What's a job most people wouldn't know actually exists? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's a job that most people wouldn't know actually exists I'm a prop shopper for a popular TV show basically I show up to work the designer will tell me that the show needs a specific prop for the taping and it's my job to go buy or rent it it's a fun job because they ask you to get ridiculous stuff sometimes and it's a challenge to find it my dad used to shoot wildlife mainly birds that would wander on airport runways he was replaced with a Falken food expert witness some guy gets paid around $300 an hour to explain food to a jury I was really shocked to learn that it wasn't Anthony Bourdain when companies have paperwork that they want to make digital the documents need to be scanned before this can happen someone needs to go through all of the documents and remove every single staple and that's how I spent my summers while I was in college I actually liked him quite a bit though when certain highly expensive pieces of jewelry are sold to buyers in different countries say a $300 zero-zero-zero watch for example oftentimes the companies selling the watch will send someone to wear it on the plane over to set bar country since to import it would cost them a lot in taxes but to pay for someone to wear it as their own watch cost significantly less I met a professional alpaca shaver when I was on holiday last month he told me he gets about $35 per shaved alpaca fun fact alpacas make a cute humming sound and only poop in certain areas in an effort to stay clean I once met a woman from China of the air Court in Frankfurt while waiting for my plane when I asked her what her plans in Europe were she told me she's a personal shopper apparently many companies won't ship to a lot of places in China and the people they don't trust that the local shops actually sell the original products and instead sell knockoffs of name-brand fashion merchandise additionally Chinese men often won't let their wives without them so the wives can't go shop for themselves instead they hire someone else to travel to places like Paris New York or California and give them a list of dresses purses etc that they want sounded like an awesome job to me get paid to travel and shop she said she made decent money too and that often her customers would pay for her to buy things for herself on top of that as a tip London Underground employs people to walk along their lines above ground and looks for building sites they haven't been told about anyone building anything nearby is supposed to consult him at the planning stage but sometimes these things slip through and it's better to catch it at that stage rather than have someone drill into a line makes sense when you think about it but not a job I'd ever thought of not sure whether it's one person's full-time job or a shift that people rotate through my father is an architect he employs someone whose entire job is to straighten his lines edit I get it it's who's sorry sh t happens trucking companies employ people whose job it is to recover abandoned trucks and cargo apparently truckers will just be like [ __ ] it and leave their trucks and trailers on the side of the road these companies pay pretty well and you are on call two four seven but they fire you all over the country to retrieve their stuff and pay well sounds kind of neat really edit should be who's and not hose I need a scapegoat so I'm blaming my phone it definitely wasn't my inability to pay attention to my own writing while using mobile sorry guys I suck once got paid for a month of 40 hour work weeks for sitting at a gate and watching to make sure no cows got out I was a bovine identification and exit prevention specialist never saw f king cow read some good books though there are guys on call two four seven to pick up organs from a donor at the hospital and drive it to the airport I know a guy who did the spheres and maybank he had a specialist to show to police if he was caught speeding the thing that drove him to quit was a work friend of his who didn't keep it quiet the friend told everyone about his cool job and cooler of kindness and such he nearly got killed when someone robbed him for the organs not long after that happened my guy had a flight canceled and he had to take a cooler with a heart back to his house not long after that he decided it wasn't worth the risk to his family it's cheaper to have one person digitally paint over and remove a boner in post then it is to hold production on a film set some people call it squatter scoping there was a strip club with a pawn shop and private viewing booths near my work we had a delivery nearby and one of our drivers would stop about 5:00 a.m. in their parking lot and take smoke breaks also he said apparently one day he got there a little earlier than normal and there was a girl driving around the parking lot picking up used condoms and that was her job every night she would be on cleaning detail at the club and about 3:00 a and she'd go outside to pick up the used condoms in the parking lot for an hour our driver talked to her and she said she said it was pretty disgusting but she was just trying to pay the bills so that girl's job became known as the worst job in the world whenever people got really down about working for our