Helldivers 2 is the FUTURE of Shooters..

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initiated and go careful we are diving we are we are giant bullets fired out of the gun of Liberty right it's bugs then was we're in a we're next door dude I thought you've gone into a hole I thought you were actually in a hole then uh you have a Crusher you have a Crusher on you you I didn't know you get 10 mags for the uh I could probably just immediately um I could just immediately what the hell hang on where did that charger go wait what's going on why is my things all messed up oh he's he next to you yeah I know I know I'm trying to rail can and him hold on reloading hang on what the hell's going on my my keys are all messed up how so I can't key binds fully yeah you're going to have to rebind my it won't it's like hold on yeah my keybind is oh well I mean uh is this oh my God does that work maybe um huh what's the issue I can't use my Keyes uh so you can't press Escape no I can press Escape hold on hold on check check your keyb why has it changed what has happened here uh so up yeah no up there down there left there right there so now if I do okay it's working now sweet there you go that was weird it was just like all broken I was like trying to do my things it just wasn't oh yeah that it was an e strike good luck okay I'm getting my stuff now I got eight kills cluster there you go nice yeah that was weird I haven't changed those and it's just like reverted them to something weird super weird ow that hit you no but this little guy did oh I like your I like the motif of turning it red I like I I understand now yeah I get it oh you can see the circle so much more clear where's my red um what's it called gun where's my rail gun gun your rail gun's there oh I see it watch out left oh God yeah nice toasty beam from your drone there oh yeah take leg attack me oh I didn't know you do that I've not tried that meta always go for those guys legs when they lose their head ah I always just let them basically run at me and then I just took damage for no reason and then you just die yeah basically I have a slightly broken arm maybe that's why my strategems wen't working he su him there you go right finally we can uh get on with it got my rail gun did you get that um Crusher by the way yeah I got both there was another one nice was heading his heading his way to charge you while you're your S I do like the explosive Libera feels nice yeah well it pushes them back like you'll see on the medium ones that like look this guy here look he's maybe about to die well I'm quite far I see okay I I know what you mean it does like slow they kind of get oh uhoh you no no no you can keep shooting them the medium guys and push them like as far back as you want yeah yeah it's insane throwing grenad that's a lot of bugs it's a lot of them oh yeah we need need we need a grenade launcher we want to close this up I don't know if we should should we try and do this or should we try and just get to the objective might as well get done like cancel the resupplies yeah that's a lot of enemies four NES you've got four nades right let's see if I can get any in the holes over there I have had two nades now I had to use a couple okay I have a resupply yeah want to call it in close to us yeah call it where you are oh my God yeah this thing pushes them back amazingly yeah it's insane and especially when in in conjunction with the oh I just got what I'm going to do can I put you on a hole oh yeah you can but I think you might fall into it right as long as I land on top of it and not in the hole okay I'll destroy reinforce o okay right there well I mean that was a good test now we know not now we know that we should probably should not do that you have to get it perfect like sometimes you can get out of the B and be fine but I think maybe it's the bottom then the Bott bit of the shell yeah so you're pushing that guy back it's insane all right hang on um yeah I don't know where I don't yeah just don't land no we got enough nades now right cuz you all have restocked yeah that's a lot of them dude hang on where are you Landing I'm going to throw I'm going to throw the uh thing behind you cuz there's just so many mhm it's uh towards you North now uh Dilly thank you very much oh I got 31 then oh my God yeah I landed there's so many Tomo bad spot what do I do trying to get these n The Nest sealed what do I do Tom you're in there I'm getting the nest sealed nice like there you got so many just chasing you nice dude that was ridiculous for two people your your rail gun and stuff was over here cool right it I'm going land in a nest and kill myself yeah but we had fun not the breaker I think I just shot you sorry Fair uh I need a respawn I'm going to put it up C over here um at least we haven't got slow coins here cuz that would be horrendous this oh yeah oh you got the you mean the Slugger yeah yeah it was down before I died no I think I think I'll use the explosive liberer how' you like the taste of yeah you have to rebind your strategems to um your arrow keys or something else new keyboard right two supplies here for you marked I thought we use we cleared this nest and there's still hundreds in there oh yeah yeah I love the uh using the red reticle so you can see the uh the white so much easier mhm okay I'm going to go and well I'll try and just have I got something for this Nest not really to heal cuz you can't fully turn off that like static Crosshair no I'm going to die here oh oh good do you need help I'll come back and help sorry I was just running towards the eggs sorry I got I had a bug breach bug breach no bug breach oh you do yeah right I'm going to throw something behind you actually I think you'll be okay yeah you've actually perfectly nailed that I think that was beautiful I mean that looks so simatic you just the explosion as your like midair with the jet pack in oh dear right um get ammo oh did you not get it no one of them knocked it over and I couldn't find it okay okay oh that's a crusher of course it is right this time I'm not messing up oh dude that was insane oh for goodness sake yeah I like like throwing the rail Cannon one out when I'm being charged and then doing the hug and watching it slide through me he that's how I get hugs in IRL yeah now I um I I as he was running towards me it just like threw him into a cliff like 50 m away oh good I got cluster there back up a little bit y a aim feels crispy dude aim from here Kobe I like it oh it was so close you got the incendiary yeah nice hang on I'll get it I missed it oh we got it yeah we got it nice I think you got it time a charm um now the question is do you have anything I guess I'll just one can I one shot please no no it's two shot with this that sucks um watch out oh I've been killed by my own R thank you very much appreciate it literally just beamed the back of my head and just minced me off it's friendly fire central we need a well I could probably put a thinging in there I just don't know if it will actually oh I'll land on the crusher he's right there got him nice very Nic uh B uh B tit B that was close oh God thank you um I have I'm going to try and air strike the rest of them as they chasing me almost got me yes I got 12 of them I don't have a rail strike yet get the ra gun out keep that one off you wow the ball killed his own oh yeah of course have my real my ra gun mhm uh if I can go back and yeah we can just Loop him around oh samples samples samples samples samples right here oh and I've been killed because I went for the samples that's on me throw you on him but yeah yeah kill him instantly now what cuz we on a harder difficulty well they did a a pass where you can't just land land them on one shot now takes a few hits uh you got one you yeah I got him got him I think you'd already been hit maybe it is Hell impossible then uh we need to we can't go through this water though oh leaving comat Zone y we're going the wrong way anyway yeah we have to go back and get that rail gun and stuff I'm going to get the get those samples you dropped yep it's not let me pick them up for some reason whatever okay I'm going to gra the sbl come on guys let me just let me do it thank you right got the lior come on let me grab this thank you they won't let me do anything yo CL tree thank you very much for the 59 thank you least we're safe from sample collected Wesley's favorite weapon was the or favorite thing was the um the grenade launcher come I I'm not surprised and let me tell you I died many times yeah well it's the best thing until you get the rail gun so it makes sense right where's my rail gun it's over here isn't it um how are we going to get rid of these eggs AR nades yeah your Eagle will actually do great work against the eggs the only problem is I have to I have to aim it just right so that the eagle doesn't get like blocked by the other things what you need to do is stand in the middle and like look yeah I think I think here I I think this will do it face down yeah this way this way this way surely right if I do it here perfect right and now I need to move out quite close yeah I I like the Liberator feels good okay well we got a few but I'm just going to have to shoot them damn SMG is decent oh second yeah m is th them actually can you m him you can yep all right let's go they send you flying dude do they what like um floes yeah well not like as crazy but more samples bug breach here uh go south go south okay I'll meet you there I would say rail gun and shield is meta for robots not for bugs I think Rover and rail gun is meta for bugs oh there's little there's little thing here little little Diamond nice squelch okay oh I almost ran into a hole oh my God yeah you got to watch out for the smoke all right did we do this one does it matter we should probably should right we didn't get it in the first place the door oh yeah I'm on it I'm on it okay oh we got some samples in there rare ones there I still need common samples right come on then rare sample uh quite a few bugs are here let's just run I think we should just run and then um just leave our strats behind sure do I knock you back even with the AOE of this gun uh I don't know about the AOE I've never tried it never rest yeah we'll we'll do some mechs later I think little bit of Mech action little bit of Ro a little bit of bug action I've done a lot of mechs recently so I'm just a bit like I'm Meed out the bugs have pushed us back more if anything yeah I mean we've that's the thing we've already completed the game somewhere cuz we did we live Mev Long Creek on H so we basically Vietnam yeah we' basically completed the game oh this look this little Rover thing do you think this might be one of the vehicles you can get it's a little oh yeah maybe that's it well actually I don't know well it it doesn't look like it has anything on it it looks like civilian or it's like a squad vehicle yeah uh let me see I might just um destroy these guys calling an eag calling in an eagle um and then we'll just go straight for the eggs right which are this way we should do this though this side quest oh oh yeah it's a little all the stuff it's a satellite one yeah yeah yeah I know what you mean uh I do terminal yeah yeah I really like this gun it was good against bugs love it I think I used it against robots so I didn't like it the first time I used the uh yeah it doesn't feel quite as effective cuz they just Ricochet a lot of the stuff that's weird why did my why did my keybinds change so odd that was strange uh I'm going to get rid of this um Crusher who's coming in oh yeah or charger sorry nice dead I'll get that there as well nice I can beam them from afar should we get um a Supply in as well whilst we're hanging out here yeah and then and then just more eggs and then is that an illegal transmission over there yes disgusting Dam which I think oh we're already we're already lined up apparently are yeah yeah we're already lined up allegedly it's not letting me interact with it though oh you think you just have to get off it says we're lined up but I can't interact oh your thing out I had my map open God damn it I I do that all the time by the way I'm like why am I not reloading yeah so before we air strike this thing I want to try something okay uh where are you you're over there to the yeah I get you I get you you just shooting with a shotgun I I think it if you rail gun it dude rail gunning it I should probably I should probably Ed my rail gun little more often I've just not had any big targets to shoot it I'm shooting it I saw someone shoot the screens and they all fell off and then it destroyed the tower but is that because it was already low on half can I throw a at it of course it went over the top there you go our normal that uh was an impact right oh Crusher charger I don't know why I should call it six different names but I've got rail gun I'm going to rail gun it got it okay cool Freedom Forever he oh there's bug breid bug breid I mean r going crazy right now just Tred to kill me classic no stop it the Rover just goes crazy whenever you're on like a heightened like ledge it stays at the same height as your character model and but he goes ah yes but you don't shoot down on the bugs yeah no that's the worst you have to walk through the beam oh dear let's get his eggs done uh maybe I can put a oh yeah I should definitely do that right I think that should hit a that looks nice that looks nice there go ning them as well got 18 out of 19 nice dude oh it was sad I didn't get it in one yeah there you go nice um now do we do the extra I think we just go straight North and just start focusing on those like there's only one Diamond down below so I'm just like whatever Fair TR I do like I I love the autoc cannon I think it's one of the funnest guns in the game it's just annoying that you can't use anything else with it yeah takes up a backpack slot yeah and like in late in end game like you know I mean if you have a teammate that has a backpack free then it's great if just give them that and they can do the reloading for you but of slows down the team te team mechanic yeah well the main the main thing is like you know in in the harder difficulties as well you need I feel like The Shield or The Rover will you will you uh curious that we couldn't cross that then is that we could yeah I thought I thought we were going to swim cuz then remember last time I was like oh look you can swim I just drowned I was like oh I didn't know they had swimming in this game yeah no as long as it like connects like that has some sort of like beach on either side yeah hey Mr Matrix hello hello right get that we could do a little bit of uh the farming before we go to the final actually we we'll do it on the way there's a there's a giant is that the I think I see it actually is that it over there hang on the mushroom yeah it is it is it's it's on that but I can't necessarily see it properly oh it's hard to see oh we got a thing down thren oh character bugged I'm okay ow ow again ow again ow again oh god oh is that my r or oh God it's oh it's bugs yeah it was beaming all right was it the was it the Rover yeah okay hang on the bug of the moment that just says like killed by your friend even get that get that charger got him nice nice nice oh God another one right next to him yeah I got rail gun for him a I got it it didn't Focus him okay I can get him I can get him hold on oh my God I'm being attacked from hang on oh my God I'm going hang onang on charge through the build that I'm getting a resupply I'm getting you back I landed on one charge I got knocked over by another into an explosive thing I've got no um heals so I'm just going to try and Dodge for a little bit on him I am not dead but I should be there's three charges oh my god I've killed one of them okay all right dude oh no I'm stuck under the charg no no no I can get another one on oh I got one God damn it dude we just lost so many reinforcements no no no no no oh no no no no I'm okay game that's not really that's not really very fair I just died twice to things that completely out of my control but F hell Harry Harry right get you oh wait I can't no that's very annoying it's saying reinforce oh you're already in okay yeah yeah cuz we were wiped yeah just reinforce us together do you have a thing for that or no I on I don't oh no not the not the 90° turn from the crusher oh yeah they're not allowed to do that democracy all right I'm going to go get my stuff again I got samples yeah it's fine um where did my stuff go I've got a Crusher coming he's being a Bast I might just shoot him in the face with with the rail gun three times reloading dude was he's like lurching forward ni he come back for my stuff a bit further away how are you not dead I've shot him five times in the face well face don't don't don't shoot me in the face go for the legs I know I know the the two shot in the leg one in and then shoot his leg it takes too many in the face well usually it's three isn't it nope three fully charged it's three I the easier difficulties maybe sui and above no no it's like five or six not bug Bridge absolutely not you're on safe right uh I'm always on safe yeah good land um right where's this stupid there it is RA gun it there go that actually caused us a lot of issues cuz I was just being flanked by things B where okay I will um get my oh nice good hit so now I'm going to rail strike okay he's hit now we can rail him in the face a little bit oh yeah he's been hit twice so sto them spitting yeah and he's dead nice charer here though um I'm just going to try and speed run the eggs a little bit go for it just we cuz we we've not got many reinforcements now right mhm so we're a bit screwed [Music] en I didn't get any eggs godamn him I didn't get any eggs dude none wow yeah going to shoot yeah well you didn't either oh one n 20 eggs come on now what from downtown too oh there there's lots of common samples here okay two more good let's get out of here b b on me um we just need to get out of here get out of here is this a long uh extract was all the