Hoarders: Leza / Linda - Full Episode (Season 9, Episode 3) | A&E

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oh my god i use that for my fortune telling  have you fortune told how this is gonna play   out i feel nothing oh my gosh dorothy you won't  be able to live in your house anymore if you're   gonna throw it out just throw it out i feel  like i just destroyed my own life that's all   oh that's disgusting the fridge  is full of stuff that expired   the countertop is stacked up  with food with dad having a new   heart he can't go home to this a transplant  patient in a hoarded home do not go together that's good i'm lisa all right we'll get a sage  and i'm a fortune teller there are energies all around us  and some people are more inclined   to understand what that energy is than others  but the moon sound on the path you'd like to   know about i don't know how to explain that it's  just sometimes i know things i shouldn't know   and this is from now till the first full moon of  the new year i have lots of feng shui books and   zen things i appreciate the donation but for some  reason i can't seem to get it right in this house i am mary jane i've been a friend of lisa's for  over 20 years the last time i was in the house   it was overwhelming it's like an avalanche that's  really really overtaken her she has two bathrooms   in the house and one she does not use and the  other one this isn't safe or healthy at all i'm doing pretty good at wiping out the  roaches in my bathroom one roach at a time   next time you have jasmine rice in one of the  little microwave cups fill it with soapy water   so they all drown and guess what it works oh  see this is what happens when you clip them i'm jean i've known lisa 24 years i haven't been  in her home in years because she stopped allowing   people to come in i had a feeling that she was  a hoarder from the stuff out in the yard and i   asked her one day i said are you a hoarder she  says no this is reusable stuff for her business   and her artwork and her jewelry that she does i'm  an award-winning artist i make handmade books and   now i make my own tarot cards with the charlatans  of nowadays they can tell you this card means   anything and you would no different because it's a  picture so i came up with a deck of cards that has   words on it anybody can read the deck and go okay  i understand what that means then they come back   and says you were right on the mark and i'm going  yeah i know you know i hear that all the time my dad worked the state fair of  texas as a barker of the freak show   and i grew up with a lot of the people that  work there like celo and lobster boy and stretch   and the fortune teller lady took care of me when  my dad was working and she would teach me how   to read the cards and tell me about the secrets  of being a good fortune teller and she was like   you'll know this girl she's got the talent you  cannot ignore it no more one of my dad's favorite   things to do is hypnotism and i saw my dad  hypnotize a lot of people when i was growing up   he could just look at you and you were gone you  hypnotized you've done with i knew i couldn't   lie to my dad he would just hypnotize me or  maybe he already hypnotized me i never knew my mother was manic-depressive  and she was very violent when i was little my dad could deal with it  but it got to a point where my mother got   really bad that he started drinking and after  the age of 12 my father became an alcoholic one day they had a big fight and the next  thing i know i'm in the middle of the fight   and my dad hit me in the face and sent me  across the room so my nose is broken and   it was last time i was there i moved out the  next day when they thought i was at school she called me telling me the police has got  a court order come in my home i said okay i'm   on my way and sure enough the police department  city cold guy was there they condemned her house   and when they opened that door and i saw  the inside i just wanted to hit the floor   i just could not believe what i was seeing it's  just a tiny tiny little path and she's disabled   well how you gonna get out in case of fire  and this and this net how did this happen i have copd three bad heart valves thoracic outlet  syndrome neurosyncope i have balance disorder i've   had four strokes and two heart attacks i'm  not a hoarder i'm just sick i'm really sick   and my house is reflecting how sick i am  because i'm not physically able to fix it i'm dena stewart hitzke i'm with administration  of resources and choices elder services we put her   in a hotel but we exhausted our funding and  having to keep her in a hotel for this long   of a stay she has three more days before she's  going to be homeless i can't be in this situation   i know that if i don't have this home i have  no place to live and i will die on the streets i'm melinda i'm retired and i'm a hoarder my children would probably  describe the house as a mess i'm jennifer and linda's my mom the smell   in that house is not pleasant i'm not  sure what the smell is but it's not good   i'm curtis and my mom is linda my mom's  bedroom is full of purses and shoes and makeup   the room at the end of the hallway is my old  room and stuff stacked literally the ceiling   in that room the shower is not usable at all i  don't know honestly how they get bathing done and   then go into the kitchen around the corner and the  countertop is stacked up with food in every angle   there's no place to even make a sandwich in the  kitchen because every countertop is just stacked   up with stuff the cabinets are full of stuff  and the fridge is full of stuff that expired well it's expired i leave it on the shelf  because things aren't always available   and you buy them when you can and then when you  need them you have them there's food stacked up   on shelves that's probably 20 years old i  don't