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come on one more time give the lord if you know that you're not gonna remain the same again jump up on your feet [Music] is revelations [Music] [Applause] come on come on come on [Music] i i can do what god says i would never never [Music] but i would never [Music] jesus is never been the same i would never never never be the same i will never never go i me i will never everybody it is my pleasure to invite on stage our own papa reverend doctor ava come on you are the righteousness of god you are the head and not the tail you are above and not below you are redeemed redeemed from sickness redeemed from death redeemed from sin by the power of the holy ghost it's your season to win take your healing take your freedom take your favor give the lord the same i would never know the same [Music] thank you lord that the award your word is a lamp and a light it shines in the midst of darkness we rejoice lord that man are coming to the truth of the gospel men and women all over the world they are coming into the truth of the gospel of and bless the name of jesus in the name of jesus heavenly father we come before your precious holy written word and we come with joy and with confidence and we rejoice that as we feed from your word tonight the mighty holy spirit lives on our inside to guide us into all the truth so i decree that revelation knowledge is gifted your people both in this building and all over the world veils and burdens are destroyed whatever is not planted but god is rooted out your people built up equipped edified jesus glorified we rejoice that by the end of the service tonight we'll all be the better for it in jesus precious name and every believer says a powerful amen glory to god lift your right hands to heaven let's release our faith together six worlds i am born of god i am born of the world the word of god is my nature i do not struggle to do the world i do the world naturally therefore today i will understand the word of his grace i will be built up by the end of this service i will never be the same never ever be the same again in jesus name and every believer says it powerfully man we want to welcome everybody connected to this service by way of kingdom life network facebook youtube twitter instagram we're so glad to have all of you social media community you know connected to the service and i want to welcome all the aqua bomb state community tonight connected to this service by way of comfort fmx lfm radio aqua bomb you know your fm inspiration fm and heritage fm we're so glad to have all of you connected to the service hey do me a favor call a friend call a family call somebody that you really love your colleague at work ask them to tune to this radio station right now life is flowing through the airwaves our social media community is exciting that we are still continuing the new creation community extended in christ realities we are excited here i tell you that we're able to do this and i'd like you to help me invite a friend reach out to everybody you can help me share the video with all the people on your page share them with all the groups join as many groups as possible great watch parties you know put them on monogram telegram and what's up groups let's get the watch at the ends of the earth less light in the dark places of the earth and i want to welcome all the house churches and all the bible study centers in aquarium stage all our house churches i'm excited to welcome all of you to the story tonight is going to be exciting as we continue to explore the in christ realities i'd like you to grab your pen your bible your notebook and you can be seated with your sweet smart self as we get into the world of his grace praise god all right in christ in christ in christ we have been looking at identification it's been exciting john chapter 5 verse 39 john chapter 5 verse 13 and you search the scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life and they are they which testify of me verse 40 and you will not come to me that you might have life luke chapter 24 verse 25 luke chapter 24 verse number 25 then he said unto them o full slow of her to believe all that the prophets have spoken but not christ to have suffered these things and to enter into his glory and beginning at moses and all the prophets he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself so in our study we are looking at identification in christ we have found out that christ is a man spirit soul and body and we will continue examining tonight the death of christ the death of christ if he is a man it means he died and he died spirit soul and body as well we will examine two scriptures hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 hebrews chapter 4 verse number 15 for we have not and high praise which cannot be torched with the feeling of our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin give me the next verse let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need that word we are as we are is not in the original all right he was tempted yet without seeing okay all right now notice the time which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities let's look at the word infirmity there it is the the word with without strength infirmity means without strength it's used for sickness as well but not necessarily sickness there's a greek word for that word infirmity is the word estenia e s t h e n e i a estonia it means an inability an in ability our infirmity that word is used again in second corinthians chapter 12 verse 5. ii corinthians chapter 12 verse 5 of such and one will i glory yet of myself i will not glory but in mine infirmities in mind infirmities he is not talking about sickness here because of vas9 look at verse 9 ii corinthians chapter 12 verse 9 and he said unto me my grace is sufficient for me for my strength is made perfect in weakness most gladly therefore will i rather glory in my infirmities that the power of christ may rest upon me my strength is made perfect in weakness it means the weakness there is without strength it's not sickness it's without strength it's used for sickness but in this context it is not referring to sickness it's used for handicap inability something you couldn't do without strength so if he says in hebrews chapter 4 verse 15 we have a high priest who can be touched by our weakness by our weakness it means he has experienced the handicap he has experienced that weakness the high priest the next thing he says in verse 4 chapter 4 of hebrews 14 was in all points tempted the word tempted is the word tested perez who in the greek used for testing to prove and he says yet without sin in other words you cannot be tested until you are a man in other words jesus temptation proved that he was a man if they couldn't be tested then he if he couldn't be tempted then he is not a man his humanity was tested that is he had to be seen as having similar infirmities similar handicaps similar weaknesses with us he has to be seen as having them just like we are and like i said that infirmity is not sickness like we just saw in the scriptures there look at james chapter 1 verse 13 let's examine the way brother james exposes the complexity of temptation let no man say when he is tempted i am tempted of god for god cannot be tempted with evil neither tempted he any man neither tempted he any man please pay attention it exposes the complexity of temptation that means deity cannot be tempted deity cannot be tempted so for you to be tempted means you are a man because deity cannot be tempted with evil or sin now let me ask you a simple question did jesus have the capacity to sin huh yes he did all right that's good that's why what he did is not called programming what he did is called obedience because if he overcame temptation by programming he would not be a man it would be he was a robot but he was tested and he obeyed he obeyed obedience there means an act of his will right now he wasn't programmed james 1 14 look at the way brother james will put it in james chapter 1 verse 14. but every man is tempted when he's drawn away of his own lost and enticed drawn away notice the word drawn away of his own lust look at verse 15 ah yeah yeah you will love this then when loss had conceived it bring it forth sin and sin when it is finished bring it forth death the word conceived that is the desire is now birth the desire is born the word use here is the word for conception where a seed is planted and it's allowed to grow that shows that james chapter 1 confirms you cannot be tempted if you are not a man for you to be tempted you have to be a man jesus was touched with the same infirmity as we have look at first corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 first corinthians chapter 10 verse 13 they had no temptation taking you but such as is common to man but god is faithful who will not suffer you to be tempted above that you are able but will with the temptation also make a way to escape that you may be able to bear it that you may be able to bear it so temptation is common to man jesus had to be real if they are not real it means the scriptures lied to us jesus is fully a man spirit soul and body we call jesus the second adam now notice that infirmity did it come from the first adam this infirmity we are dealing with here because we want to settle this issue of infirmity that infirmity that jesus had similar to us did that infirmity originate from the first adam yes okay keep it somewhere [Laughter] did god make the first adam with infirmity [Laughter] did god make the first adam with infirmity he said yes he said no okay then what will be that infirmity what will be that infirmity remember we say it's not sickness it's handicapped it's an inability okay so what will be that inability exactly okay keep it somewhere let's proceed a little was adam a man first adam he could be tempted first other was that weakness on the part of