Helldivers 2 got a HUGE Update..

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let's go here back on held irisu after the recent patch try out the flamethrower here everyone says It's amazing now why do I sound like a young Donald a trump Yeah well yeah but never mind let's not get into that now uh flamethrowers let's [Laughter] go I love flamethrowers and also Jack did you know did you know that they nerfed the breaker shotgun and they nerfed and they also nerfed the rail gun Jack wow oh no that's awful that's awful cuz that's everyone's favorite gun was my best gun ever yeah so what get the flamers in this is core YouTube right now okay right so got to have a good intro BG yeah we got to have an incredible in calling down the Tesla Tower straight away right calling in the guard dog well that would be fun anyway right so we're getting the flamethrower stalk right here it's fine we'll just run into it with help me no we'll just flame it flame it flame out yes there's no one over there's another one there another one there Jack another one there Jack where there Mark Mark he's running do you see him flame him from there burn the holes in the nests um I don't know apparently the best thing is is that bug breach is disgusting with the flamethrower I guess you just hold I'm just going to hold m one on the bug breach hang on I died to Shan I'm instantly dead okay the Flames do not seal the hole I was about to Flame them but then I got killed by sure can I get a res that's a lot of bugs oh what the hell was that you get grenad just grenade you may have charge here let's see how fast I can bring him down this the problem sha is only dealt with them with um grenades and maybe yeah so maybe you may get grenaded really kills you just instantly killed a crush did you pretty quick yeah what are these guys doing I'm going to go and get my Throne FL again and not die this time so are you all dead yeah nice I almost died again to my own Flames uh we need to head south don't we yes we do first I I guess you could literally call it Friendly Fire yeah I wish you could see like a death skull on the map rather than having to press Tab and find all your stuff yeah that would be or just what like a little 3D thing to show you where your stuff was yeah I hear a Crusher to our right bong let's let's flame him yeah flame on where is he he's over here somewhere see i' I've never pushed I've never actively pushed a Crusher before this is new for me where is it you feel powerful now St yeah I do I heard I heard him you're right but I don't see him it's all right it's all right I'm going to test it out oh uh bug b over here um where's the it's on me is it oh we're coming back we're coming back oh he hates it he hates that so much does he hate it have you killed him no this one seems like he seems to enjoy it he likes it okay he dead have wonder what they taste like I reckon wean seasoning or paprika these bugs would be quite tasty yeah probably that's what they should do they should Farm them for their meat maybe that's what we're really doing the government dangy it's about fast food that's right McDonald's McDonald's stop oh oh okay now do be careful that if they're on fire they don't melee you cuz you can't burn to death yeah I thought they might I mean it's not as effective as was promised I think well apparently apparently for the bug for the bug breach that's where that's where the magic happens when a bug breach opens up you just hold Mouse one and you just flame them all okay what this [ __ ] [Music] Rover's Rover just annihilated me span around and be me as well I swear it aims at you sometimes I need uh I need some grenades see can I can I flame throw the bu holes let's find out on this week's episode of St Busters oh oh Bug Busters Bug Busters um do you have an aid Sean if you heard me it should seal the holes really yeah cuz you're like like almost like a um what's it called where you you burn something no no when you burn like a a thing of a wound aren No No Quarter aren no yeah quartering the bug holes but also you burn something when you burn a wound ah yes AR we haven't destroyed any exit yeah we haven't done anything I'm going I'm going there now we've killed a couple of clear a few holes there's two charges my Char decided not to heal and died to my own is responsible for both of my deaths I just want to put big bug brother Steve there you go that's your new name for uh that's your new name for hell divers bug brother Steve thank you for the 51 months how's the weapon balancing well they've nerfed the rail gun but not by much honestly honestly I don't think the the I don't think the I don't think the Nerf of the ra gun is that big at all actually if you over charge it it's still fine yeah so and that's that's what you do anyway all baby stalkers are annoying yeah there's a lot of them in this map as well yeah I mean sometimes they leap at you when they're on fire which is an ideal I'm on fire again yeah this is the problem fire everywhere means that I'm always on fire yeah flame proof Cape or something a cape with a stat that gives you flame resistance yeah that would be nice the flame cap yeah isn't that something from runes scope it charger behind you guys um The Burning is a real issue oo yeah right I'm getting your oh you don't have any ammo anyway um there there's a charge on you yeah um where's my stuff I'm going to see if I can creep he loves it oh yeah I'm got to see if I can creep oh God he just lunged at me oh I see you can end Fire by diving we drop and roll that in school didn't they stop droll drop and roll get store that school I didn't get store that school yeah fire everywhere we had to they just told me to burn was in the West Midlands yeah the fire tornadoes yes I forgot about those oh yeah I love the fire after all why satisfying now it looks very cinematic with all the FL yeah right I'm going to go and Destroy these eggs Harry that big moon big moon big moon yeah to the east have you guys seen the moon in the last week cuz I can't find it I've been looking for it I don't think it's real yeah you think it was a projection honestly every night I've been looking for it I can't find it it's been lovely clear night and I can't see it I think it's gone bouncy the moon if anyone sends Jack a picture of the Moon it'll give him $1,000 he's not convinced Miss stop publishing pictures Jack so it's gone all right well I'm just making sure okay I really want to walk through this fire I think oh God very dark okay can I stop burning now that help me problem I'm I'm trying to see what happens if I Flame the eggs but if I run out of ammo before I get there oh God I'm on fire again I'm on fire again I can't go prone I'm going shoot them hang on hang on just burning yeah it's fine right I'm screaming oh fire is good against eggs oh yes I'm on fire again I'm going to die bong wasn't me I just died to Bong nonsense I'm going to close that up oh that is satisfying clearing those eggs with the Flames they pop and boil yeah they actually do as well that's a really nice touch um what's going on it was just a giant explosion and then you died I think Sean a grenade or something watch your back um out ises it kind of like make nap arm on the floor if you spread the floor oh yeah yeah yeah literally yes that's exactly how so scared of those robers I know they are we take one for yourself Jack and then get your own back know I don't know stalker full size Bigg Big Daddy stalker oh yeah we need to find that stalker Nest we've killed one oh that oh what the hell I swear there's so much happening no well there's a lot of flame cat happening here I've been grenaded so many times um I'm going to get you guys back um land on that charger land that charger right there I'm going to Mark him again on on it's right it's right it's not late you do it is it [ __ ] off right I need oh dear my bugs well burning but the bugs got really okay it's a little bit of um liability did we do that area yeah we've done that area pretty much yeah okay two stalkers on me well I'm dead I need to be called back in oh my God I did not see that charger it's quite pitch on this uh this m this planet at the moment um I might need another flamethrower re oh 15 seconds that to come in that's not F call me in and I can land on him okay come on hang on oh I just tried to melee it call re you just tried to punch it in the head yeah I thought you know maybe there's some kind of mechanic where you can do that okay that was oh god I've jumped into two Warriors um oh what the hell oh my God Sean caring turn with the five G members yeah thank you be yeah it's fine some um we need to get out of here I think yeah I need to go get my stuff back uh Sean thank you very much for the five thank you so much uh flamethrower and a and a supply [Music] pack uh all right me and start are moving Northwest oh God oh God SE oh me me your shower where oh oh my God where are the meteors coming from oh my God Jesus oh God they go right for you B watch out oh this is terrifying someone needs to be reinforced this is the new hazards this is the new hazards from the update can they oneshot you do you think I imagine they do SE yeah oh god oh it looks so good man it does look sick it looks like cinematic effects in this game eh excellent look at that have you looked up have you seen him out of them holy crap I said hit the enemies I burnt a Crusher but he bashed me off and now I'm dead I mean the constant I'm just constantly beset by baby stalkers I hate this you having a great time over there B I'm dead uh can you throw me towards the The Nest to the north Jack and be killed by STS how I didn't I'm not even alive I think there was a meteor but it was your meteor oh it was the meteor meant for me um all right yeah that's I called you all in in the same place North all right I took revenge on the crusher okay the met over now no more Mets for the moment that's good thank you guys there's another planet over there to the Northwest look that was excellent a gas giant is that my stuff that's Moon though is it that's no moon where we're [Music] heading nice nice wow look at that sun well is it a sun or is it a moon over there that's got to be a sun isn't it I don't know yeah yeah I think that's probably a sun yeah it's probably some sort of sun oh look wait wait look at that planet Northwest look at this planet talking about oh that's what you were talking about I thought youing about the big gas giant planet yeah yeah yeah yeah Jupiter that's cool we we need to go towards um Northeast what's the the dungeon Master's called Joel isn't he yes yeah he just randomly decides to screw people over yeah yeah he watches people's streams and ruins them Sean if you're watching fire tornado please yeah SE Joel Joel if you're watching fire tornado rear two re two Barry works in the in the cupboards Barry was the uh the anti Che guy for war on one wasn't he actually he actually was yeah yeah he did work in a I mean he wasn't he didn't actually have a job they just made him do the anti G right do you want to um making the cheat yeah go on then yeah do you have any experience no I could probably like look at a screen and see if they're cheating you think they're cheating Barry no oh it's lunch time anyway I used Ms paint once yeah so that and that's so they did the anti chief for I'm going in here with flames well same yeah you do you want to look pop some eggs with the Flames Jack it's very satisfying you know like um what's it called again this is great cry for me he dead kby I mean look at that keep a tight group I think but not too tight with the Flames I that's a good idea oh there a charger here sh I'm going for the eggs Captain Jack I need help I need help come in come in oh it's very effective against egg oh You' got to that Nest on your own yeah I I think I didn't realize you guys were going over there I think you were drawn by the Allure of the purple planet yeah nice there you go we got all n Jack this one over absolutely ridden I'm reloading my uh my young fire tornadoes are on hire what can't BL get we're going to have to play all day until we unlock hire oh the flamear in first person looks awesome you see it yeah [Music] yeah was the auto Cannon nerfed no just the rail Cannon was nerfed and the breaker shotgun was nerfed as well he's his legs are falling off all right I'm I'm coming to you guys there is a charger over here the flamethrower is fun though I will say that oh it's great yeah it's still I don't think it's actually still as good as the rail gun but it is fun it's well it's usable now and I think that's like that's important just important really and you can absolutely burn yourself very easily like an extra couple seconds Sean that's on you and they are dead St see if I can get with the 500 actually if I get him with the 500 and uh oh had the ball yeah I think I'll get him actually I think I'm going kill him you know kill him no I think I think I'm going to get him right now there's a bile Titan okay he yeah the bomb landed right underneath him yeah I was hoping it would land in his head like it did last time you see that clip in my video where Tom called one in and he basically ate the down his that was that was mine was it yeah but it was I I think it was St that called it in but Tom's perspective yeah yeah it bloody menal I had a great view of it lovely GL lovely view I need a respawn please sorry uh can I throw you on something I'll just get you back in just back where I was yeah um oh bong's done it thank you uh charger here let's see if I can how much flame to kill one charger I think it's quite a lot about half of a canister oh I don't know whether like it does whether they're just them being burning does damage over time as well I'm trying to kill him he's not dead i' I've literally used an entire Magazine on I think he's dead though come on he looks he's still defin he's very much alive I flamed his entire body with an entire magazine and okay I'm done don't worry is he dead yet who he's dead now he's dead now no he's I mean he's clearly running away well he's running away but he's dead if you know what I mean there you go no he's not dead Okay so he's still alive at large and he's on found don't don't do it over my head what's F it's so close toasty okay that way he he's delicious now that's a well done charger the trip yeah now he dead oh my God okay when you double them up like that yeah oh Flame the legs so that you get a nice grilled Wing at the end but apparently you do actually kill them faster if you go for the egg legs and the eggs well yeah they have like certain parts of the creatures if you fully like delete the HP off that part it just kills them in that flame the eggs Flame the eggs oh yeah boys that looks so good over here some Lov samples oh oh bug breach hang on reloading for the bug breach reloading for the bug breach all three of us get the Flames careful Jack Why by the way just go prone go prone if you're on fire it does actually instantly save you fine watch out for the watch out for those uh bugs pleas strike in there oh God is it fine oh actual B yeah get underneath him go on get underneath him [Music] okay no Jack no Jack no no no no not there Jack not there Jack die you [ __ ] relo all Jack was it worth it no because he just stamps on you and then you die it looks awesome when he's on fire though careful Ando I'm flaming I'm cooking his inside I'm cooking his tummy oh no there's a grenades grenades he's down he's down got him nice I've been killed by bomb how is that happen did you throw a I think it just I think it just no I didn't I think it just attributes like death sometimes to players but how did I just di I literally was just only picking up items I didn't throw anything I have no idea what just happened that was very weirding complete now yeah yeah we can ex right now charge oh God that's so weird have some of this Jesus oh my God so odd why did I just die there are you going for the legs now yeah I need a res by the way or am I dead dead uh We've one no reinforcements all right one second careful watch out okay that's fine to get the extract where is it this way this way the blue beam in the sky yeah yeah just throw it throw throw me on the 30 seconds wait did you guys get my samples I got some samp someone I think yeah someone did that's fine I've only got two common stamps I think the stamp's still in there yeah I'm going back SS want to go back well you we've only got one we've only got one reinforce if you die yeah this is quite dangerous uh this is uh unaligned Mission difficulty oh God no no no just go no go don't go for the Z don't go for the go for the X go the just get to the Xtra just get to the X I'll be fine no I don't know