How Did Adult You Get Revenge On Your Childhood Bully?

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how was your adult revenge on your childhood bully after i finished high school a girl who bullied me relentlessly for years messaged me on facebook saying a bunch of awful things facebook was new at the time we all added anyone we knew i just screen [ __ ] the messages and posted them to her wall then a bunch of her friends messaged me asking if i was okay i got my revenge and didn't have to stoop to her level that is genius only three of them that i really know of my elementary school bully and i eventually became close friends and we're still close gaming together online despite the distance and our significant others are close friends now as well another a girl in high school who always treated me like crap i ran into years afterwards at a coffee shop nightclub weird combo thingy i hear my name called out turned to find this living nightmare of my past and was surprised when she threw her arms around me and gave me a huge hug we caught up for a while and i asked her why she seemed so excited despite all we went through she apologized and said that she was a bad person for never giving people a chance and was glad that we seem to get along now the third was a jock that had been pretty cruel through most of middle high school one day out of nowhere he sits beside me in class during a project and starts asking me how i've been he asks me if it hurt me when he'd call me names or push me around and i was honest told him that of course it did he was quiet for a while and then apologized for how he'd treated me said that it was wrong for him to bully others a week later he shot himself in the head on the front lawn of his parents house of all the things i've done or not done in my life i will always regret not going to his funeral at the time i was confused and scared and didn't know what to think but it still doesn't sit right with me so really no revenge here we grew up and realized that life was way freaking scarier than anything we'd been through as kids not really on topic i suppose but something that i wanted to share i appreciate you telling your story and i'm pleased that you were mature enough to accept your bully's apologies a kid that bullied me in high school he actually gave me a black eye once and got suspended for it messaged me on facebook apologizing for everything he did to me back then i told him it's okay you were just young and didn't know better i eventually got a drink with him one day to see what he was up to when he broke down on me started talking to me about his alcohol problems and how he was self-destructive he was getting kicked out of his mom's place and had no job me being the sapp i am offered him a job at the restaurant i was managing at the time this was about two years ago fast forward to three months ago he is now a kitchen manager at the same restaurant and he asks me if i'd like to get a drink with him dude bought me and my girlfriend a ticket to colorado and told me he will never be able to pay me back for how much i helped him but he is at least in the position where he can try colorado was fun got really really high this story made me smile equals to be honest this is strides better than the petty is now married to an ugly person lol stories my best revenge was to just keep on being myself this girl in high school would criticize me on everything call me names and pick up fights with me for no reason she eventually got kicked out of school we met when we were in our early 20s she started off nicely with the usual how are you what's been happening turns out she hadn't even changed a little bit oh yeah want to be a teacher you'll probably make a miserable one i wouldn't send me kids to your school ever that's when i realized that i was just so over her and her bullying and that there was just no hope for her to realize what she did was wrong it gave me some sort of satisfaction the best thing to do in that scenario is just to laugh in her face i graduated from high school in the 80s i had grown up poor but when my mom remarried she married a guy who did well for himself so when we moved into his house i was a poor kid suddenly going to a school full of rich kids one of them in particular was a girl who was really stuck up and such a bee she had a very imperious attitude and generous parents while my mom there was no way she was going to allow us to behave that way about six years after high school graduation i dropped out of college was living on my own in a tiny apartment and working as a waitress of all people to show up at the restaurant and be seated in my section i asked a couple of waitresses to take the table but they were busy finally i realized what i would do i would take on the role of my life win an academy award i went to the table and pretended i'd never met her before in my life she kept insisting i must remember her right she kept saying her name and i nailed the performance i'm so sorry i just don't no i i i'm trying i believe you yes i went to that school but i am so sorry i don't remember you and so on she was flabbergasted i kept overhearing her say to the people she was with i can't believe she doesn't remember me that day i learned that to be forgotten is for some the ultimate slap in the face now that is good i mean you weren't rich and famous and couldn't throw these things in her face out of pettiness you made it seem that all her negative energy she had thrown at you had not affected you in the least bravo a kid that bullied me in high school ended up addicted to crack or m not sure which i saw him 10 years later as i was leaving a drive-through and yelled his last name he turned and i saw the scratch marks on his face and a big burn type gash in the middle of his lip i asked him what had happened and he told me he got kicked out of his home instead of laughing at him or belittling him i