This Horrible Show is Finally Over

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today the world gets a little bit brighter because the idol is finally over and boy howdy I tell you the season finale is something special an unbelievable disaster this series is only five episodes long but it delivers cringe that will last a lifetime five episodes and it feels like you get about as much story as reading five seconds of a Tumblr erotic fanfic there is nothing of substance here no message to be delivered and the final episode is downright insulting I think this season is up there with Game of Thrones season 8 in terms of how much of a [ __ ] catastrophe it is the final episode here is an actual speed run to just in the show as quickly as possible because I guess the director Sam Levinson had already busted his nut and was just kind of done with the property I'll dive into the meatballs of this spaghetti in just a moment with the finale here but I just want to say I am convinced now that my theory is correct I believed that this whole show only existed because Sam Levinson is a sexual degenerate who made this show for his own pleasure and the finale kind of confirms my hypothesis the finale basically just ends abruptly without bothering to finish any plot lines or have a sensical conclusion whatsoever again I'll get into it in a moment but I honestly can't think of any other reason for this Show's existence other than Sam Levinson having something to play the skin flute too like there is nothing of value here and legitimately everything in this show is sexual there is not a single scene that goes by where Lily Rose Depp's character Jocelyn doesn't have her titties out even something as simple as going to the store looking for clothes has her with her ass cheeks clapping in the wind and nipple boobies just [ __ ] flopping around and then eventually getting raw dogged in the dressing room moaning for the entire store to hear there is not a moment that goes by in this show that isn't just soft core pornography it's it's baffling it doesn't have a message and it's not just Jocelyn but she's the main character and Sam uses her like just a portal to The Honkers domain mention even though she is actually an interesting character that could have had a really interesting story told about her instead Sam just decided to focus on making the whole show just a countdown till her melons pop out that's it it is very much a show that seems to be only about the sex and nothing else and also making the week into clown I have a conspiracy theory that I think Sam Levinson secretly hates the weekend and convinced him to take this role just so people would make fun of him for it so they wrote the goofiest most over-the-top embarrassing character ever and Sam convinced the weekend that it was a good idea because I I don't understand how he even signed up for this role it is genuinely embarrassing the idol is one of those rare circumstances where it doesn't have a single fan pretty much everything ever will at least have a couple of people pumping their fists defending it from people that didn't like it but not the idol the only group of people I've seen defending the idol are actual porn addicted coomers and not much else and them ejaculating over the show I wouldn't exactly call a great defense for the show being good and that's really it and I understand why like that's the only people stepping forward to go to bat for the show because that's really all the show is it really does kind of boil down to well looked like it was just softcore pornography after all and there was no real story here this is one of just the very exceptionally rare circumstances where pretty much everyone comes together to dislike the same thing equally so I guess the idol Works in that regard it's like a unifying moment for everyone on the planet to laugh at this [ __ ] abomination but now let's get into the finale so I've made a video going over pretty much everything up till this point so I'm not just going to recap everything but let's just look at the finale and all of the sins that it commits it pretty much just changes everything and abandons every plot point that it's built up over the season not that there's very many of those to begin with but they do like a six weeks into the future thing and every single character is completely different now everything has changed and they just kind of fill you in a little bit on what's happened which I think is always such a lazy cop-out but I'm getting ahead of myself between episodes four and five we saw that Jocelyn [ __ ] her ex to get back at Tedros for manipulating her that was her ultimate revenge and Tedros was outside of her room drinking and crying listening to her cheeks get clapped so that's kind of where episode 4 wrapped up and episode 5 picks up with him in like a Coke induced trance he's basically just a [ __ ] lobotomite wandering around like short circuiting because he's on so much coke and so goddamn loaded but and eventually he hatched a plan where Xander took a picture of Rob with one of tedros's uh girls in the cult and then posted a story that Rob had raped her so episode 5 starts off with Jocelyn's best friend learning that Rob is being accused of rape because Xander framed Rob for Tedros and Jocelyn figures this out and tries kicking Tedros out of the house she's very mad she she keeps trying to get him out of the house because she's been manipulated and she's had a complete 180 on everything here she's finally seeing the truth so she wants him out but she doesn't get mad at Xander who legitimately did this like he well he was just a marionette on the strings for the Puppet Master Tetris to control Xander still knew full well what the plan was to get rob you know out of the picture here for Tedros and accused him of rape which cost them his entire career and for some reason Jocelyn doesn't care about Xander doing that in fact Jocelyn still makes Xander one of the headline opening acts for her which is an