Don't Try This At Home! Untangling Techniques in Titled Tuesday

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that was a super gm game but like the way that i untangled those pieces uh do not try that at home [Music] okay round one let's go play knight f3 here we go keep our keep to sticking to our old routines the c4 so here in ipd2 i've played this guide before as well interesting choice um look like queen c2 they're really going f5 here i don't know if i really believe in this somehow looks a little bit weird he does play out five okay so of course i will castle at some point but i'll delay it just for a move or two i think let's do it should i play i think i'm gonna play h4 i don't know if it's a good move i'm gonna do it maybe i grip it of course alpha zero would play h4 so why shouldn't i play h4 i mean i'm just as good as alpha zero of course go knight e2 i can play knight f4 here and i can also go knight e5 and f3 at some point i mean i really do like my position here i don't know if i'm gonna castle queen side that's the one big question here which way am i going so i'll go here i have f3 at some point maybe he plays queen c7 which i really don't like now now this is getting a little bit icky for my opponent i think let's go here these knights are really really well placed the queen's a little bit wrong on on c7 as well i think i also have h5 h6 lurking now way up on clock that's very good h5 h6 makes a lot of sense here um is it right though h5h6 or do i trade i'm like trade is right i mean i can also castle there almost are too many options so i'm just gonna play it i mean i have knight h3 i mean it feels like this is bad well this is definitely bad so i can block and go bishop c1 and trap the queen yeah this is not good for my man my man is going to end up in a lot of trouble pretty soon because he also can't even go c5 cause then he gets absolutely hammered on this diagonal i'm probably going to play like rook h3 i mean he goes right there thing is again c5 is not really a threat so i think i can just go hog wild and just like try to kill him with rook g1 and g4 here this is really bad i mean really really really bad for black i could have gotten g4 right away too i suppose but this is pretty unfortunate it takes i mean take with the pawn probably it's got to go c5 now but i mean maybe his knight d5 then i go queen d2 i mean this all just looks very very gross for black my king is just a little bit too safe versus his king which is just under maximum pressure it plays queen g3 which i expected which is why maybe i should have played the other order but again i don't really know why i'm supposed to be super concerned so i can just go here and work h3 and g4 anyway okay so just see back hole for the tier one they usually see buckle appreciate thank you thank you yeah rook h3 and queen f2 even so here target the queen he's gonna go back let's just go all in just smash everything takes i can take with the pawn i mean even taking with the knight looks really dastardly as well um i think i'll just take the knight problem if he takes i can also in between him with fish page seven yeah this is just is just over good start um and now i make a shock and now i take and it's just ggs i have a fossil i have another fossil all kinds of bad fossils here um let's go check collect the queen yeah all right we got the win one up one down very very smooth first game just like last time wesley is playing as well so wesley is there wait what the heck uh yeah wesley's playing as well on draken is in trouble wait rook d4 and rook do you want oh but f5 i think andre is going to say this rook f2 rook d2 is the only way to play this because g4 there's like rook h3 yeah of course he blunders this and now you're going to lose a pawn the a5 and then rook c4 i think yeah rook c4 is just winning right here rook c4 and then you've worked before rook c3 and just like that it's all gone all gone all gone rook or wait we won work h2 yeah this is over um what do you think of buying ia iau gold and silver rounds ael's been looking juicy are you talking about um iau that's is that one of the gold um is that one of the gold etfs is that what we're referring to is that is that an etf yeah it's one of the gold etfs i mean when i've only when i've looked at gold the only one i've really looked at is gld but but yeah i i don't i don't have um i don't have specific bots i haven't seen what the price of gold is lately i mean market had a pretty good day it looks like so um looks like a pretty good day apple up yeah good day um okay g60 just trade king up two i mean i i think market i mean it depends what you think is going to happen what is the what is the price of gold per ounce it's it's not what it was right because like most commodities it's much lower it's uh what is it is it oh it's um what is what is it it's 17 it's oh it's like 17 29 it's like 1900 at the start of the envy i think it's so much giga chad millionaire can sort of mw for the three months appreciate it good day what do you mean i'm looking i see a sea of green twitter up apple up um my bios up bdc is up meta up i don't know i must be missing something yeah okay oh wait actually nasdaq was down point okay that's weird okay oh marco is actually down that's weird cause i see a sea of green anyway all right so on dragon was the first game no shock there um let's keep going thank you so much to 10 000 checks for the 14 months of appreciation thank you so much 10 000 checks good day for you bad for the s p no it looks like it was a bad day for tech oh actually s p down 0.92 also that's not so great again we'll see what happens tomorrow we'll see markets definitely pricing and a sell-off um but we'll we'll see i mean if the if the numbers are if cpi and all that stuff comes in good tomorrow markets are gonna rally hard like you're gonna it's gonna be like a three or four percent update if the numbers are good um what's going on bourtnik is just winning here yeah this is just pretty clean um so this will be over very soon let me get some water give me one second you guys kind of stack tt yeah i mean by numbers are good i mean if it's not if if cpi is not through the roof market's going to rally like three to four percent tomorrow guaranteed of course if they're not good we'll see what happens it could also go like two to three percent the other way but who knows who knows how did i lose 25 points i lost some games to someone earlier who's very strong but who cares i mean it's only raiding i have the all-time record that's all that i really care about okay what do we have oh it's still a few games going honest no um honest games beat i am darylist okay nice headphones thank you so much thank you carl for all you give me every treatment every day so much motivation for chest and life keep going thank you so much appreciate you guys so yeah anywho anywho am i doing a blind uh blind cake soon i mean like do blind something i don't i doubt it what are my thoughts on andrew kate i don't know anything about andrew kate i mean it i have no idea who he is i taught people i saw something in lsf or somewhere about him something like greek greek god x or something which already is a very bad sign though i don't i don't really know i i don't know i don't actually know who he is right off oh yeah anywho a piece of something that's what he is okay i i i honestly i just don't know who he is sorry i'm sorry you guys i have no idea who he is first place is 1k okay let's go round two around numero dos his father was an im no i thought that was somebody else i thought that was a different guy isn't that or are there multiple andrew tates let's go g6 keep it simple they already qualify for the global championship um oh i'm seated in let's play e5 let's castle play rookie eight please e4 now i can always take and play c5 they want to play h6 though g5 and knight h5 of course with the bishop we'll take if i play g4 not as a big question mark here i will obviously take and play like knight c5 questions do i actually take this pawn or no i think it's okay to take but i don't think it's what i want to do so i think the way that i'm gonna play this is queen g5 is a move i think knight b6 is probably okay it's a little bit scary doing this because i'm taking the knight away from the king's side just a little bit i'm more a little worried about my king slide but i think it's okay i think it's so much a dirt neuter spring dino excuse me for the prime i think knight f8 was better by the way i did play against emery tate a couple of times yeah not many times just a couple my man is deep into tank knight knight b3 queen g5 is my idea can i play the guitar ukulele no i i can't i tried to learn the guitar a while a while back but now precious metals seem so undervalued in response to federal reserve policy silvership around 40 per ounce and gold seems similar undervalued uh maybe i don't know i don't know what's going on what is this why is he thinking so long here what is a4 okay and i assume i just play a5 to fix the pawns okay plays nice four so yeah so it's taking a long time so first things first i can take the pawn i think i'm missing something very obvious i'm a little confused if i go queen g5 i mean maybe he didn't see that okay i have to be a little bit careful but i should be