Hitting MAX RANK in Helldivers 2..

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here we go starting his YouTube stream that's right this has to be the most exciting part wow wow St what a great experience already already gret gret come on grumet we've got to hide how many bodies we're going to lose oh and we run yeah run immediately they haven't seen us yet oh so this is this is usually like an automaton star map isn't it well yeah we've definitely played in this environment on automatons before no no but no no I don't think we have I think what they do by the way is there is just a set subset of maps and then the assets just get changed out and I mean the environment is the same yeah yeah okay I think we're okay but a different so we call in our are they going to be attracted by oured to the first one that drops in and then so maybe we should throw it in M well they're not they're not attracted to the first one that drops in they're attracted to everything else after that okay any blue ones they're not attracted to multiple they will be the red ones they come to immediately so this is why you play with tommo and they go to the source that you've thrown it not the impact if that makes sense we like to play with tommo cuz Tomo is okay there we go it's a lovely laser Canon that right now what oh we need to do the verify so maybe we could sneak in here straight away actually I don't um yeah I was going to prone the good thing about not having the Rover as well is it doesn't give away my position like it always does yes big no no okay we're sneaking up hey alkaline burn thank you I see they've put a patch out for the arc weapon so there you go you should be able to hell yeah you should be able to um so we're sneaking up I mean almost there the only thing is they're going to be attracted by the thing aren't they definitely yeah they'll be attracted by the objective can I set it in run away do again maybe that could work you can do Aon sh thank you we got to go back in again to do the okay should I do the probe mhm yeah if we abandon it then we got to come back anyway and do the dial seven stag do you think it could be smart where you go do this one call it in run away go and do the other one run away come back to this one do that one yeah does do that like it'll you'll lose uh aggro on that point oh they is yeah they'll be attract to to the objective point oh you've shot them what you want me to do man actually i s they didn't even call anything in they just turned up no it was the impact um I see all you had to do was how you not dead how did I not kill this one I don't know Crusher copy that I didn't call in yeah I didn't call in I have no oh the anti Personnel mfield what a perfect time to use it yeah put it around the objective so that we can't activate it n well I mean might have done that I mean you know oh oh he's beating me off I'm coming that's right well this this um this bird shot shotgun is not great at knock not great at knocking them back that's for sure has like zero knock back yell yeah the knock back's not great I'll be honest you know I'm going to maybe run I think it's just you're so used to the sluger now so much damage go another another Crusher leaking okay I've been ruined by a pack of hunters that was stealth mode on me yeah yeah okay where's my Minefield oh it's it is directly on the uh charger be gone oh my God manag to get the objective done I think they're all on you right now T yeah oh I by the way there are mines directly on our objective and I've just destroyed my shield by running into them so that's good die die don't worry about it me yeah I'm sure it will be fine it's all fine it's all fine Taste of Freedom um they're not now they're not coming that side though so that's a bit annoying really where are these acid pools no I going to be on this map oh okay GRE looking Planet yeah okay I'm going to try and do the objective again there you go done ah I keep overheating my sickle yes sickle we go oh wow that was actually not too bad at all and no one died was like seven stages to that one no four maybe the last one's seven stages yo MGM thank you very much for the 15 thank you you follow me and W a long time that was a lot that was a lot all right I'm going to move towards yeah are you able to make it towards me yeah there flank flank East changing ice okay I'm just uh oh have they spotted me I mean I'm a big glowing Shield I'm sure that's not great for my stealth okay yeah they definitely see me cuz they're right behind me and trying to bite me oh good I was thinking oh I'm stealthing this quite well oh God just run you need some help you need some help you're right super sample I Will Survive I Will Survive I'm dead You I Will Survive I'm dead I'll survive I'm dead oh that is a large and we got the flying ones rro nice we do have the flying ones as well epic merge thank you for the 108 thank you yeah yeah Bridge where's their spawn um All the Way South I think oh no oh my God I'm I may be dead There is five of them on Me Maybe six of the bird things yeah there you go nice job dude I'm going to run and oh I see that home oh God and there's a is that a Crusher probably reloading I am running low on [Music] ammo ow [ __ ] oh god oh I'm running I've only got one round left I'm going to die okay me hang on I I don't know where your stuff is oh my God there's two birds nest dude two they're all on this side of the map oh god what have we done me two sets of nests yes literally on this side of the map as well she oh sheesh okay this shotgun is actually very good against the birds though so that's lucky his bird shot oh right yeah ah you see I'm now out of ammo almost entirely oh my god I've got the resupply you okay do you need you need me to come back there like 100 enemies on me right now that's why it's so quiet over here I'm just trying to train them but I don't have the stopping power with this freaking oh the bird yeah yeah please oh if you got prone the birds can't get you yes I heard about that that's actually a thing but the other's got ooh that was close why they so focused on me RA Daddy a oh my God there's so many birds I'm dead oh my God was this a mistake okay got one of the trees done they can fly now they fly now oh oh charger dude oh I can land on the charger oh my God there's so many birds dude I know there's like 20 I was aware oh he's but his butt almost killed me I got one of the trees done reing I'm going PR I don't know what to do I don't know what to do the Orit laser would be insane for the nest I'm having to dodge I'm just going pro I'm just going prone every couple of seconds oh no oh good what you know what's crazy you uh so foggy I thought I'm just going to like I'm just going to hold W no of course not I'm just going to hold W and go far away from where he's called me in as possible and you were just there yeah yeah I'm dead now oh this is not good Tomo I will say I'm yeah I'm aware of that there's about 20 birds that are going to onot me I'm just helping us out by taking us out I'm going to oh no no no no no oh this isn't good oh I might have to um patri this I'm going to have to oh my God they're just they just the birds just eating me up dude you're dead bro you're dead bro ra brother ER what are you doing Mr volcano ah it's the scene from The Matrix zude just flying up my bloody bird my Mech oh you got the me out of you yeah I had to I had to get your Mech out get your me out for the ledge right um I can protect you on the objective now oh [ __ ] oh thanks finally thanks I can destroy the bird's nest though yeah screw me objective I'm working on that I think I I can get the bir yeah right I'll wait for your thing to come in there's one dead think I got all of them here e ni nice nice nice I hate how inacurate the missiles are now BT BT yeah have we bitten off more than we can chew raw um I've just realized I'm absolutely miles away from you I didn't realize how far away it was okay oh I see the bar yeah I see the B TI I think he's the giant spider likee creature I see it yeah on the in the distance there uhhuh I'm coming I've got nine missiles for his face if you kind of bring him back toward us this way I'm not smoking yet if you just yeah turn him around bring him bring him bring him around oh we got two B lovely I could possibly take that one out I don't think that one's actually seen me that one hasn't seen me nice that one's just like moving towards the other way right you are INE you in big trouble I'm one and and I've called an eagle on myself now nice but that might hit and I'm hemorrhaged and my chest is hemorrhaged and the B Titan has turned around and is killing us ah right well I mean I'm not sure that's how that's supposed to work what happened I shot the Bal Titan and it elastically banded towards me after I shot it in the face and died nice I'm pretty sure that's not that's not normal I don't know I don't know maybe I could be wrong I'm pretty sure that's not how that's supposed to that's supposed to work but all right so what cor it's Corps it's corpse just went just went like forward towards me even though it was nowhere near me I'm like okay yeah sick man I guess can R them yeah the main weapon I'm using is the spray and prey guys by the way okay you Tom I'm not I don't want to alarm you but you are the main focus of the forces there yeah crazy so if you'd like you can you can do whatever you like over there dude thanks that was yeah in cartoon fashion yeah I mean I wasn't even close to it that's what annoyed me the most I was literally miles away and it just went ah okay okay there's my rare samples can I call in the thing where is this bloody thing okay okay well Tomo you you've taken one for the team okay I've put a Minefield there I'm throwing you back L towards your stuff but you have done us a a service here somewhere I will tell you that I'm glad I got the terminal just fully out of resources over there yeah well no heals no there is some resupplies here I would E5 come on Eagle AR strike please do your thing yes yes okay this is a small oh no no Mr froo they're all on me now it's almost like a programmed to do [Music] that okay there is a Minefield to the north oh my God basically you know Min somewh yeah there's a Minefield to the to the north of the objective just to the north okay I I'll stay away from there then I'm just dealing with BTS and stuff over here right now but I do have a new stat for the BTS and it's working well what run surprisingly well oh my god dude I'm in a oh no I can't run into the Minefield can I of course not where is the Minefield okay I'm going to try and do the objective real quick might get it done no why would you do that yes oh sake it's fine it's fine it's fine everything's fine I think I got the done let's get out of here no no right I'm I'm putting you maybe back uh I shot my eat launcher call in and then stood in front of the ball TI we freeze to try and attack me walked backwards eat lands on him perfectly I get the kill his leg flicks off like you were talking about and the leg killed me I mean I feel like if we lose this it's not our fault is so ass well yeah I don't understand why I Just Whipped out and just one oh you're land no I told about the land M I come out the corner and didn't realize were there oh no not more birds oh not more birds no no no call me on your Landes did I yes dude oh my God I came around the corner of like a big rock after popping out of my thing and stood on a m oh I was in it again that would have been that would have been comedy for the vine that's the most important part is the entertainment value mines yeah I should I just randomly put mines everywhere on the map and every time you die yeah I think you need more really funny that you need more that's the issue I just died to the shrier dead in the sky it flew out of the sky and killed me this is BS well well now we're ruined we have one reinforce we got this but we can probably complete it I've literally oh my [ __ ] that's it tonight right that's it no reinforcement for 2 minutes no this is getting silly now oh my I think I'm dead dude I think it's over why did they have these stupid birds I think it's over dude I'm going to have to unless I go prone on like a tree or something oh there's a nuke but I don't know don't do it it's good work don't I it's good work I'm not sure it's worked I think um I think this I I swear I was way further away than that I'm not sure it worked I mean it it did Kill the birds I think the most important part is it killed the bird and by the way got one side objective done but can I just say can I just say you can say we died four times to dead bodies yeah yeah four times to dead bodies and once to mines so I think that was pretty good it workful failure that was it did work yeah I mean having two nests of birds was pretty an three no there was three D that that was the third one you found forgive me or maybe it was the second one could I be so foolish right well now IDI um well now well now we have to start again I know maybe maybe try on a on a on on a live mission same map though I like that map I think that was a good map yeah oh of course there's not a single mission on on alive that's in the S Sky I mean we haven't done it is it stealth better at nighttime is my question um I don't think visibility matters in terms of day and night day and night what what uh what else we got so we got this and then we've got hell dive are we ready for hell dive after dying on Impossible yeah is the dead body thing intended well maybe there is another impossible but why don't we try and do the defense Mission first the the dead body thing is intended but it's also not it's intended because they want the bodies to have a rag doll like weight to them so like if you a charger and the corpse continues the momentum the corpse can still kill you right however there's that like bug bug with the bugs right where the biot Titan just spreads his legs and goes a wall as you kill him well it flew towards me and I and that's the thing that destroyed my Mech and killed me that's like a triple negative if you kill it with something that gives it momentum then it will do that I didn't I shot it the other way and it went whoa and just came towards me and just instantly anyway what did you shoot it with a rocket that's what I mean in the face that should have blown it back instead it came towards me um nighttime yeah night time day time and then we've got the defend now the thing is last time we did a defend area as the two of us um horrendous so do we try start with that first or do we start with the other stuff first what about what about that last time we did what last time we did the defense oh right as the two of us yeah that was horrible we can try again let's start with defense yeah see that way if we if we lose straight away then nothing gain nothing lost if we fail all the missions after doing after saving that one till the end then it's just going to be annoying yeah what was it all for hang on let me just check something real quick okay okay I do have 30 out of 40 kills with the antipersonnel mfield so I did get 30 kills two of them may have been you I mean it does count my my kills do count do they yeah oh my God right show kill stats friend friendly fire kills to the T right I'm going to make sure I guess I guess minefields are okay definitely need a Mech and then the shield and then uh and then what what gun should I take I need I I need a good gun that gun was not doing anything for me unfort could do Slugger what's going to be the best right now uh what primary do you have the scorcher yet no that's what I'm trying to unlock as well um Slugger I guess Slugger or Punisher where's Punisher really you think Punisher is still good Punisher great yeah I've not used it in ages I'll use it okay I am ready 10 would recommend okay cuz you still get the knockback you're just not doing the full amount of damage unless they're like in CQB cuz the spread of the shot like all the pellets have to hit to deal that 400 damage versus the 200 damage which is concentrated in one slug which is why it kind of has the uh highest damage in the game even though some of the lowest right where do you think they're going to come from where they already there I think they're going to come where that Bo breach is but Ws get up there okay okay I'm going to throw the mines right there how hang on how did you get there I got oh ow he just came through the floor right M Minefield right on the bug breach then we never have to worry about it again yay ow got what I just got it's the mine field mines but it is actually killing them which is nice why is the explosion so big oh I'm using the reload uh spam it's working it's working but I'm also dying ow he almost killed me yeah I'm trying not to get you with the AOE but oh the AR oh you're using the AR thrower no this is the well calling it in now but I'm using the um Scorch right now oh okay it's got uh oh it's got explosive damage yeah it's got reloading um what else can I call in I'm okay for now I'm I'm going to need my shield gen and that's a b Titan L and there goes my shield gen and there's two B nice okay I have one of these yeah there you go nice that's one and now he's going to bile on you oh nice did he just one shot you yeah yeah oh this is pain oh this is pain Dr hang on hang on hang on are you using impact grenades yes okay reinforce okay hold on all right landing on him did you get him I think you did nah oh God and there's a charger behind me he did take my shield off but he's not killed me at least he's killed me there we go the be he's dead there's a there's a charger yeah beam's working on the charger now I'm going to probably I don't know actually are we okay yeah this is uh done oh okay I'm I'm just taking damage okay okay I'm dead this is the problem with the two of us though is you have to just keep running oh you're on the nice top bit there yeah I like that m it's basically just the bio Titans we have to worry about when you're up here there you go but that's that's exactly what we didn't fall it yeah no it's good cuz it would have sprayed us up there okay I might try and get my Patriot in and see if I can this breach on me why not oh I almost shot oh combat zone no wait what it's okay it's okay should be a sample on that corner oh what the I was vaulting dude oh oh this is not going to go well Tomo this is not going in this is yeah this is this is not going to go yeah I think I'm dead I think I'm dead I think I'm going to go in the combat zone I have to I'm dead anyway oh my god dude impossible we need to get back on that platform yeah I know it's literally only sa is my Mech here is the mech here yes it is but it's it's not in a great spot it's okay though he's heading me off oh come on dude the hunters are so annoying no no one shot the mech and killed me no dude no come on man come on dude I mean we are play we are playing you know right hit him again but didn't kill him didn't do enough damage like okay he's dead got him okay cool cool cool we are not doing enough damage there anyone want to