History of the Serpent, Tree of Evil & Cain's Kingdom | Intermediate Discipleship #31 | Dr. Gene Kim

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[Music] Genesis chapter 3 is literally rich from verses 1 through 6 on the sate on the foundations of every satanic source that you can think of in our world today alright so the serpent gave several temptations here let's cover a few more in our list okay in Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 through 6 let's look at the foundations of satanic influences within our world okay so we saw verse 1 where the rise of skeptic ISM that was discussed then we saw the rise of textual criticism from verses 1 through 4 that's the birth of your modern Bibles God did not really say that and skeptic ISM we've seen it rise at verse 1 questioning always starts off with the question question question then we see at verse 5 becoming God's New Age Gnostic ISM etc Madame Blavatsky who believed that Lucifer was the name of all sorts of gods today and goddesses mentioned about reaching this attainment of godhood as well so it's full of evil we also see at verse 5 your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be as gods what knowing good and evil so that's the rise of higher education see that so we see higher education what's wrong with knowing more isn't it ok to know more well what did the book of 2nd Timothy talked about ever increasing and learning ever learning but farther away from knowledge of the truth so that's what higher education does there's nothing wrong obviously with increasing our intellect in science math etc and academia but you got to realize this it is rooted with the wrong foundation to begin with just like Satan knowing more knowing more that rebels against God see that is there something wrong - no good and evil at verse 5 what is wrong with that if it opposed is what God wants see so verse five there's nothing wrong with knowing good and evil obviously there's nothing wrong with increasing and knowledge about it but there is something wrong in this context in what way because God he wanted them to remain in the stage of innocence that way they don't have to know sin because once they know sin they have to be accountable for their sin and then because they're gonna be accountable for their sin then there's going to be disease famine and eternal damnation of help see that so you have to look so obviously knowing good and evil there's nothing wrong with that but in the context where it opposes God's intention and better plan and purpose that's where it's wrong see scholars don't look at that context they only look at what's wrong with knowing more seems like God feels threatening here about mankind knowing like trust me God don't feel threatened man he lives forever man you live 80 years at best you fool and these people talking about knowing more than God and God wouldn't God feel threatened like his dignity his godhood at stake shut up man you don't know what you're talking about full of evil now verse 6 is very rich and you can make a full sermon out of this the birth of all sin where you find the book of first John it talks about for all that is in the world the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes and the pride of life is now the father but is not the world that's found that first John that's everything of the world sin you see at verse 6 when the woman saw that the tree was good for food lust of the flesh and that it was pleasant to the eyes lust of the eyes and a tree to be desired to make one wise pride of life see that so we see all the world's temptations and sins worldliness you wonder why our younger generation falls more and more into sin and becomes worse than and sometimes even at Christians home they're not safe the simple answer is this because of all that's in the world right here notice the birth of all of satanic foundations is found at Genesis chapter 3 it is rich with the foundations of satanic influences now here's something that's interesting notice that man's weakness right here was a woman that's why Satan attacked the woman first why because Adam loved Eve so then Satan knew that in order to attack what was close to Adams heart because remember Eve she was created that was close to Adams heart so to speak so because of that the devil attacked the woman first why so that the husband can fall so notice the second part she took up the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband with her and he did eat so notice that the husband fell - so notice right here that another foundation of satanic influence which our world doesn't like is the the rise of female power or feminism so Satan realize that ok so in order for my foundations to be laid I'm going to have to make sure that woman is concentrated first because that will be the weak spot of men and yes mankind we all fill as the rise of feminism and its power grew more and more and more that's why mankind has fallen even more now what now you make you might call me a chauvinist etc etc but it doesn't matter what matters is this is that you have to look at history you notice the birth of history where Satan starts targeting first that's what you got to look at you got to look at those things all right so that would be found at verse 6 over here why do you think God had to put the curse where the woman had to submit to the man you ever thought about that because he knows when that woman holds the reins then the devil can start using her and then that's man's weak spot where he can fall for her so that's the reason why the Lord had to make sure okay so then woman you're gonna have to be submissive to the husband because I see how Satan played that game now whether you like it or not sorry but that's how we see throughout Scripture we see throughout Scripture if you look at first Timothy chapter 2 so let's look at this one so I was going to talk about feminism a little later but let's talk about it now because we've already came across cultural sensitive territory and some people online are throwing a fit already and living here in San Francisco