ABUSING the Scope in Gray Zone Warfare..

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guys do you see what's down here do you see what do you see what I'm carrying I I may or may not have unlocked the uh scope uh it's a 15x scope I think um I can't look down the you can't look down the sight in the chopper unplayable um yeah I've got a 15x scope for the mk18 uh probably this is probably the best setup in the game right now basically a sniper mk18 um um with using just normals five five6 what's wrong with my brain I want to say 55 using normal 5.56 um but with a sniper scope uh with an mk18 I think it's definitely the number one load out right now because basically you can just pick off players and AI from out of the range that they can even see you and I was using the minis scope yesterday and you can barely see anyone over like 100 met anyway so I think I think we've got something good here if I'm honest so yeah basically we're dropping into Hunter's Paradise over here we're finishing a few quests and then we're going to go down to the bunker and also bunar so that's the plan for today and we've got tomographic uh and tactical Brit and wesy here we go as I'm not sure hello hello there was an update start we've not restarted yet but we're flying in then we're going to do this and then we're going to fly back and then we're going to update okay okay cool cool so we're going to do this up we're going to do this Mission we going to do the hunters the double mission sure sure sure fixed various server and client yeah it's a load of fixes nice dude so we get an update as soon as we're done here yeah yeah that's our reward you do the vendor Mission you get an update Ving can now be triggered by going forward and jumping so I guess you can ledge like catch Ledges oh really oh nice they fixed the AI in this one yay you could do that in the last uh yeah nice you could do that in the you could let grab in the last one yeah I quite like that there's going to be some crazy positions in this game that people just will be like oh oh uh CS left left left Northeast Northeast Northeast careful he's already shot at you I'm trying to see can't see him one in the door here didn't even see that guy oh you got him you got him nice yeah we're good to the left to the that could have been easy one in the shooting dead dead nice everything you moved in a stop to the left yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I almost shot whoever was a sprinting there but only players Sprint like that don't they you should you should know yeah better know boy better not now that's what the the guys were arguing about yesterday remember like B don't run like that Noob [ __ ] why you shoot me you why you shoot me oh god there are several open then yeah yeah uh in a second yeah oh lucky you're standing you're standing your grin I'm in problems got him got him got him got him got him got him got him God damn I'm in pain whoo whoo whoa wo they're peeking the door with two oh I'm not peeking that I'm not looking good bre oh I'm one in the corner as well help help guys help they're going crazy right now reload you're not are look crazy right now oh I'm on your back he's still on that corner behind the uh the metal there Polie don't mad at me whoa oh whoa whoa whoa who oh God oh God what's going on this is insane this is the most action we've had all week another one talk about today oh um careful careful can I peek got him yeah you're good you can peek now okay I appear to be bleeding oh my god there was a guy waiting on the corner nice you got him you got we Str guys here few it's a shooting range I'm severely yeah they actually they actually shoot at the range too when you're not there yet it's really cool really yeah they' put so much detail in this game you just don't think about well you'll pick up on it as you go through and that's probably we should probably Lo these guys cuz they might have keys there some guns in here if you need or rig uh what they got rig actually you've truly uh you've been truly on the on the men you've got a lovely little rig St thank you you're welcome right where's the where's the doors where where are the places that we need to go shots on the FR Northeast Northeast 51 pistol another one godamn I'm in the you walk through it when we first got here is there anything in here if you need the St what do you mean they click death what you run out of M just have a look uh hang on you yeah it's all good I'm not sure there you go so now I need sorry um where's the I need the same thing I'm I need the the antique revolver that's what I need yeah is that like a hotel room I'm coming coming coming yes the antique resol so where where's this first objective two in here yeah okay mhm I've already check those might be some you should just walk in in proximity complete it oh yeah I heard the task completed sound I found an injector that stops stamina drink yeah but it uses up it uses up food and water quicker right that's really cool that is really cool careful careful the teammate just said please don't shoot me on the way I've got f as well one that gives you yeah you mean you can St live by the way so we need to head back at some point yeah fixes the AI um I'm heading over to the uh to the motel okay fix the just one one day before the pl stands I mean literally yeah that's what I'm saying dude I mean it can't be that they're going to be that far away that they're going to go into Early Access then cuz the build that we they'll have the build they'll have at the end of The Early Access will probably end up being a build that they add on top of or oh yeah this this is the best if this was to release is the best state Like An Early Access game has come out has ever been in and that's insane because it's so in depth and I was not expecting it at all cuz that's the thing like yeah there are some bugs and whatnot but like it it runs and it plays [ __ ] someone just get hit yeah no I got an AI he was just standing there he didn't see us somehow I don't know how he didn't see us as much as the fundamental game design for isn't working very well shot West shot West nice is that player that's me okay um cool right there oh my body armor just saved my life11 is this 102 have you got the key for that's 104 10 102 is here wesy um it's this second one but the key for it it' be nice to use other ammunition that isn't just HPV now you going to topl load your mags like a sweat and then the revolver is like over here somewhere maybe inside one of the drawers you have to open the draw no like just like the open ones I don't know small doist back could be in this cupboard here could be in this bathroom all I'm going to say is that if it does go into as long as they rework the system see I'll be where's the revolver ly in room one or two oh it's um it's in a little red box on a on like a oh there you go oh got it yeah case with a revolver oh for goodness sake I bet you people don't even see that cuz why would why wouldn't the case be open with the revolver in it put it in your safe lock if you crash people might think it's a usable weapon which it isn't God it's just a antique isn't it yeah I put it in my safe lock now put it right s has left the body no no I'm here hello I'm here come online he came what I'm still here does that mean I'm going to crash now called in called in xville four and a half and in Fox Dr one or two uh two I think Fox One Fox okay okay cool cool cool cool oh I've got a bit of running to do no you got four minutes like you'll be fine yeah you'll be fine listen my character after after holding one assault Third Leg I wish my character did have a third leg he might have more Mobility it's a tripod it's the classic motif of uh hardcore shooters that military soldiers can run for all of 5 Seconds that is true well to be fair these guys can run for about 10 seconds the bloody armor of forger where you can't focus breath so your gun just sways into oh Haven haven't they nerfed the sniper Scopes as well in armor for you're just like and you're just like your your aim's just moving around like absolute Insanity basically what all of the devs for hardcore FPS has realized is that the game is substantially less fun when you just instantly die to somebody want tapping you yeah and thus they've just made it much more difficult to shoot straight but then the AI instantly one Taps you in one shot well on me that's why they took the AI out of the realism servers on ra Foria yeah cuz they just Mur you although I do miss the military checkpoints those were yeah those were good I know sack's become completely addicted to it now yeah his first session was horrible but well that first session is horrible I remember my first session I was making my load out and somebody was just loving frag grenades in the spawn oh no not that he just he was just playing for hours just running from place to place and not finding anyone for the entire session I I feel the same way when I play Squad like because when I play Squad I get you remember when we all played Squad yeah that was a bad we made it fun though by just meing but it was it was 8 hours of I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead you shot me who was that oh is that you what's that what the ene like like two kills in the entire video I know where people are do you know what I mean I know how the game flows but it's not really an issue um but with the average player they're just running gold ruined it now haven't they what was that ruined it sh game it's got a be concurrent player account this weekend so they've ruined it by ruin it the appeal and and actually making it fun for more people they' ruined the wide appeal of it yeah it's got um they have a new faction coming in that's literally just pmc's they've got like a 4x4 with a gun on back is this all in anticipation are they doing it purely to make sure that make it so that more people play or well they so what they did last year which is why they didn't put a lot of content now is that they actually uncouple factions from maps and weapons from factions so they can basically do whatever they want now so they had to reverse engineer it a bit in order to get yeah there was a lot of technical debt they had to resolve so now they have I was going to say like they were still deleting negative reviews and uh recently they tried to like you know in their Discord don't if you saw that whole drama yeah yeah did yeah know why they did they were trading positive reviews wesy for upcoming game oh dude I saw that that was that was ridiculous it was cheeky though it was cheeky because he could he could play it off as like oh no I didn't mean that I didn't mean that oh I think I S you the DM didn't I what's really weird about it is that they didn't need to do it at all because they have overwhelmingly positive reviews on Steam so there was just no point yeah because they've been deleting the negative ones if you click most recent reviews it's like it's POS how come you're allowed to delete how come you're allowed to delete negative reviews if you just like argue them you just can if you're yeah if you're uh if you're the publisher of the game on Steam you can delete reviews what yeah there's a huge like faar around it lacky cuz people's reviews were disappearing and then and people would check the date that reviews were posted and it would say like you know most recent ones like a month ago Weir um the negative ones that were recent after that infantry update they just removed oh the IC yeah the Ico yeah yeah people did not respond well to it so they're like H let's just try and keep the game in the good state it was they were like quick rub it out everyone forget they did a battlefield and changed a massive core mechanic in the middle of the game's life cycle I love when dice did that that was my favorite part of Battlefield when it died annoy get back to base safely end our deployment and then get this new update new update so improve project our registration hi geeky good luck containers can now only contain smaller we'll see you in the next one he's going to sacrifice himself fixed an issue where the helicopter dropped off players in mid yeah I saw that I saw that happened to fix dude there there's a clip it he's just like dude what the hell and it just like throws him up in the air what yeah yeah yeah just basically where we are right now in the sky it just dumped fix out no way it' be nice if you could have like survived or something or bounced maybe we need that line repel from ble bit what so that it can flow if that could like if that could work in this game well yeah I was literally I was saying to St they've got combat repel in um in the engine now because it's it's in the some need an explosion sound on there just as we're about to get the update so I'm I I'm usually when games do updates they usually shut down the servers that are currently running oh god oh that's horrible person like sat down opposite direction off the helicopter oh my God they could do with pubg's uh audio toggle thing in this game you you like reduce the volume yeah what what I want is ingame com separated from game audio well I mean absolutely I can turn up or turn down the game coms for yeah that that needs to be a thing mhm and uh streamer mode at launch please no no not even streamer mode just take the name away from who killed you mode completed a faction radio two not a squad one yeah maybe so you can just talk to people and say when you need back up campers don't go there surely what you'd want is you wouldn't want to have a faction talk because everyone would just Spam it everyone would open it up and just server wide talk to people it would be it would be a radio that you toggle like armor forger I I guess like you bring up a wheel and then you can how get there freen how get there let's not go back to the day days the new update oh you can get that right we're updating the game he might be on the new update already right are we okay safely end deployment yep Y and then get the update get the get the update get yeah all right download tomorrow 1.6 what 1.58 gbits okay and it's done there you go and it's done I'm ining players couldn't loot their own body after dying oh baby oh what about not being able to get on the one Chopper that needed you to get out of there oh God yeah that was ter please let me please no no no 1.6 gig is fine for a patch that's that's not a problem that is not a problem just as [Music] well come on finish installing please I would like to play somebody gave feedback in the Discord for gry Zone Warfare and it says um extend play test key reasons why and then there's like one of the reasons at the bottom was just somebody saying I want to play more I want to play more acculite had 36 hours in this no that's uh that combines our play time in that last play test it's the same build okay we had two days of but lcky wasn't in the play test and he has 30 hours I'm 30 and halfs he's he's on a bit of a TR yeah yeah a bit of a heater I'm on 43 hours combined I didn't see I didn't see that I'll have over 24 by the time we we had three days though in that last play test almost like it's our jobs to play video games it's um the installed version of Nvidia has graphic no brother brother brother it said it said like oh by the way your graphics driver has issues just letting you know okay well oh is because they have a drive they have a driver coming out for this don't they maybe oh is this maybe that's part of the update as well just telling people to get the new driver right I'm I'm in your squad creating a squad oh Wy made a squ no update no update requires restart I love it dud every I mean I speak I'm in big TR this game just gives me Vibes yeah does give me Vibes yeah does give me someone say that I'm VI addicted uh well it's your new obsession I'm stalking gry zone warfit no brother just waiting for tommo from from um I'm on my way Marks and Spencers Tomo goes to Marks and Spencers Tomo from Wix wait how many hours does fix have he must have even more he's level 14 Ringo Ringo um I've not got your invite let's see unless unless I do hold on hold up wait a minute no I'm not in the squad right disband the squad should I just restart my game no hang on there we go there we go there we go lucky get lucky just waiting for tommo who's late as usual oh the thing is is we're all start so everybody playing this game whatever faction you are everyone's going to be getting back into the server at the same time so everyone's going to go to the zones and PVP well we should probably if we wanted we should go to the tunnel then the tunel because then you can actually kill the enemies AI yeah yeah yeah we have to kill the AI in there or we just go to banire cuz we can actually get that done whether we I don't think we ever going to finish that tunnel mission there's never en any we'll have to wait till proper Early Access when there's more servers up uh do I where do I prefer the viewers all of them they're all bloody great and I love them thanks viewers especially when they like the stream I'm just kidding um did they fix the bullet sponge AI yes they just have in this update it might be scuffed though uh have I killed anyone with the new scope weapon no not yet I've killed lots of AI though are you already in are you already in are you already in you already in I'm in I'm in I'm in I'm in okay I'm yeah we uh to be fair I saw the lineup yo spam shank thank you for the 20 once jeez 600 million two Defenders haven't played with each other six weeks no no no all no no no oh the other thing I say like it is uh the two defense the two midfielders right B andone I'm send I'm sending this banar yes B yes yes B B I found a bu with this update right it's on its way right get in everyone get in what's the bug MK1 doesn't um oh wait wait no I need to hand my tasks no no oh God complete oh God how for this i b bought a lot of 5 more than I actually how do I hand over there never have too much I bought like 600 bullets do that often to be fair our now wait how do I hand over the Rover hold on uh just uh same way vendor's tasks has to be on your character it is on my character which one do I who do I hand it to it won't let me hand over stop panicking hand over hand shake hand shake complete done everyone on on the on the where it I'll go this way okay Dam it you went around sh no no no no no no no no no no no that was literally last second almost got ruin that was last second that was last second that would uh that would have been quite the railing there lad I'm panicking I'm going to lose my task yeah the the person that calls it in has to get on last yes well I thought you guys were already on nah Westy wasn't even hearing n not not not St St is this game live up to its original hype oh yeah it's not the same mk18 you've had for days as it St um no it's not okay or is it no no no this is the new one this is the one I had to buy from the one before didn't you yeah yeah I do you know how I lost that crashing didn't even died with it yeah I was in that session yeah pain but this uh is very nice wait is this the same gun then yeah it's exct it's just the one that you buy yeah it's just a DMR MK cuz it was called a CQ A1 when I when it was ca1 it would have been okay that would have been the different um different you can attach a different uh Barrel right I think it's a 20in barrel with a suppressor I managed to work out how to put the scope on my gun as well which is nice the the riser yeah uh thank you spam shank cheers dude have I got the new scope on today yeah there it is down there 15x we going to hun Paradise no no banpa oh okay hter we've got loads of well you guys can cover whilst we do the have you got these quests Tom no no is this definitely the patch that's fixed the AI does that say yeah it's the cavities things the Chang oh yeah yeah yeah uh okay I need to find chemical production is it going to be a day of sniping um maybe it it depends how much PVP there's going to be today I'm going to be sniping the AI plenty of them but we are going to a PVP area right now yeah so hypothetically the AI we shoot now shouldn't tanks that's nice yeah Mission start I don't want to like get too far ahead if the game's like literally coming out in a week or a month less I get you I mean I wouldn't be upset about it cuz let me tell you something it's just it's just more content for me time oh no I have to redo all the content F you're streaming yeah I just not been streaming the last few days I've been playing is in the gutter so what you mean with that weird update with they're like here's a man in a suit buy it now yeah that the update they put live the other day was um we fixed one thing G by the way characters now by the way The Meta is exactly the same bye it's been the same for a month and a half and also month and a half dude more like three months RAM and the F no no Ram hey Ram 7 H Ram 7 HRM lovely my favorite thing as well is that they've got a bunch of hackers in the top 250 but they handed fill a boosting warning for dropping cash in his games what are they doing over there they what are they doing over there it's like somebody has um turned off the microphone for communications for that game and they've just gone yeah well you guys can just deal with it yeah just yeah that's about it just firm it just firm it firm it bro do you know how I firmed it by not playing it so there you go no I played that one night of rebirth and I did the um you know the meme of F1 where he's taking off the headset yeah yeah ripping the headset off that was uh that was how I felt vampire vampire vire now there's no grass to prone in here grommet so you're going to have to hide the body you're going to have to hide your body immediately just checking the hills operation use Westy as a human shield yeah I mean that's that's going to be what's happening right now have you seen the Looney Tunes effect when you try and do a 180 turn you go right I need to kill 11 AI here so if you would oh they running in place wait where are you is that you yeah ready ready I see what you mean it doesn't look any different from third person but you definitely feel it in first is that you you cre the yeah oh yeah you you just you've still got that pocket spring AK spring AK I just just slid off the side of Hill you feel that was aot off the side of a hill and and I've now broken my legs oh they're right in front of us I do enjoy the AKs yeah they're okay okay 47 the okay oh dear right okay well I'm now low on lung capacity also you never have