Cucumber Onion and Tomato Salad Recipe (Fresh from the Garden)

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hey everybody hunter Fisher trapper trader guide scout and interpreter and just the country Cook Steve Hall here in Nashville Tennessee along with pretty much Sheila running that camera as always doing a great job hi today we're gonna make cucumber and onion and tomato salad it's a fresh thing you can make in the summertime or even winter but it's one thing that shocked me is you would not believe how many variations of this recipe there are some use cucumbers that don't have seeds some don't care if there's seeds in there Tomatoes boy the options hurt you know roma tomatoes or vine ripe tomatoes or cherry tomatoes some put a lot of sugar some don't hardly put any some put water in it some don't use water it is just kind of confusing but if you'll come on over here I'll show you the salad that I think it's easy to make it's got ajust a balance of everything and I think you're really gonna love it let's get started come on or alright for this recipe we're going to use three cucumbers two I already got prepped and I'll show you what I did I took my little peeler here now some people rip these with a fork and that just seems like a lot of trouble for me so I just kind of leave a space so we leave a strip of green in there you don't have to be perfect on this just anything close is fine because once you slice it you'll never really know how perfect of a job you did and then just split the difference right here yeah it's kind of like that then I go over here and just kind of finish up the ends wherever I let go there and there we go then we're gonna nip the ends of these off here let me do a little housecleaning what over here somewhere oh there he is Sushila spots that stuff she lets me know we're gonna just trim off the ends of these like a sole and then we're gonna cut these about this thick right here not too thin and not too thick we want them so they absorb a lot of the ingredients but we don't want them paper-thin to where they kind of get mushy now these cucumbers here don't have a lot of seeds in them it's more kind of like a compact cucumber and I'll tell you I just lucked out as I grabbed was ever on the shelf at Kroger's and let me get these all sliced up here so how am i doing Sheila finishing up the last one don't that look cute and there's our last cut right there get these over here in our bowl so we're gonna use three cucumbers and we're gonna use one onion now I've seen all these different recipes and cookbooks and online area some people use red onions some people use white onions some people use yellow onions to me there is no choice sweet Vidalia is any kind of sweet onion will work but I love a sweet Vidalia onion I'm just gonna whack the top off each one of these cut it right in half and then just peel the outer layer off here again a little housecleaning so Sheila don't say you miss something and then I'm just gonna slice these pretty thin like this lay in that flat side down cuz nobody wants a big punkin chunk of onion even if it is sweet and then what I'm gonna do is then I'm gonna break up all these little slices before I pop them in there man that smells so good now of course you might be watching this video in the wintertime on down the line but right now all everybody's Gardens are coming in and they've got all these fresh ingredients out in their garden so it's a perfect time to make this recipe for summertime even though you know this may be errand for you you know eight months down the line and it's freezing cold where you're at but still you can make this recipe alright the last one I'll just split the difference turfing break them all up nice you know I love them little centerpieces you can eat sweet Vidalia is like an apple hmm that is so delicious I want to say hi to all the folks from down there in Georgia that come see our show with the Nashville nightlife dinner theater because they bring us Vidalia onions they actually got a Vidalia onion Festival down there where they do everything even onion ice cream if you can believe that I'm not sure I'll go that route but and here's my choice of the tomatoes I'm still finishing up with that little onion smacking away I'm gonna go with cherry tomatoes because I just think that the more dense a tomato is the smaller it is the more dense the flavor is the more explosive you get a big tomato okay especially if you get hothouse tomatoes there they just don't have much flavor I love Roma's better but I love these little cherries and I'm gonna cut these end wise and this may take a few minutes so I'll be right back as soon as I get all these little tomatoes sliced up here alright we're finishing up our last two or three now if it's just me and she lit the house I leave these whole because I like to just pop them in I like to count that little pop when you eat them but if I'm serving them I guess and especially if there's some kids I don't want that to be a little airway plug so I like to slice it in half just in case that's a lot safer I think and these are all done now you can find some of these little cherry tomatoes like this that are different colors which you would add some real color to our salad not say we got a good cup to a cup and a half you can put as many in or as few of them in you want I'm gonna move this cutting board out of the way here move my salad up here now here is where I like to do a kind of a more of a balance some people don't be in like 2 cups of water and all kinds of stuff and I just think that's too much so we're going to start out with 1/2 a cup of water and a half a cup of apple cider vinegar and don't worry I'll put all the ingredients in the description box below right below the video where it says show more click on that it'll drop down with the entire recipe you never have to go to a website to get any of our ingredients then we're going to put in a quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil and again here's where some people use no sugar at all and some people have dumped