GMHikaru Teaches Pokimane A Lesson?! PogChamps 3?!

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someone um suggested i perhaps call you  hika roowoo what are your thoughts on that   i prefer i mean i'm i'm used to i i've heard a  lot of french people say my name the other way   so i actually like it i prefer it that  way so that's better that's better yeah   yeah got it yeah a lot of  people saw that okay all right so you've been studying a lot right   i don't know if i could say a lot i'll say i've  been playing semi-casually for the last week   right well what i meant by that though is like  uh in many ways when you're new to the game it's   like more important to do like the puzzles and  just like learning general knowledge as opposed   to um as opposed to actually playing so that's  kind of what i meant in a way yeah because i   found that otherwise i i get into a game and i'm  not even sure what to do because there's there's   so many openings to know there's like traps  to avoid and then there's knowing what to do   mid to late game and how to attack the king i  feel like those are all things that i'm much less   experienced with so i'm just trying to build  a good foundation right so what i thought was   a good way to start is to go over a couple of  games as opposed to purely starting by playing   and learning the opening so you have some idea  of like um attacking and developing and having   a plan there's some what i would say model games i  want to show you um and then like kind of go from   there if that is okay sounds good okay so first  things first when at the very start of the game   in terms of openings as i'm sure you're aware  normally you want to play in the center right   yep so do you actually see the highlighting  the squares right yeah okay so normally like   these four squares are probably the most important  squares in the entire board um and you want to put   a pawn that called them the super squares yeah  yeah exactly i mean they're the most important   squares on the board um so you normally want to  put pieces on pieces or pawns out on on one of   these four squares at the start so okay so e4 um  e5 now this is a very old game by the way it's   again from like almost 200 years ago but a lot of  the older games they sort of you learn the basics   because one player kind of understood what they  were doing the other player didn't understand   as much so they become model games where  you can learn a lot about how to develop   okay okay so so e45 is knight f3 so what is  the purpose of this move to attack the pawn   right so black develops and two develop yeah  right so it's sort of if i could ask real quick   here sure uh i feel like a prior to this move  you essentially have two options which is to   defend your pawn or attack the enemy pawn what  is usually like the thought process in deciding   which to do is it dependent on whether you move  first is it dependent on the kind of game you're   trying to play so are you saying that this uh the  second move for white is that we're referring to   yes like whether you want you see my  arrows right mm-hmm yeah i do yeah yeah   so whether you want to attack this pawn  or whether you want to defend your pawn   right so that actually is stylistic there  are many different ways that you can uh   there are many different setups  that you can apply um you can bring   bring either night out but normally when you bring  the night out to uh to defend your own pawn it's   so that if your opponent tries to develop their  knight to attack your pawn you actually can be   very aggressive and play a move like this this  move probably doesn't make sense i'm guessing   what do you mean well so you want to  develop the start of the game but do you   see is there a problem here what what does  what's the obvious looking move for black   it's black smooth take take okay so so yeah so  i think look at it okay so your thread you can   capture either pawn you can capture the pawn  with your knight or you can capture the pawn um   next to the king this pawn i have four okay so if  you if you just do like the basic thought process   if if black captures a knight what happens yeah and that would be one pawn for one  night which is a it's a bad exchange   because knights are much more powerful than ponds   so black doesn't want to take this pawn so  is there anything else that black can capture right so is is that a free pawn i think so right so ordinarily it would look  like this is a very bad situation because   black is just ahead by one pump yeah but now  white can actually push the spawn forward   i see and then you have to do something with  your knife right so where can the night go   um i can't go here so i guess maybe it goes here   okay so there there basically are five squares  here so if you go to this square what happens   okay if you go to this one also take right i  feel like you're kind of forced to this one   but what happens if you go to  this square i mean the square oh the queen takes right and what  happens to the night goes to this square a knight on the rim is pretty grim also still  takes right so so when you look at this night   you can't go to you have to move back right and  what happens here is now white can actually just   just push the pawn and one thing that's really  important is time mm-hmm so you'll see the beast   now you are very undeveloped on black side right  well