adam that you could be tempted was that a weakness does it mean god made him weak okay what if adam could not be tempted then it's not a man let's see something romans 5 12 was obey me wherefore as by one man sin entered into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have seen the word enter is the word e-i-s-e-c-h-o m-a-i is second i it means it came from outside sin came from outside sin was not in the world a foreign object was introduced as a command now are you saying that the ability to allow sin is weakness or are you saying the choice the man's ability to make choice is weakness no okay did god make man weak by giving man a free will no keep it somewhere was the first adam tempted do you have any record was he tempted what record in genesis the temptation to eat the fruit do we have scriptures that jesus was tempted matthew 4 and luke 2. keep that somewhere romans 5 14. gonna be an exciting class romans 5 14. nevertheless that reigned from adam to moses even over them that had not seen after the similitude of adam's transgression who is the figure of him that was to come he calls it transgression transgression look at romans chapter 2 verse 23 romans chapter 2 verse 23 now that thou that make us divorce of the law through breaking the lord this honor is thou god this honorist thou god look at verse 22 of that romans chapter 2 22 now that says a man should not commit adultery does thou commit adultery doubt that abhors idols does that commit sacrilege look at verse 24 of romans chapter 2 24 for the name of god is blasphemed among the gentiles through you as it is written give me 25. for circumcision verily profited if thou keep the law but if there be a breaker of the law or that circumcision is made on circumcision look at romans chapter 4 verse 15 romans chapter 4 verse 15 because the law worked wroth for where no law is there is no transgression take note of the word transgression galatians chapter 3 verse 19 galatians chapter 3 verse 19 wherefore then served the law it was added because of transgressions till the seed shall come to whom the promise was made and it was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator so it was added because of transgression take note of the word transgression hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 hebrews chapter 2 verse 2 for if the word spoken by angels was steadfast and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward the word transgression hebrews 9 15. hebrews 9 15 and for this course is the mediator of the new testament that by means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance look at festivity chapter 2 verse 14 the word transgression and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression the woman being deceived was in the transgression the word transgression is the word parabasis parabases in the greek p-a-r-a-b-a-s-i-s parabasis it means to overstep your boundary to overstep your boundary every time you hear transgression it means there was a bound you now overstepped it to overstep your boundary now first timothy 2 14 look at it again first timothy 2 14 and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression wow you will discover that what happened to eve was different from what happened to adam adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression in the parabasis okay now let's see what was the bound set for them because for you to have committed transgression you must have overstepped the boundary so what was the boundary given to adam and eve genesis chapter 2 verse 16 genesis chapter 2 verse 16 and the lord god commanded the man saying of every three of the garden the myers freely eat verse 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil thou shalt not eat of it for in the day that thou it is thereof thou shalt surely die that means there was a boundary to transgress means to go over the line so can we say the line that was set for adam and eve was weakness can we say we're dealing with infirmity don't forget can we say that that line that god set for adam and eve was the weakness that line that boundary that they overstepped there was a boundary set and they were asked not to overstep when they overstepped the boundary it was seen now can we say that that boundary was the weakness huh okay yeah it looks like it to me but you know just keep it somewhere keep it somewhere but it looks like it to me all right now romans 5 19 brother paul uses three words to describe sin for as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous take note of the word disobedience by the disobedience of one man many were made sinners so three words number one in romans 5 12 he says sin by one man sin enter the word sin is where you have hamato hamato in the greek hamato means to miss the mark to miss the mark then brother paul uses transgression in romans 5 15 parabases to overstep the bounds to miss the mark to overstep the bound the third word he uses is romans 5 19 he calls it disobedience one man's disobedience to disobey means you did not obey that means there was something you were to obey there was something you were to obey that that word is the word parakora parakoa p-a-r-a-k-o-e it means to refuse to listen that word paracore or disobedience means to refuse to listen not to receive instruction or not to pay attention or to refuse to heed to refuse to heed is used alongside with transgression every transgression and disobedience every transgression in hebrews 2 2 and if you use the tks rule it will be every transgression that is disobedience look at ii corinthians chapter 10 verse 6 ii corinthians chapter 10 verse 6 and having in a readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled to refuse to listen to an instruction so that means before seeing there must be an instruction there must be a line there must be a boundary that means adam overstepped the line what was the line the instruction so he says adam was not deceived to be deceived will mean two things either number one to not know a line existed or you were told there was a line now to be deceived doesn't mean i didn't have the information for you to be deceived means you have the information we can also say you had my instruction but someone learned you someone lured you away with a contradicting information it doesn't mean you didn't hear what i said you heard but somebody brought a more enticing instruction that lured you away from what i said all right now look at romans chapter 5 verse 12 where we spoke brother paul uses three words sin wherefore as by one man seen the word hamatia then romans 5 14 the word transgression which is parabasis then romans 5 19 the word disobedience which is paracore but they are explaining the same action look again at first timothy chapter 2 verse 14 first timothy chapter 2 verse 14 and adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression that word deceived look at romans 7 11 let's look at that word deceived romans 7 11 for seeing taking occasion by the commandment deceived me and by it slew me romans 16 18 romans 16 18 for they that as such serve not our lord jesus christ but their own belly and by good words and faith speeches deceive the heart of the simple first corinthians 3 18 were examining the word deceived first corinthians 3 18 let no man deceive himself if any man among you seemed to be wise in this world let him become a fool that he may be wise but look at something else that gives us a better explanation second corinthians 11 verse 3 ii corinthians 11 verse 3 but i fear less by any means as a serpent beguiled eve through his subtlety so your mind should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in christ so your minds should be corrupted that means the deception is to give you another information your mind should be corrupted the serpent simply said you will not die you will not surely die it sounds like a positive confession you will not surely die some churches can even use it for a program you will not surely die but that is what the devil said you will not surely die that means if hard you will die if hard you will die then the serpent told her you will not surely die no but the serpent said you won't die now you must observe that satan never acts outside the word of god satan never acts outside the word of god he will twist the word twist the word all that he does will be will be somewhere around the parameters of the word of god it's just that it is never correct he will always twist it that is why is deception because for it to be deception it must have an element of truth for anything to be deception it must have an element of truth now his primary way of oppression satan's primary way of oppression is to twist the world and then question the integrity of god's word he will twist the word and then question the integrity of god's word so the deception was present where there is a deception is there still a temptation where there is a deception is there still a temptation where they say deception is there still a temptation yes all right yes all right now so can there still be deception in a temptation what i'm saying is can there still be deception in a temptation yes okay but does every temptation have deception does every temptation have deception did you say no keep it somewhere was adam deceived no was if deceived yes was if tempted yes was adam tempted huh yes are you sure okay we're doing bible study i hope you know was jesus tempted yes was jesus deceived no did satan attempt to deceive jesus did he succeed no what was the weakness you know we've been working on the weakness he's seen the weakness his desire the weakness [Laughter] it's bible study okay keep it somewhere we'll progress more and then we see again how far we make progress all right so that means there is no lie in temptation so every temptation is real okay look at genesis 3 11 genesis chapter 3 verse 11 and he said who told you that that was naked has thou eaten of the three