Easy Simple Whole Wheat Bread - Ready in 90 Minutes

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Who's your daddy? Jenny!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/saint_strongbad 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2016 🗫︎ replies
I'm here to show you how you can make your own whole-wheat bread start to finish in 90 minutes and it's delicious I don't vibrate anymore I'd rather spend my money on spatulas I got some new ones all right this is a simple recipe let me show you how I do it it's 2 cups of whole wheat flour into a big mixing bowl now this is not whole wheat pastry flour it's it's whole wheat flour that's what you need a 1/2 cup of bread flour or all-purpose flour they both work work well putting in 2 tablespoons of sugar 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 of these packets of yeast now I'm using a rapid rise instant yeast but the regular active yeast is the same I've made this bread with both yeasts no difference it's one packet which is 2 teaspoons or 7 grams of yeast all right so we're gonna mix that up a little bit just combine it okay and now we just keep going with the mixer I'm gonna add one cup of milk this is heated up milk and I'm using 1% milk but you can use whatever full fat or 2% whatever this is the warm milk 120 degrees Fahrenheit and then we're going to add one egg which should be at room temperature putting an egg in there and then I'm going to put in two tablespoons of oil I'm using olive oil just regular olive oil any kind of oil you want to use this okay so where's the oil now we're gonna mix this on high beat it on high for two minutes and by the way if you don't have a mixer you can do this by hand or with a hand mixer but two minutes on on the high or medium highs and give it a pretty good spin here okay two minutes we're gonna add just around the corner top of additional flour and the news additional bread flour so like I said I'll flip the flour let's slow it down just mix it in till it starts to kind of form kind of a mass all right now that's it for the mixing and now we're gonna transfer this to a work surface I have a sort of a board here to work on flour it just a little and now we're going to put this onto a place where we can knead it alright I'm using one of my new spatulas all right so it's gonna be you have to use something to get it off and again if you don't have electric mixer estate you can mix it I don't know if a hand mixer will be strong enough if you don't you can try a hand mixer or you can mix it by hand you'll just have to knead it longer the whole thing about this two minutes with the mixer is it reduces a lot of the kneading time okay here it comes alright that's about what it should be like nice kind of a bit of dough and now we're going to need it and I know they have these kneading paddles on this thing they don't work for me so I'm not doing it and you can't make me I'm gonna do it by hand all right so a little bit of flour and the thing is about the kneading it's only 50 turns because we did it with the mixer so 50 turns 2 3 4 5 and if you did it by hand you'll have to knead longer maybe a hundred hundred 50 turns I've lost my count I think that's about 10 11 12 see after like 10 or 12 needings look how smooth it is already it doesn't take much this is like um not even a minute of kneading okay I'm gonna start I'm gonna stop talking and start counting 14 15 16 48 49 50 alright after 50 turns it should be kind of nice and smooth and like that gotta spank that dough who's your daddy alright now at this point you just leave it there and you're gonna cover it in let it rest for 10 minutes and then we're gonna shape the dough it's only 1 rise this is just a 10-minute rest so cover it up see you in 10 so all that's left to do now is to shape the dough and here it is look at that how pretty all right so now you don't want to use too much flour as little as you can get by with and so what I'd like to do is just kind of I used to what I used to do is I used to like roll it with a rolling pin and - like a long thing and this kind of roll it up but you really all you have to do really just kind of Pat it out a little bit like that and just kind of roll it up you know that's it look at that see the bottom goes down there you tuck in the ends and it's ready for the pan I'm going to use I'm using like a standard 9 by 5 low fan but this one the bottom just in case you're curious is but just about 4 inches across on the bottom that's the size of pan I'm using so now put into the pan I don't have to grease it like that we're going to cover it put it in a warm spot to rise for my mine is always 35 minutes so in about 35 minutes you rise it until it's 1 inch above the top let me show you you rise it till it's 1 inch above the top of the pan no more because it's gonna really pop up in the oven so 35 minutes in a warm spot and we're gonna bake some bread so while your breads rising you'll need to pre-heat your oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit which I've done and it's ready for the oven when it looks like this tada it needs to be just about an inch above the rim and not too much more than that now here's my ruler I think it's about an inch above and don't be tempted to rise it too much longer because it will puff up in the oven so it is totally ready to go into your 375 oven for 30 minutes set your timer for 30 minutes and then we got whole wheat bread now about halfway through the baking at about 15 minutes I'd like to put a foil tent on the top of the loaf to keep it from getting too Brown because it Browns quite a bit so just take some foil this and I used to try to make a tent and shape it and they would fly all over the place so now I find it by scrunching it like that it holds its shape much better so I scrunch it and then I make a chance and I'm making the tent dull side towards the bread so that doesn't get any extra heat and there's my tent so you can kind of shape it when it's crunched like that he's gonna run in there keep don't let the oven stay open too long just gonna pop the oven open and put this on the top of the bread for the final 15 minutes here it is look at this is that beautiful I told you 90 minutes start to finish this loaf speaks for itself what else can I say you can do this it's simple recipe have to just remember to have all your ingredients at room temperature and you can do it it's real easy if you ever forget to warm up your egg you know sometimes I've forgotten and it's still cold you can warm it up against your body the body heat you can put it in in an apron or like in a pocket or wherever yeah but in here it's easier if you have cleavage okay just don't forget it's in there and no surprises what you can be married oh my god what can you do that's exciting in 15 minutes with your clothes on make salmon patties here is all you need to make my quick and easy salmon patties a can of salmon a slice of whole wheat bread some onion red pepper parsley and an egg and that's how simple is you are going to love this I'm about to show you how to make quick easy healthy delicious chocolate brownies and wait till you see what's in them and what's not
Channel: Jenny Can Cook
Views: 6,466,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: whole wheat bread, whole wheat bread recipe, wheat bread recipe, whole wheat bread from scratch, Jenny Jones, jenny jones, Food (TV Genre), how to make bread from scratch, homemade bread, bread recipes, wheat bread recipes, easy bread recipes, JennyCanCook, bread from scratch, youtube cooking show, cooking video, baking videos, easy bread recipe, best whole wheat bread, easy whole wheat bread, healthy bread, how to make whole wheat bread, bread
Id: WWsY8IaoAV8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2015
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