Hikaru's on Fire! Check Out This Mate!!

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oh yeah baby oh what a way to start oh  yeah let's go let's go what a way to start   oh this is the dream this is the dream baby all right let's go because it should  be good everything looks good okay   um yeah okay let's start let's play g6 bishop g7 okay let's go here i guess i'll play here castles pretty standard so far nothing too crazy  you can't be nervous when you're the best   uh but i'm not the best but good one you guys  uh best chess ball course for 1300 i don't   know thank you senpai for the four months  i'm not really sure honestly i haven't um   i mean i i don't really do much with in terms of  chess but i don't really really go on the site   look at stuff that often so i have i don't really  have much of a much of an opinion 92 feels kind   of wrong somehow but how do i punish him i think  i'll play rookie guard the pawn i mean there might   have been some tricks with knight g4 or other  stuff but now i'll go here everything is guarded   this looks very pleasant for me thank you so much  that big ocho for the two months thing things that   big ocho um a blindfold title tuesday now that  would be um interesting but ghost c6 are i think   i'm just gonna go push a five to over protect  everything i mean this looks very pleasant for me   if b4 i have knight d3 i've got knight g4 h5 i  mean i don't really like oh he's gonna play it   really now i think i can play queen d6 or queen  d7 i have to be careful this isn't a blunder i think i'll go here in rook  d8 that's my plan hopefully   this isn't a blunder i think i just take  though knight b3 so i play rook d8 and   knight d4 i assume bishop g4 is very strong  but i could be wrong i go here i trade i mean i don't actually know if this is good   but i presume it okay i'm going to  take and then i'm going to take and   this looks wrong so if he takes i fossilize them  with f2 it takes i take now i take d4 and really i don't believe him wait so takes  takes he is this or something i'm a little confused by this i take i mean i should just be winning here unless  i'm crazy see if knight d5 with the fossil   walking into a checkmate i think so should  i call these otto for the two months thank   you so much alkalee's auto oh yeah baby  oh what a way to start oh yeah let's go   let's go what a way to start oh this  is the dream this is the dream baby all right all right he resigns uh after work takes g1  i go knight f2 and it's it's just checkmate   here the king is stuck in the corner  um yeah it's it's it's kind of like a   smothered me it's work on g3 i don't think  technically it is but it's very close so   yeah it's a very nice win um to start it off  yeah why do you resign i didn't get to see yeah   he can he get the thing is after check it's  a double check so i'm hitting the king twice   this is the only square to get out of the check  and then i sack the juicer and then he of course   he can't take with the king because the rook  guard so his take and then after knight f2   king just can't move i mean it can't go up and it  can't go over so it's just checkmate thank you so   much that bathroom dance for the prime thing  such a bathroom dance appreciate it thank you   so we got a good first win very very clean  to start tilted tuesday let's see who else is   playing let's watch on drake now we have a very  very fast win so um it's a very very good start okay um what do we have knight  b3 queen b3 looks fine check   bit more importantly royal fork indeed indeed so yeah all right he could almost he  could almost take d4 i could almost   take the queen but he couldn't take it can  we watch wesley's game sure let's pull up   wesley's game wesley is playing against um oh  wait did i just see fabulous fabiano's name i   think i just fabiano's name yeah fabiano's  actually playing he's playing as well   okay so let's let's go to uh wesley's game  um wesley's playing anton lopovsky wesley is   better is it much better king g7 doesn't look like  much for for wesley no it doesn't look like much   um fabuno yeah sorry so actually you guys you're  what you're wondering why i said fibuno it's   because uh there's in st louis for whatever reason  there was a there's the sinkfield cup and i think   it was 2018 or 2019 and for some reason like i get  the fabio fabiano's obviously american is italian   name whatever but you know he's been around a  long time so you'd figure people could pronounce   his name correctly but the opening ceremony there  they they kept saying they said like i think they   said fabuno karuna or like fabiano karuna  or they were saying all these like horrible   mispronunciations of his name so that's that's  where that's where i uh remember it from   so