were off i commanded you that thou should not eat verse 12. and the man said the woman whom thou gave us to be with me she gave me of the tree and i did eat next verse and the lord god said unto the woman what is this that thou has done and the woman said the serpent beguiled me and i did it the serpent beguiled me and i did it and the lord said unto the serpent because i was done this did you observe that god didn't ask the serpent any question because he will lie and god didn't have time for lies because he's the father of all liars adam listen to eve instead of listening to god if listen to who the serpent so if he was deceived how can adam not be deceived seller now because adam knew that he was deceived now now did adam know that eve was deceived he knew he knew he was aware now she now said i was deceived so who told her you know she said the serpent beguiled me that means i was deceived how did she know she was deceived okay adam's case was he didn't listen to god's word he listened to the woman against god the woman listened to the servant so was adam deceived no adam wasn't deceived why was adam not deceived because he knew that eve was deceived so for him to know that he was deceived means he was not deceived he was aware that eve has been beguiled he knew are we in the building here he knew that's why adam was not deceived which means adam's sin was deliberate only eve was beguiled he said god said the day we eat we shall die the serpent said you will not die that was attractive so he lured her and adam knew that all of this that eve is doing she's been deceived because adam wasn't deceived adam was deliberate about sinning are we in the building adam was deliberate now we're going somewhere with this all of these questions and answers that we're doing this evening did adam seem yes did eve seen yes she was in the transgression see that she was in the transgression so what's the role of that deception because what she said brother paul repeated it twice you know that means there's something we need to learn about the deception angle to sin but whether there is deception or not it is still seen are we in together here whether there was deception or not it was still a sin but you know that that means adam's transgression was an act of his will nothing influenced him that's why he was not deceived that means he had the capacity to do what he did he had the capacity he didn't have to be deceived to say no to what god said it was within the confines of his choice he wasn't a robot he was not designed to say yes or no he was designed to decide whether to say yes or no and by choice he said no but he saw his wife his wife was believed but anyway because he was already deliberate about sinning he couldn't even help his wife are we in the building now glory to god are you still in the building please stay with me stay with me i know this is a bit technical but it's good for your health okay now did adam stay changed after the scene yes so if jesus became a man who will jesus be similar to adam before the fall or adam after the fall since he stayed changed after he sinned adam after the fall so that means jesus came a sinner so so that could have a lot of pastors here so there's the pastor still here i'm just imagining what's happening in the health centers so now that means if he came in identification with with adam after the fall it means he came as a sinner so let me go back to the question again if jesus became a man who will he be similar to adam before sin or adam after see adam before sin yes it will be adam before sin because adam before sin was not mortal and was not immortal it is the choice that will determine whether he becomes mortal or he becomes immortal that is exactly how jesus came tempted in all points no sin so jesus did not succumb to mortality because he didn't make the choice of mortality that's why he was tempted in all points yet without sin so he never made the choice that adam made until until now let's get to the until are you still in the building let's get to the until so if it's adam before sin that means he didn't identify with us so let's see how jesus is described romans chapter 8 verse 3 let's add some scriptures to what we just explained romans 8 verse 3 for what the law could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for seeing condemned sin in the flesh his own son how in the likeness of sinful flesh that is how jesus came so question did jesus come in the fallen adam state why is he called the second adam now sinful flesh in the likeness of sinful flesh the flesh here is the body of all his person flesh is his body or his person paul never referred to body when he mentioned flesh in his epistles because paul mentioned body different from flesh in his epistles he said mortal body then he talked about flesh two different things so a mortal body is part of the flesh but that is not the flesh so romans 8 3 now again says put it up put it up quickly let's look at it god for what the lord could not do in that it was weak through the flesh god sending his own son in the likeness of sinful flesh and foreseen condemned sin in the flesh now look at philippians chapter 2 verse 6 philippians chapter 2 verse number 6 who being in the form of god taught it not robbery to be equal with god that word likeness is the word honorima honorima in the greek h-o-n-o i-m-a it means resemblance that means the word likeness is a figure of speech or a descriptive term a figure of speech that is it is not it but it is like it you know in the likeness of man philippians 2 7 jesus came in the likeness of man he stripped himself of everything that makes him god and came in the likeness of man he doesn't mention sinful flesh please pay attention so that's what differs from romans 8 3 romans 8 3 says in the likeness of sinful flesh philippians says jesus came taking on the form of a man there's a difference between the two of them never ignore extra details in bible study look at the word likeness romans 1 23 the word likeness romans 1 23 and change the glory of the uncorruptible god into an image made like the corruptable man and to birds and forefooted beasts and creeping things the likeness made like to corruptable made like romans 5 14 romans 5 14 talks about the similitude of adam's transgression even over them that had not seen after the similitude of adam's transgression please stay with me so it's not adam's transgression but looks like adam's transgression similitude romans chapter six verse five and seven romans chapter six verse five and seven for if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death we shall be also in the likeness of this resurrection for he that is dead is free from sin next verse now if we be dead with christ we believe that we shall also live with him likeness of his death or this is the way to put it in the semblance of his death in the semblance romans 8 3 now god sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh god sending his son if jesus came to man in the likeness of sinful flesh that means he came as a sinner but that would be contradictory because it means he's not qualified to be our substitute a sinner can be my substitute i'm already a sinner and if anybody is going to be my substitute he has to be sinless so jesus didn't come as a sinner okay he came in the state that adam was before the fall he wasn't a sinner okay now so where did the sinful flesh god sending his son in the likeness of sinful flesh now there are some details you are missing out god sending his own son the word sending that word sending does not mean incarnation because where the lacuna is is when we think that sending is incarnation for god to love the world he gave his only begotten son it's not incarnation so if sending is not incarnation what is sending the cross so descending means god gave him up to die so that death that cross is what made him sinful he came sinless but on the cross where he was sent to die he bought the sins of the world are we in the building he bore the sins of the whole world now please stay with me so where did he condemn sin and for sin condemned sin in the flesh where did he condemn sin where yes in the flesh but where what location on the cross he condemned sin on the cross are you still in the building all right now he condemned sin on the cross where did jesus become sinful flesh on the cross where did jesus identify with sinful man on the cross where did jesus identify with man incarnation no where did jesus identify with man incarnation where did jesus identify with sinful man on the cross that's right so he identified with man in the incarnation and identified with sinful man on the cross are we still in the building now please stay with me so now since jesus identified with man on the cross as sin for sin he condemned sin in the flesh where on the cross that is death that is where sin was judged the judgment of sin was the death of christ why the wages of sin is death so since death is the judgment for sin jesus bore on him that judgment he bore the judgment of death please stay with me he bore the judgment of dead where was seen judged in the incarnation or on the cross on the cross because jesus became like us in our sin where on the cross jesus was tempted why because he was a man so the weakness the inability is because we are men that's why temptation is common to all of us but the inability is not the sin but the inability is where the sin cannot call are we in the building okay we're clearing all the questions we started with right now hallelujah are you still in the building so jesus was tempted because he was a man in the four gospels before he went to the cross and after he went to the cross question did jesus change his status on the cross on the cross did jesus's death was changed on the cross where did he become seen on the cross so did his status change on the cross yes because before the cross he was tempted no sin but on the