Hooded Eyes Do's & Don'ts! ♡

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel and in today's video I'm going to be doing a hooded eyes do's and don't I have hooded eyes and I find extremely hard to find a look that really suits my eyes so in this video I'll be showing you some techniques and tips just to help you out before we start the left eye is going to be my bad eye and the right eye is going to be my good eye the first step that I have for you guys is not to extend your eyebrows downwards as you can see I'm extending my eyeball quite longer than my natural eyebrow when you exchange your eyebrow downwards it will make your eyes become more droopy er than it is so what you want to do is you just want to keep it more shorter than normal but not too short and this will just kind of help to uplift dry now I'm doing my right eyebrow and for this eyebrow I'm just really following at my natural brow shape so I'm not extending it at all and this will just help to uplift your eyes it may not look like that there is a big difference that is happening here but the littlest difference can go a long way so this is a difference of the brows next up I have another tip for you guys and it is not applying a brow bone highlight to the whole area underneath the brow applying the highlight to the whole brow bone area will help to attract the light onto the hood nose of your eyes to stop this from happening we can apply a brow bone highlight to just the edge of the brow what this is going to do is it's going to trick the light towards the arch of the brow not the whole of the brow bone forgetting to apply a base and blending into the wrong crease can really make a difference to your eyes so right here I'm just pointing to where my creases and I'm just taking a transition shade and applying that to that crease and you can see it where the lines are and my eyes also I'm taking no base or primer to my eyes for hooded eyes you really need a base or a primer to help your eyes because we don't want the eyeshadow transferring to the hood so to prevent everything from creasing and transferring I'm just taking Mac soft ochre Paint Pot Paint Pot also helps to conceal any darkness around my eyes and that's why I love using this product it's so good next time I'm just creating a fake crease by applying the transition shade into the top of the eye instead of the crease I'm also going to be taking the add shadow and elongating my eye and what this is going to do is it's going to uplift the eye applying the eyeshadow just above your crease just really helps to make the ice road be seen once you open your eyes the best thing for hundred eyes is to create depth in the crease to create depth what you want to do is you want to take a shade that is two to three shades darker than the transition shade and just apply that in the socket of the eye and this will just create more depth so depending of how Chris creates that really fake crease Flass hooded eyes and just mix our eyes a pinwheel larger I'm also taking the shade to digging up the other I just show you guys a difference between the socket and the crease to further deepen up the I what I'm doing is I'm just taking some eyeshadow and I'm just popping that on the outer V portions of my eyes this is going to create a cat eye to uplift our eyes while I'm blending the eyeshadow you can also see that I'm not going all the way into the inner corners of my eye we don't want to bring their shadows to the inner corners of the eye just because we want the eyes to be more open and awake here's the update of the eye so far the next step is just applying an eyeshadow on the mobalage this is pretty much a step where no one can get wrong so I'm just doing this on both of the eyes some people say not to use shimmer on the lid space but I'm using shimmer today and I think it looks fine on my eyes shape but I guess this just comes down to a personal preference of what you guys prefer the next step is not to apply winged liner on the eyes so pretty much what I'm doing here is I will clean that when I wanted cause I suck at one's liner and I'm just using a cotton bud to remove there kray-kray under my eye the reason why I don't normally apply one layer to my eyes as it's taped up most of the lid space as you can see right here so you're just left with a hook at the end and still that weakness it sort of 1 July know what you want to do is tight line your upper lash line and let's just gives the same effect as a wing to line our sort of but it just really makes your lash line appear more dramatic if you have hooded eyes I want to do a winged liner just go for it another tip is not to use a like black or brown eyeliner on the lower lash line just because it really closes up the eyes instead what you want to do is you want to apply like an eyeshadow or eyeliner to the bottom lash line only about like 1/3 or 2/3 and I just use this with a pencil brush to kind of smudge everything out and this just gives it a less harsh or appearance as you can see next up is not applying the right falsies for your eye shape so this one I have here has a roof thick lash band and it doesn't flow as in like goes from shortest to longest at one end and as a as natural looking whereas these ones that I have here they just flow more nicely and then more natural-looking as you can see they also have a small lash band so it doesn't cover their area of the lid and that is it for today's video you guys I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please give it a big thumbs up and also if you have any tips and tricks for hooded eyes just leave them in the comments below thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you on my next video bye
Channel: Melanie Brett
Views: 7,809,015
Rating: 4.911489 out of 5
Keywords: Hooded eyes, hooded eyes dos and don'ts
Id: RxTtqwWDgUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 48sec (408 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2015
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