History of Bible Believers 2018 | Dr. Gene Kim

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We can know for sure that our anger or indignation is righteous when it is directed toward what angers God Himself. Righteous anger and indignation are justly expressed when we are confronted with sin. Good examples would be anger toward child abuse, pornography, racism, homosexual activity, abortion, and the like. They Hate the truth. The truth is out there, but its not aliens.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/They_hate_truth 📅︎︎ Aug 18 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] and as the church began with the early church it started with the persecution of christians the early christians they were persecuted for the lord jesus christ so that's what satan's tactic was satan's tactic was to persecute the lord's people so that he can wipe out christian christianity from the face of the earth and it was at antioch that was where the disciples were first called christians the bible shows it was at antioch that's where the first copies of the manuscripts where your king james bible came from is from antioch during that time the christians were heavily persecuted and tortured in fact so many christians died and so much blur blood was poured out that lions couldn't eat any more christians and governors were so tired with the slaughter and they begged some of the caesars to stop so that's how bad the persecution was and so much blood flowed diocletian killed thousands of christians that one time he cried out the name of christian is extinguished so that's how many christians died but instead christianity increased even more men who were crucified rejoiced in dying similarly as jesus died on the cross for them there were old men and little children who were burned at the stake while singing hymns for the lord jesus christ women were torn apart by lions while they were holding hands to pray and praise the lord so christianity is still flourished the 12 apostles supposedly the 12 apostles all of them or pretty much almost all of them died or were persecuted for the name of the lord jesus christ they died as martyrs either being crucified or they were murdered by pagans the reason why is because they street preached against their idolatrous parties and because they street preached against their idolatrous parties that's the reason why that many of them died now how many people how many christians do you see standing up for jesus christ where they can street preach against idolatrous feasts but that's how the original 12 apostles died for jesus christ how our christianity has weakened nowadays polycarp was one of the first early christian leaders who died for the lord jesus christ he was trained by the apostle john himself he was told he would be released if he denied jesus christ but he said 80 and six years have i served him and he never once wronged me how then shall i blaspheme my king who has saved me they burned him at the stake but he was still alive this uh the burning at the stake didn't kill him completely so one of them got so mad that one of the soldiers thrust the spear at polycarp that the blood gushed out and doused the fire they had to light a second fire on top of that to finish the job that is how polycarp died for the name of jesus christ another person named ignatius how he died for the lord jesus christ was that when he was arrested he specifically told the christians don't you dare come and rescue me because i want to die for jesus christ and as the lion surrounded him in the coliseum to tear him to pieces what you will see in some pictures of ignatius is him being open armed like this the reason why was because he wanted to embrace the lions and make sure that their sink that their teeth sank into him when he died he cried out as the lions came in front of him i am the wheat of christ i am going to be ground with the teeth of wild beasts that i may be found pure bread and then the lions came and ate him up tertullian was perhaps the closest bible believing leader during that age now early christians they didn't know much bible and there were imperfections and there were wrong doctrines but tertullian was the better one out of most of the early christian leaders that time emperors were being baffled about the increase of christianity while they were killing so many people tertullian he answered to that baffling question the blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church so you'll notice that early christianity that's how they prospered and flourished but then satan he didn't like that so he started his attack and where did he started his attack these are two cities that ruined the whole world today that you might want to mark down it's alexander and alexandria egypt excuse me alexandria egypt and rome it's always where the church state is and higher education lies plato and aristotle were the philosophy it is very important to understand that philosophy has corrupted our world today and it started ever since the bcs and we're going to see how it affected modern age later on but philosophy through plato and aristotle and the rest of the philosophers they heard paul preach at them at athens at acts chapter 17 but those famous greek philosophers when they heard paul preach to them they laughed about the resurrection of christ and they began prioritizing human wisdom and questioned the word of god those are two essential ingredients that you see in higher education today and you'll see that as an important aspect that ruined modern christianity today the alexandrian manuscripts was also the other one so while remember antioch was where we got our first bible but then alexandria egypt they created their own manuscripts and they took portions out of antioch manuscripts the word of god and they start to deliberately chop off pieces and clips of the word of god that's why if you look at your niv you'll see that more than half of the chapter of the book of mark is either deleted or put in brackets that it's not in the original original what antioch or alexandria so you'll see that satan he attacked the bible and he was setting up higher education to corrupt the world not only that he set up a man named constantine constantine was practically the last roman emperor that time but constantine what he did was rome was dying out and in order to revive the power of rome he resorted to religion not to their government so he resorted to their religion and he replaced secular power with religious power he called sunday a worship day for both christians and pagans replaced temples with churches and pagan symbols with christian symbols throughout that birth it gave birth to eventually what we're going to see later on in the dark ages which i'll reveal to you pretty shortly but before roman catholicism was born it wasn't born just like that it started little by little through constantine the last pagan roman emperor and then you got the church fathers and the early popes the church fathers and the early popes laid the foundation of what is called roman catholicism today their writings and decrees built up the roman catholic system you must understand pope cyrusius created the word pope church father augustine said sprinkling baptism for baby for babies was salvation and he also created replacement theology replaced israel and with the christians as the spiritual israel celestine the first he replaced the pagan goddess with the virgin mary church father jerome created created the catalan the catholic latin vulgate bible so another corrupt bible was coming out not just alexandria but rome as well thus satan finally conquered the early church and then it became now known through alexandria and rome it it now turned into the dark ages the dark ages during the dark ages why is it called dark ages literally it was very dark during that time it was pure blind dependency on the church due to illiteracy of the scriptures in latin because remember they had a latin catholic vulgate bible and that was the official bible that time not a bible in their own language during the dark ages the popes were very very corrupted there was the corruption of popes that goes you cannot deny history historical records are filled with it they slept with prostitutes they bought the papal office with bribes they committed adultery on the supposed tombs of peter and paul they had dozens of illegitimate children running around the vatican and they lavished themselves with billions of dollars worth of gold that they went far beyond debt and bankruptcy and they worst of all they did these sins in the name of jesus and all you have to do is just look at history and you'll see the disgust and the gross perversion that is going on today and thus came the inquisition it was truly the dark ages roman power grew roman power grew satan conquered the early church and replaced it with roman power in the inquisition they would pull you up to court without you even knowing why you were brought in and they forced you through torture to confess to crimes that you didn't even commit in fact there were so many tortures that it is incomprehensible why they would do it a lot of pregnant women they lost their babies due to the table the water table what the water table was is that they would lay the victim on the table and then they would force down a rough rag down the victim's throat and they would pour down water down the victim's throat and force down that rough rag until it reaches all the way to the intestines and once that rag reaches the intestines then they would pluck out the rag and then it would tear up all the insides sometimes they will use boiling water and even lid to kill their victims another one was the iron maiden it was a coffin filled with spikes they would toss their victim inside that coffin laid with spikes and as they would close that coffin with spikes it would thrust through the victim and they would still be alive there are so many tortures that it is incomprehensible and it is pure utterly inhumane and wickedness they also had one the pulley the pulley they would tie your arms backwards like this and as they would tie the victim's hands like this together they would raise their victim high midair and they would put nearly a hundred pounds on their feet once they would do that the victim would be hanging in the air for a while then they would let go of the rope and before the victim would hit the floor they would hold the rope and then he would still be hanging midair and that weight would force the victim's arms to crack this way and be and what they would do after that they would set the arms of the victim back into place again and start the process all over they burnt literally thousands tens of thousands of people hundreds of thousands of people at the stakes the state burning at the stake was not a pretty thing you would burn for literally hours if you were lucky you died being suffocating yourself in the smoke the ones who are even more fortunate if they recant it and they say i take back what i said then the inquisitor would tie gunpowder around the victim's neck so that the fire can catch on the gunpowder and blow off their heads that was the most merciful way that they would forgive their victim and kill them quickly it was a pure it was a pure age of darkness and power and control bible believers was definitely going to be eradicated doctrine and the word of god was about to be eradicated and be gone then came the reformation the lord took control and there were bible believers who stood for the truth and continued your church today that's the reason why your church is alive today is because of these men during the ancient times while they had alexandrian manuscripts during the second century the vedois had their manuscripts from antioch and it was dated at the second century the vedois were also known as the waldensians they were missionaries in southern and central europe so while the roman catholic empire took to control of most of the european continent the vados took care of southern and central europe around 120 a.d they gave us the old latin bible that competed against the roman and the and the alexandrian bibles during those days they assigned people in houses to memorize passages chapters and even books of the bible in fact when one of the vedois was about to be burned at the stake he he told them specifically you better buy more wood to burn than us wall dungeons to burn because we're gonna outnumber the wood that you're gonna burn because he specifically quoted when he died the word of god endureth forever why the word of god was in their heart and he knew that they were going to outlast and the word of god was going to carry well while they were making heyday at satan's empire at central and southern europe the lord started a ruckus at uh italy savannah rolla savannah rolla at the headquarters of the roman catholic empire savannah rolla when he came up he ministered in italy and as a preacher in italy he was forbidden to continue why because he was under the ban of the pope so he was forbidden to continue in fact he held bonfires to burn pornographic pagan and worldly objects altogether he held a big bonfire for that the catholics they offered him a red cardinals hat to bribe him into compromising his preaching but savannah rolla said if you're going to give me a red hat i'll take a red hat of blood for jesus christ instead in fact uh he they took they held him to his word and he was burnt at the stake and the priest he basically said to savannah rolla i separate thee from the church of rome and then savanna rolla he said this to him basically you can separate me from the church down here but you can't separate me from the church up there and that is how he died john wycliffe known as the morning star of the reformation that time so now the lord was going to start a ruckus in england that time in england he was a scholar at oxford and in fact when he wrote the english bible for us which later became the king james bible later on all of them had to be written by hand you got to understand by hand was how they preserved the scriptures his followers were poor ragged street preachers kind of familiar with today's day and age they were called lawlerds by their enemies when he fell ill near death the friars hurried to his bedside hoping that he would renounce his belief but he instead preached at them i shall not die but live again and again declare the evil deeds of the friars and you know what god answered his prayer and he and he lived through and he started to kick the friars even harder than before then you got john huss at bohemia the lord was raising ruckus after ruckus john huss was at bohemia that time during that time it today it's called