I Lost Too

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um you know the cool thing is i recognize  some of the people that won the raffle oh   magnus blundered he's losing again he's  is he stepping into mate again like he did   wait wait a second wait a second let's try to  reason this out like humans why is this losing apparently f3 again the f4 and the   mvp the f it was they have three pawn  in the previous game too that that won oh my god this is it oh we are gonna  get a reaction now all right ladies   and gentlemen get your scissors out  we are going clipping yes we are yes um i mean love played well in the second game but  today was just i mean was just a disaster because   i was actually doing pretty well in this first  game um but i i played a couple of moves that   made no sense like i played this bishop a6 move  which was terrible and then i played king f7 and   i think you know yesterday i felt like love had  to find some moves he had he had to play some   some good chess um at some critical moments but  today like i basically just handed it to him so   it's very disappointing um the way that today  went yesterday i mean i think you know i think   love found some some good moves and he totally  deserved it today though like i just i basically   turn it into a game that you'll show you'll show  you'll show your students about how to um how to   like get an outpost for a night or how to play  with with activity on both sides um of the board   versus pawns in the center so i mean today was  very frustrating um you know the second game i   i could have made a draw at a couple of points  but i really felt like uh it made more sense to   go for broke there than say draw the game then be  in the same situation but just with black where   it would be a must win already because i lost the  first match so um after the first game today there   was just like not much to talk about on the flip  side there's a lot of good stuff of course with um   with how much money has been raised for charity  uh which which is amazing so far so big shout   out to both of you guys i'll let you guys talk  so i've been talking nonstop for way too long   no no no no we wanted to hear you i wanted to  hear from you and i i want to give the floor   back to hikaru because we all want to do here  from him and obviously the result is not what   we were hoping for we wanted we wanted this to  be a massive comeback day as you did it in the   previous event against maxine vachelagravi hope  that we were really hoping that it was going to   happen again because you've done it so many  times winning on demand making huge comebacks   um the first game we thought was was going your  way do you do you think there was any chance after   the opening to push e5 or c5 we were wondering if  if there was a way to avoid this uh control that   the eleven eventually ended up having on the e  five and c the c5 square i mean i think there were   a couple options to do it i mean i mean basically  i can tell you what happened though like i i saw i   felt like bishop a6 was a bad move i don't know if  you guys can pull up the game but like i felt like   intuitively it was a bad move and then after like  30 seconds i'm like ah whatever i'll just play it   anyway and um and uh yeah it was not a good move  let me i'm just gonna i'm just gonna load the game   in the way these games have been loaded in yeah  they're difficult to keep track of yeah bishop a6   we were basically just like trying to figure out  if you had to play e5 there or not if you hadn't   yeah i don't know if e5 i don't know if e5 was  necessarily the right mover there maybe was some   a5 e5 but basically i i felt like i had a good  position and i'm like okay i can just go actually   you know what i thought i saw this was a game of  the show is just how off i was i saw rookie one   where khe won here and my idea was oh i just go  rook a8 and e5 next move of course after rookie   white just goes queen a5 and and i'm just doing  terribly i think right isn't white just better   yeah is he just going to take on a7 or is it just  about like control and you you can't really move   well the problem is when i go bishop c4  there's knight c5 i think and then there's a b3 yeah i mean this this basically is exactly  why i should never go bishop a6 and i just   played bishop basics i just didn't i just didn't  want to really think i mean i know i know that   sounds pretty ridiculous but but kind of i just  i just wanted to like we were very we were super   perplexed by his london stuff what what did i mean  like he was totally taking it out of like theory   i mean we were we were like kind of commending  it sort of it was interesting but it's it was   strange i mean i i think i think it worked out  very well for live because because also it just   you just get a game and when you combine the fact  that i wasn't sharp and then you're in a situation   where you just have to find moves and calculate um  and i wasn't really doing that very well it's just   very difficult i mean this this sort of i think  bish basics highlights in a sense uh a large part   of why i lost match which is that in these moments  when it was just a game of chess like uh for   whatever reason i just i didn't i didn't really  want to think i just want to play a move like i   i mean i knew bishop basics was probably not a  good move but i was like who cares i just do it   and somehow i play e5 or c5 and i'm just fine  um but yeah this was this was really really a   bad move i think i think probably i should have  played um e5 maybe or just rookie first on e5 um   well e5 we were like he he's not is he to take or  not is he just going to keep the tension i mean i   think he has to take and go rook he won i thought  i thought because if i get e4 and f5 then i should   be much better yeah we were trying we were like we  were deliberating because we thought that if if he   if he takes you can stabilize the center and  then you can yeah i guess yeah this kind of shows   yeah the computer says black is better yeah  i mean this this really shows just sort of   how how much i was not feeling it because  i thought harry could go like rookie to   rookie one and he was better or something but  yeah yeah just ah it's just one of those days yeah to put some extra pressure on here and i  think you know what what also is really really   i mean frustrating with this game is that like  the with the way that i played it um where i went   bishop a6 like yeah i mean rookie three and rookie  one and knights if i was just it was just so   thematic it was so obvious and i i mean like  i was just yeah i was just like insane the   way that i played this i mean maybe i should have  gone rookie seven yeah i should have gone rookie   seven rookie eight maybe and it's it's still fine  not that there isn't not not that it's not like   okay for white but at least it's not like just  great for white whereas what i did in the game   every single move for long is automatic i mean  it's just force and and when he went knight c5   i actually like i completely forgot that he could  just go rook a3 i mean i i just thought i forgot   i thought takes takes i just play e5 and i'm fine  i just completely forgot he could go rook a3 and   after queen takes c5 um like yeah the the rest of  the game is just over and to make matters worse   there's also a 94 knight f5 even if i go like  rook c7 bishop c8 yeah um yeah it was pretty   pretty gross i mean i i think yeah once once this  happened there was just something i could do um   so yeah and second game i mean i don't think  there's even really much to say about the   second game other than the fact that i just kept  trying to play quickly and keep the game alive   um i could have drawn that at multiple points but  again because i've lost the first match even if i   draw that game i'm in a muslin situation the third  game with black and i thought it was better to go   for it with white and just play something random  right uh okay we have we have one more result   uh from the second round which is by the way just  just to be clear you guys i'll i'll hang with you   guys for the rest of the commentary like thank  you so much we didn't know if you wanted to well   we really appreciate your time thank you hikaru  you're gonna you you're gonna stream two after if   we hit a certain donation goal maybe uh or you're  gonna take a break and sleep okay i'll i'll make   i'll i'll i'll be bold if we hit 200  um i'll i'll i'll stream how's that   i think that's perfect we have a new goal 300k for  his car with the stream by the way benny hayes the   guy just donated five subs that's the second time  doing it he won the first giveaway so he won a ps4   nice but by the way i did want to add one other  thing um i noticed a few people actually donated   directly to me those donations i will i'll just  i'll make a donation as well um so there's a   couple of people who who i think accidentally  donated to me instead of donating to the charity   i'll um i i will uh take those donations  and i'll make a donation myself afterwards   thank you so much for that yes we have a maybe  a bit of confusion but now it should be one link   uh if you guys see the link in the chat the  charity comment that's the link you need to click   on and remember there will be more giveaways but  the donations in between the giveaways those are   the ones that go for the final giveaway and that's  five chessboards signed by hikaru hikaru how many   uh how valuable you think is a  chessboard uh with your signature   the moral emotional value of a chessboard signed  by you i don't i don't know actually i'm not sure   um it's uh i mean i i think it's it's significant  you know i think um i think you know it's not   even so much about that i think it's just you know  trying to do something good if people donate money   and they have the opportunity to win win something  to give away i think it's just you know it's more   about it's more about the cause than anything else  so i just i hope people uh enjoy it also i i was   gonna say one other thing i might have to they're  saying that that like i have to play games but i   think it's i i assume i don't but if i do you  guys i mean of course i'll just make a couple   of quick draws and rejoin you guys wait you have  to play i don't think i do but i'm i'm not sure   i don't know what they're saying yes we thought  the system was that once the match is decided   you don't have to play the remaining games but  uh keep us posted on on what they are saying   pretend you fell asleep but spend  time with us it'll be hilarious   yeah they will not notice you are live on air  with 30 000 people watching on your channel solely   yeah yeah you know also you know what i would say  i was thinking about this in general you guys i   know people are saying i should be pretty unhappy  like i'm not happy with the result obviously but   i think when when your opponent just plays  better than you do overall there's really   not not much to be said like i mean when i look  at when i look at the results um i wouldn't say   there was some moment when i missed something  huge and um yeah what they're i guess we're   saying i have to play game three so i guess i'll  just go make a quick draw and join you guys um   join you guys uh in a few minutes if they're  actually saying that but uh will we see a   bonk cloud is the question in the chat i don't  know if the opening will allow it what level   plays with the white pieces oh actually  no wait you have you have the what yeah i mean yeah whatever that's stupid um   you know it it actually it reminds me uh  actually a match i had against levons like   i played lavon in the in this 960 match in  um in i think it was in mines and mines in   germany and i'd won the match and then they  made us play a fourth game it was just like so   so insane um so yeah but but since they're making  it sound like we have to i mean obviously i'll   just make a quick draw and i'll rejoin you guys  uh in you know afterwards but we still have 17   minutes uh would you like to experience  the adrenaline rush of a uh of a giveaway   sure why not yeah okay so the way this works  anna first things first wha uh let's let's remind   everybody what we're going to give away this time  around we're going to give away the rtx 3080 that   is a graphics card i want to buy but i can't so  one of you will have a graphics card that i really   really wish for what is what is our stock doing  by the way uh it's it's flat okay keep going so we   have we have a graphics card to give away together  with the sign board we have a couple of more   boards signed by hikaru he has been signing boards  just for you guys so that is the rtx 3080 our next   prize together with a board signed by hikaru and i  think we have another informative video before the   giveaway starts yes yes we uh we spoke uh we spoke  to kare before every single giveaway uh we want to   draw attention to an important issue uh and uh let  me play this video guys and then just hikara wait   uh wait till it's done and then we'll uh we'll get  hyped and we'll get a giveaway going absolutely famine it means a stream hunger well on that note we have uh we've opened the  giveaway once again i uh i really thank them   for these uh for these clips you know it's a lot  better than us sitting here and just saying hey   donate this actually gives you a lot more uh kind  of like life to the issue uh shows you the people   who are suffering and shows you the people who  you will be helping yeah it's the sad reality   and we just hope that this will be less of an  issue in the future we can make a better future   together with organizations like care so remember  this goes to the communities to the families and   children that need it the most when it comes to  fighting hunger and malnutrition and by supporting   care today you can also win something and that is  an rtx 3080 the graphics card i'm trying to buy   but i cannot so you will win a graphics card don't  have you know what you call it why i cannot have   you bought them all hiccups because something  something keeps going up when it shouldn't be   going up and everybody's using it to mine that's  why oh well in any case though uh apart from those   who don't let me buy it and the reason why they  don't let me buy it we have one for free it's free   if you donate during the period that you see there  the timer the timer is already below eight minutes   that's the time you have left to participate in  the giveaway remember previous donations don't   matter for this giveaway you need to donate within  this time frame so if you want to win an rtx 3080   and the board signed by hikaru you need  to donate within this period donations   below 25 you get one ticket per dollar donations  above 25 dollars you get two tickets per dollar   sorry just very briefly before you do the giveaway  i think dupont blunder just just very briefly in   between i think well he might be a draw but this  was an easy draw now it's not a clear draw so   just wanted to say that i what i wanted to say is  did you ever expect that i mean obviously we all   think very very highly of our communities but  sometimes they go to a level with these sorts   of things that are incredible we've just  raised twelve thousand dollars in a minute   nice very nice wow thank you so much everyone  and remember that it's exclamation mark charity   the right comment and that's the link you need to  click on not exclamation mark giveaway you cannot   enter the giveaway with that comment there's  no such thing you need to click on the link go   to the website and that's where you can enter by  donating or if you want to enter for free there's   a way again through the link but you need to click  on that link the more you donate the more tickets   you get so the more the chances since i've said  that last sentence we have now raised another ten   thousand dollars oh wow wow that's amazing i have  a feeling i'm gonna have to stream unfortunately   unfortunately or fortunately we'll see actually  on uh like what i i mean this is you know it's   it's it's a kind of a difference of um of matches  like last time you had the match versus wesley   this time you had the match first live on like  what are your takeaways from from both um i mean   i would say the first takeaway uh first of all  what is rook h7 doesn't king d6 just draw here or not i'm confused isn't this just an easy draw i don't understand   what should magnus have played instead of her  gate seven was there i mean i thought king b167   and maybe there was some trick i don't know if  it's probably still a draw but i mean this is   just a easy draw easy draw any anyway um yeah so  i guess my takeaways are i mean the match against   wesley i felt that i played pretty well throughout  like i i thought like i mean wesley was a better   player of course in that match as well and he  deserved to win but i thought i played well in   that match this match kind of um it's it it's  weird to say it but i felt like the early start   really i just i mean i mean for lack of a better  word my brain just wasn't working at the start   at the start of these matches um at 6am uh and  i mean it's just i just have to play better if   the events start at 6am just that simple just  that simple there will be plenty of more events   luckily the champions do runs for the whole year  but the giveaway doesn't run for the whole year   guys there's less than five minutes left you need  to enter within the next four and a half minutes   if you want the chance to win an rtx 3080 and the  chessboard signed by hikar remember every donation   if it's below 25 it's one ticket per dollar if  it's above 25 you get two tickets per dollar and   you can also enter if you cannot contribute if you  don't have the means to donate you can still enter   we want everyone to be part of this click on the  link and go to the page where you can enter for   free that's our donation link but also the rest  of the information on how you can enter for free   there's uh so many of you it is unbelievable  i mean ten fifty twenty-five like what's just   just just so many of you donating i was gonna ask  hikar i was gonna ask you this question like we've   all played we've all played in tournaments you've  played in tournaments uh you know just mildly more   important than the ones that you know anna and i  might have participated in you've played all the   like you know these these top guys when you when  you don't have a good day oftentimes you spend   it alone or with your trainer or you know like  two people three people you try to incubate you   know you try to keep yourself from like unwinding  but here you're joining a community of i mean how   many viewers we got right now 35 it's like 40 000  right how different has it been how have you had   to adapt to this change like you have to talk to  people now it's not that you can just sit there   and like how has that been like i mean i think  in in many ways it's much more freeing it's it's   easier kind of just playing have fun um again  i think that's the biggest difference like for   example if i look at this loss today and whether  it was online or over the board whatever whatever   it is um if you go back to before or before the  whole twitch boom took off i'd be in a pretty   terrible frame of mind right now i'd be  i'd be really really unhappy with with um   with what has happened uh but i think in  general when they're more people around you   also you feel the encouragement so even though  this event didn't go the way i wanted it to go   um there's always the next event and and so for  me i think actually if anything it it makes it   easier just relax and just focus on the next  day or the next tournament for that matter   no i just i just wanted to draw that point  because i do remember i mean covering   well there was the tournaments you would  play in and then you would boot up a stream   like in gibraltar was it when you were  neighbors with wesley and that whole thing   but like if you didn't have a good result you're  like you're not gonna stream you're gonna like   chill rest like get like shake it off but here  it's like you always join win or lose we don't   even have to well i mean i i think the thing you  know at the end of the day also is um you know   it's it's i think i think this applies to many  things whether it's chess whether it's poker or   you know whatever game it is if you're playing  at a professional level and i think there's like   you you kind of have to it's very it's very  easy when you win to be very positive to you   know sort of just like be very energetic but  i think you know being able to do that when   you lose is actually a quality that's far more  important um and so for me like even even even   though this didn't go well there are bigger things  there are more important things and knowing that   there's so many fans who do enjoy the stream  who are going through tough times um that i   think is at the end of the day more important  so i do tend to keep that in mind quite a bit   hey carol we're going to be talking to you for  the next segment too but let me just remind the   viewers that the giveaway is almost over this  is your final chance to enter if you want to win   our rtx 3080 and the board signed by hikar this  is the final minute of the giveaway you need to   donate within this time and the time limit the  10 minute time limit we had for this giveaway   yep there's uh my my dashboard timer is  broken once again you guys you guys almost   broke my dashboard twice mine is also  broken this is insane the amount that   has been already raised i can't even see it on  my screen because it's broken on my dashboard   ahead in the match he's gonna be ahead right  he's ahead he won the first game i don't know   if you saw it but it was i think i saw the  end i mean i didn't know what was going on   i mean was queen h8 playable for me yeah it was  the only move and it was it was holding it was   holding it wasn't winning but it was holding it  wasn't winning okay okay yeah so and sorry final   reminder because the the giveaway comment guys  does not work it's the charity comment and you   need to click on the link make sure to donate  within these final seconds there's no such   thing as exclamation mark giveaway you need  to click on the link in the charity comments   30 seconds giveaway is not the command but you  guys uh you guys still want to want to spam it and   uh even on slow mode this is unbelievable we have  189 000 raised 15 seconds by the way this is um   this is this is this is the uh the third giveaway  of the day we've already raised 200 dollars and he   caught us at 200k we'll be streaming so beyond  that uh i'll be streaming i mean maybe i'll be   doing a pog champs reveal maybe oh maybe i don't  know maybe whoa i don't know i don't know um but   yeah we'll see we'll see anna act surprised we  know nothing we we've never heard we don't haven't   heard about faction three we know nothing we know  nothing but uh wow that would be huge thank you   so much to each and every one of you who donated  and the winner is null all three congratulations   on your rtx 3080 and the board signed  by hikaru congrats good job so this uh this means they have won what specifically  anna as we crossed the 190k mark   well they have won the graphics cards i'm trying  to buy and i cannot so i'm already jealous they   have one that graphics card but there will be more  giveaways guys don't feel bad if you have not one   because we still have more giveaways the next  break two we have giveaways and the donations   in between the giveaways that goes to the final  giveaway with the five boards signed by hikaru so   every donation that's 25 or above donated during  the broadcast at any point that will go for the   final giveaway okay so so sorry to cut you guys  off but i think yeah they're saying i have to play   a third game so um so i will be back in like five  minutes or something like that but big big shout   out to everybody thank you so much for the uh over  190 thousand dollars that has been raised so far   um thank you so much to everybody for for  supporting a great cause and i will i'll have   to go because i have to jump in the other zoom  meeting but i'll be back in like five minutes   let's see okay sounds good i don't understand  why they make icaru play the last game i   i'm i'm not gonna i'm not gonna i'm i'm  gonna bite my tongue yeah so the situation for everyone to understand the situation um  every match consists of two days yesterday's   set was won by lavon aronian so today hikaru  had to make a comeback within the four rapid   games that they have he had to score two and  a half points and mathematically it's already   impossible that means that hikaru is unfortunately  eliminated it's 11 aronian who qualifies to   tomorrow's semi-finals but that's the reason  why we don't understand why he has to show up   for a game that doesn't have any significance  anymore the match is decided yeah i don't know   i don't know it doesn't make any sense uh it  literally doesn't make any sense but it's okay but oh well what makes a lot of sense is that  you guys are supporting this cause because care   as we said first responders two global crisis  and also present in a hundred countries to help   fight hunger and malnutrition this is a very  important cause and we hope that in the future it   will not be a cause that we need to be supporting  because it will be an issue that's solved   but for now it is a huge issue in the world and  we are trying to give back and trying to support   those who need it a lot more than us thank you  so much to each and every one of you i know