This will make painting leviathan space marines really easy!

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hello everyone how are we doing today welcome back to midweek Marines now this video took a little bit longer than I expected to come out but that's okay I'm trying to get it out before Leviathan comes out and that comes out in two days so wish me luck so I found a new technique recently and it was a technique that 52 Miniatures used on his channel I'll link the video that I got the idea from up above um but the basic idea was is that you basically undershadow I guess that's the right word um 52 minutes has got a oil wash unless you put it over a white miniature and then put yellow over the top to create the Imperial Fish color or yellow Space Marines now one of the main reasons I wanted to paint my own yellow is the fact that I've always wanted to paint an army yellow I'm currently working on some Orcs that are also yellow they just stand out very nicely on the table also for Leviathan I'm going with the Imperial face color scheme or some sort of [Music] some faction of that but what I wanted to do is I wanted to try that with stuff that I already had lying around so therefore I tried to use a grack surf shade instead and this video we'll see whether that works or not now another reason why I'm doing this technique as well is because it's very quick um and I need to paint the New Leviathan box very quickly so let's see how this technique gets on When painting so what we're going to do is we're going to start with this beautiful assault intercessor and it's primed in white scarf so next up I'm going to grab some Agra shade I'm going to pop this on my wet palette water it down a little bit and spread it all over the miniature this is what's going to create our under layer and a little bit of Shadow it's going to fill up the creases with a little bit of darkness and it's going to add a nice Brown tone to our yellow when we put that over the top so it should look a little bit like this I call these my coffee Marines they've got the Jitters they're not very good at shooting but with this it gives us a really good platform to put this yellow Imperial fist contrast over the top so it's completely up to you at this point whether you water it down or not if you do water it down you're going to get a lighter paler yellow and if you don't it's going to be a really really vibrant saturated yellow I have tried both techniques since filming this video and personally I like the more saturated look but it's totally up to your preference what you want to or do you want to water it down or not now look at this beautiful guy you can see where the aggresso shade has filled in those creases and where the yellow has just emphasized how dark those crevices are so now I'm going to paint these shoulder pauldrons in German gray I love this color it's like a charcoal black more than a gray to be fair maybe that's what gray means but it's great for painting over these shoulder pauldrons and it's not too dark as to dull the model down I'm going to hit the Aquila with some silver next this is really weird for me because I usually paint the aquilas in brass scorpion as I do with my other color scheme so this is the first time I've ever painted Aquila with silver so there's a fun fact for you I'm going to give this a really good coverage and I'm going to paint the little skull inside in Ivory now we're going to go back out again with the agrax Earth shade and I'm just going to cover this quiller in the middle and the skull with this just to give it a bit of definition and a little bit of emphasis now because this is a captain he's got to be a little bit extra he's got to stand out a little bit so we're going to paint his helmet in the Fist and red we're just going to give it a quick cover but I'm not going to paint the face mask I feel like that's quite a nice little area to stand out so I'm quickly going to block out the weapon in German gray the same color that I use for the shoulder pauldrons and the slinkies behind the Space Marines legs the reason why I'm doing this is so that when I cover it in silver I don't necessarily have to give it a full coat I can miss certain areas out maybe in the creases just to give it a bit more definition when I go over it with the shade later on and also it just allows the silver just to sit on there quite nicely honestly this is a quick and easy step I don't know whether this is really necessary but I like to put a bit of null oil over the white eyes I don't usually do the white eyes to be honest I normally use a contrast paint and I normally use yellow but I can't use the same contrast paint as I use for the armor so I'm just going to use white I'm going to put some non-oil in there and that's just going to add some definition and basically all borders around them I'm giving the Space Marine panderize okay I like it it's nice I then went on to add a really light silver over the Aquila for some reason don't know why I did this I think I covered it up later on so it's not really important and then I went on to paint the weapons in silver so I really wanted to try something new with this model so I wanted to try some panel lining so I used that around the toes and around different areas just to give it a little bit more definition because maybe I didn't put on enough at the start I'm not sure yet again I still