chiseka slovakia he was influenced by wycliffe's writings and he was a scholar at prague that time and he was burnt at the stake for preaching in their language at that time but when he was tied up to the burning stake you know what he said he said my lord jesus christ was bound with a harder chain than this for my sake why then should i be ashamed of this rusty one then the priest raised up his hands and said to hus as they tied him up at the stake we commit your soul to the devil and then hus lifted up his eyes to god and he said but i commit my souls to thy hands o lord jesus christ and when he was being burnt alive he was singing hymns as he was burning alive at the stake for jesus christ the same day huss was burnt alive they dug up john wycliffe's dead body who passed away already that time and what they did was that they threw the ashes of john wycliffe at the elve river and then they burned john huss at the same day and you know why they did that the catholic church were sick and tired of these so-called heretics and they wanted to put a stop to it they didn't want any more of a ruckus they had so much power and control that time they were a threat and they said this ought to teach you a lesson that whether you're alive like us will get you whether you're dead already dead like wycliffe will haunt you at the afterlife but you know what happened john huss he he said this before he died he warned the catholic church that you are now going to burn a goose meaning himself but in a century you're going to have a swan which you can neither roast nor boil who is that swan we're going to come to that swan a little later on but then the lord while he was setting up that swan he set up another guy desiderius erasmus erasmus was a brilliant scholar he was the guy that laid the foundation the manuscript evidence for the king james bible today he was praised by kings all over including king henry viii that time so he was undercover in the catholic church because the only way you can have access to scholarly books and files and their libraries is that you got to be part of the church's system so while he was undercover for the church pretending to be part of the church's system he was also at evening and nighttime writing tracks critiquing the roman catholic church system he originated the textus receptus manuscript evidence from waldengian's old latin bible during that time and it spread out into so much manuscript evidence into luther's german diodes italian olivitan's french valera spanish tyndale's english and all the right bible languages today so the lord laid up erasmus to lay up the foundation at that time in fact he was one of the few that time who opposed calvinism and called it a doctrine from hell during those days so while the lord raised up erasmus in came the swan martin luther martin luther came to the scene and the lord was now going to raise a ruckus in germany place after place was getting shattered luther he was a monk and he wanted to serve the lord as best as he could but the more he delved into religion into the catholic church the more he felt depression and misery and emptiness at that time as he felt more and more empty he finally raised up his hands and he said i cannot be forgiven i cannot love god so i will be unforgiven and i am damned for eternity however he was studying in his monastery and then only the priests and the uh the peop the church leaders that time had access to the scriptures so luther he opened up the scriptures and read romans 1 17 the just shall live by faith and then luther realized it's not by works or religion it's only faith in jesus christ and like a light bulb his darkness turned into light and he started to minister to his people salvation by faith alone in the lord jesus christ but then uh during that time you know how saint peter's cathedral was built you ever wondered how it was built during that time tetzel the friar that time was doing a big sales pitch and then pope leo was going to do a grand sale of indulgences and he says in this indulgence if you buy this piece of paper called an indulgence you're going to get full forgiveness of sins and then tessel also said tetzel also put a bonus if you buy this piece of paper you're going to free one of your lost loved ones who is burning in purgatory because of that corruption because of that wickedness so many people who were poor and lost in sin didn't know any bible they bought these pieces of paper and the vatican was making money money money to build up saint peter's cathedral because leo was bankrupt he was deaf popes were were in debt during those times because they spent their money they wasted the members money during that time luther got so mad that he started to write 95 to 99 arguments against what the pope did and then pounded it in front of the door of the catholic church that time it spread out like wildfire tetzel said i'll burn luther and i'll burn his books too and scatter his ashes on the elb just like they did with wickliffe pope leo when he heard when he heard luther's arguments he heard luther arguing in a paper if the pope had pure christian charity then he would empty up all of purgatory and pope the pope dropped his mouth and he said what drunken german wrote those words and then he gave luther an ultimatum we're going to give you 60 days to retract your writing and if you're not going to retract your riding then you're going to be cut off from the catholic church and if you're cut off during those days that means that the government can't protect you you were free to be hunted and injured and you could not be part of the economy you can't buy or sell kind of like the antichrist right what he's going to do pretty similar pretty similar but anyway so because he was given that ultimatum you know what luther did right before the day of his excommunication he gathered up all of whittenburg germany and he said rome because you destroyed the works of god and he took that paper bull condemning him he said let god destroy you in these flames and he tore that papal bull in half threw it in the bonfire and all of wittenberg germany took out their catholic objects and their libraries and threw them into the bonfire after that so then martin luther he was banned by the pope but now he was also going to be banned by the most powerful emperor at that time king charles king charles he was in charge of the whole roman empire in secular power the pope had the religious power the emperor had the secular power luther was condemned on all sides and luther he was brought up before the emperor before king charles and all luther did was that he gave the speech to charles and he said he was he was given the ultimatum by the emperor will you recant and luther he said here i stand so help me god my conscience is bound to the text of the bible to go against conscience is neither right nor safe therefore i cannot and i will not recant here i stand so help me god and then the emperor got mad and the emperor banned luther as well luther he debated one of their famous scholars during that time john eck he couldn't debate erasmus why because erasmus was supporting this side right here so he took on another scholar john eck and as luther debated eck luther he told john x this way he said this it doesn't matter if it was spoken by catholic or by heretic my conscience is free to choose what i want and he gave this profound statement a simple layman armed with scripture is greater than the mightiest pope without it and john x screamed john x screamed on top of his lungs heresy dr luther heresy but then luther now was banned by pope and emperor and he would have been killed but one of the dukes found favor with luther and realized that something he said was right and the duke hid luther and luther that's why he was not tortured by the inquisition or killed so then because he was hit by the duke eventually the whole roman empire people start to flood dukes and government leaders and princes were siding in with luther and then the holy roman empire was crumbling to pieces and not only that the muslims were invading from the south as well so now if the roman empire finally reached its peak it was going to finally crumble and fall apart because of bible believers who spread the little virus little here little there about the scriptures and what happened was is that the emperor he gathered up all of the dukes who were on luther's side and he told them this he told them unite with me abandon these heresies and let us go under one banner against the common enemy and those dukes were warned that they would be tortured by the worst branch of the inquisition the spanish inquisition you know what those highly esteemed rich dukes and princes did what they did was that they started to bow on their knees and they said if you want to kill me you can kill me right here and i offer you my head and they all duke by duke start to kneel down offer up their heads for the emperor the emperor couldn't do that he needed those people so because of that the roman catholic empire finally crumbled and fell and one of the dukes cried out to the emperor by the blood of the lord jesus christ we are made free christian men free now and free forever amen you can imagine the emperor's face as he was glaring at them that time the pope and the emperor they lost their empire so then the roman catholic empire was going heyday heyday but god was not done spanking the empire and he raised up john knox john knox was raising up a ruckus in scotland and in scotland you had queen mary uh the catholic uh queen that time mary queen of scots and she feared john knox john knox was imprisoned in the galleys for 19 months the worst kind of slavery and imprisonment was the galleys during those days but john knox did not care and he kept praying and praying and praying in fact he prayed so much that mary queen of scots she cried out in fear i fear john knox's prayers more than all the assembled armies of europe in fact when john knox pray you know what he said he would pound himself and he would say god give me scotland or i die give me scotland or i die that would put the fear of god against his enemies after that his prayers were powerful and god was not done spanking them he gave another guy to raise up a ruckus in england he raised up william tyndale william tyndale took the english bibles and laid the foundation another foundation for the king james bible william tyndale he talked with one of the catholic scholars at a dinner table and the catholic scholar asked him a question what he thought about the pope and tyndale replied i defy the pope and all his laws if god spare my life air many years i will cause a boy that driveth the plow to know more of the scripture than the pope does and then those catholic scars they screamed out in a rage and tyndale now was hunted and marked as well so tyndale while he was translating the english bible he was also underground and you know what while the catholic church was on its heels he was also during the reign of king henry viii on the worst kings of england that time you need a miracle man to have that english bible come out william tyndale he was finally caught and he was tied up to a stake and he did not even complete his english bible it seemed like that the catholic church the devil finally won the reformation was going to die out at least a little bit but tyndale he gave a last prayer to god he simply cried out lord open the king of england's eyes and he died being burnt at the stake king henry viii no way not that king utterly impossible you know how the lord used king henry viii one of the worst kings in england because he was so bad he split off from the roman catholic church so the catholic church lost england second thing king henry viii took tyndale's bible and had all of his committees look at the bible could not find legitimate errors and king at king henry viii said if there be no heresies in this book let this be spread abroad throughout all the people of the lands they can't they they don't have to hide to get the bible now and the catholic church can't hound them because england was gone that's why your english king james bible is forming and then so the battle now the catholic church realizes they have to battle england that was the next place you have to go to england that way you can restore your power but before we go to england that time there's another group that i would like to mention right here these are called the anabaptists so i'm going to put them right here because i have no more room right here the anabaptists are the ones who laid the foundations of where we baptist came from today you know what the anabaptists were they were a culmination a combination of all the people who laid the foundation together thus they became a superior branch of christians who had all the knowledge of the scriptures thus they were called radical extremist type of fundamentalists kind of familiar with our today's society right you know why because they took the scriptures literally literally these were the ones who came out they were given birth they were criticized both by their christian peers and the roman catholic church they were hunted down like wild animals and they died a lot of anabaptists if you were anabaptists during those days you were in big trouble you would definitely be hunted down by the inquisition but the anabaptists they were actually old-time walled engines they were like old-time old engines during those days they came from that branch they spread over all of europe and they were considered to be extremists because they believed in re-baptism for already saved grown adults because they believed that the baptism which was sprinkling by the roman catholic church when they were babies did not count as proper baptism so they said no i'm going to get baptized again the right way where i had the knowledge of the gospel of jesus christ not when i was a baby so during those days they were considered radicals that time in fact they were so knowledgeable of the bible that they could debate successfully and they hated these anabaptists these commoners in fact one anabaptist had his tongue cut out his flesh torn seven times by iron tongs and then he was finally burnt alive but before he was torn apart in such a cruel way you know what he told the catholic scholars send for the most learned men if they show us with holy scripture that we are in error and wrong we will gladly retract and recant and will gladly suffer condemnation and the punishment for our offense but if we cannot be proved in error i hope to god that you will repent and let yourselves be taught no wonder they tore him to pieces after that but that's where the anabaptists came from so thus while god was setting up