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guys i've got such an exciting video for you guys this week i cannot wait for you guys to see it a big thank you to today's sponsor squarespace but we'll get into them a little bit later i'm jumping in here really quick don't get mad at me i want to explain very quickly i already know what's going to be filtered in the comments matt weiner double bridal my wife in a double brother matt why are you not letting your horse stretch out on the frame let me explain it to you guys really simply two stallions is a lot of it that that counts for like 10 horses and because we were going to be in such close proximity i needed to keep my horse a little bit there with me because if he turns around and starts sniffing him things can escalate really quickly so i needed to have a little bit of extra control and i've been riding him in a double because we've been training in it at home because of the tests i'm going to be my dressage test i have to do in a double i didn't want to change up the routine when i was going to be introducing him into a new environment and especially when i didn't know how he was going to react with the horse that was there and all the other horses he was gonna have to face so i stayed in the double you'll be able to see that as i go on in the ride i relax i give him his rain i'm holding by the buckle but i first need to ensure for my safety and the safety of the people around me and my rain who's standing right next to me that he's gonna be okay as soon as i found this out i let go of the reins and we were able to relax so to anybody out there just always keep in mind safety first for your horse for yourself for people around you and then after that you can try and reach whatever goal you're trying to reach and for me it was just to have a fun relaxing trail ride so back to it now back to it hi guys so that sound you're hearing is my horse because i just put him in the truck and we're going to be doing something really exciting today that's him saying bye to all his friends we're going to be doing something really exciting because i recently met someone called maureen she's got this incredibly beautiful friesian stallion she's a really nice girl and she started working where um i have my stallions at that stable she was only coming in for a couple of weeks but since then i stayed in contact with her uh and i saw this incredible place she went for a hack on and she told me it's just next to a stable so we're going to be driving over to her and we're going to be doing an amazing trail ride with this stallion and her beautiful freezing stallion yes emporio and i'm really excited about it because there's this beautiful area where you have to cross the water and the horses can swim as well uh emporia doesn't like water so i'm quite curious to see how that goes hopefully just follows the other horse um and maureen is super sweet so it'll be nice to have a fun day out and i thought i'd bring you guys along i've got a gopro i'm going to be putting on my helmet we're going to be filming everything i've never looked more ridiculous but it's going to be worth it for the video so let's go right we're here it's windy i have to say i've never been at a stable that is this big she told me already maureen that there's over 300 horses here um i can't even comprehend what that's like compared to the five i have at home um but let me show you guys even just like how many horses around the field i've got emporia just on the truck you can chill for a second because i want you guys to come meet moraine and her horse look what in the world is going on this is only a tiny side of everything so we're gonna go and say hello to her she's just waiting with a horse and i can't wait for you guys to meet him okay we're here hi maureen hi how are you i'm fine this is whim right let me let me spin this around so we can we can meet him a bit better oh my god he's so beautiful yeah tell us a little bit about him because i know everybody's gonna love to to see him and i'm sure everybody's curious about him well he's a six-year-old stallion he's mine now for two years almost a medium level now with training and we had a little injury so of course horses of course so we're now back in training and uh he's like the sweetest telling you could have so yeah yeah i can do anything with him so we know each other already a little bit and i know him because you were staying at a stable yes um and how long are we there for like four weeks three four weeks five weeks maybe longer five yeah and he's the sweetest stallion yeah like we rode a few times like when we were around each other and even in the stable and when i passed by he's so sweet and so easy going um so i already knew that if we do this trail it should go okay yeah they are both like macho boys though a little bit like they like to scream he makes a lot of a lot of noise and let everybody know i'm the man yeah but they are very very sweet um so i think it's gonna be quite good i actually saw because sometimes with the with frisians they are a little bit like on the lighter side and they don't have like a lot of body like the i don't know if you would say that's like the new type of friction but but they get more modern yeah more sporty type yeah like the more modern types are just a