Hotel Maids, What's The Worst Thing You Had To Deal With?

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hotel maids offered it what is the weirdest or most disgusting activity you have walked in on while you were about to clean the room nsw i was room service for a few years i served a 50 - 60 year old french canadian dude who was in nothing but short shorts with her 18 year old asian boy in full scuba gear on the bed 18 I was really not prepared to learn how many people smear their crap all over hotel rooms I'm starting to think I'm the weird one for pooping in the toilet front desk here working right now yeah we have had many many shenanigans happen a very nice businessman with with a briefcase checked into a room really a very nice person didn't hear much from him all night other than him asking where the liquor store was upon morning he had checked out and left without talking to the desk not uncommon when the main went in to clean the room she found quite the sir purse apparently this man had a mild case of all chill ism he had bought two bottles of booze and proceeded to drink it all as well as spill some onto the phone puke all over and the worst grab crap everywhere in the bed on the floor in the tub on the shower curtain all over the toilet and tried to clean his mess up with all the towels needless to say we have his name hanging up on the list of people who cannot rent a room I used to be a night Auditor and I have my own stories is that but the one housekeeping story I always remember was when I was coming off shift one morning after covering a few extra hours for the day shift when one of the new housekeepers ramped of the desk and said someone was being attacked on the third floor so I grabbed my managers keys and headed upstairs and was barely off the elevator when I heard what was very much not someone being attacked she was screaming her head off though and he sounded like he was obliging her repeated requests for harder harder a few guests were standing around the hallways listening most found it funny but i radioed the front desk to accidentally give the room a wake-up call to settle them down poor housekeeper was sitting in back shaking because she thought someone was being murdered in their room this now explains that phone ringing in the last Brea's clip I watched a stag party bachelor party was staying in the hotel I working and they got ridiculously drunk one night before retiring to their rooms the next day after they checked out we went into their room only to be greeted by the Fallas smell I've ever experienced upon entering we discovered that the two guys sharing one room had not only vomited but had crap everywhere in this room all over the beds the floor in the bin some of it was even smeared up the walls I can only imagine that they were so intoxicated that they lost all control of their bodily functions no wonder they checked out so hastily in conclusion that room had to be completely refurbished new beds new carpet new paint on the walls it was weeks before it was usable again needless to say the culprits were contacted and made to pay the cost of damages as they'd obviously tried to escape without blame you know I'm starting to feel less guilty about leaving the quilt folded but on the floor never any activity in progress but I've definitely cleaned up the aftermaths of very interesting activities there was the poop room a young couple with two babies leaves after three days I walk into a shitstorm of actual crap goop on the walls poop on the carpet goop on the sheets goop on the towels cook poop as far as the eye could see no tip I literally shed tears of self-pity as I cleaned up the remnants another good one was what could only be assumed was a bachelorette party that left me a bit of an gift an intricate free-floating web of yarn intertwined with at least a full deck of playing cards featuring 1970s peace stars son no pun intended majestically from where the curtains once were the worst part was that my supervisor made me take it to the lost and found where I was forced to come up with a description of the item I went with hanging pornography mobile while blushing and giggling hysterically well I work the front desk at the hotel but my friend who I used to work with was the Houseman and he told me this story one so it was checkout day for this room and if the guests haven't come to the front desk by 11:30 a.m. checkout is 11 a.m. then we call the rooms this particular room didn't pick up the phone when we called from the front desk which isn't that unusual as sometimes people just leave the hotel without checking out anyway my friend the Houseman goes up to check that the room is clear empty but he can't open the room with his master swipe key it was dead bolted from the inside so we get the all-clear from management to open the door and get maintenance to open it with their override keys if the Houseman walks in to find the woman still in bed asleep he says mom it's time to wake up and touches her leg stone cold rigor mortis TL DR my friend touched a cold dead body because he thought they were asleep I'm a fourth generation Alberta oil field worker and my dad told me a story about a frack crew in our Alberta hotel I don't know if you guys know that a frack crew is a large group of men sometimes women but not many between 20 and 50 guys and they vary in age from 18 to their mid 50s the crew decided that for some reason this was the perfect night to get absolutely hammered drunk and freak up some crap they had multiple complaints and when the front desk staff finally sent up the cops to start kicking at his out they discovered that the large and very inebriated group had decided that they wanted to party together but the single room was too small so