Hoarders: Little Person Clears the Way For a New Life | A&E

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i'm tiffany and i'm a hoarder this house is 2300 square feet it is my childhood home i grew up here with my parents my grandmother and my sister the entire house has over the years been filled with my mom and my father's hoarding and then my hoarding also i started off after college working at a bookstore and the employee discount was pretty good so that's when i wanted to buy so many books because i enjoy them it was fabulous i probably have around 10 000 books if not more the magazines that i purchased for 20 years and probably about 20 magazines each month or every other month i like to hoard art supplies supplies old antiques clocks anything that gives me inspiration could be up for grabs as far as the hoarding is concerned i'm becky and i'm tiffany's younger sister tiffany lived with my parents for her whole life she doesn't know what it's like to live independently or even live in a different home she's only moved from one room to the other room when the one room got too full she's never moved more than a bedroom away both of my parents liked collecting a lot of things my mom liked to collect glassware antiques crafting supplies art supplies sewing supplies the list is almost endless my dad he could fix just about anything and so he had plumbing supplies electric supplies extra vacuum cleaners to fix the vacuum cleaners a dozen lawnmowers to fix the lawnmower he loved cars his favorite car was a corvette one of them is still in the garage that i hope to keep provided we can find all the parts the garage is filled with pieces the basement is filled with pieces there's just a lot of stuff i'm jeff and becky is my wife after becky and tiffany's parents died that was the first time that i've saw the house in 15 years after i saw the conditions of the house at that point it was very unsafe i mean stuff could have fell on her could have fell in front of the door she couldn't have got out there's a lot of different reasons why she shouldn't have stayed in the house we couldn't let her live in that if i would have fallen i don't even know if i would have been able to get to my phone or not it was a real safety concern for me so i had to leave and go live with my sister her husband and my niece the plan is to clean out the house and then sell the house and then my sister and i are going to divide the money and i'm going to build my own house next door to my sisters that i'll be able to use as a little person we have attempted to clean out the house for the past year and a half a lot of it i've done myself because it's too emotional for my sister to be there i need help i cannot carry that amount of stuff out of there box by box i mean i thought i could but reality i cannot i will die trying i tried really did i can't do it by myself [Music] good morning everybody good morning it is a rainy morning but we are ready to go and so i'm really looking forward to getting started but first i wanted to check in with tiffany you i'm dr david tolin i'm a clinical psychologist and i specialize in the study and treatment of hoarding disorder tell me what your thoughts are about what you want to have happen today well i'm very excited and yet nervous also uh-huh um i want to get as much done as humanly possible i'm ready to just go fast you know and get rid of need be stuff and just go okay so you got you're ready to go and get rid of stuff rock and roll all right yep becky what are you thinking very nervous but i'm ready to get it done also what do you feel nervous about becky um so much family history is inside this house okay so this is not just a simple throw it all out kind of job correct we're gonna have to go through and be careful with things yes okay yes okay and jeff what are your thoughts about what you want to have happen today i'd like to have as much emptied as we possibly can okay the goal is to empty the house all right that's the goal is to empty the house and get it all out there all right all right so you guys ready to get started absolutely let's go let's do this all right thank you what are we handing this over it's one decision keep donate or discard okay that's what we want to do okay we don't want to say making the decision later we want to make all the decisions now you good with that yeah all right perfect [Music] garbage garbage no no no do you see any treasures that we care about thank you no no are you doing great tiffany i tell you i'm ready to rock and roll and i want things to happen oh look how fast we're going let's keep it up okay yeah let's keep it up look at all the human gear now oh my god oh you guys did a lot out here yeah great job guys amazing what is this under the tarp well this is my father's 1978 indy pace car corvette yeah do you guys mind if we uncover no problem we haven't seen one of my dad oh prized possessions i bet he he loved this car oh wow i haven't seen that in forever yeah when was the last time you saw it my husband has never seen it 30 years this is something quite a car it's beautiful it really is yeah it's nice to see at least one thing that's been taken care of and protected you know what is the plan for the car is that something you guys are going to keep in the family sell yes um it is this is my dad to me yeah i've always enjoyed going for the rides with him in the car and so my husband and i hope to keep it yeah that's awesome yeah they get speedy tickets [Laughter] if they can catch you yeah what do you think about the progress today the progress has been amazing i've been able to take a back seat and just watch the process which is nice for me you know i'm i'm interested in seeing what happens when we get to the stuff that you don't want to get rid of because that's the stuff that i'll want to talk to you about we'll get there when we do okay i can't believe it how's it going up here guys sad yeah what are you feeling sad about i remember spending christmas in here with her family a lot of memories yeah good memories oh yeah yeah so where does the sadness come from just that it became this that it that this happened very much those good