How to Look Amazing Up Close in Person

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hey guys and welcome back to my channel today we're gonna be talking about how to look good in person this is something that I feel like is everyone's end goal as far as their makeup goes everybody wants to look good in person nobody wants their foundation to look cakey people want to know how to do their eyeshadow right and their lipstick right so that you can look good in person I was inspired to do this video for a lot of reasons I feel like every time I run into a subscriber somewhere a lot of the times people will comment about my makeup and they will say oh my gosh your makeup actually looks good in person I'm so glad I've always wondered that and it got me thinking like well of course like that's the end goal for me is to not only look good you know on camera here in my studio lights but also outside of this I want my face to look really nice I want it to be approachable I want it to look like a version of myself but better I want to make a little disclaimer before we get into this my face is different than your face obviously but I really want to empower you guys and encourage you to really try to understand your own features and what works best for you so as we go throughout this tutorial the makeup look that I'm gonna be doing is gonna reflect Who I am on the inside and what I feel most beautiful in your result may be and should be different than mine depending on your personal taste so here is the before and after as you guys can see if a look that we're gonna be creating alright so first things first we're gonna talk about brows the brows are the only lines on the face they are the first thing that you see on a person if they're not done correctly they can be a little bit scary they can make you look like you have an unwanted emotion on your face if you don't have the lines right so I'm gonna quickly go through the basic tips that I like to do in order to make my brows as natural as possible but of course you still want them to be defined as you can see my natural brows only have a few hairs I'm lacking a lot of hair here and I also don't have as much as I would like here if you have a really full brow you may not need to do all these steps you may just need to step back and assess your face and just fill in the sparse areas I'm gonna be using the benefit precisely my brow pencil this brow pencil range is actually a really good one to find the right color for your hair also Anastacio does a really great job at this both of those brands will kind of have a little bit of a guide depending on your hair color and that's what you want to match so I just look at my natural root hair color and then also the natural color of my brows for today I'm gonna be using the shade for I like to map it out the brows by pressing the pencil up against my nose and wherever that lines up is where I want to kind of put a light mark and that will show me where my brow would start something that I've noticed that a lot of women do is they don't push in the pencil to make that mark they will go from the edge of the nostril and start the brow here but as you can see if I use that to start my brow I'm just gonna start to fill it in from there so you guys can kind of get an idea do you see that so if I followed that rule of going by the edge of my nostril up look at how funny that makes my brows look imagine if it was filled in all the rest of the way it would leave too much of a space in between the brows so that's why you really want to make sure you're pressing the pencil into the nostril and that's where it should start so now I'm just gonna go ahead and start to fill in this inner portion really really lightly with hair like strokes using this pencil and I always alternate from filling in the brows to flipping it over and brushing it out with the spoolie look at the difference in starting points okay so for the end of the brow you want to make sure that you're going from here to the edge of the eye and then you just kind of make a line to where your brow should end the arch of the brow should go from the center of the nose through the pupil of the eye right about there I drew the dot a little bit high but that is where the highest point of my brow should be and then it should taper off into the end I will use a little bit of a heavier pressure on the outside of the brows thats where I'm lacking the most brow hair using more pressure will create a darker line and then as it comes in towards the center you want to use really really light strokes to avoid the boxy brow look if you have a hard time with this you can try to use a little bit of a lighter pencil in that area until you get the hang of it then you should be able to use just one color and use a lighter pressure to create a lighter stroke with the brow pencil so that's just a good rule of thumb don't worry about it being too perfect brow should be sisters not twins so they're not gonna be exactly the same but you should be able to get them as symmetrical as possible it's always really helpful to brush through the brows with the spoolie I really need to trim my brows they're a little long today but just bear with me alright so as you can see the brows are nice and filled in they're framing my face but they're not too scary they're not blocked out they don't look like I filled them in with sharpie they still look like they should be there next we're gonna talk about complexion now this is the thing that I feel like