they had smashed the wall out between two rooms I'm assuming that those who participated no longer had careers as frakkers with that particular company I had a guy from Alberta come into the adult shop I work at in BC and say he wanted to order fifty flashlights to sell up in camp for quadruple what he paid I really thought this was where this story was going former F&B manager front desk manager and catering manager at different times while working the desk one morning a housekeeper came up to the front desk Payless all heck shaking saying we needed to call the police apparently a young woman checked in around 2:00 a.m. the night before and performed or attempted to perform a self abortion there was blood all over the bed carpet chair walls door bathtub looked like a murder scene we originally thought that's what happened but the investigation revealed what happened horrific a guy I worked with told a story of how he got cooled to a room back when doors had round doorknobs he couldn't open the door because the guy inside the room kept screaming when anyone attempted to enter turns out the guy on the inside had the doorknob up his arse and it was stuck my mom worked in her family's boardinghouse in the early 1950s she went up to clean a room that had been inhabited by a few recently discharged servicemen one of the guys apparently snored so loudly that to get revenge his buddies left without waking him my mom went up and threw back the covers to find the offending Senora buck naked and sound asleep she screamed he woke up and in his words fell in love with her that very moment and that's how my dad met my mom they had to date on the sly because her parents didn't take too kindly to their 16-year old daughter finding a naked man up in one of the rooms so my dad's buddy my uncle Pat would pick my mom up for a date take her to my dad they would then go on a date and then uncle Pat would meet up with em and take my mom home this lasted until somebody got somebody pregnant [Music] marries him as I sit here I am going through a box of old photos with tears welling up in my eyes yeah I'm sentimental as Frick my big boy cat Bob Jenkins keeps nudging me with his big boy cat head and purring the way he always does when I'm emotional tonight's been a good night I've heard of the show How I Met Your Mother but have never watched it I'm thinking this naked man works two stroke three times must be from the show can someone explain please ah a love story so refreshing and amongst all these poop nightmares as a housekeeping supervisor I didn't observe anything too extreme but why do people have to do weird crap with their crap I have never had a problem missing the toilet or crapping the bed my whole life and these people do it during a quake stay at a hotel one time in particular it appeared someone did some fecal finja painting all over the bathroom it looked like someone murdered a chocolate Easter Bunny one of my friends who studied psychology said that there are people that do it for physical gratification but that a lot of the time people go through this weirdly specific kind of breakdown where they feel powerless for whatever reason and to gain control again they smear crap everywhere evidently it happens pretty often too otherwise normal healthy people I used to work as a housekeeper in a hotel with themed fantasy lights we had an underwater room an igloo room even a space themed room with a spaceship bed this particular room was the jungle themed room complete with a king-sized swinging bed we always knock a few times and announce we're entering through an open crack in the door but I suppose the occupants of the room couldn't hear me over there fricking times I know walking in on people freaking is maybe more common of the weirdest or most disgusting but these two happened to be around 500 pounds each slow-motion swinging sweaty loud gelatinous pounding they didn't see me walking but I still yelled out sorry unnecessarily and awkwardly loud and slammed the door but this hotel was in southeastern Wisconsin by work there about ten years ago and it's since been closed my mom used to be a hotel maid she told me a story of how she went into a room there was no do not disturb danger and walked in on two men freaking nothing weird really just back this was the 70s and my mom was new to the country and she'd never seen two men together before so she was in shock and just stood there wide-eyed and staring the men shouted for her to get out and she apologized profusely she felt bad but they didn't have a sign I like the sheer curiosity factor in this anecdote most disgusting somebody had wiped his feces on the sheets totally disgusting largely lovely old a colleague with me took one look and said you take the next one you're too young for this crap I was 15 the most weird has to be the bloke who holed up in his room for 10-12 days asks for extra blankets which he used as blackouts over the curtains and constantly asked at the bar after lemons only came out at night really when he'd order 10 plus soft drinks from the bar dip each cig from a pack of 20 of them then line up the soggy cigs breakfast order was 12 hard-boiled eggs then when he'd venture out in daylight he'd take the time to rearrange the shelves in the local shop strange man found a plate full of lemons sliced with the steak knife on top of a wardrobe when cleaning after him strange spooky man oh yeah he also wore only black big coat hat scuff draped over hat during the hottest summer to date it was bloody warm time traveler not a hotel but a true cleaning story just the same I worked for a cleaning company when I was in high school we got an emergency called to clean up a private residence I was the only one who could go the folks had a Great Dane