an ammo problem with this this gun no surely you just want to Che little suppressor why not yeah well AK vendor to do that which I don't have oh I've got it are you murdering those men cuz I tell you what they're providing me quite the lamping they lamping you I I've been lumped I've been uh I'm I'm in I in you've been lump I don't know I don't know where they oh wo W wo wo W wo w w you got him behind the car behind the car nice using cover got him got him got him nice I'm in that little Gap I'm in severe pain I must yeah another one left hand side of the orange truck moving left to right looking looking so if I get one oh coming toward us somewhere dead yeah they are actually dropping now which is really nice right my head hurts I don't have I got it whoa Northeast Northeast Northeast yeah I think they're just behind the house here it's probably the shooting range start if we know that no no no no I got him I got him what the hell dude he was just beaming at us from 100 met away damn absolute Beamer okay yeah the the performance in this game is going to be interesting for sure kill some bampire yeah yeah I've got to let you kill them really Wes oh on your right um by the way I need to kill them I need to Kill the Boss by the way so don't kill anyone on the stilts don't kill anyone on the stilts please I'm oh oh oh hang on hang on hang on uh road yeah hold on hold on hold on in the road yeah yeah he's in the on Main Road I'm in the coma I don't even know where that was he the bushes I think they've gone I need help I need help cleaning them if I'm going to get if I'm going to get him up yeah yeah yep de I'm going to get I'm going to go for him yeah I didn't even see the guy just absolutely popped me you guys okay doing it [Music] or on the left help cover me cover me dropped him okay okay I've got circuit two running it's not letting me do it there we go just cover me cover me cover me cover me yeah trying trying trying two dead another one there healing healing healing I need someone to help bandage as well D that AI took far too many bullets still just be aware scope s is pretty heavy yeah right I'm I think you're going to come back to live you're going to need to bandage though straight away by the way um I'm pretty sure you should just go for surgery kit straight away cuz that revives you instantly well it just brings people so it's so he'll still be bleeding so if you B if you bandage them it will stop them bleeding but if you just surgery kit them they just come back to life and then they're bleeding yeah best thing would be turna then serve then blood then bandage cuz you won't bleed with a toura on oh I just never really bring them okay for that reason that was annoy I need to kill the boss on the thing where is he oh oh I just got literally you want I just got destroyed by the AI on the stilts the boss yeah that's a BOS I didn't shoot them they just killed me no way I got immediately killed by way so I killed the guy that killed Westy yeah yeah yeah yeah that was that was the boss oh no it's not your fault not your fault look exactly the same like every other AI yeah yeah this is the problem this is the problem they need to make the bosses look yeah they just need to make them look better like the boss in the market got the red beret yeah yeah I died immediately comes comes comes Southeast Southeast got him got him got him got him yeah there's a guy stuck in the ground here yeah yeah yeah I know that one I know that one there yeah right whoa oh I still need to do all the murals and Sh anyway oh yeah you can do that whilst I fly back going a chemical room oh who's got BP Elder not me I need to the key then shared tasks will be good like you know there it counts you yeah that would be good as long as you're as long as you're in a squad that would be cool I guess you could kind of cheese it pretty hard though cuz this is a obviously a hardcore game so maybe they don't want people yeah but I mean tarkov's lost a lot of its players for that reason like because it's there are no new players yeah it's not got not got a casual audience at all but they need to make it as accessible like the more accessible version of toov to appeal to the audience they're sort of striving for I think am I CP or GP not sure the chopper travel system and stuff and a map this size probably CP finds BP the H on an AI I need it okay yeah well the big one that they need to address is just common like it's kind of a Cs and effect of every extractor shooter that's like this where even though we're in a squad we're all progressing tasks at a different time like right now I'm not progressing because I'm playing with you guys and then if you were ahead of me you you'd have to come back to my level if you wanted to catch me up and Y it's just they they need some sort of way to address that where I'm still getting XP and you still XP for helping me or Vice that's how it work that's how it worked in DMZ cuz if you helped other people got you got you got Mission assists XP yeah yeah I'm I'm I'm thinking one of the biggest issues with this game is going to be performance and I think people are just going to go a this game doesn't run on my mom's laptop zero Stars negative and just that's going to Happ 100% going it's going over it's going over going over going over so you've had hang on I think you've got I'm coming to India 1 by the way okay is he landing at India one um he's Landing India I mean unfortunately you are going to have to kill him yeah because I'm coming in I'm still a good few minutes out but you've actually got you've actually got three other Choppers so me and two others are coming in right can you not do backpacks in backpacks anymore you can it has to be smaller containers have to go into smaller containers now uh right well are you going to oh yeah cuz this is a same size backpack that won't go in another one makes sense I mean we didn't shoot as he was coming over so he might just be chilling well he'll assume there's no one here probably yeah I just shot one AI know we're here now well yeah I'm going to try and like flank a little bit I mean at least we didn't kill him off the chopper there is that I just yeah I've just killed him yeah yeah nice uh dude he he he just happened to be walking through my trees you got a friendly coming to India one now it's coming over that is oh some guy got dropped off at Fang a I think this guy must have died and he was coming back for his loot he's dead now okay yeah you got so this is the boss St no uh yeah the guy with the bandan pretty sure BP warehouse and BP fishing H but I don't have BP Elder which is what I need that's the only guy I killed on the Stills yeah yeah is that another boss yeah there a guy always oh that AI is just shooting straight through bushes like you can't they're not even there wait you didn't have a you didn't have a b done on he not no he does he I'm being shot at currently by an AI just shooting through bushes just got hair you sure yeah well I am being absolutely riddled by an AI right now find that guy just in the tree line invisible um enemy Chopper enemy Chopper North copy copy oh damn good call is it coming down yeah it's Landing there I think oh no oh my God man I can't see this AI it's insane neither whoa I am almost right now I'm about a minute out you're going to be landing with an enemy Wy are you joking he's just landed now yeah yeah this is getting a bit to toasty there's AI everywhere my body's going to disappear then isn't it it's fine it's fine it's fine I'm I'm headed I'm headed there now hopefully like I don't mind if I die okay the AI is on this little Hut I can't see oh you're right at the Landing Zone I see you oh no no that's another player I no yeah check your map just check your map check your Maps check your Maps okay oh dude I'm dead no what did you get killed by AI yeah it's two of them just freaking spraying me through grass when I can't see them that's so annoying then yep okay um I'm landing now the problem is I'm being held by an AI through a wall right that's not ideal is it St no and I think there's one on the outside of my building too cuz he's making a lot of noise a little SC right I'm running back through the towards the town now I feel like you're going to get caught by this guy though I might well do is that him uh that's the AI shoot that's the other teammate shooting behind okay I don't know what he's doing but we're returning to the scene of the gun fight we had yesterday we've got this player now we don't know where he went now the okay okay wesy careful there is AI all over there okay I see you I see see you I need a fob system man with like short I see you there's an AI literally right on me mhm that's saying what direction what direction uh like literally just here dude like right on the little Hut to the right hand side of where I am just been spotted I'm with you I'm with you he just shed hold on oh no someone's at my door hang on a sec let's go in a building you in some bushes next to me yep I just walked through and I'm now in the side of Log Cabin yep I'm to your right outside yep I can hear you that's you can yeah there you go shots from the AI not on US unless no that was not maybe it's shooting at wesy could be AI shooting at Westy could be shooting Wy or shooting the enemy right okay I'm back you might be being shy W I'm pushing up to got one yeah that's the AI that was right next to me can I Nick the gun off of that AI you cany can I jump through this you can't jump through Windows really I think that guy on the India One landing points in a coma well yeah because we have two teammates now who are just watching over the landing Zone anyway so I think he's all right you know where the gun go this guy not have an AK or something something oh it has a key um could you key is that you that's me that's you I was saying could you come with me lacky to the next mural just so I have cover yeah sure where where you it's I'm going east I'm just going to get to my body I can't remember where the statue is as well oh I know where the statue is yeah need a mural yo friendly friendly hello in front of me East what up friendly friendly friendly friendly friendly hello you alive hello hello friendly friendly this one mural T yeah yeah and then the um if you follow me I'll take you to the Statue oh is the statue this way as well uh yeah it's yeah okay um right that's that one with my with my AK go that was over here is that it yeah that's it and statu out this way St no that's not it where's my AK God who picked up my AK with the lovely optic on it um I I don't think I found it I found it I don't it moves quite far away from the body doesn't it yeah yeah maybe they should just stick it to the character like it's just stuck on your back or something that would make it a lot yeah but then then you'd have the issue where if the game crashes or your body despawns at least the gun is like physical Loot on the ground I guess it doesn't it doesn't go like when Jack was dcing all like those few days ago lost his gear all the time he led the go gear on his body but not the gun that he dropped when he died okay uh that's why you should like loot your teammate drop all their stuff on the ground so if they're yeah so then they can still come back and get that stuff yeah I need an L the key he needs an L Blacky needs to take an l oh CH Chopper that an enemy Chopper I mean if he comes here we have to shoot him it's part of the gaml loop is he going he is stopping I mean this is this is I mean this is the ultimate problem like what are we we're supposed to just ignore the chopper like it's almost like the chopper being as loud as it is from so far away like maybe they should have it like give away shouldn't it be like enemy Chopper has just landed I'm I'm not kidding one shot dead not a not a single chance like I don't it's just stupid K someone getting off yeah because what am I'm I supposed to do just let them like run in the the fields and and Frolic you know like it doesn't make any sense run across the fields of wheat but I completely get it that's it's BS that's [ __ ] cuz he didn't even have literally jumped off he got the animation that you could run in no choice yeah you need to be able to throw smokes at least from the passenger seat that's what we were saying like when the chopper lands just before it hits the ground should SP I'll send that to the devs just be like yep that's the experience there you go not great yeah do what the DMZ AI helicopters did where it went yeah yeah big blast of smoke yeah exactly how it should work I'm just going to go check his body guys well yeah I mean he had full gear dude he had mk18 what can you do oh this is me coming in now over your head yeah yeah yeah yeah it's realistic I don't think realistically um armed forces are dropping men in the middle of fields when there's enemies nearby I don't think that's very he got he's got the Tracer rounds he's got his Tracer rounds in there I've got fully decked ak74m here if somebody wants it like a yeah I'm just moving to be fair Tommy you could just grab this guy's KY yeah I'm going take that though cheeky Little P gobble gobble gobble oh man I can't believe I don't have the Elder key okay to find my body yeah I'll come with you just in case there's some AI that might have spawned pretty sure you were like on the edge of the the fishing Huts weren't you yeah I think so just on this little Hill in front of me I will be honest the other two blueberries that are over here um they were near that body so I don't know if they've now stolen everything I can but I can give you this mk118 that I picked up so if you if you want to so the problem should be in the grass the problem we have now is there's almost no chance we're going to ever get any progression on this bumar Mission cuz there's eight people here waiting for the AI to respawn well maybe we just you know head out go to the tuny head to the T do you see my bu no I don't see anything here right now you're thinking you're going to have to play this is that another Hill can you not get out oh you can any of you need those Babs no they're further up and I still haven't killed anywhere near enough AI um eliminate hostiles in Vampire 13 of 20 right then broke both my legs going to do ring around the Ros sorry guys just broke both my legs jumping out of a one story building idiot yeah that's on that's on me it's your fault and that's on me have you done all the mural stud um yes that's done gentlemen uh do any of you have the Elder key no do I have the key for the room I have BP heart key yeah I'm looking for I have the fishing hot key I've already unlocked it that's they had a fully decked polymer AK in it you don't happen to see my body here do you estd you come to my position right now yeah I come found my AK but my body's not here also maybe maybe the bosses should drop which which can be a problem sometimes you can't see your body but teammates can maybe the bosses should drop Quest loot so that everyone can grab it um Enemy enemy enemy enemy India too died right here okay this is where I found the AK n your body's not here slide down into the water is that India 2's just dropped nice perfect India dropped someone off dude yeah yeah uh somehow my head don't know me jumping down there yeah that just broke my legs again what yep yeah I don't have any splints anymore I've used one I have one SP but it won't be enough no look at the bodies look at the bodies the should fix it a Sur kit fixes everything okay got so shots already Southwest that sounds like the AI I saw by the way one thing I did see Tommy doing yesterday was you can just um click on the map and just send messages to people that are like on the objectives that you've just died on oh really yeah yeah so you can just friends right no no no anyone all right anyone in your faction you can just click on their name and see who they are and me yeah as long as they're in your faction I thought you mean enemies no no no there was an enemy somewhere here well someone just shot him someone shot something but I don't think that was the one I don't think it circuit didn't work circuit didn't fix my legs that's splints right okay yeah so I have to find splints I've got some splints okay I'm on my way over I'm moving through the trees see if I can find these guys I think off to the north of where am yeah okay lucky I'm going to come to you just want to check for this uh this AK the blueberries are backing away I mean I don't know if they're confident maybe they killed the guy yeah so many bodies in this road Jesus oh dude yes my armor that's the armor that I like um that's what I like that's what I like that's what I like have you heard the AI continued version of that song no you should it's just stupid as funny uh drop drop drop okay I'm looking for men a map for that if you're looking oh yeah yeah oh yeah okay I've got wide OBS on uh the north of must have got because they're backing away like well but they don't I guess they had no gear then cuz yeah full polymer AK suppress M the guy I saw split to the Northeast I don't know if it's the same dude all right lucky I'm coming for those splints we need to get tommo in the uh in the old in the old Squad oh yeah I joined late wait what else do we need to do here by the way cuz there's no way we're getting more AI is there well I I can't do anything until I find an elder key so otherwise I'm why don't we just go go to the yeah I just need to repair the these legs you know they're old I need a new kill Tomo for four gifted I'll do it for two just fall it's like kill Tom say less I don't even want Bas c i against ditching some of this stuff there who it who it I'm not even close to you I don't know where you are do you guys want to drop some stuff off a base camp cuz I've got a GE I mean the r do I get to base just just do it oh yeah I'll do that yeah up just see if we can get some more kills uh lcky can I have those yeah let me just drop it somewhere yeah drop it on the road so that we can see it yeah cuz the other day we did it with the key whoa I just got killeded yeah yeah yeah yeah Huds his name was is that te he oh boy feeling I've got a feeling that was teammate can you check on the map there's no teammate called there okay so there's an enemy to that's probably the one of the guys that sat there then I knew it bro somewhere East right was that towards you sou towards me Southeast Southeast okay no Southeast I'm stood right next to there's a CH your chopper is now coming to India too these blueberries these bloody dumbass blueberry I'm talking to you out Laur and this other Don yeah oh I can't call in a transport because you guys have already called so I'm going to leave the squad uh I'm walking over now we check fire I'm literally just on the road so I'm I'm near him as well but I still can't pushing him with that AK yeah we [ __ ] drop him yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's harder than his M4 ah I'm just trying to get I know how far out wesle he died it sounded like 200 me away but he he landed a he landed head shot so he must have been close enough I literally can't call A transport by the way I'm not allowed how far out with youd like I was on the road right next to on right next to Lackey on the main road oh damn his body's next to me almost underneath the archway pretty much was this guy not in the jungle he I think he was he's on the hill isn't he yeah he was on the far side of the road so that would be down to the southeast pretty much where you're in I would say from Tomo where you are go I think he was further left in the tree line but I I could I could be wrong just saw a teammate in this corner of my eye then the corner of my eye well he'll just be holding would he I mean I fire boys I'm walking up that hill Southeast Crouch position with an AK out yeah trying to see if he's in these bushes close you got Patrol backpack Tomo yeah multi cam yep y I see you I think it was more to your South to be honest with you slash I think it was more like you would have needed some high ground right N I felt like the shots didn't come from side on it felt like they came from behind [Music] me I still can't get back to you by the way I'm not I'm not I'm not allow in the sky there not fly at once I guess no I'm not in I'm up what I should have left the squad I'm a little concerned oh wow you can't even Freel look with your head without rustling the bushes they actually fixed that mhm that's a thing so literally if you're in a bush and you look you move yeah that's kind of cool I know you knew your head rustles as the plant that's cool I see you lucky I feel like I'm in a spot where I could be spotted though that's the only thing I'm going to land at uh what's it called India too yeah I'm prone on a hill currently move I'm convinced I'm convinced that this guy's like he's gone full Gorilla War 204 135 grid Square my guess like somewhere around the way point we can't see your way points what's it look like 20 204 135 so it's directly to the grid Square to your Southwest on I'm convinced somewhere out there right how did he oh to get an angle on the road yeah yeah that's I'm convinced that's mean I I heard it directly Southwest of me so I thought he was more the one Bel south of Tomo but we've not heard him or seen himen helicopter's about to land in I'm assuming we're leaving this and he didn't uh go lot Westy's body no I think he knows well he saw me for sure so he knows there's at least two oh you can you can lean without making sound he's either on you Tomo or he's somewhere near you right I'm slowly creeping my way back over to you we can use helicopter's bait hopefully mhm get in I mean we could all is is just one guy I think right otherwise we would have probably well we think so we don't know though for sure you know what I mean yeah I see you behind that tree do you see me uh I don't see I've not seen you at all now I think you must be over like I'm on my belly currently I'm just making sure you know which I'm on yeah yeah I see him running cuz I'm watching the road to your Northeast see if you goes along the the river well or the whatever it is Lake yeah just want know where this done is I mean I surely he's just in [Music] a this is me sprinting full Sprint with an AK out yeah yeah I see you I see you that's the only bit I can think he's going to get where you now I'm convinced the shots came from 105 I see Westy's body I'm on your I'm on the mound to your left near Wy to my left okay I see him okay I am dropping my loot with this