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[Music] for the glory of the imperium [Music] the doom of my mother the following events take place on the planet vitalis iii batalis free was discovered in the latter years of the ornill crusade as the crusade fleet returned victorious from the wars against renegade worlds in the saint altus constellation whilst performing a long-range scan of the system an explorator team from the crusade vessel the divine unification discovered an ancient alien craft until xeno survey teams could be dispatched to investigate the battalis system was deemed off limits to all other imperial vessels by inquisitorial sanction and an area extending thousands of kilometers out from the system was seeded with mines confirmed to be of eldar origin by the ordezino survey team sent to investigate the craft was recovered from the planet for further analysis whilst the battalis system was meticulously scoured by hundreds of thousands of servitors decades passed as the servitors performed their scans but no further eldar presence could be found concluding that the craft had been abandoned and its crew had left by other means the urazino's contingent departed leaving the ice blue batalis star to once more drift alone in the depths of space so it would have remained had not others of the imperium's great institutions cast their gaze upon it in their never-ending quest for resources although uninhabitable for the most part the system was deemed to be rich in ore and other materials rare elements from the stellar matter of its pale blue sun heavy metals from the inner planets and gas and ore from the outer worlds the majority of the system was too toxic to support life but the two outermost planets battalis free and battalis 6 were classified fit for human habitation vitalis 6 was designated an industrial world and over the span of a century its surface was completely covered both land and ocean with thousands of forges refineries and manufacturing its location at the edge of the system saw it also become a staging area for troops being transported to and from the numerous war zones in the sub-sector and beyond the colonisation of batalis free took less than four decades to complete 57 million imperial citizens were shipped on mass from an overcrowded hive world its name and location now lost in the continent spanning halls of sector records that exist within the imperium's vast bureaucratic divisions as the colonists arrived they looked on in wonder and as their transports soared over hundreds of kilometers of unpopulated landscape an environment the antithesis of the human infested hive complexes they had left behind but any who dared to venture out onto batalla's free surface soon succumbed to its treacherous sub-zero conditions were driven mad by agrophobia the wide open vistas an asthma to the cramped confines hundreds of generations of their families had evolved in the workers also soon discovered that the so-called brave new lives they had been promised came at a hefty price one they would have to repay first through generations of servitude toiling away in the many mines already being dug deep into the rock of the planet or in the near suffocating heat and fumes of recently built massive smelting plants some 12 generations later their descendants are still restricted to the planet by administrative mandate until their forefathers massive debt has been paid off the only legitimate means of escape from this familial toll being to sign up to one of the imperial guard regiments that formed the world's departmento munitorum human tithe but this everyday suffering in the lives of the people of batallus 3 would only get worse with the arrival of the war hosts of the eldar the imperial forces defending battalis free battalis free had its own planetary defense force as well as local militias they were reinforced significantly by the four following contingents dispatched from the wider imperium to aid them in their struggle the canadian sixth armored regiment following the defeat at the end of the horus heresy over 10 millennia ago the human forces that had thrown in their lot with the gods of chaos retreated north west into the region of the galaxy known as the eye of terror within the swirling maelstrom where the boundaries between real space and warp space are at their weakest there now exist some of the worst horrors known to mankind marauding bands of bloodthirsty renegades the treacherous chaos space marine legions and demons so terrifying they are beyond the comprehension of all sane men scores of populated planets surrounding the eye of terror succumb to their predations each year but there are those who have stood strong and weathered this foul tempest one such world is cadia situated within the northern corridor of space called the canadian gate one of the few known stable routes in and out of the eye of terror moore used to be cadier was by sheer necessity a fortress world over the centuries the greatest military architects of the imperium including representatives from both the adeptus mechanicus and the adeptus astartes have turned their strategically vital planets cities into heavily fortified bulwarks this alone though does not guarantee the safety of those who live there under the constant threat of attack from the forces loyal to the ruinous powers and so its citizens were constantly trained for war reputed to be as bleak and merciless as their homeworld was the men and women of kedia were taught the skills essential to their survival from a young age this brutal training regime created an abundant source of highly disciplined and battle-ready guardsmen for the imperium who regularly still see action in some of the harshest war zones throughout the galaxy cadia has generated many regiments of renown for its long history and with a reputation well proven time and again in the heat of battle the acadian's sixth armored regiment has been instrumental in defeating the might of many enemy forces amongst its ranks can be counted some of the finest examples of tanks super-heavy vehicles and heavy artillery its home world could manufacture but there should be nothing less than the best for a world that stood guard upon such a dangerous region of space the kady and sixth guardsmen are trained on worlds close to the canadian system these have previously been reduced to nothing more than devastated wastelands by the forces of chaos one back after decades of bloodshed acadia's armies tirelessly train under live fire amongst their blasted cities and vast shell cratered wastelands there they will perform maneuvers and training exercise for days on end until their commanders are satisfied that they have perfected the tactics and strategies necessary for survival on the true fields of battle the results of this baptism of fire are such that by the time they have finished their initial training kd and tank crews are usually the equivalent of many veteran tank crews from regiments elsewhere in the imperium notable campaigns shan's world 483 m41 with a history dating back hundreds of years the canadian sixth armored regiment has a distinguished military record during the latter years of the redemption crusades which were fought against the renegade worlds of the telos six system its tanks and heavy artillery flattened five of the enemy's twelve bastion cities on shan's world a major staging point for the enemy's forces to achieve this they first had to break through squadrons of lehman rus basilisks and chimera which the renegades had captured from the planet's manufacturing and storage depots that now prowled the kilometers of wasteland surrounding the cities storming forward and under heavy barrage the canadian sixth forced their way through before encircling the enemy and hunting down those who had survived their first assault before they could recover the tally of kills attributed to the canadian sith was a testimony to their battle skills and they were credited with destroying over 30 enemy tanks for each one of theirs which was damaged preato sigma 810 m41 the regiment was also cited for achieving the highest kill ratio during the war for praetor sigma where it decimated thousands of creatures from an advancing tyranid horde now recognized as a scouting tendril of high fleet kraken the devastation the guns of the canadian sixth wrought provided assault squads from the blood angels chapter time to move in to destroy the tyranid hive tyrant that had been orchestrating the xenos attack on the now devastated world with their connection to the hive mind severed the remaining tyranids on the planet simultaneously lashed out with such ferocity that over three quarters of the ktm6 armor was overwhelmed within minutes this bitter victory is remembered by those who now fight under the banners of the kdm vi each decade a single volley discharge from each tank battle and lasgun in the regiment in salute of every company destroyed on that fateful day why ugblitz 892 m41 prior to the battalis free incursion those currently fighting under the banner of the acadian sith were deployed as part of the army group center defeat nagrud ugblitz an orc guff warlord uzwar had overrun a vast part of the saris sector in the north of the segmentum pacificus the acadian sixth played a major role in the defeat of the orc warlord and during the final battle of the conflict its tank crews formed the spear tip that broke through ogblitz's front lines on the devastated agriworld of sarah seven by the end of the battle the regiment had accounted for the destruction of close to one hundred thousand orc tanks and artillery pieces and it almost completely leveled the capital city that the orc warlord had occupied battalis 3 894 m41 the victory against the orcs was not an easy one for the acadian sixth and it was again reduced to less than half of its original strength while new conscripts tanks and other materials were on route from the canadian system the remnants of the acadian's sixth were redeployed to the talus system there the canadians were due to undergo hostile environment training on batallas free prior to the regiment's redeployment to the wars being fought against tendrils of the as then unnamed tyranid high fleet on the ice worlds of pantara system close to the edge of imperium space even severely under strength the canadian sixth proved once again their great reputation in the unexpected attack on the ice world by the joint forces of the mymara and aletak eldar craft worlds without their armored might one more world would have undoubtedly been lost to the emperor's light combining his depleted forces with those in system the commander of the regiment general main doris oden created an army with which to combat the xenos threat the men of the canadian sith proved once again their well-deserved reputation when they were faced with squadrons of skimmers and flyers from both the maimare craft world and their corsair allies forming the bulk of company vengeance the acadian 6th armoured fought a furious battle upon the alaysian plains led as ever by their commander general odden the cadian sixth soon found themselves outnumbered and outgunned as eldar pilots set upon them in near-constant waves of attack ever adaptable the canadians knew that the only way to survive and perhaps to stand a fair chance of defeating the elder was to break from the tactics they had recently used against the orcs and fight a more fluid battle a game of cat and mouse soon ensued with tank crews risking their lives by exposing their own vehicles as bait then they would if they survive long enough slip into what might have appeared to the elder to be a swirling disorganized mass of lehman russ and chimeras it was nothing of the sort instead the canadians were performing in mass highly coordinated maneuvers a much more refined version of what had been drilled into them during basic training years before as the eldar pilots unwittingly flew over the chaotic morass the officers of the imperium squadrons had already plotted which of their big guns would be in position to fire upon them this tactic was by no means perfect and many of the canadian sith crews did not survive however their efforts did prevent the swift wholesale slaughter of company vengeance that its men had feared when they learned the scale of what they were facing it also forced the elder to treat their enemy with a weary respect and change to a much more considered and precise attack pattern that slowed the rate of attrition enabling the canadians to hold out until reinforcements arrived general mine doris oden commander of the 6th canadian armoured regiment a product of the unceasing military machine of cadia mindoris odin demonstrated early on in his career an exemplary skill for tactical doctrine and command that far surpassed that of his fellow conscripts by the age of 16 his squad leadership abilities had impressed his superiors to such an extent that he was given command of a white shield platoon holding the rank of junior lieutenant an outstanding achievement even by canadian standards modon's reputation as a promising young officer was sealed during a tour of the defenses along the canadian gate where his platoon saw action many times against marauding chaos pirates and orc warbands that's part of the canadian 304th regiment garrisoned there he personally led the young guardsmen of his platoon into the heat of battle each time spurring them on to meet their foe with equal ferocity but tempering their youthful exuberance with level-headed devastating effect following his successful tour of duty and in recognition of his achievements junior lieutenant oden was reassigned to one of cadia's renowned officer training course where he was eventually to specialize in the tactical doctrines and strategies of armored warfare unlike many other imperial guard regiments where officer training is academy-based kds officers are trained on the front lines the notion of shutting its young military talent away in the stuffy halls of academia for years on end seen as a total waste of time in a region where war is always on the horizon for his actions whilst leading an armored fist company in vicious street fighting against human rebels on arn's world odin was field promoted to colonel and posted to the headquarters staff of the acadian's sixth armored regiment eventually rising to the rank of general over the course of his long career odin has been wounded in action five times and ultimately received the makarian cross for his actions on arne's world he has only ever been seriously wounded once during the regiment's involvement in the war against the all chords of warlord uggblitz on sarah 7. his injuries were inflicted as the general's command tank breached one of the final orc barricades that surrounded the besieged city and was overwhelmed by the orc warlord's personal bodyguard bloodthirsty beyond sense even for a race as warlike as the orcs the hundred strong mob of orc commandos launched themselves upon the general's battle tank at such close range its guns proved useless and had it not been for the quick actions of the crew of a nearby bain wolf then he might not have survived even then the cloud of acidic poisonous gas it spewed into the ferocious orc mob found its way into the general's lehman russ through the damage the orc mob had caused to it inflicting horrific burns upon the revered tank commander and the other guardsmen within when the awkward was finally contained the canadian six is heavy losses so it's withdrawn from the front line to rearm train and await fresh recruits into their heavily depleted ranks whilst the new conscripts were on route from cadia the canadian six was placed in strategic reserve in order to garrison the frigid world of batallus free but it would also undergo an intense course of arctic environment training it was during this posting that the eldar attacked and lacking experience combat-ready forces general oden used his new powers as console militant of the system to swiftly induct additional forces to fight alongside the acadian sixth building it up into an army capable of meeting the unprovoked eldar invasion as the war for battalis free progressed the general personally led his battle group into the fray against near overwhelming odds that he was able to command such a force with what must have been still near debilitating injuries is a testament both to the veteran commander and also to the blood stock of cadia the successful defense of the ice world was destined to be the general's final victory after the batallus free incursion the acadian 6th armored regiment was sent once again to fight against the tyranids and this time on the fringes of the segmentum pacificus general odin was killed when his command vehicle was thrown into the air by a morlock that had erupted from the ground below it causing the vehicle to roll and the ammunition stored inside to detonate the general's remains were later recovered and carried from the battlefield with full military honours they have since been interred within a chapel upon the cardinal world of armastern seven in addition to chimeras lehman russ and bain blades the ktm vi also had access to the following armored vehicles the malcador in furnace the malkadorian furnace has now largely been replaced by the faster and more reliable hellhound and frontline imperial guard regiments a few aging machines survive mothballed as sector war reserves but it is now an armoured vehicle firmly relegated to second line duties and it is not uncommon to find the ageing malcadors in the arsenals of garrison auxiliary units or planetary defense forces in effect the malkadorian furnace is simply a huge flamethrower on tracks to supply its massive inferno gun with fuel it throws behind it a large fuel trailer within this promethium is stored in multiple parts pumped independently and mixed together in a chamber just behind the barrel to create a chemical jelly which after being compressed jets out in a flaming mass that sticks to any surface the massive gout of flames launched from the mauka door's inferno gun is also effective at clearing minefields the sudden heat detonating mine fuses on contact as well as its main weapon the vehicle also has two sponson mountings for additional heavy weapons a highly flammable vat of chemicals is a dangerous cargo to bring upon any battlefield an enemy fire has on occasions caused the entire load to detonate in a spectacular fireball that incinerates the malcador and its crew postings to serve as malcadorin furnace crew are therefore never well received by guardsmen some unscrupulous commanders have refilled the malcador's fuel tanks with corrosive toxins and acidic gases turning it into a fearsome chemical gas dispenser deployed when the complete eradication of the enemy is ordered the infamous death core of krieg siege regiments have been responsible for such genocidal operations on many occasions its age means the tank often suffers from mechanical failures a lack of spare parts sometimes make these fatal failures spare parts are always at a premium for units equipped with malcadores with only a few forge worlds now able to supply them as with all malkador variants it suffers from an underpowered engine which whilst functional means the tank struggles especially on steeper gradients and can quickly overheat although it lacks the usual smoke launchers one additional feature of the malcador is that it can quickly generate smoke by injecting fuel onto its hot engine which then burns and creates a billowing acrylic cloud bank through the engine deck as an impromptu smoke screen on batallus 3 a company of malkador in furnace were found in the inventory of its planetary defense force with the big flamers being used primarily to quickly de-ice important roads airfields and landing grounds they were only kept in service as engineering vehicles no longer considered fit for frontline service when general odin began to reorganize the 6th canadian armoured regiment he inducted the squadron into his order of battle and placed them in the engineering brigade these troops were then divided amongst the regiment's free battle groups with just two or three vehicles available to each commander those of battle group empter were lost in its destruction at the almatic facility those of battle group odin formed part of his armored reserve due to their lack of speed and were finally committed to the war effort on the alaskan plains when the general ordered company vengeance's last counter-attack none survived the fighting the vehicles of battlegroup vlad did not see action during the war prayer tour armored assault launcher based upon a whole variant design of the crassus armored assault transport the prayer tour is named for the sophisticated multiple heavy launcher system it mounts in place of the crassus's generous transport capacity the praetor launcher is a sophisticated weapon that far predates the introduction of the crassus itself and it is thought to have last seen widespread service on the land leviathans of the tallerite rebellion forces which goes their own pocket empire during the dark years of the nova terra interregnum the stc template for the weapon along with several others of note was thought last until relatively recently when the tech priests of the re-consecrated forge world of zeo arcade on earth the data in the depths of that once nightmare haunted realm this has ultimately led with the dissemination of the powerful crassus chassis to the introduction of a new mobile prayer to a weapons platform by zeo arcades manufacturer which has spread relatively swiftly through the frontline regiments throughout the segmentum tempestus and beyond while their prayer towards relative sophistication and material cost means it will unlikely supplant more common imperial designs its durability and versatility have already found it a treasured place in the arsenal of the units facing the harshest enemy powers ranged against them due to its low number in the region the praetor saw limited action during the incursion of batallus free by the forces of the maimeron and alatar craft worlds its crews distinguished themselves however during the battle of almitak their prayer tool launches being equipped with missiles carrying both foe hammer and firestorm warheads these accounted for the majority of confirmed kills amongst the corsairs who attacked battle group eptida at the bregon glacier receiving little damage in return until all were destroyed in the detonation of the facility praetors assigned to company vengeance were mainly crewed by veteran canadian sixth armored regiment guardsmen during the battles fought on the alaysian plains these were used in a long range defense capacity providing cover from incoming corsair vessels crassus armoured assault transport this immense armored carrier is named after one of lord solar macarius's greatest generals borgen crassus who remains steadfastly loyal to the imperium throughout the grim and bloody makarian heresy that followed the lord solar's death its provenance may be considerably older and stranger than commonly guessed however and some factions within the division militarist believe it is a reclaimed design originating within the re-conquered forge world of zeo acade and for that reason suspect regardless of this the crisis has become widespread in use by the imperial guard and adeptus mechanicus armoured units of the southern and western segmentum tempestas and with production of the design being taken up in the last several centuries by the major forge world of lucius it is now being used extensively to resupply units close to the eye of terror to replace ongoing losses in that steadily worsening war zone there as elsewhere it has achieved considerable fame for its durability and power leading it to develop an almost talismanic reputation for some siege assault units to the disquiet of some within the commissariat and departmento munitorum its weapons are used in a primarily defensive capacity for troop deployment but it can also be retrofitted with a hunter killer missile this one shot option is most often used against enemy tanks it is very effective although best deployed and mass with that of other crassus to maximize its effect on battalis free the crassus army assault transport was crucial in deploying guardsmen to the various war zones across the planet's frozen wastes capable of holding up to 35 guardsmen or two cyclops demolition vehicles it played a crucial role in the battle of al nitak enabling colonel emptida to reach the facility before the elder and also ultimately enabling him to destroy the facility there to prevent it from falling into enemy hands the elysian drop troops the elysian drop troop regiments originate from a system located approximately 30 light years from the hive world of armageddon in the northwest of the segmentum solar their planetary system and the surrounding region of space are relatively new in galactic terms and within them lie vast regions of swirling debris and asteroid fields still left over from their formation these make for excellent ambush sites for the marauding orc warbands and pirates that plagued that part of the sector particularly as the system is on a major imperial trade route regiments drawn from malaysia are therefore well trained for ship to ship boarding actions and also deployment via low flying drop ships enabling them to land far behind enemy lines without being detected some of the most renowned operations performed by the elysian drop troop forces include the scopus incident in 873 m38 