Want To Crush The London System?

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to another  gotham chess openings video boy do i have a   treat for you today whether you're a beginner  intermediate or an advanced chess player most   certainly you have come across or even played  the london system today i am going to present   to you a weapon against the london system that is  virtually unknown now you might say wait a minute   gotham don't you yourself have a london course for  white link in the description by the way yes i do   but the thing about weapons against openings is  that those weapons don't necessarily win the game   that line that i'm going to show you in today's  video is covered in my course and it just leads   to a playable position for both sides as always  the video is split into multiple parts first we   will go over the theory and i put the moves in the  description of the video for you to play around   on your own and there are two games against my  subscribers so we kick things off with white   beginning the game d4 and we will be playing d5  you say well evie i don't play d5 i play the dutch   yeah but you clicked on this video so d4  d5 and white will play either bishop f4   now or knight to f3 followed by bishop to f4 so  first i am i'm just gonna give you the good stuff   my friends i'm just gonna give you the good stuff  bishop to f4 there are a lot of good setups here   but we are going to attack our opponents  immediately with the move c5 and the idea   of this move is you are giving away a pawn off the  center so for example if d takes c5 is played here   you will play knight to c6 and try to put a second  central pawn into the middle of the board okay if   you are unable to do that because white will play  the move knight to f3 then you have a few options   first of all you can just develop naturally and  then play the move pawn to e6 later so for example   develop your bishop develop your pawn and then  win this pawn back on c5 white just can't really   defend that pawn at all there's no convenient  way for white to defend the pawn without moving   backwards and the position is just very bad if you  can put two center pawns in the middle d take c5   is really not challenging and very few people will  play it because you will play for instance e5 d4   bishop takes c5 and black is already actually  borderline winning within four five moves   um most people on c5 will defend the pawn with an  e pawn or a c pawn now against both of these and   more commonly you will get pawn to e3 you  are actually just straight up going to take   say wait why normally you develop nice well bear  with me obviously if queen takes just knight c6   and developing normally and why  is there a queen in the center   but if they take back like this you will still  play knight c6 and now white can play knight to f3   white can play c3 the line that i'm talking about  goes c3 because white wants to put the bishop on   d3 to defend the pawn right this is normal london  stuff and here my friends we are going to play a   move which is played in less than point zero five  percent of games point zero five one thousand and   six hundred games according to the legis database  masters level database 1600 games out of 2.9   million which begin d4 d5 bishop f4 we are going  to play the move f6 and now you see the point   we are delaying the movement of our knight and  in many of the positions we look at today f6   e5 is a key methodology to our game plan we want  to challenge the london player we want to attack   the london player we want to take the center away  from the london player and make them uncomfortable   so in a perfect situation here for example  let's say white plays knight d2 you will play e5   of course if there is a trade then you will  very easily and happily put this knight on f6   and then develop your bishops and castle and you  have advantage that's all i'm trying to get you   i'm trying to get a london player out of their  comfort zone and i'm trying to get you a very nice   and playable position but if white plays knight  to f3 so first of all if i plays knight to f3   you know you can think that you're pinning  and then playing e5 and this also will   work but actually it's even more boss than  that you're gonna play g5 that's the point   bishop to g3 and here people play in a variety  of ways some people like to play knight h6   to go knight f5 and then end up taking this bishop  some people like to just go belligerently h5   um and then for example if h4 is g4 now the knight  has to get out of the middle i've had some blitz   games like this against strong players and i just  do this and then i fill in the gaps and you just   have a massive space advantage and now games will  go in a lot of different ways here for you after   g5 or knight to f3 and the big drawback of playing  f6 early in a lot of these positions is there's   there's a lot of queen h5 checks that are possible  but they're never scary so if queen h5 just g6   and later in a training game you'll actually  see one of these kind of queen h5 ideas um   if bishop d3 you can still play e5 and you say  well what about this check that looks so scary i   can't go here because they just take no