little bit different and with him i love it because he's almost like a barack purely like he's so big there's so much neck and there's so much body he wants to cuddle he comes he's already looking like what's that i know here he is and so how tall is he because i think he looks roughly the same height as important i think he's the same last time when i met him which was like 167 167 yeah i think he grew a little bit yeah and i think emporia was also 168 167 as well yeah oh my god look at him and the shine he looks so good he's definitely a little bit chunky at this moment still like yeah how do you say it like with with the with the rest everything that he had with the injury he got a lot of kilos i get it because i'm having the same thing with serrano so i totally get it yeah but i remember what you told me you were like don't bring anything nice because it's going to get dirty on the on the hat you will get wet so and why does he look so good then i didn't even bother washing my horse because i was like we're going to go in the water and then there's him just looking like a like a statue what do you recommend because i brought like all my regular attack and i think i'm just gonna do like jumping boots yeah and bell boots yes the bell boots jumping boots is okay but it's something that doesn't get loose quickly because okay yes quickly and otherwise and i'm not getting off to get it you need to go back if anything falls off today it's being sacrificed it's the price we pay where this is uh stallion vibes going on behind me is this one also a style you know no he's quite big though and very pretty he's 180. oh my god like chase he's a big boy yeah and what is it like for you being at a stable that is this big oh my god and so what is it like for you being at a stable that's this big because i mean 300 people i i can't even really get my head around that like how many stables so there's 300 stables almost i think about 300 i never counted so and yeah well i mean it's a lot to count and then build every year they're getting new staples so and how many arenas do you have i already saw three we have four indoor four indoor arenas one two three five outdoors four four five outdoors four indoor five outdoor yeah and how many lunch areas because i also saw a lot of london seven yeah oh my god it's just numbers that you can't even think of four walkers and is it possible to ride alone like is that something that is that something that you can do or are you always riding with someone is it always busy no it's actually not well busy i can't tell yeah i can't say it's busy but if you ride the tree it's busy but it's not yeah because everybody some people come in the morning some years yeah some evening so it's like that's true and i have to say like right now it feels pretty chill like even though we're in the heart of it yeah it feels pretty easy going yeah but with that much uh arenas it's like easy yeah that's true it distributes everybody yeah and is everybody here mostly like into dress house or show jumping or just everything we have because this arena especially for the west western like there's western as well special wow oh my god it's like raining oh my god i love that yeah and uh we have also icelandic horses which yes of course also for the icelandic really yeah oh my god and we have jumpers eventing riders uh dressage and a lot of people that just have full recognition ahead like for just only go to the forest how fun though there's a bit of everything here you i feel like you can just do you can do it all right you can just like change uh disciplines in one day i'm gonna do what the icelandics do i'm gonna do raining you can do it all all right well maybe we should try and get the horses tacked up and get them to meet first a little bit properly and see because emporio's very excited i can hear him already and i think it's going like yeah i think it's gonna take a second for him to come down especially until we're in the forest because we have to walk past all the fields that's gonna be interesting but we'll see we shall see yeah but i'm gonna get him tucked up then and then i will pick you up yeah and then if you pick me up on the way then we can you can go go safely all right i'll see you in a sec then yes [Music] no but it's good we do the the round that i have in mind and then we go uh let me check then we go under the on the bridge again and then we go left and there you have the water and then we can walk like back to the stable and how how deep did you say the water was okay so it gets a bit deep yeah yeah okay guys that'll be fun i think you'll like it i think you will like it i was actually expecting there to be more horses out because there's so many people there but you also get people from other stables that can come here oh okay so we have quite a lot of stables around the forest though like four five maybe six even yeah like thousands of horses and what is the biggest table in the netherlands you know like when it comes to like pension tables i think we're a brave one we are one of the biggest oh another british emporio look it's just sand good boy okay don't and you let me know when it's good to cancer because i'm not too sure what is coming up ahead well we control the this and we get another bridge and go left and after we go left we have a like