mention that we should try shooting them yet anyone any the anyone on the chat saying why haven't you tried shooting them it's literally just the bot Titans that cause the issues on this map well we didn't have any anything for him we used everything too early like two rail cannons on one BT was a it was just bad timing cuz I threw mine out then you threw yours out and then the second one came out of the ground like my new Strat for the BTS is to open up the wound on top of them with a ra and then two impact knes kills them on that flesh m this is going to be interesting too many I'm just going to try and lead them around I don't think I can get to you to be you can climb up this side as well okay hold on I think he going to keep running around working for now there's this Crusher on me that's going to be causing issues there's not a lot of cover either that's another thing mhm get destroyed by the BT doesn't [Music] it oh no no no no no no no come on man the the side swipe there okay dude the the most agile Crusher we've ever faced in our existence I'm going for his butt um okay that was insanely lucky but also not I guess oh I love when they just come out of the ground on you dude these dude these crushes are insane what they're they're the most adile Crushers ever and there's a b iron please please please please please dude these Crushers are mental oh God yeah um okay can I get up to your side by the way only if you climb up here I don't think I can I think we may get the object we'll see we might just get the objective done but call down foric I think I'm taking the BT stomach out so we can't spit on you now that's good yeah I can just run him around then I am out of Sims though so reloading if you just keep on trying to kill him and I run oh I got another BT that came out of the ground on me didn't even see him got the one in front of you yep you're good reinforcing okay going to keep running around there you go 18 kills in One impact don't mind if I do okay we're always there you know I mean I've got no stems now so I'm probably going to die and I don't know how I'm going to get my health back without what if I run outside the comat zone to get the artillery uh you could but it will it will kill all of us it's too concentrated of an area for that I think I swear we get less BTS hell dive probably okay just Madness well I mean I'm literally dead if they get close to me so oh okay I actually stopped the crusher okay we're doing okay we're doing okay doing okay how you like oh my God I'm going to die again got B me and I'm want I'm want I'm want I'm want hang on yeah I am dead I got your reinforced yeah no I had no Sims but I was running around for a good we only need 50 kills we only need 50 kills that's not bad did your chest H or something no no no I I just got I got stuck there all right oh my God just get off that get off that get off that oh trying to take his belly out so he could spit I'm just going to go to the other side and H and survive oh oh don't have the ordinance for it no well I think I've done my that's well I mean that's part of the issue is that you had to bring mines so what was that my own mine field God damn it dude wait okay you just need to stay alive for 25 kills to 25 kills come on 25 kills just stay alive for 25 kills use your impact nades impact nades but don't impact yourself okay literally two kills literally two kills come on oh my God oh my God he did it with one kill oh my god oh my god dude I can't believe it dude yes that's a dude I can't believe we did it we did it literally as I died same frame oh my God I hate how the spit gets me before I even see it you know what I mean okay well we that was really hard that was really OD yeah I was just getting smashed by that whole game I mean that's on seven as well like I trying to focus the BTS for you and then suddenly one would just climb out of the ground behind me without me knowing and spel my back I'm like great you love shots oh I think I actually think like why don't you get more reinforcements what's it called because there's less of you well it's cuz they want you to put on the um the increased reinforcement should probably do that shouldn't we we should defitely we want stamina yeah but surely but why don't we just take full stamina armor take Shields well I am wa you're not using the shield shield the bubble Shield yeah take the take the bubble Shield go with Scout oh they must have nerfed the light armor that gives you this doesn't exist anymore I think there was one that gave you stamina no there was the one oh no the 50% reduction to explosive damage um yeah so go light armor right oh no not light armor I guess get loads of stamina though anyway GG's that was that was insane you just last shot oh my god um see if I take we had some AOE that scorcher cuz it might have been that you know yeah so take light armor and then I just trying to focus the little guys in the distance and all the ones that were I was just like no if we lost that I think that's our credibility completely destroyed no one would ever again that's it h max level today psych never play again py awful at the game just kidding never watch me um I use the scout and the extra Stam yeah yeah yeah yeah I want the unreleased vehicle come on Joel join our game we'll let you in come on let's Joel let's got Joel as a friend right now what's going to be easier extraction or Geological Survey do matter let's try the the way yeah I think yeah so let's go for the extra revives for sure like it's got it the extra the extra um revives oh yeah okay instead of the stamina and then go light armor right yeah yeah I mean synchronized just go medium or just go medium yeah but that's what I'm saying stamina with low light armor anyway right we're we're getting one shot by most of the things that kill us anyway but that's the thing I think we just need to like s snap out of the mentality that that it's a ho shooter if we get in a sticky like that was rough because we couldn't go anywhere like that wouldn't happen in a usual 40-minute game where it's a big map because you can run away way and lose sight oh absolutely but you can't do that without stamina so I feel like stamina is the best like perk but then but then what what of the light armor I mean take light armor have more Stam I think I think we need extra the I feel like the the what's it called this armor with the the passive the 50% chance to save you m does prevent me from dying like as many times as You' beat like 15 to 10% of the times that I would Otherwise Die in a game 15% yeah it's I don't it's like it's 50/50 but you know what I'm saying I feel like 50% of the match if I was to die and lose all my lives in that match well let's try well let's see let's try it this round with this with light armor or I'll go light armor you can keep medium and we'll go light yeah um there I thought there was a light armor that gave you the 50% chance to survive um right what am I doing I am going to take I haven't taken the rail gun in ages do I take the rail gun is it even worth it I'll give it a go I haven't tried it in ages lit know what it's like realy gun's ass so which one is it there just better options um what the one reduce time until New reinforcements are available is that the one um you you put you also don't have it you put stamina on then all right I'll put it's called increased reinforcement budget increases the number of available reinforcements okay you got it yeah yeah yeah and you want me to take stamina as well instead of um because I know the spawning With Grenades and stuff is really good but come on come on we'll try it without we'll try it once without we'll try it if we die we die fine um Eagle rail Cannon I feel like you don't bring the Mac really mhm cuz it instead and then just gone too quick well but thing is I'm barely okay hold on hold on on I feel like you'll get more kills with a cluster strike or a well why don't I what as long as you're using it constantly versus I'm not even using the rail gun I feel like I would never use it why don't I just take two stratums instead and then take a really strong primary and then I me yeah you could do that I feel like that's want Mech but I think Mech just saves you sometimes times from a sticky situation like you oh we really can't do this Mission I'll just take the me bang um so what other what other strateg should I take i' I'd go like orbital laser or rail Cannon yeah I'll go there you go so you can you can kill a BT really easily with a rail Cannon strike you just open up the top shell and then just throw two impact nades where it's been opened like the rail Cannon does a lot of damage to the Shell right and creates a hole then you just throw your nades into that hole and it dies into impact needs ini I mean we're going to try and for killing them really quick yeah just disengage when we need to disengage that wasn't an option last time we just had to keep we were um those defense missions are just well no but we did it though that was crazy I'm surprised we even Managed IT let's see I would never do those ones Solo or in a well I'm surprised we even did it if honest that was Madness right um so get my shield gen pick yeah my stamina now is crazy on this light class yeah but absolutely crazy you're thinking you're going to be saved by the 50% chance still the pleats really quick doesn't it no compared to what we used to on having the stamina perk no it's actually way it's like as good good if not B okay I'm going to tell you when it finishes after sprinting ready mhm I'm just about halfway now oh nice and it runs out in five 4 3 2 uh stest careful oh ah we we to deal with this now he just missed he just missed hit me then we deal with this immediately yeah yeah I mean it's right here righto mhm it looks like I think it's right here yeah but if you look at the map and there's two bird's nest as well we're going to get close to the bird's nest and probably Set It Off yeah dude this is I was going to say yeah I'm like running around trying to find the entrance okay we got now should we deal with this bloody Birds Nest over here there's two of them actually it's actually then when we're going away away from the objective it's okay oh here they come here they [Music] come they can't hurt you if you're prone oh that was close but my but my my my Rover can my Rover can oh God a bug bug Bridge oh my God come on right in front of us is that a joke Hang On by the way um what's it called impact nades are insane mhm you did 45 kills in three impact nades um should I get the okay got one of the trees done okay I'm 500 kg bom I think I actually missed both of them so that's cool okay got an eagle on that nice I think I got one of them maybe one of them B time B time I hold on okay I've got a a laser beam laser beam got a laser beam got a laser beam like okay I'm getting the other one pay um the other one yeah the other the other mushroom all right gone nice me another BT cuz it just died okay is dead nice and that is a charger um I guess we'll just move left then move west now live and dead thank you for the 34 months I do love a cluster but now we just need to focus on big things really working on it are you oh hello baited um so how do I get rid of this guys how do I defeat this Crusher charger main I'm human they've made the um Crushers a little bit more reloading turning Circle better men oh he's stopped he was actually chill he wasn't moving he was chill until he wasn't he was chill um Tom are you going to come this way oh is the arc thing really good against Crushers charges whatever okay he's just chilling nice dude six uh six arcs to the face and he'll die I do like the arc launcher what's the best armor to run I'm using the um light armor and no you don't have to extract you just need to get the mission done that's all that matters what's the Big Dot again one giant Big Dot what it's just a big dot on the map yeah maybe it's fine what mean Big Dot well if you look to the right there's just a big dot on the map where you're running right now a giant dot I don't see a big dot oh okay well on my map it's just a giant dot anyway I'm avoiding these guys you you are you okay we haven't AG with them yet right or oh maybe we have now they're running they're running at you oh is that Shri Nest as well I can't tell there's like loads of flying bug things like little mini ones I don't know if that means anything um should I start doing this objective might as well I've got like a big wave on me so I can create some time there reloading bug bre on you great yeah and there's an assassin another stalker and I'm stuck in a [Music] bush yeah this is going to get interesting that's foral watch out for the stalker on your left left left left left stalker dead ban um I do I'll leave it for now this going to be hard just remember to take his belly out and then he can't yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah taking his belly out nice so now you can just follow you around um what we going to do impact n's belly right right um that could work yeah thr Gren I've not actually tried that it will be two impacted I've impacted him pretty close to his I don't think I got them directly but they were pretty close to his me I didn't want to get too close cuz he was going to stamp on me wonder if this works worth testing but how many impact though dude you know yeah might be a waste so like I was talking about the rail Cannon so the rail Cannon opens up the Flesh and then you throw them into the flesh that's opened up maybe like on his shell Not underneath he's like proper camping the bloody yeah I mean I can try and just like okay I'm going to try and get to the object he's just camping the objective what bastard we need to find that stalk a dude as well it's this direction I think got an eagle on him nice okay I'm going to try and find this stalker Nest mhm I think it's yeah I think I know where it is it's this way okay BT's dead right I'm going to go I'm going for the stest hold on yes this is talk but I don't have nades no dude oh my God hang on resupplying yeah cool me I'm going to have to just cover the nest cuz I think they're going to spawn on it in a second I'm like standing on it camping it you've called in a resp already yeah yes on me yeah right there you go done SED there is two ammo on me if you need it right here [ __ ] lovely way well thankfully that's dealt with cuz that was going to be really annoying two two Nest is pretty rough you can't shoot the legs of the BT that's what I'm saying I don't know what the chat confused fully armored oh okay uh that was a two hit goet yeah I was not expecting it to just go and dead yeah no they they will mess you up those things brother let your stamina regen it's that bar at the bottom oh that's what that was dude I thought that was my health what the heck and know how do I shoot first time dude that's crazy what the hell wait wait there's stamina in this game yeah yeah yeah don't if you know that if you left click you can fire That's crazy dude and then like aiming is like right click I think bullets will come out of your gun it's crazy dude no way about what weapon am I using I'm using the uh first shotgun you get in the game actually we need to do the do the pumps now okay I'll do him I'll do him I'll do them now right one done doing the other one I got this one I'm done nice got bug breach oh it's like 17 Hunters on that reinforce okay I got jumped on by like there too many there I am under the ground I am in the floor um I don't really know what's going on they killed me so hard oh my God man they killed you so hard that I'm in the flooor now oh you dead so yeah oh I didn't go and grab my uh Shield to be fair it's probably my bad oh no engaging terminal okay that is a lot of enemies demen okay where' my stuff go I don't even know where my shield is okay and 99 uh Shield's here found it okay I'm coming uh it's done anyway goodbye Miss loed Mission progress logged right let's get South well we've got the two stalk con there's one more bird's nest I think reloading one more bird's nest dude it's all we got to worry about okay um okay I'm going to run down I'm going to avoid the nest actually I'm I'm I'm dodging um okay we go sneaking are you sneak it doesn't sound like you're sneaking Tomo oh no I'm not sneaking oh okay well I'll just I've got two charges on me mate you're dealing with sounds like your sunshine and rainbows over there yeah actually it is I was wondering why it was so nice and relaxed and calming yeah I know I'm Are You full wave of hunters and two charges on me are you potentially dead or uh potentially it's one of the death all time well I'm stealthing away toy so I I'll have you few mate everything's everything's quite Dandy over here yeah you do I'm glad you just take them on all right yeah yeah support I'm glad you're having a nice time that's quite nice [ __ ] nice no don't honestly heaviness on your own that's mental you smashed it what I might do is calling my Mech on the next objective just so I have it so I don't get it destroyed half you think I'm done no no you're fine dude you've killed them a heavy Nest that's it is it there we go okay at least the uh the arthor is not crashing games anymore no there you go Tomo's done the research hi guys what's up it's Tomo myth yo what's up guys does the mech still destroy your games let's find out epode [Music] epod nice okay I got my me in let's go baby okay yeah just yeah yeah sure yeah why not the theth destroys the cargo doors as well yeah all right didn't think electricity would blow them off but you know oh yeah oh yeah I've tried oh yeah I've tried it I've actually done that re experiment in real life I've done my own testing yeah I actually did I built my own arc thrower in my shed okay let's go up here now let's just hope a bile time doesn't spawn come people still just like kill randoms to get their samples thinking that loot isn't shared they need to they in the tutorial yeah have you not heard I've got people telling me that I've got a stamina bar and you're telling me there's people killing each other if you play with randoms like it's happened to me a few times I'll pick up their samples when they die and then they'll kill me and then take their samples back and I have to like either speak in VI or do something in text chat every time to explain because it's not told in the tutorial I get it cuz like to a certain point this is an extraction shooter right like yeah I actually kind of forgot about that that it is actually extraction shooter oh yeah actually they're not wrong okay well I'm probably going to attract a lot of bug extraction Sho where loot doesn't you don't loot other than the samples oh I can imagine people killing you if you if you like steal their like jet pack or something you know I I get it I get it that's not what we're talking about here great um this is actually well I survived longer than I thought I would in that mess of bugs don't know if you've been chilling but I've had many many many bugs on me how the ah yes you're chilling I'm I'm losing my mind here what