Easy Homemade Bread for Beginners ~ Bread Baking for Beginners Workshop

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well how's it going you guys welcome back to the needy homesteader channel and our very first video in the bread baking for beginners workshop i'm super excited you guys about this video and we are going to keep it very very simple i gave you uh the ingredients um last night i will leave that link up above in a video for anybody who might have missed it and you want to know what you need so we are going to get started here i'm my kitchenaid mixer because well i just can't hand knead dough anymore but if you don't have a mixer you can definitely make this in a bowl and hand knead it i do have a video on bread baking and hand kneading i will leave that video up above for you guys for anybody who does have to hand knead and you need something to reference so i'll leave that video for you guys all right so the goal here you guys is to keep this very very simple for you so you are not overwhelmed and so that you are encouraged by your results so that you will keep going and keep making this and once you master this recipe we're going to move on to actually baking a loaf of bread which will will require a few extra ingredients as well as an extra rice this bread we are going to make a very crusty beautiful uh italian loaf um it's going to be very simple and i know many of you uh were excited to hear that you guys could actually turn this into like a like a french bread pizza so i might actually record that as well and make that a secondary video for you guys to fall back on but with this bread recipe you can make anything from a loaf of bread to dinner rolls to baguettes to pizza crust okay it's very versatile and it's very easy so it's great for beginners so anybody out there new to bread or if you've got a kiddo who's new to baking bread this is a great homeschool home economics uh bread to teach them so all right let's get started okay so when you're making bread there is a specific order that you should put your ingredients in and remember i'm just a mom baking bread okay if you want more detail about different types of yeasts or hydration levels in bread and all of those things i would recommend buying a couple really good bread baking books or go to the library and check some out and read all you can about it this is just going to be very simple um watered down version of baking bread for you guys just because i want you to have success in the kitchen when it comes to baking bread all right now with that said there is a certain way that you should layer the things in your bowl the items in your bowl um so that you have the best success and that is because uh salt can actually kill yeast so we want to keep that as far away from our yeast as possible so i'm just going to share with you how i layer my ingredients in my bowl okay we are going to start with one tablespoon of instant yeast okay i keep mine in the freezer so this is why i like my water to be a little warm on the warm side because this is frozen and i want to really wake this up okay so this is one leveled tablespoon of yeast i use instant yeast if you are using a traditional yeast you are going to want to activate this and i will show you uh where you would do that all right now to this we are going to add two cups of warm water warm water is going to be between 105 degrees and 115 i keep mine around 115 because like i said my yeast is frozen and i really want to activate it and wake it up if you keep your yeast in the freezer it will last longer it's okay in the cupboard better in the fridge best in the freezer and there's no reason to thaw it out or anything like that bring it out of your freezer put it in and then put your yeast back in the freezer the unused yeast all right now to this we are going to add one tablespoon of sugar okay and i just kind of sprinkle that right on top now this is where if you are using traditional yeast you're gonna mix that about and then you're going to leave this to sit for and it depends on what yeast you're using but typically it's 10 to 15 minutes to wake it up but with instant yeast you don't have to do that that's why i like using instant yeast yeast it's broken down a little bit further than traditional yeast and so there's no reason to uh bloom it okay so now that we have that in there we're going to go ahead and add our flour okay so in this recipe we are using just simple all-purpose flour you can use bread flour if you have it but we're keeping it really easy for you guys and this is how you're going to measure out your flour if you're not weighing it now to be honest i weigh all my flour now um it's just a lot more accurate that way but i know most of you uh don't so we're gonna do it just a very easy way okay so this is a one cup measuring cup and so what i do is i take a regular butter knife and you're gonna overfill your cup and then with the back of the butter knife which is the flat edge you're just gonna go ahead and scoop up up the top so you're not gonna hard pack this you're just going to literally scoop it okay nice and loose scrape off the top and then you're gonna add it into your bowl and we are adding four to five cups okay so it's all going to depend on how warm your kitchen is how humid your kitchen is every time you bake bread it might be a little bit different on the amounts that you use so you kind of just bread is one of those things that every time you make it it's going to be a little different and you're just going to kind of roll with it so right to start we're gonna add four cups and then if we need more we will add more okay so i'm gonna just put four cups into my bowl there and then i'll bring you back so you can see inside that bowl and you can start seeing some of the bubbles that will start happening when your yeast is waking up and becoming active okay so now this is where i add the salt and what i'm going to do is i'm going to layer that salt right on top of the flour so it doesn't go into the yeast part