way up top right yeah no no no we're close to it I'm just saying is it a long one uh I don't know I don't know yeah oh no myself this for him okay oh no it hit the rock oh gu like perfectly sheltered from the rock yeah BT there as well okay we going to shoot him in the leg shoot him left leg left leg nice job okay here we go oh you okay you okay oh my hang on hang on I need to reload everything he hates being shot in the face he do I have uh I have one minute left on my raal strike okay he decided to spew from there did they it's quite pretty far he's dead oh wow how'd you do that uh I hit him with the strike earlier and then oh okay like he's been around for a bit he just Chas him for like two minutes we got 2 minutes okay this is fine what are the negatives on this map I don't know cuz the is there any okay well let's not talk too soon yes this is easy yeah oh yeah I know I know I know I know please bring a resupply on um 29 seconds nice oh what he like switched targets from you to me nice and just instant K me heit went good job I hit him and dead nice huge oh God oh God why am I dying why am I taking what the hell was that I just took loads of damage from something oh maybe it's the crusher could have been a Crusher yeah Crusher you got your rail Cannon right hang on not yet in a second I'm just need to oh no dude I'm trying to get him away from you hang on I'll get him now I'll get him now I'm going get this down is that running railing railing oh it's okay I actually survived your a strike but I it did hit me 27 nice I thw I threw it horizontal angle that's why I got you it worked it worked it worked I'm not dead right where's my rail gun gone in the middle of the uh over there somewhere between the rocks nice all right I'm moving this yeah I'm just going to move around I need to get close to the Zone cuz I'm So Far Away uh-huh okay going for the rail gun too I almost got one shot by that dude aggressive this Soldier has got me Big Time watch out behind you I'm trying not to shoot you Des it's not something you can really control is it oh wait what I did I not just pick up a supply I don't have any more hold on what 10 seconds hold on let me get to the supplies let me get to the supplies okay any more supplies looking more Supply one more Supply on me if you need it good reinfor okay I'm beat T I'm running in running in running in go go go oh there's a BT on the bloody y I'm in I'm not hang on survive no dude they just absolutely destroyed me a horrible extract dude by the way I got slowed down and then and just yeah just grabbing you constantly damn dude I mean that was still that was still solid I don't I I don't know if you could do well you could probably do all dive I got your samples anyway where you died so yeah yeah yeah I don't think I have many more no we can definitely do hard as two of us yeah yeah all right again stons yeah bugs are easier obviously but yeah yeah yeah but they're more manageable because getting one shot by a rocket is uh not ideal mhm and there you go now the the ones that slow you down are just it's just awful cuz you cuz it's like you have to die I Le more to those little Hunters than any other enemy in the game yeah well and also say the big stalkers big stalkers when they they're honestly the they're easy yeah easy easy no big big stalkers and little stalk the baby stalkers just H oh sorry yeah big stalkers I thought you meant the bile Titans no no no no no bile Titans are easy but then the worst thing is is the big stalkers can hit you across the map and in the time that you've got up from being 50 ft away they've attacked you again yeah and you're like okay that's and that's fine yeah BL that Rover dude gets so many kills and including teammates yeah it is ridiculous by the way if you kill a friendly like it adds a tally oh nice how many times that kill you twice uh uh I need to spend my requisition points cuz I've literally I'm on 50K I think wait I'm about to buy out the store I think there you go actually I think there's a few more and now the final the final thing there you go I've got everything nice that's pretty cool I'm just going to keep using this um explosive Liberator that's well fun actually was actually it's like as good as a shotgun in my opinion uh in terms of like keeping them off here mhm uh I you you know what they need they need a doesn't kill with that first like shot that takes them back like it just gives you breathing room which is nice they need a secondary uh shorty shotgun 100% just like a three tap yeah yeah yeah definitely me I guess the revolver does that yeah but the revolver is so bad it's so so good against it is good but then you then then you go to reload it yeah I know and I was like n dude this is right we can do it's Blitz Search and Destroy seal bugles have I maxed out my ship no I haven't maxed out my ship hello chaos you got it last week and you're already getting bored of it yeah but how many hours have you played be honest I die of all age should I reload the bullets in the revolver well there you go is anti material rifle any good no because every gun after it is basically a straight upgrade well how do you want to should we trying to go from here and then as a like from here yeah um like here and then go around I think like there might be extra ones there in case but are they is it all I swear like you get more than one option you can leave some yeah yeah I leave some behind I'm going to go same again and I'm going to try and kill you in advance um I enjoy the E strike but is it as good as a cluster strike probably not nice is it as good it's killing teammates as a clust strike cuz you well you almost killed me twice with them but we won't go into that now no no no we won't go into that a little bit of blowback maybe but you like that you love a bit of blowback if you got 50 hours out of the game and you're getting bored that's fine what do you mean um people are saying that they're getting bored of the game after getting a weeko but if you play for 10 hours a day every day then I can understand why I mean I think some people bought the game and they just didn't like H Shooters and then yeah expected this to be I mean it is more than a horses shooter but I mean a lot of people have been like oh imagine PVP and it's just like do you know how insane that would be I do not want PVP in this game the M unless it was um the only thing I could imagine imagine Co-op like versus PVP so like obviously plays the bugs or whatever or which they won't do cuz that's too much effort or um where you face off against other players for leaderboards who can work with this gam playay I don't think the gun play is designed for PVE you be aiming with that little reticle third person Peaks will be off the charts you can like go prone in all these bushes and not be seen cuz it's not like the maps not designed for PVP he survived oh he didn't survive it there you go I was like he bloody survived it and he's dead right where are those uh where are those oh in uh there's some ammo there and a hole in the map see like like every game needs PVP you know yeah some games I mean clearly this game is just great as it is like very clearly yeah come on just add a battle royale Gods the dev not DS any time God just add a battle royale easy 5 minutes you made made it honestly be have had the Heyday uh ooh extraction Shooters now uh uh this is a big nest area that I'm going to need help with okay I think it's a bad decision for the next Battlefield to be working on a a game it's like bro we that was 5 years ago yeah come on guys Speers are my worst enemy in this game just wasted resources yeah I'm not not this is not you have your rail gun yet yeah I could use my rail gun on this VI and I probably shoot them in the face and it's a one hit you're in the unsafe Zone there no not yet okay I'm going to be in the unsaved Zone from being dead this I think I no actually to be honest I think I actually died to spewers more than any other enemy I'm going to be honest yeah spe was a definitely up there nice you don't see those yellow ones you know when you're already in the on much on Hell dive yeah it's the green ones I was already in the grenade animation and then something came out of the hole nice yeah need to close checked out then something came out the hole and then something came out the hole I mean that's how it felt anyway come on Kobe oh my God yeah you can also stop him from spitting when you uh hit him with a rail gun you know they charge up same as the ball Tian I need one more hole here okay these guys are going to mess me up bro um going to put come on Buck be Buck be oh my God beautiful like imagine fighting someone with a breach of well everyone having a breach of shotgun and PVP I'm going to get spewed on the range of the shotguns in this game anyway let's go I still need to grab my stuff and I've got two uh I haven't got my rail gun come on it CL yeah I think you did oh my God that's what I mean the rail gun's so strong in like 17 different ways it's ridiculous it can CER all you can charge it up you can you get 20 rounds you don't need a backpack you can beat off uh bile Titan solo I mean it's just incredible not one trick pony one uh several trick pony one um one boy wonder no no um it's a One-Stop shop that's that's I mean that works maybe I mean it's not the word you want Jack of all trades jack of all trades you just weren't thinking of Jack enough I think I was thinking of one sheet does plenty one sheet does plenty this just like doesn't make sense in the context at all I think one sheet does plenty yeah hash ad for for bouncy hash ad is it bouncy paper towels yeah yeah yeah it cleans up it cleans up demy all right we're going to throw oh you bastards oh he's already dead I'm trying to close these bugles I've got no grenades good yeah I think that's a good idea someone said in your chat competitive PVE would be fun yeah that's what I was saying with um with leaderboards or like versus who can do the same seed faster oh sorry I thought you meant versus as in literally PVP like elements uh well yeah but I mean like we where you play as the bugs right oh no I mean like like yeah leader boards but like you're racing another team to like of bugs or beat them into an objective yeah that would be cool I mean I'm I'm they can have for it too like we Des need to find that mushroom wherever it is cuz this is I'm I'm about to get beaten off by about six crushes you like that do you I mean it's oh and he did the one the 90° turn let's go they're awfully versatile for such massive creatures oh okay yeah M help you that okay all right why did it Target the smallest enemy all right I'll land I land come on come on you B did I get him as he ran at you yeah do you have the stering thing now yeah yeah yeah I've got it now nice one of the best things yeah uh where's that Bloody mushroom I do not know I don't know if we have one some maps just look like this and there isn't oh my I no I know they didn't I I did the new I did I did sorry I'm just um trying trying to look out for it on the way down I'm trying to get my stuff they know my stuff's there they're literally camping it okay guys okay is that enough is there more do you want more it's that enough enemies is it no no no no they just he's nonstop n this is insane this is no no come on come on this no this is rid let me let me get away at least let me get away at least let me get away please they literally just nonstop just hitting me hitting me hitting me hit me uh I'm going to need help keep running my way keep running my way insane there's no way I'm just trying to get back to my stuff all right keep running keep running nice that was on the cusp of hitting me there it was perfect right I can get my stuff back now I think where's my stuff where's my stuff there's my body where's my stuff I hear a beeping yeah what wait it didn't show up you've got your map up again probably you don't see the stuff unless your map's down yeah yeah yeah yeah hold on oh dude no no no no no no no I'm covering I'm covering keep going let me heal start okay Target all the ones that are on you I know watch out for the r no this let me just get my stuff yours okay I mean I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'll just get I'll just get I'll get a new one I'll get a new one take this take this take this okay okay okay okay got it I mean good luck I've got a jet pack I'm being spewed oh my God I almost died to that okay got it ah reloading God damn it this is insane jeez okay watch out for that I don't know what that is oh no you killed me he turned around it was a little you did turn around left I had no choice I was I was like running that oh God right what what's coming in what's this where is it where is it how do I die where do I go oh my God we are getting destroyed okay hold up up hold up not going to lie the hole no do you lose your stuff no I'm good no I didn't lose anything n no I need that right um I'm going to Chuck you back on your stuff I guess I hate the fact that I can't use my map I feel like in my brain my brain just goes you should be able to use your map whilst you everything but in this game it's literally like no you're simply not allowed it changes the UI elements like you see your teammate stuff when you press Tab and I see the mushroom I see the mushroom see the mushroom okay nice oh I found a supply box oh my God they do actually Camp your stuff which is insane that's actually a mechanic yes well I'm sure it is yeah it's like the way that they know that there's an objective between you and them and they just kind of like oh oh like you know is someone blocking on the stairs Stewie Griffin blocking Brian on oh pretty much throwing got okay one more oh no nice oh my God okay well I guess I'm not going there yet oh they're stuck there actually that's good for me oh wow I just got blown back was that by me of it I was like looking behind me and then backed up into it that's fair The Edge I've got loads of samples here okay yeah grabbing them all any more oh you got spear behind you copy got him nice all right let's let's get out of here oh we only got one minute into extract Tom out yeah yeah I'm heading and we lose all our reinforcements don't we mhm which sucks charger oh thank you I didn't even see him hear him yeah you got him later bro oh god well at least we'll automatically get it called in yeah but we won't survive um have you got enough ammo and have you I've got four stems right now so I'm pretty good yeah I'm good we've got resupply to throw on the point I just died didn't I yeah we got resupply for the point there's a slugger if you want to try for the end game yeah I'll give it go right here hang on where oh there another rail gun and some ammo lovely yeah there obv slow grounds from range you don't have to worry about Ammo you can just reload any time and make sure you're aiming with the circle kind of like a rail gun that you don't have to charge up it's just full damage straight away well explained uh B behind you yeah y um Orit using ra using rail gun strike on him I just used mine on that charger oh nice oh my God later him oh I guess it's suicide uh suie sued SOI Mission SOI difficulty yeah is this the is this a rare I forget if I have my map open I have my map open all the time that's my and that's on me and that's on you right where are they coming from tommo you should probably just hold up top in case I die Noah nah I'm I'm going to do my own thing together all right need to get my I'm going to the re oh never mind not getting that resupply back because there isn't one hang on okay if you shoot them in the face pretty reloading pretty nice mhm this okay focus this guy yeah nice I guess we got the rail G from a rail gun nice anything oh behind uh we now have strats oh God the mini one the mini B didn't even see him coming over there okay 52 seconds I'm going to have to do the old survival stat of not dying I mean if it helps there is a jetp pack there uh maybe on the rocks yeah I probably should now we got 39 seconds that's actually a very long time in uh it's on the helipad I think I you know what I don't think I'm going that way I'm going to do my own thing to make sure I keep [Music] stamina this is actually okay here yeah it's fine yeah weirdly they paed to the left try and grab my stamps before we leave yeah I'll try I'm trying not to like bring them too close look they're all going to come back now I going to start shooting them now well we could shoot the ban don't's dead no did he kill you no this the basically I had the Dodge and this viewer just went yeah and then just we did the mission was that all my health to zero in one spray even though I dived okay game that's fine we just don't get the bonus XP for extracting which is only a little bit anyway I literally was running to the left of it and Diving and it still one shot me with one spew and that's that's the normal spew I don't really know what else I was supposed to do there that's what I mean I honestly find hell dive difficult easier than the other ones as as long as you don't have because you have those yellow enemies well you don't have them on Hell difficulty you only have the Green version which which do the AR which yeah they try and do artillery more than up close spear which is a more more of a death death sentence got it we're alive all right got the mission done yep and now for one last what is this one again um oh you trying to you trying to hug the commander the en launched a surprise attack on one of our planets it needs our on one of our planets uh and now we're going to do retrieve valuable data the shorter missions are harder than the longer missions because extracting is the hardest bit yeah what guns am I using I'm using the explosive Liberator um against the bugs I'm using the rail gun and I'm using the S the little SMG secondary um is solo good for this yeah you can play solo right where should we start we should do the fibon actually no we can't do the fibon we'll have to do the no we have to do it sequence yeah