Creepiest Guy I've Ever Seen

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if I was to ever do a tier list of creepy guys on the internet the guy I'm about to show you would be the undeniable top-tier Triple S super smoking style creep God the individual you're about to see almost makes that guy that was sending Pig carcasses to the co-worker he loved seem sane I know I've called one other person in a video the creepiest guy ever but the man I'm about to show you today I think is far more Disturbed so much so that I'm actually somewhat concerned for the safety of the people around him I'm sure you've seen this video floating around right now because it's going viral and for good reason it is scary the Cracker Barrel and I was going to play a song for a woman that I kind of like and I got there and she saw me and she immediately pulled away and uh I I wasn't forcing her to listen or anything you know I just wanted to play the song for her you know give her her own choice if she wanted to be with me now I'll quickly bring you up to speed on what's happening right now with the lore so the cops are there because the guy called them I believe so he's a Kaioken times 10 weirdo he called the cops because he wanted to report this girl's dad a girl that he chased around while playing his music to try and win her love and his music is downright horrifying it sounds like five trash cans being violently slammed together while someone's getting murdered in an Alleyway for the vocals I have been so deep in this Rabbit Hole learning about this man it's been like an episode of Mike Rose Dirty Jobs just Gathering all this information I'm gonna play you just a quick snippet from one of his tracks [Music] the voice of an angel I can't believe this plan didn't work it's so romantic it sounds straight out of a Disney film he also keeps saying he was giving her a choice to listen to his music and fall in love with him even though there's no choice here because he was stalking her and chasing her playing this over his [ __ ] Boombox I guess but anyway she was so frightened that she ended up calling her dad and her dad got in contact with him and said some mean things to him so the guy then called the cops on the dad hoping to like get him arrested or file something against him you know does she know you yeah I worked with her there for like five six months did you have a relationship no we were talking a little bit but it never really got serious okay but anyways I pulled up there and I was in the other parking lot and I saw her get in her car and I was like oh shoot it's my moments I pulled up there next church and pulled away from me and uh so I chased her a little bit just because I'm I don't know women are crazy like I felt like she like wanted me chasing somebody's crazy well it's just like I only went like a couple blocks down the street God it's so sad that women can appreciate a good nice guy like this women are so weird how can they not appreciate a complete psychopath chasing them around for a few blocks while blaring music that sounds like the soundtrack to a slaughterhouse just saying don't you think chasing somebody's crazy when they when they obviously don't want to oh I have my song playing and I wanted to like her to hear it maybe right so what else happened let's get him lack of remorse and disconnection from reality is startling oh no it's not weird like I'm not weird like what are you why are you trying to say that I'm the crazy one for chasing her I had my song playing oh did I forget to mention that my song was playing so now everything's Justified like I wanted her to hear it so she'd have a choice to fall in love with me obviously her father called me up and he made some threats to me into my life and so I just want to have his name on file all right I think he said he's gonna stab me like but he's like cussing at me he said he says I'm gonna do something to you I swear I do something to you for chasing your daughter yeah but it wasn't chasing it was like going down a couple streets like that's like fun to women like women like that a little bit of excitement [ __ ] unhinged Logic No I wasn't chasing her it was like minor stalking you know that's nothing women love to be stalked like it's fun to them it's exciting God what an absolute lunatic so yeah the dad calls apparently made threats against them because I'm assuming his daughter called him in a panic like holy [ __ ] this guy's coming after me and I'm [ __ ] horrified so the dad is trying his best to like stop anything bad from happening so I'm sure the dad in this like passionate moment's like leave her the [ __ ] alone or I'm gonna do something about it I'll give you a knuckle sandwich Why I oughta I don't think there's anything wrong with that at all to try and protect his daughter keep her safe doing what he can from a distance like get the [ __ ] away from her you creep foreign ER I'd probably tell you the same thing what about like BDS and porn where women like to have great fantasies well apparently this girl does well who knows what most women do like having rape fantasies it took us only about a minute for him to start mentioning rape after talking about stalking and you know downplaying how stalking's not a big deal immediately brings it to BDSM and rape fantasies from [ __ ] out of nowhere oh you're gonna call me crazy for chasing her well what about rape you know there's the rape fantasy is important what about that and then he has the gall the hutzpah to say most women have a rape fantasy it's blowing my mind here this guy's thought process [ __ ] crazy I'm also 100 sure he's never had an actual conversation with a woman when he mentioned at the beginning they were kind of talking I imagine it's because they were co-workers and she said like hi to him occasionally or like while