Horrifying Youtuber Situation

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just when you thought you'd finally seen all of the degeneracy disgusting YouTubers could ever cook up in their cursed kitchen you get jump scared by a new outrageous heinous act committed by a YouTuber in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn there's always a bigger fish and in this case that fish is evil there is a new evil action that a YouTuber just proudly engaged in that I just learned about today this comes from the True Crime Community this comes from a YouTuber named zavgirl who charged people on patreon for access to autopsy photos of a murdered 11 year old boy that is some morally demented [ __ ] right there that would have a demon cringing now zavgirl is refuting some of these claims and even released her own apology video explaining her side of the situation just a quick side note apology videos have become 2023's Harlem shake this is a massive flood of apology videos that we've gotten in just like the last month if YouTuber apologies were a stock option and you invested back in January of this year you'd be a millionaire by now it is crazy just how often this is happening now her apology video might not feature a ukulele but it's still just as shitty but before really diving into that I want to give a general overview of the situation zavgirl is a true crime YouTuber and she had just recently dove into the case of an 11 year old boy named Ganon who was brutally murdered by his stepmother Leticia stouch and it is just unbelievably disturbing the mother is on trial now which I imagine is why zav girl wanted to start talking about it since it's now unfolding in court I don't really want to get into the specifics of the case basically the stepmother tortured the son stabbed them a ton of times shot him in the head and then stuffed his corpse into a suitcase and started to pretend like he was missing so she told the authorities all kinds of different stories like he didn't come home after going to a friend's house then she even came up with some kind of [ __ ] wild narrative about how someone that was fixing her carpet ended up raping her and then abducting the child so she she got caught lying a ton of times eventually investigators found blood on her shoes and in her car as well as in gannon's room and then her DNA on a gun that was linked to ganon's death so they caught her and realized that she was responsible for gannon's murder so zav girl followed the Leticia stouch case and said that she had recently made an official records request which is something I didn't even know you could do was just like an average Joe schmoe I had no [ __ ] clue that any goofball goober could just ask and get sensitive files like she received I I guess I'm just very naive to what you're able to ask for but I feel like those kind of things should only be made accessible to the victim's family as well as like official sources not just YouTubers but that I mean that's just me I guess speaking as a goddamn Neanderthal who I guess doesn't understand how things work here that was the surprising but she said that she had made an official records request and then received all of these documents which she posted on her patreon I'll go ahead and play this clip from her apology video where she tries to explain that this is a little misleading she wasn't just charging for autopsy photos she was actually charging for everything which included autopsy photos I have followed the Leticia Stout case closely and it was actually during the trial that I made the official records request and it was in El Paso County Colorado I requested all the video audio and written records I made no request for autopsy photos I wanted all trial records but my main interest were interviews with Leticia the autopsy photos just happened to be in the files not exactly the slam dunk you think it is here you still did charge for all of this sensitive information which does include the autopsy photographs as you mentioned I'll be extremely charitable here I'll I'll really throw you a bone and assume you're telling the truth that you didn't specifically seek out autopsy photos you still got them and you still publish them and you still charged for them on your patreon they were a component of what you were charging your audience for you legitimately set up basically a booth in your patreon where you could go in and look at photos of a dead child and learn everything that happened to him with the murder how do you not recognize how incredibly [ __ ] up that is that is bafflingly evil I understand desensitization is a real thing right doctors get desensitized to gore and blood Gamers get desensitized to being insulted in video games over Xbox Live I get it but I just don't understand how someone could ever reach the point where they're desensitized to the brutal murder of a child and so desensitized in fact that you're going to charge people access to it other depraved [ __ ] people that for some reason want to pay money to see photos of a dead child so again even if your primary goal wasn't to get autopsy photographs you did receive them you did publish them and you charged an admission fee for people to look at them you were making money off of showing people someone's dead child how can you not recognize the complete absence of humanity and complete lack of empathy she was also just giddy with excitement that she had her hands on all this in the first place here's a community post that she hasn't deleted and I think she has deleted other ones but I'll get to that in a moment but she said hey you all so I got a bunch of Leticia stouch Case Files I'm going to be releasing so there's some new videos and info and also some videos they played in court but the quality wasn't the best so of The Originals where it's not a recording of a crooked TV screen at all so if you're interested keep your eyes out for my videos I'm gonna get them out as fast as I can there's some that might take me longer because for instance all the text messages I like to read them for you so those will take me some time but I'm gonna try to get them out as soon as I can just a quick side note she sucks [ __ ] it writing I guess she just doesn't believe in grammar there wasn't a single comma to be had in this entire statement it made it very difficult to read it was just one long random vomited evil thought that she put on the community tab here with random capitalization of random words I guess you know her Pinky gets really excited and just slaps the shift key down mid-sentence sometimes to capitalize a random [ __ ] word but anyway you can see the excitement here in this post she is elated celebrating like it's Christmas now that she has these records because she's going to get a lot of content out of the records for her patreon and for her YouTube audience as well she was [ __ ] roaring to go and then she did and she faced backlash even from her own community so in the article I read about this situation they referenced some of her community posts that I can no longer find I don't know if they were deleted so I just wanted to put that out there that these are no longer on her Channel but according to this article she addressed the criticism in a lengthy statement saying the reality of the situation is that different people feel differently about this some people genuinely think making a video including the autopsy photos is bad and I respect their opinion and feelings other people like myself think of autopsy