big pile of fish lucky I'm going to run directly at with nothing just a knife okay and then I should give his position away yeah well I'll take my AK but well you might as well take your AK yeah no rig or anything right see if he does anything I see you running I'm trying to get in a better position to cover you and lucky be in these bushes oh no you won't in these bushes trying to get a B position to have like some elevation so I can actually see him yeah I got someone uh I might I might go into a coma here what just happened um I need bandages uh bandages what just happened dude I think he would have flanked around on the beach right like he's he's in a coma right now he's in a coma next to me right now well they can't be revived pushing up to you I'm pushing up to you okay I'm in a bush right now healing jeez God damn no that's whoa whoa whoa whoa what just happened what how did he get there well he flank he wouldn't stay where he is after taking shots there's a full group so that was insane dude what just happened how am I not dead there's another one in my bush so there is two he's in a bush I just walked into and now there's a now there's another now there's another Chopper coming dude his name is his name is UA KYB UA is in the clan tag oh that's a friendly who's just killed you oh and they've taken well I mean you didn't have much loot yeah know it was friendly God damn it oh my god dude that was horrendous you I literally literally about 5 seconds before I said ah he could be up here but he wouldn't have done that and then as I'm saying that he just starts beaming me make sure that guy knows he just T killed me cuz it looks like he's looting my stuff well I didn't have my stuff on me anyway so right um I'm full of holes what do you need no it's fine I'm I'm just going to suit you more shots check the map and see if one of them died there was two blue seconds out 20 seconds out I had to switch to my pistol dude and finish him off just just messaged me in game went [ __ ] sorry I think you're enemy obviously oh Tom did you just get oh my God that terrific oh great your lot's fine though the guy that killed you is dead a you killed him yeah yeah yeah I I ran into him wesy I ran into him and he just started beaming me oh nice well at least uh at least you killed him we did get him we did get him some sort of hot water all right and I'm all better guys I'm just a bit dizzy also is this is this not um enemy that's just come in no that was me okay Co I've just landed I've just landed um I was just saying to my chat cuz someone asked like if you could play a game a game mode for the next 12 months what would it be I was like DMZ um did they they definitely canceled DMZ at the wrong time didn't they guys possibly well in my view just never quite had the framework to be could done it you know what I mean that's a nice bug every time I go to loot my body I push f it just open flashes the screen and closes the menu so I can't loot my body o anyone else come over and loot it for me I've got splint as well I yeah I can't I can't Lo the body this guy didn't come in with any like um oh I can no wait wait wait I've managed it okay I think I've managed it oh this guy's got like an even better helmet than I have wow his helmet is mk18 here an xville helmet and M2 and an is this you to yeah that be to this is a no this is leang recovery initiative this is separate faction oh is this is this all a Tomo's gear here no no this is this is an enemy player that's just dropped this over here okay uh where are you um guys can you want to help me find this guy's oh you okay oh I found it found his M4 yes okay we we've cleaned him we've absolutely cleaned him he's been rinsed you want this guy's M4 Tomas flying all the way back over comes to Meck man who be wait what or your guy the guy I just killed if you want the for there's a guy next to me who has literally every full top level gear including multiple grenades should we get you back in the squad wesy yes please if you would mind yeah me too isn't that belt bigger it is that's another bit of a weird thing that you know you can't how do I get how do I see who sent me a mission um key man need to find the Elder room yes Todd if you send me the invite I'll I'll I'll accept yeah yeah yeah I've got you likewise to Y yep yep can I am I the squad lead I'll see I someone I've invited both of you thank you very kind of you um I have a fully looted lootable man here with full gear I'm running over it's crazy how well this friend system works dude it's it's it's frustrating how many systems they've got right in this game regardless of their game Triple A games out there that can't isn't this two years of Dev time one year one year of dead time dead time dead time that's that's u5 for you it's you're able to work with I mean this looks like it's basically had the same like level of detail as I won't say it I won't say it like it's being conceptualized for like oh God 7 years and maybe they had like a build of it on u4 HUD and then literally the same progress from there I go in I literally go and said oh he could be up here but there's absolutely no way he's going to be in here and then I got shot you've only be able to make games on u5 for like two years right uh on u5 yeah yeah something like that do you not remember the first um what's it called the first trailers for it where they're going through the like the Rocky Mountains the jungle B in the car so sick dude and the the portal with the with the particle effects mhm I say um should we go down to what's oh my God this guy's got so much green Tracer 5.56 ammunition oh I've just been killed AI oh no that's in the Meer I in a coma I'm in a coma okay that was that was quite should be right next to me that was L right next to me yeah he's the guy's like near us or in the woods he's really close what the hell yeah he's real close ah ah the hell he's probably come back in for or that's either his mate there's two factions here yeah right uh I'm about 1 minute 30 away from dying and another 8 yeah I'm trying to see where this guy is it was close to me I I literally can't see him he so close East he was close to me are you sure yeah I heard the shots and it sounded really close unless it was in the Woodland to our I think it's Northeast East I think he'll see me though if I'm peeking from here this is crazy was he really close to you estd I heard the shots pretty close that's what I'm saying it's not like it sounded off in The Distance by the last time I was killed yeah it sounded like he was literally in the bushes to my East right now uh someone's just walked through yeah someone just walked through the water yeah I think that would be it someone to my left he's Southwest okay hold on on the beach on the beach yeah I heard the water who's with you oh uh can you not of course he's literally right next to me like if you look under my building he'll be here okay he's literally under my building okay hold on I'm getting angle getting Angle now whoa there's another enemy South dude there's another there's an enemy shooting South as well what's going on I'm going to be out I'm going to bleed out here I don't think I'm going to make it I I tell you what him quick to get prone to W if you can no they can't the guy's literally right on my body I think hold up hold up yeah I see him who's running who's running me me me okay cool where is he you sure wesy are you dead uh no still in the coma where are you I should be right on that body body are you sure he's is he dead literally right on that body it just I can only see a lootable body wait did you kill the guy lucky no no no I just needed okay okay so Lackey right now I have a black screen it's not even like flashing in and out of coma or whatever so by the way someone just shot lacky someone just shot from South like um to youy Wy I'm not getting anything likey it's just a black screen I haven't got a surgical kit so I can't even help I think he's dead I think he's dead I can skip the com there was a guy South somewhere with on the he's on the beach Tom he's in between me and you somewhere yeah the player is still alive yes I'm trying to see him he can be underneath the the shs yeah I'm looking out I L the out you definitely heard someone yeah I'm now dead lucky so I don't know if you can now see my body there or anything like that you w like I only let me loot you into the water where your body wasy is gave me the option to loot you but not care it's probably got me stuck between the com State and the dead yeah Tom's in the war now your gun is sticking up in the air by the way just letting you know is that your in the window lucky I'm in the window I'm in the window you can he wil yeah yeah yeah I see I see you I'm just trying to get an angle I tossed a I might have got him I don't know see he's underneath one of those shs I'm trying to see if he's hiding in the trees he's under a shack you'd be under the one that's our teammates just killing people on lzs no I think that's our oh sniper he's going he's kicking brother it's kicking off that's our teammate that's definitely our teammate shooting I've not seen anything underneath this you see you see the shack directly in front of me Tomo yep elevated one under that is the only thing you go I'm looking I'm looking put my uh M4 in my back I bounced a nade off of the wall in the hope of getting him under the shack yeah I'm still in the water here I mean see nothing like the marked building lucky uh well it's got a boat on the side of it and a pile of fish stood up or laying down I'm looking as well I'm looking towards him as well but I don't see you on the beach you on the beach I'm on the beach yeah yeah yeah that's me see if there's anyone like I'm trying to like bait and see if he just shoot me it's laying laying down horizontally is what that was he friendly chop it's our teammates it's our teammates I got no visual on him just trying to see I might just shoot a bush I getting to move he was definitely under me bro he was definitely there I'm just taking shots through bushes you shooting yeah I hit fired into the no there nothing if he's behind if he's like prob behind the boat then maybe but I see no body I see no movement okay you're by the P of fish over there St yeah yeah I'm just trying to see if I can get him to shoot at me or at least even spot me lucky I'm moving up to it now cover me our teammates again dude they using a really loud gun yeah I'm I'm pushing to I'm pushing to we have one dead teammate by the way that's not to out there anymore oh boy you got did you say they're camping India too no our teammates are holding it but uh they just died there too I'd say India he just died okay well I'm already on my way there India 2 is guys can you can you pick up all the items out of my bag and put them on the floor please cuz I'm probably going to die here just pick up everything and just put it all on the floor uh I'm still a few minutes out you guys could probably make it over to India too and yes I'll I'll I'll go and do that I'll go and do that I'm still I'm the beach where is this that's that's Westy isn't it two there's two bodies there so must be one of these then there there are two bodies there because one that I was trying to loot L and Dr your stuff at your feety thank you um lacky I need you to come and help me what do you need good uh well I need someone to come with me to go and cover India too yeah cuz that one of the teammates um he died to the west of India 2 the shot at from the I think that single fire was an enemy yeah who we thought was a teammate I hold up give me a second I need to drop this the other thing is the guy that I killed came into my chat and was like GG but so I hope they they're not coming back cuz that would be weird do you know what I mean uh like GG guess but also uh that's awkward which is why this game needs a stream mode just saying maybe not and I you probably not but yeah just that's the problem in it GG you're just going to keep the stream up while I talk to you no no I don't I don't think so this is the problem that's why they need to not tell people who killed them cuz now even if I die I'm just going to feel like it was sus you know but you uh I was telling you about those horses that were running loose through Central London they've had to shoot them no one of them got hit by a bus which is why one was covered in blood right and apparently the reason they're running through London is that they were going past a building site in Belgravia and there was loads of loud noises like really suddenly and all the horses chopped their Riders off and just started running through the streets crazy Hill you're up on that Hill yeah yeah yeah I'm trying to see right I'm about a minute out I'm about a minute out pretty sure where the teammate died was 136 2011 I'm with you 201 136 that's where I think he died is that you coming in no 30 seconds me coming in I trust that you will support me in my Endeavor of not dying Sprint to you guys now from the East I don't have a uh SU kit now so I've got one okay Westy's coming in here I am here's the here's the big bait I feel like they have gone for their loot am I the big bait why am I the thickest boy there's a dead player right here literally right next to the okay you're running forward I guess yeah I'm already looking up the hill y looking up the hill so it was came from came from the south no it came from the south so you no there Southwest up hill are you here or Westy yeah I'm here I'm I'm bleeding pretty bad but hold on okay I'm coming to you to Southwest to South I should be good here ouch you yeah this is me this is me give me coms give me coms cuz I'm getting pretty close I think thanks Tom is that a blue bag what the hell is that Medium bleeding okay it's probably easier if I drop you everything you need yeah if you just Dro me some bandages oh you good yeah I'm good I'm good bandages on the ground shooting them where are they you need it somewhere south of me somewhere south of me bandage close to me close on me did you get the surf kit uh I don't see it slid all the way down the I can't I can't get eyes close on me literally on me feeling pretty dazed apparently broken my upper leg no way that just SL is yeah there's a lot of uh bage I did pick up a nice gun though on you yeah lucky the look at this look at this mk18 dude this com nice I got people literally on me guys I have eyes on eyes on eyes on got eyes on me eyes on taking shots taking shots two guys walking towards you on the top of the hill hill they were walking down the hill they were walking up towards you lcky they were walking up towards you but I've taken shots of them now so they're like sitting in bushes now okay me and Westy walking up the hill St careful careful careful down yeah yeah they were yeah we're just going to go up the hill and we're just going to try and help basically exactly Southwest of you Southwest of you that's you guys careful Southwest of you Southwest of you 100% another frag yep perly on me oh not L them back L them back if you got them they're taking shots of me they're taking shots of me they took shots me where location AI on me as well AI is back by the way AI is back by the way oh man no I'm dead again dead again this is silly they were right just over the hill just in front of us Cy didn't even get a shot off on him yeah I'm being shot yeah God he shot me right in the pen enemy or friendly Chopper no that could distract them though that could distract them is that two dead that's one three three three L him up where same Bush close on me close on me yeah running towards you guys running towards you guys is he up on you luy is that your trouble I don't know I don't yeah it's my Chopper coming in dude we we can get over there I'm just going to take a cheeky you're not on it yet though no I'm not on it no that's it's it's coming in in in a minute you got 1 minute okay so you're saying they were just in a bush lower down or what directly up the hill on the hill very tip of the Hill the very tip of the hill right okay just stay in your cover I'll try and get an angle then yep I'm bandaging heavy just going to stick a couple of mags in my bag Tomy just in case and if you stay on this side of the Hill Tak a SL shotgun cuz it doesn't need mag you moving are you moving moving out of the bush Okay seconds 3 Tom mhm I think I got one not sure Yep they're tossing nades hold up I think I got one okay okay more nades more more on me y we all down the hill just be careful yeah I think I got one there there was two guys at the top of the hill by the way two cool I think I ComEd one yeah I I killed one as well it's hard to see because of my suppressor what's it called the smoke yeah yeah okay here we go out let's get out of here goodness me this all this back and forward yeah should be good this time where did that just go what that is a magnificent beard magnificent thank you they should just be directly ahead of me St yeah uh I just need to uh oh I don't have a s kit so I'm ruined I guess I'm coming in with one I I did drop one near the rocks are at right now start but it's disappeared somewhere slid down the hill you're at right now I'm on a three death streak this is going well I guess that is the the danger like at the moment original loot though did you yeah it's all it's all the shack still but there's a the gun I actually had the mk18 was uh the one that I was going to I picked up off the body that was directly on on the helipad had a really nice gun and I'm hoping there's still some gear there at least I got I got another mk18 though so that's fine I'm going to try and reposition lucky so I can see the hill better so they must have pushed up from like a far um what's it called teammate teammate what's the blueberry doing what the dog doing just let him bait I'll send him a message yeah problem is I've got like no I can't breathe properly so I have a sui kit well I don't think you should leave your position position no I shouldn't you're in a great spot there if anything they might shoot at me if I go in the open a bit more right Tom I was actually saying that in the future uh when you unlock all of these Landing zones it would be less of a problem if you could land further away and then make like a small 10-minute Trek over to a place at the moment I've not we've only got India one India 2 right mhm but if we had the The Landing zones around Tiger Bay we might have more of a chance of like coming in from a different angle yeah I've done that before it's good to get a flank on a different and we were also we were also talking the other day about having like a a portable flare gun that can call in a uh call in a like an extract any at any location or it goes to the nearest one because of the grid layout of these rice fields and corn fields they could easily um you just place a flare in proximity it should be like a reward every five mission vendors or you can buy it as like a end game vendor I think that would be a good idea by the way me and Tomo head to India one so that we're not directly in the line of fire have you got guns as well yeah yeah both of us have got some guns I need to make it back to that Hill though I don't if you killed that third guy but I see someone in the bush there we go is that you enemy coming in in India 2 I think I see someone dead on the floor he's going India one I think he's going India one we're going to India one okay so I see someone's hand in a bush but I think they're dead I can see they're gone on the floor as well yeah I'm pretty it's right next to your bush I think that's the problem yeah we're Landing LZ one in like a minute yeah about 60 seconds out what we could do Tomos we stay north of the town and go along the pathway up by that mural that's north of the town we could probably link up with stod on that side I'm going to trace the edge of this hill line give me a second we should run into the tree line right next to it and go to the beach side and then wrap around to your original loot okay yeah yeah got you by the way people telling me to push you do not understand how this game plays uh thank you it's been so long since I saw that original loop I haven't been to once yet I'm probably not going to get to Blue Lagoon either before Tiger Bay is awesome we have to go there if you haven't it's insane PVE action but just push bro yeah dude just push bro that's how you see them yeah that's how you die dude shut up we're going lz1 though finally yeah we're lz1 what are you talking about we've got like three people here hopefully we don't immediately die yeah so just as soon as we get a dropped off go this is uh head Heights you can Crouch through it pretty much this is literally how the game plays unfortunately that's the way it is this is definitely not DMZ that's correct you don't you push even less than DMZ in this okay turn around bro just use your ultimate confirm two deaths yeah yeah yeah yeah another healer okay bro just use your ulti you'll get him okay I think we're I think we're all right I mean a really obvious but team's firing yeah I think there the AI is respawned by the way so look there's that hand I saw just so much foliage there's that hand right there you see you just need to get into this slightly thicker tree line and then we can walk walk our way along the beach much got okay just be lying to me yeah [Music] um hey on the thing there you can take them out shot another friendly Chopper where's that going it's going over nice additional shots though uh yeah is that friendly Chopper that's friendly are there claymor in this not yet but I hope they don't have them take them down no worries are you guys pushing through the town yeah you can definitely you can definitely go go north go northy we're getting Westy's original load out yeah so I got everything that I need just Wy thank you whoa yeah the AI is kind of fa right now whoa I try I'm going to try and I'm going to try straight away I just got killed by I got two of them enclosed on our position do we want to do we want to move off or no I've not seen anyone on your Hill lucky but I mean it is what it is I mean the rest of your stuff still on the ground and your latest body will still have some of that gear WD so we need fobs in this game well I mean you know yeah an fob zero that you know you could just spawn at Lackey what were we saying by the way hello no comments from Lackey lcky lck's dead IRL he's role playing I'm pushing pushing off the hill now that's what I'm saying I've not seen I've not seen anyone on that