oh wait no we don't no we don't no we don't you can do if I remember correctly you can do the hard drive drop it off at the relay Oh no you're right you can drop it off there but you can't complete it exactly so we want to go power Relay first then hard drive then thing cuz otherwise we have to carry the hard drive yeah got it we're going to see again I believe is there anything else that would be useful in this scenario cluster really I mean the fact that you get five cluster strikes is insanity oh God yeah oh God then Rover and the stamina NE um yeah and then yeah I think I think stamina is a good choice maybe I should go for uh injury I don't know stamina's good I can almost unlock the slug shoty after maybe another campaign after this and I'll definitely I'll definitely use it looks fun especially against the robots I feel like I'm might be sick cuz you can be precise yeah I don't think I'm using as robots yet all right all right all right uh all right all right all right uh we can just slip through the middle here let we can try and stealth it as well I've done that before joke you can stealth it can't you oh yeah I mean my Rover would ruin it if we want to try and sell with this before I bring my Rover in support cuz we not actually landed on any bugs so I'll call him the rail gun my there was a nest right next to us scam right next to us that's right they haven't seen us yet if they get in they I'll just call in the river all right why a BT already oh my God but he hasn't seen us though so it's right yeah and they may have seen me they haven't seen me they haven't seen me yet they haven't seen me yet okay okay uh I don't know no they you can melee oh he's shoot him uh he's called for a oh God damn it oh God damn it I was looking ahead at the ones to your left but spad oh God on the B time oh God oh God oh God yeah it's it's gone bad it's it's gone pretty bad we still threw them as the problem right okay so so I'm going to try and see this oh this might hit the B time four 3 2 n i I couldn't stall him oh what why why did I just get launched you launched I got launched yeah I would complain about getting launched when the ball's supposed to be sick on Meo I need my Rover God damn it oh oh no we've got the artillery ones look oh yeah yeah that's what killed me that's what launched me I think right I'm calling you yep I am taking damage okay I'm okay okay guys oh God they slow you down um where is my okay BT's dead it's fine underneath him no I I don't it's cuz it's when you land on a corpse like something that's already been killed yeah I'm going to try and get the objective done like now maybe where's the bloody thing oh there is I'm using the buildings as cover cuz like the ball time will find it harder to like get to me I think they're all on you to right now oh yeah I'm still stuck under here getting sick on and wait you still stuck just inside I gotal oh I'm getting killed I'm about to die okay no you're actually uh useful uh distraction here yeah yeah oh come on nice no dude it's like like the server lag just goes oh you didn't die you're actually still right there for that that thing it's oh for goodness sake man oh we went for the right well I don't like the fact that this spe is still one one shot you from 100 to zero when you're diving come on bro come on broag Terminal yeah that's too far as well whatever game's broken hey it absolutely hate this game Oh I thought the wrong thing uh I'm just going to run away from you don't come towards me wor I'm try get my real gun back okay guys okay guys okay yes you're right on me I get it oh for goodness sake yeah I find this green one's way easier than yellow yeah well they they still spew at you they do but they spe from range and no no no they they they run up top at you sometimes yeah but I just mean they'll Focus they'll Focus the ranged AR yeah yeah yeah okay okay guys all right which actually puts him a very easy like angle to got that guy before I killed you with a spit that's lovely am I still got oh my God no you don't right I still need to I still need to pick up my uh my gear that I dropped if I can get to it oh guys no no no no no no no no no come on no come on come on come on please come on oh that's bad I stuck on the back of him okay it's good it's good that's good how you doing over there um I'm not doing great kill that one kill that one nice nice nice that one nice okay I'm going to try and finish the yeah hang on where's oh and charger as well that I'm going to try stop targeting the little ones please it's supposed to focus the largest Target but it went for a tiny guy I got the charger just a tiny little guy just a funny little silly little guy you know what I mean yeah hang on I got a b t on me would you like to kill a BT or a tiny enemy it might hit it no it's 7 Seconds God damn it oh my hang on hang on you're going to help me yet into the B we go just try and get his head so maybe you don't get stuck underneath him yeah get him you get him I think you hit him you did hit him right here's a ra gun by the way ra gun jet pack on me nice hang on yeah it's just that new patch where you can't one shot him anymore got him head exploded nice nice right another Crusher here aim right leg reloading get rid of these Speers okay okay we go did you Chuck a resp he's dead he's dead he dead um on the objective is that where it was um somewhere I can't remember now okay did I do it I don't know if I did oh no I chucked it on the B Tian so it's over here somewhere here it is on me on me on me I got it SE this opportunity to do some beat boots nice nice focusing the guy that shot shot you and now it's fine and everything's fine and good wonderful nice um and then we just pull the lever grank right sure where was the like the taste of freed the huh sorry I got it ammo uh we got a bug breid um North bloody anag yeah you go you're with me now we almost got the upload okay oh no why did I die to me me I'm why did I it's a it's a bug that oh my you killed me as well why was I why was I on fire I don't even know why I was on fire what I don't know hey you killed me too apparently there's in the game where good you can get killed by any enemy type and it just says a play name randomly I need to press a button no please activate the Transformer it's the uh Transformer hang on I need to revive when you can okay okay where's my stuff where's my other stuff okay okay dude I'm literally diving again it keeps on doing that that's so insane right are you back now that's stupid as hell dude what is this V video game oh come on that's what I'm saying dude I think impact yeah I mean you can do whatever you like this is honestly more difficult than hell dive def yeah I think so yeah and they got armored heads these guys your stuff is in the absolute worst spot have you got impact nades cuz they're really good against them yeah yeah yeah can you die please I've shot you in the face like 15 times there's got to be a nest somewhere like dude how do too many please right I'm alive I had to like impact myself just to kill one of these stupid bugs right I'm getting my stuff I'm getting out of here yeah got get my S having a rail gun I'm getting out of it right let's go get the if looks a lot like um Malon Mal levelon looks a lot like Mal levelon the everywhere well that's the other problem with those spewers is their armor this is the issue St look there's a massive Nest next to us a whole time there yeah uh do you need a rail gun cuz I can drop you want I'm good oh I found the knob at least we found the knob whether we're getting out of here though uh is another question but oldest time I heard I heard it wait it it it's buged cool more no well it says two out of three for me H yeah it say three out of three for you oh yeah uh I couldn't grab the third one it just won't let me in the oh good turn off hey wish you could toggle it hand down Tilly P down okay we can at least get the objective done but extracting I think is a a far dream in a distant land no we don't die anymore that's it um so well here's where we need to extract in about 5 or 10 minutes maybe maybe 15 we survive um right so we're going to do do you need a guard dog as well or you going to keep the jetp pack I'm going to keep the jetp pack all right uh so we'll go to the What's this called again oh the hard drive yeah is there at Le some ammo oh okay I'm going I'm actually going to leave the ammo and stuff here just in case F I'll throw a resupply ahead of us do you need a resupply I need a resupply uh I mean go for it they just spawn in but yeah yeah stems I guess uh May okay do we try and stealth this you can try and stealth it without the yes you try and stealth it cuz I I'll have to drop my Rover otherwise oh nice okay so I can drop my Rover oh there's tooo many enemies on it though look press tab that's insane there's no way we can stealth in there you know what I mean okay so you want to just do strateg from the outside then yeah all right holy crap dude on me too yeah Eagle as well yeah I got five six eight nice huge should just try and get in there and get it as quickly as possible going for it I'm a bit on fire here I jet packed over it you got it you got it that was my uh npon that's fine I gotal let's get them off us for a little bit at least that's not too bad nice oh H I'm going to do another one it justes don't get too close it's pretty close that one oh no the cluster oh you okay right wait I could finish off I finished it I finished it I was mid key press and went flying watch out for there SP on the right anything else on the got him yeah that's the last of the oh we have to do the hard drive thing yesd yeah yeah where is it I'm not sure it's in the I'll go get it reloading got him got him got him all right where is this stupid hard drive got it go go go we just need to get this Mission done and we are Gucci maybe go right avoid the big nest okay running running running reloading and running running uh something here like a little um yeah avoid the right do we go for that I mean is there enemies I mean there's no enemies on this apparently on the left yeah yeah it's nice that yeah yeah just the pods yeah that's just the pods yeah uh there is ah there's like a little can we sneak past this I think we can if you follow me follow my little path I'm just going to try Comm s I'm just going to see if I can sneak past these guys without them seeing me yes there's a nest right there but I'm just going to like sneak a little bit as long as my Rover doesn't shoot at them and now I'm next to the big nest that's the only thing but if you follow my my P why am I hearing like intense music though I'm not have they seen you I don't know I'm St I'm I'm okay I'm I'm basically creeping atmospheric interance yeah I'm sneaking through and they haven't seen me okay we can actually fully sneak this Mission as long as there's not too many on it which would be incredible okay no more as I can tell does stealth work better against aut automatons do you think oh yeah I've done like full like stealth takedowns on them oh behind a l of them and just punched them in the back does it one shot them only the uh the like the normal Troopers okay look I'm just looking at the base might be able to head it from the south or sorry the yeah from the south going drop my Rover maybe going to drop my Rover ite and now I'm just going to I'm going to crouch in yeah I think it's possible you know cuz it's not too many on it I like that there's quite a few on it but they're moving out to the right right now there's one I wish he there was a suppressed pistol as a secondary that' be sick are there any suppressors on the guns no only louders yeah I think I'm going to get spotted here but maybe I can get some of it done oh my God yeah there's so many what if I prone maybe enemy Elite oh okay so many there there's a there's a ho of them coming your way unless unless okay so one thing I can think could you blow them up to the right and force them to come out to the East and then I pop it in the back well I think I think the problem is as soon as we engage we're all spoted so yeah um can I oh they see me really I was prone I was literally prone reloading oh my God dude come on what is that and it says that they haven't aggroed me yet interestingly oh they na now right running like a hunter just magically like found my path and stabbed me in the ass okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I healed I healed I healed there K yeah I'm being absolutely Dem yeah that killed me I have ammo a b and two crushes two charges yeah once they finally okay well well well well um okay well this bush is awesome dude but I'm now stuck in it love that no please please let me heal please let me heal please let me heal okay okay all right dead nice what what was that what was that that why why did that no I'm stuck on him again as I landed come on that's so ass dude no I'm taking your jetp pack sorry yeah that's fine I'm stuck anyway okay I'm I'm dropping your Dr what all out how do I do this just keep it if you no no no I'm just going to finish the um I'm just going to finish it there we go dude all right at least we can if we die we can die knowing that we did the right thing oh no we're not finished not finished not finished not to land on anymore not complete not complete death sentence stuck under that body not complete I repeat not complete we still need to finish the what use the radar this thing yeah um I dropped your jet pack did you get it I'm looking for it it was over here got it you got it um try and focus The spewy Lads cuz they're messing me up right now was close no I'm slowed maybe I don't got it um I'm trying to get to it again hold on manually realign the satellite oh God yeah let me have a look I'll just have a look at it and see what where is it where is it we're done we're done we're done I've aligned it okay do I just need to Har how about a nice of Li okay push them back a little hang on no that's I'm literally as far away from it can that's that's stupid that is stupid as hell I'm annoyed like this no I'm really annoyed that's stupid there I was nowhere near that spew and it still just aim botted me oh nice that's insane okay kill the charger what's going on there like I'm definitely not under it right we're almost there we're right next to Nest again dude that's why we're dealing with so much like a massive Nest to the Northeast oh God hang on there's loads of bug holes over there oh you mother I'm I'm pissed I'm pissed I'm mad you trying to do the terminal then yeah we just need to get that done and then the objective is done uh you just need to survive for one minute and I can maybe just sneak it mhm yeah I mean the getting aim by by the spearers is not it yeah cuz even the bio Titans are easier to dodge no 100% BTS like some of the easiest enemies cuz they're so big and they get stuck on things yeah but if you don't want them throw up on you you can just shoot out their stomach and then they can only mellow which is a thing you can die to very rarely cuz you keep the distance all the time true that's why Shield backpack's better than Rover but the thing is if I wasn't playing Rover I wouldn't be getting 400 kills around okay it's actually pretty quiet right now as long as you survive uh there is supplies somewhere near the point I'm pretty sure you got them already nice yeah we're we're in um what's it called uh sui unive difficulty and we're playing as a two man but remember the difficulty doesn't Scale based on number of players as far as I know reinforcing thanks dude right see if you can get that that terminal done real quick I think you got some time now all right got one of the big Spears nice job dude well we can try and get out of here but my God your request oh he's dead all right reload can we get out of here uh if you if you got yeah you got your jet back yeah that was fun wasn't it yeah let's not go through that now let's go wide yeah yeah yeah just go back the way we came right and see if we can escape escapate I mean I don't think I would have stealed It Anyway there was so many enemies no way oh bloody I'll charger I'm using the explosive uh um explosive what's it called going for right leg yep hang on I see I can't see the right leg right now it's fine oh my own Rover almost killed me okay oh this is a bit of bit of a bother throwing Gren what that didn't damage him piss off um is Av about to get caught up again I think sample is not that this is worth it yeah I'm okay for now that's a whole yeah we we W want to throw ordinance behind us mhm I'm going to save my rail for charger or uh we need to go really far right really yeah yeah we have to go this way Southwest cuz otherwise we're going to run into another camp on the left got another camp on the left let's get around this way yeah yeah yeah actually I can STM up and get my ass stamina back have you seen you can um you can dive off really high Ledges and you have invincibility as long as you're stimming yes you can do that yeah I think I told you that very very very very early on no no no no I definitely found that all by myself yeah as long as you pre- Stam and you have the effect around the board of your screen you're immune to full damage do we just sneak they're going to see us I think 100% so I'm just I thought that's insane pushing them back nice that was pretty danger coose but I think we'll do it behind us okay keeping the bation is optional we have one reinforce left for this extract if you yeah you stay up on the Rock I think mhm this time and I'll just run around and see if I can like lead them around and then we can save that last reinforce just in case so one of us can get out yeah I should have taken your jet pack really shouldn't I probably call the race play on the terminal before you uh activate it going need some stuff low on ammo calling down supplies nice oh he did call an EXT okay this is quite a choke point though at least this one this one's like really choke point this is good I'm I'm going to leave one Supply in there cuz I've got enough now it's