interesting play from the Chess Master Jocelyn here but episode 5 basically is a completely different person than the entire Series has ever shown us and it happens like that like all of a sudden they just wrote a totally different character and just put Jocelyn's name on it because now she all of a sudden she's taken control and she's kicking Tedros out which is good like you know it's about time she's she's opened up to the scam and hates Tedros getting Tetris out of there but she's taking all of tedros's extremely talented um singers and putting them in her show but then there's like this half the episode is spent with all of those singers performing and it goes on for way too [ __ ] long they're performing in front of all the music video or music industry Executives and they're like oh this is mind-blowing I've never heard someone sing notes like that oh I'm like God this is the Lord has come down and blessed us for this performance you're all hired we're we're doing it big baby and that's like half the episode so it drags on for so so so long but during these performances there's a scene where the older lady is talking to Tedros and she's like I know Jocelyn didn't do this this is you Tedros didn't you and she's like [ __ ] slap him away because he's Fading Into The Shadow realm from being so high and he's like yeah I know this was me and she's like okay well you and I need to work together because this is this is real talent you found them and then actually three minutes later she just [ __ ] hates Tedros she's like yeah he's such a [ __ ] weird loser tedro sucks and then helps to ruin his entire life because he is a bad guy eventually the once Jocelyn gives them the okay they run a big piece exposing Tedros as like a former pimp who went to jail for a lot of heinous [ __ ] and that lady who actually three minutes ago wanted to help Tedros and work with tedro so not Jocelyn apparently was integral to helping that come to play why and how this is what I'm saying they set up these things in this in the episode too and then just forget that it ever happened and pretend that it never did like it doesn't follow any plot lines to its conclusion it just leaves them and forgets another one Jocelyn's best friend has been hyping up or has been hyped up across the entire series as the only person seeing through tedros's scam seeing him for the evil person that he is and in this episode she she's happy to see Jocelyn finally learning that too but she still kind of gets left in the left in the Dust by Jocelyn who doesn't really like communicate super well with her and she just leaves and she's never heard from again like they don't even like address what happens she just vanishes and like out of nowhere she leaves a note on Jocelyn's bed and unless I've been like neuralized by the Men in Black they never even show what the note was or even hint at what it could be she just is gone like actually just left this corporeal Dimension out of nowhere without doing anything so her entire existence in the show was meaningless she did nothing by the end nothing that she did contributed to anything it's it's actually just shocking like me explaining this episode sounds like the ravings of a Mad lunatic but this is actually how the episode plays out it is nonsensical convoluted messy stinky repulsive like it's awful everything that could go wrong with a single finale went wrong with this one it's an absolute Disaster by all definitions it just really feels like Sam was in his refractory period post-nut Clarity he's like damn I really didn't make a good show here let's just end it because originally this show was pitched this six episodes but then they like cut it down to 5 five I guess and then are trying to pretend like no that never happened that's the Mandela effect it's always been five episodes and it's like no shot I just watched the finale and there's no way you meant for it to be five episodes because it feels like an entire episode is missing there is so much development that must have happened off screen in between these like [ __ ] fever dream cuts of an episode like there had to be something that explained it something that developed the characters there at some point and it's not here so they like Loosely cut together something that resembled a plot but not really it's [ __ ] terrible you remember how I mentioned in like episode two or like where the backup dancer for Jocelyn was stabbing her in the back the music industry executives are like Jocelyn's backup dancer can sing and dance really well let's give her Jocelyn song since Jocelyn's going through such a weird period in her life and they were hyping that up like it was going to be the biggest plot Point like oh my God she's now getting betrayed by people that she thought she could trust and it turns out that that lady is working with tedro us what's going to come from this spoiler alert [ __ ] nothing in this finale they sit that girl down again they say hey we changed our mind you can't have Jocelyn's song anymore and then they send her on her way they just say scram get out of here it's it's like actually a one minute scene maybe five sentences and that's it they just wrote that entire thing out and you never see that character again for the rest of the episode it even had the gall to try and be deep for a moment where Tetris gets pulled aside by Jocelyn's manager and he's telling the story of Little Red Riding Hood and they're doing like cuts to Jocelyn like she's Little Red Riding Hood and he's like do you know what happened to the big bad wolf he got [ __ ] gutted by the Hunter and I'm the Hunter and then then he like tries to pay him off to get out of Jocelyn's life which Tedros doesn't accept so then they print the piece about how he's a pimp and a horrible person which ruins his entire life basically and then Jocelyn goes to her tour six weeks weeks later because they do a time Jump and she's wearing a red hood thus going forward with the Little Red Riding Hood story that her