of his kicking on every door on the floor before defecating massively in the stairwell the ladies living to our left decided to do their best to match his superlative dowry by way of a series of small advertisements posted in the pubs clubs and pool halls of our town listing his phone number and home address they ensured a steady stream of human traffic harrassing him for months as I later learned they'd sniped a snap of a comely mass from the local newspaper covered her eyes and listed charges for sexual services well below market prices the result was an incessant stream of calls and visitors seeking bargain [ __ ] and discount dick teasing after a long evening of drinking many of them understandably truculent on discovering that any dong pleasing that day would have to be self-inflicted not only was it a fair few months before the flow of disappointed punters dried up but the inclusion of his address led to a visit by a contingent of coppers who came looking for hookers but found a stash instead that young man went away for a while after that and when he came back he was as good as gold TL DR noisy no good neighbour advertised as escort rumbled by the fuzz for drugs my new arsenal neighbors got some bushes that were planted on their side of the fence off at the top of the fence leaving a bunch of excess plant matter to die hanging over on my side I retaliated by severely trimming back all of my trees that were providing shade to their AC units and windows as to heat up their house and cost them money it'll cost them hundreds over a few years maybe a few years ago the crazy neighbors called the cops on my uncle they said he was taking pictures of their children he didn't own a camera and he sure as heck wouldn't be taking pictures of kids if he did and that he was making death threats and stalking them at this point he didn't even know the neighbors name my uncle dealt with everything legally and it was found that he wasn't doing any of the things that they claimed duh that summer he put their compost right next to the neighbor's yard whoops do your neighbors even know it with your car do you know your neighbors no point getting petty with them if they will automatically assume it is he that has arranged annoying deliveries you were in the wrong imagine how pissed off you would be if someone had blocked your drive on Thanksgiving even you couldn't get out to go shopping or pick up relatives you should go and apologize and make peace if they are the sort to slash tires do you really want them as enemies that live next door have them audited by eyes report them to the city for code violations fill out each night while they're sleeping and coat their lawn with weed color white till their window is down on their car and slide a dead fish under the driver's seat call the I see E on them and report that they're hiding illegal aliens in their basement sign them up for jury duty clever a Jehovah Witness you can find and tell them you'd like to hear more about Jesus Christ and give your neighbor's address put out flyers for a rave on the college campus and put your neighbor's address put hundreds of ads on Craigslist for Camaros Corvettes and just any highly desirable vehicles you think people would want and give them your neighbor's phone number every time you pass a fax machine set it to fax their regular phone line and over and over again until it gets through every night rearrange their lawn ornaments take a soap stick and write on their back glass lines from the Batman movies like you know how I got these scars wait till they leave and then take bullet hole stickers and put them all over their door and outside windows like there was a driver B wait till they have lots of guests and then go out and pain their curb read for no parking and then call the city and have everyone towed wait till you find them leave their window down on their car and take an expensive perfume his wife doesn't wear and spray her headrest and seatbelt and watched he domestic troubles begin that is all I got I'd ask them why they went through all the trouble of calling a tow truck and slashing tires when they could have very simple just asked you to move your car they might just be [ __ ] my neighbors have been cutting down trees branches all over their property and letting them fall on my side so they don't have to clean it themselves some people are just total [ __ ] I once had a tenant who turned into a real dalchi bag he was a law student and would constantly misquote the landlord tenants laws when he had originally moved in we had agreed that we both would be responsible for snow removal after a few talks within regarding the level of noise he used to have blasting rock music at 3:00 a.m. he decided it was now my responsibility to take care of the snow removal by myself he would send me emails and texts all day threatening to take me that the landlord tenants board after a large snowfall I decided to shovel the snow for him he used to ride his bike to school every day yes even in the snow I buried his bike and about five feet of snow because the way the weather is up here after a few hours the snow turned as hard as rock and he was forced to take the bus to school for the rest of the semester there was a guy at the bank that was trying to charge me for something that I never had it got pretty out of hand with him calling me at all hours and telling my friends I was a deadbeat I found out his email address and signed him up on all the extreme gay sites I could find and registered on the forum carried on conversations in his name it got so bad that a guy came all the way from Texas to see him one day I casually asked him about his visitor and I have never had any trouble from him again in an area where you are sporting fences the snow apartment complex of some sorts with thousands of flats it wouldn't have hurt if your neighbors would have instead of slashing your tires and calling the towing company just ask their adjacent neighbors including you if it was their car parked in front of the driveway and if it could be removed please why are you people trying to [ __ ] each other the hardest way possible I and no one in my street would consider this course of action and neither I nor my neighbor are of any Canadian descent