all right uh there's still loads of ammo as well down there too uh so they're coming in from the Northeast got a pal on it yeah I might save mine then wait like stagger it nice they are still coming Northeast more over there bug breach bug where the bug breach on Northeast as well yeah right there nice that how did that is blind nice I'm just making sure I'm not going to get FL this like the perfect one for a Sentry like oh God hang on um oh hang on hang on no God I got so confused going to ra strike him he's dead nice nice I was lucky cuz I just completely fumbled everything it's okay acid boy dead no oh Tomo I'm sorry I'm sorry Tomo you're coming back you right oh no oh not like this good no cuz I basically oh I know what you mean I know the spewer the spewer was aiming you I was like oh I'll get that and I was like oh wait right uh well rough it's right just just you've got the 30 seconds we got your jetp pack again thankfully it fell down here yeah yeah you can can you jump up to the platform look where he is no I think I think that'll be all right I think he'll get pushed out the way aborting and yeah as long as you stay roughly there don't have my rail gun anymore uh shut boing in 14 you just need to get a bit closer yeah 10 you got to get closer going oh [ __ ] not like this no no no no no no no no no what the hell dude the game just went no I was I was trying to Jetpack and it was like M oh right you got like hit as you jet pack yeah oh my God no I don't think you will well no cuz the thing is I did that same strike the one that knocks you off about three times already but they but this time it decided you know what I'm going to hit up on the rock as well yeah it doesn't really like count for like it it won't go go for the low ground you know it would just scatter wherever whatever it hits first yeah that was that was pretty rough it was pain but whatever I mean there you go you did it look at our Squad imp back yeah like do we care about like we did the mission my point is do we even care about the extra XP we're getting at this stage in the game where we I care about extracting because it's fun yeah it's like way but point being is that it doesn't really benefit us cuz there's no there's nothing else for us to unlock right nothing else hello hello you ready to die I just watched the end of that match cuz I wanted to see where you guys are at yeah well should we do the best part we I see what we do is we do a a soie um an unive robot and then we'll do a hell dive bugs or a hell dive automatons I think impul is going to be easier than that you think you think we doing F okay is literally like I don't know why it's harder but it is harder than hell dive okay um and we've got what I don't like doing the defense missions though it's not as fun you get more of the Annoying enemies which is weird uh should we try dropn dropn I've not even been on that planet yeah sure it's like a it looks like the Scottish this planet of every last resource and reclaim nice daytime we got a nice uh nice little rocket nice and we'll do it on actually no sorry sorry sorry we'll do uh we'll do the harder difficulty no we're not doing a level on Creek actually I I want to avoid ones that have the delayed this one might have delayed Callins which would be really annoying let me check have a mooch right we want the harder difficulty impossibly oh there's no uh a multitud 5 a.m. on that one oh what happened to you what's going on what happened there I don't know you just like teleported to uh to the whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what's going on I've been put in another group instantly what's going what is happen press R to matchmake what why mat with randoms cuz R is the what I did nothing uh should I return how do I leave it how do I leave press Escape return to ship alone what the hell we'll just regroup I accidentally pressed one button and it immedi match make yeah that's how that works it finds a match with r okay well when never doing that again should I join on you or should I wait uh join us to now he should be able to if he's returned to his ship cool should we get sha in but probably don't have I don't have sha added unless you want to give me your uh your username sha matchmaking did matchmaking worked extremely quickly it worked my God it was it was inant there are some players on this game ST but I mean cuz obviously they've had matchmaking issues ra they yeah it's it's so good now right so what the effects um no effects on this one I believe there's a couple of people playing this game how many it's just like 400,000 or something no big Terror Meed brity yeah it's probably like a million or something at all times yeah we got two sh ones yeah yeah yeah but I need to you need to give me your friend M sold like 4 million copies Allied Destroyer has joined Squadron we get sha in as well Shan's uh yeah we're going to do the harder ones might as well have four people I've completely forgotten how to play so well it doesn't increase the insanity more the mar I'm pretty sure it more enemies right it's no no no I don't think it does I don't think it scales I think if you that's why if you play medium on solo it's still insane because it's expecting you to have four people yeah but they said it scales so what changes they lied what we'll see I'm pretty sure just feels insane on sorry because you know you're still fighting a decent number of enemies but yeah I don't know what changes when you have more more people yeah be cool if they like disclos that it scales a little bit yeah I thought so uh I wouldn't say this is all easy right SE what we saying um can I add you mid game actually does that work so blit Search and Destroy retrieve Val or I'll just do a one now and then we'll we'll get you in for the next one sh in first no no no you can join halfway I'll him out him out sort him out Jesus hang on uh friend code friends why do they make this difficult there you go done and then you should be able to join us mid game I think uh right so how do we want to do this I think we just go middle right yeah okay um what's good against automatons I'm going to use the SMG as opposed to the shotgun like every other time yeah um I used the shield the other day the um riot shield oh yeah how did that go badly yeah it's not great is it it's a shame cuz it's like well did you drop it at all well yeah because every time something hit me it just blew the thing off me immediately oh this is the three strategy one sted well well I know what I'm taking oh I'm I mean it's rail gun again isn't it rail gun cluster yeah yeah yeah all right and then I'm nothing without my stratums there you go I don't know if that'll wait for you but the base diligence is the most under what's the diligence what the the normal assault rifle Alli Destroyer has no the diligence is the Marksman rifle is ass no it sucks what are you talking about I was like no surely not Dent sucks dude it doesn't do enough damage it's like it's just low damage slow reload drag is insane like when you 180 it takes for for the gun to catch up to the crosso I'm not a fan I was like yeah maybe the normal assult rifle was pretty good both got the same booster on I think I don't know how that works oh yeah that work I don't know is it sorry sorry you got and then no maybe we should do Ella do you have the Boost like the ammo one uh let me have a look like he it's it's not letting me select my Bo space optimization it's okay I can run it might already be equipped by someone ini all right all right Jack might join for the last campaign we do so if we do this one and then one more you get back to you yeah he's like yeah I'll I'll join for one more a bit later you didn't have plans stay till right no no no just just work know just just games just VI games just VI games okay ooh oh it's a bit they haven't seen us they haven't seen us they haven't seen us real good oh the jellyfish I love I love the storm jellyfish mhm um now oh yeah I need to unlock the Slugger next next time we have a chance yeah I haven't got enough medals yet is it slower feels like they're slower as well I think it is slower this one's pretty rough so slower slower coins as well oh yeah I didn't think it was look how long's that one okay I just didn't do it it just didn't I got it yeah I know I threw one it did nothing no he's calling reinforcements that was weird it just it just didn't I threw it and it did nothing oh yeah mine too huh uhoh game bu um is that all about what you going on you throw my Str aren working beon out uh is it buged I think it's bug are we scrambled surely no it would tell us if we were scrambled no it would say we're scr oh unless unless it's closer to the thing that is scrambling yeah yeah yeah is scrambling it's that that base is in the Scrambler but we're not oh you found the knob you found the knob of Destiny on your right oh I'm at it right so if they pull back a little bit I was L like huh yeah there you go if it's a little bit further awayy okay cool ow Jesus I got the I got the big guy hey big guy if you can we going yeah yeah hang onad oh he's going to shoot us no careful he's one he's one oh dead oh God I got beamed a mortar somewhere I think uh yes nasty oh yeah we just have to kill everything so we can just go around oh yeah there's the more over there yeah I can't mark it for some reason simply not [Music] allowed ammo and stuff are down here by me you need it Sims ammo everything the M ah kill the other turet in the distance oh my god dude those M are insane I'm going I'm going I'll get him no come on then you bastards four three oh the rocket devat killed me I didn't even see the guy back there right blow him up oh my God what the hell just hit me a Flo the Flo's betrayed me not again oh okay I got him not today right what else we got okay right and now uh thr got him right how do we destroy these things then should we just ra going to ask you do they have little radiators on the back anywhere yeah they shoot with a rail gun wherever AC yeah it needs to be some sort of uh Power this map so dark I can't even see the dial on my rail rail gun ow oh no well that's on us it again reload some ammo down here okay this is almost done ow oh we need to find Fabricators and we don't have a lot of time we really need to speed up I think so go to the right here oh there's the tank or do we go maybe we head south I don't know is there going to be enough s another one dead here I got all three of those Devastators we first on I'm just I'm one shot I'm one shot there's a foul over there as well T there why did I just die it's all bopping off nice just got that Devastator nice get the tank why did I just die I don't really know I just happened there uh where's my stuff it's down there isn't it uh it's down here okay that's insane this is uh kind of crazy kind of a few of them thanks Dead uh that might hit Sean Sean just run forward run back to me Tomy run back to me run back towards me towards me towards me towards me not S4 not S4 the other s the other s oh right [ __ ] I think you're okay it's okay okay there's a tank behind us yeah it's fine we really need to get to those Fabricators though waiting in the wall which made it worse can turn around on the diam and come back the problem is we're moving away from the extract we only got six minutes left that's where the Fabs are Jam's over there to look to the left uh okay o you've been minced you can pick my S up if you want yeah I got him I got him cool o uh what just happened Sean's dead um can you land on the fabricates and just destroy them you can yeah but you'll kill yourself Ah that's a small problem yeah there's only one fabricator in here yeah hold on um we in have we call in no you get more the other thing is is on the same difficulty you get more reinforcements by just having more players which is I think unfair I don't know why you don't get the same amount of reinforcements with less players yeah cuz surely it's harder your NAD St yeah yeah hang on hang on got it only three nades yeah they're good those impacts aren they they are really good though yeah they are the damage is crazy against their Fabs you kill a tank with four of them just keep impacting the tank and it yeah yeah maybe I should wear the grenade armor yeah maybe I wonder how often I'm actually being saved by this armor thing yeah one here if you need yeah yeah uh yeah yeah I'll come uh we need to destroy that Scrambler as well can we rail gun it a range do you think h no you have the sequence for it that does the hell really you know what I mean are you sure are you sure you can't I swear you can destroy it I don't know if you can just shoot with a rail gun I'll try that's a lot of I'm clustering it but it will take a while I've hit it like five times I've not seen smoke or [Music] anything oh no got a few of them there um there's more fabric yeah yeah if anything we can just leave the Scrambler up but we need those Fabricators yeah God when Monday probably one more there's there's only one Fab in this thing I was flued yeah oh my God these guys just spawn next to me what was that I'm down no right I got the fabricator there oh we're done destroy this far before we're done we're done we're done oh God I died as well um let's just head for extraction cuz this is crazy I Dro five uh super samples on St really where is your body where's your body N I can't reinforce you North I'm going to get your North Northwest yeah yeah I'll get your stuff and then we'll get out of it and then you'll be out yeah yeah yeah refor oh you could do it you can apparently reinforce here that's okay yeah weird I'm just heading back your way so we're all together at least going for the uh super samples yep why well then just one shot get rinsed again instantly shot in this game dude with a shield with my shield on yeah yeah you're going to have to just reinforce and get us back come you're in trouble I'll try and get the okay SE get us back okay right um where's my stuff there it is your stuff's on me here still I've stolen someone else's whereever whoever is okay I might steal yours then yeah it's fine let's just go get this cuz I can get my stuff there is a tank on it though oh come on I'm in the scramble range oh come on come on come on come on all right got the Devastator Tank's going to aim at me and try and shoot me no I'm scared I think we're just going to have to try and go and get out otherwise we're not surviving oh yeah I'm just running after you I almost destroyed it St what the tank I no I was at the uh Scrambler I was doing the pad oh [ __ ] got killed on the pad I am leaving stuff behind right I'm going to get you guys back those rocket Devastators are literally the worst man I'm we're just go cuz we've only got two minutes now yeah it's um I'm dropping someone on a uh what's it called a shield pack and a rail gun so you can just grab that we did it we did the mission yeah yeah yeah extracting is still good though you know yeah a door here feel like we've left a lot of the enemies behind at least mhm I can't wait to get a little vehicle to drive around it yeah that's going to be cool like this where you just need to get across the other side of the map in 2 minutes thanks Ella hello someone's paying attention wait what's going on open this door a friend open the door oh you just been standing on the door just like come on that's fine we one of us needs to go and open the door don't we it's okay you get used to start ignoring you for after a while yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah if it's not involving me I'm not involved uh do we have a little oh we've got Sean's got a little Diamond there nice nice little Diamond Sean is from Australia so we have obviously I do ACD Sean the fact that you can play this game at 300 ping and there's no issues as well pretty crazy yeah okay Sean is going to get it in no I think the whole the whole thing is the way they're going to bounce the vehicle is it's going to be really weak but it's just going to be fun to use get to zoom around and I was just about to call and resupply but maybe Sean did he in I think he did yeah yeah he did perfect I've already got enough ammo you have your jet pack there's a nice little rock here I'm out got three strategems aren't we so oh you didn't bring it no got a cluster rail strike and rail gun uh well I could have got you a shield I guess reloading it's so what I think that's what we'll have to do keep an eye on when we're doing this one I can just give you the extra stuff yeah make sure people have backpacks maybe I could be without a rail gun for the first half and then we can have some else can yeah uh seems like they're coming from west by the way but it doesn't really matter cuz we have strats anyway so we'll just shoot him yeah the rocket guys you guys probably can't see why I'm shooting a rocket Devastator like max range there you go hey Roberto what's up dude whoa you guys good that was big reinforcements right there sorry sorry I shot you in the back oh thanks you looked a lot like a robot sorry I certainly got a B wait I thought that was our extract I was like that's bit early uh that one's it it I got the big guy uh these guys need dealing with I'm scared these guys need dealing with okay I'm just focusing on real gun right now I'm trying rocket Devastators they're on the exy I'm one the offering them last reload getting the Devastators bro that is so many Devastators my god of I'm out of ammo do we have a we have more supplies go go go suppli oh God whoops there's a shield there's a shield there's a shield there's a shield okay where there marked it it's Ellis she's dead can you can have it on Dust right now I mean I don't mind if I do all right did I get him got him okay we're doing all right I am d we still need one more minute hello I am dust oh big God shoot him in the eyeball I almost shot you I think I shot your Shield off fine got him nice rocket Dev right there location southest oh you got the ark beam you pick it up on the floor just randomly yeah as long as I don't far near you