cross he identified and became seen and the moment he became seen his state was changed are we in the building his status changed on the cross please stay with me his status changed on the cross now the reason why sinful was used was because he wasn't made sinful by his misdeed he was made sinful by sacrifice he didn't commit sin but he was made seen by sacrifice that's why the word semblance was used same plans he didn't see the actual scene but it was like which was semblance in the likeness of sinful flesh look at luke 22 46 luke 22 verse 46 and he said unto them why sleepy rise and pray lest you enter into temptation so if he is in the likeness of sinful flesh and sinful flesh involves spirit soul and body that means on the cross jesus's body became mortal um the moment he became seen his body became mortal mortal means diable immortal means cannot die okay so the body of jesus became mortal on the cross on the cross jesus died spirit soul and body on the cross all right spirit soul and many people get fussy with that because they are not paying attention to details look at luke 22 46 luke 22 46 and he said unto them why sleepy rise and pray lest you enter into temptation lest you enter into temptation now remember the death of jesus was not extinction he was not extinct the death of jesus was separation when jesus was separated from himself or jesus separated from the father that separation was death just like adam was separated from god by the choice not to heed the gospel so jesus too was separated so he can identify with adam spirit soul and body to procure redemption for man his full identification spiritual and body he didn't identify with us partially he identified with us completely spiritual and body is total identification that's what makes the gospel too powerful is total identification now now observe first peter 2 23 who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatened not but committed himself to him that judges righteously committed himself committed himself i commit myself to you what does that involve if i say i commit myself to you what does it involve spirit if i commit myself to you am i committing my physical body or my soul or my spirit or my spiritual body myself i didn't say i commit my physical body i commit myself meaning my spiritual body so jesus committed himself to death okay to death now please hold on that's him matthew 27 look at 46. matthew 27 46 and about the ninth hour jesus cried with a loud voice saying a lie a lie la masa bethany that is to say my god my god why has thou forsaken me luke's account said unto you i commit my spirit did jesus commit his spirit what was the purpose to be judged father into your hands i commit my spirit to be judged that's your testimony says justified in the spirit because he committed his spirit for judgment and the judgment justified him and in his justification is my justification glory to god i said glory to god now how do you know that matthew 27 46 matthew 27 46 and about the ninth hour jesus christ with a loud voice eloy my god my god why is that forsaken me the word forsaken means abandoned abandoned it means he was dead on the cross when jesus made that statement my god my god why has thou forsaken me when he made that statement was he dead when he said my god my god why has thou forsaken me was he dead yes he was dead because separation had taken place why have you abandoned suppression so he had died spiritually just like adam the day you eat you shall die he ate he died but he was still walking are we in the building here why has thou forsaken me he was still talking but that has taken place a separation had occurred between the father and jesus now he was dead spiritually to abandon means he was dead spiritually john 19 30 john chapter 19 verse number 30 when jesus therefore had received the vinegar he said it is finished and he bowed his head and gave up the ghost what was finished the prophecy concerning his death was finished he wasn't saying the work of redemption is finished because at that point the worker just started at that point the worker that was just when he became seen and he had not finished paying the price for that sin so it couldn't be redemption that was finished it was the scriptures concerning his death that was being fulfilled are we still in the building was the entire body of jesus spirit soul and body involved in redemption huh yes was this jesus his body that died my god by god why is that forsaking me was it jesus body that died did the spirit die did jesus die spiritually did jesus die spiritually so there was a point where jesus was spiritually dead like every sinner here there was you better be happy there was because if there was no such time then you will never be spiritually alive glory to god i say glory to god i said glory to god he was separated from god now let me ask you a question did jesus have the holy ghost on the cross the jesus of the holy ghost on the cross no did he have holy ghost on the cross huh so did the holy ghost leave jesus on the cross when when he was made sin what happened the holy ghost left him so jesus didn't have the holy ghost on the cross so the holy ghost didn't help him in dying that means then the holy ghost didn't follow him to the grave eh why are you looking at me later that means that the holy ghost didn't follow jesus to the grave huh so he died as a man was buried as a man without the aid of the holy ghost glory to god and on the third day he rules as a man are you following now now ii corinthians 5 21 glory to god ii corinthians for he has made him to be seen for us who knew no sin that we might be made the righteousness of god in him so was jesus's entire body involved in redemption yes as god or man as man that means he identified with sinful man where on the cross was adam sinful before he sinned no he became sinful when after he sinned that means the ability to be tempted is it sinfulness no you are tempted because you are a man very good very good this class is becoming good what happened to adam after eating the fruit by by moses vision he died he became sinful and he died jesus when he became when he came in the flesh did he come like adam before the fall or after the fall before the fall second corinthians 5 21 notice glory to god for he has made him sin for us who knew no sin made made for us made seen for us identification the word made means he is not acquainted with sin he did not experience sin until the cross he was made he didn't commit sin he was made he didn't know that is he didn't have experience of sin but sin was put on his account he didn't experience sin but he was made sin for us substitutionary what was made seen his body or his entire being entire being so himself bore our infirmities himself that means in the hebrew his whole being first peter 2 24 look at the way brother peter will put it first peter chapter 2 verse 24 are you enjoying this who himself who his own self who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we being dead to sins shall live unto righteousness by whose stripes ye we are healed in his own body the word body there is a greek word soma soma does he mean physical body soma means the being being verse 23 says he committed himself so 23 explains 24. it explains the soma being so look at this luke 24 26 luke 24 26 ought not christ to have suffered these things suffered these things that means jesus suffered spirit soul and body let's come to us ephesians 2 1 and you have the quickened who are dead where in trespasses and sins question what first died in christ spirit soul body which one died first spirit when he was raised from the dead which part came out first huh spirit so spirit then body spirit then body so in salvation it is spirit then body that's the order right okay stay with me so the order of redemption will start with spirit then body look at first peter 3 18 first peter 3 18 for christ also had once suffered for sins the just for the unjust that he might bring us to god being put to death in the flesh but quickened by the spirit first timothy 3 16 and without controversy great is the mystery of godliness that god was manifest where in the flesh justified where in the spirit now manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit is that incarnation or resurrection is that incarnation or resurrection manifest in the flesh justified in the spirit is that incarnation or resurrection resurrection the justification can only happen after he rose from the dead all right now how did jesus exist spirit soul body or spirit of body or soul he existed spirit soul and body romans 1 4 romans and declared to be the son of god with power according to the spirit of holiness how by the resurrection from the dead so the spirit of holiness is his spirit and is described there by the resurrection okay justified in the spirit which is what resurrection so that means the resurrection was spirit then body isaiah 53 10 let's see the way brother isaiah examined that scripture yeah it it pleased the lord to bruise him he had put him to grief when thou shalt make his soul an offering for sin he shall see his seed he shall prolong his days and the pleasure of the lord shall prosper in his son it pleased the lord to bruise him he has put him to grief when thou shalt see his soul his soul was made an offering remember the soul and the spirit are together so the spirit and the soul we are made an offering not his body not his body not his body now the word soul in the hebrew is always used for the being the word mesh memphis used 754 times in the hebrew bible the word soul means the being the totality of a being so when you say man was made a living soul that is man was made a living existence in genesis 2 7 man was made a living soul man was made a living existence message now how did jesus exist spirit soul and body so the work of redemption is so massive his entire being was made an offering every part of jesus was