company it was always nice to have that story to throw out there it was an immediate morale booster it's not really a normal job but my entire job responsibilities is to change lightbulbs around campus a normal shift for me involves driving out to 2 or 3 buildings and replacing all the light bulbs in the building whether they are burnt out or not I do it on a rotating six-month schedule I'm also on call if there are any light bulbs reported as burned out I don't fix broken ballasts or sockets that job belongs to someone else I only face bulbs edit it's primarily fluorescent tubes though we still do have some incandescent bulbs in a few areas the unburned bulbs and old bulbs are properly disposed of I just packaged them in big barrels and send them to our hazardous waste department you'd be surprised at just how many of these bulbs are nearing the end of their lifespan after six months while it is wasteful it's important for the university to maintain appearances important enough to swallow that cost I guess can't or it's the person at a church or other place where there is singing who stands in the front and makes hand motions to help people know when to sing a higher or lower note they're there to help people who can't read music or to assist those like me who can read music but are a little rusty the act of being a cantor is called counting you have to be able to can to be a cantor or you can't can't if you can't count underwear cockroach inspector guile ghoul in a factory inspecting garments for insects before they get shipped out to the retailers it's a thing a friend of Mines grandfather worked as a parachute tester in World War 1 back before technology and safety regulations were a thing edit I just did some giggling and amazingly the US Army still employs test jumpers today , I was honestly shocked to learn that people stream video games and make a decent living off of it I understand winning competitive tournaments sure but just like playing games and having people give you money because they want to watch you play games was a foreign concept to me there's a job called hand angel and their job is to give hand jobs to people with disabilities note that this is completely different from prostitution edit was on vacation for a whole month and realized my comment blew up what I meant by this is completely different from prostitution is that in some parts of the world that is covered in the medical care and in the wellness program I'm not an expert in this field I just saw something Ewan's but the reasoning behind it is about sexual frustration and mental well-being the major difference between this and prostitution is that most people are capable while may not be as satisfying to take care of their sexual needs while it is not an option for those with disability at least some I'm not a hand angle myself but I'm sure if you do a ma with one they can explain it better than I can there's also a quote on how many times they can receive this service like all other medical benefits I believe there's also a NGO that does it in parts of Asia if you don't believe me try Google facade engineer I rappel abseiled down the outside of 40-plus storey buildings to inspect them for problems I make sure bits don't fall off work out why buildings are leaking and set up schedules for repairs I think my job is fairly interesting and fairly obscure ever have a dentist put a crown or bridge in your mouth ever wonder where they come from he doesn't make them they're custom made by a dental laboratory I'm a dental lab technician who does a myriad of tasks I work at an institutional review board better known as an IDE most vague job description ever I review paperwork to support human research studies had no idea these places existed when our Clyde was hired as a blank slate and been here five years now in Japan my wife got a job as designated foreigner at weddings apparently they like the idea of foreigners of their weddings as it makes the photos more interesting she used to learn up to 20 0 you know day also met two Canadian Guyver who had a job as designated foreign red bar he used to get pissed and make conversation with salary men I was talking to a dad in my Scout troop a few years back who said that one summer while he was in college he got hired by the government to drive along freeways and verify that mile markers were accurate they paid for his gas and lodging so he basically just road-tripped with with two of his friends for the whole summer and earned a profit worked in a warehouse that distributed soda fill in the company name as you will there was a guy on hire whose only job eight hours per day was to dump expired soda down the drain apparently they can't legally sell it or give it away my dad does credentialing for a large hospital Network essentially he makes sure that doctors are actually doctors a lot of his job is contacting schools and other hospitals to confirm that a new hire actually studied or had residents there I used to have a summer job extinguishing welders when they cut into our pipeline that unexpectedly contained fuel oil under pressure I'd extinguish the welder while he screamed and rolled around and generally made my job more difficult then I'd get the rest of the day off while he drank there are at least a hundred people in my office who