big guy again here got him got him got him the rocket Devastator got him got him my head off this guy isn't it oh big de devastate guy here got him am reinforcement yep nice come on ning got him come on get in get in get in get in get in oh boy did you see a there's a cliff of bong right so we're doing we're doing automatons he dives into the ship and he gets stuck inside the ship and then the ship just Chucks him out yeah it's play the hell was that I feel like if you're anywhere near the ship like oh did I he got thrown underneath it yeah and then his body was being dragged behind by the ship in the air and then literally launched at speed into the floor oh dear The Arc has a way to fire it faster I've never used it is it is it anywhere near the rail gun or is it just like a last resort it's good but it's it's a friendly fire killer that's fair just latches onto any life form in the vicinity of a beam I wasn't using safe mode it's too dangerous I think yeah I was not using safe mode I'm just making sure I I kind of charge it up without looking at it and I know how long it takes if you didn't realize I was was I still in safe mode I thought I turned it into unsafe I mean here's the thing though it worked perfectly and we extracted either way we will fight on in the memory for what I was doing with it which is hitting shots in the face but I'm pretty sure I had it on unsafe I just wasn't aiming down sight bumps into each other uh lovely what can I buy actually have I got I actually got common samples for once yo yo uh should I get more guns streamlined uh hand you have no idea what these mean do um no should I get I don't really use sentries should I get the more guns one which is barrage orbitals fire one additional salvos which I don't really use or decreases cool down for all backpack strategems by 10% that one yeah yeah yeah it's kind of no-brainer yeah I love the way that some of them like 10% 10% cool down is like nothing but the one that increases your speed while it's coming in is insane and the most useful you know the most useful uh what's it called straty thing you can buy yeah uh so we've got a lovely longer Mission before we do that I'm going to fly someone's ship just got blown up when when their ship gets blown up does that mean they lost the mission is that what happens that's so cool so oh so another one block orbit synchronized so cool idiots yo you guys suck prar oh my bad we go again I was like what okay right um well that was fun uh we're going to do the old just smack Us in the middle I know cuz we want to go do these ones first don't we so don't what I mean smack Us in the middle between them well you you see the middle of the map blue buses uh and then I'm going to go rail gun I'm going to go no you're not you're going to go with three again cuz it's the modifier oh God you can't have what you want and it's the slow as well cuz it takes ages to everything come in which means basically the only thing worth doing is something that's targeted so the real strike is probably the way to go actually 500 kg cuz you get two of them yeah yeah I think that's the way uh and then I can give you my backpack after a while yeah Lis character doesn't exist on my screen a yeah you're just invisible so Jackie Jackie might join us for the last one invisib hey yeah I think Jackie is going to join us for the last campaign all right whether we want to do bugs or we'll do that hell dive obviously lach initi am I liking the new monitor after spending some time on it some especially in this game on the bright Maps it is blinding it's really good for like the pro the problem I have though is what I see is not what you guys see so sometimes I'm looking at things and for me they're really bright and then I go back and watch the stream like this map for instance I can see everything going on around here but on my on my previous scen it's like dark as hell that's the problem is it's hard to tell if I'm if I if I can even see or if my if the viewers can even see you know ah you see I need a rail gun for that guy yeah um calling down a support weapon um inbound oh have you seen the um the Twitter post of the guy who's got the stream deck on his arm yes yeah that I did say I was like some they should just sell a a thing a bit like the Fallout um wrist thing I don't I don't know if they could do oh right yeah sorry I thought you meant like cuz people have been binding macros to their alato yeah I I don't know I don't know about that I mean you can as as an accessib I don't mind but this is horrible dude I'm just getting thrown around let me get your head I'm coming over here my God I can't hit him uh yeah this is uh this is chaos unsafe it all righty I forgot want I'm going to try and make I'm going to try oh the cockrock that's what we should call it come on [ __ ] Ro that came to me immediately and I was like yeah that's actually that's actually inspired you call it the light call the light bulb but now it's the cockrock now it's the car rag how about a nice car rag can you see this this this one's just a marker I don't there here just sometimes they just Mark Loot and don't have the things but there'll be another one somewhere um that one was just for like Vitality that was just that one was just for fun yeah well it's just for the ammo that marked underneath if you need it what I just blew that up and it didn't send me like a plum huh let go reloading does Ella know of the red reticle meme no oh yeah if you go an accessibility and turn your verticle to Red then it means that the white one that you the circle you actually aim with has is differentiated yeah just as easy to see when you okay to be the deepest color that contrast well yeah what's the difference between the light enemies that have the V backpack versus the ones that don't we know um so bombers ah sweet soe I should say that right before they bow it yeah but in robot voice we're gone then just o did why did the hell bomb just randomly off over there know why not CU I've never seen things ROM stray shot just over the over in the distance yeah let me know when I can pull this I was shaving my throat when you said cockrock and almost had a disaster you nearly M why you sh why you shaving at the at the PC I know you're probably shaving in the bathroom and obviously you got my stream on a dedicated bathroom my throat was he not shaving his neck what we are you doing it from the [Laughter] inside oh yeah I'm just shaving my lips as you do such a weird thing to say well I mean you don't know but over the Thro I think is I was shaving my throat I'm on it yes I was shaving above my forehead all right come on then I think they're right there you wait is he good he hasn't responded it's too late said it's too late for him now I'm just shaving my [Laughter] jugular I'm actually crying sorry for your lost oh big lad big lad I'm dead no you're not dead you'll be fine where are you okay let me see if I can beam 100 me um that's a lot of shots oh okay I'm jammed I'm C Jammer May Jammer MC Jammer your new name H buddy Maya Jammer right come on just stopped poting love Island and she's become the new game master control in the environment well I think some people get confused they're not controlling individual games like some people literally go like oh the game master he's he's no no no but not they're not going in he he can pick certain games and decide to crank them up what you mean as in like one particular server with four players it's like a game Master System like a dungeon master like he will just choose a certain yeah but not when there's a million players what are the odds that you yeah but what are the odds that you are in a server that he well it's not like he it's not like he I guess not individual servers he a list and can click it and say yeah increase the enemies there he's not like watching spectating that's what I'm saying but people like oh the bloody game master he's just he's got me again wait if we know his name we could be like Barry we do what's his name uh Barry Barry who Joel really no honestly his name is Joel and is that a meme now everyone's like Joel no they actually are Joel got me again he he will pick like individual people's games and make it mess with them nice if they're doing too well they've done a hell dive six times in a row without dying and they're just like right um so we enough of a cake walk for you uh I'm picking up the SSD go go go go we have a long at least uh the objective is um close to the I love the way I'm actually they're like we don't know his name Joel oh actually Joel okay not been keeping up St yeah know I'm I'm not I'm not down with the with the with the social media right now reload nice go go go keep moving keep moving where's that s gun feel like I'm playing American football running this thing around the dive is one of the best animated and nice welld designed mechanics in a video game I've ever used yeah it's like metal gear solid five or or um max pain right yeah I'm surp why did Max pain or the mechanics from Max pain never take off ready you know a single player yeah I guess I guess that was like it its unique thing that out of action game has like slowmo diving and stuff yeah in PvP it's really cool like Works on line of sight so like if you use it um and you can see your enemy then they'll also be affected by the slow-mo and then if there's walls between you then they don't get affected by slowmo oh that I wondered how that worked yeah it's no one's found a really good way of doing that it's great okay someone else going to have to say this this is d I will uh I'll do the uh what's it called cooing engaging terminal oh my god dude I failed a five input what a guy what is wrong with me who took my oh I see you took it I didn't realize I could put it in there already oh I'm running away yeah um we need to put ordinance on our South ordinance on South ordinance on South reloading the buttons oh we need to deal with these guys okay grab this one guess we don't deliver here huh I didn't mean to pick it up Sor right what that was his head wasn't it we need two of them let go over here uh we have the no no no we've already done one what do you mean where's the other SSD I've got it are you both pick you it's good hang [Music] on unbelievable watch that happen with my own left of the fence wait no no but I wanted to go quicker through the Gap if you didn't want me to the SSD all I'm saying is all I'm saying is have you got the SSD okay great I've got the S okay great that's mine now right hang on I'm going to throw you back on your stuff it did look like you were jealous you got the SSD well that's mine oh my God I probably should have said I'm going to open up the wall run away but instead I said hang on and thr there was a big exp we got we got a cannon cannon cannon loation I I can't help but think this is somehow not my my fault somehow not your problem somehow this is a skill as to um right we're going to drop it off oh it's all part of the game come on it's so part of fun you got it okay nice Ella for for my for your Misfortune would you like a rail gun yeah although I did kill myself a bit earlier so I don't know that's a good ide safe mod if you want yeah I think that's probably for the best and then you shoot everything in the face and it just dies that is nice all right I'm stick it in is this where it is should be this what it's marked on the map right oh no it's over there somewhere oh was down there my way oh my God ID no I'm fine look it was fast oh yeah have you dropped in the war in it's reset it's in the water and it's all the way in the bottom is it gone it's gone no wait no it's back where okay I'm going back for wait no way I dropped right next to you you fell forwards and I fell back into the D part no I landed right where you were um on it reinforce me on it and then I can grab it you know hang on oh God why is it not working ising down okay you can go grabb it you reinforcing yeah Sor right everything's what all of my controls are messed up what's going on like it opened my menu it open going on why have I got a breaker don't I'm not sure not well I'm I mean there's a lot of enemies here and I'm just [Music] surviving I fell into the deep of water just watched it sink below me yeah I can see your rail gun in there as well yeah everything's wrong melee to fix controls yeah I know it's all gone wrong I don't have any ammo wait okay sure need reving yeah hold on nice okay um there you go yeah someone might need to melee me cuz something's gone horribly wrong Ella melee me uh how do I melee uh f f f I'm trying my best there we go there we go there we go that'll do that'll do that'll do stop it okay stop now okay not she walked into your room you asked that right get some oh no oh [Music] no I wish the Revol was be that's what I'm saying you're using the Revol right now s not right right now it is great against the robots though it's got medium pen it just doesn't have it listed um should I I guess it's not really worth wasting the 500 on those guys uh do I need to do do I need to align the yeah tell me which way uh turn it yeah keep turn that way and stoping anymore I don't see him reloading oh wow nice in is crazy okay I won't peek again then what the hell oh they've called more reinforcements they've killed them in um uploading and then one more y ammo here if someone needs [Music] that uh there's a Rover here if you want it ah the tank has arrived I've got 500 kg for it where is it yeah okay I'll see if I can get to you waiting through War right now not seen many tanks on this difficulty which I'm surprised about only seen like three anag that should land on him yeah nice comav ni didn't get too close what do you mean it's a th kg they're the weakest explosion in the game yeah they are well to be fair you think that the explosion is going to be way bigger it's actually not that big yeah it's more a vertical AOE than a horizontal one yeah and that's why the rail gun's better cuz it's just actually aimed Jesus but you don't get two of them yeated that man got one of them case of democracy oh the arc thrower isn't it yeah ah there's my Defender I picked my gun back up after picking up yours oh yeah oh I see right I thought I thought the extract was back where we started tagging location okay almost there this one hasn't been too bad we got 16 reinforcements yeah been all right been all right it's been nice in extraction running in getting on top returning to extraction point sure you're inside the extraction radius uh get the ah we're jammed that's a small problem where's the jam oh we beam it we beam it with a rail gun oh Sean HEC yeah yeah where is the J there located I'm just shooting it I don't think he's doing anything no I don't think you can reloading I lost connection oh it's right I'll get you samples don't worry okay game yeah all right I get it being shot at oh my God this game no so annoying oh oh no no no I still have my shield up as well got killed too oh wait shutting shutting get closer you're right you're right uh you can drop me on these I've you an yeah it's fine right I'm going to call in another rail gun just in case I can't get mine back support okay he's coming back Sean's back he's back he's back throwing grenad the dark Sha's back dark Sha yeah destroying that Devastator without a rail gun is going to be a small problem might have to steal sha oh okay sorry SE I saw yours you'll have to get mine okay I'm getting them now I don't know about you but I'm getting absolutely obliterated yeah just a little bit I'm getting I've got my gun I'm dealing with all the big Bots come to the uh objective reloading it's actually clear on the objective right now coming I'll see if I can oh we're still downam never mind it's a free gun there yeah yeah yeah uh I might grab it whilst we still got two minutes left reloading 1 minut 30 seconds reloading nice I'm double rail getting oh my God what just happened took a rocket to the face yeah those are like the worst they just one shot you never destroy our I think we're okay actually well the worst thing is when you get one shot with your Shield up and I'm just like well I can't even can't even begin to understand what happen there uh lovely lovely lovely oh they reinforced again inside that compound uh we only got 33 oh I see you've done it just outside the Jammer mhm I'm actually going to throw they go another tank oh my gosh s we can get you back get rinsed yeah you're right you're right Bo I can get you a shield Jen but hav't got long enough now well literally don't go for it not enough time reload I on the Z go go go go go go go go go go go yeah yeah we're good we're good we're good we're good we're good not to got crushed by I was literally not even fire yeah the fire got me oh my God I thought I was safe there no it didn't work are you coming back in come on just calling let's go go go go go go 18 seconds anyone no one Dro there lovely and there it is today you another another Victory end of the day end of the victory for the OG's GG's lovely the victory for democracy democracy oh yeah that the rough two minutes to the end there yeah it was just every I was literally hiding by the side being like look the Rockets can't get me if I'm here the next thing I know they lock on wait we haven't hit a th000 likes yet what the hell dude everyone's a bug sympathizing it's crazy two star rating despicable I I mean here's the thing you know uh have they released hell Iver official merch yet cuz I know that there's definitely some third party stores making a oh bang right now making a bang in Buck for democracy on a t-shirt like for justice on a on a mug you know Li Liberty yeah come on come on mug on a mug come on Hell divers you got to get on it I basically said if people like the stream it's for democracy but if you don't like the stream then you're a bug sympathizer and um I guess everyone really loves bugs enem seems weird you said it I said it I mean you know I don't want to say it but I say yeah don't want to say it but you said it that's how it is that's that's how