“Eye Lift” Makeup for Hooded, Heavy or Downturned Eyes | Dominique Sachse

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[Music] hi thanks for being with me today this video is a makeup eye lift for heavy hooded and downturn eyes we ladies as we mature tend to develop a little bit of a heavier eyelid skin on our lid creating a shrunken look a tired look making our eyes look heavy not as bright and as fresh as we once had so what I want to show you today is a very simple makeup technique to really open up the eye to even angle things outward a little bit to create a tiny bit of a lift it all starts with the eyebrow the eyebrow is the framing the window of the eye and so the shape of the brow will start it but it's really technique and color placement that makes a huge difference in how your eye appears so let's talk about a couple of the issues that we ladies face first of all a lot of us have a heaviness on the lid and that heaviness if we apply too much of a light eyeshadow remember what I've always said light protrudes it projects forward and so it only makes a heavier lid look heavier when we place too much light eyeshadow on it another issue that we have and I don't know how often this is addressed on YouTube but when we all tweezed our eyebrows back in the 90s to get that very thin line we thought we were doing ourselves a big favor by giving us some extra real estate on the eyelid to play with because the hair covered an area that we now can use for shadow but the problem is is what we've done by tweezing these lower eyebrow hairs we have now exposed more brow bone the bone protrudes and comes forward so you take that combined with excess skin that's forming on the lid and you have more coming forward and less receding which is what we to create the other issue that some of us might have and this is the case for me my eyelid is very short my crease hits very low here in my eyelid so if I were to say put a light color here on my lid and then carve out my actual crease what happens is it looks like I've created these little stripes a little stripe of light a little stripe of dark and then a big chunk of light and I've literally cut my eye in thirds making it look smaller the other issue a lot of us have a downturned outer corner of our eyelash line creating a little bit of a droopy effect so there are several techniques there to pull that outer corner up as you know I wear eyelash extensions and one trick you can do if you do as well tell your technician not to attach the lashes all the way down on those last lashes in the outer corner because that will accentuate a droopy look you can tell the technician to stop and leave a few of your natural lashes there so it creates a little bit more of a winged outlook and helps to give a little bit of a lift but what I want to do now is launch into the tutorial and show you how quick and easy it is to create an eye lift just with the right application of pencils and color and you're gonna be amazed so let's push in but not too close so here we are in the name of brevity I've applied my foundation concealer some powder some contour blush and a little bit of lipstick I've completely left my eye area alone including my eyebrows in my lid so the first thing we're going to start with is an eyelid primer I will list every single product in the description portion of the video where it says show more if you click on top of that it will expand you'll see the full description it'll just keep things a little tighter and more concise as we go through this one is by NARS it's a clear type of an eyelid primer I believe primers are so important because our eyelids create oil and that oil allows makeup to sink southward and a lot of you say what can I do to prevent my makeup from getting into my eyelash line and below primer is a must for us lady especially in making this I'd make up it here so find one that works for you there are so many on the market that do a great job so it's complete personal preference here this one has no color and I'm just going to do a light coat on my lid and then I will use a brush to blend everything through but this really sets the stage for what's to come and and I think it's just critical for your eye makeup looking spot-on okay so let's start with our eyebrows and like I said this is the frame for your eyes so it's really important to make that frame look pretty but also to create a little bit of a lift if you have a droopy eye what'll happen is if you follow the natural line of your brow or some some of us tend to shadow in the brow and carry that line down that only accentuates the droopiness so the technique here is to create a little bit of a lift here on the outer corner it's very very subtle you don't want to look like you've added a stripe above your natural brown line but you want to carry your shadow or your pencil just a tiny tiny bit above you'd be amazed a millimeter or two difference what it can do for the shape of your eyes so the shadow that I'm using I featured this before it's a color science palette and I'm using the darker shade on the bottom to basically shadow in my my brow I go with that darker shade because my root color is dark so I want my eye brow to match more the root shade so I'm going to come in now and I'm going underneath very very light light strokes basically filling in all that was tweezed as you know these eyebrows have been tattooed which is why I have eyebrows to start with thank goodness what a help it is so I essentially follow along but what I'm going to do as I hit this outer part I am now gonna kick it out ever so slightly to the side and now I just take the residual powder in the brush and I go upward like doing little tree trunks little whisks that little bit of an outward kick can create such a nice lift to the brow on to the other side I always start building my base first that bottom line and then slightly outward take your time with your brows very very important