Reddit Chess Arena | February 2020

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for those just joining your joining at a good time starting in less than 30 seconds it's uh it's a johner arena it's basically the reddit the reddit our chess arena yeah hello to so many people roof was first and tiny semis no it's for the sub eight seven six yeah I can't say hello to everyone but people can use the hello commander okay this is gonna be three hours of ten of the child playing variants only oh let's play a London and I think I'll I will bezerk most games variants only I looked up is like 2700 and blitz so strong player I try and stay focused yeah c5 is a topical move these days I think d5 I could also take I could also play e5 I don't try and be just solid and safe take and maybe I'll even Castle kingside play like Bishop Bishop c4 makes some sense expecting queen a5 at some points yeah so takes and then Bishop III I'm just trying to hold my own hello two more people okay I'm gonna try not to get too distracted by the chat it's gonna be a lot of chess today you can throw in each three make some sense yeah just preventing Bishop g4 or Knight g4 in some cases it's another Sun watch on the streams goat thank you okay ob5 interesting I could play Bishop I'm Bishop e3 Queen h5g for a my trapping a queen no I'm not G for hangs upon mmm kind of feels close to so good before it's ready five starting before Thank You Lou to Gigi what to do there should be three queen h5 could just buy a three yeah slow and steady probably should not have taken that long yeah I wanted to do this but there's a pin so Bishop g4 was possible like g4 right away [Music] here's a crazy idea oh it's so crazy no it doesn't work I was thinking Bishop III and Queen h5 King II - Oh what to do complete g4 right away it's kind of crazy I think I won't do it because I'm threatening now Bishop III chopping Queen and for the time being there's there's this but then I have a pin hey welcome back banana okay so Bishop III is the main threat I mean but I could play Queen b6 and then I'll probably end up castling okay let's take from Bishop III could play f3 yeah like f3 well there's no Brook tea in immediately the structure is pretty solid the pawn blocks a bishop some 95 ideas never mind let's castle okay let's uh move let's play rook or d1 rook e8 I just take it rook c8 I could play Queen d6 play 92 some g5 move to hmm not too much time texts okay I think I'll go with this I mean black could take play Bishop f8 never up d2 we trade and Queenie eights okay I still want to play g5 but it doesn't quite work play Bishop b6 maybe oh no Brooke c6 was coming hmm okay I might have to just change my mind there are too many scary rook moves the Queen probably belongs enough to if ever before I can take 94 and these squares are kind of nice it's like we enough - yeah just preparing kind of slow build-up I don't think that scares me oh I was probably good timing takes takes takes I could play 94 yeah I had mentioned this earlier I don't know why that took me so long these squares who can take Wow so you playing might be six let's hold off for now like 1 G 2 so I have two minors for Rick and two pawns it's still threats of 96 I don't really want to take with pawn but to keep my rook back you for expected efore Rick f1 rook f1 anyway now the Queen's tied down to the pawn yeah there's some pressure with my bishop and I see five ideas like 95 to e4 and then g5 eventually it's all about getting in g5 there's some nice weak squares to exploit yeah the Queen wants to come here to prevent 94 but then I win the pawn let's do this you had g5 incoming and Knight f6 will be super nice takes takes I mean it should just be winning while King f8 so I could take 500c - that's okay though I have to stay focused it's so complicated and play this move cementing the bishop a 94 97 check I'm looking for like mating ideas a threatening Bishop c5 now and 9 of 6 still on the horizon I got out of the pin which i think is important I could probably draw but position looks really good it looks a bit stuck actually okay let's take finding f7 now let's move finding work - Yates I was a little bit risky still threatening work - Yates let's just take check check meet incoming let's go okay that was intense I got low on time kind of oh I was very intense I was a nice scheme though had to keep my composure it got tricky it and there the time situation that was a good start one person already has two buzzer Queens hmm three berserk wins that's crazy that's scary - hey meets COO I only have this four thanks for the bits Oh play a time on us yeah we'll probably see at least one time on of the stream so yeah it's it's a long tournament I mean they're 10 minutes in taking a while for a gig to start there we go oh I'm playing I'm playing first place I don't know if I should bezerk any any information Oh bullets I shouldn't bezerk if my phone's not working okay okay oh I thought I'd be zerk by didn't it made the sound but I guess that was bad timing okay that's funny let's play for ya a queen a5 so e5 is coming late Bishop d2 actually kind of looks normal Wow so pond is not scared of discoveries I mean 95 is playable but then queen d8 you'll just play e4 before takes takes there's Queen before it's Snow Queen before I have an IP five okay let's do this I see seven okay so we're gonna have some kind of old Indian set up one let's play age three the bishop will come back to e3 almost likely and then there's some interesting Queen move yeah like queen bee one Queen e2 idea to hit f7 now for key seven I'll have like this idea maybe not h5 to f5 there's never g6 because Knight takes g6 and this is already looking nice this is a major threats yeah there's a nice kind of peace harmony yeah that's right need to take with check so I mean there's no d5 even surprise my pawns not resigning yeah let's take with check take with checking yeah I'm gonna take this thing 95 can take and simplify and rookie three coming never mind oh let's play rook d1 just watching out for us f2 would have been nice to get the buzzer keen points about what to do rook to e3 is a move number of d3 I could also just take yeah let's just take never up d3 also Queen e6 got so many options I'll start with this dreaming of this manoeuvre okay rook g3 rook f3 might be the safest just worry free move and now this move Knight takes e4 takes takes all seems good takes takes and then take something takes meanwhile I want to just get the I'll post the knife on f5 I have c3 here which I think just traps a bishop just making sure yeah and the rooks still defense of if takes after I just take back okay that was nice so I'm trying to be competitive I had it in mind to berserk every game but I guess I missed my opportunity opportunity there yeah sorry if I'm missing comments and questions and the chats but hopefully if there's questions other people can answer oh if you were not a chess /youtube professional what will your profession be no I'm playing coach John probably something in like digital marketing photography graphic design web development okay nighty-night f3 to play a walrus what to play I'll just stick with my main Robert or play d5 yeah we'll have a English ready type thing okay we have the Catalan I'll play okay Bishop do you choose a main move I'll play Bishop before Bishop d2 Zameen no but I opponents already taking some time which is nice what camera do I have a camera I use for photography it's a sony a7r Mark 3 it's a nice camera I got it right before the World Championship match in London okay Queen takes you'd have had this position once before in the tournament game and I won really quickly I'm trying to remember here I just Castle if Queen takes e4 I have b5 which is a cool idea yeah and it solves all of the issues with this bishop and it's not even a pawn sacrifice if Queen takes b5 I work be a and an almond back b2 now I'll get some nice bishops this bishop either comes to be seven or a six there's always Queen b6 ideas Oh Harry Jasper loves that camera yeah I have I have two lenses I have 85 prime one no it's a yeah it's a 1.8 a queen f4 what is this play Bishop e7 shouldn't take too much time here I also have the the G master was at 16 to 36 or 35 it's a great lens it was an investment though okay let's stay focused Queen b6 probably