Beloved Youtuber Exposed As A Predator

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today we're talking about a serious topic that I'm shocked hasn't become a bigger story right now the only YouTuber that's covered it is some ordinary gamers mudahar shout out to mudahar he's a sweet special little angel a butterfly with a heart of gold and he's been talking about this story or talked about it yesterday and it's been ongoing for a little while now it involves a beloved YouTuber that I was personally a fan of even made a video on him a long time ago and a YouTuber that I'm sure many of you have probably heard of before feature man his channel used to have nearly 450 000 subscribers but he's been losing a good handful of them now due to the story that's come out and he's also deleted a ton of his videos he's purged this whole Channel burnt down his own Library of Alexandria here so a lot of his biggest content no longer exists but you probably remember him from going viral a few times for how to eat a watermelon for example where he kind of became this wacky watermelon old guy he really broke the Magician's Code with that video he opened everyone's third eye to the truth the optimal way of attacking a watermelon and consuming it and his whole Channel had always existed in this limbo this fabric between Dimensions between Realms of is it satirical or is this guy serious he's an older gentleman and people are wondering is he geriatric is he senile because his recipes and that was the main pulk of his content was like goofy recipes were always unhinged like digging out a hole in a watermelon and dumping [ __ ] onion powder and a shoelace in it and being like Yep this is this is a good watermelon recipe or a [ __ ] pack of Vienna sausages and then putting mustard on it and then slamming it in between five pieces of bread and then putting sprinkles like all kinds of crazy [ __ ] really and for a long time he cultivated an audience where they were laughing along with him but now nobody's laughing after a series of Investigations conducted by the community revealed a very very [ __ ] up past it turns out he's not some innocent wholesome octogenarian just posting YouTube videos and he's a good Saint or anything he's actually just evil he uh in the past was facing three consecutive life in prison charges due to Infamous crimes against nature for his sexual contact with minors and after this information came to light feature man himself even posted a video which he has now deleted where he kind of tackled all of it head on while tiptoeing around the actual specifics of the case I'll play some clips from that for you real quick and I highly recommend watching mudahar's video on this whole thing because he goes very in depth going through the actual court documents as well as the newspaper clippings that the community is all put together I'm just going to be giving you like a general breakdown of this whole situation it's [ __ ] rough about 1977 I became involved with the court system once again I was arrested I was arrested I was tried I was convicted by a jury and I was sentenced and the sentence was life in prison and the sentence was life in prison and the sentence was life in prison three three life's in prison knowing what I know now about this man I can't even listen to him without getting the heebie-jeebies the way he's talking here sounds like Palpatine when he's going over the Darth Plagueis the Wise story to Anakin mini abilities deemed unnatural like it's [ __ ] terrifying especially given what he has done so this is him kind of laying out the foundation that he received these three life imprisoned charges and he maintains that it was a complete corrupt law this Infamous crimes against nature law for which he was tried and found guilty of was a whole bunch of baloney it was all [ __ ] dirty Barnacles and foul play uh the supposed victim you know it was never a minor over 18 He makes sure to specify and without getting into details I will say that there was a trial and the witness against me and he was over 18 years of age the witness against me admitted on the witness stand that he was lying Darth Sidious is doing his best to placate and omit important details he tries to talk about this Infamous crimes against nature law as if the reason he fell victim to it is because it was just completely [ __ ] up right so he's trying to say like back during the time that this happened which was like 45 years ago now this law was used as just like an anything goes they were real loosey-goosey with it if it wasn't a relationship between a man and a woman they could slap you with the infamous crimes against nature law and he tries to present this law as if it was this Boogeyman that he himself was on the front lines of Justice fighting against he mentions multiple times that he had the help to have the law changed around but he makes it sound like you know it was just completely wild west of law enforcement here you know if you you kissed your body pillow that had a waifu on it you would have went right to jail under the infamous crimes against nature law if you are a furry they would have thrown you right in the slammer under this law this and that and he's trying to make it seem like because his situation wasn't a man and a woman that's why he stood trial for his crimes he fails to mention that even though it wasn't a man and a woman that's not the problem it was because it was him and a child but he's trying to make it seem like it was because they didn't tolerate gay people they were homophobic and that's what the law was used that's why they used that law against him he just continues to omit the fact that it was a minor him saying that the witness was 18 years old is extremely misleading because while the witness may have been 18 at the time of that trial he was not 18 when he was a victim of Tom he was a minor this happened years later when he was on trial and was 18 but when the actual yucky events happened he was a child so Tom in this entire video here tries to play himself off as a victim but also narcissistic in that he celebrates his victory over this whole case and how he gets off with barely even a [ __ ] slap on the wrist for all of it it's [ __ ] sickening like at the end of the day obviously this isn't an interaction between a man or a woman but it's also not an interaction between a legally aged man and another legally aged man again reading the court documents it involves a minor reading the news clippings it involves a minor well under the age of 18. why not include that into the situation again without getting into details I can see why he wouldn't get into details because there is no actual defense this boy to a room to introduce him to the guitar a musical instrument but the session ended in the First Act of oral copulation so again it only says the first of several acts it wasn't just one it was multiple now I bet you're wondering how he was able to weasel his way out of this sentencing three life sentences that's not exactly Small Potatoes by any means there that's not like uh you wouldn't download a car situation where you're pirating John Wick 2 or whatever this was very big and he was able to wiggle his way out due to a [ __ ] technicality one that I still don't fully understand how he was able to pull off even after watching mudahar's video and reading into it myself I still don't quite understand how he was able to get away with such a slap on the wrist in light of all of these charges in the sentencing I'm still a little confuttled by that so I encourage you to look into this case if you were once a fan of feature man as well I'm not going to even bother trying to tackle exactly how the technicality works that got him out of this extreme sentence that he was facing but one thing is very clear Tom shows absolutely no remorse for any of this he also seems to have a very um favorable view of himself where he's almost like a hero who fought against an archaic law that was used against him unjustly while never revealing to his audience that the victims here were miners he he continues to skirt around that fact and it's [ __ ] gross so yeah like I mentioned I did like feature man's content I I didn't watch like every single upload but I did watch a good handful of them I guess I'd even made a video on him a long time ago and this was an absolutely wild development here this would have been like learning Mr Rogers was secretly selling heroin to kids I I just couldn't believe this when I saw mudahar posted the video and now I'm just disgusted by this guy so yeah I just wanted to talk about it a little bit that's about it so yep
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,552,208
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: lPuGv91J2K4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 28 2023
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