in like a cup of sugar and mix it up I'm using two tablespoons in this recipe give it just enough sweet to offset that acidity of that vinegar and again some people use two or three teaspoons of salt I'm using 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of pepper I'm going to toss this in just a second but first here's something that some people don't add at all and I like it in there is some dill and I got taya when I first got this home start smelling this you know what it reminds me of it reminds me of when my Grammy used to make homemade pickles cuz she always threw a dill in each one of them jars and that just boy that brings back such memories to smell that Gil good even now I'm cutting it it just really brings back a lot of memories we'd get to go down the cellar and get jar pickles every time they'd have a big feed of it grandma's house and we're going to put in a hole and this is again up to you just to kind of a hmm you know a little minute maybe a heap tablespoon of dill just enough to kind of float around we don't want it to be real dominant but just enough to kind of float around in our recipe so it kind of gets on everything you know what I mean and that beautiful is that beautiful I almost hate to yeah it does look great on the baby and I hate to stir this but I just gotta so let's toss this around a little bit and see I got just enough water and vinegar in the bottom so that when you make a toss like this it gets on everything there's plenty down there you don't need two or three cups of water just a half a cup along and see there's plenty of liquid and see it over there can you see that Sheila in the edge of the bowl plenty of liquid down there we're gonna stir this real good so our dill and our sugar and all of our salt and pepper and everything else gets all around on everything and then we're going to cover this for about two hours in the refrigerator and we'll be back to give it a little taste and see what we will see it's looking beautiful we'll see you then nice and chilled I think just a nice uniform balance of ingredients modify it any way you want you want to put a lot of water in there dump it in you want to put a lot of sugar in there dump it in you see that one little piece of onion there Sheila goodness gracious he is not going back down to the bottom of the bowl hmm hmm I gotta try one of these guys mmm you must be able to hear me crunching and smacking back here is this okay you're gonna love the balance of this and you know me when I serve myself a little dish I'll probably hit it with a little more pepper but start out with a teaspoon of pepper and a teaspoon of salt you're gonna always add more of both but you can't take it out what do you think Sheila doesn't look just beautiful I just keep stirring it because I got all that liquid down there at the bottom that's got sugar in it and vinegar and all kinds of spices and I just want to roll it up here to the top let me give this dill one more smell it just reminds me of grandma's house making pickles well I was digging around in there and Sheila made me go get a fork instead of using my fingers and I'll tell you I picked up one of these little yellow cherry tomatoes with the sugar and the vinegar and the dill salt and pepper all that and it's been rubbing alongside some cucumber and onion juice let me try a little red one here this is really really good I know you're going to enjoy this for your family I hope you enjoyed the recipe we did it just for you guys it's real simple it's real quick it's real easy do all the little stuff that you like the best add more of this less of that until it's just perfect but first try this recipe and I'll bet you you might stay pretty close to this because I think it's just perfect hope you enjoyed this recipe and we really hope you enjoy our channel and subscribe to our Channel little shotgun or its face is gonna pop up well here right at the end of our video click on that when it says subscribe check it then of course next it'll be a little bell or they may change it YouTube's change the stuff all the time it could be a little gear or something by now but click on that please notify me all the time icon whatever it is and then we'll send you all of our videos we'll put some over here that we really hope you enjoy and that you can click on as well it'll show up at the same time shock and rinse face shows up but is this the most delicious cucumber and onion and tomato salad for summertime with all these goodness in here not quite as sweet as Sheila but it does get close that you ever tried if it ain't it ought to be did you enjoy this Sheila and remember all the ingredients are never at a website they're right underneath the video but if you do want to sneak over to our website you can always go to shotgun click on that and of course we got them shocked and red dolls and videos of our show and all kinds of neat stuff but man I'll tell you what this is a great recipe I'm glad we made it cuz Sheila said we're gonna put this in refrigerator and we'll be eating on this for a couple three days so and it lasts a long time in the fridge that's another thing we'll see you next time right here on cooking with shotgun red we didn't do a lot of cooking but we we whipped up something good don't you think Sheila Saiga nice Sheila all right you guys see you next time bye-bye
Channel: Cooking with Shotgun Red
Views: 1,835,627
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Keywords: cucumber onion and tomato salad recipe, Steve Hall, Shotgun Red, cucumber salad, tomatoes, cucumber onion and tomato salad recipes, recipe, summer salad, healthy, salad recipes, tomato salad, cucumber salad recipe, cucumber tomato salad, how to make a salad, cucumber tomato onion salad, how to make cucumber salad, cucumber onion adn tomato salad recipe, cucumber onion adn tomato salad recipes, cucumber tomato avocado salad, salad, tomato, summer salads, tomato cucumber onion salad
Id: sAlar6td3nI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 30 2018
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