when two companies from the 22nd elysian drop troop regiment saw action against enemy forces of unknown xenos construction and the first drop troop regiment deployment to the eye of terror during the battalis free incursion an elysian drop troop strike force was redeployed to the planet whilst on route to the iran system the allegiance had been part of the legio graffanicus convoy that had diverted to batallus iii after general odin petitioned the war griffin's home world for aid unable to proceed to the yaran system without the convoy's support the allegiance had no option but to become part of the defense force for the ice world this though did not come without certain conditions from the elysian command who voiced strong concern about general odden's ability as an armored company commander to use such a specialized infantry resource the strike force was only to be deployed when absolutely essential to the success of the war otherwise it was to be held in reserve the strikeforce under captain isata was duly held in reserve at port raya for most of the war only performing occasional scouting patrols in its nearby vicinity it was finally scrambled on the orders of inquisitor lord dansk when the breakaway force from the mimirra craft world circumvented company vengeance and headed for arrester 6 mining facility the rapid deployment of the elysians aboard their valkyries enabled them to get into position on the surrounding hillsides before the eldar could land their troops there thus denying the mymarin guardian squads the advantage of attacking from higher ground during their assault although they differ in their method of deployment from the more common rank-and-file imperial guard squads more likely to drop deep into enemy territory using grav shoots from high altitude or via attack craft than marching straight up to the front line some organizational aspects of the elysian drop troop squads remain firmly based upon the tenets of the tactical imperialis their regiments still utilize the standard squad composition of a sergeant leading nine guardsmen interspersed with additional specialists trained in the use of assault weapons vox equipment and demolitions all drop troopers will also be armed with laz guns ak tran patton mark vi supplied with five power cells frequently the deployment of allegiant drop troops is preceded by a prolonged orbital ground-based artillery bombardment hitting deep behind enemy lines although this can reduce the threat the allegiance will face upon landing they still have to overcome the effects of the bombardment by their own forces the region they land in will almost certainly now be treacherously cratered and covered with a thick bank of choking smoke or toxic chemical smog elysian guardsmen are therefore meticulous sometimes to the point of obsession in regards to the condition of their pressure suits as the slightest tear or snag will be exacerbated tenfold as the air whips past their bodies during the descent the lesion drop troops are generally issued with type 5 pressure helmets which incorporate both pressure equalizing air protectors to prevent the guardsman's eardrums rupturing during high altitude grab drops and also data display screens within their visors these vid screens are particularly essential for relaying data during a descent keeping the sergeant apprised of the location of his men as they land and providing up-to-date intelligence regarding enemy troop disposition within the vicinity and also any alterations to their original orders if feasible the squad may be dropped into action via valkyrie assault carriers with their heavy equipment under slung below the valkyrie sky talons each sky talon is capable of carrying one taurus or two drop sentinels which can be dropped from very low altitude whilst the heavily armed sky talon clears the drop zone with its nose mounted heavy bolter and hell strike missiles the sky talon can also drop large equipment pods which contain the squad's heavier weapons or long-range ground scanners to provide targeting data should the craft be called upon to provide support to ground troops able to move fast and traverse many different types of terrain the elysian drop troopers use the taurus rapid assault vehicle and drop sentinel in preference to the heavy tanks commonly favored by other regiments both can readily fulfill a scouting role and also meant flamers grenade launchers and heavy lars weapons to act in a support capacity for infantry the legion drop troopers have to carry most if not all of their equipment into battle with them all of it by necessity therefore has to be lightweight and extremely portable as the guardsmen may not be resupplied for many days or weeks depending on how far their mission is behind enemy lines weapons are likely to be specially designed for the squads or highly modified by the guardsmen themselves with superfluous components being removed to reduce the gun's weight ammunition is split between the squad members to maximise capacity particularly grenades and power packs for some of the more specialized weapons the legion drop troopers will be issued with bull pup last guns and close combat weapons with sergeants also receiving last pistols both will have been heavily modified from the standard pattern for their type and can be used with the same power pack enabling the drop troopers to maximize the resources provided by their fallen comrades the war griffins born of a time when the first temples to the omnis sire were raised upon mars the titan legions of the adeptus mechanicus are the personification of the military might of the imperium bristling with macro cannons and missile launchers capable of wreaking terrible destruction upon an enemy they dominate battlefields and are a testimony to the consummate skill of the tech priests of the cult mechanicus they range in size from the warhound titans used predominantly in a scouting role up to the colossal city high emperor class imperator titan all are constructed upon a skeleton of adamantium and armor plus and protected by massive void generator shields and there is little that can truly damage them say for one of their own kind each titan's weapons and other vital systems are controlled by a crew zealously dedicated to their war lege the highest ranked amongst them being the titans princeps once a man like any other through the addition of cerebral augmentation he is both physically and mentally connected with the titan by its mind impulse unit once joined he feels all that it feels sees all that it sees and with a mere thought can unleash its devastating armament against those who would dare oppose it like so many who were caught up in the civil war now known as the horus heresy which nearly destroyed the imperium of mankind over 10 millennia ago the titan legions were split into those who remain loyal to the emperor and those who sided with horus amongst those that remain loyal was the great titan legion of the legio griffonicus this noble house whose motto is war of the just has seen action in many battles against traitor legion since then and been instrumental in halting the black crusades of the chaos warlord abaddon the despoiler that threaten all too often to pull forth from the eye of terror known also as the war griffins the homeworld of the legiographonicus had not yet suffered the devastation wrought upon it by the tyranids of high fleet leviathan by the time of the battalis free incursion and it was able to provide eight battle titans in total to the war effort most ancient amongst these was the invictus nova a river battle titan that had been constructed just after the legion's creation millennia before over its centuries-long existence the nova has seen action against many of the zenos races infesting the galaxy but it was its previous experience fighting against eldar revenant titans that was crucial to the imperial titan's successful defense during the battle for vitalis free the vital intelligence stored within the novus systems enabled its princeps to quickly locate vulnerable points within the similarly designed eldar phantom titans hollow fields and although none of the eldar phantoms were destroyed outright the titans of the legiographonicus inflicted enough damage upon both to cause them to retreat had this not been the case then the war for batallus 3 may have had a very different outcome bran redmore's great company amongst the space walls or the vilka fenrika there is one group that seems to live under a shadow that of bran redmore's great company it is renowned for its savagery in battle and the inquisition has within its records pertaining to loyal adapter society's deviation accounts of terrifying feral creatures shadowing the deployment of the great company those though have yet to be proved and the space wolves chapter ignores all demands to account for these allegations the great company's wolf lord bran redmore also does little to dispel these rumors and that he has so recently begun to take to the battlefield alone rather than leading his battle brothers only serves to court the growing attention the inquisition and the ecclesia are paying upon the great company no one has yet dared to question their loyalty to the imperium and its proven record combating mankind's enemies has forced the inquisition to so far state's hand selected battle honours the massacre of krasendar 801 to 849 m41 between its deployment at mantus and the betalas free incursion there is little mention of bran redmore's great company in imperial records buried deep within the inquisition's archives for the western segment and pacifica sector there is one file which has been classified as accessible only by the highest echelons of that order it has only ever been accessed by one person and his location is currently listed as missing the file is heavily restricted because it has a full account of the fifty-year war fought against the corn eight chaos demon krasandar which manifested within one of the few heavily populated imperial systems on the border between the halo stars and the west of the segmentum pacificus as it emerged into real space on the fourth planet the demon's thunderous war cry was heard by all on the world driven beyond sense by its insidious war chant the entire population rose up and began to wage war on neighbouring populated planets in response a massive imperial guard army was raised to defeat the demon and its followers no record exists of any of the billions of guardsmen who were raised returning from the region during or after the war and all files pertaining to the system have since been expunged from the departmental munitorium facilities the demon was cast successfully back into the warp by the combined forces of the inquisition and the grey knights chapter it is at this point that bran red bull's great company is believed to have played its part in the war although it is not mentioned by name the account of the battle against the chaos turned human hordes whilst the grey knights fought the demon bears what appears to be the mark of the wolf lord an attempt to forcibly remove this mark has clearly been made at some point as it is now barely recognizable that the description of the battle is near identical to one described in a 300 verse saga written by the great company's rune priests in the years immediately following the war has not yet come to the attention of the inquisition the relief of mantus 766 m41 deep in the gothic sector the binary worlds of allegia and mantus orbited each other peacefully for thousands of years loyally manufacturing laz guns for use in the imperium's many wars in the sector that piece was shattered though when the world's system was invaded by the massive orkwa led by ugnubz manstompa from the orc blood axes clan both planets maintained a strong planetary defense force and were also well into the process of training regiments as part of their departmental munitor and tithe regardless mantis's planetary governor still sent out a request for reinforcements as soon as the wise hulks appeared in the system three weeks later his aid blasted its way into the system in the form of bran redmore's great company the less protected world of elijah had already been overwhelmed by the orcs but pockets of resistance still fought on mantis tearing through its atmosphere in schools of drop pods the great company landed close to where fighting was fiercest north of the planet's main spaceport close to where over 15 000 imperial guardsmen were mounting a last ditch defense as the guardsmen prepared for he had another charge by the awkward upon their battered lines a great roar rose up from the west having worked their way around the horde's flank from their drop zone the space wolves of bran redmore's great company began to cut a bloody swathe through the horde with little more than chainsaws and bolters and according to unsubstantiated eyewitness accounts also their teeth and bare hands the unexpected assault rippled through the orc masses causing tremendous confusion as the green skins were torn between attacking their original enemy and turning to face this new foe whilst they hesitated the squads from bran redmore's great company tore their way through the horde it took 14 hours for the space wolves to fight their way to the besieged guardsmen that day the number of orc dead numbering in the tens of thousands by the time bran redmore pulled his bloody chainsaw out of the body of the last orc he had killed with its warlords slain by the wolf lord the impetus of the awkward waned imperial guard reinforcements were then shipped into the region in a massive cleanup operation to prevent awk survivors of the war establishing themselves within the system the imperium had learned a bitter lesson many times over that once agua had been defeated those who live may be fighting the remnants of it for many years after wolf lord bran redmore cursed lord wolven king the bloodied hunter bran redmore is a wolf lord the chieftain of a great company of up to 200 space wolf warriors one of the twelve wolf lords that lead the space wolves chapter under the great wolf logan grimner the character of each great company's commander to a greater or lesser extent influences its warriors and bran redmore's company is renowned for being a savage pack of cunning and ruthless killers this is because more than any other of the great companies the stain of the space wolves greatest secret lies heavily upon them that of the curse of the woven for this reason bran's great company is looked upon with some suspicion by the other 11 wolf lords they all respect the company's fighting prowess but those that serve under the banner of the bloodied hunter are regarded as tainted and draw the eyes of those of the imperium outside the space wolf chapter more than they wish more space wolves bearing the curse of the wolverine serve alongside bran red more than any other wolf lord amongst the upper echelons of the space wolves there is an unspoken truth as to the reason why for bran has risen to become a lord despite being afflicted himself after the death of lord andrew mahina during the mordrack campaign bran redmore was promoted by lord andre himnes retinue to replace him as leader of his great company as is the space wolf chapters tradition regarding the rights of succession it was not a popular decision in private other space wolf commanders stepped forth to voice their concerns especially the venerable wolf priest ulrich the slayer was bran to be trusted in such a position of power would he allow his darker feral nature to take control of his mind and soul the great wolf logan grimner quashed all complaints for he could see that bran was an extraordinary warrior and through sheer force of will had subdued the beast within in this matter logan grimner had looked to the advice of his eldest counselor bjorn the fell handed only the ancient dreadnought was old enough to recall that bran would not be the first to reach such high office with the curse upon him although he fully supports bran's promotion to wolflord logan grimner is not without caution and has ordered ulrich the slayer and his wolf priests to keep a close watch over bran and his company so that they do not stray too far and risk becoming another lost great company the current great wolf will not risk repeating the mistakes of the past even on the battlefield or perhaps especially upon the battlefield bran knowing the beast that lurks within him avoids the close company of his warriors having issued his orders before deployment he now prefers to hunt alone we're in the company of a pack of fenrissian wolves and leaves his trusted wolf guard battle leaders in direct tactical control should the curse of the wolverine take him then bran is transformed into a huge ravenous wolf beast fully 12 feet tall powerful fast and with claws that can rend plastil and fangs like adamantium daggers consumed by a frenzied bloodlust the redmore tears its foes apart in an orgy of blood but despite its beastial appearance the redmore is no mindless killer the beast still retains a hunter's cunning using stealth and patience to get close to its prey before pouncing upon them in a sudden explosion of gory violence these are also the tactics of the hunt that bran instills into his warriors to be patient and await the chance to strike for his great company there are no headlong rushes to battle or proud boasting of their strength and battle prowess instead they plan carefully maneuver and make tactical strikes to weaken the foe before the sudden final assault often from many directions but always with overwhelming and pitiless savagery tearing an enemy force to shreds in battle bran is equipped as befits a mighty wolf lord he wears rune armor decorated with wolf totems and an ornate belt of rust for a weapon he bears the frost's blade langvast a master forged relic of the chapter gifted to him by logan grimner upon his promotion to the rank of wolflord the forces of the eldar war host craftworld my mirror the lost behind the veil the cursed those upon whom the elder have waged war and survived will have witnessed but a small measure of the intense racial psyche that led them to leave their original homeworld many hundreds if not thousands of millennia ago to conquer the stars they are a people who have been compelled throughout their evolution by the desire to experience the absolutes in all they do whether it is creating weapons so technologically advanced that they tear apart the bounds of reality or in the reshaping of airless planets into richly opulent paradise worlds this drive to achieve all that they can is both a blessing and a curse for it once almost destroyed their race completely before their race was torn apart a small few among the eldar had the foresight or more importantly the desire to question where their ambitions would eventually lead them but ultimately all experiences have a limit and those eldar who acknowledge this could see that for their people their ways could only end in disaster amongst the wise few the eldar of maimira as their system was located on the extreme limits of the eldar empire the corrupting influence of the many pleasure cults that had so far infiltrated other eldar societies had barely reached them and so they looked upon the ever increasing extremes their brethren elsewhere in the eldar empire were going to with disgust and revulsion none though could deny their growing curiosity to experience this life of moral abandonment and the wisest of the mimara eldar realized that if they did not distance their population it too would eventually be consumed by the madness through sheer force of will the mimarans tempered their efforts towards building a massive starship one in which their entire system's population could flee in should they so choose it took many decades to complete and with each that passed the system's worlds became ever more tightly gripped by the taint that had already poisoned most of their race only half of their population were on board when the vessel finally set sail forced to flee as the acts of depravity on the worlds below them escalated into whole scale bloodshed and slaughter the mimara craftworld traveled for many months until it was nearly out of range of eldar space this though was still not far enough for it to escape the event now known as the fall and nearly a third of its population was destroyed in the psychic scream that heralded the birth of the chaos god slaanesh lost in their grief for the death of their race the craft world continued to drift through the stars believing themselves now alone in the galaxy their mourning though was to be brutally cut short as they fell prey to those who dwelt in the darkness beyond the once great eldar empire and hundreds of thousands of my mirens died as they fought to protect themselves from attacks by orcs and things far worse during these terrible times hope came to the myemirans in the form of irilith a disciple of asuraman who strode forth one day from one of the many portals on the craft world that remained inactive since their departure through his wisdom the warrior citizens of maimira learned how to combine the aspects of stealth speed and overwhelming firepower to utterly decimate their foe together the warriors of the craft world and the phoenix lord set about clearing a safe path through the galaxy for their world vessel hitting out mercilessly at any who dared to threaten them irelif's presence upon the craft world was short-lived though calling a meeting of the council of sears he announced that the ultimate reason for his arrival upon the craft world was to prevent its utter destruction which he had seen in a vision whilst undergoing his training with asuraman first of the phoenix lords centuries in the future the craft world would sail through the empire of a hostile race so vast and powerful that they could neither avoid nor survive its wrath the phoenix lord could prevent the doom of the craft world now if the council would grant him a war host large enough to destroy the empire which at that point in time was still in its infancy bowing to the wisdom and foresight of the phoenix lord half of the entire craft world's war host was given over to ireland as the last citizen warrior stepped across the threshold of the portal the phoenix lord had appeared from years before the device was destroyed as per his instructions for fear that the enemy would one day somehow discover how to use it to invade the craft world if his war host was victorious then the phoenix lord would find some other way to ensure their return that was the last those who remained on the craft world saw of their brethren as their vessel slowly drifted through the systems where ireland had said the empire of their eventual destroyers would be they could see that he had been true to his word and the paths of the alien race's evolution had been altered planets along their route had once been the site of cataclysmic battles whole cities have been destroyed by what could only have been eldar weaponry and the reptile-like aliens scavenging amongst the ruins were now little more than savages still though there was no sign of ireland or the my mirens the craft world continued their search and eventually encroached upon part of the dominion of mankind realizing that to continue through such a populated region of space would put them at a terrible risk the seers of the mimirra craft world chose instead to conceal their great star vessel and continue their search through other means they came to rest in a region of space that had not yet been infested by other races and using their technology hid themselves away drawing the stellar matter of a nearby star around their craft world like a shroud there they remained for centuries sending out rangers in the hope of locating their lost kin during their search the rangers came into contact with other survivors of their race although their my marines would have preferred to remain concealed from all even their own kind they recognized that they would need the support and protection kinship provided and brokered an alliance of sorts with the alatoc craftworld and its corsair allies the price of their allegiance being the exchange of eldar technology not seen by aletoc since the fall when the phoenix lord was finally located it was not the mymyrians who found irilif instead while searching for new resources to rip from their world batallus free human colonists broke through into a massive cave system the site thousands of years before of the final battle against those destined to destroy the my marin craft world during the conflict maimeira's enemies had been defeated but as the phoenix lord irelif saw in his vision it was at the cost of his and the war hosts lives when a phoenix lord is slain though he does not truly die only the body of the warrior hosting his spirit is killed the phoenix lord's essence remains within his warp panoply to be taken on by the next eldar warrior to don it when the colonists broke into the cave they triggered an ancient defense system within the phoenix lord's armor intended to protect it whilst his spirit is in a dormant state this caused the caving which killed all the miners and also alerted those who still tended to the phoenix lord shrine on the my mirror and craft world to his location in the days and weeks following the incursion of batallus free the space wolves of bran redmore's great company and an imperial navy fleet fought a war against the corsairs near the kirana nebula determined to rid them from the system once and for all before the