you're doing a puzzle do I have to did the transfer station call me in first hang on Tomy this is so confusing the chat is probably watching this like huh okay here we go in hang on let me do it you do it hang on hang on um didn't oh there you go it was way I was like over complicating it all right bloody I didn't have to clap well done mate very proud of you right you go and do the bloody pumps whilst I have fun over here no worries all the bugs over where I died so how you likee there is a charger coming for you so let you know just move that way mate do it mate he has a he's got a gamy leg who was the charger yeah the the charger that I can't even aim at him that's cool I hate that you can't aim down with the what Macky yeah it's bit annoying now if I'm honest God what a waste of rockets well because I've only got 300 shots anyway and if he destroy my Mech then I lose access to the mech you couldn't use your Gatlin um no cuz I couldn't even see if he' been damaged you said his leg was gumy dude I'm keep on getting stuck on the mech stop it I got the terminal there you go right is that good and then we have to go we can go we can go we can go let's go let's get let's get out of here um can I just walk down are you sure we're done yes okay I don't know why it even makes you sit there and wait for it cuz it might as well just complete it's complete by now unless you were just about to die as that objective completed but even then doesn't make sense well now we've cleared up all of the area for the final bit there's only one Nest left in the final bit just need to do the shut pump thing yep and maybe we can destroy that Nest before we do it it might be better not bug breach not bug breach I love the fact you talk me about the uh see this is why you play with Tomo this is why you play with Tomo he teaches you about the game what because I can just go in the war and it doesn't matter I can basically just go full head mhm as long as you don't stay under right like you can walk through it you can't go s like super super deep but you can go to the point where like your roof is about to be submerged gotcha um but as long as you keep walking you'll be fine and it doesn't go deeper than that I only think I honestly think this could have a really cool like not not a PVP mode but a mode where two teams start from either end of the map and they have objectives to complete um whilst fighting off the AI if you know what I mean without having to kill each other like races or speed speed runs almost mhm I guess you don't even need to have them on the same map in that case they'll experiment with more stuff like that and they have the budget for it they can do whatever they want surely they can well they they already had like a twitch of event would be sick they' already had like a twitch rival that brings everyone together maybe on super Earth that' be cool I'm really excited for anything super really like in the cities be sick uh the objective is very hot oh yeah right I'm going to run out of machine gun ammo in a second so can't hit him remember I'm going to run out of rockets and ammo anyway so I might as well just use out the last Rockets even though it's a waste all right whatever dude this me is bugged he get stuck on it right starting the objective what do you mean stuck on it so I walk past it and I just get like oh right when you're out CL by it basically uh thing is blocked where is it where is the I've killed I've killed like two B breaches I think we chilling where is the the objective I need it says it's the pump and no I can't see where where the actual thing is behind you turn around is it on this one no maybe I don't know what you're terminal it said it was blocked but I thought it was I thought there was going to be something on it to indicate that I thought I stopped the bug breach I did stop the bug breach nice one oh no that is the I did shoot it before it like finished its thing it just went now done two of 11 has to be it has to be before it spits in the air not whilst it's doing it nice okay and I'm going to also have to cool in I do have a 500 kg I'm going to save that fuel the transport do I have to like guide it in you have to flick the lever is it not ready oh here we go that's low the hose first yeah there you go love way the hose isn't aligned at all nope have do anything ammo if you need it uh no transfer a sample I'm yeah I'll take that yeah I'm thinking I'm going to take that I need one though leave the rest there and take it off okay I didn't know how to do that nice nice nice nice and then another one comes in mhm same process yeah they have fixed the AR Arc thrower Tomo's using it right now give us a test no I'm just [Laughter] kidding it doesn't crash the games supposedly does it um will it damage you when you got the shield up yeah if it'll probably it takes it well now we know now we know on some increased safety I use the shield now instead of the Rover because then I don't give away my position but I guess the Rover does just it is insane release the hose and that's that's mission complete easy peasy all right and now we head back to the base and we have a good old time me that was uh well I was said no that was easy that was easy uh-oh three by Titans incoming ah we could have done the uh skate pod data we were right there what at the top yeah ah it's fine I do need a maximum experience what do you think is the best way to get experience hell dive hell dive plus I mean those defense missions are technically the best way but they're fast they're tough yeah we means to escape died several times I just think playing the game is the is the best way look right in fire rocket they fixed that but they also Nerf the mech in the process as well yeah the mech can't shoot itself anymore but you can't look down anymore no it's weird they had to restrict his movement because otherwise the rocket would go into the arm of the mech all they had to do is basically just make it spawn in front of the mech even if it was I think they're going to they're going to improve it but the reason they don't do that is cuz everything has like like the it's like like one of those games where the bullets come out of the thing that fires them I mean we could technically yeah you could say they come out of the front but then there would there wouldn't be that team kill warry with the like left Cannon um should we should we do the extra objetives do you think or I think not risk it we could because if we if we take this timer all the way down is this another and then it comes in it own we won't have the extract like faf there won't be anyone on the extract yeah whereas if we call it in now how we got how many we've got eight revives yeah let me give it a go we can do it yeah yeah so I'll finish off this bit over here you do the hard bits Tom yeah sick yeah I'll do the hard you do the extra large um double size maximum yeah n no worries oh this is actually a large Nest okay and there's a Crusher on it hang on that's okay actually because I can shoot you got I've got no it's got no nothing left now all right 100 right where is this Crusher come on Crusher where's this Crusher running 18 nice I get the crusher Reserve oh there's a there's a bile Titan here okay there Super S there for you um what do you mean on that rock uh I don't know hold on um have you got a rail Cannon strike oh yeah I do yeah requ stri okay and now that it's opened up hit it with two impact nades in that fleshy bit I don't know if I can dead I got it I got it one was enough nice well I didn't even hit in the fleshy bar I just threw it at it well there you go but I think the impact like the explosive radius is enough to do damage to the fleshy bit if that makes sense it doesn't have to directly okay I don't have a lot of nades [Music] so that was close I almost blew myself up okay I need uh one two more nades here okay I do like the Punisher actually it's very nice especially with the 60 rounds mhm yeah I got the same I can res here actually do you help with these nests no I I need I just need nades that's all okay I should be fine with this I'll come for the re no yeah yeah lovely okay I'm going to nade for that one you do that yep hold on I just don't want to miss and of course a bug spawns as I th the yeah that's annoying okay more samples see let's wipe the map I guess [Music] whoa oh my God that freaking Hunter D oh my ass he destroyed you hang on calling in reinforce I just run across here he charges around no there's a massive wave of bugs in there holy crap you huge wave behind you yeah I've got 500 I've got 500 kilog what the hell why is there so many that's insane it is a lot oh you've left your stuff behind but that's fine you can come back I'm surrounded it oh I see the ones on you oh dude I I almost I almost got him hold on reinfor 20 Hunters dude the hunters are my worst enemy in this game tonging me constantly not in a good way okay okay okay okay guys okay yeah yeah yeah okay okay I hate when they tongue [Music] me it's the way they surround you though I I'm dead one shot dude no once my Shield's gone I'm basically dead that's the problem um okay we got six respawns left I think yeah the I might need do you have a spare Rover um oh no yes I might use that instead of The Shield cuz then I can just take out on you oh no you don't no you don't corate getting a bit crazy right now bro uh where is that oh I truck it in you somewhere how many shots dude come on man oh cuz I've not picked up I can't see it that's the only thing hello BT okay I'm dead no no this is bad this is bad this is bad they all got me they got me stred I'm coming coming did you get the Rover okay that was insane that was insane they when they surround you like that I cannot do anything yeah there's there's nothing you can do I just get slowed and slowed and slowed and slowed and slowed and I'm dead mhm okay we need to do we just call it there cuz we only got four we've barely moved out of this position Now where's there or Shield J whatever I see one I can see the rover okay no might die here yep I'm dead we need to go we need to go no we don't we need to go dude we only got I've died three times in a rad to Hunters just stop dying I'm going to Chuck you that wait okay well no I just think um because I'm on light armor I basically get one shot by the hold the line for a sec we'll clear up this I basically get one shot by the hunters that's why just to stop and fight for a bit uh I've got a Mech as well so I could probably use that [Laughter] um just clear this wave please die please die please die okay Mech it is can I aim down at this thing nice there you go right um right so I'll go and do that I'll just start heading north hold on mhm we want to um oh God more Hunters yeah that's not what I want that's not what I want that's not what I want didn't even see him come behind me nice they'll come from your way I guess yep I thought you'd already seen them until the um ship comes in naturally in 10 minutes okay uh there is a bug breach between me and you I'm just going to try and head here and just get this Nest done mhm if I can I died again as I came out my pod all right on that bug breach hold on just getting this last Nest yeah am I going to be able to aim down to destroy it just make sure you yeah take your time with it no that's not okay okay dude that's so annoying all right there we go I mean you're learning the distance now like you won't make the same mistake again okay it's your yes I agree well it's just silly isn't it just bit of a silly I think they they will improve it it's just a good easy fix to prevent people from killing each other for now you know like I'd rather have that than than should be able toy my last that's last Nest top right yeah you activate the um yeah I should be able to get this where is it what's Max rank now level 50 and I'm I just H level 49 I have to call in the thing don't I can I do I have to stay on it do you think no be fine did we get the samples we dropped no we can get them when we need to are they coming they are they're attracted okay now I'm going to go and do that last Nest to the top right mhm I've got like hundreds on me but I'm keeping them away from you at least there is a there is some sort of big this what I'm saying there's a large dot on the screen to the I know what you mean by that to the Northwest on the map that just flashes up but I don't know what it is just mean like a charger or something [ __ ] sake dude hang on hang on hang on I'll be able to I was doing really well as well you know when you throw a impact grenade as a hunter jumps at you and it hits the Hunter and kills you oh yeah yeah yeah that actually well I had to I had no I was just dying I had to do that no I was I was doing well but then I threw one and in the time it took my guy to get the the nade out it hit a hunter in front of me so frustrating so weirdly so there's a big dot on my map I don't know what it is yeah I don't see a big dot yeah so there this no no no no no there's a big dot chasing me right now so it's obviously like it just means the large enemies I think yeah no I don't see a big Dot oh [ __ ] oh yeah now I do yeah it's a large enemy yeah just means you got a BT on you or something I go get this last Nest still got loads of ammo left should be okay no re no reinforcements though but we've got the mission done right that's the whole point we got the mission done we're getting most of the stuff done extracting is extracting is going to be easier for us in 6 minutes okay cuz we're going to run back and not have to deal with The Horde and should arrive as the ship lands yeah right I don't I might have to get out my Mech to destroy these holes because I don't think I'm going to be a be able to aim down just just back up yeah I'll try back it up back it up back it in let me shoot them in the Punisher feels good but I think the Slugger might be better yeah know I agree Helly but having to spread can be better for boards God technically do more damage if it's a concentrated like shot of pets have I just I can't tell if I've destroyed his arm yet what you do now trying to clear that Nest over there yeah so many of them here dude what the hell yeah still in the mech yep and now going to run out of ammo soon there okay okay these guys are going to block the Rockets that's what I'm wor about right there's one dead and they're calling in more okay yeah that's right I started a war I am as well right one more we go okay is that dead well no I got this Nest done I'm yeah I've got it I've got it I've got it okay nice that's two I'm just going I'm just going to run away from these ah there's a Crusher on me it's all right I'm coming to you I think I'll be okay I'm just going to keep backing up hopefully I think he might get me I don't know we'll see I can actually I can use the Rocks here I'm okay I can turn and shoot but I want to just make sure this Crusher mhm oh my God I have so many on me I'm coming I'm coming we're about we're about to about to meet now yeah yeah yeah I've got the entire Battalion horde on me nice but they're luckily I'm moving just fast enough they can't let's um let's go to the Cho Point go to the choke point I think they won't kill me until then it gets back to the choke point TR Point what you mean yeah between the two islands be way easier to well you can you can walk into the water now and they won't chase you go into the water they can't go in the water so just kill them from distance but luckily I only need watch out that does transfer to yeah keeping away from you I mean I've only got six Rockets left but it might be good for a ball Titan on xville so I might want to keep yeah just come back to me come back to me we're all good I think they actually stopped following me for some reason cuz you got away from him yeah the charger even is not even there 2 minutes and 53 seconds so should I even bother calling it in or do we just wait just wait all right can you melee on PC now yeah you can cuz the the dial for it spawns a whole new horde gotcha gotcha gotcha gotcha okay there's another [ __ ] to the right here that Crusher or just a normal Soldier out there just play out the extract for now until it arrives and there's a b cuz we want to bait them to where we're going to be extracting coming for me okay it's definitely seen me I don't know how where did that come from I can kill it there I'm I can kill it I can kill it okay there good that that was a bit of uh what's it called plot armor yeah B time right there deal with it I'm like okay PL armor yeah plot armor right there or plot what's the opposite of plot armor um plot bullets sure okay we've got 1 minute and 32 seconds colle now we have literally cleared this map so um have they seen me or are you find them I'm still yeah I've been baiting that hord ever since we that's fine water a minute agoy cheeky little buggers we don't like him I don't like him a lot calling down Supply oh hello didn't see you um Hunters on our extract right now quite a few of them how you like Taste of yeah just keep them away from the extract like bring the horde away need to reload where's the supplies I just threw down there they are okay so just focus on clearing the bugs y reloading get some get some nice maybe a little bit further back breach and I'm going to use ah we don't have the stuff do we let's deal with the hunters first oh my God the only things that are a problem right just just leave this area we don't want to play around the extract Point reload okay just come back once you've cleared just Sprint away like Sprint away as far as you can and then we'll come back I've got the stamina now cool no problem oh I see and then you don't have to worry about um the timing yeah cuz then you don't have to worry about canceling aborting mhm why do you keep flicking your shots because when you're using a semi-automatic weapon um holding your aim in one place means that you might miss more of your shots if the bug moves quickly so if you flick your shots to where exactly where they are at that moment you're more likely to hit your shots on something that is moving it's the same premise you use when you use a sniper in like PVP games if you hold your aim on someone and they move suddenly you're going to miss whereas if you hold your aim near them and then flick to them at the moment that you want to shoot you're more allow to hit them I'm surprised you haven't hit me with that Arc throw cuz cuz I just don't aim towards you well I mean there it is easy peasy the Rover literally tried to kill me right down there I saw it yeah SS pretty manageable yeah that was all right rough with the sneak Hunters that just constantly tonged us but tonged us well let's see how much xp we get from this and will I actually get enough to get to level 50 today oh 100% you think what do you mean been going for an hour well that's I mean I'm just work I'm trying no no no I'm just seeing how much we get right you're going to get about a quarter of your bar I think 1,25 standing patriotism nice right 135 about a quar we need basically need to do four more of