check my old canned goods because i   buy new ones you know go to the grocery store and  i see 10 for 10 i'll buy them how do you clean   a house that's that cluttered you know i think  it's almost impossible to clean it at this point i'm dave and i'm linda's husband i don't  feel very well about the clutter in the house   the hallways got where i had to actually hold  them on the walls to move down the hallway and   then my health got to a point that i really  couldn't go up and down the stairs anymore so   i ended up moving to a couch and that's  basically where i slept the last couple years i had congestion heart failure and i've  been on the list for a heart transplant   and two weeks ago i got my heart  transplant and i'm hoping to go home soon i'm looking forward to my husband coming  home with a new heart and it's very emotional if dad came home to the house in his current  state i know for a fact from talking to a   social worker they would not let him stay i'm dr  randall starling i'm the director of the heart   transplant program at the cleveland clinic can  i see your chest here say anything you want dog   dave is more prone to infections even infections  that you or i would never have a problem from such   as something in drinking water or something  from foods that weren't properly cleaned   could result in an infection and a transplant  patient that could be life-threatening   you know dad was given a wonderful gift  and if he came into the house and got   some kind of infection or something because of the  house you know it's almost like not appreciating   the gift that you were given i got married to  linda in 1969. we got that house the same year   and we've lived it ever since and that's 46 years  over a period of that years if you don't get rid   of what's coming in you're going to have clutter  and once you get a lot of clutter and cleaning   is almost impossible and that's basically  what happened i mean i'm worried about his   health obviously i mean i'm worried that you know  he's going to come home and get an infection and   end up back in there or worse you know this  is a huge thing i mean they replaced his heart   we cannot do this on our own it would take  months and dad doesn't have months this is   the original deck i learned your time fortune  telling this is kind of a last chance for lisa the city couldn't evict her if  she doesn't get this taken care of lisa hi good morning hi i'm dr robin zazio  i'm a licensed clinical psychologist and i   specialize in ocd and hoarding disorder well i  understand we have a really big job on our hands   yeah it's a pain in the ass really well can  we walk right in and get started sure okay   whoa wow that's an interesting welcome  we have there my art studio okay this is your art studio yeah okay lisa's stuff is literally coming  out of the seams of the house there are just walls of stuff making  it dangerous for anyone to be there talk to me about this room what is this  stuff this is my business believe it or   not and normally i'm a very organized person and  since it's not organized it's driving me nuts but   90 of this is stuff i use for my business  i'm interpreting that as you want to keep   90 of that but first you got to realize there's  three couches under here okay so when you take   out the huge couch that's underneath there then  there's a whole lot less here than you think   right now she doesn't have a lot of insight  into the amount of stuff that needs to go   for her house to be usable while she acknowledges  it's in disarray she's not taking responsibility   for all the stuff that she's brought in  it's getting more and more narrow as we go   for you that's a problem for me it's being able to  hold on to stuff to get there so i don't fall and   get hurt but as you can see i am semi-organized  these are all the stuff i use all the time and   i can hold on and i can reach them and use  them and get them out all right so this is my   bathroom okay so couple questions do we have  running water running water toilet works kind of   so how do you use that it's where the roaches  are right there is where the roaches are i i   can see them but how do you use the toilet  well i just fill that with water and pour   it in just as if i was flushing it from the back  and it flushes fine okay let's see the last room okay so lisa this appears to be the only place to  sit in your house is this where essentially your   office has uh mitigated too mitigated to  okay what do you do for a living what is your   business well i write and illustrate children's  books but to pay for that i do fortune-telling   have you fortune told how this whole thing  is gonna play out no i can't read my own   ah well look i am really excited to work  with you but you've got some really tough   decisions to make that being said lisa are you  ready to start i am ready let's go all right   she has more stuff than she can take care of and  contain and it's actually destroying her life and   if she doesn't get a hold of it she is going  to lose her home and potentially be homeless   two weeks ago i got my heart transplant  and i'm hoping to go home soon with having a new heart you know he  can't be around dirt that could cause   an infection i said daddy if we can't get  this cleaned up you cannot go home to this linda yes hi i'm dr michael thompson oh  nice to meet you i'm dr michael tompkins   i'm a psychologist and i specialize  in the treatment of hoarding disorder   i know your husband's at the hospital  right now was he sleeping in this room   at some point uh actually he was it's been  sleeping on the couch the last year or so   because of his heart condition he had this  pump that was pumping medication into his   body was that something that he would have  to keep clean oh yeah yes yeah okay okay her husband would not be  safe to return to the home in   in the condition that