Bottom of a Mine Challenge | CDDA Ep 1

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He is too good to us.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/rebelwanker69 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
where were you when the world fell apart where were you when the missiles fell and the portals opened when the dead started to rise there are many locations for each of you the answer is different perhaps you made it to a shelter in time or you're privileged enough to try and escape the cities by helicopter but for our next lot they didn't even realize the end had come things were bad on the surface for sure but work continued deep underground a mining operation small teams of workers continued on unknowing until slowly but surely people started to disappear something stalking them in the darkness our next challenge starts here at the bottom of a mine alone in the dark our first survivor is emmett malloy also known as ibex and only 16 years of age emmett started working at this mine just last summer working as a security guard his radio no doubt squawked with calls for help those calls have now fallen silent to the surface we must go emmitt and back to civilization can we make it in one piece and here we are with our security guard emmett alone in the dark at the bottom of a mine and as we can see emmett here is a fast healer and he actually has a hobby that hobby being bushcraft that's enabled them to have some basic napping skills carving fiber twisting etc he's got a little bit of dodge but beyond that oh boy he does not have anything else a little bit of survival skill but that that's it that's it no melee skill at all i mean he is 16 years old emma let's see if we can get you out of here so let's check your inventory to start with we have a beretta you're armed the arming 16 year olds great idea good plan we actually have two magazines here we have a smartphone which i imagine the signal down here is not all that great a folding knife and a flashlight first of all this flashlight we're going to go ahead and give that a new designation just make that nice and easy we have our expandable baton here we're going to do the same thing just so we can swap between them without too much trouble and g4 g4r beretta g for gun of course we have it in a holster at this stage we have our flashlight on our belt here we're wearing a light jacket we got a nice baseball cap on some combat boots okay well let's maybe see if we can put that baton away for the time being i feel like i'd be more comfortable with the beretta out as we feel unsettled down here at the bottom of this mine and you know what yeah let's not turn the flashlight on just yet let's see if we can go ahead and hmm we're going to go and designate this holster as h as well just so we can go ah to activate it we'll draw out the beretta dropping the baton hmm i don't really want to drop it if we can avoid it let's see maybe just maybe we can fit it onto our belt draw the flashlight store it in the holster store in our inventory for now and hopefully we can use this belt damn unfortunately we can't take the baton with us well we'll put the knife in there for now then sure and we'll make sure that we wield that breader i'm gonna feel a lot more comfortable with that in our hands and now with our flashlight just kind of poking out of our jacket pocket we're going to turn it on oh boy oh boy oh this is ah oh dear emmet so looking down here we can see bodies the remains of human corpses there's a strange translucent crystal here and a dog a domesticated mongrel of the canine persuasion in the absence of human society has turned feral what is a dog doing down here emmett down here by itself and now that our light is on we can see the people that emmet came down here for the screams that he heard they were all dead they're mining helmets i wouldn't mind that looking at the rest of them though they're completely naked there's no clothing on them at least nothing usable was it this dog and what is this crystal maybe we can get a little closer the dog starts to approach it is not hostile towards us it's friendly even as it takes a few more steps towards us what's it gonna do emmett i mean it is just a dog after all right no it isn't no it isn't and i knew this i knew this if it didn't and i wanted the surprise for the rest of you the dog's head explodes in a mass of roiling tentacles as these tentacles lash out towards emmett this was just a friendly looking dog but no now it is something else altogether a dog's body with a massive ropey black tentacles reaching out from its head emmett grips his pistol are we even going to be able to get a shot off here how fast is this thing alright that's an okay kind of hit here right there we go it tears at our left arm further but we did hurt it let's go again emmitt 74 steadiness another shot rips out through the cavern as it continues to rip at our arm damn it stop aiming yep it got another strike in okay we're gonna have to just go for a 71 here still all right there we go 30 damage a good hit yet again this thing is getting weaker 62 sure okay come on dude it's just grasped onto our left arm in unmanageable pain we try to steer ourselves just a little further and just like that a rude awakening the dog is dead no it isn't no it isn't okay so i haven't seen this happen before yep we are dealing with the thing horrible as it is we were so sure that this thing was dead but no no no no it tears through the form that was there before in amorphous black creature detaching and