we   cannot read out the full list but so many of you  have come together to donate it's almost uh wait   a second the donation goes going above like 190  000 raised at 200 000 hikaru will be streaming   after his game after this broadcast and i think  we can keep adding to that because he said he may   leak information on park champs three what would  be the figure for that levy what do you think   i don't know i don't know would be the figure  uh i i mean i don't wanna i don't wanna bribe   because you know in case he actually doesn't do it  because they tell him to please not leak anything   uh yeah we will see when he comes back and  and if we can confirm ready i would say this   i'm gonna leave something right now yeah  i'm just kidding i'm not i'm not gonna leak   i'm just gonna say this it is going to be massive  that's all i have to say yeah it's going to be and   you will want to hear this you will want to hear  this the date can be announced so we'll see if he   can announce it today or another day but it will  be a huge announcement yes it will be announced   i definitely uh will probably get in a lot of  trouble so i'm gonna just let hikaru leaky because   he can't get in trouble you know what i mean but i  might get i might get in a little trouble you know   uh but it's yeah it's it it's gonna be big no  obama no we we invited him no we didn't invite   him uh but we you know i think he's a little bit  busy maybe pog champs four what i really love is   the fact that the first one was this big spectacle  the second one was also big but it was it was it   was tough to gauge whether or not the third one  depending on what happened in chess in the world   whether or not it would be big and  now that queen's gambit came along   it's gonna be so it's oh i'm so excited yeah  now this is huge this is huge and then we will   we will know what other goals can we have at  200k remember we are 10k away less than 10k away   from having keycard stream for the rest of the  day after the broadcast then maybe maybe he   could reveal some of the participants names for  proctor's three let's see we will soon have the   confirmation whether it's possible or not because  we we don't want hikaru to get into trouble but if   we can offer that as a donation goal we will  yeah we're just basically uh we're basically   finding out in how much trouble we will get in  you know generally the good rule of thumb is you   know do it and ask forgiveness but in this case  just to make sure everything everything's good   but oh man i'm i'm pumped it's gonna be it's gonna  be a fun time and chess just keeps keeps catching   bigger waves that's what keeps happening um okay  wesley so and mvl have drawn a game in nine moves   oh what all right um wow wesley not going for  the win wesley is saying i'm up two to one   so i don't i'm up one and a half half actually and  and now i'm up two to one so wesley doesn't care   about winning anymore wesley won his game he's  now gonna try to draw with black to force a blitz   playoff with mvl oh that's exciting yeah he's  being very practical at the same time that means   that mvl can go all in in that final game because  if he does end up winning it so the frenchman is   trailing in this match of today he won yesterday  but today wesley has made a comeback but mbl in   the final final game could just go all in because  the result will be the same if he loses or draws   but if he ends up winning then he qualifies  to the semi-finals without any blitz games   and they started like uh on 11 o'clock on the  on the dot these guys so i don't i don't know   here what's going on with with hikaru uh maybe  he's giving them a piece of their mind uh their   his mind uh no i mean i think in this case  you know if you're if you're being forced   to play the third game uh and uh and they're  saying you know we'll kick you out of the tour   or something if you don't again i don't know  if that's what's going on because like what   exactly is stopping him from being like guys  i lost even if i win the next two games i lost   like my result in this game is meaningless  win lose or draw it's not rated   yeah it's not much ctv because carlson's playing  and you feature carlson 95 of the time anyway   so i don't know what you want from me i don't  know i i don't i don't know so i don't know um   yeah the draw line in the night or is actually the  one that they've threatened us with multiple times   with bishop e3 naichi for in this kind of  very age-old repetition in the night or   um so lev isn't even there all right  well there you go lev left lev also left   left left because he was like well i won so i'm  going to go chill with my dog so there you go they   should force it off and now hikaru has to play  blitz against them i mean it's good carl was right   he car who called it like why would lavon aronian  sit there when he has already won the match uh   he he already has won the match and for that  reason there's no need to play the third game   neither of them wanted to play it nor there's a  need right so now now that if they forced ikaro   to go play but left completely didn't show up  does love just get forfeited for the entire   match then because if the match is still  technically live so what now now what now   what now now how will turn have tabled you know  i don't think they will forfeit levon for it   but yes this is this is very strange that they  they tell hikaru to show up they could not get   in touch with his opponent levon is already  perhaps in the park with his dog pawnchick   yeah i hope lavon is like is doing a digital  disconnect right now he's like i won i'm good   you know i'm just gonna go you know hang out  with my dog and um yeah well anyway the game   is on the bottom left if it ever does start  meanwhile we got duboff and we got carlson and   uh duboff and carlson have not just played one  game that is a score that we will update uh rajab   of nepal are playing a game as well oh here comes  hikaru let me turn off and on my camera again   god what a mess okay chess has never had an  online tour and we've never been very good at   we've never been good at organizing any things um anyway stop the count and all that don't stop  the count on the fundraiser though guys no   definitely not i okay there's hikaru  i'm gonna click the admit button and uh i'm gonna move things around here can you  hear me yes yes welcome back are you gonna get   message that you have to go back or something  what is no i i i mean um this is incredible oh what i can't hear him oh you can't hear me oh  i can hear you now yeah what oh okay sorry about   that yeah so i i mean let me uh just say one quick  thing about to be very clear i i think you know um   this whole event this whole sequence of events  is very good but i will say that as far as chefs   24 goes they need to like if they make a  contract and you have rules that things are   going to be done a certain way they should not be  changing things from tournament to tournament um   so in the contract it says we have to play the  games now obviously i think it's completely insane   um to to say that i i think they should have  actually worded the contract differently but   they're if they're gonna make that rule then i  think everybody should have to play the games like   i should just have to play the bond we make our  quick draw we move on versus um versus uh versus   suddenly changing the rules on the fly and i would  say similarly they also change the rules for this   event in that there is now a match between third  place and fourth place in the contract that was   specified there was not going to be a match and  they've decided to change this on the fly also   so i think um it's very important that if they're  gonna if they're gonna make a 37-page contract and   have these rules stipulated you have to follow the  contract and you do not suddenly make changes on   the fly as we're going along um so i do want to  add that to be very clear i'm very curious about   something so is the is the point in the contract  that you have to play at least three games like   you have to decide a mini match and theoretically  since you could make it two to two you have to   keep playing it's not about the overall match like  i think so i think so but anyway i mean i'll take   a look again um to be very clear uh but i just i  think it's it's it's a little bit insane that the   rules seem to be changing um sort of on the fly  during the event after there was this very long   um after this was very long uh sort of contract  that was written up so i would say that um   so so that that's what i would add um in in  general now back back to the games because   that is what we're here to watch uh this is  gonna be very interesting to see what magnus   does because he's in a must-win situ well not  not muslim but his back is against the wall here   um and it's very rare it's very rare that  magnus ends up in a situation like this i   mean the only other time that i can really think  of where he was in sort of a muslin situation   or there was a lot of pressure was at the end  of the candidates tournament the one that he won   back in i believe it's 2014 um where there's a  lot of pressure at the at the end of the game   or at the end of the tournament yeah that  was wild i remember my whole day that day   uh because of just how how intense it all  was it was the final round of the candidates   man sorry i i don't i don't know  if i like what do bob's doing here   i mean i know that it's a move in many of these  catalan positions but in a situation like this   i find it interesting that he's he's taking  big risks with white in game three whereas   if he if he were to say be solid and and try  to make a draw or just you know keep it calm   magnus would have to win in the final game with  white and i find it interesting that dubois is   trying to be very aggressive in this game so it's  going to be interesting to see what happens here   yeah here uh okay magnus just just going for i  feel like do do both infusing some life into into   into like these catalan positions and getting  a lot of like weird attacking plays uh it's   good it's good for an opening like the catalan  i remember you did that you played this early b5   move right yeah i mean i i think the catalan it's  it it can go both ways i think for magnus this is   the dream though he definitely wants to try and  win this game um because he's behind in the in in   the match so it's going to be very interesting  to see how this game progresses here but i i   definitely i think there's i i think i mean i  think it's going to be a decisive game either   dubai is going to win this game and and it's  all over or um or magnus will find a way to win well that's that's the courage prediction and i  think you mo you most likely will be right but i   won't ask the viewers if they could also predict  the result uh what about making a prediction time   whether in the chat or as a poll i think you  guys like to predict too so tell us if you agree   with hikaru this will be a decisive result  and who will win if it's a decisive result   that's the next question to you guys  thank you so much for tuning in over 30   000 of you on hikaru's channel and on the  secondary dance floor that's that's on my   end we also have 3.5 uh thousand of you  watching thank you so much for tuning in   all right levy go for it take it away take it away  me you know what the crowd wants take it away oh   it's your turn levy yeah your speech it's  my speech of course you're always the one   the free stuff levy i uh oh are we doing  another giveaway is that what we're doing or   something like i thought you were gonna remind  the viewers of the free stuff we have that too   we have that uh okay okay carl i didn't know if  you wanted me to address the elephant in the room   sure oh okay should we watch this guy this thing  should we so that's what we're doing right now   uh i would you know i i couldn't tell if we  were going to take the the high road on this one   um i see everybody's trying to clip some some  nonsense out of context chat all right but you   know what you all have you you've won it over  um watch this we will talk about it briefly um fine you win let me just get it  on the screen okay because i don't   sure yeah no rush i it's not my ch you know i i do  this stuff when i'm on my own channel but if we're   on multiple channels then i just want to i just  want to make sure i have i have a proper clearance   okay everyone's been sending us this clip  let's watch it he karnak mura he's been named   a bad loser he is a loser today he is out of the  tournament do you think he's going to do some   smashing and slashing of some stuff david  quite possibly kaia um we know that he's   not actually playing from his normal offices he's  at home this time so i'm hoping he doesn't smash   anything too valuable um he definitely hasn't been  at his best nakamura far from it making those very   odd one-move blunders that we never ever see  from him and aronian meanwhile with the killer   instinct spotting his opportunities every time  all right uh we are waiting in anticipation for   the third game between magnus carlsen and daniel  do but we do know the world champion he needs   he needs at least one win in these two last games  what should we expect from the next one okay that   was i guess a longer version of but i think what  what was said was uh said wow i thought it was   just straight up bait by the chat no that was  uh no that was that wasn't that wasn't very nice   yeah i didn't see this coming i didn't expect  this at all you know this is kind of this kind   of way to say you know what when there there's a  saying um i don't i don't really want to go into   politics here because i think you can definitely  contextualize this within politics as well um but   what i would say is you know there's a saying  that you know when people go low you go high   and you know i think there are many opportunities  where chess 24 they could have said we're magnus   he he made many expressions he of course has been  very angry at various times throughout events and   they certainly have not said such things about  him so i find i find it very disappointing again   it really only reinforced the realities um of of  what i've said in the past about chess 24 and you   know it'd be it really would be nice in a chess  world if people could um could be objective in   general you know for example um there there have  been many times many people have gotten angry over   this or that they've lost games um whether it's  myself whether it's magnus whether it's people   like lavon even even um there have been many many  instances and for chess 24 to sort of single me   out like that and say that you know uh it's it's  disappointing because i think in in the world we   live in today um being objective and being fair is  something that is missing um a lot of the time and   uh that's yeah it's it's disappointing to see that  it really is disappointing um you know i just yeah   it's it's just it's sad to me it's sad it's  just sad nothing else not to mention uh the   fact that we're doing that also you guys look at  me like i'm look at me like i'm so angry like i'm   smashing things i'm breaking things look at me i'm  just i'm so angry like oh my god you're smashing   donation records on this charity stream that's  what you're smashing yeah true true yeah guess   they were right i guess they were right you're  raising two hundred thousand dollars for charity   and this it keeps going it keeps going i know yeah  at the same time it's uh it i i don't know where   that came from uh because at the end of the day  we do have to also just like if if we break down   the whole clip you know i don't think ivanka said  anything i mean it was it was no that wasn't that   wasn't yvonne because i know that's what i'm  saying it was it wasn't that's what i'm saying   so like ivanka's like not involved in this at all  and david was sort of fed the question and kind of   tried to deflect it i mean i i mean what i would  say is i have no issue with what david said um   murphy ivanka said something they were not asked  the question i mean they were not the ones who   presented it in that manner so i have no issue  with either of them even what david said i mean   yeah i could be mildly annoyed he said that but he  he also didn't say it in any kind of mean-spirited   way so um yeah i i mean i've i have nothing  but respect for david i mean he's he's doing   a great job commentating um he's obviously a very  strong chess player as well so yeah i've no issue   with either them but as far as like the announcer  saying that i mean i i think um regardless of the   fact that her first language is nor norwegian um  and not english i still think it's very clear what   the sentiment that's expressed there is and um if  you want to sensationalize things i think there's   a way to do it without trying to be really rude  um towards the participants is what i would say   i feel like that's uh that's pretty  fair i feel like we can uh we can   continue to focus on on the games that was  uh that was good fair point all right uh and this is what i would say also like this is  you know i don't i don't want to keep hashing   it out but just say you know non-stop for for  the better part of like six months chess 24   non-stop they were attacking me for very  minor things first that first it was the word   or not wardrobe sorry first it was  magnus made this tweet that like we can't   do commentary on on my channel that was the first  thing then there were issues about the wardrobe   they were like pretty much non-stop petty attacks  from chess24 and everyone's like oh you know it's   probably not as serious and i've i've very rarely  said anything super negative about chestnut before   i think the fact that they're running this tour  they're trying to promote chess online is great   and so for chess 24 to continue to do this um  it's really just i mean it's it's disappointing   it's very disappointing i mean and um yeah and  especially when you see to give one example i'm   not i'm not trying to rant too much but to give  you one example you know with the broadcasting   chess 24 they basically were all angry at me  for doing it and then they took chess 24's   about the speed chess championship which was  held on chess.com of course and they did their   own broad rebroadcast of that event so to me i  i think it's you know it's it's disappointing   but as i've said before at some point you  have to take the high road and and so um you   know i believe that what we're doing here what  we're the money we're raising today for charity   um just the general positive outlook we have and  bringing chess to the fans in a way that is not   negative um you know even even even when you know  sometimes sometimes we get a little carried with   magnus you know it's never something where it's  like oh magnus like what a terrible loser like   you know we're not like trying to dance on his  grave or anything and so to me for chess 24 to   do that it's just uh yeah it's it's it's uh i mean  frankly unacceptable but just very disappointing   we totally understand you hikaru and this this was  very unfair to the way uh they phrased uh and and   put that question i think uh for all that you have  done especially when it comes to promoting chess   making the game grow all that you do all that you  deserve is is credit and a lot of respect you are   the number one chess streamer and you have proven  every single time that that chess is the game that   can be enjoyed by anyone you have brought so  many new people into the chess community when   it comes to the viewers as well as streamers  and other content creators speaking of them i   i hope that there will be some information  on pogchamps 3 i think we are waiting on   on confirmation whether you can leak any  information later for a donation i'm not going i'm   not going to leak any specific info but i'll say  that when you see certain big streamers playing   chess on stream there's probably a good reason for  that that's all that i'm gonna say um all right   okay um i love him i didn't i'm gonna  act surprised too big but so like wow then now everyone's going back to divorce so who  was playing chess lately on twitch or youtube or   elsewhere yeah it's gonna be awesome it's gonna  be a lot of fun it's gonna be a lot of fun uh   exactly uh magnus has uh well dubois just played  a move that keeps keeps very much attention here   if magnus loses this game he's out yeah do  bob's going for the kill i really the position   i it was very double-edged but the as the game  progresses i've said this before and i'll say   it again i think i wait can i take on b5 and go  r take on b4 and go rook a7 or take on b4 first   it looks like there's got to be some tactic  here yeah at the end there's knight knight d5   i mean it's like to to do the gary caspar  there's the gary kasparov thing where he goes   he starts sniffing at the air and um i very  much feel like this position where you don't   quite know what it is but you can feel  like there's something good for white here so uh wait what if it's just b3 yeah b3 also  looks good too but b3 you have to calculate pawn   to c5 you're opening up the whole center of the  board yeah well it's a lot easier to move dubois   pieces than to just actually do the calculating  myself i was gonna i was gonna ask that game   that he won he was he was doing very well he was  crushing from the opening but then again he got   into time trouble this is like the fifth time  against magnus is it a nerves thing or is this   just is is that just dubois or is it i mean i i  think i mean against magnus i feel like in general   people do strange things against them they never  do against anybody else um so you could say it's   nerves whatever it is but it's like it's not by  accident that people seem to do things against   magnets so they don't do against everybody else  that's that's what i would say because it looked   like dubois like went into the the pit to win that  game like he he at the end like shook himself out   of it he was like whoa i gotta wake up and then he  just he he did it he like he shook the nerves off   um well i mean i you mean after he lost the  game no no well no after he lost advantage he   was winning that game oh okay okay so no no i  thought you were referring to the magnet slip   where he started shaking his head oh no no no  i meant dupont was winning then he was like   worse for a move and then he won like right  so that's right that's what i meant yeah um   yeah yeah no i mean i i think um i think i  mean do buffs i mean it's nerves or whatever   you want to call it i think it's just a  general magnus effect more than anything   um but this you know he's got he's got the game  he wants here like magnus has gone into something   that's very sharp very aggressive because of the  situation and this is exactly what daniel um i   mean he excels in these sorts of positions he's  very unusual very very uh very sort of complicated   positions this is what he wants and this certainly  is not magnus's strength so it's going to be   interesting to see what happens here but i think  um i i took on b5 okay i mean it's still i still   feel like there's something is it bishop b4 bishop  b7 i mean i still feel like there's something you you know what's interesting to note though  this was a slow classical game i guarantee you   danielle would have thought for like 20  minutes and probably played b3 which was   i think the best move right yeah yeah yeah  i yeah yeah but when you're playing when   you're playing blitz and rapidly you  don't have forever to think you can   only think for like one to two minutes  because if you think for 10 minutes   um and you don't find like the crushing win or  you don't find the line that's really good for   you then suddenly you've lost all your time  and you you're gonna suffer later in the game well here how what is the rapid thought process  like in that position where there's you know like   obviously i don't want to back up backtrack too  much but in that position after rook d8 like   what is your thought process is it my idea my idea  my idea let's go or is it like let me calculate   this first now let me keep thinking and then come  up with a second idea usually for me yeah i try to   figure out what the candidate moves are meaning  how many moves makes sense um that's the first   thing that i would say as as far as the second  thing once you do that then i take it line by line   so it's like you know i probably look at like ab5  and bishop b4 rook a7 first and if i think it's   good um but it's not conclusive then maybe i'll  take another minute and look at another variation   for example but i think b3 here is very very hard  to play when you don't have i mean if you if you   can think for 10 minutes here or even 20 minutes  and just think on d3 it's a very easy move to play   when you have to think for like one to  two minutes i think it's very very hard yeah so he does he does actually go for that  first idea like the idea you thought about   two seconds and then you were like okay rook a7  uh i'm assuming the only move here for magnus   is to play knight d5 very very common actually  also in the catalan to block the bishop yeah uh   ikaro where does duboff come up with this stuff  h5 rook h4 like i i've looked at h4 not in this   specific line but in similar catalan lines where  you gambit upon so it's not unknown it might not   be known in this position but it's not it's  it's a known theme or a known idea i think   i mean i don't know who exactly it works with but  i know in the past i think he's worked