yeah if you look at the black pieces they're   on their original square yeah so white actually  gets pawns in the center and has developed a   night and also will recapture this pawn that  that um that you lost at the start of the game   oh my god this is a terrible position to be in for  black right and what is like the initial move that   is bad that sets off all of this when black takes  this pawn uh accepts the gambit because right now   again again but normally is where you give up say  a pawn or you give up material um either hopefully   get ahead yeah basically so you can bring out your  forces much more quickly than your opponent can   so that's actually why if anything  this is like a bait exactly yes it   so so in terms of the development there there  are multiple ways now the thing that i would   say is bringing out this night it's just um it's  just a more popular move uh but it doesn't really   matter now we can we can get into the specific  openings later but it's just a matter of which   setup you want to use at the beginning there isn't  um there isn't like a specific reasoning you just   you have your setup of what you wanted  which force you want to bring out how   to play from there so it's not like  you're thinking super deep at the start sounds good so okay so you can do either  one but for the for the purpose of this   game bringing out bring out this knight is  attacking the pawn now black develops now   actually i want to see if you can spot something  so let's say black brings out the knight here and you capture this pawn  and black captures the spawn what are some ways that you can attack this night  so by attack i mean threaten to capture this night   uh thinking out loud there's this there's  smith there's the queen here or there very good so actually when i when i say threaten  to capture if you move the night you do   threaten to capture the night but normally this  would just be a trade or an exchange of nights   ah true so that not that option right no but it's  very good you actually saw um there there are two   moves that that makes sense or you mean this one  yeah now this actually is good because this really   is important for fundamental basics um very rarely  do you want to push a pawn that's basically to   the left of your your white king i assume you're  looking at this from the white point of view right   um very rarely do you want to push this  pawn next to your king you almost always   want to get your king out of the center like  castling the king before you ever push the spot   and the reason for that this one i think yeah  you can feel yeah fianchetto the bishop exactly   um so the thing is if you push this pawn and  this is actually a theme that's really important   because this you'll see this very frequently in  games where the players develop their pawns from   yeah right and what happens when i push the pawn  so if you move the queen away i'm just going to   capture your knight with my with my pawn true and  i'm forced to move the queen no not necessarily well i guess i could capture  but it's not a bad trade well actually okay they're  both um both options are good   but if i take your knife first  of all you can take the rook so you've given up one night and you get a rook in  return and a rook is worth much more than a night   but then secondly you actually  also can take this pawn and check right so what is  the only move for white here so i move my king and then what's  your next move as black yep i i think the first first thing to look at is see  if there are any of your opponents uh pieces can   be captured where you can take where you can  capture something um or something yours is   understanding i'm looking at checks first but my  queen is very unsupported so i don't think i can   but i can take the knife for free right i  can't take this for free so when you look   at this you're actually head by two pawns black is  seven ponds white is five ponds um and this is a   great great exchange you give your knight but  you got a knight in two pawns and return four so this is a theme you should actually try to  remember is if there are opportunities where   where your opponent pushes upon next their king  and they try to block like this good for you   right is that always be aware of these ideas  where you can capture and when white recaptures   you win a rook uh in the corner really really  important i think one of the things that   i am not as used to visualizing is definitely  night captures so that one i'm a bit slower to see   no but that that's good though  that you saw you i mean that you   you you want to you want to be aware  of these ideas because you know   do you know what this is called um this  this idea where if i capture lose the queen i mean isn't uh your pawn essentially pinned  correct yeah exactly the pawn is pinned so   when i capture the knight you take the  rook so that's very that's very good okay by the way okay question you mentioned  a couple of things for me to look into   and you said both forks and double  attacks are they not the same thing   um they they can be the same thing normally a  fork is where you're going to win um like get   a material advantage whereas a double attack  normally um you're not always going to end up   winning material but you are right they can  they they can be the same thing you're you're   absolutely right they can do the same because  that was very