because common courtesy respect ability to handle such things I was at a party with some friends a girl I was semi thinking of dating I knew she was interested in me spent most of the night being a [ __ ] - pretty everyone that came her way after watching her show her true colors long enough I told her off and left she spent the next few day obsessively texting and calling me at all times of the day leaving insulting racist and crude messages I only responded once to a text to say that she please start after about three days I basically had enough so I set up my phone to text her automatically over five minutes I also wrote a program to send her an email every 15 minutes and randomly called her from different numbers at odd hours when she finally had enough and asked me to stop I told her I would only do so when after she called and apologized and text me a copy of her apology after she gave me her apology she never called me back it was petty but I worked if I were in the OPP's position I would pretend that I have not collected the car yet and hence did not know about the tires I would go to see the neighbors and apologize for parking in front of their gate I would say that I understand how frustrating it can be and done solely that they had to arrange for it to be towed I would then say goodbye and try to get into the conversation the fact that you are just about to go to collect your car at this stage there will hopefully realize that you are a decent person and accept the situation however they will also realize that you are about to find out that they slashed your tires which will put them in an awkward position and possibly be rather embarrassing this will probably result in them avoiding you in future and trying not to bother you in any way out of awkwardness that said I am British we love a bit of social awkwardness I did the exact thing you are planning to do but Oryx buddy of mine who was trying to make my friends alienate me he lived with his dad so I reckon he had a lot of explaining to do when they're turned out to be free dildos Lube weight-loss wear removal products et Cie in his mail the way I did it was that I had his phone house number address in his email then I joined like 30 surveys and free product stuff on the internet with his name when he finally found out it was me he said he would tell the cops on me cause this was illegal cause it turns out that some free products are only free the first time then they send you a new one in a bill D nothing ever happened to me but gained the respect of my friends I used to dip my old college roommates toothbrush in the toilet but I would also collect her fallen hair she had a ton and barely ever swept the floor and worse would sometimes stand on my bed while I was still asleep so she could dry her hair with the wolf fan and put it in her underwear drawer my current next-door neighbor's a total our souls and we have a long-standing feud of sorts with the woman even our landlord hates her when I move out next year I plan on supergluing the keyhole of the padlocks when I leave so they'd be inconvenienced when it's time to take out or bring in their car you certainly could kick the door in at 3 a.m. and charge into their bedroom with a bright flashlight a suicide bomb vest and a loaded gun hand with an insanity addled murderous attitude scream and threaten their lives and those of their children grandparents and Facebook friends if they ever so much as touch your car or mess with you again then park your car in their front yard and set it on fire firing your weapon into the air do that or else you could smile and forget about it and get a life with new tires there's just no middle ground in my experience as a vent seasoning Escalade once set in the motion you will need one a frisbee to a full bladder three a container P into the container put the frisbee into the freezer and then pour the pea into the frisbee let it freeze when frozen remove the piss disc from the frisbee with a large degree of stealth and cunning casually tiptoe so as not to attract attention up to your neighbors front or back door or any open window slip the piste disc through the opening when they arrived home though will wonder who the vandalism snuck inside and left a pea puddle but didn't take anything note eat a lot of asparagus if you want to make a real statement a bit late now but my grandfather ran a digger business in New Zealand in the years following World War two he had emigrated from Holland after the war and had a bit of an accent someone who got him to put in their septic tank refused to pay him calling a Nazi so after a week my grandfather went back and started digging it back out again it didn't take long for the guide to come running out with a check my car was parked in front of my dad's house for a few months I got a motorcycle and was trying to sell the car at some point he moved it in front of our neighbours house directly across the street we have been neighbors for over 25 years and she was never really a nice person she only has one car and parks it in her garage there is definitely not a shortage of parking in the area rather than walk across the street and ask us to move it she get it towed apparently where we live there's some law that states you can't have a car parked in one location more than a week though it's never enforced I find out and I'm [ __ ] furious like seriously about to walk over there and yell in her [ __ ] face but I calmed down wait a few days then show up at her doorstep and try to sell her cut go knives with a smile on my face Jehovah's Witnesses coulomb tell them that your neighbors across the street are close family members who have turned to drugs repeat with evangelical Christians Jews for Jesus etc also is there a female member of the house sold sign her up for a new mother's mailing list really under the men in the house also list their number on the craigslist personals craigslist romance section etc put up signs all over town and a few ads on the web saying that there's a moving giveaway at their house also that it's an open house and people are free to come and go lastly if you really feel like being an ass take one of your neighbors pictures list them as a recently paroled sex offender and put up signs all