with moro   who was also very morozovic i mean alexander which  was a very creative russian player as well so   um i think you know i think it's just being  around some of those uh some of those russian   those those like very creative russian  players um also i i just want to just touch on   this point as a as as a as something parting  when we when we talk about these issues   yeah we don't need foot soldiers we don't  need people to to go and swarm and brigade   like we want to try to stay away from that kind  of stuff and it's difficult because people want   to you know people are frustrated they get mad  they and they're you know they're ten characters   of a username potentially and and they don't have  any repercussion but the thing is if a community   goes somewhere and then does something it doesn't  look good here too so if we want to take the high   road take the high road with us you know don't go  out here doing that stuff um yeah great i'm great   anyway um yeah so anyway rook g4 looks  like a good move i mean i i think you   know i think there's a common theme when you're  playing rapid and blitz what's really important   um is the initiative or the attack and in this  situation when you're on the offensive and you're   attacking the moves and the ideas are much easier  to see like for janelli sees like g7 is weak you   have the knight on e5 so maybe e4 rook at four  queen of four some idea or something on diagonal   but it's very limited ideas whereas for black the  moves are not obvious so you're gonna have to burn   a lot of time trying to find the right setup here  and that's why especially in rapid and blitz um   if you get the attack even if maybe objectively  you're not winning but you're on on the attack   it's much harder for your opponent to defend  than it is for you to play these attacking ideas   hey after king f8 which looks it's it's a i mean  it doesn't look it's terrible fast move i assume   oh wait no but then you can take on d5 and  go rook off before i i even thought rook f4   immediately and then queen f4 with knight g6 so i'm going to make a bold prediction i'm  going to make a prediction magnus wins   no i think magnus is going to lose this game he's  going to be eliminated from the event wow i don't   i don't i don't like the texture i mean okay  sorry i say texture that doesn't mean anything   but i don't i don't really like the i don't like  the sort of the way the position is like it's a   very tough position to play for black and i don't  think magnus is going to be able to defend this   i mean without using a lot of time then i  think there's going to be a blunder somewhere   later towards the end um if he ends up losing it  hikaru will he be called a loser i mean a good one   a good one yeah good one good one rook to g8  that does protect the g7 pawn but it looks so   unpleasant it means that magnus will not  be able to castle ever yeah rookie 8 is   an ugly necessity oh my god that is  a terrible move to have to play but   can can white play has something very sneaky  like queen b1 or queen c2 with queen h7   yeah i'm trying to the thing is at the end  of the day black can play c3 there's a moment   black will play c3 right that's true that's  true yeah yeah that's his counter play the c   pass pawn so so let's run let's see so if you go  queen b1 here if pawn to c3 you can just take so   pawn takes pawn there's queen b5 check and rook b7  right so if you can't go c3 right away then what   is your move exactly like this this is the thing  like there's so many ideas for white here but for   five very hard f5 yeah and then your  knight is planted on the outpost on e5 the threat of queen h7 there's king f8 there   so we need something else right like you're  gonna play e4 and then well then knight f6   well what i think is if you can get the queen  to h7 then you can take on d5 and go rook f4   oh so the threat the threat is to maybe take on d5  first and then go queen h7 and then there's also   yeah it feels like it feels like there's something  here it really does feel like there's something but but we'll see we'll see rajab and nepo just very briefly okay that's just  a draw so raja roger bob's up right uh yes right   yes he won yes yes you know it's interesting like  i sort of i've had this renaissance in this age   this age of online tournaments i was thinking like  teamwork he was very unlucky against wesley he   very easily could have won that  match um and he didn't end up winning   uh queen c2 is wrong because of b3 isn't  it because now queenie shoveler's knight f6   you gave him this extra pawn push the pawns  one square closer to the end of the board   um but but but but what i was gonna say is um  what i was going to say is that it feels like he   was someone who got very good at a very young age  um like he beat gary kasparov and uh kasparov to   use his phrase sparrow was a very bad loser when  he lost to tamora in this linares turn timor 15   years old and when gary lost the game the closing  ceremony they they award the best game prize   to taymor for that victory over gary and gary  basically took the stage and um he went already   like this was terrible game he got lucky i never  should have lost the game um so just to give you   guys a little bit of lore um there you guys go so  yeah he did like the og kanye yeah i mean i think   he got upset something that he left also he was  he he got up too i didn't know about this story   really no yeah yeah this is a well-known story  very very well known um and of course i mean they   were going to give it to the best game to tell  anymore because i mean he was like i think 15 or   16 years old he had just beaten gary kasparov  it was one of like the only loss that i think   gary had with white um during his career during  from when he became world champion one of the   very few lost with the white pieces um that he had  so so yeah of course of course uh of course gary   was gonna get the um get angry about about that  game but yeah so as i was thinking about teamwork   he got very good very young um but it felt like  kind of in the last couple of years he sort of   started relaxing enjoying life more and he wasn't  he wasn't as serious about chess and it feels like   he got a little bit unlucky against wesley but  he's playing very well against john today so i   feel like he's been having a bit of a renaissance  and he's started playing great chess again which   is amazing to see he's someone that i've known  for a long time i mean i i feel like i knew of   him from the time we were kids like 10 11 years  old he even played my brother and won the world   youth chess championships in 96 so uh just someone  where it's it's really great to see him doing well   i remember this youth champion she's like it's  a hikaru and i are from from the same generation   levy uh pretends he belongs to our generation but  that's just the facial hair he's a lot younger   but rajab is also born in 1987 oh just it's  okay that way you look like 40. anyway so that's not a car yeah i was just thinking that there are java  is the exact same generation as hikaru   and i from he was born in the same year and i  remember him at the under 10 under 12 categories   that he was always like one of the favorites for  the world use championships he was the feared   opponent of everyone right right yeah there were  i mean him and also the other uh unfortunately he   passed away but i think tamora and also vugar  gash mobs both of them were very strong as   junior players very true yes basically the top  top two juniors in the world at various points okay i'm just getting word of  when we will do the next giveaway   uh the original giveaway time soon yes can i  tell the viewers what is at stake this time   okay before we actually head over to the  giveaway because this guys if you thought   you're unlucky because you haven't won the  previous graphics card well we have another one   we have another one and this time it's d 30 90 yes  the rtx 3090 and another board signed by hikaru   the stakes are just getting higher and higher  why can i not have the graphics card guys could   we just like make an alt account for me and i win  we can i i think if you i think if you ask nicely no but never yours deserve it the viewers deserve  it so the same plan as always my friends uh i will   pull up uh another clip uh that was sent to us by  care and then we will open up the giveaway either   in the middle of the clip or uh or or right after  it uh we do we do want to fit in at least two more   giveaways we plan for there to be uh five of  them and this is gonna be the fourth one and   we might not have tie breaks today in any of  these matchups so we just want to make sure   that we get everything all right videos coming up  and then we will begin the video uh the giveaway foreign foreign bye i really love these clips and d car was  gone what oh wait we lost i'm back i'm back   my goodness it was it was a feels good clip and it  was a magic trick you got a car disappeared oh my   goodness oh yeah come back oh you scared us for  a second you scared us for a second because this   was all so wholesome the dreams of each and every  little girl and young women that are also being   supported by care because it's also of course  about equality about gender rights about making   sure that these young girls and women have the  same opportunities and i think our giveaway has   started though levy that means that from now on  this time the next 10 minutes is when you should   participate yep so look at the timer that's all  the time you have left if you want to win our rtx   30 90 this time the 3090 and the board signed by  ricardo you need to donate within this time period   of 10 minutes that's what counts for this giveaway  remember if you donate below 25 that gives you one   ticket per dollar if it's above 25 dollars it's  two tickets per dollar make sure to donate within   the next nine minutes yup yup yup yup yup hikaru  had said that at the 200k mark he would be uh   he would be streaming and i mean unofficially we  hit it officially we have to hit it in in about oh   we are going to hit it in like 10 seconds   by the way the game is getting stranger and  strange right yeah uh somehow black has two past   pawns and i mean i think i think white's okay here  but i feel like it feels like the dubov has gone   wrong because even though he's doing fine there  isn't the same attack or initiative the ideas   are not as clear anymore magnus now is the one  with a very clear idea of trying to push a pawn   to c1 or b1 here this is uh this is amazing we  just crossed officially the 200 000 mark it's   not popping up on the big screen but i see  it in the dashboard we are now at 200 and oh   my god we're at 203 000 what thank you so much  everyone for contributing this is insane hikaru   will be streaming hikaru will be streaming  it's official you guys made it happen yeah   i did not i did not expect us to raise 200 000  even when i saw 100k i was like okay you know we   could we could see what we can do wow that's  i mean it's just amazing to see the support   um i mean i've seen many many many different  streamers do do charity uh charity streams and   just to see the support from the twitch community  as a whole has been been incredible um and it's   all for a good cause it's fantastic so big shout  out to you guys to chat you guys are amazing   this community is absolutely mind-blowing there's  still seven and a half minutes left guys that's   the time you have left in order to win the  graphics card and the board signed by hikaru   already crossed 210 000 amazing that's crazy  absolutely crazy by the way i think many of   you have been asking about the format of  the event because we of course are here   to cover the champions tour and this event  and as for hikaru yes unfortunately today   we're gonna tell you about the is knight  c5 does rook takes c5 what oh yeah oh no   he wants to go for c6 he wants to get really  sneaky but i think black's king is safe here   he wants to go rook c5 dc5 knight g4 c6 but you  just take and then after c3 queen b6 and you win   oh because of f2 ah oh he missed that i  think he must have just missed queen b6 oh wow wow that is yeah that  isn't that is that is wild   uh that's unbelievable i can't believe he did that nerves or just miscalculations i mean i just  yeah i just don't know how you play that   at the end of it there's queen b6 and then i  just on g4 but that's an instructive moment   for the for for the chat uh visualizing this it's  not easy seeing how it all changes and then f2 is   going to be weak see your brain immediately  was like b6 because knight on g4 f2 is weak   like right and uh it looks good it looks c6  looks good but well magnus has to find it   but with three i mean he's gonna find it with  three minutes and the problem is it's so obvious   there's no other moves here that's the thing like  you can't really move the queen here you have to   take the knight there's literally no other move  um so yeah it's kind of shocking just want to say   uh we are nearing 230 000. wow that's absolutely  crazy and you guys still have time look there's   still time left to donate five and a half minutes  left if you want a chance to win a graphics card   and the board signed by hikaru those of you who  have one already by the way you will be contacted   by email you don't need to do anything just wait  for your email in the upcoming days yeah whatever   you donated with uh the the system has selected  you you submitted all your information hopefully   you submitted the right information because that  is how you would get drawn five minutes to go   enter the giveaway 3090 graphics card and assign  board i've been looking at the word signed all day   and now now it starts looking incorrect there's a  term for that when you look at a word too much and   it starts looking wrong true yeah it's happening  to me too because i've been staring at that as   well but i'm also staring at the part where it  says that you can enter for free as well so those   of you who cannot afford to donate make sure  that you also click on the link because there's   a way to enter for free we want everyone to be  part of this the higher the donation the more   tickets you get but you can also enter for free  and you may get lucky and get the graphics card   somebody wants hikaru to sign the graphics  card too oh interesting it's gonna   it's gonna go uh it's gonna go up  uh for for auction yeah it a duboff   i just i'm shocked that he did i don't know  what he saw because the problem is black can   do it two ways after c6 you can take and go  queen b6 or just queen b6 right away like   i just i don't know how you play that maybe just  forgot rook c5 was a move would that be possible   that it was a momentary blind spot knight c5 and  he didn't see the capture which is very strange i   mean it's it's possible but it's i mean your rook  is hanging like the first thing you see is your   rook is under attack so it's very hard to believe  that i mean i think he thought he could just go c6   and rook c3 i think he just saw c6 queen six rook  c3 but even after queen c6 they're still queen b6   maybe i mean maybe you just missed that the queen  can go to the b6 square that's a fair point right   right but still i mean still it's so shaky  to play that move like it's just so shaky   because if you're right you're you're winning but  if you're wrong you're just dead lost and he is   just wrong so he just loses now yeah that's crazy  it's shocking just when we thought that duboff   has the upper hand and he did have the  upper hand knights if i was a a huge blunder this is uh shocking i'm a little bit disappointed  because now now it comes down to the fourth rapid   game and magnus has white of course right exactly  yeah do do well he hasn't won yet but also dubois   with black can now is bru is is duboff prone to  to a tilt because i don't know i i can't tell him   i would say i would say yes he is definitely  prone to tilting i i mean i can say that just from   my matches against him i think he definitely is  prone to tilting okay uh you can play e3 guys   but the point is that black is safe like like at  night i don't know why magnus did this i thought   queen b6 right away was a little bit safer to  guarantee the win um this is still winning but   i think you have to find kingy seven and king f6  i think but it's still it's still a little bit   a little bit iffy here i mean he has to find  it since the only move obviously um although   maybe you can go knight f6 too not sure um so  there are still a few tricks in the position   but overall this was a huge blunder by dubois and  magnus carson with the piece up it's looking like   magnus will win the game and bounce back you guys  still have two minutes though only two minutes to   participate in the giveaway so that's our final  warning that time is ticking two minutes left   if you want to win our rtx 1390 and the signboard  sign boy not bored bye i hope you don't sign boys men and women please don't sign them although i  i've seen concerts i've seen congress well yeah   you want you want to sign them to uh to a deal  with the esports organization yeah that signing   is fine i was thinking about the perma marker on  some foreheads and arms and such yeah when hikaro   arrives at airports now he has to give away uh 10  minutes to you know just signing you know things   that he and and then he strolls through but he  gets to keep the pen it's always a fancy pen   uh that's how you know you've you've uh you've  made it i i was told that the the analogy that   we can make to how much you guys are donating and  freezing the website is something equivalent to a   one direction concert is one direction music as a  group or no i think now i think it's harry styles   mainly with his solo career and i don't know what  happened to the rest of the crew i only i only   have following harry styles for obvious reasons  is there a trick here maybe with some like rook   d6 and queen d4 i'm trying to find some i mean i  guess the king just goes to g5 and it's safe but   i still feel like there is potential for a  blunder here actually the more i look at this   like maybe you go queen eight i mean it's it's  very it should be winning probably queen a8 is   best here but i think it's still you have  to be a little bit careful here with black   yeah you'd love to teleport to f3 it just  takes too long uh queen d4 king e7 king e8   is what you want to just hide the king oh really  because oh yeah because king g fighter's queen   f4 and then queen takes off seven yeah  i mean this is this is losing but it's   it's it's not it's not clean it's this is not  clean at all for um for magnus right because   he has the height is king like this is winning  because he has to get hide his king right exactly   and then and then he wins but yeah while we  when we keep analyzing let me just announce   the winner of our graphic squad the graphics  card and the sign board that goes to twitch   bane thank you so much for participating everyone  the winner for this giveaway is twitch spain   wow we we've officially served a good one  we've uh we've passed our original goal   by 2.5 x so original goal of a hundred thousand  we have now surpassed 250 thousand dollars raised   for charity can we make it to 300k can we do  that this community is capable of everything oh we definitely we definitely  can i'm pretty confident   um you know the cool thing is i recognize  some of the people that won the raffle oh   magnus blundered he's losing again is he stepping  into mate again like he did the previous game   wait wait a second wait a second let's let's try  to reason this out like humans why is this losing apparently f3 again the f4 in the previous game too that won the same pawn  let's say that they're gonna see it oh my god   this is it oh we are gonna get a reaction now all  right ladies and gentlemen get your scissors out   we are going clipping yes we are yes oh reven  well hold on hold on the game's not over but uh   no i mean but the problem is i mean but the  problem is what does magnus even players   because king is getting mated like you don't  even have moves like you can't move the knight   you can only play f5 it's the only move and  then after fg4 you're still getting checkmated   no this is unbelievable this is crazy i  actually i said it's it's crazy when i   say this because you've the you know you guys  are the ones that that play magnus i feel like   and and you have you have said this  as well over the past like few months   it seems when you just go attacking no  respect just mix it up that's the best   chance to beat him and yes i tend to agree but  i would say the thing with madness is weird   is he by the way queen of four queen takes off  five is checkmate too which is why oh my god queen checkmate oh my what just happened  what just happened that's mate   that is mate yep game over game over and match  over the world champion is being eliminated by   russian grand master daniel dubov duboff had  the upper hand then he blundered and the magnus   blundered back a very similar pattern that what he  plundered in the first game that his king got into   trouble and again this f-bond what a hero what  a hero of the story they have pawn yeah we we do   have a scoreboard that i that i have now updated  uh duboff has won he has one and maybe we can that that is that is not what i expected  to happen when i sat down today um i mean i   think there was always potential for that but  i think this is one thing that that is weird   um in regards to magnus it feels like  instead of playing his traditional   like game it feels like more and more he's  trying to experiment it feels like whether   it's against like the neil whether it's against  wesley and he's going further and further outside   of his um his comfort zone and and i think  it kind of shows in in the results as well so   it's a little bit perplexing to me because it  feels like in a way he's um he's taking a lot   of risks that he normally i don't think would  but we're probably going to see a clip i think   it's probably a clip right yeah we can  we we we can watch give me give me a sec   i've got a lot of things open today all right  let's let's let's let's let's get a clip here   uh we have um no other games and the next  games will begin between wesley and rajab of   well between wesley and mvl and  rojava and nepo in a moment but   of course we have to now we will pull this up  and we will watch a clip together as a community   that's just the the last thing that i had  loaded was a clip named hikaru is a loser   that's uh that's a bait clip but it it turned  out not to be such such bait i mean my goodness   now magnus has advanced the  pawn but i think it's all over   yeah and actually we had this scenario yesterday  with magnus his king being attacked by a queen   and a rook the black king is not safe  magnus castle also only with 20 seconds   and that's it he's oh look at daniel dubo his  hands in the air he has beaten the world champion   after three games in the second quarter wow wow  wow wow definitely unexpected yeah yep yep yeah   so i mean there's so much i could say he got your  thoughts well i mean what to say like uh yeah   we'll see what chess 24 has to say about how to  say about magnets um yeah yeah it's crazy maybe he   has to play a fourth game just out of well no no  i i know i know but of course no no i know i know   that would be a huge punishment um but yeah  we shall see what happens with those details   of the contract as you pointed out hikaru does  why are they changing i think i think they have   to decide like either you play or it's it's just  or it's just just over i think they just have to   decide but i mean i think on the fly there should  not be these changes is what i would say yeah um   but yeah no it's a crazy day i mean uh i i'm not  i wouldn't i wouldn't say that it's like a total   surprise to me that magnus lost this because like  i i feel like he's he did this against wesley too   where i think when they played in the final he  had the lead on the first date right and then   he had he walked in this checkmate in five right  yeah and and then the match was a tie and then   they played the second day and i feel like against  the note was the same thing he was ahead by um he   didn't he win like the second game he won one of  the games yesterday with black against nil then   he lost with white and then the match was drawn  um and and like that's that's kind of the kind   of thing i feel like when he's gotten the lead  somehow they've inevitably slipped away so i'm   not super shocked that magnus lost the way that  he lost this match however i'm very surprised by   because he was completely winning this game um so  it's very uh very surprising but you know i think   it shows that there is a lot of parity in chess  and that's that's kind of why you know when people   make the the typical joke about how there hasn't  been a patch in like 1500 years the reason for   that is because when you see players play against  each other it's still very balanced and very equal   guys i uh i can i leave you for a few minutes just  to use the restroom uh we're gonna take a break   sure i don't you guys want to hang out and talk or  should you guys all want to go for a short break   i'm gonna go for a short break and make some  caffeine if we have time for a break uh i think   we do that would be great i think we all need a  bathroom break okay all right let's uh let's take   a quick break i'll put on some music and i'll  see you and we will see you guys in a second it's going to be exciting obviously in  terms of what happens i think for dubai   