sprouting tentacles without any apparent paws emmett what have you found down here what have you unearthed emmett i don't know if you're long for this world my friend can we kill this thing is it possible we could try to run if we do try to run let's see our legs are still okay how much faster are we it is a bit faster than us we're not going to be able to get away from this thing so we try to steady up something hurts stop aiming yes oh yeah that hurts a lot we're almost kind of pinned to the ground now as this thing continues to attack we shoot out towards it we do good damage and we did hurt it we try and shoot again and you know what i think we're just going to go for wild shots now trying to see if we can hit this thing and we have done damage to it but our arm is completely broken it's just a mess and our brita tumbles to the ground this thing is hurt we have a knife and that's it i don't think we can pick back up well the baton is kind of within reach it's not expanded right now but can we expand it in time it doesn't look good for you my friend no both of his arms our taunted shreds our torso broken we turn the flashlight off as the last moments of emmett's life unfold in front of us this thing is not our friend [Music] it wasn't a dog and so our first has fallen but perhaps among those bodies that were down there one still lives we shall see let's roll the dice and so here we are with our next character odell downey 35 years of age a drone operator alone in the dark now odell has some secrets he has good hearing a natural propensity towards physical endurance yet he also has a killer drive odell derives enjoyment from killing things putting end to life seems to spark some dark satisfaction and thrill he craves every moment and there's another trait that he has something that i haven't seen before calyptic psychosis ever since the sky first broke you have felt unwell your head split by alien thoughts you will periodically suffer from delusions ranging from minor effects to full visual hallucinations some of these effects may be controlled for the use of anti-psychotics so some of the things we see down here might not be real finally odell is a nomad too adventurous for his own good the more time he spends in one location the unhappier he will be there and as you can see we feel restless it's been too long since our last kill odell yes interesting very interesting and something else interesting about odell o'dell is actually a martial artist and we have crane kung fu one of the five shaolin animal styles the crane uses intricate hand techniques and jumping dodges dexterity determines your damage rather than strength you have a higher chance to dodge and dodging unlocks a strong technique for a limited time nice well that's something having a look at our inventory here we do have some anti-psychotics that we might be able to uh make use of we have a jumpsuit that's it no weapons but maybe our hands can be our weapons for now i think we're gonna go ahead and take one of our anti-psychotics we feel a bit wobbly after that okay okay and you know what soon as we have power it means that we do have bionics of kind let's see a remote controller and a battery system the remote controller could come in handy we are a drone operator so i imagine he was controlling the drones with his mind we have this remote controller built into us maybe we can find some down here we don't have light actually no that's a lie we have a cell phone okay so we're going to go ahead and re-designate this as f i'm just used to it being flashlight are we going to turn this thing on well i think it'll be a good idea to see where we are huh we turn the flashlight on oh it does not help us at all we light up the screen yeah no that's not good oh i hate this so much so ah this is the worst this is the absolute worst so we start to walk in the darkness no idea where we are we heard screams before sounded like someone young a kid maybe that kid a security guard shouldn't have had a gun no no i think we're right by it i think we're right by the thing i think these are the same bodies from before i think odell is right by where that thing was i don't think he can fight it nope not with his kind of current skill set up maybe a number of characters could slowly whittle the thing down we did some damage to it with the gun how else can it see in the dark well we can't see that well okay we found a wall ah a minus helmet we go ahead and put that on okay we walk around a little bit more just around the outskirts and as you can see we are kind of creating a map in our mind as we go about this space every nook and cranny will explore eventually it will lead us back around towards where that creature was and i guess my next question is is that creature hunting us right now it would be no probably not we seem to be weaving our way around here what we're looking for is a way up okay we're gonna explore a little bit more of this darkness here just mapping it out another body okay right now we aren't aware whether or not those animate in what's this a crystal of some kind a translucent crystal let's have a look at it it is the only one of its kind it may have unknown powers try activating them we take the crystal and it says zero out of three so i don't think it has any charges we can't activate it now right this artifact lacks charges to activate oh god it's around here we haven't found an exit yet but there's got to be one somewhere odell we just keep on feeling around the outside of this place it's the thing still here we'll find