was the most noticed makeup mistake and also the biggest fear in most women number one being the shade being wrong an orange mask with a lighter neck people are very afraid of that because you've probably seen it in high school maybe you are scarred from it maybe it's happened to you it certainly happened to me and the second thing is cake face people don't want to look like a super cakey thick layer of makeup is on the skin and I'm gonna show you how you can still wear a lot of makeup I mean I wear so many different products on the skin but it's all about how you layer them and it's all about how much you use so I'm gonna be sharing all those things with you before we even get started with applying products to the face you really want to take a look at your own complexion what's your skin type is that oily as it dry is a combination mines combination so I do get a little oily throughout the t-zone I have larger pores here which kind of show that I do get a little more oily there and then the cheeks for me can get a little bit dry skincare is so important you guys makeup will never look its best if it's being applied over a super dry base think of it as your canvas I guess the paint is not going to glide over the canvas very well if you have rough patches you need to sand it down maybe or exfoliate so that's actually what I did earlier today I used an exfoliating mask I will have a link down below it's from Cora organics and I have been absolutely loving it I love it because it also brightens my face there are two different types of exfoliator 'he's a chemical exfoliator and also a physical exfoliator the one I use this morning is a little bit more of a physical exfoliator which means there's actual physical beads that will buff off any dry skin so after I use that mask this morning and I rinsed it off I went into eye cream and I also went into a moisturizer those are so important in prepping the skin even if you have oily skin you still need to hydrate in my opinion and you still need to exfoliate so my skin is super smooth from that mask it's not perfect I have blemishes I have texture but I did my best with trying to get rid of any dry flaky patches going in with a moisturizer before makeup is so important and this is also something that you'll have to think about for your own skin if you have more oily skin you might want to go in with a more lightweight gel formula if you have super dry skin you can get away with something a little heavier today I used the touch' dewy skin cream I've recently talked about this in my favorites video I love this stuff I feel like it's amazing for even my combo skin oh and also if you have dry lips exfoliate your lips it's really good to have a nice routine maybe pick a day during the week where you do a little bit extra with your skin where you exfoliate your face and your lips that will really really help you don't want to physically exfoliate the skin every single day that can actually irritate it so pick like two to three times a week if you're really struggling with dry skin okay so after you've exfoliated and moisturized it's time to assess the complexion for me I have some acne scars I have a little bit of texture so I really like to focus a lot of my time and making my complexion look nice if you already have a really even skin tone again adjust this to meet your needs you might just want to use a little bit less product or maybe something with lighter coverage like a BB cream so just keep that in mind that you can adjust according to your own skin so for me I personally really feel like primer helps a ton I've been super into this milk makeup primer I feel like it really helps my makeup last a long time which is important in making your makeup look good in person if it starts to wear off it's not gonna look very good so I'm just gonna go ahead and spread this out focusing in the t-zone since again that's where I have the most oil but I do like to apply it all over the face regardless of what primer you use prep the skin somehow even if the primer is just a moisturizer do something before your foundation it will help so much so I personally like a little bit of a glowy complexion so I've been really into this Milani soft focus glow complexion enhancer I love how this adds glow to the skin but it doesn't look sparkly an early foundation it just helps things look nice and fresh I'm gonna focus that kind of on the outer portions of the face because again my skin is combination so I am a little bit more dry on the cheeks alright moving into the dreaded foundation finding your foundation shade it can be difficult but it doesn't have to be if you just know a few basic rules every single one of us has a skin tone and an undertone so for example my skin tone is fair to light you may be medium you may be tan you may be deep you may be super fair so that's all you have to know first which is very easy to just know your skin tone the harder part is hearing out your skin's undertone all of us have a different undertone and they're described in foundations in three different ways a cool tone which has a little bit more of a pink undertone a warm tone which is going to be your more yellow undertone and all of undertones and neutral undertone which means you've got a little bit of both I hope you can see on camera that I have a little bit of both so I'm considered a neutral undertone so I'm fair to light skin tone with a neutral undertone as you can see I've got a little bit of pink in there but I also have a little