he's looking really really good um because  he's probably the winner of nepo and roger   bob and actually nepo's in trouble right  is he in a must win in this last game   nepo has to win to to save it and force a blitz  playoff yes right so i mean it's going to be very   very difficult um for yawn and he has white or  black sorry i i don't know i don't know the setup   exactly i actually also don't know uh he has um  nipples white in the final round okay so so he's   white a must-win game going to be very exciting  uh we have um we have maxime who is behind right   today is behind today yes yeah so he's behind  but i i actually know i think maxine is still   the favorite i was thinking about this yesterday  the reason that it was so huge that he won   is because i think in blitz he is the favorite  against wesley based on his performances against   magnus and against and against me so i  think that um that that it's gonna be   very interesting to see the type i mean i assume  there's gonna be a tiebreaker there but i will   say at any rate though i do want to give a big  shout again to everybody azonia we've raised   i'm looking at the stream as well so maybe  the numbers change but 251 thousand dollars   for charities so it's been been amazing you guys  thank you so much um for supporting a great cause yeah this is amazing uh we um   we also should announce that we're not going to  do it now but we will have another giveaway so   stay tuned for that uh absolutely and the  reminder that the the donations in between   giveaways matter two for the final final  giveaway the five boards signed by hikaru so   if you donate 25 or more in between giveaways or  jury at any point of the broadcast basically then   you will be eligible for the final giveaway  for the chessboards with hikaru's signature   as we know priceless the value that's absolutely  priceless actually that's not not completely true   like like many things unfortunately it only  becomes priceless once i once i don't exist   oh no i i didn't mean that i meant i meant it's  so valuable that i put a number on it sorry i   didn't mean to make it sound like that that was  bad that was bad i didn't i didn't mean that i   i meant it's it's very significant the  value of it we cannot express it in numbers   nah no i you know the reason i bring that up is  because uh many years ago my stepfather knew knew   a lady who worked for the new york rangers  organization and um she was actually able to   get this assigned wayne gretzky jersey for for  my brother and i and um and so wayne gretzky of   course me i assume you know who he is anna but he  was like the greatest hockey player of all time   and um and i think i looked like maybe a couple  years back to see what the jersey was worth and   it was like 200 it's like worth nothing even  though he's the greatest player of all time   it's like well there's aren't there a lot of  artists that their their paintings were like eh   and then if if it's like 200 years later  all of a sudden everybody wants it and   yeah oh by the way is there an echo on my  microphone no um i don't think so i'll be right back what have i missed until i was gone i i i  must admit i i've had um a cereal bar because   i was too hungry you admitting to eating yes  because it's all about that's disgusting anna   why would you ever i know because we said we're  going to bathroom break but then i was like   i'm also very hungry but because i had dental  issues i need to brush my teeth and then apply   lipstick so it takes me forever to make it back  i apologize but i'm here is this a foot reveal oh my gosh oh this is we hit the jackpot  we got we got we gotta wait i didn't see   i i i missed that moment now i'm now i see  what's happening this beautiful stuff um   yeah looks like uh hey this week we got  magnus on the beach showing his feet   yep have i missed something is there another  donation goal that i didn't know of exactly   you cannot hear us i can't hear you one second oh i'm wearing socks just in case anyone was  curious i'm in socks and slippers me too   slippery again here it's too cold in my how is he gonna walk  around barefoot what the hell is that even   what it's called oh we're back oh we're back  okay sorry we're back sorry i was just curious let me go ahead let me go ahead oh we uh chad  is very excited they saw your feet oh okay   i was just curious if i missed the  new donation goal and that will be   a hikaru yoga stream is that what's happening  uh no no i mean i think the thing is because i   have like wooden floors in here if i don't have  like enough furniture i don't have enough stuff   basically there's an echo on my microphone and  i realize even if it's not really perceptible   to most people right now when i do stream it  will become perceptible so that's why i put   put this down yeah big empty room with uh with  high ceilings is a nightmare um i've had to pad   my walls it's actually it hurt my ears here for  a while like like even talking i'm loud so yeah   yeah so so okay so uh tamura is playing the king's  indian i i he's he's doing the denil approach   where he's not being he's not sitting back and  being passive he's going after yon in in a game   where he doesn't actually need to win he only  needs to draw so it's going to be uh it's going   to be interesting to see how this game progresses  because jan is not a traditional d4 player either   um so this is going to be exciting and  this actually you know what you guys   uh timor when he covered my game one of  my tiebreaker games against magnus um   uh uh he he was watching on his youtube stream  with anish and a few other people and he said he   he flipped the board because he's such a king's  indian fan so i'm gonna say we do the same thing   as someone who's a big lover the king's indian  light teamwork please flip the board love it   we gotta look at it from the black perspective  okay let's do it let's do it i say requesting you   guys all should do the same if you open the board  separately flip the board so what uh what are we   what are we looking at here uh so i mean i think  the first thing is the knight on e6 is a little   bit out of play potentially if white can get a3 b4  c5 um the knight looks really bad on on the edge   um knight f6 is a move bring the knight back now  uh the surprising thing that many people might   not realize about the king's indian is the most  important piece is the bishop on c8 right because   without it oftentimes which is not so clear  because in many positions it doesn't move you   just keep it there yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah no  but by the way you guys i do still play the kings   indian sometimes as well but i think you know in  this modern age of preparation there's so many   variations where it goes like move 30 or move 35  that it becomes really difficult to um to play it   consistently you just have to pick here and there  and play uh play it you know when when you want to   here comes g5 but uh rajabov doesn't have  to win this game he just has to not lose it   no but i i like the style though because  yon's not a traditional d4 player so i   really like the idea of going after him here  i'm i really do like this i think it's great   so what now from nepo is he going to take on g4  i'm oh no no no no no no um if you take then takes   bishop g3 h5 looks really bad i think you have to  go bishop g3 or e takes f5 but i don't know the   difference in the order because if you take on f5  first i go knight f6 bishop g3 bishop takes out 5.   um if you go bishop g3 i assume timor still goes  knight f6 and if white takes on f5 it's the same   thing but white can maybe play f3 there and then  f4 bishop f2 h5 and the pawn avalanche but i don't   really know what's going on i was going to say  you could uh in many positions white does take   on f5 and puts something on e4 isn't that also  like another way to do this yes exactly yeah there's a there's a there's a  few here so he does go bishop g3   so i assume you play knight f6 or  h5 but h5 looks a little bit too   it feel it doesn't feel right to me i i mean  knight f6 seems like the move but the pr but what   i'm not sure of is if white goes f3 what's going  on here because f3 f4 bishop f2 you go like queen   g6 and g4 the pawn avalanche but your knight is  on the wrong side normally the knights on e7 not   a6 so it looks i'm not sure it looks a little bit  weird oh that's really interesting so you would uh   you would have difficulty pushing  just where your knight is actually the   what is you don't have difficulty push pushing but  you don't but the thing is when you go f so like   levy can you play after on the board yeah it's  played okay so the thing is after f4 bishop f2   let's just say you go queen g6 um and something  like this or h just h5 for example the problem   is after you go g4 there's a bishop h4 move i  think and your knight is on the your knights on   the wrong side of the board normally your knight  would be on g6 to stop this so then can you add   layers like h4 knight h5 knight g3 i don't know  i'm just looking at some crazy stuff no if you go   h4 then white plays h3 bishop rookie one bishop  f1 and i just i have this very comfy nostril okay well he's doing it he's playing queen  g6 so he's doing he's he's delaying i i think   these positions are just impossible  to play with white if you're uh not   this level i mean i kind of agree yeah because  you're just gonna get stormed the there's just   you know the the standard roll up on the king  side blacks and you get to connect five pawn or   g3 and win the game it's it's really rare though  that um that you get a position like this if you   actually try to play king's indian at like the  1500 level for example because no one plays into   this they play all sorts of random stuff and  this almost never happens so right agreed yeah   how do you see this opening choice hikaru for the  match situation the promising muslim situation   who do you think is happier here i mean i think  a lot depends on what the position that occurs   i mean i'm kind of surprised that yon played  d4 to me that seems surprising against taymor   uh because john is more of a traditional e4 player  he plays c4 on the first move and d4 i think   is a little bit drier but i i also will say  i kind of love teamwork i haven't followed   the match i don't know exactly what the opening  choices have been but i really love the fact that   timor is playing the king's indian here because i  think that um i think that uh that yawn is really   kind of hoping for like a more dry queens queen's  queens in queens uh queens gamma star queen's game   defense as opposed to this so i really love the  choice by taymor and it's working out very well   because the position in a rapid game it's much  harder to play for white here than for black   also you guys can we go to the maximum game  because somebody said that max theme is actually   better against wesley yeah it was a anti-berlin  and it it turned into he played a very early d4   didn't you do this too or am i crazy very early  defense um i might have done i think a non   it was it anon or geary someone else has done this  too um although why is this so bad for black i   don't understand i was gonna ask oh you can take  and castle oh maybe just take on e5 and castle   so black can't castle right so black can't go  long right short you meant long right i don't know   levy you have the engine open so you can  tell me what what's the right move here it's exactly what you said it's night takes bishop  night takes bishop and long castle yeah okay it   is okay yeah because the problem is this is why in  in these um actually in this these berlins you get   these double juicers or double pawns are on c7 and  c6 and um like if white takes on e5 you take with   the pawn the pawn on e5 is always weak you can't  if you can scoot that pawn from c6 to d6 the pawns   are very uh doing very well but you can't scoot  it over so the pawn on e5 is always weak right yep   makes sense well in pawn sideways variant that  would actually be a position you can play c6 to d6   pawn sideways is weird man you fix your shield  yeah but you go pawn to d6 and i go pawn e4 to   d4 and you resign oh yeah aha yeah this is a  weird what is that we just got a we got a big   big wave of donations there um oh wow so many oh  whoa big shout out to bodhi for the 2000 i think   that was just now right the 2000 donation  yeah yeah thanks a lot shout out to beauty   that's what i said i was like it jumped  up i like it skyrocketed oh my goodness   yo bodhi uh we he and i did a chess lesson and  he's actually he got to a thousand in like a week   playing chess it was insane nice i didn't know it  was after a week he also has one of the greatest   uh emotes i've ever seen the the one that ends in  giggle uh i i don't know the first part it's x0   something oh i think yeah i don't have it enabled  but i i know i've i know you do i do have it   enabled it's it's so funny i don't see it where  where is it is someone bright in the chat yet   yeah what where is it it's the it's the really  uh oh oh i see it's like oh it's so cute i don't   think i don't think it's supposed to be cute  i i think it's supposed to i find it i find it   cute apologies but it's not cute at all it's it's  like it's so manly it's not cute no i i yeah well   i think it's an indication of like you know when  you get back seated that's what that's what you   i see for me everything is cute that's how i see  the world in pink oh man it's been a good day   shout out to bodhi and uh someone i really like i  really like what's going on though in these games   they could be drier but they look really tense and  they're gonna be filled with drama so i'm really   happy with what we're getting in these final two  games yeah if envelope wins that would be that   would be one well and the actually unveiled wins  he wins like it's over if he wins he just wins   that's the thing yeah yeah and he he can go  all in on this game because the draw and the   true and the loss is the same in this game so  he's gonna put everything on this one oh no john   caved he played g4 i was wondering he would do  is he's gonna get smash knight h5 knight f4 come   on teamwork just do it knight h5 knight f4 like  a true king's indian player come on just do it this looks really bad actually why is black not  just winning after knight h5 knight f4 with h5 and   g4 h5 h4 come on teamwork knight h5 oh computer is  trying to argue knight h5 f4 is holding knight g3   oh knight g3 f5 f5 yeah wow that's oh wow  that's that's probably what he saw that's   why he went for this but i don't know no i think  yan just played it because he didn't want to get   attacked on the king's side uh no i mean it's it's  saying you could just go g4 and chip away with the   puns that also makes sense here too yeah chief  but knight h5 is so thematic we'll see i mean   i think timur if he uses time here he'll probably  realize that h5 f4 is a move and not play it   um but we'll see we'll see g4 f4 is also hard to  calculate though but i guess g4 f4 you take take   and g3 with knight g4 and queen h5 you just  play bishop d7 is that a king's indian move   i think that's actually a very good move yeah  he's just gonna go rook out seven work f8 we're   gonna have seven of eight i i think i mean if  yon's gonna have to pull off a miracle here to   to not like draw or lose this game because  black's ideas are too obvious rook f7 rook   fade i mean this is now i think you  go h5 and you open up the king side but doesn't this i don't know this looks kind of  miserable yep no this is terrible for white i mean   like i said it's gonna require a little bit of  a miracle because at some point black's probably   gonna move the knight and go rook out four as well  but the problem for nepal yoshi is not that he has   to survive this game he has to win it like it  doesn't matter if he makes a draw he's still out   right which is why i'm saying i it's going to take  a miracle to win this game oh okay i misunderstood   you that was like he can barely hold it and  then he has to even win it right exactly yeah   it's uh i i i don't know if this is being reported  properly or if people in chatter are baiting   but i was going to say every time magnus gets  knocked out it's always he had a bad day even   wesley said that wesley said in his interview  rather than you know being like you know i   just happy to win blah blah wesley was  like well i got lucky magnus had a bad day   you know it's always magnus  had a bad day i think right now   yeah go ahead go ahead no just magnus had a bad  day today that's what's being said yeah but i   mean i think the thing is that doesn't really work  the same way because it's two days like i mean i   mean this is kind of the thing that that's worth  notice at some point like it feels like people   always say that but you have to give credit where  credit is due and um daniel's play was unorthodox   and yes maybe in slur games it wouldn't work as  well but what he did put enough pressure on on   magnus that magnus cracked and um and so you do  have to give credit where credit is due you can't   just say it's like um you know magnus had a bad  day i mean you have to play against him you have   to put pressure on him and danielle did that and  um that's why i won the match yeah daniel plays   very fun spectator chess i would say i remember  there was a game that he played in the can in   uh the grand prix when he played like some wild  theory and then offered her a job of a draw and   moved like 13. or a job of offered him a draw  like he played a move and offered a draw and   duboff took it i was like yeah what but we don't  yeah like you know you know and what i would say   when people talk about this is like you know  it's like i see people are talking about me   whether i think i could have performed performed  better later maybe i could have but you know the   thing at the end of the day is like lavon played  well he played well so i can say like yeah maybe   i would have played better if it was later but  lavon just flat out played well it's not like   it's not like i can say oh you know maybe it's  different something happened love played well he   deserved to win end of story it's not about bad  days like your opponent has to play well and um   you know levon played well and denil played well  today so um so i think that that has to be said   i'm gonna check in on mvl uh wow wesley is oh my  gosh wesley went for this oh wow this is insane   i never would have taken this pawn on e4 because  like even because you're you have you have to   calculate this and hope this holds but this  looks so scary in a rapid game especially like   so scary i mean maybe it's okay but i  mean there's like queen d2 there's f3   there are all kinds of fossils i  mean if you get the bishop on d4 even   i i really do feel like this is a very special  game this special not special there's a very good   position for maximum it's a position that he's  going to really like and feel comfortable with this looks very scary for wesley yeah i mean i  think he can play it but it's like i mean if he if   he's if he doesn't get the bishop out and get his  king to safety right away he's in trouble and even   long term if the bishop can get to c3 there's  always going to be pressure on the diagonal i wasn't sure if it was good rook  d4 rook f4 some bishop d4 g4 wow   yikes yeah i mean this position  looks so easy to play for white   um but the thing is the problem here for max  team is there's too many moves to consider   so it's not so straightforward because  he has to think rook d4 f3 queen d2 i   mean altering moves look very reasonable so you  have to consider consider um which one to play yeah he goes for queen d2 yeah yeah i mean  the problem with this i think is can black   with queen d5 to trade maybe it's no good but  queen d5 is the move that i would look to play   just to try to get queens off the board  so my king is not vulnerable on f7 here yeah everybody's trying to send into some clip  and uh i'm seeing people in the chat right that   it wasn't even a good clip so i'm gonna go with  i'm gonna go with uh with the chat saying it was   a bit you know generally that's what happens  a bunch of people say here's a clip a lot of   people a lot of people will be like oh it's an  epic clip uh but y'all saying it's a bad clip so   yeah i'm not sure about the clip but that made  me realize that they have a question of the day   uh that is about what's the worst thing  you've done after losing a game i wonder if   that question was from the start of the show or  they just changed the topic to that interesting   interesting slam laptop yeah no i mean i i i don't  think i don't think i've ever done that i mean as   as people know i've said this on stream  as well like i think i've taken a mouse   and throwing it across the room um but i  can't i haven't i haven't done the laptop   i don't think um no actually you know what i think  i have actually i think the laptop i have i have   closed my laptop really hard but it wasn't it  wasn't chas i think i think i had that happen   when was that i think i was playing um i think  i was actually playing competitive fortnite like   a year ago or something i actually did uh i did  take my computer and slam it shut but it wasn't   it wasn't because of chess um so so yeah actually  generally i'll yell more from overwatch than chess   right i'm the same yeah if i if i die a second  away from doing something i wanted to do i'm like but uh yeah now now on overwatch i've um i've  started like joining lobbies and being like hey   hope you're all having a good evening you know  like being very polite so awesome just seeing   what happens yeah like last night i had a guy  like you know just yelling at me and i was like   hey man you like chess because i'm gotham  chest in there i'm like you like chasing no   and then i was like you should check out you  know uh check out chess it'll calm me down   and say it's a good game you know i'm trying  to be the the the overwatch chess ambassador   um i'm i'm putting on the king's indian game  again how is nepal going to win this i don't   know how he wins but more there's going to be  some thematic rook for like knight h7 rook f4   i mean yeah rook it's not it's not it's not  obvious though it's not it's not clear cut   and the knight again is on the wrong score  like see imagine if this knight was on e7   you could move the queen go knight g6 knight f4  but this knight on a6 is definitely misplaced   there's also no way to get to e7 because  you would have had to develop to right c6   so was the knight just waiting for a turn  to like go to c5 and make something happen   i mean i can't even believe it c5 is b4  i think yeah and after 94 94 94 queen c2   that's that's the problem here um but yeah i i  don't know the more i look this the less happy   i feel about the position for white or for  black i mean maybe you just go like c5 here   and try to close the queen side actually  i wonder if that's not a reasonable idea but you know the thing oh work h7 queen h6  that's what he wants oh very dirty he wants   rookie h7 queen h6 and check me i think that  was a suggestion of the engine too bishop aj   and rajevo played it nicely done by the way  those of you asking about the format and   what's the situation in these two matches just  a quick reminder that timur rajab is leading   so all he needs is a draw he has the upper hand  in this game but even with the draw he makes it   to the semi-finals while in the other match maxim  vashilagrav is in a must-win situation in order   to avoid the tie break so there could be a blitz  tiebreaker if bashir doesn't win wesley ties the   score and then they'll play two blitz games and  perhaps in armageddon too correct yeah by the way   though this position is getting tricky because  if young can get nike three knight of five in   i think he's better so he's like one move away  from being better if it's white's moving white   plays knight g3 white is uh definitely better here  so i'm a little bit worried now for teamwork i   i mean i understand the idea behind rook h7 queen  h6 but it doesn't actually lead to a checkmate no it doesn't there's just there's a the crazy  thing here is white is going to in some ways   like hide the king on e1 potentially right like  i if you do it the right get it yeah if you can   get it yeah like yeah if you can put the knight  on f5 then you can go king f2 king in one true yeah it's it's going to be tense also i don't  like the time situation here for teamwork because   his moves are not obvious like jan has a very  one clear-cut idea to go knight g3 knight f5   mm-hmm all right let's let's go let's go to  the maxim game because that one i think is very   very tricky um sure because like this one hinges  on like single moves like if if if uh wesley can   get his bishop developed he's fine like if you  can get bishop b6 rookie eight or rook d8 he's   fine but if he doesn't get that he's probably  gonna lose so i think it's very cred we're at   the very critical moment of this game where  the next move or two will decide what happens   yeah they both spent a lot of time on the last  move yeah i felt like not much has changed a   pair of moves has happened queen d2 and queen to  f5 yeah i mean i think wesley's okay here it looks   like he's okay but because how does white proceed  if i get bishop rookie 8 or bishop e6 next to him   where's your attack okay but where does the thick  well because if black gets developed something   ironic yeah i'm not no no no wesley is not a  kind of guy you can actually um right this is uh   it feels like like mvl needs like three moves  