winning here if i play this correctly so let's go here to target the pawn classic right triangle of course 90 degrees i can go bishop e6 i don't know if i love it though so i think i'm just going to start with this and then maybe i'll stack the two towers that seems like a much more reasonable approach i'll go here kick the bishop back now i have d5 at some moment i don't like it here so i think i'm just going to play e7 or e5 i'm going to go to e5 just to stop any pawn push and now i can also go bishop c5 to connect after with d2 i can stack and i should just be winning here this looks very very good for me he's deep in the tank this dude is so slow okay so i go here connect i assume rookie must be right now i can obviously sack if i want i don't really want to though um how do i want to win this game i guess i'll go here maybe this is a little bit weird but i'm trying to do something on the king's side i guess it's like queenie i mean i can obviously take and play g3 which actually looks very very clean this looks very clean because of the pin now h4 is loose i think there's just gg pretty much you can switch to x-gen being with the prime thinking so much x-gen being appreciated thank you so much yeah i mean he's too slow mainly yeah this will be over yeah he resigns two out of two very good start very very good let's watch some other games okay see andre is playing td 98 pantani he's got two connected it should just be wait c3 a6 c2 a7 and yeah you're just too fast it's a check gg is losing by the way if if the bean man plays correctly born is going to lose rookie 7 and rook the 8. not a5 so there's queen b5 but i mean bishop f8 rookie 5 g6 anything is good here h5 just bishop f8 and then rookie 5 is just cleanly winning although now he gets c4 rookie 8 i guess pretty ugly position for white pretty ugly and rookie aiden maybe or no actually king g7 to stop this this nastiness okay now c4 force king g7 bishop d6 rookie eight yeah now you just go here reroute the other bishop and stack on the file it's a very easy win for black yeah rookie 8 and bishop c8 c8 a5 uh oh rookie 2 uh oh bad news bad news she four rookie two i mean everything wins here you're gonna find rookie one is the question don't throw this bean man f3 and rook f2 or rook b2 rook b1 rook takes and bishop d1 rookie four rookie four boom d6 rook d4 ggs eggs and king out six or f8 wow d3 the heck is f6 what the heck now you have to put the bishop around the diagonal what that bishop g4 oh cakes f5 wow wow okay so bournemouth loses early round two lost very tough thanks to anti-air cancer for the 500 bits thank you so much appreciate it very surprising to see that actually i mean i don't know what why did he play g5 i mean you could have you could have just played b3 kept the pawn on the board it's very easy dollar euro exchange rate on one to one for the first time in 20 years which means that if i change all my dollars to euros i will have zero dollars yeah i mean i was very lucky you guys back in the old days um i got i mean i collected some euros over the years playing various chess tournaments um i collected various euros playing like in leagues and other things and i cashed them all in at like 1.4 to the dollar so i was very lucky very very lucky my timing was uh pristine yeah i i got i i got rid of all my euros at 140 to the dollar thank you so much mac for the 18 months thank you so much appreciate it thank you the juice the juice is whatever you want to be thinking about countertop for the two months by the way speaking of juice by the way um it was funny when i read the phil mickelson book they also said that to like to phil mickelson apparently the juice is his thing like anything is the juice so apparently everybody everybody uh everybody's got the juice and juicers and everything else a knight of three they were saying like for mickelson gambling as a juice like playing playing golf as the juice everything is the juice let's go knight f3 the juice yes i thought it was just funny to see that i was not expecting to see that in like a book on golf like xqc is fine but then to see to see that in in like a book on golf which is very very funny no i said juice like orange juice let's go here on bishop g2 but thank you he goes there i mean i can obviously trade but i'm just going to castle like d4 i'll let him trade if he wants probably he's going to castle still i'm going to play d3 too i guess i don't know i don't really understand what is it going to castle or something i'm a little confused okay so he's actually trying to do something on the king's side i guess i'm a little confused more like really confused oj is also called yeah he does play h5 i i had a feeling he was going for something cheesy but i don't think this quite works um because the position is a little bit different here i thought go here i can just take with the knight i have f5 i go h4 i mean the thing is like is he really able to castle queen side here because i don't think he is since i haven't traded okay so i play h4 so if g5 i take take take and i'm just winning [Music] a little bit skeptical more like very skeptical because if white has traded this one thing but i haven't traded the pawn so c5 pawn push is really an issue which prevents black from castling you switch to milsad for the 12 months okay so he does castle i mean he kind of has to i think the problem is now i can take and go here and the c5 is a big big problem for black i think now do i go c5 here in knight g5 is also a question i think i just go knight g5 and c5 i think i'm just going to chuck b4 i'm just going to go wild here i mean it's just a huge problem for black to deal with yeah go b4 if he takes he's just gonna get murdered after c5 it's just very very scary just take play rook b1 let's go here oh by the way you guys are saying let me post a new video i mean i'm not saying levy's not being serious but again once once all the bad feelings subside and all that other stuff like he's gonna play again but it's a question of whether he plays in like six months or a year or like a couple of years okay i think i'm gonna go here rook b6 is the big threat i mean i've got queen a4 i mean this just looks so so bad i guess i'll take uh his king is super wide open here um let's go here knight f7 is maybe very strong too i don't know it's the right move but i think i'm gonna go here i know queen a4 is right actually it feels wrong still should be good enough to win though c5 bishop c5 takes queen c5 um let's go here oh no that's a actually i thought that was a horrible move let's just go wait wait wait wait a second i want to slow this down just a bit a little bit careless let's go here and take bishop one i mean it's hard for me to believe that he can survive this i kind of misplayed this a little bit i'm still better but please work c6 so i go here of course now i just take and take okay all right another clean win all right so i want to tell you guys just a good thing about this opening that's important to note is my opponent misunderstood the position so if white has played this situation his idea with castles and h5 is actually quite scary for white or quite scary for white but with me not having traded the pawns when he tries to do this the problem is that again if this has been played white does not really have an attack like even though i go a4 there's really no way to attack on the queen side the king is very safe but since i haven't actually traded pawns it's very very scary because i had the c5 move so it was just a misunderstanding of the opening by my opponent you switch to mike vaugh for the prime so yeah anyway all right so we get the win three out of three nothing too crazy fabiano is not winning this is a draw with correct play by the way it's opposite color bishops this is a draw with correct play let's see can fabiano somehow trick his opponent i wouldn't be shocked if he can but his opponent is actually very strong here you just have to make sure to match the king whichever way the king goes like king goes this way you just match it the king tries to go this way you just match it so for example you get this you can just uh you can or it's not letting me make moves but okay let's refresh and reload the page i don't know why it's not working what is the h6 you can just take and go h4 and then you oh that is so terrible how do you play h6 i mean you literally go bishop a6 and it's a draw now you go h4 g5 h5 you can't stop you can't stop both pawns absolutely horrible h5 and white wins absolutely horrible horrible how does the 2800 do this against me they never would have done this by the way so bad just so bad unbelievable i mean you're 2800 and you do that like it's literally the easiest draw in the world here you you just go bishop c8 when the king goes here you go here and king can't go king can't access anything on the queen side it's blocked off right all squares are covered and if you go if you go like king d3 i just go here and you go here again i can just match you i just match you that is absolutely horrible that's maybe the worst thing i've seen today worst thing i've seen in a while actually an end game wait blitzstream beat wesley wait excuse me wesley lost the blitz stream very nice very nice that's impressive that's impre he's got to be like jumping up and down