yeah don't i get bored killing title  two says no you guys because i love chess   um so no yasser still can't say his name what  does yasser say i think such a big bad boris   for the 21 months i guess which big bad boris  appreciate it um uh how does yasser say his name   anybody have like a clip or anything  i could watch do we not have moves   what happened to this game let me let me what  happened why am i not seeing the moves heck   okay i don't know what that was but anyway  um all right so so he's gonna win the game   obviously so let's move on um fabiano  already won of course bortnick is playing   caravadi uh white has extra pawn and the  and the op combo so white will win so yeah   thank you so much that destroyer thanks  so much appreciate it thank you but yeah also easy winston car is happy yeah i'm feeling  pretty good i feel great yesterday was good   uh yasser still mispronounced my  name yeah i'm aware of that um   what was the other name that yasser always gets  wrong oh yeah he likes to say michael tal right   michael towel of course the one and  only all love we all love michael um   uh you really read my messages saying not everyone  does so with that many viewers i try to read as   much as i can to try to be as interactive as i can  um but yeah it's it's not it's not easy of course   michael towel yeah exactly yeah anyway okay so  what lights up two pawns so bornick should win   this game pretty soon um i think chess is a  sport you know it's very tough i think when   you talk about i think it's definitely a mental  sport i think when you look at events like the   candidates the world and the world championship  very specifically or like the grand prix even   those really really top-level events they take  a lot of energy there's a lot of stress i mean   it's very very very nerve-wracking games go  very long for those events i think to some   degree it you could almost call it a sport but  for the majority of events i don't really view   it that way so it's kind of it's kind  of a it's kind of a mix in my opinion yeah white's just winning at some point you go d7   but you can also just sit here  forever just improve the king would i be open to doing a serious analyzing past  world championship games of course i would be yeah   um i won my game very very quickly thank you   so much akin the heavy metals  thank you so much appreciate it so yeah anyway all right um they only call sport if it's  physically demanding well that's the thing though   like when you play the candidates the it  really does become exhausting it's a very   very long it's a very very long tournament  um what i think about levy stuff i'll talk   about that afterwards i don't really  want to delve into that right now   um i do think it's very hasty though  that is one thing i will say i mean   levy is apparently already registered to play a  tournament in november so i think it's a little   bit hasty i don't think he'll be able to stay away  but i'll talk about it uh more in depth later on i think so much that lugubrious for the  five months your heart rate is elevated   during the candidates and i want to say  during like the cancer world championship   like those absolute top top top events i  think it is definitely different for sure so   anyway okay let's see what do we have  here this is apparently winning for white yeah white will win this game f7 i mean   queen g5 and then you check you have two  checks f6 or h5 yep nice one for genghis khan is online blitz improving classical otb chess um   you know i i don't know i think it depends the  level you're playing it at i think for me it   was it was a huge benefit um to be playing all  these strong players online during the pandemic   without a doubt um so for me i think it was it  was great i i think it helped me immensely yeah   having seen the all the highs and lows in your  chest crew are you satisfied with your chest score   at this point in your life oh i'm very satisfied  with it i think um um i think what i would say is   that the performance of the candidates it really  eliminated the one last like one last glaring um   uh regret the one last thing in my chess career  that was really that still bothered me more or   less this day so yeah i'm very very happy i'm  very chilled um who is hikaru is he a politician   no i play chess right now maybe one day i'll  be a politician but right now i play chess   play knight of three you were fourth though tie  for third doesn't matter obviously in the bigger   scheme of things i mean if i had gotten second  though that would have been that would have been   pretty nice but it is what it is okay what is  this account is this someone this looks like a   joke account a little bit um except like every  politician yes you guys let's