you can do  this you you you actually can go for this position   um and uh believe it or not the computer actually  thinks that after this fourth sequence of moves   black is almost winning like white has only  one move here that doesn't just lose the game   and that move is 92 because if knight to f3 for  example you have check this queen e7 long castle   keep in mind this queen to e7 czech long castle  you will see that also later in the video check   win a tempo and then castle the king out of the  center of the board but the central methodology   is this move f6 and of course white here might  play knight f3 if white plays knight f3 then   white has not played the move c3 yet that's a big  thing pay attention this is very very important   don't just spam f6 against everything you have  to be able to play the move at e5 right if white   plays c3 and you play f6 you are threatening to  go here but if white plays knight f3 you are not   threatening to go there so in that case you might  need to go long or prepare a bishop move to g4   followed by f6 e5 okay followed by f6 and e5 for  example um but in general the whole methodology   here is to delay the movement of the pieces over  here play f6 g5 e5 etc and go for a big attack   light squirt bishop comes out and pins and you  know the london system can be played with knight   f3 on the second move as well um now against  knight f3 here's the most important thing i just   said white has not played c3 yet right white has  not played pawn to c3 in any of these positions so   white can still play c4 so if against really the  thing about knight f3 is that you don't know if   they're going to play the london if you knew they  would be playing the london then you can just go   for our setup but so what i play against knight f3  if i'm anticipating to go like aggressive against   london i'll play knight c6 the problem with knight  c6 is that if they go london that's great then   we can play bishop g4 for example f6 and e5 and  later we have a training game that looks like this   so do pay attention to how that training game  goes with this pin and for example you know   if e3 f6 this is actually not that's still  like this is still fine for us because for   example takes you can take the knight first so  it stops guarding the center and now you can play   a very nice position where you just have two  knights in the center it's fantastic night   push the pawn to e4 bishop comes out um but if you  play knight c6 the drawback is they can play the   queen's gambit now and now now you're in a you're  in a chagoran defense or if you play e5 you're   in a albin counter gambit uh so you need to pair  parts of your repertoire together that makes sense   at the same time if you play d45 you by default  need to have a weapon against the queen's gambit   because it might happen on the second move so if  that makes sense to you i'm giving you a weapon   to beat the the london but now you need to pair  that with something else because you might face a   queen's gambit or you might face a catalan or you  might face something like that so i like knight c6   but if you don't want to do that you know knight  f6 is obviously very classical but then we're not   going to get f6 e5 so a flexible move might be  to just play like a reverse london very briefly   and then see what they do if they go queen's  gambit okay e6 you know normal queens gambit stuff   and if they play bishop f4 it's like okay great  now i'm gonna go either c5 or just knight c6 and   as quick of an e5 push as possible so for example  that might mean f6 if bishop to d3 which is   standard maybe queen up to try to castle long and  then just boom and boom like it could get very bad   very quickly for white like these pawn attacks on  uh on white in in london positions are very scary   and people hate that trust me there's probably  london players watching that really hate it um   and if you are a proud owner of the gotham chess  london course uh then you will know that the first   of all i recommend e4 here as one of the options  to go reverse albin counter gambit and here play   is tricky you know you need to take and then play  knight to f6 and fiancato and castle long but this   is gonna be a pretty rare move that you face  if you play this just from watching this video   um but the alternative uh in the chorus just so  you're like well let you know what are you stupid   why are you telling people how to beat your own of  course uh no i mean in in the course like i said   in the intro i recommend just going back to g3 and  the point is that when e5 happens uh then you just   have a game of chess like you just have a game and  you basically just play bishop to b5 and try to   pin them and you know they'll play maybe bishop d6  and guard their pawn or e4 or something like it's   it's just a complex game that's that's really what  it is so i know this was brief i know it was about   10 minutes the moves are in the description and  please don't think that you watch this 10 minutes   and you're going to watch those practice games  and you're going to be a master no you need to go   practice that's what a lot of people don't realize  i make this as easily digestible for you i try   not to