handed him the bag of food i just bought for myself as well as my cigarettes he almost cried because according to him never in a million years would i have thought that after all the crap i put you through that you'd help i told him we were stupid kids and crap happens i visited him once a week and just talked with him and kept telling him to get off the drugs i moved away a short time after that so i didn't know what had happened to him one day i got a friend request from him on facebook he kicked the drug habit and was working as a barista for one of those corner coffee shops he is now married and living a life worth living at the end of the day no matter how much grief he put me through he was his own worst enemy and anything i could have done to him or said to him was nothing compared to what he did to himself i'm glad he's better and living a better life as satisfying as the other revenge stories were to read this felt very uplifting and relieving to know there are people like you out there thank you for living in this world not my bully but my best friends kinda kept in touch with the entire high school class through facebook once it came out this ashat asks if he can use me as a reference because we got similar degrees and ended up in the second field adult him seems like a sham it's all fake my high school best friend moved to europe because of this guy he can't change that much so i agree to meet him for drinks and see if he changed 10 minutes into the meet-up and he's telling me about cheating on his wife with girls right out of high school so of course i said yes only had three calls i guess before he caught on but i made sure i told the truth i like this one it's sneaky and clever not me but my nine-year-old daughter has to deal with this girl in her class that is a bully to everyone though she is especially mean to my daughter luckily most of the time the kids all have her back and she theirs the teachers are aware of her issues and try their best but she's sneaky my daughter is type 1 diabetic and this girl likes to tease her she does lots of things but is really mean about it she told her that her feet will get chopped off due to beetus and other horrible things one day she was waving a big chocolate chip cookie in her face telling her how she can't eat stuff like that because she's a freak my daughter had enough she got up and slapped the girl across the face and the cookie went flying too she yelled leave me alone the whole lunch room went silent the girl ran to tell the teacher and the kids cheered she came home and told us because she felt badly about it the girl told the teacher crying of course but several students also told the whole story the teacher told my kid matter of factly don't do that anymore and yelled at the girl and made her stay in from recess since then this girl gives my daughter a wide birth i do not condone this behavior but dang it was hard to keep a straight face when we were telling her that it was the wrong way to resolve things as a 43 year old who was never bullied i probably don't understand the mechanics but to me your daughter's response seems the most natural and correct one some people bullies do not seem to understand the language of tolerance or love and can make life miserable in tiny doses until stopped dead in their tracks by a more direct method like a slap well does revenge as a child count when i was 11 there were two bullies who would mess with me all the time they were a couple years older this heavyset kid named frank and his taller and mean a friend i forget his name one day i was out riding my bike at a park they had stopped me one was holding up the front of my bike while frank was hitting me trying to knock me off the bike at that exact instant my brother six feet four inches 220 lbs was driving by he quickly stopped the car and ran over he picked both of them up by their shirt collars one in each hand holding them each about a foot off the ground he said something like you mess with my brother again and i'll bash both your dollar sign percent dollar sign at percent heads together got it he dropped them both they fell then quickly got up and ran away they never bothered me again at that moment i felt that yes there is justice in the world i forget his name you win i was bullied for a lot of things primarily for being overweight and being nerdy a lot of my bullies are now also fat or have noticeably put on weight while i've started losing one of them is a drug addict one was arrested on child pornography charges one is in an ongoing custody battle and his ex's family are rather violent others just made bad moral choices such as becoming a gold digger drinking regularly or just continuing to harbor real feelings against me i gave him decaf latte before he left to go to his high-powered wall saint exec job haha he is going to be tired around 11. nice not so much revenge but i got an insane amount of satisfaction from seeing that they all lived up to the expectations set out for them to become single unwed mothers by 24 i have to rate et's syndrome and was bullied relentlessly in early grade school one day in the winter i had had enough so i threw a jagged block of ice at my bully's face knocked some teeth out and he needed stitches i almost got expelled worth it i have not taken revenge at all i have moved away and left it behind as much as i could now i just watch him waste his life from afar with a content smile and see how not having education is kicking his butt he is losing friends and eventually will end up alone and not that my life is so amazing but i am doing better than him i've never wished a man dead but i have read summer butcheries with great pleasure mark twain my bully hit on me at some bar years after he bullied me i knew who he was immediately but he had no idea who i was so he kept going finally i asked do you know who i am and he said no i said i'm so and so and you made my life