doctors contract to verify your insurance benefits so the doctor's office staff doesn't have to essentially we call your insurance company ask them if the medication procedure you need is covered and how much it'll cost and then we send the report to your doctor's office people get paid ten dollars to watch a film or show on Netflix as part of operation we play juice the juices tag the shows with things like Syfy strong female lead etc and choose screen shots for stills they're currently trying to sue Netflix for holiday time health care 401 K s etc so there could be vacancies coming up I work as a seeder promotional prizes for cereal and other food items are called seeds my job is making sure one seed is in every shipment to the store I basically just stand around while everyone else packs crates and then swap one box for the seed it's really easy and I get paid way too much $35 per hour late so no one will see this but I do safety security and content moderation for an online children's game most people seem surprised that it's a thing I basically read lines of chat from our game all day long and kids for breaking rules and adjust the filters to prevent them from being able to break rules in the first place commercial scheduler not like with the Super Bowl when I'm sure the companies negotiate with the network to get this spot they want but late-night local broadcast ads for car dealerships and things like that each commercial has to be played a certain amount of times and all have to fit around the programming I have an odd job that I sometimes pick up through a friend I personally hand-deliver emergency computer parts I don't know jack about computers but I guess sometimes servers or something go down and they need a very specific part very fast so they called my boss and she calls around and if the part happens to be near me I jump in my car she pays gas round-trip plane ticket and it's a sliding scale depending on where I need to go sometimes it's Mexico sometimes it's another state and lots of times it's China hardest part is convincing that so that I need to carry it onto the plane one that blows my mind a little bit because it's all very intricate in a grocery store supermarket you have all the products etc each store is mapped for length and number of aisles each products measurements are taken and sorted and recorded so they put together a map of what products should be where which shall file and even down to how many facings number of products visible when brought to the front of the shelf there should be this is based on products shelf height popularity priority selling product offers and all the other things you've never even thought of they do this for every store and change everything around every few months when products are discontinued replaced without ever actually seeing the physical store then there's the people who secretly go round with a map of where things should be and if the products are incorrectly placed the store can be fined I worked as an intern for a city's wastewater division and I spent all day ever there watching videos of the insides of sewer pipes and marking down defects in the pipes miles and miles of pipes making for hours and hours of videos it was a pretty shitty job but I got to spend all day watching dirty videos there are people paid full time to paint bridges take the Golden Gate for example by the time it is finished being painted the other side needs to be painted again and so these people are constantly moving side to side painting the damn thing bottle sniffer my main service contract is at a huge robotic bottling plant that washes and refills 18l office cooler water bottles everyone gets smelled to make sure it has no funky odors or gasoline in it yet he amazed how often some household uses one as a jerrican if that bottle slips past the lab picks up trace amounts and you have to scrub the entire day's production only in the last two years has a lab-on-a-chip machine come out that can detect stuff like this it's improving and $100 K his job has not vanished yet but will one day I have zero problems automating his job from existence some jobs are not fit for humans you know at least one of those bottles has been used as a trucker bomb my uncle was a tobacco farmer in middle America at some point the government stepped in and paid him more to not grow tobacco on his land than what he made growing it that's what I wanted to be when I grew up a tobacco farmer that doesn't grow tobacco I believe this went on for 20 or so years and I believe they stopped paying and recently I met a guy once who was a professional rectal exam model medical students use these models to learn how to rectal exams he had lots of free time and apparently had a decent income met someone one who was a lifeboat inspector all year he takes cruises spend two of the five days inspecting all of the lifeboats and support mechanisms then has a good time the rest of it I work for a luxury real estate auction house and I work five weeks at a time in a new place around the world marketing those extreme luxury properties like personal islands in Fiji and the Bahamas two sprawling Mega Millions mansions in the Miami or LA we bring the homes to auction at the end of the month and then I pack up and move on to the next assignment all expenses paid