those without failing it's quite a lot that's saying if we do faster now well if we do hell dive um Search and Destroy missions surely that's going to be the best for XP uh what the nest yeah closing yeah cuz that's going to be you're pretty much guaranteed to do it but it's way faster yeah trium return nice that was good I'm going to use the sluger though because I think it's better yeah yes the arc weapon should be fixed now should be I mean if you're skillful which you are slug is better thanks push Punisher does a lot of damage so it's like a good it's a good what's the word mean Gateway slug Gateway slug that's what we're going to call it it's a gateway to the slug it's the Gateway slug ah yeah yeah yeah yeah I I'm I'm picking up what you Pi picking up picking upit syned okay so we going to start here and do that objective whilst we're there no I think we once we go to do this then we break off and do that I think we start on the beach down here so we don't have to worry about uh 180° when we spawn if that makes sense yeah cuz they won't spawn in the water I mean honestly I feel like I didn't need a heavy weapon there and maybe I'll find one on the map oh yeah maybe sure and I can call my end for you when yeah um what else do I need and also the extra reinforcements definitely did help there was an extra four or extra two uh I'm not sure how much extra it was but it was nice wasn't it it allow a little little bit more leeway um and then I'm just going to do that and that cuz it's only bile Titans are the major issue for me and then what and then yeah once you get the scorer that won't be an issue cuz it it takes the belly out so quick that you only have to worry about the melee which you can just stay out of their range I might have just make sure you're doing that stra every time rail cannons will open up and then kill them with impact and then easy peasy I think the AOE of the impact as well will let you throw it at their belly and do enough damage to go through and hit the top armor if that makes sense cuz you didn't even hit directly when you got that impact kill earlier you didn't hit the flesh wound directly yeah but it had been hit by 500 kg as well that's the only thing well I was I was still off to the side and it didn't even look like the far kg hit it maybe like it was out of the AOE of the 400 kg Okay so we've got five large nests and then four Smalls and probably some stalker nests actually we didn't have Birds last round which is pretty nice to be honest so what we going to do this one first yeah mhm jar here oh there you go there's a big right on you location okay oh I'm chilling nice nice we've got the Slugger now ah there there is a a small Nest over here over there small Nest we could probably I'm working on the obj okay should I try and take the nest out or do you think they'll it is Hunters go for it okay oh no I put the wrong Rover on crap uhoh oh no machine gun yeah oh no reloading things just got interesting the that sucks I need more NAD no oh this thing is so much worse than the yellow one I did miss my nade on this bloody Nest dude God damn it it's cuz I pulled it out and you can't put it away if you pulled it out you know oh yeah hate it when that happens might need use to throw a nade in this Nest whilst I'm here reload are you in a bit of a pickle over there I'm I'm I'm I'm good I'm good I'm just trying to do the objective but I was B to charge around I'm going to I'm res anyway cuz I've scuffed it okay somehow manag to scuff it o some S charger on me ac please let me throw it through Straight let's go okay there's um supplies here if you need it cool I'm just uh complet this objective it's pretty not a bad start first veins done we'll take it we'll take it just annoyed I bought this freaking Rover reloading um right on me copy that lovely okay so we should we destroy the nest up top or should we wait until we're leaving we do do that first oh yeah that one first yeah have to worry about it later got going have to go too far north afterwards AR we yeah well we have to go far south first no I know but if we I mean if we do a loop and come back around to our extra we're going to have to it's just out of the way mhm might as well get it done cuz otherwise we won't want to do it later gotcha gotcha this is a big nest I like big nests and I cannot lie well I don't I am actually no this is medium Nest it's like the one which is like a a compound for men oh yeah compound for men yeah it's like it's a men compound they've taken over right or stri this young yeah I love that I'm stuck in the goodbye charger okay bro dude I didn't realize that did so much damage the little sticky uh sticky insect not insect the sticky plant things yeah how about a okay where do I of course it's a bug love you come on this time thren really I missed it God damn it pain I was just trying to get it down from range yeah I hear you reload I'll get it yeah yeah yeah there's three here a strike on it does that work as well mhm nice you got two then I'm just going to let me what happens if I throw the strategem down the hole supp that works which one a red one or blue one I didn't know I throw a red one down the hole Yeah you can do I think Blues work as well oh it will land on it to land on it yeah but then sometimes it goes into the hole and disappears though I think yeah that my concern it's fine I put a 500 Kg on it it work how I getting my map to stay on I just press tab just abandon the BR bug breach behind us brog Beach brog Beach lovely okay so we got three nests there that's lovely as well game isn't going to let us do this so simply we know that mhm um there's a big cohort there are you going to avoid them or are you going to be I'm going to take him out now little guys first but the thing with the bugs is that they can all do a um other than the charger and the BT they can all do the call in for a bug breach whereas theon's only have one one enemy type one enemy type that does it yeah oh hole what's in there Tom ha I remember getting pushed in there no I don't you don't remember me getting pushed in I don't I don't no you don't remember me getting pushed in there and dying and losing all of my samples no I don't think you were pushed I think you I fell after you tried to grab me yeah that's what happened I think I punched you I punched you into it there was no push involved yeah I think I body slammed you into it to be honest yeah that that was no push that was me choke slamming you into the that's that's it yeah well that's quite a lot of enemies uh do we have a resupply we do we do got resupply out here all right all right all right all right all right oh treat yeah I love those oh the tree I've got a I've got a okay wait do you know what why are the we we haven't AGG it because of the Smokey stuff look what do you mean because of the oh it's just a sports beer right I thought it was I thought it was a that one is like purplish yeah I'm going to leave one Supply on there have a taste of democracy so she God this Rover's ass the gun version yeah yeah it's terrible it's absolutely it's like on cool down or something do I have to call a new one in cuz it's out of bullets um no just takes ages just it's just on my back red drop guard dog pick up guard dog no I'm actually bad at throwing throwing them in the holes and of course I didn't pick up the extra supplies I'm going to go back for the supplies okay okay thankfully we had that I thought I'd have the angle but no idiot idiot so many samples here there oh my God want a cheeky little baby Crusher a a oh you're so cute oh he's trying to kill me a oh and a b Titan and two crushes a that's going go really well for me I think oh come on dude sure I'll take those yeah where' that bastard come from did I one I one shot the B let's go there you go I got tonged off I'll get you back in then oh reinforcing um right I'm going to go back to where your body is I'm going to pee on it for safety huh huh Mark your territory yeah respect it respectable um I'm going to run this way yeah yeah so what happened to you you just got absolutely uh yeah I was I closed to of the nest and then got struck in the ass by tongue and it was wasn't yours this time no I I don't do that anymore okay I'm going to go for the third that's a lot of bugs why it's like they're trying to defend it get out the get out the way God stop trying to defend your home you idiots God so annoying okay I'm going to have an extra Ark thrower for you in 1 minute 30 that' be lovely yeah is it unlimited ammo as well the arer yeah nice you think it's better than a rail gun now 100% actually that's not a bad idea I could just take an auto Cannon just to have on my back but then but without the what's it called you wouldn't um you only have like five shots and then you're done you better off with a grenade launcher that's where it comes in handy nice two holes closed launcher Search and Destroy is the best of course they always block it man God damn it defending their homes God I it what about this young charger I'll get him watch out watch out charge dead I got the guy off you no never mind I've shot him four times he's still alive you have to shoot their legs off yeah have you got more nades uh y for two holes here one there and that's it just the one there I did Eagle it but I guess I only took one out I could from downtown should I do it go on on go on go on N bit High bit High watch this watch this no watch this watch this let's go first time bro oh [ __ ] um do I have I will have an orbital Cannon stri o you you damaged him and there's a b that's a kill the charger with that okay I've got 500 kg hold on hold on don't waste it don't waste it I've got two I've got two don't waste it got two impact nades okay I'm holding I'm holding I'm holding see how sick is that dude how do I how do I put this away now I'm holding it it's great what are you holding I was holding the 500 kg but I couldn't put it away again okay here's your AR nice that one was crushing oh right yeah you can't put it away I see what you mean yeah put it away s put it away they've always told me this like you can you can't put it away once you've got it out and that's why I keep getting arrested no I get it and I'm just like please so I don't have a bubble Shield so be really careful when you're aiming in the vicinity of me or if there's bugs near me it will atch on to me hey what happens if I but if you practice it like shooting into the distance somewhere you've got to try and find the Rhythm with it so that you can continuously hold and then release so it's like just before it touches the middle of your screen screen like about halfway see how fast you're able to do it seems very good against the bugs like just before it touches that red dot in the middle terminal like you could just use this as your main gun that's kind of what I've been doing yeah looks fun and that's a B I just find the Rhythm baby find the Rhythm find the right oh God oh God oh [Music] God get some get some oh I see so it doesn't fire until it hits the center so if you try and do it early it doesn't shoot it does it does it will fire you've got to like like I said find the Rhythm baby oh I'm going to get one e I'm dead I think I hate this it's so busted it doesn't do anything ever it's been on my back this whole time dude I'm in trouble in trouble I'm in trouble Hunters on me and they're doing a lot of damage 20 nades or use the uh Arc yeah yeah I'm trying I'm just trying I have to get away from that's all yeah know it will it will fire before it hits that door in the middle oh it's fun isn't it yeah so like just before it hits the dot in the middle you'll be able to find the Rhythm I thank God I have the shield I dead right now oh it's really fun that yeah it's past that halfway point though if that makes sense requ support okay I'm going to do the mission mhm engaging terminal5 oh yeah good thing I got that done quickly get some get [Music] some that's so fun dude mhm I've never used this before cuz I always just thought it was a team kill machine which it is yeah just out of your peripheral we I'm taking one and the other and I'm out of here this Rover is so oh [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah oh it's bad dude it's really bad got to be care isn't this the more expensive one in the stratum list um no no is the other one is more expensive this is like the first one you get yeah and the other one is just but then again maybe it's I don't know maybe against certain wet enemy types you got entire cohort behind you oh I'm aware just waiting for my uh the gun Rover hits stronger but has to reload with supplies yeah it sucks oh is that it have to resupply yeah but that sucks it kept going my back and then it wouldn't do anything for ages but that makes sense I mean the laser R has just got here in every way yeah I didn't I didn't mean to put this one on okay I've got this a big nest here I was just selecting my stuff too quick and I was like oh that says Rover click dude this thing is insane bro yeah it's my it's like the gun I use when I bring it how many shots on charger uh six to the head you can fire way quicker than you fireing it right now there you go dead nice ah but we have got a bug breach throwing grenad huge large tunnel you got that one got it we got it yes we got it together dude the range is insane as well I just shot something across the you can love it really hard not to kill you though I will say I just I'm just I'm trying I'm trying to kill you if I'm honest two CR on me okay oh good thing I got that shield on dude okay they've definitely made the charges way more agile cuz he did a 180 to hit me then I mean they can I think they've always been able to do that I'm out of stems can you stem me um yeah thank you did that work yep okay okay good thing I have my shield on cuz he just pushed me out of the way like a like a piece of cheese like a piece of cheese I don't know like you know you could EAS push I don't know like like a wheel of cheese like a wheel of cheese yeah okay that's no oh come on dude I healed it made the healing sound I hate that that's all right it made the healing sound uh I lost my butt pretty sure some Tomo has something to do with it can you scold him thank you for the 499 wait how did I don't understand someone said they lost their butt like did you shoot their butt off or something oh yeah uh yeah guess they were they were like a charger and I couldn't resist so I took their butt off and they bled out and died there you go right I hate Hunters my bad I thought you were a charger so my bad shot your butt there you go I actually healed that time cuz it made the sound so annoying when it makes it what's that Bloody torch what the brightest torch watching the history of man what the hell is that isn't that bad it's insane dude what the hell oh hang on trying to take his butt off oh time um okay and then we've got this two of this as well you think's like 15 though yeah he's definitely trying to crush me he's definitely crushing on me we're testing oh that was right on me seems to be chilling dead ning definitely almost [Music] dead I've shot I mean I've Ned it twice impact Ned it on its weak spot twice has it got a we oh no it's cuz we're making a weak spot with the but I've impact Ned it on the weak spot twice dadad okay that's a little bit no you need the rail Cannon makes a massive wound but the the tiny weak spots that the arc makes yeah yeah but I I threw an impact n twice into its weak spot that was made by the impact the Orit it's huge oh you well caned it I don't know it just no it had a huge in no no we did that with The Arc oh you just had to keep arcing it yeah keep arcing it St I've always I always Arc it right into the you always AR it when I'm around yeah hello Kev um what's this oh I have to yeah calling down there you go what's this okay another BT another BT I've got um stuff for it I've got the rail can oh my god dude okay you should be able to land on it you should be allow to land on it okay it's one so you should be able to land on it one it's one one of it sides is open aim right in his flashy spot nice imagine that just swings around oh crap I'm underneath him I'm stuck I can't get up are you what can I do anything I'm okay I'm okay I got up uh do you want me to give you a shield back backpack that'll be better uh yeah probably Rover's not really doing much at all for me oh come on did it one shot you dude yes I know what I think it might happened cuz I was shooting the other one in front of me I think maybe I shot that one's leg reinforcing and uh the only downside with the Scorch is if you're next to cover it'll one shot you yeah I see maybe I hit it leg or something I don't know I did see like a oh there there's got to be a Spore somewhere isn't there where the where the bloody hell is it then you want TR the it's there um I'm okay for new E5 obviously if you want to see what all the fuss is about taking your samples one common sample where's this bloody giant mush brother brother brother there's a charger that just the mushroom that's it there's the mushroom just collecting my gear how many shots with the Slugger is it for the mushroom uh probably a full I'm just going to I'm just going to make EAS for us that might be close enough TH that's not close enough cool nice e one back charge it please okay I'm in a bit of a pickle nice thank God see again good stuff um right I'm going to okay got nice work on them keep moving yep y yep just on your right side let's get this charger they're trying to call in the BG Bridge charger dead oh my God the torch dude it's insane man what the hell why is that torch 10 times brighter than any other torch in the game what is that pick up my scor I want to see it it's here look where is it where oh here yeah look no scorches oh oh my God man that's crazy that was really bad oh um I've got no well I do have an ex I haven't used it should proba we call it in now just so I can have it later just in case how about a nice K how about a nice K how about a nice k k whoa TR the me the uh ship even it almost well it could also kill us right mhm if it wanted to if the bugs were on us yeah oh it's night time now um if I cover you with the suit do you want to do with the objective I if you can get them off it yeah all right I'm going for ital get oh this game is fun dude it is so fun we got the major order complete was that not was that not a while ago I thought that was earlier I say a while ago but I mean like an hour yeah I mean I'm just in the perfect spot and this is why the Mec is just insane I can see from a viewer perspective like if they don't play or haven't played the game before when they say it looks repetitive I get it but then you play it it's just constantly yeah as Tommy from TAG puts it the minute to minute gamepl is just so good everything else is just a cherry on there's always something random that's happening in a match that hasn't happened to you before yeah I mean that's definitely true being killed by the uh birds and B four times in a row that's a good one I'm just basically like leaving