used to pay for sin his entire the totality of his being was giving us payment for sin that's why that your righteous shouldn't be 18 of debate the reason why people find it difficult to identify with the righteousness of god is because they have not understood the depth of his sufferings when you understand the depth of the price paid for sin sin will lose relevance sin will not be an issue at all you know i believe that if pastors will spend time talking about the death of christ and his resurrection sin consciousness will leave the church it will leave the problem is that the main work is left behind and they are pursuing sadhus you know skill acquisition how to make it in business that's not the gospel in year 12 you have the condition of men and women bound with sin consciousness who don't know who they are they don't know the identification their identity they don't know who they are in christ and you're teaching them how to be relevant in business so why did their fathers pay school fees if i pastor will still have to come and teach you how to make it in business why did your father pay your fees have you ever seen any biology teacher who walks into the class to teach biology talking about the dead burial and resurrection it's not in their syllabus stay in your lane stay in your lane the church is the ground and the pillar of the truth the message of christ are we teaching here so that we can present every man perfect we are in christ not in business in christ am i teaching good yeah we stay with our marching orders we stay with our syllabus we preach not ourselves but christ and him crucified ourselves you are servants for jesus seek praise god so jesus his entire being was made an offering for sin so jesus identified with sinful man so when we begin to look at identification we start with what did jesus do for us he left nothing back he identified with men solely and freely when we begin to look at identification we're going to identify with him fully spirit soul and body because he identified with our spirit soul and body so when we say we are in christ we start from the history to be in christ means we are starting from his death the death of jesus reveals his humanity more than his 33 and a half years nothing reveals that jesus was a man like his death the death of jesus was the point where you cannot argue that he was a man in death in that was the full revelation of his humanity in fact the proof of his death is more than 33 and half years of his life on it he was hungry he was tired he was thirsty he slept but he also performed miracles he raised the dead cast out demons so you can argue a little bit but when he subjected himself to death helplessly in the hands of death and everybody saw him cry and died and gave up the ghost and they carried this body and put in the head there's no proof that proves that he was a man like that that was the proof that was the proof of his humanity that he was subject to death even the death of the cross are we in the building here yeah so his debt reveals his humanity that he could die not just die but he even died spiritually he was separated from god that revealed his humanity to us three days and three nights he suffered three days and three nights he was meeting three days and three nights he bought the griefs and the pangs of sin three days and three nights whose sins were those hours let me challenge your mind a bit isaiah 53 isaiah 53 verse 4 aka batoba are you in the building isaiah 53 verse 4 on the line the word hour our hour hour surely had borne our griefs and carried our sorrows yet we did esteem him stricken smitten of god and afflicted verse five but he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruce for our iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stripes we are healed all we like sheep have gone astray we have turned everyone to his own way and the lord that led on him the iniquity of us all is that sins or the sinfulness the sinfulness so he says the sins and the sinfulness were born by jesus for us that means what is in our account today is not seen because jesus bought the sins and the sinfulness he took it if he took it it's no more credited in our account it's called the great exchange he took my place in debt i take his place in life he was rejected i'm accepted he became sin i became the righteousness of god in christ he went to hell i go to heaven why he took it away it's not available to be credited to my account so what his debt produced became the credit in my account [Music] so there is there for now why he took it behold the lamb of god that take it away if he took it i don't have it i don't have it i'm dead to sin and alive to god glory to god i reckon with that i reckon with that i reckon with that i reckon myself dead to sin and alive to god hallelujah i said hallelujah i said hallelujah whoa that means what is in my account will not be seen what is in my account is his death that's what's in the account so everything is that accomplished is for us because it was done for us now are you aware that jesus is dead spirit soul and body took place before you were born huh before you were physically born so the promise came before jesus came the act came before billions were born the promise came before jesus came the act came before i was born in other words what jesus did is not for individuals it was for everyone because the focus was unseen that means seeing in eternity was put on him you're not understanding are you understanding before you were born before i was born okay the act took place so before i told a lie or before i did the first thing that was wrong he already died so that means the sins of eternity we are brought in time the sins of eternity past and eternity future we are put together and brought into time and put on christ that's why children that are born now their sins jesus should not die again that one death took all are you understanding the sufferings of christ the sins of mankind the totality of sins in eternity were put on him because if not so it will mean that he bought the sins of only the people who sinned before he died that means that we too now will need another debt or he will have to come again but he's not coming again after he has offered he sat down he sat down meaning there's no more sin to offer why he has offered the sins of mankind from eternity past eternity future no more sin standing between man and god why the offering has overpaid kaya hallelujah he didn't just bear the sins of the believer he bought the sins of the whole world the whole world it doesn't come to your account until you believe it he bore it but it's not yet yours until you believe it at the point of believing jesus the credit of his work is reflected in your account you receive notification cabardo vide long ago long ago the old account was settled long ago hallelujah i said hallelujah jesus knew no sin but was seen put on his account yes how many sins all in first john chapter two verse verse two look at the way brother john puts it first john two two are you enjoying this first john chapter two verse 2 he says and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world he bore our sins and the sins of the whole world but is only credited in the account of a man at the point of believing the gospel it's not automatic if i'm preaching to someone i'm not preaching for jesus to die for him his sins have been paid for i'm only asking him to receive it that's what evangelism is he has paid for sins before sin was committed he became sin who knew no sin so all sins has been put on christ so the sin was imputed on jesus logis oh my the sin of everybody all evil people osama bin laden boko haram chicago napoleon all of them their sins was put on jesus but if when they believe the gospel that is when it is credited to their account why then do people go to hell people go to hell for unbelief a refusal to accept what christ has done all sinful thoughts were paid for jesus took all that means all our deeds were credited to jesus's account romans 5 8 god commended his love toward us in that while we were yet seen as christ died for us all our deeds our misdeeds were credited to jesus his account all all of it all of it somebody said oh is there any sin god cannot forgive none the death of christ took care of all of humanity's sins now observe something as i close are you blessed tonight ii corinthians 5 21 god for he had made him sin for us who knew no sin that we must be made the righteousness of god in him take note of the word sin singular sin singular that's nature nature singular john 1 29 john 1 29 john 1 29 the next day john sees jesus coming on him and says behold the lamb of god which taketh away the sin of the world singular seen as nature romans 4 25 romans 4 25 who was delivered for our offenses and was raised again for our justification offenses plural so but the nature of sin the sinfulness of man he bought it he bought the nature and the action he took all of it that's when paul was talking to those people in corinth he said in first corinthians chapter six verse nine i love brother paul first corinthians 6 9 whoa watch this know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of god be not deceived neither fornicators idolaters adulterers nor effeminate nor abusers of themselves with mankind thus then not thieves nor covetous no drunkards not revelers not exorcist shall inherit the kingdom of god observe now and search where some of you such we're some of you but you are washed you are sanctified you are justified in the name of the lord jesus and by the spirit of our god you are watched hallelujah somebody said to me dr darmina what about what about restitution oh restitution is not a language in the new testament no restitution is not a language in the new testament brother paul came to the church at corinth and you know brother paul he went around the whole of of the land wasting people and killing