have to experiment with this it's still a work in progress and that's okay but I did some panel lining and basically bowled it out each line each crack each crevice while we're here and we're watching me panel and all of this I just want to say thank you for watching guys and thank you for the Love on the last two videos that I did if you do like what I'm doing here make sure you subscribe and make sure you put the notification Bell on so you can see where I can post if you want a little bit more of a personal connection with me make sure you follow me on Instagram I'll put links down below and my message is always open for you guys to message me show me what you're working on show me if you've tried any techniques that I've showed you I will always love to see it but again thank you guys let's crack on with this paint Scheme next we're going to grab some flash gets yellow and we're really going to emphasize the sharp edges of this spaceman's body we're gonna give it a nice bright Edge to the knees the jet pack then I know right look I don't know anything about law is that a jet pack or is that a ventilation system or is that somewhere cooling them down I don't know but we're going to paint it we're going to panel line it okay that's what we're going to do and we're gonna just make it nice and vibrant okay so we're so very close to having this model finished the last thing we've got to do is base it and we're going to throw some of this ground texture on by green stuff world it's like an ash asphalt asphalt whatever uh we're gonna slap that on the bottom because it's a really good base for the pigment powders later on now as you can see I'm an absolute idiot and got some of this on the shoulder pad and because it's textured it's just going to show up so I tried scraping it off and again because I'm an idiot I scrape the paint off as well so now I've decided I'm going to try my first ever freehand so let's see how that goes so my idea is is that I'm going to paint the shoulder pad white and then I'm going to put a black freehand over the top and I do really like the look of the arrows I don't actually know what it means lore wise I just like that I think they're cool so I'm going to paint an arrow on the shoulder pad and you know what just enjoy this journey because um I struggled a lot I had to repaint over it and repaint it again but what do you see in the Final Shots I think the final version is pretty good and you know what even if it's not perfect I free handed it and I can say I've successfully freehanded something so you know what I'm happy with that and I don't really care what anyone else thinks and that's the way that you should be now one of my pet peeves is when you see a model that just doesn't merge with a bass and I feel like the easiest way to do this is pigment powders now because my sort of story behind these guys they live on a desert Planet I'm going to use deserty colors and I'm basically just going to Chuck these everywhere I can but mainly obviously on the base and on the legs as well because I want to show that they've been walking through this desert landscape for quite a while so you'll see I will basically plaster it over the legs and I think you know what it gives a really good ombre tone to the legs and it really makes the Space Marine fit in with its base now last but not least we're in that base I mean um paint the base black I use the gray German gray color I use for everything else so there we go it's done um I'm very very happy with this I actually the freehanding is the more I look at it I like it a lot more um I do like the heavy pigment on the sort of ankles I like that look when I see it on other people's models so I really wanted to go for that and I like the Simplicity I can churn out you know quite a few of these models quite quickly I mean only last night I painted a good how many four Marines in probably about three hours which you know probably taking my time a little bit but again they don't look too bad so it's definitely a color scheme that I can keep going very easily now there are definitely some benefits to doing this it allows you to sort of look at the color wheel and start pick what colors you think are going to go well together really like this method it's very quick and it gives I mean with Space Marines it's a lot easier because their armor is all the same color but it really just does give that quick easy technique and especially when you've got to get some models out because you're doing a crusade now this is my first crusade I'm doing so I'm very excited about that um but I think all in all a very good job now if you want to use this technique yourself go for it if you want to ask me any questions go over to my Instagram I will message you on there um and make sure you subscribe for more really simple easy tips to paint models very very quickly I will expand that I don't just do Space Marine I can do other stuff and I will expand on to that I just haven't yet bear with me but if you enjoyed this video make sure you like And subscribe and put the notification Bell on and then you should always see my video
Channel: Midweek Marines
Views: 4,753
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Id: tHxp_4V7nc8
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Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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