okay only in the in the cover of this in the why get me in to the extract okay yeah yeah that sounds good to me um in a flamer if anyone wants it I'll I'll probably have it okay have you have you called in the extraction terminal I do it I'll do it now I'll do it now call in no I'm doing it now nice four minutes four minutes oh that's rough yeah it's going to be four minutes um Crusher charger Johnny Dave I'm going to try this teser Tower throwing out there oh no such a long calling time what the hell you might the uh look at this look at this corpse here that's I'm getting my flame oh my God what the assassin bug assassin's bug assassin's bug on the on the oh God Jack no thatg bre bug where where is the okay everyone aim your flamethrowers I'm out the big boys oh no what the hell was that killed by bone it was the uh the turret oh no it just killed me as well I think it's okay no well just run away and heal I've been killed by a turret bong never again yeah and now the turret's run out of ammo you were at final kill I think I've died more to Friendly Fire than any yeah flame I think one person with the flamethrower is going to be good than now uh we have to keep using it what you get jacking I think that's a big beam I might be back by the time uh you're ready to extract there you go Jack's back in Get Him in oh another way you can see the ships beaming in the distance yeah that's excellent where's that going I see I'm back I'm back basically 10 seconds before um you leave you can call me in yeah that's fine these robers dude I swear to God I mean bugs over to the sou hello you think at this point in sci-fi history The Rovers were smart enough to not shoot when there's a in the way turrets so you know yeah again if you could get like a helmet that says like turrets no longer fire on enemies something like that on allies rather that'd be really good whoa that's quite flaming I call in supplies watch out don't get crushed by it is just lighting up the map yeah well the sun's coming up isn't it oh yeah it's actually early in morning I forgot about that I said it for 5:00 a.m. leaping towards us ow oh have they improved the uh apparently they improved the artillery as well has anyone got there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah be it oh no by Sean oh my God might have been the bug okay I can land on the Titan in 21 seconds if you can just stay alive okay it's dead right start getting ready to go 5 seconds for Jack no Jack Tesla Tower I mean that's the worst place no he just had a heart attack and fell over and died or something did he get what just happened you weren't that close to the teser tower no there's no way it got sha I mean definitely at me I didn't realize it would kill me it literally went it's an electro tower that zaps and that comes near that's I thought it was a smart Electro Tower no no Jack there's no such thing as smart electricity smart electricity one day there will be I'm going to make it Jack and you're going to test it in my garage right guys here's my first test of the electric the smart electricity got meteor onear then oh did he get meteor maybe wow well guys we did good done are we by killing the ban yeah yeah that's good yeah I'm not going to use that Tes thing again it's uh it's not the it's quite dangerous right should we do a we could do a little short Mission we do um a fire tornado M um well we can do one after this we went after this there is there is no fire tornado check that's the problem gu I'll die yeah yeah the planet needs to be activated yeah it is annoying flamers don't really work for Titans now so we want to do the Fibonacci here yeah here um we're waiting for [Music] Jack I might actually hit Level 40 today be lovely it's I think 50 is the max isn't it yeah um they got up that AR they yeah right over it is um and then what else we doing beam so apparently they've buffed the orbital artillery so it's a bit more close and not as spread yeah bar yes so I'm going to give it a go I'm trying the 380 mm um why not I might get I might call him the recoiless uh is it the recoil or is it the Expendable L tank that yeah that one I think actually ini um but yeah by the way Sean thank you very much for the five gifted thank you Sean I just want I just want a cut of Jack saying yeah I'm going to put the Tes Tower in and then start giving him the warning and then the C Jack just walking into it no but he wasn't no genuinely bong if you weren't watching him he was about 20 M away and it went it's instant kill as well yep one shot you are the best of the best the hip hop beats your oh my God [Music] please wow the blue lights like I'm back at black p pleasure Beach what's this what ready yeah right yeah I'm I'm a risk taker incredible that Orc in Lord of the Rings Who Dodges out the way of that big rock but at the last second and then spits on it does he I don't remember it in the extended edition ah you see you see yeah yeah oh SP over there um does anyone have a gun for that shoot sport shoot the mushroom giant mushroom oh yeah nice job guys oh bugs what do you know bugs in this game oh bug breach where ah yes yes yes yes yes I'm going to I'm just going to put the flamethrower on the bug breach see what happens oh God breach okay it's not working so effectively cuz they're just they're hitting demon uh a charger and a warrior yes there we go it does appear that you killed them all oh it's working pretty 19 20 kills okay I got I think I got most of them that's was pretty effective they're all quite toasty right now hey LS Duke thank you very much for the tier one thank you for the 40 by the way lto thank you that was good that was Bloody good oh yeah we only got for [Music] super AC all right play on he you just burn them double double another triple another triple there's another charger here I like the sound of the Flames oh you set me on fire please please don't set me on fire right burn burn burn here burn burn burn cook the charger K the charger K the charger K the charger he's cooking he's cooked he's I'm closing this one um assassin behind your sh I got three assassin behind set them on fire four assassins behind I'm setting on fire assassinate this oh I've just set so much fire Jesus got reload ah the invisibility doesn't hide you when you're on fire does it okay well they seem to take a lot of hits though that's the annoying thing anyone got grenades I got some uh assassin oh assassin no I'm de I'm dead freedom I am very much in trouble and dead maybe I'm okay uh um we need to find the stalker Nest where's the St I think I know where it is I'm going to find it I'm going to find it and destroy it all s together let's go hold on no 10 second man I'm dead Jesus dude another stalker hey guys the stalker Nest the stalker Nest the stalker Nest is to the Northwest stalker Nest Northwest you need to deal with it call Stalker Northwest watch out B watch out on your left behind you oh God I got him I hit him they set me on fire though stalker okay they they have buffed stalkers they have buffed stalkers like crazy I'm shooting like I'm shooting the crap out of them they're not dying yeah where is it it's in the Northwest norest visible flaming ones there's a hell bomb there don't shoot it don't shoot it where on the left like here might set it on fire accident where's my stuff it's fine in a way we got s minutes to clear five more three more holes okay I'm going to die here not I've got two on me two on me no no no no no no no no I can't kill these bloody sters they too much health a very close to the hell bom you're very deadly I'll do it for the team I'll take it for the team no guys run I'm doing it I'm doing I'm doing it for the team oh my God I got him though survived yeah I I got away with that I died well that was good then that would that actually worked out well come on two more more one more nice job guys destroyed terminant hi structure destroyed the yeah yeah I know I know I know there another another one there oh it's so effective against things like that right one more Nest come on find it I kill this stalker how's he not dead dude what the dude the stalkers are ins to uh Northeast I think it's another sist Northeast all right let's go 5 minutes yes's Dead Oh is he yeah I got I I got surrounded by enemies getting you back in right I'm getting a flame throw in for someone as well we we can leave now as well oh charger I'm getting a flame land on him it's the there's one there as well one there as well oh this is getting a bit crazy he's going to be in the mix there ad I'm sorry you are in the mix well I took out charge it [ __ ] oh no what's happened demons we back they don't seem to be scared of the Flames oh my God they're not scared no oo I've got no healing I'm down mhm I think I think this might be another mission where we're not going home no we're going home can you call me in supp uh I desperately need heals come here charie um oh there's a the guys guys come this way we need to we need to go this way and it's as far away as humanly possible can't liate I know it's back now it's back went down for a few minutes okay I didn't think I changed anything weirdly so aggressive um guys oh oh my God I found the super SES nice now you got to Survivor get out with them oh God uh I mean this is just never ending is the flamethrower finally good yes it is well die you bastards guys you need to you need what are you doing over there I've been push back by the I'm going to die now I think I'm dead as well God God well how long will I survive for probably not very long but no healing I've got a broken arm as well I'm off I'm heading towards the blue beam no there's no way there's no way there's no way for me all right guys yeah I don't know if I'm going to make it I'm going to run I'm going to try and get back as close to you I no there's no way I'm dead I'm 100% dead I've got no no healing goodbye I'll just salute yeah all right reinforcing that's that'll do yeah call call in everything you can what T minus 56 seconds before we can't use our things anymore come this way with me with me with me well unless you don't want the super Zas which we do have on my right are we going to be able to no no you guys go I'll just try and make it I'll just try and make it work oh get out of there man come on the warrior hold on I'm grenading fire yeah I'm grenading got him I just keep running Jesus to the blue to the blue there's also a shutle guys me away my stuff right kind of set the ground on fire as well and they walk into it all I got my samples I got my samples run I'm I'm going I'm going oh no I'm blocked I called him my an tank but I didn't pick it up you've already got it in no we just run out of time so it's Auto in what god dude I hate these PLS nothing left well I've got nothing left and I've got to run I've got the samples I'm doing a sample run I got your pack I really hope there's ammo here you want me sh i' got nothing for I'm going to try to shoot some of the little ones are on you yeah that'll help thank you I'm going to die hello zeusy is that a stalker Jesus I'm actually I'm actually going to get away with this I might need some help getting wed you guys oh my God he destroyed the building why is he obsessed with me I'm going for the legs please ammo there's usually ammo here at the extracts okay okay dude okay okay okay think he's done he's done he's done it just they just don't give me a chance they're just like and then that's it I'm dead uh well well I can't come back in and there goes the samples I don't know how close I was I've got 32 bullets left that's fine long reload to man keep on flaming what one thing that does drive you mad is you know before you get hit the screen shutters because obviously the server goes up oh God my gear is over there St hord's coming where from uh Southeast and I don't think we're going to be able to defeat it okay well see you you will in a minute you guys have guns right uh got no ammo I've got 26 bullets in my Magna that's it I don't see him bong come in two charges at least they're just on the other side of this rock formation oh they can stay there right yeah I hope so but they are no they're coming M no how long we got uh 1 minute 30 we can do it I mean it's possible they'll despawn we didn't get just keep keep him at range keep him at range I need to pick my [Music] shots I mean the charges are the real problem right so locationeast we can dodge them oh watch out behind you behind Warriors can I give you a tldr of the update I'll give you a full tldr right now so you now have planetary hazards so meteors volcanoes and what else meteors volcanoes fire hurricanes um earthquakes um there's now additional challenges at random on the planet uh there's now the eradicate missions now have more kills than enemy spawn more often um they nerfed the breaker they nerfed the rail gun they buffed the flamethrower they buff the laser cannon they buffed the Punisher and the breaker spray and prey um they nerfed The Shield backpack uh and they made the orbital barges uh a little bit closer uh what's the word they had a they have a close uh a tighter spread so to speak um the game is harder the rail gun is still just as good if you use the unsafe mode if you know how to use the unsafe mode on the rail gun it's exactly the same and you'll be absolutely fine so there you go sh that's all I've got here charger why are you here come on guys come on guys you're you're almost there shutle approaching it's coming it's coming just get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get ready ready King me there's a freaking me to your strike come on come on come on don't get burned don't get burned go go go go go go go go go I'm in I'm in G yes yes look at the Met imagine if one hits the ship I wonder if it actually does kill you if a me goes through the ship sh does actually have like a physics object it can be like pushed around by creatures well I've seen it turn up sideways once yeah you have to like get into it when it's upside down we will remember you um this my funeral us with flamethrowers isn't isn't the one but it is more fun yeah what's more important fun or friends there go all I had left at the end there was Mele before buns yeah and who doesn't love a grilled bun 17 Common samps that's not bad it's not bad well I me I mean be rude not to barbecue wouldn't it yeah I did my part unfortunately I didn't get the samps out I've died twice now but mission complete and that's all that matters yeah I gave my life for super Earth I got most kills somehow that can we see the stats I want like how much team damage was there uh there zero but I don't believe that I think def bug definitely bugs no way there not that's not true let's try this I don't think that's try this I'm going to try the nerfed breaker and see if it's actually any worse or if it's just as good and everyone's lying I'll do it coordinates no more Cod where did you get the oh yeah I remember saying that actually Weir the advanced Liberation tools research agency Altra has tested Su successfully successful prototypes of a new combat asset hell divers are advised to review proper mechanical operation procedures in preparation for the incoming asset that that's a little thing if you press Z in game that's a little snippet about the mech isn't it oh the new combat asset yeah it's all about the mechs they're coming next week guys by the way the max uh so what start here go there up to there if we go here and then there and then there yeah yeah what about what about and here um and then fire the see the allert of the Tesla Tower strong for me you do you yearn for the tower Jack I yearn for it I'm want to feel it zap again it's good for a final Circle if you basically put it on at the beginning of the extract and no one goes on it right so what we say is all of us take test towers and then yeah I think that's a good idea it just reminds me of Red Alert so I'm like I have to oh my God I remember it yeah oh oh for the hood of Nod disc selected app the GDI missions please insert the GDI disc the camera actually pass the ship there how do you use unsafe mode on the rail gun you have the hold reload and then select it I'd love to play this game in Ultra wide I haven't done that yet and then do like an ultra wide recording yeah it's probably really nice especally you tried the um 120 FPS on new GeForce experience what do you mean good you can do 4K 120 FPS recording now you can have like Ultra slow motion it's really cool yeah but that's I mean I don't know how often I'd use it wow think of all the times you've jumped out the way of a b Titan true I've used it a couple times for hell div videos and it's just really cinematic yeah oh for sure uh bug breach uh Northwest