you the small bugs and damaging all the others nice can you get this uh yep Commander off me BR Commander all of them cool there is a charger and we done dude this mission was right we got um a nest in front of us though yeah let's get rid of it right I've got 14 rockets for this uh charger so I'll just no don't waste it don't waste it sa it for a BT okay I've only got 200 rounds of machine gun as well what if I get nice what if I get a nice s i got this don't waste it don't waste it okay yeah that's one way okay what just happened you stamped on me what what just happened you shoot a nuke no I don't think so did I shoot a nuke I think you shot a nuke did I yeah I need I need a I need a clip of that did I just randomly shoot did I just randomly shoot randomly shot a nuke yeah the bug flew into the nuke are you kidding me cuz that was not a normal like 500 kg explosion and and you know how we were just talking about random things happen in the game they never happened before hold on hold on hold on we we need a replay on that what just happened there it is what just happened then that was mad and now it's chaos can we get an action replay cuz I'm I'm pretty sure I had it in my vision so wow goodbye Mac yeah well I mean it's fine I already got I already don't waste your shots don't waste your shots bang okay maybe you should AC uh n there yeah got him that charger charger's dead let him bleed out whoa you should be dead bro in he's bleeding oh you're all the way out there how did you go there you landed out there landed up here yeah um that Hunter's pierced that he can't eat your [ __ ] they democracy h s flying with that get scorched bro I'm going to go get my stuff again nuke at Center of screen yeah but did I shoot it that's the question what happened I'm I'm happy to take responsibility I maybe I did I just doing it oh God we got to go what do you mean go like away okay there is one more Nest apparently underneath the war thing though allegedly well I know yeah that I know it was the nuke I'm sure what off the nuke I don't if it was in your vision for them to see it that's what I'm saying a piece of bug got bounced by the mech walking over and hit the hell B is that is that a jokeing no that might actually have been what happened a piece of bug that's piece of bug yeah I thought I'd crushed You by walking on you no I'm I'm pretty sure he did cuz it looked like that anyway but it's the nuke I'm talking about I died before you died but I'm just wondering what the hell happen the nuke there we go uh apparently someone found their but it was in Tomo's oh Tomo didn't have it thank you Greg right well done Tomo you didn't shoot his bath few I was I was really playing on my mind that okay myself almost threw myself into a bu hole um okay if there's no it doesn't seem like there's a nest here I thought there would be that's annoying unless I missed it and I don't think I did okay I'm just running back now I thought I I thought there' be a nest over there but there isn't there's two Arc throwers here dude if you want you haven't got one there resupply I got one I've got every bug on me right now and no ammo Ark thrower I can't I can't grab my AR thrower right now it's I'm buried enemies I'm going to die here I'm going to die going to die dead if you look where I am there's many many enemies and they're probably all coming for you right now okay I don't know where you were I think it was that way yeah just where all the enemies are moving back towards the find the Rhythm find the Rhythm find the ride it's what's it time yo tweedel Castro thank you very much for the prime Living Dead thank you very much crazy cat lady thank you I think I missed a few of them actually may Brad thank you for the 37 as well yeah so just pure RNG something Ricochet BL the not classic and that is exactly what we're talking about with that game this is a certified Hood classic what's this blue arrow thing you're right over there Tommy yeah you probably yeah just yeah this is the whole just getting minced mate I'm actually going to let my stamina regain that I learned about earlier what do you mean learned about you didn't know you could regain stamina yeah the guy in the chat remember he told me about the stamina bar that he oh right yeah crazy yeah now now I know finally after 100 hours f after 100 hours I learned about stamina what is ah yeah I wasn't fine well I am miles away cuz I'm going for it's fine yeah yeah I just I'll just survive with nothing yeah be fine yeah yeah it's all fine it's all fine okay okay you were far away yeah yeah yeah what's this yeah I can't wait 7 minutes for that I'm going to have to go all the way back more passion more energy more footwork more AR throwing that felt good oh yeah that felt good do I just need to raise the tower I think I do I love it when there's just a nuke in the right spot I'm just going to keep fighting off enemies yeah you keep beating them off dude go for it hopefully they'll just keep spawning on me and not you yeah oh lots of samples lots of zies okay oh oh no I hear roaring I mean um you're certainly protecting me because there's nothing here well I'm glad cuz there's everything here yeah it's pretty nice I'm having a good time oh please please please please please oh oh okay start heading to the extract Tomo I don't know if that was your plan anyway start heading for extract I'm going to finish this last I'm thinking that okay is there are you sure there's a nest the Red Dot is right here see that well I'm currently doing a radiat but I will look when I'm when I'm finished I'm I'm just spamming the Ping on the map I can't look it's directly below the blue ping yeah you see I I look there Tomo there's nothing there feel like you're lying I'm not lying it's also there's also another one here as well like on my map yeah underneath the mushroom but when I go there there's no there's no tunnels okay cool so I don't know it's wasted our time really if I'm honest all right cool this there there's no there's no tunnel here either on this I'm so so glad I don't know why it's still showing then it's just a bug I guess a bug a [Music] bug it's just a a yeah the arc The Arc throw is really fun well after rail gun I was I was actually getting bored of the game with rail gun cuz it was like if else what was the point yeah I'm glad they nerfed it um I I cleared it did it actually say well it doesn't it's not it's not a mission objective but in order to get rid of the red mark you just have to blow up the stump like hit a on right okay I can go back and do that no it doesn't doesn't it's not it's not Mission objective just keep going doesn't actually do anything for us so oh okay I was was like I think it's more of a a map bug than the stump itself doesn't blow up but if you hit a Grenade on top of the orange bit it just clears off the map yeah I'm running all the way back to the launch H should I just set it off this time we can just m it we got four revives yeah you can if you want yeah it will like the call in itself will start a new horde though so maybe wait for me to get there what if I didn't all right just do it what if the voice is one you've got it you've got this I believe that you're not going to die straight away I trust you yeah you want 2x to at least 1.25 or 1.5x at least proceed to extraction when ready you may proceed to extraction when ready all right here we go okay Tomo are you here yeah no sure sure well they're waiting for us on the beach with a with a glass in hand that's nice I mean the bugs no you bug breaching bastard break oh yeah just spawn that on me yeah yeah why not oh and that's good is it oh uh do you want me to just throw you back on your stuff if I as far as I can my I can't jump and throw shy game any bile Titans in this AO come on I've got nothing left what the hell another nuke went off randomly I think Joel is that you Joel drop us an APC bro bugs are just walk oh that's where I died yeah these bugs just walking onto nukes hopefully I'll get back there now and St be like clear be nice okay anything else in ah no they're all over by me oh God yeah I'm the problem I've got the problem ow please what what happened the a hunter just absorbed five Arc shots and then kill me right okay I don't well yeah I guess so we're just going to have to wait until the next just wait until I actually calls in naturally skill issue I guess I'm going to call you when I'm a bit closer to the uhe Jesus we've played when it started in daytime through the night and now the sun's Rising well no we did start at the night time it was always night that's my secret it's always night time oh I'm so glad overshot those guys I was sneaking fast nice refor well the pro the problem is I didn't have anything else apart from my secondary that is a problem um so I ran out of Amo so I only had the AR right oh cool almost died instantly let's go and now they're calling a yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go right I'm going to wait for the final call in anyway so yeah just let's just lead them around a little bit I'm going to grab my stuff but not turn it on think we'll get out of here yeah one Hunter killed me oh no call in yeah that's what killed me one Hunter I got slowed I don't like that they have a ranged attack I I don't understand I think it's they're like the the of becoming a what do you call it a mutation yeah like without that that'd be Soo easy but you just have to prioritize targets a lot in this game like if this in a group of small enemies don't shoot small enemies skill issue yeah that's what I'm saying I think the the only problem is the AR does seem to have a bug it does not it kind of get like gets caught on enemies that aren't relevant if you know what I mean that are already dead even if I made right on another one but I guess that's a skill issue and that's on me it's just another skill issue figure out buds figure out yeah I'll get it eventually yeah yeah I'm pretty yeah that's pretty good you just got to play the game more okay shooting a Crusher six times in the head wow that really did actually kill him no he's not dead yet yeah he is dead yeah six six shots in the head with the AR throw on the crusher crazy it like I told you that a minute ago yeah did you know to right I've just I've just worked this out right now you know they said it takes you ran up to this Crusher ran up to this Crusher right shot him six times in the head and all I've heard from other people is seven or eight I did it six times and guess what it's six wow so if you want to make a video to just let me know and I'll let you know I'll be like look and that was all includ this segment pop it in a short yeah it's not jumping between them now they have Tomo there's no reinforcements and there's 50 I just realized I thought what the hell dude just a meme start is it but now there's no reinforce you better not die you better not die now oh my God oh my God you better not die to this Crusher I'm fine mate well there goes 15 delicious samples not s I'll get them FR no no no no no no no okay okay here we go just had a bit of drama to your stream everyone was everyone was so bored and they actually said start I'm unsubscribing because what I need is Tomo to kind of ruin the mission and that would make it more interesting that is what they said actually I heard that don't die to this Hunter Don't Die to the other hun oh I'm gaming there don't get Skiller don't get skill yay we did it we wasted a full 10 minutes trying to get out woo I mean you know like what can four out five oh my God why did it just leave because I don't know is it because it only stays for 15 seconds once it's arrived because it's the final mission it should stay though oh my God oh dear oh it only stays for 20 second and I thought a caliber a player of Tom's Cali would know that but [Music] clearly I know we failed to EXT I think the only way to fix this is that everyone that just saw that should unsubscribe from Tomo until he proves himself again I know we failed to extract with the the intrusive thoughts one well yeah looks like he did yeah yeah they did well I got some uh got some medals that's fine we didn't fail how many samples lost only 25 anyway why' you even care about samples this well because I still need to unlock the sentes time we're not all yeah I do I love sentries I love sentries and now look at me I won't be able to use them that's so sad guys can we get, 1500 gifted Subs God damn it um that's so good it was good I just watch back recording what what you have to remember I'm using the light armor so I don't even I just die in like one imp yeah that was the issue that's your issue yeah it's my issue not wearing heavy armor cuz I need to be wearing heavy armor in case Tomo decides to push me a c true true um what how do I I just noticed your uh your bubble Shield was down so resist yeah true I could not resist the hot melee what's this the old punch of the cliff yeah that's a classic that one they love that in World War I yep ah let's let's prank Timothy by chucking him into the front lines LOL just saving your chat from borom really they no to be fair they actually really enjoyed that and they actually said well stay longer it will stay longer now because this is actually entertaining for once yeah and they even said for once wink yeah right so now so how do we get XP this is the thing we need to speedrun XP now so what do we do defense why do on XP aren't you you really that far away from 50 I'm well close I I I'm about two more missions away if we did them exactly like that but the problem is is automaton surely is impossible or no can you can you still not by the scorcher after all this time no I'm 100 hours in yeah but you're 150 hours in you think I'm 150 hours in 170 hours in that's funny 170 hours in 174 hours disgusting that's so disgusting um wait so what exterminate on automatons or you can't really speedrun XP you just got to play the game well then we'll play the game then what do you want to do what do you want to do what do you know what do you what do you want to do I think hell dive automatons wow okay and what defense missions no just whatever just whatever you think we can you think we can do it if you just want to do defense missions then yeah we can try it but so you say we can't do it if we don't do I think defense defense against all is is is probably more doable than defense against um BSS is my is my guess I'm just looking for one that's actually defense but I don't actually see one yeah we one above that not defense okay here we go defend area I mean so what we well because I'm thinking they've changed the areas now so the the automatons don't um get stuck anymore do they do they no it's but but I think fighting range versus constant melee and B tis is probably easier for us is it we can try I'll just see how it is Hell dive defense we'll see how it goes think as long as we bring the right equipment for it days I'm I'm I'm all right we'll see how it goes jump complete right okay so what do we need we definitely need the shield my God Lo you're insane if you don't do the shield why would I do the shield because it's B uh it's robo so they'll shoot us so so okay well I'm going to I am going to change my outfit now because I just look awful um right I'm going to go the nice armor there we go okay we'll take that um what strategems do you think surely EMS Mo no no thoughts no not EMS more what do you think then T Tower I think no um I think no might as well no what uh are you bringing a third gunon no I'll bring an AR throw okay yeah I'll bring an AR throw right I mean I would have suggested autoc Cannon and eat launcher okay but drive ction maybe we both do eat launchers okay is my suggestion without the we can deal with tanks hulks yeah no Arc thrower okay well and then you think Cannon as well or no uh no water cannon okay well well okay what about cluster strikes cuz there's going to be so many enemies in one place you can do a cluster yeah and then uh rail strike surely this is it yeah that's good that's good right and then um I'm going to use that and then I'm going to use equipment I don't think Slugger is it I think Slugger is absolutely it you mad you think Slugger is absolutely it I think Slugger or scorcher which you don't have but Slugger will stop the rocket volley guys from firing their Rockets I guess I mean stagger this is going to be insane that's what you think well I I think well let's go we're certainly challenging ourselves we're not you got the eat launcher right no maybe no I don't think I did I forgot about the I forgot about the eat launcher I think I forgot no it's absolutely fine s yeah well actually what do you have oh no this is good this is good well actually no I do have a I do have a okay good I mean we're eating good tonight all right all right call it in do we not want to hear call eat in yeah yeah I'm I'm yeting it dude they don't come in immediately okay right now fire far at the thrusters of the bot drop well it's a bit late how was it late okay because they're already still here no I've already taken okay well there's one already here they're already still here you you called yours in too late is the issue I managed to kill a bot drop before landed well that's the thing I just didn't skish he go but is it going to destroy the tank yeah did it get it yeah it did yeah nice yeah there you go well I mean I'm still dying horrendously nice nice nice your aim is a little bit easier to oh cuz you got the thing yeah yeah yeah okay yeah know the uh oh the back turn the back okay what I don't know they come this oh they've cre A New Path for him have they oh no oh no I'm almost DED oh my God he's still falling down the hill Not A New Path Not A New Path oh there's a tank as well where's a tank mate um to the Northeast need mark it okay G oh nice there's a tank below me copy I could possibly destroy it ah oh no I got killed by a Hulk didn't see him hang on you could possibly land on him hold on he killed me with with a with literally a lick of the Flames nice yeah it was barely light armor yeah it was barely even a touch okay he's gone nice watch out for the explosion mm that's fine when you're under the ground uh can you still land on the top oh [ __ ] can you still land on the top of what of the thing of the tower there exra another tank hang on hang I see if I can land land on the thr the it I couldn't control it I was too close to the tower um I'm in a small bot of b i okay I'm dead I think okay yep that was really cool dude I didn't even know how I got knocked off there when I was prone I didn't really know what just happened good few man okay okay so 100 out of our 500 not too bad so we got the five reinforcements okay I got one of them right where are you uh you might die to my Eagle that's really bad didn't realize where you were you're definitely going to die to my Eagle if you no no I'm okay okay I'm okay I'm okay I died to burning instead why what what was that why why why are these deaths dude re casual death was it yeah well after all why not why wouldn't I have death right um what is life