Hoarders: Family Secrets - Full Episode (Season 7, Episode 1) | A&E

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tonight on this very special episode a hoarder's  family is in crisis and needs our help we're   about to enter this home and for the very first  time hold a live intervention we'll also hear   the story of one of our most difficult subjects  i'm dr david tolin and this is hoarder's live it hasn't even been recirculated it's  still perfectly good i could still eat it   compulsive hoarding affects more than 9  million people i have way too many rats   do you ever throw anything away no it's marked  by an obsessive need to acquire and keep things i have this feeling in me that i'm helping  save something it impacts parents holy crap   jesus siblings where are you for your mother  children it keeps on getting messier and spouses who must find the courage to ask for help  your old way of thinking about things   it is self-destructive as hell i'm at the home  of hoarder richard van cleef we've been called   by his loved ones who want to share in real  time the pain caused by their father's hoarding   and what they hope will be his first  steps toward healing here's their story i am richard and i collect things  for antique shows and flea markets richard was a very neat person when i met  him he picked up after himself he did not   bring things into the house clutter it or  anything i never had to pick up after him at all   when i was a child my dad was a very  loving father he was not messy by any means   i love being a family man being a  family man makes a man out of you i put cheryl down for nap and i went  to just check on her before i cook some   mac and cheese and i found her we heard a scream  and she came running out with a baby and placed   her on the dining room table and proceeded  to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation my daughter being gone things  kind of just tore me apart   when our daughter cheryl died it affected  him tremendously especially where our   marriage really couldn't support each other  because we there was no communication with us my mother took us away from my father that was  the first time i ever saw him cry that's all sorry when i collect stuff i bring it in the house and  now i got no room to walk i got a house full of   paper i got dishes a bunch of junk some furniture  just goes on and on my father holds on to things   that he will never ever use and collects massive  amounts of things that he doesn't have room for he has space heaters running if the house  catches on fire people can't get in to save him   it's dangerous to be jumping  over things and he has fallen   in the past i'm afraid he'll die in the house so it's just overwhelming to  deal with that's his house and   that's what he wants to be the way  it is he's not going to survive long i'm joined now by fire chief christopher  olsen from the cotuit fire department   chief how aware are you of richard's hoarding and  how bad do you think it is well you know this is   this house has been on our radar for quite  a while um and we've looked on the outside   obviously we haven't gone inside the house so i'm  not aware of the inside but if the conditions are   very similar to the outside uh we do have a  huge severe hoarding issue at this location   from the standpoint of the fire department  what are the risks that we're looking at here   there's many risks here this there's a there's a  fire load inside as well as outside a huge fire   load and with that fire load comes possible  collapse inside of building if our rescue   personnel our paramedics emts or even our  police officers that need to go inside to   help this person it's very difficult blocked exits  to get out you know just little small pathways to   traverse across the uh you know their ways in  their rooms and it's very difficult to move   and not only the amount of fire load that we have  here there's just possible trip hazards as well   sure so it's very severe could the city ever take  action in a case like this yes actually we do um   actually the the town gets together and with  the fire departments the police departments and   the uh the building department as well as the  health department and we go out as a task force   to to aid and assist anybody that has conditions  like this thanks chief richard stands at a   crossroads that are faced by many people with  hoarding disorder including one we know well   jim bean we met him five years ago when he  and his young grandchildren faced eviction   my name is jim i'm a retired construction  worker first time i realized that there   was money in recyclables when i was an air  traffic controller and they threw away a   bunch of radar antennas so i took him down  to the recycling yard and got 300 for it bailey started dumpster diving with me when she  was probably maybe four or five it's so awesome   my grandfather started playing the thing called  the lucky trash game he'd say that the food that   we found is still good and so he'd take it home  because of my help our house doubled in trash and then somebody had called the police department  and said there were rats running around the   front yard i'm officer holman with the city of  upland code enforcement i've been dealing with   mr b for the last four years pretty much a  continual offender the police came they said that   they were going to turn out our electricity and  we couldn't come here until our house was clean my name is charles and jim is my grandpa i  really miss my grandma and grandpa's house   we're staying at my mother's house  she has a spare bedroom in the back   i have to sleep in a room with  two boys and my grandmother i wanna go home badly the thing that really bothered me  the most other than the pure filth   was the fact that jim is using  charlie's room to store his clutter   well if you want charlie to be