that they look symmetrical and have just the right shape I'll sometimes go back and forth I may pull pull away a little bit of a color bring it in and when you're happy with everything you then have a baseline from which to start so the brows are in so as I mentioned my biggest issue is look at the crease my crease is very very low so to create a more open I'm a deeper eye socket what I need to do is instead of going light here I now go a little bit darker and that's the shocker in all of this ah what I always thought the dark went in here and you had light here well if you don't have a lot of space in your eyelid you're gonna wind up doing that third type of a look which will then cut everything we're trying to open everything up so it's going to be a very warm and gradual gradient in color so for the purpose of this video because I have used this palette so often the Sephora Pro in warm and I mentioned this a lot last year was a part of my giveaway I want to include this palette in this tutorial in case you went out and purchased this so I think that you'll get the most bang for your buck so when I talk about medium tones for instance this type of a plum here or these rusts or orange e Browns all here in the medium tone that's what I would with on my lid so since I'm wearing kind of a lavender color top I'm gonna go with this sort of a soft Mavi purple color and I'm going to use a very flat brush for my application because I want to press this color in so you just take your brush press it in the color shake off any excess and now what we're going to do is we're going to tap it on our lid but we're going above our natural crease line we are creating an artificial crease that's higher that's going to make the space of our lid look bigger so here we go just tap tap tap push it in and start building it up I'm not going all the way to the inner corner because I want that to be a little bit lighter tap tap tap you want to push it that way you get the most pigmentation out of your color and then I start sweeping up top now you're going to see how high I've gone and that is to create a much larger lid look and more of a recess so the area that protrudes on hooded and heavy eyes is right in here so where it protrudes we want to create a look of going in now I'm not going all the way down or all the way out and in fact what I'm going to do as you can see I am now just on my brow bone with this darker color and I'm going out and with a tiny little whisk toward the outer corner of this eyebrow so this is now starting with that lifted look and it's ever-so-slight tiny little whisk the next thing that we're going to do is cut in a crease so to do that I'm going now with this darker Brown and I'm cutting in a new crease line so I'm creating the illusion that I have a higher crease my natural crease is down here my higher crease is going to be substantially above and I'm just carving in a nice line again with a slightly outward risk the next thing I'm going to do is the lash line the last thing that you want to do is create a very thick dark black line along your lashes because all you're doing is cutting into that lovely space that you're creating so any kind of shadowing along the lash line really needs to be more of a top line so you can take for instance a very thin brush look there's two of me take a very thin brush and you can use the black eye shadow and in doing so you can just run that into your lashes like so this is a trickier technique for me because I have lash extensions but I just want to offer this as a alternative for you what I'm going to do is use a black pencil that's great for the waterline as well as the lash line so I'm going to go in now from underneath and I'm going to hit my waterline and just smudge a little bit into the lash line being careful not to go all the way down again I'm creating an outward look so I don't want to bring anything heavy down to compliment this I will now take my skinny little brush in the black shadow and just this outer corner of my lash on top I'm hugging right there along the lash line but what I'm going to do is start to whisk out and go up creating a slight little cat eye with the powder it's less harsh less severe working my way up toward this crease area so we are now creating a lift with this darker color being careful not to go too far down because we are now correcting any droopiness that we might have in our own shape of our eyes so at this point I'm now going to take that initial color that we started with that sort of warm plum and I'm going to use a bit of a blending brush and I'm going to now pull everything together so I'm going here and on the side and I'm connecting my carved out crease and a little bit of a black line ever-so-slight and this creates a more subtle look if you want a little bit of a heavier black line you can just go back in again and just run that a little bit on top if you so choose but again it's it's just a tiny little flick upward and not going too far so the next thing we want to do is really blend all of this together but what I am trying to avoid is having a very very thick area of white and light up here because of that brow bone so I want to smooth everything out and I'm gonna pick sort of a neutral blendable color so for instance a good idea would be something like this it's lighter but it's not white like this so this is a good way to kind of pull it all together with a blending brush and now soften out this top part and get rid of any harsh lines blending is key with anything as you know and we will highlight our brow bone in just a second but that area is not going to be as big as what you might normally do so this is a little bit of a tan color close to skin color you can do a lighter mauve I'm just going with something that's a little bit more neutral and just blending keeping everything at this angle right from this outer corner of my lash upward to the outer corner of my eyebrow but you can