Gordon Ramsay Visits Prison To Start A Prison-Bakery | Ramsay Behind Bars FULL EPISODE

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Yeah, it’s messed up.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Big_Zookeepergame_87 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
i come from a rough background and i i saw uh a lot of [ __ ] growing up i had to see the devastation on my mum's face when she came back from young offenders prison to wish my little brother happy birthday when he's 18. then he progressed to a big prison i know the human cost of prison [Music] but what frustrates me is that the taxpayer forks out 38 grand a year to keep each of britain's 88 000 prisoners banged up yet only 10 percent of them do any full-time work my plan is pretty straightforward this is about getting them working off their ass and then working i'm gonna try and set up a business behind bars getting prisoners cooking on the inside to sell on the outside we're gonna make some fairy cakes what's the secret or a good fairy cake that's a [ __ ] clue i've given myself six months inside one of britain's toughest prisons to see if i can get the inmates working and earning who else has eaten the tarts you've eaten one as well this is an absolute joke but the prisoners aren't the only ones i'm fighting the system has to come first if he really messes up he'll be out so frustrated scotch egg made my prisoners local in brixton they can spit in it they can lay on the floor i could do anything gordon's in for a shock absolutely maybe i'm the next gordon ramsay maybe i'm the black golden ramsey learning to become a great cook a good cook an average cook takes time stick your jaw up your ass if there's one thing these guys have got on their side it's time [Music] i've never been in a proper prison if anything kicks off and it goes a little bit per shape then it's not going to be a friendly place to be in the middle of britain's prison population is exploding it's increased by 22 000 in the last decade and cost almost 2 billion a year it just seems a complete waste the amount of money that we spend to keep these guys in there this is costing us a fortune there are some prison work schemes the governments say they want to create more but in cash trap britain few offenders graft full-time to pay anything back the whole purpose of this is to get in there set up a business and to get them grafted so i'm giving my time and energy to see if i can get offenders earning hello hello hi it's gordon ramsay it's taken nine months to persuade the ministry of justice to let me try and set up my pilot business in the notorious hmp brixton [Music] the governor's put the word out about my idea and a few of the prisoners are curious about my plan to cook on the inside and sell on the outside brixton is a victorian category b prison with 800 inmates locked up for anything from shoplifting to murder [Laughter] mr ramsey molly how are you doing how are you mark white welcome to brixton thank you okay um you've handed all your personal items into the gate there oh yeah phone and your phone and everything like that i'll remind you to do that every day that you come in okay let's go inside officer mark westgarth is taking me into the heart of the prison here the prisoners are kept in their cells up to 21 hours a day if he tries to mug me off i'll put him one of these places don't worry about that no problem something's needed to be made fun of by him or anyone else a lot of these people believe that they're going to do this and their lives will dramatically change what do i think about ramsey he can be a bit fierce with people that he's working with yeah that's what i think i think he would lose a few people along the way that's how it goes you know only the strong survive the prisoners are housed in five separate wings i have no idea who i'm going to be working with if he's come here to change the world i don't think he will and i don't think long term it's gonna be a winner um how many uh prisoners are in here ninety percent of the criminals on this wing have serious drug or alcohol problems [Music] [Music] what was the last thing you killed week i cooked last thing i cooked was paella yeah i could cook um miss abram hi sir no no he's working with jamie oliver toes unlock it's lunchtime the prisoners are let out their cell for a few brief moments to collect their food it's a chance for me to go face to face with some of my potential workers um obviously you signed up yeah and can you cook yeah have you got a party going on all that bread mr kelly uh so you signed up yeah are you king julien good can you cook no i can't cook i'll try it i'll have a go can you find egg yeah yeah cause you can approach it yeah not really can you scramble egg yeah good i'll have a go mr jones last time he cooks it's easy to forget some of these prisoners are here for serious offenses how long are you for about four years four