it is you know maybe we should hear the bugs out yeah I think the bad guys to be fair well yeah you know the bugs are just chilling they are getting closer to Earth though don't agree with that don't agree with that you know stay you know stay in your own Planet stay in your Lan yeah don't mind you having these planets there but if you're getting close to Earth that's when have problem for another mission hell di stay in your lane you bugs try this night SMG for a bit there a new one the night one the you know the deluxe one I've never seen it you haven't have I do I have it [Music] uh no I don't see it it's an SMG the steal veterans pass yeah actually you just get it the start oh look come come to your Armory right and then left of the SMG the the defender I don't have one look at this one on my hip yeah I don't have that what that's that must been exclusive for the um yeah for the yeah I have the you don't have the uh no I don't have the the expensive version no no you can upgrade I didn't pay to win you can upgrade from the standard no I didn't pay to win I didn't want to pay to win yeah right that's why you don't have the stratum hero in your shape yes that's correct it's ruined uh Golden Lion by the way thank you very much do you even care about democracy and also TW thank you very much for the 100 bits Hilton thank you for the 5 months as well thank you sorry I missed those as always right you took my favorite pod me no Tomo oh I know did it on purpose see you in there right um what we going to do is this just going to be a defense Vision right yeah I hate you uhhuh all right so take uh mortars then for fun yeah yeah and I'm going to take a grenade launcher for fun yeah oh wait I can't I'll take the shield gen who cares we're going to be here for like 2 minutes uh oh what have I okay no stop it hold on I'm just letting Jack know we're going to probably do a new one in 10 minutes mhm all right all right all right then now I am using mortars so if you die that's on you stay away I picked mortars too uh we don't have a tower to hide behind on this one he that's going to be annoying and and rough do not let them fall calling down a s come on why am I my bugs oh it's bu right where are they coming from the space system Solar space oh oh they're coming from space yeah good good coms good coms I don't like this guy I should make maybe You' taken a rail gun that's on me that's on you instead of a shield gen cuz I'm probably going to not be able to do anything now uh tank down here I'm basically useless folks in the tank I mean I'm doing a lot of work here let the knife do the work let the knife way okay Tank's dead another one there I'm basically useless without a rail gun I'm nothing without the rail gun well yeah quite literally if you're nothing without the rail gun you shouldn't have it so Tony star Spiderman not my own beam getting me stop okay one of them dead I'm going to get mored aren't I keep running I'm absolutely there's a there's a big guy just beyond that who's currently stunned by Morts thought he like to know thought you like to know thanks God another tank another tank where where where where where another tank T mark it Mark it they're all over the place just lose your eyes boy I've marked them all yeah I see the tanks yeah they're going to shoot me oh one more hit him let's go oh no got him nice hug huge right here comes the extra quite a few of them oh oh they're actually quite dangerous really they're coming help help help help and don't get crushed by the incoming I'm not making any promises calling extraction don't get burnt to a Cris by th yeah they hover over the edge t if you got anything for it uh I've got three grenades I don't think there's a big devastate here kill kill one you got ra for that dead Tank's Dead tank dead um extraction is uh sideways piggy Miss Piggy why are you driving the uh are you sitting on the left side Jesus no I'm just kidding what do you mean you can't Mop at shame you can't mu said didn't know Ella was the pilot what the [ __ ] oh my God that's that's hilarious betrayal there you go I mean that's maximum points is it that was a quick 10 minutes do well I said to yeah I said no I said to Jack five 10 minutes and he said I hate you I hate you I hate you shut up shut up shut up all right game just kidding just kiding that's not exactly what he said it's fine I'm paraphrasing um right I think uh thank you Sean for your services you've been excellent as always we're going to well I assume Jack's coming in I mean we'll we'll stick around and see what happens I need to buy some stuff anyway I think I think I've got the Slugger I should do I should have it you know what they need a little cheeky firing range don't they yeah lav a sec fire range right let's try it so I got the Slugger now which is basically like a mini rail gun in my opinion hello sure sounds good um you wouldn't advise copying me what do you mean am I terrible I'm confused thanks for the war thank you Sean the Slugger brace yourself it's fine we're just going to do a hell dive automatons on Mal Mal levelon I'm just kiding we're not doing Mal levelon Alli Destroyer has left Squadron back so is I mean Jack might join us Midway I don't know if he's what his plan is but we'll see I'll wait a couple of minutes and then go there he is is it time it's time for hell dive hello Jack Tom how you doing over there right you yeah you g to come out that tiny little box what you in that tiny little box again I thought that's it this yeah yeah yeah he needs to move yeah yeah the cupboard you can get out the cupboards now Tomo I think what what Tom is in the cupboards uh what else is I doing um I've been distracted I'm looking for oh that's it sorry I almost forgot of course right and then uh there you go slug Patronus lovely right hell dive oras it is um we can do bugs have you I've seen clips of the mechs and the the vehicle how do we do this oh you can't do that yet well how have they done it well because it's um what's it called Jack it's uh leaked footage from where from some sort of play test what's that uh the leaked footage of the mechs and stuff Jack's like can we have them and I was like absolutely not illegal well uh the it's not really leaked footage the game master is actually just chucking them in running people's games right now until it gets added that's why I had assumed that they just so where so where where should we go for a higher chance there isn't like I don't think you know just RNG with like it would literally be a 1% chance I think 0.5% okay 0.0% I love that for us% okay 0.01 yeah yeah well this place is currently 0.01 liberated um do we want to do bugs or automatons on Hell dive what would you like bugs okay ell say bugs Jack Tom uh don't care didn't ask bugs okay bugs dead game L uh hire yeah hire like about Helm is it is it can you actually see on Helm that's the question Helm is the you know the orange planet with the fire tornadoes yeah but can you see on it that's the question the problem is is that all of the hellmers are at night right okay not really very fun is it what about the about uring yeah straty cool down is increased by 50% and Scatter is increased scatter do we want scatter on held either not really yeah maybe not maybe not Meridia um what do they have here they have cool in time increased by 100% cool down increase by 50% not bad I'd say not the worst and it's bugs okay yeah so I say we start off with some lovely eggs initiating get a nice feel for it theia system what someone saying Knight in hm is actually fine in terms of visibility that's good yeah it's good to what is your beard routine someone asked in your chat St just don't shave um let it become a neck beard and then get annoyed by it and shave it all off and then let it grow back again there you go all right is my beer routine if you know if you notice I haven't kept it tidy it looks mental I want say mental no doesn't like really Let Yourself Go doesn't look like Stone Mountain God God Christ he needs a shave God here all where's Jackie is he in I'm doing my guns ah you're doing your guns he's doing his guns um come don't worry I come still using the um explosive thing s the AR no I'm using the Slugger why do you say that so forcefully I'm using the slug when I give it a try um so we want to start up here don't we because then we can do nice yeah yeah up here yeah guys yeah yeah yeah so annoying all right okay so I'm going to go I'm going to go meta go meta go meta what's meta well just really because we we're on Hell dive you know meta's Rail Gun Jack of course can I not use the ark thrower Ark thrower you want to kill us yeah well if you want to have fun yeah but we're not here for fun are we yeah if you want to kill us we're we're not here for fun we're here to win video Gam it's fun oh hold on no no use the arrow go on yeah if you want to kill us use the arer no I'm not going to now well actually am it latches on any life form in your proximity Jack including it's fine I'm not a life form I've not used it ever before uh you got no boosters no you must have one no no Ella have you got a different booster this one put the heart on maybe no I think I put for you Tom I'm blushing a put heart for you Tom cuz you don't have one wow l l GL you got out of the box oh dear it is actually a dead game by yeah yeah Dead game please ah good we can't pl we can't blood EC is what I meant to say love that for us mushroom anywhere um well yeah Portell please Tom okay democracy where is the mushroom this is the problem you have to find it like glows in the distance ah he's I've realized a problem with the Sluggers if I miss that's it just don't aim with the white circle just don't miss uh Jack go to accessibility yes Dad and turn on the the to Red oh I accidentally picked up your uh thing there Tom one sec hold X oh I'm dead I'm Not Dead where'd he come from uh Crusher on me Crusher on me got him okay cool I've been eliminated by Jack in his first just youat on to anything in anyone Jack oh that's so funny so funny it's starting to rain now it's actually Wonder those are my tears B Titan on me yeah I can't you landed on it I've been killed by the B this is a great start guys yeah shoot a flashy bit there that worked there you go this is the this is good uh Reviving out yeah just don't stand too near don't worry Jack no no guys guys you have to get away from on get away from it and I mean Jack not the Bugs oh no [ __ ] I just grenaded myself yes another one there it's fine yeah just get just stay away from them stay away from Jack yeah just stay away from him I'm railing railing this Crusher oh god oh ow another another one no this is insane no this is insane do you mean I've got three Crush three crushes three Crushers on me three CR three crushes on me that's one dead okay oh God yeah all right hold on hold on I'm getting my stuff again did someone steal my Shi is someone steal my shield no I'm dead where the oh there right I'll get reinforced if you want still L her actually she's been dead for like 5 minutes I mean I'm going mate what a I'm in I'm in a small bit of B Jack maybe you could revive okay what happening all right let me land on this oh I've missed him St yeah it's fine don't worry about don't land don't land on mey any eggs yeah yeah don't land on me not V don't land on me on me don't land on me is chasing me okay where's the there it is all right I got my Rover I'm going for the bug I'm going for the bugs eggs the eggs oh oh no I'm on fire literally send an oh is that going to go in the right place is all problem you know yeah it's fine though nice I got 27 eggs an e never misses if study hits 27 eggs and only has one stratum left how many eggs was he able to before dies the B oh no there's another one I'm a third if this wasn't enough no I don't have my rail gun anymore cuz I dropped over there yeah I don't have anything I'm going back good luck Tom Jack is that b kill me teammates lately oh bug b okay I'm trying to get I'm trying to get the eggs map to get my rail G back okay do not go near the eggs right that's where it is there's also two B Signs on me only two though oh [ __ ] you know when I said I wanted to do bugs yeah you changed M yeah I've changed my mind try and land on that precise beam there okay wait can I not get up this way you kidding me r a bit far actually I'm not grabbing those SES care now I'm right between them I've got two B Signs on me but that's fine guys don't worry about it I'm not that worried honestly sounds like a you problem what cly is uh I I'll get the eggs you guys just focus everything else shoot his right leg oh no oh no I might be dead here oh he's dead I'm dead I am dead there's the mushroom there's the mushroom I see it get the mushroom where on the Ping guys they they're camping my body can you throw me on the eggs I've thrown you on the ball Titan right here okay Mark it Mark it again it's marked got him nice nice right we need a few more eggs destroyed yeah there's another B here I got the mushroom I'll go for the eggs okay simply Blown Away how about Ace of Li okay I'm going for the eggs you guys just um stay alive or something yep easy he the mushroom yeah yeah I got the mushroom's there oh god oh the B push me okay yeah yeah okay cool that was a cool death you want be thrown here no no on the on the eggs I have to get the eggs on the eggs uh on the eggs there should be a b time in there okay right leg's gone reinfor okay destroy eggs join the all right watch out for that cluster ear okay you should be safe I'm not safe from this Crusher though eggs eggs hey yo eggs are done AC did I get my samples oh sh only good bug that bu only good bug bu I remember I remember how say it um right so I'm just going to give up on all of my other stuff and just head to the next egg area guys off we go yeah easy this actually this is actually way easier than I thought yeah yeah we've got 12 reinforcers left that's good got BT it's okay there the's six crushes behind me now yeah I'm using this Slugger it's not great I'll be very be honest with you it's not great I I'm gone you're gone the cat needs to be L out not now there a final tit land on that Crusher Beverly Beverly Beverly charger yes heavily all right I wish I could just throw a strategem to let the cat out unfortun on your stream down yeah yeah I could just I could just throw a brick at the door your door a brick I could throw a brick at the door and open it that way that's one way would you teach the cats how to open the door well I mean if we force them into a room and with the only way AR being a door maybe sounds like torture but okay yeah that does sound like animal abuse but I'm going to the other eggs that's one of the ways you think they would figure it out son well they'd have no choice the food would be on the outside the cat would be on the inside oh my God what choice do they have resp and then we do the voice you know we do the whole in this room there is only you have 10 minutes to get the food obviously they don't understand English so that's on [Laughter] them well I don't have any grenades right here then St use the resupply I'm miles away from you because I'm I'm I'm going for the eggs the eggs oh I don't have any of my abilities either so this is probably I'm going for the eggs not the WIS this isn't the wisest decision I've ever made in my life rare samples I've got no rail gun and no grenades do have strategem though I am running over to you it's going to take a moment that's fine hold on uh um watch out Jack for the love of God Dodge okay I'm just going to keep leading around here what do you think about that oh God I'm coming back to you guys a little bit well I'm by the eggs now uh well have you got room you got checking them now but I'm also being absolutely pin destroyed yeah okay his leg's gone he's dead I don't have any nades i l um where is yeah you yeah yeah no yeah no destroy the eggs destroy the eggs you've shot me in the head I mean that's my fault that's it's getting destroyed by this thing so loading oh we've got um stalkers y me me's been thrown up on we must Jack land on land on the B Titan oh my God it's on that life thing I'm problematic I tried to grab your s leg he took his leg off dead get throw me back on Theon okay throw me on him I'm not sure it's such a smart idea anymore it's okay no trust me I'll get him all right it's right no bugby bugby I'll get him okay gone dead no please don't land on me yes yes you got him yes yes oh God this is you know what I'm leaving the I think I'm leaving the samples behind you know what it's not worth it let's let's go to the eggs yeah let's just get them the mission done cuz there's no way I'm getting those samples might not even survive this run to be honest his real legs out dead ow ow bug bre bug breach enemy I feel like this gun needs to do a tiny bit more damage sluger yeah just a little bit more yeah just a tiny bit more skillo well yeah probably you using the scope yeah I'm trying the range a support oh God oh God oh God oh God I need help I'm not feeling the impact of it okay I've got I've got a rail for this guy oh yeah rail double rail yes nice the same time as well yeah nice any more big guys any big guys there's one big guy stuck in the B Titan let's go let's get out of here while he stuck in there found something anyone need a ra gun um Elite okay candy I hate the way it makes the healing sound when you're not healed I'm always concerned about that um can I go back and get my samples just for a laugh want any samples here we go I might go back and get my samples okay I think it's worth you sure there was like 12 oh damn I'm pretty close actually you guys get to Jack though Jack's Speed Run I'm trying to get the eggs yeah yeah it's not going well another charger I'm it's not gone well oh you telling me I can't climb can I climb up here surely I'm going to try and kill this Char this charger with a resupply I'm going to stick it in his butt oh he yeah I've got Jack's um what's it called as well okay please please please 20 seconds on that uhoh don't kill him