and wesley needs two to consolidate everything   right exactly yep it's really hard to   yeah i think i think wesley's okay now the more  i look at it if i don't see a clear-cut idea   so yeah so i i think watson's doing well so  let's go let's go back to the other one then   okay yeah both guys here are on um   kind of must-win situations although although  the difference is that rajab is up overall and   if nepo wins they go to tie breaks right on the  other board if mvl wins he wins the match period   i was thinking i i was going to say you guys i  was just thinking about something isn't it sorry   to cut you off lovely isn't it kind of weird  how everybody who made it to semifinals could   potentially lose in the quarters today like  i lost magnus lost wesley i mean maybe he'll   he has the best chances but john also made  to the semis right where he lost to magnus   yeah mm-hmm right so so john's in bad shape too  so potentially everybody who made the semifinals   could could lose in the quarters today from the  first event very true what the turn of events it's   not what we predicted i mean i want you to make  the finals every time but it is it is kind of like   it that might be good i don't know if it's good or  bad like is it bad because more less people will   show up to watch if you guys aren't in um i mean  well he can't be commentating that's what i heard   here so everyone will still be watching here of  course right yes right chat it's not about right   right you have vicarious commentator for  the next days yeah that actually yeah that   has been our plan uh the plan was that every  if if your car does get eliminated before uh   before the final then we will alternate days  like we did last time last time it was very   brief it was only two days of the final but  it will be corn and he carry myself we will   on the bright side though i can finally go  to sleep at 11 o'clock again and just like   just pound the caffeine um it'll be better than  having to try to torture myself and fall asleep   at nine o'clock and end up looking at the clock  like 10 30 and and still not falling asleep   they uh this is a one-off i hope they're not  going to make this the permanent schedule well   i was going to say like i think i mean i thought  actually in the past they had it later because for   norwegian tv where they're broadcasting this  live i was only impression that they tried to   do it during prime time because it's better for  the viewers i don't know if it's holiday because   the holidays are what it is maybe that's the  difference now um but i i got the sense they were   trying to do it later so it's a little bit um a  little bit odd to me if they still do it at 6am or   you know 6am my time because i think it's holiday  season i think once it's not holiday season   they'll probably um they'll they'll probably uh  do do the events a little bit later is my guess okay yeah because this is kind of this  is kind of wild and i what time is it um actually here's a good point i think if you  look at the the time zone of the players   it's very rare that insanely late or insanely  early there is success it's really hard to   balance because the globe is i think the players  are separated by well you and someone in china   are separated by 15 hours yep yeah like  i mean i mean what are you gonna do right   yeah you know i was i was gonna say um i think  that's one thing is i when you look at ding lauren   in particular because the chinese players played  the most events i think it's very telling that he   has not had great performances because in most  of the events he's played he's playing at like   midnight or something absolutely insane and um  and so i think there is definitely something to   be said um said for like it making uh making a  huge difference i wonder where is magnus based   because we have seen him posting from somewhere  much warmer than norway and uh some of you guys   in the chat said that it could be australia i  don't know if it was ever confirmed but it's late   in australia right now isn't it so i don't know if  time zone wise that's a good choice if he's there   yeah by the way why is this just back to  the game why is this winning for black i   know i know the computer keeps saying it's  really really good but i don't understand uh no i am seven i was wondering  uh if we have the position is it knight h7 rook up knight f oh knight  h7 knight a7 and rook f4 oh yeah yeah it's   knight h7 and bam rook f4 oh that's brutal in  fact i think timor will see that in a second   this could be it could be yeah if if timor  sees knight h7 he'll definitely see rook f4   but that h7 is such a well well i think the  idea you have to calculate knight g4 bishop   g5 queen h7 and i think once you realize that  you're not checkmating there you'll play knight   h7 and then you'll go rook f4 um how has it not  been leaked where magnus is is like it is the   team like really that small is it like five or ten  people i guess if we don't have like a chess tmz   there is a chess tmz for magnus and maybe  the chess tmd is not reporting on it   ah very true yes oh chad says he's going to  say shells really oh that would make more sense   time zone wise because australia is too late so  shells that's like nine or ten half plus nine   half past nine in the evening now that's  not bad for playing wait how so how did i don't think it's confirmed but  that's that seems to be the rumors   oh norwegian tv studies and say shells so  yeah okay yeah yes these are the islands   that's is that's that's what that's that's  in africa right is that that's like west   it's it's east africa okay i know it's  like an island right something like that   but you know what i was going to say is that's  i'm kind of surprised he's doing that because it's   very dicey if it's because his internet could  go out there yeah i was going to say i don't that's so remote yeah how did how did that happen   like how did what happen like how did what that's  so random yeah by by the way like teamwork is   continuing to put more and more pressure on  yawn yawn is under deep pressure here i think   he has like queenie one is the only move right  because if bishop f2 you lose the bishop on f3   you can't move the knights of checkmate  i mean maybe you can go knight c to e2   but man this looks so bad for white well it's  also about that you can you're not going to win   like how are you going to win this position i  mean maybe you won't yeah like after 90 night   like you can go knight cd2 but again rook f4 just  keep piling up the pressure and white is so boxed   up sooner or later it's going to collapse yeah  what a position uh to have for rajabo when he   he doesn't even need to win it's nepali within  a must-win situation mvl is still trying to   win his game but maybe the tables are turning is  especially all right or more than all right it it   looks like mvl is on his last kind of attempt at  attacking wesley's king yeah okay yeah this isn't   going to end well just g4 maybe even actually it's  still not so clear though i mean maybe even six is   fine but you it's not i mean it's lost but it's  not it's not like there's still our chances here   because of the openness of black's king it  looks very likely we will see a playoff here   because wesley will not lose this game which  means that wesley wins the site probably not   probably not i wouldn't say it's we're quite  there yet i mean this is again it's like the   it's like the position that that and see he just  played a bad move this is what i'm saying it's not   don't don't don't don't talk too soon  lappy well there might be rook f1 queen h3 that's what he wants okay oh okay yeah oh wow  what what a move bishop d2 that's a cool move   like what i was going to say is this just like the  duval position that was minus that was like -5 or   whatever it was for magnus um the king was open  like it's it there's different kinds of positions   that are winning and in some of them they have  um there are still a lot of counter play like   this position i mean wesley's okay but i'm still  concerned for him because if the bishop gets to   c3 you can go queen h8 you can hit the pawn on  f6 i mean this is not this is not trivial still   this is not trivial at all yeah that's that's what  i'm bishop d2 is a very very nice idea it's such   a cool move it is not threatening anything as of  now but uh it will place it will get the bishop to   a much more accurate squadron queen h8 here  i mean this looks this looks so dangerous for   black i mean maybe it's all holding but man this  looks scary there's also bishop b4 and queen f8 yeah bishop c3 is not not showing as a top move  and i don't quite understand why because it seems   more natural than bishop b4 but but bishop b4  and queen f8 is a huge threat yeah actually how   do you stop that i'm not sure it's what i'm  saying this is i mean this is very wild here do you have like some rook  e seven no then queen h8   yeah so maxime has to find bishop b4 i  don't think it's a hard move to find um yeah i mean bishop b4 i think is an obvious move  yeah magnus says uh magnus uh mvl has two minutes   three minutes what what just happened  with the clock what he's got three   minutes now he got an extra minute i  don't know where that came from but um yeah no i what i was gonna say um as well is  is that i i said this yesterday but it's very   interesting how people approach a game so for  example he finds it obviously um like when i'm   playing i make sure i keep my mouse off the board  for example whereas because i'm zooming to share   screens when some of my games have edited or my  match is over earlier uh i always for whatever   reason i end up seeing maxime screen and it's  very interesting when i see him playing his game   the way that like he's always like he's like he's  hovering over piece and moving to another piece so   it's like he's doing it like kind of on the fly  which is very unusual because i do it the exact   opposite way um so he calculates by placing the  mouse on the piece and then he moves to another   one without yeah without lifting them up i'll give  you an example so like here he maxine is probably   hovering over the queen on cd or the bishop on b4  and then when wesley moves he's going to see if he   can move that piece if he can't then like probably  like if it's a bishop he'll touch the queen if   it's not the queen then he'll probably then he'll  probably like touch the rook and and so forth   interesting um yeah it's very different  i was surprised when i saw that   do you think it helps him or why would it come  because for his calculation he wouldn't have to   be hovering the mouse there like over the board  chess doesn't have that tool that you can just   circle around the pieces with a marker yeah no i  mean i think um i think it's just the way he does   it i think everyone has a different method it was  just very curious to me because i don't feel like   even when i've seen magnus's screen like he  doesn't do it that way either so it's just very   interesting how different it was because everyone  has a different like sort of uh approach yeah and   one would think that that increases the chances of  a mouse slip if he accidentally moves those pieces   once again let me please flip it to the black  side we're going to show respect to this   yes don't forget we did rank it s two don't  forget that yes it is the proper is this the   first i think this might be the first time like  i've ever seen a position where every piece   touches like this like where every piece is on  an adjacent square you can all right buy them   that is correct i've never seen anybody's gotta  move he's he's so low on time he's just gotta move   here maybe like i wonder if he can play bishop g4  here i've never seen that i'm actually like mind   blown looks like a christmas tree i was gonna  say it it looks like the state of texas but uh   but then the holiday spirit i do think it looks  like it's got zero percent of my mind i'm sorry uh   yeah bishop bishop g7 and then you know you know  what i almost did i almost drew king f7 rook a   h8 thinking that timor still had a rook  there forgetting that the rook is on h3   i just completely forgot that both his rooks are  already this is the weirdest thing ever i mean   it's it's amazing yeah i mean john's chances are  increasing though based on a time situation as   as usual he's way up on the clock and this gives  him the best chances i think he's still worse here   but the best chance he has or if teamwork gets  really low where there isn't an obvious move wow this is a feels a little bit sweaty a little  every everyone's all close together over there   definitely no social distancing by these pieces  i'll tell you that that bishop on f3 cannot move   they're rook on f2 cannot move like literally g3  also can't really move i mean it can move but it   can't really move either right amazing yeah i  mean i guess i guess their computer says what   white takes the rook but it's very hard to  take the rook here because after e takes f4   you go knight c5 and then you  have this big pressure on um   on on e4 as well of course you take with the e  pawn yeah of course you have to take obviously   rook h1 is not mate don't worry even though  the king has no moves it can be blocked   okay yeah the more i look at this the more  unhappy i become with this position for   for teamwork because it feels like yawn is going  to have obvious moves and teamwork's moves are   not as obvious but he's going knight c5 i mean  i would almost pre-move knight c5 here because   i think it's the obvious next move although i  guess gf5 you have g4 so i don't know if it's a   safe premium per se but i i think i actually would  pre-move knight knight c5 here if i was teamwork   because you expect e takes off f5 now he won't do  it but that's what i would do he has 40 seconds   actually i just realized he has like almost no  time yeah well that's the reason that i think   that's why yon has chances here specifically  for that reason so knight c5 obviously   instant move instant just go why  is he thinking knight c5 just go yep no knight e4 is coming how do you stop knight  e4 do you have to stop c3 but the knight c3   there's also 97.95 like this game keeps going  back and forth here it's very very messy game at some point you also have to deal with rook  h1 and something there but for now your rook is   really annoying for white yeah in the meantime  it looks like mvr has gone all in and now   he is um going to lose the game is this  already losing because he has given up   quite some material for the attack but there seems  to be none left so what happened after bishop b4   after bishop before there was queen d4 and he  didn't play king a3 because i think it was queen   takes bishop but then you take and go king c3  and take the rook and you yeah i was actually   thinking about this so you can stop the three  pawns on the king side i don't know if that's   why he didn't do it but he played back to c3  and he's down all the pawns now but yeah no   now it's just too late yeah yeah this will be uh  although again it's still not guaranteed by the   whoa what's happening in teamwork's game one  yeah this is wild um i think we should leave   it here just because of how this game how messy  it is yeah yeah so do you go like queen e1 here   and then if knight takes rook  you can take the black rook on h3 uh maybe i mean again i i think i mean it's very hard  to play this for both sides but yeah this looks so   difficult to play like i think wherever you go  with the queen there's knight g3 takes and you   take with the pawn which is important that you  don't take with the uh with the rook and there's   no queen e8 and queen e6 you slide over and you're  not scared he does go to e1 do you have a choice   knight g3 or knight f2 right you can take  i think knight f2 loses tonight takes uh h3   oh wow you're not even going to take my horse  huh okay i mean are there any other moves besides   knight g3 that's what i'm looking for there's got to be a reason the computer said that  this oh no rook out through rook f3 there's got   to be some reason okay it seems something nice  three rook takes you and t more on the same page   okay of course oh but you know what it is uh actually can you take with the rook here  oh you know what it is the queen's on e1 so   you can take with the rook if the queen was on  e2 there would be a rook h2 trapping the queen   he has no time he's running out of  time he please don't play please don't   two seconds left when tamara jeff made a move  oh my gosh nepo is going to win this game   we're going to have two tiebreaks yeah this  is unbelievable i mean maybe not win this game   since opposite color bishops keep that in mind  this i mean we're headed for something where   the bishops are on dark and light squares so  there are there are drawing chances for sure but i i think yeah i think here  white's going to be up what a pawn   yeah you're saying knight h3  pawn f2 and then knight f2 yeah all right yeah richard's gonna  take a look can you take h can   you take a string take g4 no i'm probably not good right i don't i don't hate this i mean the  opposite colored bishop end game is gonna   be a draw so yeah they're actually this kind of  it's now on yawn to win the game again because   after queen g3 there's always a queen e5 move  and it's opposite color bishop so there are good   drawing chances but he's got to go queen g3 like  just move uh uh oh you gotta move uh king f8 wow well but how do you stop queen six  and queen c8 now i don't know king oh my god he made a move with a second on the  clock and it was a bad move he just made a move   to to to not flag yeah is going to win this  game wow he's got to go 98 i don't know why he   he just panicked he just literally panicked  there played bishop h8 yeah what a game i   think it's too late but i'm not sure knight d3  stops bishop b5 yeah but still queen h7 queen e7   it's actually not it's still not over right okay  queen i mean queen h7 is in a uh yeah that that   would that could be a showstopper queen h7 yeah  queen h7 obviously is there any value to well   he's just playing moves not the flag now i mean  yeah i mean b6 is okay though b6 and a5 is fine   is there any value to bishop d okay okay now you  have to go queen h7 now you have to go queen h7   okay i i get you know what i actually know  what timor is trying to do he's trying to set   it up where he he does he just brings he he does  everything first and then he brings the queen back i i don't hate this by the way to  be clear like bishop six of 27. just don't flag timor he does the same again   okay queen hates it seems reasonable it's  online on par with what hikaro was talking about um so yanya pamyashi needs to win this game  in order to tie the score in the match a draw   for rajabo means qualification to the semi-finals  is that a good move or a bad move the question is   is bishop b5 a draw or is it losing because  i don't believe i think bishop e5 is the only   move here right you got to just play it the end  game looks oh oh but now bishop a four knight knight f6 queen 84 i mean yeah   no but this thing about go ahead bloody i was  gonna say bishop e5 just looks so hard to play   because i don't know it's like your structure is  terrible and but you get the dark squared blockade i i think teamwork i don't know if  timor gets nervous but it it he's   seems like he's locked in but that bishop had  thing was really scary that got one second on the   clock yeah if he had played 98 right away i think  he would have had good chance better chance than   he has now but still the thing i will say about  the position okay now you have to go knight f6   i guess immediately or queen g7 one of the two  moves just move oh my gosh wesley so meanwhile   has just completely melted down he's losing has  he what he's just straight he's not i mean he has   to draw this game so you have so many pawns up  what happened take a5 you can check and take a5   you check b7 check eight take a5 and  there's no checkmate around the back   oh he's gonna check and take  this pawn and get the two on two on one oh my god i told you guys i  told you that like it wasn't i mean it   was winning but it was still on the  edge yeah take a five that's crazy   imagine that i mean it's crazy you know a niche  cursed everybody that's what happened he did you   know a niche called you magnuson uh and uh  wesley the the the big three favorites yeah this looks actually why is this not  just a draw it's just this blockade   knight is coming to b5 but bishop b2 right uh-huh  true oh and b5 knight before knight a6 but king   d8 it's still just a draw i think yeah this should  be a draw with correct play teamwork doesn't panic   and he brings the king over to bring the bring the  king over to c8 and b8 i think it's just a draw   there's just no way i can win this a5  here maybe is also move what about a5   oh that opens it up so you don't want to do that  yeah i was just about to ask like a5 b5 you wanna   it's very tough to decide with five seconds  what to do yeah i mean i would just i would   just wait i would just wait and go king king  d8 he played a6 it's maybe better to be patient okay here comes the king okay so  now you have to bring your king back   but the thing is any exchange is a draw  here even the night for the bishop is a draw   i think yeah any exchange is a draw it's crazy  so we might get no we might get no no tie breaks   right true true although i don't  think i don't like what's going on   now because there's going to be knight  before and is this endgame still a draw nike good point okay i have to go like bishop b2 is there  knight h knight h6 knight f7 knight e5   is that oh that's i think that's might be timor's  idea here to put the knight on e5 hit everybody   this is definitely a draw with correct  play but i mean teamwork with no time i think there's going to be a draw i i do actually  because i think it's too easy for timur to play   here it's too easy to find moves uh can you go  king of six king e5 now or well the knight on   d3 cuts the whole i'm assuming yeah he'll move  this six knight h60 is i think the move i would   play 96 knight f7 two seconds okay he's going  for this of course he's not gonna get it but the king to the middle no but this looks   this looks unwinnable how do you yeah i  don't i don't know how you win this i agree just king e7 i mean yeah i think yeah it's crazy okay let's see  what can we go back to wesley's game yeah   so it seems that rajab is holding and that will  mean that he qualifies to the semi-finals if that   if he doesn't flag because he still doesn't have  time there's a 10 second increment that that's all   he's using for his time management in the  meanwhile maxine with the pawn up too same has to   win to win the match if he does not win they go  to a blitz playoff between him and wesley right   okay qui a queen trade is a woman no queen  trade is a win but queen e7 i want c5   yeah the queen trade is definitely a  win because the white king is close   right and you push the pawns together  yeah black is not in time to create the   the fabled blockade of the two pawns you had  that right was it against magnus you had the the   two pawn i i think i had it against ding lorana  actually okay well there was there was some wild   opposite colored bishop end games over the summer  you had to block the the okay uh he traded queens   does this is this a draw it  depends what the evaluation is   it's plus 1.2 so so far it hasn't seen a win this  might not be a win then this might not be a win   wow wait so mvl very boldly thought he was winning  and actually it must be wait no this one yeah   bishop f2 right i was gonna say cece says it's  zero zero zero and cause it the theoretical draw   wait so bishop bishop f2 or bishop  g1 are the obvious moves here   just bring the bishop because you want  to play king c5 right that's the point   oh but the king's getting in front the  king's getting in front of the pawn   yeah yeah because the king gets in front of the  pawn here yeah yeah you go king six king d7 and   if king c5 king e6 king b6 you go um king  d7 you give up the pawn and you go bishop f7   there you go wow that's that's why it's a draw   so you will get the fabled blockade uh rajabot  blundered apparently what has he oh oh yeah   yeah yeah yeah well nipple's getting  through on the queen side he's he's bullied   he's getting through king a5 knight c4 95  minutes to draw dude isn't it knight o e 95   oh you have 91 or something yeah i was thinking  91 but then bishop c3 king b7 yeah yeah okay oh   you you lose your knight but you get c7 but  you lose b4 and a uh there's bishop a5 okay   you gotta go team or knight c4 knight c4 just move  yeah yeah well not 95 is yeah that's that's some two seconds left oh no you know what  there is there's 95 91 bishops did he   flag oh my god he made a move  with one second again again wow oh this is tragic for teamwork because  like 91 bishop f2 b5 there's always just b5 b6   this is so rough wow this is unbelievable i mean this is why i  didn't like a6 and b5 what wha what what king this is a draw isn't this because you  can just wait on f7 f6 or not am i wrong so king f6 why is this winning i don't understand  because you wait on f7 f6 and when the king goes   away you just wait with the bishop can the bishop  go wait bishop e2 bishop a6 bishop c8 bishop e6   bishop yeah you can flank with the bishop   yeah and then you run out you miss me and it's  zugzavon that's so instructive it looked like   it could be a fortress but that bishop maneuver  all the way to e6 will make it a tuk-tuk position   and you know it's funny the pawn