years for doing what oh well they found a shot down under my bed they found a shotgun under your bed some of these people are quite dangerous you may get people screaming and shouting at you because you're you know you're famous so they might they might want to have a pop please don't rise to me no no we'll we'll deal with it you know [Music] the mood has suddenly turned and an offender is kicking off [Applause] all i can hear is my name it's amazing how quick it kicks off like that all of a sudden bang in a heartbeat one minute is silent next minute it's like a potential riot these are men under pressure and when men are under pressure they can do bad things what kind of things that happen tonight what would it an argument a fight uh throwing something could be anything anything could be anything tough job tonight the enormity of what i've taken on is starting to sink in in 2010 there were over 14 000 assaults in prison and nearly 3 000 attacks on staff [Music] recently someone got their throat slipped just a guy jumped behind toothbrush melted in and slit um that's the kind of things that go on you can feel it it's like a sort of it's a huge weight of pressure in here almost like it's bursting it's so intense didn't seem at first for every hour i'm here it's just getting stronger and stronger i'm in brixton prison where i'm trying to put the prisoners to work they're gonna cook on the inside to sell on the outside it's time they paid something back a posse of these bad boys are curious about my plan and i've agreed to meet me in the chapel to hear more there's 22 in all from robbers and drug dealers to burglars and thieves they're here for a reason and so you can get complacent about these guys and you know and forget what they're actually here for and what they're capable of they will lie to him then we'll try and manipulate him because that's what they do i i've got to get these guys on my side i gotta install a little bit of um confidence is bad that's why i'm coming i can't wait to see what it's all about for a bit of food i'm not here to improve their grub and this isn't going to be a fancy food treat for them they aren't the most flexible of people in the way they think not with just seeing how a kitchen works and how disciplined it is to get prisoners to do that on it very hard the whole idea is getting up close a chance to see what they're made of morning guys how are we excited why am i here to build a kitchen and to get a production going and give you guys a chance to earn and learn and put back inside is our crafting it it's probably grafting yeah it is proper graft listen let's be honest you get out of it we put into it what made you want to get involved with this it's a good question really um 20 years ago i got dealt a dysfunctional card my little brother became a heroin addict and my father became an alcoholic what do i do do i sit there and join my little brother would i become an alcoholic alongside my father no i got off my ass i stopped for feeling sorry for myself and i got on with it put my head down learnt a craft and that's the journey i'm hoping that we're going to go on thank you i think he played it well because he's he's told us a bit about his himself his history how he how he became a cook and you know he's told us about his family i have less than six months to kick this motley crew into shape and try and mold them into a kitchen outfit that can pay its way have a seat fellas just chill out for a moment okay [Music] but can any of them even cook a simple dish of scrambled eggs can i spot any talent here [Music] anthony hi little task little plate of scrambled eggs please a burglar anthony kelly aged 33 is a career criminal having spent half his life in and out of prison what job did you have before you got in brixton you know what gold i've never worked i'm ashamed of it tonight really i've always ducked and dived and gotten a i'm not proud of what i've done i'm ashamed about what i've done so just that i've done my life sleeping cocaine 10 years of age that was that i was in lockups in that lock-up for my life you're getting romantic now you're gonna go down with your colorway behind yourself haven't you been a cookbook uh 45 now last month um so yeah 25 years better than football no you're kidding me aren't you yeah football you're still playing yeah football's 90 minutes cooking's 125 hours a week right a little taste [Music] i [ __ ] feel disgusting here if it was an omelette it'd be like it'll be all right next up 45 year old londoner lawrence gibbons is that a spelling mistake on there nine convictions or 79 i've got uh 69 no 669 or no 76 convictions now what some people call prime we're called as a way of life my first my first thing was uh robbing post offices this time it's assault that i'm in for whereas before i've been done for drugs the fascinating thing about you looking at school together i was 45 last month how come you