corsairs finally retreated an energy signature of monumental proportions was registered moving deep within the centre of the dust cloud before it could be investigated a great storm began to rage within the nebula before swiftly calming as yet no imperium vessel has been able to penetrate the outer boundaries of the dust cloud to investigate this but it has been noted that they will be able to soon the solar winds of batalas's star now no longer flow towards the nebula and it will eventually dissipate into the voids of space beyond craft world allez talk having lost so many of their brethren to the terrible events of the fall the eldar of craftworld aletak embraced the strict discipline of the path of the eldar to a near zealous extent they also vehemently avoid contact with others of their kind unless their influence drags them down to the same depths of depravity the eldar empire fell to devoting themselves instead to a life of harsh discipline this does not sit well with all and there are some particularly among the younger generations who cannot embrace what this entails even though it may mean they are banished from their home and kin those who were forced to leave craftworld alitak or go of their own volition may eventually seek to join the corsair bands others remain true to their people and patrol the eldar webway to ensure alatox continued survival seeking out any threats to the craft wall but now free to explore the worlds beyond it it was a ranger squad from the alatoq craft world who located the lost mimiron craft world finding an entrance to a portal in the webway inscribed with symbols none of the eldar rangers recognized they sent one of their number to seek advice from the alatak council of sears the response came in the form of alitok's greatest farseer at that time realizing that the rangers had found a portal to one of the lost craft worlds the farseer called upon ancient knowledge he had learned many centuries before when he had first taken the path of the seer to break the seal which protected the portal just beyond it stood the farseer of the mymera craft world and his bodyguard of shadow specters at first the mimeira farcier wanted his people to have no dealings with the alitok for fear they were no different from those they had fled from and it seemed as if once more there would be battle between elder kin however alitak was in many respects similar to the mimeirons and its farsi was able to persuade his refound kin that this could be the basis on which they could strike up an alliance to each craft world's benefit malatok's homeworlds had been located on the frontier of its racist empire and like the wiser eldar upon my mirror some of its people had also realized the depths their kin would soon form casting out into the stars almost too late they barely survived the atrocity and since then alatok had also had to fight to survive amongst these dark days was an encounter with a splinter fleet of the bioships from bermud the tyranid high fleet which would later go on to devastate the ultramarines chapter world of mccrag in 745 m41 the swarm of tyranny bioships had been discovered lying in the path of valatop craftworld by the fleet of cruisers and escort ships which scouted ahead of it the spread of tyranid ships was so vast as it closed upon the ford eldar armada but it had not counted upon the skill of its opponents perhaps never having encountered such a race as the eldar in its own galaxy the tyranid fleet was unprepared for the swiftness of the eldar vessels and the accuracy of their laser batteries and torpedoes as the bioships vomited forth their lethal payloads of drones squadrons of alatox heller brawls and nightshades swept in to destroy them in return their pilots found their vessels attacked by huge feeder tendrils which punched through their holes unleashing tyranid warriors into their midst the furious battle raged on the ships and amongst the stars for many days each moment seeing alitok's craft world move ever closer to within range of the bio-weapons of the largest tyranid ships knowing that an invasion of their craft world would likely spell the end of their people the alatok fleet set itself to destroy as many of the largest tyranid vessels that they could with the massive form of the craft world literally hours away on their long range screens the aldar fleet succeeded by attacking the largest ships they also destroyed or seriously injured the largest of the tyranid creatures within with its command structure failing the attack of the eldar amada lost its coherency providing easier targets for alatox fleet to destroy the danger was not over though as the way before the craft world was now saturated with the remnants of the tyranid bioswarm although most of its creatures were likely dead there was still the very real risk that some might still be alive and capable of drifting the short distance between space to infest the craft world as it passed through them to prevent this the eldar armada launched thousands of torpedoes into the area where the tyranny bioships now drifted these succeeded in destroying or blasting away any remaining tyranid spores and creatures and their efforts were so effective that the region is still marked upon imperial navy maps as a dead zone centuries after the eldar's armament was unleashed without alatox aid and that of its corsair allies the resurrection of my mara's phoenix lord would not have been possible not only did the craft world bring the full force of its squadrons of grav tanks vipers nightwings and other vessels to bear against the lehman russ and chimera of company vengeance but its pathfinders and aspect warriors also stalked the icy depths of the tormus delta against company redemption alotok's efforts kept the imperium's forces away from the ultimate objective of the maimer and farsia the retrieval of his craft world's phoenix lord from the cave system below the arrestor 6 mining complex that he succeeded is in no small part to them shadow specter aspect warriors to an elder warrior death in the mortal realm is now released from the endless war the survivors of his race fight so few are they as well that the spirit of elite warriors are often required to fight on forever trapped in the twilight realm between life and death rather than enter the infinity circuit of their craft world their spirit stones are used to infuse life into rafe constructs such as the ray floors and rafegaard it is this aspect of eldar warfare that the shadow specters exemplify keynes demand that even the end of a mortal existence cannot be an escape from war many millennia ago the aspect was closely associated with the rafe guard whilst the rafe guard are artificial life forms animated with a living spirit the shadow specters are living breathing spirits that have taken on the appearance of rafes traditionally all those that die on the path of the shadow specters have as part of the shrine's death rituals had their spirit stones used to animate rafegaard and a cadre of these silent sentries always stand watch upon the shrine and march to war alongside their living kin the shadow specters are armed and equipped to predominantly hunt enemy heavy armor appearing like glowing ghostly shadows they are surrounded by long gosumia robes that shimmer and rive as if with a life of their own disguised behind hollow fields they use their jetpack's powered mobility to approach enemy targets then appearing as if from nowhere unleash a sudden fuselage of precise and overwhelming fire their prism rifles are antiquated weapons artifacts lost to most of the remaining eldar race using the same technology as the far larger prism cannon each rifle is connected to a single sophisticated targeting matrix known as the ghost light through it each rifle's energy pulse converges into a single beam of bright light that shrieks as it tears apart tanks and larger targets with ease the aspect's armor also incorporates a large protective cowl through which sensor and target information is collated as ghost-like figures the shadow specters favor white and pale shades of grey and silver as their aspect colours and on the battlefield their glimmering hollow suits disguise them as they glide through the air they appear as no more than a shimmering aura of pale light only coalescing into their true forms when they fire their weapons to the wider eldar race the shadow specters are long forgotten just another part of their culture lost to the cataclysm that destroyed their kin until the rediscovery of my mere no eldar craft world had an active shrine of the shadow specters and no bone singers near the rituals to grow their aspect armor or weapons on the largest craft worlds a few shrines remain but they are now long abandoned places during the batalas free incursion the shadow specters of the mymera craft world became a legend on the battlefield the sight of them phasing in and out of sight sent those who survived their attacks mad with fear the eldar of aletak and the corsairs looked upon them though with hope because if something from their distant past could return as they have then maybe there are others of their lost kin still out in the galaxy for them to rediscover miraliff shade of twilight lost phoenix lord of the shadow specters irilif was once a disciple of a shuriman first of the eldar phoenix lords and the founder of the shrine of the shadow specters on the meme craft world the legends of irelif are many but one amongst them is entwined with the fate of the lost craft world it tells the time of when during his training under shuriman irelift was gifted with a terrible vision in it he saw the destruction of the mymaren craft world at the hands of a race that was even then still in its infancy still reeling from the near destruction of the eldar race during the fall irilef vowed not to allow any more of his kin to be wiped out and he set out to find the craft world and prepare it for the battles that lay ahead of them irilif searched the many paths of the webway for decades for his lost brethren also imparting his skills upon other craft worlds as he traveled but their location always remained elusive during this time the legends of the phoenix lords also tell of the many great battles he fought against the creatures of slaanesh that had infiltrated the great eldar maze whilst the phoenix lord was exploring one particular region of the webway he had never come across in his travels of it before he was confronted by a greater demon of slaanesh who had broken through from the warp and had set about opening up sealed portals for its brethren to flood him through as its demonic followers seared away yet more of the protective eldar runes from their bindings on the portals irilef and the greater demon clashed how long the battle lasted is unknown as time flows strangely in places that are touched by the war but eventually their left proved to be the victor and cast the terrible creature and its minions back from where they had come the legends then tell that exhausted by his titanic battle the phoenix lord fell into a long deep sleep during which he was to be gifted with the knowledge of the craft world's location once he awoke irilla found the portal that led to the maimer and craft world and set about training its warriors in his ways of war namely stealth swiftness and all-consuming firepower soon the day came though when he had to reveal his true purpose for being on the craft world the phoenix lord spoke to the council of sears of his original vision and of the terrible fate that awaited them but gave them hope of preventing it if he attacked their enemy now before it became unstoppable bowing to his wisdom the council of sears allowed the phoenix lord to take with him nearly half of the craft world's warriors and it was with a heavy heart that are left left that day using the very same portal he had arrived from for since he had arrived on the craft world his vision had altered with his help he knew now that the craft world would survive but at the cost of his own life and all who came with him what lay beyond that for the craft world he did not know but he feared that to lose so many of their own would bring about its eventual demise regardless for years those left behind on the craft world waited for word of the phoenix lords and their war hosts victory but none came many decades passed and the maimirens had to accept that their brethren had undoubtedly been killed and that the phoenix lord had fallen in truth miralev had succeeded in destroying the threat to the craft world but had been struck down during the fierce fighting on the enemy race's homeworld a place known in the eldar legends as belfalmer there the phoenix lord remained unrecovered the cave where his body and war panoply lay was slowly covered beneath centuries of glacial deposited rocks as the planet's ice age advanced but the phoenix lord was not dead all phoenix lords are immortal and like them irilef was no single warrior but a collective of those that had become him their souls held within the spirit stones that adorned his armor and war gear so irila remained trapped within the cave where he had fought his final battle his spirit awaiting the day he would be rediscovered and the shade of twilight could be reborn with his loss irrelevs disciples and shrines also began to wane on over craft worlds as one by one their shrine's exarchs died in battle one by one the shrines were deserted becoming dark haunted places shunned by most elder to them it was just another part of their culture lost in the downfall of their race eventually the aspect became extinct or so it was fought the discovery of the location of bafalame known to the imperium as batallus free meant that ireland could finally be recovered while his war host and nara valatok kept the guardsmen of the imperium at bay bell anath the farcier of my mara's craft world led a mission to reanimate the spirit host of the phoenix lord and succeeded the eldar's reward at the battle of the dawning twilight as the batallus free incursion is known to them was irelif the phoenix lord of the shadow specters reborn belle anath farseer of the mymera craftworld when ireliff the phoenix lord of the shadow specters met with maimeira's council of sears to prevent the fate of their craft world bell and earth was one amongst them although already centuries old he was still the youngest of the farseers there having only taken the path of the seer decades previously prior to taking his first steps along this most dangerous path the craft world eldar can take he had fought for his people in many guises to prevent the mistakes of the eldar race's past from happening again those of the craft world place strict controls over their lives in order to temper their inner demons they choose to follow a discipline until they have completely mastered it the intention is that it focuses the eldar's mind so that he is not distracted by the many temptations the galaxy holds restricting him to just one aspect of life and taming his natural inclinations towards experience of all things to the extreme once the discipline or path as it is known has been mastered then the elder will move on to another bell anath like many of his kind followed the path of the warrior and its many aspects for most of the first half of his life he did not spend all of this part of his life on this path though stepping first onto the path of the outcast although as with others who have chosen this path it is not well known amongst his kin for fear that more of his brethren might choose to follow suit born long after the four bel-anaf lived amongst eldar that the disciplining nature of the eldar paths had not yet fully tamed indeed there were many upon the mymera craft world who still struggled to control the extremes of their soul at that time although their guardians shielded them as best they could my mares young could not help but be influenced by these troubled creatures eventually all who could not master their impulses were banished by my mara's council of sears or chose a life of exile themselves the first of the craft world to leave it for the path of the outcast the damage though was already done learning from them that there was so much more in the galaxy the young belanath could not yet resolve himself to a life of self-imposed discipline instead he chose exile the portals the maimeren still kept open to the webway at that time enabled him to leave the life he had known since birth how long it took for bella nap to master his restlessness and what he did during that time is unknown nor have any spoke of it with him when he did return the young eldar was no longer bound by his desire to explore the galaxy that he had seen conflict whilst an outcast could not be denied and perhaps was one of the reasons for his return to master that part of his psyche through taking the path of the warrior although it kept to the less populated areas of space on its voyage the craft world could not completely avoid the attentions of other races bellanath was to test his control over his warrior nature on many occasions although those who kept a close eye upon the reformed outcast noted that his skills in battle were already well honed compared to that of his craft world bound kin against the empire of the taguian knights as they are known in the ballard sung on balinaf's life he was part of the war host sent to destroy a portal that linked directly with one on his craft world the portal was located in the catacombs below the planet's city where the followers of slaanesh were attempting to activate it the city was a heavily fortified stronghold but no match for the elder and the squad belanaf was in launched itself upon the gun emplacement surrounding the city it's exact blazing the way forward for them as the desire to wage war overcame him using their fusion guns the squad mercilessly immolated those within the emplacements when the enemy weapons fire was too intense for even balance squad other fire dragons would move in and obliterate the target with fire pikes and melter bombs paving the way for the remaining war host to hunt through the catacombs and destroy the portal the years in which he gained mastery of the fire dragon aspect moderated balance fury for battle his soul calmed he then moved on through the other aspects mastering each facet of the path of the warrior before moving on to a new path the renegade forge world of ferrous six was where balanath would first lead my mere's war host to war as its ortak completing his journey along the path of command his mind honed by years defending his craft world the warrior leader finally cast off the dark shadow that had haunted him since he had first left as an outcast directing all aspects of the my mero war host belle anath led them into the depths of the forge world's massive orbiting dark yards where they fought against weapon automatons bristling with guns and hideous mutated creatures part human but mostly machine that had once been its tech priests but it had since been reshaped by the whims of the chaos gods destroying the renegade's fleet before it could be launched against the approaching craft world bellanoth once more prevented the destruction of his people since that and many other battles belong has followed the path of the seer this not only saw him take part in the cancel session addressed by the phoenix lord but also the resurrection of iriloth in the caves below batallas free the farseer's years of leadership have brought hope to his people the perhaps they may survive whatever lays ahead for them the eldar core says an eldar corsair is more akin to the eldar before the fall than those who now live upon the craft worlds not for them are the highly disciplined paths trod by their craftworld kin although many may turn to them once their need to explore the galaxy and all that it has to offer has been satiated that is though if they have not completely turned in their lot with their dark kin who dwell in the depths of kimura since its rediscovery by the rangers of aletok the location of my mere craft world deep in the heart of what is known to the imperium as the karina nebula has attracted numerous corsair bands while they are very young most eldar will have heard the song of the lost children of the elder in essence it is a prophecy and one which is believed to set out the fate of the maimer and craft world in fleeing from the predations of the chaos god slaanesh the eldar and the legend are said to have been cursed by she who thirsts who promised a slow torturous death for all who escaped its clutches during the fall like the eldar world in the prophecy the mymera craft world stands alone at the center of the vast region encompassed by the karina nebula and its hunt for its lost brethren and phoenix lord has struck a chord with the corsairs who were drawn by this suffering it has undergone many are already aligned with aletak and are therefore aware of its existence already others have journeyed from light years around drawn by the mystery and legends that surround their lost kin little time was therefore required to launch an assault on the worlds of the battalis system when it was discovered that the remains of the phoenix lord irilaf lay upon the third planet and as the war hosts of maimera and alatak were mustering their forces the corsair bands had already set forth although not as heavily defended as most imperial worlds battalis free still had a strong planetary defense force that had been joined by the remnants of the canadian sixth armored regiment the raids to destroy the ice world's global surveillance network suited the hit-and-run tactics of the eldar corsairs using the many cargo transports that flew to the planet they evaded the imperial navy fleet in the system and easily slipped past its orbital defenses once on the planet the corsairs launched hit and run attacks on its isolated outposts achieving their original objective and then remained to take part in all three major land battles true to their darker nature not all of the eldar corsairs stayed on batallas free's eastern continent during the war with the rest of the ice world's population poorly defended it was no surprise to those of the imperium who'd had dealings with the corsair bands before that once the eldar war hosts had retreated from batalus free entire communities that had lived out in this icy wilderness had simply vanished evidence collected by imperial authorities points to there being three distinct bands of eldar corsairs joined with the eldar war host the sky raiders the end of the batalas free incursion saw the full-scale retreat of the war hosts of aletak and maimeira harried by the thousands of imperial reinforcements that had recently landed on the planet they suffered significant casualties but these were nowhere near the numbers lost by the eldar corsair bands in the battle fought near the karina nebula immediately afterwards one of many corsair bands alloyed with the two main eldar factions the skyraiders became notorious for the viciousness of their attacks and later analysis of the remains of their victims was commonly mistaken by less experienced adepts for attacks more akin to those made by dark eldar hunting cadres due to the ferocious reputation they gained in the war during the battle of the karina nebula boarding assaults upon ships belonging to the skyraiders were spearheaded by bran redmore's great company this resulted in very few of the corsairs on board surviving and those ships which did escape were all reported to have been heavily damaged the sun blitz brotherhood believed by the ordo zenos to be aligned with craftworld alatak during the battle for the battalis system the pilots of the sun blitz brotherhood fleets were ultimately responsible for the destruction of the watchful savior but alice free's orbital defense platform later the sunblitz brotherhood temporarily alloyed with the ships of the void dragon corsair cadre to patrol the inner regions of the batalla system wreckage recovered from the system after the war indicates that the alliance was tenuous at best as it appears more than one sunblitz craft was damaged by void dragon weaponry during that time the void dragons perhaps the most infamous and dangerous eldar corsair band during the war was the void dragons operating across the galaxy the imperial navy estimates they command a fleet in excess of 3 500 ships and have been encountered in places as far apart as the canadian gate the distant tao empire and the halo stars currently under the leadership of the haughty princess sariana the void dragons attacks hold no predictable pattern and range from ambushes against chaos raiders near the eye of terror to the mass enslavement of the penal colony of varane seven to fighting against orcs of the empire of caridon the corsairs tend to be more active than the eldar of the craft worlds who naturally look first to their own defense corsair bands are more aggressive always seeking opportunities to raid to what end the imperium can only guess some corsair bands seem to be very closely allied with a craft world such as the eldritch raiders with iandon or zion's black raiders with althui but others seem to have complete autonomy attacking wherever and whatever they can all eldar corsair bands are nomadic they might menace a sector for a short time making several raids before moving on few have any easily identifiable geographic area of operation which might allow their enemies to find and destroy them for them it is better to remain mobile so they are difficult to find and hard to