memories got sort of buried under the clutter it's just it's just sad upsetting right depressing here's my my wife's high school graduation picture on the wall back there right but buried i mean just completely obscured by all the hoarding that's what hoarding does is it just smothers everything i i never imagined i'd never imagined when did you know uh about 15 years i mean give or take it but he didn't know this i didn't have yeah i knew he didn't have any type this is like beyond he didn't know about the extent of extent they always got a lot of stuff but like this is like a different level you could walk in here everything that's on the walls you could see and it was capped you sure duh to see it like this is just heartbreaking heartbreaking becky were you aware of the extent of it no i still can't even comprehend i mean this is thick yeah you look at something like this i mean that's six feet tall and that wall is like 10 feet away from me yeah it's a lot of very densely packed stuff i mean it's almost like there has to be like a a grief for the loss of this beautiful house never imagined that this would happen the good thing about it is you still have those good memories in your minds and in your hearts that you can remember this nice place and you can remember your parents and you can remember the good times that you all had here i remember jason tiffany around the circle here oh yeah but yeah it's time to move on yep i'm gonna see the wall operation see the wall all right on the side that you're touching tony out not trying to force you to throw things away okay no i'm fine i would i would tell you i have no problem becky they were ready to do this wall the shoot's right there literally boom and it's done and i told them they couldn't but you got to rethink that becky no one wants to come up here and get these clothes please why are they being saved for what yeah because i thought they were still good good for what for somebody who who's somebody not i don't know all right so can we mom can we come on becky yeah but let's talk through it let's talk through it you guys let's not just make her make a decision i want to understand why she wants to keep them remember this is all part of it dr trolling yes doing something else so i'm not playing psychologists but i just want to understand why you want to keep them this is your mother's issue not yours so why why do you want to make it okay that your mother saved these clothes it's not okay you could never make it okay you could give this to someone and see them on the street wearing it and it's still not okay that your mother saved them it's not okay so is it just hard for you to watch your mother's hard work go down into a trash can i get that remember the rodents the odors there's a lot of issues with this stuff coming out of the house okay all right this room smells you can't smell it because you're wearing that mask but everything in here these clothes they smell think of it another way think of it would you want to go buy something that came out of a house where rodents squirrels raccoons were were in there and put it on your daughter would you ever would you want to do that to anyone else in the world mom think about how we came in it's just hard for her you guys can i push you i would love to throw this away just remember you guys every time something leaves it's like a part of her mom leaving and you know that's that's all this is okay you're trying to save your mom you don't have to save her anymore your mom's looking down right now becky i promise you and she is happy that we all are helping she's happy corey and his crew came to help you she's happy i promise you that because she was she had to feel awful to leave you this it's not fair for us to just yank this stuff away from you without giving you a voice and an opinion and you know you got to be able to do this it's painful you have to process through this okay but if you really don't want to let this go don't let it go we can revisit it we don't want to make bad decisions okay it's hard working through understanding hoarding and trying not to hoard their horde for reasons unknown to me of why they collected this stuff oh you want to stop all this stuff let's do it let's do it let's do it [Music] [Music] all right sorry we are making really good progress we needed to get access to all these books so i think for probably the next half an hour to hour we can literally just send the books down okay but are you gonna need to sit up here and watch or can we just take the books down do it do it all right found it appreciate it no problem we're going to get going there's a weird discrepancy here because i know that tiffany has accumulated all this stuff yet she seems so willing to relinquish that now and i was curious as to what had done it and the answer is that she's been receiving cognitive behavioral therapy for hoarding so i've just been waiting for this day hoping for this day for so long praying about this day and it's here so i'm just like grateful beyond belief and just happy you've done a lot of the emotional prep work basically yes you've already kind of prepared yourself for this and now this is just the physical getting it out right exactly and it really shows that you can get help and that you can make a big change if you're motivated to do so and if you find the right help we're going to the tent okay thank you [Applause] hey guys hey how you doing thanks for coming corey well will hey corey jake jake nice to meet you so started the beginning this house was really full of stuff we've removed about 12 dumpsters full there's still a lot more that you'll see not sure if the family's going to do that or not but what we're trying to do is just get an evaluation on what the house is worth in this condition kind of so they know if they can move forward and fix it or you know if you make an offer if that's something you guys do maybe they'll just accept and walk away we really don't know so just so you guys know this house had so much stuff in it that we had three cracked floor joists in the basement so we have that jacked up right now temporarily until those can be fixed some of