out soon enough won't we oh there's blood just a little bit of blood splatter that we see on the ground more of it more blood a lot of blood dare we turn on the light dare we take another step forwards what if we peek we peek and we see a body emmett it is that kid he is well and truly dead a beretta at his feet what killed him we don't know let's take a step forward let's go ahead and yeah we're gonna take some of this stuff okay first of all we want to take that holster let's go ahead and wear that huh yum and we're going to take that beretta and i'd love to take the baton as well but i don't know if that's going to be possible combat boots surely they're going to be better than just the boots that we have on at the moment we're going to go ahead and drop those boots to the ground see if we can get away with this right now whatever killed him doesn't seem to be here put those boots on what else you got the light jacket we can go ahead and wear that it's a little bit of extra protection over the top of our jumpsuit and it's not going to really slow us down does mean that we can maybe carry more we'll take that leather belt wear that too ah a wristwatch although we already know the time so we have our own okay that's good probably don't need more than just that let's have a look here boxer shorts socks don't think we're gonna want anything else really what about the baton it's extended at the moment we wield it and we'll see if we can just collapse that down and maybe put that in our inventory ain't gonna be an option but we can hold on to it for now unfortunately it is not a valid crane kung fu weapon so we'll get rid of it for the time being and we are going to wield the gun we're gonna make it g and going over towards the holster i'll go ahead and change that to h so wield the gun okay dare we turn on the light i think we got it right oh more bodies okay we have seven charges left actually no we got the flashlight now okay yeah uh better than the mining helmet or we could just take the batteries out and put them into the mining helmet regardless either way we are going to turn on the light oh no that was the they're both f okay we're going to uh redesignate that as we're just going to clear it and we're gonna activate the flashlight okay what the hell whatever killed him isn't here anymore i don't see a way out okay i'm not gonna panic there has got to be a way out of here we just haven't seen it yet that's the baton okay i thought it was a crystal for a moment well we can't be sure maybe maybe what killed these things no we know it was the thing maybe there's a copy of emmett wandering around somewhere now and it could just be instinct or it could be that killer drive but i think we're going to holster that beretta for now yep and we'll pick up the baton yet again or maybe not no we're just going to destroy the remains seeing the bodies twitching still want to make sure that these people are actually dead why you might ask i think it's that instinct i think it's that killer drive there is something off a little bit of panic sitting in there has to be way out of here okay i see no way up yet okay i mean we didn't see that corner before right i think so maybe we've just missed a corner somehow my god looking at this i i don't see it i don't see a way out okay i'm gonna go around the whole loop again just to be 100 sure so there isn't any way out i'm relatively sure that there is meant to be a way up we we can't climb up anywhere here as well uh yeah ceiling all ceiling everywhere so ain't no climbing that we can do around here and um there are no ramps and that's usually what we would see here so i i think what's happened in terms of the story here is that there's been some kind of collapse maybe maybe that crystal can do something maybe that crystal can get us out of here that could be part of it possibly and maybe the crystal is something that takes time to charge so we kind of just need to spend time down here as grim as that is and well we do have maybe a food source yeah i gotta think or at least i gotta hope that it'll only be a day but who knows odell we're just gonna sit here in the dark looking at their crystal hoping for a way out well i mean i've decided to do something with our time here so we're gonna try and cut up what we can what's left of emmett's stuff here so that we might actually be able to get some kind of use out of it let's see what we can do cut everything or disassemble everything we'll disassemble everything once if we can and then we'll maybe cut it into pieces but uh three hours i feel like that's maybe a good way to spend our time before we run out of thirst okay there we go what do we have on the ground here a lot of thread one rag and as for the other things that are down there well maybe we can do something with them we're hungry we are thirsty not a great position to be in i'm going to have a look at in just a moment to see whether or not the crystal is it's got two charges okay it's got two charges so what we're going to do here with the stuff that's on the ground we are just going to cut it up we got some patchwork clothing parts out of that i gotta hope that if we cut them up we can get some rags yes please thank you all right we're gonna do that for the rest of these ones here all right with this dull light we're gonna go ahead and make ourselves just three makeshift bandages just so that we actually have use of them and we're going to take what else we can from here the thread etc we've got some leather patches some rags that's about it and