look older than me i thought it must be all the money you've got you know what i mean please have a little taste [Music] bit overcooked it's becoming apparent that i'm starting at rock bottom here so we've got a leak in the ceiling what's all that water i don't know it's burnt a little bit but a little bit this lot can't tell their ass from their elbow test for jones from south london has been in trouble with the law since he was 12. first time um no no i've been in several times before opening several times right i actually like grew up in prison i understand i spent most of my my teenage years in prison the opportunity that i've got now i mean maybe i'm the next gordon ramsay maybe i'm the black golden ramsey you never know that water came out the side what do you think that means um what does that mean it won't cook long enough no it's overcooked otherwise yeah i think tesla's willing to work hard but he's a disaster in the kitchen [Music] i didn't anticipate they would all be quite so useless none of these reprobates has a clue how to cook long day that's a tough one quite a few decisions to make now they're all [ __ ] really he's got an odd job but you know what i [ __ ] don't know he's gonna do it he's gotta be himself i think don't try and be over [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] this [ __ ] that f word [ __ ] [ __ ] all that i mean they grip your hands they shake hands with you and they let you know don't [ __ ] with me you know a sort of chilling feeling because you're just this is five minutes from my house i'm feeling like i'm the vulnerable one now walking around the target on my back ultimately my bad boys will be cooking on the inside to sell on the outside [Music] it's not going to be easy and first i've got to convince the prison governor ed tuller and his team about my plan for a working business kitchen good morning everybody this is the beginning of an ongoing project the objective is to stand alone kitchen that can be a proper business within the prison kitchens can function from a thousand pound a week to you know fifty thousand pound a week in turnover the dream would be for to make money generate income and put back in we are we are a pretty cynical bunch you know we've seen projects come and go over the years and what we're really interested in is something which is sustainable the last that's the bit going forward that slightly worries me because kind of getting a business out of this keeping the kitchen going working it around our regime it's going to be a massive task for brixton i know it's a big ask and yeah my my my balls are on the line being in a prison is not the same as being working on the outside offenders you know you can't underestimate that they are not all an easy advantage to work with they're not used to working on a nine-to-five basis they're not necessarily used to um to coming to work and being told what to do and then taking it the right way it is a very new thing for them and they have to get used to it [Music] in six months time i want to leave this prison with a proper working commercial kitchen so right now i've got 22 incompetent prisoners and that's just way too much for me to handle i'm gonna scale it down and get a dynamic 12 for my bad boy brigade none of this lock can cook but are they any good at anything i've devised the test to see if any of them can learn to cook or sell what we cook to make money if they can't do either they're out good morning how are we we're gonna make some fairy cakes we laughing i love your fairy cake you like fairy cakes what's the secret of a good fairy cake that's a [ __ ] clue but i like it now i want to see your imagination go wild i want you to decorate it with some finesse show me what you can do on top of a cupcake yeah now this thing here the kitchen kitty i want you to look at that box and take it serious we're going to sell those cupcakes we're going to split into two teams half you will bake and half of you will try to convince our prison officers to buy your cupcakes i'll be a seller you'll be a seller can you get your hands out your pocket stop playing with yourself what is that yeah [Music] all the baking team have to do is follow my simple fairy cake recipe [Music] any sugar put the butter in there we'll pour the salt in there oh jesus i couldn't see it you got glasses on and i pinched your salt what does a pinch mean they're all committing gbh against cakes around here [Music] guys guys guys guys look at me all of you stop we've all put the [ __ ] butter into the flower [ __ ] i thought a [ __ ] cupcake would [ __ ] throw that away [Music] really a little call for cupcakes where i'll come from you'll have mine the prisoners just can't my head's concentrate david jones an ex-soldier is addicted to heroin he became a thief to feed his habit don't worry it's not too hard back in the oven for 30 seconds just like that and i'll help you again i haven't