Northwest bug breach flameon flameon everyone get the Northwest everyone get your flame wall I didn't bring my shield damn it I Charger Charger Charger Charger Charger don't die B I've cooked him I've cooking him cook it let me cook one why me I just doded him no you're setting me on fire I mean they go down easy Flames they always Go Down Smooth oh yeah there's quite a lot of tickling flame damage going on you have to go prone if you get set on fire just go prone stop drop and roll uh some big Hive guard behind us uh should we do the battery first the power yeah let's go this I mean the reload on the break is so fast as well that's what's annoying every other gun has the longest reload imaginable um Sean behind you man nice so yeah the um the breaker still packs a punch that's what I'm saying it's still it's still so good like it's not really enough even with the reduced what just happened um I set one on fire and it jumped on me and set me on fire yeah I hate it when that happens go and defend against that yeah that's right reinforcing it doesn't work does it right I'm doing the uh I'm doing all the panel stuff thank you I got the terminal okay this [ __ ] this Hive guard is strong man you need the ra gun cuz it just pops them through the front of the ahead you can flame him oh b b okay hold on you've completely got the I don't even need to I'll be to I'll be move back move back move back hit him and again and again and he's dead went up in Flames oh we need to finish the I didn't do all the panel stuff I can't even begin to think about objectives at the moment almost died to my own uh own robot it's good where is it the panel is on fire right now so I can't get to it it does appear to be a bit on fire o com tempal nice yeah we're uploading that one dead yet oh oh uh bug breach Northwest yeah I'm I'm I'm flaming I'm also flaming get oh that's some Flames online burn with me nice right let's go get the hard drive then I'll mark that as completed then I'll mark that is everything's on fire then SC now memories well they did go down the let's make this as hardcore as tarov route yeah and let me tell you I don't know if that's what they wanted they were desperately trying to appeal to the Taco fans and none of them came over yeah there was two cartoon the game didn't look relatable like not having like you know being able to spectate your teammates and stuff dude honestly it made streaming it just I just didn't want to play it I was like well if my my teammate's dead okay I'll see you in half an hour dude yeah it's just ridiculous got pretty bad as well yeah as with any game yeah yeah we're all going to look like the Harin after this cuz we have no eyebrows and no hair you know you can actually play as a har on in war zone now really yeah and a space so you really want to play now uh yeah I'm going to install it right now yeah sick they've actually made it realistic cuz you just um you die from random things out of nowhere just like in June there is a ball Titan coming where is he he's uh behind us to the east keep moving that's very aggressive button pressing yeah I was trying to get the let's see what the test does the ball Titan it won just m it instantly okay uh he I think he's given up yeah they do that sometimes have we addressed 2042 adding visual recoil okay my take on the visual recoil thing is why if you know if the game's in a good spot or at least it has players what is adding visual recoil actually going to do is my question I I I'm I'm a little bit like but you know why he actually stopped oh there's a the reason from the Northeast what's the what's the purpose it's a very or is it like a test for future games flanking you s watch out watch out I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay oh I got shot in the face oh my lag I stand in this water I shouldn't be able to be set on fire surely program that I don't know there's a lot of like really nice deil in this game I just killed Crusher with that flame that was Good's reload there is there something over there ra gun does nothing to charge anymore you have to put it on on safe mode it does the same amount of damage sure oh there we go I've got the uh I've got the SSD oh a common sample and I Dro and I dropped the the SSD for picking up the sample um right we have to go all the way North guys all the way across the sky more uh meteor strike what do we do is what do we do in the metor strike it does make it like like on the floor you can kind of see where it's going to hit yeah like you don't get much time but I think you can jump out the way of them some sort of strange Tower in the distance oh and there goes it was that one I was just immediately killed by did you not see it coming either well no cuz I was interacting with something and there goes you want to be throwing back there uh how how do I know if it's going to hit me you just have to like dive if you see if you see a big light on you yeah I mean you can look up you can see them coming in if you look up yeah oh that oh there's one Jack there was no I was miles away from it as well it still killed me what I was literally like oh look there's one behind me and it killed mefor yeah that seems unfair that was it what was that this Warrior man [ __ ] off well at least you saw it yeah good so basically it's just free death uh there are a lot of bugs over this hill that's fine just so you know I'm going try and lure them back towards my Tesla have you both got tesy that was miles away from that that's what I'm saying ow ow ow I'm going to die what the hell was that noise then somebody got by the charger ding in like some kind of what what do you mean impact another met for goodness sake you back in I'll I'll go for the crusher if you let me land on him I mean he is on fire you stupid got him call the Tes to watch out yeah just stay away from there is getting close to it you want to get zapped would you I didn't think it would just zap you for no reason what is the range of it do you know is basically oh wait that's where the SSD is you have a laugh you can shoot them to disable them wait wait wait why is the SSD wait wait wait okay got got I'm a bit close I'm a bit scared I want to see zap this this guy here come on oh come on D what he's going to get zapped any second Z I mean that's pretty op isn't it yeah well I mean do do the electricity jump from bug to human I think so they are really good for the for the defense at the end I think if you put them far as long as everyone doesn't go anywhere near it once it actually happens yeah what's the objective um I'm running with the SSD with my Char down oh I have to drop the SSD to heal has anyone anyone seen the cockrock yet the cockrock yeah that's where the super SLE spawn why is it called the cockrock well it looks more like a testy that's like distended but it's going up from the planet it could be it could be a Shrek coock you know it's like the really big have you not seen it how do you know what shre I I don't want I don't want to say how you might know but you you can think you could you can you can think can't imagine what Shrek spenis looks like well I mean it's the future and the internet maybe you don't want to that look oh I'm almost dead I'm all the B boys are here yeah and I also couldn't dive and I'm dead you think I'll get demonetized for um Shrek and talking shre that's right then cuz a [ __ ] is a chicken so we haven't right T's chicken I like you can say bastard as much as you want they don't care well have you tested that it's not a swear in America in America they don't consider it a swear word that's fine then I need a I mean I'm being absolutely cooked here help me man where are you oh that's a B I hang on hang on I can rail him I can literally rail him you might want to move him I'm go he's Chase my Flames he seems to be fine with it guys come on stop messing around killing the B yeah no come on leave it alone kid what the hell Tesla Tower coming in run boys get back There's A tes Tower coming in run what are you you're more afraid of the Tesla Tower than the bugs oh I landed on him there's a Tesla to did you get him the T Tower got him yeah it landed on him hbomb on the left guys I'm going to sneak the SSD into the uh flip it in yeah trust me they're never going to see this did the test Tower actually like is it inside it working I don't know I don't see it I think it was destroyed oh well but it killed the B as well yeah right guys don't don't alert the bugs I'm just creeping in how do they shake like that they have no idea I'm creeping in and doing it hi I'm going to shoot that yeah they're coming whoa like don't alert them yeah that's good you're you're causing a distraction right I've delivered the hard drive they're they're going for you they're going for you yeah by uh Crusher okay the the Rover is giving it away gotal bring him down okay good good marshmallows good job how you doing it s uh I've already I'm doing the objective yeah start heading over to sub almost there I'm uploading I'm uploading the pictures to Facebook right nowag okay well behind kg bomb is that you st uh that was me yeah bang oh my goodness yeah the flam R has definitely been buffed and it's fun though cuz you can't actually use it be careful you don't burn your teammates though we do it on purpose yeah he's a work good Everything Burns Everything Burns okay well the flamethrower i' I've worked out I don't think the flamethrower is that effective against the charges I will be honest uh cuz I literally I CED you go over the legs maybe how [ __ ] B that [ __ ] R um there oh my God St I'm okay they took you off the edge I've got am nice many welps even side handle it he likes it yeah he did aim at the legs uh we need to turn the dish surely the Flames would lick the legs always about the dish another charger another charger I'm just I mean he doesn't give a tits I'm cooking his um botom yeah I don't think he likes that he's dead he's dead nice Flames God the Flames looks so good we turn I'll go do it you stay here yeah yeah yeah um it just needs to be turned to the right about 20° okay I'm aiming for the I'm aiming for the leg now he's dead he's crumbled like a wet cake I'm going to put a tester Tower here to protect me okay nobody come this way I where you put it over here just in case they're trying and get up behind me when I'm doing this going to be I bought supplies here if you want ammo to the right you say it keep going right oh sorry yeah yeah it's right it's right Jack's got Jack's got it left left left left left wait keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going stop done nice and everything was calm everything was calm and fine that's pretty calm yeah um and anything else re that sounded like Sam fish's night vision goggles uh oh wait we need to we need to upload right go was that the bullet then o careful rocket pods down there all right I'm doing the thing hold on engaging terminal there are some more coming nice we actually have a few more uh what's it C this time respawns we've done a lot better this time we might we might want to get out of here though fast I'm already on my way um extraction which way is it oh it's over oh that uh charger rip me in half I'll let you get your revenge on all right I think he's dead no he's still very much alive uh bug breach that's very much bu careful of the careful of the Tesla Tower where's that guys run towards me run towards me run towards me run towards me oh God oh my God that's duble um Crush I'm going I'm going to beam them i' I've got a 500 Kg on that little area there I one shot he didn't one time should have I mean this beam is not doing much to him what oh go by the beam and I got I and I got beamed oh did you guys walk into Tes Tower whoo whoa whoo say killed by B so maybe maybe I can't be responsible for that I called it out many times I want my uh flam back but if it's in the Tesla Tower you have to shoot the Tesla Tower to disable it oh there's one up here where's all my stuff gone where's my Rover gone oh I nicked it that's right I'll get the other one can I go near the Tes Tower or I wouldn't advise it I think we just need to go to the extracts yeah let's go let's go I need my S by you you what I'll put down another Tes Tower run guys no no no no why I haven't done it yet but I mean it's it's the perfect thing to escape if if they're running through oh no I'm going to die the samples the samples guys the samples the samples you need to run the samples I'm getting the samples and I don't care who knows it going to be some horrible team killing here I presume I'm going the long way that's where the tower is no it's not might careful okay dude why am I slowed I'm slow for too long there get him oh God this is going to I'm taking I'm taking the long way around uh not the bow no oh the samples oh yeah I got I got the samples yeah all right there's a um let's let's startop moving backwards calls test the tower down behind us as we running nice yeah yeah yeah yeah oh meteor strike oh no this is just it's just free death it's just free death no guys you're going to get killed by the me your no yeah no yeah oh my God oh my God this is horrible surely if you stand in the crater of where one mete has landed the other never stries tally yeah but there's a chance me's never Strike twice is the rule isn't it yeah I think that one whoa oh God Jesus what if you dive does that increase your chance of survival I don't know follow me this this place is safe here I think this is a safe area over here by me so have people died by being hit by meteor in real only like seven times today oh in real life yeah oh I don't know probably these are the metos that actually get through the atmosphere about the size of a ch's head AR they and that that would still kill you yeah I think be very unlucky though oh yeah all right I'm almost the being in a plane on a transatlantic flight and then all of a sudden a tiny little meteor just hits the middle of the plane well would it cut in half or would it just go just punch a hole through it yeah it would punct you a hole in it I mean the cabin would de pressurize though wouldn't it yeah but that's not too bad quite bad isn't it they just give everyone little blank let's get one blank key they'll be fine and a Fabby SL yeah if we don't even need to freeze them um where is everyone guys was that a hell bomb right there is a hell bom there that we can use uh apparently lady did get hit by one and she's she had a massive bruise I love the way and she got a massive bruise who's ready for the double held one think it's time for Tes Tower yeah I put one in I Put A tes Tower in North 41 kills 42 kills 45 what I don't know just got 45 kills with the hell bomb come on zap him zap him more zapping it's quite zappy oh God not the not not not the not the T Tower oh you [ __ ] prick yeah he has him this is for my T Tower oh my God Ro he suffered for that one I'm out we have a give you some I can give you some yeah thank you Jesus oh God oh God there's so many oral laser inbound oh the orbital laser ah D Auto laser uh Supply pack here if you want me surely they hate that so much look at that dead uh there's a supply pack on the floor jack if you need more ammo you pick out press five throwing every impact grenade someone's already used it I know it was my old one I I've got a new one I've just been giving you guys BB strike you need some ammo St well no only grenades you can't give us that yeah oh it does work does give usce Supply pack the best item in the game N Strike after my tower I'm getting the crusher I'm getting the crusher oh baby b over there okay I've got a 500 kg in 5 seconds I'm going to stick it right no no no no no no leave it n they they hate Towers T oh he's got it yeah they um guys 500 kg bomb right in front of you jack in front of you jack run run run that's fine we got a delay right there's a delay on it Ando oh it was actually perfect here cooked four look at this um bug breach Northwest out a kg okay yeah lovely lovely do it another Tesla Tower coming up yeah I'm throwing mine over there another btan charger on the point charger on the point charger on the point oh bames oh yeah he's right here blame him bring him down no I'm going to reload no God come on he doesn't seem to M the Flames reload why am I why am I reloading I've got a Reload bug I think he does why am I reloading what the hell going on die got he got my leg off I should have been able to hop at him that was going I have visual on the Z all right land on him land on him land on him come on want to die I'm going to land on him come on come on he's dead he's dead he's dead get in get in get in get in get in all right get grab your STS grab your stamps everyone got stamps