manager told earlier but it's so goofy and pretentious because that story had no bearing on anything like it didn't actually make any sense in the context of the show it tried so hard to be deep and I can already just picture the the think tank at the idol HQ the writing room filled with cigar smoke and [ __ ] soiled trousers from constantly ejaculating about the amount of sex that they're writing in the show and they're like we need something real profound real deep they hit another line what about Little Red Riding Hood genius oh my God Sam genius print it write it down quick quick but it doesn't work it doesn't make sense in the show at all it's it falls so flat it's like they really thought that this would be like a statement piece like the idol would be remembered for this Little Red Riding Hood moment but all it was was so laughably pathetic so pathetic but by far the biggest crime the finale commits is its last 10 minutes the last 10 minutes have to be some of the worst in all of televised history so basically tetris's career gets ruined right so everything gets shut down they they expose him for being a pimp and holding a woman hostage going to prison for six years for awful crimes and then Jocelyn's on tour she's about to perform and tedro shows up at the ticket booth asking if he has any tickets not really expecting much because Jocelyn you know said [ __ ] you get out of my life I hate you we're done but he still decided just to try and it turns out Jocelyn did leave him tickets so Tedros takes the tickets goes to see Jocelyn in the dressing room and then as she's you know taken back control now she's the authority figure and this is supposed to show the development how she's no longer like you know a puppet or putty in the hands of Tedros but it actually still feels like that's the same thing because she can't live without him which she makes pretty clear he is the love of her life and she makes that very clear to him so it seems like the power was still on tetris's side so they didn't even tell the story of Jocelyn getting out from a manipulative abusive situation and getting out of a [ __ ] cult it had her going right back in the very end and it even had an a deplorable scene where Tedros picks up the hairbrush that Jocelyn talked about her mom abusing her with there was a very you know uncomfortable scene from like episode three where she opens up about how her mom used to abuse her and you know in order to push her to make the best possible music and Tetris was like give me that hair brush and then he starts beating the [ __ ] out of her with the hairbrush to try and help her realize her potential so Tetris is in the dressing room here in the finale he sees that brush he's like this is the hairbrush your mom abused you with right and she says yeah and then he turns it over he's like but it's new and then she just looks at him back in the mirror I'm not even making that up that's a real scene here and then she goes on stage and or all of the music execs are celebrating like Tedros is finally out of the picture this awful person is finally gone and Jocelyn goes on stage and says tedro's come out here and then she just makes out with them in front of the entire Stadium who now knows that this guy is a pimp uh like all kinds of horrible things about him and calls him the love of her life and that he's hers forever and then instructs him just to go watch backstage I couldn't have envisioned a worse ending for this show I I mean that it accomplishes nothing it doesn't deliver any message at all and in fact the only semblance of a message that it does deliver is a very disgusting one Jocelyn never breaks free from the Mind Control spell of Tedros she is still under the under the complete control of the sexual Shaman here where she can't live without him and he is still legitimately a horrible person who from the very beginning was manipulating her and she still invites him openly back into her life to share the spotlight with her it's just baffling if they wanted to write it where it's like a complete flip where Jocelyn's the one in control now then they really missed the mark like dreadfully she did have a moment where like she is the authority figure and kicks Tedros out but then they don't commit to it and just bring Tedros back like and he hasn't changed there is no development for Tedros from the very beginning he hasn't [ __ ] changed at all as a character it's it's so weird and I haven't even covered all of it this is probably only half of like the plot points that don't make any sense or the plot lines that they just forgot about or abandoned it's just truly awful the idol is without a doubt one of the worst shows they've ever really made and and I know that's like a big claim to make but I'm talking on a big budget scale of course there's like you know really low budget [ __ ] that just gets you know vomited out on like a directed DVD you know Season or on some TV channel like CW pumps out awful seasons of [ __ ] all the time but as far as big budget and like big name shows go I think this is the worst five episodes of nothing worthwhile at all nothing even remotely coming close to even resembling something of value it's horrible the only audience that could ever really appreciate it is just people that are there to watch porn basically that's it that's that's the whole show it's so bad but yeah I mean I finished it the season's over which is nice now we don't have any more of the idol which is a good thing I I don't think they're getting a season two that's for damn sure but yeah anyway just wanted to kind of just you know for my for my own sanity just rant and vent about what I just watched here that's really about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 3,154,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: VekFPpst13s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 1sec (1081 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 03 2023
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