it's in let's go this way when was the last time this kitchen received a  real deep cleaning oh it's been a while years   probably you're not concerned about the safety  of the food you prepare here for you and dave   no okay the home is not suitable for her husband  to return and live safely much less comfortably   i'm concerned about the hygiene but you're not  so concerned about it no not really okay okay i   think linda is ambivalent so it's going to  make it harder for her to let go of things oh my gosh dorothy holy cow i need to talk to  you i'm dorothy brenninger i'm a professional   organizing expert and i specialize in hoarding  there's been an emergency alert on all the phones   okay monsoon the streets are completely flooding  i'm gonna need to bring 15 crew members in to work   on the inside i know there's nowhere to stand  but i have to do it we only have two days and   if anybody can do it you can okay  hon thank you this is a nightmare   we can't work outside i have no idea how  i'm gonna do this i'm truly in a panic everybody come in it's gonna be tough but find  a spot to stand we've never done it like this   before but we're going to do it we're just packing  everything up getting it out into the carport to   create a space inside the living room for us to  work is this a keep or not that's a keep i use   the fortune telling top on top of that what about  these are these trash or oh no i use those in my   business that's all business styrofoam trash oh  no those aren't trash those are really important   oh man honey like when i do a photographic print  and i don't put it between the styrofoam it gets   ruined and you'll find a lot of ruined prints  because they weren't between the stair phone   got it this is going to be a hard person to  break through in her mind she could potentially   use everything in there it's all business related  but she's got too much and she can't keep it all   here this is business too  that's it that's business i want you to head over here  sweetheart oh my game board paint oh my that black thing no no no no no no no  no i'll get it oh my god i'll get it oh my god i   use that for my fortune telling there's actually  two of them i got it oh my god they're throwing   out the bottles with the the nets yep don't  throw them out cause those are my kachinas for   this year's project for all souls will you saw the  china's in my bedroom what do you guys have space   for this guy that stays out in the carport oh  honey now you're talking about throwing away stuff   that i have a business plan for that i've been  saving for two years to have enough of them to   do this i know you don't feel like you hoard but  we're looking to find you and you're hidden under   the dirty empty bottle shut out i have no projects  for all souls to make money on this year fine so where will this typically go normally  this is in one of those brown pvc cabinets   okay guys it's very dark how are you doing  it's so good to see somebody hey hey hey i'm   right here i'm right here what's up that's  gene he needs to leave he needs to leave now   sweetheart i am your friend and i  love you he's your husband my god with what he just went through  with the transplant my dad   really can't come back home it is a dirty  house there's no way that he could possibly   come back there without there being a  real chance you could get an infection good morning good morning good so  is everyone ready to get started yes   i'm standalone robertson certified professional  organizer imagine that precious new heart that's   trying to adjust to its new home this new home and  this new home i know what dave and linda are going   through my mother's kidneys were working at nine  percent when i was brought in for the donation from my personal experience i know how clear  this house has to be we're going to ask you to   make some hard decisions and i want you to trust  your family to help you through that process oh jeez i'm lynn and linda and i are family i i don't know what happened i would like to be able to blame something or  someone but you can't i i don't know what happened   i just want to go oh lynn this is the  hamburger that linda was eating yesterday i'm feeling very overwhelmed and  very sad and i find that i want   to lower my eyes because i do not want  to continue to look at the situation oh that's young it's something to dump should have  never happened i'm tim and i'm dave's cousin   i think linda's idea of  cleanliness is not necessarily   the same level that other people might think  would be necessary for dave's well-being   yeah you can't get to him to clean him i've  known linda for 46 years yeah and i had no idea i had no place to be for two  months because of you that's nice   kept calling welfare checks on me i had  to call the police and tell them there's   nothing wrong with me i'm just asleep in the  background there was only one welfare check   i wanted no place to be for you  because it's your house oh my god you know with your help the way it is i didn't  know if you had a heart attack or stroke laying   in the floor can't get to a phone and as far as  coming over to check on you you told me and you're   so glad to have a friend like me that cares about  you sweetheart yeah i did not say that we don't   have to fix this relationship now but would you  like at some point to salvage this relationship out of all due respect to you if  that's what you want i will walk away   just remember i always care about you and i  always love you i've done nothing to you okay i felt like she was looking at a monster  or something that came up from hell   i'm your friend why are you acting like this lisa feels like jean's responsible  for everything that's happened to her   and if she doesn't acknowledge that  she has a mental illness her risk   for reporting is extremely high  if not inevitable just take your time