pretty dang cool way to see the world in really get a good feel for the culture of different areas they encourage us to be as socially active as possible that's a lot of military jobs that most people wouldn't realize exist for example in the Marine Corps there's a civilian employee called a family readiness officer fro they do a lot of different things in support of the families of servicemembers but are most known for handing the family readiness plans which all Marines are required to have they're basically an official contingency plan in the event that they are deployed which are very important for families where both parents are military so the continued care and education of their children is laid out in advance it makes one less thing to worry about or plan last minute when orders to deploy come down I work on large cruise ships and we have a guy whose job title is lamp man surprisingly his job involves walking round and changing light bulbs and yes there is enough work to keep someone busy 365 days a year I like there are people in Tokyo Japan whose job it is to shove people inside trains during rush hour no one ever knows exactly what I do but once I explain how and what I do they understand it's generally pretty needed in my field I am a victim advocate for a County Prosecutor's Office in a field where victims and their rights are generally overlooked I advocate their rights and wishes in court cases and help seek an outcome they're comfortable with meter painting great paying summer job all I do is give natural gas meters a fresh coat of paint so the pipes don't rust cause sleek's extremely menial tasks but certainly important not an abnormal job but not a lot of people think about it I am a pediatric hospice nurse so like older people have hospice when they have terminal illnesses so do children like cancer brain injuries etc I help them reach the other side comfortably and then move on to the next patient the families need help sometimes afterwards so I'll stay a few days but then go to the next child everyone smiles when they ask what I do and start off with pediatric then when I get to the hospice part they try not to cry it is a mix of emotions and it never gets easier this will get buried but when I was fifteen or so I worked as an auxiliary bereavement worker at Duke hospital in NC every day for two summers I would go to the rooms of patients who had either recently died or were about to die and console their families all them if they were alone then I would follow up with bereavement letters and consolation contacts with the survivors every three and six months over two years I'd say I watched about 150 people die I recently learned that fire extinguishers fail at an alarming rate one of the many reasons they do this is because the powder and them settles to the bottom of the container and cakes under the pressure there exists a job where someone in a rotation goes around releases the pressure and removes powder from fire extinguishers fluffs the powder and places it back inside under pressure these people are called fluffers laughes yup there are people planted in studio audiences that are paid to laugh weird or funny sounding because it gets the audience laughing more laughter is contagious there are Heinz ketchup inspectors that go to restaurants and taste test the ketchup that's on the table of its in a Heinz bottle if it's not the right ketchup he tells the owners to remove the bottles I'm on staff at a local church as a multimedia director on top of my regular sound and lighting duties I also get to occasionally remove helium balloons that children have released into the rafters I keep a Red Rider BB gun in my office it's just powerful enough to pop the balloon without doing any damage to the ceiling definitely the best part of my job at bars in China and maybe elsewhere too they employ women to sit and flirt with patrons as if they are i.e the women simply patrons themselves the patrons pay full price for drinks for the women and the bartenders don't put in any alcohol source this is how my uncle met his wife now I have a half Chinese cousin last visit to Australia I bought a purse made of a tanned cane toad skin you could put money in its mouth its rear exit had been sewn up so nothing fell out the tent I told my kids if you don't pay attention in maths class you might end up being a cane toad our sole stature double-quote this tends to vary but I found that a lot of people don't actually know what a nurse's aid is or what we do in movies and on TV the work we do is so portrayed as just the nurses responsibility when in reality they tend to just do the more complicated stuff like hand out medications change dressings assessments etc all the grunt labor is done by the AIDS sleep professional sleeps so well they get paid to do so around 5k a month it's really nice never tired always refreshed and I can enjoy the weekend with my associates not to mention paid vacation heck I might as well be sleeping ha Pig insemination I had a guy apply for a temporary position with my company and that was his latest form of employment tbh he got a call back just because of that job and I had to ask him about it turned out to be a good guy hard-working country boy that worked out well I would have kept him if the work lasted longer I'm not sure if