The Perfect Steak Sandwich Recipe in Just 10 Minutes | Gordon Ramsay

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[Music] right listen up i've got four letters to describe this next dish o m f g that could mean only one thing a delicious steak sandwich packed with flavor two slices of bread and trust me this dish will not make you the idiot sandwich in your household right oscar pan down please babette steak or anglet as they say on false the chef's cut and it is super delicious really cheap it is the perfect steak for a sandwich beautiful big flat cap mushrooms onions a beautiful coltan battered blue cheese lettuce and a little bit of peppery watercress mustard tabasco lean pearing mustard and a beautiful loaf of bread right let's have 10 minutes on the clock please now first thing you want to slice this big slipper into half okay now i like using the chapata bread i like to sort of douse it in some extra virgin olive oil i like to season it nicely inside but watch salt pepper generously okay a touch of chili flake on there generously and then look get that on the grill okay now get something heavy a plate on there and just push that down that's going to get you a really nice crisp beautiful amazing color on there now the steak usually season it okay really important because sometimes you think there's a lot of salt to the naked eye but it's not because we lose 30 of it the minute it hits the grill get that out of the fridge at least three or four minutes before you're going to cook it it's got very little fat but it is quite fibrous okay so you need to be super careful of not overcooking it the secret of a good steak like that is letting it rest okay let's just check our bread i want a really nice color on there and open that up that's what i want and those chilies are doing their magic push it down okay the bread will bounce back up but get those marks on that bread it will make a huge difference now off goes one okay beautiful off goes the second one now we go on with our steak okay let's get the hottest part on again roll it around that marinade and get it on there so bread's working steak is cooking don't keep on flipping the steak leave it on there okay now let's start thinking about the garnish i love these big flat cap mushrooms i love them take off the stalks mush them on okay they'll break down they'll start cooking literally in seconds a nice season on those mushrooms okay think of the way we're laying this up okay i've got my steak i've got my mushrooms onions this time go about a centimeter thick and start slicing some beautiful onion rings but don't worry about opening them up just get them on there okay and start grill them hold like that they'll break up but again from there a little touch of seasoning okay now i want to talk to you about the sort of the sauce how do we come together with this flavor i've got some mustard tabasco and liam perry it's a wonderful combination turn that steak over look at that color it's exactly what we want beautifully done mushrooms turn them over and then when it comes to the onions a little bit smaller a little bit fiddlier doesn't matter on there and on and you can see those colors now from there take your worcester sauce a couple of tablespoons in there first your tabasco first off painted brush and just start glazing that steak okay as we start to cook the flavor and the smell in here is incredible it's almost like a little varnish okay over the onions as well now all that flavor from the steak is coming out it's running into the mushrooms it's running into the onions and it is absolutely delicious now from there take two nice teaspoons of mayonnaise in two nice teaspoons of mayonnaise one nice teaspoon of dijon mustard generously done a tablespoon of lemon perrin and give that a really nice mix this is our lining for the bread okay little taste a touch of spice a little bit more with the tabasco i like it quite sort of hot so that's incredibly rich for the steak salt pepper and that's gonna be my dipping sauce okay dipping sauce and sauce is gonna be on top of that bread time please halfway now sauce goes in okay look at that beautifully done the secret behind making a great steak sandwich is getting organized and this is how i get organized i dress everything first so first off one spoon all the way down okay start laying this beauty up now from there open up my lettuce snap the lettuce and slice that in half okay snap it and slice it in half and then gonna dust that with my peppery watercress okay and then from there lightly season that in there really important salt and pepper and then look get your dipping sauce and just throw that over okay now think of the layers we've got okay so beautiful let that sit it's all in the build-up and if you can build and cook at the same time even better now look the mushrooms are coming down beautifully the onions are caramelized so once that steak is cooked okay there's a nice surprise to this and think of the combination guinness mistakes like tomato and basil just flood that grill with a touch of guinness and just let that guinness literally absorb through those mushrooms through those onions and through that steak and look what i'm gonna do now is roll that steak over that guinness and that caramelizes beautifully and the flavor of that is just incredible now look the guinness evaporates the alcohol is burnt off but the flavor is incredible off with the gas just leave that sitting there okay now we're gonna start building this up i take my onions off the grill and i dot them over that beautiful salad the secret behind any great steak sandwich is in the build okay look at that my mushrooms come off and they sit on top the smell of that guinness it's beautiful and then there now for the steak time please two minutes now for the steak look at that i'm going to slice this on the bias down not too thin not too thick and look color there once that's sliced lift that up and then sit that on top and get that on there i'm happy for it to sort of bleed and those juices to run through that steak sandwich next one off again on a bias again that guinness is delicious the flavor is unreal sit that on top be generous with that okay you can't stick a whole steak in there slice it and let it go now before we close that over season it lightly touch the salt touch the pepper and then your dipping sauce one more time over she goes beginning smells delicious and then finally turn that round look at that and finally it's beautiful age still and sit that on if you can get that on whilst the steak is nice and hot it helps melt the cheese but sort of hide it okay a little bit sort of mischief with it stick it underneath stick it on the side and just sort of sit it crumble it on top of that hot stake and that's going to lift that to another level and then say goodbye because you stick that on top of there you get your knife you slice that bad boy and trust me you open that up take a bite and you're ready to die and there you go a delicious steak and guinness sandwich to all of you thank you for watching ramsay intend if i went too quick i apologize but slow it down now don't forget to pick up ramsey intent cookbook inspired by this series and trust me you're going to come out a much better chef and if you like this video don't forget to subscribe to my amazing youtube channel for more good luck
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 2,920,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, Gordon Ramsay steak, Gordon Ramsay steak recipe, Gordon Ramsay steak sandwich, Gordon Ramsay cooking steak, Gordon Ramsay sandwich, Gordon Ramsay book, Gordon Ramsay in 10, Gordon Ramsay 10 minute recipes, Gordon Ramsay sandwich recipe, steak, steak recipe, steak sandwich, steak sandwich recipe
Id: wnMwEawGpJw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 14 2021
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