people by people england now was the main focus of action the devil realized that i gotta get to england here this is becoming a dangerous country so then what happened was there was a showdown of catholic kings and queens with the protestants as well protestant kings and protestant queens there was a showdown of kings and queens edward the sixth he immediately took over he was a protestant who authorized 35 editions of the new testament and he died at 15 years of age immediately after that bloody mary took over how did she get that name because she burnt many protestants and because she burned up many protestants the catholic church finally gained their power edward started the protestantism and then it switched back to catholicism through bloody mary she married philip ii of spain you know who he was he was the most powerful emperor during that time and during that time he took over the holy roman empire after charles many years later and he already had a foothold and he was conquering the new world in the americas as well so his famous spanish armada fleet was too powerful he became the most powerful emperor during that time the lord intervened because bloody mary she died childless and then the lord set up queen elizabeth that time and queen elizabeth prospered england's protestant empire once more protestantism was back on his feet and because of that the catholic jesuits they tried to kill her they pulled up several assassination attempts several times and finally then there was another person remember scotland mary queen of scots mary queen of scots the one who feared john knox's prayers the catholic church turned to her and the the jesuits used her to try to dethrone queen elizabeth but you know what elizabeth won at the end and then she took care of her sister and so queen of scots mary lost the battle to queen elizabeth and then so the catholic church realized this is not going to work through our kings and queens this is not going to work so let's do this let's contact philip of spain philip you got a famous spanish armada and that thing you can take over england go to england conquer it and because philip was a catholic king then catholicism would be back on his feet so you know how the lord intervened oh my goodness that in schools they know this too what happened is when the spanish armada came into england coincidentally there was some kind of big wind that blew up most of the spanish armada fleet to the coast of iceland so because of that the ships were stuck and then they're like how can we take over england england's flimsy ships took care of the spanish armada and then the spanish armada was defeated philip ii of spain suffered the most humiliating defeat in all of history and because of that they couldn't take over england that's why when the spanish empire couldn't take its foothold the french empire eventually took foothold through napoleon we're going to later go back to napoleon how the jesuits used him we're going to later go over there but because of that this didn't work and what did they tell you as schools yeah there was a big wind that threw them at the coast of iceland iceland but that wasn't the uh that wasn't the full reason why that uh they lost you know why they don't want to say god they don't want to say god see so then came the kjv translation and then the jesuits they realize you know what we're going to do this is dangerous they're going to have the word of god available in their own language so what we're going to do is attack the translation committee so the undercover jesuits what they did was they they went undercover king james he hired scholars this shows your kgb translation is superior had scholars from westminster cambridge and oxford to translate the king james bible based off the manuscripts that erasmus laid out luther tyndale and these men of god laid out he was going to make a superior bible a combination of all the right manuscripts they realized this is dangerous this is dangerous so the jesuits they were going to infiltrate the committee they successfully had to infiltrate the committee that's why your ordinary your original king james bible it had the catholic apocrypha in it why because they had those two men infiltrating the comedian committee putting peer pressure putting persuasion why you should put the catholic apocrypha but that did not work because the the kgb translators the majority of them realize it's not part of the bible so they deliberately put if you look at the original king james bible they deliberately put apocrypha on every top of the page and if you look at your old testament and new testament it doesn't say that you know why they want to make the apocrypha not part of the bible they want to make it like a separate index kind of like when you look at your reference bibles today where it will say maps maps maps on top or references references on top so they put apocrypha as just an additional reference note so that didn't really work with them so then not only that uh the two who successfully infiltrated the committee they actually confessed they actually confessed that you know you're being infiltrated so keep an eye out so then the kjv translators they definitely put an eye out on them so the catholic church they realized okay this is not gonna work so let's use let's compete with the king james bible how many of you heard of the dewey rheims bible how many of you heard the king james bible yeah that's how popular their catholic bible was their dewey rheims no one practically knows it today so they tried to out-compete it two years right before this was published they had the catholic dewey rheims bible published okay so then the people are gonna focus their attention on us that didn't work that didn't work because how many people heard about that bible today so then they realized okay this is not working so then they resorted to a different plan they had the gun powder plot the gun powder plot how many of you heard of guy fox guy fox hollywood even made a movie out of that i think called v for vendetta but you got to realize this those men who pulled up that assassination that was all from the work of underground jesuits that time they weren't the good guys they were the bad guys in fact this is proven by robert catesby who is one of the main people who organized the assassination attempt his priest was a jesuit leader robert catesby's priest was a jesuit leader and then he gathered the men together and they were going to what they were going to attack king james so that they can put a hindrance and interference to the plan of the king james bible you know how the lord intervened tell you how the lord intervened what happened i'll tell you what happened what happened was is that when they set up uh what their plan was this okay it sounds pretty extreme but it's actually more simple than you think how they planned it out dig a tunnel underneath parliament set up a bunch of kegs underneath parliament blow it up kidnap king james daughter and as a result it would postpone it would ruin the plan hinder the process of the kgb translation and king james reign himself well what happened when they dug underground they bumped into a wall so then they're like well we gotta where's this wall come from so they had to buy the whole building because that whole building had a wall that blocked them so they rented the whole building okay after that they dig underneath the wall and then right when they were set to go what happened parliament delayed the meeting so because of that their assassination attempt wasn't working they had the kegs all laid out and the kegs the gun powder is going to get more damp and damp and down so they realized we got to pull up something right here so then they they through all kinds of hurried processes they finally had the thing going but then now the lord intervened again somehow like around four in the morning king james sent one of his soldiers to check check downstairs and he saw one of these guy fox and the other guys ready to light the gunpowder and they saw him and they're like what are you doing here and then at the heat of the moment you didn't know what to say so then one of those guys one of those assassins said uh what's your name my name is uh john johnson well that was a lie so they knew that this was fake and then so after interrogating them they realized okay where are your fellow assassins they hunted them down with robert cates me and the rest of his fellow assassins and then they were going to do a shootout they're saying okay we're going to shoot it out we're going to do a lasting we're going to shoot it out right here we can still succeed but the lord intervened again their gun powder was wet so that didn't work now now before you say that this is not uh god intervening i think you should read history this is not a coincidence here and then right so then they came up with this brilliant idea we're gonna dry off the gunpowder by lighting a fire next to it well what happened was is that the gunpowder blew up and when the gunpowder blew up they injured themselves throughout the process robert catesby bleeding and dying was crawling crawling and he found an image of the virgin mary nearby he gave his last prayer to the image of the virgin mary and died at her feet that is definite proof that these people were catholics and that is how blind and that is how sad and unfortunate the roman catholic system has a hold so the thing is this is that that's why it's so important your bible believing history to deliver them from darkness into the glorious light glorious gospel of jesus christ what happened after that they couldn't stop it it was it thus saith the lord thus saith the lord and thus came the greatest era ever in your church history the greatest revival called the great awakenings the great awakenings during the great awakening revivals the lord just poured out revival after bible because of the king james bible they had the word of god they all proclaimed thus saith the lord in fact my aunt i mean man i'm you all ready for this this is going to be a blessing amen you're all ready for this john bunyan who wrote pilgrim's progress that even secular schools would have some of their kids read it or college schools they would have some of their students read it pilgrim's progress john bunyan he did not have a license to preach so the church of england they arrested him but john bunyan said several times you arrest me today i'll preach tomorrow so you know what they imprisoned him for a long time and bunyan's daughters was crying in front of his face begging him to recant but you know what bunyan said i will not recant even if the mosque grows over my eyebrows and he stood strong and he was a street preacher and he preached on for the lord jesus christ another person the lord used was jonathan edwards jonathan edwards he was a boring preacher he was monotone he would read notes sometimes preaching like this but you know you can tell it was god the holy spirit he had a squeaky voice but his sermon title was called sinners in the hands of an angry god when he preached that sermon in his squeaky voice people were slipping off of their chairs as if they were dropping into hell people were weeping and crying they went on the altars and they held an all-night prayer meeting that was god how god used hellfire preaching during that time hellfire preach in that time another person the lord used was john wesley he was the founder of your methodist churches today but look at the methodist churches look at the other churches later on the salvation army and etc they're not like their founders that time because the devil did something successful later on in the modern era that i'm going to show you what he did to the christians but these guys who laid the foundation the first starters of christianity they were bold like lions they stood for the truth they didn't care there was a robber who took john wesley's money and then john wesley as he tossed his coins to the robber john wesley told the robber there will come a time that you will regret your ways when that time comes remember this the blood of jesus christ cleanses us from all sins and when he gave that proclamation about 20 years later a man came to him well-dressed and proper and that man said wesley do you remember a time when a robber took your money and you told him the blood of jesus christ cleanseth him from all sins wesley said yes and the robber said i am that man and let me tell you the blood of jesus christ cleansed me of all my sins then the lord raised up john whitfield whitfield he was a street preacher you think that us bible believing street preachers are loud you ain't seen nothing yet whitfield's voice boomed over a mile long then in fact the rich one of the rich people benjamin franklin who was a deist couldn't stand it that he held his hands over his ears over this throughout the town while whitfield was preaching and franklin while he was running away from whitfield's sermon he said i can still hear his voice booming in my ears in fact franklin one time attended whitfield's sermon after hearing it so many times so he decided to attend it in person and the holy spirit convicted benjamin franklin's heart and franklin the rich man did not intend to give a dime at the offering play that as the offering plate was getting passed by franklin nudged one of the people sitting next to him can you give me some money so i can put it at the offering plate that was how the lord mightily used these man you talk about revival man what happened to bible believers today what happened to the power of god where's the fire where's the passion where's god where is god moving we're too much watching television busy with our friends and jobs and everything that we don't see the real power right here then the lord raised up billy bray billy bray he was one of those shouting methodists this guy would run around the aisles he would shout for the lord and praise the lord he said what if there was a person who was backsliding and didn't like the preaching billy bray would pick up that person run around the room with that person and shout glory hallelujah praise the lord billy bray when he was dying on his death bed he turned to the unsaved doctor and bray told the doctor oh i will soon be with jesus shall i give him your compliments doctor as i go to see him and the doctor man he was teary-eyed and he was getting under conviction and bray said glory if my soul drops down into hell i'll keep shouting glory glory glory and the devil will get so mad that satan will say billy this is no place for you get you back up over there and up to heaven i will go shouting glory glory all the way his last word he died was glory then the lord raised