The best eyebrow tutorial you’ll ever watch. I promise.

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hey what's up guys it's miss welcome back to my channel this is the highly highly highly requested update abroad tutorial for you guys I said that I would get it to you and here it is if you have thin or sparse or just like non-existent eyebrows just with a little bit of hair girl this tutorial is for you girl ok there is no shame in our game when it comes to these thin / sparse eyebrows we're working with it I got you though so if you would like to learn my updated technique then just keep on watching so obviously this brows done this brow is not done and when I look straight ahead you can see the difference it is massive right well yeah it's pretty massive alright so I have not groomed my eyebrows for the sake of this video in about a week and you can see how crazy and just like horrible they look right now I mean they don't look that bad because they're very sparse but you know we bout to take care of that girl okay so the very first thing that I do is put some powder over top of my eyebrow because of the moisturizer that I use it is very creamy and just um very emollient so doing this with some loose setting powder whatever color you have works you just want this area to be dry and it also makes the product go on a whole lot better and I'm using this tiny Real Techniques sponge and it is dry so every time I do this I dip and dip it into the powder dry so you want to make sure that the sponge that you use in is dry now I'm gonna take my spoolie and brush these excess hairs down and I'm not sure if you can tell girl but I need to tweeze all this because this is just a hot mess I'm gonna take my handy dandy tweezers I get mine from my local beauty supply store but tweezerman is a great brand for really sharp tweezers so literally all I'm gonna do is tweeze my eyebrows but I will say that there is kind of an art to this in the past I used to like over tweeze and that's why I brush the excess hairs down because you don't want to over tweeze you just want to take out what needs to be taken out so I'm just gonna do this until I get it how I like it okay so now that I've tweezed pretty much all of that excess that I wanted to get rid of as you can see I didn't get rid of a lot I just got rid of the very hairs that were growing around this main area right here so I'm going to spoolie my I keep wanting to say comb and touch the brush or it's actually spoolie I'm just gonna brush my hair back down now I'm gonna take a just a basic eraser that I got from our local beauty supply store and what I like to do is kind of pull my brow up and get rid of just any hair that I missed with tweezing and what this is gonna do is just make that area SuperDuper clean it's almost like you know like doing this technique is almost like getting your brows threaded but it's not so don't clock me in the comments but I'm being very careful because if you don't you can take off some hair that you don't want taken off so I'm just going right around that whole brow just like that this area is super clean out and it already looks so much better girl alright so now I'm just going to brush my hairs up and then I'm not going to really do the same thing on the bottom as I did the top I'm just going to clean up around here so I like to leave the bottom kind of growing unless it grows past this area right here and that's because I'm trying to grab my brows in general so I really don't have any areas under here where it needs to be cleaned up at I just kind of feel around with my tweezers and if some hair comes out then it just comes out so that's basically it you guys oh yeah I forgot to tell y'all we are brows before foundation people over here okay I do not like doing my brows after I do my foundation and I just don't understand how people do that I don't but God bless them in their ministry okay so this is a step where this routine differs from my previous routine in the last video that I showed you guys I'm gonna take my absolute favorite brow gel ever in life this is the Anastasia of Beverly Hills clear brow gel as I've stated before and my previous founder not foundation my previous eyebrow routine this stuff is like super glue for your eyebrows so I am just going to sweep this into my brow and this is just going to set the hairs in place before I fill the brow in so I like to come it straight up then go straight over just like that we're kind of leaving them up kind of not so as you can see it just gave me a really nice shape right here and I'm trying to grow my tail out I didn't used to have a tool so I'm kind of proud of how it looks right now but we're not gonna talk about it so now that that's in place I'm gonna use my brow pencil and for about I don't know maybe like a year or so I have been using the Anastasia of Beverly Hills brow definer and this one is in the shade chocolate you know if there's just something about this pencil that just makes me fall in love every time I use it and I think it's because of this shape you guys it's kind of like its arched I don't know it's just it's thick it has a very nice consistency and I just I love this so much I used to use their actual brow pencil but I like this one a whole lot more so again Anastasia of Beverly Hills brow definer in the shade chocolate I'm gonna start at the very front of my brow and I'm gonna start underneath it okay so what I'm gonna do is raise my brows like this because it kind of gives me or maybe it's just in my mind but to me it gives me a more precise kind of stroke if you will so I'm starting at the very front bottom part of my eyebrow and I'm gonna lift my brows and I'm gonna just very lightly outline the bottom portion of the brow and then I'm gonna extend that tail a little bit now what I'm gonna do is take that brow definer and again I'm gonna raise my eyebrow and I'm just going to gently very gently you guys I wish you can feel the pressure of this pencil I'm barely touching my brows so I'm just going to begin to fill in that gap and this is why I love this pencil because you can make a really precise line if you want to outline the brow which is what I just did but when you want to fill it in you can take the flatter side of the pencil and it's just like it just fills in the brow perfectly I love this pencil so again just very lightly and also this brow pencil is double sided so if you need to take your spoolie and kind of just brush through it so there aren't any harsh harsh lines you can do that as well all right next step I'm gonna do the same thing on the top except for this time I'm gonna start right at that arch so I'm taking it at the arch and I'm literally just staying right inside of where my natural hairs are except for this time because I don't really have a pronounced arch I'm gonna create one but it's not gonna be too too dramatic and I'm also going to just extend that tail and then again if you need to take your spoolie brush it up you can do that so that's exactly how I fill in the brow and as you can see it's not dark it's not too harsh it literally is kind of just an outline and me filling in the gaps so now with the concealer of your choice I'm gonna be using my Too Faced Born This Way