bit of yellow and then if you look at my chest as well I see both warm tones and a little bit of a cool tone so that's all you need to know to start you may notice that most foundation ranges have a C and N or a W next to it and that's supposed to indicate your undertone so a lot of my foundations have an N and if it's not labeled on the actual bottle usually it says somewhere on the website if you're looking at it what undertone the foundation is so like this one is one N one cream so that has a neutral undertone this wand or BD foundation just says fair delight but in the description on the website it is in neutral undertones as well my Estee Lauder Double Wear nude is in the shade one and two which is also a neutral undertone so that's where you need to start of course we all kind of fluctuate throughout the summer and the winter months will get a little bit of a tan in the summertime and then a lot of us get lighter in the winter time so that's something that we can discuss later but as of right now the basics are to know your tone and undertones so once you know okay I'm fair to light with a neutral undertone you want to look at the foundation options that are kind of in that range choose three and you want to swatch it on the side of your face here I'll show you you want to take it and just swatch it down the side of your face and blend it into the neck if it disappears into the neck like this one it's the right shade it'll be pretty obvious if it doesn't but that's what you want to look for in order to avoid the orange face with a lighter neck so I'm gonna go with the estee lauder double wear nude water fresh makeup today because I feel like this foundation specifically is really hard to go overboard with it's a very watery formula as you can see it's like running down my hand but I absolutely love it so I'm just gonna start by applying a little bit to the center of the face and another thing that you should always remember especially with foundations is is more you can always always always go back and add in more it is not as easy to remove the foundation and try to make it look less cakey once you've gone overboard already I'm taking a Real Techniques buffing brush and I'm really gonna start to work this into the skin making sure to blend it down the neck so that there is no line of foundation at all even if you have a good shade match you want to make sure to do that and I'm just taking my time with this if you're having a hard time making your foundation look good ask yourself if you've invested in any tools are you using just your fingers don't get me wrong your fingers are great tools for certain things but if you're finding that your foundation just isn't quite blending out the way that you want it to and you haven't tried a brush or a sponge try it truly it makes the biggest difference and you guys know that I personally have found that I like to use both so I will go ahead and buff out the complexion with a brush and then I go in with a sponge and I take a little bit of the product that's on the back of my hand and I will really press this into the skin another makeup mistake that a lot of people make is they don't wet their sponges Beauty sponges are always meant to be dampened I know there's a few people that I've heard liked to use a dry sponge using a damp sponge will really help to pick up any excess foundation and it just makes the skin look more like skin even if you're using a more full coverage foundation this will create the best finish you also don't have to spend an arm and a leg on a beauty sponge I will have several link down below that will work for your price range that seriously are so good so be sure to check out the description bar if you are in need of a sponge okay I've spent several minutes pressing the foundation into the skin I feel like where a lot of us get carried away is you might look at this complexion and be like oh no I don't look flawless yet there's blemishes peeking through I better pile on more foundation don't do it try to even out the skin tone as best as possible with the least amount of foundation possible it is always always better to use a concealer and spot conceal in the places that you need to if you have active breakouts been there I still get those that can be a little bit more tricky but all you have to do is continue to take small amounts of foundation and layer it over the spot that you need more coverage and just lightly build that up with a sponge until you get as good of coverage as you can and then you can still go in and spot conceal on any of those stubborn blemishes that are still showing through this may not have been the best combo example I've actually never tried this primer with this foundation but I'm noticing that they're not really mixing together that's actually something that maybe it's a blessing that it happens so I could talk about it certain products just don't mix and if they don't and you notice something is wrong you've got to try it a different combination don't give up it takes so much trial and error you guys to find a primer and a foundation that works for your skin specifically every single person is different I just don't think that this primer and this foundation is meshing well but we are gonna continue on and hope for the best for concealer I'm gonna go into my personal favorite one this one is foolproof for me it's from Laura Mercier it's the flawless fusion ultra long wear concealer this looks beautiful all day long for me personally it's better than