up another person david brainard david brainard his famous diary brainerd's famous diary would put you under conviction about the power of prayer his prayers were powerful he started out uh as a teenager ministering to the pagan indians that's how much love he had for them and as he did that one time he was praying all night he was praying so hard that sweat was sweat was breaking out everywhere almost like jesus prayed at gethsemane when he sweated great drops of blood and when brainerd was all prayed up he went to their pagan ritual festival and as all those indians start to celebrate their idol and their god they saw brainerd coming in and brainerd preached the gospel of christ and the indians when they saw him they realized there was some kind of power in it and and brainerd just stopped their whole ritual and they got under conviction under the word of god that time where what happened to our bold bible believers what happened to christians today we should be soft we should be quiet no shout it on the house a man named charles finney he used to be a mason but then he became saved in the lord jesus christ and this man he got so much on fire for jesus christ he didn't care he would sow into this guy so into that guy one time he went inside a busy factory and he started to talk to one person then he started to talk to the next person and then the whole person and then there were groups gathering around him that in fact the manager closed down work that day so that they can all hear finney preaching about them at the about the gospel finney soul win to every one of them and they all got saved in the lord jesus christ that whole factory he converted that whole factory to the gospel of the lord jesus christ and then the lord jesus christ he also used another person named peter cartwright peter cartwright this guy was a rough preacher i mean this man he would preach against liquor he would preach against sin so hard that liquor merchants they hated cartwright with fervor and zeal one time peter cartwright which is a blessing he was inside a dance hall and while they were doing while they were dancing in this hall peter cartwright he was asked to dance with them now as a christian he couldn't do that but you know what peter cartwright did he said he took that lady's hand and you're like wondering why is he doing that why is he dancing but you know what he said he said let's all bow in a word of prayer and he went on his knees and then he held on to that girl's hand that dancing girl she just went like this begging him to let her go but he would not let go and he asked god's blessing upon the dance upon the party and the musicians who were playing could not do it out of good conscience so they were under conviction they started to leave the room people started to leave the room and people started to hear him preach cartwright preached he turned that whole dance hall into a church building so now it was no longer dancing for sin it was now serving the lord jesus christ when cartwright left that dance hall he said i'll send you a preacher to take care of this church bye i'm going to the next place then the lord raised up another man named william carey william carey he was known as the father of modern missions the father of modern missions you know how the missionary movement started because of people like him people like him that we christians lack love for souls nowadays you got to realize people are dying and going to hell and they need the gospel of the lord jesus christ and if you looked at your history how many people were blinded blinded how much blood was shed how much effort was shed kerry said you know what i got it made here i got it made here at san jose bible baptist church there are people out there who never heard it i got to go out there and minister to them and he one time when he was teaching geography to his class when he would go to different nations around the world he would cry and as he would cry when he points his ruler over at a particular nation he would stop and he would tell the students with tears in his eyes this particular nation has never even heard the name of jesus christ and he went to pagan india that time that was his burden because they were burning widows up that was their practice during that time and william kerry had a burden for them during that time the hindus would toss their babies to the ganges river where the crocodiles would tear their babies to shred and william carey that's how much of a burden he had where's the burden where's the burden for souls kerry wasn't the only one judson also joined in in the mission field and he went to burma buddhist burma he took care of the hindus kerry now the lord was going to raise a ruckus with buddhism through judson and judson when he went to burma during that time the burmese government hated his people the americans and then the english people during that time because of the colonization during those days but ernard judson he was known as the father of american missions kerry was the father of modern missions and adenaram judson he was tortured and imprisoned for months his wife when she gave birth to their baby she was so malnourished that she would go to fellow burmese women begging them to feed milk to her baby because she was so malnourished the judson suffered immense persecution out of love for the burmese people and you know what happened one time when judson was going to was going to head toward a particular region to do soul winning the governor told judson no don't don't plant a church over there and judson said why do you know what that ruler said this is a blessing the ruler said this my people are not fools to follow your religion but i know this when they see the scars on your back i'm afraid that they will be converted into christians that's how god used his persecution and torture and you know what judson did he converted head hunters in burma to become evangelists and soul winners and baptized many of them the lord jesus christ that's how the lord used abraham justin then the lord i mean the great awakening revival it was not done then the lord he raised up another person named george mueller george mueller mueller had a burden for children children those days broken homeless and without and getting into uh robbery messing around with the wrong crowd where is the burden of bible believers today for their young children to minister to them mueller did he started an orphanage for them and he did not even beg for one dime of money all of it was through the power of prayer how much money he prayed over 14 million dollars just through prayer alone if you read his life story his prayers are incredible you want to learn the power of prayer you read about his life in fact the power is so great that one time he would they had no breakfast to eat and he prayed to the lord lord please provide us milk milk and bread to eat for the children and one time a baker knocked on his door and mueller opened the door and the baker said mr mueller i i don't know i couldn't just sleep at night and at two in the morning the lord just spoke upon my heart and as a baker i decided to make all this bread and just give it to all of you folks over here at the orphanage so they had the food now where's the milk knock on the door the milkman said mr mueller my wagon just happened to break down right in front of your orphanage and the milk is going to get spoiled i want to just give it to your children over here power of prayer power of prayer you want to learn prayer you learn from george muller read his journals his life story and his diaries the lord was not done yet then he took care of the poor children what about the other poor people in general came william booth founder of the salvation army the salvation army back then is not like today you know why they were called salvation army not just saving their bodies saving their souls william booth prioritized in soul winning so much in fact he he held street preaching as a priority him and his men would do street preaching that as the people start to throw rocks and bricks and cats and uh and pieces of dung at them william boos brave men would keep street breaching at them while they were wearing raincoats they wore raincoats because of the stuff thrown at them and they just kept preaching for the name of the lord jesus christ why because they loved and they cared for souls they gave them the gospel of the lord jesus christ william booth he one time cried out oh god what can i say souls souls souls my heart hungers for souls and then the lord he raised up men after men another man came to the scene his name was robert moffatt he went into africa and ministered to the africans over there about the gospel of the lord jesus christ and as robert muffin went over there to win them to christ there was a there was a famous uh infamous african ear chief who was famous for killing his victims and drinking up the blood of his victims taking out their skull but robert moffat he was warned by his fellow englishmen don't go witness to him i mean he'll take your skull and drink your blood and moffatt said no he's a soul i'm going to win him to jesus christ and he went over there and you know what he did he won that infamous african near chief to the lord jesus christ and as that chief who was once dread who was once dressed up in paganism and fierceness and violence to scare away his enemies and the people around him all of a sudden he dressed himself clean like as if he was going to sunday church and robert moffatt took him with him to the one of the english settlements over there in africa and then his fellow englishmen were saying who is this guy who is this guy and robert moff said that's the infamous african ear chief that you were once fearful of and those people were were amazed and they're like this is a miracle how did he get saved and the governor of that town actually cried out this is literally the eighth wonder of the world and robert moffat just kept kept winning so winning africans to salvation to the lord jesus christ another person the lord was raising see it's spreading around the world folks spreading around the world let's go to china now hudson taylor missionary to china you know what this man he could not get more than 30 people inside his church he had a rough time in his ministry in china it was so hard it was so hard it was so hard and his ministry seemed like a flop but he loved the chinese people and kept ministering to them in fact when hudson taylor died that communism took over china that time and as communism took over china that time the communist leaders they were scared of hudson taylor's writings of his evangelism work so they hired one of their communist writers their communist authors and they told him i want you to take all of taylor's writings and work study all of it and just demonize him just demonize him and as that communist author read all of taylor's works the gospel of the lord jesus christ spoke to his heart and that communist atheist bowed on his knees and received the lord jesus christ for his salvation that's how communism took care of hudson taylor i guess so the lord jesus christ he was raising up a mighty work then you got another man named dl moody moody would get thousands of people on the on the altar if you mentioned this name in america people knew who he was moody moody moody he get people on the altar hundreds of people thousands of people would get right with god getting saved and excuse me dl moody one time he was so much full of fire and zeal he went to one man and he said sir are you a christian and that man got so offended and that man uh he told one of moody's uh deacons if i hadn't my way i would have the right to punch moody at the face and i would be right for doing so and then one of those deacons or one of those christians whoever he was told moody you know uh you you have a lot of zeal but you need more wisdom you could calm down you know you could tone it down a bit but then you know what moody he could not shut up moody could not shut up and moody he was so grieved that he prayed for that man he offended kind of like pastors today right they preach a sermon that the lord spoke upon their heart and then people get offended but the pastors love them they would pray for that soul you know what happened he heard a knock on the door moody got up from prayer and then opened the door and it was that man he offended and that man said when you asked me if i was a christian that bothered my mind i could not let it go i want to get saved so that man he offended got saved in the lord jesus christ through moody soul winning and then the lord just kept working james chalmers he ministered to the cannibals uh the cannibals in the islands chalmers he would go to the cannibals and he would start a mission work and he would street preach at those cannibals i mean his life was in danger to be eaten up but you know what two of his the people that he led to jesus christ two of these men went street preaching with him and you can kind of picture kind of like our church maybe the pastor was tired it was getting really late at night during one of the cannibal feasts and one of their festivals one of their pagan rituals and then chalmers said you know what i street preached long enough i'm going to get some sleep okay hey one of one of you guys take over and street preach for me and one of the converse he led to salvation street preached for him and chalmers woke up and he was mourning and the guy was still streep preaching and chalmers said have you been at it all night and that man you can imagine his voice sore and he was like saying pastor i went my street preach about the garden of eden noah's flood abraham moses the children of israel king david and in the old testament nehemiah and then i'm about to start the story of jesus i can't stop now and he kept preaching the gospel that time chalmers had such a burden for the cannibals that he went to a different island he would he would go to island after island of every different cannibal tribe not caring for his own life and yes finally he died being eaten by cannibals for the lord jesus christ that's how much of a love he had for the souls over there then the lord he raised up revival after revival after revival he raised a billy sunday billy sunday he used to be a drinker and a famous baseball player running running fast on the bases but he got saved in the lord jesus christ in fact when billy sunday would preach billy sunday would use his baseball running style to preach he would run across the aisles he would slide the bases and he would even break chairs when he would preach this man he would preach fire and brimstone he would preach with passion and boldness that the