seen my family for 20 years i knew what i was like either on drugs or without drugs you know i was a bastard i don't want to fail i'm sick of failing you know i'm sick of not getting somewhere or not being someone habitual offender lawrence does seem to care about what he's doing they look like they've just gone ponied up don't know they're fine but if we rush them they're gonna be raw then you're poisoned officers how's that gonna go down you know salary holy crap we thought cupcakes would be so difficult david jones struggled i just got carried away and completely screwed his up but uh personally i thought that was going to be a disaster lawrence seemed to know what he was doing i do cook sometimes but it doesn't hurt to learn something does it like i've had pubs before through my life it might have been out of cook properly maybe i'd have done different things in my life and not ended up back in jail those not cooking cakes are selling them there must be some sharp entrepreneurs here they need a brand hey with the name i recommend you call it sweet tooth who's wondering yeah [Music] [Music] now these domestic goddesses are gonna decorate their fairy cakes [Music] let the imagination go and don't forget we're selling these it's great decoration that sells a cupcake put the glitter on at the end otherwise you're going to be going back looking like a bunch of fairies coated in glitter range from disastrous the [ __ ] nozzle's got to go inside the bag to the delectable it's a customized cupcake sp and the downright dodgy nice what's the theme this one yeah there's space in it with the stars yeah that that's fine when you are where you're on crap we're not on crack now so we're not in [ __ ] space the glittering should be sprinkled lightly okay now looks like someone's had the runs on top of that one i am not gonna sell that yeah next to that let me tell you what which one would you buy thank you very much but one burglar has done a lovely little job did you seriously do that yeah did you did he do that that's nice yeah very nice yeah it's not too bad at all beautiful okay no no no no no you're not gonna have that one yourself we're selling them stop come on no no no no we're gonna sell them back in the cupcake marketing department the ruthless criminals can't resist a little bit of glitter convict cupcakes post up designed by a tesla over there you know we you know promoted your name in it so we could sell more right you know real taste of prison despite the colors the convicts cupcake shop is popping up just outside a wing you'd like four yeah brilliant selling them are my hustlers anthony kelly and test for jones [Music] push push push through the customer there are more lovely looking ones [Music] [Music] one minute strawberry chocolate and vanilla well then did you take the pan yeah i'm watching you like a hawk i'm damn right i'm keeping hold of the [ __ ] kitty box let me tell you you can see that's going to disappear oh my god it's very pink on the very pink so that's 49 quid we've taken 20 of which is profit and this little box at the beginning of something pretty major because if i can turn 40 quid into four grand a week it's gonna take a lot of sweat yeah pain yeah now i'm gonna think long and hard about who from this group will make my final 12. are you scared of hard work i'm not scared of hard work at all i've done it in the past you know i mean it's just that it i think it depends on what i'm doing big question is when was the last time you worked 60 hours in a week straight work yeah yeah [Music] i've been in brixton prison for a week to get prisoners cooking on the inside to sell on the outside i've got six months to make my project a success what job did you have before you got to brixton do you know what gold i've never worked mate i'm ashamed of really the government wants to double the numbers of prisoners grafting and are looking to expand their work in prison scheme it's easier life in jordan is outside in here you've got everything done for you but even the justice secretary believes prisons aren't delivering as they should obviously don't work so if you don't work you need to fix it during the cupcake test i observed all my convicts up close and back at home i'm going to choose my 12 bad boys for my brigade where'd you start it's been hard to get 12 because they're all the same they're all [ __ ] and they're all they've all got issues why should they be sat there 18 19 hours a day in a non-productive cell doing jack [ __ ] laurence gibbons jones he's 45 years of age 79 convictions and where the hell do you start with that how do you get this guy disciplined i don't care about any of the victims in any of my cases all through my life right but if i can better myself and get something out of it it's better than doing nothing [Music] thief tesla jones is a career criminal he's been inside seven times if you're in prison and you're serving a long time