is on b5  it's a draw but this one idea of bringing   the bishop in first is why it's winning that's  amazing i think the pawn was on b5 it's a draw   yeah probably because there's no yeah you're right  yep so we're gonna have two tie breakers right   it does look like this e5 b5 is a draw that  is because the bishop is it gets in wow and   what about the other one wesley's game that  is amazing it still is a table-based draw   according to the norwegian super computer no this  is an easy draw yeah easy draw wow yeah let's uh   pull up the mvl so we've got opposite colored  bishop end games i also saw that there was a tweet   by mike magnus yeah and uh it's i'm gonna run  to the restroom guys so i'll be right back okay   sure yeah etc people may play have good days  or bad days against me and i against them but   after another collapse the bottom line is i'm in  a deep funk right now and it's really frustrating   there you have it that's the world champion  and that's what we like about him he's   always brutally honest he doesn't want any  excuses what's this about good or bad days yeah i was going to say that's that's rare i  mean he's he he obviously is very honest with   himself but yeah uh and about the play of others  and then just his opinions on various matters but   i think it's pretty rare to see that and i  think that's kind of the most interesting   thing about modern day chess is that you  have something like a like a twitter or   any social media and i see yeah he's can  i think i think it's it has always been um   something i really appreciate about magnus when  i got to interview him at a couple of events he   always is brutally honest and straightforward  and he doesn't pretend to be a superhuman a   hero that no one can beat he always he always is  i think very blunt and straightforward and sincere   about how he felt and how he played so there you  have it magnus carson and his tweet about how   his tournament has gone what happened uh matt  magnus tweeted his ah okay saying that he's in   a he's in a deep funk right now and uh um okay  all right so we're gonna have two tie breakers   right we will have two tie breakers kind of  unbelievable that teamwork messed that up   because he he never should have lost that game  um but yeah happens it does okay so maxim goes   king d you know what maxine is trying to do he's  trying to get um get wesley to close the diagonal   what wait is it still a draw wait wait a second  wait wait bishop e1 oh you you gambled the pawn   anyway anyway wait what is it wait a second  what's going on here is this still a draw king c5 yeah wait what's going on wait  a second what's going on here king wait what king b8 bishop c3 bishop  e5 b7 make a queen is that a draw i mean uh i'm kind of shocked that  wesley allowed this actually this is like   i guess that draws but man that's scary to  play with no time on your clock you're both   going to get a queen this is craziness  absolutely crazy gotta go wesley king b8   yeah the bar is having a fit it can't i can't  i mean i i think this is a draw but man like wow what i think this was i think wesley could  have drawn this much more easily than this because   like the way that wesley has used all his time  you can tell that it's like now it's like it's   panic time it's like what what just happened like  why wasn't this just a routine technical draw yeah b8 and i was trying to figure out can you go  c7 and make a knight and make a queen oh my god   like c7 king e7 and make a knight on cnn and  then make a queen on v8 after it or something   well i mean this is still a draw right  or is this i don't i don't think anyone   knows anymore but it seems likely because of  the still the opposite-colored bishops but   i mean i i would say this is definitely a draw  with correct play but again at some point white's   going to go c7 and i don't think you're gonna have  a shield like king g6 queen g7 and c7 and i mean   you because of the dark square bishop and queen  here you're not going to be able to shield   or you're not sorry you're not going  to be able to create a perpetual so you go check of course on g7 and then you  play c7 or you can play c7 right away to me   no you just go check and then c7 oops queen  c1 it's crazy okay goes to g4 the bar is   going to start doing this every single move  by the way because of the adjustment of depth he's offering a repetition mm-hmm of course when  you go like king d's no king d6 queen d3 is a draw   i'm wondering if you can somehow try to use the  king and the queen to create a mating nut here   is it a draw after king c7   king v6 queen d3 king c7 well i mean  probably you can sack on c6 and it's a draw   oh cause yeah you could get queen and bishop right  versus queen yeah yeah yeah yeah that's important   i think that's why you have to check check on d7  and just go go like i would i would have checked   on d7 and see d7 g7 and then push the juicer  always push the juicer will we get to see that and   what would be your your prediction when it comes  to how likely that mvl will will win this he has   what is this breakers oh no he's oh  wait queen d through there's king   oh he's trying to be really sneaky here oh so  you're trying to get queen d3 king c7 that's what   he's trying to do is there queen f8 queen f8 and  then king c7 and then yeah queen i think it might   be the only move very sneaky move by max theme  though queen f8 because queen e7 you take take   and then you snap the pawn and right you just go  to c7 so now you're saying bishop takes c6 but now   queen you can now trade right because the king is  blocking the pawn for oh yeah you go queen queen   queen of seven and wherever the king goes you just  check yeah it's it's a draw oh he plays queen f3 and that will mean another tiebreaker so both  matches will lead to a blitz tiebreaker but   before the blitz tiebreaker happens we will have  our final giveaway for an item wait a second   as long as he doesn't take c6 i think  he takes c6 he's getting chuck mated   i think he's repeating yeah yeah no i mean  if king d at queen c6 i think queen g4 and   you're getting chuck made it if i'm not mistaken i  think you're right i think there was a mate there   and he's anyway whatever yeah  it's going to be a draw though is he going to go like king b8 right maybe i mean queen takes c6 so anywhere  you go it's just a draw yeah okay i guess we're   gonna do the giveaway you guys let's do it yes  i well i was going to just wait for the result   we can wait for the game oh no we may have  to start it though depends on when the   tiebreaker will be i don't know if we have  the time to wait for the game so let's uh   let's let's boot up the video our final video of  the day uh and then we will uh and the giveaway   is actually already open so you guys can  start entering there we go here is the video oh my gosh that might have been the best  one yet that was so cute and the price for   this final giveaway before the chessboard  giveaway this is another graphics card an   rtx 3090 and the playstation 5 and a board  signed by hikaru it's all together a pack   of the best of the best that we have for  today's giveaway yeah this is an epic one   you get everything you get the graphics card the  ps5 and the sign board for this one so the big   giveaway the big one you guys the big one yes this  is the big one and if you want a chance to win   again donations under 25 you get one ticket per  dollar donations above 25 you get two tickets   per dollar obviously the more donations the more  chances the more tickets you get so make sure to   use this this is your final chance and uh i'm  just gonna say you you can spam the command but   that doesn't do a damn thing so you gotta click  the link and then you gotta you gotta donate and   uh this is it let's make that push let's try to  hit 300k yeah i agree i can see the tweet already   you know bad loser but raised 300 grand  for charity in a day so how about that   so how about them apples oh we're gonna have  a goodwill goodwill hunting moment you know 266 000 have been raised seven more minutes to  enter the giveaway seven minutes and 40 seconds   ah this is your last chance to win a graphics  card the playstation 5 and the signboard by   hikaru remember you need to enter during this  time so if you donated earlier that was for the   previous giveaways if you want a chance at this  giveaway it has to be within these 10 minutes of   the giveaway the final giveaway for a graphics  card playstation 5 and the sign board it is   official uh the game has been drawn which means  that we have two blitz games coming up between   wesley so and mvl as well as timor ajaba and yan  nipongnichi we also have now raised 275 000 i have   a feeling we're going to blow the roof off of  300k we might even get higher than that not bad   for a first time huh almost uh you know a third of  the way to a million dollars raised we're not yet   dr lupo but this is a good first step huh exactly  yes sorry i'm actually doing my donation right now   okay but if you wouldn't if you win the draw  what happens no no i mean i'll i'll give it   we just do a redraw or something but yeah no i  actually just realized because i was looking at   my stream labs and i saw there were a significant  amount of donations or like uh like 150 donated   to me during the stream so i'm gonna um i'm just  gonna make a i'll make it 250 yeah we obviously uh   we tried to push that that people didn't realize  that if there's a difference between donating to   the charity into the the dashboard is completely  malfunctioning it's going up and down it's going   like up and then down and then up and then down  and then it keeps going up and it's at 285k right   now yeah okay there we go yeah i think you should  see it pop up in a second let me just make sure   it pops up since you guys are a second behind me  is it going to show up i just made a 250 donation   i don't see it oh well such as life  whatever it's happening so fast there's so   many donations thank you so much everyone for  participating it's insane this is absolutely mind-blowing think it did let me  just make sure sorry one second yeah it's just so hard to track like the the the  the alert box on the left side might be literally   like 10 minutes behind um right right no no yeah  it's it's fine yeah it went through yep mm-hmm   perfect okay my destiny you know it it must be  behind because when i'm when i just went to the   actual link it says 258 000 donate but aren't  we like 268 or something we're at 293 okay okay   yeah point in case yeah exactly yeah i can't yeah  yeah yeah hikaru is a terrible loser he goes on a   spending spree you know he has to he has to spend  money to make himself feel better yeah that's uh   no you guys are you guys are incredible i'm just  going to let chesapeake handle uh letting us know   how much money is there because the dashboard  completely froze from me you are uh yeah yeah i   think we're about to break uh 300 it's very close  to 300 000. and the reminder that this is the last   giveaway 298 we're getting close you know we're  going to blow past 39. i think we've just done it   300 000 dollars raised amazing yeah unbelievable  stuff even you know even when our chief cause of   uh playing the tournament and qualifying for  the semi in the and then potentially the final   doesn't go our way it's huge you guys really came  through so thousand dollars amazing thank you so   much to everybody for for all your donations uh  it's for a great cause so thank you once again   big shout out to leviana as well they've been  doing the commentary for for most of the day   um and for the pa for the past like five days  i guess it is now so um big shout out to them   as well for the great work they've done too  so big shout out to everybody and to you guys   first and foremost the fans thank you so much  uh we have uh the fans uh it's just mind-blowing   still four minutes left level let's just remind  everyone that it's again it's not the command   the comment doesn't do anything but you need  to click on the link if you want to participate   you have three and a half minutes left donations  below twenty five dollars that's one ticket for   dollar donations above 25 that's two tickets  per dollar there's a way to enter for free as   well we want everyone to be part of it so click  on the link and enter for free if you cannot   afford to donate that's also fine make sure to  participate yeah and i guess that is a fair point   people were were spamming but what happens is  that if there's a cooldown on moobot it will   just uh twitch whisper you the link so click on  that link you can donate whatever it is 5 10 15   that you thought you were gonna you know donate to  a streamer for you know for today donated to this   uh it's crazy what what a crazy first run at this  and you have a chance to win a graphics card a ps5   and a sign board for the next three  minutes and five seconds if you enter   our final giveaway for the playstation and  graphics card and there will be them another five   boards signed by hikar but for now this is the  final final giveaway for these items and the rest   is the donations that have been made throughout  the broadcast that's that's a separate giveaway this is this amazing you  guys this is really amazing   incredible i can't wait to see where where  this will lead it's already i think over 317   000 at the moment 309 000 approaching  it just now amazing amazing incredible   crazy might even get to 350 and then in the next  three five three to five minutes true true very   true yeah no i mean i i think that's that's one of  those things that's very uh very rewarding about   streaming is when you have when you have these  opportunities when you have these big communities   and we try to give back in a meaningful way to  um to the world so thank you again to everybody all right so uh let's look at the chats what's  going on here isn't white just up a juicer   knight d5 what's going on is there some knight  d5 bishop d8 bishop b4 trick what's going on   well he just takes on e7 now there  goes your bishop before trick   it's uh still tricky though because your king is  open right so but why isn't white just have a pawn here no this is terrible for black actually  this looks really bad 90 seconds guys   90 seconds 90 seconds yup uh yeah also uh uh  el timon is uh is uh and uh nepo has has the   black pieces here um they're not helping us  over come someone changes damn names please   i don't know how to do it totally uh we're trying  to run a damn fundraiser here oh my goodness all   right this is just it's gonna be two games my  friends one more white one with black so they   each player gets one if it's one to one  then we have in our megadon final game   right exactly uh isn't white just better  now bishop c4 bishop c4 bishop c4 indeed i don't understand what what am i missing is there  some v5 chill chilliness or trickiness sorry not   challenge trick you can send a shiver down your  spine to cb5 no but actually bishop c4 b5 queen b5   um there's just some like queen c6 or something at  first but i think here i would just go um probably   just bishop e2 and knight c3 or or even something  something more relaxing like 92 maybe but i   i don't know we'll see we'll see what happens  we're at 327 000. that's amazing amazing you guys okay so bishop e2 very calm i mean again it's  a free pawn right so c6 you go knight c3 yeah i   think he's just gonna go back but then takes and  bishop b4 rook c1 i mean white is better but i   don't know how much better white really is because  black is two bishops much of an extra pawn rambro   101 101 is the winner winning guitar yeah i  realized actually it's not a play on rambo   it's a play on rams he's must be a fan of  this of the st louis rams right oh what is they're the la rams yeah okay uh yeah okay  yeah they're your team no they're not my team   definitely not oh that's that that's only  because uh that's only because they have a   terrible owner that they're in la ah ah fair no  but wait hold on what team is in vegas aren't   they building a football stadium there that's the  uh the the formerly the oakland oakland raiders   oh yeah yeah ellie yeah the raiders the raiders  the raiders yes yeah yes yes yes huge red bro   congratulations uh what a day guys what a day and  there will be still five more prices stay tuned   until the end because we still have five more  prices five chessboards signed by hikaru and as we   know that the price the the value of those boards  is it's not possible to express with numbers all right so what's going on here um oh well that  numbers that's the thought this stream opened as   well yeah fide just tweeted the international  chess federation hikaru nakamura and his team   anna you and i don't have names but that's okay  uh just raised 314 000 for care more details   and they linked it that's very cool of them  thank you so much yeah shout out to uh whoever   manages uh the feed a twitter page we do have  names i promise they're right there well you guys   know anna anna come did in the world championship  she doesn't even get a name on the damn tweet   they know me i think they just wanted to make  sure that it's about hikaru it's his platform   hickory without you we wouldn't have raised this  much maybe just a very small percentage of it no   no i'm i'm frustrated on anna's behalf because  uh she covered the world championship the last   time there was a world championship so maybe the  last time ever who knows who knows yeah who knows   right now no oh no i don't want to go down in  history like that the last one joking aside you   guys isn't um isn't timor doing very well here  he's just up a pawn right if you go bishop c6   there's bishop b5 to trade the bishops so it  looks very good but it seems like a prime nepo   prime nipple situation no king h8 f5 just  go crazy right but why can't actually cash that's crazy we if we even raised the donation  goal by 50k we would already exceed it it's   at 348 000. that is we're going to hit 350.  we're going to hit 350. amazing really amazing   oh that's wild 300 more also you  guys don't forget to give anna a   follow as well we're hoping to get her to  a hundred thousand follows on twitch by   the end of december i think she is at what you're  at what 98 000. i think we are very close but i   didn't want today's stream to be about me because  there's so many more what's the number i wanna   know the number oh what's the current number  uh i'm afraid to look at it um let me open   my dashboard again because i think there were  too many new followers it couldn't catch up um you know the problem no in 97.741 that's the  number i see it's very nice very nice it's close   thank you guys who decided to follow uh i'm under  huge pressure because jenner the first is the   day after tomorrow basically there's no time left  there's no time left it's all good uh oh queenish   is a nice move no yeah very very tricky position  here this is typical nepo game like there's this   threat of rookie three d4 is weak your king  is going to get stuck in the center i mean   white should be better here still with king e2 but  again playing it like a bomb cloud is very tricky   yeah i was gonna say king e2 queen d4 and then  white is safe sorry i forgot about queen d4 that's   true maybe you go bishop e4 he went king f1 okay  so the idea i think is he wants to play i mean h3   and then bishop e4 or c4 i mean i know white is  much better here and i think it's slow wait isn't   that a free juicer on b7 now because you don't  have rook b8 or does he want c5 and b8 maybe no like i said it's it's pure nepo he might  go three pawns down he's just gonna go yeah   but this can't be right because he needs the f5  f4 break as well he needs too many moves here   so if teamwork takes a takes b7 i think he's  going to be winning i don't like bishop e4 at   all by the way because that now at some moment  f5 is going to come with a tempo on the bishop apparently we already have anna at 98.5  what are we just refilling my water bottle   yeah community's capable of good things when it  comes together so today today we've got hikaru   here so everyone's on pog o uh deficit they've  they've they've drained their pogos they're they   can't pogo us so oh no there they come but no we  love you guys and uh we are now 98.5 1500 to go   thank you so much everyone this is three hundred  dollars away from hitting 350 000 who's gonna do   it huh 300 what is this three hundred dollars  guys to make it to 350. 350. we started at a   hundred thousand goal and that goal already seemed  like a huge one and now it's 350. i mean we had   we had bodhi here who just i mean he got in you  know he started talking to the chess community   and you know we did a lesson maybe i don't even  know when that was at this point a week ago ten   days ago and the man just pulled up today and  dropped two thousand dollars as part of this and   thank you buddy wild 200. thank you so much each  and every one of you yes what a day what a day   and it's still going it's still going and listen  the chess has been has been amazing too okay   never mind mvl and wesley are playing in  berlin so i'm gonna go back to this other game   yeah i mean this game is very exciting because  i think timur again if he takes the juicer he's   winning but he's resisted taking his pawn on b7  like he's resisted like three times already but   he's got to take it now surely shirley's got to  take the pawn what oh he wants c6 queen g5 maybe   and force the queen's off the board uh-huh right  yeah actually you know what this is looking very   good i think timor is in great great shape here to  win the game he's in great shape to win this game   now like doesn't work g4 look good richie four in  rook g1 just double up the line why did he go rook   h6 what is he trying to attack i think he just  wants to take h2 but it's like you put the rook   out yeah like you still take with the queen anyway  so it's kind of weird or does he want to move the   queen back and take with the rook i don't know at  any rate i think after rook g4 here white's got   to be winning or richie five or two i mean some  combination of the double stack has to be winning   but he's thinking too long again he's just  being too slow like this is the problem and   these critical moments i mean this is where the  blitz experience really does play a big role is   when you've had a lot of experience playing  blitz these moves come much more naturally   he's just too slow he might just  lose he might even lose this honestly   yeah see now he cracks he should  have played h4 there i think okay tough position i mean again i still i still  think it's it's obviously better for white   but black's gonna get g6 h5 and play on  the king side and there's no guarantee that   that this is winning okay that looks  like a terrible move i think richie   one now should be winning there's got  to be some sack no or maybe whoa what   this has been an epic day this has been a an epic  day no but the problem is now your king's gonna   become open on d3 like this is this should be  winning somehow again oh bishop h7 and rookie four   bishop h7 bishop takes age seven and rookie  four was winning uh and he missed it and now   well now he has a second opportunity to  do it was winning somehow they traded the   rooks and then the rook went to d8 there was a  teleporting rook yeah but i mean the problem is   it's actually easier for black to play than white  to play oh my gosh d takes c5 oh the king on d3 yeah king of one f4 queen h4 f4 right f4 f4 f4  f4 f4 f4 yep there it is this is five plus three   right five plus three yep yeah so oh man i think  i feel like this game every single move it changes oh my god the draw you just  take yeah whoa king one wait okay what couldn't he just take on  e5 oh he plays bishop g2 queen g1 queen f   uh oh that's it bishop c3 oh yeah yeah there's  bishop c3 he just hung mate he hung mate   nepple wins oh my what a game that's it it's made  because uh king d1 first of all there's a hanging   broken but it's better to get made in one so and  also better than winning a queen like this and   then winning the rook it's better to make this  decision and then just winning all your pieces   that is unbelievable nepo has just come back  twice and is a draw away from qualifying to   the semi-final who would have thought after that  position had he had in the final rapid game in   the king's indian from white's perspective  it looked like a nightmare position to play   yeah uh that is that's crazy guys i'm gonna fill  up uh my water but i have the nvl versus wesley   game up on the screen still but i will be right  back sure ricardo what do you think about this   end game when it comes to how let's let's do odds  again or percentages that it will be a draw how   likely that is i think it's pretty likely i think  it's easier to play for wesley perhaps but i think   it should be a draw with correct play here uh  maybe rookie d1 and then b3 and c4 um that that's   that's what i think makes sense it should should  be should be a draw i think very likely to draw   and if this is a draw that will mean that the  next blitz game that's colors reverse wesley with   the white pieces against envia do you think that  wesley uh will play solid will he what would be in   your opinion his strategy if this game is a draw  and they have one more blitz game or an armageddon   i mean i think the thing is maxine plays  aggressively plays in night or openings   like this so i don't think wesley is in a spot  where he can force a draw although wesley is the   higher seated player so if they draw both games  wesley does get to choose the color in the final   yeah