they were working were like hey need to do this and that to him was like meaningful interaction with a human female this is like a scary individual his brain immediately jumps to rape when confronted with his actions do you think he does I don't know but fairness you don't well what do you want us to do well I just want you to get his name on file just in case he does do anything to me I know his doctor's name what do you know his name I know her name I don't know his name he called me from a restricted phone number okay here's my suggestion leave her alone a great suggestion from the officer here superb just get the [ __ ] away from her leave her alone solves all the issues here Case Closed didn't even need Dr Phil on this one to get to the bottom of it the solution was obvious just get away from her well this is one song I made and this was the final chance of it's gonna happen here advice it's over leave her alone okay fathers will hurt you over their daughters yeah but that's the thing is she needs to have her own free will man you do not understand I'm a man myself bro and I need myself she's choosing her Free Will by telling her Daddy what happened to you and I'm telling you stay away from her because he will hurt you probably she's being controlled by him for some reason he's so delusional he keeps thinking that she doesn't have her own authority to make her own choices yet keep saying she needs her own free will she had her own free will by running away from you by like being scared of you running away and then telling your dad that is her making choices to try and protect herself from you because you are the threat you're the [ __ ] danger that's knocking on her door and she is responding with her own free will of getting the [ __ ] away from you as fast and efficiently as possible it's just such a scary thought process because in his mind he's totally justified in everything that happens here and it's all normal to him and the fact that she's not in love with him right now not in his arms in his bed is because her dad is forcing her to make choices to split the two apart it's not her making those choices because he's perfect the guy AI with his music his mixtape that sounds like five [ __ ] squirrels being blown to Pieces he thinks his music's the best and he's the best man in the world so there's no way she is choosing on her own free will to not be with him that is a dangerous thought process that's fine that's fine that's her choice right free choice Free Will I think she should go do porn okay it's legal you need to leave well we're not doing anything you need I'm having discussion on it I'm having a discussion until you leave I actually appreciate how the officer handles this situation here he's not giving this guy an end she is fighting him on every point he tries to make not that any of his points have any logical basis whatsoever or any sound reasoning but I like that the officer is pushing back on everything and he crosses the line when he says she should do porn where does that even come from like everything this guy is saying is a giant red flag and he needs legitimate help I was gonna let her make her own choice after the song She's by her choice and I just don't think she had a reasonable opportunity to make a choice because I'm gonna blow up and I'm gonna be a famous DJ and I'm going to be like how old is she he still really believes that because she didn't finish listening to his song she didn't have the right to say no she didn't have reasonable the basis for declining and rejecting him I suppose he believes he's gonna blow up and be a famous DJ or this and that thus she's making a huge mistake and needs to reconsider the choice and her dad's making her choose this it's [ __ ] terrifying oh [ __ ] you know what Lindsay's dad I hope you see this [ __ ] video now just like in the dark night we have the Joker turning the camera on himself here and we get to take a look at him and he really still believes everything he's done is Justified and that the girl and her dad are the villains here you know what happens when women don't ever you know come to terms with themselves the badge happens I don't know something um the cops want to deny and this right here I think should be taken very seriously this is not a mentally well person and this comes across as an actual threat against the safety of both the girl and her father here he's already shown that he has no problems stalking women and I really think this needs to be looked at seriously to make sure that he's not in a position to do harm to anyone around him it's just very concerning me trying to get her to be straight something is wrong about that I don't see why these traditional ass [ __ ] think they can speak [ __ ] whenever it's this woke belligerent LGBT [ __ ] that has her right now I just don't see it I'm older than your [ __ ] father that's how I feel right now yeah this rant's really going off the [ __ ] rails uh so apparently the girl isn't interested in men and his plan was to make her interested in men by giving her his love as well as letting her listen to his songs and when she still wasn't interested she blames the dad like the dad is the one that's made his daughter not like him and then says that he is older than her dad like it's it's so [ __ ] wild but it is all very concerning to listen to uh I just wanted to share this because I do think this is the creepiest guy I've seen online so far and I truly hope that everyone involved here is safe and hopefully this guy gets the help that he very much needs anyway that's about it see ya
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 6,764,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TjKoGrJ-FuY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 08 2022
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