the Tarte shaped tape I'm gonna be using the shade 1n and I'm just gonna put a little bit underneath the eyes and I'm gonna go ahead and blend this out with a sponge the same rule applies with concealer less is more so just add a little bits at a time you can always go back in and layer in another more precise layer of concealer if you have darkness under the eyes I always buy two shades of concealer one that matches my skin tone better and then one that's slightly lighter than my skin tone to brighten up the under eye area I personally don't feel like using a shade extremely lighter than my skin tone under the eyes is flattering in person personally so my advice would just be to choose one that's one to two shades at most lighter than your skin tone for under the eye area you don't want it to look too bright otherwise that looks unnatural I've got quite a bit of texture going on on my forehead here all of us have a little redness around the nose as well so I'm just gonna put a tiny bit of concealer in that area I'm gonna use a brush first just to kind of distribute the product and then I'm gonna make sure that it's nice and seamless with the rest of the complexion products by just going over that with a sponge and pressing it into the skin alright so my complexion is looking super fresh and dewy I like the amount of coverage that I have everything is nice and blended out but I want you to notice and pay attention to how I still have a couple things showing you guys it is okay to look human because you are I know a lot of us see photos on Instagram and makeup on Instagram and you have to remember that so many people use facetune to blur out their blemishes and pores we all have pores we all get blemishes sometimes and that is okay we're not done with the complexion so don't worry about the creasing right now but I want you to see that my skin doesn't look completely flat and flawless right now it just looks better than when it started and I feel like that is the thing that if you're able to gauge when to stop applying foundation it won't look cakey it just won't but if you keep layering or add too much product up front it's gonna be really hard to avoid looking cakey in the end let's move on I keep talking I feel like this videos gonna be so long because I could talk for hours about all the tips and tricks that I've ever learned ever because I truly want to share everything that I've ever learned with you guys so that you can go out and do your own makeup and feel super confident like that is my overall goal all right next we are going to powder the face a lot of people are afraid of powder because they feel like it's gonna make you look dry and dusty now it can but I'm gonna show you how to make sure that it doesn't setting powder is the only way really to ensure that your makeup lasts all day long if you are using cream products and you don't use a setting powder you might not look the best in person after a few hours as it starts to wear off your face I'm going to be using the Thrive cosmetics what's this called filtered effects soft focus HD setting powder I'm gonna dump a little bit into the cap and I always like to set the under eyes first and before I do so I want to make sure I Pat out any of the creases underneath the eyes and I'm just gonna take a small brush and I'm going to press the powder underneath the eye area to really lock that in and just move it out this powder is beautiful because somehow it sets the makeup really really well but it also has a beautiful blurring effect but it's not visible on the skin like some powders can be and then I'm gonna take a larger brush and I'm going to use that same powder to lock down the rest of the complexion products that we have so on the cheeks and the forehead but also the chin and I do like to set down the neck too just to make sure that doesn't transfer throughout the day if you like one thing that's also really important when you're getting ready for the day is to make sure that you're getting ready in the right lighting think about what you're getting ready for are you just getting ready for the day where will you be will you be outside if so try to get ready by a window if you wake up too early and it's dark outside invest in some good lighting somehow figure out the best spot in your house to get ready so that you really set yourself up for success because truly the lighting can be half the battle if you're getting ready in a dark room you may accidentally apply a little bit too much and then you step outside in the daylight and you might realize ooh probably could have worn less foundation oh it's a little bit dark good lighting can help you avoid a lot of those mistakes okay so now the makeup is nice and set you can see a little bit of powder on the skin but that's okay we're gonna take care of that later okay so this next part is kind of an extra step that I personally love to do if you have a lot of texture you may want to skip this because it could potentially emphasize a little bit of the texture but I like to take a finishing powder this is the Milani prep set and glow transparent powder and I like to take that and just press it over the entire complexion and for me this helps bring back a little bit of luminosity to the skin you don't need that much I'm just gonna take that and press it over top of the entire complexion I went pretty in-depth in a recent video about how to create a really nice flawless drugstore complexion so I'll have that video linked down below if you're