in here  100 of this room has to go too 100 right it's just animal waste everywhere pretty much what  we've done today has proven all the things that   neighbors were complaining about all the things  that we had heard about we found in the house the   reason people were calling because rats right  and you guys said you don't have rats well you   know yeah i i'm not gonna make any excuses okay  it exists hey i'm not gonna deny it that's red   it's a new start new look cleaning up the yard and  cleaning up my act i know there's going to be a   lot of things that are going to get thrown away  and lost but that's the price of doing business   what do you think charles pretty nice huh  i saw charlie's face coming coming out   of his soon-to-be bedroom and uh you  know it's making all this worthwhile wow wow this was the room  that was completely full yeah   a lot of work has been done that's that's  clearly evident however we still need more work when we couldn't get right back in the  house i i think don was disappointed   you know i don't think jim was surprised that the  grandchildren are not coming home but i think don   was you could really see in her face ah that  was killer i just want to get it cleaned up i'm standing outside the home of hoarder richard  van cleef his family has called us here to see if   we can help now in about 30 minutes our live  cameras will follow as we knock on richard's   door and make the offer now if richard says yes  he'll start a difficult journey it can be a roller   coaster as jim bean and his family know all too  well a year after the original cleanup we decided   to check in on jim just to see how he's doing  through the aftercare we offered it didn't take   jim long at all to get the home to where it needed  to be when we couldn't get right back in the house   what was important was that we get this taken care  of so that we could get back and get on track jim   his wife and his grandkids were able to move back  into the house and ultimately that was our goal living in the new cleaner version of our home has  helped bailey and charlie be able to experience   things that they hadn't before that most kids  do it's like can i ask so and so over and it's   so nice to say yes it was fun to  have a sleepover with my friend   these are are basically tears of joy that you're  seeing it was amazing no odors no rodents they   can sit at the dining room table again this is the  kind of house and a home that a family should have one of the conditions of this loan  is that the city is a lien holder   but all jim has to do is keep the home  clean for 10 years this is really truly   a win-win for both parties things are  truly looking good for jim and his family my understanding is from the city that jim's been  back to court over two dozen times in the last   18 months because of the severe hoarding on his  property again i've got that obsession to collect   it drew exponentially over the last  you know year so it's been tough in fact i just heard from code  enforcement that he's facing   two months in jail now because of the severe  hoarding this is going to destroy his family richard's loved ones are desperate to avoid what  jim's family has experienced now i'm joined by   hoarding cleanup expert matt paxton now matt  you've attempted to clean nearly 50 cluttered   homes for this show and i know you've helped  thousands of people affected by this disorder   in your professional career you've seen it all now  i know you haven't been inside the house but what   do you think we're up against what i see around  outside this is going to be a difficult cleanup   there's a lot of stuff that can be thrown away  but there's a lot of good stuff too and that's   going to take time to go through what do you  think is going to be the biggest challenge here   i'm nervous about how he's going to react if a  hoarder like this gets angry and blows up they   put their feet down in the sand and it stops the  cleaning and this is a big horde we need every   second to clean and what what do you do then if he  if he doesn't want to cooperate you have to back   off give him some space and then build momentum  again all right thanks matt thank you let's take a   look at what matt saw earlier first place i look  forward to see if there's hoarders in the home   is the windows the shades will be jammed up  against the glass and it goes all the way to   the top that lets you know how high the piles are  so most likely behind this shades is boxes pushed   against the window as high as my hands can go so  that room is going to be six to eight feet full   if you look at the basement you can see the  boxes all the way to the top so we've got an   upstairs that's full of the top and now we've got  a basement that's full of the top and the decay   on the house lets us know there's probably water  down there so not only is it ruined but it's wet   and nasty portable storage i know that means the  house is full and they're trying to get things   they care about outside you'll see a lot of old  cars that are broken down they'll say they're   for sale but they're not they're really just  used for other storage in a lot of the hoarded   homes you'll see appliances in the yard that  means the house is totally full and it's so   hoarded out they couldn't get the new appliance  in that happens in most of the houses we clean   now this is something i have never seen we  always hear the hoarders say that they're   gonna have a yard sale i've never actually seen  it fully set up now the plates have all broken   but it was set up they were ready to have a sail   when you see a house this bad outside  most likely it's even worse inside i'm dr david tolin on the first ever hoarders  live as a therapist who specializes in treating   hoarding disorder i know that it's not  just the individual and their family that   suffers but rather whole