yeah nice his leg is blocking the door wow look at the Tesla tower look at that oh my God counting kills up for me I could see them on the bottom while we're extracting well that was sick the game is epic it's really good flamers don't work on Titans really well evidently I mean you could clearly damage them because we knocked off loads of bits off him but I don't know it doesn't seem to want to die there's a possible bug on the steam forums about B Titans they seem to be harder on PC hosted games and PS5 five hosted games yes that's true yeah no way wait why did we only get one star uh what I don't know how was that disappointing I don't understand why do we have they changed the way the SC do any of the side objectives and clear the desks and stuff uh look we did the mission that's all that's that's all there sure I would definitely recommend this game yeah I don't I don't understand we did really well there me Bob K ker Nick photos has Westy played again we crossed the Flames like Ghostbusters that was really sick I love what we did with the flamethrowers there even though apparently we didn't do as well as they wanted us to welcome back democracy's reach extends a bit further ah friendly fire damage 117 I think that was the Tesla Tower yeah welcome AB um I've got nothing else so right should I find a different a new one now thank 89 months is locked out I got LS Duke didn't I all right so yes what do we do hold on so more bugs then your heric we we've only got the four planets on this part to be curing which is they just staggering them like well it's be next week or something Meridia is volcanic rocks which I assume is very close to um yeah and then what was that one that has um earthquakes on the top left AATA Prime frequent earthquakes stun players and TR yeah it's like Dune isn't it yeah that by DED okay slightly different one here we've got an emergency evacuation yeah after not what gun is that well we were using the flame the flamethrower yeah rail gun is still good FTL jump successful hods Prime hell pods Prime Miss coordinates okay so we start here go up to down sorry B are you sleep sleepy no it's too it's too late for bong come on bongy let's get you to bed I thought it was Friday when I started the stream genuinely did yeah I I keep I actually thought it was a Friday just now cuz you mentioned that I keep thinking Friday Thursday right I'm going to I need a wait we need we need young yeah I do as well young Jackie in Jackie has to be in his pod come on Jackie let's get you into pod all right we're going in yeah uh flamy Flames are well it's Flames all day I think that's not the flamethrower that I picked I think it's going to be flames all day uh what should I do should I do Running Man stamina yeah those two will be back is the arc throw good I used it and I hated it what's the gun the yellow gun I have is the Liberator yeah but I'm using the breaker again just to see if it's any good and it is still very good you think the game is more unstable on PC I don't know I've not had any issues but we're going to try AATA Prime and see how it goes where did I get the Hood from uh I don't know actually I think I just I think I bought it in the store Maybe um that's lovely Bu bustards The Jump Pack's good with the flamethrower can you flame and jump pack Jack I see I see a certain Tower in your inventory it's giving me uh it's giving me I like the bad vibes oh no after all why not why shouldn't I kill my teammates oh why shouldn't I why shouldn't I uh I might bring in the Expendable anti tank as well does the game push you to spend money not at all actually no I use I'll get the laser orbital I think it is very good that's for the chat to decide got nice spread there nice mix a nice spread you can jetpack and flamethrower oh did they update and Patch the armors yes they did they've they've they made sure that was a priority what's on the store today I've not actually checked oh I could have landed on a bug to start and then got a flame for main CA galxy looks to you foration stop it stop messing it up um spear on you B oh Christ okay I got his head off uh shot is uh bug Bree West hey flamethrower is uh where's the bug I heard bug breach I didn't see it though there it is get rid we can see more if we get rid of this yeah I'm going to be I'm just going to beam these bugs but they might spew on me come back I'm dead the one spe yeah I thought the Flames would be strong enough to make them not be on me but they did oh my God I hate this trouble I got one I mean good job I B yeah I put a beam on him umal there all you stuff I hit him with a yeah he's dead uh thank you Jack I'll TR to test the tower back towards them can't wait to run into that later we should to see it in the desert that's where all my stuff is that I called in is it yeah yeah yeah right cooking the uh charger he's dead he's not dead may head die he is he not dead Jesus why I Cre what the hell he could we twice the electric it doesn't notice you and then attack oh God where's his stuff literally on it uh Jack you've got a a young Beamer on you hang on oh oh I'm I'm fire as I'm on fire and I'm and I've been flamed by sea because the because he was on fire when he ran into me oh God got him oh love please don't flame me though the enemy this is fine this just a nice gentle start to the to the mission what hit me then that was Tremor oh I see okay got him right where's my stuff who is Sean and why does he not speak the Tremors like spawn more bugs cuz the he can get rid it I'm going to try and push my look my flame throw is here look it's not that I that's close to it is it how close do you need to be I don't know I'm going to like you need I'm just going to prone up to it and see okay I don't think it'll get me here yeah it won't see you J how's it supposed to see I'm actually horrified by it come on ja you can get it I can't be H that okay I've got my stuff I'm grabing nice breach here Flames come on yeah Flames flam flam the triple thram flames on I I'll protect you don't worry yes that's that's all of them isn't it oh you can flame and dive in the air at the same time yeah yeah yeah backwards as well nice that was really beautiful call them a Tesla Tower wouldn't have been me couldn't do that's going to kill a I'm going to go get this first hard drive and dead and dead did it get you I'm putting them on the back on back on that stuff oh on the tower yeah oh wait have I put them on the tower no no oh God no they are quite close to it there ah they're fine they're fine it it's it' be funny if it didn't let of the b boy what's the mission cuz we literally just been fighting bugs and haven't been doing the mission at all I have don't worry I've got that sword what are you thinking about there D what's you what's made you giggle we were just you know I'm a little teabagging all right what's my load out flamethrower breaker shotgun which I'm testing because I don't use use the breaker I usually use I got bored of the breaker [ __ ] me this game looks amazing right I've inserted an SSD um and then the semi-auto uh pistol or the little machine gun pistol all right now what oh we have to align the tower do we where do I need to put it someone look at the thing do I do it where do I do it do I do on the other side I got the terminal you got the terminal where's the terminal oh cool cool I guess forever right so we got to do that again but over there about where we came from isn't it and by the way Jing unicorn thank you very much what's that what are you doing I can just hear some no I want it now look at that can I steal up you I'm like playing basketball with it I steal it off you hang on I can steal it off you look Can you steal it off me look Fall Guys why you can walk on it fall guys just dropped oh no Jack's now this is dangerous maybe we shouldn't play with the explosive barrel all right we're going door's already off but hey thank you jaring why is it so dark here uh where's the mushroom come on mush okay so we' got a nice bit of ammo there that's lovely yeah take that put laser time maybe why is the break action shotgun so awful uh is there any large bugs there someone's about to get air stried I've not wait when if the earthquakes happen cuz I swear there was one and I didn't really notice yeah I don't think they're very pronounced to be honest there you go there you go turn it on turn it on there you go good grenad here pills here are we winning I think so I think this is considered winning I'm going down to the bunker I got the medals and stuff done yeah I don't know oh and that almost killed me whatever that was almost killed me whatever something block I mean this is if this is hell yeah just sand and red isn't it well there must be a mushroom somewhere where is it mushroomy all you need to do is look in the Horizon look for that little mushroom C I think I see it is that there no no no that's not it it's just a rock Spott prepare to exterminate oh we need to get rid of this one down throwing grenade two down I have located the mushroom oh I missed the four the [Music] third what that didn't I was going to say that did hit right medium bug mes M ricated you see it you see the mushroom yeah found it I think he's around there was that the [ __ ] rock no it's come up on the map now that is the sport thing actually see it all right I'm near the other SSD 500 kg bombus I can't see the mushroom oh my God I'm looking for it I'm not seeing it what's my vertical fov why is he like doing a little stamping like that make a little love get down tonight that's a Barton should I throw um I've got a small orbital rail Cannon strike for it where is it on me and I'll see if it do focus it might go for it no it went for something else whatever I think it got a Crusher though no it didn't it got something shite going to do the objective hold on nice job yeah he doing the little Tippy Taps I got the terminal handing I can't actually see the mushroom cool down the SSD AC go lovely it's near impossible to see the stream no it's fine it's actually fine where sample um there's the SSD Sean puts the SSD into the machine you think Vince sella plays this game because just because of the just because his name Rhymes something close to one of the things in the I think he literally goes you know what I'm going to play this game give me he prob play it cuz it's excellent watched the video and you said samp and he was like this is the gamees for me S longing uh come we get ammo and stuff here did you get the you must have got the mushroom cuz we can see now no it was like a rare sample thing thany um bug breach oh that's bug breach I'm going a 500K 500 K there we go oh wait what it started and Miles yeah I didn't mean it for it to go that far but also watch out cuz it might kill you Le my I got two I got two that was pretty close Okay casual okay just stand oh okay now we now we're quaking oh the Quake but I don't see oh do you guys have screen Shake on running as you guys have screen Shake on yeah cuz I don't have it on so I can't see when there's an earthquake that that's why I'm not really seeing the visceral nature of it cuz I have screen shake off oh if you aim at the legs with the flamethrower they go down so quick yeah yeah just aim at the legs oh I see it like Cuts their legs off you just go for the legs and then it kills him dead quick now he has no legs he's still going for me yeah you're right the leg the leg met is strong oh that's a that's a giant fire for it oh the testd that look this is the testd watch out for that um there's also Jack this is it it's like a testy that's upside down floating upwards from the thing and then this is the floating liquid uranium uranium that's cool [ __ ] Ro that's like the rarest uh s in the game test um we're fine okay was Sean fine yeah he's all right look at him is Sean there he loves this game E's it we got two charges uh I've got a left leg that left leg run away from the 500 kg yeah they go so quick Jack OH Close yeah it's right it's right it's right y that's that's a hell bomb right next to you is it no that was that was that was me oh yeah don't shoot yet no no wa Jack Jack all you can shoot now wait till yeah let him get a bit let them run up a bit come on Lads not detained you want to move back B 28 kills oh my God 4 three Sean said oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah uh bug bre bug breach uh on me uh I might there we go my leg oh jeez watch out the cool down on the Tes Tower is actually quite quick yeah I wonder why think no one was using it maybe they I don't know I don't know how sh killed me there but grenading for actually still uh oh charger on me oh it's it's one of the charging M why did my character just get stuck on a railing for 5 seconds look at this come look at this charger here D he's got it's a charger Behemoth it's called what special different he got more armor it's variant yeah look at his face get a good look at him oh yeah I see him what's wrong with his face he looks like a yeah that's weird I don't think I've seen that before yeah maybe I just haven't noticed I hear him yeah the leg is just all right someone's taking my stuff over there it's weird cuz you wouldn't think the leg is a weak spot to fire but apparently it is I was definit the enemies in this game if the a certain body part Falls to zero HP they just die and that's why yeah yeah so if you just focus the leg while am I rocking after the Patch flamethrower um still the Rover oh we've got rescue people and also the breaker oh no hello Harry I think a Tesla Tower is probably one of the best they're nerfing hell bombs why bombs are fun aren't they um someone's left some sampes on the floor ah right next to the Tesla Tower yeah I just died um why do I see a Tesla Tower when there's don't worry is it fine is there a t out here Don't Fear the Tesla oh I see because this because this o oh this charger died to the Tesla Tower so it's still sparking all right I think right I got from this side Northwest right um the the civilians are running through the Chargers corpse yeah we need to keep calling them uh the hell divers are here little do they know uh die here we go suies are down there somewhere yeah uh yeah I've got some here yeah all right I'm just letting these men out okay There's A tes watch out yeah come this way Jack come around um there's quite a large horde here yeah I think they' actually spotted me all right I'm doing another one uh we only need uh six more and what of this hell bomb find this here what armor am I using I'm using the 50% chance to survive fatal damage armor did you see the video comparing the animations in this to mgs5 they really they've really exactly the same like the running and combat animations that's cool uh I think this is the last lot of civilians I mean when I was doing my my animation projects I would just basically overlay animations from other games and see if I can copy them if I flame this guy Jack you'll get taken a requisition for that really yeah I did it exactly as we completed the mission so well no yeah but like you you still get why are you burning him like that guys it's hor no one can know what happened here head been bur off I think we should um we should leave now yes for the Tesla Tower over there literally burnt her head off S well I tried to give you a hug afterwards oh on oh God that's not that's not that's not that's not that's not B There we go oh it's I pressed e but nothing happened has it broken you what are you doing he that's fine oh I know I oh no oh no Jack yeah it's broken yeah punch him like M him that might fix him no jck no please no J please no J please come back hit me this B me this isn't this isn't right it's not right it's not right I'm still alive Jack I'm still alive survive that are you just teleported are you stuck oh you can move now yeah guys there now we there it is oh that's my armor by the way my armor keeps me alive with 1% Health oh yeah the chance and that's and that's why just in case Jack decides to blow you up uh where are we going well uh to the extract Southeast oh yes oh what the hell I don't know I don't know what that was I know about that I don't know about something's going crazy legs legs legs legs he's dead the chosen one that's right he is the one um I feel sorry for shorty appears to be the only one playing no we're playing yeah we're playing we burn we burnt the bodies to make sure that that we didn't get in trouble from Super that's a side object jective cover up the evidence yeah you wouldn't want to go to uh jail would you El div's jail yeah what's super what's super Earth jail like probably really nice yeah oh treat so well oh Tomo wants a pee a taste does he jump are you are you off after this yeah yeah yeah