Hooded eyes DO's and DON'Ts

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hey guys welcome back to my channel I know I look pretty crazy that's because we're doing a side-by-side comparison today I'm going to show you do's and don'ts for his eyes obviously you can see which side is which I'm sure this is the bad side this is the good side I wanted to film this for ages and I just never got around to doing it because I think there's so much stuff and I want to film and so little time I tried not to make it like ridiculous so I try to keep it realistic because I didn't want to like ridicule like the bad side I think this is actually something that I have seen people do so hopefully this is kind of realistic please not be offended if you do any of the bad stuff and I show you in this video because that's not what it's about I'm just trying to help you guys out and share what works for me after all it's all personal preference and I don't want to tell anyone what to do it's just me just showing you so a lot of people would put it I struggle with there I show and their liner but you know what you can do beautiful eyeshadow looks and feel liner as well I really hope this video can help you understand your eye shape a little bit better one thing I want you know my chest because I feel like it just needs to be said hooded eyes are not a problem you guys don't think of it as like something bad or something that's like causing you issues because it's just an eye shape and once you figure out how to work with your eye shape is not an issue at all anymore so a lot of comes like I wish I had more lid space and I hate my eyes and stuff I can totally relate to that because I know it's frustrating when you just can't get your eye shadow lips to look right at the same time don't think like that because you are born with your eye shade for a reason because you're special and you are who you are so try not to think like that try to embrace what you have and just learn how to work with it so we're going to hop right in I don't want to sit here and ramble til two hours because no one cares and let's get started so this is going to be my good is going to be my bad and the first step is actually really boring it's just primer this does make such a big difference especially if you have it I do only want to make sure a prime your eyes because you don't want your shout up to a trench or up or they move around Cree's anything like that so make sure you always prime so this is going to be my good side and I'm going to apply my Maybelline Color tattoo the Mac Paint Pot is also great if you have that you can use that or just any primer that works for you moving on to the eyeshadow application you want to use a good blending brushes is the next two one seven is a little bit more pricey I think it's an investment and it's really good so a my bad I'm not going to bring the shadow high-end up because as you can see because my eyes are hooded what I need to do is bring it up higher but on the bat I'm going to show you what happens if you don't bring it up tight enough because that means you're not going to be able to see it [Music] and it's just not a very flattering look [Music] I'm going to use the exact same shade on the correct side and I'm going to apply the shadow higher and you want to put right here so that you can see where you place it it has to be visible with your eyes open [Music] so on my bed you can see this part of my eye does not have any eyeshadow on it and all that does is it emphasizes my hood and on this eye I placed a slightly darker warm tone it doesn't even matter like that's totally preference you can use warm tones cool tones whatever you prefer and making sure that the show is high enough so you're able to see it with my eyes open thanks for moving on to eyeliner otherwise the most common mistake that I see is eyeliner there's just too thick because if you only have like a tiny bit of lip space you don't want to take it away with your liner you still want that to be visible and even like emphasizes there so what I'm going to do on the back side is basically make this way to stick for my eye shape and honestly it all starts with your choice of liner on my bad side I'm going to use a liner that I have like no control over the brush like this a lot of people like this brush personally I hate it because I have zero control over this and it's like this really bendy brush I just can't work with these and loving like it though so make sure you use a liner that you know you're comfortable with and that you can easily controlled [Music] [Music] bundesliga have way too high and went too early just like this nothing like purposely trying to make it look bad I just can't work with these type of liners oh and on do you see that that's cute [Music] got some nice transfer going on get away for this to dry and it takes forever to dry so I'm going to be gone for a few minutes putting in your back and remove that okay so how nice does that look as you can see my liner is just way too thick for my eye shape because you can see absolutely none of my last phase anymore as you can see on this eye I don't have a lot to begin with so it's very important to not take it all the way with such a thick liner keeping the eyeshadow so low even like exaggerating the hood of my eye and as you can see the slick I did starts way to earlier like is fold right there and it just looked really really bad I'm going to show you on this eye how to do it correctly so that it looks the most flattering on hooded eye and of course you can use a different liner that I have more control over or like any control I had zero control over this one and this is me is adorable of the eye liner waterproof this has been my favorite for a long time I have recommended this to everyone and especially if you have a dies and you don't want any transfer it's like perfect this literally does not go anywhere it doesn't budge is not transfer so I don't have Isadora is available everywhere but if you have a chance to check this out you should because it is literally life-changing one of this looks like this the one of this is just a lot sturdier and I have a lot of control over this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to draw the line as thin as I can get I'm going to try not to take away too much of my lips [Music] and as we get to the wing I'm not going to wing it up before this crease right here stop so as you can see you can still see my lid and also the slick does not like cut my eye and Wayne kind of goes out more straight so that it doesn't take away anything it looks a little bit weird right now because we have nothing on the lower lashline but we are going to work on that so what we're going to do now is i'm going to tightline on my inner upper lash line [Music] as you can see my lash line looks a lot thicker and darker but I have not lost any of my lip space so that's always a great trick if you don't really have any Lisp at all we can always do is tight line what I just did and that's going to give you some definition in like a liner effect without actually like drawing a liner on the upper lash line I always have my that you do this because you want to get rid of that like flesh tone between your liner and your eye as you can see right here you can totally see my skin showing and also here and it's just not cute okay we're moving on to the eyebrows I keep saying this all the time your eyebrows make such a big difference in how hooded and droopy your eye looks as you can see my brows looks filled in already