they also had a gallon of peanut oil the dog knocked the peanut oil over and it spilled everywhere then being an opportunist the dog laptop all of it he could I imagine the real issue started a couple of hours later as the dog began getting the runs it evidentially scared him he must have sprinted throughout the house with the oily runs chasing him as he fled there was even a trail across their long mahogany dining table TL DR shitstorm I'm cracking up at the thought of this big dumb dog galloping through the house bewildered by his own spewing gut hole laundry assistant housekeeper for a nursing home here walked in on a couple residents masturbating throughout the years this year I walked into the room of one of our nastier residents and found him with his pants down and he had freaking maggots crawling all over his junk apparently he'd refused to shower for several weeks if not longer he's been sent to another facility till that hotel rooms are vile and disgusting in that I should never stay in one not me bid a friend he worked maintenance and got a call to fix a broken door latch as he approached the room a 13 year old girl comes storming out yelling at her parents that she wasn't watching this again girl let's my friend in the room then crap gets real the girl's mom and dad are 250 and 300 pounds respectively a friend says he's there to work on the door both parents are laying underneath the covers in bed which is nothing that odd they tell my friend to get to work and as he starts pulling out his tools both parents get out of bed they're completely naked and proceeded to start poking doggy style on the end of the bed my friend says he'll just come back the dad screams for him to keep working as he loudly plows his wife friend can hardly work because he's so shaken up he never looks back except for one time on his way out the door when he sees it the dad was so fat he laid his belly up on top of his wife's back and had a chocolate milk in his hand Conlan had a chocolate milk in his hand maybe he knows something I don't okay not a mate but I was a front desk worker who had to go to rooms after everyone else left so this old guy who just checked in with his old Leatha bag wife called up and said something along the lines of hey we were told that you could hook up a DVD player and it's not working you had better fix it so I went up there and there he was shirtless wearing short shorts and his wife is obviously topless with a sheet covering while smoking and pouring vodka into wine glasses so nervously I attached the DVD player around it's a porno DVD already going husband says thank you / eagerly while touching my shoulder to make it worse I heard the old leather bag say I wonder what time his [ __ ] ends maybe we could invite him I know Tyrell the way back to the front counter and won't go near that room until they left I was a room service dude for a few years a lady had a miscarriage in her bed and cuddled the foetus for a few days that was pretty messy that dang I've been a housekeeper for a few years now I only have a few notable experiences but I work at a pretty high scale hotel so that may be a factor one of my first rooms ever I will forever refer to as the consummation room it was one of our Suites and first walking into it there were hundreds of fake rose petals all over the floor a bottle a twine and two used glasses nothing crazy my coworker told me she'd handle the living room and I should strip and make up the bed I walk in the bedroom and there's a few more wine glasses a nice amount of condom wrappers on the floor whatever above the bed I lifted the top comforter only to witness the grossest swamp of hymen ruination and girl juice ever it had seeped like crazy to the outer edges of the bed leaked through the sheets into the mattress the first thought I had was perverted as it was well she must have been a squirter at another time a man I was making a bed for invited me to his room for drinks and a good time I made sure not to bend over at all while putting his towels away I can't say I've walked into anything too weird though generally people do a good job of covering up their nastiness until they are on their merry way out the door not really walked in on but one of the strangest thing I've ever experienced I work in small hotel bar in the middle of rural Alberta the staff here are pretty close and we all know each other one morning in the fall one of the staff found a box outside one of the hotel side door exits soaked in blood and filled with fresh organs needless to say he was shocked by it but not to worry being a hunter he knew it was not human he went to the front desk to announce his odd and disturbing findings confusion spreads about an hour or so later questions were answered and then more questions were asked the chambermaids found the source in one of the rooms had blood covering the bathroom tub and various areas the guest had somehow killed a deer brought it into the hotel side door and butchered it in the room the TLDR panic in hotel only one life lost I've seen a lot of posts on here about period freaking or poop ruining sheets and towels and how they just threw it all out don't these people get charge for that I mean every hotel I've been to has required a credit card on file before I got the room a serious question this is why they take the credit card info indeed even if you pay cash or leased the smart ones do I walked in a couple freaking ones no biggie right didn't scream just blushed slightly and beat a hasty retreat they left the hotel at 1:00 p.m. half an hour before my shift ended so I was in a rush to get the room done so I could go home I figured it wouldn't take me long I was wrong two words for you period freaking let me add here that I'm not