we'll play a very big role i think um as far  as what happens in the second game potentially oh and we've just hit 350 000 and increased our  goal to 420 000 i hope you are ready for that   hikaru i hope you are ready that we need to hit  yet another goal it's amazing yeah this is crazy   thank you so much to each and every one of you who  have been donating this goes to those who needed   a lot more than us as we said care is a first  responder to global crisis they are present in   a hundred countries supporting communities when it  comes to fighting poverty hunger and malnutrition   all of this support will go to the right place  and to this cause which hopefully in the future   will not be an issue and hopefully one day we we  can stop uh fundraising for it because we will   have solved it by then one day hopefully agreed  yeah you know that would be great it'll be great   wow oh but by the way since this chad is wondering  why i'm shaking my head i'm shaking my head more   because to me it's amazing um and this isn't this  isn't kind of a roast but like it's amazing to me   how at times it seems like nepo plays such bad  chess and he finds a way to get away with it so   that's the reason i was shaking my head um to  be clear so you think that he wasn't playing   very well in the rapid games also in this blitz  game you think it well i mean he was complete   he was completely lost in the rapid game he  was also completely lost in this game as well   so to me it that's actually kind of shocking um  uh what did someone says magnus just tweeted i'll   we'll take a look at that later you guys not not  this very again but anyway um the i think i think   maxime is maybe better here if he can get the  king to g3 and go f4 but i don't know if he can i think we've got our producer back so we can  move the pieces and draw arrows because that's   uh in levi's control what i was just saying  that now we can draw arrows and show them   when we were discussing i was like is the  board frozen i was like i hope not no no no   no everything is fine but it's easier if we can  illustrate the ideas with arrows on the board   yeah there's going to be a draw although is it  going to be a draw because there's knight d3   knight takes e1 and long term in the end game  white can put the pawns on dark source on b2 c3   and the white bish or the black bishop  is just looking at empty's empty squares the wholesomeness just keeps continuing on on  twitter too magnus tweeted again and i think   that's yet another tweet that we will need to read  out he tweeted on a lighter note daniel just wrote   to me daniel is daniel duke of his opponent then  he just wrote to me to cheer me up after beating   me and apologize for his celebration on air i  told him i did not see it and it would upset me   more when people stop celebrating after beating me  congrats to a most worthy opponent and great dude i i mean hasn't everyone done that when they've  beaten magnus kind of yeah most people get i   mean i think in general like if you if you  have such a tense i thought wesley did too   but i mean i i'm pretty maybe i didn't show it  as much but i definitely celebrated as well so   yeah yeah as you guys know daniel and magnus are  good friends and magnet and duboff has worked   um for team magnus for the 2018 world championship  match and i wouldn't be surprised if he's back on   team magnus for upcoming world championship  matches too true true but by the way um   i don't i guess this game is a draw but i think  it's it's harder to play here for maxine than   than wesley because of this um where this  knight is it's very awkward on e5 here yeah this is um i i still i still think i prefer  to be white though long term because when the   time gets really low the bishop is the pawns  are on dark square so the bishop can't attack   any of the pawns so even though i think black's  okay if they get down to like a time scramble   where both players have like 20 seconds i  think the knight is better than the bishop   i don't like rook 8 at all by the way i  think i can go like knight c4 maybe or 97   it feels like there should be a night  jump maybe there isn't i don't know   maybe just actually know maybe just go king g3 and  f4 even because rook a5 is not really a big threat   whoa what is that rookie eight knight c4 b5 rookie  six you're you're you're saying that it's it's   white who's pressuring here because white is  definitely better now because the the knight comes   around right but can't isn't this what's going  on this end game so you go rook takes right yeah   bishop oh do you think the bishops are  checking rook c7 ah rook c7 96 yeah i mean   i i think you have to take what the rook is this  end game with the pawns on the dark squares on the   on the queen side you have to assume the knight  is better than the bishop but wesley's going to   think here for a little bit i think before  before deciding uh do you want uh to look at   timor and jan because that one just started no  no let's leave it here the this this is critical   we're gonna we're gonna have a big uh we're gonna  have fireworks very soon i don't think this is   gonna be i don't think this is a clear draw and  this is why wesley's thinking he's trying to   figure out can you take with the bishop or does he  have to take with the rook he does take with the   rook rajabov has gone for a hippo with oh writes  he's black exactly yeah with the hippopotamus   yeah he's going for the hippo setup with knight e7  mm-hmm that's uh that's what you do keep all the   p okay or knight f6 now this is on live at some  point yeah keep the pieces on keep the structure so rajaba was in a must-win situation he has  to win the game with the black pieces in order   to tie the score and earn the right to play an  armageddon if this is a draw or white wins then   there's no more games no armageddon but uh  nepamya she will move on to the semifinals yeah and um i'm i think mvl might be  better here he's going to go f4 and   you can't get the king in and  the pawns are on dark squares i think that this is really an unpleasant  position to have i think if you're if you're   wesley here like we're enough for the meta of the  berlin is it this is it the fact that long term if   black moves the king to the queen side they have a  four on three but with the doubled c pawns white's   majority on the king side is better is that  like exactly okay so that's okay there you   go we're all learning today i just i don't  know i i don't i feel like in the past uh   several months whenever we all of us  see a berlin we're just kind of like ah   again you know what's funny i was thinking  about this the other day i think the berlin   is a great opening in in classical chess and  a rapid just but i think in blitz sometimes   it's not a good opening because if you ever  get into these end games they become really   unpleasant and hard to play so it goes king  c7 now can you go night no knight of five   wait can you go knight to five here and play  an end game oh doubling his own pawns but f4   and this is why the four pawns when you  have double stacked pawns in an end game   it's really bad because you can't use them  to make a majority and create a lane to for   a past pawn here this might be losing for wesley  i think this is losing probably with correct play   wesley's got to find some way to create counter  play on the queen side but i don't see it here   and the f pawn is just too advanced yeah  he's going to give up the pawn but i mean   i think it's too advanced i think the f pawn  rules a day it's too close to the end of the board   rookie 6 rookie h6 this should be  winning for white with correct play here   this is everything you called you  straight up called this like 30 moves ago   or not 30 but like 20 moves ago yeah it's  completely winning now mind you levy i'm a little   bit behind you so when i say this moves the same  time i don't see it oh i thought you're looking   in live chess you you could be yeah i thought  so oh oh sorry oh true you could live action   yeah you could live action quality yeah if you  want sorry okay let me log in i'm not logged in why did he take the pawn although yeah now now  there's a past pawn for black yeah now black   can get the b pawns uh oh i i he might have  underestimated this or missed it i don't know   or maybe he's just gonna go king g5 you think so  or f6 king f5 i don't know but one way or another   apparently it's apparently he's messed it up  apparently this is fine for wesley yeah it's just   i mean the rook is too active right yeah no  no i mean he really did mess this up crazy insane yeah i mean this is why i thought  like it was a little bit it was a little   bit crazy to open um to open it up like  this because i mean like the thing is   that um at the start of this like after b4 you  just leave the pawns or you leave them glued   because it takes forever for black to create a  pass pawn and i mean i don't know what the winning   method was but taking on b4 felt very wrong to  me chat you saw nothing uh checking he ate and um   i just tried to put egg in my mouth and  dropped it all over the place it was amazing um   wait a second we have a game again h4h5h6 is  coming uh oh you're right you're right you're   right you're right you're right oh my goodness  oh and king e7 and he just lost it oh wesley   just blew it he loses the game what unreal oh  my gosh oh wesley oh wesley oh dear oh dear   oh dear oh dear oh dear crazy absolutely  insane mvl has a one-nothing lead   all right wow back to this game  which uh rajaboom is better as i say that what is why didn't he go knight  e5 or take the 95 look good there oh my god   what is happening here he did go for this  look at this look at this king side attack   this is insane man what it what yeah why did  he go bishop g5 what was he trying to do i   don't understand what bishop chief  i mean i thought knight of four was   a threat but i thought you'd just  go 95 and just go all in you know   just just go for it this is yeah but i mean  this is just great for white queen h5 i assume   yeah very strange but this you this by the way  is why i will always love blitz more because   it's so much more dramatic than rapid chess  but optically this looks fun optically this   looks absolutely horrifying for for black  can you go king d7 i was gonna go king d7 is that not thematic for some hippo positions to  move a king like just move it one square e5 wow   this is wow and if you take there's knight g4 and  knight e5 maybe queen of whoa how do you do this   black is better here somehow i know this is crazy  oh do you just take a queen g7 in castle maybe   that doesn't look right why  can't you take on d6 am i blind   e3 and rook g2 oh my god i don't i don't know  if that works but like it's this is crazy sharp   uh he did it oh my god you're right bishop e3 is  the only winning move what is he gonna find it oh   my god bishop e3 oh my god disconnecting the rook  from the e6 pawn too and hitting d4 f2 rook g2   does never have a trick i don't see it what am i  missing bishop e3 do you go d7 but i mean you have   to do it bishop e3 is the only move he's got two  minutes to find it two minutes it's not it's not   i mean for yeah i was gonna say i mean he  corresponded in two seconds so that's true   so he goes if it took you all of two seconds to  find it is it difficult no i don't think it's   difficult because you see that the queen shields  uh the queen blocks the pin of the king so you're   gonna think where can i move the bishop to play  rook takes g2 discover check and win the queen   so so yeah but i mean he's got it he's got to  find it i mean oh on the board oh man here we go   oh my gosh there we go here we go so the threat  is literally queen f2 queen g2 mate that is the   threat the second threat is rook takes g2 winning  the queen by virtue of a discovered attack this   is just completely insane this is just game  over isn't it what do you do d7 king takes d7   if you take e6 knight e6 knight g4 knight you  four here oh no you can push d7 and then no but   knight g4 then i take f2 with the bishop and  there's still rook g2 knight g4 and king h1 i mean this is all pretty insane so we'll  see what happens i i saw bishop f2 but i was   like i don't see anything else g3 there's  rook takes g3 oh there's also you know it   also arrives if you go d7 kingdom h4 maybe i  can go queen takes off too knight f2 rook g2 oh if you throw in the d7 shack yeah you  ha i think you have to go d7 because it   it it destabilizes black's position like  black has to choose what to do after no no   nepo will play d7 of course isn't he like the  master of chaos so won't you play dc very true   uh he can't take with the pawn guys because like  we said there's two threats there's rook down and   queen down you cannot allow either of those things  to happen yeah yeah like pawn takes bishop there's   rook takes pawn with a check on the king and then  you lose your queen on h5 on the on the corner yeah i mean yanna's gonna have to burn  a lot of time here looking for something by the way video respon responded to uh   that tweet and saying give us a heads up next  time and we will be happy to help apparently the   international chess federation of chess also  wants to promote our fundraising efforts thank   you so much for that and this will be a feature  in the upcoming events too so this was the first   of many we hope that it was the first of  many charity streams that we can do together   with the rest of you guys this community is  mind-blowing and we're going to try to give back   and try to help communities of children and  families that are in need when it comes to   fighting poverty hunger and malnutrition that  will be our goal for future events too i believe am i insane here can't you take with the king  and then go go knight before queen of two i   i think you're right i feel bad because  anna just had this like very passionate   i'm sorry i know we need to focus on the moves but  i just wanted to say on a side note this is not   the last charity stream you have seen from us yes  it's actually we did not expect this so you know   really so many of you should be should be proud  to be part of this community uh we're just here   hyping it up and you know hikar obviously using  the uh the influence and the channel size that   he has in the community that he has so it's  all good we just sorry yeah rookie one you   castle right this is still so wildly unclear  uh you want you want long castle i think so   i i mean i i don't know this is crazy castle  queen side a move 25 to get out of the e file   yeah also anna is uh 900 followers away from  100k what a day i cannot believe it no this is   can someone pinch me that this is happening  like how like the whole thing the whole day the   only thing that was missing is that he currently  qualifies for the semi so let's let that didn't   happen but we're gonna we have earned hikaru as  a commentator for the rest of the broadcast so   i know this is not what we wanted but you guys  will have him every single day from now on   uh rookie six queen f7 rookie one king  h2 rookie four is that 96 and oh but 96   you just take to take the knights off i'm  just trying to pick kikaru's brain here   no you could play it rookie 496 you just take  the knight because g2 hangs yeah rookie 496   and you just take because i called it oh my gosh  you found it too wow yay 37 i found it yay wait   aren't the knights getting discombobulated  here a little bit or maybe of knight of two   wow this is this is insane see the problem  is in this game is that if you find one   good thing you have to find like six more  good things right it's one of those games   king b8 wow crazy why did he do that it's just  i assume it's just to free up your knight maybe   avoid some tricks or something i don't know but  this is definitely winning for black like 95 and   knight g4 you want to trade off one of the horses  if you trade off the horses just one set of horses   and the bishop on b7 dominates the knight on  d4 because it cuts the whole diagonal here instead of b takes a five i  thought knight g4 was a better move maybe not i don't know well at this point they're  both uh they have three second bonus time chat so   remember no one's uh no one's losing on time  mm-hmm okay now you have to go knight g4 right yep oh knight of three that's a good move i  think rookie two rick takes b2 and run that   run that bad boy down the board rookie two   yeah rookie two and then rook takes  b2 and a4 a3 and your pawn's too fast   this is unbelievable this is going to go to an arm  again most likely i mean it's it's not clear yet   i mean maybe c4 he'll hang brook on b2 but i don't  think so okay h4 bishop d5 and rook g8 and rook h2   oh very nice idea yeah bishop d5 very nice idea  yeah bishop d5 here looks like a good move rook   be b6 why is he doing that exactly i don't  know why he pushed the pawn he could have   just done it right oh but maybe he's worried  about queen g5 and swinging the queen ty was   saying bishop d5 to go rook g8 defended  by the bishop and then it cuts the king   and you can use the other i mean 28 oh no queen e8  oh we missed queen eight queen a4 whoa oh he did   yeah whoa um now i think he's just losing  right because knight d4 you take c3   yeah and you're gonna get c5 to lever the knight  and then the whole house the house collapses king   a7 of course well rajabov has to not flag right  rick d5 or d5 gg rook d5 or d5 or not no a3 oh   very nice though yeah i think a2 just wins right  you don't even need to move the rope because yeah   he gives a check first and then he will push  the pawn and there's the new queen on the   board the white cannot stop the a pass pawn  oh he plays rook a5 first just to make sure   knight ca check i guess he'll take it take and  bishop brooks brook b7 right okay because rook c6   oh you know he's gonna go rook c5 he's just  gonna plant the rooks on a5 and they just hold yeah just rook c5 and create like this barrier  or whatever you call it yeah just rook c5 and   then a2 yeah he can play that or give a check  and push and yeah a2 is it's game over what i   come back by teamwork rajabov winning on demand  to earn an armageddon so the blitz is tied 1-1   and we're gonna get to see an armageddon  between these two this is crazy and it doesn't   stop i mean wesley now has to beat mvl right  i forgot yeah that's true that's another game   and he's better in the opening and he's really  created some good chances here for himself i   don't like this though if i'm being honest i don't  i don't like it for wesley because it feels to me   like it's very it's very thematic like it feels  like black's moves come easily white's moves don't   come easily here so i actually don't like this  i'm just saying is this theory this looks like   some weird oh wait sorry actually i i revised my  assessment white white is much better i didn't   realize it was it was a pawn why should the  pawn here i i just thought it was even ponds   but yeah white's up a pawn i did not notice that  because that phone on d it's an extra pawn yeah   there's an extra pawn so white  is uh white is definitely better so where did they deviate from theory i'm  looking at the database and positions are   so weird the english is so weird and there there  was an early age four he played h4 and moved five   right now what i don't know why why hasn't  um has why isn't maxine play queen d5 yet   uh queen oh queen f3 queen a2 huh yeah yeah i  mean queen d5 seems like a very obvious move here but again it they both have three minutes so we're  not at the spot where they can move instantly okay queen d7 it's a very strange  move i don't understand that at all   because queen f3 and queen  h3 ah but you lose upon a g2   27 does not look right to me somehow i understand  that like maxine is trying to play for themes he   wants to go bishop b7 and bring his rook to the  center and argue that his king is very safe um so queen of three bishops should be  seven played so now queen g3 of course   rook e5 wow so he wants to go queen h4 rook  h5 you try to checkmate down the h file   yeah queen h4 queen h7 is mate by the way  correct chat this is that's me f4 oh my god yeah this game is getting very wild i i don't  like i don't like what maxime has done though   i really i don't i don't like  the um it just doesn't feel very   comfortable hey can we just address the fact that  out of three blitz games the only blitz games   we've seen so far this tournament all three have  been decisive speed chess is the future i mean   this one's gonna be the slice of two by the way  yeah yeah it's definitely looking like that yeah   and he blunted he had to go i think he had to go  rook h5 or something but i mean it's just so bad wow five is a great terrifying  move what a move this is amazing   this this is a cool chess it's not necessarily  perfect but that's what makes it beautiful   it's like imperfection is beauty in an in and  of itself why isn't all chess blitz exactly yeah   i think the record was interesting too but  with the previous format that 16 players   start and half of them qualify you were  right i think about that he carried 12.   it was less competitive wesley plays queen h3 here  by the way i think he just wins on the spot right   because there's no rook h5 oh my gosh amazing wow  it's not even to take the rook that's the easy way   out but but oh it's just unbelievable that's it's  game over i mean what are you night of five now   maybe yeah just knight f5 i mean yes this has to  be winning the only thing that's funny about zen   game is there there's pawn on d3 which is kind of  annoying but i mean technically speaking i mean   wesley's such a good attacking player he'll  find a way to unwind this and win the game rook f1 wesley has an extreme i was going to  ask you wesley has an extremely solid playing   style but he he is sorry i mean i'm sure it's all  winning but it doesn't i don't ah it's not queen   u6 he wants rook g6 that's what he wants it's not  i thought he wanted queen g6 but he wants rook g6   yeah so he's just winning what are you saying  about wesley you said wesley's a really good   attacking player so just the fact that he plays  solidly at times out of practicality it doesn't   take away from his style and skill like i mean  i i think i think when he gets the position that   that's sort of is really about attacking he plays  it well um i mean if it's not a position that's   for i don't think naturally he's an attacking  player but when he gets a position and especially   in a situation like this where it's must when  he has to go all in of course he's going to play   very aggressively and play play attacking shots  because if he doesn't win he's just he's done so i mean i i expect him to win this game  pretty soon um no you guys wesley does not   qualify because he lost the first blitz game so  if he wins this game it's only time there's going   to be another our megadon game we can't wait  we can't wait for another armageddon so both   matches are heading toward an armageddon nepalese  generation will be starting their armageddon soon   napalmia she has the right to choose the color  um so we shall see which one he picks bishop f   beautiful very nice move by wesley and yeah this  is this is just over yeah personally i would have   actually i would have taken with the queen just  to get queens off the board but i mean the king   on e6 is so open here and the king on e1 actually  is completely safe yep because your your work on   b1 just just keeps it really comfy what is the  finishing touch is it going to be rook b4 rook d4   uh that's one move but i think just queen h7  and just infiltrate on the seventh seventh rank   i'm not gonna lie i didn't even see that move yeah  i i just i i mean i i mean i think rook before   rookie four wins for example but even queen h7  and just keep yeah i mean everything wins so it's   just a it's it's matter it's a matter of choice  okay now queen age seven and just infiltrate on   the seventh and see when when you join us i i  just it's like the teacher is in the classroom   watching you take the test so i just only like  i only look at the test you know i just focus   and i want to you bring the best out of like  me personally because i'm like i gotta focus   i can't look too dumb you know  so that's what that's what   i feel like it's uh anna should we do that from  now on when hikaro's not here should we like   only focus on like the deepest analysis and it's  hard it's like a different vibe and wesley wins   yeah he has just one on demand so there will be  another armageddon two armageddons to finish the   day what a day it has been 352 000 dollars  raised and it keeps going it has not stopped this is insane i think we have about five  minutes right until they start an armageddon game   i think so well wait there's the other guy in the  game though yeah i guess nepalese and roger will   start there soon what color do you think hikaru  and nepali she will go for he has the right i   think he's i think yon made the right choice  considering the fact that timor seems a little   bit slower and um he's not playing he's he's just  he's has a little bit less experience i think yan   picking white is definitely the right choice  especially because john is not a solid player   with either color like he's got the game's going  to get very messy um so i think stylistically   because of that yawn is definitely right to  pick pick white here all things considered   he's but wesley will will like 2 000 pick black  make no mistake about it wesley is picking black   make sense i think wesley's only he's way i think  wesley's beaten mvl three times with white but i   don't remember but