we can kind of just fit them into our inventory the chunks of rubber they can stay here for now ah no we are kind of at our limit with that stuff right translucent crystal what can you do we're going to go ahead and turn this flashlight off and we gotta hope that this crystal can do something for us ah where'd it go crystal here we are activate it what are you to do crystal oh acid great we're covered in acid we just have an acid pile there it just exerts acid uh yeah our legs hurt that was acid acid out of that thing well that's fun but our intelligence is up interesting we're in pain hmm okay do we try and use it again i think we gotta otherwise we're just stuck here odell we can't have that so to the crystal we go again we activate yet again acid it just makes acid is that is that all it does seemingly so well maybe this crystal does something else i'm doing kind of air quotation marks here we're stuck i feel like there is probably meant to be some kind of ramp here um and maybe there is maybe there is uh something behind the walls here something that we were meant to be able to use but right now we got nothing so i i don't know what we can do with the debug menu usually the debug menu is there for when you get stuck or things go awry and this is one of these scenarios whether or not there is something else just kind of beyond this area there might be i don't know if we can reveal that with debug what i do know is that we can teleport and that is possible to do so maybe that is something that this crystal can do that's kind of my last thing that i'd want to try because that kind of does remove the challenge of this to begin with and i don't want to throw odell away just yet so i'm gonna try some things and see whether or not there is actually a way up around here somewhere ah well it worked as you can see in the log on the side there there was some teleporting that took place unfortunately there were no ramps there was no way out of that scenario unfortunately sometimes that can happen with world spawns weird things can take place and that's just one of them unfortunately yet grasping onto that crystal we now find ourselves a few levels higher too in actual fact the level even above that there wasn't anything going on so we were well and truly trapped so in the space that we are right now we can see lava yep cracked through the earth here and some strange hazy cloud not great not great so do we want to keep this light on hell yes i think so and we want to keep that beretta close at hand let's start walking around and see if we can find a way up proper from here got some debris ah okay there is actually a way down you know what we are gonna go down first here see if we can indeed there is a way down and a way down further from there a sheer drop halfway down so there was no way up as you can see here there are a few points where i was trying to drop in it seems like this level the level that was above where we were there is actually well there's not a way up but we have a downward slope here with no stairs or anything else like that down there there was no way for us to get back up i think it's going to be the same for all of these yeah so there we go we really didn't have any other option than to do that but thankfully hey we had the crystal the crystal did us well so odell would carry on throughout this vast underground to see what's here no one so far no other living soul maybe all the others got out maybe we don't want to get too close to that lava we can see our temperature rising okay so we continue on what is that gas um we haven't seen that before what's emitting it unknown at this stage but maybe we can work our way around it there is a clear path up this way let's take it for now oh and more bodies okay nothing on this one here over here though leather gloves i don't think we have any gloves on at this stage no so let's go ahead and chuck them on we have no qualms about that and there is a staircase up really we haven't seen anyone else here clean water oh boy you know we're gonna drink that excellent hydrated after that nothing on this body either and so let's just peek up first of all straight into poisonous gas that is unfortunate that is unfortunate no way to really cover our mouth as of yet we have a look at the rags that we do have we can make a blindfold but that's about it yeah anything that's actually going to cover our mouth the bandana we need to have a sewing tool and we could get that we could get that but we'd need bone and that would mean cutting up the remains of someone down i don't know if our killer drive would make us feel pretty freaking uneasy from doing that how long would it take a quick butchery maybe we could get some bone out of that let's let's try okay we failed to get a skull or some stomach but we did get some human bones from that do we feel bad no no we do not we are just longing to kill we even got some skin how lovely so let's see what we can do with this can we make a bone needle that's what i'm kind of holding out for here but it doesn't look like we can uh hmm yup bone needle we have a human bone so why can't we make it what are we lacking definitely says we harvest human bones there's nine human bones there why can't we use them let's just go ahead and see if we can move them from one square to another see if that will help it unless this human bone designation is different from what the thing is looking for oh no there we go we just needed to be able to see it 44 minutes okay well this is going to take us a while to do that's fine i