go c4 let's   okay now b4 is a move here it's not a great move  i played against ali rezab before ali reza was   uh 2800 but it is definitely something that's  it's not great i played it in the rcc2 i think   actually okay let's go b5 so point is 94. um why  did i play b5 no this was kind of stupid by me um i guess i'll go here yeah he plays e5 and i'm for whatever reason i'm   not very happy with what's going on  i guess i'll go knight c3 and trade   takes takes takes i mean again i'm not super  thrilled by what's going on i mean you can maybe   sack something but i think i'm still better  here because i have knight before at the end i take of course if he takes i just  take i go here and then i get knight d4   it goes for it now first thing is i take   okay can i have knight d4 i have rookie one also  i can also take i think knight d4 has to be the   right first move i'm down a pawn temporarily but  his pieces are kind of clumsy a little bit here   i can obviously i think i should trade create  the perma weakness on c6 i mean i don't know if   i'm actually better here but i shouldn't be worse  because this pawn is a perma weakness for black it goes bishop d7 which i expected i think i'm  gonna play h4 maybe g3 maybe just drop back i mean   i don't love my position here i  will say that it's not it's not   a position that i'm thrilled by but  g3 just consolidates everything okay i can go here if he wants to trade he can trade if i trade and play rook  b7 that doesn't look right   i think i'm just going to go queen  d2 and keep this very very slow here face work d8 now here i can actually take you can  also play with b7 maybe although i don't like it   i think i should probably just play something  simple though something simple and quiet here   um there's a simple and quiet move  f3 maybe yeah let's go f3 and king f2   hmm this is not a great position to have here yeah bishop f5 or something a bit  yikesy thank you so much to loki   for the a thing and mr orbito  for the 11. it plays rook b8   now i can play queen of four at some point just  a question of when i want to do it i'm gonna go   here and offer one of the trades i mean i could  have just traded on e8 right away i suppose i mean i have worked before to hold on then king  g2 i go here oh maybe i should have made a check   first but wait but now there's also queen h6  wait a second queen h6 rook d4 rook b8 rookie if he takes i made him in one if he takes i  made him in one if he goes here i take the rook   let's go rookie eight i think  queen of four is right now oh no it's oh no did i just blunder something i did just blunder something shoot very careless behind me very very careless i should have gone queen g5 queen g5 was  the move to trade the queens what am i doing   so bad yeah queen g5 and i win the  game actually kind of on the spot   okay so i'll go here to hold the pawn hold  everything i hold all the critical squares crud yes i go here in queen of one here i just block and go back but  then maybe rook b1 queen c1 again probably gonna be a little bit i'll probably  be a little bit lucky if i win this game i mean well the queen d7 i do have rook v8 maybe um no i think i'm just gonna play it safe here  and then queenie one and just reroute everything okay queen c7 doesn't threaten anything  i should go here hold everything kind of   long as there are no push i'm still down a palm  but this great knight and no ability to remove it   i still should never really be in  danger of losing it goes bishop a6   which i understand the only problem with  bush basics is now i can hold everything   i think i'm gonna go i think i'm gonna play a4 i  don't know if it's the right move but i'm gonna   do it right but now he gave me rookie one which  he shouldn't have allowed it's still probably a   draw with perfect play but i mean maybe now  there's some chances to create tricks like can't i go here maybe i should have checked first i  feel like i'm playing as a little bit   yeah i'm playing this a little bit too quickly  for some reason why am i doing what am i doing   yeah i'm just playing i'm playing  way too fast i'm not really sure why i mean this is insane what  i've done to this position and i'm getting low on time so i  kind of have to make a move soon um it's great now i just blundered of course gotta move though what wait a second i'm gonna win this game i think this is three one right there there's  increment yeah there is increment i'm like yeah i'm going to win this game i  think on time oh let's just check me no wait what okay i don't see it so i'm just gonna go for this what am i doing there we go now i win oh very very poor game search tiger clown  for the 23rd they get van buren for   the prime minister to read to school for the prime   very very poor