communities  can suffer because of this condition   i'm here with richard's neighbor nancy who's  concerned about richard and concerned about the   impact it's having on the community nancy tell  me a bit about that well concerning you know   somebody how can somebody live like that you know  if this was my dad and living in this condition   it's just heartbreaking to watch somebody that  has to live in that in that environment really   sad i understand you had a wedding recently at  your house what happened there about a year ago   my husband's best friend was getting married so we  had over 100 guests that were coming to the house   and um it was it was great planning we did i  did things around the house that i had talked   about doing for a long time my husband's friend  he was the best man my husband's friend came   over we spent hours putting lights in the trees  things that that i had never gotten around to but   when you're looking around the yard and  and across the street it was it's just   frustrating i guess to to have to see that but  um fortunately the wedding was in the backyard   so it all went off it was a it was a big hit all  right thanks nancy our first live intervention   is only minutes away but first let's  hear more about jim's ongoing crisis   charlie boy it's time to get up   i'm going to pick him up and unfortunately  i'm taking him to court since i live close   where he's probably going to get arrested and  carted off to jail hopefully we can stop that i don't know whether i'm going to be able  to make your uh your lunch today or not drive out to the court surrender to the bailiff  they'll take me into custody and then i'll go to   jail you're going to be on your own now okay  you're a big boy when i go off to jail who's   going to take the kids to school making lunches  grandpa's not going to be here when they get home i'm very worried about my wife because she's  very dependent on a lot of stuff that i do   we don't have insurance that would  cover any in-home health care   i'm preparing her meals i'm administering her  medications she's pretty much dependent on me hey jim i'm not real happy with  myself at this point in time come here we gotta go come on i gotta go   or they'll come and get me  well they're gonna anyway bye ready i don't think you're ever ready for jail my grandkids love me my wife loves me they don't  deserve what they're having to go through so   they don't and this is hard on them you owe  them a better life and a safe home to live in   absolutely i'm angry at myself not the system  the system said hey do this and do it by this   time and i never got it done i realized that  i made a choice and i'm going to pay the price   don't do the crime if you can't do the time i  truly feel that the trash that he accumulates   is more important than me and the kids we've got  to be first we need to be first in each other's lives well it went good considering let me have  someone else tell you what it was exactly hi baby instead of his 60 days in jail he gave me a work  release program which you can work off on the   weekends so i can take care of my wife during  the week jim had luck on his side today but he   still has to clean this house and that is really  scary i don't know if he can do it by himself thank you for coming what we're really  looking for is just to be very clear   on what the city needs jim to do to be in  compliance i'm giovanni with the city of   upland we've been dealing with gym for the past  five years now we've got to clean all this mess up   interior and exterior the city has made a sizable  investment in your property and you are at risk of   having that loan called due if you continue  to maintain the property in this condition   he took a loan out with the city he signed  a contract stating that he would keep it   maintained clean clutter free and if he didn't  they could come in and take the house away and   that's exactly what he's facing right now i'm dr  david tolin here at the home of richard van cleef   and in just a few minutes i'm going to knock  on his door and ask him to accept our help   i'm here with richard's daughter connie and her  son cameron connie you recently came to the house   to clean out the refrigerator tell me what you  found and what kind of reaction you had yes um   well i could barely get in the door so it took  me a while to clear a path to the refrigerator   i started with a freezer there was a lot of  old food in there wrapped in foil the foil   had turned to dust it was so old it was obvious  it thawed refroze over the years i started on   the refrigerator and i found a roast from 1991  from 1991 yes okay yeah um i didn't get to finish   cleaning that i started to proceed to the piles in  the kitchen there was beef rotting with maggots um   i actually got very sick i had to  leave the house and vomit a few times   yeah with the smell was overwhelming how did your  dad react when you were throwing these things   very upset um and i try to understand because  that all those things that food had value at one   time and i just don't think he understood that you  know it's rotten you can't eat it right um he was   upset he became a bit belligerent he wouldn't  come near the house he was sitting off by the   side of the woods on a bucket and um he was not  happy wow cameron how is what's been going on   with your grandpa affected you i don't know i  just don't get to see him as much as i hope i   should and i don't get to hang out with  him or see his house that's too bad   what would you want to say to your  grandpa if you could talk to him right now   i would say i hope you can clean your house so  we can come visit more yeah see you more often   absolutely connie what do you hope is going to  happen as a result of what we do today okay i hope   that his house is cleaned up it's safe for him to  live he has a kitchen that's working