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Still looks amazing!

Edit: I try my best to screen shot it from the phone but if you download the video and screen shot with a video editing program you will get a better result. When trying to screen shot a video, if you don’t get the right second it could look a bit shake-y.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 184 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know we have plenty of subscribers who might appreciate seeing a video with an older demographic than is commonly featured. He does a natural, soft shadow-winged look on model Caroline (who looks a wee bit like Demi Moore, I think!). My only critique - not sure I like that lip liner; something a bit less warm might have blended better, since overlining with any kind of lip texture is a risky endeavour, but I do think the eyes and cheeks are pretty.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 409 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/never_hits_pan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

How beautiful is that model though! I'm far from mature but this video made me want to buy literally every single product he used (especially that sigma palette and the blush sticks) the colors and finishes look super pretty and so flattering!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 57 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/glitterfitte πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

As a 50 something who loves makeup, I appreciate this post. I wish I could see it unedited though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 73 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LisaTPN πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Caroline is serving me ΓΌber rich woman who lives in a mansion/ horse farm, yet will give you the shirt off her back. Yes, this is oddly specific.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sleaz-e πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

The model is gorgeous both before and after. As a 27 year old person whose hair is well on its way to looking like hers, and who has a lot of premature wrinkles, I appreciate this very much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 58 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/shroomishh πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I actually tried a few things he's done in this video on my mum, who's 59, when she goes to events she'll ask me to do her makeup.

I noticed how he didn't use any powder, and for some reasons doing that on my mum will actually look more cakey than using a little. But I'm no makeup artist, I dunno how that happens. Also that much highlight wouldn't look good on her either, it's a step I'm super careful with when doing her makeup, as I feel like that on her skin a little goes a long way and only looks good when it's very subtle.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SummerNight888 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

All i want from my later years is for my hair to go magical grey like this model's. Not like, you now, 30% grey, 70% not, 100% crappy. I hate dying hair and would not like to start doing that :( (That said, maybe her hair is dyed, I dunno)

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NikiBubbles πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 30 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

great tutorial. i love how natural everything looked.

anyway, slightly off-topic but thought i'd share: i lived in dubai for a few years and had never seen a hindash tutorial. i wasn't too familiar with him, and only saw his name on the sephora middle east instagram page (like when charlotte tilbury came to the local mall, and he was at their store launch party). anyway, i had no idea who he was and bumped into him at the rihanna hosted fenty event.

there weren't many people there, and honestly- i wish i could go back in time to just ask him some makeup related questions!! >.>