make the videos two hours long but that  doesn't mean i'm thorough i'm missing stuff in   these videos but i'm trying to give you the most  practical condensed but informative bit of theory   that i can okay so if i miss something you need to  go fill in the gaps i'm telling you right now full   disclosure uh but go and hunt people down because  this is a super rare weapon let's play some games   all right it's time to begin some games as always  the way this works is i had some volunteers in   discord uh and you know i try to space out in a  way that i'll play somebody who uh is a you know   it it's it's a relatable game like this person is  a thousand blitz is 1200 rapid that seems to be   kind of the the average intermediate nowadays  now i'm going to play d4 d5 um and the next   opponent is going to be like 17 1800 so we have  d4 d5 and now in this game we have knight to f3   so as i said uh traditionally speaking knight to  f6 here is the best line i'm gonna go knight c6   because i'm assuming that um well this is going  to be a london player so bishop to f4 right this   is everything that we talked about and here um  the thing is we don't know if they're going to   go back to the queen's game but they might be  playing a queen's game but i know for a fact   this person is going to play this because well  i asked them my discord who plays london but now   i'm going to play bishop to g4 and the idea is  that i'm going to have pressure on the night   after which i will play queen d7 f6 and e5 and  and again it's it's all about this kind of f6 e5   and as i mentioned of course had they gone into  the queen's gambit you would need to learn um you   know you would need to learn uh something maybe  like the album counter gambit or the chagoran   defense for example but that is how you pair your  repertoire together i mean it's only move four   uh my opponent shouldn't be thinking that  much i mean i haven't done anything crazy   just okay e3 yep um and now we know  about this f65 idea now f6 e5 here   isn't necessarily the most accurate move order uh  it's a little bit more accurate to go e6 bishop d6   but i'm going to play this as i showed  to just show you the practicality of it   if c4 and i will play e5 cd5 right okay so h3 so  we know we can keep this pin uh we also know that   we can take and then play pawn to e5 um and then  after it takes takes you know you get your your   two knights in the center uh and what not now  if our opponent plays g4 that does kick out our   bishop and slightly delay our plan but i'm gonna  do that i'm just gonna see what the future holds   bishop to e2 might happen then after e5 uh de5  will have to throw in this capture and this was   also actually in the intro i hope you were paying  attention um now c4 yeah this was actually this   was not unexpected so now now e5 and now now  we have chaos because the bishop is hanging   uh this is pinned but my opponent is also  going to chop down some things and you know   they have two kind of defenders here oh no is  that just a blunder now the interesting thing   is it's not quite a blunder because after pawn  to e4 which pins the attacks the pin piece here   um it's not quite a blunder actually  shockingly because after e4 there is g4   in a shocking turn of events and if i take they  take me but after e4 g4 and i just move out of the   way uh maybe maybe it's not so bad like maybe life  goes on maybe our position's actually pretty good   at the same time i can also give a check  and just develop my pieces very quickly develop you know i'm thinking like bishop  here finish developing in castle maybe i'll   just do that i kind of like that i feel  like maybe while my opponent is wasting   time retreating i'm just gonna finish my  development and be happy but who knows but who knows this is why we play chess  and then investigate our moves afterward   it's a very confrontational setup i can play e  takes d4 now pawn will have to take because if   knight takes then obviously they lose the queen  can take take and maybe play queen e7 check   i like that look at this takes they have to  take with the pawn then i play queen e7 check   and then i'm gonna castle long and then i finish  my development i've got a lot of pieces out and   i think they're all looking very nice now there  is one drawback i think to giving this check and   it's that there might be a very quick queen  trade but the good thing for me is that due   to this pin i will be able to take this knight  so for example i will give a check something   will block on the e2 square and then i will take  the knight and whatever blocked on the e2 square   is not going to be able to take so for example  bishop to e2 then i will take they cannot take   and that will result in them having to really  damage their structure then i will finish my   development by playing long castle and i think  black is just clearly better from the opening it   looks like the opening was a success playing  this f6 e5 system even against knight to f3 but we'll see if we can kind of  replicate this in the next game   and how it looks in the next game ronnie gave me  a good fight in the last opening video that we did also i don't know about y'all but haritos  uh toronca