yeah he for is usually met by a six and I think the the main setup is just rooks on DNC eight this night sometimes can find a home on g6 in this case to harass the Queen if the knight comes to g6 the Queen's almost trapped like queen g v h6 it takes some time though [Music] before interesting for the queen defense that's a slightly annoying move and Bishop III is coming next Bishop III I could play Bishop d6 actually let's play Bishop e6 is gaining time and then what to do probably this move Bishop III I'm looking at this move attacking the knight then threatening ninety five as well I might want to include rookie HS just defend the bishop to prepare ninety four a four interesting so I could play Knight e5 right away why not if you want to see my photography I think I have a flicker typing exclamation point flicker or exclamation point Instagram in the chat people watching in the future on YouTube can't do that though you'll have to have to click the links in my video description okay so we're trading I probably trade some more ah there's a heat I'll be right back it's hot enough in this room okay so I'm still down three minutes but phones really taking time so and the thing about the trade is now our B ponds are both kind of weak I think I might just have 95 as a threat but should be three okay so queen c6 I'm hitting the night also ideas was like 95 and I can't really move anywhere great it can't move back here cuz things broke might be expecting I guess that's a reasonable move 95 doesn't work because white just takes it does that work here takes takes takes takes it's playable take stick stick sticks I'm getting confused but I think it's playable so here it takes I take here has to take here and then I take here and lights hanging there's no 97 it might be 6 or 97 rook c8 it takes it's just a big trade let's do it hope I'm not missing anything yeah that's it's important than my my bishop covers a 7 I guess 97 is expected here to counter-attack the rook oh wait and I see 7 I just play here I'm just gonna be up the exchange as I'm temporarily up the exchange because I won the UM I won the rook on c6 like white would like to do something about this night and then take the bishop but I don't think there's much time yeah when I initially calculated this I just saw nighty-night c7 I moved my bishop and I lose my rook I can use my rook to counter-attack the night I did not see the the Magnus banter blitz today I saw some tweet about it something about him getting food delivery ya know I can feel my opponent suffering here it's like there's there's no undoing the past I'm wondering if White had anything better I guess there's Knight takes c6 here it's the best move and I'll have to convert up the exchange calculating here here probably pawn takes which I don't know boy what White's gonna take with the knight takes I'm happy to trade the bishop if pawn takes it's a bit damaging to the structure I'm thinking about taking Knight here to here or even there's rook c4 in some position don't want to get my bishop away the hell let's play Knight f6 this could be a nice square allowing Bishop c5 but then rook to e8 mm-hmm I could probably just take and rook c6 I do want to get my my knight to kind of remove this bishop so probably h6 Knight e4 and then rook c4 yeah the knight was trying to do damage but it's going to have to go back where it came from cause we're up T to move to some points so the player I be the still in first I mean having a nice buzz irking strategy let's go 494 Bishop III expected oh there's my e5 coming at some points could be annoying and 95 have to play rook c8 and Bishop b6 so I can get some initiative I don't think it's too harmful but slightly annoying I can play rook d5 here even rook c4 yeah just going after the pawn if rook e1 I have Knight see 395 I just oh I can't take it cuz this month okay yeah let's take I think 95 was another move to go for unleashing my rook I have the past pass beep on if here I have 95 95 should be simple could throw in some rook check but no need yeah lights gonna have two sets of double pawns [Music] expecting rugby 7 takes takes rakia King F to work b3 and I'll win the pond while probably holding on to the spawn or I'll just win both ponds mm-hmm that's a reasonable move I go take another five coming another five I could take I have this move oh that was a terrible move that was such a bad move oh no okay opponent had Knight f3 but missed it a knight of three would have like just been probably a draw it's still complicated though cuz I'm losing this or am i I probably am this tricky move yeah rook takes I have this oh no I don't I haven't this move maybe a Knights tied down to the rook there's rookie seven here yeah takes it should be just a win but a time situation move all the way back okay I'm setting up some trickiness now this should be pretty simple when all in the pawn keep pushing the King back it's important for the rook to be far away just so there's no like forking potential how to do this eat you I guess like five seconds Wow let's go I forgot about my time I got comfortable so I saw like 18 seconds and I looked again I saw like five seconds yeah yeah my appointment had a night of three a while back and I have three followed by king g2 and I'm not better victory this yeah okay okay it's still in top ten it took a long time yeah I don't relax too much Prestage a thanks for subbing thanks doctored yes I'm for the victory that's and and I'm the perspective thanks so much it makes a tricky and I'm playing again the first place player it's a rating all provisional okay I guess let's play something oh no no I'm so salty yes what does f6 I guess how do I justify of 696 I guess f6 is such a bad move I guess I'll do this garbage I meant to play you six I meant to play time lot of make the banana happy so worse possible move I think I've actually a five is probably playable I don't know it's probably up there with with worst moves you rock Eric thanks for all your content oh thanks so much can you smooth acts 93 okay so the goal is to do this a citizen Castle not lose tog II welcome back I will miss the stream you'll always be with us in an emote form by night well what to play here the g7 911 I guess passing by biz that's nice it's like on Poisson but on pause on bits okay let's um yeah let's pre move this I just want a castle it's actually kind of solid like Bishop here and I hear like it creates a safe King it's just really passive monkey 181 banana monkey 181 love em Rosen let's go Japan free sack and cry okay yes all except that whatever at all this um what to do d6 I mean each fives coming it's terrifying can I take on d4 yes I could take on d4 like d6 maybe it's not that bad like my bishop will come here I mean this is still scary but I'll deal with it [Music] hmm I'll play Queen a5 okay probably have to take actually I don't have to take complete look see AIDS wanna play b5 rook c4 yeah the night then I can't take cuz it's pinned to a2 b3 good move I think I'll just take in Queen and c3 and treacly hey hey hey Nirvana welcome back yeah if you're just joining this is a three hour 10 minute tournament I'm playing the person in first place except no longer in first place tied for first place with variants only do I beat the first round actually let's play king f7 this isn't so bad I don't think I'll put her work on c7 I'm up some nice time too I want to play b5 yeah why it's actually threatening to take here which is kind of annoying if I play rook c5 I think it's okay cuz c4 I have b5 like just in time also attacking the pawn and it's very positional like light can win Connect four but then I'll I'll destroy the connect four very quickly and these are our two weaknesses a5 yeah block should be better here if I don't know if it's enough to like actually win I'm not sure what my plan is either it's hard to do much before okay this could give me some plan I think I'll just take and rook rook c8 Oh White's considering that but yeah now now White has a lot of ponds and they files half open just shuffle over this is actually looking promising as even some mating potential like mb3 rook 83 meets yeah this rook defends this rook will try and do damage each six makes sense you look here want to swing over yeah the spawns kind of weak I don't know if I can defend it