you start to get used to your whole surroundings they call it institutionalized yeah right you start to get institutionalized and and it becomes nothing it becomes it becomes a holiday camp these men don't even understand the concept of an honest day's work anthony kelly he's never had a job in his life yet he's got the gift of the gap burglary you look at him he's a big sort of happy-go-lucky almost like a big puppy who would have thought he's gonna be putting a balaclava on at half past two in the [ __ ] morning it's weird it's almost like they go inside they get sentenced and they become little boys [Music] britain don't change people people change themselves i just got old i've i've got tired of it i've got tired of this old bollocks the same old [ __ ] is that these [ __ ] tell me what to do so when they want i mean i'm sick of it i'm sick to the bacteria but you know what you've got everyone's gotta have enough pain before they stop what i gotta look for is the passion the hunger this is not sat on your ass we're gonna hopefully generate you know a busy bloody kitchen i've chosen my bad boys dirty dozen this is the team who work in my pilot business guys come over come over come over this lot don't know what's going to hit them how he's feeling good morning you guys how are you you look cold yeah yeah yeah he's called up come on let's take that jacket off okay you want me to take my jacket off that's it i see okay here's the good news [Music] do the final 12. congratulations uh you're on fire this morning each and every one of you are going to be putting back into this prison you are the first 12 to get this business going it's not about pissing around with glitter this is real and it's going to get tougher we're running a business you're gonna learn yeah you're gonna earn i'm gonna put back inside to this prison how's that let you feel great good sound good can't wait to start grafting you know and again in the kitchen start cooking a lot of these prisoners we all need tough love it's like the love your mum will give you i remember we're in prison we need to be bloody told off this is my first day teaching the bad boys brigade to get more done i've radically changed these prisoners routine they're eating in the kitchen not in their cells the guys that we lock up here they know they know when they're going to get out their cell they know what time they're going to be locked up any change to that it messes the system up messes with their head [Music] when things change that's when when things start going wrong sure enough just the idea of change has sent lawrence gibbons off on one he wants to eat in his cell where he keeps his tomato sauce [Music] losing lawrence is bad enough but his walkout spreads descent in the ranks not much teamwork going on here [Music] there's a big difference between talking to each other and shouting each other let's talk nicely and let's remember we're a team they're so used to their routine and the minute you change one little thing bang they're like a bunch of [ __ ] babies you're just realizing what a shambles this so-called brigade is turning out to be i don't think he's going to hang on to them direct against any kind of authority really when they're told to do something to stand the chance of getting this scheme to work in the time i've got we need to be selling a product to the public in four weeks time i want to prove to these guys that they can work together as a unit so i've got a plan but it's a very ambitious plan that could make or break them i'm going to put them under intense pressure and get them to cook an entire meal for the whole prison [Music] daryl hatfield is in charge of brixton's prison kitchen hello gordon are you well yeah fine i want permission to make a chili con carne for the 800 inmates i'm a little bit blunt i want to ask um if i could borrow this kitchen for a day what i want to do is get them in here cooking so can i come up with a dish and cook for the prison the evening meal the main meal please with your new brigade with my yeah that's a massive task for you and a new brigade but the prison specifications say that we provide a minimum of five choices five choices every day yeah [ __ ] i can't just do one dish no we've got customers that have no choice to go anywhere else the customers here get very upset if their meals are messed with screw up and we can have a riot on our hands we hit the deadline 4 15. yeah we must hit that deadline well gordon ramsay's gordon ramsay but for someone to come in here and be in charge of 12 people who have never done any form of catering never mind produce five main dishes i can't believe the task is taking on this whole idea yeah it just turned out to be a head [ __ ] to be honest because now we've got to offer five choices he says customers i say prisoners he says choices i say [ __ ] off you sure they wouldn't like any [ __ ] blini and caviar to start i've chosen my