interested let's move into bronzer I'm gonna be using my current favorite bronzer this has been a favorite of mine for a long time I also just did a video on my top 7 bronzer so I will have that link down below too but I'm just gonna use the Thrive cosmetics sunchaser bronzer in the shade ray and the thing I love about this is it adds that warmth back into the skin but it doesn't look fake and it has a little bit of a blurring property to it so I really feel like it just smooths over any texture that I might have and it's just got the perfect undertone so I'm gonna go ahead and use a fluffy brush to just kind of warm up the entire complexion I'm not gonna do any harsh contouring because I feel like if you're not a pro at contouring and you try to do it in the daytime chances are you're gonna look pretty stripy start out by just using a bronzer to warm the complexion as you get better at makeup you can definitely go in and try to contour a little bit I personally don't contour on an everyday basis I just like to kind of throw bronzer on and buff it out so I'm making sure to blend the bronzer down the neck and you can even do it on the chest if that's where your shirt and neck line is because that really helps to just make sure everything looks nice and seamless you may notice it's looking a little splotchy on the cheeks that's where this comes in handy I'm just gonna take a little bit of powder you can use whatever's left on the brush but since I had a glowy powder on the brush last I dipped into my translucent powder a tiny bit and I'm just gonna buff right over the bronzer all over the skin and that is going to create the dimension and warmth that you want but it's not gonna look super makeup II hopefully you can see what a difference that makes blending is so key you guys I can't emphasize that enough if you can see lines from your foundation or your contour powder or your blush or your highlighter it's not gonna look good in person so blending all of your products no matter what it is is so key all right I'm actually gonna go into a highlighter next I've been so into this honest Beauty midnight reflection luminizing glow powder this to me is such a beautiful highlighter in person on camera you know I sometimes use a little bit more intense products but sometimes when you step out into the sunshine and you see a big ol glittery stripe on your face it all of a sudden looks less natural and not as flattering sometimes so I'm just gonna use this it has a nice baked formula and I'm just gonna start to apply this to the cheeks the thing that I really really like about this is it's super buildable so I feel like I can really buff it into the skin and it's going to look good no matter what it's still gonna give you a glow but it's just gonna look way more natural I personally like to bring it down on the cheeks a little bit I'd also like to put a little bit right here on the nose and just a tiny bit down the center of the nose not too much because again you don't want too many visible stripes on the face so again after the highlighter we're gonna buff over it all right next I'm gonna add a little bit of color to the cheeks I'm going to use the L'Oreal paradise enchanted blush in the shade bashful this is a little bit more of a beige apricot shade so it's gonna look really really nice in person like it's gonna give a nice luminosity and flush to the cheeks but it's not gonna look unnatural a lot of people don't like blush I still don't always understand that because I love blush so much I'm just gonna buff it down a little bit this is a little more luminous than I remember we might switch it up I might a little bit of this Burt's Bees blush in the shade shy pink like a tiny bit because it's a little more matte and I'm just gonna layer that right over the apples of the cheeks you really don't need too much I do feel like it makes the complexion more youthful and healthy but again use light layers and you'll avoid the cakey clown look you know a lot of people are afraid to look like clowns with blush but you just have to use the right amount and you have to blend it blend blend blend seriously blend everything out blend everything for ten seconds longer than you think you should all right I'm gonna wipe off the foundation that's on the lips this is a trick that I like to do personally because if I just go in and apply foundation directly over the products that I got on the lips during applying foundation I get a weird like line in the inside of my lip which I hate so this really helps to prevent that during the day all right for eyeshadow I think I'm just gonna do something really simple I'm gonna stick to some matte eyeshadows and I'm gonna be using the most loved mattes palette from Milani I'm gonna start by taking a fluffy brush and I'm gonna dip into this shade right here and I've got some concealer on the lid so I'm gonna be sure to press out the creasing on the eyelid and then I'm just gonna go in with this shade and just apply it all over the eyelid up to the crease I'm not gonna do too intense of an eyeshadow look today just because I feel like making your eyeshadow look good in person could be a completely separate video and I would be here for another two hours explaining this to you so I'm just gonna take a neutral Brown and I'm just buffing this all over the lid and through the crease and kind of above but I'm making sure that this shade is light enough like it's one of the lightest shades in the palette so again it's not gonna look too harsh and