J don't kill him I'm try and kill him with the uh resupply get an achievement for it as well anag come on 6 seconds he's coming this way Tom bug behind I've been outplayed I've been outplayed by who yes by the crusher kicked me into my 500 kg bomb oh I also got crushed too three sp there are you insane dude all right come on Jack I don't even know where my stuff is time I have no idea where your stuff is uh it's on the map somewhere yeah well we somewhere on the map that's insane dude the stalkers here on watch out where are the stalkers all around okay well if you if you do you know where they're coming from yeah I'll try and seal it off here find that Nest yeah oh you're just here never fear dude a level level 18 charger there I never fear when you are here oh I see stalker Nest yeah we should probably deal with have ar your we should probably deal with that Jack you're about to be pushed oh I've got a rail gun I forgot I thought this was my shotgun I was just Jack I've got you I've got you Jack Jack you'll be fine don't worry what' you do there's a there's well you need I'm going to get this throwing Gren there you go got it nice bre not bug breach not bug no no no no no no remember don't swim for too long it's not good for you especially if you R to eat [Applause] of uh I'm going to get away from this bug bre get away from this bug breach I'm 500 kg it okay well I've got two charges on me yeah you you'll be fine Tomy three charges how can I be so foolish how can I be so foolish I think you'll be fine hello there a b and there's one there's a charger on you Jack I'm shoot in the head first Chargers got his right leg out shoot it oh dead thr you he went and then immediately just aim me okay well I'm dead yeah yeah yeah we are running out of reinforcements very quickly yeah five left I do have the reinforcement I'll land on the I'll land on the B not on the CR though if we do run fresh out I've got that booster on that reduces it right B hit is he going to land on me he is cool okay cool cool cool nice I got crushes all right Focus the a focus the EG no no no no no no no no no no are you okay it's fine it just the the crusher did a help you a 90° turn there throw oh no no no another charger eggs eggs are you back in yeah yeah called them in God damn right I'm going for the extract immediately Ro leg's gone on one no no no no no no on the other one yeah just shoot the right legs they're exposed um I don't want to go that way the cool thing about the explosive one is that like they don't like it and they kind of like back away if you hear them with it uh Alo Cannon the explosive assault rifle oh right yeah it's really good medium targets it kind of like uh stuns them a little bit yeah it's awesome one thing you know when you get killed by impact you hit the floor lightly you slowly roll into a rock and then you get kill beinga unbelievable it's like you snap your neck yeah it's like like you literally like fly 600 ft in the air land on the floor and then you'll roll into a rock and die yeah that's basically how I die most of the time no that's not what I wanted what a waste are you going east here I'm going Northeast yeah pick some more samples up on the way as well oh another Char never I didn't even have I didn't have the rail strike that I just wasted on the ground it's there oh there's another one as well I'm getting samples whoever these are Titan oh never mind I can't even get to your samples because he he they're up a ledge that you can't even get to that's all right I got a jetp pack okay well you can I died with it oh I can get to it I can get to it okay dead stalker there nice where I don't see the rest of our samples I definitely have more than that should be all of them no there should be more no they definitely had more and there's definitely and definitely when we were closer they're all the way upth no no no I found more after that and they're just gone oh well I had at least like six and two six common two rare they're just gone now weird all right here we go we only got one resupply left 4 minutes good uh can I call stuff in I cannot Jack's being outs destroyed resupply incoming oh nice oh he can destroy that oh yeah containers yeah o my game lagged a bit right leg's gone right leg's gone shoot him nice dead yeah oh no for the cannon the machine gun's turned on us yeah I know no they've turned their guns against us yeah turned around don't look this way I can use the machine gun as a little St on that oh nice uh supplies you need supp here one more Supply there okay use up the last of this ra gun Focus left leg on that back one dead Okay front one one front right right leg's gone dead nice teamwork clinically proven to make the dream work um Jack is arcing this oh there was two Crushers not for you Tom not again not after last time uh right leg on the front one there oh my God there's three of them oh there four I can't see five five wow guys should I have 500 kg de do something and a BT okay Kg on the point get off the point I'm off not the BT not bug me not it's going to be a big explosion okay and that was oh I've been beaten off oh they're on you the vile time wants me no he loves you survive railing railing railing raing the Bon smash him in the face he hit him no okay another another 500 Kg on the point no one go near it no I'm dead this should 500 K you might hit him come on come on come on come on hit him Chuck me on him got him got him got him oh my god dude yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's getting ruined by these things man I don't have anything you shoot the right leg on blowing the leg off with any gun no no no no no no no this dog going to mess me up yeah I'm going for for it this door going to mess me up this door going to mess me up killed one I'm out no we're we're boing the extraction go back go back I can't I'm back in him back in another B TI just spawned on the point the love of God there's another two yeah yeah just run this way run this way uh two crushes as well two crushes as well they've just W I'm going to die yeah there's two Jesus uh I don't really know what to do if I'm honest I think we're going to have to admit defeat I dropped the jetp pack somewhere you could try and get on top of the Rocks wherever I dropped it um 20 seconds um I being chased we can do this I believe I can't even get my stamina back and I don't want to heal cuz I need to survive at least one 6 seconds my stamina is not why is my stamina not coming back uh cuz you you're doing the like delayed run you have to like toggle your Sprint so that you no I'm not it's just not it's just not coming back it's just not coming back it's just no you you need to like do the normal run yeah yeah I am I am got full down now yeah I know I just did it but only we stop CH it okay go go go go go go go go go wait what no it's it's it's bu it's bu it won't come down it has no Landing room there you go come on come on come on get in get in oh my God that was dude it landed and then just got up again I was like all right why you charges on the heli there that was insane I'm injured I couldn't tell I didn't see the little marker I couldn't tell injury what injury oh yeah he probably had a broken limb or something broken leg I mean we got out we got the mission done it's not too shabby not too shabby couple of side quests yeah got some samples out I think no nests is that our problem we're not doing the nests that's what the fire things are they look at the B yeah I saying is that why with there so many bugs on the final extract cuz we do no nest the there was there was a big like next to us yeah lovely yeah I think uh what's it called the the slug is okay but the problem is then I can't deal with anything else cuz they like all the little small guys just kind of run at me and if I don't hit them in the head then I can't kill them you can't kill them yeah you know the Assassins if you shoot them in the body they don't die in one shot you have to H them in the head the little mini ones H so Skillet you yeah probably yeah just not hit head shot you know idiot lovely triumphant return all that was chaos the the pistol for the smaller ones I guess I mean I'm using I feel like that's just a theory a game theory a Chaos Theory right let's do a little mini one now which is the hunting of the bugs of the of the termined Swarm hell pods Prime engaging orbital thrusters orbit synchronized the Slugger has lower damage in its Bas version determinate swarm all right Ella is my wife by the way seral uh Tomo is also my wife and so is Jack um soon yeah she's on Twitch uh Miss Cronin wherever you like stod whenever you're ready wait wait wait wait everyone do the circle do the circle summoning Circle okay powering up um right so I'm going to go cuz it's such long call-ins I'm just doing double double everything um and then rail gun and then Rover and then stamina pal again just doesn't appear on my screen uhhuh this muscle one good allow held others to reverse difficult train with ease I don't know I'll put the reinforcement one on yeah initiate we didn't need it last round we needed this round well wait we did come down to no reinforcements at the end it reduces the timer by quite a bit but yeah yeah it's a good one you had no time to call us in anyway TR to run for the ship I'm surprised we survived there I've noticed the best thing to do with the crushes is just to have a little bit like they can't go off edges they like avoid them so if you just kind of like hang around an edge we're on our extract spot it's right it's the small one this one yeah oh I know what you mean Jesus look at all the beacons the beacons are lit brother the beacons are lit DOD the beacon oh no Matrix lasers Fu I God that was close by Jo why is the breaker shotgun the worst gun in the game thoughts good one right everyone up here you can climb up you don't need a jetp pack right where I Amit The Rock safest spot for everyone I saw that fly past Jack then um oh I see we just yeah climb there climb there oh this side uh B time yeping anag right he's going to he's going to spew he's spewing shoot him before he spews he's fine I acid I I stopped his acid there's another BT I'm scared one dead one dead uh assassins assassins on us little mini ones is this okay I don't know if this is okay I shot him in the face sh in the face in the in the face it's okay there he's dead I sh I shot him in the face anyway yeah we can stop him from spitting the acid by shooting him before he does it okay in the mouth uh the rovers are trying to kill everyone on the Rock the RO are a problem Oh The Rovers yeah yeah the Rovers that you told me not to take Tom yeah the ones that kill us yeah they're killing me I don't like it I don't like when the me it just targeted me took me from Full HP to nothing well that's a skill issue I think just don't let hit you in the head yeah obviously look got the it's just beaming me yeah does not care uh bug breach bug breach all right 500 Kg on the breach never mind that was a complete waste cuz they they've all stopped coming now oh no don't stop coming and they don't stop coming and I can't get back up cuz it's B time's in the way uh used the ball time CL his legs ah oh my he's he's on the flank he's it he did the flank dude that was crazy he climbed up the same way Jack did oh Jack you want help with your launcher I me it did it said Kill by St so maybe it was the no I no it wasn't it was the bloody bug there's a bug in the the game got inste instead of saying the name of the bug that killed you it just says one of the team names yeah ow I'm trying to stay near the edge so it doesn't do it anymore ow yeah I'm trying to stay near the edge too but oh it beat me anyway maybe you stay near the edge isn't the best SP of action all right I'm going to try and find all the samples oh you using that horrible Laser Gun Jack I've not I've never used it before it's terrible yeah I mean you can you don't have to ever reload as long as you don't overheat it reload but yeah it's just very weak uh we leave seven more bugs and we are that's the trade off for never having to reload seven more bugs uh bug bra down here um five double beam I'm trying to keep it away from people it's like it's like it's like when someone's like oh I've got a dog yeah it's really cute you can give it don't his head um on Titan's coming he's dead he's not dead uh left left left Aim left reinfor almost dead dead finish him off Jack um killing the literally went through him yeah they did a patch where on Hell dive you can't onot them you have to hit them multiple times with the pods now I thought it was low enough for for it to be a one shot yeah AES tactic where people were using their friends as ordinance so you kill them with the Rover obviously you know you be like right I'm going to I'm going to die and then you I'm going to land on the you truck me on the thing I mean that land on one of you Jesus I can't get out Tom I would I mean I would but I I can't Tom he's leaving on the M we're leaving him here we're literally leaving him here oh my God half a second made like a grunt noise at the end as well oh dear uh Odin Kazuki thank you for the prime by the way Martin sorry I missed the sub from before thank you for the 59 months by the way thank you man oh [Music] dear right last mission on the campaign let's go baby let's go [Music] baby oh guys come on how people must love bugs that boss yesterday Tom uh he wasn't in that like he has like a spawn rate he wasn't in that uh session we were in though all right what and I'll say no more oh right yeah all right yeah yeah we've been playing the new Battlefield PVE game it's like skip talk but isn't it dinosaurs right yeah dinosaur boss eggosaurus yeah eggs with guns that I thought that was always like something that we were missing in the games industry yeah eggs with guns yeah eggs with that's a game though isn't it that's an indie game U E5 come on no that's the one isn't it with guns is that not the what's it called I've never seen an egg with a gun in a video game that's why there's the beans with guns one isn't there yeah not an egg soon it's not an egg not it's not an egg not even close to an egg idiot but it's an oval shape yeah crack open and your guts spill out like the Y look at that that's so cool and then you could literally say I'm Nows yo I'm cooked bro I'm cooked um what you what are you doing tomn what what are we looking at oh so when uh it does the hell pod Prime thing this convey about of Hell pods you can see see see it yeah yeah and then you can see this other hod here as it as it gets loaded in below the platform they were all like moving and locking into place and it was cool and I lik it comed on it just don't care right um so we're going to go nobody sus gaming it's great attention to detail yeah that's what I was trying Toops there Jack I just b a drink on my desk but it'll be fine I think so quick um so anyway um sus gaming started blasting hold on I've I've had a small spillage and I'm going to sort out but I'm going to send us in first not again uh oh feces not on stream I do like my jetp pack oh what's happened here what oh I didn't mean to do that we've gone back the cat stepped on the mouse no no not that no I actually no I don't want to go there what w go there you go I imagine he's cleaning something yeah it's touching his mouse or keyboard all right um okay I'm ready are you though well not not not Billy ready you have nothing equipped yeah yeah it's fine just have to deal with this Village what was it coffee green te green te green te always green tea he's always green tea cup green tea in a cup in a cup how about a nice cup cup of green tea I'm going to bring uh anti- personel Minefield ohing wait to die Jack I everyone loves that that this is the best load out youever I love that one the most the cluster bombs yes Jack's gone for the the BVB load out ja is there PVP in this game yes there you go there's your title there you literally uh what's it called hell div 2 is literally a PVP game literally spell l i c y Act is actually a PVP yeah AK C oh so easy to see the visibility right now is horrible Ed gaming game visual FPS mode on help so much yeah do that red reticle thing I was talking about Jack uh B B B B Jack you using your color make it okay um Jack you have a b time creeping up behind you just nothing nothing to be worried about changed it to Red app nothing to worry about Jack just what you just took my my yeah but I didn't know that was your one did I we've got stalkers everywhere guys we need to find their nest you should walk into that I think it's to the southeast Southeast Southeast no please no oh my nested to the southeast please you sound like anime when you do that Tom um I'm putting 500 Kg on that but then I'm going for the sest wish me luck no I've been beaten off by the stalkers no I'm going to die sorry sorry oh you meant the bugs yeah ah oh my God who's cluster stri that oh no what how is he not dead I went flying dude I shot that Bloody this what I mean about the Slugger I've hit it like six times they just don't die ridiculous all right him I'm I'm trying to get to the I'm trying to get to the St but I'm also being attacked St getting attacked St I actually hate these green guys so much got ra Gun Jack no oh got the uh the javelin they die in like one shot in the face with a ra is that they also die really quickly With Grenades if you have him um I guess the is this way re SLE aced okay I know where it's the yellow spitters that are the worst uh someone's Rovers here or godog yeah yeah I think it's mine I'm dead oh you just Za me bro this gun needs a buff refor a bloody no oh no gun needs a buff I got charged into another charger oh you do know this miles away no I I can't I can't I'm actually pissed what happened I threw I threw aade and it got blocked by an invisible stalker oh not the skill issue again don't be S no I'm actually s i I need one more what what you couldn't see the invisible stalker no idiot hang on so annoyed holy [ __ ] the fact I have to kill a stalker by shooting