hill so well even if there is people there at this point I'm just rotating I think what possibly happened there is my frag grenades got them that would be great I mean I think I shot the guy behind the tree you might need to um sew me up by the way yep cuz I'm uh oh my God I can't believe it I've died four times in a row it's I bounced a bunch of grenades off of trees up there and none of them really rolled down the hill so what's worse they were targeting me Westy and then just switched to you for some reason yeah I don't really understand like the SK had 60 round visible underneath theer maybe we were just a bit you know yeah a bit exposed maybe cuz we saw the AI had respawned maybe we should have just taken that a bit easier hey what can you do 56 seconds Beed it dude I came over the hill to our right as well as from the beach side mhm why can't I get up this tiny ledge yeah I can't even our teammate to the Deep South is dead um I I don't remember him being there to be honest I don't remember there being a fourth teammate oh my God Wy uh can you can you uh surger surgery me up fam yeah I'm on the way me up pushing to you now okay now I know that you're you're trying to say the silly things now yeah I just need my lungs patched up if you [Music] could sting you now nice that was Bloody intense what pretty intense I think I think I got three yeah I think I got one as well yeah yeah I'm good I'm good absolutely fine now yeah okay let's just try and clear the area for these guys have you lost your gear now is that what's happened no he's okay still okay cool I'm going to go and help our teammate do these uh AI as well wait five okay that's cool I'm going to get one framed by these AI well going to ask said teammate if he's got the key I need Jesus right can't see him I see him in the trees got him he was just spraying like crazy friendly friendly hey buddy you got um have you got the Elder Key by any chance L's still looking for the key please he's been looking at it looking for it for an hour a half uh do you not have that key Tomo just there with his knife you know just chilling chilling key oh what start what happened I just one shot the uh the leader yeah yeah yeah he's just he's just a dude with a mustache yep oh you got him he respawned yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh nice dude well done well done at least we got the mission done it's only taking an hour he just standing there like this all right good good good I wouldn't say no to getting our Dodge you know well let them get the gear first but we we've been fighting for it for we need to go to the uh tny as well right I mean I'd love to get my gear back I'd love it would you like to be to a closer area to where you respawn as did you just fire no no no no no no okay then that's that's enemy shots then yeah they're to the South yeah yeah directly south uh 195 195 is it stupid of me to see to try and hear using my left audio to make sure I really pinpoint it that was crazy I mean this is the ultimate slap Peak here oh my God that's disgusting look at that it still hits the wood though that sucks how do I get the angle for this yes we got definitely go south somewhere yep can you wait me up when we get there Esty wait me [Laughter] up are we there yet I will turn this um well I've just pissed myself out the window cuz there was no services on the way but are we there yet nearly not yet back for my knife what inspector my knife oh it's James [Music] Bond me and start fighting for our damn lives and you two just pissing around in helic I'd love to be out to help what else are we going to do I'd love to be able to help you it's been 18 minutes of this lucky it's minutes and the rest Tomo it's been about 45 minutes of backwards and forwards that's that's disgrace W is going to have to add time stamps his live stream now points where I'm not dead might as well just cut out the between 3 and 5 minutes uh 1 hour 18 to 1 hour 20 the first hour of his live stream oh my God you want our bodies again yeah yes we up the side of a hill are they not no dead that's where you guys are now is pretty much where we were I'm just literally on your bodies just holding please don't tell me there's someone camping your LZ now yeah well we're not we're not kind of sure about that yet um we clear the AI in the town yes I'm literally standing on your bodies where you died okay I'm just right I'm Tom caution to the wind I'm just [ __ ] full sprinting I'm just if we die again die shots play play play outside me right outside me my Christ dude they're camping they're camping the other they're camping the other what there's a guy on you he's literally on my body on on me right now St literally on where I was I didn't see I thought it was you dude I looked to my right what's going where what is going on dude he's literally on my corpse on the beach hang on hang on hang on I'm inside a small hold up hold up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm in a coma Jesus CH good for you good for you I got him I got him I got one you got him got one back at the [ __ ] base there's another enemy in front of me as well junk poke pokey all right I guess uh L what is going on this is insane there's players everywhere it's cuz they want their gear and we want our gear that's why sending them back to their base and then they're coming back to get their gear play some repeat comes comes comes I see how much am is there this is crazy wy's taken out on the UN lcky cuz lack's dead too finally right over we go we're we're all coming in knives only okay three down Knives Out nice what the hell dude this is insane well you have the positioning right so that's uh that's the good stuff I thought he lucky was here too I think he was he's missing thisal oh what the hell it was at least at least three at least three by the way you know they're definitely using another Landing Zone nearby and then just running through I think I think that's what they're doing going India too yeah oh my god dude that was I think we've left Lackey behind yeah we have yeah that's fine AFK don't worry about oh you can actually click the H and it shows you the location yeah and who's on it Westy's gone through it today dude oh it's just just be the good news is the good news is is there's loot everywhere These Guys these guys are safe and we suffer the consequences we just freaking bored of it oh I think he just died cuz he was in a coma yeah chat are loving it chat are absolutely loving it yeah well here's what I'm going to do I'm going to sit in this bush I've taken three guys out I know where roughly where their bodies are you're going to come back again oh dear oh my god dude that was ridic ridiculous I'm going to sit in this bush I'm you know what I'm going to do I'm going to have a lovely tasty little L Chi just L to enjoy so yeah the guy that killed you Lackey no idea I checked under the thing I start running forward I see a guy running through the bushes towards um lz1 so I shoot him and then a guy just starts running towards the other LZ by any chance his and then the guy that you killed you started running towards me and he ran past me and I shot so he's pulling his so that's see trees if you take a look outside your window to the West you'll see trees feel like I've been on this tour a few times now and then it's happen to be everywhere and on the South Side here you'll see some trees sure I've seen that tree before yeah yeah friendly friendly and we're now flying over frog territory I killed three guys there was there was three dead guys [Laughter] here my team are on their way back someone's loving it m Tomo thought I'll join the crack team today get some good content no I didn't think that I think I just killed another guy you just killed someone else yes just on a Massac dude I am literally destroying the banar massive a guy just started sauntering through the woods uh I just killed another guy by way well I want to be able to get back up on that Hill there's five there's Five Guys there's five I just got shot by another guy I think we land here we run for that Hill cuz there's guns up there we know of yeah okay there's another gun near the LZ goodness or lz1 uh lz1 okay well we're now going to LZ 2 okay did you get did you get killed I've been shot at and been heavily injured St lz2 back off with us help me and tommo get something and then we'll try and help you a long range optic North Northeast can be encoding overloaded occasionally in this game okay dude right uh right so here's the thing I've got no bandages left oh I do have two bandages you don't got um anything near mfac a little bit oh my God this is so insane um right 3 0 we're heading out a severe bruise well can I do first AK just an fact St no no it it holds two items dude yeah it's like it's like an M right yes you me teammate just got shot in the head teammate's dead all right me and me and Wy touching down I'm dizzy I'm running through to yeah this is this is the hottest area right almost the trees trans are they'll be up though that's where they took the loot from well no I think they pushed up to lz1 yeah we'll see um how do I stop coughing nor oh because I need another I need another surgery kit guys another does anyone does anyone have a surgery kit no I had one and then died I I'm going to run to you then and get stitched up mhm stitched up stitched up yeah another is that another Chopper yep what coming for no his teammate teamate yeah my our teammate just got shot in the head by the way right I've got a 60 round mag on this mk18 60 yeah dude this is a 60 round mag right here I'm running towards you guys before holy crap listen we both got that do you want me to take points so that you guys we've got nothing we've got lit guns we have guns your stuff is still at that beach wesy so we should go beach side and walk around well no no no come come come here come here I'm dizzy because I've no oh shots shots shot shots no no no no no God this is this is chaos you getting shot at now there's an enemy Chopper coming in landing at lz2 okay I'm going to have to shoot him I can't I'm so dizzy I don't know which one's the real one you get him don't know that's an enemy player definitely is he in the field is he dead no he de idea I'm going to I need yeah I need heing other I can't bloody see I shot him a bunch but he could be in a coma dude he di M okay right do surgery right the actually these guys are yeah shooting at me um I've got a funny feeling guys there's something a little bit more onard going on yeah I'm dead I don't have a bre use it right your feet okay um I'm yeah I got it I'm oh yeah I think there's something more un than just they keep appearing I can't see him I'm dizzy you dead Tommy no North okay I can't see I can't see yeah fragged us I mean they they found us very quickly not again not again and we're we're we're we're we're all dead we're all dead yeah right g g you g yeah we all died and there you go guys that is PVP at banar no no that was stream SN in at vampire that literally was stream sniping at vampire maybe well I knew about 15 minutes ago but there was nothing I could really do about it how did you know because well they were in the chat weren yeah yeah they well I did have yeah yeah right okay well I lost all my good stuff so likewise that's not good my brother well that is the problem we just don't know well the guns on the ground stay permanently so if we let it die down we can go back later as long as we remember where we died uh surely we're not going back there that's Insanity later why can't I use anything I'm just saying if we did go back there later there the loot that drops on the ground like it stays permanently as long as the server's up I can't seemingly put any kind of optic on my SKS I'm not saying anything I'm not saying anything you know I'm not saying anything brother I'm just saying someone came into my chat and said GG just putting some gear in I'm just saying maybe they know I don't know man can't put anyway listen I'm sure it's fine hope it's cleared out my inventory somewhat yeah well I was saying well I've got my at least I got my task done I think as as we always say guys there's no cure for being a seaword and those guys were seword so well this the thing how how do you know well how do you know because he came into the chat and told me that he'd just been banned from the other guys chat because they were watching our stream and like he basically told me what to do and I was like guys we can't do that we can't have that we can't have that we can't have it do you know how do you know how they fix this though just don't have the name when you kill well that doesn't help though cuz there's so little servers that you know also it's yeah it's only a problem because we're all streaming like yeah yeah but that's what I'm saying like they just needed some sort of system something oh well it's okay we got plenty of gear here well um do we change to a different server or does make a differ it's just a it is just a strange thing to like go into the chat when the game is just how it is when obviously people are going to full send but why make it known that you're in the chat yeah well the person that was in the chat telling me was someone from their chat that was telling me like they were kind of wh nighting they were trying they were trying to help time as well like sometimes it's not even the streamer's fault it's like chat passing on messages of where people are all the time yeah and that's why I literally gave him a little chat and I was like you know don't worry about it I I get it I get what you're trying to do I get you're trying to help but let's not there was a thing I saw recently which was when clean and darkness were fighting each other yeah um and here's exactly what happened so clean kills Darkness Darkness is chat so oh look it's clean I go to clean's chat clean you've just killed Darkness clean they're coming from the north clean they're going to the lz1 lz1 clean clean they're going lz1 clean they're actually so close to you right now actually they're in your bush next to you in fact you should throw a in that bush you're not going foret it read something unintentionally like giving away the enemy position and being like well I can't forget that information you just giving me now I'm obviously going to hold that angle so like and that's the thing is obviously if the if both the chats are watching each other's streams the same thing happens but just by proxy you can St you can right click to stab the sandbags and actually I don't know what happened oh they do they do and they get little little knife marks on them yeah if they were adamant they weren't stream sniping then I would I would I would I would ask the question how did you know where we were well we how did you know within seconds of us landing where we were and how did you know to go to which Landing Zone we were landing at within seconds we'll never know and that's and that's for the chat to decide if you want to change servers STD then I recommend everyone covers their screen we don't say what server we're joining and then we just join another one well we'll try that yeah I'm engaging full gun shagger at the minute I don't know here's here's the end thing you can never get mad at people for doing anything or even if it didn't happen it is on the devs to add just remove the names there we go solved sorted remove the names when you kill people you don't even need a stream mode done and we that would be any to to remove any uh doubt so there you go I don't think there's any weirdness going on it was it is what it is you know it's all fine I was just like yeah okay you know who knows I don't know we don't know it is what it is this whole problem gets solved with one simple fix oops one server you can just move to another one this is like proving the LZ system needs work I I I don't think we should be able to full send it back immediately we should have to go to a different LZ it should be on cool down mhm I agree um like a two minute cool down at least like like so you have to wait I don't know if there is another server but we can have a go i' I've completed my gun checking well we'll just go somewhere else like go somewhere else well yeah we'll just stay here it's we could do na if You' like those servers have been good yeah um so if that's the case then let me just uh should we all going to are we all going to end deployment end your deployment but then cover your screens or whatever so are we going out okay yeah all right and then we'll we'll meet back up in another place but no one say where it is and whoever's in the lead just pick one and just matchmake us and go as I said um this is why you know especially during a thing they just need these kind of tools that just kind of don't give people an idea of who they're fighting against that's it surely removing names doesn't stop people watching a stream but the argument is is that um if people did see us on another stream and then they saw that we were they saw our names and they go oh that's thing it's not necessarily the streamers themselves this is exactly what I was explaining so um with clean and darkness their own chats are just talking doesn't matter if they they don't want to read it um you know what I mean their chats were just talking and just basically calling out the other streamers just because they were saying oh yeah uh they're there they're on the right and maybe that's not what happened here I don't know I'm just saying it just removes all the doubt that's [Music] all already up um am I in the squad hang on I'm just looking sad leader brother brother um not fully ready EU East has on I'm just checking yeah EU East has the most amount players on right now yeah [Music] yeah yeah this is um this has happened stream intro now wesy so you can trim it Afters um this is this is something has happened 100 times to me so it's like I get it I'm I'm sure no one was it's all fine it's it's it's more that there needs to be just tools to combat it if it ever did happen that's it that's all it is um you know it get and that's the problem with streamers killing stream is it just gets heated because everyone's chats gets involved so there you go that's it and there it is it's solved fixed um are we ready um no no um I don't think I am after one I've been [Music] through well we need to go to the young tunnies that's right I'll tell you what I'll take a lovely AK cuz not tried that yet does anybody know what sights are comparable the pistols no no but you need a top rail g17 is this the 545 one regardless pistols are trash well I'm think well I got I got a kill I got a kill with the I got a kill with the red yeah I got a kill with the pistol earlier it was worth it saved my life saved my life um what goes into type 51 by the way I actually have no idea uh 7 76225 762 in the oh okay yeah in that one I don't have many 545 mags I will buy some yeah I just lost my amazing 545 so I rip the dream I do still have the uh the m700 though sniper but I just don't have the good scope for it unless anybody can tell me how to buy a really good scope for it is there a really good scope for it oh Scopes work where's that great where is that is it turn coat or gunny oh that one oh right and that goes on the m700 yeah you have to get the 34 mm Rings though to attach it I think okay so how do I get those from gny as well yeah yeah okay so 34 mm ring I've completed my gun noning I show my 44 mm ring 34 mm R oh God I say some things don't wait hang on I'm panicking cuz I'm going to L me job so I'll then need to remove the uh the ACOG mhm and the ACOG Mount where the hell other and then on that I can put the 34 mm ring and then the voodoo optic can't mount it to the modified weapon requires more space than is available ah right okay I have a rail or something to come off no you're good I've done it uh and then can you put a suppressor on this or not no you can't oh there's a 700 cap it's got a it's got a ring cap on it so hang on a minute that's cap that's cap bro l oh I don't even have much ammo oh sorry armor there do I if I take that does anyone know what um have they announced when the alpha ends supposedly uh tomorrow yeah no there there's a few things like the LZ stuff as well like the way that you can just like okay here comes the LZ it's got an enemy on it I'm going to shoot him right now cuz why not I I have no choice I'm going to have to just shoot oh they're dead you know like it's it's kind of like well I don't know if that's very fun cuz like again wesy and tommo died after getting locked into an animation three times and what you supposed to do just let them live you have to kill them you have to shoot them otherwise they're just going to um come back again right oh lovely little mfac and I'll put the I need a suture kit surge kit there you go oh is that not there we go and then what else do I take I take 100 Barrel directly and I've got a 22 in one you [ __ ] but I don't know what right so if it's if it's gunny then the gunny is going to surely have the stuff that unless there isn't a suppressor for this are you my Gunn would I try e after this no um is there no way to like can I not just type the word m700 and it just brings up everything for the m700 you might not have it though that's thing you have to inspect the gun Wy and then it reveals the attachments that that can be equipped put this in here what else I need I've got the inspect I've got everything I need I food drink and then I'm good right no that can't wait so when I'm how do I do that you should just right click inspect then it will highlight the attachments that so it's not highlighting the scope even though I've got the scope on there so it's not doing the thing you have to like maybe like the attachments need to be in your uh Locker for them to highlight if it's not highlighted then it's doesn't it's not compatible so I can't do that when I'm in the vendor list for example I don't think it'll show yeah if you inspect a gun in your storage actually own the item it won't highlight it in the vendor list if that makes sense put on the m700 no he want a supressor I was looking for a suppressor and I need 76251 ammo I can't say I've seen it personally no um I don't have body armor with body armor 76 where's that guy no I don't I don't need body armor but I'd like body armor do you have a rig on that you hold on I'll see if is there a vendor that sells oh there is a yeah yeah yeah I see I see I see where did my am go is there nicer ones I can have no brother