confusing to me i was arguing with a   friend about this i'm like why would they have two  terms for the same thing but it makes sense that   a fork is where you know you're going to trade as  the next move or as a double-sided right normally   also normally a fork is going to occur with pawns  it's normally going to be b with a pawn whereas   a double attack can occur with like a rook or a  queen or any of the the major forces that you have   like a queen or rook or bishop for a knight okay  so so actually so anyway back to the basic here   like you very rarely want to push a pawn next to  your king but always be aware of these ideas where   you can bring a queen out and make a check if your  opponent pushes upon next third king okay so the   move that i have a lot of scholars mate that's  one of the ways i've won my only two victories so okay so in this position there  are two moves that i want to point   out so let's say white moves the queen  here does this look like a good move let me think it through if i take i feel like the awkward thing is actually if  the black knight retreats then your queen is   just kind of out in the open and i don't think  you want to bring out your queen tooth bath   right normally that's true but i would also say  that don't worry so much about that specifically   in this situation because look at look at what's  happening here do you see what the threat is   this is actually a double attack  i was trying to look for that   but it's on this and i mean you're not  gonna take this i don't oh wait you can   cause your knight supports it correct so like for  example if i push my pawn to support my knight yeah and this is just checkmate because  the knight is protecting the queen   the king can't actually move anywhere   was a little too five head for me i'm still  at three head you know but i see what you mean so i think i'm much more used to uh the bishop one   right right i think it's very rare to get a  checking of the queen i'm actually going to   show you another pattern later where where you  get like a similar pattern normally when you try   to check me with the knight i'll i'll just make  some random moves just don't don't worry about   trying to understand the moves that i'm going to  play but i'm just gonna just uh set up a position   for example so when you try to use a queen a  knight to attack almost always it's gonna be   towards this this pawn on h7 this pawn  next to the king after black is castle   so if you're thinking about so if you're thinking  about like a queen and a knight trying to use   these two this uh these two pieces it's always  it's almost always going to be something like this okay right so try to keep this in mind so i'm  going to show you something later that   is related to this and i want to see if  you can put the put two and two together   wait what was the second variation that you  just showed well i was saying that when you   get a knight here and a queen here normally  it's to put pressure on these two pawns   these two because your your knight is  attacking both the pawns and your queen also is   okay so keep this in mind for later  because if you get this position this   is actually another checkpoint king cannot  move it's been people no exactly yep exactly so i would say like when you're trying  to think about like the the knight and   the queen for example most of the time it's  going to be it's going to be in the corner   of the board when you're trying to make a uh  when you're trying to make a checkmate got it   so okay and then the other thing that i want  to say is um i think i saw one of your games   the other day so just ignore this only played  like one game right but you you had you had this   position in the game the other day where were you  the black pieces so white is actually attacking   this pawn with the knight in the bishop i  think you thought for a while eventually   found that the right move was was pushing  this pawn to prevent the the double attack   because the diagonal there's a pawn in front  of the bishop now so you're not attacking this um where was i going with that i forget where  i was going with that but but anyway the point   is normally yeah when you're trying to attack this  point very this pawn next king very early you want   to bring the bishop out right as early as possible  because that is kind of a weak pawn because it's   only defended by the king right so like for  example i'm just going to make more random moves   this is why it's so important to get your  king out of the center of the board because   if you can develop your knight in your bishop and  you can castle your king you'll notice that these   pawns are this actually you should think about  the structure with these three pawns in front   of the kings that's very important um you have  this knight that's protecting the pond and you   have this rook that's protecting the font here  so theoretically white can capture this pawn   you recapture white captures and black captures  and this is it's it's an even trade you're giving   white's giving away one bishop in one night um  these two pieces for one one rook and one pawn so   it's six for six oh okay but most of the time when  the position is is kind of close for example let's   say a castle and there's some development most of  the time a bishop in a knight is worth more than   a rook because rooks are very good on open files  do you