Bay Area I already know that kind of sensitivity nonsense so let's go to first Timothy chapter 2 let's look at verse 11 first Timothy chapter 2 verse 11 so notice this is God structured and God ordained why the reason why is because he God knows this is what Satan goes for all right first Timothy chapter 2 we'll read verse 11 let the woman learn in silence with all subjection but I suffer not a woman to teach nor to usurp authority over the man but to be in silence why for Adam was first formed then Eve and Adam was not deceived but the woman being deceived was in the transgression see that so because of that that's the reason why the Lord put the woman in subjection underneath the man why because of the woman being deceived by seeing all right let's go back to our main text I mean if you doubt me you got to realize this don't underestimate the power of a woman all right don't underestimate the power of a woman don't think women as you know all their frail tender features they want to do no harm at a good night nurse man they can be very potent man powerful they can be very powerful if you doubt me and look at the Fallen Angels they even have to come down lose their first to state why because of women they've got some kind of power in them so don't underestimate the power of a woman I've seen so many pastors missionaries they water down they quit the ministry why because of their wives see you got to watch out for that and you know what this is true and Bible believing Christian churches - how many times I've seen some husbands you know they're being controlled by the wife which is why they don't come to church anymore they can't raise their Christian home in a proper upbringing because the wife puts that pressure on them so you got to watch out for that now this is not to say that their that we ignore abusive men there's a lot there's still a lot of abuse going around and men acting like jerks and they're full of the devil too but the point here is is that we're we're looking at the topic of feminism right here we're not talking about the men over here the men subject we already cover at the book of Ephesians where Jesus Christ ordained that a man supposed to treat the woman as much as Christ loved the church and gave himself for it so we don't ignore that context either we don't ignore that context either you got to realize Satan does not attack one gender man man man amen that's what the world wants you to think oh the poor women it's the men that are the problem they try to give that kind of distorted thinking no it's both genders that are the problem here and the Lord ordained a structure where both genders can be at peace and a happy home and a happy home is where that woman is under that submission role and then the man is that that sacrificial role when the man sacrifices gives up his own body for the woman his own selfishness and the woman is under submission and supportive you don't think that's not going to be a happy home after that perfect harmony all right then I'll tell you what happens when you give equality you contribute to Genesis 3 let's have an equal status here Adam you eat the fruit like I do let's be gods together knowing good and evil let's be into higher education more Adam let's get into the worldliness more and this is is this our day and age of equality of man and woman and all of this together this is what happens that's why Genesis 3 1 through 6 you want to mark this down any kind of religion sin higher education garbage any demon out there you're going to find a match up with these to a tee okay so this is rich this is rich of satanic foundations that you want to keep in mind okay so now that we discussed this we talked a little bit about the curse so we know the curse of what happened the curse of what happened is that at verses 7 all the way down to verse 19 God gave a curse to both man and woman so this was discussed a little briefly so this equality so let's put equality over here God said no I'm gonna ruin all of this trying to put yourself in an equal level with me like God Almighty we're not gonna do something like that let's all be gods together knowing good and evil and that's what happened at the flood which I'm gonna show you a little later on see everyone tried to be gods that's what was going on it is also interesting it may be possible that there were that the gods were also warring against each other - that may be possible - which is interesting but I'll show you more later ok depends on how long I talk about this one right that's a lot to cover tonight so a lot of interesting stuff okay long story short we see the curse and what did God put the curse the curse is that man has to have that sacrificial roll you notice that so he has to work by the sweat of his brow he has to provide the woman is under the submissive role submission she brings forth children in pain in sorrow as well pain and pregnancy as a matter of fact what is interesting is that this submissive role we can put that together with pregnancy because if you look at first Timothy 2 after it mentions about Adam was not to see but Eve then it mentions also later on about being safe from childbearing etc so which is pretty interesting but anyway the point is so we see over here that this is the curse that God put now it is important that that when God puts a curse that mankind's got to see how God ordained originally that that was the best plan for everybody so we have to understand that because we're gonna see that later on with Noah's Flood which is going to be interesting so mankind we get very sensitive and we get upset about the curse because it feels like that there's human oppression going on that there's inequality that there's suppression chauvinism discrimination prejudice etc but you got to realize this they're only looking at one side of the extreme it is don't get me wrong it is understandable about some of the people getting upset about how people are just mistreating each other in hatred that is never of God that is never Scripture and that is wickedness sent from hell but see they're only looking at