people were drawn to it and people were getting saved people were coming down on the altars billy sunday he was he became a target for closing bars in the north you know why prohibition of 18 started to spread out in america during those days where they banned liquor because of those kind of preachers who preached against drinking alcohol billy sunday was responsible he closed the bars in the north but god was not done yet god wanted to close the bars in the south as well and he raised up sam jones sam jones closed the bars in the south this guy was a hopeless drunk but he got saved in the lord jesus christ and he started to preach against liquor with passion and with boldness in fact one of the liquor merchants went over to sam jones and he waved a ten dollar bill in front of sam jones and he said this you know what i got this ten dollar bill from some poor sap who drank my liquor and sam jones took that ten dollar bill from the liquor merchant put it in his pockets and he said yeah i'll keep that the devil had it long enough and sam jones he was known as a rough preacher this guy was a rough preacher that other christians started to feel a little sensitive and scared about him that they all held the prayer meeting over sam jones and they were saying oh lord please help sam jones you know calm him down a bit give him more love you know help him not to be so rough and sam jones came to the prayer meeting and you can imagine what he was thinking in his head and he joined them in prayer and because every head bow and i was closed they were taking turns it came to his turn and then he said lord god i pray that you will please make these these donkeys right here get the point right here that i that i care for souls and it's because of that that's why i would preach against sin and liquor so this man he was known to be as a rough preacher during those days during those days so you can see how many different types of individuals that god can use for his glory no person is impossible for the lord he used scholars he used loving people he used kind people he used people working with children people who were worked with poverty rough people he used all kinds of different people for his glory he used missionaries he used preachers he used everyone for his glory and then the lord he also raised up mordecai ham mordecai ham he was another rough preacher during those days mordecai ham what he would do is that he would try to find the toughest atheist so that why so that he can win him to christ and the atheists were scared of mordecai ham mordecai ham would chase down this one atheist and as he cornered this one atheist this atheist said what you're going gonna do what you're gonna do and mordecai ham looked at him and he said i'm gonna pray for god to kill you or to save you and you you know what that atheist did he got saved he got baptized he got the rest of his family saved and baptized and mordecai ham preached hard against liquor that all these liquor all these drunkards and these mobs got so mad at mordecai ham they surrounded him at a building and they waved clubs and knives at him they were going to kill him and mordecai ham said to them i'm going to pray for god to kill you or to save you and as he closed the door the windmill blew up crashed and then it it landed on one of the leaders of the gang and he died and then half of the mob was injured you know what happened to the rest of the half of the mob they got saved they got saved after that well you know i don't know about that kind of stuff no the lord used it you know why you know who he led to jesus christ you all don't know this he led billy graham to the lord jesus christ did you know that the world's most loved evangelist it was this man who led him to salvation but then when apostasy later seeped in what happened to all of the preachers then the lord raised up one more rough individual right here his name was jay frank norris jay frank norris was the one responsible so you got the anabaptist as a key figure and then you also got jay frank norris as a key figure and then luther as a key figure and the kjv bible is a key figure these were key figures where bible believers eventually evolved from jay frank norris got the churches to become to break off from the con from the typical baptist churches in fact he would go to baptist meetings and then he would start a ruckus that the baptist conferences they would throw out jay frank norris out of their baptist conferences jay frank norris was also known as a rough preacher preaching hard against liquor one time there was a lawyer and uh certain council members in the government that they were gonna shut down jay frank norris this lawyer swore that i'm going to shut you down jay frank norris i'm going to shut you down i'm going to imprison you but you know what that lawyer was doing he was drinking what jay frank norris was preaching against and you know what happened he died in a transportation wreck you know what jay frank norris did he went to the crash site took the broken bottles that the lawyer was drinking scooped up the lawyer's brains took it up to his church service and preached in romans 6 23 the wages of sin is death you know what happened there were people fainting after that but you know what he got thousands saved thousands baptized thousands cleaning up their liquor and their drinking and then they got churches sprouting out the lord mightily used jay frank norris that time that's how baptists start to break off and become independent finally satan said i had enough of this i have enough of this so what did satan do he started to work underground work underground and thus came out what we know as the counter reformation what is this countering the reformation back then so he started the counter reformation as well as modernism counter reformation eventually evolved into modernism you know what today is today we're living in modernism how did we get this far past what happened back then start from here start from here let's see how it evolved into modernism while they were having their the kjv was successful the great awakening revivals were successful satan was going underground the catholic church had to hire somebody to to backfire to counter this reformation during that time the pope hired one man ignatius de loyola he started the jesuit order the society of jesus this man ignatius day loyola when he started the jesuit order it was it was set up to counter attack deliberately counter-attack the reformation luther spread out and during that time he had to prove how now the jesuits are no people to mess with you've got to understand especially if you go up at a higher plane you ever wonder why the vatican has so many deep-seated secrets in there and why people cannot have public access it's because they're a secret society you got to realize how powerful brilliant intelligent these men are and how dark it is as well in fact loyola went through four catholic inquisitions to prove his loyalty to the catholic church these guys are diehard people you don't want to mess with in fact if you read his catholic devotion call spiritual exercises it was for it was a training manual for his jesuit followers and as the people start to enter the jesuit order they would read the spiritual exercises and it taught brainwashing techniques and control of jesuits including the very air that they breathed if you don't believe me look at spiritual exercises look that up and what happened through these men they became a very very dark source that in fact the vatican and the catholic church as they grew more in power because remember they were doing undercover stuff right during this time these guys were dark people they were brilliant so the catholic church what happened was this first they lost england the jesuits lost their power when the king james bible when the king james bible gave birth it was game over the jesuits were losing power protestant nations were kicking out the jesuits but catholic nations were also kicking out the jesuits because now it was a new time era now and then the catholic nations were kicking out the jesuits because they realized these guys are dangerous they're doing assassins this assassin here assassin there these guys are dangerous they started to kick them out and in fact where they had no place to go but the vatican the vatican was even kicked out the jesuits jesuits had no place to go where could they go during this underground moment where the jesuits had no place to go in came your masonic elites that time the masons were always around and they held power the jesuits fled to them how they fled to them is that they went to the schools jesuits are teachers right during those days especially that's a historical fact the jesuits they fled into the schools and they attracted the masonic elites that time and because of that what was eventually formed is they found a big donor right there named rothschild ross child through him and certain jewish elites they had a funder in fact i don't know if you know this his current title is guardian of the vatican's treasury i don't know if you knew that current title with the rothschild family but the rothschilds and the masons they combined together and through this combination in came birth through adam weishaupt and adam weiss out he is the leader and the founder of the illuminati how you get all these crazy conspiracies today i don't deny a lot of it is crazy but you got to realize this they don't just grab those ideas out of thin air there's some kind of historical source somewhere the illuminati is a historical fact during those days that if you read the presidents of the united states those times they feared the illuminati they feared adam weishaupt that time and the illuminati it was through their organization they grew into power through that the jesuits how we know they were involved with this is because scottish rite of freemasonry illuminati was founded at a jesuit university at bavaria one number two when they did their scottish rite freemasonry oath it was a jesuit who wrote the oath that time so and not only that weiss out he was trained under a jesuit historical fact so because of that there is no doubt jesuits were involved what happened now they start to conquer catholic nation catholic nation through underground through elites through nobility and they start to get a foothold more and more and through elites underground system they finally found a person philip ii of spain remember spanish empire lost it was a french empire napoleon bonaparte through napoleon bonaparte the jesuits used him and they restored their knights of malta set one of the second most powerful elite system next to the mason system they got their knights of malta restored napoleon threw the pope into prison and forced the pope to restore the jesuit order that's how the jesuit order restored its system once more so now they were back into place now satan had underground figures because if you look at washington dc you'll see so many masonic symbols did you ever take a tour there masonic symbols all over do you know why because of back then these elites so while america was having revival underground satan was setting up a powerhouse so that he can lay control more and more and more because he couldn't get the common people so he had to get the elites the power who will control all the world system the money supply the government supply the schools religion and everything now that he laid the foundation what happened it eventually transformed into the round table and cecil rhodes attended masonic lodges illuminati was supposedly disbanded in the early days of america but the illuminati members you know where they fled to masonic lodges cecil rhodes came from the masonic lodge and he started the round table the round table started the second round of elites through the round table that's how they get their government leaders and their elites in place with the founding of israel and 1947-1948 they also go through american system through queen victoria's successful reign and they were just spreading all over they were spreading all over you've heard of rhodes scholars as well right all of that through here the round table and the evidence is if you look at this look at the evidence of current elite systems current elite systems today cfr the bilderbergers all those kind of stuff that you heard about the elites where did all that come from all of that if you go back to their founders of people who run it rockefeller's chase morgan bank and all those guys it goes to the founders of the round table and by the way rothschild nathan rothschild was involved with this roundtable that time that's where you get your current elites today and government leaders today it all comes from here and who started it all the catholic church that's why what did the bible say about rome at the end times she's going to burn up at the end because they always had a play of power ever since the beginning of bible believing church history to now now the now you got the pieces in place the dominoes are about to roll it start to go boom boom boom jesuits plan they always go 50 to 100 years ahead thus came higher and lower criticism higher and lower criticism what they did is that they started to question the teachings of christianity and the authenticity of the bible what happened was is that because the jesus plan go 50 to 100 years ahead while the reformation and the great awakenings were running they were going underground with higher and lower criticism during that time through higher and lower criticism they started to attack by infiltrating schools and the evidence is look at all the schools during those days and see how many jesuits were involved and how many scholars respected those jesuit teachers and professors and intellectuals in fact it is uh estimated they infiltrated more than hundreds of schools and universities higher and lower criticism started somewhere it go to france where it started at france thus they had the french enlightenment that time from there then it spread to germany and the heart of the reformation and that's where german rationalism was spreading at that time then what happened then it started to spread from germany all the way to england the heart of the king james bible they infiltrated england england through english deism see always through higher and lower criticism through those means and then finally to america the heart of the great awakening revivals it's schools what did hitler once say give me control of the schools and i'll brainwash all the generations why do why is it that younger people don't understand what we believed our morals we held up to you wonder why it's through the schools higher and lower criticism thus