he went back to it after we let him go after the term of his employment cartographer most people don't even know what it is and the people who do know what it is do not think the profession still exists repairing and retreading tiles for commercial trucks it amazes me how many people think all the tires on big rigs just get thrown out those tires are stupid expensive and it is much cheaper to retreat and repair them then just buy new ones I work as a relay operator for the deaf deaf people using a TTY contact us and tells us what number to contact and then we read what they have to say to the person on the line and then type the reply from that person so the deaf person can read it on their TTY we transcribe and relay just about any kind of call professional personal or otherwise you know all of those papers you have to sign when you go to get alone I used to take every single paper and scan it to their imaging system name it assign it to your loan humor and then uploaded to an online intranet archive so that everyone working and the bank could see and use the digital copy rather than the paper downside was that most of the people in the bank didn't know how to use the computer properly so they came and asked me for the paper copy after checking to see that it had been uploaded my aunt used to be a hairdresser for dead people she was a regular hairdresser for a long time until she had to have spinal surgery and couldn't stand for any length of time the local funeral home hired her and she would be given a picture of the deceased by their family and would style their hair accordingly she loved the job and it paid well no tips though there are taste testers for everything that is in the grocery store yes for that and that mayonnaise yep pickled pig's feet yep hot sauce yep there are also professional smokers who queue a cigarette batches they can not only verify that it tastes right but also tell what is missing if something wrong you know that some shoes are laced and you know that usually the laced shoes on laced in a crisscross pattern and do you know these little plastic things at the end of shoelaces I forgot about the job turkey jerker no it's not making jerky out of Turkish no it's not shaking cages and being a jerk it's jerking off the male Turkish if you don't they get too aggressive and kill each other pays minimum wage and always lets you win an argument on al as the shittiest job zero stroke ten would not recommend edit yes they did provide gloves people call me for the simplest stuff stubbed your toe threw up once feeling sick for 10 minutes and want to see a medical person right now instead of just seeing if it pans out your car transferred paint with another car and you think going to the hospital is your golden ticket to living in a mansion anxiety acting up knee pain are 3:00 a.m. call me I'm the ubirr of the medical world every now and then I may actually get someone needs the emergency part of emergency medical service paramedic for major city 911 an old friend from high school she was two years older I believe plays music for struggling mental patients and a local hospital mental institute I forget the name of the job that there's a whole degree for this music therapy respiratory therapist we run ventilators draw and analyze blood gases give nebulized medication are in charge of airway and breathing during CPR transport intubated or non invasively ventilated patients neonatal resuscitation during c-section or meconium births home care including vents oxygen and medication we are also heavily involved in long-term acute care cleaning fasciotomies nasopharyngeal suction etc probably one of the busiest jobs in the hospital and no one knows we exist unless you've met us I used to be an engineer on packaging machinery we had one small machine in a company farm where it seal the open end of five tubes in one hit like toothpaste tubes in these tubes was pig semen used to us officially inseminate pigs I got talking to the owner and asked the logical question how did you get the semen out of the pig he introduced me to a chap whose sole job in life was to wonk the pigs whenever I think life's dealt me a crap hand I think about that blokes hand and realise just how lucky I am not to be him one of my jobs I still do part-time is working for various medical insurance companies handling accident work injuries all I do is drive to a doctor's office to make sure the person is actually showing up and following the recommended treatment plan I get paid at federal reimbursement per mile driven on top of my hourly rate and I just sit in doctors offices all day meeting with a doctor after someone's appointment then I send a quick email update off and that is it I make as much as I used to make as a full-time nurse for maybe about 10 hours a week which allows me to maintain a full-time job with a civil engineer firm doing municipal road inspections which is just as easy and also reimburses mileage at a higher rate my car makes about 30k a year alone just on miles I find both jobs a bit odd and incredibly pointless but the money is really good marriage inspector some people do sham marriages so that one of them can get quick citizenship to defeat this immigration customs officials have to verify that it's a real marriage because there are so many citizenship