over your neighborhood foiler revenge I once had a neighbor let's call her Mary who was sneaking onto my property looking through my windows while I was at work and them gossiping around the neighborhood about what she'd seen I found out when another neighbor asked where I bought the box of broken biscuits that I had by my chair in the front room I signed her up to every free information pack or sample that I could find I went through every magazine I could lay my hands on filling out adverse in her name the payout came several weeks later when someone told me that on her birthday her husband had received a birthday card with congratulations to Mary his faithful dog I almost died laughing don't think anyone's posted this yet used to do this in a chest of friends just to mess with them if you can get their phone number great otherwise the address is still good every time you're at a mall fill out every one of those win an iPad and $5,000 shopping spree win this car cards they're just a way for companies to gather and sell your info to other companies the amount of junk mail and phone calls these result in is staggering soon you will have their info memorized and it'll be second nature every time your is amol if you're a whole neighbors have new vinyl siding in a couple of months you're doing is right this might be less than legal but if their internet connection you might be able to use it for piracy and potentially get them in trouble ultimately although honestly if it were me and I knew for absolutely certain that it was them that did it I wouldn't let the law hold me back I might be wrong and I'd like to hear what others think about this but it seems to me like if you egg the [ __ ] out of their house or whatever and the cops came questioning you because they suspected you of retaliation you could always say something like now I never thought it was them who slashed my tires they just needed to have the car towed because we weren't around or whatever and did what they had to do why would they also slash my tires double quote this is one I pulled on my old manager at a pizza place I worked at in college I made a Craigslist ad in the free listings saying I had recently quit drinking and wanted to get all of my mostly full or and opened liquor out of the house and left the phone number for the pizza place I waited for a Friday night around the dinner rush I think this would work equally as well with a home number of cell but was particularly designed for an incoming call place of business when I was in my senior year at high school one of my ex-girlfriends filled out a form that said I was interested in joining the Marines during career day I couldn't figure out for the life of me why this Marine recruiter was pulling me out of class and talking to me about joining the service he even wanted to get together after school to tell me why joining would be awesome she eventually told me and I told the recruiter thanks but no thanks looking back on it now it was pretty funny but being overly emotional teenager at the time I was pretty pissed I find the two tires slashed really funny here's why I was on a Habitat for Humanity trip we stayed in a church and there was another church across the road each large parking lot had one 15 person van in it one morning we come out to find we had a flat I look across the street and see the other van not being used also had a flat I immediately said someone slashed our tire the leader said I was wrong and was furious for me spreading the rumor turns out I was right anyways anyways I found it hilarious that someone is a big enough fossil to slash tasks to a church van but not a big enough fossil to slash more than one leach who has two spares or more no one TL DR good guy [ __ ] only slashes one tire not two plus craigslist ads that request people contact them during night house because they work night shifts and sleep during the day used it before just have to find a product people are willing to wait until night time to call for I regularly sign up businesses or people that do me wrong for every email notification I can find one week of them getting there in box filled with craziness and they will have to change their email address which since just about everything important online is associated with an email address having to change information on everything from bank accounts to insurance another sure winner if all else fails give the local children a large box of sidewalk chalk and tell them to have at it on the neighbors sidewalk it's not destructive and they can perform repeat performances for your viewing pleasure if you're already nervous about confronting them waiting to get even is going to result in inaction either call the police and file a report or walk up to their door and stop some [ __ ] being a nice person and being a [ __ ] are two different things they slashed your [ __ ] tires and you want to sign them up for junk mail if I slapped your girlfriend what would you do about it tell me my shirt didn't look nice they slashed your tires whoa that [ __ ] isn't cheap don't listen to these [ __ ] they're too busy thinking up hour--the nerf devious little ways to exact our revenge Mugen ha ha ha switch his shampoo out with superglue Moo ha ha ha ha that [ __ ] isn't going to cut it man the [ __ ] up this advice brought to you by some anonymous obviously hard as [ __ ] I roll [ __ ] do not do anything confronting over this this kind of stuff is you want to be a spook if you do things right it will make it seem like you did nothing at all - you can do two ways about this one call the cops and confront them will [ __ ] them over secretly you need to wait a while at least a couple months make a concoction of 30% sugar 70 percent bleach and put in one of those fuel additive containers that you can pour easily waitis night and pour in their gas tanks of their cars this will ruin their engines in a couple days trust me wear gloves mask and use old shoe so footprints are left they can't trace you through your shoes don't leave your house front door and do straight there come from a gift erection try to have a friend pick you up from a street down the road while your car's there and then wait a while and then do it and basically you need to learn smoke and