effectively counter although the corsair band will have many fast ships they can also have their own secret bases well hidden deep in a nebula or asteroid field a corsair band's havens take many forms some are ancient and forgotten eldar stations leftover remnants of bases from before the fall others are temporary hidden in long abandoned asteroid mines or deep in wilderness space the largest bands will have many bases and hideouts scattered across the galaxy corsair bands can also have bases of operation around the exodite worlds many have long-standing alliances with the exodite houses providing these isolated worlds with a degree of orbital protection in return for a safe haven and occasionally military aid a typical corsair attack will be a rapidly moving low orbital raid deploying fast from vampire raiders striking with aggression and speed and then quickly withdrawing the corsairs are not well equipped for extended battles or campaigns and would find a pitched battle against a well-armed foe difficult although a corsair prince will often have the heavier support of nightwings or phoenix bomber aircraft to call upon but of course airband will generally avoid fighting at a disadvantage if they have to corsairs also commonly used boarding actions against poorly defended freighters and transports at close quarters their lack of heavy weapons and specialized grav tanks is not a hindrance corsair princes are not above hiring themselves out as mercenaries to the highest bidder during lean times a band might find temporary employment with a rebel planetary governor mutinous imperial guard commander or other renegades from the imperiums justice for their employer this is a desperate measure because those imperial servants that seek their aid can expect no mercy from the emperor's inquisition on occasion eldar craftworlds and corsair bands have gone to war with each other the imperium is unclear as to why but it is possible that some corsair bands have strayed too far down the dark path and the eldar have been forced to move against them rather than allow them to fall in mass into the clutches of the archons of kimora there may also be long-standing rivalries and old schools to be settled between different eldar factions but such conflicts are rarely understood by the imperium's authorities due to its access to many rare and ancient eldar technologies the mymerons were able to bring forth variants of eldar weapon systems that have rarely if ever been encountered by the imperium before as well as the usual war machines of the eldar the falcon the eldar's main battle tank is the falcon a fast mobile well protected grab tank carrying excellent anti-tank and anti-infantry firepower in addition to the falcons considerable assets it can also transport a small squad of aspect warriors or eldar guardians into battle and its split-wing design and single-seat turrets are a familiar sight to those enemy tank crews that face the eldar on the battlefield the key to the falcons battlefield performance is its engine and anti-gravity generators the eldar masters of anti-grav technology utilizing it as readily as mankind uses tank tracks their advanced technology means the falcons engines can generate an estimated top speed of 800 kilometers per hour its advanced anti-grav generators are also capable of limited flight climbing higher than the equivalent imperial craft and thus giving them the added edge of altitude allowing them to swoop down onto the battlefield at high speed weapons locked on to their pre-selected targets each falcon has a crew of two the pilot and the gunner these will be already experienced warriors having most likely learned their skills within jet bike squadrons or along other similar paths who intuitively handle the falcons complex and delicate control systems using both their mind and body as befits its versatile battlefield role the falcon's armament is also very adaptive alongside its standard high-energy rapid pulsar the falcon can be equipped for just about any role beard anti-infantry with scatter laser and shuriken cannon or dealing with light armor with star cannon or in an anti-tank role with a bright lance or missile launcher the falcon forms a keystone of the eldar's armored warfare tactics supported by fire prisms firestorms and night spinners an armored host will first move at speed to outflank and then surround an enemy force striking at top speed and withdrawing before the enemy's anti-tank weapons can be deployed to face them a falcon flight sometimes referred to as a cloud strike squadron can rapidly change position and strike again from another direction breaking up an enemy's defensive cohesion or attack formations before the main eldar assault hits it is believed that the falcon the title is the official ordo dialogues translation from the true eldar name is named for feyaluku a character from the eldar races long and complex mythical creation story known as the war of heaven feyaloku was the friend and companion of the great hawk a messenger of the eldar gods who according to myth stole vol's sword anaris and gave it to the hero eldonash so that he might fight and defeat the war god kane fire prison mounting a powerful prison cannon the fire prison is a dedicated tank hunter the imperium have yet to unravel the heretical technology of the prism cannon having been able to seize very few undamaged specimens from the battlefield it is believed though that contained within its structure there is a large crystal prism which traps and intensifies light and then focuses the resultant energy through a second prismatic lens focusing it again into a single beam or scattering it over a wide area night spinner utilizing the eldar's knowledge of monofilament technology the knight spinner is used as mobile light artillery which is deployed to support fast-moving eldar formations its doom weavers fire a cloud of monofilament web high into the sky this then floats down to the ground slicing through anything unfortunate enough to be caught under it firestorm the firestorm is the aldar standard anti-aircraft defense vehicle which utilizes the falcons hull it mounts a complex triple-barreled array of scatter lasers in a single seated turret that fills the sky with streaking laser bolts above an eldar grav tank formation highly accurate and capable of sustained bursts the firestorm is also a potent anti-infantry weapon particularly effective when used against hordes such as orc warbands and tyranid swarms during the batallus free incursion the eldar corsairs were the first to employ one of the many variants based on the falcon chassis deployed during the battle at alani attack from their vessels in orbit their falcon squadrons were used in cloud strike formations to attack battle group eptida's vulnerable heavy weapons platforms the falcon formations were perfect for the role speeding in low and quick over the leading edge of the break and glacier and unleashing a volley of destructive firepower before breaking away and arcing back around past the alnitak facility for another sort a when forces from craftworld my mera engaged with company vengeance on the elation planes it was a rare opportunity for the imperium observers to see firsthand the devastation that the fire prison can cause before the fall of the eldar race millennia before the original worlds of the mymera on the edge of the eldar empire were renowned for the quality and craftsmanship of their machines of war as well as being one of the primary worlds to produce the monolithic phantom titan also seen on batallus free they were also able to create the crystals required for the fire prism's main weapon the prism cannon many of the artisans and weaponsmiths conversant with this technology were lost along with a large proportion of my mara's war host when the phoenix lord irelif led them to war centuries before despite this the mymera craft world still possessed a number of the craft within its flight chambers and these were put to great effect during the batallus free incursion eyewitness accounts attribute the my mera fire prisms with the highest number of confirmed kills amongst company vengeances lehman russ and chimera and amongst their tally was counted the hydra flat gun and its crew which had earlier destroyed a corsair nightwing as the battle progressed into a bloody stalemate reports were also recorded of fire prism crews combining their firepower particularly when engaging the more heavily armoured super-heavy tanks such as their praetor armored assault launcher by bringing the beams of two fire prison vessels together the eldar were able to penetrate the heavily armoured holes that had proved impervious to lesser weapons although highly effective this tactic undoubtedly slowed down the eldar rate of attrition against vengeance which could have been considerably higher wave serpent the eldar race's principal armored transport is the wave serpent a sleek anti-gravity vehicle based upon the falcon chassis the wave serpent sacrifices the falcons firepower for its additional transport capacity operating alongside the falcons flights of wave serpents swiftly carry squads of aspect warriors and guardians across the battlefield well protected inside their armoured hull and behind sophisticated energy fields as a wave serpent races across the battlefield it projects a uniquely powerful energy field ahead of it the eldar have an intimate knowledge of energy and disruption field technology utilizing it over the encumbering and slow armor of other races the wave serpent's wings mount the field projector fins and these create a shimmering bow wave which absorbs and dissipates the energy of any lesser blasts projectiles or explosions that pass through it its fields can also be combined together so that with the wave serpents flying in tight formation the individual fields reinforce each other becoming even stronger with the aid of a shield enhancer this shimmering wall of energy can also be used at close range as an offensive weapon unleashing a tsunami-like tide wave that smashes over the enemy this sudden shark is rarely actually lethal but it will disorientate stone and sometimes paralyze those close by as well as causing any delicate electrical systems to overload with the crackling force wave unleashed the aspect warriors within can then deploy in relative safety moving in to destroy the disorientated foe before it can recover as well as its formidable force field each wave serpent will also provide supporting fire for its deploying passengers with its small remote-controlled turret-mounted twin-linked heavy weapons while it carries additional shuriken catapults in a chin mount for close anti-personal defense the rear of the wave serpent incorporates a transport compartment large enough to carry up to 12 fully armed and armored aspect warriors or guardians or even five towering rafeguard each wave serpent has a single crewman who pilots the vehicle and controls its remote weapon system wave serpent-born infantry are perhaps the core of the archetypical eldar assault force aspect warriors striking fast and with precision from the flanks of an enemy force after earlier attacks have divided the enemy's strength as they attempt to intercept the eldar's repeated faints and hit and run strikes the aspect warriors will then leap from their transports to engage the enemy at close quarters an aspect assault wave combines the specialization of all the aspects into a single deadly hall each unit complementing the others so that few enemies can match them for skill training or unity of purpose a serpent rider host consisting of guardians lacks the former's lethal cutting edge and the guardians are rarely at the forefront of battle it is more likely that this force will be providing flank protection for the main attack or be deployed as a mobile and rapid reserve formation called forward only that need the warp hunter the rarest of the falcon modifications yet encountered by the imperium's fighting force is designated the war punter a high-speed assault craft mounting a large distortion cannon through its hull like the fire prism and night spinner the warp hunter sacrifices its transport capacity for its change in weaponry amongst the eldar the warp hunter is considered a rather archaic vehicle and given the nature of its weaponry some craft worlds seem to be reticent in fielding large numbers of them eldar corsair bands though appear to have no such compunctions during the fighting on batallus free the war punter was identified in greater numbers than ever before whereas a single sighting might be an unusual event several squadrons of war punters were engaged during the battle of al nitak this may indicate that the mymera craft world was in possession of a larger than usual number of these antiquated vehicles as were the course airbands that took part in the invasion the distortion cannon commonly referred to by certain lower echelons of the imperium as the d cannon is another of the aldar race's many unusual weapons the technology of the weapon is little known or understood by the adeptus mechanicus and considered highly heretical any magos found to be dabbling with such dangerous xenos technology can expect the strongest measures against them from the inquisition draconian measures have been enforced against the adeptus mechanicus since 75529 m40 when unsanctioned work with warp technology resulted in the contagion of eredanus and required the deployment of a grey knight's rapid strike force to quell the resulting demonic incursion when fired a decannon projects a miniature sphere of warp energy tearing its target apart and dragging its hapless victims to a terrible death exposed to the raw material of the warp itself larger weapons are able to generate bigger spheres but require vast amounts of energy to safely contain them so can only be mounted upon larger chassis the largest such weapons are mounted upon the cobra and phantom titan uniquely by adjusting the weapons warp real space disruption focus and its warp core containment field generator the warp hunter's d cannon can briefly create an ether rift projected a short distance in front of the vehicle a sieving mass of dark energy is unleashed which sweeps the enemy from its prow in common with other falcon variants the warp hunter is also equipped with two shuriken catapults for close anti-infantry defense like all eldar vehicles the heart of the war punter is the psycho-sensitive rafe bone chassis over which are laid psychoplastics formed by the bone singers using psychic pressure these materials are light and immensely strong and have become synonymous with the eldar race as no others have mastered their unique construction techniques these can imbue seemingly inanimate and functional items with a life force or spirit attuned to the eldar race's innate psychic sensitivity this also means their advanced vehicles and weapons cannot be replicated and no of a race can operate them the occasional sanctioned attempts to activate captured and damaged eldar vehicles and weapons by secret auto xenos investigation teams have all resulted in complete failure and the last of many test bed servitors like other eldar grab vehicles the warp hunter has a two-man team comprising a pilot and a gunner who are concealed inside the tank's hull operating the main weapons targeting equipment the ray floored and raf seer when an eldar spirit passes beyond the mortal realm it becomes ever fainter receding deeper into the long dark sleep of death but by the arcane power and knowledge of warlock spirit seers an elder spirit can be recalled once recalled their spirit stones are used to reanimate rape bone constructs the ghost warriors first of these are the rafe guard the foot soldiers of the spirit host next come the tall graceful and statuesque rafe lords regarded as precious artifacts the raflords are still treated by their former ranks and attend many of the eldar council sessions when planning a war or raid an eldar ottak will often draw upon the rafe lord's millennia of experience but the immortal spirit of an eldar cannot retain the same bright spark of consciousness as that of immortal they exist part in the spirit realm part in the mortal realm with reality occurring around them as if in a dream like stasis they can easily become vague and lose focus momentarily adrift in the spirit realm again it is the spirit seers task to keep the wraith lords and rafe guards a connection to the mortal realm strong a ray floored can be equipped with any weaponry supporting the eldar infantry with heavy weapons fire or charging forward with the aspect warriors armed with fearsome rafe blades both the alatak and mymera craftworlds brought their wraith lords to batalis free and the discovery of the remains of the phoenix lord on the planet saw many of them emerge from the webway into the thick of the battle at the thomas delta only to come face to face with the space wolves from bran redmore's great company many eons ago warlocks of great power that passed into the spirit realm could be summoned to aid a craft world again the warlock's mortal spirit was contained within the rafe bone matrix of a ray floored becoming a rafe seer rare and precious beyond compare the rafe seers are to the eldar's spirit host what a warlock is to aspect warriors and guardians a war leader there are now very few rafe seers on the craft worlds and it is believed that the spirit seers no longer have the knowledge or skill to reanimate them as such they are a precious indeed each loss is keenly felt and rarely can be risked upon the battlefield armed with a distortion cannon and wraith blade and reeved in eldritch energy although ancient a raf seer is still a potent foe marching at the head of a spirit host wordlessly guiding their actions the spirit seers still retain many of their former powers and instinct for battle eldar legends tell that a few rafe seers still remain trapped upon their old colony worlds buried as the leaders of a world spirit host but are now long lost if they could be found then they could perhaps be reclaimed one such rafe seer was fiala the andrel a leader of alitok craft world it was while searching the web way and the worlds that lie beyond it for the rafe seers that alatox rangers discovered the portal that led them to lost craftworld my mirror the hornet the hornet is a small single-seater attack craft deployed by eldar armored forces in a fast reconnaissance and raiding role it can be found at the forefront of eldar armoured attacks speeding ahead of the main force of falcons and wave serpents often operating alongside other high-speed attack crafts such as jet bikes and vipers a versatile vehicle the hornet can be fitted to effectively engage any target from anti-infantry firepower with shuriken cannons and scatter lasers through star cannon and missile launchers to precision anti-tank fire with bright lances or even larger pulse lasers the vehicle's amazing straight line speed maneuverability and size also make it popular with corsair raiders perfectly complementing their modus operandi the craft world of sam han has also been observed by the ordo zenos utilizing large numbers of hornets in support of their wild riders bringing the agents of the emperor's inquisition to the conclusion that it was the bone singers of sam han that first developed the design which has now spread to other craft worlds even by the eldar race's high standards the hornet's engine is a wonder of its kind with an estimated top speed of 600 kilometers per hour the attack craft is also capable of limited short-range atmospheric flight hornet pilots will often have served time riding jet bikes and vipers this making them veterans and masters of the tactics of high-speed combat on batallus 3 eldar hornets were heavily engaged during the initial assault upon battle group emptida at al attack and in the skirmishers against the convoy deploying company retribution into the tormus delta in the south of the alesian plains where their anti-tank armament reaped even greater destruction unable to play a major role at the tormus delta the hornet squadrons headed north where their high-speed hit-and-run role could be used against lehman russ and chimera of company vengeance as the battle developed to favor the orchestrated barrages of the canadian sixth cruise most of the hornet's squadrons were redeployed to the rear area to patrol harassing imperial vehicles that strayed too far from their comrades the lynx the lynx is a sleek heavily armored craft near invisible to the arcane tracking devices of the imperium and is the epitome of the advanced technological skills of the ancient eldar race previously unknown until the appearance of the war host of craftworld mymara and batallus the lynx is a heavy grab tank superficially similar to the scorpion but believed by some of the adeptus mechanicus who have been allowed access to images of the vessel by certain unorthodox elements of the inquisition to be more of an antiquated design as a newly encountered craft the ordo xenos has yet to quantify its threat but what has been ascertained from combat reports from those who fought on batallus free it appears the vehicle lacks the very heavy firepower of a scorpion or cobra being situated somewhere between the standard falcon and the scorpion in terms of armament what it lacks in firepower it more than makes up for in speed and maneuverability during the batalas free incursion the lynx fulfilled the same role that the scorpion does for the eldar craft worlds being used at the spear point of the attack and supporting other graf tank squadrons in a heavy armor capacity armed with a single pulsar or more rarely a sonic lance it also has a secondary heavy weapon mounted under the cockpit eldar link squadrons did not appear until late on in the battle on the elation plains it was originally assumed by the ordo xenos that this was because the commanders of the mimaran host were reticent to deploy their lynx reserves until absolutely necessary or that their arrival may have been reliant upon sufficient intelligence being provided by their brethren to enable them to concentrate their attacks where they would be most devastating the main engagement between the craftworld nymera link squadrons and company vengeance was concentrated close to the mountainous canyons surrounding the east of the frozen plains working their way across land from their portal on the west coast of the continent the linked squadrons were able to fly low and at high speed through the mountains on the northern edge of the battlefield expertly masking their approach before they launched an assault upon company vengeance's eastern flank unprepared for an attack from such an unexpected quarter losses were high and once again general oden was forced to change tactics to meet this new danger analysis after the war by the adepts of the audozinus suggests that the lynx attack may have been part of a diversion intended to keep company vengeance's commanders occupied whilst the marmaran farcias convoy made its way past them to the arrester 6 mining facility the lynx squadrons eventually suffered serious losses themselves during the heavy fighting later in the battle several were confirmed destroyed during a counter-attack by a combination of company vengeance and space wolf forces it is yet to be seen whether this newly identified heavy graft tank remains unique to the mymera craft world or if the skills of its production have reached the other craft worlds in particular that of their alloys craftworld alatak as a matter of priority any future encounters reported by the imperium's forces will receive the full attention of the order of zenos the scorpion and cobra whilst the falcons fire prisms night spinners and firestorms form the backbone of the aldar race's swift armored attack waves they are often supported by heavy grav tanks designated as the scorpion and the cobra these huge vehicles carry very heavy firepower and are broadly comparable to imperial guard super heavy tanks scorpions are amongst the largest vehicles recorded capable of anti-gravity movement known to the eldar as engines of vole it combines the sophisticated and powerful weaponry with the grace and speed that have come to be associated with eldar vehicles it is protected by hollow fields and armed with two turret-mounted pulsars and a secondary shuriken cannon for anti-infantry defense the scorpion's main role seems to be as a tank hunter engaging and destroying enemy armor at long range such is its effectiveness that has become widely feared by imperial guard tank crews earning it the nickname grave maker and death sled the cobra is another of the engines of ball much like the scorpion but re-armed with a large d cannon designed to find and destroy enemy war machines their protective force fields are little defense against the d cannons heinous energies the cobra has little of a weaponry as its only role is to seek out and destroy the largest enemy war machines as with all eldar vehicles crew numbers are kept to a minimum the dwindling civilization of the eldar means they must rely upon sophisticated technology and the wraith bone construction of their vehicles freeing more warriors from crew and duties to fill the ranks of guardian and aspect warrior squads alatakan maimeiras scorpions and cobras played a leading role in the battle on the elation planes during the battalis free incursion scorpion pulsar fire accounted for many of the destroyed imperial vehicles left littering the icy wilderness after the fighting the wrecks of five scorpions