I'm really taking my time to sit here and blend it out and this is why I feel like tools are really important using an eyeshadow brush is so important find something fluffy elf makes a lot of good ones that does not have to be super expensive and use a brush to buff everything out using your fingers with a matte shadow is just not going to give you the same effect as buffing out an eyeshadow with an actual brush I'm just gonna take that same shade and run it across the lower lash line I'm actually just gonna take the same brush and dip into the shade right underneath that shade we're just using and I'm gonna lightly layer this on the outer portion of the eye just to kind of create subtle definition there and time-stopping the eyeshadow right underneath the crease well kind of right in the crease I guess and then I'm gonna take that same shade and pinch the brush and just lightly run that across the outer third of the lower lash line also making sure to buff and blend it super super well also something that I wanted to mention is you look good when you feel good so when you're doing your makeup step back and figure out your favorite features for me personally I really like my eyes so I know that's something that I can really play up and it's gonna make me feel confident and it's just something that I really like about my face so even though this eyeshadow isn't very bold I also really like my long eyelashes so for me I'm going to really emphasize what I've got and I'm going to emphasize my natural lashes if you have amazing skin let your skin be the focal point if you love the natural color of your lips throw on a tinted lip balm and let your natural color shine through like it's really about just figuring out what you want to emphasize and ultimately what makes you feel the most confident because like I said you look your best when you feel your best it comes across to people you're gonna look good in person if they can see that your makeup is enhancing your natural features and it's making you more of who you already are instead of using makeup to mask things of course makeup is amazing for concealing blemishes of course it is so important to learn to wear your makeup look versus letting your makeup look where you you know I'm gonna use a mascara that really makes my lashes pop this is the Marc Jacobs velvet noir mascara I have so many favorite mascaras L'Oreal lash paradise is also very similar from the drugstore if you're looking for an affordable option you guys know how much I love that one but I'm just going to really use this to play up the lashes today my personal mascara taste is one that is a little clumpy I like a little bit of a clump a lot of people do not and if you do not then choose a mascara that's gonna be more separating or lengthening versus volumizing but for me and my lashes I really love to play up the volume I tend to get a little bit messy when it comes to mascara application like I get mascara all over my eyelid all the time but I just wait for it to dry and then I buff it off while we wait for the mascara to dry I'm gonna go ahead and apply a lip color this is where you also want to set yourself up for a success if you're gonna go out to dinner and say you're gonna be eating pizza you might want to think ahead and you might not want to wear a bright berry lipstick think of something that's gonna wear well something that's gonna be easier to touch-up I feel like planning ahead like that is really important so for today I don't feel like having a high-maintenance lip color so I'm just gonna use the NYX butter gloss this is in the shade tiramisu and this is just gonna give a little bit of color but it feels so comfortable on the lips also I'm wearing my hair up today so I know I will be confident walking outside and not having to worry about my hair flying into my gloss you could also use a lip liner if you wanted to especially if you're gonna use something that tends to bleed a little bit or if it is a bolder color you definitely do want to use a lip liner that's gonna help your lip color last all day but just become familiar with your products like learn what works best try your products out in different combinations figure out what works on your lips or your face okay now I'm gonna take the eyeshadow brush we were using and I'm just gonna go through the crease and buff away any of the mascara marks I'm also gonna buff them away underneath the lower lash line all right now we step back and assess the situation I'm taking whatever is left on the blush brush and adding a little more because I personally like blush a lot and maybe gonna add whatever is left on my bronzer brush to my forehead just to kind of warm that up even more I'm even going to revisit the brows and brush through them and I might even refill some of the more sparse areas on the outer portion and then this is the part that I feel like is so overlooked you guys don't underestimate the power of setting sprays I'm telling you it makes everything look so much better in person and makes your makeup last longer it's just the best if you've been with me for a while you'll know about my three-step setting routine I know that's a little extra if you don't have time for that try out just one setting spray and see how you feel see what difference it makes but for me I like to use two different kinds of setting sprays one that's just kind of kind of smooth or hydrate the face and then one that's gonna be for locking it in and keeping it on the skin all day so I'm going