mirrors people say sugar doesn't work it does it is also important to get motion lights for all corners of your house and a security camera if you can't afford it for around your house and mainly facing their direction so if they try to retaliate and something else happens you can [ __ ] them over an enemy is just someone you fight without being paid unless you were they are planning on moving in a time soon escalating to petty revenge is doing both of you a disservice these are people you are going to have to deal with again maybe they didn't realize it was your car maybe they thought you knew the gate was there and were [ __ ] with them maybe they had an important meeting they were late for because they couldn't get out because your car was blocking them and in the heat of the moment did something they regret maybe it was the tow company that slashed the towers because they are us whole or steal good tires from cars and replace them with slashed ones or some punk kids like to sneak into the impound lot and slash tires because that's how they get their kicks instead you go over and knock on their door anything hi I'm your next-door neighbor I just wanted to say I'm sorry I parked in front of your gate but I didn't notice the gate there in thought it was just a fence I understand why you had a car towed but in the future I want you to know that if you have any issues you can always come talk to me and we can work things out double quote yay it's a lot harder than petty revenge fantasies but you'll find very often in life you have to work with people you don't like and learning how to do that is going to help you in the long run place an ad in a local freebie paper is the penny saver still free comma for a garage sale at his address list things like cheap baby items strollers highchair beds crib as well as plus-sized ladies clothes they sell like crazy place some high-priced items as well Xbox games stereo and other electronics phones surround sound system make sure you had knock on the door sale is in the garage and backyard early birds encouraged that will get him up bright and early on a Friday or Saturday and maybe Sunday I'd run it for a couple of weeks good luck I have a few people I'd like the latter the seeking revenge list : close bracket edit thought of another good one have some out of town friends send him postcards things like she really enjoyed the evening with you count on seeing her next time you're in town happy ending massage escort service or something relating to drugs or other illegal activity the battle's arrived as ordered waiting further instruction tell your something cryptic worked for me do they know yet it was their neighbor's car they slashed I say confront them both admit that [ __ ] deserve it tell them you slashed somebody's tires in the past and it was a really good feeling tell them that [ __ ] who parked their parks like that in front of your house too but you didn't know what to do high-five them get them to admit in front of a witness they slashed the tires then get them to pay the bill okay try this you take birdseed and put it in sugar water so it gets sticky then you throw it on one of their cars it's LA so there will be pigeons around the car will be absolutely covered in bird [ __ ] you don't even have to be in a big city I know somebody who did it here in podunk SC and there were enough pigeons use the forces of nature against them my apartment neighbor let his dog [ __ ] it's foul [ __ ] and the grass in front of our apartments not only did it make the grass die everywhere it went but I could smell it in my second living room I tried to be discreet and when management posted letters stating that all dog owners would be charged $25 per pile pick up I highlighted that line in red and swap their notice with mine they started asking all of our neighbors if theirs was highlighted too and they started picking it up after a few weeks they got lazy again and when no other neighbors were home I came across the farthest [ __ ] I've ever seen I picked it up with some cardboard and slapped it on their door just above their handle it stuck there for hours and then slowly descended until one of them came home and had to open the door hey if you know it was them who slashed your tires call the police if the tow company backs you on the fact that two of your tires were slashed your neighbor's gonna have a bad time or you know you could just go the passive-aggressive route and crime from thinking if somehow achieve justice also you were definitely in the wrong parking way you did the kerb would dip down if there's a driveway if you didn't think to look especially knowing they have a fence with a gate that opens to their driveway that's on you not them they had you towed which wasn't the wrong move here slashing your tires however was wrong and illegal at my old job I used to get calls many times a day on my office phone from one of those annoying SMS to voice services it was always from the same number and it was often the equivalent of hi honey please pick up some milk on the way home and other personal stuff between a typical couple it was pretty weird hearing it in a synthesized voice I eventually found the number back and a woman answered denying ever having called or texted my phone she sounded a little odd possible crazy cat lady comer a few days later after countless more calls I placed an advert online using her number and a throwaway email account technics DJ turntables for sale and wanted gift totally unused in flight case with pioneer mixer and all cabling I work late so please call after 11 p.m. price $500 the calls stopped I'm glad I've come across an appropriate place to tell this story one time a friend of mine had been being kind of a flake and a couple of my other friends and I wanted to do something to mess with him this all occurred shortly before one of the Twilight movies came out and put an ad on Craigslist saying something like this hey everyone I have two tickets to a premiere viewing of the upcoming Twilight movie tonight but something came up and I am unable to go since I don't want to see these go to waste and there isn't much time I'm giving them out for free I'll be away from my computer all day today so if you're interested call me at dart