well Tom's joining yeah yeah disgusting I've been killed by my own Rover thank you very much was that instant death as well oh my God I jump backwards into that that was death wasn't it um who's got the so samples cuz we just dropped them me it no it's not my body I don't think I have them you found them originally yeah but I think I died and then someone else picked them up um do I see a teser tower I bet not see a t Tower [ __ ] out where's my flamethrower move bloody move oh Jack's already halfway there grenades anymore it is a 4 minute extract I think Living on a Prayer oh I just I I got dropped into like seven spewers and I just couldn't like could do anything call re I've called you in no jail executions only there a ball Titan there like what on you uh on Sean I think oh yeah yeah ow I think there's a test Tower oh no it's Sean's but rail gun that's what it is like the AR thrower G yeah yeah yeah definitely J definitely is it nice and quiet over there Jack is it Paradise yeah lovely lovely lovely I wouldn't sa that all right requ Super Jail yeah Super Jail oh P me off I think bong's going to die I think I'm going to be fine yes my broke his leg and he he's lamed oh the B time oh no oh my God I did not hear that Spar the boss at all what how they miss thren come on come on help on me what's this really M you set yourself on fire I just I just span my mouse around well does it work it looks a bit weird watch hang on yeah go on it looks kind good already it reminds me of Mad Max Fury Road like furiosa was on me oh [ __ ] sorry oh where have you gone St what I I love I love the help that's where'd you go oh you're down there you just teleported dude out of existence you want some help yeah maybe okay I'm going to help you it killed me with his final swipe swipe guys get over here stop screwing around I'm messing about sords God ID that does look so awesome what if we did a little light show for the people coming in stay up okay wait yeah cross that's it do the cross yeah have you got the Super S oh God God really appreci you got you got you're fine why does no one appreciate your art right come on Sean and Bong I'd appreciate a lot more if I was alive well you are alive I can see you but now Zoo thank you the oh my God this time for the Tesla Tower right on the ex there is a Tesla Tower there that's what if I told you I'm putting a 500 Kg on you right don't run don't run towards the red lines I think we completely useless 500 kg bombs yeah it looks cool does look really cool really looks nice yeah well done guys they did look really cool to be honest I think it's safe that Tesla supp I put that down there yeah yeah that's come on help is socialism socialism is compatible with democracy look at this man there's like a field of bugs here is there and play has got some range on it though uh oh some nice supplies yeah yeah yeah get him get him ow burn this I almost died there's definitely some team kill there I can't even see I'm just holding m one yeah oh go Charger Charger Charger charer Char it looks cool though again yeah remember if the charger hits you whilst he's no Jack's off the edge he took a little tumble off the cliff right charger dead oh no how do I get back up you go the long way around through the massive hold of enemies now the [Music] turntables uh you good yeah yeah everything's fine fine right tell us when to stop yeah tell us stop thank you run on the right yeah oh the Rover about a t Tower right there how about that you ever think about that this this is a perfect spot for the flamethrower when we can just create the flame Wallop please don't die for the shot okay shot was here shot was here go watch out for the T Tower we got all the samples uh I'm going to say got a lot of them is this our first fourman extract of the day the sto UK thank you very much for the prime that's frag Jack how do you kill B Titans Now The Rail gun's still good great success good I think is joining so yeah you just leave you can leave now okay bye thanks for the Flames Jack I'm not actually I was just I'm just joking genuinely thinks like so nah nah it I'm off bye disgusting is he on team team speak I'll drag him in not at the moment team speak this Superior voice communication tool I'm saying go go go go go team user chel he is here he is and now Jack leing you hate me Jack yeah yeah I'm going by yeah all right see you okay see you all right so sh see you all right see you then bye then of En ands of in Australia it's like a million o'cl now though should be in bed yeah it's 2 a.m. a million o'cl yeah it must be at least 8,393 termined kills 4,500 automaton what does sea do he plays boomerangs for a living He just lingers as a reserve professional boomeranger I need to know what he does he he's on a tag sub bench but he gets paid to to be there yeah just to be there whenever Ella Ella what my armor I was doing a solo M and Creek the other day and um let me tell you I had let me tell you I it but not yet so you basically got beaten off massively yeah yeah does it tell you how much friendly fun friendly kills 50 only 50 friendly 16,000 enemy kills I think that's a good ratio good sake right what are we doing we're doing short Mission oh they're all long Miss they're all long missions Harry but you're going to love the flamethrower what's on the store I'll go check the store you're about to die 200 times in one session by your friends uh what's in the store what's in the store what's in the store just want fire tornado that's all I care about the weather stuff yet we got the strikes and the earthquakes but not the fire locked at the moment so that's can't get them yeah it'll be H right here we go then you get getting your pod getting your pod oh I'm level 40 and tomy's level 50 wow wow wow the max yeah so only the nerdiest nerd to level 50 yeah gross I'm so far ahead of you st yeah yeah right about that little side objective uh well we can run back there yeah if you'd like we could start there yeah I hope they do a version of the game where you can bring in more strategems more yeah I want more than four you get like Mission strategems so sometimes you do get extra strs that are added missions about no cool down strats un definitely oh yeah let me bring the flame boy I mean can we still take a a BT out with a flame boy uh bit more difficult um four of us stood under his belly flaming him and he didn't die yeah he got bombs what armor is Jack wearing that's the Halo armor yeah Jack's got legally distinct legally distinct Halo armor if you go to study and 200 Gamers twitch channels right now you can get it you can't twitch Prime twitch Prime money money twitch Prime as well then you get it that's not true no I'm I'm liking the Tes Tower at the moment oh yes yeah oh yes got go prone to get around it okay okay is that how you get around it you can't go they can't zap you in it when you prone there you go ja was correct is that is that a moon is that a moon that's no moon no moon I see Wesley posted in of your mcgreer impression did he I didn't think he I was it right I can't remember here come on I can't remember I can't remember what I said he said something and it's you McGregor's voice I was like that's you McGregor and then he did it again and then he said it was like Shrek but not as deep so like his cup oh it's it's like you just say you you what just Shrek say he go donkey donkey he says donkey but then but then you just put a little little soft voice on to but he's a bit Scott that's you that's you hey what's up guys how are you doing what's up guys it's me it's not you it's me you and McGregor playing two that's it that's it no that's not it playing hell div two I'll take it um freed forever going just throw that there Rising destroy this Tower I don't know I'm just going to throw that and see what happens uh I'm not going to say anything either it's just going to occur yeah just going to land on my head and be fine double laser that's lovely work I think we've EV killed him and there's no way you even saw him yep he's dead it actually worked out for the best oh and the teser tower good good good good good good good love love uh do we have a Spore spew somewhere is there going to be a mushroom you to go with the flamethrower yet Tom y yeah I've got one oh you got one with you yeah I've got one with me my little pocket I little pocket all up to that I'm going to try and 500 kg theal broadcast sorry he's already bared it well I tried to barrage it but it's missed everything ah nice kg going in and boom I think I think your barrage did get actually in the end here in my bar oh my God I almost ran into the desert Tower are you crawling around it I'm just experimenting you know I know there's things in this game that make you stand up so you got to be careful like if I go next to this rock too close I'm going to stand up I feel safe um I've got like skulls on my boots underneath we the Buddies yeah the hell diver logo what the hell skull of humanity is what the hell diver seems to be fine here to start doing this I was I I was fine I wouldn't stand up there Jack you got right next to it [Music] yeah it's going to scare me I think got a charger on me here sorry yeah we're too busy testing stuff Tom I so you're prone Well Jack is doing oh I'm pushing the limits of the oh I see not to 60 in 2 seconds not to 60 in 2 seconds the moving Tes Tower is it watch out Tom me yeah it's pretty flamy over there and you're dead W two people dead why would you do that guys guys why guys hello just team killed us it wasn't me you believe to when he said that earthquakes oh earthquake it's just another compulsive lie God U do you guys are C I'm going to throw you your stuff I think reinforce is the T Tower still there well probably they seems to last a long time some this prick [ __ ] still there I need to get my stuff I'll deal the eggs myself okay it's gone what's the mission H eggs something here The Elon Musk Tesla Tower is it play got fun yeah I like it a lot I also like burning myself pain yeah I mean I'm setting myself on fire but that's all part of the fun just scream the flashlight is definitely brighter there's a flashlight in this game yeah what's the button on your gun depends on the gun you have yeah when you hold R might have on your secondary I'm dead I flew too close to the Sun to the Sun love that oh this the smg's got one as well yeah and also Bo bre not bug breach oh I hit that I hit that the hit in the face he didn't he didn't seem to care CU you notice the slug like destroys the ones that try and shield themselves to there's a lot of bugs here um well the Assassins no the ones that like dig their knees into the ground and like right off I'm using the breaker today see if it's uh worse but it's pretty much exactly the same well it's got less ammo less spread less damage but pretty much it is it is still you know I want to try that spray and prey one yeah I need to unlock it first okay some yeah yeah why not behind you spray oh yeah you spray like at their feet it does better spray yeah yeah yeah the legs get off him there's loads of ammo down here loads of ammo Lo touch are you P for the testy already are you uh not not not the testy not the testy just ammo no no I found the testy well touch it off then I will uh Jack than you the 47 months we haven't done any eggs yet yeah I'm I'm on my way I'm on my way Jack don't worry in this game is EAS after how effective is the flamethrower against the eggs uh very good you can do all the eggs in one volley one fou swoop that's too far Magnum if you shoot some of the bugs in the head it doesn't kill them instantly and then they die a few seconds later it's like they didn't realize bleed as a bleed mechanic sometimes you'll take a massive impact and then not get up on your feet for ages but then just randomly die cuz you blood out what's this machine gun why does that look different okay I'm going for the eggs I need um grenades there as well see if I can do all the eggs in one in one flame to Northwest oh yeah go Northwest oh yeah the other one's next to the EXT I keep me down maybe I'll survive that's pretty satisfying I only got 50 3 out of 60 though oh right you just you were on fire and you died I stay FR that entire time what do you mean I was right next to you um I am dying in flames and I just kep stemming through it and that's on you really if I was spinning around you should have seen me spinning say hello to the yeah um what that baby from straight no no no he's almost dead yeah is that called BT are the monsters aren't they the black whispery oh yeah what's the baby called Baby John oh BB John baby John baby John baby is my favorite baby of the mall destroyed I'm find kg bomb this I don't have any ammo how effective that's going to be but you never everyone for your lives I wonder if the wow all of them oh you did that quick it was just one bomb did them all nice right last last egg sorry not last bomb Tomy you're right you seem to be it was stuck over there I want say Stu and you know out prepare to exterminate yeah you fine yeah yeah how they blown fire back towards me breath he like pared the fire and it came Liz Dax here with a tier three where are these uh 15 months longer than expected well you never know they're like blue you w h was is only getting stronger yeah they not been on our while Call of Duty gets weaker be great if Joel's pman in thank you very much for the tier 360 months thank you come on Joel come on Joel God really well we got a bug Nest here Jack I don't think he ever hases he ever said well I'm dead then okay will reinforcing premise I have thrown it roughly towards your body I am still running away from you though so you're going to have to deal with that on your own okay okay that was very effective on him we actually speedrun this are we getting good I don't know about that I think we need more teser Towers to be honest I think they're actually more effective than it seems but we just need to not kill each other with them I have and four charges on me now yeah I hate that you can't throw the grenades like from the side into a a apparently they've made it better but I don't know how they made I'm going to Che the tower in and see if it UPS the eggs yeah it's supposed to be easy now maybe it's like better with impact grenades ooh some common samples oh dear me it's it's not what you expected oh there's a lot of bugs down here let me tell you got a SLE oh the Tesla hit hit a bug and then it's AB on to you oh that's so buggy Jack don't worry I can we flame on flame on Jack oh my God you can flame them together behind you jack I'm out ammo ammo on me follow me the ammo uh stuff Tom follow me to the ammo what was that b have you fully upgraded all of your like ship uh I think there's a couple I haven't done I don't I don't really use the turrets too much I've not done those yet there's ammo on this deck two two lots of ammo right here oh nice thank you oh my God man I should be able to seal the nest with the flamethrower that's one's there yeah we were saying that Water Rising Dead is he dead he's dead he's dead he's dead a the flamethrower is so fun yeah I'm glad it's good it was terrible before even H another Crusher reload oh some super credits oh Jack is he dead have you killed him I you have killed him I haven't killed that one though get my leg Dead everything is flamy oh yeah everything is flamy everything is cool when you T oh so good oh God I need I need s now oh yeah I got incendiary grenades they're pretty cool oh there you go did I just burn someone I wasn't sure where tell me where you are yeah do you want it are you sure yeah I mean they are defending this last I was uh I was taking on too many enemies for one person you're just practicing from a level on so oh guys somebody's left some samps right up in the top look bet it's like one coming but I'm going to have to go oh yeah everywhere is fire watch out watch out for them watch out for them yeah that's right I took what are you saying St use your words it was it was coming in the resupply and Bong almost ran straight into it but you were body blocking me yet well maybe all the eggs is that the Tes all of them that's called democracy almost that's flamy that's it nice let's get rid of these uh bugol you got a A for that no who's using the jet pack Tomo I think ey Tomo samples he's abandoned atic you're level 50 oh one rare SLE [ __ ] sake that's why I left it was what I said how do you know how do you know it's one rare cuz I picked it up one rare SLE oh you went all that way and got it oh my God where's where's where's the mushy where's the mush care for the one SLE mush there must be a mushy somewhere common sample right leg right leg right leg right leg right leg right