it's the same thing you had you  like won a few games with white you still chose   black in the armageddon because yeah of course i  mean you just have to play the odds odds dictate   that with black um you're probably gonna the game  is gonna be a draw like 70 ish so odds generally   dictate black but in a situation like yawns  where neither player is playing solid they're   both playing very aggressive chess um and rat  teamwork has been a little bit slow at critical   times throughout this match it makes perfect sense  to pick white so i like yawn picking white also   yawn is very fast so in that situation i think  it makes sense not me personally i still would   pick black but um but in this case i understand  why young picked white it's confirmed right   wait who's the higher seed i don't know because  they're fourth and fifth i i think it's nepal he finished four so he is the one choosing and  a quick update on our final giveaway that in   just a few minutes we will be announcing  the winners every donation that was 25   or above has entered that giveaway the final  giveaway is five chess boards signed by hikaru   the value impossible to express in numbers  millions because you're gonna win all your   games that you play on that board that's the  value of course yeah that's that's how you know   that's how osmosis works so if i if i went and you  know i i sat next to levy while he was streaming   his rating would bullet would magically  become 3200 what would happen to you 2800   well let's let's we don't we don't believe in  science we only believe in science when it's when   it works for us right right right okay fair fair  fair okay yeah fair favorite it's only it's only   it's only you only like get from the best it's not  it's not in reverse um yeah i mean when i say it   it's right when anybody else does it it's not  right so yeah it's five minutes versus four and   they're already going they're going yeah yeah wow  nepal plays into this again yeah this will be fun so this is an armageddon for those of you who  don't know what their format is y starts with five   minutes and black has four minutes only there's  no increment but in case of a draw the player with   the black pieces will move on to the next stage  so black has draw odds but less time correct yes   i see uh don't know still coming in we're almost  at oh we just crossed 353 000. in this format my   friends this is the only version where there is  nobody flip the board flip the board sure okay   okay it's not good it's but it's not a vintage  king's indian with like a it's a king's indian   it's a kingston here all right all right all right  lachaise's q and el timon um battling it out here   that's it this is the final game we've had enough  they fought long enough someone has to go uh   well i was gonna say go home i keep saying go  home but stay home just stay right yeah since   this is just uh online yeah yeah except for magnus  who apparently is in the special island i think i   think it's seychelles right or am i mispronouncing  it yeah i don't know how to pronounce it properly   but nice place i have not been there i  only seen pictures yeah i don't actually uh not actually fully aware okay  a nepo twice now has gotten   wait can't you just take and go knight  e6 wait what is that just a blunder   just take on d4 and go knight e6 yeah  isn't that just a blunder am i oh yeah   yeah 96 that's happening bishop d6 knight d4 oops  oh my god mind you it's not clear cut you still go   queen d no quinty two queen enough six bishop e3  okay wow rajab of who only needs a draw with the   black pieces is winning on exchange here winning  the rook for a night but you got a powerful bishop   on the diagonal so it's not it's not all sun and  sun and roses and if c5 knight d5 so it's not so   it's not so easy to kick it out no i think  b3 like bring the bishop back to b2 yeah   imagine he wins this game this is prime nepo right  here this is a prime nepo game oh my gosh i love   g5 i love g5 it's so in the spirit of the of  the bononi and the king's indian just to stop f4   beautiful move now i think f5 makes  sense actually just try to open it up   f5 or like or maybe bishop e6 here i don't like  f6 because now can't wait go f4 at some moment   okay so i think he's going to go bishop e6  and go like knight g6 knight f4 at some point   a time situation is still good for timor um  can white go g3 f4 just sack a pawn or even   yeah you could i think it's too early so so what  i would say is when you're in an armageddon game   with white especially what you want to do is  you want to keep the game going you want to   prolong it as long as you can um okay i don't  know if i like yon doing this he's grabbing a   pawn on the edge but it gives black time to  consolidate everything in the center here   i mean you do have knight a4 maybe okay he  goes bishop one so okay i think as the game   goes we're gonna be announcing names we have  the first winner of one of the boards one of   the magical boards and that is model pod modopod  you will be contacted through the email that you   have given thank you so much for participating  there will be four more prizes four more thank   you back to the game back to the game g4 it's  getting so so dicey i think white's fine here   like i'm worried about knight d5 and queen takes  h5 i don't know this doesn't look right somehow   although maybe you're just taking your  king oh but there's bishop takes c5 this is like hanging on a thread here is what i  would say it's like this is very much hanging on   a thread if teamwork can get can get like um  get like queen h gets some kind of attack on   the king's side i think he's going to win in fact  actually how do you stop queen h7 king f7 rook h8   yeah i was just about to say you never  have g3 because there's always knight   f3 so how are you just stopping this very  simple plan okay queen h7 just go go get   it get it to the open file queen h7 king f7  work h8 finish the game he plays queen g7   oh he wants to go for this  with knight f3 does that   is that a threat can he do that oh true true true  good point anna that's actually legitimately oh what knight f3 is probably winning here isn't it   is it knight f3 chuck knight f3 takes 16 f1  bishop h3 oh my god what's this f7 that was crazy it looked like he must have had something  he's running by force yeah night after was   winning by fours apparently the best move  after bishop to e2 was the move queen to h8   ah also also move yeah i thought queen h6 was  a move too but anyway whatever the game goes on   um that's unbelievable no but  timor's misplayed this he's he's   he's still he's still doing well but it's  uh he's misplayed this queen is insane   until we are waiting for his move we have a second  winner of another signboard mini mac 1999 you   have also won that magical board that will win you  every single game you play on it thank you so much   for participating yeah no uh if it doesn't it's  not it you can't sue us because we are not legally   absolved from many yeah timor i don't i think he's  i think he's going to lose this game unfortunately   i think the time is going to play a big role  here it's just okay so queen g5 yeah so go back oh nepo can't repeat no like but i mean but  the thing is teamwork just doesn't have the   time that's the problem yeah the 40 seconds  here play a role and then we're gonna get the   angry threads about armageddon and whatnot  right but i mean it's still good it's still   good for two more king f7 queen of four  king f7 and then go to the h file again   he just has to speed up because time  management has been his issue and   there's no increment in this one there's  no increment now if they're smart they're   not gonna start the other armageddon right until  this one's done but i just pulled it up who cares   so king g7 yep good job arcade shade queen h5 it's  15 seconds it's getting close yeah i mean this is   get this is getting very close to the point where  yawn is is okay you take with the d pawn of course   i guess or do you take with the f pawn  i actually don't know which way you take   it picks with a d pawn it's a little bit iffy a  little bit iffy okay so you trade but now it's   back to 30 seconds i mean how do you so take on  d5 take on d5 and go king g7 or king f7 i mean i think this should be fine i don't really see how   how can um how can netball can put the bishop  on c4 that's the best thing he can do right   why isn't black winning after king e7 or beat b5  oh he's winning okay so now e6 okay rook d8 now   now teamwork is going to win the game rook  d8 c4 and then rookie is he gonna find it   wow very nice oh my gosh quality play from  timor vera yeah he did he has 46 seconds   and his king is monitoring the d-pawn from ever  becoming a queen he's got the right color complex   uh just wait you just wait basically oh and you don't even have to win necessarily  right you could flank him with the rook although   it's okay put the rook on d4 and pre-move put  the rook on d6 d4 and you can pre-move forever   34 seconds left for team uranus no increment  this is good d4 just pray move rook d4   yeah is nepal gonna play f4 f takes e5  that would be tragic it's still a draw   yeah you can still pre-move because fv5  you'll see f4 on the board you just pre-move   just pre-move t-more pre-move those rook moves  yeah so the good thing about the primo is if   the poem promotes that's a check so the rook  move would be illegal what yeah d8 night oh   that's a very sneaky move yeah i mean if that  actually happens that would be the most legendary   under promotion maybe ever and then knight c6  but i think it's going to be a draw here yeah   i mean the fact that jan is tanking tells me  he's going to make the draw he has he's offered   the draw yeah yeah yeah yeah i mean the fact that  yon is tanking yeah wow it's official oh my gosh   lovey i that's so dirty you would totally do that  against me that is so good no i actually i stole   that from chat someone said under promote to a  knight and uh that is so dirty because any other   promotion yeah i guess you could do a rook too  brooke rook yeah you could do i don't know what   genius in the chat wrote under promote to a knight  but uh somebody take the credit that is so sick   what a game tim murray was leading earlier then  the formula she bounced back and eventually in   this lost armageddon tamara jabov holds a draw  with less time and that means he qualifies to   the semi-finals napoleon she is also out  of the tournament but we do have our third   winners i'm gonna announce that before the next  armageddon begins the third signed board goes to   joke eric and the next draw will be in  a few minutes we have two more boards   congratulations jokarik for your price and  there will be two more boards signed by hikaru   i'll get my pens ready this is unreal and nepo  you know it's it's nepal apparently left and then   also like broke his desk or something i don't  have a clip okay oh yeah i gotta watch it right   yeah i got a someone get me a better clip  you guys always like want to be the first but   make it a good clip catch the you know catch  it like what happened because i don't want to   put up a clip and then the game starts and it's  all bad i want to i like how hikaru started the   day being called the a bad loser and has had the  most tranquil reaction of anyone eliminated today   raised 355 000 he's chilling here with us and  everybody else is smashing laptops yeah um   incredible stuff let me get uh let me get  a clip in the chat please i know a lot of   people posting it but sometimes you wait a  little bit you get it from higher quality   but okay let's uh let's pull it  up we've watched every reaction   yeah it's i feel like today has  been a very stressful day it's like intense and we have we have a  game so let's quickly watch this   yes let's quickly watch this clip as our as our  final game of the day has started final armageddon   of the day and again um pie starts at five  minutes black starts with four minutes   there's no increment but in case of a draw black  moves on to the next stage so in terms of color   it was wesley who chose got the cliff already  break through the black defenses black's rook   just sitting on those two squares two protected  squares white has no way to break through 26   seconds it should be enough for roger oh okay  and uh that's it as a draw rajaboth is through   timor rajabo is the winner of the quarter-final  match against janna pomnyacci and will   faze daniel dubov in the semi-finals starting  tomorrow wow the man who had retired from chess   is back he's through and i think we saw napoli  actually throw something there he reacted repeatedly three times before the draw um  yeah he deserves to go through steel yeah   i i love timing and there he is back with  oh he's not his hand is just on his just   oh there's more to it yeah yeah yeah i did not  expect that yeah there was something some some   some some hitting of the desk i feel bad because  like this game is also going kids no no i know   i know it's uh we should you know this game is  there too although i i don't think that in this   game well okay if there's going to be a culprit  for overreaction in this game it's going to be   mvl right i feel like right no but neither player  i think in this game you're not going to see it   but anyway okay i'm kind of surprised this  means wesley chose white doesn't it in this game   yes because he had the right to choose i don't  like the opening at all by the way i don't like   this opening at all fourth winner by the way of  assign board is uh sprint fast so congratulations   they did that was the fourth board and  we have the final board that will be   drawn and announced in two minutes the final  price correct this is crazy guys what a day   terrible terrible position for wesley by the way  it's symmetrical very trash very very drawish so   yeah i don't like this choice at all like 95  and just queen c8 or queen eight i mean sorry yeah and this has gone very wrong from for  for wesley and time is already even almost   there's gonna be night g4 lurking as well  yeah this seems like a very uh strange   turn of events yeah i mean this is kind of why  i really feel like you need to you need to be   careful because like he had that great win in  the night or but or not and i'm sorry in the   gruenfeld but now it's like maxine has been very  very super solid and already the time advantage is   gone and it's symmetrical and i mean everything  is looking up for uh for maxim here knight d5   that's okay does it work don't take like this  you get mated can't you just go do you go bishop   d8 here just bishop d8 right that's what he  has just played indeed stepping out of 97. no but this is everything's getting  traded yeah knight can go back but   bishop c7 i would have gone  to e7 and just go rook c8 this is just a blitz game of three minute  with completely symmetrical everything   exactly yeah this is a bit of a strange ending  but uh anna i think we have our final winner and that is the final winner of the board  signed by hikora magical chessboard goes to   rice ball 14 35 congratulations  rise well i'm getting hungrier   every time i see food names mentioned well you  have one as a born sci-fi icarus thank you so much   everyone for participating for your donations this  has been an incredible day mind-blowing 355 000.   i don't like i don't like what uh what maxine  did he just traded queens why did he do this   he should not have done this this was a very bad  decision is it tell us why it's a bad decision i   mean it's an end game now and i think it's easier  to play for white basically and it doesn't matter   that it's close to equal the time situation will  be initially knight c3 i guess b5 e4 knight beat   knight i mean it's it's fine but i just i don't  love it it's still i mean it's still fine for   maxine but it's it's going to be a long end game  now it's not it's not a guaranteed draw anymore   so like it was very symmetrical and gear i  mean pretty much guaranteed to be a draw i felt   okay so e4 of course knight f6  obviously the rooks come off king e2 there goes king two yeah i mean i  don't like this i think i think i think   i think uh maxime really misplayed this a4 and now there's pressure so the 20 seconds  is going to come in handy here i think or no   no wait wait is there knight c4 wait why  did he take i thought knight c4 was a draw   takes wasn't knight c4 just  a draw why did he do this well she's gonna play this for a win i  think okay but now knight g4 of course bishop g1 fe and like i mean this is this is a draw but i  mean e5 here i i don't like i don't   like what maxim has done at all like  e5 is is definitely a move okay trades yeah i actually i think i think  i think wesley's gonna win now   maxime really misplayed this he really misplayed  this he never should have traded the queens like   he was just clearly better or not even better  but clearly equal and then he played he wasted   moves bishop fade and rook d7 instead of  um trading pieces and now after king c4   i think he's he's on his way to losing this game  probably oh bishop c5 that's that seems committal   didn't you say you should wait to make such  like with the time in a way but i mean i mean   max team is down to one minute so we're getting  to the stage where we're already at this at this   critical moment it's crazy though there should  be a draw because black can go g5 and open up   there shouldn't be enough pawns left on the  board like g5 at some moment maybe not here   but knight p3 is a really nice  move he does play g5 to try to   trade as many pawns as possible there's no  merit to taking and playing h4 right it's   probably just a drawer then f4 and then i get  the outside pawn oh ew hmm okay jeez still tricky   uno reverse carded me over there i just thought i  was a genius with some h4 men just said oh gross   yeah i mean it's probably okay knight d four  oh so now i think you you just got a 97 right   or do you take on a four first takes knight two  six fg three king and opponent game they traded oh   g4 he's saying that you cannot cross maxime  is a bloody genius how did he see that in one   second he is a bloody genius he is a bloody  genius he just there's nothing it's just the   draw so king c for king c6 king d for king d6 he's  maintaining the opposition and white cannot cross   this is a draw but he's oh i was gonna say he's  got less time he already has more time than wesley   yeah he cannot be flagged it's over wesley's out  mvl's in and it's official it's official single   person from the last semi-final is out is that  official yes correct holy what that's crazy i   mean someone spiked the punch bowl apparently or  put something in the global water supply because   yeah it's that's very shocking i mean like i mean  first of all magnus losing is completely insane   at least the way he lost me losing also i think  it's a surprise but then wesley also losing i mean   it's crazy i mean john of course is a surprise  but i think out of the four it's probably the   least of a surprise but yeah like the fact  that that you know all three i mean wesley   myself and magnus loss and just crazy all the  top seeds lost all the top four seats all lost   as i just tweeted out the anish giri curse is  real don't let that man that don't let that man   say say your name you want that man to never don't  let that man call your stocks don't let that man   oh my goodness oh goodness oh goodness me that  is true and it's gary calling magnus hikaru and   wesley the top three favorites they have been  doing very well during the tour and oh well   anish i i was gonna add just before we wrap  it up just a couple things i was gonna add   wesley probably did not have some major reaction  so i i don't think we need to open that clip um   what i was gonna say is like in terms of who's  left i think probably the favorite based on his   play and i said it's just based on play in  the speech house championship it's probably   technically i would say maxine but i think  maxime and dubov are probably the two favorites   at this at this point and probably by by a fairly  substantial margin i would say what's crazy about   maxi making it through now to the semis is that he  was barely qualifying he needed a miracle in the   last round of the preliminaries playing with the  black pieces against sasha grishok he had to win   he had to win on demand and chris um just went  wrong in a rook end game it it's insane how now   maximus is on the fly he's going through do we  actually have a wesley reaction or not i think   we do don't worry it's probably wesley literally  like shrugging his lip and getting out of his seat   maybe his cat appeared on camera why don't we  watch it just all right yes out of posterity   out of respect to wesley this will be the  final clip of the day and then we will give   everybody their channel back all right here we  go my friends wesley so breaking everything yeah   everything in the vicinity was  probably set on fire let's watch it   [ __ ] um they have roughly the same  amount of time in wesley so there's no way he had actually a big smile on his face there  it is maximum going through to the semi-final   absolutely disgusting by wesley i mean what we  saw earlier today was bad but that i mean that   should be he should be on a wait list for the  next invitation i mean that was sad for like   three seconds wow it's like so angry that's gross  what we just saw there uh unforgivable frankly um   yeah yeah hilarious but no i mean i i mean wesley  of course is very chill i mean his reaction was   like my reaction wasn't it kind of i mean the same  thing just shake your head get up that's life big   deal and move on exactly i mean it's hard to be  mad you turn around there's a cat you know like   what are you gonna that's true let the cat destroy  the stuff in your house that's the golden rule   exactly yeah wow cause i don't know what to say uh  today was crazy the the donation notifications are   still going off because they are delayed like an  hour at this point i i i mean what a day 350 000 uh unbelievable exactly yeah thank you so much  to each and every one of you for for donating for   supporting such a worthy cause and hikaru thank  you so much for for letting us cover the show but   now we're gonna hand it over to you i believe  from now on the plan is hikaru will be here to   broadcast the tournament for you guys and levy and  i will be alternating as co-hosts so tomorrow it's   hikaru and levy on the two channels of theirs  i think i might just do a just chatting or   something casual on my one because we are so  close to hitting 100k i will want to be on air   tomorrow when we hit 100k anna you might hit it  today you're at 99 500 you're 99 500 if you're   500 away so you're you're either going to hit  it today or hit it tomorrow but i mean you you   actually should keep streaming too because  i think you'll hit it if you keep streaming   yes i i didn't expect it i thought the after  parties that hikaru was and hikaru um i think   that the donation goal for 200k was was that you  you're gonna keep streaming and now everyone is   excited about the after party mm-hmm that that's  what i want you to know what i was gonna say you   should you should just stream for another hour as  well yourself because um if you stream for another   hour you're gonna hit it on stream like otherwise  you're gonna have to recognize it tomorrow no it's   just not the same i see yeah like i mean i mean  if you're like you're offline it's just not the   same thing i'm gonna take the professional advice  then because i was gonna rate hikaru simply for   the after parties i'm gonna rate hikaru after  i properly thank each and every one of you for   the follows because this is insane yeah all like  2000 by the way she has to read all those users   hey cara do you want to do what we did the past  few days where you you can you can uh you want to   jump off the zoom call and then boot up obs yeah  i will absolutely yeah all right okay we'll see   in a minute or two but yeah epic stream guys a lot  of fun yeah big shout out to both you great job   thank you so much and we'll be back tomorrow  levi and hikaru and then the day after it will be   hikaru and me i uh i will do what i've been doing  every day i will film a beautiful recap video   of the entire day's action scoreboard  there will be clips there will be a   story line desks will be smashed lips will  quiz you know quiz um whatever wesley did   so that's what i'm gonna do and uh anna's  gonna keep streaming we're gonna get to a   hundred thousand i just someone hikaru send  me a message when you're ready to end and   one final goodbye to chat what an unbelievable  day thank you all for the 355 000 donated to   charity that's absolutely mind-blowing all  right we are ready to end this thank you so   much everyone i'm gonna stay on my channel for a  little longer see you lovely tomorrow i'm gonna be   watching for sure and in the meantime thanks  again to each and every one of you bye guys   you
Channel: More GMHikaru
Views: 56,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, chess tricks, airthings masters chess, airthings magnus carlsen, airthings hikaru nakamura, hikaru nakamura chess, Airthings Masters, aronian vs radjabov, aronian vs carlsen, aronian vs nepomniachtchi, Magnus Carlsen loses, Magnus Carlsen Airthings, airthings masters chess hikaru, airthings masters chess tour, airthings masters chess wesley so
Id: KAPPbM3wW5o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 216min 49sec (13009 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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