because h5i just take a salt on a central thanks for subbing can play this movie now and then I'll I'll just take on each for if here I'm meet hmm still some meeting yeah let's play you're okay too so I'm threatening me also threatening to win the rook Oh actually if take serves very nice to me I don't even win the Rock Hall I'll meet like this White's pieces get in the way so let's force meet I guess there's this move let's basically force me alright that was nice another first-place person I played like a lot of I played visa and I played variants only I played this I played all of all of the people above me I beat them all but they're still ahead of me work again let's play London a lot of provisional players this player is strong in blitz Bishop f5 is nice to see 94 it's a nice kind of positional position although might be three and queen a three and rook do you want I can't complain Oh g5g fives not too scary I don't think I always have to watch out for this fork just right that's why Rick d1 will come very soon the a5 is very sneaky yeah I'm definitely playing a player stronger than like 1787 Oh a3 is coming anyway to do with that how to do i forgot this idea is actually quite strong maybe if I can win ce6 in the end and I would want to take that doesn't work hmm okay I should probably take with the c-pawn I'd want to take with this pawn but a3 is annoying okay so the plans Queen e2 f3 aha still a three is but a three I have F three just in time because there's still a C three potential for luck a [Music] pitch show that's a new name thanks for the bits okay so the night's gonna have to move unless black wants to crazy which probably doesn't work and then I should decide between like rook e1 or b3 there's pros and cons b3 closes things down but rook b1 the file opens b7 can be a target this makes more sense especially like having the bishop hair should be good for white if things open up a southern theology gifting a sub to Bugsy thanks so much okay I'm trying to say focus that's a move to take it take on a3 I played Bishop h6 hmm miss page six works here g4 may be a rookie it might be coming with g4 kg for ticks ticks I'm just playing on an intuition here at some point I do want to throw in this move and then I mean I think black has to take otherwise like taking here is pretty traumatic for that so it takes takes minus six I'll take care first let's say Queen eighty-five Queen I threaten them ideas to win f7 hey intuition bits I'm just realizing there's Queenie six since online the Queenie six I can win b7 and then still get through to f7 Bishop always defends III g v g5 attacking like Bishop could be crazy so let's take thank you Eric for your streams I am always so calm and had the amazing time when people here that's my stream chatting with you three keep up great work and play King's gambit next game hahaha I'll see about that thanks so much Pollock GG heart I'm thinking about a queen here Bishop here takes takes and then threatening mate and the Queen and the problem is um there's Queenie for the Queenie for there's work out for no but I hang b1 so g5 of each three-two what to do I mean h3 actually kind of looks logical just defends everything rook takes over takes eight three it takes me seven let's go for it it's worth defending the pawn that way my bishop like okay the the two weak points are now defended I want to win b7 there's also some idea just like tripling up could make some sense this idea is still interesting but it probably doesn't do much like a flat can't take it I've always played this move materialise I'm up upon actually threatening to win another pawn in to bishops yeah it's getting messy let's take so rook e8 I was thinking about taking an ambitious g5 there's no work a six take six Bishop g5 pro takes a two Queen f6 have to go for it again intuition and there's this idea that Quinn g2 could be scary actually Siri I was not talking to you no quiet I know people here that serious across the room trying to check the web for me okay ooh oh this could just end in a draw unfortunately takes takes all right let's try let's try this oh wow oh that's a good move I have to say focus Queen you two probably I'm still up upon yeah the position is kind of fragile so I'm over defending a pawn to give my queen mobility I just want to consolidate I'm bishop would love to come here it's queen bee one queen bee one rook c1 but thinking h2 also mate oh that was a bad move I was terrible I should have liked King G - okay so I'm trying to get my bishop here I could very easily lose this I have to prevent the light from coming TV for right now it's restricted there's gg5 almost drops my bishop thankfully I have this ship II hate Bob that's so close to being trapped but not quite so each four move maybe also rugby six move I could pre-move roughly six okay ideas of that then that's work fh4 maybe I want to play e4 actually get the passed pawn trying to decide if it makes sense to trade mission for nights like Bishop d66 tack the pawn okay the lights tied down thrown a check opponents gonna try and flag me or I'm gonna try and flag opponents I don't know wanna play this move just attack the pond I think I'm winning upon now I'm very low on time Bishop restriction night hmm go for this move okay I want to play this and then taken them Bishop e5 [Music] Chuck this is not good hmm oh this is really bad Bishop's actually getting trapped you can move oh I'm gonna lose this I was playing for a win - probably should have repeated earlier what to do never resigned when you have a rope yeah okay back to turn those rough what to do yeah my home played well I'd like the position it's a danger of bizarre King okay so I was my first loss for the tournament but not the end of the world I think the key to at least winning is probably to play as many games as possible like I've only played five games this player has played almost double me that's crazy yeah I could have drawn but I thought there is some winning potential like I want a pawn but after I won the pawn things turned very sour sir play d4 again it hasn't played too much on each s it looks like Oh plays a lot of rapid okay this was one of like the main positions in the London there's a lot of lot of options for that like both bishop moves okay this is actually the same the same line I had the previous game u6 in the 94 I'll try and learn my lesson from the previous game be careful this is a 5 move [Music] but yeah all of this looks pretty logical I might play 94 and hold off on Queen f3 I'll Bishop d6 maybe I'll just take in 94 I'm really just playing against this pawn we could end up trading actually I'll play a three kick the night away like for the e-file probably put the bishop on b3 yeah it's gonna be pretty positional I probably want to trade I know Queen and Knight are usually better than Queen and Bishop so I might want to keep like a pair of rooks on the board yeah my phone's playing like very solidly [Music] it could be difficult to like rock this position because the deep on so well-defended I wouldn't want to play rook e5 at some point like maybe maybe temporarily sac upon and try and win it back f4 law just lost the first round of my tournament today losing is learning that's a good perspective thanks arm our PR rookie five trying to figure out what to do here in this move ef4 seems committal another sub Seinfeld savant thanks for subbing it's interesting me [Music] yeah every game you play even if it's a win or a loss or a draw always take away lessons every game you play should make you stronger okay if one's taking a lot of time this this could be another long game for one hour into the tournament it's a three hour tournament so I'm basing myself at forty five points trying to speed up the pace okay tape sticks I get the e-file it's not what I want but because I just Queen e5 next also the ideas Queen takes years so if Knight f6 Queen e5 I just want to Bishop versus night ending actually takes takes 97 I win this pawn and then this fun really okay so the ending should just be winning my opponent must be sevens hanging amends now probably before gonna bring my king into liking f1 um before makes sense I'm calculating a 4 B 5 I think the King makes it in time so there's a line a 4 a three-night C 4 Bishop here and it takes takes and I just had 2 