multi-use sculpting concealer this is in the shade maple this is what I use to highlight my under eyes with however previously I used my Ruby kisses 3d contour artist cream palette and yes I bought a new one because the old one was just it was too nasty too old and two girls girl so this is the one that I used to use and I used to use this shade right here I don't really use this one too much because I find that working with just more slightly more of a liquidy consistency kind of gives me more control over how I want to sculpt out my brows so I really love this one because it's not too runny it's literally kind of like the perfect consistency however you need a good brush so this one right here this is what is this a morphe m42 one brush it's just a flat concealer brush but it's small enough to just get right up under there so I switched between this one and this one right here this is more feet in 16.7 brush so as you can see them side by side this one is just a little bit wider and the one that I'm using is a bit thinner but either one will work I just like this one just because I don't know I just like it more so let me show you guys how I do this I'm gonna take the top off and I kind of just get it a little dirty not really dirty but you know then I'm going to take my brush and just lightly dip it into the excess on the top of my concealer you don't want to get too much on your brush I'm not sure if you can see that tiny amount that I have on my brush but it's really small because a little bit of this goes a long way alright so now we're gonna start sculpting I'm gonna start underneath the arch I'm gonna raise my brows again and I'm just literally gonna sculpt out this brow now I'm gonna drag the excess to the front all right so now I'm gonna take my finger and wipe away that excess in the front and I don't really like that harsh concealer line right there at the front of the brow so I just took my finger and like that right away and then I also do the same at the tail of the brow but I don't really clean this part up until I do the top which by the way I'm about to do the same exact thing I'm gonna start here at the arch and then just sculpt it out and it really is you guys just all about manipulating and kind of just I mean to me this is kind of like an art so it really is just all about sculpting and manipulating and taking from and adding to what you want your brow to look like yet still making it natural making it look natural you know all right so that is looking pretty good I'm going to add an extra step or show you guys an extra step just because this is exactly what I do in my everyday routine I'm going to take whatever foundation that I decide to use for the day and I'm gonna pick some up on the same brush that I use to sculpt my brows with that lighter concealer and I'm gonna go around the top of the brow basically doing the same thing that I did with the concealer and this is just gonna get rid of especially if you use a lighter concealer actually you know what listen you can do this instead of using that concealer but I personally don't recommend it because liquid foundations are just way too liquidy and consistency for you to get like the most sculpted look if you will so I'm literally just using my foundation shade to get rid of that a kind of light halo look that you get with the lighter concealer and this is just gonna make your brows look even better all right so that's basically it the last and final step is I'm gonna take my clear brow gel once more and I am going to run that through the hairs one more time just to blend in my natural hair with the pencil the brow pencil and to kind of get that like feathered super pretty like natural brow look if you will so I'm going to do the same thing and then just brush it over just like that and that is it you guys that is exactly how I do my brows every single time I do this actually I lied there's one more step that I do but I have to complete the rest of my face to do so so let me go do that and I'll be right back okay so I'm back in my full face is complete now I do have a little bit of trends Lulu I was worthless I transitioned I have a little bit of translucent powder down the sides of my nose and that's just for my nose contouring purposes but now I'm gonna show you guys the very last step that I do to complete my eyebrows when I have on a full beat so I'm just gonna take my eyebrow pencil that I used to fill in my brows and at the very front of the brow you guys with the lightest pressure ever and where the contour of my nose starts kind of in the front of my brow I'm just going to connect I'm not sure if you can see but I'm going to connect the start of my contour to the brow so we can you know blend in really well so I'm gonna start there just kind of flick it up just like that and I'm gonna take the spoolie and blend out any harsh lines that may be there so again I'm just starting at the very front and you might not notice a difference but to me it makes the biggest difference ever because it just makes everything flow so now you can kind of see that my brows are connected to my nose contour which makes for the most beautiful looking just natural contoured nose ever it is so pretty this is like one of my favorite tricks ever alright you guys so that is it for my updated brow routine I really hope that you enjoyed this video and I hope that it was super easy to follow and super helpful if you did like it please go ahead and give this video a thumbs up and if you're not a part of the hundred thousand-plus subscriber family girl you need to join okay go ahead and hit that subscribe button down below and as well as turn your notifications on so you don't miss an upload for me because I am back I'm feeling a whole lot better I'm gonna do a chit chat get ready with me just to update you guys on my life and where I've been and you know like why I've been just gone so you know I'm super excited thank you guys so so so so so much for helping me to reach 100,000 subscribers you guys have no idea how excited I was once the number said 100k like I I was just so happy and so proud of myself and just really humbled and honored to I don't know just be in this position that I'm in I literally never thought that I mean I'd be this big although it's not like a huge number compared to a lot of other youtubers that you may see on here it's a huge accomplishment for me and I'm just I'm just really happy like I really hit my goal so thank you so much if you're interested in any of the products that I mentioned in today's video or if you just missed it and want to go back and look at them they will be listed down below captionmax I love you guys so much thank you so much again and I will see you all in my next video yeah bye
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Views: 3,882,793
Rating: 4.9076719 out of 5
Keywords: 2019 brow tutorial, eyebrow tutorial for thin brows, eyebrow tutorial for sparse brows, the best eyebrow tutorial, lorissa turner brows, lorissa turner makeup, easy brow tutorial, eyebrow tutorial
Id: jAaDlpblEcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 36sec (996 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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