a bathroom   that can be used for its purpose and that he's  safe and not in danger of falling and you know   i'm concerned that he could fall and we couldn't  find him for weeks or absolutely you know and we   worry what's the greatest fear here the greatest  fear is that maybe he doesn't want to do any of it   in part with his things and then what then i don't  know there's no other option i don't know okay   thanks guys you know even if richard does  accept our assistance that's just the first step   the path to healing can be long and complex just  last month jim bean faced his most serious crisis yet we've compiled all kinds of resources for gym  we have dumpsters coming we have donations we   have charities i'll have about 10 to 12  people from my own company there to help   clean up jim has so much to lose right now  and so does his family it could be homeless   or they could be without jim as he's in jail  i really don't want to take no for an answer hey hi how are you good i have everyone here  to help you clean your health so you don't   go to jail i'm not gonna do this okay i'm just  gonna take two days to help you get this done   manipulation and procrastination is  very typical of hoarding behavior   but with jim he's just taken it to such an  extreme they're going to take your house away   let us help you resolve this  not today that's it that's it i'm gonna go talk to don through the window   hey don is there any chance you can convince  him to let us clean i know you want a clean   house they're going to take this house away  from you guys if something doesn't change okay we'll be out front you can't keep dealing with this let's get  the city off your back he's not gonna win   you're not gonna win i don't know why because  i talked to you i knew he would be yeah i need   those don't just tell corey you're not feeling  good so now he's getting you to lie for him you know he's really stubborn he likes it his way   it's discouraging because you know i'm not asking  for a castle this whole situation just makes me   want to scream i've literally done everything  in my power at this point to help jim you   know but there's just no communication i've tried  calling him nothing see you guys morning thank you   you know let him sleep on it maybe don can  convince him but that's something that she   really wants but we'll come back in the  morning and see if he's changed his mind hey jim it's corey gave you a  couple days this is the second day   we're kind of out of time here so i take it  that you don't want us you're not answering   the door you're not answering my phone calls  so this is it man you're on your own after this   i'm gonna send you a text right now hopefully  we hear from you in the next couple minutes   for two days we've attempted to talk to jim  you know through the phone through the door   and just nothing just excuses as a matter  of fact here it is the end of day two and   he starts unloading more stuff out of his car in  my opinion he has completely failed his family we had every resource here possible and he just  for two days refused to let us in it's just   it's just a shame that he's he's  let it get to that point and he's   unwilling to take the help that's  being offered to him ultimately it's   his right to do so but there are  also consequences to that action we tried alrighty we appreciate it all right  thanks again all right it's heartbreaking and   sad especially with the family they  feel bad for don and the grandkids as jim's story shows this disorder can exert a  terrible hold on its victims who often refuse   any attempt at help we can only hope richard's   story is going to be different but the  only way to know is to make the attempt hi richard hey yeah nice to see you good i come  in yes you may thank you thank you well thank you   for letting me into your house um yes i will say  that what what the amount of accumulation that i   see here concerns me um we've got really high uh  piles of clutter almost up to the ceiling and uh   i think i see some saw blades and things like  that tell me how do you get around your house   not very easily sir what happens i mean when  you try to move from place to place so do   you do you crawl over piles or what happens  well i crawl over piles i call him over the   stuff that's on the floor or jump it and sometimes  i have to move it from here to over here or   back and forth and that's no fun either no i  wouldn't imagine you ever ever hurt yourself doing   that oh yes i have really yes so there's a little  bit of a hazard here oh it definitely is okay   let's take a look around here i assume this is  the kitchen area right it is but it looks like   you can't do a whole lot of cooking in here  no i mean i see that you've got stuff on your   oven i assume if the sink is over there so not a  whole lot of food preparation is going to go on   here right okay so i've been cooking outside on  the grill outside on the grill okay yes sir now   this is the fridge right yes sir okay now the  fridge looks like it's it's very uh dirty i think   i see some mold growing on the outside do you mind  if we take a look inside no go right ahead okay so   this is the one that connie was talking about  right yesterday okay so if we open this up whoa   can you smell that richard yes i can it kind of  hits you like a ton of bricks doesn't it certainly   is it's uh boy i think we've got some very expired  uh foods in here it looks like some things that   are they're overdue and passed really overdue what  what do you what do you think is going on i mean   how did it get to that stage neglect by me yeah  yeah because of the fact that i just well i go on   different places and i don't come back for three  or four days yeah so this foods is accumulating   and also i have to destroy it after a short  while because it's gone bad wow so i just take it   at it sometimes