is my favorite grapefruit   now rather than taking i'm going to take this they  cannot take because of the pin they take like that i can take intake but i actually kind of just  like taking on d4 uh i think i think this is   maybe i can no let's take now we've you know  by by the queen moving it stopped guarding the   center pawn which is another benefit of moving  the knight to c6 all the way back on move two   because as the opening progresses um you  know that that queen might move off d1 and now if we get this this i think i  think knight takes is very reasonable   this is still under fire i'm threatening this  and i'm threatening knight c2 if my opponent   plays long castle right so i think what i'll  do here is take on c3 first to again damage   the structure so now my opponent has wow this is  pretty this is pretty crazy this pawn structure   i can take on f3 and probably at some point  even take on h2 just to just to make that   trait to get it into an end game and we've  emerged out of the opening doing very well   uh maybe maybe we had something a little bit more  clean but i think this is very straightforward now   opponent can yeah yeah yeah actually they can play  that move uh but i believe i have rook c8 probably although you know rook c8 bishop oh no  no no no it's actually funny i thought   rooks a bishop d6 rookie one but because my  where my knight is standing i would just take   so bishop d6 dc4 uh okay or that and i think  i think now we use the rook in the pawn and we   we take i can also you know it's funny i  can actually castle i can actually castle in a in a strange turn of events because  you know bishop g2 is coming anyway   i i might yeah i think i'm going to castle here i  prefer castling i want to get my king safe maybe   king f7 was also very good uh the idea is that  after bishop to g2 knight dropping back to e5   uh i'm i'm still happy like my position is still  is to locate dc4 or or bringing the other rook or   maybe knight f5 uh i what i'm trying to do here is  disallow counter play so i don't want i don't want   my opponent's rook to infiltrate that's that's  really it's really the biggest thing here for me   uh maybe knight back to e5 this is actually a very  good move bishop g2 very decent move because now   the c3 pawn is protected um uh yeah this  1000 is uh is doing a very good job here   very good job shows you that even even  though uh you know with a rating mismatch and   watching a gotham chess youtube video uh  you can still get a very decent position   in this opening it's a tough opening to  crack but black definitely has fighting   chances and we have had the initiative  more or less from start to finish so all right so one two three four five  with some initiative on the queen side   at the same time we also have to remember the  goal of having a 1000 to play against gotham chess   on one of these videos is not for me to destroy  them and make them never want to play chess again   that's the secret of being a chess teacher  you know there's a fine line to tread   between wanting to be instructive  and winning the game but you know uh oh winning the game and also trying  to be dominant but we will analyze this   we'll analyze maybe to see if we had  anything cleaner knight takes and   now we have an end game i guess i'll offer a trade  of rooks there's only 20 seconds left on the clock   uh they should not trade and the london bishop  has survived into the end game takes rook takes d5 and there's a few ways to win this the  easiest would be to just transfer the rook okay opponent doesn't want to give me the pawn  oh i i can give a check and take this pawn and   with the time advantage the easiest thing to do  here is just to push just to push the past pawns   make sure you're not blundering anything at  some point you can even make this sacrifice   because now three pawns will win over one pun   and uh this was actually a very good game it's  a very decent game by my opponent who's also   going down to like you know the final  move that was that was an excellent game   they should be very proud and now we we will  analyze um we will analyze here so everything was   good everything was according to plan we played we  played we played well bishop before was the best   move uh ev4 in queen e7 was also the best nice  so so i'm i'm happy with my play from the opening   i wonder if i did something wrong nope everything  was okay so here here castling was an inaccuracy   what i should have done is uh played knight to f5  and basically even with this move i saw this and   i didn't like it but i guess i guess the end game  is just is just bad for white like the initiative   of the opening carries over to an end game where  only black is playing the position for a win   so interesting interesting interesting for sure  um so i'm you know it goes to show you that even   with an aggressive and very tricky line the london  is so solid which is why we need videos like this   because the videos like this will give  you an advantage within the first 10 moves   and we did have an advantage by move nine with  queen to e2 played and then winning this pawn so   man london is a lot that is a brutal opening  to play against but i'm happy i mean i'm