the big part we have here but that's like twice more wide and it's like the real how do you say the real we always go like oh the one you can go go go go oh reaper is like oh i want to go i've got such a pretty extension to stereo just because of that crazy well i don't know what oh well they're scared and like that's getting so mad yeah because not only is battle horses but that poor dog can get kicked yeah and the dog doesn't know any better but we had some injuries last year with the dog that got the horses like in the chest and yeah that's why most of the time i have class with me because he he keeps them away he keeps them away yeah because he's like okay this is mine my pack yeah you keep them away i have appeared again and i've appeared this time to ask you a very important question are you or looking to build your own website are you looking to update your website create a new website if you already have one existing but you need to freshen up are you looking to find a way to do it that is easy that is affordable that you can do yourself well let me tell you i have just what you need squarespace is a website building platform that allows you without any coding knowledge to go in and create your very own dream website you have the ability to navigate through hundreds of templates and 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don't know because if they run i'm on a horse i can't do anything would they run i don't know i'm not sure but i don't know if i'd risk it the class is like really into you yeah so that makes it easier even even already you know she's like okay he knows what's coming yeah i wonder who would be faster out of it too i'm not sure i don't think he'll be here wait i'll put my other hand you're like oh we're gonna race then uh i'm already already gonna put it on but that's the only thing that employer always does when i go constantly does flying changes so then the backs down the front side well here you go [Music] it all become for granted [Music] faith has got to come my way [Music] very good okay he's definitely faster than emporia i think yeah i hold them in when i can get you on the screen boys but this is nice you can go for full grout and then straight to long range and they don't care i like that oh yeah guys oh he's quick too yeah oh you're like go go i was like i think there's a bit more left in him but well as soon as i went in front of you he's like no i want to wait but i think we have the same thing with them like he's your baby and he's really my baby and you could never do anything wrong no like they're only the best and they're always incredible and yeah well i talked with a friend of mine last week and she's like why when will you sell him because there's a lot of interest in him yeah and for me i'm like i have a lot of horses and i trained a lot and i rode a lot of horses but he's in my heart he's like he's like he has a special place this is the first time i had it with a horse yeah and always thought that i will get it with a jumper because my my heart's more with jumping and eventing but yeah i just got him and he was like in three months he was like no no i can't do him away i can't sell him and he's so awesome like he's such i can't do anything everything with him everything and that's what's fun yeah then okay maybe you've got another horse that is some things but then yeah if you've got all the other it's not worth it now you've got that connection it's really hard to find well i have friends you know with with amazing horses like amazing dressage horses but like no i can't go outside he's this and that i can't go this i can't do that and i can do that's annoying i wouldn't have fun but like i'm not a pro i'm still amateur i just want to have fun with my horse yeah no i for me that started the most important thing so vitamin boys will be boys will be a fun song fun song over boys will be boys boys boys boys good boy okay story of my life oh emporio another branch oh and a boat so be aware well he does it good like a pro left [Music] [Music] good boy isn't it funny you can trot at his counter you can do a really collecting yeah of course guys it's fun here in the summer then you can go here put the horses in the pen and do a picnic really yeah it's here though you could put them in there yeah goodbye good boy like the movement is quicker yeah he is like a little bit more flowy flowy yeah no it's only green so that was the first thing i need to get used to the walk is also super different when i got back on chase i was like whoa the walk is so long here yeah but his wall gets better huh yeah when he's relaxed and when he can stretch yeah because now he has a hoof over track yeah then it gets much better but that's the thing you it's with the periods because it's so on you want to make the walk like flat you want to make it as basic as possible because then they go big but you're like you're done now with two or you want another one wait what do you mean do you want another puree stallion oh um oh i saw ow there we go no it's not a pirito but um dominique yeah yeah and she showed me this three-year-old they're selling at the auction and it's so nice wait let me show it so you're gonna cheat you're gonna cheat on the on the spanish no i don't i don't have plans on getting a kpm but you know if an iphone stumbles