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/alfabetgrl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 01 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello everyone attend - and this is Timmy today's video is one of my most requested videos ever I always get comments about this and it is about makeup on mature skin now I've been looking and looking and looking and I came across a beautiful Caroline here in Dubai and we've been following each other for a while we've been planning this for a long time actually and this is the look that I created I really wanted to emphasize her beauty and just enhance what you already has I mean she is stunning so this video is all about enhancing what you have really perfecting what you're born with so if you guys enjoyed this video please don't forget to subscribe to my channel and leave me a comment and thumbs up and I'll see you guys in the next video bye so here is a beautiful Caroline and I'm gonna be starting off with a bit of skincare and I'm taking the quad le beauty elixir to just refresh her face and you know the drill I love this spray it just perhaps the skin for a skincare and for skincare I'm gonna be taking the Vichy mineral 89 and this is basically a hyaluronic acid serum and I'm just gonna be putting this all over the skin and massaging it in and prepping the skin for moisturizer and creams and with this always like to take the time to massage it into the skin to really wake the skin up and just make my model feel great and good and I talked to her more about her skin type and I get to know what her skin is like so I know what products to use next for eye cream I'm going to be using the Eliminator the eye concentrate and I'm just going to be putting that underneath the eyes and massaging it in and tapping it very gently and just letting it sit there and do its work because it's a nice rich cream makeup is going to sit on top of it beautifully as well again tap-in massage it into the skin I also like to take the eye cream on any dry patches on the skin for moisturizer I'm taking the assisity ecological compound and this is their one of their really popular creams now what I found about this is that it's very very scented it smells like lavender so if you are very sensitive to scent I would maybe try this in the store because it is very scented and again I'm gonna be rubbing that into the skin doing more of that blood circulation and getting things going for foundation I'm taking the new Anasazi Beverly Hills luminous foundation and this is in the shade 315 n and also excited to try this and it is a luminous foundation so I thought it would work beautifully on Caroline now Caroline is very tan tall over her body and it she's a bit lighter on her face so I'm matching more of her body even though she's wearing a turtleneck I can still see her hands and you can see her a bit of her neck and her ears and as always I'm gonna be taking a bit of that on the back of my hand and working it in in very thin layers this finish is beautiful you get to see it more in action now so I'm taking the time to buff it very gently into the skin and just really work it into the skin almost like a moisturizer as a tinted moisturizer and taking the time to buff it out now because this foundation is a luminous finish I'm not gonna be using any powders really I'm just gonna be layering products so as you can see she has that healthy glow because the foundation also has that kind of a golden peachy undertone making a better makeup remover on a cotton bud I'm gonna wipe the foundation off the lips because you guys know I hate that in most key I mean in some cases it works and I'm gonna be moisturizing her lips with the Mac lip conditioner so just a thick layer of that let it sit while I do the makeup that's always a good idea so when we get to lipstick her lips are nice and fresh and moisturized I'm gonna be taking a bit of whatever is left of that foundation and just running that through the eyelids just to neutralize her lids and take out any discoloration and this will add as a base for eyeshadow but I am gonna put a bit of concealer there for eyeshadow as well even though I'm very happy with the finish of the foundation I am gonna take a damp Beauty Blender and just tap it all over the skin I don't usually do this but I feel like if you have lines and if you have areas where a product can settle in this is always a great idea it's always always a good idea because it just takes out any of that excess that you're not seeing that's sitting on top of the skin and we are gonna go in with concealer don't forget that so you can add your coverage when you need it and for concealer I'm taking the Make Up For Ever Ultra HD concealer and number 25 this concealer is such a good concealer it's one of my favorites has quickly become one of my favorites and because it is a self setting concealer you don't need to use powder if you don't want to now you know me I love powder and I really just work with the model and see if she needs any powder or if she doesn't and in this case Caroline definitely doesn't need any powder don't forget that I am under lights and she is under lights so she might look more glowy or more shiny than usual but in real life she does not look oily or greasy so in this case with the concealer I am brightening her face for blush I'm taking cream blush because I love cream blush and cream blush is perfect for mature skin and I'm taking the nude sticks in two finishes this is the nudies bloom which is more of a dewy one and nudies matte which is a matte one and I'm starting off with the nudies matte and Sunset Strip and I'm gonna be blending both colors on the back of my hand and taking the nudies bloom and Tigerlily Queen just because I have fun with mixing I mean you can just use one on its own that's totally fine they have amazing color so you don't really need to mix but I'm just having fun with it so I'm mixing both now some people say you can put it high up and I usually do like to put it more on the cheekbone rather than the apple of the cheek but Carolyn has a nice glow and kind of a tan so I really do want to emphasize that and I think that'll give her more of a sunkissed look and I always like to tap the blush in especially with cream blush because I don't want to move the foundation around and this is always a good technique if you don't want to move the product that's underneath a bit of blush on the nose and on the forehead really does emphasize that sunkissed look that you're healthy you've been outside but I hope you've been wearing SPF and I'm always giving everything a final tap and blend with my Beauty Blender for brows on taking the benefit processing my brow pencil and this is in the shade gray they actually have a gray shade which is awesome I'm just gonna be filling in any of these sparse areas in her brows caroline has amazing brows that are beautiful so I'm not really doing much to them I'm just following their shape brushing them through and filling in any of the sparse areas she told me her brows aren't the same shape and they're not even and I told her that everyone's brows are like that pretty much and I had three doesn't bother me I don't really go crazy on having the brows look the same because I feel