were recorded by administratum auditors cobra losses were unknown the nightwing the eldar race's front-line combat aircraft is the infamous nightwing hated by all enemies of the elder it is a sleek and deadly aircraft capable of outmatching just about any other aircraft in the sky the nightwing is the pinnacle of eldar aircraft technology a superbly designed fighter interceptor that provides eldar craft world forces and eldar corsair raiding parties with the decisive edge in aerial combat utilizing the eldar's sophisticated anti-gravity technology the nightwing is capable of aerobatic feats most imperial navy pilots would consider impossible the nightwing is extremely fast in a straight line utilizing its swept wing design for extra speed with its wings in a backward position it can easily outpace any imperial navy fighter for extreme maneuvers the wings sweep forward allowing the nightwing to pull high-speed high g turns and break the aircraft very rapidly during a dogfight eldar pilots master this maneuver suddenly breaking and swerving hard to throw off pursuit dogfighting is where the nightwing really excels it is not heavily armed for ground attack missions although its bright lances are still powerful enough to destroy enemy tanks should the opportunity present itself for specialist ground attack missions the eldar usually turned to the nightwing's larger cousin the phoenix the nightwing's armament is primarily designed for engaging and destroying enemy aircraft like other eldar vehicles the nightwing relies on speed and agility to avoid damage rather than armor the nightwing is protected from enemy fire by image distortion hollow fields the field generator makes it difficult for enemy targets to lock on to the nightwing and throws out false images which can confuse enemy pilots the nightwing pilots are almost always young elder who have yet to travel the darker aspect paths many do have previous experience as jet bike riders or from crewing vipers or falcons those with the desire and the aptitude may then move on to fly nightwings many pilots will also move on to walk the path of the outcast the heady lure of fighting at such extreme speeds triggering their suppressed bloodlust and emotions and eldar course airbands are often well equipped with nightwings to support their lightning raids the phoenix the phoenix has many features in common with the nightwing but lacks the straight line speed and top end maneuverability of the fighter instead carrying a larger weapons payload for its role as a ground attack fighter despite its loss of speed the phoenix is still an outstanding aircraft capable of tangling with most enemy fighter aircraft and still coming out on top the phoenix's weapons load includes two nose-mounted shuriken cannons primarily for use against enemy aircraft below the fuselage is a single centre-line mounted pulse laser a powerful rapid-firing laser weapon used for pinpoint accuracy against hard targets the fuselage also holds the phoenix's main ground attack weapons two rapid discharge eldar missile launchers armed with plasma missiles these area saturation weapons obliterate a target and a hail of expanding plasma explosions the phoenix has two crew one pilot to fly the aircraft whilst the co-pilot operates the weapon system and the aircraft is well protected inside a disruptive hollow field like all eldar aircraft the phoenix is constructed of complex psychoplastics formed into solid shapes under psychic pressure by the eldar's bone singers the fuselage is reinforced by wraith bone for extra strength and resilience this also means the crew will be psychically attuned to their craft improving response times and allowing the pilots to control the aircraft with utmost efficiency phoenix are common throughout all the eldar craft worlds and amongst eldar corsair bands those aircraft from craft worlds bear the usual colours associated with them coarse air bands use more flamboyant colour schemes and motifs often allowing pilots to individually decorate their aircraft with flames skulls and mythical beasts being common devices the aldar race's long history of warfare has taught them the value of such air power and their aircraft have been developed to give them aerial supremacy over any battlefield they must fight on against any foe with nightwings flying as escort cover to intercept and destroy enemy fighters this clears the way for the phoenix to swoop in low against enemy ground targets during the battle of the elation planes the phoenix provided the eldar craft worlds and corsairs with their primary ground attack weapons a phoenix-led airstrike was responsible for much of the destruction wrought upon the tanks and heavy guns of battle group eptida at al nitak the vampire raider and vampire hunter the vampire raider is the largest atmospheric aircraft yet encountered although as a dropship it can also operate in the hard vacuum of space it is used primarily as transport for eldar assault forces descending from orbiting spacecraft to strike at their targets before quickly withdrawing as a dropship it is highly favored by eldar course airbands which make wide use of vampires to drop and land their raiding parties for its size the vampire is fast agile and well armed mainly for supporting fire as it approaches a landing zone it has a nose mounted scatter laser and two under slung hard points which mount twin linked pulse lasers it also utilizes hollow fields for protection when vampires are required to land troops into dangerous landing zones then they usually fly with an escort of nightwings a vampire can carry up to 30 troops in its passenger compartments and has two crew a pilot and co-pilot other variants of the standard raider have been identified usually upgraded with heavier weapons as ground attack bombers and as heavy transports gravatic hooks locking on to a falcon or wave serpent the heaviest armed vampire raider variant has been reclassified as the hunter the vampire hunter is the variant of the vampire raider converted for use as a heavy ground attack bomber rather than as a troop shuttle it foregoes any transport capacity for additional heavy armament and carries massive pulsars and multiple missile launchers the vampire hunter is a super heavy gunship capable of taking on their heaviest enemy units including titans and is only deployed onto the fiercest battlefields against large targets they fly on missions to engage specific enemy targets such as attacking titans and each vampire hunter will usually have its own nightwing escort cover to support its attack runs and keep enemy aircraft at bay the hunter is just one of several identified variants of the standard vampire usually carrying different armament deployed by different craft worlds and corsair bands despite its heavy weapons load the hunter retains the vampire's amazing maneuverability and speed for such a large aircraft and like all eldar aircraft is protected by its hollow field on batallus 3 the vampire raiders were extensively used by corsair bands delivering their forces in on jump packs from high altitude very few hunters were identified and were concentrated in the attacks upon battle group eptida that's an attack the revenant titan the smallest of the eldar titans is the revenant built for grace and beauty over the more functional machines of the imperium's titan legions all eldar titans are tall slim and graceful in their movements by the standards of towering war machines which allows them to move swiftly and smoothly into battle to aid its combat speed the revenant is also equipped with advanced jump jets and gravitic motors allowing it to leap clearing difficult terrain and advancing quickly to harass the enemy before firing its jets again and withdrawing with equal speed the principal weaponry of the revenant is the feared pulsar a high yield rapid rapid-firing laser weapon as only the eldar can master as well as the more common pulsar revenants have also been encountered armed with a sonic lance a short-range sonic weapon using the same technology as the smaller vibro cannon its resonant sonic waves shake its target apart leaving enemy infantry disorientated a revenant secondary armament is its shoulder-mounted missile launcher loaded with plasma warheads these rapid firing missiles are used at close range for anti-infantry defense each revenant is protected by its hollow fields projected by the titan's fins the image distorting field confuses scanners or specs and targeters and lacking the heavy frontal armor of a reaver or warlord it is the titan's principal defense against incoming fire each titan is guided by a single crewman known by the title of steersman the pilot merges his consciousness with the spirits within the titan's rafebone core becoming one with the machine incredibly versatile the revenant is deployed in a variety of ways amongst the phantom titans it can operate in a forward scout role its jump jets give it the speed to be deployed in support of our mid-aspect assault waves or it can act as extra heavy firepower to defensive guardian squads remnants of both the mymera and alatoc craft worlds fought in all these roles during the incursion of batallus free supporting elder attacks with their pulsar fire often leaping into the front lines or leading an attack whilst the phantom titans provided long range fire they made light work of the rough mountainous terrain on the planet allowing them to secure advantageous firing positions where no other titan-sized machine could go revenant pulsar fire was also believed to be responsible for damaging the river titan invictus nova and numerous imperial guard super heavy tanks that supported it a noted tactic for the elder is to pair their titans together linked telepathically by the blood tyres of the steersman they always fight side by side paired eldar titans often have joint names long and complex by the standards of the imperiums titan legions these war machines their elaborate titles which when translated read as hearts armoured for battle eagles born of flame revenge upon ancient wrongs guardians at the gates of infinity and protectors of the fallen to name but a few the phantom titan the phantom is the largest of the eldar titans tall slender and graceful it is agile and fast when compared to the lumbering armored bear moths of the imperium each of these mighty titans is the pinnacle of eldar warcraft built around a powerful psychic wraith bone core which permits the spirits contained within to flow freely through the titan helping to guide the machine and its steersman pilot the stairsman is an experienced master of his art he controls the titan from its cockpit tearing 25 meters above the battlefield locked in a deep trance-like state his spirit merges with those of the wraith bone to create one sentience which in turn guides the titan almost allowing it to think react and maneuver with the speed of an aspect warrior as with the revenant the phantom's large rear fins project its surrounding hollow field the phantom carries some of the eldar's largest and deadliest weaponry amongst the titan legion princeps and moderate it is rightly feared for its huge pulsars these are laser energy weapons of massive power capable of piercing the thickest armor with ease with long range and its high rate of fire the massive pulsar is a weapon that has become synonymous with the phantom and is far superior to anything the adaptor's mechanicus is sanctioned for use on its own titans no less deadly as the phantoms distortion cannon a larger version of the weapon carried by the cobra super heavy tank it tears a huge black seething rift in reality allowing warp energies to flood into through and around the target tearing it apart the final phantom weapon is the less common power glaive known as the valkreila approximate translation the sleepless heartbringer of destruction it is a bladed titan close combat weapon that also mounts two star cannons as well as its primary arm weapons the phantom has secondary weapons high up on its shoulder mounts which can include a star cannon and the multiple plasma warhead missile launcher for close anti-personal and anti-aircraft defense war machines of such size and power as the phantom titan were not deployed by the eldar races usual raids and surgical strikes these massive war machines are reserved for the heaviest fighting when a craft world must engage in a pitch battle when fast hit and run raiding will not suffice and the eldar wished to wreak terrible destruction upon their enemies only then do the web way portals open wide and allow the phantoms to stride forth times must be desperate indeed for the seer council to decree the deployment of such gods of war the rarely encountered variant of the phantom is known as the warlock titan it contains the spirits of mighty eldar seers and warlocks still held within its rafebone core these spirits of the dead are not powerless and they can still merge their psychic strength creating a potent war engine that combines the firepower and grace of the phantom with the innate abilities of these leaders of the eldar race to create the pinnacle of psychic engineering chapter one ghosts in the shadows the countless wars fought in the name of the god emperor and the galaxy spanning imperium of mankind rarely begin with the deafening roar of amassed imperial guard artillery barrage or the earth-shaking footballs of world striding titans most are simply heralded by the sand of a single shot or a desperate cry for help in the darkness of an uncaring galaxy the war for battalis free began with silence located deep within the glacial fields of batallus freeze eastern continent relay station nx8704 form part of the global surveillance network that kept permanent watch over the ice world's vast uninhabitable wastelands that it had functioned without issue for centuries in such harsh conditions was a testament to the consummate skill of the adeptus mechanicus tech priests who had seeded the planet with scores of such installations during its transformation into an imperial mining colony on the eve of its 405th year of perfect operation the relay station abruptly ceased transmitting the logis adept monitoring the relay station thousands of kilometers away at the planet's spaceport port raya instantly went into cerebral shock and let out a soul-piercing scream the sudden loss of data collapsing its higher brain functions which had been exclusively devoted to processing nx-8704's constant stream of tech scripts and binary ciphers its entire life its death scream sent a shock wave through the living breathing bio processor it was physically and mentally connected to rendering five other adepts catatonic and leaving vast tracks of the planet's east and most continent are monitored until repairs could be affected and the damaged bio components replaced on a world where temperatures have been sub-zero for millennia and lethal ice storms whipped up with little warning the malfunction of nx-8704 was initially blamed on local conditions and it was left to the trans-mechanic specialists of the adeptus mechanicus on-site to resolve the issue and revive the relay station's machine spirit it was only when a sentinel patrol from a nearby garrison was ordered to investigate the still silent facility two days later that the isolated relay station was found to have been attacked and destroyed the frozen bodies of its massacred trans mechanics were laying scattered throughout the station's charred remains their horrific injuries consistent with those caused by monofilament projectile weapons a report of the patrol's grisly discovery was immediately dispatched to port rya and as alarms blared throughout the facility the planet's defense force steeled themselves for further attacks over the weeks that followed the ice world's global surveillance network was targeted by more raids each facility being attacked under the cover of darkness and with little if any warning the motive for the attacks completely eluded vitalis frees planetary governor jamual escovar and the representatives of the noble mining families who oversaw production on the ice world the planet was of little strategic importance and of only minor economic worth to the sub-sector messiah from the 62 million citizen workers and their families living in settlements clustered around the planet's war mines and refineries and the fifteen thousand administration support staff based at port raya the planet was a desolate wasteland devoid of life one of only two planets fit for habitation in the system it was a stark contrast to the neighbouring industrial world of batallus iv even the aristocratic families granted mining charters on batallus free generations before by the administratum rarely visited their distant domain instead their will was imposed by hundreds of petty bureaucrats prefects and stewards charged with meeting the planet's annual administrative tithes and ensuring that every last bit of profit possible after that was ground from the planet's bedrock and the unfortunate souls who lived upon it the escalating raids were quickly attributed to the eldar corsairs that the system's imperial navy fleet had previously encountered in the batalla system's outer asteroid belt and the karina nebula beyond it the corsairs identified as being aligned to the void dragon's cadre had posed a serious threat in the past to the colonists of vitalis free launching attacks upon isolated communities whenever the opportunity had presented itself regular patrols by the system's fleet had kept them in check in recent years but it was now obvious from the increasing sightings reported by crews of cargo transports travelling to and from the system that those circumstances had changed meanwhile on batallus free as the profile of the raids on the ice world differed little from the corsairs modus operandi planetary governor escobar dispatched his forces as he had done previously now though these were joined by men from the acadian sixth armored regiment elements of which had been recently transferred to the planet to undergo hostile environment training with their skills and experience planetary governor escobar desperately hoped that maybe the fighting men of cadia would pronoun to this persistent problem once and for all even with the aid of the vastly more experienced canadian squads hunting down the raiders was not as simple a matter as planetary governor escobar thought as soon as a report of a raid was received the guardsmen were immediately dispatched in squadrons of arvis lighters across the frozen landscape of the raiding party though there would be no sign only the destruction it had wrought upon yet another relay station or isolated outpost an indication of its passing on the rare occasion that there were survivors they rarely provided intelligence of any use those that live long enough to speak of their ordeal were terrified beyond rational sense babbling incoherently about lights in the darkness before mercifully succumbing to their wounds the horrific game of cat and mouse was to go on for weeks the planet overseers and stewards voicing their concerns have allowed her with each attack fearful that the situation would soon hamper their ability to meet the mining cartel's administrative obligations and so it might have continued had not greater military minds been watching events unfold and batalus free from afar the return of a warrior 032 894 m41 a month after the attack on relay station nx8704 a shuttlecraft set down on the primary landing strip at port roya on board was general mindoros odon commander of the sixth canadian armed regiment and a decorated veteran of over 30 campaigns fought in the name of the emperor recovering from injuries he'd received whilst commanding the regiment in its successful defense of the agriworld sarah seven the general had abruptly cut short his rehabilitation giving only two hours notice of his impending arrival to the now nervously waiting planetary governor escobar striding past the fawning diplomats from the mining cartels that had hastily gathered to greet him the general's first action was to reassume command of all divisions of the acadian sixth garrisoned on the planet bowing to the general superior military expertise some might suggest almost too eagerly planetary governor escover put the planet's defense forces at the imperial guard commander's disposal only a few hours behind the general's ship but already filling long-range pick screens at port roya was an armada of vessels on board which was the remainder of the canadian 6th army regiment their headquarters had been temporarily based on the system's primary planet batallus iv and the general had issued orders whilst on route that they were to redeploy to patalus free his assessment of the situation was that events unfolding on the planet were serious enough to warrant their immediate relocation general odin's long years of tactical training and battlefield experience had led him to conclude that the seemingly indiscriminate attacks were neither random nor the actions of opportunists taking advantage of what the general saw as a woefully poorly defended system an abomination he would be taking up with the commanders of its imperial navy fleet forthwith each attack had been planned by mines infinitely greater than those they had been toying with and were undoubtedly in his opinion part of a much wider initiative although none of the facilities attacked were directly connected by plotting the raids and then projecting where the next one would most likely occur general odin had realized that a tipping point would soon be reached where batallus free's entire global surveillance network would be rendered inoperative with the removal of just four more relay stations thousands of kilometers apart from each other with the planet unmonitored and the units from the sixth canadian armored and planetary defense force spread too thin across its surface chasing ghosts the world would be utterly unprepared for the much larger invasion general odin believed the attacks were a prelude to battalis freeze custodians had been foolishly dancing to someone else's tune when general odin had arrived to put a stop to it knowing that time was a precious commodity he can now ill afford to waste and with not enough men or armament to protect the entire planet general odin ordered that all imperial guard and planetary defense forces be recalled from the less populated southern and western continents with immediate effect this raised a heated storm of protests from the cartel's representatives who feared what would happen if they lost the total control they currently exerted over the belligerent population still bitter of what they saw as the twisted promises made to their ancestors centuries before if the workers were not kept in check it was feared that riots would soon break out affecting production rates and preventing the cartels from meeting the planet's stringent administrative tithe but during times of war rarely do the priorities of common men their imperial overseers and the might of the military concur and whilst the cartels petitioned furiously for him to rescind his order the general had far greater concerns he believed that they would all soon face far worse than a barely restrained militant population or the administration's vast chapters of auditors and bureaucrats general odin suspected that whatever was behind the raids was already massing its forces in the unmonitored glacial wastelands and should they gain a foothold on batallas free then the infinitely more valuable industrial world and staging point of battalis iv would be their next target battalion was nothing more than a stepping stone in his eyes to the indispensable strategic gem that hung in its heavens the die is cast zero four zero eight nine four m four one the decision to recall the imperial guard squads from the southern and western continents achieved far more than a storm of protest from the planet's prefix it also provoked the enemy into action something general odin had been counting on as the last guardsmen were shuttled back to port rya a cargo vessel flying supplies between the mining facilities on the southern ice plains of the continent was attacked and destroyed before this ship disappeared from port rya's screens the pilot relayed back a single picked image of his pursuers it showed two sleek craft clearly of eldar origin each with their weapons illuminated with an unearthly glow as they powered up to blast the cargo ship from the skies the message from the planet's assailants was loud and clear the war for batallus free had begun even with thousands of imperial guard regiments in a constant state of readiness the wheels of bureaucracy within the departmento munitorium grind woefully slowly the order for the hammer of the emperor to strike may not be issued for weeks months or even years once a request for aid is first received as it makes its way through the seemingly endless chain of command those seeking assistance are therefore wise to look to their own defense in case they do not receive reinforcements in time or at all therefore invoking his full powers as console militant of the battalis system a position granted to him upon his return to active service general odin first issued a system-wide decree that all resources both military and otherwise were now part of the building war effort attached to this decree was noticed that anyone who dared to object would be swiftly transferred to the ranks of the arbitee's penal battalion charged as traitors for supporting the eldar corps as the superior