on his stream he's got to be really happy that'll be a loud french video yeah isu right anyway yeah all right let's watch some other games going on this looks like a draw okay yeah yeah someone clipped that yeah someone clipped that yeah totally all right okay joe bava wins no that's a huge win though huge win should be winning oh wait no now there's a now there's a box now there's just a box it's just box it's right triangle box it's a box check check check it's just a draw and not a block a box thank you so much jg holy holy heck that stream isn't just french it's aggressively french yeah it's a great stream all right okay we got another draw let's see okay three up three down one more to go before the break well it's time for one move i think there was a queen f7 there's like a queen f7 e7 or some some trick i don't know what it was but yeah oh actually you can hide the king you can play hide the king on h5 that's why you could hide the king up top how many games still a few how do you sleep with that much coffee it's only my second cup of the day oh great i get el ham el ham the great now what do i want to play against elham we're playing the el ham from uh iran right okay or no sorry from norway oh let's go e5 knight c6 here i want to play this okay let's go here now there are a couple ways i can castle if i want to um knight before is another very aggressive approach i actually forget if a5 a4 is good or not so i'm just going to castle and keep it simple i mean there are a lot of ideas with the a6b5 here i didn't see the james with telescope pictures i don't like a3 however this feels very questionable i also bishop c4 um i'll do something a little bit unusual i'm gonna play queen e7 here in b5 because now i get some pawns marching since he pushed a3 too i think he put i think it was a very premature pawn push what he does a primo pontics joe baba doesn't stream anymore i i think he does but it probably hasn't streamed in a little while just to guess he's thinking for a long time here i wonder what he's thinking about hmm wow it goes f4 but this allows bishop c4 i thought i have 94 i can also just trade everything i think yeah i think alham just blundered oh wait there is a trick maybe oh there's a little trick that i missed oh there's a stupid 95 trick oh that's very annoying that's actually really annoying i should have used more oh maybe at 95 or something wait wait a second ways i gotta think so ridiculous i just allowed this cheesy idea play rookie eight so stupid i just forgot he had knight d5 let's just go back maybe i'm gonna go here and play b5 just try to attack with b5 b4 i also have knight g4 somewhere in here too i think i have to take i can play knight d4 here i think it takes takes takes i have check and take i have b5 to hit the queen and i have knight at 593. it's knight h3 it seems like a strange move here in knight e3 is my idea what he's gonna do in d3 logical i assume 93 has to be the right move i could have played g6 first maybe that was better there's rook c one logical i think i'm gonna play h x to cut him off so he doesn't have knight g5 here i think he should have played knight g5 there first to threaten to check me now this knight on e3 is really pesky i can always just stack the rooks i can take a pawn here if i want i don't think i should i can also take that i don't think it's right i think i should just go b 5.06 plays like very proper a very proper game of chase go like here maybe knight c4 is a big threat now yes c3 though i should be better here i don't know how much better i am but i should be better and the clock is kind of killing him too his knight is very poor on the rim here no squares g2 very reasonable move i can play rook e3 bishop e3 bishop f4 that looks strong but is it the best move maybe not i think it's where i take and play bishop d3 no i think this is this should be right i just take yeah i'm just up a pawn here this should be winning if i'm smart about this he finds ricky's sub which a very very nice move not trivial this actually is not trivial at all what the heck the queen h2 let's see seven check there i've got to assume that this is winning though but it's not so be it right but now i just go here on bishop e4 at 92 i also had 95 maybe the point is here i just check and eliminate the bishop it was k2 tricky very very tricky move by elham h4 maybe they hit the rook and a bishop e4 i go g6 to cut him off i have queen enough to hit the pawn with me i think i just play here and then rookie one just make sure i don't get back made it yeah that's just winning checkmate there we go all right get the win four out of four very very good stuff we're we're off to a very very good good beginning um just like last uh last tuesday in the morning four out of four very very good stuff all right let's watch uh fair chess is playing gawain and he's gonna win two so we're both gonna be on four so all right guys gonna take my first break and i'll be back in a few minutes uh thank you so much g hustle for the prime thanks so much to tas dylan for the prime insertion agent's vr for the prime uh yeah but uh what was that you said both on all four yeah exactly yeah good english find me um okay what's up okay really strong so far so fabu fabiano also on four apparently i have a bad tiebreaker who knew uh that's kind of funny but yeah dmitry's there fabian was there i'm their par hamster job is there it looks pretty good yeah yeah looks pretty good um it was um it was uh on drake who flagged uh kramnik yeah yeah no it's fabiano fabiano caruana let me retire from chessy guys come on stop making such a big deal we already spoke about it he will play again make no mistake about it it's just not going to be for some time i'm betting that that i'm not flopping on sorry that levy's not going to play though for the next probably nine months i'm gonna put it nine months until he until he plays again i i think i think that's where i put the over under um but anyway yeah it is what it is all right all right all right all right all right um okay so what do we have you're gonna say you're gonna you're gonna say two months time is too long i mean he's just not playing well he's frustrated i get it and then of course the fact that he's uh he's a famous content creator doesn't help doesn't help the situation thank you so yeah to ozil for 34 months actually you know what i would say is i think levy should actually just take like he should he he should take a break i mean he's been doing videos of non-stop for what the last two two and a half years now maybe not quite that long but he's been doing videos non-stop i mean he i think he should take a break like i've gotten i've gotten little breaks here or there by playing the grand prix playing the candidates but i think he really he just needs a break just clear the mind and and all that stuff of course is very tough obviously that is the one uh drawback to when you're creating content that if you take a lot of time off you know revenue goes down lose subs et cetera et cetera but i do think that everybody needs to take a break at some point they're going to enrique the gamer for the two months appreciate it thank you all right uh four out of four okay next game is probably not going to start for a while um i mean when you say what's not going to play competitive tests again that's a very generic term i mean it's it's very different for like levy than say myself like if i say i'm not playing competitive chess again that means i'm not playing like ranked high rated games but you know if levy goes and plays a game through at the marshall that is competitive chess but it's just not like classical chess but it's still competitive like any chess you play that's rated is competitive um i think it's so much a five foul for the prime so it's all it's all kind of generic uh you're you're a machine madrid and canceled justification break for you absolutely yeah it was a break from streaming totally anyway anyway it's just it's just i mean it's just kind of kind of random all right 10 people oh wait one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven people on four out of four uh gary does play yeah gary retired like because technically you know typically what retiring means is retiring means you just don't play again like gary retired but gary played gary started playing again too like he took probably a good what a gary gary retired with 2004 i don't think he really played again until what like 2014 so he took a lot about 10 years off right yeah we are sponsored by the way for this month of ju month of um uh month of uh july by nordvpn of course they they are a um they are a uh they are um a private network of course you can um you can encrypt your online traffic with a click you can automatically block phishing websites protect your online privacy there is a link in chat if you guys have not seen it already it's risk free and it's 30-day money-back guarantee but if you do use nord a vpn there you guys go all right so big shout out to newer vpn all right waiting for a round number five to begin uh it should begin momentarily i think we've been we've been waiting a while so yeah i think piece of viddler has used the term retired to me to stop training studying yeah i mean it's all very generic of course yeah it's all very generic