like it just adds that character to your face and your brows are always gonna be a bit different anyway so a tree doesn't bother me when people say their brows are different Virgil I'm taking the anastasia beverly hills clear brow gel this is one of my favorite brow gels I don't like a lot of tint in the brows again it depends on whether you're very fair and you want to add more volume then tint is great for a bit of contra on the nose I'm taking a fancy Beauty matchsticks in mocha and I'm just going to be contouring tip in the nose which is what I love doing when I contour the nose and I feel like it just adds that nice touch and it does define your face and a bit on the lower lip and top lip just add more definition and on the chin as well and blending that with the brush and taking but on the brush if you feel like you need a bit more and just buffing everything in to prime the eyelids for eyeshadow I'm taking a bit of that makeup for every concealer again and just very lightly tapping it and blending it on the lid remember nothing crazy you don't want to go too heavy on this or it is gonna crease so you want to just do a light layer and blend it outwards for eyeshadow I'm gonna be dipping into this beautiful Sigma palette this is called the enchanted eyeshadow palette and it has a lot of really nice cool tones and I want to do cool tones on Caroline because I feel like it's gonna complement her gray hair beautifully and it's not gonna really clash if I do something very very warm which again you can because you can do whatever you want but for this look I felt like a cool tone would really emphasize Caroline's beauty so I'm dipping into the cream shade just to set the eyes all over and dipping into that pink shade just to add a bit of warmth in the crease but it is kind of a cool pink so it's not going to add that crazy warmth it's gonna complement her skin very well to deepen the crease I'm gonna be dipping into the taupe and the pink just to emphasize that even more and to add a bit of a contour and slowly building those layers of depth and intensity and then using that tube alone to add more intensity so I'm building up layers in terms of lightness I start very light and then I built to the darkest shade which is going to be the brown focusing on the outer V and the crease and to emphasize all the shadow work that we've done I'm going to go in with the light cream again on the center of the lid and that instantly makes all the dark shades we put in the crease pop even more now I'm going into that Brown and using it as an eyeliner as a base and winging it out and again focusing on that outer V and especially with more mature women you really do want to emphasize the eyes and make them look lifted and beautiful but you have to work with those layers because the results are always gonna look better if you layer and take your time and don't be afraid to get all the way around just make sure you control the thickness so as you can see just adding that Brown as the liner really emphasizes her eyes and makes them pop and look more lifted and open and to make sure nothing is very harsh I'm gonna take that blending brush again and just blend all those layers because I'm gonna go on with the final liner to frame the eyes I'm going to be taking a bit of mascara and this is the Lancome Hypnose drama I'm just gonna be coating her lashes and Caroline's going to be doing the rest of the work because you can really get in there and once she has mascara on I can see what I want to add and intensify even further so I'm taking a bit of those pinks underneath the lower lash line with whatever is left on the brush so it has a bit of that taupe and a bit of that pink and brown but very softly just smudging everything and I thought it'd be really nice to add a bit of that shimmer on the center of the liner because I know some mature women tend to really freak out about shimmer but you can do it in very strategic placements you can do it all over if you want I love shimmer so you can do whatever you want but this is a nice way to wear shimmer in a very subtle way that's where highlight I'm taking the Charlotte Tilbury Hollywood beauty light wand another cream and putting that on the high points of the face now I found that this with the foundation didn't blend that well for some reason I tried it with the Beauty Blender and then I did it with a brush but something about it just really couldn't blend that well so I think next time I might just use it off with a brush or just going with another cream but I did end up putting that new six cream blush on top of it again and it did seem to help do you think I was gonna do this video without mine ours Mambo I pencil my eyeliner that I love I'm taking a bit of this just to define that brown shadow that I've done just to add more intensity and this is my favourite eye pencil ever it's that beautiful chocolate brown it works for everyone and it's very very flattering for lipliner I'm taking the astrology I'll be political Lipchitz and I'm gonna be lining her lips all over and I feel like I need a bit more of depth so I'm taking the Mac lip pencil in spice I'm just gonna be going over the edges only and making sure that I over draw the lips in a very natural way so this just gives us more definition and I love how that looks on top of that I'm taking the Mac love me lipstick in Trey blast say I don't know how to speak French I'm sorry and I'm using that with a lip brush because I want to really work the lipstick in and not have that thick heavy look just working it into the lips as a lip balm and really just getting in there and that's gonna give you such a nice finish and as you can see it's a nice peachy nude I'll take it in Norris orgasm blush just set that cream blush that we did earlier and because orgasm has a nice highlight eachine it's gonna still look very dewy and healthy and alive so I'm just testing out all over the cheeks and a bit on the nose and for lower lash mascara I'm taking my fan brush and just really getting in there and that way you can get very precise application and setting my contour with the Charlotte Tilbury film-star bronze & Glow and I'm using the contour shade and a final mist of the cuddly beauty elixir spray and that is the final look I really hope you guys enjoyed this video I know a lot of you have been asking for it and if you have anyone that you want to share this with that you think would benefit from this type of makeup please share it and don't forget to subscribe and like this video leave me a comment down below let me know what you want to see next because I'm always reading your comments I always want to create the looks that you guys recommend and I can't wait for you to see the next video so I will see you guys very soon bye
Channel: Hindash
Views: 5,123,431
Rating: 4.9245243 out of 5
Keywords: HINDASH, hindash makeup, hindash art, hindash tutorial, makeup tutorial, mature makeup, mature makeup tutorial, mature skin, makeup on mature skin, mature women, love, charlotte tilbury, anastasia beverly hills, abh, abh luminous foundation, fenty, fenty beauty, benefit, mac, sigma, nudestix, dubai, uae, usa
Id: ahv8lNXR-_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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