connected passers ok yeah it should connected pastors on the outside hour or even better do I need my king so here here here I might need my king let's start with this move as f7 needs babysitting well maybe that wasn't the best decision go play King f1 king g6 Allah move the bishop back I create a wall with my my Bishop and pawn if Knight e3 I probably play a three yeah hello to people I'm sorry if I'm missing people saying hi chick Abuja and dare Daryl duck to real duck let's play this move I'm trying to stay as focused as possible for these games okay Keaney two would be a plunder play this move I mean this move and then I'll lock my Canyon still controlling these Squared's yeah a nice beautiful wall and the bishop works very well against tonight idea is probably just like Heaney for if this and I I can walk in okay let's go 18 points so ovarian solely lost to me and then berserk win berserk one like all the following games that's scary how this player is winning again that's also scary yeah that was an interesting game because I was not better but then something went wrong once I got Queenie five and it was nice you want to join the tournament we share a link in the chat okay let's play let's play aggressively okay we have a Stafford gambit this is one of the one of the testing lines had this position many times before targeting III if Queen g2 I play Queen g5 so nice H file I'm still down upon but that's interesting g3 I'm very often all Castle queenside with g3 so early I might want to play like rook h3 and then eventually triple up go after this pawn there's also the idea of like lifting the rook and just attacking on the Queen side Queen d2 expected nothing too special so far actually kind of slow playing it with f6 I'm just a useful square for the pawn and the idea is to very soon do this stuff then each ii and III will be targets and take this probably not in Quincy five maybe if not afford then I take it because b3i I'm eight d4 is a move but it's kind of weakening to e4 ID 4 I would probably move my queen somewhere and then reroute my bishop yes I'm talking upon expecting B 3 or 9 C 3 I'm talking again like honestly it's not a great position but there's still a lot of pressure now I've been able to play most moves pretty quickly I have a clear plan now listen this may be a list - and Queen d3 interesting considering this probably Queen b6 some c5 idea Oh 94 94 I have this move hmm I should be winning the pawn preventing 96 - there's some idea b6h for its kind of random okay life is good like the position was worse for a while just because of the dubious opening but now it's it's probably much better she was Ricky one rookie one I play this move and if this move I take or no I don't take their looks defendant rookie for rookie 7 just preparing this rook c3b for rook here and then I don't know what's going on let's just start with King b7 like very soon I want to play b4 and somehow trap the rook it's tricky though play five you're hitting this rook also hitting the pawn I couldn't just take the pawn and then this pawn will be weak yeah variants only is really rocking it hmm what did you the smooth wait a minute ooh I think I blundered oh that's not good let's try this i blundered but hopefully time will save me or this tactic will save me more tactics tactics are my savior and my opponent could have taken with night it could have been very scary ok hey 4th with ovarian swami lost but playing again ok trying to get back to those juicy fives maybe i should be playing more aggressively i tried to play aggressively that game but maybe with whites because someone that wins were were like very long and this vim has played so many games like everyone above me has just played more games than me but slow and steady I guess yeah if you're just joining this is a reddit arena there is a there's someone who's like who's donating a prize fund there's a post on reddit oh I'm playing oh I'm playing first place I should probably buzzer what's his reading it's from Greece interesting ok let's play a Sicilian so my pawns Napa's irking this is risky but I'm going for the juicy five points I'll play a an accelerated dragon I was taking a long time in the opening so we have Marazzi mines and I think c6 is not the mean move but I guess it's playable include I don't need to include d6 a V 598 d6 makes sense like to play c5 or creates 25 at some point Quincy tooth typical the idea of a 95 I'm Queen d2 maybe rook e8 Bishop e6 here yeah just applying pressure and b3 is prevented because when I things taking rook b7 idea of doubling up if I ever be three then I thought I was gonna have something like Knight g4 even my g4 there's Bishop d4 not sure what to do I'm just playing a slow move I want to play 97 but I think 95 would have been strong now 97 I have to play much quicker I got four have there's a g4 let some idea of a 5 a 4 as each three as possible each three maybe I move back while 95 had taken bishop h3 and trying to get something here and still equal material what to do who's playing a strong player here ok Knights 9 f 6 okay I want to do this stuff I'm ensuring my Queens not getting trapped there's some idea of taking at some point a Queen d7 [Music] yeah I don't mind the position so much it's just times gonna maybe bite me I'm going for the tech now okay for Queen h3 I'm just abandon my queenside kick this one okay Bishop e5 not sure what that does though let's play vegetable 5 I'm thinking rook c8 but then it's my back some Bishop 86 idea now also Queen g4 ideas if I lose a seven-time queen c1 Bishop c4 okay maybe a five want to play this move maybe f5 f5 is kind of risky but it looks interesting I 535i take a draw I don't want to draw it's a bad decision but I like the position with the kingside Bishop e6 Wow okay so the idea was to play f5 I could just be terribly weakening Papa should be six I have bishop no no no bishop c3 I have to go for this it's probably a really bad decision oh this is really bad I should have taken the draw yeah it's incredible Bishop Jean one saves white not to do yeah I over pushed maybe this move so my do you have takes in Queen f3 like everything's kind of falling but I'm down the case we have three things to cola appreciate that Chuck it's a risky line for a white to go for but also for me too Chuck I guess I have 15 seconds this is really bad Bishop g2 pleased upon still taking a long time here and like the position is actually still interesting but I'm just down to 14 seconds donuts it's got some endgame yeah like we should just take the pond I don't know why it's thinking so much just hoping for like some miracle checkmate wait draw Oh No I was expecting play this move my queening no I'm not quitting unfortunately oh that's so sad I resigned that was a weird finish Oh what did you I should have taken the draw f5 was a little bit a little bit over-ambitious okay so still top ten I've lost two games yeah buzzer 'king was dangerous there too [Music] still okay we're almost halfway through yes yeah I'm deserting trying to catch up hey hey the true salami welcome back something for four months so not h5 it's a move I've actually studied the idea is h6 here g5 and then e 4e for juice it's a night oh there's 94 um Bishop Siwon I guess okay this is kind of weird we're just disobeying opening principles I've undeveloped only develops peace but I was scared of Queen b6 the Queen b6 pressures so many things Streicher chests thanks for subbing called variance only is running away with it the goal is to finish like top three but it's still far away and so many players on streaks and d4 okay so I could take there's also a before here let's take 9:05 I play Quincy one just undeveloped everything like where else does the Queen may be Queen afore was a weird opening oh it looks like there's although ma sorry if there is drama in the chat it's all although month's faults probably there should be too Oh what to do yeah the positions just not that impressive this will play this move you just have to play quickly we're gonna end up trading Queens what does this move takes takes only 94 I was gonna try and take advantage of this night it's kind of an awkward piece hmm some g4 move then trade okay reinforcing my Knights I'm out of I had a mushroom was it mushroom powder coffee but now I'm out should have made