think what we're going to do is turn off our flashlight and we're going to turn on our cell phone light that'll be a little bit better for us less wastage of power there okay it's now 1pm we have ourself a bone needle that's good that's good let's jump into armor okay we can make a bandana it's gonna give us some mouth coverage it's really not gonna do too much but i feel like it's going to be better than nothing at all we'll use the sinew the the human sinew okay um we'll put down the bone needle for now story in our inventory and we will stitch this together increasing our tailoring skill to one let's wear that bandana and we are gonna go ahead and pick up the beretta huh did we leave the magazines on the ground i guess they were just it was showing us independently what was inside the gun um right i think we're not going to take anything else from that maybe we will take a bone if we can and the sinew oh no no we can't well let's go ahead and turn off this cell phone flashlight and we'll turn on our own proper flashlight we're going up and i think if we try and go up this side here oh boy yeah we're going to be in the thick of it no matter what maybe we can just wait a turn or two and see peek again seems to be there no matter what okay we're gonna go into this toxic gas here we go yup we feel sick indeed we do but we step away from it as quickly as we can unfortunately it looks like we're gonna have to go back through it no no we don't we work our way around the gas coughing spluttering our head is poisoned it's gonna take some damage from that but that eventually will pass more lava okay and another body a zombie miner there we go our first creature that we've seen all the way down here okay it's slower than us and right now it isn't aware of us so let's see if we can keep it that way for a little bit longer use that to our advantage i do want to check those bodies though i most certainly do and odell we do have some skill martial arts i reckon we might be able to take it down let's see first of all though heavy flashlight we can actually use that as a bash tool for now we're just gonna ah damn maybe we can go ahead and drop our own flashlight and pick up that one still have enough space doesn't look like it unfortunately well i guess we'll just take the battery then yeah over here earplugs just in case we need to do some firing and some safety glasses worthwhile protect those eyes okay over here more water clean water ah man we are so limited by what we can take her even a basic pack right now would be great i don't think we want to overfill ourselves but also we are holding on to some things that maybe we don't need to ah like that plastic bottle for instance there we go let's just swap them around okay and there's that minor is that the same one i think it might be [Music] let's see if we can get over towards these bodies we'll turn off our flashlight for now jeez we cannot see at all it's much darker here well i think we're here we're gonna have to turn it back on okay it has noticed us now there's a hard hat here i want to fight this thing but i want to fight it over by the rubble so with it being slower than us let's see if we can get it to come across some of this mess towards us and we'll go ahead and use our holster holster the gun um or not oh because the plastic bottle is in there why i do not know drop the plastic bottle please let's go ahead and use that holster again we want to put the beretta which is on the floor into the holster okay all right let's make sure that we aren't wielding the plastic bottle that we have and we're just gonna get ready to fight this thing it stumbles through the rubble towards us okay hmm what's the point of fighting well we got it okay we did some damage to it it is slower than us let's move to the side hope it continues on its current track let's keep this up for now come on now these squares are going to slow it down a lot and we have already damaged it a fair amount okay another strike okay we're doing all right see if we can keep this up too many strikes missed i think we'll go for three strikes and then we'll move on like so just like that okay critical ah there we are slowly but surely we're taking this thing down i think this will help our killer drive as well so we'll be in a better mood you know no damage unfortunate ah our theoretical skill of unarmed combat has increased which is interesting because i guess we knew just knew the theory of kung fu and hidden underneath the rock we have that zombie miner yeah well let's go grab that bottle for now we'll wield it we'll hold on to it because we can we'll check the rest of the bodies down here what have we got steel towed stickers some more glasses and just these human corpses a few of them cbm okay and yet another miner okay oh boy a backpack too and what looks like a column a pillar hydraulic muscles oh that would be nice what we are going to do though is try and see if we can trick this bastard to wander through the lava [Laughter] ah that's great actually how ah we killed recently so we're happy odell celebrate good times yup okay well wander through the rest of the top here not missing anything up there and down here well that's cbm i'd love to take it but we are going to take this backpack first of all it is not filthy it's good to go and that hydraulic cbm is coming with us so cbms are modifications to the body let's have a look at this one a hydraulic muscle support system that when active increases strength by 20 yep incredibly strong and for a martial artist very very good