game very shaky but it's  a win very very shaky game not good that account smells of elham i mean you're  not allowed to play on multiple accounts   is that actually i'm going to say that that  actually is elham playing on another account   he's done it before where he's played  on like three different accounts i mean   they have very clear rules that you're not allowed  to do that so if that is if that if that is alham   i mean they they have to do something about it but  i i i don't know why that would really be alham i i don't know i don't know  why that would be alham yeah you're not allowed to play on different  accounts but i i'm pretty sure that wasn't right   that didn't feel like elham to me i mean like  the the opening felt like could be alham but   the the late middle game end game time usage  was not alham no i i don't think it was alham   we're playing uh neil's grand delicious  i'm gonna play something very solid   i don't really oh oh great he played c4  that's great i wasn't paying attention i guess i'll play c5 and knight c6 i mean what  i've done is wrong i mean this is not how you're   supposed to play it like i'm after c4 i'm supposed  to take the pawn but i just got distracted for a   second i just played the wrong move hopefully  it doesn't cost me that's all i'm going to say   yeah it plays d3 which i kind of expected i mean knight h6 maybe i'm gonna go  knight h6 here maybe 97 out of 5. this is at least going to be interesting i i  mean this probably is bad for me because the   i misplayed the opening but  maybe i can get away with it   oh it's an fm yeah it's not okay yeah i i didn't  think it was okay i guess i'll go knight to five because now i can go 97 okay of course i'm gonna play knight d7 first knight a4 b6 is 95 a problem i'm gonna play here see plays bishop f4 i have  e5 f6 if i get b6 bishop b7 i should be fine i   mean again this is very shaky very very shaky i'm  either completely fine or i'm much much worse i   don't know which one it is the good thing is he's  used a lot of time to try and punish me for my it inaccuracies goes a3 which  i'm actually very shocked by   because now after b6 bishop b7 i think i  should be completely fine yeah i think a3 is   just way too slow by him i bet after the game  there's probably some i know it's b4 there's   something that's probably really really strong  it goes queen a4 which is very logical move um i guess i'll go here because i can just  play bishop c6 and rook a oh he's got 90   oh wait no he doesn't have 95 sorry because  i 95 just hangs a piece what am i smoking um   it plays bishop for i think working so uh he  wants 95 now but so what 95 i can just trade   not so sure i i'm not so sure i agree with  nielsen's approach in this game he's using too   much time and the position is kind of not clear  although he has something that might be good here   hard to judge i mean ruxin and bishop c6 again  maybe was just a better try but okay whatever okay it goes b4 i think e4 is very strong i think  b4 is just the wrong move because now after i just   castle i think i'm actually just in great shape  suddenly maybe great shape is a little bit too   uh too optimistic but i don't think i should be  in trouble it goes 94 interesting now i have e5   do i have c4 i don't think i do but i'm  up a lot of time here so this is where   i should actually start to think and use  the clock knight d4 is wrong e5 is a move   c4 rook c4 doesn't do  anything cb4a before a5 maybe rook c7 oh wait i just blunder here i didn't realize roxy 7 hits both um it doesn't  take advantage it's a little bit spicy um it's a good knight f6 and maybe i take  the pawn maybe i take with a bishop here   i don't really like this position e5 felt too too  loosening somehow which i didn't play it might   have been better but i don't know it goes there  but now i go knight d5 i've got a5 at some point unclear a little bit unclear now this  would be two i mean i have a5 i have e5 too i guess i'll just play 28 try to trade some  queens probably won't trade i'm guessing but   i think i should be okay here so i have  queen d7 or c8 i'll pre-move of course it does trade okay i did not expect that  i think i i mean i don't think i should be   in danger of losing now bishop h3 just  seems like a kind of like a weird move   that i don't really understand i don't really  understand what it's doing i'll go here maybe i don't really understand bishop h3 it  just doesn't somehow it doesn't make sense   because e3 which i also don't really understand  um i go bishop b2e trades if i trade and play   oh let's just oh wait he's got knight c5 oh my  gosh he just says knight c5 and i get forked   oh yeah yeah that was bad by me okay let's see slow it down  i guess i'll just go back i should be better