some more okay it's an easy position to play it's still a decent amount of time the bishop the bishops probably going to develop to to d7 I'll play rookie one [Music] yeah the rooks are I have to obvious squares to come to and it's really up to luck like developing isn't so easy I play rookie won the night will be hit and I might have to come back if my comes back I'll play nights night be three to come to see five these these two things are targets I guess there's an ic693 e5 then Bishop III and these are the main targets now your knight and c5 is it combines well with a bishop coming to f3 like that even if the bishop comes here I still can hit it so maybe be 6v6 rook a d1 Bishop f5 way g4 Brook t1 Ashley Bishop f3 just apply a media pressure it's to prevent b6v force playable but I think it's overextending I have lots of bishop yes I'll just move back and then there's some idea of gee 495 attacking both palms a p6 is a good move what to do bishop here sort of party one we're gonna end up trading and just leaving the tension when the time is right I want to play g4 and then try and win the pawn complete Bishop g5 here and Bishop g5 f6f-5 is also coming Bishop b5 the idea is to like move this Bishop and attack the pawn play Bishop d4 even 94 there's a line Bishop c4 takes takes Bishop c1 hitting the pawn at 596 but that rook takes d1 Hey Osborn thanks for something yeah I do appreciate the new the new subs today and returning subs I'm trying to say focus it's a lot of a lot of chess games to play play it back-to-back what to do here b3 c for some idea bishop would be sad then i'm just before I'm not sure you 3c4 there's Bishop f7 okay kami thanks for subbing two new subs yeah I was thinking this but then my bishop would be a bit awkward I'm expecting a 5 I was calculating something f5 and then takes and then knight c6 and trade it looks pretty equal I mean I would like to play for a win as usual some idea night c2 actually if takes and I play this Bishop e3 94 back I'll win the pawn there's another idea with Knight seat let's say I 5 night see to the threat is to take and in take mm Bishop c4 Brook t81 another said yeah thanks to all the twitch prime subs parth des I or is it part des out of the third thanks so much Bishop b7 play what to play some f3 move at some point yeah three right away always play off three so the pawn is basically pinned to the night ff5 I was just assuming a 596 which probably works cuz take stakes and then there's no rikiei and I'll win the bishop and then win the night and meanwhile I have two attackers against the pawn there's a six if a six I'll play like Bishop a4 move the bishop back though accepts Bishop a4 there's 93 so a six I'll play Bishop etholon always play a three always play Bishop etholon been flying those would be so proud and yeah black doesn't have a great way to defend I'm making up the the time deficit but it's another game that's kind of going the full distance I don't know how the other players are playing so many games let's just have to be more aggressive well I'm going to do with the channel points I don't know I haven't really played around with it that much maybe y'all I'll be open to feedback if people want to give me suggestions okay so I'm up a pawn bring the knight that loses a pawn back or does it it kind of does but kind of doesn't so the ideas after takes takes takes I have a knight c5 attacking the bishop preventing Bishop e7 and winning this pawn bishop C - I have rook T to Bishop f5 maybe g4 and how blocks gonna have to take time here Oh Bishop b1 hmm I played before defending and preventing a 5 I just want to win this pawn let's take Oh see threes hanging move back it's getting weird takes I trap the bishop and when I win this pawn also attacking the rook okay thing the night I have two outside passers and should be good enough mmm that's nice okay took some work got the win another game on these provisional readings scare me over there I need to berserk to try to work my way up Plano 6mm we have a London okay this is a nice nice variation of the London see four blocks already four choice here there's two moves for whites Queen c2 or queen takes me six and now yeah now I have the half of a file nice pawns so my dear would be fine before it's another positional game but it'll be a nice positional game opponents taking a lot of time I've had this position only dozens of times before so there are some nuances with the move order like if I play b5 first 36 or even h6 I think with a ch3 I play h6 don't flag I've only used ten seconds so far yeah with the channel points I think the the best approach is just to hoard them as much as possible it's wage six just so you can brag about having more points than everyone else so yeah I play each six before II 6z6 sometimes runs in tonight's h4 but II 6 will win Connect four rows and let's go girl was taken Chris welcome back thanks for something but for 10 months yeah I'm trying trying my best here yeah let's put you six and now b5 on the horizon also yeah we can we can get some connect for emotes in the chat it's a very simple like structure to play blocks pieces find nice squares this is a positional idea if I ever plays a3 then there's some maneuver let's start with this so I maneuver to play Knight here here here because I could have considered taking yeah should I take goodbye g5 first don't know let's take the idea is still to play on Knight b6 to a4 and the King will probably find a square 97 imagining white we'll try and go for a 4 so let's say like f 3 9 a 4 on 4 Bishop g6 because Bishop g6 right away I think typically the goal is just to leave the tension between the pawns I never want to take it takes takes keep the structure I might want to play Bishop d6 soon those bishops not doing anything well when will the winter marathon part to come out on YouTube he watched all the 12 hours of part 1 yeah I was um I didn't want to put part 2 up too soon because I knew it would take a while for people to watch all 12 hours maybe I'll post it tomorrow I do have it I just need to make a thumb now but yeah today at least the stream today I'm reading chat less than than usual because there's money on the line there there I think there are money prizes for the top three I'm still man I have 20 points to make up been playing some some pretty good players like so far been having some good games too I think this game it's easier to reach hack as my opponent it's like taking so long wait is a Super Bowl tomorrow yes I didn't realize that I don't follow football or as Europeans call it American football oh the term in command is sharing the wrong link edit there we go now it should be sharing the right link so the idea is after it takes takes be two would be the target and I'll lift one ruck and then lift another rook was this I could take a pawn upon also play e5 check so sneaky I'll play this move actually I'm confused now Oh King yeah if I do this on this check how to do King see seven mites gonna have to constantly worry about me too but I really don't understand how like anyone can have so many points I guess it's just playing aggressive like winning games quickly die I've been trying to do but it's hard to win games quickly when the opponent takes so long okay and yeah I'm getting another like positional situation it's another game that could just go the full distance Oh a five okay so unfortunately I can't really make much progress on the queenside so I have to shift gears to the Kings side and eventually break either with f6 or some G pawn move a couple eg5 here I was not anticipating to play g5 so early but the idea is after g3 takes takes riff gee it's good for the file if Brooke g1 probably just work aids the Brooks always tied down to be to trying to employ there's a principle it's called the principle of two weaknesses okay it's tanking repute and it's basically okay there's one weakness now I have to find another weakness on the kingside and then try and spread like thin Cairo chief for probably I want to walk my King probably to f5 yeah these are the two weaknesses and sometimes that's what you need tell you in a game like one weakness isn't enough okay so let's walk keep walking Kirchhoff three looks nice this is another weakness I five could happen but then I just take yeah King f2 could happen thinking f6 