military force on the planet the canadian sixth armored would form the core of the army but what the regiment delivered in terms of experience and ability it lacked in equipment it was all in need of tanks and had only half of its usual complement available the remainder had not been replaced after they were destroyed in the war against the orcs on sarah seven the canadian sixth armored officers first scoured batalus free for anything with tracks and armor they could use all of the talus freeze heavy armor what little there was of it was immediately stripped from the planetary defense force and added to that of the cadian regiment along with its squadrons of malkador in furnace flamer tanks and crassus armored assault transports general odin's next action was to gain consensus from the system's imperial navy commander that all non-essential flights be grounded on the planet to protect what little air support he would have to call upon during the conflict the imperial navy's small defensive air fleet comprised little more than a squadron of marauder destroyers and a number of thunderbolts with the majority of its civilian craft being harvest cargo shuttles and bulk transports general odin knew that the eldar would first and foremost seek superiority in the skies before committing any ground troops with little to match their craft in terms of speed or maneuverability this would be a hard battle for the battalis system fleet but one it would participate in regardless then the general staff turned their attention to the colonists of the ice world the planetary governor had been in the process of building up and training recruits to meet the planet's departmento munitor and manpower times the recruits men and women mostly drawn from the planetary defense force and the workers militia had been given the temporary title of the 28th battalis rifles they had virtually no equipment or heavy weapons but had already undergone training with the canadian sixth and were considered battle ready general odin gave the order for their reassignment these new raw recruits had a little experience but he needed the manpower if nothing else they would free up more experienced guardsmen from garrison and security duties their commander colonel eptida was a capable and loyal officer who had achieved good results in training the conscripts and general odin saw no need to replace him the search for more troops also led directly to the cells of the adeptus arbites the life of the common man of the imperium is rarely an easy one war and disease take all too many from the emperor's light too soon and those who survive will likely endure such hardships that each day is a constant struggle with little reward or comfort i've heard them what they can take whether willingly or otherwise from one another on batallus 3 the descendants of the original colonists survived their grim existence with their ancestors bitter hatred for their overseers bred deep into their psyche with absolute control over their lives the cartels enforcers made sure there was little time between work shifts for them to dwell upon their discontentment still though tempers regularly ran high and even minor scuffles or disagreements frequently escalated into riots among the general populace and the swift harsh penalties dealt out for even the smallest infraction meant there was rarely a cell empty in the many arbitees compounds on the world it was to these the general staff turned next then each prisoner regardless of his crime or sentence was armed and given the chance to redeem himself the final addition to the burgeoning defense force was the primary mining cartel family's personal guard the absent cartel families representatives on the planet lord steward vlad was a practical man who recognized that the sooner the eldar threat was removed from battalis free the quicker normal operations would resume the cartel's personal guard consisted of a thousand troops granted for ceremonial duties and protection should the members of the noble mining family who own the administrative mandate ever visit the guard looked smart on the parade ground and had their own squadrons of lehman russ and chimera but like the battalis 28th they had never seen any combat action the general staff took them anyway in return lord stewart vlad lobbied for and to the surprise of many of the rival cartel family's representatives was given the rank of colonel having exhausted what batallus free could offer the general staff then turned to other sources of manpower neighboring batallus iv also now on high alert was currently the staging point of the vost 14 parliament regiment the voting commander was ordered to turn control of the regiment over to the canadians theirs was the senior force and the needs of the vitalis system overrode his previous orders the regiment comprised men conscripted from vosts hive gangs and workers and although they lacked acadian's tradition of service and sacrifice the regiment was well equipped with chimeras and lehman russ it also had a heavy tank company of aging but fully functional macarius battle tanks these would be essential especially as the canadians had little in the way of truly heavy armament just a few surviving battle-worn squadrons of bane blades storm blades and shadow swords a flotilla of vessels used by the mining cartels had already been prepared for the regiment's immediate transfer when its young colonel in command of the regiment from nothing but sheer fluke of birthright sent his response although he sympathized with the predicament that general oden faced he would not deviate from his original orders until sector command sent new instructions the vost 14th would stay on batallus iv a skirmish on some backwater planet was not part of the vastian colonel's current concerns the intervention zero four eight eight nine four m four one the defiance of the vast 14th commander ended with the arrival of inquisitor lord hesterfuss dansk at port roya the inquisitor lord and agent of the great institution of the ordozinus swept into general odin's command room unannounced and unchallenged accompanying the inquisitor lord was his retinue three cadian guardsmen and adeptus mechanicus tech priest upon whose arm perched a huge black bird cables from the implants upon its skull linking it with its creature and two ogres dragged unceremoniously between the two megalithic thugs was the pitiful sight of the young vaustian colonel all evidence of his former rank ripped unceremoniously from his soiled uniform ordered by his superiors to investigate the growing reports of eldar in the system inquisitor lord dansk had been on route to betalis free when he had intercepted the young colonel's complaints to his commanders regarding general oden's orders diverting to batallus iv dansk had arrested the colonel and his entire command staff and sentenced them to serve in the newly formed arbitees penal battalion until the end of the war the vast 14th armored regiment was immediately redeployed to battalis free and within days their lemonross chimeras macarius and ogre and auxiliary company were reassigned to reinforce the canadian squads some of the canadian sixth regiments officers were also distributed throughout the new regiment's ranks replacing the inexperienced officers drawn from the hive world's ruling families with much more experienced canadian sergeants and veterans commissioners were also posted among the platoons to quash any dissents with their customary finality as well as providing a solution to the army's lack of ground troops the inquisitor lord had also called upon other resources some even the new console militant did not have access to also in the vicinity of the batalla system was a convoy destined for the urant system containing a titan transport of the legiographanicus the war griffins general oden fordeered an astropathic request to the war griffin's homeworld requesting its temporary reassignment the request was approved and in addition a strike force of elysian drop troops accompanying the convoy was also diverted the elysians under the command of a captain isitar would provide their own airborne transports and form a mobile reserve for the defence force one wrote to the system inquisitor lord dansk had also petitioned the space wolves chapter for aid there had been reports of their presence in a neighboring system and if the space marines heeded the call for reinforcements then their added might would see a formidable force assembled for the defense of the planet with all available options exhausted and the eldar corsairs now openly mounting daylight raids on the other two continents their populations left to fend for themselves by the order of the general the batallus free defense force was split into three battle groups colonel eptida would take command of the first his battle group was ordered to immediately head to the bregan glacier the glacier loomed over the entrance to the taron d'or peninsula and if it were to fall into enemy hands then movement on and off the peninsula where the imperium's forces were based would be severely restricted it was essential that it was in imperial hands before the war began meanwhile the two other battle groups would remain on alert at port raya only when the full scale of the enemy's forces and its intentions were absolutely clear with the largest battle group led by general oden deploy the last of the three battle groups commanded by colonel vlad would remain at the spaceport unless the deployment of its reserve forces was deemed absolutely necessary until that time the defenders of the ice world of battalis free prepared for war chapter 2 the silence ends the colossal blue star of the battalion system was an ancient traveler it had passed across the western spiral arms of the galaxy for billions of years trailed by a ghostly shroud and had figured in the myths and legends of the region in many guises to the worlds of the pacheck consortium it was the all-seeing eye of a terrifying cyclopean god that constantly watched and judged their every move but to their bad moon orc warlord gob t fangmore it had been a huge sparkling jewel dropped by the orc god gawk or possibly mork himself driven by his insatiable greed to possess the star-sized gem the orc warlord had swept across the sector at the head of a gargantuan war millions of orcs strong his murderous rampage only being halted when he was slain by a rival goth orc warlord to the imperium the battalis star was none of these things what they found instead when their survey ships examined and categorized it was just another seething ball of plasma and radiation like so many others within the emperor's domain the star was nothing more than a minor sun that had been spewing its stellar matter out into the void of space for millennia before it converged together again in a vast cloud of stardust nearly a light year away known as the carina nebula the battalis dust cloud or simply epn31953 by imperial xenocartographers to the eldar the hazy expanse was the maiden's veil nothing more than an insignificant smudge on the star charts of the imperial navy to the fathomless minds of the elder it was a place avoided by those few who lived upon the craft worlds who were privy to its terrible secret but for the young eldar who sought a life free of the restrictions and constraints of the eldar star palaces it held no such fear instead for millennia it drew them like moths to a flame to join other such outcasts of their slowly dying race riven its gossamer veil and where now a massive corsair fleet was massing in preparation for its assault upon the battalis system the destruction of batallis free's global surveillance network by the eldar corps says put general odin's forces at a severe disadvantage without it vast stretches of the eastern continent could not be monitored nor could they rely on assistance from the orbital navy defense platforms the platform sensors had been designed to penetrate the highly reflective stellar matter that poured through the system from the vitalis sun it would require many days of delicate recalibration by tech adepts before they could be refocused on the planet let alone provide images of sufficient quality for the battle groups commanders to use again inquisitor lord dansk provided the solution amongst his retinue was an adeptus mechanicus tech priest my dias whom the inquisitor lord had rescued over 30 years before from a chaos cultist uprising on the hive world of hemisphere with their relay stations and power systems of the surveillance network damaged too far beyond even the tech priest's ability to repair by the eldar raids he said to work on an alternative working without rest for two days and nights the tech priests put the now redundant monitoring system at port raya to a new purpose from its biomechanical components he created scores of surveillance servitors mostly static devices but some even capable of low level flight these were then distributed to key locations across the eastern continent by the inquisitor's retinue the free canadians and tech priests facing the very real risk of discovery at any moment by the increasing patrols mounted by eldar jet bike squadrons within hours of the last device being activated the full scale of the eldar incursion was realized monitoring the feeds from the servitors on the banks of pig screens in his command chimera inquisitor lord dansk informed general odin led the defenders of batalus free face not one but two massive eldar battle hosts the early warning systems on the watchful savior betalis free's primary orbiting defense platform burst into life as the corsair armada crossed into the system's outer reaches as one the dower robed figures of its choir rose up from their ornately carved wooden stalls and began to chant the canticle of the observant sun the low droning call to arms a somber contrast to the shrieking sirens that had also been triggered by the approach of the enemy ships far above them in the watchful savior's towering spires its gun crews prepared for battle scores of imperial navy indentured workers heave the platform's massive macro cannons and lance weapons forward into their firing positions the bundles of chains they hold them along with cutting deep into their hands and shoulders as they strained with the mammoth effort required of their task many levels below deep in the core of the platform adeptus mechanicus adepts bless the workings of the station's plasma generator the long black filaments of their electro brushes smearing holy oils and onions thickly upon its age-stained cogs and arcane gears then only when they were satisfied they had bestowed upon them sufficient blessings and ointments did the worshipers of the omnisire each take hold of one of the generators primary valves and with a softly whispered prayer awaken the dormant machine spirit within two hours after its sensors had detected the approaching corsair ships the gun crews of the watchful savior opened fire at maximum range their blinding beams of light slicing deep into the flight paths of the oncoming fleet their efforts went unrewarded though as the beams harmlessly dissipated beyond the swarming ships again and again the crews fired but to little effect the defense lasers glowing red-hot as their crews labored to track and hit the elusive targets whose hollow fields redirected and dispersed the shots with ease then from behind the second moon of the ice world the system's imperial navy fleet joined the battle dozens of fury interceptors defense monitors and system ships their numbers pitifully few in comparison to the masked eldar craft the fury interceptors accelerated once they were clear of the moon the fastest in the small fleet their orders were to lure the eldar of their current course and onto the guns of the slower but better armed and armored system ships in response the first wave of corsairs immediately engaged them twisting and spiraling through space the eldar craft flew directly at the oncoming formation paying scant regard to the barrage of laz cannon shots and missiles the imperium's interceptors fired as they closed the range then each turning their sleek vessels through near impossible angles they arced back around upon the flanks of their prey the xenos pilots obliterating most of the imperial navy squadrons in a synchronous attack that was as perfect in its coordinated execution as it was deadly with the first wave devoted to destroying the remnants of the fury squadrons the second course air wave of dark stars and squadrons of aconite and hellboar frigates advanced to engage the imperium system ships and defence monitor formations the long elegant xenos escort ships studied with pulsar lances and torpedo launchers the holy retribution one of the few system ships assigned to the battalis fleet was the first to suffer their attentions weapons battery after weapons battery was fired by the holy retribution's gun crews and ratings and indentured workers inside the ship preparing the next volley the instant their weapons were discharged then as the ship's trajectory curved past the moon the long range lance fire of the watchful savior joined its salvos caught within the firestorm dozens of course aircraft were laid to waste their blasted remains soon drifting amongst those of the fury interceptors that had been destroyed minutes before for almost an hour the battle raged first the corsairs edged ever closer towards the ship and in return would be caught in its intense gunfire or trapped within the lancing beams of the watchful savior but as time wore on eldar weapons fire took its toll upon the holy retribution with insufficient fury squadrons to protect it the agile and powerful eldar darkstar fighters inflicted enough damage to overloaded shield generators and dove in to strafe its gun decks and command spire the moment they failed with external bulkheads compromised and the fractured meter thick panels of armor glass surrounding the command deck threatening to breach at any moment the holy retributions commander flag captain muvane gave the order for his dying vessel to be turned towards the one area of the system's outer reaches that all imperial vessels had so far given a wide berth entering the region with the corsair still strafing his vessel flag captain muvan opened up the ship's vox network and started to recite the common prayer of the fleet the sound of the centuries-old ship tearing apart clearly audible around him the venerable flag captain had not gotten far through the samba liturgy when the eldar darkstar fighter its alien identity not recognized by the remnants of the minefield seeded in the batallas system centuries before by the divine unification triggered one of the abandoned mines as the power generation crystals on the aldar craft shattered and its whole fragmented its debris field set off further mines critically damaging the holy retribution and scores of other corsair vessels that had swarmed around the dying ship the explosions tore through the holy retribution causing its shields to fail and its bulkheads to be ripped apart sending thousands of imperial navy crewmen into the cold vacuum of space in the few areas of the vast ship where the crew were not immediately ejected into the void the men fought amongst themselves for places and a few undamaged salvation pods those fortunate to escape were either immediately targeted and destroyed by eldar course air vessels or slowly drifted through the system until they reached the safety of one of the inhabited planets whilst the destruction of the holy retribution played out across the edge of the batalas system the rest of the corsair fleet maintain their cause towards the watchful savior and the last few remaining fury squadrons and system ships that now stood guard over it virtually unopposed the first wave of dark stars scored multiple direct hits their shots punching through its shields and critically damaging the platform's gravetic stabilizers with a sickening motion the massive platform began to list and anything not securely fixed down began to roll and slide across the decks crushing all in its way as the watchful savior tilted and began to drift out of its geostationary orbit the effects were devastating gun crews and ratings were drowned as the huge vats of chemicals that hung over the defense lasers their toxic contents used to prevent the weapons from overheating broke free from their mountings engulfing the frantically fleeing men in an acidic tidal wave in the apothecarium the watchful savior surgeon master was nearly fatally maimed when shelves storing surgical implements tipped over him mid operation their razor sharp blades slicing him from head to toe with scores of incisions a worse fate though was to befall the crews who worked in the bays permanently exposed to the outer void as soon as the watchful savior had begun to list the bulkhead doors leading to open sections of the platform automatically sealed shut with their escape routes cut off hundreds died when the protective energy field between the crew and space fluctuated for a few seconds exposing them to the intense radiation of the battalis system star volleys from a third course airwave finished off the stricken platform its return fire slackening as pyres raged within it and its compartments flooded with toxic smoke with defeat imminent and his guns falling silent one by one flag captain basus the watchful saviour's commander ordered the platform's evacuation salvation pods were frantically loaded with the wounded and the lucky few unscathed survivors and then ejected towards the planet below the few imperial navy ships that had survived the first assaults retreated into the outer regions of the batalas star its radiation shielding them from the sensors of the corsair fleet that now dominated the battalis system having won the battle for the skies above batalis free the elder immediately turned their attention to the planet below the battle of alnitak prime 055 894 m41 the first major land offensive of the battalis free war took place at al natak prime a vast facility that refined chemicals used in the production of promethium and that stretched for over 50 kilometers across and through the bregan glacier flowing down from the escarta mountain range at the infinitesimal speed of less than half a meter a century the glacier its ice marbled with the dark grey ash that constantly fell like snow from the refinery's forest of chimneys and cooling towers loomed ominously over the eastern edge of the elysian plains the plains were little more than icy wilderness but across them lay the entrance to the isthmus of tarandor the land bridge that connected the northeastern peninsula and ultimately port rya to the rest of the eastern continent the two eldar forces that of aliatac in the south of the continent and the other from maimeira speeding eastwards from its portal near the western coast were expected to converge on the elation planes general oden was preparing his battle group to oppose them there and whoever controlled the glacier would hold an advantage in the battle to come dispatched in a fast-moving convoy of lehman russ malcador praetors and crassus armored assault transports and taking advantage of the road networks that fed the facility's insatiable appetite for battalis freeze raw materials battle group emptida deployed on the glacier on the evening of the third day of its departure from port raya as colonel eptida watched over the battle group's preparations already thousands of workers and their families had left their hab blocks behind and set out on the perilous trek to seek shelter elsewhere heading either for the northern and eastern highway tunnels or the networks of canyons and caves in the surrounding mountains each man woman and child knew the enemy was coming the only question was when it would arrive true to form the eldar did not keep the defenders waiting long in the pre-dawn hours of the fourth day as the battlegroup sentinel forward reconnaissance squads patrolled the southernmost regions of the glacier they came under fire from squadrons of eldar grav tanks and viper jet bikes that had flown ahead of the main my mera force skimming low across the elation plains and up over the leading edge of the ice wall near invisible in the darkness they registered as little more than faint smudges on the sentinel sensors as one by one the walker squadrons were annihilated eldar rangers already concealed in the surrounding ice canyons expertly guided their airborne brethren in joining the mymera craft shortly after the first wave of course air vessels began their attack run on the facility the battle group was ready and waiting for them though as the night wings phoenix and vampires soared down they were met with a tremendous firestorm of last shot and artillery shell additionally prior to leaving their base on the neighbouring industrial world the officers of the canadian sith had ordered their men to completely strip its resupply depots of all the guns ordnance and ammunition they could lay their hands on little remained by the time the fine arcadian squad left for the ice world each ship in the fleet had been stacked to the gunnels with enough armament to defend the planet for months and amongst this huge arsenal had been a consignment of defence platforms due to be distributed to wars elsewhere in the sector now a large stretch of the glacier bristled with the barrels of those guns as they unleashed salvo upon salvo into the oncoming eldar attack formation the thunder of battle group emptida's heavy weapons shook the