I've lost it brother uh I've lost the ammo for the sniper so I can't even use it what is it sr76 I just take this one 76251 that's all it is I I swear I had and I had it because I picked it up oh no 7 6251 FMJ there you go okay so character put that in there want a freaking sort button please yeah what is it some Alpha so if I don't have a spare m700 magazine does that mean can't reload the sniper you can individually load the bullets I believe okay try it drop the mags on the ground and try and reload okay cool weapon is not functional and that's armor too I think I did I just drop that on the ground um that's not good where did that go do I need more bandages um that magazine has just disappeared um so this gun is now not functional at all where are you so I just detached it whilst it was in my oh no I found it so I put oh yeah I just put it somewhere else you dropped it on the ground there you go no you're good so there you go right so now this m700 that I've got so if I switch that oh yeah there was no way I was going to go back to that area either that was like what we killed like seven guys so seven guys coming back with all of the like stuff going on there was no way I wasn't going to try and get my stuff back that was GG hello Tomy hello hello there all right I am uh I am a man who is ready I'm ready for some gun shagging indeed yeah yeah well do so I have a four round mag I can't reload so so I'd have to take the mag out of my gun put it in my backpack and then manually reload it and then put it back on the gun again yeah I guess you could try you could do that so if I right okay and then you want to do inspect detach that's now detached load so now got fire yeah that's how I'm going to have to do it nice and then then i' I've detached it but it doesn't allow you to reattach it and you can't then put the gun you it on right yeah but you can't do that even though the gun was in my backpack and I detached the uh the the attachment now that I can't put take the bullets out uh you having issues putting and then put it back on no so that that's a bit weird so I have a belt I can take the magazine off of the gun whilst it's in my backpack wait so so put the gun in your hand again put the gun in my hand I can't because it's now incomplete I'm going to call in a helicopter to let you equip gun and it doesn't let me put the magazine back on yes that's where I want to go to Bunker put it in your storage and then put the mag on yeah but that's fine but that means I can only fire five shots because I don't have a magine of it they thought of it damn it but that that doesn't make any sense because like why would I be able to take the magazine off and put it in my bag but then I refill the mag why can't I then take it back out of my bag and put it into the gun that's in my bag your PL gentlemen we're getting on this helicopter that's leaving in it's coming now let's go appreciate your fettling is what right so I did all that sniping for all that sniper changes for literally no reason uh yes yeah do you want me to go around the front I'll go around the front absolute Shaggy no no I said I was going around the front get on get on get on get on get on get on on I said I'll go around the front and there's two people I don't know I just jump now good God that's see nice okay the you could deny enemies of by an hour Andes of recording of which is that is most of the stream hey you can stop recording and delete that footage huh yeah I can because it's literally worthless I forging F and water oh good it's all right I'll just eat my enemies yeah just eat the be a cannibal blood blood blood blood it's been a great this game needs to be less focused on PVP that's the thing dude hello uh Mr Killington with the 1,000 bits thank you very very much dud appreciate that um at least the grassic it's it's very oh this it's very much Greener uh and there's a lot of grass that you can't see through half the time um the other thing was what was I going to say oh the game needs to be less focused on PVP and a hardcore realism but that's the thing Quai you can literally play the game in PVE if you want so you can go in um what's it called you can go and push you can go in like uh there's like two tabs one of them is PVP and one of them is PVE you can play the whole game in PVE I don't know if you can co-op it but I think you can yeah I think you possibly just like go in as a squad and you can PVE the whole game this for Dan up looks weird wow I have not heard that joke before DMC got a big update LOL LOL welcome to New DMZ gmz well take a look at what happened I me seriously TMZ TMZ wait why I got my side can you hop server to server from pvtv no I don't think so I think it'll be two separate um characters no no no no copyright now there could be men in this AO so be careful we're going bunker yeah yeah bunker got you got to go get that we're going to get Gunn down think I've got the tasks on for it neutralize the hostiles uh search the bunker and uncover what happened to Long vong touchdown a guy in my chat just said bro Land watching you fly about is painful yeah I landed dude oh my God I landed dude I got out there you go he doesn't know he doesn't know no he does he does he understands I was flying the whole time oh wait what no no no no that thing's autonomous Alexa place he doesn't know he doesn't know the helicopters are on Rails and not flown by actual people oh dear where's the xville chopper why aren't you flying it where's the heavy Chopper where's the fuel where's DMZ oh do you guys want to go to this other entrance by the way yeah go in the I think that's they need for that Quest right the little drop in to find the Giza oh oh I don't have the flash drive you did I don't have the flash drive either I didn't know we needed it I was commun I need I need to I need to get um what's what's his name Vang Tong or something yeah I need to find him vong Tong I think his name vong Tong a careful careful it's time to get head shot oh yeah by the way once you climb over there they all go ignore the AI come this way come to us on the map wait how do I get past this sque head over to me right on my position running over yeah I'm made over drop in there one victim is it like a big slide that we go down together just droing I'm just disappointed you're going to break my legs drop in number one Victory [Music] Royale you jump yeah oh was there a little oh it's a separate bunker like area hang on oh my God can I drop in straight through the whole time oh that was that would have been cool there's only one way out here if you remember the broken staircase in the other bunker yeah you drop out there um am I am I playing Point who's ahead of me it's all right there's no way in this area trying to interact with this thing have you guys already killed people or is this this the body for the quest it's not it's not it's not a big bunker of this one St the body the body isop back you drop back into the main one here look oh okay which would be deadly I can hear them on the other side just down here ah it's down oh no I fell oh that's AI okay then whoa whoa whoa whoa um Wes's in here already I think I was going to say Wy this it's me it's me it's me what was you going to say you got to say something you didn't say you were shooting or anything we we the wiggle no but you weren't you were looking the other way what was it wiggle nice sweeping right a nice another one in the wall there reloading dead stuck in the wall I know yeah yeah yeah yeah careful careful careful Dr the one down the corridor who knew hip firing was so effective dude have you not realized the HIIT fire I've been HIIT firing people all day fire is good point fire is 100% accurate pretty much like a monitor I do need to kill like stod needs to kill all the need AI yeah so do I oh okay we're fighting for AI I shall chill in here who's this um why did you just shoot me dude sorry are you dead no I'm in a coma okay hold on hold on uh who's s guys guys I think I think I'll justra on the floor Sprint at me you sprinted right at me which one's Westy I'm dead on the ground who specifically decided that Westy was going to be the victim today I'm the punching B well luckily I didn't headshot you cuz you know well right cing we oh hang on why can't him it's cuz I did it the things need to be in your rig accessible yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm doing it I'm doing the sui kit now mhm so that's one I got love tapped by lacky on the first day and now I've been killed by St right I think I'm doing I'm doing the Su kit I'm doing the sui kit now then the moment you stand up wesy I'm going to shoot you in the face all right yeah yeah and then pillage my body yeah I was actually thinking about unloading my mag myself sometime soon there you go right thanks guys oh no I'm through the floor no Noe oh my god dude okay so by the way oh no this was just I thought this was like a through room what the hell's oh no so where are you wesy um end task and it will put you back it it won't count as a Force disconnect oh you want me to it will count as a crash and then maybe the game will recognize that you're in an area where you shouldn't be and hopefully put you above ground basically I heard voices from that direction wesy and then you and then you Ste towards me and that was that was any of you any of you gone upstairs uh no oh yeah okay so am I good to sweep and clear upstairs with maximum understand where Westy's body is for now there was listen listen list listen listen there was voices in here I hear the so I hear the voices maybe it's because I died so close to a wall or something he did so like as your guy sort of came back to life he did like a roll rolled into the wall yeah and I'm I'm dead all right sorry wesy it's okay St all this is this the whole stream being deleted what server were we on uh you yes yes yes yes okay I hope that was an AI how do I know what Y is Ye Ye I'm actually going to try a shotgun I'm still upstairs by the has anybody come upstairs um no so wait what how do you get out of this situation wesy do you just have to what do you do I told him to end task which basically have you got your gear yeah that work no I'm back below the floor again I think I'm I think I can't kill you in this state but no no hang on are you fully healed first if you're going to do that you can't so you can't Vault out here no um I'm like it's like it's weird like it got you look at him start who so did any your task put you in a better position last time yeah yeah I couldn't move last time I was completely stuck okay so do it again there may be a there may be a away do it again and then hopefully cuz you're you look like you're in a better spot now okay what is going on just had a bad day he has he had a bad day so was like you know what I'm going to pile on no you know I was like you know what I'm going to do my own thing and then you think you had a bad day wesy awest he just maybe you'll be even further up the floor in a second from 1 to 10 difficulty of game systems let's say DMZ is one and tarov is 10 I'd say five is that fair seven well in terms of difficulty yeah there's a lot of mechanics in this people won't understand like body armor ballistics for a lot of people this is going to be their first like entry into melim and tactical Shooters shooting teammates as they run through a doorway Friendly Fire yeah and also guys I once they open the floodgates oh my God the team killing is going to be R oh it's going to be oh it's going to be rough the thing is that's why they need to have a coma State popped in no I crashed straight away oh you crashed as you joined yeah unreal Pro yeah literally that's my first proper crash by the way and I've had a a crash report come up by the way right man okay my shotg wait wait wait wait I've got an idea I've got an idea what if we no no no no no what if I stand where he would spawn so it forces his character to yeah maybe what if I get launched into orbit well deserve it yeah to be honest I deserve it yeah I think it is your fault start you know it definitely is yes all right guys it definitely is my fault all right the worst thing is is it was just a it was just a two tap it was just a twoot tap started out as a two tap then it did end up like this this now it's only his head and we're touching [Laughter] his uh oh you bounced me you actually did bounce me okay hang onang on a minute yeah we can kill you and take the stuff off your body um can we I feel like I feel like he'll fall over and I don't think he's I feel like his gear is gonna fall through it's weird like there must be something that let me try and get like an arm shot on you so it's not C you might hold on hold on wait wait wait wait if he goes into a again we might refix it no he can't jump on his head come on can you can you my jumping look yeah by the way I'm bouncing I can't yeah I know I know what you can't get off from where you are no you're oh what the hell imagine this is how you die y this is your kill cam what are you doing I'm coming back downstairs I'm coming back so if I drop all my gear here dude did you really just sub and then say what a waste of a sub after 30 seconds what the hell thanks for the prime sub okay should I shoot him in the arm I was going to we'll try and put you in a coma after you okay your gear is your is coming up let us know when you've done everything this is the funniest [ __ ] there you go I'm pretty much I'm pretty much got a slug shot is low damage no no no stop no no don't knife him don't knife him don't break his legs bo bo I can't get off no I'm trying don't stab me please St spin around spin spin both of you sp wesy do me a favor before wait wait wait before we attempt this can you just Beyblade and see what happens okay all right it doesn't really do anything I'm going to shoot him in the arm hold up this is so no no why are you doing with a shotgun it will collateral slug it's a slug it's a slug it's a slug it's only going to smash his lims the hand with a 5.56 cuz Trac Run's kind of ass right stay still wesy okay um am I Invincible now no you're not you're not actually hurting me anymore now let me have a go I got it the first time that's not hurting you no it's not hurting me at all now it is now it is now is that okay that was in the head no it was in the legs you're shooting me in the legs somehow just keep shooting keep shooting come on kill me I don't want to kill you I want to see if you're on a coma if you do you can GL back up Jesus I'm actually damaging you like yeah it's hurting it's hurting let me just check my health um I'm very dizzy I'm medium bleeding how many sh that's that's that's enough that's enough no no no no that's enough he said enough right my brain's hurting right five boxes now come on come on come on kill me more what is going on six red boxes come on how is he not dead yet oh my God it's just his head it's just his head why can't I see this from your point of view are you in a coma wesy yeah I'm now in a coma examine him examine him let's see if this works heal him back to heal wait what I can't heal I can't even examine him I'm healing you're healing him oh no no no no no wait should I stand on his head stand no no no don't you're you're getting in the way this is not going to I don't know all right severe blood loss severe blood loss really brother no man man is literally swiss cheese n on my watch please don't he's going to respawn in the floor is he all family's downstairs please do severe blood loss yeah some idiot our teammate dude can you guys do anything to him I've used can't use a serve examining I'm examining hold up [ __ ] head uh hold up oh go I got it I got it this might work oh boy please could have been avoided no oh this and I'm below I'm I'm completely below now okay do you have a frag no nothing dude okay so just just do full R F4 and that will crash you and respawn you at a base cuz the game will recognize now that you've for and not um crashed so I put your base and you just fly back we tried it it's fine I can't believe it took three and a half well two and a half mags to kill you but guys I've only been streaming for two hours in 10 minutes and I've died seven times you should just send your entire vard to Rick i' just be like please examine this for errors and errors yeah please examine this for errors errors in as in bugs and also error in gaml design er er I'm the door so no one can come I'm just going to take it lightheartedly guys Ricochet in this game lucky hope lucky why did you just shoot I think you should shoot stod I think you should shoot him again no what's this what why are you shooting what are you shooting for I was trying to I was trying to see what rounds I had in my shot putting it one into the wall next to you well you know the Slugs do stay on the floor look yeah oh fatal error yeah oh no revent identified a recurring issue with recent Intel 13900 K processors oh I'm probably going to crash soon I've just realized that what why why yeah the Game just crashed again no no F why are you close to crashing uh cuz it's been 2 hours my game crashes after 2 hours you crash every two hours I think there's something to do with like some weird yeah but that that's where I that's why I can stream for 4 hours CU I have double the amount of ram you you guys what do you have Wy I've got 64 gig of RAM um and I the the first crash is what I had trying to get back into the game just now so in 20 I've only CR and I'm on 32 gig and that was like three days ago interesting well hopefully guys my gear will still be there yeah is we've we're watching over it I think one of us has got your weapon in the bag at least there not a single one of these men have buck shot no is this game actually already chalked no I just got stuck in the ground guys it's fine don't worry you got shot by a teammate and then stuck in the ground it's no big deal it's fine it hasn't wasted more time all from St bro his friend literally put him there bro bruh um right I'm back at task complete nice cuz you hit the oh no bring the bring the flash drive wesy okay hang on a minute hang on you though that's fine what can I do I've done enough you've done enough St uh pipe down pipe down I would like to confirm for the audience at home that shotguns are indeed still terrible okay you dead no I'm fine uh where are the where are the hard I'm coming up I'm coming upstairs coming upstairs the main entrance okay hold on hold on looking for you looking for you that is the window window room before the main entrance right okay hold up hold up Artisan okay um they've not given me anything I still can't find you I think I can find you maybe um I'm at the stairwell now so towards the main I I should be next to you okay okay I've gone through wait where are you I can't find you where are you where are you I'm back in the main hall where are okay okay okay hold on um place the you're really hard to see there oh you have to collect it from the command tent that's why hard to see that [ __ ] is there men couple of are I'd love to be able to zoom in my map I'd love to be able to zoom in the map a little just so I could see very easily who's close to me can you invite me as well by the way guys careful luy careful you can't zoom in on the map no not in your mini map oh com's left shots left where's that from on the truck on the truck okay I can't see that guy who's uh oh that's a friendly Chopper got a new message from Artis yeah it was to get the squad invite cuz I can't send one yeah can you drop me an invite guys yes ad member wesy there we go thanks dude where's the AI oh I hear one I hear one East my Chopper is not going to be here for like 2 minutes yeah I don't have any more tasks here now cuz I've eliminated the AI well something of that to mean not I might actually go check out the uh military base at some point yeah there might well it's probably good loot right you think so wouldn't you I'm moving between cover I can shoot everyone well I think that was your Mantra a few moments ago St well it was yeah and and I did I got to tell you I was a man on a mission and guess what I did it mission complete mission complete we'll get him again to be honest watchy cover your ears uh anything I'm like a AI rustling in the bushes this that's one of you oh there is an AI rustling in a bush you would be correct about that I'm just checking the equipment boxes just left left the bunker door see is if there's something huge here I wouldn't even know have I found it or not sh [Music] bur what's else is there anything else in here that I can [Music] make who hey I respawning around the oh God oh God oh God ow ow ow I'm almost dead hang on skill issue please die got one in the car SK skill issue nope I'm not fighting that not yet hold on he's down you got him um wait did you die tell me oh no you didn't I'm I'm patching up okay I need to have lovely drink the classic AOG ouch AI that really hurt and it's still hurting right sorry I'm back the AI bit me AI bit my finger yeah he did yeah really hurt no the choer just took off without me I left it too long all right okay I'm just going to leave the squad I think I'm going to slowly Venture towards the Millie site okay why want to be there I've got your guny by the way so don't hit him with a WP WP H with a general hold up oh generator room got it I'm just kidding wait wait I think I think I know this one wait wait wait is it not this is it not hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on is it not this is this not generator room no come around this corner how's this look one second just uh no ammunitioning generate a room I'll generate a room in a minute that looks quite menacing do we've got very Jack the Ripper there your all characters also like huffing and sighing as if he's just committed some sort of crime this bent over for you then nice no he's not oh there's plenty of Friendly Fire don't you worry plenty a friendly fire so much so that we've had to ban St from playing yeah do you have friends hey yo twink Slayer 9,000 with the five gifted subs thank you very very much appreciate you absolute Legends also we had Muk ribs with the one year by the way W 1926 thank you for the 39 months uh we had quazi with the 100 bits as well BJ bgb with the 11 months uh and I think I CAU the other but yeah twink Slayer thank you very very much for the five gifted if you got one of those then please thank them in the chat right now thank you it's underground ey down the street um was that sniper yeah mine snip no it was a M4 s so I heard a