here somehow  let's go here off of the trade it's got 91 which of course i also  conveniently did not account for i've misplayed this it'll be a draw most likely most likely being the keyword trying to trap his rook out oh he's uh is this rook getting trapped here or not wait d4 now i can play e4 wait a sec i'm gonna go right after it um he's got no time though i think his rook  is getting trapped around the corner yes rick's just getting trapped yeah we're  gonna win very good three up three down yeah   you have 40 seconds chill yeah no but the  problem is the position is not clean so like   if i use too much time here niels is a very  strong player he's going to use that time and   be calculating that's why i'm trying to still  go faster because he's going to use that time   and i know this isn't winning here like i'm  sure this is not oh maybe it is already winning   but like i'm not 100 sure niels is  going to use my time if i think too long   where he uses he uses that time um but it  was really bad in the opening for sure like this is okay it's not clear okay e4 was always strong i actually  was wondering if you could have played   it like right here i thought that e4 was  very strong he didn't do it he goes here   and now now i'm kind of okay although rook c7 wins  of course yeah okay anyway in the opening why 96   is not knight f6 i'll tell you why the reason i  went knight h6 instead of knight f6 is because   i messed up the order after bishop e3 if i play  ipd7 something like knight a4 here or even rook c1   with knight a4 is very very strong for white and  the point behind knight h6 is that basically he   plays for the same thing i'm going to be able to  hit the bishop with the knight so even if he goes   like 94 i can hit him with knight f5 right away  that's why i put the knight on h6 uh because i   messed up the move or in the opening anyway three  out of three good stuff so far i can't complain   sort of on meta useful for the 22 months 15 years  old 24.50 from t from uh from turkey yeah i think   so much torn for 26 yeah yeah anyway three up  three down so far so good still a few games   to go wesley's playing fabiano's playing i  mean everybody and their brother is playing   jose is playing i think andrea's playing although  it looks like he lost the game early somewhere   thoughts on levy i mean i i i mean i'm going to  talk about afterwards but the one thing that i   will say um the one thing that i will say is that  i don't think he's i i think it's just a it's he's   he's unhappy he's upset and he he made this but  he said he's retired but he's going to play again   you don't you just don't you don't retire like  that even like even gary or like the the all-time   greats they they don't they don't do that i mean  gary said he retired look at him he's he's playing   again like even if you want to say his core uncle  casual he's playing chess kramnik's play kramnik   played the world rap and blitz like yeah it's  just not i mean it's not it's not gonna happen   gotta is owen five and beale what sorry excuse  me excuse me kamsky is owen five wow that's um   that's kind of shocking i'm actually really  shocked also people are talking about my   rating yeah my rating is very paltry 3165  these days it's not not very impressive um   but i'll get back to 32 eventually like i always  do and then probably it'll sit around 32 for a   while then i'll probably have some big dip and  then i have to work back up i mean i don't really   see my rating going too uh too high though i  mean 32.50 maybe says the guy who has retired   like 10 times this year alone oh you mean me i  mean i'm not i never said i retired from chas thoughts on tani getting the second norm  um itani's gonna become a gm eventually   i'll talk about levy later i don't  want to talk about it right now there must be a game still going what are  the el clasicos but again we have increment   so no moral d actually white's winning here  because of rookie 7 and f7 never mind here in   rook h7 for kh7 no no moral degradation  this is actually a winning end game   um this is actually winning we're g8 and takes  yes okay all right um okay still i think a couple   games left but we'll wait for round four you're  3100 but 4 000 sexiness thank you so much am i   checking out the ftx not really i mean i pretty  much shut off my brain after the candidates   i i am of course studying chess quite frequently  even now um after the event make no mistake about   it i do study pretty much every day but um but  i'm not like following anything super closely um white wins okay uh we're waiting for round  i mean round four should be starting any minute   how do you study chess at a high level many  different ways of studying many different ways   but you know one