itself into my lap yeah it's really big though yeah but you can have it so yeah buddy i think it's already 175 and it's three no yeah oh my god it's massive yeah wow it's really big a chase is big also right okay just 180 yeah come on different angle i know come right up come on girl on his butt good boy look at him or was it always like a plan to go to europe or just well it was always on the cards because of my modeling i was always like my agencies were always asking me to come but what i did is i kind of lived for the last year of my full-time modeling i lived out of my suitcase so i just kind of went job job and i lived in l.a for four months and i was in new york and then i was doing the show circuit which is like all over europe yeah so i was like it would make it my life so much easier if i was in europe because every time traveling from australia it's 24 hours yeah so far our clients are not willing to pay for your flight from australia to your quick job so you only go for the big stuff and it's just a bit of a shame to miss some of the other things but do you miss it the work or no i made a conscious choice because i well you have a you have a beautiful job now so yeah of course and that's the best thing was that it was really my choice because i i started to realize okay i'm traveling i think i was doing like 10 months out of australia a year so and i had a horse so i was like okay i'm not riding my horse he's in full-time training i said i have never really had time to have a proper relationship because i'm traveling i all my friends are doing their own things and i'm always alone and i said is this the lifestyle i want even though modeling is cool and there's all these good of course you get to know a lot of people and you get a nice place beautiful places you see the world a lot of people can't do that so i just talked to you as i like but i'm alone but i'm really lonely yeah i understand then i said to myself i need to figure out a way where i can combine this but i can live a normal life and i can start to build something for myself because i'm very i get scared otherwise otherwise i'm like what's going to be in 10 years yeah i'm curious what he's going to do because he really can't yeah he can go backwards but yeah we will see how we get him in i think he will i i think we're some convincing there's a little bit of mud emporio oh people like that his face good boy he's like hell no come good boy here we go into the thick of it [Applause] with my sea horse here i'm gonna do it like this with a vertical too cute oh my god [Music] and my horse like running around aqua horse in different ways [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right we're back from our ride i love how we were like we're only gonna do like an hour an hour and a half two and a half hours later and a half hours later yeah but thank you so much for the trail it was a lot of fun it was a lot of fun and i think importer liked it i mean he clearly has some energy still yeah this is what he always does when he wants to go home so we're gonna we're gonna head yeah but he has good buddies with mine so yeah it was really good and i'm glad i love for me it's normal but moraine's like hit that four um yeah i know it was really good and he was fine with the bridges in the end going in the water everywhere so i think we should just do it more often and then then it'll all become much easier i think next time yesterday should come before because we'll go with the group yeah we need to go through the group with corn and with everyone yeah yes sir at least we do it a good idea all right you always want to go to bed yeah i take them home then and then yeah i see you soon great and that concludes the video i drove home emporia was pretty tired by the time he got back i gave him the day off the next day and the day after he was so happy he was so happy to go back into the dressage arena he was just feeling great and that just goes to show that switching it up doing something different just is so beneficial for your horses try and get out of your daily routine and do something that is challenging their minds in a different way in a way that gets them excited that gets them playful it gets them to open up um and yeah it gets them out of their bubble that's what's so important you know life as a horse can be kind of boring you go to the same field you go to the same table you go to the same arena switch it up a little bit your horses will thank you for it thank you all so much for joining me on this incredible trail ride it was so much fun if you guys want to see more videos like this do let me know because there's plenty of more incredible locations we can go to um but for now that's it i'll catch you guys on the next one bye bye
Channel: Matt Harnacke
Views: 198,469
Rating: 4.9646254 out of 5
Keywords: horse, horses, paard, cavallo, caballo, cheval, pferd, pony, shetland pony, funny horse, scary horse, horse kick, stallion, mare, dressage, showjumping, matt harnacke, Jesse drent, PRE, new horse, buying a horse, horse shopping, stables, barn, farm, pets, dogs, cats, cute, funny, male equestrian, equine, equestrian, luxury stable tours, dressage horse tries
Id: tl9DKL8rPkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 12 2021
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