looks kind of wrong but that's probably wrong what to do I'm going this way King f2 I'll play rook g7 because rook g6 94 is kind of annoying now I am threatening to take it meanwhile I still want to move my king up except if I move it up too soon that each work and me mate so maybe up this way to the rook back hmm I'm realizing my knight might want to come to f5 how do I get there like this probably and it's funny rook g2 still loses a pawn because I just moved back and the b2 plant can't be defended can I just play this I'll toy around a little bit and then this move yeah like out a little bit awkward now the rook is kind of training because this works tied down yeah this is very nice rook t3 actually no need walk the King up Oh No let's not pre move it does not mean to treat vous for a cage three that could have been really bad man let's play a this I mean this sort of game this is my style of chess just like a very low risk the whole game slowly build up the advantage wind stuff now my day is going well so far been playing a lot of chess play this move the f4 okay let's play this first and then this oh wait I could take on b2 I think in that line and then 93 okay three nights okay now I've lost it like critical moments to my two losses missed out on to five points this is crazy variants only I was winning all the games so I'm trying to catch up to the person I lost to that's gonna be really difficult very closely for its I'm just gonna try and win without using more than the minute on my clock okay grand prix time I should have taken first okay the small why is black thinking okay I definitely am either will player based on the readings it's another opening I've had many times [Music] this is definitely another style of mine like at least while I play low array the players don't know what each five each five was slightly unusual let's play Queen Queen h4 f5 ideas Knight g4 in Bishop f6 come for the 95 yeah I think the night might have to return there's some E 5 ideas also some idea like Knight Returns f5 takes and then Bishop g5 looks nice J Bishop f6 I can play Queen e1 matrix f5 attack in the night also f5 is connect four could be two games with Connect four in a row or all these g5 emotes this my opponent could play g5 yeah I guess black bloc's deciding between these three moves and maybe this move g5 deserves yellow arrow ok there's about 621 f5 or Knight g5 or even Queen g3 like when g3 I'm trying to calculate like very concretely like some wind like f5 starting with that five makes the most sense and then like either taking on each six or 95 even this move not seeing it v5 doesn't look right I look so close so when ig5 because if the bishop takes and the darks words are very weak there's some idea of take enough seven at the right moment actually King g7 Knight takes off seven because Knight takes takes King h8 takes King goes back Rock g4 that's probably enough can be a nice move yeah so I'm unleashing the bishop it's it's interesting because three different things can take if King takes I'm a than one if rook takes light when the night and if my takes I take I take and eirick lifts and I I presume that should be enough yeah black has to take here hey we have Germany hue basic welcome all these people using like my most random commands feel like I have to delete some of these commands okay I should probably keep calculating like if my phone is thinking you're here here black would have two options if here I could force this I think the the lines I go for is um okay whatever option black plays I just play rook at for her Brooke maybe you work here is better I don't know probably work out for up at the 95 if this could also throw in the check yeah maybe workout three actually also I could I could consider moving my Jeep on like g4g five and then connect five and then someday connect six oh wait a minute rookie chain is a move hmm I forgot work H AIDS let's throw in a check first maybe this move button still 95 yeah this was not my original intention but it looks okay because now if rook Chiat I win the night and I'm still threatening check and check and then just winning all these commands I just forgot about yeah like there are some lines where 95 could have been strong defensive move like if we're got 495 and I can't access either of these squares again yeah this game this games taking like all my games are going like about I guess 12 to 15 minutes but at least I'm having interesting games happy with this night takes f7 sac it's just winning right and quit h5 Roach III that's just force meets o or it's not or is it rotates g7 I first about Bishop g7 and takes Bishop h6 looks good enough actually Bishop e6 immediately 295 defends Oh [Music] let's start with this and I'll just bring another rook in yeah I should have seen this but I thinking about taking and still look straightforward yeah Brooke f4 everything's stuck for flak these pieces just can't move I can't really move Bishop heat so the black has one idea work f6 which is kind of annoying but to h4 takes takes okay dr. tournament let's go I should still be top ten I think there I am okay got my five buzzer King points a lot to catch up on oh okay bigmouth I mean variants only is like guaranteed to win this turn so there's really no pressure let's play let's play dragon this move I have to remember to do okay let's play d6 okay we're just gonna have a dragon six [Music] yeah we played the first game got the better of them 95 here looks natural some idea of night each five to two F for some idea also Queen b6 rook d8 interesting yeah Rudy one Queen c7 NIDA for looming g6 - could be useful yeah it's an interesting configuration on the kingside because these pieces look like garbage but the Knights never get trapped because g4 9 f4 meanwhile listen before ideas maybe just slow play efore can be a target later on like a 5 B 4 or Brooke c4 even Brooksie 424 just trying to identify my resources so rook T to start with this yeah rook d7 could be slightly annoying that in work c7 and I ate too what to do rook here of attacking and defending my house he's moves but I don't think they do too much that's a good sign keep applying pressure yeah b3 is a good move or on ctrader can move yes I have to take leave this first tacking be - it's my new target because e4 is defendant I should probably play 9f 494 Bishop g3 oh wow was this rook d7 subtract this one that four makes sense I could be blundering rook t7 here this is very dangerous 26 was another move this is very very dangerous oh I have rook c7 okay rook c7 keeps me safe expecting rookie AIDS doesn't work let's try this in Queen b6 hitting b2 it takes I take with a pawn bishop d4 pressure against f2 each for tweaking g7 Quincy five fellas okay actually this was looking okay Brooke Davis before I just take with rook probably want to shuffle my rook to h8 the reverse work lift also taking is maybe possible takes takes right this looks working rook takes b2 and then the night it's left undefended and I'll have Queen and four verse Queen into expecting Queen up three oh there's a 91 there's a 91 but then a 92 as well I just wondered that's six maybe we haven't the smooth others just the Strasse I want to draw ticks ticks or does it draw yeah kind of drawers you'll see if like goes for it yeah it's just a drama ah I thought I was winning but I'd forgot about 92 I mean I could have played on with f6 I think yeah it was probably best to draw though I have anything my King f8 is somehow winning Wow I'll have 6 Queen takes c6 yeah a difficult game good game Toth tournaments so variants only only lost twice once to me and once here then first draw yeah King f8 is like impossible to find well least I didn't lose I don't think I'm gonna play e4 f5 they find at least if I'm black happy to play against it okay waiting for a game pull myself together I mean overall I think I've been performing better than my rating got gained rating points it's a tough tournament yeah the problem with a dry I do lose my street let's play E for hey okay nice to see let's play play hillbilly this is probably dubious it's probably really dubious get opponent didn't want the free pawn this is actually looking fine now lady three I can trade yeah I clean I teach three so I want to open file I want to play this move also long takes which I would