opposed to the idea of period freaking in principle what I'm opposed to is cleaning up after someone else's period freaking they'd put down towels to save the sheets thoughtful but they used the hotel's towels had to throw them away in the end the towel wasn't big enough though obviously since the sheets were blood-stained too and the comforter which they'd hidden in the Wardrobe I kind of thought that a murder had occurred at this point since there was blood everywhere we've been in the bathroom which was overflowing with used tampons confirmed my initial suspicions they didn't bother to use the sanitary bags provided a quick aside note to any ladies reading this if sanitary bags are provided use them it's a health hazard to just leave bloody tampons in a bin anyway I didn't finish my shifts until 2:30 p.m. it was okay though since I wasn't really in the mood for lunch anyway just a thought for everyone when you use a hotel towel just think this could be a period freaking towel that was washed instead of thrown away [ __ ] did this job for a while worst job I ever had so much flamin jizz in the showers every single day like not just one gross person but multiple gross people every goddamn day also really badly blood-stained sheets I just hoped that it was messy period freaking and not some horrifically violent physical shaming and tried not to think about it before this I felt bad about using 2-3 towels for the shower over the course of my stay instead of just using one till I'm the only person who puts the Do Not Disturb sign on the door when I masturbate in hotel rooms I expected to see someone comment about that guy who puts headphones on and Jax often films it when the cleaning ladies walk in his videos are on effect just on the other side of things when I was staying in a hotel I once had a maid walk in right as the girl I was freaking orgasmed really loudly but we heard a crash as they sprinted out the room I ran after them naked because we were scared and they just left the whole trolley of cleaning supplies I checked the room security was still set to private so they shouldn't have come in looking back I can understand why they would leave their stuff behind if a naked man started running out of his room at you sorry for any traumatized maids out there that's what all those extra locks are for man made here I never walked in on anything but I touched a small dot of poop that I thought was a cigarette burn in the bathtub I wish I cold seen my face I'd wager there are many maidens who would love to trade places with you if that's your worst experience I was planning on going to apply for a housekeeping job at a hotel tomorrow freak this thread I know it sounds like a nice quiet job and I know how moderately disheveled I'll leave a hotel room but other people seem to crap too much not me but a friend worked as a maid at a hotel for quite a while and there was the couple staying that had been there for around three months the woman staying was morbidly obese and pretty much stayed in bed constantly because of her size all right I suppose but in these three months they refused room service every day so to clarify this woman stayed in bed all day and didn't have her bed changed once in three months finally after three months the couple came to the desk and said they were leaving but refused to pay her anything and just said they did not have the money they left and of course the hotel called the police nothing could have prepared the maids for what they were about to walk into the walls had beans made with crap and other bodily fluids there were stacks and stacks of moldy fast food and cups sitting on the tables and the grime in the bathroom had reached a new level of disgusting the worst thing though was the bed it turned out the woman had not only stayed in bed but had not bothered to leave to go to the bathroom so they were peon crap stains all over the mattress was still damp and as you can imagine the smell was unbelievable pretty much everything in the room had to be dumped in the room professionally deep cleaned due to the smell even the carpet had to be changed because of mysterious stains which no one wanted to investigate but sue this one time I was at work with one other girl and we had cleaned about 20 rooms that day no stay over so it took a good couple of hours we go to our last room that checkout time and we knock on the door and the door slowly opens oh my god there stands a guy no taller than five feet ripped clothes track pants dirt all over like his face and everything his hair was a mess and had the grossest beard I've ever seen he clearly lives on the streets and hasn't showered in a few weeks he tells us he isin't ready to check out yet so we leave and go wait at the front desk our manager tells us he came in with a voucher for one night from the Salvation Army okay whatever so finally we see him leave and go to the room remembering what he looked like should have prepared us for what we were about to see but new hope we opened the door and the smell hits us instantly we walk over to the window to help air it out and notice sweatpants on top of the TV he pee himself and left his pants here not okay I walk over to the bathroom as the other girl starts stripping the sheets and I noticed crap smeared all over the shower really not fricking okay as I am standing there trying to figure out what I am gonna do all I hear from my coworker is are you freaking kidding me I walk out and she's pointing to the bed and said he pee the bed great now we need to bring a new mattress up from the basement but her weight she goes to lift up the sheets and what do you know crap frickin everywhere at this point were both pee off to the max and disgusted we call our manager and he comes in gets