happy   that whole transformation in the opening went the  right right the the right rate the right way and   now it's uh time for ronnie ronnie's 1460 but  1730 rapid and 1600 in a blitz i think ronnie   plays bishop to f4 uh and now c5 immediately  obviously we know dc6 we have knight c6 and e5 okay ronnie plays knight f3 which is not accurate  because it allows me to take on d4 right away   but i guess what i would say here is that the best  move is is taking on d4 now i'm conflicted do i   take on d4 and make my opponent kind of put one  of those pieces in the center maybe we do maybe   we punish ronnie if queen takes d4 knight c6  um if knight takes d4 i'm actually very curious   if i can just play f6 e5 like against  knight d4 you can play any move but i   again because this whole video is predicated  upon that that pawn advancement with f6 e5   i really want to do it and i think i will i think  i will play it and obviously queen d4 it's the   same it's it's it's these three moves so this  could get very bad very quickly it's actually   an interesting blunder there from ronnie ronnie  doesn't play the london he did volunteer to play   for the video uh but i did not expect that he  would play bishop before knight f3 i thought he   was going to play bishop before and e3 but that's  the difficulty for two recruiting subscribers to   play against you at 11 p.m and ronnie's thinking  yeah nothing noth nothing looks too great i mean   of course you should play knight  takes d4 you should not allow you should not allow me to attack your queen   and he does it and now i'm gonna play  my f6 idea this looks really funny this   looks very non-standard but as you've  seen from the from the theory concept   this pawn structure is so hard to deal with and  london players will hate it they will hate it so apologies for the uh silence there my opponent  is just being very suspenseful i i didn't expect you know i didn't expect this that ronnie's really  in the tank here i mean i feel kind of bad i   i the thing about you know i recruit  my subscribers to play against me   late at night sometimes because i'll be  recording videos to launch at 7 a.m the   next day at like 10 11 p.m uh oh that's  that's a very tricky movie three so if e5   uh if e5 then there's queen h5 check that's very  interesting look at this so e5 takes takes and he   wants queen h5 which is i suppose a small drawback  of this system but if i just don't blunder that   if i just don't blunder right so he checks me  okay now you can't block knight c6 you know the   craziest thing is bishop this is actually very  legitimate what he's doing because if i play   like knight d7 he can go knight e6 so actually i  think king f7 as bogus as it looks might be the   best move and then i'm just gonna play e5 next  move anyway and then i'll finish my development   now this looks ridiculous for an openings  video however knight f3 cd4 allowed this now f6   you know f6 was was really trying to gun you  know gunning for that setup uh to to try to try   to make it look familiar so let's go e5 which is  the plan and we will analyze after like the good   and the bad of what we did so there's a little  bit of pressure there queen a5 check does not win   a piece by the way because knight just blocks  on c3 uh i can develop my knight i don't see   anything particularly wrong with just finishing  my development and taking all the center space   right so a6 is always a move as well bishop to e6  is next yeah of course people are going to do that   uh as we know now we we can we can play  bishop to b4 just the same thing that we   did last game in fact if we play bishop to b4  and they play knight to c3 isn't there just d4 and then if this a3 we can  play dc and i don't know   i don't know but we'll have the we'll  have the crisscross applesauce pins maybe   it's a very wacky but again again the whole point  of this video is to take london players so far   out so far out and make the position really  complex from the get-go don't let them get   comfortable don't let them get to a to a  you know a familiar-looking london position   okay so now a6 if bishop takes then pawn  takes uh and i think i think i think we're   good and i think we're happy and i think  bishop d6 bishop e6 and knight e7 and uh   i think the opening is a success i think uh  there is nothing here for for white bishop to e6 doesn't look like there's anything that ronnie  can do here i mean the the the center pawn wall   is somehow so powerful there there's just nothing  white can do like again exactly what i said i'm   going to finish my development around my king  and maybe the hardest part is like what's next   you know like what after we do all all this stuff  what do we do next how are we actually going to   win this game first of all i can trade queens and  go to an end game if i really want to i can try to   trade rooks but i can go on a pawn attack as well  like i can play g5 for example because i don't see   anything this queen is trying to do so what if i  just play g5 h5 and h4 you know h4 g4 will always   kick the knight out of the middle and then all end  games are good for us too why we have two bishops   they just have one and we have a lot more space  we have