How to make pickled hot dogs

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what's up guys Pedro here and on this video we're gonna be pickling some hot dogs coming up right after this okay those of you that know me best know that I love just about anything pickled except for pickled pig's feet I tried those one time I cannot I cannot stand I spit them out and I through the doorways sorry for that picture okay so I've been watching a lot of pickling videos on YouTube and I've come up with a recipe that I tweaked just a little bit to make it my own okay this recipe is really simple and I'll put a put it in the description below okay so I've already pickled some little Smokies with the same brine and they came out and great so I'm anxious to try them with the hot dogs [Music] okay so will will go ahead and cook the brine and while the brine is cooking I'll go ahead and cut up the hot dogs okay so you want to bring the ingredients to a boil I'm putting in four cups whew no spreaders four cups of white vinegar you can use apple cider if you want to empty 1 cup of Franks red hot sauce of course you can use whatever hot sauce you want to let me see if I have a special spot your long get all that in there oh yeah okay okay tablespoon and a half of garlic minced a car light and three tablespoons of pickling spices and a quarter cup of sugar believe it or not that is it stir this up bring it to a boil let it cook for about five minutes while this is cooking I'll go ahead and cut up being the hot dogs okay so I just got some bar s hot dogs from Walmart and I bought a big pack of them this will probably do two quarts I hope and we'll see okay this is simple cut them in half cut them in half again and half again so you got quarter you got quarter pieces cut them in half and then cut each half in half so you got quarter pieces and that's about the size you want right there let me get a couple of jars and we'll stuff them in the jars and as soon as that brine is done we'll let it cool down a little bit before we pour it into the jars okay so I got my jars ready should I had them already tied it's like I'm gonna have about four quarts and this big pack I got maybe not it looks like it's gonna go quicker than I thought let's see half half half stuff this joker right here oh yeah now it's gonna be about two I think because it's probably that right there about half the package maybe even a little bit more leave a little room for the blind let's try this one half oh yeah these are gonna be good keep joking we are almost done brian hasn't started boiling yet that was a big pack of hot dogs and it filled stuff them in the two jars it filled two jars that's perfect perfect for two jars right there okay so I hope I let this cool down enough that it won't shatter my jars we're about to find out put it in the sink though so if it does shatter she probably won't be wearing safety test [Music] [Music] well that and shattered yet I think we're good to get one fill the other one we're gonna have quite a bit of brine left over yeah do that all right there not a whole lot enough for about another jar though mouth it was nothing for about three quarts and we've got two quart jars full of course I'm made sure that my jars and my lids were sanitized or cleaned a little tip I learned from shotgun read is once you've poured your brine into your jars and got them full and everything turn them upside down and that way the you see how there's some up here at the top here that that aren't in the liquid they're not in the brine so they're not really getting pickled if you had it the other way around the top ones will not be getting pickled so if you turn them upside down it's gonna pickle it from the from the top actually up or you know what I'm trying to say anyways turn them upside down it'll pickle better and when you go to eat them he'll turn them back up this direction of course and by the time you get to the bottom those are pickled as much as the top ones if that makes any sense oh my god that smells so good my wife had beg to differ oh yeah oh yeah I cannot wait to try these like I said I've already pickled some of these little Smokies here these jokers right here I've already pickled these and I've already tasted these and they are awesome so I can't wait to try these hotdogs okay so I hope you enjoyed the video if you did please hit the like button and share it if you're so inclined and if you're new here consider subscribing until next time god bless y'all take care [Music]
Channel: My Everyday D.I.Y.
Views: 67,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hot dogs, hot sauce, spicy, Frank's Redhot hot sauce, pickled, pedro, family, garlic, pickling spice, snacks, Amazon, vinegar, walmart, brine, lil smokies, red pepper flakes, Wal mart, sausage, hot, suasage, pickled hot dogs, pickled sausage, pickled sausage recipe, how to make pickled sausage
Id: d-z0AQYn1o4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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