sniper unsuppressed one shot unsuppressed did it sound like that yeah it did yeah yeah M4 MP3 hey didn't you find a scope oh yeah there's the tipe 51 here take it you found a scope here last time didn't you oh you guys are you guys all going to the military yeah I'm going to the Fort of Nazareth but what about young westle coming back in well he's going he's going to be a good seven minutes as he now yeah but I mean I'll stick around I'll stick around that's fine I'll just clear some of the AI from the hill up here yeah Bloody easy J didn't he yeah he did yeah well did you say Ryan Air actually has the most successful uh fa AJ thank you very much for the Scout sub thank you the old statistics thank you dude more you know I remember I once booked a 30 quid flight from ryer and they to PID me €600 because the delay was so long really yeah profit what did you do with the profit booked another ,000 remember that when I when I flew to Australia my delay was so lengthy that uh Qatar Airways basically refunded me most of the ticket guys I'm this is me just coming into the uh into the meme right here who's got all my gear ,000 uh I've got your gun but then I'm I'm going to be taking Point whilst yeah so I need to go and get my other stuff from the bunker and all the AI will have respawned by now and I don't have a gun oh yes no they won have respawned yet okay and anyway they'll be shooting me cuz I'm taking Point unless they miss me and then shoot you in the head which is also a very much a likely possibility can somebody drop me an invite to the squad as well yep I'll do it to be lucky was St I think we can only suggest members there you go west of CLE lovely the on this military base are heavily armored by the way it's nice to see them actually dying I'm on my way St I'm on my way yeah I'm going to leave this VOD up guys as a lesson of how not to play this game yes it's not your fault though yeah no I understand like I'm I'm really not that bothered cuz it's like all of our progress will get wiped anyway and we'll have to do all of this again when the game launches into Early Access so it is what it is I don't care um are you going to climb over at the end of the day it was all my fault yeah do you want me to just climb you can climb here where I'm just over yeah yeah just climb over I'll be being shot from here hello hello I've got your gun hold on I really don't want it to drop through the floor so let's do it here yeah um ready drop you got it y y no mags for it though so just that's fine they're all in my they're all in my bag and stuff right we really need you not to die that's not that's that is dead is it down that we need to go I can't remember I think it is yeah is just an AI vaguely shooting in our location where was it God uh was it it was even further down wasn't it yeah down here Wy uh so come all the way back in y what Patrol back back in there and uh uh do I have FN FN what is this Dumping Ground Dumping Ground storage shed crit uh where is it yeah have a key for some now I know where it is I think do I not know cuz I'm for me I am still my body I can still see my dead body like impr prone with a knife out here can you see that no no I can't but it's obviously just kept your body in the in the game yeah I'm checking all the bodies there uh any other loot oh I got I got the hard I got the stick I think you have to do that in the guard thing so that's back up okay okay I've got everything now we'll go we'll go with them to the what's it called I think yeah so if I go back up to this bit here what's this door here it is it's the stairs yeah yeah I hear [Music] you we've sort of swept and cleared up to the radio tower on the fort so you guys should have a fairly Free Run to get to us so where was this don't want to give us away with the place the flash drive in the guard house okay is that the one the flag things actually oh God is he alive the traffic these guys look oh they do we can't be having this dude this whole VOD is full of them all right we head to Millie have you got everything W here yeah I just need to go to the guards all right place if you find something called Dumping Ground ground I have a dumpy ground The Dumping grounds over by um no this one's specifically on this for well I found the dumpy yo Jake located in The Dumping Ground on Jake allingham thank you very much for the Marksman sub dude welcome thank you we going add a ladder climb to this game oh okay so that was a different vendor so he's annoyed cuz I did one and it didn't do the other one so there you go okay so I've done that you have the choice between two using a flash drive or killing 20 enemies okay so I use the flash drive we've played up until the ATC Tower so if you want to get to us yeah yeah yeah sure wait these don't count as tunnel enemies do they no tunny Tunes wow fix can't take a chopper without crashing so he's now running across the map are you kidding me is that what's causing his crashes yeah that's what's causing his problems I'm going to have a lovely pate and then a drink of water a pate yeah love a good Pate me brother you guys just raw dog Pate in your own home I often do yeah it's a very tasty treat um no I understand you're using the term raw dog um in order to eat it but it sound there's a there's a mental image in my head right now well you see that cylindrical outline of the Pate was actually just a spoon okay well what I was it's just a tablespoon I rotated right have you guys ever seen that Reddit post where it's like how do I get a 4 in cylindrical object unstuck from a Pringles he like put mashed potato or some [ __ ] in it oh my [Laughter] [Music] god oh brother how to remove a 4 in centrical object from from another cylinder the cylinder cannot be cut off snack just a snack size Pringles can as well so can you swim in this now at the moment uh you sort of weighed across don't you you can you can yeah you can I see so you were having your gun yeah yeah and you were you had your I I thought that was just a bugged animation no holds it above like yeah that's what I that's what I do when I if I was in the field yeah yeah yeah they know what they're doing yeah they know what they're doing you don't want to get water in your gun yeah cuz you know if I was in the field that's exactly what I'd do start don't you live in London you're always in the field I'm in the field dude but it's it's only knife combat I have to do my choice come bring your knife out London simulator hey yo I always say The High Ground in the escalator just put a knife in it but a banging donk in it right oh lucky look I I mean it's prime time for my game to crash two four inal objects in there o got I guess I just got the back entrance guys just found the back entrance oh yeah dumpy yeah yeah found Lu for me there is through the back door engage I can dodge I can Dodge it would been really right wa let me let me just let me let me let me let me let me check my task manager and see if my Ram is like filled to the brim let's check real quick okay let's a look just check in the middle of that strip there where you were easily just DED out of nowhere yeah okay so I'm on 19 out of 31 right now I'm okay for now if we shot a St just to take the piss and end in the background it's just in the bushes right okay so what can is there anything we can do here we just look at this glass dude that's so sick it's like the actual you can see you can see straight through it yeah but it's got the same perplex like yeah but then if you no if you look at the other glass window across it sort of cuts through the textur is like cutting through for me but I can see the glass window on the other side in front of this one oh right and now lack's wiggling at me oh I see what you mean yeah yeah yeah I see what you mean right let's clear out that that glass like texture is really cool on the roof nice Roger it's okay they pulling my [ __ ] whoa whoa why can't we prone dive on the hill on the hill frag out ye I got him I got him I got him oh got H this sucks this sucks where are they shooting from me I'm at the base of the Hill here one oh his gun fell off the roof that was bagging was oh no my frag rebounded uhoh it's right it's not me he just went right for some reason in the road we can't get up here we're going to have to one dead in the road one dead in the road guys there's people everywhere slow down it's like there's like guys shooting you in the back not for me but not for me not for me who's in the bush all right we're going around to the left yeah I see you wait I need well the walk up the walk up to this is on the right oh well okay we'll go right the wrong way just so we don't get sand even w w w w w w w w wo W oh in the window in the window in the window in the window hell where brother where outside the compound yes yes yes oh there you guys got him got him got him got him got him got him got him where's the other one they must all be in the windows where oh I am in a coma help help I told you we needed to clear this what we doing here from the safety of the Hill help I'm in the bush I've been I've been shot and you can't get back up many bushes where help me a listen for you man down in the bush wait can you hear me Marco Marco I hear you hello Marco I'm taking out AI up here I'm working on you tomas's doing some plastic surgery he working on you oh those shots are me I mean it' be nice to see where they came from right Tomy what we what we saying am I all right am I going am I going to make it coach I'm surgical kitting you now am I going to make it oh put the wrong blood in you oh put oh no that's Lamb's blood that was from a dinner layer oh no I put the splint on the wrong on the wrong leg and not one of the thick ones yeah so they're in the windows of the compound building we're looking at that's cooles taking yeah yeah oh I've got sore arms yeah true um bloody SW have you got bandages to use yeah yeah so how do I fix days sore arms and fatigued even though I'm pain killers painkillers yeah let's have a look The Killers if not surgical kit fix it fixes all the that stuff no I I I I can see better you in World War 7 up there I'm just killing AI dude oh I need no I need a bit of blood need a bit of blood that's why gotcha just eating hang on yeah you got blood yeah I've got a little bit of blood I'm just going to give myself a little bit kill like four or five AI back here sorry just getting the blood in me oh God right where's the in this window yeah can you even see the guys in the window cuz I can't see them walk up the road to the right and you'll get an angle they might beam me got no angle there's AI you dead no I'm good right now oh no I'm going to be dead cuz that AI really hurt me I can't see where you gone the top of the ramp you Northwest I am yeah into the back part of the compound so if you come up the yeah you can see me you can see me y shot all right this building here do I have a suture kit I don't have a suture kit Guys these guys are deadly this AI is dropped dropped insane coming to USD God damn I've been shot at the penis again yeah that happened to me earlier get your right in the right in the nads you sir I see you know your Judo unless you know your Judo well I'm going to get shot in the open I'm not going to find it funny have some water uh look for medical supply kits at some point cuz we're going to need them yeah right okay I'm still nauseous and I'm still coughing yeah how's that uh now I'm just nauseous so I need another one of those that was my last surge okay you recover quickly with hydration I've got a surge kit I've got a surge kit oh yeah cuz I'm it's just a bit blurry right now I just need a little snack and that that'll fit my kidneys up right has anyone noticed that when you open the Pate there's a tiny little smiley face on the pat dlid on the Patty do you need sger you'll see he does yeah I need my have you got full blood back I've got an S bag here s blood BL it no I'm slowly I'm slowly regaining blood I'm good right I've stemmed the bleeding I'm patch whil you whilst you patch me up I'm going to put some food in the stomach you're patching yeah that's good yeah that's how that works right and then oh have you have you got the P it's all leaking out on the floor Wes is their Pate is their Pate is it P it says yeah it's cuz he's not I'm I'm regaining I'm regaining yeah I'm regaining slowly regaining I'm on the other side of your wall by the way hello hello hello hello where are you okay bro bro just took bro just took an entire magazine they armored bro just took a magazine they're inside I'm feeling Westy's ins oh no these guys are got there some good well do you guys want to push out this headquarters building with me no but you want to go into the headquarters building yeah it's clear it's clear okay I'm in trouble guys there's a guy on the gate door on the gate door yeah okay well I'm just chilling by headquarters okay that's an invisible wall cool good to know invisible wall by the way right here see see the crack one lovely luses he's got a l helmet and a pancing helmet all right I'm ready on the uh hang on what's the what's what's the is this you yeah hello a man y there's a man inside you're wearing enemy armor and so if you me yeah you've got like an enemy ve on do I Jesus [ __ ] Christ get get out of there get out of it's lucky it's lucky Westy you one of them what the who am I with right now who am I with right now you're with lcky you're with lacky oh bloody H just St I've got the enemy wearing enemy armor so am I I'm now wearing enemy armor as well oh for goodness on De on glass is non penetrable now he's dead my FL line just unloading unnecessary ammo on the AI now cuz they go down faster they have nice these guys you know what yeah these guys are well stocked you know the stock prices are rising K upstairs um have you guys cleared it can I run straight across this cour is moving up now y we're in the we're in the building I'm running through right about now I'm so hydrated I'm walking walking and walking walking walking push back push back push back push back out okay another going in on the right God watch out sh SHP does travel at top stairs there you're good that almost went through the floor and killed that nearly killed one of you yeah make sure you didn't take an injury though without knowing about it oh there's enemy in the corridor in theor oh they just don't go down spal audio is so sh this room's locked uh two guys downstairs by the way you anyone downstairs anyone downstairs no take take anyone out downstairs we're all up okay oh that's going to be good got him yeah double kill with the nade that was sick play the bath awesome oh I've got uh FN HQ strung that was so good that so cool sounds like a room near us no no no that's just the room that I was trying to yep another one dead downstairs yeah I'm just fighting like there's like guys just walking through my building there's more upstairs on me that's you guys I think yeah I'm upstairs now you mean you're up upstairs or you up up upstairs top floor I'm going to C I'm clearing downstairs by the way okay quite a few locked doors in this uh in this area I'm I'm fully downstairs so just be if you come downstairs let me know please otherwise will share the same fate that's wesy that's Westy again once dead I'm still upstairs still checking who that's not me oh oh there's another staircase you can get all the way onto the roof I think yeah you can uh what's going on here Lads just do you hear like a digging sound yeah I can hear what sounds like a bullet reverberating into the floor come come upstairs come upstairs what do you mean I'm at the top floor cuz of I'm on the second floor you on the roof no I'm in the radio room we went in one floor down St that's an interesting AK come look at this I've lost you yes got a suppressed AK back let's go nice you can do the full Roof then can't you okay so let's drop I'm up on the roof right now let's drop FN hold up what's this fnq St strong yeah that there's a there's a room for that middle floor okay hello I'm wearing I'm wearing thinging armor as well now by the way this is this laptop got be for sure make sure you want to see yeah yeah yeah make sure to be honest just really double tap me mag dump dump mag never know the AI bit bit finicky sometimes need this office office office coming downstairs okay I'm in the corridor by the way in the corridor in the cor to your left going down I'm going ground floor I'm in the main I'm inan the main foyer main foyer going to the double stairs walking up the stairs on the stairs oh sh where are you guys are you guys going up the stairs or down the stairs hello I'm on Middle on middle floor the roof now okay there's a balcony here this a cool little building yeah I'm looking for a storage room lots of shooting to the north by the way yeah that's that is not that's not even not even at us by the way so there's I think there's an enemy so no no I I shot an A in the distance but he was too he won't be behind the trees so I think he's just shooting my vicinity not right got you direct at me so lacky there is a headquarters room here somewhere frag grenade on a shelf up there what the hell oh yeah that's where you keep on top of a shelf coming all the way downstairs had to jump to grab it that works I'm looking for a room labeled storage labeled storage is in this building yeah unknown interesting unlock unknown 100% friend uh it office okay like little labels oh I've got a door here but I don't know if it's storage it's locked I found a server room with a laptop in it it's um the most Southeast the most Southeast on the second floor all the doors in a minute hold up is anyone else on the roof I'm on the roof no I'm on the roof now I would have assumed it would have been this one yeah yeah just kick it kick it I'm guessing PP ammo is not very good wait is there description for it hold up a key to the storage room located oh located in Fort narif HQ oh right we are in the HQ right now so it should be here is it a locked room I know where one is the stairs to the roof has a unlockable room I think lacky I did go through one uh and there is like a double door somewhere in one of these offices O Brother ooh yeah this gu a huge Bel no no no but it's a double door that was locked and it gets you into somewhere else is this it here HQ hang on HQ s srg this is it okay we got Firearms CR to the back yeah fully Dex military fly arms crate BP 545 I'm P BP 545 rounds pill optic couple of things there's really not that much in there ptic and the grenade yeah you can always sell it that wasn't actually uh military gear crate I'll do this carrier by the way um that's in this crate is has got uh 16 slots in it and but you have to put it over an armor vest itself yeah yeah yeah no that they've got the a lot of the AI have that one I've got it on mine as well uh oh lucky there's a four slot belt here in this one yeah I've got the for belts nice yeah um the locked room wait if you want the locked room lucky top floor I've got you found it okay and there's an amp one helmet in here which is really really good oh another one here lock one is the best in the game I believe yeah that's really really good oh three locked up there three locked up is that where you are we are in the storage room on the middle floor on the middle floor I'm coming out to the foyer now if you come out to foyer I'll take you to it it's in here and then this door this door was locked this double door here right and then in here is three military crates so I'm wearing like this I'm I'm wearing a uh a tactical rig that's got 16 slots on it there's one of those in there uh but you need the 6p 231 uh where are these guys luy it's not particularly uh great for armor but it allows you to carry a lot more H milit gear so I have a I have a dumping grounds key as well by the way okay so we could probably find that apparently to the north of Fort narth yeah cuz we've we've got Airfield back entrance and headquarters are marked now so medical bag too here yeah we if we move through this whole Fort I reckon we could probably unlock all the named places today I'd like to find Le one bit of rare gear as well well I mean I've got this AK lucky this AK 545 at level 30 you get a safe lock that's uh bigger it's like the C case in tarov oh got you cool cool it's 3x3 I think so two by two safe oh BP nice nice oh no I know I want HP was the first one to get it I want HP so lcky why don't we do this building over to the Northwest yeah hold up I'm just dropping some stuff I'm getting a bit heavy mhm wish I could drop some stuff lose smoke grenade belt I don't think you can get into this building cuz look they've used the environmental signage to let you know that you can't get into that door mhm yeah I don't think you can get into this more enterable buildings yeah I thought the was these would be enterable but they're not yeah are you guys walking through yeah yeah yeah you trying to find another you trying to find another LZ oh Norwest yeah I would like to get one of the ls on over here y against the wall here see I've got a what's this an assault pack over here backpack I'm good sniper rifle yeah I've got one of those there's loads of those actually I'd like to try one I'd like to try one are those you guys still take a few shots yeah that's us that's us AI further down the road all of these buildings up here also still fully geared like way further down out there as well right hang on on let me try this Mosin don't wow and they land that shot first shot they fire yeah uh who's standing in the middle is I need another I need another Su kit I need another suture kit oh AI in the right let's let's stick together here let's stick together they take so many shots too so holy crap dude oh I got one at the end of the Airfield nice has anyone got a suture kit by the way yeah I do reloading I don't any I don't have any Dr for me lucky then otherwise I'll just be asking you for it all the time oh no I don't have any more ammo for the Mosen uh what ammo does it need no I don't know lucky I'm moving towards you right now yep three nice this guy so hard to hit with a breather L come on these guys suture kits yeah this guy had a suture kit oh my God BOS is that his check the rest of the keys if you want wesy yeah I'm checking them now right start check fire I'm running across and jumping yeah I saw you trying to hit this guy so hard to hit him when you when you're running out of energy God damn it [ __ ] shot near me somewhere other side of this fence wait wait uh devil dog just said go