one side of the extreme and it's like what the preacher talked about if you tend to go on one extreme what happens you go off balance and then you go to another extreme after that and that's all the left-wing radical ideology liberals alright but I want you to remember this okay because we're gonna see that later on okay so as we continue our teachings so we see the curse and we're gonna come to the curse of the serpent a little later on as we return back to Genesis chapter 1 through 3 so Satan cast a doubt on the authenticity of the Bible correct so he definitely did that with the very first book in your Bible the book of Genesis so this is a popular theory in higher criticism so a higher criticism and lower criticism basically questioning the authenticity of the Bible as well as the textual evidences so part of that is so this is what I got from Berkeley this is what your pastors your pastor studied the Bible at Berkeley amazing isn't it yeah I got a blessing from that the New Oxford annotated bible with the Apocrypha College addiction college edition yeah it is an addiction yeah it isn't addiction bruce metzger the famous scholar yeah he was part of this okay so I'm going to read what they wrote here in their introduction to Genesis okay so I'm covering you the history and Satan he always attacked the beginning of your history we covered that right that's why I had to defend like the dating methods I had to debunk evolution and then I had to explain all this other stuff well now they're questioning the authenticity of the book of Genesis so this will be important for you to understand this is a famous theory that you're going to learn in college when you start introductory Bible class so they have what they call the so they have the Penta the Pentateuch obviously that's the law of Moses right the Pentateuch so the Pentateuch supposedly was written by four different roles or sources they're going to say mm-hmm so it was written by four sources the reason why is because they argue here's one example Genesis one mentioned about the six days of creation and Adam and Eve created but Genesis chapter 2 Oh Adams all of a sudden created and Eve's created later on so this is not in sequence so there must have been two different writers so that's it makes so much sense you know so so what they do is this they basically come up with weird conspiracy theories and they accuse you of being theorists themselves they come up with wild imaginative interpretation like the evolutionists that you're Gregory a grandfather came from a tadpole somewhere you know and that he had a hairy backlink always coming up with theories these people okay and they accuse you of being theoretical it's so funny okay but anyway so what they do is that they claim that because of the language and the style of the five books of Moses are different they could not have been written by one author they must have been written by a multitude of authors but they divided it mainly to four sources the first one is what they called the J source and this is supposed to represent Jehovah or Yahweh so to speak so for example it's a serious scholarship this is serious scholarship don't laugh now you Amen tens of thousands of dollars went into the school brothers it's not something to laugh about they pay tens of thousands of dollars on this and you're getting tonight's lecture for free by the way with a with the book in your hand that's less than a buck right amen Wow yeah for example the J source is well known for its highly anthropomorphic God who has a close relationship with humans as seen in Genesis chapter two verses four through chapter three verse 24 which for example a description of the Lord God walking in the garden and says that the Lord God made garments of skins for the man and for his light and clothed them on the other hand in II the Elohim source so this is supposed to represent Elohim God whereas J is show ho for Yahweh so to speak God is more distant from people typically communicating with them by dreams or through intermediaries such as heavenly messengers and prophets well hey you maybe God did both he talked to them in person and talked to them at a distance you don't you do it by a distant call yourself own like every day and then that and then you talk to them in person you don't brother tenth they don't laugh there's a serious scholarship they don't laugh now don't laugh and this is it gets better it gets better man it gets better man yeah now brother look you just made me laugh as serious scholarship okay don't infect me please I'm trying to be serious here the P or priestly source so now they got another letter here so it's called P why it's because it's made up by the priests so basically the northern and southern kingdoms of Israel because they had a division they all want to make their own accounts of the Bible so to speak and then I guess there's another branch called the priest I wanted to make their own account so that's how the story goes basically but I'll read a little more later okay alright the P or priestly source is characterized by a strong interest in order and boundaries see Genesis 1 as well as an overriding concern with the priestly family of Aaron and the temple based religious system which is prefigured by worship at the Tabernacle in the wilderness D or Deuteronomy so they have to put as a totally different source is characterized by a unique hortatory whatever the or preaching style and insist strongly that God cannot be seen as in this sources description of Revelation then the Lord spoke to you out of the fire you heard the sound of words but saw no form there was only a voice Deuteronomy chapter 4 verse 12 this explains why this source uniquely insists that God does not physically dwell in the temple or tabernacle rather the temple is the place that the Lord your God will choose as a dwelling for his name Deuteronomy chapter 12 verse 11 D further emphasizes that this one God must be worshiped in one place only this place is later understood to be Jerusalem Deuteronomy also shows exceptional concern for the under classes