have been happy yeah overall this is like very comfortable position got for coming maybe all when connect for again f5 let's take take with a rucker night i'll take with the the rook just preparing the double-up 9f5 yeah all the pieces are gonna participate I could take even I could take kind of five yeah intuition time well maybe Knight h5 was slightly stronger but this should be good enough I should have played Mary trife what to do there's no way box defending this there's no way I'll take with the rook and then I'll bring my knight in it looks kind of slow but like what does black do like Knights the other night just comes in and yet if that goes for this and or if black goes for that I have this proof this month actually Queen Daisy 4 is probably the best try hoping that I pre move Queen takes h7 but it's not happening so I just need more games like that where it's like just a quick win and what that took less than five minutes that's probably most of like first places games scary player let's preserve yeah I'm going for broke I'm gonna play Stafford okay no Stafford we have a four Knights not the most exciting opening so this player place mostly blitz what does be three I could play a Halloween Halloween time okay unexpected Halloween okay three so random I don't know if b3 makes a difference also what's the move here probably this b3 actually weakens the rook in some cases it's White's giving back the piece yeah I should probably take it yeah b3 is actually useful Wow now it was probably a good decision my opponents I'm gonna go for Queen d7 castling queenside probably Bishop g4 okay let's get the bishop pair realizing this is gonna be pretty uncomfortable but what to do let some Queen h4 move at some points Queen g5 as now it doesn't make much sense for me to Castle queenside so I'm gonna try and Castle kingside and we're both gonna try and attack like we're both kind of set up well to attack kind of five and neither five can be really annoying play this move but then they each five Wow actually there's a small is there a small trick maybe there's not I'm thinking my king might be safe this 97 weirdly enough I just hugged by its own pieces okay I'm being extra careful here you're here not sure what lights accomplishing with this move the only thing that changed is now the night can't come to h5 which was what I was most scared about if you want to cheer don't type a space between cheer and 500 Oh rookie 5 couldn't move but I have this move or this move free pawn this is so risky I could just lose really quickly oh this is so terrifying I could just also be up up on this we'll find out very soon you can Bishop f6 I think someone earlier was asking why f6 f6 is terrible because it weekends too much even though it blocks a bishop I still have calcium rights on both sides what are my chances of catching up I mean two more berserk wins Allah I'll have 47 points I'll be in maybe fourth place I have five it's terrifying got it hey hey Stephen from Montreal thanks for figuring that out I played about six yeah I just have to pray that I'm not getting smashed think it's okay though oh there's rookie - but rookie - Queen g5 even rookie - I could take can then take hey dr. Lowe no thanks for something for seven months yeah I'm getting slightly fatigued still over half hour left okay opponents going all-in so I could take I have to take no reason to think Richie Yates age six expected and then just castling queenside blocks probably doing ok here I could maybe win see to who was this move I forgot about that move I could play this move I'm not dead yet the goal is to play this in this I'm also preventing working one yeah my King actually might go to d7 yeah I like King d7 here makes a lot of sense you rookie one expected in g6 so pawns are equal we both have six plans but I'm not the exchange I might want to play rook AE and then e v because the bishop is basically pinned to the G to pawn through some sort of x-ray vision that's interesting let's still go for this now he 5 you have a bishop still pinned the goal is to play rookie sex a while it is this interesting throwing some check i mean queen g6 looks solid and then d4 even this move i don't care about this pawn I'm debating which pond to move like a five or d4 I think d4 makes probably the most sense because then either light blockades and the brook is passive or I just start pushing the queen is a 6 d 4 and D 3 okay now Queen defends a6 play d4 there's a sneaky idea to play this and that takes because again the bishop would be pinned oh that sneaky from white and I scared I don't think I'm too scared this you're here I always have ways to defend in Queen f5 and then Queen e6 even queen are five kings c6 other than rook here interesting I want to put the King back I'm not getting needed right looks okay there's some crazy Bishop effects but then just queen c6 or just takes even a weird position ooh forgot about that what to do ah what to do that's probably a really bad move yeah this is gonna this is not gonna be easy to win now Napoleon could have taken the rook and then taking on e6 I think that was best she now white still has some issues to solve h7 okay so I defend h7 thanks for the bits oh no I just wanted a rook what to do let's play oh this is so bad no I resigned that was really bad Oh what to do i crumbled there the fatigue got to me ah to do yeah I'm gonna try and finish decently strong now the position was so good could open up which died someone suggesting record sets I mean the bishop was always defending me for it was just a bad move I should just push yeah okay that's life I've only had three lawsuits like not the worst Rizal ever but when you when you see like this score it's that's crazy did your sub work yeah it shows if you have like a the chest piece next to your name and your subbed you can hover over it I played this upon previously that was a London game from earlier a 6 ok let's play Sicilian ok a 5 this is actually a kind of a fun line connect for so early if it takes and I can take here there's some nice pin no variance only is not Nakamura because I have won the first game and I also have a good position the second game we played yeah I'm just maintaining the pin I might play Knight g5 actually take with enlightens I guess there is some sort of I don't want to say luck but if opponents are busy arcing back and then he'll just get more more games than okay queen g4 well played Bishop h6 and probably Castle queenside also attacking a6 or you've been watching YouTube avidly nice good to hear I didn't post a youtube video today because I'm streaming I didn't want to give people too many choices let's play this but I'll host again tomorrow you just call me Hanson called be my my mother the other last name with other Eric what to do position looks really good I could Castle queenside I could get the bishop air gasps and queenside first leaving tension gonna make it sharp I have some ideas just pushing eh pawn I'm searching for tactics but I'm not seeing like that much the Knights gonna come to f5 I take okay so challenging the rook I'm actually threatening maybe this but maybe not I don't know and now that five is expected but then I can take the pawn maybe because here it takes takes takes it's a fork it takes here I can take and unleash the rook to Knight c5 work on move fifteen maybe possibly perhaps yeah it probably Bo CAD I got around to winning with c5 pawn it's a big mess like the things are staring each other a lot to think about here but I think everything's under control but yeah it's still a mess can I just take a look and then what did you night see five that's a fork also discovered attack and if this I I can do another Fork Wow in queen g4 I just trade yeah okay that was nice performance reading yeah my performance rating is slightly higher than my current rating oh that was someone who I lost to previously so I got revenge okay yeah rest of the games I'm buzzer King I'll try and finish off in some style yeah variance only is just crushing it it's so rookie 2 rookies amazing move Wow this takes takes uh the Queen's unleashed and rook teaches a threat I probably have to study like these games and see how how they were winning so quickly it's so bad so sad that name gives me confidence and happiness ok let's play d5 if this I do