know where to open files yep when this is   empty right so let so let me just play like  a random move so let's say i go here and here   yeah so let's i go these two moves how  can you open a file for the rook here uh i believe if you do this   so so when i say when i say open a file i mean  you open you open sort of the the file for a rook i was gonna say if you do this and he takes the  new capture and this is open but there might be an   easier way well you're absolutely right if your  opponent captures you you get an open you got   to open fire but your opponent is not going to do  that because you don't want to give away a bishop   for one pot yeah so is there another one so i'm  wondering if there's an option that is independent   in that case actually this one this was one of the  questions that i was going to ask you i feel like   i always have like an awkward time bringing my  rook out or figuring out how to open a file for   him because i never want to take like two moves to  do it if there was like nothing here um or if this   was further up and then i'd have to do like three  moves that's just not fun or it's very slow tempo   agreed um so this is actually very important like  rooks are probably the hardest piece to bring into   the game because they're they're probably the last  one where you can get open files um and it's just   very hard to understand where to put them but in  this case there's a specific reason that i'm uh   asking if there's a way you can open a file  because this is going to be very important   down the road as well i'm thinking whether this  i don't really see where that gets us either   okay so i'll actually tell you  what what the move is so it's   not completely open but the move that  you can players you can push the spawn for this work you mean yes oh i was tunneled on  this one no that no no that's that's completely   fine that's completely fine um but the  reason is that you see what you're doing   is in this position that you have this pawn in  front of this rook the rook isn't really like   you can bring the rook here for example but it's  only it's only defending this pawn in the center   but when you push this pawn forward what's  happening is you're you're actually going to   trade these pawns and you're going  to have this open file for your rook   yeah so normally when you i do remember seeing  that if you can be the one to kind of force   the trade or whether it's like your decision  essentially whereas here it's his decision whether   or not to open the file correct so so this is just  a general concept that normally when you you have   like a rook and say a pawn in front of it if you  can try to open the file for the rook that's when   the rook is the most effective okay so it's kind  of worth it in that thing what if you were taking   i don't okay how do i wear this what if you  were taking an unfavorable trade for let's say   one extra pawn is that worth  opening up the file you would say   um i mean it's very it depends  on the situation but normally   i would say probably not rooks are generally  very good like in the middle to late part of   the game they're not they're generally not the the  piece that's most important early on in the game   okay so that's what i would say all right so okay  so getting back to what i showed this position   before so this one was a good move let's say  queen here now let's say i move my knight this you   should find pretty pretty easily um but can you  find a tactic here it's like a puzzle basically okay i feel a little put on the spot but let  me do my best i know that do you want me to   think out loud or just like give you an answer  okay i think it's good to think out loud yeah   i see that uh my knight is attacking here and  here and that this is kind of the weak spawn   in a sense and that my queen can also get  to the point of attacking it like this um so just look at um the black king here oh also if i move my knight i have if i position my knight so that i  trade for the queen i guess that   could be pretty worth it or  the rook could also block them right but what um where so you have why this is a good move but why is  this a good move because i think either way i come out with materials at the head so  what happens when i block with my bishop um if i take your king can't take because my  queen but if your queen takes then i can take her is there anything else that  you can capture here though right and then you're just ahead by one whole rook  because i can't even recapture your night here   oh my god the the pressure of doing puzzles in  front of a gm okay but find it find a better   move this is what like when you move the  knight here this is called a discovered shot   like you see you move the knight out of the way so  you put the king in check and when i block you're   gonna i can't i can't guard my rook here so find  a better move there's a better move better move oh again thinking out loud i'm just working  through different things my pieces can do so like   if i were to take somewhere   and then force one of your pieces out  essentially um or if i'm just looking for a check so when you move the knight to this square  you're gonna you're gonna win a rook but you   can actually do better than that where  you're gonna you're gonna win the queen   this side okay and okay so why is this  so good without actually playing the move   so just just just logically