such as the widow and orphan and it focuses on Moses all right critical biblical scholarship critical biblical scholarship through the latter part of the 20th century was quite confident in dating each of these pentateuchal sources along with the legal collections they incorporated so this is okay if you want to know how each source was formed they're going to explain to you okay don't fall asleep on me now I know you're falling asleep alright you're paying this is what students make tens of thousands of dollars on so you want to wake up a bit alright so I'm gonna tell you where the each source came from you want to know thus j.j was seen as the earliest collection often dated to the period of David and Solomon in the 10th century BCE because they don't want to make Moses the author see on the first five books followed by II which was often associated with the Northern Kingdom of Israel established after the death of Solomon so this one's after the death of Solomon by the Northern Kingdom instead D was connected to the reform of King Josiah of Judah in the late 7th century and P was seen as deriving from the Babylonian exile in the 6th century ok you know you know you know how reliable critical biblical scholarship is let me read this to you pay attention look what they say now scholars now agree that the reasons usually given for assigning these dates are problematic yeah yeah you know why you have to use a lot of conjecture guesswork theorizing here we already knew that before we even started the reading we just started laughing when we heard the letters of the alphabet already okay we just started laughing when we heard the letters of the alphabet we knew this was bogus already and a lively debate has developed Oh concerning such fundamental issues as the relative order of these sources and the extent to which any of them are as early as previous scholars had suggested the existence of e now get this now ok listen up the existence of E as a complete source has been questioned as well yeah especially since E first appears well after the beginning of the Torah and is very listen up is very difficult to disentangle from J after the beginning of Exodus so these aren't separate sources it sounds like one author here yeah no kidding we said that a long time ago it's Moses thus many scholars now talk of je together well poo well poo poo man oh my goodness I'll give you a better one these all go together what a bunch of morons man what a bunch of morons man you waste thousands of dollars on garbage like this stupid man Mezger a scholar man that's Genesis 3 that's what happened to him lost his marbles that's what happened now to be fair to these scholars what I want to say before these scholars throw a fit and say oh he's just being amateur she's not quoting us right blah blah blah to be fair to them what they're trying to say is that this gianni could go together but it is done by multiple authors throughout time which sounds like there's a coherence between the two but yet there is division in between so they won't take back what they stated right over here but let's just be simple over here let's just be simple let's look at what Jesus said right okay either Jesus is a liar or not so let's look at John chapter 5 John chapter 5 alright I hope you're writing these verses down alright remember they are attacking your history and this is something that you need to know alright let's look at John chapter 5 all right so let's see what Jesus said ok let's see if you put a P and a E over there and the J and a D you know look at John chapter 5 and we'll read verse 46 John chapter 5 verses 46 through 47 for had he believed Moses you would have believed me for he what oh so it's not a JEP and do some time later in the BC it's Moses but if he believed not his what writings yeah they don't believe his writings that's why Jesus said how shall ye believe my words they don't alright now look at John chapter 7 John chapter 7 John chapter 7 nothing like a dollar Bible I can clear up stupid higher education that they went waste tens of thousands of dollars on making up fairy tales for you alright we're going to look at John chapter seven notice what Jesus said about Moses once more he says at verse nineteen verse 19 did not Moses give you the law see who's the Pentateuch the law written by Moses and yet none of you keepeth the law why go a about to kill me jesus says so notice right here this is all of Moses okay let's go back to Genesis chapter 3 okay so you see the moronic mindset of higher scholarship alright so remember this okay JEP D all right yeah I'm like oh why do we need to know this because this is stupid anyway yeah because you got stupid people out there so you have to talk stupid to them so they can see how stupid this is and we can all agree how much of a stupid idea this is together amen all right all right so just know these stupid sources are a JEP D okay so this is supposed to be Jehovah or Yahweh cuz they don't like the word Jehovah but they titled this as J E is for Elohim that's for God Hebrew for God P is for priestly D is for Deuteronomy okay alright so let's go back to Genesis chapter 3 now let's see what God did so God cursed man and woman but he also declared a statement to the serpent Genesis chapter 3 verse 14 and the Lord God said unto the serpent because thou has done this thou art cursed above all though our curse above all cattle and above every beast of the field upon thy belly shalt thou go and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life and I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed it shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel now notice the statement over here that God declared not one day what is included within the curse is a promise against the serpent the serpent seed you'll notice versus the woman's seed now the woman cannot have seed obviously it's the man that gives a seed right why does this a woman see though because Jesus Christ literally did come from the seed of the woman but it was virgin born that's Jesus Christ we believe this is a physical literal