leg oh you still got go for limbs with a playing yeah yeah yeah works really well killed it we killed it almost instantly to be honest yeah that's crazy there's a ball TI y Happy Little J over here die big hit nice um oh nice I'm not I'm not going to use my uh rail gun then they need purifier on this planet as yeah they do I'm going to call in extract round call nice I really really want them to make the bile flammable so that when they spew on you you could Set Fire To The Flame throw and it'll just you could see the fire go up the you also need an armor that is just flame resistant yeah yeah I was saying that like a damage 25% damage reduction to flames or something mhm helmets that make it so your turrets kind of don't fire when there's an ally in line sight yeah they could have like little mini perks on the yeah so you could just build that a little build okay this is really dark I can barely see what's going on the dark areas feel it's got more dark well I think it's just night time on this planet isn't it where are the mushrooms that planet is the wrong way around up there what do you mean no what do you mean look at the Rings but it doesn't they're not always flat like it's space it's yeah it's like there's no there's gravity you heard gravity what's gravity like it just looks weird like that you see in the pict I think they're wrong cuz it's not flat either like that should be a flat plane true it should be flat like the Rings are just made up of dust and atoms and stars St billions of billions Stars billions and billions of stairs hey C up they just yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah just yeah yeah keep buring me keep keep doing that absolutely zero threat from the charger there and then no no we're stopping the charger from getting to you that's the point yeah I feel it oh there's a nice Tes Tower over there as well oh yeah bar just going to be fine yeah yeah yeah it's it's fine chill out yeah 500 kg yeah two minutes left yeah yeah yeah I love that okay guys right stop it oh chargy boy right leg right leg right leg right leg right it's just done you he di Flames man yes when you invited me to this barbecue I didn't I didn't realize I was on the menu there we go that's so good as I turned around Z was prone and the FL cuz I didn't see him so it looked like You' skillfully dodged under my team attack maybe I did okay that's lovely uh resupply coming in by the way 3 two 1ed getting cooked in the replies um supplies on me guys right here I see is what uh 51 seconds there's a shield here any wants it throwing Gren aim for the legs aim for the legs cook the legs you're dead you can't see me you got ahe ow need so much what's that what's that looking at in send grenades use oh yeah yeah why you laugh that I'm just always on fire so I don't know what was yours and was the Flames okay you'll see it there if you look yeah yeah yeah I've got I've got the incendiary grenades like a little mini nuke yeah it's just Flames everywhere yeah there you go there you go it is good like all four in the air there you go there you go look at that that's not me not me not me the no what the hell no get in everyone we need wait what happened oh my god get in where are the samples where are the samples we are leaving no we only got 6 seconds got to go you got to go get in get in get in you have to get in I go without me for goodness sake man I think lost like all the s and all the brain cells brain cells gone quick pick my brain cells up quick everyone Flame the sky now flame St watch this mini nuke oh dear thank you cut jeez absolutely Flawless extract yeah yeah yeah perfect oh wait where's Jack I tried to just get on the ship as soon as possible so I went right to the right next got super SS that's yeah yeah that's fine got the good [Music] ones New Order Up Liberate the mech suit planet um is that new is there like a new planet to is it wait wait wait mech suit planet Triant personal order complete uh stats accuracy is not too damage zero that's definitely not what happened I've got 16 we've got one more mission in this operation to do yes and then we're going to do the mech production [ __ ] oh yeah liberate tan help you're a new line of combat EXO suits by liberating the planet where the production facilities are located oh so basically once we once that planet is liberated then the mechs are going to be unlocked yeah oh is that what they're doing maybe look it says be done in two days behind it yeah sounds like maybe if we do that then it'll un lot the X yeah think so wait so if we it again St H just one more time so max right I think unlock them if we defeat the planet Hey where's my 45 medals for the and back to you bong in the office back to you in the studio bong that's right if we Liberate the planet we may get Max yes wow that's a great Theory um should we bin this Mission off then and go and be be off the mech or no we're going and finish this then flamethrowers is I've got an hour until I got some spawny so God money [ __ ] sake Mech Planet you want to do you want to do me Rainbow Six Siege you want you want to do you want to Mech what well let's just see maybe we can make a difference I don't get it Mech sounds like make Tom I just don't get it though make and Mech they sound like similar words all right um we're going to go so where do we where do we go oh my God this is new planet team one this is where this is where they make the me unless you're from Yorkshire is also this one just has this one just has meteor storms it's going to make a difference oh that's true um so we're going to do what we got want to do is this maybe we'll maybe we'll get the Mex ruce their numbers that's a piss easy one this one that's like that'll be done in 10 like three minutes all right let's do what if we get the Mex guys it says if we lose use tnan the deployment of exites will be delayed this I don't think we've ever fought on this planet before no no it's this is brand new planet this a brand new planet just opened up this is a brand new planet brand new planet and this is how you un the brand new planet that's just opened up someone's just messaged me on Steam going please go and attack T quad now I like the way that people take this very seriously what are you doing on the bug Planet God what an idiot um right Mex mean though isn't it youve seen all the Tik toks it's crazy oh yeah yeah Mev on Creek yeah I mean it's rail gun isn't it it is just rail gun it is rail gun it is rail gun unfortunately yeah I'm not sure the flamethrower is going to cut it against the uh anyone want to bring well you can bring some sort of mortar Jack's brought mines incendiary mines for yeah yeah I wanted more fire yeah Jack could SU it's not meta Jack let's kick him let's kick him get rid of him I'm going to try the AR they didn't actually change the AR thrower at all did they I tell you what tell you what you know what it's very good against charges I'm going to the tower I'm also going to the tower everyone stay away from the ground I'm going full electric this build electric build um Jack have you got the I don't have anym have you got the the heart um yeah dog yeah you put that I feel like the the problem with the the teser tower is they're just going to shoot it by robot yeah they do yeah see a streamer bind their strateg and call direction to a Dance Dance Revolution game pad Gabriel we're on do that with his standing desk oh yeah we're using uh the studio thing wow directly is this tan yeah this is it yeah all right so where the max we just got to defend against them defend where are they immediately let me get them there they might drop in for us that would be nice so how how do you how would you get 425 kills watch out for big lad oh no and there's a tank immediately I did put some incendiary minone just so you know I'm um putting down a Tesla Tower one big dead I'm putting down a Tesla Tower watch out for it watch out the this place alive that's quite a lot watch out B I'll need those guys for you okay F thanks it it did n them though didn't it yeah it did you did what you said on the tin oh yeah um we should oh my god oh hi oh that was close by Tomic what whaty watch out for the men okay the flame is absolutely dog against yeah they're made of metal Jack oh is that what robots made of yeah they're made of metal you see oh [ __ ] hell oh yeah there's a tank there ning two two impact nades by the way for those tanks not always that's ridiculous I think it's four what is it if you hit them in the what's it called the crotch yeah in the if you hit them in this the critical spot this is absolutely insane yeah and we still we're only we're not even halfway through this is a actually like this is a sick Place defense missions they have they made it way harder you have to kill way more enemies than you used to as well and they've extended the mission time into like 15 minutes instead of five more coming samps you have to go for faces the little tiny stupid faces yeah and the big armored ones they're so cute oh another tank another tank here right on us right on us over here watch out Jack watch out on your right tank off the edge I don't see the tank just off the edge of you there I can deal with that hold on I want to live killed by a rocket Devastator I mean they've just pummeled me into a [ __ ] Nook and then stamped on me he ra his boys nice start you just e that man the tank is trying to hit me but it can't cuz I'm literally on it oh God hang on uh landed in the wrong place shoot it in it vents only only when you have a power weapon for it ah I'm dead by burning yeah we got flame throw by the dreadn okay try and land on the tank I don't have any nades I'm landing on it oh it's I got it I got it I got it I don't have any nades resupply no I'm stuck in about a th000 Mees this is a much cooler area yeah this is a really interesting new map really so tiny before these areas reinforce all right need a resupply putting it in the middle put a uh Tesla Tower right there no grenad no what have you done I uh guys maybe run may run may run maybe run for your goddamn Lives why cuz that bounced what bounc bounc that by time graphic yeah pretty sure I gave you about 10 seconds of warning there and you stood there and was like what I dived off I dived oh for goodness no what's up that's me Jack please sure to like And subscribe who's in the wait bong's on the floor I'm fine I'm fine all right do not go north right now there are many men wait no watch out for the Tesla oh yeah wait mission complete mission complete always tell you a teammate you I'm pretty sure the Tesla Tower is at me I watched the Tesla Towers Z Jack they get away from the Tes Tower don't oh no no no no no I'm too to I'm actually okay no this is mental oh what that's not fair I died instantly what difficulty is this level seven why did you just instantly mince me then Sor meany there a Time coming great put a N Strike on it no not the tesy tower going to get killed by my own tesy Tower ship is landing get on the ship get on the ship we are leaving um the ship is on fire the ship is on fire where are the SS any SS dive in no samples I can't why is there so much fire on the ship I got zapped by the f hang on hang on hang on I'm going to get you guys in I'm going to get you guys in hang on oh God I'm in no it's even why did you get in you can't get him in now okay you can try never mind never mind never mind why' you get in you're not supposed to get in we could we could have got in too soon uh tabster thank you for the 99 months Boy the 13 months as well here you got on First on I was dead no you got on first B you got on first must have been your the only one on it before St me and Jack died outside the ship nah nah nah definitely saw someone gone before me I died before I even got there what do you mean nah it was definitely tomographic yeah got six easy medals there lovely there you go yeah those environments are way cool than the little tiny defend missions before yeah they need to address that cuz the farming was crazy for that mission yeah well they did that's why I said they needed to but but I think you could still Farm them but then again I think they probably changed the environments now so there's Tower you can sit on yeah how we do we did right the enemies actually um to you yeah before you just you know exactly where the spawns are going to be might go I'll go SL I'm going to go SL I'm going to go Slugger again how many people are on this planet the galactic War for no one can you see that yeah if you press escape and go back like out only there you go all right um do you want to do sabotage air bases oration get in what is the blue armor uh it's what's it called uh preorder bonus orbit synchronized bong's armor oh in the what does the blue armor actually do bong um it's just blue is it it's just blue yeah tell you cool um you want to go there do you yeah and then we'll go up and yeah probably not in the enemies um it says it's got higher armor rating that's great promotional armor made by Sumi Corp as part of a highly successful marketing campaign for frozen yogurt wow that's jokes uh we'll do that and we'll do well the T Tower did work anti Robo I'm going to try the AR throw again you can do autoc Cannon the impact needs but then you need your Shield you see do you see the problem you don't need the shield at all plus it's been nerfed oh it has been nerfed a little bit they did Nerf it in the up just boring all right just boring St all right all right just something that you wear and it protects you well listen I would use a fire thrower no no it makes sense cuzz even though they've fixed armor now I still don't think heavy is worth it so it's about to just take light with that Shield yeah for the 50% survival what's my fov um I actually don't know I'll check in a second whenever you ready uh just a booster oh you've got the big missile yeah the anti the thing is guys the breaker and the rail gun are still really strong and basically still the best weapons of the game still never heard of this Tesla guy pretty sure Elon invented Tesla Towers yeah he did mhm he invented the flamethrower as well remember that little like plasticky flame he invented Internet too is okay um they've already called in a butt drop butt drop I mean Jack can probably spear out the sky now we going are we going we going to go northeast first right do it's not in yet though uh 500 Kg on you jack don't run forward do not run forward Jack do not run forward oh I got the tank as it landed got him oh baby baby it's time oh to face the 500 kg it's time suce the nuke um and now oh the slug has got 60 rounds now instead of 40 that's a big buff yeah yeah he said loudly that's a big buff yeah the test doesn't work cuz they just shoot it so yeah and there's a tank right there tank right there good I'm going to beam him Dy destroy the drop ships eh yeah yeah the ones on the floor I don't think I've done this one stay in cover stay in cover bong there he is there he goes lovely all right let's push in they they're going to Nerf the 500 kg surely soon as well cuz Nerf the fire you get two but it's shite I don't like the nerfing of everything I think just bring bring up exactly oh wait what how did I I shot it with the auto Cannon I was going to say what I DED one in there nice I love the auto Canon absolutely love that thing find it more useful on the rail gun on this uh on the robots yeah eting them into uh the factories from miles away yeah taking out the taking out the um would you just shoot at the vents with the aut Canon yeah and it ricochets in oh of course it does got slug slug is feeling crispy right now what's the slug it's a shotgun but it just fires slugs yeah reloading really nice and you get 6 rounds now you can blast the cargo doors off um we've got a Jammer somewhere where is it oh it's this thing it's this thing it's this thing almost got an angle on that turret there can I just destroy it with the rail gun reloading get I'm getting in there right now oh a sample okay I got one of the turrets done nice there's a fabricator here as well if you get an angle I can throw I can throw a in if you go be rud to interrupt to Hest I think I've taken out lots of Walkers crisps is going crazy right now he Gary oh Slugger is crazy right now great this staggers the the annoying rocket guys oh my God I think I think they've improved its hit registration as well cuz I'm it seems to be hitting a lot more what's this objective that we going to I think it's just be against the B like the hit boxes on the bugs weird um I can never hit the little on this this yeah there we go then now we can use our they nerfing instead of buffing everything uh another one over there what are they what are they