reason this out  when you move the knight here what happens   i'm attacking the queen but i also  have you in check so you have to   block somehow right and how can i block  this or this but you'll probably choose   the bishop and then i grab the queen right so  no matter how i block with my bishop or my queen   you're going to recapture this queen on the  next move so you actually are going to end   up winning a queen for one night and you're  very far ahead trip okay that makes sense   so this is a just just just a basic thing now it  won't happen most of the time it's just something   to be aware of is that uh these discover checks  where you can use like a queen or use a bishop are   really really important okay so let's say black  defends this pawn on move two with the knight   so now both players are going to develop i'm not  going to get into openings right now because i   think it's it's better just like get some  basic understanding first the moves aren't   really super important but when white goes  bishop here if you just try to think about   developing peace or attacking and defending  let's just say i pushed my pawn here   can you uh end up ahead in  material here if you do an exchange so right now both players have nights developed  right and currently this knight defends this pawn   and your knight is defending this pawn  in the center yeah but is there a way   to maybe win this pawn perhaps um i see that i  am attacking kind of the defender of this pawn so if i take and then take here but i will lose my   well it's an even trade though you're giving up  a bishop for one night so bishops and knights   essentially the same values are the same yeah  they're both three so when you take and i just   recapture can i capture right and you're ahead  by one you're just up ears up upon a center   sorry like i mentally i'm like okay the math adds  up but i'm like shy to say that that's the answer   don't don't be i mean like i  it's like i'm asking cause i want   it's kind of like that okay it's a good  move but what if there's a better one   right i i would say like normally don't i think  as as a newer player as a beginner it's really   important think about the simple solutions don't  sort of don't try to think about like well you   know there might be this move which is good but  what if there's a better move if you see a good   move or you see something looks that looks obvious  generally that is going to be the correct answer   it's more important like in terms of looking  for like multiple moves or what the absolute   best move is that's not something that you  should really worry about okay okay that's good   so now in this game black develops the  bishop so now what based on what i just   said to you what would be generally the  the obvious move that you'd play here i don't think that impacts the  past trade that we were going to do   right so what would you what  do you think you should do here   if it's the same thing then this but i have not  looked to see if there's anything that can oh   that can attack but i think it i think it's still  that right so in this case it doesn't quite work   out but but basically i want you to understand  why like you know what what you're aiming for   in the center of the board here so when you take  this knight black um has a couple ways to capture   but but i would say normally what you're trying  to do with your bishops especially at the start   of game actually it's just a general principle  when you develop these pawns in front of the king   is you want to bring your bishops out in a perfect  world you can end up in some situation like this   where i think you've watched my stream so you know  what this is right these three pawns a pawn chain   right and i've said this this is the bishop is  outside of the pawn chain which is better than   than then later and he's like stuck behind right  so yeah so for example say you get some position   like this you'll see black has three pawns but  the bishop is uh it's behind the pawn chain   so normally you want to get your bishop out  now for example something that um that you know   the another canadian streamers played very  frequently is put the bishop here on d6 um   yeah i'm not gonna say his name but anyway i  think you know who i'm referring to but anyway   the point is um so if you put the bishop  here to guard this pawn in the center this is a very bad move now why do i think  why do i think this is a very bad move here just thinking about your development okay let me let me do this  from the white side actually   since you're looking from the white  side let's say i put my bishop here   and i'm just gonna play some normal moves i'm  about to flip my head upside down yeah i'm sorry   i'll just always do this from the white side for  me it doesn't matter but it's totally fine my   brain's gonna have to get used to it at some point  so why is it bad to develop here correct yes well because right so i i'm not i'm actually  not looking for like a re like   some some big attack that your opponent some  some strategy your opponent can come up with   i just want you to think about blocking  this pawn right and why is that so important you're also blocking this bond or sorry this  bishop mm-hmm exactly much development in the   center at all right so so the problem is if you  put a bishop here this this bishop is never really   coming to the game yeah your paws