without death well actually I think we can still yeah it's fine wait no I don't need that oh you've got the uh medium armor on too okay this is working this is this is actually working by the way supp I'm out of the Zone falling down a eat launcher should go the right way I like this I like this this actually okay things are actually okay well they get called in on The High Ground and now we're on the low ground which just the the reverse of the all matter there you go and now all I do is just throw cluster strikes out there there you go yeah let me know if there's any big enemies I got my eat launcher out mhm honestly maybe it was for the best oh God oh no we got a rocket guy on the left where he's fine got him okay this is actually actually working not even oh I have a squatcher nice just trying to hit the thrusters when you can drop the ships on top of them like that oh yeah oh my God no no no no what happened I'm uh Hulk Hulk Hulk okay hang on got him I think got him launcher will kill him if you get it right okay another no there's that guy up there getting a little bit spicy now yeah we even kill him they don't seem no this is good go back to where we were go back to where we were yeah I'm with you I'm with you yeah just killing those ones yeah had to train them before I could aim them ow this is still quite dangerous okay oh no rocket Devastator on the ceiling on the edge come back come was he looking down at you yeah he's up on the Cliff Richard 14 kills it's actually pretty huge Hulk is dead nice I'm I'm actually good down here dude I'm actually good down here uh dude I'm actually good down there okay good when it comes to extracting It's Hot Death yeah but that doesn't matter as long as we get the mission done yeah I need a reinforce yeah I'm sorry sorry yeah see you shoot in that tiny little face with a slugger Happy Days yeah constantly staggering them uh you can shoot the leg joint of the Walkers yeah yeah probably going to die here I think I've got no stems left I'm here come to me or stem no okay I mean there was a little bit of cover we we're we're almost done we're almost done we got five reinforcements left come on come on we got this dudey we've got this uh I could possibly kill that guy oh of course I missed him cool he's dead democracy has landed um you are leaving the mission reques oral stri this is actually the meta what the hell just just you wait till we need to go up top yeah but it doesn't matter about extracting we just need to get the mission done right we want if we want exp there a tank there is a tank okay okay okay it I have a chair no yeah I have a tank um oh two tanks hang on I've got eat launchers coming in interestingly they don't seem to be bothered about this area right here's on cool down you can hit the tank in the side of the vent like a the side of the turret on top doesn't have to be the back vent um hang on hang on hang on you got him you good are you good to Y no no okay can you land on him or will it kill you yeah yeah when you land on the tanks you have to aim for the vent one shot on top won't kill it so this going to have to be a really he's going to one shot me if he doesn't I'm coming in front out come on get the perfect shot missed well I three tanks three tanks three tanks okay nice three tanks I got this one just don't come this way got one oh [ __ ] my I no I had nowhere to go there was nowhere else to go okay it's okay it's okay okay we got IED it but okay so they go back go back to that point go back to that spot again we're so close we need just not die now mhm I've got I've got nades the enem um okay if you like death there's death over there that is impossible five enemies do the do the weak ones hang on hang on hang on call me in if you can yeah use that tank cuz your cover God is your witness okay we did it dude let's go that was sick holy crap I can't believe we did it right that's that's some good experience right there bro but we're definitely dead I don't think we're making so up here there like where we to go like when I got called in last time there was like wait no no no Tommy there's a chance you can extract's what if I just throw you on the extract yes I'm dead or do I have to actually turn it on no you do I have to actually okay I'm going to throw you on the extract you just go for it yeah okay okay yeah it's all can we get out way reinfor way God I mean it's in the perfect spot to extract to be fair yep I'm in okay I think I'm in I'm in you in oh my God bro no way no way'll Take that by the way so so that is full I think that's the Strat too so once if it if it is too bad down there and we need to extract and the ship's up top then we die and then just land at the back of the ship and get yeah as long as well as long as we have one reinforcement left yeah I mean that was surprisingly cheesy it was cheesy how much we get we take it it's not going to be [Music] much I mean it's the same amount as what we did in that last mission so maybe we should keep doing exactly that well hang on a minute well hang on it was literally the exact same as we got last time I can't I can't get any more XP so I don't know what you're getting uh I got 900 and the last one was 950 even though we perfected a 40-minute round all right we'll take that now listen guys we are going to cancel and redo it but that's only because in the interest of time and safety unless you want to do it one one longers and see how we do it well we can do one longers and then finish off with one shy all right sh unless you want to just you know Speed Run speed speedrun speedrun go go go when well it's your stream it's your stream it's your stream I said well what do you want to do ton I'll play as long as you are playing okay well then we can that's what I'm saying it I I wasn't sure how long it was going to take I was going to like or how how much xp do you have so I'm on about 80% now okay so we could do one more long Mission or two more short ones I reckon and it'll be GG before you pretty much yeah okay I mean you know F beat really I mean if we can do these missions these two GG want yeah just do what you want yeah I mean we I want to try and do a hell dive bots on a normal Mission cuz I know it's going to be insane if we lose it doesn't matter cuz then we can just redo exactly what we just did right there coordinat we'll give it a try start please ask tomographic if he's still playing pal world I think he doing a stream of it tomorrow aren't you I'm playing it right now actually he's actually playing it right now on his phone um I've not I've not played it since I completed it I mean I literally did everything in that game and I've got 130 hours 140 hours maybe Tomo is a gamer and I think people forget that I mean I did a lot of stream time and I was playing offline to prepare for the stream so I could come back and say hey I've done this since last time hey guys just learn bunny hopping yeah um where should we go where do you think Tom uh I think somewhere in that middle spot right here where my T where mine is yeah right yeah yeah right so Shields not Max cuz they suck I'll definitely come back when they do the that PVP thing sounds sick oh the PVP thing what you can throw your pals at each other there's going to be pal Arena there's going to be another PVP thing I forget the name of right um I'll do Eagle rail Cannon what is this uh Mor right H dive and we have to destroy kill Morts yeah should I do should I do Eagle as well Auto cannon auto Cannon for the mortars 100% well should I take grenade launcher then uh if I'm taking Shield cuz I'm on light armor oh right oh actually I'm not light armor anymore I take o Cannon as well take the E take the E not oo Cannon no and take the shield still yeah cuz you can have the shield yeah and you can use the auto Cannon to take out the bot drops and the mortars I think we still need the to be event shot I think we still need the extra respawns right yeah I'll put that on uh what else was I going to do that was good that was good that that mission we just did that was I didn't think we were going to make it but we did I didn't think you could still choose those missions I thought they'd um like uh I thought they'd made it so that all of them were really flat so the robots never get caught on the hill but it seems like they just get to the top of the hill and just stand there like so if we just get another one of those it's the reverse like it's the reverse matter that used to be stay on The High Ground and shoot them when they're down low and now I stay down low and shoot them when they have The High Ground easy I'm trying to think what other game this game reminds me of Halo H really uh a little bit oh we've got um one of those what's it called things one of those things eh um what how do I oh what's going on why are you not doing the right thing Christopher walk's Dead Walk just be careful dudes that try and fly we go oh and he's already in he's already in can you shoot the thing got nice oh nice got seven kills when it landed on him I've got an eat here if you want to take a spare one I guess you don't need it I got the O Cannon yeah yeah I used to love the O Cannon been used to I haven't used it in ages L haven't touched it come it's going to blow your mind once you realize the utility of it again do love a good slug um should I use this rocket launcher before I can use it on that radio tower uh cuz I'm going to leave it anyway right I don't think it destroys that but sure should have used it against that what over there what I can't see the T you don't see the oh T marked North I shot it but it's I must have missed or it went a bit low oh well guess I'll die should we go um West then uh yeah cuz that's the I'm getting the armor bounce M um I could hang on sendag can't get him oh they' actually made it way more effective um I got killed by that all right let that weed that I destroyed yeah um hold on it's a bit of a mess I wish should have gone more stealth right or don't know no we can do West First can I run across here with no issues [Music] uhhuh yeah you going to leave your stuff no no no you going to go get it mhm all right yeah you're fine okay I thought those Towers I thought those Towers can you take out those Towers what towers the towers with the radio towers on them is it just useless they didn't do anything no I don't think they do anything oh for goodness sake I thought it was like some sort of actual thing in the game but I was wrong I guess you don't play uh aaton much do you no well it's just cuz they are quite hard unless you have like a full Squad of men usually you take so much more damage I find them easier than bugs really yeah SOLO at least cuz they're way easier to like bra line of sight and oh and then slower right yeah it's definitely harder with a group because you get more enemies oh my god dude that turet again I was just getting my stuff and it killed me exactly where I got it last time time I'm have to wait for a new a cannon dude dude like I went to where my stuff was and it just fired another shot of me when I got there oh that's not good you are yeah hang on I'm in a bit of a and a bit of bother reinforcing a slight bit about you know I've never switched sides in this game ever never what I've never switched oh like switch shoulder shoulder yeah I killed one of the Fabs so annoying almost out of ammo his leg off oh my god dude not the best I landed up top where the Fabs are and it was a bad idea I mean I killed one of the Fabs by my [Music] impact you see this is the problem I can't really push in because I just don't have I have the Expendable now you're not stagger with the Slugger um a little bit but it takes a lot of shots that's the problem GE I just spawned dude I came up my pod and died oh I I killed the other Fab though I think we're done up there oh for good sake I got both Fabs so I didn't know they could melee what the [ __ ] found it the hard way come on hit him in there we go there's your leg mate nice are you still yeah you're still dead right hang on yeah I've landed on both of FBS though it's just when I came out have no ammo now as well no no don't step on me please oh yeah throw me back [ __ ] no you can come back this way you can come back this way it's fine now right I I'm getting never lets me steer cuz I'm by a tower thing ah far as I was able to get away oh piss off man it didn't give me a chance to throw oh whatever we just dead it's going well is it what the killed me right some up here no how do you destroy these how are you even hitting me to do the uh bunker it's a hell bomb or like oh I'll do it here then if I bet you it bounces off and I'm going to be annoyed it bounced off I hate you oh no this is good this is good in um look look this is actually a strategy Tom right here yeah um so can I do the hell bomb without them destroying it from up here cuz they I can't be shot by the Cannons now I I I don't know to be honest um tank I think on at least uh okay okay there you go I mean you got it I didn't do anything did did did you call the hell bomb in yeah but I didn't do anything all right so I think the impact of the hell bomb destroyed the thing you going on you killed you killed that building by dropping the hellbom on top of all right well well now we know I guess yeah task failed successfully yeah I mean why not I mean what a mess in the best way what a mess in the nicest way possible what a mess calling down a support weapon okay I'm getting my eat you can have one as well it's in the it's in the face face bro you go that you can have one of my eats come on I'm going to get this going to get this Nest you care all right I'll take an eat why not you go have a lovely a tasty little eat since I've been waiting for my aut can since to start the game that is a problem all right let's destroy this uh compound here yeah should we stealth it thing a little bit stealthy yeah it's hard to stealth attack a compound but I can uh you can shoot the bomb no you can't shoot the whole bombs it just landed and destroyed it yeah the impact is what destroy the building okay get it with one of these hang on get what with one of what wait for it what wait for it what you doing what are you doing wait what are you waiting for ye what was that what have you done I mean sure yeah I like that yeah actually you know what tomo you're smarter than you look and see him wow you know what he's not he's not quite as bad as we thought wow thank so much new tile it's High Praise coming from you start you yeah High coming from you I mean you're so good at the spitting um sound effect it sounds like you spit people a lot brother yo de einig what the hell thank you very much and also Goldie Rog thank you very much for the won thank you 6 minutes ago I just caught that whoa yeah I should probably hit him hit him hit him hit him hit him yes did it hit the tank it landed on the tank and did nothing thanks game no no the Tank's dead I think is it no it's still alive no it's still alive it loves it's about to be dead there we go yep nice we got the Hulk no we didn't just kidding Sho why is that an instant kill oh God there's another tank there on why is that an instant kill what I the the flame just touches me and it kills me instantly why he's a he's a hefty lad this all he a big heer he now yeah right right C it's going to blow up yeah I knew that what right I'm going to destroy this fabricade Tank's dead nice I'm going to get this fabricated don't worry impact nades against a tank Bliss yeah I know I know about the tanks my body for super Earth for soup for soup soup okay here we right so if I throw any strategy on top of that base do y all think it'll blow up let's find out Bas the one that shooting me me one the one that just shot me and always kill me one shot TR Eagle air strike on the on the head top uh I don't know if that was good enough let's find out well no I think you have to land something onto it if you know what I mean let's try even a resupply let's give that a go yeah give that give that a will it have to be a perfect shot though luckily I'm perfect almost ran into a mine perfect wait no it rolled off I think cuz it didn't even activate where's it g yeah well last time you just got lucky I think cuz it like bounced in it and then fell off what I didn't even know where it landed it didn't even it didn't even it just what it didn't even activate Holy Spirit activate Why didn't it do anything I okay I have a for goodness sake whatever whatever dude requal strike orbital strike strike oh it's that easy just a normal orbit okay I mean I think we can get this objective Le I'm going to go around the edge Tomo I'm going to Edge it I'm edging hey you edge yourself mate oh no I've my chest is hemorrhaged I'm going to bleed out and die no we've got no he stems left no oh what what what I just this is insane why did it do that it just bounced me off a bush yeah and then kill me by what what do you mean back oh yeah yeah see that's what we call a skill issue no in the industry right no no no dude I don't [ __ ] you kill me with the [ __ ] um bro I think that's what we call a gillu right there dude I'm just saying you ran into the fabric I don't even know why that just happened you uh whatever you know what I'm not resing you fine bye okay um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what if I literally land you on top of the um command Tower what have we tried that yeah I can try that and then you can just stand in the little canons yeah yeah yeah and then I can die and then you can die yeah well you were going to die anyway yeah a life for a life yeah yeah I don't even know what happened I just got flung into the bush the bush bounced me off and I just got absolutely drilled in the floor yeah see that happens when when you're bad at the game good yeah hang on hang on it's all yeah it's all fine what what's happening here hang on okay hold on whoa oh oh oh reinforcing okay all right here we go requesting Advanced weapon oh no this isn't great for me I'll be honest will it work I'm going to die I can't steer towards it it doesn't let me okay hold on it does not let me I can't even go back towards where my stuff is cuz there's so many enemies behind me whatever dude whatever man oh no no no no no no no no I think I'm going to if I get one shot by these lasers I'm going to be pissed okay I like this support come on come on come on come on come on I'm just running I'm just running I'm literally dodging every shot from this bloody Cannon oh yeah oh I'm going to die I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm guy you going to shoot me man come on we can get it I don't know I don't know where I put that rocket but I hopefully it's in the good spot I've got no Sims left yes dude we've got it there you go there you go mission complete that's F we okay we we've done a mission I don't think we're going to be able to do all the extra stuff there's no way yeah nice dude you're bleeding out I think oh am I you go sted you um do we have a resupply anywhere I think we go back this way we surely go this way along the beach volcanic activity no are