the ceilings walls have cracks in them i mean this house was literally busting at the seams wow so we've taken a lot of weight out we've kept adjusting the jacks in the basement so it's pretty secure now especially since we removed all this tonnage okay so just take a look at the structural stuff too just so you're aware that that needs to be included in this quote okay so you guys want to take a look and see what you think absolutely okay perfect thanks some black mold water damage folly roof you need to take some structural issues because you have to get crack over here too as well let's go upstairs okay okay oh check out the basement it's so sad when you work so hard and you have a hoarder willing to get rid of pretty much everything and the house looks like it does at the end the good news is she wasn't planning on living there anyway so hopefully she can get some money and move on oh yeah just support your shoes big job [Music] wow that's crazy bye hornet's nest i've seen what i need to see [Music] oh wow wow forget it whoa you can tap dance in here yeah you couldn't before that's for doggone sure hi there hi wow [Music] this is amazing [Music] so tiffany tell me what you think when you walk through this house first of all this is a huge house and i have not felt that way in forever and a day and i'm just so glad and i think that our parents have in heaven have something to do with this and other forces and i'm i think that they're very thrilled with how this has gone you think they're happy oh yeah i'm yeah i think that they feel probably they're felt bad that they couldn't do it on their own and i think they're ecstatic and proud of becky and i and how we have done this so all of us yeah becky how you doing it's unbelievable that there are 10 of us standing in this room couldn't even fit 10 people in this house i i remember i remember coming in the first time with you tiffany and i don't think we could get into this room at all right right this was completely blocked off mm-hmm cleaning out the house was a huge step in our grieving process it made me feel a lot better it made me feel like i'm on to my new life and that's fantastic so we brought a couple people over just to evaluate the house and give you an idea of what the property was worth and the condition it's in okay i'm jake will hi hello nice to meet you guys this is what we do uh we buy houses that need some love you know we walked around the property obviously there's a lot to do here there's a lot of work um that being said we can do it and we would be willing to purchase the house if that is something you guys would be looking to do so your offer is going to be with the remaining contents or without with as is anything they want to leave we'll take care of if there's stuff that you need to get out or need help with we're also willing to help you with that so we would like to make you an offer if that's something you guys want to entertain i mean yeah she's certainly willing to listen i'm sure we can't make any decisions at sure at this point absolutely where we would be at with the amount of work we think this needs would be somewhere around 70 000 cash that would be as is cash offer close as soon as you guys can close and that's about where we would be okay okay okay yeah if we could think about that yeah that would be great absolutely okay we could be in contact and go from there that'd be fantastic okay great all right thank you thank you very much all right thank you appreciate it nice to meet you yeah thanks for coming out absolutely so it's something to think about you know right i do like the fact that they'll get things out for you all the things that you do want as they're cleaning it out you know i don't know what you thought it was worth i have no idea what it's worth but think about it all we want is to see you guys succeed you know and and live a safe life mm-hmm i just have a little words to say to you too oh sure please awesome yes dr cholin you have been wonderful so wise thoughtful and there's a reason why you're an expert in your field i love all these thoughts that you said little nuggets of wisdom that helped me think about it in a different way and i totally love your gentle supportive manner chef's kiss corey thank you for wanting to do this project your enthusiasm and passion for helping people came across every day you care very much about our well-being and that's amazing the support for my family has been beyond words christine has always been an enthusiastic positive go-getter so she applied this to helping me and it's very i'm sure it was very overwhelming for her and christopher because they haven't been in here for years and i think it was so brave of them to come and rachel is the bravest young adult i know who is wise beyond her years no one builds a castle overnight but uh however look at the amish with their barn raising it took a family it took a group and that's what we have here that's wonderful thank you tiffany thanks for writing it thank you all right you guys give it up oh you betcha good job you guys thank you thank you great working with you tiffany with you dr best of luck to you thank you i'm ecstatic to see tiffany realize what it is like to live independently it was good working with you see you later now we're bffs once she gains that independence there can only be great things to come okay take care everybody thanks guys safe travels thank you hi thanks for being a fan of hoarders and subscribe to a e for more videos and click the links around me to watch more
Channel: A&E
Views: 638,597
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Keywords: Little Person Clears the Way For a New Life, Hoarders Season 13, Episode 1302, Hoarders Season 13 Episode 2, little person, a&e, aetv, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, hoarders, hoarders show, hoarders full episodes, hoarders clips, hoarders family secrets, watch hoarders, hoarding, addiction, intervention, hoarding intervention, before and after, before after, compulsive hoarding, hoarders scenes, hoarders episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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