try and assault a fob we made some changes want to see if you can do it okay well they said yeah that was part of the patch notes I'm curious if they've turned the AI up to like you know to actually defend the front gate what somewhere in the bush ahead of usy so it was too easy to take compounds before start just run in and the AI would Mak on make an attempt to kill you got yeah um which fing no like any enemy base is what he saying oh I'm down it's too easy to take their bases oh hello hello where are you yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah coming coming coming you're not even on my map ly you're not on the map I see him how close are we to a fob though I I can't see him I don't know where build yeah I know I know how close are we to the next to my pretty much the other side of the building Wy to your left there may be a chance I don't know if I have enough time right now like the see I see you uh you're being absolutely rined by right now yeah oh shot from the left I'm on you now lucky I see him hit him twice he's behind a car behind a blue car West oh [ __ ] he's taking shots on me I got him I got him I got him I got him I got him I'm working on LY okay oh God I took quite to the head shot yeah I think a head shot well this is terrif dizzy and I'm in pain all right this should bring you back whoa and he's he's hangang oh my God he's going to be me he's shooting through a wire fence on yeah he's shooting through a wi fence got revive lcky stay low y dropped in oh my God no I hav't guys two of them there's there's a su one dead one dead one dead hang on hang on okay I'm going to I'm going to go pro I don't know if that's me where's W where's Wy I'm going to go for it I'm going to go for it I'm just pring towards his body the AI shouldn't shoot me through the bush but they might yeah that guy that AI shot I got one of them I got one of them I got one of them hold on I'm coming over I'm coming over full health yeah I'm dizzy but I'm good okay um oh God Dr that um yes I can use it okay ready no examining right now I need to do what I need to okay it's just going to heal you yeah that's fine I think this is the right one the problem is it didn't let me select do I have to hold and then let go or just press just press and then leave it I don't know careful careful careful okay you're going to have to heal straight away I can heal you hold on uh organ injury I yeah I'm doing s kit don't okay okay I can't help you from West yeah careful careful yeah uh do you have does anyone have 762 by 54R ammo no I don't have any of that he's around the bend to me here he was against the truck that lcky straight from left to right all right still behind it to the right just going to have to have some tuna check right the truck lucky as well see him one dead I got him corner of the corner of the building good one I was looking for all right we're going to assult a base then um well if we got if you want to well I mean we're going to die let's clear out the rest of this surely I mean I'm we're pretty much guaranteed dead if they've actually made it so that the AI should asking we need we need to go back to base and get ammo and stuff let's try and find another LZ yeah that's a good shout that's a good shout is this a arov clone uh kind of but not really it's more like Daisy arov check all these guys without the zombies yeah yeah mhm I discovered the barracks got some high these guys oh a nice o a little lock here another one same place yep see I'm head up the Watch Tower here Mike Morris with the five gifted sub members thank you very much Mike Morris thank you that's very kind hold on we're mid fight right now building hold up you're up in the tower yeah this is the barracks I'm in the Watch Tower yeah yeah yeah thank you Mike got a lot of like buildings that I would love to be able to enter here but I think they're all unenterable is it can you climb ladders in this there's no ladders okay some of the barracks are lacky but not all of them clearing the barracks building opening the door is that you I'm in the other side of your building lucky so I'm on the same same floor I think yeah I'm going to come around the corner now inside one of the rooms nice nice what do we got here what are you can there be AI in these rooms have you seen any AI these doors are locked these Barracks doors are locked turn not to spawn inside buildings other than a bunker Barra I'm still downstairs still downstairs oh that's unknown locked everyone got a surgical K yeah I've just found an extra ooh I've got a weapons crate what's in it that's me that's me shooting AI this Barracks is open oh two suppressed Moses anyone want to suppress Mo I'm I'm full to the brim yes I just found a load of ammo for it as well that's sick nice dude okay suppress Mo you want it also locked a lot of these Barracks all the doors inside are locked and I think you must you must need like a like a specific Barracks key possibly prob key line pie this building key line P key line pie yeah there's so many lot rooms I'm going downstairs nothing up there no I haven't cleared left okay oh yeah thank you very much Mike thank you God we all look so much like enemies outside of the big backpacks yeah we do that we do I'm checking the next building building yeah I'm in here right now in this building all right I'll no scope you then there's another locked door here another lock door this is depressio when can you play this we don't know have where's all the cool equipment entire Barrack is locked they haven't sorted the loot yet have they it's just kind of like another locked door oh my God oops yeah this would be cool to like come in and then like high where do you Reon thez is I'm going to check now it's goinge of me no I didn't see that one hang on see the RO Fields I'm heading towards AI is that to the West there's nothing West yeah there an akm what I can't see it you have to let it load that's what I'm I've waited a while no nothing okay that's weird so you can see an AK but I can't yeah there's an akm in there an ak74m uh so you guys trying to find the landing Zone yeah mhm I would have expected a bit better Loop generally considering we just cleared an entire I think like light stod was saying I just don't think they've sorted the loot table yet so maybe once it hits Early Access an area like this we have some decent it finally appeared after searching for is it because of how big the box is Maybe I think the landing Zone I think the landing Zone by the way is going to be uh west southwest through the trees oh yeah that's what I'm heading to yeah I've got like a broken wall here which to me suggests that's how some people would get here there needs to be more Broken Walls in general I think little things to crouch under yeah like uh you know the the bunker one if you've seen that one you can Crouch through yeah yeah so I think yeah if I we move yeah did you find a way out of this oh did you find a way out of this uh compound cuz I am now in the corner oh I see yeah giant so lacky if you look in the middle of this field that you're coming up to yeah I've got you'll see you'll see the brown triangle on the map in the middle of the in the middle of that thing that that denotes the uh The Landing Zone yeah that's the landing zone so kind of yeah Delta 3 there you go what what want so there's actually three Landing spots for thearith so the the other one I would expect to be over here like if you go into your map and then go to the the far right side of narth there's like a circle of trees and then across the road there's a green field with a brown patch in the middle little patch there yeah that'll be another one and then I'm guessing where just shot himself yeah that's where I literally pooped as Tomo shot me blown out in a row and then I'm guessing it would probably be probably north of Fort in that farmer field up there I reckon I think probably up there somewhere brother right so we going back to main base then yeah is there is there a landing Zone here yeah Delta 3 nice yeah this is pretty cool I haven't crashed today did they do a did they do update any of the crashing yeah they said client and server crashes they've looked them I mean I had two crashes but I was stuck in the floor so and who's F was that and well something to do it's got something to do with you crashed he crushed jinx it did we jinx it he crushed bastards goodbye lacky see you on the way in too so be quick no I'm trying no no no you got how long you got back you'll spawn where you are I think you've got about you've got about 45 seconds likey if you can get it if you can get back in quick then you should be all right I'm just glad I've got a nice AK back you know I crashed so hard there my Discord said it was closed even though it was open that apparently somebody say in my chat earlier since the update earlier having Discord run at the same time is causing crashing problems but fix said that yesterday cuz his Discord kept crashing whilst he was playing weird and one uh someone invite me to the squad quickly uh who Squad lead yeah yeah yeah that's lovely oh I don't do like a good Mosin mhm H's Landing connecting connecting connecting you called it in so yeah no one get on wait it's landing on me you're in you're in you're in wait it might land on Lackey oh no no no no no no watch out watch out okay okay it's good you're good you're good you're good you're good you're good on last where's Westy where's Westy he's here he's here get on get on get on get on oh thank God that could have been very inconvenient that could have been very very no you there was a whole PVP section at the beginning no no this is my idea of a very nice day out nice day out oh God that's so it's so unhinged it's so unhinged is it's the uh Millennial uh what was it the millenn millennial Paws they call it as well when you start video staring the camera for 3 seconds very nice out it's evil recording you're like miss it yeah if he's not see the ones where people pretend they're being strangled by and like he's stroking their dog he's just like yeah put his finger in their mouth oh no why why does he look so deranged I don't know just stood in the freaking whne like Vineyard oh dear this is is my idea of a nice day you know what you should do now get sponsored by a wine company to then redo that just for the meme yeah TV a he's been doing it on his tour like at the start of everybody you know when they chat time very nice he just stands there and goes well this is my idea of a very nice St out and everyone goes throw money at him I thought he made wines well there you go he's nailed it hasn't he just do something really weird oh yeah it's probably his own Vineyard then isn't it this is my idea of a very nice flight home cuz bloody hell that was a long long also I'm really annoyed I didn't get like anything crazy out of that like we pushed an entire Fort and cleared it we got absolutely [ __ ] off wait did someone no you you you're gone then well that's G if you crash on hel everything's gone what do you mean OBS crashed I don't even have OBS I got memory allocation failed St because it's the ram eating bug but I don't even have OBS open huh huh your cheats bro second monitor maybe maybe I opened the uh OBS earlier by the way um wait can I you just lost your why did you jinx it um they say that you know there's multiboxing going on in war zone what the hell is wesy doing wesy in my friends list but he he had eight versions of the game open apparently blood yeah dusi was like that for me right and that's bloody he bloody loves C he bloody loves it so you've opened it eight times and that is where I will safely be ending my deployment I'm going to safely never mind end it in maybe they want me to update my NVIDIA drivers as well that could be one thing have you updated your NVIDIA drivers guys no I yeah I'm on the most recent is one been fine cheers handshake thanks for completing the contract find a passage leading to Fort narth God damn it oh um brother brother brother what you say right I mean that's me am I am I dead dead that's it that's I'm going to call it there as well I need all right all right all right done and then and then post a video into The Ether all right oh I've got my gear got my GE base camp right now um wait what I don't even know the quickest way to get to one would literally take hour the bunker what bunker Li to stra and then walk I don't know what's wesy I'll see what wesy says Wy that's all nearest anyway it'll be fun to zero a hero in this game as well hell I did oh Lackey left um okay we good again this is my idea of a very nice day um character trading cat no trade okay uh lack's dead or is he gone completely he's gone he's gone okay so do we want do anything together or what we doing well Tomo was like well if we're going to run try storming mythra security systems but we'd have to walk from lz2 there that's what I'm saying along the way where's where's myth the very bottom of the map but that's their base we need to try and take their base on right it's going to be the safest one to do it cuz no one really plays on that um faction faction so we need to go Lemma 2 and then basically just walk well I'm as just takes basic gear so for instance I'm going to take an M4 you don't care about no I'm I'm taking the Mosin mate suppress Mosin nice nice uh I mean have you got the ammo brother uh right again um let's have a look it's 76254 MMR yeah I've already got some I've already got some I got traces in fact ooh oh tracers tracers Tracer here tracer B career Tracy b I've got LS 54R not I've not got 54 LMR MMR what about have you seen if Matthew mccon my dad's Tracy Tracy have you seen have you seen if Matthew mccon was um Voldemort that's a good meme he that Harry P be real cool if you join my side oh my God so well I mean that's there's content for everything now uh okay um I got my suit Che K the oh wait what's this is it four it's a four and a three so I do that oh me and my dad having a top laugh St laugh STP laugh need my uh inventory is shocking I've actually sorted most of mine out this is my idea very nice inventory um right so I'm going to I don't want to use this bag if I'm honest so let's get rid of these beans eh get rid of these beans let's put this bag in a bag okay um I think I should be good for on that front so what so if you take the suppressed Mosin vest with a cqa one why can't I put the bag in the bag three mags why am I not allowed to put the bag in the bag if it's not if it's exact same size it can't has to be like slightly smaller oh it has to be slightly smaller uh so hang on a minute so what ammunition St goes for the Mosen is it the 54 R 7 54R yeah so that I can use for are you sure uh yeah well just test it sell come with some some of these some of these some of these helmets I don't have a MAG for this oh wait the mosin's not going to need a MAG is it 1738 oh that's me I'm just firing bullets I mean you can do whatever you like yeah that's the that's the bullet y he's found it okay my my inventory is absolutely ruined okay I'm I'm pretty much ready to go if you not ready to go I'm trying to work out how I can put on you know what I was going to take this gear but I want to leave this bag leave it then yeah but I can't why doesn't fit in your stash no I need I hang on I'm just taking drop it hold on hold on on hold up hold up wait a minute hold [Music] up and then yes and then and then I seem to [Laughter] my right and then why can't I take the chest rig is it not fit must be Recon now and leave that one um venders have I got any actual armor no I've only got front armor basically that sucks you as an enemy get on a get on enemy's Chopper why can't I buy stuff could you sneak on their xfill back to base and then be within their base maybe if you like proned up to the heli and got in maybe but the rig you're wearing in the bag well well well this is my idea here have a very nice day there we go okay we're good now yeah I'm good I'm happy now all right it's call it then uh wait hold on hold on oh no no where did I put it it it's here Tracer yeah yeah good and then some beans and then a lovely thing of water and then I in I believe oh I need a a suture kit right uh should I call in a thing just waiting for the sure four them up right now right I think this this will do this is a nice little setup here right we're going to go and uh invade yeah we're just waiting for the chop yeah yeah yeah so can we shoot the AI we be able to I'm just zooming in to see if I can find anywhere else I think might be that's what I'm saying maybe may we should move like we're going to go from where Lima 2 Lima 2 and then see if we can find I mean there must be beheaded by that there must be one um well 2 is just a big long road so there won't be anything there I reckon the nearest one is going to be 165 118 that's what I think 1658 I think there's somewhere around there yeah somewhere around there maybe yeah cuz then it will push you across the the rice fields won't it okaying I've got armor let's go right okay right we're doing one final assault of the fob to the go apparently only 30% of the game is actually put live during the test wait wait really interesting yeah they said 70% more um yeah because there's only like eight eight guns in Early Access so I'm sure they're working on more stuff there but the thing is is each gun's incredibly detailed because there's so many parts to it and so many different things that you can put on it I think someone someone in my chat un ironically said that this game took like you you only need 10 hours in unreal to make this game and I was like I don't know I don't I'm not I don't know dude I think it's actually uh at the end of the day at the end of the day matter how long as it takes is this us hello yeah yeah how long does it matter how long it takes to make the game if if it's a good game no doesn't really matter does it I actually need a performance that sort thing but to make the actual Foundation yeah for sure for some music for our travels what the hell is that you know you get uh demoe yeah for Battlefield yes music because they haven't updated it cuz it's old so it's attributed to the original person who made it what I that before videos and not been hit by it well I got caught for it I had to change music yeah that theme yeah what yeah what let me listen to it again what you've been ad me I've been ad not this one that one's okay but that one's extremely deep fried well no it's a remix [Music] oh I've used this in a few videos too yeah that's it those the [Music] lyrics look radios on the TR like Vietnam SP music would be sick well I mean that would be lovely yeah as long as it's not [Music] copyright the BF3 Viber music was unmatched [Music] yep all right boys we're coming in to land I thought you were going to do a Hello and that was Battlefield 3 was Battlefield 3 Battlefield 3 coming at you now live now with the news all right head to the tree line oh yeah I forgot that you might get killed in sou East yeah I've got North I've got North I've got North i' got North okay St has gone North I'm going east I mean I've only got a sniper rifle so yeah we have to we can only get in through a straight road that goes into their base so well that's good for snipers then what happens if you explore the edges over here probably land mine territory oh let's all get into a squad again oh yeah okay um squ create the squad if you want yeah do it do it cuz mine's being weird NOP I can't make the squad I can only invite fix8 okay let me try again tomographic and start oh there you go there you go I in am I in there we go cool perfect there's a little bit of logging going on over here oh no it's kicking me out of the squad cuz I accidentally pressed accept again haha oh you pressed a second time I was like oh what's this what's all this thing come on let me in there you go let me in no that work either no that didn't work come on it's great for like game playay hang on well no I'm not in again again okay to spam the squad and then send an inv stupid okay um did it work no Tomo's well ahead wow wow right let me um let me invite leave this I'm coming great Squad member oh brother can't invite Westy cuz you're in one can you leave the squad you're in oh no I've just joined no I haven't joined because it didn't work I just sent you an invite you're in my now I didn't get it did I get it no I'm not you're invited at least click messages hold on messages Tomo Tomo I'm in am I in finally it works weren't we just saying that the squad system works well it it was working he just accepted an invite once he was in a squad already so it was like we don't know where to put you so it just pops you out again mhm where's the random AI in the middle of the field come on Mr newbie Noob face thank you for the 31 months thank you I wonder what the most efficient way to move is go do the sandwalk yeah I was going to say sand walking sand walking have you seen people have um taken drunk people in the street walking and they're like like walking like scraping their feet along the ground oh it's so good is good is that like a river near you there Tomy just in front of you it's like a dirt Trail oh no is a river yeah I'm just going to follow the river into the base you can't discover their uh town lzs now you're not allowed to anymore mhm so we have to push this and hope we find another Landing Zone on the way um I doubt we will then because there's going be no miss here yeah there's nothing here so this is my idea of a very nice day [Laughter] house I'm on the hunt for more wine stay tuned is that what he says the full video he does another one I think there's two if you guys head into that Ricefield you might find an LZ or some wine you know what I don't think there's going to be an LZ here unless there's there's got to be a Pui there's got to be a POI if there's going to be an LZ that's what I think cuz that grid layout it should be easy like development work for them to add that flare system so when you walk in in one of the grid formations you you can place a flare I would love to see that cuz then that way you could have it would it would allow you a lot more flexibility of leaving a location and it would on the ground so the enemies could see the flare and know when you were doing a yeah and the flare itself only goes back to home base that's the whole point you're basically like get me out of here I I'm a paramilitary soldier get me out of here oh with the RO drop AI Southeast got him this little Hut over here I think I just shot a