you scared or something um quite literally yes n I'm just going to fight my way I'm going to do my own thing I'm going to find my way this way going get these nests closed up well Fabs well I'm going to try and make my way back to the extract they haven't spotted me yet so I'm okay they're very heavily suggesting we extract interesting it's an interesting take it's one of the takes I think i' i' actually not been hit by a um oh I just got rocket saled right got rocket saled and the direct impact well I mean I think that's what we call in the trade in the trade a skill issue a skilly shoe a skilly Sho you know I these volcanic eruptions ain't so bad that's what I'm saying like it's fine like I've not had any issues with I'm partial to an eruption how often right now nice calling down a support weapon [Music] dos all right here we go lovely lovely eat I'd like to eat you e at it's in the eat any um actually we can just run just run around yeah we don't have the uh the armor that makes us less detectable but whatever yeah we fine running yeah look we we're stealth now right this is basically stealth honestly I'm surprised we managed to do this held I was a little bit concerned not too bad at all yeah that's what I mean you've got ranged enemies instead of like I find the them way easy to deal with cuz you get constant bug breaches yeah whereas these guys there's only one eny type that does a bug breach and it's really easy to see cuz it does like a flare in the sky yeah and you can actually stop the breach all together by hitting the bot drop whereas well the fact you can actually just shoot the giant thing in the you can shoot with anything no no the um the what's it called the objectives for this are actually really easy yeah I didn't I thought it was going to be way than that I prefer the objectives for these versus bugs because bugs are more so defend this objective while we throw loads of bugs at you whereas these ones are like destroy this thing so you can destroy it and then just evade the fight all together we have resupply if you want it I need that's right what okay I'm going to I'm going to throw a resupply in front of you near you somewhere okay I need uh stems and grenades copy that I'm good hello zavier yeah what we need to start doing is if we pass the extract um drop our samples on the that I didn't even know you could drop your samples I no you hold X and then the bottom right is the sample drop then we can pick them up as if you need it yeah the two spies are here okay I'm good I'm good you just you just called me in like a minute ago all right I do not have I've got another eat four minutes four what we're going to do is play on the outskirt like find the um Run This Way find the spot that it cancels where okay and we're going to say Ste just come to me yeah right yeah keep running and then we're going to stay just keep running yep um it's waiting for me okay so where is that spot like here about here right here okay right now yeah find a bush and go prone they're not going to find I think they're going to find us they not just stay prone we need the F the f l they don't even know how to find us idiots they'll never find us now so how's your day been it's been all right like um I've been eating quite a lot that's all humor right there dude that's the name of the launcher guys yeah okay it looks like they're attracted to our position no they're just they're just investigating the area they're not they haven't seen you do you have like a blue thing you can call in yeah no okay well cuz you can throw it and then run away well they get distracted by it I'm going to throw an explosion like North okay there we go they're distracted by that ah the stealth mechanics now this is gameplay that's right yeah if you have a nade and you think think one's like getting too close to investigate you throw it in the tree in front of me and kill with well no just throw it away from where you were and they'll go investigate the impact spot okay and then the BL throwing stones in a I have a eat should I throw that you can throw that and I'll investigate but there's no need right now I mean you can do that yeah supp yeah just throw it towards me that's fine it's not that close to you must have been the wind oh yeah I see the robots running towards it they're like huh yeah huh how is one of them already Dam okay that's actually brought them closer to me weirdly that's right he's looking at my bush it's okay oh God he's seen you there you go nice nice cancel on the um okay am we safe again old reinforce we safe again should we just move around should we just move around a little bit right okay here we go yep get in there get in me oh damn it given up our position dude no they heard us too far no well no he's not quite far in yet you seen this m- what the turnaround the 180 turn around yeah oh yeah nice bit of flare oh wait uh we canceled the extraction apparently oh [ __ ] I didn't I thought we were in close I know you yeah I mean you said we were close enough and then I yeah come me you've got this I think that sucks we would have done it the right come back to me just another I'm still hidden I'm still hidden I'm still hidden just another four minutes we edging chat at this point well do you know what the funny thing is if I hadn't thrown that stupid thing we'd actually be fine yeah we would have been fine there was literally no no need to do that yeah well aborting hang on I'll get a bit closer I'm close enough I'm close enough uh I think they're shooting something what are they shooting at are they coming coming I think they know I'm here no they seem to well I'm I'm fine okay I'll just run away just bring them to me yeah just bring them to me we were absolutely fine we've rued it all this drama for what well you stay there are they coming for you no I'm chilling okay I'm just going to run away then I'm going going to crouch right that's how you do it then you crouch behind the cover once you BST on the sight uhhuh Freedom never s hold on sounds like you're being shotting oh I'm dying oh I'm definitely dying no DMO I thought you were okay no there's a tank dude you're brought it now Chum me towards it if you haven't hang on cancel it's it's too late dude I wasn't going to make it I'm way too far away I'm way too far away okay let's try again dude we were so good and then I had to throw that stupid thing are you sure they don't go and investigate where it came from cuz it looked like they did no they they 100 I'm going to I'm not going be able to call this in now D 100% go to the impact if it's a blue one there's so many on the freaking calling point now I'm oh boy well if we just ended throwing that stupid thing oh well if you actually actually if you had not come and basically stuck yourself it might yeah I think that was the issue yeah cuz we we were meing and we didn't see the timer calling an extra just do the same play again go hide yourself X on the uh on the edge I think they still aggra right now they not still aggr okay okay now I don't call you back in unless they find until you need to yeah and then what I could do is literally take them all far away and then you can come back and do it I mean extracting is whatever right yeah it's not the it only gives you a little smidge of XP mean the fastest way really at this stage to just die yeah it looks like they're shooting at me no they're shooting the vicinity of the last known location but they don't know your specific like spot yet the tank is is just going past so slowly on remember that like footstep mechanic I was telling you about they see your steps so they're just shootting the last no position volcanic activity detected oh no remember you can throw a nade and I'll go investigate that as well looks like they're looking straight in my bush uh they're just they're just at the spot you were last known before you crouched and went off the radar oh they may have found me M yeah they did no they found you hang on right I'm going to just lead them in a circle around mhm I'm going to start oh there's a tank there start crouching oh it's a boing there s I got it it's okay I'm close I'm close Tom 2 minutes I'm I'm I'm in stealth again okay cool you in stealth yep interesting throw Tom the uh be careful the meteors hey tommo uh make sure to knock me off the cliff into them as a distraction it seemed to work really well last time that quy okay dude this could be it hey what's up sniping it have they found you yeah sorry though I'm I don't know if I'm in stealth I'm not I got killed by a me yeah no no wait no it might kill me oh God no hang on hang on I can get you back in I can get you back in trust in 30 seconds the freaking Meteor Man I was prone so I couldn't see it it's ended now so you won't die to him okay I can still get you back in I can still get you back in that's fine everything's fine it's directly on my head man it's all oh it's all fine come on all right 30 seconds the question is should I call you in now no cuz you still wa to come in like literally as soon as it pops right back in 10 seconds this is a nice spot [Music] dude okay should I call you now yep reinforcing okay okay I think the AI are gone okay getting in getting in getting in you got Tomo where I'm right behind you nice dude the stealth mechanics there being showcased in full nice job dude hell dive aons yeah stealth versus automatons is definitely easier than bugs all right dud to it's close we edged it no side objectives there though it's a not great experience mhm damn it really we got more in our 10 minutes of Defense than we did I think oh whatever right now the last one I mean we knew that was the outcome I'm okay literally one more Mission and I will be level 50 like the fastest way to farm XP is to do the mission objectives and die just WIP that is weird you don't get like you get it's it's all about the right yeah but I don't like once you get to like I don't need the samples I've not need the samples for weeks Supreme edging by Joel thanks Joel cheers Joel welc back barely actually killed any of them no I didn't need to um okay and now one last mission left then if we can do it I'm at Max samples everything if I could give you them I would give you well you should be something drop them so this is oh the evacuation civilians I think that's going to be quite hard no we can do that yeah coat all right all right all right as long as it's not the one with a ramp where they get stuck it might be you might be in luck yeah literally we just need to complete any Mission basically and I think I'll uh I'll spawn on this beach I need 400 experience okay so this uh this um Shield well I barely had it last round cuz I couldn't even use it and then oh yeah I'll do eat although I didn't really use my eat because there was nothing to eat there was nothing to eat it's just true um what else eat does the spear need no spear is ass do not use the spear it's the worst gun in the game okay anything else I'll take the rail gun over that anytime what else should I take um um okay okay bro and then I'm going to do that cuz we'll need it and we need the extra reinforcements cuz that saved us last round this not this even yeah that's the one that's the one dude then got my light armor more nades cool okay right one more round for max level bro and then the stream title will check out out and it will make sense and everyone will want to stick around for 3 hours to watch Level 50 ah robots of course did you put that in your title or something what robots but reaching level max level yep reaching match rank um this is horrible uh a horrible mortars are somewhere and they are nasty and I am they're over there I need to get my Shi away 100% need to focus oh dude dude dude dud are on that point hang I'm I'm going going hold on got my shield gen I just run I'm just going to run now I'm going to yep last there goes my shield there's a rocket guys behind me as well I'm just going to dodge yeaha just kidding I'm not going to dodge them cuz they're going to randomly hit me and one shot me not for you I land on a what's it called I don't know hang on hang on see if that's focusing okay it's focusing Ms uh I'm going to truck [Music] you what's here go it's alreadying get all the mortors there no I didn't uh there's another like oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no hang on we have to deal with the Morts before we do anything else yep I'm almost dead again oh no no no no no no no no no no no no heal heal heal if you need to I just need to get into cover and maybe I'm okay now not really please please please I'm probably dead I'm not dead this is this is crazy yeah I know they're the worst I had a when I did my solo hell dive video it was only mortars I was fighting like every objective was mortars only please pick up please pick up really unlucky no I'm was okay just running away God damn there's two lots of Ms that's not good yeah I know that's what I mean oh jeez I just can't even chill we got really unlucky with our side objec oh dude that's insane this is actually insane I can't I don't even know how I'm going to live I think I need we need to just um de deagro fully deago I'm just going to run I'm working on this motorcy the mission area just do what you got to do to survive I am surviving go to the beach if you need to remember then you only got 180° to worry about I'll try pretty close to the ocean right now I'll try I've only got well I got my shield at least but ain't feeling so hot mhm okay oh not sure what just happened there something just came up on my screen the cheating menu what the heck dude an eag okay yeah sure why don't you climb up there that seems normal and fine that's definitely an area where I would climb up okay motor done nice I got one of the FBS as well Mar on the edge okay that's not too bad at the same compound yep same compound okay cool nice okay yeah break line our sight hide the trees get to the beach or whatever I'm crouching I don't think they're agur on me right now anyway mhm yeah no don't be worried if they shoot near you that just means they're suppressing fire they're not like there's a rocket Devastator looking at me but he hasn't found me yet yeah go for the next uh motorcycle I'm going to go for the objective I might be able to sneak actually what do you need for the uh the sentries um just Commons Commons that is a hole brother I might be able to sneak this dude actually okay they're literally camping the objective what you trying to sneak the objective oh the main one yeah um how can I do this that's just is that the communication up blink one yeah yeah might be able to kill him hold on support they see me yeah they have uning democracy on please hit him in the leg please hit him in the legs please in the legs please hit legs please hit legs there we go more got me I need if you can shop me back there I can finish it hold on I'm just going to deal with these if you interact with a terminal you call more don't don't interact until you've cleared it you sure it's cleared you have you interacted with it hang on oh my God hold on hold on on hold on ah they're going crazy uh I'm going to call you in okay yeah pressing the button to activate it will call in more Bots if I'm not s just regardless like regard like when you interact with it you'll call more yeah even when your stealth what I'm literally shooting in the face there we go okay don't I think we're okay now I can hear them but they're not like shooting at me weirdly why have I just landed on a hot what what just happened I need another reinforce yep hold on I'm in trouble oh yeah I landed on a patrol with two Hulk Hulk Cruisers whatever they're called that guy there oh why I mean I'm literally I literally one shot him but he's dead oh for goodness sake man yeah I know I had two there's another one there you know let me finish these mot off uh can you throw him back towards that base anyway oh you died [ __ ] yeah uh oh for God's sake I love the way he hit you with one shot there by the way I love the way that I click to put a mark down on thei on the mini map and threw my glare strike a random piece of the ground that no one was at y oh god dude the rocket the range on the Rockets dude what the heck can't even see them I've got your stuff yeah this is oh is this my stuff this is my stuff this is yours this is mine yeah you I don't know the MTS are over there yeah I'm not close enough to the MS right now oh for God's sake oh okay I'm going to try and sneak now I'm just going to sneak sneaking got I kill the turret found um of enemy okay I'm trying to get him head back to the objective now they don't know I'm here yet you'd think my shield would give me away but no I guess not they check they're checking out brother uh what's that okay they're moving away no they're shooting at me need to get rid of the mortars dude why if these guys AG me no what the why why I'm literally so far away that makes no sense okay why have they aged me that's so weird don't really know why don't say oh it's because of the shield I don't think it is you the objetive I could I could hold on got an eat launcher right now oh my God rocket Devastator yeah the rocket Devastators are ruining us right now there's two hulks hang on you want to be back on the objective or what yeah just coming the objective reinforcing oh my mhm the rocket Devastation is devastating so much hang on hang on hang on no no no no no no Freedom never okay fine I mean I was just trying to yeah brother uh I was trying to I was trying to a gun I don't have a gun oh it's on your waist oh my God what is that land on a Hulk yeah yeah yeah yeah we hope one hopes and that's the Flames why are the Flames so insta now I swear the Flames didn't used to be that insta good why are they that insta right I'm going to put thr you on the Fab here okay no now brother brother I mean does does the objective have to be in the middle of an open area with nothing oh yeah got you all right I'll next one yeah or you could die there is rocket Devastator isn't there nice what the fabric it threw me back into a what if I told you that you can land on that one as well okay right I'm going for the longest use each other as I'm you going to use the longest fabricator kill ready come on come on come on did I get it no close there h on that eagle should get the other Fab wait for it doesn't matter I got rocket raided okay Fab's done so am I whatever whatever oh Jesus man well I don't I don't know about this one we've been in the MST of the last five minutes yeah I've not been able to actually do anything we need to disengage and come back go do a different objective and come back to this one the mortars have been slaying us what's we at oh there you go I didn't even know what we just did I didn't do anything why did it say destroy Rogue thankfully I had just stmed and I just got rocketed nice I mean I the problem I have oh no I tell you why it's because I've got the armor that's the only reason I lived yay I think the rug research station is probably killed by a mort accidentally right I'm going to try and go and do the other one and