a living hack in elementary school and i want an apology his face dropped and he apologized profusely said that he was a huge butthole in elementary school etc etc not gonna lie it felt good oh man this is almost exactly like my story except i didn't demand an apology i told him to go to heck and flounced off like the hot piece of butt that i knew i was at that time it felt amazing i was pretty fat as youngster but people still found me attractive this bothered my bully so much that any time she could she would bully me about my weight x oh i love those games how do you find them in your size taking sneak pictures of me in class and putting them online or forcing me to kiss another girl at her sleepover then telling everyone i was a lesbian it was great fast forward 10 years i'm starting a career i love lost a substantial amount of weight and i'm living far away from my small town upbringing i go home to visit my mother and who do i see walking around the grocery store hair thrown up in a ratty headband extra 30 pounds on her hips and looking like a complete mess i knew i could ruin her right there but i didn't i simply put a big smile on my face and said wow motherhood looks great on you the fact that she had to trick someone into getting her pregnant after a drunken night at the local watering hole and now has four step kids before 25 makes me realize that her bitterness and hateful attitude has served her more revenge than i ever could i worked as a newscast director for my local tv station a few years back part of the job was making show graphics maps full screens odds over the shoulders etc for each newscast including for the local criminal stoppers segment i prepped the mugshots of no less than three people who gave me crap in school for air during my tenure there that always managed to put a smile on my face finally an askra did question that sparks an immediate memory when i was a child my parents weren't rich not impoverished but definitely not people who could afford to throw money around as a result we spend probably 10 years worth of my childhood living in a mobile home park on the rough side of town i remember one year we lived there there were exactly four murders in the entire state two of them were in my neighborhood so in a neighborhood like this of course there are neighborhood bullies one of them was named isaiah let's say over the course of a couple years probably when i was around 1314 he made my life heck i couldn't go to the park playground for fear of isaiah being around so i spent a lot of time lonely bored and scared in my own house if i'd known about reddit at the time i probably would have spent a crap ton of time on it fast forward dang near a decade i've been a correctional officer at the state prison for a few years doing very well for myself own a couple cars bought my first house and life is good eizar hasn't even crossed my mind since i was a kid however one particular day at work they were short staffed so they threw me into segregation aka the whole where bad inmates go to be punished where i don't normally work i go do a walk around to check all the cells and lo and behold i see a familiar face in one of the cells i check his inmate and sure enough it's this piece of crap from my neighborhood when i was a kid i smiled and kept walking beat him up then slept with his wife while he watched just kidding he's doing well and my life is a horrible piece of crap there was a guy who was popular but also a bully at my high school i ran into him at a bar about 15 years after he was super cool and the nicest guy ever i was talking with his wife and i mentioned the bully thing and she said everyone she meets from his high school tells her that story he even acknowledged it and apologized apparently he was going through a very rough time in high school and he had since learned a lot and life had calmed way down it made me feel really good about not holding on to things like that moving away from the rather depressing town and making a relative success of my life suck it kid who hasn't thought about me for 20 years i didn't the universe did it wasn't exactly protracted enough or abusive enough to be called bullying but when i was 11 i had a friend i went around with and she tried to introduce me to her larger circle of friends this one girl who was basically the alpha female would not stop ripping on me for not being cool enough she threw fits about how freaking uncool i was because i went to drama class instead of other cooler hobbies she went on and on about how i was uncool because i didn't go to the same cafe they went to fast forward a few years she ended up a teenage mother lol they got a huge full back to two the ugliest tattoo i have ever seen i saved the jpeg on my desktop and named it revenge and i look at it occasionally if i get sad i like this one it's not bullying your bully and they did it to themselves you're just reaping the reward of their bad decision-making i was heavily bullied in middle school and one time i actually ended up getting my kneecap and surrounding muscles semi-permanently damaged from a p-4 game of kickball he couldn't hit me in the head with the ball like he wanted to so he tripped me by a base instead the following year he tried to sexually attack me in school and got suspended for the rest of the year now he's only 20 in prison for probably 20 30 plus years for rape arson and theft and has had i believe two children his now ex made a post on facebook that members from the prison managed to tattoo rapist across his face my revenge was done for me bittersweet so i have a friend who sometimes catches up with my high school bully and gets his new number my friend gives me his number and then i spend the afternoon signing him up for gay dating sites and some weird craigslist crap i'm told he has had to change numbers about 20 30 times in the last three years that's more like it the girl who was cruel