nerfing it was a p easy with the rail gun before but like yeah what I mean is you got to have something that is like base your your starting point right mhm yeah I hear you what's the ranker reloading in terms of balancing another far yeah somewhere above too oh my God Slug It Slug it oh I'm dead good good I'll mark that as dead yeah yeah yeah yeah where reloading right where's my stuff there it is there Jack yeah I'm just trying to do this objective okay remember you can run away and you will lose aggro if you like go stealth and lose sight like run into trees run behind rocks go like Crouch they won't find you fire in the hole oh no I'm too close I like that it implies that the automatons have fought the bugs cuz there's massive like yeah carcasses of that's cool uh thany what's it called again it's called environmental storytelling that's the one oh my tank there he's dead requesting a support this might be good oh this this might be very very uh profitable for mey there's a bunker here bunker on me one more fabricator down bunker bunker here battles Ando andsit uh would buing the ball over my B you uh Jack can someone come here watch out for that oh the that was insane turn around hang on there's a big lad call SSD it's looking for there's a bunker right here okay have medals a it could have and look just as an incentive I've blown up a hell bomb behind you oh lovely that's an incentive not to turn around yeah okay what I needed uh yeah are you right with that Hulk St yeah I'm good you got him here yeah I'm good I'm good I'll be absolutely fine St super credits the flame love extra STS uh Big Turbo turet up there nice nice start nice nice trying to find an angle think this base is Tank's just here oh cool oh that obje is broken I can't call in the sssd there might be a Jammer yeah don't think so cuz I can use other Str nice see you stood in the exact spot to call it in dealt with someone else try see rail gun is still insanely strong what's up careful of the you're careful where where where where no me the chest I'm trying to find the back angle when a me coming out once we defeat this planet I think we get the me two for the shot you're safe from the turret uh there is a fabricator right yeah let me find an angle and L one in mightn't want to die like what the hell N I need the uh I have to get it into the vent M he's dead he's not what's this again oh destroy the honestly I've hit him about there you go not sure why truing cinder's into the pit with me was the the your brightest idea in that moment is the best idea I've ever had uh me shower we got like electric they're electric or ice I think ice ice B did it land on you yep got I need help with a tank over here tank tank y [Music] SE got get in quickly got laser for it we're not here now we're fine uh okay I died to something before I could get the laser out oh can I get you back hang on yeah there's a hell on there oh me too probably oh yeah me is what the my laser didn't reach is it safe hit the turret on top of the tower next to you st yeah could yeah I could have done that doesn't seem safe about shot me right on my stuff right let's go this way can't get to the back of the if you can bait the turet yeah that way there you go dead nice job what's my primary I'm using the Slugger I'm using the Slugger all right I need to call in the SSD yeah ra rail gun smash oh right yeah no Jack you have to Chuck it in like the perfect spot it's usually marked but no it wouldn't let me like I did like the down down down down and then when I went to the up up it just wouldn't a yeah it it wasn't yeah it wouldn't let me do it all right well I got it I'm going to upload now like on Stargate where s does this like I have even more um slots as well or magazine don't think so I maybe oh God damn it that's going to be bar drop not bar drop I'm putting on where the drop right don't run towards that cuz that's where the bot drop's going to be is this good timing oh yeah oh that's good timing of course I did I literally said don't run a tank I was just thinking I actually think the AR throw is quite good uh see if you can nade the back of that tank rocket pods on it yeah that should do it oh that's going to be lovely that system processing look at that oh that's lovely that that's really nice actually um I will mess with this should be a hell yeah right everyone run oh God what do you mean is it going to blow run east yeah that that Tower blows up look how sick that looks what happened Jesus we abely smash this this a good Mission haven't done this one in a while yeah destroying drop ship stuff yeah where's W playing War isn't he every time I stop stationary to do that reload it's just Prime Mele melee bait can I climb up here do you think I was doing the other day as saak will punched me off a cliff I died yeah there must be a way up here I cinematic of me reloading looking in the distance oh maybe this be a thumbnail come on yes dude I didn't think I can get through it but I can I'm so sorry Jack I'm really sorry all over the place there's one over there [Music] why I'm really sorry for that doesn't sound very sorry I I didn't realize until until you came over the hill how close you were what was it a hell I shot a hell bomb yeah say hello to the there's no distance on your there was no saying no Jack run cuz you just too close regardless you're gone mate you're gone requ support you forgive me though right well well right the forces are on the way over see if I can jabing the [ __ ] when it comes in oh my God it should be the uh rers not the ship itself I don't know maybe where going all right oh my God it it just instantly disappears oh my God it's landed on the floor oh I died not dead what the hell reloading drop me on him you yeah I'm dead I'm alive I'm dead you're alive but you're dead yeah yeah in the game yeah I think this takes a couple of hits now though doesn't it we'll see I can always just throw an impant directly on where you land that's fine I'll just throw right on it not yet yeah I not yet like that should be good now I have be ready of be ready if you want you can do that when when you're ready why is it not dang I've hit it with a the impact as well that's dead lovely another fabricator up here see what I'm shooting got the other Fab done nice gg gg yeah and me Sur if you just sit in some cover you can't be you can't die for means that did get in a hole that Meteo just triggered the nuke yeah well it would wouldn't it okay I see now see you've got to look out for the bright white light that's at your feet that's when you're about to die I'm I'm in cover there's no way I'm ding there's no way that's getting destroy absolutely no way that I'm going to die in this hole calling in reinforcements calling in reinforcements we're all fine that's a tank we done with the metor show now yeah big tank big tank where is Adam uh behind me to the north we done with the Met SH now no okay we done with the meter okay why won it lock onto it what the hell we done with the okay the meters are done good Bren I can do this with it get it oh nice PS just don't run into it those things don't have as much Splash anymore but they do more damage more concentrated damage and the grouping is tighter I love love that FR us I realized when I was doing the solo I can actually use the auto Cannon and shoot and wherever I shoot the enemies like it's like when you throw stones or bullets in games if I just shoot the enemies will go towards where the was yeah that's cool bait them to go somewhere some supplies ahead of us they follow the sound of the impact not the sound of the shot oh we got another we destroyed that yeah I mean ultimately when they lot lot of chat going on about like the balancing and stuff and I think that as long as as long as whatever they do helps make the game fun and yeah like so making the flamethrower viable against bugs is really good like theyve not made they've not made the gun the game Less Fun by nerfing the rail gun I I just wish that they brought more guns up than I know they have in a way like for instance the Slugger is really good now yeah flamethrower needed it they've got the breaker and the throw needs a little bit of help the breaker needed a Nerf because it was literally one trick pony oh every single person on and their mom uses it yeah I think ultimately you got to have lots of different builds that are all viable and then people can have more fun just come on they were having it like like and also there's like toxicity of people like kicking people from games like right before they extract so they don't get an material rifle STS actually like top three against robots it's better than the Canon against shooting the robot like uh you can hit them in the yeah it's it's particularly good for solo cuz then you can obviously move while reloading and you don't need a four minutes that stationary reload with the aut Cannon is pretty rough yeah I think to be fair I think the breaker did need a Nerf rather than stuff being bought up to it just because it was like it's like a sniper as well as I do think it was too powerful yeah I agree kill all three of you with this AR thrower um I'd rather you didn't but yes you could if you want to do you want to no I I just wanted to try yeah well well you know I mean we got reinforcements if you want how many oh God yeah I will go on no no no no go on I'm not brave enough go on B we're all waiting he temped I mean it won't kill St cuz he's got the shield on you have to take that off first do I want it okay and someone's put a 500 K someone's put a 500 K I think it's me it's run run run run run jump off jump off jump off jump off jump off jump off just get out jump off jump off jump off jum it's not a wide explosion look you were right on it Jack die no he di he di he a Nerf you think it needs a Nerf oh help um anyway anyway I just I was just trying to keep you alive guys and then someone shot me so someone so you wasted okay oh there's another T there behind the other tank ow and he's dead no he's not dead he just gave up on him for some reason there's a Fab all the way down there yeah see if you can get it home I can't not facing this way can you just destroy it by shooting at it directly I think you can get my EXP Ricochet watch um it didn't Ricochet it's definitely blowing up on it it's definitely blowing up on it it's definitely 100% BL up on it but it's not going to destroy it I have to get it in the hatch no I don't think the could hit the tank really I don't know maybe I like it might I mean you can kill a charger with it yeah but electric against flesh that's fine oh I see what you're saying I don't know you probably got to aim it right at the uh the vent of the tank actually I like there's never a reload on it yeah think I found an angle for that Fab yeah like I have to go in the ocean basically to get the angle I think they have Chang it to the AR throw doesn't seem to bounce back at you so much yeah cuz before the first time I ever used it I kept killing myself cuz they were too close to me and Za them and then Z me this should be a Prett good Mission cuz we that's making sure that rocket Devastator doesn't use his Rockets you bastard yeah you have to aim just below the joint to get the walker with this with the Slugger oh that was close almost died on the actual joint itself didn't know those rocket Devastators had p uh lasers T down here okay I've shot the like 20 times scaming the stupid faces there we go in the faces in the faces I've shot him in the face with the Magnum five times why you just shotgun his entire body that look slug is uh packs a punch cuz it does all of the damage in one are still moving in one uh oh yeah idiot stupid idiot robot people think the break is is better than the Slugger because they see that it does more damage but it's that damage across all no there's a tank us it's that damage across all of the pellets start whereas this is concentrated damage in one right like it does more damage because every it does the full amount of damage every damage H right don't get land to Tesla Tower watch out don't get landed on and get in come on come on come on oh someone put 500 K C Jack Jack oh my God it was Karma that was one second away from being di why would let me in I regret this mistakes were made a backpack stratum that is a faraday cage I like it you going Get Zapped yeah get some get some get some get flamethrower no the flamethrower is actually good against bugs the flamethrower is actually good against bugs if a theme tune was recorded like an like an Indian guitar I don't think I've got time for another one that's fine sorry finish out I've got half an hour I finish out the mission yeah yeah yeah we'll get it done we literally race through it otherwise straight to the pods well what mission is it it's um quick I tion oh no it's as quick as we can do it oh no that's not a fast mission is it not fast at all just 30 dogs isn't it yeah 30 dogs yeah it's only 30 I mean if we can do it in 10 minutes I mean I mean to be fair you could just leave and then we'd still complete it right or just play for 10 minutes if you have to go all four yeah just go away right we straight into the pods go go go go go what super it's fine we're going going going get in the the pods getting the pods speed speed Gone Gone we're gone ever considered using expend tank too annoying right so we'll start oh no it's one of the I thought it was just no no no no no yeah you better leave it's two teams oh yeah yeah yeah we can do that go one way one way team just dies respawned over on this okay so well me and Jack will go left we'll get no we have to start the we all have to start in the same place remember split we'll start here at the bottom no start here in the middle don't want to swim fine you can walk that bit I'm pretty sure you can walk yeah we're we're going to risk it for a biscuit it's not all deep um anything else yeah rail gun yeah the same shite whatever um use your weapons go right just remember that whenever one of you dies the other person who's with them has to call in the redeploy and if two of people die at the same time gissi then you're ruined cuz we're not going to be able to get you back are we on a planet that has rings uh yes wow man precious the same Planet yeah same plan defend democracy oh we got J over there me and Jack are heading over you got that that direction which direction toward is that test there uh guys guys guys what that that that ping over there I just got shot at oh it's the S me BL flying uh no this is deep I don't think we can walk over this where we going this we're going Northwest okay yeah that is quite pain these guys are going towards that turret then yeah it's clobbering me why can I not J in that just killed myself with the ra this is now you can't call one in for another 8 minutes hang on I'm going to help him with this turret before I come to you there's a satellite here we can do and then we can actually see everything you will never all right it's distracted by me right now you might be able to get a shot on the vents I'm going to dieck there you go got it dead 10 let's go oh my God I can't destroy this Tower I'm coming do we want to do the satellite start or no he SC I don't know he'll Mark everything on the map but I guess not screw it whatever you want want whatever open fire I'm cing what you trying to do with um everything right there's a fabricate here sure how you like of Freedom so we've got go and I've run out of nades cuz I missed everyone got this is a sneaky Mission J we're going in Mission don't know where you go oh is they going to hit me no you're fine you're fine nice very good bloody love this Slugger oh yeah right we've got we're going to have one of them in about 30 seconds you watch from mine Jack I didn't see that I don't have any mind thinking about talking like mentioning them to you but then I thought Jack knows what he's doing jack knows a m when he sees on Z okay good we do this there we go just across here he a bloody Lely lovely lovely lovely good good coms good coms robotss Mr Robot supp just make sure to look out for the ones that try and call a flare yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah they're arguably the most powerful enemies in the game those ones call in like tanks see that Tower over there St yep hang on I need goodbye all the way from here a 400 me AR putting the SD that Tower over here look yeah you have to H bom it reload reloading my gun got more supplies more supplies here yep right now do we need to go and help those guys or uh well if they they've left they've left their thing behind you've left your away from their objective we can't call it in cuz there's a Jammer here oh I see I see