already see the illusion that this is created and in the fact that I I look like I have a much larger eyelid than I did before and things are going in instead of coming forward okay so I'm going to follow this up now with a highlight color for the brow my lightest one and I'm it's gonna be a very thin flat pencil and I'm just gonna take this and literally at about 2/3 of the way just run it or right there under my brow so what I'm doing is I'm giving a little separation between this darker color of my brow and the eye shadow colors that I just created helps to make the brow pop nicely and I'm also gonna do the same on the inner corners of my eyes same color right there a little of V this helps to brighten the eye now at this point you can stop and be totally happy with this I am NOT a fan of thick lower eyeliner in any way I'm gonna brush out my eyelashes they tend to get stuck together after I've been manipulating my eyes for so long so you can stop like I said or the next thing that you can do is actually do a lower rim of the eye the good old smoky eye yes you can do a smoky look with hooded eyes it will not make them look smaller the key is a I believe using a brown instead of a black it's just not severe so I'm just going to line the lower inner rim in brown and then I'm going to take the brush that had that moth shadow that we used on our lid and I'm just going to smudge ever so slightly along my lashes so this is not a dark color that I'm working with it's a medium and I'm staying right there in my lashline I'm now softening so while it's doing is building a little bit of a definition to my lower lashline without too much of a pull downward and then you just take a brush that has some concealer in it and if need be you can just add some more correct if you bought it down too far most importantly is this and then once you're done I have applied concealer already normally after an eye makeup look I would apply the concealer but like I said in the name of brevity here I'm just trying to speed things up okay and then just set everything and when you do just use your powder again make sure that there are no heavy lower lines but what we have done is well we've done a line but what we've done is we've opened up our eye we have created more space for color we have created a new crease by going up and actually cutting that crease just under our brow bone we've angled things out slightly above where our bottom lid ends to help eliminate that droop we've done all of our darker color whist outward to meet this line we have brought this line outward slightly to create more of a cat eye and an open eye look but it is incredible what you can do with eye shadow application and with just altering your brows ever so slightly okay all pulled together I think it's good to see it in perspective get a little bit of a distance you can see the color of the clothing how it plays into the color of the makeup but really what I love about this is the fact that you can create this look with so many different colors which is why I love a palette like this that offers such variety and opportunity but again any of these medium tone shades medium rich is what you're going to start with on your lid and carrying it upward the best colors for carving that crease Browns any shade of brown any shade of plum black I think it's too dark and harsh and you're going to most likely see that line so keep it close to that color that you choose for your lid but just a little richer and deeper the black is best hugging along that upper lash line and again creating a little bit of a flick you have an option if you want to do anything on the lower eyelid or not if you want to do any waterline and smudging you can as you can see it works and it doesn't create a downward droop or you can opt out but as we know and as we age it's best to do less and less on the lower lash line and to keep everything focused upward eyelashes by the way are key as you know I did not have to apply mascara because I already have lash extensions but spend your time with mascara give it a couple of coats because having those lashes now moving upward and curling upward again have that same lifting effect of bringing everything up so spend your time two coats get the top if you want to do lash extensions great I find them to be a big help for me since I've got to go through this process every single day it really saves a good five minutes out of my makeup routine and I used to even wear a false lash strip on the outer corner for work so it's really saving some time for me and I just find it to be easier but I really hope that this may be debunked some myths about colors and where they go and open your eyes so to speak on how to open your eyes and to create a wider eye look with makeup create an eye lift with makeup as we deal with heaviness hooded or downturn eyes as we get a little older comment suggestions and ideas for future videos I am yours in that respect I love to hear what you have to say and what you want from me hoping I can fill that void but practice get out there give this a try see how it works for you let me know how it works for you I love to read your experiences with what we do here so go out be bold be blessed as always with those big eyes of yours and I'll see you next Thursday at 1 o'clock it's our time
Channel: Dominique Sachse
Views: 3,208,095
Rating: 4.8929396 out of 5
Keywords: Dominique Sachse, Dominique Sache, Dominiquie Sashe, Dominique Sachse tutorials, short hairstyles, Dominique sachse 2018, makeup tips, Dominique Sachse hair, Dominique Sachse Makeup, Channel 2 news, hooded eyes, heavy eyes, women over 50, makeup look, makeup tutorial, eye look, hooded eye makeup tutorial, smoky eye, hooded smoky eye, eye lift makeup tutorial
Id: gj98OYuu6-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 2sec (1262 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 07 2019
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