surrounding mountain ranges to their core triggering avalanches and rockfalls that roared down their slopes burying hundreds of refugees who had gambled that safety lay in the cave systems rather than heading east to risk the long walk across sub-zero tundra undeterred by the firestorm they had flown into the eldar flyers soared over the facility and once their attack run was complete raced upwards into the heavens with barely enough time to reload the guardsmen soon spotted scores of white contrails on the horizon which augured the approach of a second course air wave the guardsmen manning their defense platforms unleashed another booming volley as the enemy came within range shell after shell swept the sky as the crews swung their heavy weapons round to follow the flight paths of the sleek darting ships before they too rose up above the facility at break next speed in out of range the second attack had lasted no longer than the first and although both enemy forces had given their all neva had inflicted a deathblow upon the other as silence descended once more upon our attack prime the gun crews reloaded and scanned the horizon waiting for the telltale signs of contrails to appear once again the next attack came swiftly although not from the air but instead from the surrounding mountains as sniper fire ripped through the heavy weapons platforms the corsairs had been little more than a diversion a faint to buy time for the eldar rangers to move up so that their guns were within range of the battle group those guardsmen who survived the opening volley would immediately pin down using what little cover their weapons platforms provided were lying motionless amongst the bodies of their fallen comrades as sniper fire ricocheted along the platform's metal work watching the battle at alm attack prime colonel emptida initiated the next part of his plan on his command the heavily armored lehman russ chimera and praetor armoured assault launcher squadrons waiting there sprang into action their exhausts belching black oily fumes into the freezing cold air as they accelerated towards the besieged lines of heavy weapons platforms with no chance of locating the eldar hidden amongst the vast network of ravines surrounding them colonel amtida had turned to one of the few weapons in the imperial guard's arsenal he had an abundance overwhelming firepower the tanks gunners sent round after round into the mountains the shells setting off a lethal hailstorm of shrapnel as rocks and ice exploded with deadly effect as the tanks prowled the battlefield and the sniper fire ceased the survivors from the vost4 team from battalis 28th regiments on the platforms began to celebrate believing the eldar had been destroyed they had done it they had seen off two attacks and lived the more experienced canadians amongst them remained grimly silent they knew the eldar were not so easily beaten and would soon be back something colonel emptida was more than ready to face and in the few minutes when the pace of the battle briefly paused he gave the order for the next part of his plan to commence speeding down the glacier from al attack prime came the last of the vehicles emptida had at his disposal as they sped along their tracks rumbled over the facility's massive air vents that were interspersed along the glacier only a day before these vital lifelines had supplied precious clean air to dilute the toxic fumes that spewed from the furnaces in the facilities below preventing the suffocation of the thousands who toiled at them day and night hastily abandoned by the workers those furnaces still burn fiercely and where once men and women had labored something else now moved in their place transported to the glacier within the holes of the crassus the two waves of imperial vehicles soon joined together and reformed into three huge blocks as they picked up speed creating a new front line a kilometer down the glacier now at the rear the static heavy weapons platforms then took on the role of artillery once more the corsair pilots swooped down and in return the tank crews opened fire as the heavily armored blocks rumbled forwards shuriken cannon and star cannon traded shots with heavy bolters and auto cannons as the graceful craft strafed the battle line the range was so close between the two sides that hollow fields and armor mattered little in the furious firefight the tight imperial formation and its near constant bombardment even the odds teams of jet bike riders skimmed across the surface of the glacier behind the corsairs following up on the attacks of the larger craft the slow lumbering imperial force continued to roll stubbornly forwards each driver trusting his safety to his armored vehicle and its guns and remaining within the formation fight together and live stand alone and die the choice was simple however gaps were starting to appear and even originally fully loaded ammunition supplies were also running low for the near constant rate of fire at alm attack prime colonel aptida watched on solemnly as the brave guardsmen under his command fought on had they been given more time and resources they might have succeeded but the young colonel knew such hope for the folly it was it was clear that the eldar's heir superiority and increasing numbers would have eventually swept away the battle group regardless his men had done well to last this long already he'd had word from odon's command staff that the main force of the mymera host were deploying onto the alation planes if he didn't act now then the eldar would gain the upper ground and battle group odin wouldn't stand a chance whispering a brief prayer for the emperor's forgiveness colonel amtida turned to the men behind him who controlled the cyclops demolition vehicles now positioned through the depths of the facility and with one word ended the battle of al natak prime detonate a prayer for the fallen kilometers away from the glacier inquisitor lord dansk recited the prayer for the fallen as he watched the destruction of battle group emptida and its attackers through the eyes of a hovering servitor the detonation of the cyclops demolition vehicles deployed through the facility during the battle had set up a catastrophic chain reaction amongst its furnaces and huge chemical storage vats the blast that immediately followed liquefied the ice field above it launching the battle group and billions of tons of melted ice and molten rock straight up into the vast flock of eldar craft circling above battle group emptida could never have held the glacier or facility against the arrayed might of the elder and its young colonel had known that as soon as he'd received his orders but inquisitor lord dansk had respectfully acknowledged that colonel mtida had performed his duty without question and through his selfless sacrifice none of his men he had succeeded in denying the eldar the advantage of the higher ground and brought battle group odin the time it so desperately needed his somber liturgy complete inquisitor dansk severed his connection with the servitor and looked out with his own eyes upon the impressive sight of the masked ranks of battle group odon arrayed across the westwood entrance to the taran d'or isthmus below him may the emperor protect chapter 3 dark times the formite of battle group odin dominated the approach to the taron d'or isthmus tanks armoured vehicles heavy artillery and guardsmen stood a raid on the elation planes ready to meet the eldar assault head on as dense black smoke billowed up from the bragging glacier the wreckage from the explosion there still burning fiercely reports were received that the host of my mara had swept on to the west alation plains and begun its approach heralding their arrival and first to come within range of the masked guns of the imperial guard were their corsair allies an armada of phoenix hornets and nightwings that dive down through the gathering storm clouds at breakneck speed hazard alnitak the imperial guard met the attack with a barrage of devastating firepower chimeras prayer tours bane blades storm blades shadow swords macarius and lehman russ lending their fury to their heavy artillery onslaught the corsair ships soared in undeterred their agile pilots weaving and threading their craft through the air their shuriken cannons and missile launchers returning fire as all around them shells and missiles exploded first blood went to batalis freeze defenders as a void dragon nightwing it swept wing hull adorned with symbols of its cadre was ripped from the sky its destroyer was a hydra flat tank one of the precious few deployed with the battle group with its systems trained on the horizon the hydra's logic spirit had swung the tank's auto cannons into action as soon as it had detected movement tearing through one of the nightwing's curved wings and sending it spiraling into a terminal dive that not even the superior skills of its eldar pilot could recover from the nightwing's destruction lifted the morale of the guardsmen more than any rousing speech the minister and priests could deliver in that one moment they were raised up from the depths of despair they had fallen into seeing the destruction of battle group emptida the rate of attrition intensified as more corsairs came within range of the heavy guns weapons fire from both sides causing death and unparalleled carnage at such close quarters amidst the furious assault lehman russ were hit and damaged as the corsairs found their marks and in return the xeno ships were blasted from the skies strains too close to the battlegroup's many guns soon though even the most battle thirsty corsair pilots saw that to continue would ultimately mean their deaths they broke off speeding up through the gathering storm clouds and beyond to regroup and tend to their wounds the opening moves of the battle had been played out and the alation planes were littered with its casualties with the forces of my mera on the planes and reports coming in of the host of craftworld alitok now approaching from the south general oden gave the order for the battle group to separate into two companies it was a bold move and one those imperial guard commanders who religiously followed the doctrines of the tactical imperialist would have considered foolhardy and reckless however as each eldar craft world's force outnumbered the battle group many times over if it remained a single block it would be quickly overwhelmed and destroyed the first company vengeance comprised the tank squadrons lehman russ hydras and chimeras the second company designated retribution was mainly infantry deployed in crassus armored assault transports with what little general odin could spare in terms of lehman russ and prayer tours acting as escort company vengeance had orders to head west it was to lure in as many eldar craft as it could and take the inevitable first hit that would give company retribution the chance to intercept the approaching alitok land forces in the south joining retribution and vengeance on the alation planes would be the titans of legiographanicus four rivers and four war hands which had just reached the war zone from port raya the original plan had been for the legio grafenikus titans to lend their much-needed support to vengeance's tank squadrons now they had a different objective the surveillance network set up by inquisitor lord danks's retinue ran the eastern continent had relayed back images of at least eight eldar titans emerging from the mimara portal amongst them and now somewhere on the northern edge of the elation plains were two massive eldar phantom titans and the princeps of the colossal war machines of the imperium had orders to destroy them deployed directly in the path of the my mara host company vengeance with general odin leading from the fore clashed with the eldar force as the last rays of the system's cold blue sun was smothered by snow clouds pouring in from the north skimming ahead of my mother's infantry was a vast armada hundreds of squadrons of jet bikes hornets and vipers in stark contrast to their corsair brethren my mares pilots demonstrated no desire to dive down upon their imperial foe and satisfy a barely checked thirst for battle instead they came in low in tight surgical formations forcing the rear ranks of vengeance to hold fast their fire lest their shells impact among their own front lines the change in tactics served the eldar well the wake of that devastating first sortie was strewn with the halls of over 70 lehman russ and chimera their thick armor plating scorched by shuriken fire or the crew killed as pulse laser and prism cannon fire penetrated the tank's armor but such losses were expected against the more chaotic attacks of the corsair pilots standard tank tactics had survived but to maintain such tight formation when faced with the main body of the eldar assault would have proved suicidal there more disciplined pilots would simply have stayed out of range of vengeance's guns and attack from afar once the battle was underway vengeance's numbers would be too few to repeat the maneuver instead they would engage the aircraft in smaller groups the experienced tank crews of the acadian sith fighting the battle on their own terms the plan worked but not as effectively as odin had bargained for having recently fought the accord on sarah 7 a force that barely kept in check at the best of times by its blood acts warlord the canadian officers reverted to the tactics which had worked there these had to be quickly countermanded and replaced with more effective maneuvers to use against disciplined elder as if the attack from the air wasn't enough for the imperial forces to contend with the first of the eldar land forces arrived deploying swiftly from the mymera portal far off in the west squadrons of wasps the eldar races long-legged assault walkers launched themselves into the heart of the battle their pilots using a combination of the wasps speed and the maneuverability afforded by their jump jets to land amongst company vengeance's squadrons the tactics soon found some of the less experienced sponsor gunners from the vost 14th blasting away at tanks from their own side as they became fixated on the targets in their sights oblivious to anything else then as the jet bikes hornets and vipers came round again for a second attack run the eldar wasps would propel themselves swiftly out of range as the eldar craft cut yet another slave of destruction through vengeance's lines adding to the steadily growing number of burning tanks littering the battlefield with the benefit of general odin's years of experience though the imperial guard force was nothing if not adaptable the veteran tank commander ordered the canadian crews to split up their squadrons one tank from each was to separate off presenting itself as the vulnerable target the eldar pilots were prowling the battlefield for once it had secured their attentions it was to speed off as fast as it could luring the xenos flyers straight into the waiting guns of the rest of its squadron it was not a precise a reliable tactic but when it did work it was devastatingly effective out on the ice planes the reavers and warhound titans of the legio grafanacus were closing upon sector 453 where the last sighting of the eldar phantom titans had been reported to search the vast wasteland more effectively they had split into two the first group the demi manopol invictus was moving across the north of the malaysian plains a single river battle titan flanked by a pair of warhands the largest of the two the exoro maniple was sweeping up from the south and comprised three river titans and a pair of warhounds both groups were shadowed by the heavy armor of battle group odin the few squadrons of bane blades shadow swords and storm blades that the cadian's sixth regiment command staff could secure in the short time they'd had to assemble the army as the eldar wasp squadrons launched their assault on vengeance the river battle titan invictus nova and the warhound titan tempus prima and magna canis strode out onto the frozen landscape of the northern elysian plains the footfalls of the mechanical bear moths sinking meters deep into the permafrost as they searched for their foe without warning five pulsar blasts slammed into the right flank of the magna canis from the mountains that edged the north of the alysian plains the warhound titan staggered under the assault waves of actinic energy flickering and sparking across its overloading void shields with a command born of instinct rather than conscious thought the princeps of the nova and tempest instantly returned fire with their target hidden from sight both saturated the mountainous borderland with lancing plasma bolts setting up avalanches that roared down the mountain ranges the magna canis damaged but still functioning quickly recovered and added its own awesome might to the bombardment its plasma blast gun had been disabled in the attack and so the canis princeps ordered his moderati to switch to its turbo laser an explosion from the super-heavy vehicle squadron buffeted the demi manopol the shadow sword had flipped over smoke and flames pouring out of its ruptured hull not waiting to suffer the same fate the rest of its squadron split apart there's another fuselage flash between them knocking at the tracks of one super heavy and barely missing another within human speed the machine spirit of the invictus nova calculated the fuselage origin point and located their attacker although the eldar giant was barely visible so effective were its hollow fields it was one of the eldar phantom titans and before the demi manopol had time to react it unleashed another savage volley the energy bolts from its pulsar stitching along the ice only meters behind another swerving bain blade in thunderous concert the free titans of the legiographanicus opened fire but only the nova's five apocalypse missiles had the range to reach their mark and they slammed into the eldar phantom's left shoulder it's hollow-filled shimmering and flickering as they temporarily failed before the imperium's titans could follow up with a second barrage a high-pitched shriek emanated from the mountains behind them with an almighty scream the first eldar phantom's distortion cannon discharged a seething bolt of black warp energy into the heart of the demi manopol it hit the magnicanus passing cleanly through its void shields and reeving its torso in a shroud of impenetrable darkness the princeps of the other two titans watched in absolute horror as sections of the massive war machine momentarily vanished into the rift between real space and the immaterium and then reappeared moments later as nothing more than a twisted mass of darkly glowing metal unable to cope with a massive stress placed upon it the canis's plasma reactor detonated the blast shook the northern elation planes its deafening boom heard as far away as the tormus delta in the south where the first guardsmen of company retribution were preparing to deploy still kilometers south of the battle the princeps of titan group xaro desperately tried to make contact with the demi manopol but their repeated hails met with silence too far away to immediately come to their aid the xaro manipul could only pray that when they arrived the other two legio griffanacus titans had somehow survived with no imperial navy support to provide air cover and vengeance's heavy armor already fully engaged to the north the guardsmen of company retribution faced near impossible odds in their race to engage the alatak host but retribution had two crucial factors in its favor time and the unforgiving landscape of the ice world the alatoq portal was significantly further away from the elation planes than that of the my mara craft worlds by thousands of kilometers and directly in the path of its land forces like the thomas delta stretching across the entire southern edge of the alation plains the tormus delta was the result of millions of years of water erosion a massive labyrinth of narrow canyons and gorges created at the confluence of two rivers that had frozen over a millennia before for retribution to stand any chance against the alatak host it had to reach the thomas delta before the eldar craft world airborne armada arrested its northern edge general odin planned to use thomas to shield retribution from the worst that alatox pilots could unleash upon it but this move was not without its consequences for vengeance this almost certainly meant it would soon be fighting on a second front as alatox pilots turned northwards in search of more accessible targets company retributions headlong charge to reach thomas unopposed nearly succeeded but just as the lead vehicles of its transport convoy were less than a kilometer away the first of alatox hornets falcons and vipers sleek and deadly craft emblazoned with its emblems of the sword of kane bisecting a red moon shot over the northern edge of the delta the moment they were spotted the order to accelerate whip lashed through retribution's convoy unlike an attack there was no time to organize a rolling defense and all the men of retribution could do was hold tight and pray for the emperor's protection alatox shuriken weapons and pulse lasers strafe the imperial convoy but to little effect the heavily plated holes of the crassus armored to salt transports ably protected the guardsmen inside with only a few vehicles being damaged by shots hitting their exposed tracks the guardsmen though could not stay within them forever and when they reached the delta their deployment was more of a mad dash for the shelter of its icy canyons and their carefully orchestrated maneuver as halotox pilots banked round again for another aerial attack the first imperial guard squads to reach the thomas delta barreled out of their vehicles as fast as they could quickly followed by thousands more guardsmen following close on their heels soon a sea of deserted vehicles began to stretch back across the alation plains until those traveling at the rear of the convoy were forced either to ditch their own transports there and make their way through the labyrinth of abandoned crassus on foot or break away and enter it via one of its many other entrances further to the east or west by the time the last troops had entered the interior of thomas the landscape around it was littered with smoldering wreckage and hundreds of dead and wounded guardsmen in contrast malatox pilots had survived the assault virtually unscathed and as general odin predicted they immediately turned north to add their firepower to that of their maimerian brethren company retribution advanced wearily into the thomas delta its squad scattered amongst the tangled pathways with medium to long-range vox transmissions absorbed by the high walls of ice and rock it was impossible to coordinate let alone locate all the disparate bands of guardsmen dispersed within the delta's midst barely having escaped the airborne assault and with no way to contact anyone not within the line of sight their officers followed the last order they had received locate and destroy the enemy the elder had taken full advantage of their earlier airborne attack to disperse their forces within the delta malatox rangers dropped in by the eldar falcons now making their way north towards company vengeance had already advanced into the ice labyrinth tearing through its winding passageways with a natural speed before agility scaling sheer sided ice walls seeking any advantage they could gain against the oncoming imperial force hidden under their long flowing chameleon cloaks scores of rangers were now positioned throughout the delta coordinating halotox advance with lethal precision they had been joined by hundreds of eldar corsair troops who mounted hit-and-run attacks upon the imperial guard squads as they worked their way further into the delta using the element of surprise to their advantage the bands of corsairs stealthily worked their way along the tops of the canyon walls then either fired directly down into the squads below them or dropped down and reeked carnage in their midst with the imperiums officers unable to alert each other to the threat of ambush from above dozens of retribution squads were completely wiped out by the vicious assaults of the eldar outcasts as alatox warriors joined in with the battle the atrocities escalated the most horrific fighting occurred in the northwest of the canyons eight squads of guardsmen moving together were pinned down by sniper fire the moment they entered a large gorge firing at them from overhanging cliffs the rangers forced the squads to seek what little shelter there was their accurate shots hitting anyone who dared to break cover to fire at them hunkered down there was little the guardsmen could do but pray that their frantic requests for assistance over the static filled vox net would be answered what came through did not wear the uniform of acadian six or any of the other hastily assembled regiments from the system instead one of the most terrifying facets of the eldar army unleashed itself upon them the guardsmen watched with disbelieving eyes as tendrils of bright white energy clawed into real space quickly coalescing into pools of retina burning light before the guardsmen could react a lethal cloud of mono-molecular wire spewed from each portal the razor-sharp threads scattered through the gorge effortlessly penetrating any environment suit they came into contact with within seconds the canyon was echoing with hideous screams as the victims of the lethal strands were eviscerated the only evidence of the carnage wrought within