should we start heading to the new one then uh yeah yeah you guys are they got it they got it they got it you have to put a h on there once you go up you walk up to the like the top of it and calling do you want you want do you want to do this satellite then tell me while they doing that yeah sure oh [ __ ] I've got no grenades Jack have you got a Grenade to kill this this thing here I might die here start I'm very very surrounded and there's a media storm incoming nice nice yeah I'm dead yeah the FL your flame one's not going to do it I'm going to have to put there because yeah that's cool I don't have the help on option here uh watch out for the metors Y oh God so aim okay you activate Str jamming just make sure you're staggering the Salvo guys cuz they're going to be our biggest problem right uh hell bomb yeah this is going to be uh we go back down to the thing this dog all right activate the bomb Jack make sure you Chuck it on the flat ground that's next to it yeah yeah it's right next to it cuz otherwise it bounces like crazy then absolutely chees it is it AC yeah okay get this thing good job guys this huge they're really hard to do I got say split splitting up the uh the men has actually made it like significantly easier cuz we're not facing a load of En sometimes it works like that like sometimes like one of you just gets all the enemies and some of you get none feel like that's kind of us right now well you guys should probably head this way anyway this Mission cuz we've got down the SST cuz I think it's actually longer to go around the outside I'm not sure on the outside around the outside yeah around the outside yeah we probably got to come back to you there yeah just because I think oh he's got Rockets great SP nice and then yeah I'm going to put it to the left a bit right use Tower terminal oh yeah get on the left yeah you go good nice let's go um we me you up top back from down if you can help yeah yeah I'm coming coming okay it might be easier for me ja to die and then you re redeploy us yeah maybe yeah that might be a strategy a shout so why don't you just do all the extra Shuff whil you're there just see how far you can get and we can call you in when you're done yeah and okay well they're both dead ansers that question well that's one of the ways of doing it what happened uh Jack threw a we both looked at it Jack right right right why am I not on unsafe that c let's unive ourselves and answer the question for you we can do this 5 minutes on the clock drop ship go go go go keep running run through run through behind us yeah well they don't mess about oh H we've got to go this way actually I think oh have you caught him in yeah y yeah all right here we go evacuate priority citizens thren these are the men that know how the mechs are made you can get out you guys went the long way around let follow idiot don't follow that man I have no idea what I'm doing um there's a nice little fabricator right there and that's gone sorry what you talking about oh oh that yeah that was light work oh the debris reloading yeah not as easy these guys are anymore I think that's was good those Walkers were just Cannon F he's got Rockets go right in the face you got him right in the face oh you're getting killed by your own Auto turet ah it's fine me and him we like two P right okay injury what injury what injury all right here we go hello Luke I Know Jack Frags to graphic yeah i' been playing with them for years quite literally years like oh hang on damn it got watch out watch out b b b they just released a trailer for the next war bond oh nice oh okay check out after that's next Thursday what's oh is that going to be the new already man they're doing such a good job with these updates yep reloading putting other putting other companies to shame and then they had a Content Plan before they launched the game yeah crazy right it's like it's like live service uh yeah I think I've heard of those yeah reloading actually start release release the humans release the humans I do now come on guys it's all going to be all right problem is a lot of the other tripa games they get released like they're not finished they haven't even started like you know getting the content ready for the live service MH so they're already like as soon as they start yeah oh they're stuck there what are they doing uh yeah they are stuck there come on guys I like it there's a rocket in the way like oh the hell no like a I'm okay with them being there more humans I see D that's lovely how did only four get get wait what are they are they literally not going in they're getting stuck on the round there's a corse here a robot corse he's figured out no guys save yourself see if we let's see if we can body block them body block them okay that kills them instantly Jack stop no stop killing the stop killing stop killing the surviv important they stay in it was me mindlessly killing them right we we've just got to focus this one button then that bong's doing goodness sake what if I just started stacking them up and see how many we can get how many men can we stack in one location that's a new one oh wow rocket ohvo yeah um there's a resupply here guys resupply here right well this is getting stupid isn't it oh no oh no now I understand what's happening I thought it was the AI that oh wait wait he's going to the floor he's going to the floor but they're still stuck please guys it's not that difficult we've just got to do the one button why are they stuck dude no I'm just going to keep sending them yeah you can make a big pile yeah yeah do the other butt okay you got it got your samples why are they doing this maybe we need to kill the guy at the front blocking kill the guy at the front he's blocking sir you're going to have to move doz that working them with a 500 kg bomb no that's good that's good oh there's a lot of baddies here maybe this will encourage them to move the threat of a laser beam well what about the robots they don't seem to care oh there's nothing here l oh no no no okay that's a problem not the civies that's a l that's a massive loss of XP scientist I don't think they survived those were our greatest scientist they wer if they weren't smart enough they were the only scientists left they they had worked out to walk out ramps come on four more those are our best scientists H how does one get up a ramp I've never walked up hill before do not get Stu no rocket pods [ __ ] we're getting lose XP for killing them a lesson 300 XP at a time use the ramp godamn it look at that on the right we're losing requisition every time they dieus wait wait is this a way to lose money lose money lose money glitch lose money glitch yo yeah I got him I got him I got him he's dead no I don't because the uh orbital rail decided to go for the Walker that was right in front of him and not the tank I can do this never works guys last C we got got it's inconsistent okay now they're on fire and they're walking towards me that's exactly what we didn't want to happen yeah we got it we need to I don't think got time to EV I think we just die 30 times use them as cover use them as cover use them as cover well I'm I'm not getting them reloading true yeah I I haven't got time to uh to do the Evac I think it's going to be 4 minutes isn't it it's going take to get there all right bye I could just kill us all until we've got no um reinforcement left reinforces and then the mission's over and we've actually completed it no Jack no not like this not like this no I want to taste it no no I mean we we could just let you could just let us complete it on our own if you want well wait wait wait you got you've still got 10 minutes B you be fine no cuz I need to get I've got to go all right bye by you want me to stay in the game or disconnect like you can do whatever you like you stay and get the XP just just die leave your character AFK yeah we just won't call you back in yeah which I did um well do you want the samples no all right it's fine proed oh and there's there's metor strikes nice that'll finish him off look at the freaking performing when those hit that's sick I think Jack just got good luck gentlemen yeah C bye we've done our part for the Mex user disconnected from your channel a bit a j user disconnected from your channel youer we're already here yeah we've already made it and we still got how many reinforces we'll be fine yeah that's that's normal guys you should see what happens on YouTube a safe enough looking extract all right here we go come on then it looks really yeah this looks really easy Tomo if I'm honest I don't I don't want to say it but it looks really easy well we only have to look one way yeah uh I'm going to call in another rail gun and I'm going to call in another oh there is a turret there's a turret where is it hang on can you destroy it and and a Fab that I can get I mean I need to I need the back angle toit to get it I'm just going to shoot it directly yeah you're going to have to do it with a rail gun oh Ricochet is with a rail gun now right I'm waiting for it to shoot got the FB is that not ricocheting no not always oh my god there there's 100 100 bots on me okay I mean I'm a problem yes grenade Jesus this is uh oh that's that's B watch out what am I watching out for the turret like it hit the cover in front of you oh yeah what if I just hide here it will never hit me yeah know wa it it didn't penetrate that before that's good oh I I I can destroy it by accident oh my God he almost got me there oh tank tank with this there a big boy there my God it bounced up him ow I should really use my on bar I got the other I got the Devastator yeah I killed him with the Y canon in the back hang he okay I need to get I need to hit this I did hit it but he's not dead God damn it desty our we have um is there more supplies cuz I need them God damn it I think we use them all um yeah this is going to be pretty insane I don't have anything for actually I do have yeah we're also fighting four person well three person worth of enemies left we're leaving Okay we okay we're Bing is my and you can go again right or will it keep counting down it'll keep counting down oh damn it I don't know man oh I died I'm going to put you yeah you out of the vicinity call me in I am am I I'm pretty much dead I think 10 seconds you're about to B I know I know I know I just have to be I have to be here otherwise I'm dead anyway I think I'm dead anyway 3 3 2 1 okay we're okay I'm going to die I'm going to die um call me in do I care about my stuff I am on resupply time I remember if you die that's it mhm actually no it's not it is it we still got six reinforces yeah we got time we got time oh it's going to go Jack in as well I forgot it's going to use two at once that's bad okay hang on this a joke this is some sort of sick joke that's Jack okay where's my stuff where's my stuff over here oh no I need to get the rail gun at least right here on me need to get the rail gun at least I forgot my I for I forgot my second rail gun I died again hang on gotting in 15 Chuck me Chuck me Chuck me refor where's my stuff I'm not uh you're you're going to get it you're get it I'm not I'm not I'm not hang on I'm not doing it oh my God that no it no no reset it reset because I had I basically was going to die if I if I didn't like loop around over and over and over again why did it take so long for you to come in that was what was annoying I reinforced you like ages ago well we are doing that yeah um I guess cuz it was bringing Jack in as well oh my god dude are you kidding me oh what was that Jack's pod landed on the building oh my Jack's pod killed me basically that's what I'm trying to say okay he landed on an explosive container and blew me up where's my stuff gone it's over there okay okay okay just let me climb let me climb heal heal heal okay whatever that's [Music] G yeah like I threw you at 16 seconds and it took 16 seconds for you to come in which is is ridiculous but it is what it is and we completed the mission so GG not my stuff anymore though you've got four stemies what you think you could do a full Retreat and come back mhm there's a chance there is a shield on the what's it called on the point yeah so if you can pick that up cuz yeah you've still got three SS the worst thing is you've got nothing to take them out right from shooting them directly in in the kneecaps oh no they it's the Jo The Joint oh dear no no no it's not the joint though you have to aim right below it oh yeah you got 26 seconds to survive before it's over anyway what are these plants um yeah I like this oh n on you on your head yeah I chucked it nice oh no no not in the war no not swimming our worst enemy uh 5 Seconds 5 Seconds someone just survive 5 Seconds 5 Seconds 5 Seconds reinforc 5 Seconds reinforc 5 Seconds reinforc did you get it I got it you got it yeah yeah yeah um oh God oh it's Jack no no Jack please Jack telling Jack to stay was the worst cuz it was farming our reinforcement time our numbers God D it dude well pick Jack I don't no because he'll get his he'll get his his money's worth in a second yeah once he finally dies oh God no cuz now they're not going to find him are they oh the M they're not going to find him they're not no and he's not going to call us back in no we just going to run out time got sit for 15 minutes come on there's a robot right there looking at him come on shoot him look look there's a robot right in front you see look look look there you go yes come on yes yes that's it shoot Jack GG mission complete keeping Jack around was a rip yeah but no to be honest he still gets the points though he gets the HP yeah well that was lovely how citizens well I'll tell you what we'll be definitely coming back when those mechs are in and that should be pretty damn soon if we're going to take this player people might even speedrun unlocking the mech so we might even have it tomorrow you say coming back like I'm not already playing this game even though I've completed all the content no I'm saying that because now we know that they we're unlocking the planet to release the max right right that's what you mean unless they're planning on definitely releasing them next Wednesday or whatever it is I don't know uh Thursday every second Thurs it definitely next Thursday you show that trailer on your stream now where is it should be on the Twitter or maybe it's on YouTube the new warborn trailer for next Thursday I'll probably like show the weapons and armors and yeah we'll we'll catch that next time all right well it's there chat if you want to go find it yeah they've they've uploaded all of the all of the new stuff basically what they're releasing all right uh Tomo it's been real it's been real catch you next time catch you in the next one bye cheers user disconnected from your channel um guys guys guys guys um nice little update they've nerfed some of the stuff honestly rail gun 100% exactly the same as long as you charge it up that's it you just have to set the rail gun to unsafe and it's exactly the same breaker pretty much exactly the same all they've done is brought some other guns up to be better I will say the environmental hazards are deadly I died about five times today to the random meteor strikes and they're basically unavoidable even if you see them coming and they hit 10 m away they still kill you um so take that what you will uh either way thank you guys very much for watching this hell divers 2 today if you want to see more hell divers 2 uh in the future especially with the new update make sure you're following um if you haven't already make sure you subscribed whever floats your boat um and yeah thank you guys very much for hanging out today it's been good shout out to tomographic Jack Frags and two angry Gamers for playing with us today as well all right but yeah um it's been good it's been lovely nice little day and it was nice to try out the H the flamethrower flamethrower was really good against the bugs if you don't do don't do flamethrower against the robots do the flamethrowa lovely day guys and uh thanks for all the follows already and there new subscriptions thank you uh and thank you for the support as well thanks for being here catch you soon goodbye and good night um well there you go um
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 66,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, Sniping, Warzone 2, DMZ mode, MW2 DMZ, Warzone DMZ, DMZ Sniper, DMZ Sniping, Dmz gameplay, DMZ livestream, DMZ unlock, Warzone 2 DMZ, DMZ Season 4.5, DMZ new season, DMZ Update, DMZ pvp
Id: 6g39ge7E4MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 199min 35sec (11975 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 07 2024
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