birth amen so notice this is a physical literal birth that means then look at this then that if this is physical that means according to context this has to be physical to see that so notice that the serpent somewhere along the line he also has a physical evil seed and we're going to see that later on at Genesis 6 now what's pretty interesting is this so fact is what I believe is that the serpent has a physical seed Genesis 3 why because of context it doesn't make sense that you switch from literal to spiritual and pick and choose you got to go by context the flow of it so I believe his seed is physical but I don't know up to what point so your pastor doesn't know up to what point but there are several things that are kind of interesting one could be found with Cain the reason why is because according to the book of first John it says he was of that wicked one so it may be that may be more literal than you think another thing is if you look at the book of John Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees ye are of your father the devil the loss of your father ye will do it may be physical literal he also mentioned he called them what at Matthew 23 Viper's as serpents see that so there could be something more literal than you think it's also very interesting is if you look up if you look up first Timothy chapter 2 let's look at over there let's look at some interesting things here first Timothy 2 we're going to look at the book of first Timothy chapter 2 let's look at first Timothy chapter 2 and notice what the Bible says concerning about the woman at the Garden of Eden verse 14 and Adam was not to see but the woman being deceived was in the transgression notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety now notice right here that what's interesting over here is an first Timothy chapter 2 verses 14 through 15 it's connecting over here about childbearing conception you see that it talks about conception right after the woman was in the transgression at verse 14 what is also interesting is that at Genesis chapter 3 the curse that God placed upon the woman had to do with what's very interesting about subjecting to the husband and childbearing you notice everything has to do with biological sexual which is kind of interesting here you notice that there may be something to this more than you think actually it may be very possible well it's also very interesting is that the tendency of satanic beings what they do with women is what they always do something sexual Genesis 6 you see that Daniel 2 you see that you look at the mentions of the women having long hair because of the angels so to speak there's always something sexual which is interesting and not only that if you look at a lot of satanic idols everything has a sexual symbol which is very very interesting so it may be something more to it than you think there may have been something going on where there must have there may have been something physical going on with Eve and Satan but not only that let me show you something else that's interesting the fruit that 'part took and that's another question right what kind of fruit did she eat I'm gonna tell you one thing there is only one fruit that you can notice in your Bible that talks about sinning look at the fruit in your Bible and this fruit is mentioned more than any other fruit in your Bible that is connected with sin and that is grapes you want something else that's more interesting okay remember Adam and Eve I'm not gonna mention it because I mentioned it before so you're just gonna have to take my word for it for now okay remember Adam and Eve they had a a water circulatory system right so because they had a water circulatory system it wasn't until after they took on their fallen nature they received blood right so it was after they partook in the sinful fruit when they took on the sinful fallen nature they received the blood wait a minute what does the Bible talk about blood when it talks about blood what fruit will it connect to bingo think about it why is Jesus blood necessary for salvation and he symbolized it with what grape juice as his blood of the New Testament that was the symbol of it see that oh wow while look at Habakkuk chapter 2 you know what associates um sexual sins with the grape the grape look at Habakkuk chapter 2 look at the mention of proverbs about an adulterous woman she wiped her mouth and saith I have done no wickedness after after drinking look at the Babylon Mystery Babylon the great revelation 17 and 18 drank the blood of the martyrs and connected that with fornication see there's a strong reference here there is a strong reference here something's going on here so what your pastor is saying is this again in summary Genesis 3 I believe that Satan has a physical seed and that was proven at Daniel 2 in Genesis 6 and we're going to look at more of that later on alright but I don't know up to what point that's what your pastor doesn't know about I don't know up to what point it may have been possible that after Noah's Flood that could have continued actually because you still see Giants roaming the earth Goliath was over there his brothers were around so I don't know up to what point I do know this though I do know the serpent has a physical seed and a second thing that I do know for a fact is that even if it did not reach us physically it did reach us spiritually we were all part of the seed of Satan you got to realize before we were born again we were a child of the devil that's why Jesus Christ when he died on the cross John chapter 3 he symbolized it as a serpent on the pole being crucified on the cross why because he became sin for us who knew no sin and I do know that the last state of the wicked when they burn in hell is like a serpentine object or a worm-like figure I can tell you that much all right so I know for a fact spiritually that's the case and I do know for a fact that Satan has a physical seat somewhere but I don't know up to what point it is possible and may have been Cain and it may have been those Pharisees Sadducees alright let's go back to Genesis