but that's because I haven't tattooed always want to make sure you have a little bit of of its arch happening with your brows and you don't want to make them too low I'm gonna show you on this eye right here I'm going to make my brows a bit more straight and bring them down lower and that's what totally doesn't accentuate my hunted so as you can see this brow is like a lot straighter down and it kind of makes my eyes go down even further and I'll say this is a bad brow shape in general because it's not it can actually look really pretty but I just think if you have with it eyes and kind of droopy eyes then you don't want to emphasise that by making the brow this straight or maybe even down turn that's like a no-no so I'm going to show you how I would fill in my brows so that they look good and not accentuate the hood so I'm totally like working on that arch [Music] so I know everyone's different and everyone has like personal preference when it comes to brows but what I like to do and what I think looks the best on everyone is if you make this first that are the thickest and then gradually have a tip thinner towards the end this is how I wear my brows and this is how I think you should not wear them if you have hooded eyes because it just makes them look more droopy so I want to show you one more thing as far as eyeshadow on the top let go because a lot of people have like X of skin like right here and sometimes doing just one x chin color is not enough I think for me I can get away with it but if you feel like it still looks a little bit like the skin is like sitting on top of your lip which it is sitting on top of human but if you want to help that out a little bit more what you can do is take a pencil brush and go into a little bit of a darker brown matte shade and put it right where you feel your hood is kind of a little bit too obvious you want places very strategically so your eye doesn't get too dark I mean if that's what you want of course you can but for an everyday look you want to make sure that you only place it in like targeted areas we're going to blend this out so that we don't have any harsh lines so that is where we're at if I open my eye we can't even tell that I'm wearing eyeshadow on the side which is not what you want you always want to make sure you can see it with your eyes open because if not as you can see what it does is it just emphasizes your mouth like crazy and on this eye you can see that it's very nicely received so what I'm going to do on my jota eye is put a lighter matte color as my lid color so I'm going to take the light matte shade on my finger and I'm going to place this just on the lid if you put a dark color is going to make things recede and if you put a lighter color like I just did it's going to bring things forward so I want to bring my lid forward I don't have a ton of lip space but a little bit of lift phase I have I want to be able to see and I want to highlight on this I am NOT going to do it because we don't have any things I like they're like okay moving on to brow bone highlight you can use shimmer like I've seen a lot of people be like so I can't use sure at all fans over time yes you can but you can't have to place it very strategically going to all that I bring it down way too low so what that does again I hope you can see it is a draw attention to the hood of my eye you don't want to draw attention to this part right here is I'm going to take the exact same products but I'm going to place it only right there like I'm not going to bring this down [Music] that way I'd get a really nice effect when the light hits it but I don't get this kind of effect which is like highlighting my hood so we're now going to be working on the lower lash line one thing to keep in mind is everything we did is to kind of hold the eyes up and not down what you don't want to do is make this area too dark and you also don't want to bring it down too low because it's just going to drag your eye down so I'm just gonna take a really dark color I'm also bringing it all the way into the inner corner okay so kind of does make my eyes really big but not in a good way like my eye looks like it's down here and that's not what we want we want this to be like lifted some people think if they have hooded eyes they can't do a lot on the upper lip so they have to focus on the bottom line and so you don't do that because it really does not look good and I'm going to further intensify that droopy feeling by going in with a dark color in my waterline so we're going to work on this side now I'm going to use the existing pencil brush and still have some of that color on it left this is makeup geeks omocha I'm just going to connect that part right here and create a little bit of a shadow and I'm going to bring it all the way in because I watched my eye open and not like close at all I don't really tend to do this because I just don't like all those on me personally but if you want you can put a light color in your waterline almost on the good side and I really don't recommend that you use this pencil because it's way too chunky but I just can't find my small Kajal new liner so I obviously my cat has taken to somewhere and I don't know where it is and then what I'm going to do is I want to kind of create a little bit of the line right here so that I have a little bit more definition than aroma right along that line okay so the next step is going to be mascara there really makes such a big difference you really build up your lashes the mascara can help hide the hood and make your eyes look less foot so I'm going to do on the bat I first because I'm just not going to really care about these lashes there's like a ton of eyeliner on them already so they're like really hard basically not apply and not from the good eye I'm going to really focus on building up my lashes so I'm going to be applying the pair on the bottom lash line now and I'm also going to focus on making them I've been love to like open up my eyes [Music] then on the bad eye I'm going to do that on sleep I fly mascara to my lower lashline because you can't see it so dark there don't want to do more more things and that is highlight my inner corner I'm going to go in with a matte light shade you can use a shimmer if you really just target it to this area just like that and we're not going to do this on this side because this is the bag so guys this completes the outlook [Music] let me know in the comments what you struggle with the most and also if you have any like requests please leave them down below as well also link to videos right here on both winged eyeliner for her to dive and I should have taken me for her tonight so make sure to check them out if you're interested and all my guys can follow me on my social media and makeup by Marmot everywhere thank you so much for watching and please don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you found it helpful because it really helped out my channel and I think that's it for today so I'm going to go and wash this weird eye situation off of my face and I will see you guys in my next video [Music]
Channel: Makeup by Myrna
Views: 3,720,289
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hooded eyes makeup, hooded eyes eye makeup, hooded eyes dos donts, hooded eyes do's and don'ts, how to hooded eyes, hooded eyes tutorial, winged eyeliner for hooded eyes, eyeshadow technique for hooded eyes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 27sec (1107 seconds)
Published: Mon May 08 2017
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