they succeeded in attacking and demolishing the great awakening revival in the counter reformation you see how they tackled all of america to end the world with higher and lower criticism now let's start the domino effect the philosophers remember back at alexandria egypt remember those philosophers right here philosophy so philosophy was revived due to higher and lower criticism in the higher education system the philosophers finally made a breakthrough into the schools through these means because these means use higher criticism lower criticism which matched the thinking of the philosophers so the philosophers started critiquing the bible through higher and lower criticism that was started by the jesuits that's why you have david hume john locke thomas hobbes renee descartes francis bacon friedrich nietzsche etc and so they were able to use the higher and lower criticisms of jesuits for their critiques about christianity as a whole thus we see right here that schools have fallen schools fell so that's one significant issue is schools the next thing that satan attacked was science through charles darwin darwin he would he was actually a bachelor's degree in a theologi he was a seminary student believe it or not but yeah that was his only degree that's right and he started questioning our creation with evolution's origin a species finally there was a way to get rid of god creating us through scientific quote-unquote scientific means of evolving so many scientists immediately joined the band wagon and expanded the evolution ideas even more the science fell then the next domino effect it started to go one by one then you got westcott and hort westcott and hort they introduced the idea of having a better bible than the king james bible you know what manuscripts they use all the way back don't forget alexandria egypt their manuscripts dinging up the garbage piles of manuscripts over there the garbage manuscripts over there they used it for catholic vaticanus and alexandrian siniaticus to revise the king james version thus came out their masterpiece the revised version and you know what happened there are more than 200 revised translations as a result because of this breakthrough what happened bible fell now the bible fell okay you don't have bible to rescue you you don't have science to explain it for you you schools can't definitely rescue you what else can you turn to well satan just started attacking more and more and more then there was a person named karl marx he was once from a lutheran family what happened luther's reformation the reformation the revival era etc karl marx he was from a lutheran family but he created socialism on how the government was not getting control of making sure everyone had an equal amount of wealth and you know what since he was a journalist the power of the media he had that backing through the power of the media he immediately spread his ideas many sinners who were convicted by the great awakening preaching wanted somebody else the government to take care of them instead of them working for themselves instead of them getting themselves right with god cleaning up their lifestyles they were sick and tired of preaching preachers saying it's their fault it's their fault it's their fault they want somebody else to take care of the problems for them so which endangered many to fall prey and being dependent on the government just like back in the dark ages you revived it you just depend on the church state system to take care of everything for you and thus what happened the government fell what's significant now is the government fell so one by one by one satan was attacking more and more and more another one is hollywood hollywood so how the devil attacked our world how did our world change it's because of a hollywood hollyworld hollywood it is pretty much holly world amen so because of hollywood how the devil corrupted our younger generation's thinking and dropped morality in every generation is that it glamorized worldly dressing it glamorized worldly music worldly entertainment and worldly conversation thinking and behavior and attitude and that influenced the minds of later generations who watch their favorite hero on the screen their favorite hero they listen to and then what their friends talk about during school breaks and during their socializing times the music that they listen to the shows that they watch and the garbage that the news media talk about that a lot of later generations are just eating up like flies and that includes the internet as well so with all of this media media nonsense with the power of hollywood what happened it became a mighty success where younger generations saw christianity as too strict formal holy than thou too upright too stuck up that's right you want to be loose and free you mean rebellious that's what it means they want to dress like the world act like the world talk like the world think like the world and no preacher is going to tell them what to do that hey that's wrong so because of that now what happened because it glamorized so much of the world that's why you got the whole world that fell the world fell what else is next then you got sigmund freud i mean you got nothing else but your conscience your own conscience to tell you what's right and wrong but sigmund freud he gave psychological explanations for human guilt and he also criticized the kind of preaching that you hear from the great awakenings he criticized that kind of attitude that kind of conversation things that would get your conscience under conviction over your sin so now you can explain away your sin your human guilt through psychological means now what happened because of this nut job because of him conscience fell conscience fell and then when there's no other place to turn to now the devil can finally attack the churches where all the great awakening revival preachers are at they are under this great pressure see because all foundations were destroyed now the churches started to fall apart in came the cults cults were born seventh-day adventism started by ellen g white mormonism by brigham young sprouted in utah jehovah's witnesses by charles russell sprouted in new york christian science by mary baker eddy the church of christ by alexander campbell sprouted all over the south the charismatics and pentecostals episcopalians with their healings and speaking of tongues sprouted out in california through the azusa los angeles revival which infested all protestant denomination churches consequently the hyper-dispensationalist the hyper-dispensationalist by cornelius dam sprouted in new jersey ruining the doctrine of dispensationalism the most important study for your bible in finding right doctrine as a result of the mess of these so-called different christians how many of you heard them call them christian how many of you heard them call them the bible is our final authority you have to check the bible to see if we're right the bible what does the bible really say see that because of this utter confusion now with this mess of so-called christian churches now you got so many differences that it gets all christian churches tired of fighting and bickering with one another so we should all unite and thus was created the ecumenical movement under the host of the pope at the vatican during all those big events thus you got the ecumenical movement and the vatican finally succeeded in gathering all these branches and splits that departed from mother church finally coming back under one fold and one shepherd all united once more thus the vatican and the devil succeeded this is proven by looking up every denominational organization and bible committee among protestant churches and see if they will have some kind of catholic leader as part of their group and that is proven that the vatican thus has a worldwide effect among protestant churches but not only christian religions they infiltrated islam hinduism buddhism judaism and all other world religions they would gather in the ecumenical meetings hosted by the pope thus what happened the churches were falling apart and not only did this mess of cults create a unity one world government one world religion with the ecumenical movement it also caused further splits and further divisions because of the arrogance and pride of christians today what happens now is that they're going all over youtube and bickering and eating each other up like little children and the only people they can pick on is bible believers that's all the people they can pick on not the real enemies and the heretics out there and because of that the new world order while they're uniting and growing more these internet losers are also creating the split and the falling part and the falling away that's why churches fall oh churches are falling into apostasy yeah because of you you can't blame the church entirely it's because of you too so because of that that's when no one was gathering into churches and churches were falling apart thus churches fell satan won satan won his battle right here thus because now think of it as a whole now think of this as a whole look at all this look at all this think of it as a whole if school science bible government powers the conscience your own conscience can't even rescue you the churches and the whole world run by hollywood all of that all of that taken over by this what other thing and source can you turn to for rescue for hope nothing absolutely nothing was there to rescue you because everything now satan infiltrated he infiltrated every single means no wonder some of you took you this long to find bible believing truth you know why everything was taken over by the devil nothing you got nothing else to turn to except a government-controlled hollywood and school brainwashed world under a catholic banner and satan won satan wong satan won that's how he turned the tables against the bible believers and thus satan won and the world we live in today has fallen apart what other hope can we turn to what is the hope what the lord did was he's revived he sent certain revivers for the last day and this is what you need to hear this is you it is totally up to you now the apostasy is because of you it's because you're not part of a proud line of bible believers you want to split apart and contribute this movement that's what you want to do the lord raised the revivers for last day revival he realized that there were two means to clean up all of this mess or three means excuse me three means to clean up all this mess the first thing was to get back his bible the kjv bible issue thus through the king james bible laying down final authority the lord laid down dean bergen dean bergen was a scholar from oxford and chichester and bergen smacked westcott on horde he was contemporary during those days and said their manuscripts is just trash on scholarly work another scholar the lord used was edward f hills edward f hills edward f hills was a scholar from harvard and this man defended the king james bible while criticizing the manuscripts of modern bibles today so the lord race of edward f hills a harvard doctorate who defended the texas receptus manuscripts from erasmus that time the lord was reviving the king james bible defended and the lord raised up his doctrine now had to be defended his doctrine to clean up this myth you got the right foundation now you need the right doctrine he laid down dispensationalism dispensationalism what it means is that we believe in rightly dividing time periods and groups of people to the right types of verses all verses are divided to the right group of people and right time period the lord used c.i scofield he was a lawyer and he was a lawyer who wrote the scofield reference bible that spread throughout thousands it's spread throughout thousands of people around the world about dispensationalism the lord also raised up clarence larkin who wrote the granddaddy of dispensationalism he literally drew charts after charts after charts of dispensationalism and because of those charts he was an he was a baptist and an engineering student as well the lord used his gift to defend right doctrine thus the bible defended doctrine defended now the lord had to raise up churches and practices churches that would give the right kind of practices remember jay frank norris due to his split then came out what we known as the fundamentalists the fundamentalists independent baptist fundamentalists this is not the terminology that you hear in news media referring to extremists who take out knives and slice out people's throats okay what in the world labeling us with them there are a few stupid christians out there who are full of hatred and spite but how many of those do you see on the news it's like one or two scattered bunch of people that doesn't represent christianity as a whole for crying out loud now these fundamentalists what they were known as is like the anabaptists that time see what these guys is they believed in taking the bible literally remember what happened with higher and lower criticism it critiqued the bible it made everything metaphorical fundamentalists believed in literal interpretation of the bible like these anabaptists thus they were criticized by their fellow so-called christians as well because they believed in standing for the fundamentals of the faith taking care of the fundamentals of the bible they believed in that the in bootcamp vic started the baptist bible fellowship the world's largest group of baptist fundamentalists bob jones senior started out bob jones university john r rice laid the template for the sword of the lord the the number one fundamentalist news source at that time and it still is today in independent baptist churches not only john rice you also have jack hiles who numbered the top 15 largest churches in america so he had a widespread influence lee roberson also had a widespread influence with his tennessee temple university and then the the younger generations were getting rescued as well due to arlen and becca horton's a becca academy which was the best christian school outside program so laying the foundations they lay their generations and their younger generations groups and of people and churches and organizations where they get the right practice and the right growth they believed in separation from the world they believe they believed in defending the fundamentals of the faith they disagreed with the cultic teachings that you see in churches today however the problem is this the problem is these three laid the foundations they were laying foundations it was still not enough throughout all this mess there was one person that the lord used like luther and norris there was one person that the lord used significantly like these men who changed the