champing like  three pieces it's quite rude exactly yeah perfect   so that's why you almost never you almost always  what you want to do is you want to bring a bishop   out and then create this pawn chain because when  we we go into this game let's say white pushes the   pawn you see how this bishop is outside of this  pawn chain the this uh this light square bishop   but your other bishop can also be  developed on this diagonal as well so it's really important  um that that you like bring   bring this bishop out and you make sure your  other bishop can also come out you don't want   to put a bishop like here where you  can't develop in the center because   this bishop is stuck and now these three pieces  are not really going to come into the game quickly   okay so um right so as i was pointing out so let's  say getting back to the this position let's say   white captures here which way would make sense for  black to capture with this one or with this one for the development for bringing yeah  thinking out loud you do want to capture   towards the middle but i'm also thinking do i want  to open this file for my rook or if i capture here   then i'm opening it up for my queen but also maybe  i just want to protect my queen for a little while   longer that's very good so actually what you said  is correct like everything you said there was   taking this way generally the principle of  capturing towards the center is correct when   you when you're capturing with pawns you want  to capture towards like especially these two   uh these two files where the queen of the king  are so you're absolutely right about capturing   towards the center um now in this case it's  not correct first of all because the bishop   can't come into the game in one go if  you capture this way the bishop comes   comes into the center of the board in in one  turn i think you would need to bounce off here   well well normally what i would say is okay  so to give you another example you were saying   bring the bishop this way this is not a bad  move because you're attacking a rook here   but you'll notice when i when i push my  pawn this bishop actually isn't really   doing anything on this side of the board yeah  because these pawns close down this uh this   diagonal for the bishop okay so going  back to choosing to capture with so i i want to look at whether or not oh sorry  that's fine that's fine it doesn't matter   i mean i can do this the other way i can do this  also from the white side i'll just i'll just make   some random moves i think i'm just trying  to figure out like how to prioritize things   like do i prioritize opening a file for my  rook do i prioritize attacking towards their   king there's like so many things to look at i  think at the start what you're looking for is your   develop developing the bishops and the knights  those are the most important pieces to worry about   taking with the pawn by the way it's not it's  not a bad idea understanding that you have this   opinion because you still have so many pieces  to develop right so let me use another example   let's say you get to some position let me  just make some random moves don't worry about   the moves you don't need to understand  them let's say you get to this position so what is this i'm a pin correct and so let's say   i'm just going to make a a random move  i'm just going to move my bishop back how do you put even more pressure on this knight  here and take advantage of having this this pin   so i can't move the knight without  losing my queen yeah uh i think so you want to put more pressure on this  night i'm trying to see if there's an   easy way to attack oh i guess like this  right this is actually the the best move   because when i capture the knight i capture  your queen right you can you can make the   move like when i make a movie you can make  that move so yeah you would capture the queen so now to further so so like right  here i can't move this knight   and let's see how do i explain this normally  this you see how both sides have these have   these three pawns in front of their king um  almost always you want to put it where you have   these two on the original square and you push  the square because what does this do again left   i think but anyway yeah it looked in german  but yeah anyway yeah but anyway basically yeah   you create space that you they're the back ranked  checkmate never really exists but then secondarily   right well yeah exactly um but then secondarily  like when you look at this position this pawn   is its dual function because it it also  stops black from putting this bishop um   on this square to pin your queen and your knight  oh quite nice so it's like it's it's dual function   it does multiple things um and like so almost  always when you have these three pawns and you   cancel your king this way you almost always  are to push this pawn for you very rarely   very soon after or like at what point would  you recommend doing that um again it depends   on the situation of like where your opponent  how your opponent brings out their forces but   like especially when they're trying to create  a pin like you have a knight and a queen here   you almost always want to prevent your opponent  from making this pen wow that is just like seeing   and a whole other layer to the board if that  makes sense so i feel like what you learned at   the beginning is just attack and defense and