of course we put my friend's phone number down here it was a huge success he got a little over 100 responses some texts and some calls all from anxious Twilight fans before it got flagged as a fake I'm actually still not sure if he knows it was me or not but I felt pretty good about this one and planned to use this type of prank again in the future my brother had a problem when he was in grade school of a boy taking his dessert from his lunch out of his locker every day it was the same and it was tough for my family because we didn't have a lot of money but the culprit had less he was also just a jerk my parents are and were fundamentalists Christians I'm an atheist today but their faith inspired them to react as they thought Jesus would they sent my brother with an extra dessert and instead of waiting for the boy to steal my brother walked up to him and offered him a dessert of saying we wanted him to have it of course my brother never had his dessert stolen again the best revenge is rising above the hatred with grace lots of good revenge porn and his thread but how about this if you must insist on confronting them then go over and introduce yourself and apologize for blocking their driveway bring a plate of cookies or a case of beer as a peace offering explain that you like to be a good neighbor then leave your phone number and tell them to call if anything comes up now instead of feuding with deranged and possibly dangerous neighbors you've made a new friend fact crazy people make much better friends than enemies that goes double for Hollywood as you never know which crazy person can get your crappy screenplay produced introduce yourself and apologize for blocking them if you haven't met them there's a good chance that they have no idea it was your car or they might have said something before there had it towed there's also a good chance that someone else slashed the tires no one wants the tension that comes along with hated neighbors and you really don't need to escalate what might have just been a misunderstanding or you could just ignore them entirely and cut every wire on the exterior of their house confront them and be extremely kind apologize for parking there etc ask if they happen to see anyone slash your tires when they say no mention how it's a shame these halogens do this sort of thing and say next thing you know someone's house may be set on fire or may get shot or stabbed on the way home and never be caught for it all while staring into their eyes without breaking contact this will scare the [ __ ] out of them and put them in a fear mode for a while also they may not [ __ ] with you again you are entering the neighbor wargames I was drafted when I was in my early teens in my neighborhood and reigned supreme in each battle the battle of the cars was very much like your Battle of the driveway my battle plan at the time was this my dad hunted on occasion and had a large bottle of skunk essence obtain one my grandmother was diabetic and gave herself shots daily with small syringes obtain one hopefully they have a car they're proud enough of that this attack will carry some sting my neighbor's was a new Mercedes sneak over at night and stick the syringe through the window weatherstrip and squirt the skunk essence all over the interior do not soak any one spot but sort of spread all over so that they cannot detect one spot that contains the stench do this earlier in the dead of night instead of later like one instead of four to allow a good soak and maybe even dry time the odor is genuinely animal and they will likely not suspect human delivery I've helped lots of folks in the last 25 years exact the same revenge and in every case it's ruled that an animal sprayed the vent area near the windshield bTW it cannot be removed understand this will total their vehicle unless they replace everything you spray carpet headliner seeds jute padding headliner backing its effing off or if you google slash tars sunset Hollywood this thread is white near the top o the charts which means you shouldn't do anything that will start a feud unless you're sure they don't know how to [ __ ] or you've just admitted to committing identity theft so if your neighbors have friends on the police force you could end up with cops tracking you down from your reddit account not to mention a civil case if they're angry and rich enough and hell you don't even know for sure it was your neighbors it could have been the US also towed your car and you already met the towing people so you know those are [ __ ] I'm just guessing at that because they always are in a small town you might find a nice mechanic running a truck on the side but in bigger cities the impound industry is full of scum and Psychopaths who love to [ __ ] people over and then charge them exorbitant fees for it close bracket so I would approach them ask if they did this see what they say go from there or just let it go slightly different but in college when we got the hundreds of credit card applications in the mail we would fill the prepaid envelopes with rocks and send them back the post office would charge them for the extra weight one time we taped one to a cinder block the mailman toll used technically he wasn't supposed to take it but didn't anyway because he thought it was funny about nine years ago someone convinced our elderly office manager to get lightning insurance bill to each of our six business lines at $9.95 they totally strong-armed her into doing it - from what she said I called the company's 800 number at 6 p.m. to complain but it was after hours and all they had was a recording that they were closed I did however notice that the recording repeated forever instead of playing once and hanging up I took all six voice lines to fax lines and for cell phones and call the 800 number and let the line sit on hold every night for a week while racking up an absolute fortune for the company of their toll-free line [ __ ] guys [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 124,712
Rating: 4.800509 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: JZA9umH5CrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 41sec (2321 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 05 2019
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