oh no that's an art piece oh my god i've saved  that for two years okay keep that please for now oh my god whoa why are you just throwing out  all my papers that's what i make my stuff out   of is those recycled papers my business is over  oh my god they're throwing out the stuff i use   i use this a lot i do when i'm i'm in the  kitchen but i don't go in the kitchen because   the kitchen isn't usable and yes it's washable no  you don't throw it out it's always a case by case   situation when you choose to battle with someone  who hoards and whether you keep this dead tree   or not but the ultimate goal is to get her back in  her house what i'm trying to do is save your house   the stuff in it is so secondary for me right  now whether you keep it or whether you don't   i really don't care i just need to get your house  in shape for code enforcement the next big thing   is to disassemble this tiki hut i don't know  which is the code violation are you kidding me   that's what keeps my windows from getting broken  i do my writing my creating i sit out there watch   my sunset you've just ripped away my whole life  you won't be able to live in your house anymore   if we don't we are taking away her space that  she has used and lived in for the last 30 years   but it's not up to code in order to eliminate the  code violations we have to get rid of the tiki hut   no no i don't want to hear you're tearing down  everything that's important to me you really are   and i don't want to talk about it i'm really  on your side but i also know you can't keep   your house if we don't clean it you know what if  you're gonna throw it out just throw it out ah no   no no i don't want to hear transplant patient in  a hoarded home the two of them do not go together linda's husband has a new heart and i feel like   it's my job to give that new heart a  home that it can come to and be safe okay miss linda let's get going tell me is this  donation okay how about this that's donate donate   donate donate these are napkins  for those donate yeah yeah okay you're doing a good job on this what's going  to be the hard part for you well uh i don't   know what's going to be hard i do have a couple of  concerns how calm and cool and how easy it is for   her to let things go i don't know if she's being  sincere about it or she's going to regret it later it's time to tackle the kitchen first thing is  the refrigerator right yep and you know because   your dad's transplant this particular  refrigerator is a really big concern   because of anti-rejection medication that kitchen  has to be so clean you don't even want to take   the chance that there could be germs on a piece  of lettuce get that hamburger out of there that's   disgusting i just bought that that is  are you kidding you want to keep this   i just bought that getting into the refrigerator  was a little difficult because uh you know there   was so many things in there that my kids thought i  should be throwing out which i disagreed with them   they're still good they are not still good  looking into that refrigerator it was just   ridiculous yum oh god please close that this milky  feels like cottage cheese i'm not drinking it   it's freaking nasty i never ate  at home as a teenager and this is   exactly why i never knew what was good growing  up it was difficult to eat in the house because   the refrigerator was packed with food that  was mostly expired and it smelled when you   opened it and so i would clean it out when i  was a teenager so it is disturbing and i don't   understand and i know now with my dad coming  home obviously he can't be in that environment we have to pull down things like all of this  netting oh don't take this lattice down though   what's going to stop the homeless people  that come into my yard use my water   in my yard sleep in my thing and try to come in my  dog what's going to stop them i'm just asking you i hear everything you're saying but code  enforcement is going to not only red tag   your house but throw you out and i have one  goal that's for you to keep your home and to   find yourself remember that was my commitment  it's gonna be gone nope it's going out in the   back of trucks i believe that that's how you  feel but i'm going to hold a different vision   for you hon yeah well okay the truth will be  in the pudding my job is to destroy lisa's life   in her eyes all right let's go my job is also  to comply with code enforcement so that's what   i have to do and i'm going to take it on myself  i can't live in this house without being able   to even sit on my own porch without being hit  by a pellet gun or have my property destroyed   dirty rubbers on my porch balls all over the place  and they're going to get away with it because   you know what policemen never want to  do their job i think it's just difficult   if there's not proof if there's no there's no  proof when they don't take the rubbers with them   and have them looked at when they don't do cast  of feet that are in my yard so all of this stuff   represents safety to you no it just means they  can't shoot me with a pellet gun from over   there at the gate they can't do that but there's  something between them and me so we're going to   have to figure out some solutions to this that  knows that that are still within the city code   because that's they will do what they have to do  and you know what i want this to be done but it'll   be successful for them but it'll be a failure  for me i'm sorry you feel that way well i do   understandably this is a very difficult  process for lisa but she is still not   taking any responsibility for the situation it's  about the neighbors it's about the code officer   it's still about everybody else which  puts her at risk for re-hoarding in   the future okay please lord i am not a  hoarder but i'm in the same place yes   that's correct i think that's i recognize  