why do you need a vpn well let's just say you're in um let's just say you're in australia and you want to watch netflix in the united states that is a very good reason to have one because netflix on australia is not the same you got far less far less uh in the way of quantity and everything else any up-and-coming players that uh that arouse your attention well that's a weird way of putting it honestly but uh in terms of players who i think are exciting i mean hans obviously is an exciting player from america vincent is very exciting very very exciting i think that both of the uzbeki's are very good too like notre back is good um there's i mean both notre back together notre back just charm and notre back yakubov um there's also uh there's also um there's also what else is there there's um there's uh who else there's also cinderella as well from uzbekistan and then then you've got like you've got all these other juniors all the indian juniors who are on the rise as well good cash nihal arjun et cetera et cetera et cetera probably five other indian kids i'm not able to think of right off but yeah anywho anywho next round starting a second han said he's gonna pass ali reza in one and a half years max i mean i don't know if hans said that but hans is ego he needs to get the e i will say if hans is getting that cocky he needs to get the ego in check because he's gonna he's it's not gonna be that easy i think so much of fabiano marijuana tv for the 11 months thanks so much to fabiano marijuana i appreciate it thank you so much um anyway all right waiting for round number five hans is very good but i mean again there are many levels just because he's close to 2700 there's a huge difference between seven hundred and twenty seven twenty then twenty seven twenty and twenty seven fifty twenty seven fifty and like close to twenty eight hundred there's a very very big difference um you know it's like i'll use sam shangri this example very very strong player by in most ways i would say i don't consider him to be like any worse than i am or team or anyone else but he's always been stuck around that 27 20 rating um and he's never been able to break through even though i would say on paper it doesn't seem like he's any worse than the rest of us okay now i get job here in round five um no let's just play an open game i want to play open shots thank you so much to angry twinkle thank you on appreciate it thank you let's play openshift should i play the hillbilly do i want a meme in round five i kind of want a meme should i meme with the hillbilly it's pretty bad isn't it nah it's stupid it's too bad i no it's probably too bad i can't i can't do it it's too bad it's it's too dubious like i can't mean like that it's too much of course i also said i want to play an open position and sure enough this is a very closed kind of position but anyway there's g6 which is definitely wrong um i did this against somebody oh h5 wow oh because here i can play here i don't know if i really understand what job is doing so i can also take on my castle then he goes bishop h6 very interesting approach hmm very interesting approach by jaba here i probably should actually just castle and go like king b1 i'm gonna take and go king b1 this play is very simple or maybe rookie one actually let's play rookie one here because now he's a problem i know he doesn't he can castle queen side back forgot he could castle i forgot i forgot about the stupid queen g5 check and now i'm still probably very slightly better but it's yeah it's nothing really to write home about anymore frustrating i should have just gone maybe king b1 and queen e3 whatever it's too late it's too late to worry about i just play chess now um knight e2 is always a move here i kind of like it actually because i can just take on d5 and play c3 consolidate the center a little bit more let's go here it's nice now i i can definitely play e5 if i want to i don't really want to though but it actually probably is correct to play queen e3 and f4 yeah this actually is not great for black objectively i can obviously take but i think i should just play queen d2 now i always have g4 it does it very interesting wait a second this does not look right um wait a second i do have g4 also wait a second don't like f4 knight f4 is a good move probably wait a second wait a second dc595 oh wait no he's got knight f3 what am i doing hmm let's just take play age four knight of four thinking too long i gotta wake up i mean this should be good for me objectively i can play like rook b3 i mean i can also just go like here i don't know how easy it's going to be to win this but i should be better somehow go here maybe in rook a3 or something again this should be good for me but we'll see if i can actually prove it i'm gonna go here put pressure on this pawn which might not have been very smart actually i think that was not a very smart move by me this queen a4 just yeah this was just a stupid move i had to go back very poor maybe i'd beat three but i don't think it was right i'm definitely better but it's just it's some kind of end game it's not going to be trivial he's got one weakness this one weakness is what i i'm banking everything on let's see if i can win thank you so much on for three months now rick c7 i mean kind of get it as a move but i still don't think it's a very good move it feels weakening somehow a three queen b5 rook v3 or something i don't want to play a3 feels very loose i'm thinking too long why am i thinking so long again doing exactly what i did earlier okay i should probably just do a tickle tickle say five or not no i guess now i do have knight of four i think i'm gonna go for i think this has to be good for me with an outside pawn okay four oh great did i just miss it again wait does he have night before or something stupid got night bef night before jeez what am i doing wake up wake up wake up wake up i didn't even see night night before geez i'm too i'm too slow i just got to make moves does it go here okay goes there i'm gonna go for it maybe this is wrong go all in h6h7 completely fungal this i think i'm winning actually of queen e5 chuck there we go i think i switched to garavan for the prime ggs okay another win five out of five two out of two against chobava today pretty happy good stuff all right let's see what are the standings uh okay now i don't see okay on dragon gotta draw so he's on four and a half um but yeah yeah but but i watched last video about retirement no i'm not you guys it's why do you want me to watch us yeah i know you guys are debating me i i'm not okay stop it okay watch out for joss oh he's on four and a half two yeah he's doing well thoughts on myth that's an interesting one um yeah i kind of had an idea a couple days ago i was pretty sure that was going to be myth moving um to youtube but but yeah it's um what it is we need to retire levi's jersey that stands very funny um anyway all right five out of five all good okay still a few games oh eric is playing against bazaev this should be a draw yeah i think eric's gonna save this kingdor king g3 yeah eric's trying to win now i mean i mean yeah this is this is a draw about how hard you try um shaq and shaq i mean in chuck queen c3 we have six or eight eight i mean everything draws isn't this a three-fold already yeah i feel like this is three-fold okay oh but actually no wonder eric want to draw he's on three and a half out of five no no wonder he kept playing so hard yeah no wonder no wonder he wanted to keep playing obviously yeah yeah draw is no good of course all right all right i get parham again again on five out of five and except now instead of four out of four i'm a five out of five so now i'm gonna do something different i guess i don't know what i'm gonna do let me think for a second ah fudge it let's do it again although he probably studied it right he must have studied this um yeah okay let's go he probably studied it right let's do it ham seems like the kind of guy who would have studied this opening right maybe not maybe he didn't study apparently not he did not do his homework and study this opening in between title tuesdays he apparently did not do his homework did he maybe he did maybe he did let's see okay does that um i can play b5 but i think knight g7 is still correct this order looks very suspicious from parham actually this is uh the delayed yanish or delayed schliemann uh kriyari was playing this against me in title tuesday or um in blitz so i figured why not just play it right but now i just castle i mean the point is if you do the other order there's queen d5 there's no queen d5 here so i don't understand why it's supposed to be bad for me i picked it up from creary though he was playing against me in silly blitz games i thought okay people maybe aren't ready for it go here i guess he has e6 to try and solidify and draw the game but i don't really believe in it ah he has some bishop f7 wait no what wait a second wait a second wait a second i don't believe him and b5 no maybe i just go now actually i just go here i completely consolidate and i should just be up a pawn here for nothing plays h4 which i don't understand at all either and play b5 i mean and play h6 if i want i don't really want to play h6 here um e5 is also a move i'll just go b5 i guess i don't understand