bad boys brigade for my start-up business in brixton prison this morning i'm getting them up two hours early i'm challenging my rookies to work as a team to make dinner for the entire prison so what are they like generally getting up early in the morning it all depends if anyone's been watching the late film the brigade can't cook and constantly bicker but if they pull it off my business may be with a chance thank you so quiet i've got to launch a product made by them to the public in a month's time it's so quiet i mean almost feels like we're breaking in it's weird but there's an eerie silence morning ready my brigade is a man down after lawrence walked out hello mate you got two minutes right now i need all the help i can get and lawrence is one of the best cooks of gods temples aren't going to say that we're going to chin someone see armenia do you know where i come from on this one we're the same age there's quite a nice level of maturity no no i see you're quite a common influence over them do you know why because you don't tolerate the [ __ ] and i'm not here to push buttons now i'm here to help the last time i cated for 800 people i had a team of 45 fully trained chefs this time i've got 12 novices who couldn't make scrambled eggs at least lawrence has agreed to come back let's go guys quick quick quick ready let's go come over guys the 800 prisoners always eating their sales but we're not improving prison food my aim is to see if the brigade can carry this off if they can i might finally have a team we're we're 30 minutes behind already five main courses start off with a chili halal 150 portions 250 portions of a normal chili after that we got two vegetarian dishes one vegan one vegetarian 50 portions of vegan and 100 portions of a vegetarian bake after that we're gonna do a chicken and mushroom pie 100 portions [Music] hey guys guys yeah i need the veg yeah so i can start the stock once i've got the stock rolling i can start actually making the chili which we've got 400 portions of veg prep is 90 of the battle i'm taking a really big risk and putting argumentative tests for jones in charge t you okay yeah yeah look at me nice and calm and we're working as a team yeah yeah you're part of that team so i want you to come across like a team member let's go we've got to do 40 trades look how bad these potatoes are hey yeah this is what we get in prison this is what we've got to work with everybody on the outside could see that we're not living in luxury okay as you don't think you won't put that in your pot would ya i've never seen anything like what gordon ramsay's doing i'm not saying that he's he's gonna change me and i'm gonna come out i'm gonna be a big change man and you know i mean i'm going to heaven all of a sudden and stuff like that but it's something that you can hold on to one career criminal i want to stop ducking and diving is lawrence i put him in charge of the main dish of the day chili con carney 240. lawrence is up against it fresh cherries he may not be a team player but he's not afraid of new experiences i've tried most things i think the best the best thing in like the late 80s early 90s was the tragedy everyone had a good time pastry how are we doing you've got shortcuts on the bottom puff paste on top yeah yeah have a look through in the fridge cockney anthony kelly is running the bakery section they've got 250 portions of chicken and mushroom pies to make mix margarine and flour and a bit of baking powder common sense really just what it says that's it lovely lovely oh you're not feeding the queen you know what that'll do we have feeding the queen yeah you showed up to the boys we've been going two hours the pies are on track but elsewhere we're in trouble we're running behind and the vegetable sections have backed us up because we're we're struggling with 800 servings of roast potatoes to prepare the tespa and the veg team are in deep waters and it's freezing water is too cold bring this big i'll bring it what's the matter with you that's too cold freezing oh man let's just get out of the way man get out of here you'll get crazy what's the matter with you no i love it draw some gloves yes a wet suit to get the potatoes out i'm beginning to think these prisoners are molly cuddled do you know what i'm starting to see so early on well i think it's too easy jimmy one of the boys told me last night who's watching telly all night laurence i can't watch television all night tv support so it's easier inside than it is on the outside if you can wrangle the system and get what you what you need what's best for you then you saw with india everyone's playing on about the reoffending percentage we can see why it is almost like a sort of a little personal hotel in their neighborhood [Music] i can't believe it the bakery section is flying anthony and david have got 11 huge pies ready dave is barely you know standing up and anthony's sweating like a pig