their bodies a spray of blood splattered across the snow as the filaments retracted as each of the coruscating warp lights faded the warp spiders that had manifested within them leapt into action wielding their powerblades in great sweeping arcs which sliced through torsos severing limbs and heads from bodies with consummate skill then with their first strike complete the aspect warriors faded back into the warp the afterglow of their departure dazzling all whose eyes were hypnotically drawn to it etching their sight with chaotic leering faces that gazed hungrily at them from the immaterium the gorge soon became little more than a charnel house as the massacre was repeated despite the fierce resistance put up by those guardsmen who had recovered the wit to do so the warp spiders expertly traversed between real space and warp space until their objective was achieved then vanished completely it had taken them less than three minutes to kill over 80 guardsmen and there was no evidence that the aspect warriors had suffered any injury in return with battle joined the forces of alatec and retribution clashed throughout the thomas delta thousands on both sides fighting for their lives within its icy labyrinth guardians having already seeded crossing points between the canyons with heavy weapons platforms fired at any guardsmen that pass within their sights the troopers mounted their own ambushes in return risking the slippery ascent of the canyon walls to stake out the upper pathways from there they threw frag grenades down onto the paths of war walkers who had been restricted to single file in the tighter confines of the delta then as the eldar war walkers returned fire the squads melted away taking advantage of their lofty positions to leap out of danger and into the adjoining canyons deaths stalk the tournaments delta and who would win and who would survive would be determined over the next few murderous hours although having lost one of its warhounds in the earlier confrontation the first manopal still managed to fight back against the phantom titans severely damaging them and with the support of the now advancing second manipur gave chase to the retreating phantom titans in the west the battle was quickly turning against vengeance and a new wave of eldar craft had been reported appearing from the direction of the mymara portal all who watched expected this second wave to reinforce my mara's attack but instead they carried on heading west directly towards the taron door isthmus the actions of the breakaway eldar force were a complete mystery to the veteran general but with battle group odin's infantry and vehicles wholly committed to the alation planes and in the thomas delta there was little he could do to prevent its advance chapter 4 the tide turns war waged upon batalis free and in the heavens above it the few remaining imperial vessels in the batalas system had retreated to the one place even the corsairs were not their venture the coroner of the crystal blue batalis star amongst its gaseous outer regions the flotilla of imperial navy ships was almost invisible to the keen sighted outcast pilots and their sensors but there was a high price to pay for the star's protection already its radiation was leaching through the outer holes of the smaller craft and reports of fatalities were increasing by the hour the risks of remaining near to the star though were far outweighed by those they'd face from what waited for them beyond it the corsair fleet of the void dragons now roamed the voids between the batalas system's worlds unchallenged easily picking off the few imperial navy vessels who had been unable to reach the safety of the stars corona in time the eldar stranglehold on the battalis system though was to prove short-lived the first indication those fighting for survival and battalis free had that reinforcements were on their way was when the corsair armada that had joined in the assault on company vengeance turned their vessels skywards and deserted their craft world brethren with billions of men and machines of war at its disposal all that the galaxy spanning imperium of mankind had needed was time and general odin's request for reinforcements had been answered in full by the planets and imperial navy bases of neighboring systems thousands of the emperor's own were on route to relieve the besieged defenders and at the head of the spear tip were the strike cruisers of the space wolves great company of bran redmore the space wolves battle fleet was first to appear and the system's outer boundaries and like a ravening pack of walls it tore a path straight through the corsairs arcanites nightshades and hemlocks without stopping it continued towards batallus free the eldar fleet soon realizing why it had not turned to follow up its initial strike a second wave of imperial ships that appeared in system closely behind the space marines and the corsairs were soon out flanked as the massive imperial navy armada rounded on them the eldar outcasts at first held the advantage in terms of speed and agility and wove a deadly path through the squadrons of imperial fighter craft as they launched soon though the void dragons were faced with overwhelming odds and for each ship they destroyed the corsairs found themselves evading the guns of two more as well as coming to the aid of the defenders of batallus free sector commander determined that its system was to finally be scoured of the elder that had plagued it for centuries as the imperial navy engaged with the void dragons bran redmore's fleet continued to betallis free in a furious blaze of destruction in all that time only once did it break its own council and contact those fighting on the planet below the short message was broadcast by its wolf lord bran redmore himself and was sent directly to inquisitor lord dankx's command chimera the bitter hatred the space wolves chapter reserved for the inquisition still burning from their clash of the massacre at armageddon centuries before we fight for the all-father inquisitor do not cross our path the space wolves wasted little time in deploying onto batalis free the skies above the tormus delta where the men of retribution were fighting a furious defense against craft world alatox forces were slashed with over a score of fiery contrails as the chapter's drop pods plummeted from the heavens the claws of rus digging deep into the ice world as close to 200 space wolves made planetfall the incident the disembarkation ramps unfolded each drop pod unleashed a deadly cargo and we fire in their hearts and bolters at the ready the space wolves stormed towards the ice labyrinth company retribution had already begun to re-establish communications even before the space wolves drop pods had landed as the eldar rangers and corsairs had done before them teams of vox operators had climbed above the transmission deadening ice passageways and were now able to relay orders between the scattered forces sniper fire from the eldar rangers was taking a toll on their number but enough were able to evade them for retribution to finally start fighting as one coordinated force the effects of this were soon felt by the elder where once the support platforms manned by pairs of eldar guardians had could have swayed through the frozen passageways and dominated large sections of the thomas delta retribution squads now set to work in a two-pronged assault moving through adjacent canyons strike teams would fire mortars over the canyons walls or fix explosive charges to the thin barriers of ice and rock between them discharging a lethal hail of shrapnel into the guardian's positions as squads of guardsmen waiting just out of harm's way stormed through the settling dust and eradicated any elder who had survived in the southwest of the delta where both sides had seen some of their fiercest encounters retributions officers moved in their most experienced troops following a barrage of heavy weapons fire guided in by vox teams and guardsmen acting as spotters veteran canadian squads storm the eldar battle lines and mass in response to retribution's new offensive malatok farciers moved in squads of dire avengers and their lightning-fast assault soon cut into the guardsman's gains the men and women of retribution died in droves whole squads being cut down by shuriken catapult fire or upon the blades wielded by expert eldar swordsmen this though was where the sons of russ came into their own the space wolves of bran redmore's company charged through the network of canyons and gorges obliterating any resistance they met packs of grey hunters prowled the maze and the canyons echoed with the shriek and roar of shuriken fire and bolt arounds as they unleashed their wrath upon the eldar then blooded their ceramide armor scored in numerous places they would emerge triumphant and move on implacably to their next objective of all the bloody conflicts the space walls were involved in with the thomas valley the most daring were initiated by space wolves swift claw packs able to move at speed through the narrow twisting passageways the biker squads sowed havoc and confusion the first an eldar squad would know of their approach would be the roar of attack bike engines followed by the thunder of baltifire as they tour through their ranks leaving nothing but carnage and death in their wake the impatience of youth though usually comes with a lesson to learn and in the heat of battle this rarely ends well for even those as powerful as the superhuman warriors of mankind bolstered by their victories it did not take long for the headstrong swift claw packs to attempt to outdo each other's achievements boasting over their voxcoms of how far they had moved behind enemy lines and the tally of their kills for one swift claw pack their bravado was to prove their undoing speeding through the southeast of the tormus delta chasing a small squadron of eldar wall walkers the pack blindly drove into an ambush luring them into a large gorge the wall walkers quickly accelerated into the canyons beyond leaving the slower swift claws in their wake the space wolves were not alone though for standing like tall marble statues within the gorge were five eldar rafegaard led by their rafe seer as one the eerie rafe bone constructs opened fire like the much larger versions wielded by marmara's phantom titans their rafe cannon created rifts between the warp and real space in the path of the bikers instantly tearing apart one of the space wolf pack and throwing their wolfgard leader from his speeding vehicle as tendrils of dark energy lashed out at it days but still conscious the pax wolfgard leader boxed an immediate request for reinforcements knowing that his pack would not last long against such a foe all space wolves in the vicinity not already engaged in combat would immediately come to their assistance but in the meantime the swift claws would have to deal with the implacable advance of the rafe guard and rapeseer on their own those still mounted on their bikes roared towards the ethereal warriors blasting bolt around after bolt around into them guided by the spirit stones of long dead eldar the towering rafe guard showed no fear as they weathered the firestorm and fired once more upon the bikers killing another swift claw as the space wolves jinxed and weaved to avoid them lying injured beneath his bike and unable to move the wolfgard pack leader ordered his battle brothers to reform and concentrate their fire upon the leader of the rafe guard its rafe seer once an eldar warlock who had died long ago its spirit now once again directed the actions of its kin rather than trying to take out all the rafegaard if the space wolves could injure or kill it they stood a greater chance of surviving the encounter with these ancient eldar warriors snarling their rage the swift claws gunned their engines to full speed and circled around the wide gorge to attack the rafe seer the rafeguard raised their rafe cannon to fire again it was then that the wolfgard pack leader noticed that the swift claws had made a tactical error they had naturally closed formation as they had circled round given their proximity to each other one hit on the target by their enemy would see them all torn apart their deaths were prevented by the arrival of one of the great companies few dreadnoughts a steady stream of bolter casings fell to the ground as it fired into the gorge from the passage it had arrived from the dreadnought's rounds tore into the rafeguard's position critically damaging one of the five its spirit stones and armor shattering like ice in response to this new threat the rafe's here turned with one swift motion and with an unnatural strength through its wraith blade at the dreadnought the faintly glowing blade dove deep into the armor protecting the sarcophagus of the space wolf warrior within the wolf guard raged as it witnessed the death of the dreadnought's occupant powerless to help he howled out his fury the wolf guards battle call did not go unanswered watched intently on the big screens of port reyes the wave of over 200 my mera jet bikes vipers and falcons that had earlier bypassed the battle against company vengeance flew on to the taran door peninsula the armada did not turn immediately north to port rya as expected but continued directly eastwards towards the large mining complex of arrester iv the facility was home to over 900 workers and their families and as air raid sirens blared through the hab block shantytown that stretched across its eastern side the workers militia were already charging into position manning the bunker-sighted heavy weapons that were the core of arrester four's defenses joining them with a few elements of battlegroup odin not fighting out on the alation planes mainly support staff and the first of the injured guardsmen that had been brought back behind the battle lines regardless of injury or rank all who were capable of fighting picked up alaskan and prepared to defend themselves as the eldar strike force launched itself upon the mining complex jet bikes and vipers breaking formation and diving down upon the defenders in a hail of shuriken discs and star cannon fire in return shots from the heavy weapons bunkers and weapons batteries on the upper platforms of the complex pounded the skies the assault from the air was swiftly followed by sniper fire from the hillsides surrounding the complex where my mares guardian squads and rangers had moved into position during the opening attack the elder it seemed were intent on removing whatever threat those that arrest there for pose to them had they believed the facility to be poorly defended then the commanders of the eldar strike were sorely mistaken ordered to move immediately into the path of this new eldar force by ordo zenos inquisitor lord dansk the elysian drop troop squads had already deployed in the hills above arrester lying low the elysians invisible in their camouflage uniforms rose up and ambushed the unsuspecting guardian squads as they passed by the presence of the elysians on the hillside slowed the aldar attack but it could do little to stop it pouring through the most vulnerable point of the facility the hat block shantytown aspect warrior squads descended upon the militia howling banshees haunted the area where the bunkers have been set up their psychosonic battle screams paralyzing all who oppose them so that there was little resistance from the guardsmen and worker militia as they were cut down by the graceful warriors but it was at the entrance to the mines that the worst atrocities were committed by the elder massive mining vehicles have been driven in front of the entrance to protect the workers who sought shelter within the vehicles and the militia behind them lasted seconds as the vehicles were melted into little more than slag by the fusion guns of the my mere fire dragon squads leaving those sheltering within and defended as the eldar advanced the nightmare unfolding at the arasta iv facility would be short-lived though as the eldar flyers made for another pass at the heavy weapons teams in the bunkers imperial navy fury interceptors from the now orbiting fleet dive down through the clearing storm clouds just as the troop transports of battle group vla appeared on the horizon perhaps realizing that the odds were soon to turn against them the survivors of arrest e4 watched the eldar flee as the imperium's waves of reinforcement began to spread out across the besieged eastern continent of batallus free the legiographanicus had already engaged once more with the titans of the marmara craft world still following their original orders given to them by inquisitor lord dansk earlier that day the princeps of the titan maniples attract one of their foe to a region just north of where the battle between the eldar and company vengeance was being fought on the alation plains one route the phantom titan had also been joined by three my marine revenant titans the second phantom titan damaged earlier by the demi manopol had been observed by the inquisitor lord servitors entering the coastal region of the mymaren portal to the west and was believed to have either journeyed back through it to the craft world was now standing watch over the portal itself knowing that the presence of the remaining eldar titans could tip the balance of battle against company vengeance the princeps of invictus nova had ordered his fellow titan princeps to engage with the eldar warstriders before they got any nearer facing an enemy half its number but significantly superior in terms of armament and speed the imperial titan princeps knew that the odds were against them as they stepped into battle once more the legiographanicus titans split again into their two original groups the demi manopol nova now were tightened down after the destruction of the warhound magnus canis first attacked the eldar titans and then drew away eastwards into the heart of an ice storm their plan worked and the lead eldar steersman led his titan host after them in a series of skirmishes and assaults that ran over almost half the length of the continent the two groups of titans fought moving through terrain much more in their favor than the rocky battlefield further west the demi manopol worked its way northeast via a two kilometer section of the highway that wound through and over the mountains meanwhile the axoro maniple headed west and then north again across another part of the highway as the eldar titans followed demi manopol nova out onto the ice fields beyond the x-ray maniple charged in behind them to cut off their exit point over the next hour the gods of war of both races fought a furious battle with little shelter save for the vision obscuring blizzard the imperium's princeps resorted to a pattern of faints and strikes to protect themselves from the eldar's distortion cannons and pulsars first the demi manipul nova would close within range of the eldar and fire upon them then as soon as the nova's shots were away the x-ro manipal would attack striding forwards to harry the eldar titans attempting to prevent them from returning fire upon the nova and its warhound escort the battle was not without casualties the first was suffered by the elder one of its revenant titans was destroyed as it attempted to break away and circle back around the flanks of the exoro manipur spotting its ruse the manipur's princeps ordered its free river titans and two warheads to fire upon its position that combined might overloaded the revenant titan's hollow fields and severed the power mechanisms within its leg casings unable to move and with its lone crewman probably severely injured or dead already the eldar titans self-detonated denying certain elements of the imperium the rare opportunity to study such advanced xenos technology firsthand the legiographanicus did not escape unscave its warhead titans suffered the worst attentions of their foes two from the exero maniple received direct hits from twin pulse lasers of the revenants one being critically damaged and forced to retreat from the battlefield the phantom titan was to rig the most devastation with its distortion cannon at the height of the battle it came close to destroying the axero itself with a shot from its arcane weapon glancing off the shields of the battle titan had the remaining imperial titans not come to its aid whilst the titan and its crew recovered from the power surge that had temporarily crippled it then it may have been destroyed completely although most of the imperium's titans suffered serious battle damage in the engagement they were to emerge victorious with the threat of the mymera craftworld titans removed and battalis free the lead geographanicus joined for the final hours of the war with mobile elements of bran redmore's company that had been set down by thunderhawk gunship to assist company vengeance the small force of space wolves land raiders and other vehicles plus the legion's griffonicus titans then outflanked part of alatox armada blunting its fury and preventing it from fully engaging with company vengeance with the hillsides around arrest air 4 reinforced by elysian drop troops and forward sections of battlegroup vlad the imperial navy squadrons turned west towards company vengeance as the pilots approached the combat zone they were met by an apocalyptic scene of devastation gone were the military precise squadron formations and instead remained a few type pockets of resistance focused upon nothing but the utter annihilation of their foe out of the hundreds of imperial tanks and other heavy armor deployed there less than a third was left the joint my mara alitok war host had also taken a severe battering proving once again his reputation as an expert tank commander general oden had organized vengeance into mobile blocks of tanks that bristled with guns and for every lehman russ or chimera destroyed four eldar craft took serious damage or blown out of the skies it was the general's tactical expertise that enabled vengeance to hold out for so long and as the advancing imperial navy battle wing began to move within range the eldar craft broke formation and turned back in the direction of the portal that had gained them access to the emperor's world at that same moment in the tormas delta retribution's vox network was flooded with reports that alatox land forces are also broken from battle minutes before their war cries had echoed through the canyons but now the icy maze was near silent hundreds of kilometers above the delta the pig screens of the imperial navy fleet confirmed what all below already knew the eldar were retreating the forces of the great imperium of mankind had won the battle for battalis free and there we have it another kind of one-shot campaign probably gonna have one or two more of these and then some some slightly bigger ones multi-part ones coming up soon as well as everything else that i've always mentioned before thank you to everybody supporting the channel you can see your names here going past and uh thank you everybody it really means a lot and thank you for your continued support if you would like to help out the channel please consider using the links below if you're becoming a youtube member joining patreon as a supporter or um oh and consider using the brave browser i genuinely use it it's actually pretty good i get about like 10 to 15 quid a month just for using the internet so um yeah if you use that i'll get a little reward so that's a bonus so that helps me and helps you but anyway enough shilling and but thank you thank you for the help uh yeah this is an interesting one and i love stuff like this that the little details that add to the law for instance the the sun blitz brotherhood one of the course air groups there that's the eldar raiders uh corsairs in the fabious boyle novel series and one of them of course turns into a wraith bone abomination later on but that's a that's a whole of a story but it's just things like this and it's nice to explore different battles and warfronts and just events that have occurred that don't involve you know money as calgar shows up and like that you know it's just um you know actual stuff the imperiums doing on a regular basis you know and as well this whole thing with this lost craft world and the recovery of a lost phoenix lord interesting stuff you know really good but anyway i'm gonna go thank you all again very much for watching uh please do like the video subscribe if you're not subscribed let me know in the comments what you think of the retired the pocho voice they posh our voice for now and i'm just gonna use my normal voice for a while maybe maybe change it up but um i don't know i'll do that again because i find that voice really fun you know it's a pleasure to speak like that i want to speak like that forever anyway i'll see you later thanks very much for watching cheers again bye
Views: 213,503
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Keywords: warhammer, THE DOOM OF MYMEARA, space marines, games workshop, warhammer 40k, 40K LORE, 40k lore for newcomers, 40K AUDIO, WARHAMMER AUDIO, WARHAMMMER NARRATION, FORGEWORLD, eldar craftworlds lore, cadian shock troops, ELYSIAN DROP TROOPS LORE, warhammer 40k space wolves lore, LOST CRAFTWORLD, phoenix lords 40k, ELDAR LORE, IMPERIAL GUARD LORE, ELDAR TITANS, AELDARI 40K LORE, warhammer 40k tanks, 40k narration, warhammer history, 40k history, aspect warriors, alaitoc
Id: tE6_MqAqJwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 58sec (13018 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 23 2020
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