unfortunately a martial art style doesn't really rely on strength we're going to take that medium disposable battery and that one too as we might find a use for it and oh boy look at that a minecart well we will get to that in just one second but i want to continue on towards these pools nice shallow water huh okay ah another zombie miner well we know what to do with you huh we are going to lead you around here and you i just gotta die die in the lava wonderful wonderful another okay well odell let's keep doing it i mean we're not killing them ourselves so a little upsetting but for now i think we are okay especially when it comes to that killer drive it's sated for the time being let's avoid the shallow water exploring the rest of this sprawling area okay we're gonna bring you back over towards our favorite attraction come on i don't want you to lose us ah there you are and you've seen us now towards the lava we go oh that's unfortunate we're actually gonna have to start running and oh boy yeah that's that's hurting that is hurting we got too close for comfort and that one's still live well at least part of it no we don't need any of that let's actually just stop for a moment here catch our breath yeah we got too close for comfort to that lava there more pillars the pillars are strange are they pillars that we have put in i mean surely i assume that's the case must be right okay well looks like we are gonna have to go around here a little bit just like so and i feel like we've kind of mapped the area as well as we can that minecart doesn't really seem to lead anywhere just in so perhaps that was collapsed as well okay into here we go and there is a ladder up now usually i would wrap the episode up around about this time but i feel like we're actually pretty close to getting out of this place we're gonna go and put this tool belt on i just wanna make sure that it's not gonna make us too okay yeah we'll activate the leather belt we'll get rid of the folding knife we will go ahead and just draw it for now and we will get rid of our og leather belt looking at this the work t-shirt we can make a riot mask from that the headlamp useful work gloves kind of the welding goggles most certainly and the first aid kit box yeah we can actually go ahead and start using that right away gasoline lantern might it be useful oh boy yeah we got a lot of stuff in here i want to make sure that we're not actually missing out on anything useful to us dust mask that's what we want everything else we can probably leave for now although it might be worth us seeing whether or not the work pants are better than our jumpsuit when it comes to protection i mean encumbrance across the board is pretty good with this ideally we won't be getting hit that's the uh goal when it comes to survival we have some elevators here but i think we probably end up just taking this ladder and having a look at everything else that we've got here well this first aid box we're gonna go ahead and activate it okay we're gonna have some aspirin just straight up and then uh let's see medical cause antiseptic adhesive bandages okay so the adhesive bandages we wanna go ahead and put on our wounds that just really aren't that damaged because they don't need that much healing our leg a little bit more so yeah i think we'll go head and torso adhesive bandages and then we'll put some proper bandages on our left leg and on our right leg we'll even put a little bit of anti-sep no no we've only got one thing of antiseptic hold on to it we're in mild pain still i'd like for that to go away we might take another aspirin just while we're here yup we don't have many so we should be a little bit more cautious with them and we're gonna start to climb up this ladder um okay winding around this way here up another step oh boy and here we are we've made it to the surface odell you are alive for now but what do we have down here your colleagues look at them all wonderful and it seems like the big rig that was working still is working here is rather damaged the dead have risen the apocalypse is now we find ourselves at a mine entrance with some light industrial over here to the south west odell we need to get you to civilization your survival story is not over yet but this might be the quickest run that we've had if we can find civilization we'll be good so with that our episode comes to an end for today if you enjoyed our story down here in the mind so far please consider leaving a comment or like to let me know if you enjoyed the show for now i have been rikon you have all been awesome and until next time stay tuned finally i'd like to extend a great big thank you to the legion on patreon who continue to make content like this possible [Music] you
Channel: Rycon Roleplays
Views: 30,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rycon roleplays, roleplaying, roleplay, movie, Let's, Play, Let's Roleplay, RPG, Like, Zombies, Surivival, Cataclysm, Dark, Days, Ahead, DDA, CDDA, Tileset, PC, Roleplay, Roleplaying, Character, mutated, crossbow, stealth, rougelike, rouge, permadeath, lab challenge, lab, Cataclysm DDA, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead, Cataclysm: DDA, late game, end game, Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, Dark Days Ahead, Cataclysm 2, Open World, procedurally generated, season 2, mutation, alpha, rycon, 4k, challenge, migo, prison
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 55sec (2695 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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