Horse Shelter Heroes - Episode 44 - Oct 29 - Nov 5

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we just need a good cold ranger he squeezed it i didn't squeeze it never so this is cassie she's done really good forest was just surrendered to our organization his family has fell on hard times and they knew that the right thing to do for him was to bring him here to our organization we're so happy that we were able to have two more horses come into our organization today we're just thankful that we are an organization that's an open door shelter that we can help anybody that's in need of not being able to care for the horses um 2020 has been a crazy year for a lot of people but we are thankful that we are here for them and we cannot wait to get these guys new and amazing homes [Music] if you want to give like three quarters of that to the voice side which side that's it [Music] [Music] so uh something happened over the weekend i'm not sure quite what to do about it we um we put a little bit here and there that yes these two really like each other but we didn't put as much as what we're all seeing in these episodes and these two are now engaged um we have a lot of romance here at the shelter and now they're they're gonna be getting married uh we couldn't be happier for them but um yeah i gotta be careful when i hire young men to work here around the shelter with all these girls because um this is the result so we are putting numbers on those dolls if we can find our nails of course this doll if that person doesn't know what that animal looks like so [Music] [Music] so we finished numbering the stalls and the barns and now we are putting numbers on all the pens outside [Music] okay one down no drop [Music] let's push it up there one tall horse here [Music] now you can open them your girlfriend got kicked stepped on by a horse after she fell off wow [Music] [Music] first of all i took my water bottle with freezing cold water in it and um i dumped it over his back he kind of hollered about that it was kind of funny [Music] yes those two are holding hands [Music] so because we have something planned tomorrow and i won't be here all day tomorrow to get the episode edited i teased her a little bit and she's inside something i was drinking water and he squeezed it and sprayed it in my face so i dumped the restaurant squeeze it like look it went like that with my hand and then you squeezed it i didn't squeeze it whatever it got a little bit nicer [Applause] [Music] hey everyone it's that time of week again to open our amazon packages you know we just are being showered with amazon packages you all go on our amazon wish list and purchase things that we need and we just can't thank you enough [Music] thank you all so much for everything and i hope you have a wonderful rest of the day can you put more streets in here like that yeah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are having to use a lot of detangler right now we got a lot of matted mains it works wonders it's always way better at this than i am [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] shelby has quite the work cut out for her today we've got so many kaka bros oh my goodness sarah has been with us for three years i'm whispering because these walls are like really thin they're just metal i don't want her to hear me but i got something for her because she's been with us for three years and she's just such an awesome awesome part of our team so i gotta get it all together [Music] sarah can you come here yep okay let's sit take a seat so there was something we were wanting to do but it's been chaotic and uh you have been such a valuable part of our team and your three years with us came and went because we're just so busy not everyone can do what you do three amazing years but anyone can see that what you do makes a wonderful difference thank you and i think that's true because not everybody can do what we do here thank you for all your three long years dedicated service you're welcome thank you and many many more to come yes thank you the last three years have been a crazy ride i'd never imagined that my dream of working at a place that helped horses would ever come possible leaving a job that i really loved to pursue a dream of mine was crazy to me but i am so happy that i have done it the last three years have been amazing i started out in just a little tiny office that was freezing you had to wear your hats and your gloves and your blankets and everything in order to stay warm while you were working but it was worth it because we were helping horses that really needed a lot of our help and we transferred that from there to another bigger office that was our tack room but when we were able to build our barn we were able to change the office into a tack room and then now we're in a much bigger office and we are able to help so many more horses than we were when i first started here rescue work isn't always cut out for everybody's it's very demanding it's very emotional draining sometimes you go home and you're just exhausted not because you've done anything physical but because you've done everything mental you know going through to seizure cases with the sheriff's departments we've done several since i've been here you just see how much people don't care anymore in this world and it's really really sad and just there's a lot of horses that need help and i'm thankful that in the last three years i've been able to do a lot of that and going to auctions i've been to a few of them but for me it's too emotional to go because i want to save all of them if only we could do that that would be amazing sarah's such a valuable part of our team and i am so thrilled that she's been with us for three years and i know long term she's planning on being with this organization for a really long time i can't be running it forever and it's possible that sarah could be our future president for our organization or in leadership of some kind rescue work is extremely hard people get compassion fatigue i've been doing it for 17 years and i've learned how to process and and stuff but i know i can't do this forever so i am definitely watching our younger staff members sing who has leadership qualities and i know sarah does an excellent job so this is cassie she came in in the august auction and she's come a long ways she was really hard to catch when she got here and didn't like her feet being messed with but she'll come up to you in the pasture now we have put her first ride on her today will be her second ride so i like to take my time and let him know the saddle's coming do it on both sides i don't want them to be good on one side and terrible on the other yesterday we had her in the side barn and we threw the ball out and she was like wait you didn't give it to me huh it's okay to move away from it as long as you stop we've probably spent 12 sessions with her this will be her third time wearing a bit and she's learning very quickly [Music] so same with saddling she it's okay to move around as long as she stops eventually and then i'll release the pressure [Music] so so this is cassie she's done really good she's been here almost three months i think and we've gotten her with two rides under saddle and a lot of desensitizing and groundwork so it's heyday again uh we got a nice load of hay for the horses and they're working on on unloading them right now patterson the vet's gonna come look at you today i promise he is come here oh you were wishing you hi i'm holding bad [Music] the girls are back from their trail ride and our adoption of partner is here to pick up a few horses good morning good morning how are you this morning ready for a nap oh that sounds like a really good idea how old are they this is copper he came in through the auction last week a grazing grace is able to finish out his rehab and re-home him so we're very excited that they are willing to do that for him he's got a lot of hair he's got some down here too [Music] all right you want to sign that and then today's date is the fourth oh yeah [Music] so we just got 139 panels uh to finish out some of the fencing uh that we need to do down here to make it so that the horses are more secure and we don't have to worry about replacing fences as much this is ping he's 15 years old and we're going to evaluate him right now [Music] i should teach him that you tap right here and he drops his head that'd be nice you pick your head up you pick me up [Music] ping's done really good we finished his evaluation and are very happy with him that camp y'all we look at that kid yeah he's having gi problems are you using the side-by-side we're going up to quarantine to recheck the horses that came in from the auction last month so this is apollo he had a really bad cough and snotty nose this morning we could give him a big dose of exceed or we could give him some jennison for a day or two and see how he did this is mercy she's two years old she's gained 120 pounds in a week i think she looks pretty good yeah a little rough we'll get it succeed this is very typical what we see when we rescue horses from auction is typically a week afterwards we're seeing some pretty rough illnesses so you're not playing games on your phone nope talking to the producer of horse rescue heroes [Music] his lungs sound pretty good but he's starting to have a little trouble breathing [Music] we actually [Music] so that's it that's it it's not dark yet well that's all i got for you we had fun today anyway well thanks for coming out and listening to everybody's lungs most of them sounded good all this cold weather isn't gonna do anybody any good yeah changing we just need a good cold rain i don't like nothing cold
Channel: Horse Plus Humane Society
Views: 85,721
Rating: 4.9435711 out of 5
Id: DQ7groFUnDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 05 2020
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