this if this I do this the side you love I feel like this could be another long game like my opponent might use up all the time and then the tournament's over okay I'm gonna try and play a Cambridge Springs but this in this yeah we're following following mainline Quinn a five it's a pin Queen b3 okay applying pressure don't think I've seen Queen b3 before trying to think it might be playable I just want to apply more pressure okay here so there's a nice trap of just winning a piece and now yeah it's a double attack this is one of the main ideas of Cambridge Springs to exploit g5 with and I than the Queen it's a nice opening if you want to like try and trap someone against the like if they're at Queen's Gambit player chess we do things for the hosts shout out to the weep they use a weed command yes I'm just up a piece I'll see if the opponent wants to resign the ponents username kind of reflects this position for whites especially after this there was no chiii but Tom okay got some Tournament points not sure how many more games I'll be able to fit in I think I want to chase at least get to fourth place that would be the main goal for this game g6 was pointless trying to remember what to do here like Bishop e2 I don't know I got five at some points maybe here there's a game I think it's between hammer and xud or hammer played like a beautifully as White's had the structure to Bishop g3 some h4 idea yeah this structure is like it was all intended with this sort of Knight f5 move yeah let's go for each for even the g5 or queen d3 or Queen d2 I'm so many choices match for is very tempting here I think Oh Castle I'm allowing this and I'll take with pawn it's kind of risky Eric come to Ukraine we have borscht that is tempting look but the borscht makes it even more tempting okay let's play this move Queenie for up I have queen up for I just lost a pawn for nothing man I I got distracted by the borscht could use some borscht right now okay opponent didn't take it so let's play what to play g5 yeah g5 capone's just trying to flag me let me play f6 take sticks hmm I'll start with this because there are some g6 ideas too like a v g6 [Music] and this should all be okay rookie for coming maybe rookie one we trade I want to take my time here but it's not much time to to use and start with this thinking about sacking a queen at some point it's interesting I do like my chances while pond takes so now work you wanna you just smooth this is nice I prevent queen g4 also I prevent rookie 4 I just want to do this this and this this could be the last game which comes for the tournament and that tournament flew by Wow variants won't leave that's insane 100 points yeah I guess I'm happy to finish like top ten of the top tournaments yeah my team will be extra safe [Music] you'll see five I just have to find a good square for my queen let's take now I'll see five I just do this I think looks like there's Queen e1 so c5 I could play this just have the gun mmm tricky move I mean King b2 is probably the safest option Oh was king b2 team b2 is a blunder but opponents actually now I don't know what's going on opponent miss rook e1 which I think just one on the spot cuz Queen e1 I'm so focused on myself mating I forgot my opponent is trying to make me I just take I'm taking doesn't work because we're take C - Quinn 8 - mm-hmm that's getting sharp have to play this month [Music] Wow I see four triple pawns now it's so sad if I don't win this play this move maybe try this yeah I'm so close to meeting but I'm not meeting well I have one trick maybe the opponent will fall for it no this is so risky I'm trying to win c5 interesting my phone's gonna try and beat me maybe which is my only chance to win wool jackets hey uh what was expecting the King eh - I won that those nice I think that was my only hope was to like run my time down and my point was just playing too quickly Wow I thought my point was gonna try to go for lucky five and I was gonna play g6 okay time for one more game what a game I'm happy to end with that one I think I've done that once before when the opponent like has a clear repetition and you run your time down you provoke them to try and win and then they mess up it's a very risky approach though man okay so I'm gonna finish around this place covariance only has posed a nice number nobody expects the Spanish bid that was the noise ending noise that's noise okay final game also Spanish bits like Spanish the opening or Spain Spanish the language no hablo mucho ha spaniel pero hablo poca d for free pond maybe d3 was intended its develop pack hack 21 thanks for subbing this is kind of fancy just want to attack I'll play this first I just blunder Queen f3 I may have just wondered but maybe not Oh white just blundered let's take care of first oh there's a Spanish Inquisition joke I need to study my history ok I'm winning upon um let's attack the high plundered Knight f3 opponent missed it though so many blunders let's play this move I have three would have attacked and attacked I would have lost a bishop come on play Bishop d5 this feels like a marshall gambit except I'm the one up upon I don't want to trade Queens oh there's a chat that Queenie forum rook rook e8 it kind of works kind of doesn't work yeah rook e8 doesn't work actually opponent wants to draw oh I just wanna wait I keep hanging a bishop why do I keep hanging a bishop so many plungers this game this is such a it's such a bad game okay but somehow I'm not telling any material I feel like I've wondered at least three times this game always playoff six each five looks nice okay I might see two incoming wait I don't want optical or bishops or do I maybe I do yeah we have an office of Clare Bishop ending but my King's so powerful it should be winning somehow no draw this is a tricky move there I deal with c5 is to prevent the bishop from accessing a3 now I can play pawn a3 and then do this stuff maybe it might just not work but I'm trying yeah c6 was a better another option if you're a white there it's still not easy to win this maybe it is easy because I can I can push but will I win before the trim in time runs out yes just in time okay back to tournament hey I finished in fourth good tournament everyone congratulations variance only for crushing it's trick or treat and seconds Rose Zack and third the I lost I lost her Rosa I don't think I played trick or treats I did beat variance only in the first game they came back strong yeah that was a fun tournament thanks to the redditor who is this someone there's a reddit post which maybe I can share here's a initial reddit post so there was um these were the prizes sadly I finished in fourth so I missed out but yeah thanks to chess subreddit for putting this together and I think I don't know the username of the person who who started it but but thanks it was fun had 677 players so um yeah thanks everyone for for tuning in a lot of people here I think's John for watching ever come to Montreal I was in Montreal in August's for tournaments would love to come back but probably not in the wintertime maybe in the summer so if I'm not mistaken the one the only been Feingold is doing a 12 hour stream today so I think I should send a rate over the one bangle I'll probably put this on YouTube YouTube people thanks for watching I'll leave a link to the reddit post probably be sure to LIKE and subscribe and also brace yourself for more YouTube content I have a lot of stuff in the pipeline I didn't post today but I'll be posting a lots in the coming week so yeah I don't exactly know what that is doing but looks like chess some form of chess
Channel: Eric Rosen
Views: 659,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chess, imrosen, Eric Rosen, Chess Openings, Chess Tactics, Blunder, Chess Strategy, Twitch Chess, Chess Stream, lichess, IM Rosen, IM Eric Rosen, Eric Rosen Chess, Best YouTube Chess Channel, Best Chess Channel, YouTube Chess, Chess 2019, Blitz Chess, Speed Chess, Chess Commentary, International Master, Chess Tutorial,, chess game, chess video,, chess explained, Checkmate, slow chess, rapid chess, berzerk, reddit, r/chess, reddit chess, London System, 2020, e4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 5sec (10985 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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