at a time i take  it throw it in the rubbish barrel   off it goes right so there's you waste you end up  wasting the food because you don't eat it it just   spoils exactly okay i've got it let's take a  little look through some other parts of the house   here sure let's start with uh how about the front  door where's your where's your front door richard   if you can see it it's it's up  front but it's uh where is it very   around the other side over here over this way no  no no that side but up further that way up further   that way yes sir that's the front door that'll be  the front door so how do you get to the front door   if somebody knocks on the door well i don't  because that door has been shut down okay   so if somebody knocks on the door what do you do i  mean how do you how do you greet them well i go to   the kitchen door so you go out right and you have  to walk around the house well no i either hauler   or let just people know that i'm around the  side door here and they just accumulate and   they come in you know the side door if i can  let them in okay so it's hard to let people in   and i would imagine i mean if if something were  to happen to you it would be hard for an ambulance   crew to get in here and fire fire and get to get  a gurney and get you out of here right does that   worry you at all oh yes okay definitely does yeah  now you've got uh looks like a dining area here   yeah is there a dining table under this yes there  is and also there's uh benches right here there's   one bench here and one bench over here looks  like might be a nice place to have people yes but   it's hard to imagine anybody actually sitting and  having a meal here exactly when was the last time   you actually sat down with a family and had a meal  in this room oh it's been years sir yeah yeah so   i haven't had too many folks around at all that i  could feed a meal too except for maybe my brothers   once in a while but that's outside on the grill so  why is it that you can't have your family in here   well because of all this crap that i've been  collecting too much crap collected yeah okay i   bet your family would like to come over well well  they say they would like to yes do you think they   would want to eat in this in this room no in this  house no okay because of the smell of the food and   the smell of the junk that's been around here and  stuff like that yeah yeah and we're not even sure   about molds in the house yet or anything else too  i'll tell you the the air is pretty rough can we   walk a little further sure okay so we're walking  down here and um yeah i have a bathroom to the   right this is the bathroom on the right yeah okay  i can't use here i'll let you uh go in here and   can you show me oops which i can't use too  much because i have a bathtub full of junk   yeah i see that i'm gonna scoot you over here  just a wee bit now richard i see uh you've got a   you've got a bathtub that's full of stuff right  now you're not going to be able to uh take a   bath in here so where do you where do you bathe  well i've been bathing at my son's house and also   at a girl's house that i used to work with and  stuff like that then sometimes when i come home   i was nice and clean then after a  couple days they go back to work again   and bathe either at my son's house or the oh  this lady's house at the same time i see now   if we turn around i see there's um you've  got some food here on the bathroom counter   right and you also seem to have a uh a toaster  oven and you've got a coffee maker here what's   that about here i'll let you know coffee  maker in the oven okay coffee maker is whoops   excuse me a minute i just gotta move some of this  stuff all the way okay coffee maker yeah is had it   now why is there a coffee maker in a toaster oven  in your bathroom that's the only way i could cook   inside if it was raining and snowing wait so so  let me just make sure so you cook in the bathroom   at times yes where do you go to the bathroom right  here so you go to the bathroom and you cook in the   same place yes okay now i noticed that you've  got two dead mice in the toilet do you know what   that's about did you notice that no i didn't  okay do you have a pest problem in the house   well apparently i must have there's two mice in  there yeah yeah because the mice are attracted to   rubbish and stuff like that so they seem to make  their home as they get in here i think so let's   take a l let's come back out this way okay all  right yeah you know richard excuse me i'll tell   you to my eye this looks very serious i mean i i  i worry about you um tell me what you like about   this stuff well mary and i we do a lot antique  shows and and stuff like that flea markets and   all that good stuff since mary's moved of course i  have to uh when she moved she took a lot of stuff   and i ended up with the rest of the stuff at the  house here all right and for me to sell it i have   to have it you know somewhat dry put away whatever  all right and of course i haven't uh of course my   roof leaks so i couldn't put it up in the attic  so subsequently i had to put it down here and and   jump around it and everything else and that's what  is getting me up very up tight about it i get it   now your family is here and they've got some  things they want to say to you some things they   want you to understand and i'm hoping you can be  open to listening to them can you be oh yes okay i'm dr david tolin and we're live in cotuit  massachusetts inside the home of richard van cleef   his children are here and as you can see we're  surrounded by clutter we can't even all fit in   the the same room uh poor tammy and greg have to  stand on apple boxes just so that we can see each   other so i'm sorry to have you over there but uh  richard your children are here because they have   some things they want to say to you in the hopes  of