now don't forget the salt because without it your bread will be flavorless okay so we're adding two teaspoons of salt to this recipe here okay and so i'm just going to layer that right on top of the um the flour so you never want to just throw the salt in with your yeast and your flour or your sugar and your water um because you do risk killing your yeast that way okay so then we're gonna add to this three tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil and i'm just gonna pour that right on top of the flour okay just like that now this recipe is very versatile so if you wanted to make a flavored bread at this time you could do that sometimes i'll throw in some rosemary some thyme some oregano you can throw in some sun dried tomatoes at this point and make this a very savory bread especially if you're going to use it as an italian loaf you can add pepper to it and make it a pepper bread and it will serve beautifully next to um like a philly steak sandwich so it's totally up to you but as you can see things are getting bubbly and waking up and that's it you guys so i'm going to lift up the bowl and we're going to turn it on now if you are using a kitchenaid mixer you never want to go past this the speed 2 on your mixer we're going to turn this on that's a level one and that's a level two now i'm gonna watch this and i'm gonna see how this comes together you want the sides of your bowl to come clean okay so if it's too sticky we're gonna go ahead and add a little bit at a time some extra flour until we get this dough ball beautiful and everything is pulled away from the side and then we're gonna let this knead for five minutes okay i'm just gonna watch as this all comes together you have a little better view inside the bowl there i don't feel like you have to rush this uh take your time let that dough come together properly because this is going to this is going to eventually give you that beautiful crumb that you are going to want in your bread okay and you can start seeing now it's starting to flow away from the side a little bit and it's starting to form that dough ball we're looking for i'm gonna leave a link down below um to uh some extra information for you guys on um under proofing and over proofing your bread uh just to help you guys out a little bit this is coming together beautifully sometimes you're only going to need four cups sometimes you're gonna need five it's all gonna depend on how hot your kitchen is and how much humidity you have in the air now i can already tell that it's a little sticky okay and you can tell if you touch it and your hand your fingers come out uh dirty it's a little too sticky okay and always make sure that you have clean hands and make sure that you take all your jewelry off when um when you uh go to bake bread because your jewelry holds a lot of bacteria even if they're clean okay so we're going to turn this back on and i'm just going to tap [Applause] a little bit of extra flour in here and i'm going to see how that comes together and this is the point where you just want to watch and be patient and to me this is part of the fun of making bread is having it come together [Applause] helping it along [Applause] [Music] and as long as i see that it is sticky on the bottom i'm going to be adding just a little bit extra flour but don't add too much you can add add a if you are a little better with a tablespoon add a tablespoon at a time [Applause] and the more that you make bread the easier this will become for you to be able to decipher if it needs extra flour or not [Applause] you really just want to get that dough ball lifted off the bottom and away from the sides of the bowl [Applause] and it's really getting there you see the bottom it's really starting to clean up now oh yeah that's that's looking good it's looking really good just a little bit more now you don't want to add too much because you don't want your dough to dry uh that will also affect the crumb and it'll just be a really tough bread and you don't want a tough bread but do you see how the bowl is starting to clean up now just a tiny bit more maybe a teaspoon now that is looking beautiful it's just a tad bit sticky still so we're going to go ahead and turn it back on and i'm just going to add probably another teaspoon [Applause] [Music] and you can really see how the ball has cleaned up you see it and that is beautiful so let me try to get my fingers a little clean here i want to touch it and it's getting a lot better now it's slightly sticky but do you see that it's not sticking on my fingers anymore do you see that that's how we know we are just about there i'm probably gonna add just maybe another teaspoon of flour and that should do it i think this is the trickiest part to making bread but do you see how clean do you see how it's lifting up off the bottom of the bowl the bowl is nice and clean it's all pulled away from the sides and um i can touch it now and have nothing on my hands but it's soft it should feel like um it should feel like a really soft play-doh okay [Music] not even a teaspoon and that is going to do it that is beautiful so now it's at this point where i'm going to set my timer on my stove for five minutes okay and we're going to turn this back on it too keep your eye on it because if it gets soft again and starts getting sticky you might need to add a little bit extra flour but once it gets going like this it should be good and um we are now going to time for five minutes and we're gonna let this knead so how nice and clean the bowl got now you might notice that you want to knead this um a little while longer that is totally up to you you pretty much want to look uh and make sure that it looks pretty smooth okay that's that's really what you're looking for if you notice that it's still not quite smooth enough you can go ahead and take it you know take another two minutes um at the kneading um but this looks good to me so we are gonna go ahead i'm gonna scoot you back we're gonna drop actually i think i can do it around you there we go so