more open lines more space we have the   bishop air so a lot of good things going for us in  this position again knight b3 i'm trying to figure   out what that move you know like maybe i plant  my queen out here and um h5 this is interesting i guess knight c5 is is potentially coming so i'll  play queen b6 just kind of pressuring the knight   covering the knight coming to c5 everything  on the c file is controlled and um you know i'm not going g4 because i don't want  knight h4 i just i i i want to shut out these   pieces more than i want to advance and attack  them if that makes sense my pawns here are taking   up space and they're disallowing the you know  the my opponent from moving toward me uh for   example h5 like the the difference here is that  now maybe i'll even use this pawn as a target   that's a hook now so i'll target both pieces and  try to trade things out i also have knight to f5   which attacks the bishop on g3 and if  i really want to i can always you know   switch the play action back to the queen side  so we have a lot of play in this position from   just a you know a decent a decent opening  now we'll go rook c8 so nothing can come   in this way i expect something like b4 maybe  um but but again i'm we're we're not afraid of   of just taking our space advantage to  the end game okay right back to d2 um   is f something like f4 coming uh that's  under a little bit of pressure there   let me just trade the rooks i also have  queen b2 i guess i shouldn't forget that   i do have queen takes b2 as well uh but let me  let me force the bishop back to h2 so now the   king can't escape and now i will go queen takes b2  and now if rook c2 there are back rank problems so   that's uh that's nice and now i think we can take  we can take this pawn we are up two pawns a very   very clean game for us thus far bishop back  to b4 no knight c6 uh d4 and this is just a   lot this is a lot to deal with that's actually a  great move bishop takes a5 now there's knight a5 i guess i'm trying to think what what  to do for me here i guess i can take   and i can just push my pawn so knight a5 i will  go d3 this bishop i mean the london bishop in this   game was absolutely dominated just completely from  start to finish so uh that'll that that that'll   teach the london london players will not sleep  very soundly once they see this this this video   um unless they have you know the gotham course  then they know what to do but now that is just   trapped it's completely dominated has no moves and  um actually that's just back rank mate because the   bishop is blocked in wow very very clean game i'm  happy with that one i'm glad to end on that one   um because and again i said we would analyze it  briefly uh i wonder okay so f6 you know it's funny   the best move for white after f6 is bishop takes  b8 which again will just never happen and even   if it does you'll get a great position um so i  played g6 and it's funny the machine is not afraid   so the machine is not afraid at all the machine  actually thinks that black is winning here   because after king f7 there's nothing white can  do that is fascinating now i wouldn't say that   you could do this for the faint of heart uh but  this yeah this is winning because there's no check   your bishop covers everything and your next  few moves will just be like knight f6 knight   c6 and white will just be losing so for  example here knight f6 like long castle   actually bishop d6 and the queen is getting  trapped the queen is literally just trapped   wow every square around the queen is occupied  that is nuts so looks like we could have done   it i played g6 which i actually don't think  was that great of a move uh yeah it allowed   queen f3 the opponent could have basically  sacrificed material in a different way but even   with king f7 black is better like the computer  thinks that this position is better for black   and the way we did this and ended up kind of in  this position black is much much better black   has a very very clear advantage here with the two  bishops the big center everything that i talked   about so hopefully this was helpful hopefully  this is a practical weapon uh for you to take   on the london system because obviously you can't  really stop the london unless you play the anglin   gambit which is not a very good opening so uh  let me know your thoughts in the comments below   uh feel free to share some games as always in the  comments and uh if there are any other openings   you'd like to see me cover in the future do let  me know as well i will see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 657,235
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, london opening, london chess, london system chess, london opening chess, london system tricks, london opening eric rosen, eric rosen london, london opening theory, london opening traps, gothamchess london system, gothamchess london climb, how to beat the london system, how to beat the london system agadmator, how to beat the london opening, london system chess opening
Id: Nc8rzTIfFCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 1sec (1921 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 08 2021
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