make  sure each of your pieces are defended by something   this is like foreseeing whether you are going  to get attacked and blocking off that piece   right well i mean like yeah go ahead it's gonna  say kind of like how they try to teach you to   defend a scholar's mate by like bringing the night  out to a piece where the queen can't go well not   in this particular situation but i think you bring  the knight out here so the queen can't go here   something along those lines right so like what  i just explained is pretty advanced but but the   reason i mention this is not so much that i mean  it's not not so that you'll remember to prevent   like a pin from happening it's to remember  the i it's mainly to remember the formation   yes yeah it's like it's the formation of the pawn  so that like when you're when you're worrying much   later on about checkmate to your opponent's force  getting near your king you remember that this is   almost always the formation of the pawns that  you want got it okay so now let me keep going so   um when you have your pawns on these like let's  say black is these three pawns they're they're in   front of the king they're defending the king very  nicely here so let's say black moves the knight you can actually trade the knights and black's  pawns now are not defending the king in the   same way as they were before yeah that was it  just looks so awkward for him right so now your   bishop is under attack so if you try to capture  the pawn it will recapture with my queen um so   perhaps i just moved back fun not bad attacking  otherwise i could move here to attack rook yeah i don't think i'm capturable by anything   no one thing you want to think about is is when  when your opponent's king here is very open you   don't there are no no forces around it like right  now you see how um there there's nothing really   defending the king like the pawns are here the  rook is under attack but if you go back to like   say way back here you see how all these pawns  are in front of the king the queen is guarding   the knight the knight kind of guards some of the  squares around the around the king side as well   when when you look at this position um there  really is nothing defending the king so this is   where i want i'm gonna talk about visualization so  if you wanted to try to create a checkmate towards   the king using the bishop and the queen here where  would you like to put the queen right yeah so   how would you try to get your queen  to to this square perhaps i think bit   very good now in this case it doesn't quite work  because there's a bishop guarding the square true so a logic logical move   how would you try to get the queen to the square  how would you try to get the queen of the square by blocking the bishop no i mean you just want  to move you want to threaten to move the queen   here yeah so how would you move the knight  out of the way so go ahead and make a move where do i want to move him part of me  almost likes taking this even though   i have a bad change just because it  breaks up this small mis-structured hat   but uh it's probably better to move miles for but  i don't want to move him here because then he's   blocking potential checkmate moving him here is  okay but again night on the rim kind of grim um well this is actually the the correct move is  actually i'm just gonna make a random move um   the correct move is to is to move your knight  here yeah because it's pretty neutral even though   it's not ideal for a nice position so let me just  this i'm going to show another basic concept just   ignore these moves it doesn't matter um but do you  know what this is if you can get your knight here do you know the term and just wondering if   you know this term how am i going to  remove your knight from this square i don't think i know the term so this is what we  call get a rook right no no but i'm just talking   specifically so so when i like point this  knight out here what i'm trying to show is   like a specific square in like this formation  where then how do i how do i can i um attack   this night for example can i attack your knight  with pawns nope right because the pawns are all   all kind of misplaced now let me let me just go  back this is more just like so you can kind of   visualize what i'm saying what is that called it's  called an outpost oh which is where you have a but can't be attacked yeah like i can't remove  this night so for example let me just find an   example of something different let's just just  ignore my moves it doesn't really matter um   i find it so funny don't try to comprehend what i'm doing well is  it well what i'm doing is it it's senseless even   to me what i'm what i'm doing like you just like  it's all about setting up a situation essentially   yeah it's like just tunnel  tunnels specifically on like   on where the night is and and so like for  example now you see the knight is on the   square it's still defended by a pawn right  yep but black can actually push the pawn   to attack there was so is this not an  outpost even though prior to this move okay   so now just you look at this knight in this pond  and now when i go to the um to this position you   see the difference is the pawns here none of  the pawns can get to either of these squares   to um to attack them because the queen can move  here to attack like in one move so is it like   it's an out okay so moving on but now