course of history like these two significant men his name is peter ruckman peter ruckman what he did was that he combined all of the previous three together he came from a group of fundamentalists he was not some rebel rogue on the internet some loser who's like 60 years old and doing nothing for the lord he came from a group of fundamentalists that time he also took larkin and scofield's work and recommended them every time from this he expanded dispensationalism he took bergens and edward f hill's work recommended them in his list and used that as a source for defending the king james bible ruckman because he was a brilliant man he combined all three together and expanded it even more thus because of that superiority of expansion and that combination it was enough to tackle all of satan's world right here the evidence is all you have to do is go to the bible baptist bookstore his bookstore online and we'll have every single work that can co that can tackle all this kind of mess in our world it is evidenced by his bookstore peter ruckman he was a hopeless drunk who wanted to commit suicide but he was halted by one of the fundamentalist pastors named hugh jeff pyle and hugh pyle led him to the lord jesus christ for salvation and dr upman he graduated with a doctorate from the fundamentalist bob jones university school he was praised by boo champ vic of the world's largest baptist bible fellowship as being the greatest bible teacher in america bob jones senior said about peter ruckman the most brilliant man he ever had on campus uh he used to be praised for answering the bible within less than 45 seconds by john rice's sword of the lord magazine it wasn't until why was he criticized by his fellow fundamentalists he came from the fundamentalists and there were fundamentalist leaders who praised him and helped him out but other fundamentalist pastors they did not like him you know why because the fundamentalists did not have that luxury of combining the other two there were fundamentalists who critiqued the king james bible there were fundamentalists who did not know the right doctrines of dispensationalism fully so because of that they considered him a radical and attacked his personal life as an excuse and nitpicked his teachings to try to make him a radical kind of familiar with this group right here right radicals they were known as the radicals see very very similar that's why you know you're at the right history you look at line look at the fruits by their fruits you shall know them by their fruits you shall know them because of this combination the lord mightily used it to attack modernism today this was the devil's system in a debate against the famous catholic apologist who's a lawyer named carl keating priests were in shock when ruckman debated him and they asked him during break time if what rockman documented was true during the break time in a debate against earl calland who's the founder of the best bible version committee of that time the niv callan was completely humiliated that some bible believers even felt sorry for him because he was totally destroyed in a debate against a muslim who thought his quran was unchangeable dr akman showed him how different muslim scholars translated from the koran from mistreating a woman to whipping a woman and how they all contradicted each other doc in a debate against a bio biology evolution professor the professor had no argument against dr ruckman in the news media all he could say was well he just took documented sources and used them to his own interpretation example please can you give me specifics or are you just throwing in an accusation because of that it is evidence when he created tons of books and articles and videos that filled more than seven shells in fact critics who are obsessed with dr ruckman and want to ruin his reputation one of them had to say this one thing about ruckman is that he's not a lazy man it is evidenced by their fruits he shall know them with such information bible believers were armed the only thing that they could do is like what the catholic church has always done and other heretics have done they called luther's father's followers lutherans they called wycliffe's followers lawlerds they called huss's followers hut sites they called wesley's father followers wesleyans and they thought that tactic could be used with ruckman they called his followers ruckman knights you know what i don't care one bit all right he is not my final authority it has always been jesus christ but i'll tell you one thing if i was under the days of luther i would be proud to be called lutheran if i was under the days of wesley i would be proud to be called a wesleyan you can do the same thing with me with a ruckmani who cares who cares as paul said be followers of me as i follow christ now the bible believers came to the scene this is war modernism made its heyday the lord raised up william grady william grady was a teacher at hiles college one of the the largest fundamentalist baptist college during those days and then when hiles converted to the kjv issue william grady wrote a defense of the king james bible and he was able to write a defense of the king james bible because he read one of ruckman's books manuscript evidence due to that great he converted to the king james bible issue and he went to one of the famous fundamentalist colleges crown college and publicly in front of everyone he defended the king james bible and then he mentioned ruckman's name at the end and then people were getting all tense and then the pastor put his arm around grading he said you know i don't appreciate what you said i'm gonna get a lot of heat from my friends you see why they want to dissociate themselves from this man because he's literally like the mark of the beast to them but william grady the lord blessed him and he kept publishing large books defending the word of god and bible believing truth the lord raised up another man named jack chick jack chick would sometimes contact ruckman on the phone and through conversations with him he would sometimes try to get his doctrine straight and ideas by sometimes contacting ruckman here and there when chick wrote his first track he did it in a kitchen he did it in a kitchen he set up his little gallery and you know how the lord used him after that millions of tracks were passed out and he became known as by the smithsonian institute as the world's most published author in fact his writings were banned by the vatican for exposing the secrets of the jesuits not only that you know what the jesuits did the vatican did during the great awakening revivals you can tell he's in the right crowd what they did with uh jay frank norris and mordecai ham is that they labeled them as two of the four horsemen of revelation that's what the vatican did see you can tell we're in the right line right here then the lord he raised up sam gibbs sam gibby got his doctorate from dr rutman's school and he wrote the simplest yet thorough defense of the king james bible to simple layman if you look up his answer book it is literally in a question and answer format and because of that if there was a member who had a question concerning his pastor who corrected the king james bible or his greek teacher all he had to do was take that little book look up a question and then give him an answer and then say oh what about this what about this and these professors and pastors had a heyday and they did not like it because of that book but then the lord he raised a preacher after preacher lord also raised up david peacock david peacock he is known as to be a very illustrative preacher captain of the police force head of the bible doctrine institute which is the best bible believing online course ever so because he is known to be as a dramatic and powerful illustrative preacher one i mean his sermons will tug you and make you run one time when he was preaching as if they were casting crowns at jesus feet people start to take off their shoes and throw them on the altar as if they were casting crowns at the feet of jesus christ the lord was raising up warriors that time lord was raising up warriors the lord also raised up billy eubanks billy eubanks this man because of him that's why chick tracts were passed out by hundreds of thousands because of him and his wife because they passed out hundreds of thousands of chick tracts this man had such a burden for souls at one time he he took his plane and flew over the vatican on one of their catholic festival days and he dumped down 10 000 tracks all over the vatican through word of mouth word on the street word on the street was is that after that he was so juiced up he was going to go to mecca and dump down tracks all over mecca and then the bible believers persuaded him not to do that god was raising up warriors that time the lord also raised up greg estep greg estep also started another bible believing institute it was through there that dr david peacock and other great men of god graduated from his school as well he started a church at ohio then in ohio there was another man named jimmy hood he started a rescue mission and if you look at his rescue mission rescuing people from drug addiction smoking and drinking and living their lives in sin he takes these men clean them up and you know what he does with his rescue mission men you see these men who are once heroin addicted drug addicts smoking addicts holding signs and street preaching the gospel on the streets he even took them to germany for street preaching the lord raised up jimmy hood at ohio to raise up men another man who raised a rescue mission was jack patterson jack patterson this man he took in kids from broken homes who lived out their lives and sins cleaned them up and it is a blessing when you see these kids teenagers who are so many influenced by this wicked hollywood world today in clean dressing quoting chapter after chapter from the book of psalms raising their hand and singing a hymn for a long time i traveled down a long lonely world thank god i am free free free from this world of sin so the lord raised the men after men then the lord raised up a man named david spurgeon davis spurgeon was part of a notorious gang in fact because he was part of a notorious gang i think he was like second in command that time and one time he broke a man in half he's covered with tattoos all over he was a mean dude but one time the feds got him they arrested him and then he heard the gospel of jesus christ in prison and this man who lived like the devil so wicked in sin he was going to be imprisoned for many years to life he got saved in the lord jesus christ and the judge when he saw his clean testimony and his church that he attended backing him up the judge said i'm convinced you're a changed man i'm going to drop you you go free and then he pounded the gavel spurgeon went off free and he's now evangelizing churches today if you ever wonder why he always wear a full suit it's because he wants to represent the new man to hide his tattoos back in his old days he want to show the world that i am a new creature in the lord jesus christ the lord was raising men from all kinds of background crazy background rough backgrounds loving backgrounds from the police a man who just wrote simple pictures the lord was raising a man after men after men the lord also raised up ted warmack ted warmack he wrote the best bible believing course on discipleship that's why i always recommend his works for new converts in the bible believing recommendation list he wrote the best course materials for prisoners now the prisons were hearing bible believing truth dispensationalism to the king james bible issue to the genesis gap and everything man so he was teaching it to the prisoners and the prisoners unlike christians today they're like this makes sense this makes sense whereas christians walk off mad in terms of they do make sense that don't make sense you know so the lord saw fit to use prisoners for his glory inmates for his glories rather than stubborn apostate queasy apostasized christian churches today this man led hundreds of hundreds to salvation just in prison alone the lord also raised up vince massa vince massa also started his own bible believing school so bible believing schools he's over there at connecticut where all the catholics are and that man he would number somewhere between 200 to 300 people in church and his preaching style is that some there are days in some sermons he will point his bony finger right at you and then he will put his leg over the pulpit and look at you when he preaches one time when he was preaching so hard he pounded the pulpit and broke the pulpit when he was preaching but while he broke the pulpit a guy jumped off the altar and broke his leg it is said his name is james lentz james lentz the lord raised up this man is a wild man you talk about rough wild redneck in the hills of north carolina the lord raised up james lentz another graduate from rutman school he was called a heretic by north carolina churches in fact one time when he was street preaching the sheriff kept bugging them harassing them telling them to stop and lindsey would not quit finally that sheriff came with this pity party attitude saying you know i have a salary to make the office is on my neck and you know they're telling me to have you stop can you just stop you know just for a bit and lens you know he said well you know you have your boss to speak to but i have a higher boss it's the lord jesus christ that i got to speak to the sheriff ran away after that the sheriff ran away after that and they saw fit that to send one of their own preacher boys to persuade linds and this older preacher gentleman said you know this street preaching thing don't work and lens is like it doesn't and the old man said you know i used to be like you young and fresh and full of zeal back then but you know this thing don't work you got to adapt to the modern times that we're in you know that's why the church is apostasized i absolutely refuse to follow this modern way you're not going to make me fall one bit if you don't like my preaching you don't like the church and all that i'm sorry it's because i know my history i refuse you s yeah the elites brainwashed you too didn't they the devil system brainwashed you too didn't they i absolutely refuse to follow this modernism trend i absolutely refuse i know my history and i refuse to be back at the dark ages so then lens he said it doesn't work and the older preacher said no it doesn't and lynn saw one of his members leading the six foot tall black gentleman to the lord and that black man started to weeping and he cried oh lord jesus save me save me save me please save my soul from hell and when lin saw that he