making your life better in the hopes of making   the family's life better and i hope that you can  listen to this connie why don't you go first and   and tell your dad what's on your mind okay i wrote  a letter because it was easier sure um dad first   i want you to know sorry i can't read with my  glasses on that we all care very much about you   which is why we are all here the way your house is  is not okay the bathroom is so bad you can't even   use it you can't bathe and you carry the smell of  your house with you when you get in my car i have   to put a towel down so the smell doesn't stay  in my seats you come to our homes and the smell   comes with you and gets into our furniture you  may be used to it but nobody else is i know it's   hard for you to throw things away and you think  you're going to sell all this stuff but you've   been saying this for years and you get more i care  about you and i don't want you to live like this   wow thanks connie richard i know this can't be  easy to hear but what goes through your mind as   you hear connie talk about how she feels and  and particularly she's talking about the the   smell and it bothers her well honestly she has  her opinion which is great and i understand i   feel bad about the whole program because i've been  years of putting up for this night i hate it with   a passion and this is why i'm off all the time  because i can't stand clutter let me hear from   greg and tammy here greg how about you what are  the things that worry you what what are you afraid   of for your father i'm i'm really afraid that  he'll trip and fall get hurt in the house nobody   here to help him i mean he could get hurt real bad  over all this stuff there's a lot of stuff here   what's your biggest fear about this that he'll  die in here and um no one will know you know   that he'll die in in here alone in this mess  yeah that's got to be hard to think about for   your own father i wouldn't want to think about  that for my parents very hard and it's sad i i   really yeah yeah and it's sad too yeah okay yeah  and i understand them yeah very much so which i   can understand because it is not easy for anybody  to come in with a fire equipment or anything else   to pick me up if i had fallen or hurt myself  or even if i have passed away they've got to   jump over everything and it's not great to do  and you can hear that greg is worried about you   yes i do hear that he cares about his dad right  well my family loves me and i know it they do just   that i can't uh sometimes agree with him on the  you know the the situation because i love mary too   and mary has been my biggest project of handling  and doing these uh flea markets and stuff and   and we enjoyed our times with them yeah so it's  it's it's it is rough no question about it it is   rough and i'm glad to get it cleaned up whenever  we can let me hear from tammy tammy in the 1990s   you came to take your dad somewhere and  you asked to use the bathroom what happened   when i asked my father if i could come in and use  the bathroom after driving two hours to come pick   him up to take him somewhere he said no can you  wait until we get to where we're going i said well   why why can't i just go in and use the bathroom  he says because you can't get to it and i said   why he goes because there's stuff in the way so  i just okay and and we left and i had to wait and   i also wrote a letter that i wanted to  read that this mess is hurting our family   and you haven't wanted us in the house for  years you've even changed the locks on the door   i can't take your grandchildren over to  visit you want to be a good father and   grandfather but this mess is preventing you  from doing so please let us clean this house richard what do you what do you  hear as you as you listen to tammy   well she wants to bring her  grandchildren over to visit me   and stuff which i understand but like i say  i'm not proud of my junk that i got in here   and and i can't do much without it until i  get the attic fixed because the attic leaks   and then put it down in the basement it it would  get moldy more and smell more and everything else   what i'm hearing is that the clutter the stuff is  getting between you and your family and that makes   me wonder for you richard what's more important  to you your family or your stuff oh my family your   family yes this stuff is getting between you and  them just like this pile yes so all of this stuff   is getting you farther and farther from being  the family man that you really want to be right   and i guess the big question that i have is are  you ready right now to accept our help yes i am   and i'm proud to have everybody here to help me  out and stuff like that because if you didn't help   me i'd probably still be in this same vote of mess  and everything else and i just don't appreciate it   connie what do you what do you hear as  you listen to your dad finally accept help   well i'm very happy and i hope it continues  throughout the process because once he sees   his treasures that tune may change i don't know  we'll have to see well as you can see richard's   taking his first steps on a long journey which is  going to have a lot of ups and downs along the way   matt paxton and his work crew are ready to get  started and i'm here to stand by your side richard   every step of the way in an effort to transform  his life we'll bring you his incredible journey   in an upcoming episode of hoarder's family secrets  i'm dr david tolin and thank you for joining us hi thanks for being a fan of  hoarders and subscribe to a   e for more videos and click the  links around me to watch more
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Id: J2nE07ScR-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 52sec (2452 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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