photos and the coroner discussing explaining them as interesting and informative and are able to view it all in a more scientific detached way it's just one of those things where it depends on the person hey zav girl let me hit you with some cold water real quick if you're the kind of person that looks at photos of a dead child and goes over the details on how they were brutally tortured and murdered and think to yourself this is good content this content's a [ __ ] Banger this is going on patreon right now I'm gonna get [ __ ] paid for this [ __ ] let's go then you're a bad person that's the kind of person you are you are an evil piece of [ __ ] person is what you are this isn't like some kind of debatable position this isn't a hot take for me I don't know how she even thinks that there is a large number of people that think like her where oh we actually just look at photos of dead murdered children in a scientific analytical way as uh we could learn from this like oh look at that stabbed a thousand times this is very interesting I'm giving that an updute and here's five dollars thanks for showing me this that's not common she literally dropped the I'm sorry you feel that way over this whole situation in her community tab I guess that blows my mind that blows my mind and this is something I've always wondered about from the True Crimes Community if there's ever any actual empathy for victims from channels like hers I know that there are some true crime Productions that actually aim to do good by trying to solve cold cases and I think there is like a legitimate effort to do something there that's more than just exploitative whereas what zavgirl does here is legitimately just exploitative she is trying to capitalize off the trauma of this family and make money from it for her True Crime Channel it it I I actually don't know how she sleeps at night according to the article the community post continued and it went into her denying that the autopsy footage that she distributed showed genitalia she said I understand some of you have issues with me charging money on my patreon for the video if I was charging money for the autopsy files alone or something like that I think I'd see your point but in this case I spent a lot of time and worked hard putting together a video lining up the corners audio and descriptions along with the appropriate part of the photos she is describing and editing it to editing it together to try and make it as informative as possible for the viewer that's what I'm charging for which I would hope you can agree is understandable as I have girl I don't agree it's not understandable I completely disagree basically what you're describing here is you made an autopsy photo montage where you synced up the photos of a murdered child's body with the coroner's explanation on how they were murdered and died what the [ __ ] is wrong with you like I don't know why you think that that's effort worthy of compensation or why you think that what you did is a good thing this isn't informative by any means you're not like a documentary filmmaker that's paying respect to the victims families or anything like that these are the most disrespectful [ __ ] ever like like this is beyond reprehensible if you were aiming to create an informative video about the situation why do you need the photos to accompany it you could just have the coroner's explanation of it you don't need the photos there clearly the reason you had them there is because you knew people would maybe pay for morbid curiosity to see a murdered child because there are some sick [ __ ] in the world that was clearly the intention behind having the photos there like there's no other argument you can make for it because again if you wanted to just make a piece of content That was supposed to outline the horrors of this case you could do that without showcasing the child's body like that's basic common sense but I want to make it clear even if you never publish the autopsy photos I still think what you did was exploitative and disrespectful to the victim and victims family what you did here is not just provide details to a case to try and educate people on something horrible that happened or anything you turned this case into a spectacle for your community to like give you Impressions and engagement on the goal of what you did here does not seem to be information or anything like that the goal from you seems to have tried to be like a piece of entertainment about it which is so [ __ ] up I didn't think any of the images were new these photos were already public although the video I put together with the Corner's voice was my own creation I chose to put the video on patreon because the sensitive nature of the evidence putting the evidence behind a paywall meant added security and I naively thought they wouldn't be made public well that was certainly a dumb thing to listen to putting it on patreon is still making the information public you took private information and you published it on patreon a paywall does not mean that it's still private it is easily accessible to anyone that wants to Fork over a few doubloons to access it thus the information is no longer private the video I created with a voice from the corner wasn't meant to be shared outside of patreon and I chose not to put the photos on YouTube a public forum where the views would have allowed me to make more money and the photos would be seen by more people well you're such a saint what an angel she took a pay cut by only posting the murdered child autopsy photos on patreon behind a AWOL there instead of posting it on YouTube which I don't think you could even do on YouTube to begin with what like what the [ __ ] what are you talking about here because the video was placed behind a paywall rumors about the images not being blurred or being different than what was shown in trial started to surface no photos shows genitalia I have made no jokes about the photos I don't even cuss on my channel and I would never allow derogatory remarks about a victim I realize my intentions were not communicated well this is deflecting it's not your intentions that people were questioning the entire Act of what you did here is a problem it is disgusting what you did it has nothing to do with your motivation behind doing it the fact you did it at all is the problem there's no intention that justifies it there just isn't there isn't an argument you can make that will in any way shape or form make it seem reasonable to have published the autopsy photos in any capacity or made all of those private documents accessible through anyone that pays directly to you for the information and again even if you did make all of this publicly accessible without a paywall releasing all of this kind of [ __ ] the autopsy photos Corner stuff all of that I still think it is exploitative because you are capitalizing off of it I still think there wasn't really a good explanation for anything you did in this whole situation so it has nothing to do with your [ __ ] intentions there there is nothing you could have done that would have made this understandable in any capacity so yeah she then goes on to say that her patreon did get shut down for it which sounds about right that makes a lot of sense considering what she posted on there and uh yeah that's kind of the whole situation in a nutshell that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 5,296,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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