that movie either maybe it's okay if he takes with the queen i go c6 okay i should be better here i mean let me think about this h i guess i'll go h let's force him to trade yeah maybe this was stupid of me actually i don't like what i've done i do this actually i'm thinking too long again for the millionth time like i'm saying that every move today but a 494 f3 f4 queen g4 i'll do it this probably is wrong too well maybe i have queen g4d5 yeah i think this is okay because takes takes just take and take and now my bishops if my bishops become active here i must be winning i think i'm just much much better here i don't know about if i'm winning but i must be better this bishop about four knight of four rookie eight bishop g4 and then suddenly the rooks are completely connected and now both ops are very active as well i think so much the seahawk time for the four months i don't understand that move um so here consolidate go go to c7 knight c5 is also a movie no it's not a move wait a second bishop e5 i should win this game so that's why i'm really really quiet because last time i had him on i had him i had him beat and then i messed it all up no not cf um looks like a pawn it's probably very greedy grabbing this pawn but i assume that i mean this i know this just looks winning to me somehow i don't know what bishop a5 does exactly let's close the close the door that's all i have to do is close the door 96 queen d7 looks very i mean i think i'm just winning here i don't know what he's supposed to do exactly does the bishop i have got this incredible wooden shield okay but that let's go maybe now i go here and i line up the i line it up and now i mean this is just probably too much i assume i kind of let him off the hook a little bit he's still down so many pawns just they're logical he's fighting really hard here i i have to commend him on that i should have played this right away but for some reason i thought he could take on f4 he can't oh my god oh my gosh i hung my oh my oh my oh my gosh i just hung my bishop what the heck jesus what what the heck was that oh my gosh wait a second wait i have to jeez geez geez wait a second reset reset reset hard reset time oh my gosh the heck was that what the heck was bishop takes a2 and then i almost threw this here too like my gosh okay whatever it's a win i mean he got a draw in the first game that he shouldn't have gotten earlier so i guess that's how i mean that's that's just karma right i mean since i should have won the first one messed up i deserve to win this one thank you so much ag right for the tier one and i almost messed up later too something looks off with my split screen check your obs what's wrong what's wrong with the obs it looks fine it looks fine i don't know what's off it looks fine to me i don't unless you're saying there's too much left too much of too much on the left i don't understand thank you so much for the five half hour romney thank you so much oh it's slanted no oh that's intentional oh my gosh if you haven't watched the stream before hey whatever you guys i finished second in the first title series i can't believe i played bishop takes a2 oh my gosh i'm such a heavy light piano for the prime i think venomous for 23 months yeah okay six out of six five more to go you guys five more for the road five more for the heroes he believed you well he was just too low on time but man i can't believe i almost threw that game no less so poor uh john bartholomew was watching on stream he didn't see the bishop either yeah i mean i'm lucky i somehow kept my mind together because i was really just like completely thrown off oh man jose is up next what is jose on he's on five no i mean there are people on five and a half i play one of these guys on dragon's trying to climb as well i'm five and a half out of six it's just gay koala bear for 23 months so much no he was just too low on time so and he didn't expect me to blunder so of course he played rookie one i've gone 11 out of 11. i think i'm the only person who's done it i did it one time um yeah okay wait here we go um yeah i think i'll play knight f3 good move according to ceiling stock but yeah okay let's um play something very slow who they were goes in or what i want to play this one okay and play e3 i can also play bishop g3 i think i'm gonna play e3 i'm gonna do one of these very slow lines let's just go here and take and castle i mean it's nothing special of course but ah he wants to play this one i mean a draw is not great but a draw is also not terrible um i i think i have to be smart here i can't i can't get too too cheeky i have to be smart i can't be too cheeky in this position um yeah i think i'll just go here he'll trade with a bishop i mean i'm probably gonna be just be rock solid here just no no gambling that's very equal i mean it's going to take my 11 out of 11 out of play but okay who really cares about that the check i think f3 and rookie 5 still makes sense here and i'll just play b3 if i want to yeah it goes there i'll go here of course and i can maybe play g4 and rookie one maybe some kind of weird expansion and i don't know if it's really all that smart to do it but i'm playing knight d1 in 93 maybe yeah he does that i expect that i'll pre-move it it's a safe cream i don't actually know is actually way to be takes i mean oh can i i i don't i don't want to be a bobby fisher maybe i can take but i i don't know if i actually can i'm not gonna go for it bobby fischer would have taken on h7 we know that but i don't think it works and it's too risky to play knight f8 interesting choice play g3 knight c2 i also play f5 i don't really like so i'm just gonna go g3 knight c2 oh he does that i didn't expect that like here maybe king c3 i want to go knight h6 maybe something and play a4 i can always go knight g4 95 later a4 i don't understand knight c7 at all please a5 now i can play knight f6 here i thought let's play h4 i think h4 is right i don't know if knight f6 was better it might have been a better move but whatever it plays knight five which is i'm kind of amazed he found it's a very weird looking move but i still can just ignore it if i take take95 oh it doesn't this anyway okay now i think i've h5 and now it's going to get a little bit tricky i think for black still tricky to play 95 maybe ah f6 fv5h yeah because i can take and take work f6 is kind of surprising um okay now i can make a draw if i want i don't want to make a draw g4 is too risky ghg i take it's okay so i guess i have to trade i'm moving too slowly again what am i doing i'm gonna go here takes and moving too slowly again i should be slightly better because rook b1 and king c3 but it's not trivial to win i suspect i'm much better here maybe much better is too strong but i think i'm better okay i mean a5 must be right with a6 ideas i'm gonna go here in king e3 i still have rook b1 and a6 i'll go there i guess now i go here on a6 now again it's getting tricky i can't lose that's the good news i don't know if i can win but okay rookie 3 makes sense it should be winning somehow i let him off the hook shoot oh i had rookie 7 and 95. wait why did i just do this wait why did i do that he's 796.94 wait oh i won oh i just blundered again what the heck that's just a draw oh i just threw this i should have won this game i threw this so hard yeah just a draw ah so frustrating i was winning there i don't know what the win was but there was a win i'm sure of it g4 oh really it's a g oh actually you know what i can't be mad then thank you so much cringe if g4 is the is probably the long term winning line here then i can't be mad i thought there was something clean here i thought there was something clean that was winning yeah okay so g4 okay frustrating but still a draw it's not it's not a bad result it's just frustrating i see clips from andrew tate aiden ross know what did he say i don't know if i want to know i have no idea what he said i i have no idea g4 yeah if g4 is the win i'm not that mad that's a very tough move to find um i don't okay never mind okay i don't even know who he is so yeah i i have no idea who the dude is everyone's talking about him but yeah i think there was john bartholomew for the raid with 133 thank you so much for johnny b appreciate it he called you a top g i doubt he did that but thank you i doubt that anyway all right thanks so much benjamin 503 with the prime thank you so much appreciate it it's cheating someone is telling card the engine moves in the freaking headset yeah you guys that's why that's why if i was cheating i would have won that game thank you okay but i'm playing good shots i mean i i like i was squeezing on drake and like i mean he defended very well but i was squeezing him slowly so i can't be unhappy with that game oh it's emery tate's son for real wait for real i thought it was a different andrew tape but i don't know i threw in last i can avoid suspicion yeah thank you guys [Laughter] you guys i mean seriously and we wonder why people think that we never landed on the moon okay let's keep going um all right awesome timer yeah i mean i have a great tiebreaker because i've played everybody so far [Laughter] um oh cheating hangs bishop yeah uh dubop did yes dewbop did accuse me of cheating when i when i when i uh beat him pretty pretty pretty badly in the uh i think