glared at that older preacher and he said it doesn't work i'll tell you something grandpa it really works it really works you better get out of here before i beat the fire out of you and that old preacher went back and he's like you got devils i knew it you got devils you got devils and lynn said you're right i got devils you better get away before i give you some wild wild man but see the lord raised up many different people for his glory massa broke the pulpit lynch hurt his leg and preaching you know these men could preach if you put them in a room together and the lord was raising up men after men after men another one was david walker the lord raised up david walker who's a graduate of dr rutman school and he wrote the best number one book on dispensationalism ever because he combined ruckman scofield and larkin so he had a better advantage through that he wrote the best book on dispensationalism rightly dividing the bible and he is currently into working on volume 2 and volume 3. the lord also raised up another man named wilson calvin wilson calvin he is a native american indian and he works with the native americans over there on the ranches there that man he was one time in a meeting at some person's house and he saw a bunch of colorful thick books on the table and he said what are those colorful attractable books and he saw them and read dr rutman's commentary and because of that that's how he also got to know dr upman and this man would minister to the indians in arizona one time when he was out soul winning or preaching there was this atheist that went up to him and he said there is no god and wilson calvin said there is none the atheist said no and the man and calvin dropped on his knees and he said lord i pray that you'll drop this man dead right here right now and that atheist went back and he got scared he said you can't do that you can't do that and calvin got up and he said gotcha you believe in a god the lord was raising on men after men after man the lord was raising a men after men to shake up the world and then the lord saw fit to use a woman to spank a bunch of men in the modern version bible committee the lord raised up gail riplinger who wrote the book new age bible versions because of this it was perhaps the most popular book in defending the king james bible because all the apostate christian churches heard about it and because of that the every male leader of the nesv niv nkjv committees got together with james judith white and they all start to band together because they're little children against one woman and because of that they start to figure out ways and out of rage they accused her of misquotations i'll tell you one thing i don't care if some of her the stuff she did was genuinely misquotations you should look at the back page there are literally scores of documentations what are you going to do with the rest of those things doesn't change that fact she proved that the modern bibles is paving the way of what this illuminati new world stuff has always done she convinced the world it's the antichrist bible the lord was raising up men after men after men to defend the truth the lord also raised up many preachers to defend the word of god and to defend dispensational truth he also raised up a man named alan ryman alan ryman is another wild man and this man he pastored a church in delaware catholic delaware averaged 100 to 200 members in catholic delaware and this man he would in in his street preaching one time he dressed up like a catholic priest and while he was dressed up like a catholic priest because people didn't like baptist street preachers so he dressed up like a catholic priest and he was street preaching and he was passing out tracks and all these catholics started to receive the tracks and they said thank you father thank you father thank you thank you vogue and then there's this one officer that was suspicious and stopped in front of ryman and he said uh uh ar are you really a priest you know and then ryman looked at the officer and he said what's your name my child and that officer went he ran away after that and then one time there was this guy who drove by them and i guess he threw something at ryman and his group while they were street preaching the cops saw that and they pounced on that man and they arrested him and ryman shouted out yeah that's right arrest him he must be a baptist arrest him rest there the lord was raising up wild man the lord was raising up warriors the lord was raising a man of god another person that the lord mightily used was gerald sutek he started a street preaching team he called this swat team for christ s-w-a-t swat team for christ he started a street preaching ministry in fact one time his street preaching ministry started to spread really wide that the catholic fox news media they started to critique them and they start to look at each other and they mocked about yeah i guess you're going to hell too stuff like that but the lord see he used up this man to raise up a ruckus in the public eye and the lord was raising on men after men the lord also raised up rick sal he averaged 500 to 1 000 people in church the lord also raised up rick the michael he averaged between 1 000 to 1500 to 2 000 in his church so bible believers were sprouting around here and there here and there the lord was raising up people to defend his truth you also had song lee he would have 200 he used to have 200 people one time in street preaching street preaching not attending church lord raised him up at korea songly the lord also raised a man after men after men of god who were influenced by dr rockman's ministry and bible believers before them joseph anderson in papua new guinea daniel bardwell in ukraine chad bernick in alaska jeff brigham to japan john buyer to canada tyler campbell to scotland thomas castelo to germany michael cecil to thailand paul cicelchik as a medical missionary aaron clippinger to the canada to the chinese people in canada gabriel cochran to montreal robert chris to the philippines joel dared to brazil perry demopolis to ukraine steve dickens to england mark dunlap to mozambique craig fitzgerald to mongolia michael flick to marluey leonard fogle to israel daniel groeke to norway rudiger hammer to germany jason hines to quebec city earl howell to honduras raymond jones to mexico edward keough to ukraine daniel lavita to honduras joshua lee to sicily david lethert to philippines dean matsufari to italy eric michael to the republic of georgia jason moore to fiji kenneth murphy to germany marco perez to colombia chris ross mondo to malui david robinson to maloy philip robinson to chile matthew cheraos to brazil he also raised them nicholas verhof to switzerland roger vernos to philippines kenneth west to ukraine richard wiles to ukraine michael wolsky to poland and this does not even include bible-believing missionaries in communist cuba india indonesia and china and north korea whom i cannot proclaim at liberty their names we're all over the world you can't stop bible believers we're gonna outrun you we're gonna outrun you and the lord raised up these people to raise up heyday to this modernistic world that we live in today now where are you what are you going to do church are you going to sit down and just be an internet nobody are you going to be a person who will just separate himself from a good bible believing church are you going to be the type of person who's just content to being a regular joe church member or are you going to realize we got a battle we got a war going on this new world order is taking over and satan is a all the churches are falling to apostasy in this liberal san francisco bay area may san jose bible baptist church be the bible believing church as a grand testimony to the whole world that we will stand for bible believing truth in this liberal catholic community let's reach the lost to salvation let's go to war god my father i pray that we've been riled up may bible-believing truth stand i'm excited for our revival may it begin something new thank you so much for our internet so we can rile them up and get something done you get the glory in jesus name amen amen amen god bless you all out of all the wrong doctrines that's happening in our day and age at the last days of the church as the apocalypse is coming even closer the point of all this friend is that you won't be even able to grow in knowledge of the truth in bible believing truth until you get saved first the most important question you have to ask yourself after watching all this is if you were to die today are you a hundred percent sure that you're going to go to heaven perhaps one of these wrong doctrines have affected you and you had the improper way of salvation as you have seen before the way to get saved is very simple it's only simply salvation by grace alone without works through the lord jesus christ in this christian day and age if you're not sure that you can go to heaven after you die it's very simple to get saved first of all you have to understand that because of sin god is a holy god and he cannot even allow one percent of sin into heaven so he has to judge sin with the burning hell so it is very important that you got to realize how serious sin is and you must repent you might say well then i guess i have to clean up all my sins i guess i have to go to church i guess i have to get baptized i have to i have to be a good person no my friend good works can never save you jesus is god who died buried and resurrected so that he can pay all the sins for you you don't have to pay a single sin for yourself so all you have to do as a repentant sinner is turn to what he did on the cross alone for your salvation you might say well pastor i do believe only on what jesus did on the cross to save me that's great then all you have to do is just say that to the lord you might say well preacher i haven't prayed much before in my life i don't know really how to say it to god can you help me out sure you can say it this way dear god i know i'm a sinner as i repent i put my faith that jesus is god and that he died buried and resurrected so that his blood can wash away my sins i put my faith in that alone to save me not my good works in jesus name i pray amen congratulations my friend if you meant it with all your heart that you put your faith only on what jesus did on the cross through his blood to save you then you are saved it's that simple my friend now my friend it is important to grow in bible believing truth you now know the truth what are you going to do about it as the apocalypse comes even more closer and satan's about his to set up his kingdom even more there are many souls dying and going to hell and even many more churches out there who don't know right and wrong doctrine it is up to you now on what to do and go to our resources site www.bbcenglish.org and click on the resources link over there and it'll give you everything that you need to grow in grace the next step of your journey now is up to you we've done our part giving you this movie all of it was done for free by the love of the people god bless you or should we just stick to the sermon on the mount a passage that is so radical that it's doubtful that our own defense department would survive its application king james is double standards now there's a false doctrine out there called dispensationalism yeah i i don't believe one saved always saved the god of the old testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction jealous and proud of it a petty unjust unforgiving control freak a vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser a misogynistic homophobic racist infanticidal genocidal philosopher pestilential megalomaniacal sadomasochistic capriciously malevolent bully [Music] but you don't want to get identified with the reproach of what really believing this bible is all about you know what these wicked left-wing liberal perverts want you to do legalizing the marijuana or homosexuality or if the whole entire world turns against the lord is that person saved because that person on their way to heaven or hell the cowboy person has no thought of god in their mind that people will leave the church over the color of the carpet what's wrong with our churches why don't we have a closer walk with jesus why isn't everybody running around like little jesus is shouting screaming and haunting that thing you look in the mirror it don't want to go straight preaching it don't want to read the bible it don't want to pray and watch on what watching about the other junk a lot of you don't have it because you're lazy that's why you don't have it because you won't work that's why don't you know the bible says whoa unto the wicked [Music] the wages of sin is death when you offer some of the gospel track if uh you're walking away and you see them throw it on the ground that's not because they're afraid of what's in it they know what's in it no matter where you are today turn to god and place your faith in the lord jesus christ and god almighty got me through and got me through for 10 years 15 years 20 years 25 years 30 years 35 years 40 years you mess with that book honey i'll mess with you [Music] is give me your power lord you know what we need we need people to fall on their knees we need people to pray for the lord raise the kingdom by the eye believe in this sensational truth and lord i just don't want their power i pray like elijah double the course you lord keep within me do it give me the feelings of your spirit give me your power lord give me your power give me your power and god the holy spirit will move upon this church and fill within him his holy spirit power amen then we'll see soul save then we'll see god do something with this truth then we'll see the liberals and the homosexuals getting a bit then we'll see those apostate christians getting mad then we'll see all the world opening their eyes to the truth and they say uh we have not seen such a thing brother sister there's only one hope looking for that blessed hope for the to glorious man
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 153,795
Rating: 4.796587 out of 5
Keywords: The Vigilant Christian, Israeli News Live, BP Earth Watch, Paul Begley, RichieFromBoston, Robert Breaker, The Watchman, conspiracy, End Times Production, SoulJa Of GOD, J.D. Farag, Acts17Apologetics, flat earth, antichrist, Trump, Obama, Rob Skiba, rapture, Jonathan Kleck, Sid Roth, Steve Cioccolanti, King James, Mark Dice, Ravi Zacharias, Wretched, bible believer, aliens, Living Waters, Doug Batchelor, Joel Osteen, Joseph Prince
Id: ivWTuze9us4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 31sec (7711 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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