chapter 3 now there is one thing I want to mention okay let's go to Genesis 4 actually so Genesis chapter 4 we do know that Adam and Eve brought forth children and they brought forth Cain and Abel now notice right here that at verses 3 through 7 Genesis chapter 4 verses 3 through 7 Cain offered up what fruits and vegetables but then Abel sacrificed a blood lamb so there is the first record in your Bible of a person making a blood sacrifice now why is that because the Lord did something at the Garden of Eden alright go back to Genesis 3 what did he do for Adam and Eve when they were kicked out of the garden it shows right here at Genesis chapter 3 verse 21 unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins and clothed them so notice God made them animal skins and clothed them to cover their nakedness so you can guess right over here that it would be a lamb's why not say lamb skin over here we can make that guess why is that how else would Abel know that a lamb sacrifice is necessary see God realized that animal sacrifice had to be made why because their blood is tainted after partaking the fruit so they need innocent blood to be shed but see Cain was looking at the wrong blood he offered he was offering up the stuff that he killed from the ground and there are those grapes again like a Catholic Mass for example right that's why their sacrifice is always wrong this is the sacrifice of Jesus Christ no we don't believe in that we don't believe in fermented hooch we don't believe in that one this one can't pay it this can't pay it pay a dime that's why Jesus Christ he had to pay a literal sacrifice and he symbolized it through grape juice not that that grape juice was sufficient to take away sins it was just a symbol but the Catholic Church think no it is sufficient to take away our sins and Cain was the epitome example of that Cain is the first Roman Catholic you'll ever find in your Bible so ok you'll see right here the religion system of everybody today is Keynes religion you'll notice that that is important to remember another historical foundation you need to realize is Keynes religion is the foundation of all all religions today Keynes religion think about any religion today any single religion today you know what they all share in common works for salvation except the only exception is born-again Bible believing Christians who believe only by faith alone but take Buddhism Islam Catholicism seventh-day Adventism Jehovah Witness Mormonism Church of Christ they all believe some sort of work for salvation all their religion is Cain's religion God he wanted innocent blood sacrifice so that was the worship system and like a good Roman Catholic because the person would enjoin his program of his religion he killed the person and then murdered his own brother why who do you think you are you think your religion is better than my religion that sounds like today doesn't it that sounds like the Roman Catholic Inquisition back in history right that sounds like the Quran right cutting people's heads off you don't join my C this is K it all fits murder notice the first murder so it is works but it is also murder works and murder I'll tell you what you go by this works religion system it will guarantee and in blood murder why because Satan is a murderer from the beginning the Bible says you better watch out for this religion man you better watch out for that religion if you doubt me now trust me when the tribulation happens you won't doubt me all the world religions are going to combine together and they're going to murder the saints of God after that okay so Cain was driven off when Cain was driven off notice the interesting part I'm gonna squeeze a little bit okay just a little bit okay Genesis 4 verse 16 through 17 is the most interesting part out of the whole lesson tonight so I got to try to do this verse 16 and Cain went out from the presence of the Lord and dwelt in the Land of Nod on the East of Eden and Cain knew his wife and she conceived and bare Enoch and he builded the city and called the name of the city after the name of his son Enoch so notice the first city builder civilization first formed by Cain it is not just works not just murder it is also advancement of technology and civilization hey doesn't this match so much with our 21st century it is the way of Cain the way of Cain civilization now notice that that these people then this debunks evolution about cavemen who aren't intellectual enough and into gradual thousands hundreds of thousands of years millions of years to be able to attain intellect and form some kind of inhabitants civilization not according to God according to God it was within a few years mankind had the intellectual ability let's look at several examples if you look at Genesis chapter 2 notice at verse 19 and 20 notice that mankind had the ability to name every single animal now can you do that without a piece of paper to write on without a computer to record name every single insect bird species out there can you do that no so that means mankind during this older time period had a higher intellect compared to mankind today another interesting thing about mankind he said if you look at Genesis chapter 4 verse 17 they had enough intellect where they built a city see that they built a city at verse 17 Genesis chapter 4 verse 17 you'll also notice they had enough intellect to create music at verse 21 you got to realize they did this from scratch okay they did this from scratch so this shows that they had a higher intellect compared to us today also look at verse 22 instructor of every artificer in brass and iron you know how complicated and how intellectual you have to be to do that so notice they had a superior intellect that time you also notice that they were able to do a little bit of poetry and singing as well look at verses 23 through 24 you notice that rhyming poetry so literature they had timing during that time period where they were able to have oratory skills poetry art so to speak you'll notice that at chapter 5 and you just read the whole chapter they lived 900 years they had longevity