so it's like a it's like a kitchen of misfits however they're not giving up that's the most important part one two three four six o'clock in the morning we've been your [ __ ] day we've got that bollocks off fair play to jose you know we better sit on a boxing wheel doing and you know what this might be the turning point where i'll never come out of the prison again i'll become a good father become a [ __ ] be there for people who love me someone said i didn't even [ __ ] her down half an hour to go and my main courses are almost done okay steam rolling oil vacuum and roast work as a team guys but tessa and his team still have 40 trays of potatoes to roast [Music] that's nice that's nice yeah the final orders are in from the wings and laurence's hard work has paid off his chili is ready [Music] we'll get when they come to pick it up couple of minutes two minutes the boys are pulling out all the stops this has been a massive task and i think i may have a team at last yeah we're ready we're ready 10 of us coming in today we're working our volleyball together and everything's on time and you know what i bet the food's better than usual dao's going to give the call concentrate don't start shouting over each other roast potatoes one wreck i feel like you're done in it productive see if he was at work that pain would equal money come on i need to be calling g-wing for their tea in a minute chili coke [Music] [Applause] i'm coming coming so good driving up basically made dinner for 800 people i'm off to g-wing to find out what our customers think it looks much better than last time it looks better than last time yeah i can see onions on top last time it was just black color all right on a proper onion gravy yeah you can see the difference right away [Applause] i honestly didn't think we're gonna make that this morning we sent them a task i didn't think it was possible to pull it off and i was slightly concerned that they were gonna shy away from six seven eight our day but they've been on their feet ten hours and it's been a long one but it's gone it's gone well god they were lively huh unfortunately it's not all good news back at the kitchen there's been a serious incident right guys let's go t lawrence i need you for two minutes please seriously guys this is where i think that i've been let down today because i've just been told that we've found this in the dressing room and someone's been knicking onions chillies and garlic look look at look guys no no really yeah it makes me feel stupid we cannot steal from the kitchen anyone who just belonged to i told him yeah i thought i wasn't staying i just took some onions okay i thought there was space so i took someone okay who else took it okay thank you we cannot take anything out of the kitchen next week it'll be a knife no chance we stopped now i just saw it as a bit of as a perk in it i decided to pray look at me [ __ ] cooking cooking myself that gets me into serious [ __ ] so look at me but you're letting me down can you let your team down it's dealt with yeah let's move on i wasn't thinking i just thought there was extras yeah what i don't want to do now is falling out and argue with each other that's the problem they get one little issue and it becomes massive and they flip what a [ __ ] joke what are an embarrassment oh don't say to me nothing here it's all done said and done [Music] once the rowing starts no one banks down this lot will argue about anything yeah hey guys guys let's finish on the high yeah let's finish on the highway let's not waste 10 hours of graft i can't believe after all their great teamwork and success my brigade's falling apart in front of my eyes that's all i'm saying if you're looking strong because you don't think there's no discourse there were some good workers there today i mean some really good workers and the ones i thought weren't gonna work and stay focused did yeah i'm over a barrel in many ways because i could i could be sick sure within a 30-second argument and that's that's the knife edge my biggest problem is going to be keeping the team together that's where i that's where i've got my work cut out because there's so many feisty insecure characters that it's almost built on a stack of cards you
Channel: All In The Kitchen
Views: 3,350,285
Rating: 4.947648 out of 5
Keywords: Gordon Ramsay, Gordon Ramsay chef, Gordon Ramsay recipe, Gordon Ramsay cooking, Gordon Ramsay teaching, Gordon Ramsay best of, Gordon Ramsay funny, Gordon Ramsay argument, Gordon Ramsay tv show, Gordon Ramsay full episodes, Gordon Ramsay cooking show, full episodes, cooking, cooking show, full episodes cooking, Gordon behind bars, gordon ramsay prison, gordon ramsay prison show, gordon ramsay prisoners, gordon ramsay prison bakery
Id: 6Nufsc5kMbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 43sec (2803 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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