themselves okay so i know this has to get   get taken care of because i'm not a hoarder i  understand that but still there are things in   a person's life that when they're taken away  from you they destroy part of soul who you are remember how i told you i could sense  your energy before i felt nothing i feel nothing is there anything that we can do   i will get the house done so i don't  lose it okay you got it you got it you're doing okay these are actually my raisins oh that's  disgusting don't even open that toss that   i don't want to smell it this expired in 2014  mother this is july of 2013. september 2011. expired in 2010 some of those  dates on there or you know   best buy or sell mom when dad comes  home we cannot have expired food period give me an update what are you finding inspired  food old inspired really old food like 2012 2013   or something i don't think okay jelly goes  bad but i'm trying to explain to her that   dad's gonna be very fragile when he gets home  and we can't have even a day past expiration   so how does this happen linda yeah what happens  inside of you that you don't feel some urgency   to declutter and go through the refrigerator  yeah i you know truthfully doctor i don't know what i try to do is to put some question marks  behind certain things that she believes that she   hasn't really thought about to make her curious  so that she will be more willing to accept   therapy after we leave i want to point out in that purse right there  this is what you had for food you had a pantry   in there right okay so there's something  around food you're not telling me about   it's important that linda does all of the work   around food because she needs to understand  what's really going on and she doesn't code enforcement is asking that we get rid  of the back half of everything in that yard   clear clear let's go this was in a gold thing with my other ducks i just want it done my life is ruined but  the inspector will be happy you were pressed   to do this and you did an extraordinary job i  feel like i just destroyed my own life that's   all i actually think you took charge of it  babe i don't i remember all little milo okay   you're slurring when you start slurring your words  that tells me you need a break okay i need you to   go out under the tent we're done here i'm putting  together something for lisa so that she feels like   her house will be her home and a creative space  again and i just know she's going to hate it all right wheel her in this was put on the door before we got  here yeah and the news is it can come down   oh that's fabulous everything's in compliance your  house is in compliance bathroom's in compliance you've got the backyard in compliance yeah i appreciate you guys  that did all this it's just   you know there's lots of issues  there's still going to be going on so   well mostly we want for you to be able to  wheel around with your wheelchair in here   use some of the furniture as it's meant to be  done you've got at least two spaces to create this room gets too hot i specialize in hoarding  disorder and many of the times people are   thrilled at all the help that they've received in  lisa's case she is so focused on what she's lost   that she can't see what she's gained if we didn't  pull this off today she had no place to live i   know i should be really excited because the red  tags going down but the joy of being back in   the house and enjoy the house being the way it  is is overshadowed by what i've had to give up   this is a reflection of what's  happening in the kitchen   what's happening in the basement this is i  got to be ready in case there's no more food it sounds like i'm obsessed with food i'm not  really obsessed with food you're you're not   upset with eating food but what you're obsessed is  having having having available having it available   if i need it yes okay so what's behind that  my mother uh she lived through the depression   okay you cannot in this day and age blame  something that happened that long ago   there's a real overflow mentality about food  i'm asking her to think a different way about it   why is this going on you know there's a  deeper reason and to tell you the truth it   made me more conscientious and determined  to uh get get it clean and keep it clean wow great this is wonderful  awesome i'm just overwhelmed this what you had in mind for a living room yeah  definitely it's it's awesome i couldn't hold   the tears back because it looks so great in years  i've never seen this house look this good wow look   upward oh my gosh this looks great it looks great  you know it's this is just unbelievable you know   that you know somebody come in and do all this  work that's really means a lot to me it's true wow it looks like a different house it  really does yeah i know it really does   geez when i walked through that front door it  was more than amazing it really was this is your   chair that you had it looks so much more room with  all i mean i never thought it was this big before   i couldn't believe it was my own  home in a way you know it just uh   some people really worked their butts off  to do this and i can't thank anybody enough   counter space yeah i knew it you'd be happy  yeah i guess wow big big difference my goodness this story was personal to me as a living  organ donor i wanted to make sure that that   heart was going to have a good home  and i think we accomplished that it's just mind-boggling really to see it the  way it is now and remember where it was you know hi thanks for being a fan of  hoarders and subscribe to a   e for more videos and click the  links around me to watch more
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Id: dcorbT_r9Ls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 46sec (2566 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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