to be using the mac fix+ I normally use the Smashbox primer water but fix+ is also very popular and if you've got it use it so just gonna go ahead and spritz the entire face with fix+ and I am so generous with the settings for you guys now I take my handy fan and I'm gonna take my sponge and I'm gonna go over everything and just press it into the skin super lightly and then after I've smooth the face with that spray I'm gonna go in with the Urban Decay all nighter this is the pollution protection I don't like this one as much as the original all-nighter but I'm just trying to use it up so let's put that all over the face I'm gonna be equally as generous same thing where we dry off the face and Pat the sponge into the skin and then for me since I have combination skin I like to take my Rimmel transparent pressed powder and I will just go ahead and press this into the areas that I know I don't want any shine throughout the day so by the size of the nose my smile lines my chin the center of the forehead and I even go over this part of the brow a little bit to also the tip of the nose okay also I can't live without brow gel this is the benefit 24-hour brow center and I'm just gonna run this through the brows to lock them in place and before I forget I'm gonna take a little bit of the honest Beauty highlighter that we used and I'm just going to apply a little bit of this to the inner corner of the eye I think that just makes your entire look more complete I feel like it brightens the eyes I love this step I also I'm gonna apply a little bit right under the brow alright guys so that completes this how to look good in person makeup look obviously this is not like the only makeup look you can wear to look good in person this is just what I was feeling like doing today obviously you could wear more eye shadow than this you could do a bold lip if you want but the idea is just to look like a better version of yourself I'm just gonna move a little closer you see you guys can see the complexion my skin's not perfect you can still see bumps you can still see pores but that's okay and that's normal I would rather look human then look like I have too much makeup on does that make sense even though I wear a lot of makeup like that with a lot of steps but I feel like when you step back and you person like looking up close it just looks more like skin than it does makeup and that is the overall goal I hope you guys found this helpful another thing to remember is no matter what the makeup look you do set yourself up for success throughout the day as well put some blotting sheets in your purse put a blotting powder in your purse bring your lipstick that you're wearing so that you can touch up throughout the day and feel nice and fresh you can also bring maybe a mini setting mist and that will kind of freshen up your skin as well if you're feeling like it's looking too dry there's so many different things that you can do that will really help to make sure your makeup looks really good throughout the day no matter where you are or what you're doing so don't forget that also it's always great to smell good too so don't forget to spray a little bit of your favorite perfume not too much perfume to where it's overpowering but enough to where when you move everyone's like oh she smells fresh keep your makeup approachable and be confident and wear a smile and you will always always always always look good in person and in photos so I hope you guys found this helpful if you have any questions down below please leave them if there was a portion of this video that you still have questions on let me know because I seriously could talk for days and days and days about this if there was a makeup mistake that I didn't touch on today leave a comment down below as well because I would love to make more videos addressing these things to help you guys look your best and be confident with your makeup application skills so please leave comments down below if you're new here hi my name is Allie and I would love for you to join the family you can do so by hitting the subscribe button and if you're already subscriber but you want to be notified on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays when I upload click on the bell after you subscribe and you'll be notified every single time I post so that's it for today's video I know it's a really simple look in the end but I hope you learned something today I love you guys so much remember that you are so beautiful I hope you know that and you don't need make-up to be beautiful but as always I hope these tips and tricks help you be more confident in your makeup application alright that's it for today I love you all so much and I will see you in my next video love you bye [Music]
Channel: Allie Glines
Views: 1,096,009
Rating: 4.9455571 out of 5
Keywords: how to look amazing up close in person, how to, look, good, amazing, nice, up close, up close and personal, in person, person, look good up close, look good in person, allie glines, makeup tutorials, makeup tutorial, makeup, tutorial, beauty, beauty guru, benefit, tatcha, sephora, ulta, walmart, drugstore makeup, 2019, new makeup, milk makeup, milani, estee lauder, laura mercier, thrive causemetics, thrive, honest beauty, l'oreal, loreal, burt's bees, nyx, marc jacobs, mac, urban decay, rimmel
Id: gPpdEwfFOMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 59sec (1979 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 04 2019
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