it's not  okay but how are you getting rid of my knight oh true you're not gonna take this  trade yeah basically the pond just   it just supports this night like you can  you can never get rid of this knight here so like when you get an outpost normally  it means that the knight cannot be   dislodged from the square that it's on by  pawn so like the best so got it okay now   i'm curious so in order to get  rid of this knight if i'm black how do i i need to try to make  an exchange so how do i try to   make an exchange and get rid of this night you don't well i mean it's very hard the  way that you would do that is to go here   here and then there exactly the two squares or  this square this square to get rid of the knife so it takes so long right now i mean again it's  not about the specifics so much it's like just   thinking about like the pawns around the king  and like and knowing what an outpost is so it's   not specifically like you you always want this  situation it's more like once you start to see   like getting you see the opportunity essentially  right and then like in the future it's like after   you see something like this like oh wait this  is an outpost so like you can kind of take this   example and then when you're actually playing  in a game you'll be like oh oh right that's an   outpost that's very good um so right so going  back just to keep going with this try to make   a checkmate on this king now remember if you move  the queen here and i go here what's your next move right let's just check mate the bishop  supports the queen and that's game over   yeah now this please do that it doesn't work  because i have this bishop that can capture   so you still want to try to check the king and  make this checkmate here so what's another way   of um trying to use the queen of the bishop  so your bishop is perfectly placed here i'll just think out loud yeah sure  i was looking at like blocking this   very good take i take and then i have  the diagonal to attack very very good   so if this occurs now just to keep going  forward you're threatening checkmate   in two moves moving the queen and moving uh  and then moving it down so if if i'm black how do i stop the checkmate because you're  just gonna go one two end of the game yep um maybe you do this this i don't know just  make it just make the move just make the   move wait which move okay right and  what happens when i go queen here   i do this right exactly and there's no checkmate  anymore because the rook is covering the square   that's that's perfect that's absolutely perfect  that was like my reflex uh thing that i saw so i   wasn't sure if there was a better one right and  so now if we're looking at this position again   if you're if you're if you're you're white again  you're trying to make the make the checkmate here   where would you if you don't move this knight  what's another move to try and get the queen   so that you can maybe attack  and make the checkmate here um enough now i'm just like fixated  on this rook and wanting to take it   right right no i mean again like what i'm  showing you is it's i'm looking for an idea   so like kind of ignore the specific  calculation think about the concept   so you want to make the checkmate on  the square with the bishop and the queen there's also this but if if you take  i don't have anything to capture back   exactly well that's not good so you want to make the checkmate here so you  can't get the queen to this square because my   bishop is covering the square yeah you can't  get the queen to this square because the pawn   covers so really what's another square on  this this file that you can get the queen   to where you can create this checkmate  on this this square in front of the king so how do you try to get your queen there  oh but that's a triple move i guess oh right yeah exactly yeah no this is completely  correct no basically i'm waiting for you   to make the move basically just just make  the moves yeah yeah and so i feel like you   know you're touching the chest pieces so i'm  like i am not worthy to also touch the chest well as i've hinted before like it doesn't matter  everyone's good at something everyone has to learn   at some point so like yeah yeah so so it's like  exactly so haven't played this out if there's   any way to block it i guess the best you can do  is this but then i just tame right yeah so now   back to before how does black there's only one way  that black stops the checkmate which is right and   you just move the recorder so now this is really  important because actually this game that i'm that   i'm showing you we'll get we'll get layered later  but think about this think about these bishops and   think about these pawns okay and how it's really  bad when you get when you don't have the pawns   right next to each other or you don't have like  this formation of the one two three basically okay you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 445,034
Rating: 4.9214373 out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, Hikaru Pokimane lesson, Hikaru Nakamura Pokimane lesson, Pokimane grandmaster lesson, Pokimane plays chess, hikaru pogchamps highlights, pokimane chess puzzles, pokimane reacts to chess
Id: HpWDNez6-0k
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Length: 49min 48sec (2988 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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