you stole after 20 months when i beat him in the semis was it or quarters whatever it was in the finals of the meltwater tour but um anyway old news yeah anywho anywho okay round eight i get renato with black okay very solid player now i am in the lead here so i don't want to go two in sync the loss would be devastating here um that's what he does i think i'll stick to my regular routines he wants to play this one i think i'm gonna do my normal i'm gonna play the normal queen b6 and g okay he wants to do this one right so here now you guys are wondering this opening i first played with white all the way back in like 2001 i think it was that's this gem calvin blocker he's from like ohio i think it was that was first time i had the setup except i was white in that game yeah time yeah it goes there i mean it's all very known kind of it's just very standard over here i think the key is not to play h5 as i recall i i've had this against ronaldo before but he has a nacco h5 that's the key why am i always black in these games i mean because i'm unlucky that's why um now i have bishop h6 again but i think i should just be safe here first probably a castle and go king b8 at some point um now he's trying to outweigh me if i go this way i think he's gonna go that way if i go this way okay he's trying to be clever let's play asics because it's a very solid move here and we'll see what he does i can also play a bond cloud with king e7 at some point because he also doesn't know like he doesn't know which way i'm castling here so he's trying he's trying to outweigh me basically i'm gonna go here and i'm just i'm gonna keep asking him which way he's castling are you going this way or that way because he's he's trying we're playing a waiting game here okay so he goes rick do you want so okay he's not castling uh queen side so i will now castle okay i guess i go here consolidate i will probably play e5 at some point um or bishop h6 e5 is always a move i just don't know i want to do it yet um i don't think i want to so i'm going to go here yeah he plays rook d1 i think i'm just gonna play bishop c and i'm just gonna keep waiting i'm gonna outweigh him basically on in this game i'm gonna show extreme patience and do nothing rash just very very slow make him make him show uh something special it does play knight h5 which i thought was a little bit wrong in this position um i mean questions do i play like bishop f6 do i play e5 g it seems like a good first move i'll be going 92 and then i don't know if i'm playing e5 or not plays a4 so now he's really okay now i'm just going to play it i'm just going to play bishop six rook g5 just go for it it's no good it's no good but i i mean he's he's he's wasting too much time so i've got to go here stack go for the kill bishop f6 looks like a move queen e7 actually looks like a very good move here knight g3 queen g yeah knight g3 queen g5 and this actually looks very very pleasant for me i mean queen h4 is very scary a4 is scary or wait actually why did i do this because queen g5 takes off ah no i misplaced so i have to go here this isn't really what i wanted to do but i think it's okay please f4 i kind of expect that i don't want to play e4 i kind of think i have to take or do i go here wait let me just go here first getting a little bit messy this rook up two he still doesn't have a good capture i'm gonna take and play like rook e8 maybe oh but i gave him knight h5 shoot okay i have to go very poor very poor by me i can't really lose here but he is very ridiculous bishop move in knight h5 and he just crushes me on this diagonal so i have to line it up first very annoying should never play this i should have left the bishop here just stacked he goes king h1 which seems like a strange move to me i don't understand it i guess i'll play um what is the i wait i'm actually confused i think i'll go here i don't understand what king h1 does exactly ricky tuna i can trade and take i don't really believe in it though i think i should just go bishop d7 oh i should have taken first although i still bishop h6 maybe here questions do i want i think i i can definitely trade if i want but i don't want to so i think i'm gonna go here to hit the pawn maybe i also have b5 somewhere as well bishop plays there close move my rook and trade trying to be extremely patient and do nothing rash essentially the name of the game at the moment it goes a5 which i think is a mistake um it feels wrong somehow i'm not sure why it feels wrong but i feel like somehow this pawn is gonna become really weak on a5 there's rookie one now i have queen c3 maybe oh he's got queen e7 or something shoot oh just great did i just flub this go here oh no i've got rookie eight here that's that's why it's okay yeah i've got rookie yeah i've rookie 8 which is very sneaky okay i think rookie is still okay i mean maybe actually i just gotta move i'm just going too slow oh here force a trade oh here okay that's a blunder yeah now i win i go here i win this pawn a5 i knew a5 was a mistake oh i guess i'll just go here oh here force bishop a2 and now i can bring the king in i also have bishop e1 yeah we got the win big win thank you so much to taters for five milky cat for the seventh c cap for the 22 bad sheamus for the 13. e wise row for the prime name of gotti gotti thank you jessie k geezy for the tier one we got the win big win seven and a half out of eight we're now leading with three rounds to go we are on a second break so i'm gonna take a break and we'll be right back you guys thank you so much to casa vetos with the prime thank you so much appreciate it thank you all right no i'm not watching any of that stuff sorry guys no can do no can do though no can do so bitcoin is at 29k i don't believe that for a second bitcoins at 29k uh yeah it's not good one [Laughter] yeah good one yeah yeah this last game against ronaldo was really a cat and mouse game because the thing was in the opening like he was waiting for me he was waiting for me to castle he's waiting for me if i go this way i mean probably he still goes short but there is a good chance that like if i go short he might be like okay like to heck with this i'm gonna go long and i'm just gonna storm on the king's side although as i look at it it's probably kind of wrong but i was worried about that but then he's also like i'm also waiting for him because if he goes long i might go short and push this way or just go long so it's like really a cat-and-mouse game i think someone's just do a somewhere himself for the seven months appreciate thanks so much summer henson all right anywho anywho um yeah remember when you drank from the trophy i do actually you guys that was a long long time ago that was a long long time ago what can i say yeah so the standings okay one two three four five people on seven i have a i have a really good tie breaker though really good tie breaker yeah sold first place at the moment seven and a half out of eight bunch of people on seven the usual suspects bogdan joe bava actually i beat you bob swiss he's uh he's put it together since that early loss bogdan diagram so i've been in the previous one msb2 last gladiator and shima stream all on seven points thank you so much gb banner for the four yo biebs for the five months thank you so much yo biebs appreciate thank you so much for the resub i thought he car doesn't drink this is water you guys but thank you wesley's on six and a half he's got six and a half out of eight so yeah it's a little bit out of it yeah yeah i've been streaming for seven and a half hours we had a little bit of a crash earlier so it's showing 6 20 but i assume an hour before so i've been live almost eight hours it's been a long stream diac beat me in last week's tt did we play last week or was that two weeks ago i don't know what do you think about yankoviac great player there's so much clash cash flow real for the four months thanks so much i'm eating grapes you guys jostling got banned on lee chess if that's true that's shocking but anyway they switched to fernicia for the six months to uh for nietzsche for the six am i gonna retire from chess and solidarity levy absolutely not do i think jack will become a top 10 player i don't know launcher is greater than short stream so the thing is like i tried but the problem was before the candidates i wanted to stream but it was only like title tuesday and rcc which it's fun to up to a point but the problem is it's too little you need more you need more meat that's the thing you need more meat jose got banned from match fixing with renato terry in tournaments really really interesting but yeah i love long streams i mean it's great getting back into it i did the right thing prepping for the cans oh absolutely but i just mean i sort of got out of the rhythm so everybody kind of forgot what streams were like but it's good to be back and into it okay round nine coming up very soon i think um am i buying the dip i mean i made a i bought a bunch of the dividend stocks about three weeks ago i think it was not two three weeks ago and they're all up since then so i mean i'm very selectively buying things very selectively though i still i still i i mean i'm still a little bit hesitant thinking of chris velos but uh i i mean i don't know let me let me see like the only big thing that i bought