we are now gonna take the dough hook off of the mixer okay i'm gonna go ahead and just peel off the dough and get my hook um in the sink and now i'm gonna scoot you back and we're gonna get this out of the bowl okay so here is our dough in a bowl what you're gonna want is a nice dough scraper uh this one is actually a kitchenaid one and i will leave a link for it down below in case you need one okay um you can do it with a spatula if you don't have a dough scraper that's fine too the this if you plan on making a lot of bread though you're going to want to pick up a dough scraper because it'll just make your life easier so here we have it so this is what i do you're going to go inside okay and you're just going to get all that dough scraped together okay and then we're just going to go ahead and scrape it right out of the bowl and you want to make sure your countertop is nice and clean okay so there's our dough again you want to make sure that when you touch it it's not sticking to you and then we're just gonna hand knead it for a minute okay if you notice it's a little too sticky what i do is you can add just a little bit of olive oil just a little bit to your surface i don't use flour because i just noticed with flour um it's a little too um it gets a little too dry so if anything i'll use a little bit of oil uh what you want to do is when you hand knead this right you're folding it over and you're pushing it away fold it over push it away fold it over push it away so if you have to hand me you know how to do that but i like to hand knead this a little bit get this formed into a ball okay and then i like to go ahead and i like to tuck it under and i like just a really pretty dough ball okay it should look pretty smooth for you on the top um sometimes if you let it rest it will smooth itself out you just want a nice smooth looking dough ball okay and that looks beautiful to me so i'm going to go ahead and reuse my bowl because it's already dirty let's move my dough ball out of the way for a minute so there's our bowl and what i do is i just take some olive oil nothing fancy i just go ahead and put some in there about a tablespoon or so you just don't want the dough sticking to the inside of your bowl okay then we're going to take our dough ball and we are going to spin it in the oil then we're going to flip it and this is where we're gonna let it rest and rise for 30 minutes really easy recipe you guys 30 minute rise just one not two and um and then we can come back and we will shape this and get it into our bread loaf what i like to do at this point is i like to add a damp flour sack towel to it so um let me grab one of those okay so this is what one looks like and what i like to do is run it under hot water and then wring it out really well and then we'll put it on top of the bowl i'm gonna go ahead and lay it over my bowl i usually tuck the excess into um into my handle like that and then that is it these cloths have seen better days i should buy some new ones there we have it okay now where do you put it well you want to put it somewhere warm okay because you want it to rise um cold draft will not do your dough any good so sometimes i put them under my counter lights i do have an oven that allows me to proof bread i actually have a proof setting so i keep the oven light on i set it on proof and i put it in there if you have a excalibur dehydrator you can proof your bread in there they actually have a proof setting for bread in um on that dehydrator so you can put it in there um anywhere where it's warm and it's out of the way of having a draft you just want it warm okay not too warm because you don't want to bake it but warm enough to where it will rise okay so i will see you guys back here well one second your time 30 minutes my time and then um we'll take this out and we'll shape it okay you guys so it's been a half hour and now i um changed my oven from proof setting to preheating to 425 degrees okay and here is our dough so it's doubled in size it looks beautiful and we are going to get out just a cookie sheet that's all you need some of you asked me if you could use parchment paper and you can i will use parchment paper to show you so parchment paper when it comes to the roll i always tip it upside down and then it won't roll back up on you okay so that is ready i'll just put that up on the bar there all right so here's our dough now we're gonna do what they call punch it down okay let me eat me down here a little bit so now we're gonna punch it down which means you could punch it if you wanted to but just lightly deflate it and get the gases out of it okay and then from there we're just gonna lift it right up out of the bowl which we'll put on to the side and now this is where we are going to shape it okay so what i do any kind of dry pieces you can just kind of remove off of there so what i do is i just press it out okay and it should be nice and soft and supple and it should really it kind of you know reminds me of like a play-doh and what i do is i kind of shape it out to the shape of a rectangle now this is very versatile okay so at this point you could make this a tray of pizza you could cut this in half and make this two large round pizzas if you have pizza pans you can flatten this out divide it up and make a dozen dinner rolls with this um you can flatten this out and actually create a pizza roll with this all right we have this [Music] all stretched out okay to about a rectangle all right and now it's up to you on how you want to shape it all right i like to roll it like that okay so kind of short end to end okay and then when i roll it i take the seam and i pinch it okay pinch the seam together like that and then seam side down i just like to give it a kind of a nice little push now if you want you can make this loaf fatter if you want um you can make it long and thin you can divide it this into three and create baguettes which i will make a video on because there's so many of you that want to see that video you don't need a baguette pan you can