people he came back to one of those churches that suffered casualty in his hand and he said to them receive us we have wronged no man we have defrauded no man we have hot no body we have cheated nobody why long ago long ago the old account was settled long ago if any man in christ a new creature all things are passed away when god looks at you he reckons with your present status in christ he does not see anything of the past all he sees is what christ has done you are a product of the finished work of christ and that is what god reckons with and that is what you should reckon with when you stand up you say yeah i am the righteousness of god in christ stainless sinless spotless washed cleansed sanctified justified accepted in the beloved complete in him the head of all principalities and powers no record against me i thought somebody would stand up and shut glory amen i tell you man when you think about these realities and what it took christ to give us all of these then the devil is too small to molest your mind with sin consciousness he is too small he he doesn't have what he takes it was a complete job hallelujah father we pray for everybody in this building online on television facebook youtube twitter instagram all the house centers and house churches and campuses around the world the revelation of these realities grows big on your inside until nothing else matters barriers terminated in the name of jesus guilt and condemnation and the voice of accusation from the enemy silenced in the name of jesus and father we rejoice that the consciousness of righteousness saturates our entire minds and we give you praise and glory and honor for the blessing upon your people tonight in jesus precious name and every believer says that amen on an auto finality i want to take up your offense and then i'll be joining mr michael bush in a minute or two but listen carefully this friday this friday this friday this very friday two days from now next tomorrow we'll be having an all-night prayer at 9 00 pm and i'm announcing this so that nobody has an excuse all house pastors all district pastors all missionaries house pastors district pastors missionaries and the new workers all of us are assembling here at 9 00 p.m it's going to be an exciting time of consulting in prayer and anybody else who feels like praying you can come and let us kabadda gaga angry bonjour again let the bubble all through the night that give a day we'll just be here fellowshipping in the things of the spirit so friday it's 9 00 p.m here at the power city international we look forward to seeing everybody else hallelujah and don't forget we still continue this teaching on sunday first and second service there's quite some territories i still want to cover before we tidy up with the new creation commitment and i'm moving to other things can i have the powerful amen praise god grab your offerings let's give him faith tonight let's give a joy let's celebrate what we have in christ tonight hallelujah and i want to thank all the partners and friends of this ministry who keep giving to help us get the gospel to the ends of the earth i want you to know that your giving is a weapon in the hands of the gospel to get this gospel to where people who christ died for are in need of it and i want to thank you for all the sacrifices you make i decree that you lack nothing you are sufficient in all things in jesus name amen lift up your orphans father we're giving faith we give a joy thank you for all those giving online on television on radio and everyone giving tonight in this building all the house centers everywhere your people are gathered we rejoice that we give with joy tonight our offerings are a sweet smell before you and we give you praise for receiving our offerings in jesus christ's name and every believer says a powerful amen now remember the ted trainings are going on every evening at 6 p.m it continues tomorrow friday saturday don't don't miss it for anything every evening at 6 00 p.m on facebook and youtube we are there with training evangelism and discipleship we love you guys i'll be joining mr michael bush in another one or two minutes and you'll read the banking details for the radio audience and until i see you in the other studio enjoy the grace of christ let's celebrate viewers around the world for being a part of this series glory amen we have been blessed by this message for these all the messages and books by dr abel domino please call plus two three four eight zero six eight zero zero nine nine three nine or email power city office at many thanks uh for staying tuned to us and then we just take you straight into the second leg of the program before we do that though let's just join our radio audience by giving them the you know announcements you're always waiting for this part of the program bank details the account name remains power city international there are three banks of course there is fcmb there's zenith there's uba so i'm going to start on this edition with uba 139 26 465 139 26 465 the account name is power city international the same account name for fcmb 29 82 68 29 82 68 2028 and that as for fcmb for zenith the last bank on this edition of the program certainly not the least is 10 12 36 59 12 10 12 36 59 12 power city international that's the account name and for sponsorship we just need to support what we're doing here so that many more people across the world can avail themselves of it the number to call is plus two three four eight two three two seven five six one zero four and you email dr aberdamina at of course that is uh doctor there is d.r simply okay my name is michael bush blue baba is here and he's doctor abell damina it's for all of us they're waiting for us for all of us good to see you again today you're looking you're looking christmas yeah sure looking good global barber you're tempting me i'm not going to fall into it okay let's just set the stage we don't have time so let's just do what we always do before i come back for my traditional opening questions let's pray for aqua boom let's pray for our government our people let's pray for nigeria government our people let's pray for our world father we rejoice that we have access access undeniable and our prayers are guaranteed answers so we thank you for acquiring states the governor his executive council all the public and civil servants who keep serving this state we decree that lord your grace and mercy continues to abound in their direction they lack nothing they have everything supplied them and above all the revelation of jesus overtakes their hearts and minds the fullness of god finds expression in their beings in the name of jesus amen and we pray for our world that the gospel continues to thrive labor us and harvest us are released into every nation every continent every community every society every village we declare that laborers are released to go forth and preach the gospel of christ in his clarity and we thank you lord for the blessing upon our world through the gospel of jesus christ amen in jesus name amen amen amen a couple of uh questions just to set the stage there we go looking at some great entries that we have so many entries from around the world number one would be about you today you dropped another one when you said ye are gods yes it's for idols yes it's for how can that be so we have been idols all along judges we are not that's where there's no scripture that calls us gods but we have been claiming that no people have been claiming that because of ignorance i used to many years ago but when i saw the truth i stayed with oh you two used to use it i used to okay so there is hope but when i saw the new testament calls us new creations it calls us sons of god it calls us heirs of christ joint heirs with christ you know all of those that are the adjectives used to describe a child of god not gods or all of that okay global so you you come here you you you address the world every day yes and you're always dropping something to take home here and there and then you just sit there as you sit now like somebody who knows nothing who is doing nothing how does mama russia see you how do your children your biological children how do they see you how do they relate with you like some dangerous beings no no they related to me like their father like a human being okay they know where to draw the lines oh they're lines yeah they're lines oh they know when i'm speaking to them as a man of god and they receive it from a man of god and they know when i'm speaking to them like their father and she knows that i'm talking to her like a husband and she knows when i'm speaking to her like a man of god so that's why i pray for them and they have answers like that because they honor and receive me as a prophet they receive me as a man of god and they also know when it's time to play when it's time to be father when it's time to be husband at home and at that time i'm no more the man of god so they can scratch my head they can push my leg okay so glove baba um you know jesus jesus talking yes jesus talking with some of his disciples so his disciples said who do the people say i am and they went on who do you say i am and who do they think you are well they know i'm their father and they know i'm the man of god whenever they need a miracle they just say daddy this has to happen and you know that if i declined to ask you who do you see yourself as i see myself as a child of god i see myself as a man of god i see myself as a servant of god that has been graced by god to share with the world the message of christ and to be a blessing to the world okay my last question my last question and for me it's deep it's a it's uh it's a question that i would really would like you to feel um there's a guy there's a man it's called mr aneepan or tom panna and when i set her on my radio trip i drew a lot of inspiration from one of his programs so one his main program his only program and that was