it six times with a start oh they're going start with thermals in this game soon I guess I just use a rail gun for it I'm camping the stalker Nest nice so you're not going to deal with them got the spit very good start all right here we go screw you ow um there's supplies over here but oh there's so much acid here yeah you got supplies SL you said yeah just one though I'm going to close this Nest too it's like yeah I've got no no so I've got all of them now there's none I had to take all of them cuz I didn't think we were going to get them hang on uh B oh there's one talk to me I'm done I'm I'll see you later I've called you on that guy ow God damn it all right hit him nice Jing him oh beautiful that looks sick so annoyed right how long have we got I've got stop it 6 minutes left on my thing is it a one shot to the head jack n but it does open up their armor so you get like afterwards um stalker there is yeah there must be a nest over there then requ support all right collect let's let's do the objective shall we yes un democracy there's a SE artillery down there as well yeah I think he wase of Freedom what the hell was that try and do the objective cuz all of the bugs are currently on my loot so just focus the objective got no ST left nothing I think yeah took it I was trying to get rid of the St oh yeah impact needes instantly kill those green ones matter where you hit them yeah I'm going to have to I might need you to stim me Jack I can s you I've got loads but Jack's closer covering you there's ammo on me by the way if you need it ammo here Mark stick a Sim in me Jack please stick it in him go on stick it in me it's in I'm Ying the feel it feel it I'm have ammo time completely ammo Jack over here over there Jack there's one there on the floor thank you I was about to throw my field down just to be like you know what good one you're a comedy genius uh four four charges down there someone do the objective on the it cover me oh I didn't there's a Crouch slide can Crouch slide a little bit oh cool you see the video which compared the the movement in this to mgs5 yeah almost identical so cool not seeing it anywhere else but MGS okay 100% nice okay B Titan behind uh yeah calling in orbital stri okay come on come on come on come on block it throwing grenad missile out yes nice so sick fire in the uh 75% watch out on your left Thum it's all right impact needed him God damn it okay we need to activate the transform every single time right I'm going to get my stuff though at least okay clust over that right you got to go Northwest okay um I need one more has anyone got a Grenade uh no I'm out yeah I do I just see one grenade in this bugle coming bug bolum charger no completely nice Jack beautiful right I'm out of here ow breach on me but it's fine y goodbye I'm out let's go ow oh no we've got we still got a few reinforcers left we're okay got supplies here on me nice I just need one for Sims and grenades is it on you yeah yeah on that Beacon gotcha it takes so long to come in [ __ ] I'll be there by the time it's in no I died I can get you back on the ground next to me where I died if you don't need to use the ammo stored um I I need grenades still but I'll just take one just take one resupply joining the I've literally got no ammo left am here Amo here ammo here and suppes on me and Tom loads of stuff here ammo is like here somewhere I've already got Sims yeah sim Sims and ammo here stems ammo mind ammo stems yeah grab actual uh resupply to Jack there reload thank you H I think those Norm do those normal little ammo boxes give you launcher ammo yeah yeah there should be like one or something did you get this Ella do you need this one uh M thank you okay breaker oh dude we have to take this all the way off across the other side like green moon by now yeah I was talking about the old green moon what the hell old green moon is it a moon or is it another planet that's the question like behind don't know Planet maybe yeah oh okay Ro all the planets you see are planets you can go on watch out nice uh there's stuff down here as well more Sims and grenades not today ow watch out any grenades yeah grenades uh more ammo down here medals super credits ammo just walked over my body after you KN me down I didn't see you you were like camouflag reloading I did see you getting knocked out the way by the nade I just laid there like screw you there's quite a few I'm surprised you didn't step on my body as oh yeah I'm calling close to bomb okay I'm coming up oh my God I was in the right mind little booty slap on the way out Crasher on me requisition slips 500 Kg on those on that base b as well I'm uhoh 3 two one come on okay oh no oh no I have no idea what's going on I might as well been flashbang it died you died oh died what was that I need help I've got three ball signs on me not even we can't help unless you I'm reinforcing reinforcing thank you he okay one B dead go for One landed on him dead nice guys that's a double down beautiful go oh my God if you got those BT those uh die instantly no sorry got you now this is insane I need um I need another resupply I've got no Sims I might try and sneak the objective nice bloody out uh I'm going to steal your samples Jack from your your bodies here by the way right there come on this needs to do more damage it's just too weak all right where's my stuff I'm probably going to die I think I just picked up someone I'm sorry more okay please game please game please game am I allowed to run yeah I've got I'm I'm injured great so I'm just going to have to I I am dead I am dead down I going have Sims oh I'm going to try and do the objective a little bit whilst I'm here Supply is ready now called up by you yeah yeah that would be incredible I got the terminal got a B up okay we are hell diving okay I have is there any Sims here that would be lovely grab them from the uh re hang on I don't know I don't know if I live see right here I'll see if I live I my own Robo might kill me if I'm honest nice thank you oh not good oh Rover trying to kill Jack requesting a support okay um got the got the SD got the SSD some ammo oh my gosh please okay two charges oh my is there any more yeah there is right let's go let's get to have head Northeast we are leaving right now grab ammo supp more ammo here on my body where the Rover is beaming me currently that okay yeah sure you got the combo on me I got one that one's dead second one okay just keep just run towards Jack literally um I'll get that Crusher nice huge okay wow amazing amazing oh my the impact of the Morts is smashing us around okay bug bre oh yeah that's bug breach survive uh bug breach are right y go keep moving reload I know I know team can see me I was just I was being I thought I was basically dead so I didn't tell him to waste it uh keep coming towards me guys come on go on go on come on good lob there's two nice why is it so dark here I mean Minefield Tom Minefield Minefield on the way back yeah yeah why not even though we have to go back this way but I'm sure it'll be fine get out of there Tom yes other one's dead oh my God awesome dead guys can you even see what I'm playing cuz it's so dark now even for me found something pressure on me oh my God he ran over it [Music] I can see but it's dark as night yeah I thought so um wow super credits nice if we survive charger here I need help with that one trying okay jet pack Jack no no I'm going to call another one thank you I saw you out rockets on your back okay front legs out yeah dead dead there a BC coming 7 seconds on R Cann still not dead how many hits with a slug bloody shotgun come on dude a shotgun is better than that so stupid um who's got the uh SSD I've got it okay run with me run with me Tom me no no no oh okay cool swimming animation this way this way this way up right here right here coming out of BR ammo oh I'm being Bean by my own beam okay I'm going to 500 kg right here don't go don't run too close okay two bug breaches to your Southwest started raining ammo coming in yeah okay I got a few of them there nice suppli is about to land here guys I'm going to put my bloody visuals out I can't see a bloody thing brightness brightness is there brightness anywhere Mor dude over there as well a what brightness in uh display is it yeah ah yeah just Li that's that's UI brightness oh uh maybe gaml then or video dude I swear these robs just like purposefully attack you sometimes yeah I know it's definitely there St there's like a gamma slider and a sure yeah 100% is it on a different tab I say screen brightness what was that you find it yeah oh obviously I want to apply we go it's not it's not well yeah sure it's good enough brightness when you click display yeah yeah I've done it I've done it I've done it I've done it I did something it made it a bit brighter okay no so Escape options yeah no I've done I've done it I've done it I've done it yeah I've done that okay it's there it's artillery bugs I just need to do it quickly cuz I was like mid fight no I thought it was in this play um oh no nice thank you yeah made them um I need do we have a resupply we do not yes we do where is it where okay pingers okay going over here somewhere I'm trying to find it uh here okay cool I just need uh stems is it been blown up on you on you oh watch out watch out oh I'm lagging it I can't see them I can't see any of them I got one see it y nice I got a heal that's all I needed should be some more left if anyone needs ammo I I don't see any more left now see any more ammo or anything been beaten off I think okay we done here BT BT yeah yeah yeah uh it's rail striking it rail striking it come on hit him but he's not dead he's not he's one uh we still need to yeah we still have to use terminal try I'm trying to get up to it okay I'll cover you from the charger I'm trying to ja oh oh the BT just got hit by the artill no way kill each other all right front front left leg St freedom forever just took out a load of viewers right extract uh yes our extraction is on next massive bug breach bugs I need yeah I'm going to go I'm going to go around I I'll I'll bait them this way I'll bait them this way you got there as well yeah you guys just keep heading west hopefully they'll just shoot me oh oh what the hell's that what why did charge on the Rock there oh oh yeah it's all right he's chilling right 14 seconds till 500 [Music] kg we didn't leave a Minefield this way did we J I guess you'll find it it's more Southwest I think yeah it's not you you will find a Buton something looks like Section 8 power range I don't know what that is charer here reloading um they are gaining on me a little but I'll be okay I think I'm going to put this behind me Left Right legs done H that should be good keep running B time B time keep running keep running keep running keep running there's a couple of ammo supplies here oh [ __ ] he just came out no am BT okay oh no that's going to kill me it's Jack hold on are you coming back in because yeah that 500 kg might kill you very close to the B on the B on the B on the B I think I killed it did I get it I got it I got it I got it I need reinforce ready yep um got you okay thank you charer dead nice nice where my samples Slugger should definitely outside isn't that great amazing feels good does and obviously you didn't go outside today cuz why would I never my curtains that's better oh I love that okay yeah love the slows very goodest dud there's a hole here watch out isn't this where we spawned I can't remember yeah all right I'm beeping and I'm booping all right one dead dude exraction incoming resupply on the point hold on putting it putting a resupply right on the center of the point oh come on um we need to deal with this artillery can't quite see them why is it so misty here oh no get up Tom uhoh ah the charger no hang on I'm going m f down oh no that's right it's Northeast oh no that's where I I don't even know where to go that charg is dead don't oh my God and there's a b um oh my whatever oh my oh my God no no no no no no no no I can't get away I can't get let me away for it God damn it oh no all right I'm dead we still we still got reinforement I don't have any I don't they're M they're M they're M they're M don't go that way I'll get the B all right bile dead is there mines on me yeah maybe yeah um calling down support weapons oh my God I can't see there's another BT coming no acid acid acid why am I slowed just run dude what are you doing what are you doing oh my God why did he slow down for no reason I wasn't even slowed how am I alive right I need a res again God damn this I don't even know what I'm landing on still got 2 minutes left of the extraction B cool cool cool cool I got St left ammo ammo here Mark the ammo get abely I'm probably going to die before I get there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this a stress no no I need that I want play this this game it's supposed to be I thought it a cozy game right isn't that what they call it yeah no I ran into your mine oh the mine God damn it we're all dead we're all dead oh gosh aborting just land on the land on anything land on the helipad not even bloody C oh F God's sake know I'm just I'm just picking up anything [Music] no the oh no the mines the mines the mines the mines the mines the mines the don't Ella don't run into the mine don't run into the mine avoid the mine there you go there you good thank you we must avoid the mines right B TI and down B TI and down B TI and down maybe we should just split up no hold on don't say it that's it no reinforcements though oh reload you not today I decided to try and hug one of the B bugs wow you survived that do you see me hug it yeah I see you hug it okay don't hug the bugs Don't Hug the bugs all right jack you good for the extract can you see anything yeah can you see can you see anything S no this is good isn't it it's just you it's good yeah you got this wait for 40 seconds and reinforce all no where is he I don't even know where it's Landing he's it shoot you if you're any LGS get in quick I yeah to be honest I don't think there was enough mines that's what really let us down here we needed more yeah that was really chill actually I enjoyed that honestly one of the easiest games I've ever played my feet up who needs card when you have this well true I mean we ain't in ly there true true all right well who need c when you have other video games well we still need it I need more video games Tony that's the issue no we need we need more high quality video games wow you saying cod's not high quality no comment if I if I speak I in big trouble well guys lovely thumnail today's to I have to say yeah it's a cheeky little one ni cheeky little thumbnail you got the ship S as well yeah oh that the ship s they're always they're always there in the world yeah and they're always looking right at you just like that from that distance they're quite close actually almost the distance of a helicopter yeah yeah and you play the game mainly in first person as well I always play in first person yeah that's what everyone knows my gameplay for there was actually a clip where basically every time I aimed I was automatically in first person and everyone hated it there's always a ship or a war zone plane leaving in the background because then you know what game it is yeah cuz you know you look at the and you go oh that's war zone because there's planes yeah guys I've got to say that was the easiest um video game that's the easiest video game I've ever played in my entire life Wow and I think and I tell you what we couldn't have done it Jack's mines yeah or the ark thrower that's good a give go give your friend a good old rub good old B rub yeah that's lovely well guys thank you for joining us today it's been lovely always a pleasure and um I'll see you guys in the next one in the next one Cheers Cheers Cheers right see you later bye bye see you all right guys I'm I'm surprised that we have so many bug sympathizers in the chat today we didn't make we didn't get 1,000 what was it 1,269 likes or whatever clearly look we had on the on the thing 1,800 votes can we hit to 1,269 likes one like equals one democracy one dislike equals a bug sympathizer 27% of people said maybe we should hear the bugs out that's disgusting but I mean you know maybe you're just not about Justice democracy Allied Destroyer has left maybe that's just how it is I don't know anyways that's why I know that's crazy anyways thank you guys very much for watching today uh shout out to miss elron in Jack Frags and tomographic for joining us in this lovely stream today thank you guys so much for all the support uh we had some subs we had some reubs uh we had some bits thank you very much uh big guns crun thank you for the five months thank you um and yeah also sus gaming with the five gifted memberships thank you and sus gaming with the five funny when you started to read my name you had a spillage was it a coincidence or was it just me the spillage may have been involved in some way I didn't say what it was but sus gaming thank you very very much right guys I will uh hopefully catch you tomorrow for I know you're not you're not going to it's probably going to be war zone yeah we're going to play war zone tomorrow um as far as I know otherwise uh hell divers at some point this week we will be doing some more hell divers all right but uh thank you guys so much for watching appreciate all the support and I'll catch you um tomorrow if you're around all right see you guys later goodbye good night see you later um and yeah as I said good memes Tomo's just running around my screen what's he doing how's he going
Channel: Stodeh
Views: 66,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sniper, Sniping, Warzone 2, DMZ mode, MW2 DMZ, Warzone DMZ, DMZ Sniper, DMZ Sniping, Dmz gameplay, DMZ livestream, DMZ unlock, Warzone 2 DMZ, DMZ Season 4.5, DMZ new season, DMZ Update, DMZ pvp
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 214min 55sec (12895 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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