applications there are specialists that focus on just that part of the process those applying on the basis of marriage London still employs about a dozen people to light the last few remaining gas street lights I get paid to scrape the gum from the bottom of the seats and chairs at all the McDonald's in the Boston area when I get a 55-gallon drum full I sell it to the Habitat for Humanity I have no idea what they use it for and never asked friend of mine used to translate and sink subtitles for porn movies biggest problem is have to watch every day every type of porn every type at Walmart we have an entire division of secret police that shop the stores all day only looking for thieves druggies or any other potentially illegal activity third party proposition players it is illegal to gamble in California if the house is paying out wins or benefiting from the losers so card rooms bring in tea PPP which are companies that provide all the money to cover the action on the tables this company pays the house $1 20 or so per hand and they payout wins and collect all losses essentially you get paid to watch people play cards all day it's a sit down job but you need to be good with mental math for the payouts usually starts at $15 per hour medical laboratory scientist where the people that run the tests on your blood urine etc the great majority of people think that the doctors and nurses are the ones that do that requires a bachelor's degree and passing a certification exam that is comparable to a nurses RN exam and since no one knows we exist the field is dying the majority of people in the field will be retiring in the next ten years and there aren't enough younger people to take over unless you're from the Midwest you've probably never heard of dentists Ling farmers often want to make hybrids of certain breeds of corn or they want a certain breed that's more expensive than others so what they'll do is plant blocks of female corn in between rows of male corn corn is self pollinating so the tassels that contain the pollen need to be removed from the female plants so that the male plants can pollinate them it involves walking through the cornfield and pulling the tassels off of the plants before they are able to pollinate themselves so that the farmers can get the hybrid they want it is often the first job Midwest kids have and they can often start to 12 years old I did it for two years starting when I was 12 I make snow I work at a large ski resort and we create a base of snow on some of the more popular runs on the mountain and in some areas that would have worse conditions otherwise there are snow makers on the mountain 24 stroke 7 I work the grave so that's midnight to noon we use snow guns with hoses of pressurized air and water connected to actually make the snow we drive snowmobiles all over the mountain to check the quality of snow make sure we aren't burying the hoses all the snow gun itself make sure we aren't making too large of a pile and other piles aware we want them we usually end up having to dig out the water and air hydrants and the hoses and guns on a pretty regular basis if I'm being honest shoveling is probably about half of it takes a special kind of person to do this job up on an icy slope man-made snow is always a little icy in the middle of the night soaking wet if you're doing your job right you should be kind of soggy shoveling snow under the stars unless it's snowing then there's even more shoveling to do since we can tame the nature snow well we want it anyway if you need your driveway shoveled I'm getting to be a pretty good Shoveler I'm a crisis actor they bring me in for false Flags and stage shootings my family think I'm incredibly unlucky to keep getting caught up in violent incidents no matter how many times I tell them that it's all staged in the complete setup they never believe me still it pays the bills ghost production they produce music for straight-up cash sign a nondisclosure so they can't ever tell people they created the song and then the company or individual that bought the song can pretend they created it and release it themselves crediting themselves as the actual producer of the song very common in the EDM and trance world many of the bigger IDM DJ are suspected of doing this professional white guy in China businesses hire Westerners as fake board members employees to make their company look more international and important at meetings conferences and trade shows the funny thing is there aren't that many people who do this and they all know each other so many of these businesses are hiring fake white beus and ass people to impress other fake white Beus and ass people who all know about the scam I'm a recruiter for a huge logistics company i screen applicants run background checks and driving reports book travel arrangements to get the drivers to our training facility and make take calls from drivers and try to sell them on the position I just tell people I work in an office because any 9-5 at a desk and computer is gonna be the same regardless of what exactly you're doing [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: EtgUbVxUVy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 8sec (2168 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 23 2020
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