his wife to take care of the crap room and all was well that job frickin sucked got some good stories from there though TL DR homeless guy stays at hotel and shoots everywhere leaving everything behind he comes in gets his wife to take care the crap room and all was well not for his marriage I wasn't the one doing the cleaning but this actually hit me pretty hard when it happened New Year's Eve 2011 myself and a couple friends were out visiting my frat boy cousin at UCLA we attend the frats massive New Year's party that night we all proceeded to get incredibly drunk and have an all-around great time I passed out sometime around 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning I wake up to complete and utter devastation at some point in the night a careless party goer slammed into a makeshift bar knocking over an entire Gatorade cooler full of jungle juice nobody bothered to clean it up at a time so in the morning it felt like the floor was covered with epic sea but there was puke crap god now sweat in the bathrooms the bedrooms the common room couches you freaking name it red solos everywhere wounded soldiers littering every windowsill and tabletop in the house et Cie keep in mind the house was not exactly small there were seven or eight rooms each housing two or three people with even more sleeping over more often than not at the peak of the party there were well over 150 people packed into the house with enough drugs and alcohol to sedate Xerxes army for a week upon waking up sometime in the early afternoon my friend and I leave the room we crashed in and go out on the deck for a cigarette that's when I see her a friendly looking middle-aged Hispanic woman on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor furiously my heart immediately sank how long had she been there surely she's been at it a while there's no garbage in sight and the bathroom is spotless unreal here's the kicker there's a little kid probably around nine or ten sitting patiently on the couch playing an old Game Boy he looks up at me for a second as I emerge from the room quite obviously hungover says nothing goes back to playing his game frick my buddy and I finish our cig and head out to grab a bite to eat we stroll around town for another hour or so and return at half past four she is still freaking there scrubbing the floor still trying to get the last bits of booze out of the frickin floorboards her kid is still freakin sitting on that same couch playing his game boy as we walk into the room he looks up again waves then goes back to his game he's actually freaking used to this I can't imagine half my childhood being spent waiting for my mom to finish cleaning up after over privileged frat boys every frickin day that made me really sad I'm really late to this thread so it'll probably get buried but I like to think I learned something that day my grandma worked in a motel back in the fifties in New Mexico and a group of priests came in once and crap in a small trash can so there's that I worked at what I affectionately double w infested crack den some of the gems one first day dead body woman had offed herself because she found her husband cheating empty bottle of wine and pill bottles on nightstand with a note manager was mad because she crap everywhere and we couldn't rent the room till we replace the mattress - woman who had medical issues she was there for two weeks and when she finally left we had to hire a professional cleaning service because she had crap everywhere it was like she'd locked her dog in there but it was liquidy and rotten everywhere like a colostomy bag had busted and she just didn't care three girl steps out of a room housekeeping walks in and finds a pile of drugs on the table kill climbed up H needles next to spoons the works she calmly locked the door and went to the front desk where we then locked the room down and had cops waiting for them to return turns out girl was under agent a 30-something pimp who was having a party in there with her for pot plant growing in the back lot five corn cobs attached to walls on the bed under the mattress lubricants everywhere IT was on the ceiling we still do not know how luckily they wore condoms but left them all over the floors six chick got kidnapped from a local club and tied up in the room for a day or so got out and called the cops which was a fun surprise when I came into the hotel there's more but those are the highlights I usually mention when people ask about my time there my mother works for a hotel and she would have a customer who would come by every Tuesday at 2 p.m. with a different woman every week he would always leave the room pretty messy but nothing too out of the norm but this particular week he brought a particularly heavyset African American woman and he checked out much earlier than usual when my mother went into the room she smelled a foul stench and right in the middle of the bed was a large pile of human crap she threw out the bedding poor mom I'm not a hotel worker or anything but one time my husband and I were staying at a hotel and bought some chocolate body paint while I painted his knob and then licked and bobbed that sucker for a while afterwards I noticed that my drool and the paint had to run down his balls and created a very disgusting looking puddle of poo ish colored mess I'm sure the housekeeper thought she was washing poop too this is a silver-lining story sometimes the poop you think is poop is just poopy chocolate don't drool you live up to your name and I love it I worked in room service at a hotel and got to enter many rooms every night the most disturbing delivery was to a room with a drunk guy in his late 20s who was obviously partying with two girls who couldn't have been more than 15 they ordered