something to remember that's how they called it where he would just bring facts from around the world he would tell you things that happened there and we don't know how he got those things now it's the same temptation that i faced to ask you where do you get all these things that you you teach they are called revelation knowledge from a book from the word of god from the bible that we also have yes the same bible you know i was preaching for for for one of my friends in lagos and i don't like calling it so a lot of pastors were sitting in front on the front row a lot of pastors as i began to preach and the word of god came alive i just discovered that they were dropping their bibles on the pulpit they were throwing their bibles on the pulpit so after the service i was asking pastor philemon who was with me on that trip i said why are they dropping their bibles he said the pastors up at the point said they've been carrying this bible all their lives and they didn't see what you were teaching it must be takumbo so they were throwing it away it's the same bible that's why paul says the eyes of your understanding is a prayer has to be enlightened because there are depths it's called the unsatiable riches of christ you know from asia we're flying all the way to the americas the united states be nice hello global baban dr bush doctor dr bush okay sounds great prophet bush dr pastor bush prophet dr william samwell okay so um hello baba i am collins i write uh i currently live in the u.s i'm a follower of your messages and ministry i have a question on the message preached on facebook on the 1st of december that cannot be the first of january on the 31st of january 2021 when you said god doesn't get angry for the reason being that god or draft is a manifestation of the flesh and god has never manifested in the flesh can you please explain to me from the following scriptures that talks about the anger of god and how god became flesh psalm 7 11 it goes on and on well you must understand the word flesh the word flesh is not the word flesh flesh is flesh even though flesh is not flesh so flesh is there's no omnibus application to that world there's a place where flesh is a way of thinking there's another place where flesh is a human body so you must be able to understand the different usage of the word flesh that will help you understand what you ask okay so from the americas we're flying into africa yes we're flying into africa cameroon hello sir i'm from cameroon doesn't live in names it says it's uh been just one month that i got to know you and since then i've been glued to your messages my question how do i get to study the bible because my mind has been so messed up with so much confusion i've grown up in religion all my life and your teachings have been so contrary to all i know sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy in my head i don't even know how to study anymore second question can i as a child of god go wrong in life can i make mistakes in marriage because the bible tells me that my steps are ordered by him our first caller hello welcome to the program you know where you're calling from i'm calling from calvary uh this is pastor dixie pastor dixon what part of cameroon are you calling from uh i'm coming from southwest okay southwest province go ahead go ahead yeah more graceful thank you i want you to speak for my ministry sir okay okay want me to pray for you father we decree that your son continues to abound in grace ultron's boldness ability to speak god's word without compromise you're strengthened with might by the spirit receive boldness to declare the testimony of jesus great grace is upon you in jesus name amen okay so we go back to cameroon it's just coming from cameroon so yep all right so um i'm just trying to put back together what the president you know can you make mistakes in marriage because the bible tells that the steps are ordered by all right okay okay i understand let's go wrong so now the first thing you said is you just got started listening to my messages about a month ago and it's like you're confused so it's normal it's normal for you to get confused so everyone begin to doubt everything so this is what you should do i will encourage you not to try right now to study your bible right now don't try to study your bible what you should rather do is study with me order for my teaching series the first one that will help you fundamentally is the old and the new covenant in christ the old and the new covenant in christ it's about 36 hours it gives you a general overview of the whole bible it will help you a lot so you start from there and study with me as i teach you go through the scriptures that's how to study that's the first one secondly can you make mistakes in life yeah you can make mistakes in life for many reasons number one god doesn't make choices for you but god gives you advice on what choices to make number two god does not influence your decisions he allows you to make your decisions and live with the consequences of your decisions so therefore that is why the bible says receive counsel that you may be wise at a latter end that's the bible says in the multitude of counsel there is safety so when we teach you the word of god what we are giving you is sound counsel for example in marriage i have a book that will do you good if you can order for it understanding relationships marriage and family life and a lot of information on it in it on how to choose a life partner how to locate a life partner and all of that that information will be very useful and very very much a blessing to you bless you okay global will stay on in cameroon but i understand producer would like us to take a couple of questions from the live audience and we said well if you have a question i'll just take that in a moment but cameron dwala that's where we're heading says greetings global barbarous greetings the boss bless you for all the labor and feeding the lordship i'm kipsy bless ella from dwala in literal province in the republic of cameroon daddy according to what you taught us about angels they are ministering spirits for those who are asked for salvation and that we shall judge angels by implication mind is superior to angels what then what did jesus mean in matthew 13 49 to 50 when he explained to the parable when he said angels will come and separate the wicked from the righteous at the end trusted baba clarify please well remember that parables were a form of communicating with people who could not understand revelation that in that is informs why jesus will use all of this kind of of of you know speaking method to communicate what he was simply saying in that parable is that angels will be used as servants in the in the bringing in of their harvest at the end of time that's what he meant it's not like angels are superior to us they will be used to serve to walk in putting together the harvest at the end of time that's what jesus said from cameroon we're heading to le ceto says hello global baba i'm writing this man from la seto my name's uh should be my name is leloko moteben my question is after the cross jesus spent some time teaching his disciples did he during the 40-day period of about teach the same message he preached before the cross no he didn't teach the same thing he preached before the cross after the cross after he rose from the dead he he preached revelation knowledge before he died he spoke in parables there's a difference between parables and revelation knowledge all right if you order the incredible realities of season two it deals with all of jesus's teaching ministry before he rose from the dead okay so the second question from leloko motebe is i want to know global barbara i want to get some clarity on the kingdom of heaven on the one hand and on the other the kingdom of god i often read global war by jesus telling the multitudes that the kingdom of heaven is at hand are these two phrases the same thank you very much yeah they are the same they are interchangeably used the kingdom of god is the kingdom of heaven the kingdom of heaven is the kingdom of god to south africa next just as i wait to take my life audience my first question from the live audience but south africa greetings blah blah blah i'm married in community of property to my caring wife who's from outside south africa now we want to buy a property in south africa but the bank wants us to raise 50 which we don't have we are both working but our salary is too small to be up to 50 percent so i'm thinking of a prenup marriage or to divorce her and marry her again after buying the property please advice [Laughter] he wants to divorce her i marry her again something they do in that part of the the the country you know that allows those kind of things that's dishonesty they're very dishonest don't do that don't do that be patient keep patiently walking until you get the money it's more honorable for you bless you okay i i thought we were ready but uh from south africa let's stay on in south africa hello dr damina cool please kindly assist me here i was reading john 1 18 using the passion translation when we see that jesus has unfolded god to us then the translator used the greek word oh my god uh global baba you need to look at this by yourself i can't pronounce that ex exec gomer yeah okay okay global i'm making progress yeah very much when i checked the meeting i discovered he made a mistake it should be exeggum you know my instead please kindly assist me i don't know i i don't know what it means but the people made a mistake but what you do next time is write what they wrote write what you saw and on the the meanings because sometimes in the greek in the greek like for example there's a word called di harmonia then it is also called harmonia it is also called hermeneutics see that so um sometimes that's why again the greek bible or the greek translation it's not like straight you just look at the word no you have to