recently was boeing oh and oh boy was up seven and a half percent here yeah i bought i bought boeing at 130 like two months ago and it's that 147 i sold a 150 call for like uh 10 bucks so nice very nice i actually didn't realize that that uh that boeing was up seven percent yeah that's like a you old 20 quick return so pretty happy is stocks your main source of income no it's not the reduced streams and slow builds the canvas was absolutely amazing to follow in the tournament more than delivered yeah i know it did but for me it's kind of weird it's just like it's a little bit weird getting back into the rhythm but i'm enjoying it today i'm having a great time i had a good time yesterday and today has been great also all right what would i do if i win the lottery uh i think if i won the lottery i would still stream i probably wouldn't stream as much but i think i would stream and i'd probably honestly donate everything that i made well i mean i can't donate everything but probably i'd donate like 66 60 probably 61 percent i actually don't know what the top tax rate is maybe it's 35 or 39 i forget it's 35 now but i would probably i would probably donate like 65 percent of sub of sub money just to some charity no because the top tax rate is 35 it's not it's not 31 unfortunately so yeah that's what i would do actually i would just donate i would donate everything except what i have to pay taxes on uh can i complain with seven and a half out of eight i could complain a little bit because uh i should have beaten b10 um on draken and i didn't beat him but he actually lost the next game so he's on six out of eight he's having a rough uh rough tournament today it looks like plus ca state tax is more like 40 well no you pay federal top federal rate is 35 i believe 35 point 35.4 do i have it wrong it's something like um uh and then it's like another 13 right isn't it like it's like high it's like 12.9 or 13 in california i think oh no sorry it's 37 sorry it's not 35 it's 37 is the top tax bracket and then yeah california um is uh is what california is what california is like 10.3 up to 12.3 okay yeah um if if i won the uh 300 million megabytes would you take 100 over 30 years or 50 now i'd probably take 50 now but i don't know i don't know i take 50 now and i'd go i'd go like go have a mega yacht built anyway all right i feel like we've been waiting for a long time for round number nine hey you are my favorite streamers just that you don't support novak okay i'm probably gonna be yeah i'm gonna go for what i did earlier against against death death probably studied by the way so he probably studied so i don't know if it's actually very smart of me to do this but whatever oh is he gonna play berlin ah shoot um okay i have a good tie breaker i'm just going to play a very slow game here let me play this one for this one instead it's all very standard by the way i'm taking all the risk out of the game here i'm gonna play a very slow game where if he makes a blunder i win and otherwise it's a draw i'm just taking all the risk out of the game i don't think bishop d7 is correct actually i think it's supposed to go b5 a5 as i recall i mean a3 is fine with bishop a2 of course i believe queen f4 is correct still without you [Music] now i can take with the rook or the um it's going to take with a rook again i don't want any any nonsense here so i'm just going to really take the fun out of the game pawn takes in rookie rook d1 is the way to try to win but i want zero risk here i think social four-player chess i mean if i had 11 if 11 out of 11 was a possibility i would take much more risk but that's gone so now it's all about winning the tournament so i'm just gonna make sure there's zero risk here i think bishop e6 is the move as i recall queen g6 hmm i think that's not right let me think it looks wrong looks very wrong actually but i'm so up on time that i actually should try to play precise chess i just realized i mean i'm up so much time here that i should try to find the best moves i just realized i'm gonna start plays more like a classical game of chess and it goes bishop e6 i kind of expected that but okay if i trade that's fine i also oh no h5 queen have six high resign that would be very very sad um d5 looks kind of wrong it's wrong d5 is wrong so i really only have bishop e6 i mean i think this is the only move i can play really on queen d2 i guess or do i go to c1 wait actually there are a couple options here queen c1 queen of six queen e3 maybe this looks like the right move just to hit the pawn on c6 i can still go queen e3 takes i mean this is obviously a draw with perfect play but trying to try to trick him a little bit here yeah it goes there so i go here so i can take this one i mean i should be very slightly better again like i said i'm taking zero risk here i'm just making sure that this is either a draw or i win if people unders okay take so i take i think queen h i mean i think it's a v that's a very slight blunder but he goes queen h5 which is a very very good move or actually wait no wait a sec i know it is a good move um defending very well i guess i'll play 21 queen d5 doesn't look 21 25 25 maybe again i've got all the time in the world so let's just go f3 again if if it's a draw it's a draw i'm just making sure there's no danger here let's go here i have queenie six maybe no that's not working rookie eight wait we're kidding queenie seven doesn't work either okay so let's just go here oh i missed that that's that is annoying okay yeah i missed rick i missed seven go here there's g6 wait what am i doing am i actually trying to lose this somehow oh wait no i can't go there wait this is be very careful actually now this is just a draw i guess i should just make the draw before i before i get too cheeky and do something insane or not let's just go for it oh whoops i hung up on oh my god oh my god oh my gosh what the heck was that oh yeah oh my god what the heck oh my gosh what the heck did i just do wait this is still probably a draw but um yeah i don't think i can win this okay yeah it's too risky it's just too risky i mean i just hung a pawn there am i winning here i can go queen e4 or something no it's it's still okay king g7 is still a draw yeah i mean i queen c5 wait where queen c5 was winning here no but he doesn't have to trade he doesn't trade he goes king g5 no he is he is king g5 it's not winning unless you mean somewhere here no i never had it yeah it was close on rook d7 there was d5 and it takes wait wait it takes oh wait but there's still queen bee sit i mean king f1 yeah yeah i mean this is better but this i'm not going to win this i'm not going to win this in a uh i had rick takes b5 here yeah but this is still a draw this is just a draw you guys i mean we can reach an end game where i'm up a pawn but death is a 2700 player this is a theoretical draw it's a theoretical draw but yeah very very very very tense game i mean once i hung the pawn i'm like okay i'm just going to make the draw once i hung that pawn on g3 like no i draw is fine of course then you trigger true think of think thank you i mean that was just not very good but okay whatever it's it's what it is yeah why is it 1.3 what do you mean okay round nine round ten okay okay now i'm gonna i'm in a tough spot there's three people on eight so i don't have the best tiebreaker ever do i get aggressive and go for broke yeah fudge it let's go for let's go for it i'm gonna try to win the event right here you guys i'm gonna try to win this game so i get white in round round 11. let's see oh no he knows the line uh-oh this one look at this let's see what he does your chest are saying he's mind blowing thank you appreciate it could have played g62 yeah never seen number two number three before other strong players he's thinking for a long time so he's using his time too finding computer moves most students will miss exactly yeah see what he does is he disconnected i swear i swear he carver gets every single opening decision he makes indeed i regret everything in life you guys what's going on why is he so slow okay so i can play d5 i can play d6 um and i'll spell like queen eight five or something i mean i'm a little confused as to what exactly is going on so i'm gonna play queen 85 here and just ask him what he's doing i'm kind of confused takes time to look up the moves [Laughter] maybe you never know but i somehow i doubt it please e4 what the heck i mean oh he just wants to play an equal end game really i'm a little surprised by that let's go here i mean this is very i mean maybe he's happy with the draw here i'm a little again i'm very confused by whatever is happening although i don't like the way i'm playing this to be honest yeah what am i doing why why am i playing like this shoot let's go here okay i gotta shake it off what am i doing actually what am i doing here i've gotta move i'm i'm actually playing this game very very poorly it's just that wait what am i doing i'm actually just like am i actually just throwing this game the heck am i doing actually oh geez six picking up seven heck oh maybe i have east okay i gotta go e6 it took me forever to spot this move i'm getting too tired actually i'm getting tired oh sure yeah i'm getting really tired and i'm just starting to miss stuff took me forever to spot e6 why why