just avoid you completely all right you tring to say I'm just avoiding you I think you are the [Music] problem that last one would have got it that's right no problem okay we are one level hey how you doing Tom Everything great over there yeah I'm having a great time requ it's fine we we can do a defense after this if this don't work out you know I want us to win but Fu hey the more no way the m is already on me no way there's no way they've seen me I mean looks like the M on what how I'll be real honest with you bud I don't see is uh I was just trying to finish that terminal and everything is at just like surrounding me all the hulks got MTS Landing directly on I don't know how they're spotting me from 500 me away I'm not really sure why just see they just have like insane intuition yeah they just have the range it's all bloody AI algorithms right there he is get him boys get him Boys Hang On shot me in the motorite where is that I don't even know where it is behind you literally right behind you like you're walking away from it calling in reinforcement yeah yeah do that okay dude dude I've pressed the button like three times requesting equipment oh what is this I am being mored there's everything every type of enemy is on that point you threw me out that's insane tank two hulks oh I think I think we're dead bro bro I'm going to to sleep bro I think we're dead no I'm wearing light armor so the mortar like didn't even Direct Hit me but the impact like blew me into the sky and then I died to falling on my head I mean the mort are still going for me and there's nothing I can do about yeah well I've got I've got an AIT laser over there but I don't think it's getting them more you're you're probably done bro how do I oh there's a terminal yeah yeah yeah de that dead guy's body having to like do movement uh sh yeah it's all fine yeah it's all fine nothing for the motorcy next you um andless I no eats got drop sh calling down a support weapon requesting a support requ what's that okay I just need to survive 11 seconds you got this sure sure thing there's a tank and two hulks over there by the way yeah they're not coming over are they uh the hulks are now just Northeast to your position cuz you interacted with a terminal they're like oh there he is you are in of enemy arer cool watch out for the mors look in the sky it's all fine yeah no it's all fine there he is look all right you can reinforce now I'll land on the hog okay one of them ah there's people behind us as well let's go and there's a rocket over there shots all right Hulk is dead watch out for the rocket devast nice nice I'm going back to finish off the mortars of a can the love of God let me finish these bastards am I in range of enemy artillery no way yes the artillery is the no way bro okay that's one nice right now you stay here deal with that I got the mortars yes let's go right let's stealth over to the other one let's go or you can and I'll try and I don't know I don't know just death don't know anymore I just don't know if I'm built for this anymore oh no got this for democracy for why is there so many Rockets come on come on come on Shield come on Shield come on Shield Salvador Dar is it rocket Salvo door all right I'm going I'm walk I'm crouching now worst part is we do all this then we got a [ __ ] bloody bloody bloody buses got the bloody destroy the bloody we got we wait for all the annoying scientists after this annoying scientists yeah we'll escort them bloody s bloody bloody all right lovely yeah that's beautiful that's lovely all I wanted was all I wanted was one more mission was it all worth it well that's that's uh to be seen isn't it yay I hit Level 50 woohoo wooo okay is there any bet I bet like 90% the people watching in your chat have hit Level 50 St no I don't think so guys press one if you've hit Level 50 yeah come on and press two if you've not hit Level 50 oh my God it's popping up there you go look one I think there are more ones there are St it's not difficult to H level 50 in this game no it is it is I don't know why you've titled your stream that no I have well because I am because I am hitting level with I know but it's there's also no other content who cares it's not the it's not the point of Interest you're looking for well I think it is at the end of the day it it is what it is there's nothing else I want to use this I want to unlock the scorcher as well I have that unlocked so GG yeah there's another title oh I mean yeah literally I mean yes I need to un end game gun I still had to play it to get there the best gun in game just don't know way you've been wasting your resources they found me oh God they found me oh God they found me I'm going to try and sneak away again are you sneaking um no okay well they're cuz I'm I'm aggressively taking out compounds right now more XP fine well you can do that but if we fail we get nothing right o that's a turret isn't it there is a lot of I can't stop though guys I'd love to grab your samples but I simply can't stop all right I'm creeping away now nice okay I should be okay to be able to start the next objective it's about 50/50 I'd say of course my mag's empty come on what is this brother uh brother uh what is that there is a lot of enemies in this compound isn't there after all why not why wouldn't there be enemies okay I'm going to slowly creep in I'm still stealth right now maybe I should creep along the side maybe it's better from the back I'm going to I'm going to hit it from the back do it much to chat lovely good job lovely lovely lovely do I like this more or DMZ um well right now this but in this game right now ooh this particular match this particular match it's still fun yeah it's really good even when you're having a hard time it's still fun like the challenge is fun is there a way to take out an enemy without them agroing everyone else yeah smelly them to death is it actually mhm okay if you're in stealth you can get right up behind them as long as they're not facing you and take him out that way small problem he might see me what about using the pistol is so agress as everyone um they don't actually hear gunshots the aaton unless you're like right up in the vicinity so if you take them out of like a little like a good range it's like a think of it like the detection thing on your armor it's based on distance robots don't have ears and that's the T we got uh done it I've actually done it there you go um did you get the Mele off no I managed to shoot them with my pistol before the restr aggro but there is a h very good if I AC if I activate the H hang on hang on hang on what if I did an Expendable right you dead I'm fine okay nice job so you're telling me if I set this uh thingamajig off that Hulk's going to AG if you hit a terminal interacting with it just pressing the button to start it up yeah so like when you do the uh you know the SE the SE artillery turret mhm are you listening yeah if you uh pile all all of the like missiles at the bottom of the sea before you entact with a button then you can just leave but if you hit the button and then start loading it then you've called a bunch of enemies to position I'll call them I'll call them but I think I'm just going to see what happens cuz I if I shoot this rocket they're going to see me no no I'm just giving you a tip for future SE artillery okay I've turned it on we are going to have to shoot these chat chat was probably listening no actually they they've not they've not aggroed dude I just turned it on they haven't Agro they're right next to me there's a tip for chat St wasn't listening so there's a tip for chat you're welcome they're not agroed I've just wasn't talking about your current situation well I well I am I mean I fully stealth T well I'm proud of you but okay now um now this is the problem there is a there is a there is a Patrol coming through I got the okay are they going to react to that no they're not now is it possible to do this stuff I think the only way we're doing this if one of us basically AGR them and then I can I can lead them away if you want I think so I I can I'll block the let me block the Hulk at least okay yeah I like that oh and he's c a b okay that's not what we wanted an instant Salvo as soon as I shoot the first Target hang on I'm going I'm going to be I'm going to be able to get the drop I'm going to be able to get the drop hold on okay nice when where it is there you go wait for it perfect yeah oh there's another one though there's another one though yeah okay can I block this I can't even block this wall yeah call me in on the outskirts the compound and I'll try and bait them away from you and then yep right here calling in reinforce I'm going to go on the outskirts just chill around here for a minute yeah I'm just going to chill here for a bit yeah they're going to follow the impact of my yeah that's fine I don't think they're angering on me right now there is a tank trying to shoot me through a wall though small problem whereabouts to the tank uh my East it's okay for now if you can just I see that should be on it out somewhow Tank's cheating he's wall hacking I don't if that get the tank no the tank is the tank I don't think the Tank's aggro me right now okay it's coming it is up on the where the thing is though so it might not be able to get down uh I mean I can use a orbital but will that Agro me I don't know it will aggro yeah they follow the source that it came from okay okay oh wow dude he almost K me in one shot have you got the sluger shotgun yeah I do yeah yeah you can you can destroy fences with it so give yourself a way out like if you need to and they you sure I can't and they Aro you can shoot that fence down and get out no it's not letting me shoot it okay maybe maybe different fences there is a tank I should be a hold on I'll be able to get this tank I think different fences then I get the tank for you that's right got I've got it I got it okay uh I still need that was a good one supp I killed the Hulk on you nice I'm taking all the attention away right now I think there's one more hulk up hit him twice in the back he's got an impact uh hit between the legs okay he's dead got more enemies on me now um let me see if I can let some out now maybe yeah an easy way to deal with a we got even more enemies over here I mean I can just let them out and see what happens screw it damn it man yeah I know it's okay it's okay got two hulks on me there it's okay hulks three hulks yeah I mean we'll just see what we can do I mean this is uh I'm trying to lead them away from you but they're just cing that area around the uh I do have a I'm going to call in a shield gen as well mhm if you need it where's that eat gone I B I called in an eat somewhere here where's it gone damn not visible on the map no I'm there you go that's one dead um oh dude they're landing on the top are no crap no I didn't look up damn oh man I'm like where's it going bro oh here look is it there uh we got a Hulk around the corner Hulk's actually made climb up here you can climb up here Hulk made it around the corner okay okay yeah nice nice nice nice nice nice nice nice don't die don't die don't die don't die okay it's okay it's okay you're okay even if you die I've got a spot here I'm chilling this is insane mhm I wonder what can we even do can we just fully leave and hope they leave as well oh yeah but you got to get out from where you are to do that yeah I can get out from here it's the bot drops that's ruining us like we can't keep up with this many bot drops oh hello yeah so if we can just get out of here fine I need a Northwest so we got the ocean against our backs and go PR just kill the nearest ones so they don't why did it not call that in oh out of the I'm calling in a resupply as well they're going to follow the SCE yeah we can just go all the way 12 seconds for this re we're going to have to get this re dude God this is going to be insane 5 Seconds help no no no no stay alive resp now now two two go we're right on the edge of the Zone here though no there's a oh I think we're dead we have to go the other way we have to go the other way there's no way you're making it that way you have to go left okay there is a Hulk in front of us though I think I got an eagle for him where's the Hulk it's okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what was that oh there there I think I'm going to have to run through the middle it's going to have to go for it one Salvo Dead one Sal I'm just going to have to go through the middle and just hope I don't get hit by a rocket Salvo we've got one reinforc anyway if we die so it's okay okay I've made it through the middle Tomy this nice nice nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah just taking the Salos out your stuff is here I've just run over it wa why does that range so far okay ow I'm actually going to try and just call in a few civilians see if they can oh no no no no no we're back in the same problem again no there's no point oh dude this is insane absolutely insane there's just too many enemies I'm back in my old spot again we have to go northeast not Northwest M democracy otherwise oh there's a okay he almost rocketed me through the buing then it's all right we still got oh I tried to go your middle way but that's right there a Hulk and another Beam on me Hulk on your ass as well yeah well we'll see if we can do it this is like near impossible see if you can get away get away no you're going to have to run straight mhm run run run there's a rocket Devastator as well run straight on the beach now is the beach save your least oh my God no no no no you're going to have to go back where oh what is that no the random rocket out of nowhere yes dude oh my God I could even see the projecti died instantly oh dude you're kidding me I'm already going to get 230 no no come on we had to destroy oh no it's fine we got 800 experience GG okay all right what Ian we did a lot of side objectives I got all the mortars done ah well but we did it level 50 woo yeah the drop ships were the bane of our existence we were just getting constant reinforcements because the little guys were coming in all the time how would I feel if I didn't have breakfast this morning pretty those eats on the go but then you have to expose yourself and get one do you don't want to you don't want to get eats no all right dude all right am I level let's go dude we did it okay I mean it might not have felt like the biggest victory in the world but that was a horrible horrible horrible the horrible Mission how do I change my my uh title there aren't many people brave enough to uh take on the automaton level level hell I mean to be fair we did two hell Dives there and we only just made it out both times pretty insane yeah and there it is Skull ad it's a struggle with four people now I want to see you do it solo like I did yeah easy easy to be honest I think M right now I've I've almost unlocked the last final gun GG scotcher yep yeah SC scotcher Scotch egg Scotch egg right how much do we 23 medals can I somehow metagame this in a way that doesn't spend so let me can I I need to spend exactly 23 so I got 15 there seven there how many I need 23 15 + 7 is 22 there six anywhere 8+ 7 would that work what 8+ 7 so I have the maximum medals or eight eight and 15 8 and 15 I don't know what you're saying 8 and 15 somewhere 8 and 15 right yes you're doing math boy math boy this is boy math right eight and 15 yes yes yes and now I just need 62 medals and then I'll have the scorcher which is my my been my main goal okay a while well that's it one more big mission I think and I'll do it or one more what well if we liberate hang on how far I'll do it now if we no if we liberate Tru as the major order you'll get 50 yeah which is where 63 and then I need an extra 10 can you track truce on the table real quick truce yeah that's the major order to liberate Tru let me have a look where is it Wares choose where you will don't see it U it must be bugs no I don't see it where's this where's this planet I don't know t r o s t TR R yes not there is there's nothing huh is that what it's red cuz it's going to be a new planet we need to liberate previous planets to get to that planet yeah where where the hell's truth is going to be there it is there it is yeah next to okay yeah we need to liberate U first which is basically hm but with automatons instead yeah yeah okay bro that was a good s we well we smashed it as a yeah we I mean we lost the first game but then we smashed it for 90% of the others mhm we had a lot of BS deaths today I'll say that the four deaths to the to the thing the bodies constant mortars of the start of a mission is not what you want as well we lost like eight lives yeah the mortars ruined us and and then just the constant bot drops while trying to extract civilians is impossible but then we did the stealth on the wons which was very good mhm absolutely smashed it level up until the point I sniffed your ass in the export time expired but well we still won and that's I think and that I think the moral of the story is always sniff your friend's ass because in the end it'll all be worth it friendly greeting it'll all be worth it in the end I think that's the way we have to look at that all right well and with that exclamation we'll see you in the next one in the next one cheers make sure to follow tomographic on wherever you find him really yeah if you Google him I can't be I can't be honest just Google him just Google it God um anyway later dude GG's bye um guys make sure to follow young tomographic who's in the descriptions uh thank you guys very much for watching today it's been lovely um we're level 50 we did it uh I was hop well I was actually perfectly on time I thought it was going to be a bit faster than that yeah we managed to do it in exactly 30 minutes but yeah thank you guys so so much for all the support on the hell divers memes it's always a pleasure um and yeah I will be back tomorrow uh with DMZ I think uh so DMZ tomorrow More Hell divers on Thursday hopefully there's an update I hope there's an update um hopefully there's an update uh so I can play some new hell divver stuff which would be awesome um but we are going to go over to miss Cronin who is going to be streaming um right now but yeah guys thank you so so much for all the support uh again if I missed anything I'm sorry thank you so much thank you for all the people who followed and subscribed if you want to see more hell divers too make sure you following subscribed uh whatever it is notifications All That Jazz thank you very much and as I said um I should catch you tomorrow for some DMZ so thank you guys for watching appreciate you hanging out and I'll see you later uh but but for team purple all right before you go make sure
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 53,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Helldivers 2, Helldivers, Helldive
Id: N8HdLaMgEsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 217min 58sec (13078 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 26 2024
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