several cocktails I immediately told my boss what I saw but he said we couldn't prove those drinks were for the kids and did nothing then I delivered a single bottle of water to a room of an old man on the table were scattered foreign magazines with gay obscene images the bottle of water was for a late teens early 20s guy who struck me as a total age I was tipped $20 and given a wink probably encouraging me to come back after my shift to have a threesome another time I delivered food to three amazingly hot women who looked like they just walked off the set of browsers one of them was recovering from a boob job and the other two were there for support a girl in recovery was in a bathrobe and clearly still on pain meds the other two were in boy sized Batman and Superman briefs and wife beaters they were super nice and tipped pink one time a woman just divorced her husband and checked into a really nice suite she consumed four bottles of fairly expensive wine and about four on her fifth call I took Harold Abbott went to her room empty-handed I asked if everything was okay and we had a heart-to-heart talk for about an hour she had every intention of drinking herself to oblivion or death she checked out the next day my manager was a huge cokehead and he would always get ski eating out of his mind after work at the bar in the hotel to keep me there and for someone to talk to endlessly he let me drink as much as I wanted for free after closing and we were the only two people left one night we stayed so late partying that the front doors opened and the day crew started coming into work that was humiliating and I'm amazed we weren't busted by now I'm late to the dance so this will probably get buried in when I was a young I cleaned motel rooms in Missoula Montana fish came through town and our humble establishment somehow ended up playing host to legions of fish fans oh my crab cleaning those rooms was the most vile thing that I have ever experienced boxes upon empty boxes odd lice killer used condoms laying on the carpet vomit everywhere and occasionally a used needle oh Christ the vomit I can still smell the rank crusty 12 hours old hippie vomit zero problem with hippies for the record just the crusty dirty prolific von eaters TL dr. dirty hippies are called dirty hippies for a damn good reason housekeeping supervisor here I've had to call the cops and then help bust a guy posting Craigslist glory hole ads in our hotel that says he would be the mouth on the other side he had a fake folding wall he had set up right when you walked into the room with a hole in it I'm not sure if we caught him before he got any action but that wall looked pretty used when I was 17 I worked at a hotel in housekeeping and aside from having to crawl into big jacuzzis to clean out nasty stuff it wasn't so bad but once I was cooled to a room and two women answered the door and invited me and saying they needed the room cleaned and that their gross husbands have clogged the toilet see this would have been fine if their husbands weren't left behind to watch any those two weirdos laid on their beds with no TV on ooh and watched my every movers are cleaned and vacuumed and bent over it was awful and then I had to include their diarrhea toilet while they watched worst day at that job I'd rather find condoms and bloody sheets searching for the housekeeper who found my brother after he'd killed himself it was in Destin Florida and I think about that poor housekeeper a lot if you're reading I'm really sorry you had to witness that it was very unkind and inconsiderate of him during school I worked as a cleaner at a caravan park for a few summers on the east coast of England during this time I heard one especially disgusting story from some people who had worked at another place further up the coast when cleaning the caravans chalets we were meant to always check the kettles and throw any old water away but some cleaners were a bit lakhs on this and left it out so some guests arrived one day and being British the first thing they did was turn under full of water kettle to make tea however as it boiled they noticed something wasn't quite right about it and upon further inspection it turned out that the previous guests had left two giant crapper net this was just gossip but frankly given the type of customer these places attract I'm fairly confident it's based on the truth worst I personally came across was a huge pee stain on the carpet in a bedroom and I know it was b-because whilst wondering what it was I knelt down to smell it not a fun job my mom worked at a motel called the Ramada she said she went to clean a room for a guest that was staying for another night and found a couple really strung-out junkie shooting up she said there was vomit everywhere and the room was absolutely trashed she said she nearly got sick from the smell she also said the toilet was clogged and there were fesses all over the bathroom she apparently walked back to the front desk and just quit her job mostly because of the constant Harris when she had received from her manager apparently tons of terrible crap goes down in that hotel all these make my cheese a crumble on the carpet seemed so small I still feel bad about it you have been visited by the fashion dogger comment your MV strengthens me so you always look beautiful like and subscribe you magnificent person
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 58,825
Rating: 4.8725867 out of 5
Keywords: hotel maids, hotel, workers, walk in, walk on, disgusting, creepy, disgusting moments, caught in the act, hotel cleaner, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: FdngTbCwZoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 29 2020
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