did it take me so long now i'm down on time as well which is bad i mean i should still be okay but i'm gonna play b5 stop c4 and i still knight a four somewhere is there he wants knight g5 i'll go h6 stop knight g5 okay plays h4 it doesn't really concern me i'm gonna go a5 maybe b4 i'm actually gonna stop talking i have to really focus because this is not a good positions gonna require a lot of technique to not lose this game maybe i'm probably okay here but i need to focus before the idea i don't understand of h5 position should be okay here now actually just gotta make make moves oh here a knight of five i guess shoot okay i should be safe now yeah now i should be safe okay now i reroute my bishop and i i should still nothing finally a blunder finally a blunder i'm gonna win the game i mean it's two pawns this isn't winning i don't know what it is let's go let's go let's go now i just eat there we go there we go we got the win big big game things there's 20 mates for the tier one think of sergio rodriguez that required um that was a super gm game um not not to like toot my own horn but like the way that i untangled those pieces uh do not try that at home that was extremely extremely difficult to untangle like the way that i put the rook on h7 because my knight is blue to f8 the way that i untangled everything that was super gm technique oh all right grinding down a 17 year old okay well it's title two say one thousand dollars um now i'm gonna play renato no i played him i play with parts if i draw a part h5 was not hey but because the rook on each seven guards h5 that it was very very tricky yeah i had to i had to unmaneuver everything i think so much of brad shot for the night now i played grigore in round 10 round 11. i think if i draw the game i get the i'm gonna oh and ushima stream is still playing wait no there's shima stream he's playing enjo okay best case he draws if i draw the next game i i mean yeah this is of course a draw yeah i missed the free knight on b6 no i there's no free knight what are you talking about yeah once he got low on time i mean he wasn't exactly okay game ends in a draw so it's probably the last game okay so let's look at the standing so standings are okay so if i play oparin and i don't lose i win the tournament because i have a massive tiebreaker edge yeah one more to go i mean that i've got a big big tie break here yeah big big tie breaker yeah it looks at ceiling no free knife well i'm just thinking in my head if there was something but i didn't see it yeah i didn't see it one to go okay we played gregory i'm gonna be like i'm gonna be mr rock yeah if i if i if i draw i win because everyone else's tiebreak is so bad okay i'll take the draw he gets second place he gets an easy second actually most likely unless he's gonna play like wesley is he gonna go e6 no all right there we go you guys there we go yeah so i draw no but he's half point back that's why a draw is okay if i play someone else i can't take the draw because he has a better tie break but yeah i mean okay if if my 8.25 tiebreaker edge doesn't hold over renato and shima stream then so be it i don't deserve to win the tournament yeah okay let's watch shima stream versus renato okay i mean i don't think there's any way i don't get first place another super gm technique yeah the thing is my tie breaker uh let me show the standings you guys once again you see the number to the right this is the tie breaker so going into this round oparen had a higher tie tiebreaker than me so if i had played shima stream or renato i couldn't play renato obviously but if i played shima stream then i have to play because because i don't know if oppar and quincy over he overtakes me but because oppar and has has to play me i draw him and now these two guys have 45 and 43 and i have 53.25 there's no way they can overtake me i don't think maybe they can but 8.25 is a lot i've seen like 3.75 i think that's the biggest i've seen in title tuesday but i i should win the tiebreak guaranteed to hold because you get half for the draw i don't know the tiebreaker i just know normally if it's more than about 3.5 you're never you're never overtaking on the final one you dropped tie break points do you miss the free knight yeah how does a tie break work i think it's the combination of your opponent's score and then whatever you score two or something or some tie breaker but yeah yeah i'm pretty sure that i win like i said i don't know the exact specifics but i know that if you're up by about three and a half uh or more you're you're probably never going to lose it so we'll see and also my rating my rating improved by 12 points which is always a plus as well i finished clear second or not clear second sorry but i finished second on tiebreak in the morning title tuesday so first and second is pretty good i think somebody should decky decky with the prime thanks for watching decky decky what is this game it looks easy this is chess you guys it's a very easy game um now it has been known to drive some people mad drive others into retirement but um it is it is a great game to play all right see but we'll see anyway uh bishop g4 there's knight h492 um again all pretty standard here am i streaming after this over i'll probably stop at the end of this but we'll see thanks so much 20 mason for the gifted sub thank you so much 20 mason that's not that's not shots you guys okay stop being weird yeah please give me a break gary retired please a fabiano um i don't see him so he must have lost the game early but yeah fabian wesley yeah what fabiano definitely hasn't done as well online but he's still a very very good player goes without saying i think black's a little bit better here long term because you can line up the uh you can line up the battery and you can also play f4 f5 f1 these knights aren't really all that great here on c3 and d2 but yeah anyway um yeah pretty eight hour stream you guys long long stream today we have one more long stream tomorrow i'm gonna be streaming again i think like seven eight hours tomorrow um before i take the rest of the week off uh i will i will will not be here just so you guys know for the um i will not be here for the rcc on the weekend because i'm going to california to see my grandmother so i'll be skipping it which is why it was so important that i won this last weekend um so i'll be back on tuesday i'll stream tomorrow then i'll be back on tuesday wednesday thursday of next week that's gonna be the plan so yeah well you guys i mean family comes first the end of the day you know i i would say um i don't i don't know when i'll see my grandmother next and if i played the rcc and won the rscc but something happened to her in the next like month or so i would never forgive myself like who who who get who gives a who gives a rats you know what over for 7 500 i mean who cares so yeah i mean time time is all you have in life right time that i should change a song just for that reason okay let me find the song um let's find a song there's a song there we go 92.94 i guess a lot a lot of moves here queen c7 there's b5 head bombing to hand zimmer yeah exactly yeah this might be a draw by the way 94.95 probably going to be a draw if i had to guess coach casey for the 100 bits thank you so much coach casey maybe h4 but g4 f4 maybe okay knight f3 or knight b3 it should be a draw by the way but black's gonna try to win for sure the time oh no it's from inception my grandmother is 80 she'll be turning 86 this weekend oh blunder or not blunder wait tricky oh very tricky actually i'll leave it here um frankie tricky knight e5 f6 i think ronaldo might win this by the way maybe not 50 it's a good move maybe f6 and king d6 f6 probably in g5 still anyone's game here all right let's move on to something else rook d3 was made oh my god rook d3 was checkmate in one rookie six and takes black should be winning i think yeah black should be winning you see eight in the betting for the 15 thank you so much check in here but then g2 and the rookie one yeah g2 and rookie one king c3 i think it's good yeah and there we go you guys and that is the end of the arena let me refresh the page so we get to see what the scores are all right let's close this take or there we go yeah see it's like i said you guys i mean nine and a half out of 11 for both me and shima stream but i i was already so far ahead that he can't catch me fifty eight point seven five fifty five see gregory's tie break on third 61.75 i mean that is an epic that is epic epic epic tie breaker for opar but not good enough so we end up winning with nine and a half out of 11 so we finished second in the early title tuesday we finished first in the evening title tuesday cannot complain naradity challenge yeah you guys i'm i'm pretty sauce though honestly so yeah [Music] you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 141,944
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, hikaru titled tuesday, hikaru titled tuesday magnus, hikaru titled tuesday meltdown, hikaru titled arena, hikaru titled tuesday playlist, hikaru nakamura titled tuesday, hikaru perfect titled tuesday
Id: JunVf9TjYHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 42sec (7242 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 21 2022
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