as well so that shows how much how much intellectual ability that they had their biological structure during that time was superior remember Genesis to the environment was different water came from the ground a mist so they lived longer lives they were at superior states that time so they had an intellectual ability that was very very superior [Laughter] now the ability is so great that is where you get the answers to questions where people talk about where did the pyramids come from not only that what is intensely interesting is that there were flying objects according to a lot of Indian pagan sources actually which is very interesting there are objects that were flying that time you got to realize that before the Wright brothers historians admit it wasn't the Wright brothers that first did it nor was it Leah Leonardo it was the other ancient people of the East who designed structures on how to build airplanes and all that intensely interesting why because the gods came down at Genesis six and what is very interesting is that in these sources it talks about that the gods were fighting against each other and Genesis six says violence was great upon the earth you know during that time there was no idolatry idols are first mentioned during Abraham's time period you know what was going on that time they all knew it was one God at Genesis chapter 4 verse 26 men began to call upon the name of the Lord God they knew as one God but what was going on is that when the gods came down in Genesis 6 that temptation was open at Genesis 3 be gods like us everybody wanted a piece of the pie next week I'm gonna read you all these accounts and sources alright I'm going to read your direct quotes from Greeks Hindus Chinese etc it said I'm gonna read all these sources next time alright not tonight I got to close it off for tonight Emily father I pray that tonight's teaching were a blessing to the years open our eyes more to the truth of your word in our history our history is so important where we see how Satan tried to attack mankind and how you moved upon mankind out of your grace and mercy I pray that we'll be able to pay attention very closely to it and see it so that we don't fall trap to the devil system in Jesus name we pray amen you out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in Bible believing truth until you get safe first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the Lord Jesus Christ in this Christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin God is a holy God and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with a burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then I guess I have to clean up all my sins I guess I have to go to church I guess I have to get baptized I have to I have to be a good person you know my friend good works can never save you Jesus is God who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor I do believe only on what Jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the Lord you might say well preacher I haven't prayed much before in my life I don't know really how to say it to God can you help me out sure you could say it this way dear God I know I'm a sinner as I repent I put my faith that Jesus is God and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins I put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in Jesus name I pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what Jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in Bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and Satan's about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site WWDC english org and click on the resources link over there and it will give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you [Music] [Music] or should we just stick to the Sermon on the mountain a passage that is so radical that is doubtful that our own Defense Department would survive its application James only is is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah I don't believe once saved always saved the god of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control-freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal Phyllis idle pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this Bible is all about you know at these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalized in the marijuana or homosexuality or if the whole entire world that people will leave the church over the color of the carpet what's wrong with our churches why don't we have a closer walk with Jesus why isn't everybody running around like little Jesus shouting screaming at heart thing you look in the mirror and don't want to go street preaching it don't want to read the Bible and don't wanna pray and what so much email about your junk you don't have it because you're lazy that's why you don't have it because you won't work the wages of sin is death we offer so many Gospels back if you're walking away and you see them and throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you are today turn to God and place your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ God Almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you left not broken and I messed with you [Music] [Music] I just don't want there this holy spirit power then we'll see so say then we'll see God do something with history then we'll see the Liberals and the homosexuals getting up there then we'll see those apostate Christians getting mad then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say we have not seen such a thing [Music] rather systems only one hope looking for that blessed hope and the glorious appearing of man and on [Applause] [Music]
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 29,740
Rating: 4.9079647 out of 5
Keywords: Sid Roth, Living Waters, Grace To You, Desiring God, Mark Dice, conspiracy, King James, Dispensationalism, end times, prophecy, rapture, Baptist, Christian, Bible
Id: zg95dBCwV2c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 42sec (3642 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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