fence post instead moving across but the fence post is dead Okay moving up when's the last time I was drunk uh playing war zone every day yeah we definitely need I mean at least three or four times a day somebody was telling me yesterday that in stone in stone stream he was saying that they they do have um armbands and I was like they did they did in the last play test oh that's what they meant last play test okay fair enough stuck on just needs to be more clear like red blue green yeah for sure just one AI protecting that little Hut there you only want PVE well that's good just going to check is there any anything in here also they could just have like you know actual different multi cams for the factions like yeah that' be good there a prison mic bandana but that's it I'm only wait I'm only wait hydrate before you die as Tod says right yeah people watch for five minutes and go where's the action then bloody walk yeah I know I've had people just coming in all day doing that so they just get banned immediately no I'm not kidding I just I there's no there's no uh there's basically no system in my chat Tomo it's like I just decide what I do when I just tank two Mo shots and he's running me now with Char I don't see this say I he's on the brid behind the bridge there's not supposed to be players here you hear him nice I was going to say one thing I say this Mosin needs a more powerful scope well that is that is the Pu is that's just the Pu yeah it's just what it looks like like a mini ACOG also if you ju your have a v then you'll have an easier time soon if I die here then we're never coming back ybl weap just found that ybl weapon key ybl one weapon storage interesting on a random AI there boys halfway there in the middle of Norway there is buildings here by the way yeah we could probably take some AI out is there AI here just going to cheekily reload this that would be cheeky of you don't want to get me finger caught in is I don't know if I'm going to be able to see the AI through this long grass I'm going to stand up on this little yep I'm slightly above you rais me up I I can see a tractor see any there's an AI right here got him I don't see him just killed him he was just standing in the field here couple of AK mags nothing important oh I broke my shins oh no going to need a they really need that uh break point slide and um slow climb to get up the steepen steepen uh steepen steepen steep Ste steepen film yeah check this got anything can indeed get in here what some bamboo shoots boys nice say those never know when you might need them uh and a soda can wow wonder if they're using like some procedural gen cuz like what are some of the all these rocks and logs weren't just placed manually maybe there is some procedural generation but I mean it looks pretty good yeah no looks really good that's what I'm saying like it just seems like so much work with the amount of rocks and logs on the ground I kind of feel like obviously the starter areas supposed to be you know easy I kind of feel like the one that we chose the Crimson place it's a little bit um I don't know cuz there's no like uh change in topography so no it's not like undulation in the land it's kind of just flat I do like that though you like the fact that it's flat so people can't hide well yeah we've got that's the best base to defend I think I swear I just saw a guy run into this bush maybe was lighting weirdly uh I've got another building here I'm going to check it looks like some kind of Warehouse maybe yeah I got some AI right in the chest that sound is very quiet that it just goes yeah it'll be very like I could not tell where that roughly came from really Lakeside Farms I've just uh unlocked if you could put a um the 15x on the Mosin that would be crazy no just a POI just Pi all right quick scoping yeah you can quick scope there goes the other Shin I don't think I actually bought splints before I came out so I'm an idiot I've used all of mine now walking around with a hobble leg a hob oh I'm quite far behind you guys aren't I what's the objective we're going to the enemy base let me just TI around my forarm quick oh so much we're going to the enemy base to check if it will kill us instant relief if they'll do that like okay you actually treat the area of the injury like a TI split around your shin instead of forearm maybe they'll add it in the future but I I mean I I've had people in my chat already say they need to add that and I'm like they don't need to it would be a nice thing if they did the game still functions perfectly without it they could they could um take a lot of inspiration from breakpoint now smallish on me Guys small issue what's that I am instantly dead what I um I I leaned over to eat some food whilst I was walking walked up a cff you got to pay attention St I mean I I thought maybe there wouldn't just be Shear Cliffs but there was you know I've broke my shins twice well my shins are currently in my brain so I'm dead what well you're as in what do you mean you're dead no I'm fully dead oh there's no way just instant die your full body is like probably grayed out like every I think I'll have seen which one you fell off yes I was just kind of like yeah yeah there's probably nothing ahead of me I'll just go for a little walk and then oh boy uh yes here he is is is there my body have you found my body here is stod yeah and here lies stod well the defibs out well well well I'm not going back there I tell you that for for true well what I can do is can uh I can watch you on the map and I can see what's going to happen watch us on the map bring up Wy stream like where's that oh by the way wesy as as payment for uh killing you I'm going to make you a nice mk18 a you don't have to do that I'll just steal your m in wherever the hell it's gone no you can have that but you're not going to survive this bloody uh raid so that's not you're dead well there's not going to be enough players in it like this this base isn't picked a lot by people oh jeez oh can you get suppressor for for the MKT you bite yeah that's what we've been using the entire time yeah yeah I know I know what's this one for I'm on my way over mate I'm on my way over we we'll link up well no we'll just link up and then that way you know we can't fall off a cliff cuz surely someone would notice surely someone was going to notice if there was a cliff yeah yeah it's crazy I i' said i' broke four shins and St was like eat four n Jeremy yeah I I was just you know man's got to eat you know so now I can hear your shots Tomy I'm going to check this build I you know what I could just sort out my inventory whilst you guys and you can just tell me how it's going but I do need to be a build this gun for you anyway or for me and you I build two well because this is all this is all going so I might as well just spend the money and see what what kind of insane it does yeah it doesn't matter you can just do whatever you want yeah that's why I'm a that's why I was like not very annoyed that I kept dying cuz I was just like well in about 2 days time it was inconvenient um let me just sell some stuff like this five these 545 Ms can all just go away right tell I am not far away now is this the edge of the town over here there just one random little Shack I was fighting enemies at okay so we can't discover the lzs of this I don't believe so uh yeah devil dog made sure that it wasn't a thing so that's fair and then we need so what we need is we need a rise there storm their base I think that's that's a good thing yeah I need a riser where is it cuz I've got the sniper scope in I understand I think why the The Landing Zone thing has become such an issue so quickly I think it's pretty the the devs intended this game to be much more PVE focused but um obviously oh no I'm actually very happy with how much PVP there is it's it seems like a really good yeah we also don't know how much it's going to be when everyone's on because like we've not had full factions most most of most of the times we've been playing and myth literally only gets like two people per session they probably zero here right now chances are we just get there and fight AI only but that's what I mean I think because the game is described as a pvep so I think the whole point is they want it to be PVE focused yeah and then the landing Zone thing the PVP feels like a surprise like it feels intense when you're in it but that's my my point being is that like that's a problem when you give the game to a bunch of streamers who are just more reason behind the PVP though because right now it's just like what are you killing them for but I'm concerned now because we've had a honestly the team killing has not been that bad at all what I am concerned with is all of the Babs coming in and going huh and just going like and shooting every single person they see CU they're just like it's an enemy I you see a green arrow above your head why can't I put this sniper scope on this guy gun you need the right Mount I have the right Mount I have the 30 mm right why is it not compatible why not just stupid bastard wa it might it might be that um is there not enough space in your inventory to to make the gun fit properly no I think this should be right um maybe there's something blocking it it didn't but usually it tells me usually it says it won't fit because you're too big because I've taken off the front and rear sight so there's nothing blocking it yeah I'm pretty sure this is the exact one I used before where was that AI from was it an AI yeah I think so there was a random AI shot over to the left over to the southeast us some stuff as well Southwest I don't see I'm just going to keep moving I don't trust that I can't see into the foliage it's an AI okay haven't been hit so yeah I'm going to keep moving you go for it do you think there'll be an LZ we can the cover here there oh no it's there no doesn't matter that's gonna be so annoying do that too close to that spawn it's moving up the AI what moved up to the little Hut 34 mm low no I need the 30 mm I'm pretty sure so look I'll show you in a second once I've sorted out all this sh so yeah I'm just Tak scope if I take off the 30 mm ring right look how this going are you trying to fight it well I just don't know where it is this is how I did it before though just run get in the get in the fields okay maybe position then that's not very helpful is it no oh there's a 34 mm right they look exactly the same that's why got it okay I'm pretty much at their base now so I need you to get to me yeah I see you I see you yes you may want to bring up Westy's stream St if you want to see this um in in in I see it might me give me a sec is up in position I'm worming through the water to their base worming can I been on a nice brisk 20 minute journey to get oh I see the worm really doesn't like me going full screen I play uh I've got it in Window mode and every time I go to do anything on my other monitor the game drops to like 10 FPS does not like that now right so here's West ofit game drops to like are you there now or we're just making our way making your way down town we're in the buildings that are in the proximity of their base yeah so we've got to get through like a few V is worth of AI first there could be AI on the outskirts so mhm let's head up to the main road yeah is this almost like a little bit of a mirror of our home base isn't it it's not exact oh it's exactly the same okay I don't know about this area but yeah I do think they need to reshuffle the um like the N Tavern that's on the map is exactly the same town layout as the one that we have outside of our base got yeah so the because obviously everyone has the same Quest the same vendors so yeah sure um I think they should reshuffle the buildings at least so that looks a little bit more unique yeah yeah CU you walk in and it's immediate Deja Vu like what the hell I've walked from my base to my base how feel yeah CU like you can go up this uh Hill here and you can like shortcut your way through the middle of the building I think you need to go up this side is it this side I'm going to wrap around to the left and just you're going to use the road yeah we'll stick together you're almost there y we're pretty watch out for the mines mhm don't have gone all the way for that what happened to STD he fell off a cliff I was eating I was eating some guoa and I looked away for one second and then I fell off a very long that was my idea of a very nice fall very nice singing that song about needing a splint as well go someone's taking off from the base my someone's taking off from their base yeah someone has taken off's coming Thomas okay I don't know if that dogs in the chat but we're about to approach the base no no we were we were told we were told by a Dev Tommy that we needed to go to camper base yeah this is exactly what we're told so we need to take test it there's a guy on the roof yeah there's a guy St on the left the side by side come on wesy get that guy on the roof you see the two side by side wesy 11:00 okay took a shot god is this what you guys see cuz I can barely see getting a frag over there God is this is this what it's like watching someone else's stream of this game God this sh oh my God they instantly killed me oh and Tomy Tom's dead three of them flushed out that's insane oh they're dodging they're dodging they're dodging Westy's still on the outskirts come on wesy just just just come on Wy play safe wesy Jesus Christ they all came flooding out of the base at me oh they're going to rush at wesy now and just start beaming him maybe I have to I have to reload my gun right one when you make it to if if you make it when you make it you can take my kit this is what we see when you're watching our stream yeah this is awful I wouldn't watch this shite horrible absolutely awful never again I wouldn't watch it no gross pretty sure that guy should be dead by now but two hel's did leave so this is the least active faction wait is it am I on full quality hang on let me just check come on what the hell God I made it to the ball and three of them bum rush insane oh here we go here we go here we go here we go oh did you go please I I hear them in VoIP yeah yeah near my body what players yeah oh Wes's Wes's nailing them I'm strafe here so that the AI oh yeah I died at the cover I was prone right well it seems like Wes's able to just shoot these guys in the head and oh no they've seen him no you're watching got to run away no no no got to run away there's actually a lot of them as well that's what's crazy yeah I need cover nice wesy Westy's absolutely smashing them if you made it to the hard cover that I was at I was prone in in the roadblock there yeah the problem is is they keep coming out that door which is why you need obviously more than one person to MH but the thing is what is the point of Base camping when you can't shoot people out of the Choppers unless you can find a sniper spot that looks into the base in which case that would be insane so does that now mean I've got they've got better gear on this AI as well mhm but you to take yeah if you make it to my guy I've got a AQ AR what's this guy got oh hang on oh let me just drop that they were up on a hill for fix yesterday yeah I thought they might do uh so if you can find a nice spot oh you had a really nice gun what the hell yeah it's really nice it's uh this is the gun that the oh the the stream snipers had earlier this is they've already done this earlier wait is that not Tomo's body my body the road blockade God it might have been my body that you loed but have you got an mk18 don't no so who is that this is the this is body and it'll say I think it's the a this is the ai's guns this is what the AI have insane guns they this is the one with the 60 rounds this is the 60 rounds look wow so you can get some insane loot if you actually push a base that has no one at it yeah yeah like the let's my my Kit's coming up at the roadblock in front of you I'll have a Max for you I think this is you just here um oh my God the longest mag wow this was any other faction base so you be stormed by the players I'm already going to be taken out by AI here I killed a couple of guys from me before there like two on this one though oh there's a chopper coming back y so can I kill players by going into the but they can just respawn instantly and kill you so you should just stand around and look like one of them cuz you don't look any different faction wise so just run in there like bum rush get inside the building in the white building which you can't enter it's just the AI will shoot you now yeah yeah he's inside oh on your left there was a guy by the door oh you not see him I no I he just looked at me and I I shot him but he just landed a shot to my neck and my upper chest oh you got killed by player yeah yeah he he got you in one shot to the neck he just went [ __ ] [ __ ] Bonk I me he's probably still that's how we that's how we're going to get the really good stuff well I mean I guess you can just buy it I mean who cares you pretty this game 100% accurate um yeah they called me a dumbass for pushing the base like bro we were told to we were told to by a Dev come on man come on man well I've still got the ybl weapon storage key though what he okay well I guess that's uh interesting isn't ited right Westy Wy here you go where are you you back at the base yeah I'm next to you this is yeah come this way okay wait who is this D no someone's trying I'm with you yeah wait wait who's trying to steal the the I don't know I don't know where this guy is I'll keep him distracted here you go oh [Music] yeah cuz that's thing I don't know if I'm going to be there you go I don't know if we're going to be back tomorrow you know so oh so you've given me the sniper scope as well yeah yeah yeah yeah so now if I was using today if we assault a base tomorrow and I get the 60 round mag M stick round mk118 sniper yeah oh that would be crazy man that's crazy well I mean we did waste about 45 minutes after I shot you twice in the chest you know so I do think they need like an AI sniper like tarov on the top of that water tower that's in the town yeah yeah so like if you look here at the at the like St come over here come over here this AI right here yeah that is the 60 round um I'm not the front of the building over here so that's the 60 round mk18 they're holding right there and then you can pick it up have a look what's this one got so you have the take off by the way for this for this mk18 Westy you take off the front sight the rear sight and then you get the and you take off the um the optic and then you in the building and then you you use the 34 mm ring yeah um and then you put the voodoo scope on that uhhuh then you can stick it on the top and then you add the R1 suppressor I mean you can see it there right if you look at it if you like look at it so that's how you build this gun which is the yeah so Tom that's that's the gun that is like give me your gun now so yeah that's the gun that I picked up off the AI it's got a it's got one two 3 4X magnification 60 round mag long barrel suppressor I'm creating strawberry jam anyway anyway anyway anyway I think I think I might be done for the day I think I might be done for the day cuz I've uh I've got a head off and play golf in an hour and a half but have fun I will have enir and St if you are around tomorrow just let me know if I'll I'll be on with lacky and fix and whatnot yeah later if you want to the I might be on tomorrow yeah maybe we could go go push the base again is it on the I hope they give us like an actual time that they're plan on Tak why doesn't this work might put it in the Discord later you never know yeah all right guys all right catch later boys see you later bye bye why am I not able to uh put a suppressor on this I was able to put a suppressor on the other one what happened anyone it was the rc1 wasn't it oh I just didn't have enough space there you go there you go so now we got the same sniper yes that's sick dude all right um well now I know how to make a really good gun with it's only 6K for this when I've got oh actually I've only got 30k I will run out of money soon um yeah that was good that was a really good session today we had some crazy PVP at the beginning if you missed that you just need to go to the beginning skip to when we go to banpa uh if you want to see like a huge fight um what else happened got loads of missions done uh have I completed one here oh I have no I haven't yes I have oh I need to accept it again even though I already had it um apparently the servers are shutting off tomorrow so I don't know if I'm going to be I think they end at like maybe at 300 p.m. but they might extend it and so tomorrow I don't know if I'm going to be on but on Friday I should be back I either if they extend this game I'll be back on Friday with this if they don't extend this alpha or this whatever Early Access then I'll be back on Hell divers 2 cuz I haven't played it in a week I don't know if there's an update today even there might be surely there's an update on Hell divers today I don't know um but anyway we we assaulted the base I fell off uh a cliff and died um but yeah loads of PVP at the beginning it's been a good day if you guys sorry if you guys uh want to see more gry Zone Warfare then make sure you're following make sure you're subscribed it helps me a lot thank you very much appreciate all the people who have followed and subscribed today uh thank you very much to you people who liked thank you for the subs thank you for the res subs thank you for the gifted Subs it has been incredible today um and I will catch you guys uh hopefully maybe tomorrow definitely on Friday for whatever's going on and I'm really looking forward to sinking my teeth more into this game cuz I think they've done a good job it's fun uh I'm having a good time so there you go thank you guys very much for watching uh enjoy the rest of your day and uh hopefully I'll see you soon all right all right uh and yeah tomorrow uh tomorrow I might not be on cuz I'm going I'm going to a special
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 65,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, Sniping, Warzone 2, DMZ mode, MW2 DMZ, Warzone DMZ, DMZ Sniper, DMZ Sniping, Dmz gameplay, DMZ livestream, DMZ unlock, Warzone 2 DMZ, DMZ Season 4.5, DMZ new season, DMZ Update, DMZ pvp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 3sec (13443 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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