to me at every opportunity her husband cheated on her and they're divorced ordinarily i'd feel badly for someone in this situation but she was so unbelievably nasty it just makes me laugh a few of my childhood bullies have passed away to reckless driving or drugs so revenge not needed after going to a different high school than my middle school bully i was a year out of hsn going for a bike ride saw the middle school bully on his bike going the opposite way he yelled something to be a prick to me so i ignored and kept on my merry way for about a mile until i noticed he was following me fast i wasn't the same pushover i was in middle school so i pulled over and waited as he hopped off his bike and violently thrust his hand out to shake my hand and apologize for ever being a dong basically said he used to hang with a bad crowd through middle school until senior year and he regretted a lot of stuff he did as a kid growing up asked me how my high school years were what my after hs plans were and explained after his father passed away he had an epiphany he was going to the national guard to get away to help fund college and wanted to become a psychologist to help kids throughout high school deal with harassment i talked with him for a good half hour and we parted on friendly terms ran into him a few times over the years and about four years later he seems to be on his way to achieving what he said and is very active in my hometown community didn't need to get revenge glad to see someone grow up and make something greater themselves there was a popular boy in middle school who was a total douche to awkward nerdy me he'd call me names talk to people with an ear shot of me about how ugly i was and would try to physically hurt me during our pe class all the time we went to the same high school but i had no classes with him so i pretty much forgot about him well a couple years after high school i ran into him at a bar i'm a lot prettier and less awkward than i once was he hadn't grown more than a couple inches since middle school and the face that was cute when he was 12 did not handle the testosterone surge of puberty well he was acting like a nervous teenager and kept saying wow you really look different while we chatted a little he would also not shut up about how he was in the navy and how awesome he was because he was serving our country and protecting me from terrorists he finally asked me for my number and i gave it to him he texted me the next day asking me on a date and i replied lol now it wasn't my most shining moment of maturity but it felt good to look down on that little bastard both literally and figuratively okay most of these are petty and mean but this one's just plain hilarious go you i never really got revenge but worked my ass off at uni and ended up working on movies got married had a kid and have my own house so that was revenge enough that he didn't dictate my life i then found out that he was a school counsellor for unruly children and thought to myself he's turned his life around good for him it's like suicide squad bad guys doing good things because they know how to do bad things only starring matt damon and worth a 12 movie ticket not really a bully but my turd scum of an ex girl fire and she broke up with me after coming back from a trip and telling me at school the next day she cheated on me with some random dude she met online we're both 21 plus now and she's got a three-year-old kid and still lives with her mother last month i was at a kroger buying flowers for my current gf she's freaking amazing btw and turd scum is with her non-baby daddy boyfriend dude looks at me walking down the aisle with a nice bouquet of flowers and says hey maybe i should buy you some flowers like that guy is doing for his girl the look of utter shock and disdain on her face was freaking priceless walked by her with the biggest smirk on my face best part was i was all fancied up cause i was about to surprise my gf with a date night so i'm dressed in a polo and slacks and turd crap's chimney choker has his pants around his thighs and looks like he hadn't bathed in a week so satisfying this moment was made for you holy crap that sounds satisfying i was about 10 when this neighborhood butthole tortured me the final straw was when he took a down power line and whipped me in the back with her while i skated by him rollerblading he left welts and it hurt for days about a week later i biked to his house knowing his parents were at work still so it was just him and his sister home he had an archery set up in his backyard and i took his bow and arrows i waited behind a tree until he got outside and shot that little mother with his own crap right in his chest and then went for his face while he was doubled over i kicked him and spit on him and told him if he ever came near me again i'd kill him and i meant it with every fiber of my 10 year old being after the day i knew what i was capable of and was never afraid of anyone again his parents came to my house and talked to my grandpa who knew what was going on and held it down for me i didn't get in trouble for it as an adult i obviously handle conflicts differently but that is my best bully revenge story he took a down power line and whipped me in the back i hear he's now grown up and moved on to jumper cables karma eventually got them one died of brain cancer a car accident got four of them at once a couple years after graduation three died the other lost his legs and the teacher who i hated got arrested a couple years later for freaking a student if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 45,290
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Keywords: getting revenge, getting revenge on my bully, school moments, revenge, best revenge, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: xPY_21zbfiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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