use this on a cookie sheet as well but if you have a baguette pan it's so much better because the baguette pans i'll leave a link to them down below the ones that i have they have holes in the pan so the crust gets nice and crusty and it's really really good so that is it as far as shaping you can shape it any way that you want we are just going to leave it kind of long like this because um [Music] there are so many of you that are hitting me up saying that you guys that you want to make this into a like a french bread pizza and so what i'm going to do is i'm going to do that for you guys i'm going to bake this up and then i'm gonna turn it into a french bread pizza for my kids for lunch instead of serving it for dinner i was gonna serve it for dinner um all right so nice and long just like that now what a bread lame looks like it is um like a razor blade if you will it's very thin um and this is what they use to cut bread and make decorations i'll leave a link to this down below in case you want to invest in one they're not very much and they're very handy dandy or you can use a bread knife just as easy make sure that it's a sharp one you can use a steak knife but these create beautiful um what i like to do is vent this a little bit otherwise when you bake it you might notice and if you've made bread before it kind of explodes out out of the side um gets a little misshapen if you vent this bread as you bake it it won't do that it'll keep its really nice shape okay so let's see i can get you in here a little bit closer okay so i'm going to show you what it looks like with the lame okay and then i will show you with a bread knife so either one is just as good the lame does a little bit better of a job so um you can use either one that you want but i usually like to do about five of them on a bread this size okay and this will give it that really pretty um you know italian bread look or french bread whichever okay it's at this point now we're going to introduce our egg so let me grab an egg okay so i'm just going to get a little bowl here and i'm going to get one of my one of my chicken eggs here this is a coaching egg isn't it pretty they're spotted they're so pretty and we are gonna go ahead and just crack an egg in this okay like so okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna add just a little smidgen okay maybe a teaspoon at most water to our egg then you're gonna puncture it okay and then you're just gonna whip it up a little bit this is gonna help create a beautiful crust you guys and this is also going to be the secret to any kind of topping that you want to put on your bread this is what's going to help make it stick and now we're just going to baste it with this egg wash right in the little cuts that you made and everything and you want to get it all the way on the edges because this is what's going to give a really pretty crust to this it's going to make it shiny it's going to make it golden brown it's going to be really pretty around make sure that this side is nice and done and once you get this nice and basted of course mine is going to be a little extra yellow because it's a fresh egg now once you get this nice and basted we will be ready to get this in the oven because i heard my oven is ready to go now it's at this time that if you want to add a topping to this you can do so uh sesame seeds poppy seeds everything bagel seasoning anything that you want you can go ahead add it now and it will stick okay and i just want to give you a nice view of that now we are going to add this to a 425 degree oven we're going to bake it 20 to 25 minutes until it's golden brown and then when that happens i will bring you guys back and i will show you what it looks like when it's done now you can take a temperature of it if you want um but i just knock on it and when it sounds nice and hollow you know that it's fully baked all right okay i will see you guys in about 20-25 minutes all right guys so my timer just went off and we are going to bring this out and it looks so now you want to make sure that it is baked you're going to just tap on it and it should sound nice and hollow for you there's our first loaf of bread like i said you can add a topping to this would be beautiful i left mine plain just to make it simple what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna i'm gonna turn this into a french bread pizza and i will show you how i do that in another video place it there and there there you have it you guys i hope this bread brings you so much success and if you don't get it the first time that's okay try again you will get it i promise this is such a nice easy loaf to start with so that you can gain some confidence in your bread making skills and yeah i hope you guys enjoy it all right let it cool before you slice into it because you want that moisture to stay in there if you slice into it when it's hot you'll lose all the moisture in the bread it'll end up being really dry on you so let it cool and and then slice it up and enjoy it you guys leave me a comment down below letting me know how your first loaf ends up turning out and um like i said if you have any questions leave them down below i will try my best to answer them for you okay all right you guys i'll be seeing you soon next video we'll be turning this into uh a pizza for your family all right guys i'll see
Channel: The Kneady Homesteader
Views: 267,461
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the kneady homesteader, baking bread, bread for beginners, easy bread, simple bread, bread from scratch, homemade bread, biginners to bread baking, how to bake bread, crust bread, italian bread loaf, french bread loaf, simple ingredients for bread, bread for dummies, how do you make bread, bread baking workshop, easy bread recipe, easy homemade bread for beginners, easiest bread, how to make a bread loaf, breadmakking, bread making, fast bread, made from scratch
Id: i-LMxzp3MBk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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