study the words to be able to arrive at what their meanings are so my advice you know look at it again very carefully and if you're still confused send another meal but give me more details and i'll be able to help you okay so from south africa we're heading next to namibia first though our first life question hello your name my name is nicolas bless any colors uh from the uh gospel you made us to understand that i want me to understand that jesus spoke basically with parables when he was talking to them yes then in luke 24 when we were teaching yesterday the people acknowledged that their heart was burning when jesus was teaching yes so my question is was jesus speaking in parables to them with their heart burned all revolutionaries started at that point because he has risen from the dead so that was revelation knowledge from luke 24 and that was what he taught for 40 days after resurrection that opened them up to the reality of the scriptures where their hearts were opened so it was revelation knowledge thank you bless you okay i'll take another in a moment but first though i head back to namibia greetings i reached out to you from namibia ludicrous town imagine for you about you please pray for me concerning my spiritual as well as physical life really i need total deliverance so that i may be restored both bodily and emotionally i'm also begging for the prophet of god to pray for me so i may get a permanent job may he also pray on my behalf for the forgiveness of my sins i need strength in my faith and to increase in the knowledge of god's word may the apostles also prayed for my wife so she also could get a permanent job on the offspring of our wishes the great apostle i appreciate all of your time patience and efforts in this matter as an honor to meet you thank you apostle amen father we declare a release right now supernatural a visitation and every desire of yours granted barriers dominated in the name of jesus amen and above all that the revelation of god's word grows big on your inside the reality of christ take hold of your heart and that eternal life becomes yours in jesus name amen amen another question from the life audience hello ma'am okay my name is dr ziegman and i have two questions first and foremost i'm really excited being here on sunday was my official time listening to pastel about amina thank you so much sir thank you um my first thank you church my first question is about the right way to pray i come from an orthodox church and the church sorry to say but i'm really not comfortable with a lot of things they do the right way to pray i want to know if our father that the lord's prayer is a prayer that we should actually be praying and the second question is about telling people god bless you or telling them more grace to me i feel it's a cliche that doesn't sit well so i want to know your response to that thank you so much well doctors welcome to power city we're glad to have you in charge and get ready get ready get ready to learn so much so much so much and i'm sure you will be very very very built up and blessed now the first question you ask is not a prayer what they call the lord's prayer in matthew chapter six is not a prayer it was jesus teaching on the character of god and they just assumed people just assumed it was a prayer for example jesus said to them our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name all right so he now begins to talk about the realities your kingdom come your will be done on earth uh you know and all of that now what jesus was teaching was a character of god you'll find out that he said something like you forgive us our sins as we forgive others so the character of god is that he forgives us even when we don't deserve forgiveness so when we learn from him how he forgives we also will forgive other people the same way he says you lead not us not into temptation you deliver us from the evil one it's not a prayer it is a manifestation or a teaching of the character of god so how do we pray in the new testament we pray to the father in the name of jesus and what do we say there are samples of prayers given to us as new testament believers in ephesians chapter 1 15 16 17 18 to 23 philippians chapter 1 verse 9 colossians chapter 1 verse 9 all those are prayers a believer can pray for himself the eyes of my understanding be enlightened that i may know the the hope of my calling that i may know the riches of my inheritance that i may know the exceeding greatness of his power towards me who believe according to the walking of his mighty power which he wrote in christ when he raised him from the dead so there are prayers like that for you in the new testament that reflects your true identity and reflects your true appetite as a child of god to grow in the knowledge of christ what about god bless you uh be blessed and all of that well again god bless you there's nothing wrong in asking for god's blessings because god's blessings are two ways first of all the blessings that a believer has in christ jesus and you can wish somebody well by telling the person god bless you meaning as you go out today in your personal endeavors experience the blessing so you know that's why such uh such statements are used within brethren and within the household of god be blessed god bless you you know and all of that brother paul say i am sure that when i come i will come in the fullness of the blessing so when we preach to you what we are giving you is the blessing so it's still part of it bless you i hope that helps you a little bit okay global quickly quickly from namibia we're coming down to nigeria and we're taking straight to you we're flying straight into the victor international airport while we're trying to disembark blue baba there's another live question from the live audience it's not a dead question hello my name is becky i had this question concerning willful sin from my friend we're trying to share the the gospel together hebrews 10 yeah hebrews 10 26 and the french said that any real full scene is punishable so and when i was trying to explain he now gave other scriptures to back it up so i've been having a mind to ask is willful willful thing punishable once somebody starts back in scripture he's doing an immoral activity we don't back scripture we explain scripture so hebrews chapter 10 26 talking about willful sin there is there any sin that is not willful all sins are willful there is no sin you commit that you didn't think of but when you talked about willful sin in hebrews 10 he was talking about unbelief he was talking about not believing the gospel not accepting the gospel of christ and when the gospel is preached and you have seen that all christ has done for you and you say no that rejection of the gospel is what is called willful sin which will bring punishment on the adversary an adversary is one who opposes the gospel so that's what it means by willful sin all your sins have been paid for by christ and god is not holding anybody accountable for sin on earth the only sin that you are held accountable for is the rejection of christ outside of that no other sin however the fact that christ has forgiven you all your sins in christ does not mean there are no consequences there are natural consequences if you do not protect yourself and love yourself enough to create boundaries there are things you will do for example you steal your court if it is in northern nigeria they will remove the hand you will have half hand if it's in the south you go to prison even when you're in prison god will still be with you in prison because god has no problem with you it is government and men that have problems with you so it's consequences that go along with certain choices and sinful acts that we commit but with god the blood of jesus has taken care of all our sins okay okay so we we're back and um we're at the victor international airport so let's just take this one hello baba and mr bush thank you for all you do for us i alia sent a mail group about basically council on how to deal with depression those self-esteem and inferiority complex but sadly i probably missed your reply on this and haven't been able to identify which edition it was answered on which edition was answered i kind of request that you please give me your counsel on this again as i'm following steadily during this conference god bless you amen depression inferiority camp complex and cowardice you are a victim of identity crisis so what do you do sit on the diet of christ when you see christ in christ you will see who you are and once that reality dawns on you all those things will jump out through the window so what series do you listen to to get free from that the father and his family order for the father and his family the teaching series bless you okay that was from priests and somehow blah blah blah we must um just round it off at this point tomorrow is another day my name is michael bush complete with the production team and of course all join me to thank you in a moment it's here for global barber doctor abel damina to take us home then the continental mr bush it's been a great day today so good to have all of you remember we're live tonight nine to ten o'clock on inspiration fm uh 10 to 12 on heritage tomorrow morning 5 45 on xlfm 11 to 1 on radio aqua bomb one two three xlfm three to five unifm and we're back at 6 00 p.m again in comfort fm bringing you the truth of god's word we love you guys and everybody in the audience thank you for giving us the opportunity to serve you the grace of god enjoy the rest of your day and be blessed goodbye from you nigeria amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is kingdom life network
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 4,253
Rating: 4.9636364 out of 5
Id: 9Do-W8ES994
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 40sec (7540 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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