thing i will say um and this is  somewhat related to that other topic which i'll   get into more later i think you could apply for 12  months there is one thing to be said though which   is somehow no matter what you work on in chess  whether it's openings middle games and games what   not and i say this at the highest level like it  seems like no matter what you study whoever works   the hardest generally things seem to work out  like you get the score that you deserve based   on how hard you work they were playing rasmus  savane 2898 from germania so let's just stick to   our basic openings again i do have some important  events coming up i have the uh rcc final coming   up in about a month and a half i obviously  have a chess.com global challenge so with   all these big events i'm still probably gonna be  sticking to a lot of my side openings until then yeah he's from germania let's castle and play  d4 i should say germany of course because these   days it is germany take okay now this is what um  who played this was this what uh this is what l   big fish is this what l big fish played against me  in the rcc or not i can't remember i'm gonna play   g yeah actually i had this against el big fish  in the uh in the rcc last weekend or something   unfortunately everyone nowadays this is what's  annoying about chess too is everyone studies too   much now now like these side openings that i play  are like mainline theory which is really annoying it takes i take i mean i'm  playing against the isolated pawn   it should be oh did i just blunder something here  oh just great uh whatever let's go fish f1 maybe   if i have something cheesy like knight g5 i  kind of want to go for some kind of sack here   maybe i just play here in bishop  c3 though and i should be fine i also bishop a3 to hit him on the diag and now i have bishop a3 which is  probably good actually i kind of like it   yeah fudge it let's just go for  it let's hit him on the diag   i mean queen e4 i just take and i'm playing  96. if bishop e1 i just eat the queen   okay so he does that so i trade takes now  question is which knight i can also play a3 um or i go knight fd4 let's  play or do i offer the end game   nah that's not right okay let's just  go here i i can't think too long you know i can obviously take for an end game   i don't love this but i think it's actually the  best way to play it i mean i get rid of the uh he   doesn't have the isolated pawn but we reach an end  game it's pretty stable i play against the hanging   pawns now it's a different pawn structure  and we'll see if i can do something here so i transformed the pawn structure  here that and this is also why you   have to play a lot of different openings  you need to know when to transform now   if i want to be an l magnus i'd probably trade  and try to win some kind of bunky end game yeah   let's try to be a magnus i mean why not magnus  is kind of a good chess player so let's play a4a5   and try to play against the weak  hanging pawns anyway so let's take i mean i have rook c1 it's not trivial here for  black black is still probably completely fine but   kind of good yeah it's kind of good kind of good i mean c4 is also a move here maybe  but we'll see what he wants to do   yeah so he goes bishop e6 it's the  idea to play d4 what is the idea here i'm very slightly confused because d4 i just take  if c4 i get i get the square i get the pony back   to the center of the board if he goes here at  bishop b5 and it starts to feel a little bit weak   maybe it's not but it starts to feel like  there's some pressure here if he goes knight d7   i think he has to play c4 and maybe d4 to  try to try to just blunt it and draw the game   exactly for the prime thing in terms of shadowy  in another universe magus is saying let's play   hikaru yeah okay so he plays rook f um rook  b8 so now we get to play a long grindy end   game i'm gonna take a knight d4 bishop f3  and now now i definitely try to be l magnus   um step one push f3 target the  chooser step two consolidate   step three reroute the pony or maybe rook  c6 was better okay this will be step two   it was rook b1 interesting i did not actually  think he would try to trade off brooks here   um so take why not let's play g4  keep expanding on the king's side okay now the thing is somehow here i'm gonna  go king g3 if he plays g5 i'll go rook a5 and   start to play on the queen side eventually let's  get the rook out of the danger zone here now the   reason i forced g5 is now f5 is very slightly weak  i'm gonna go here and bishop c2 eventually with f3 i'm also up on clock which is quite important  in this end game i have bishop c2 knight holds   the juice or i can play f3 kick this knight out of  town knight d6 feels like a mistake um oh he wants   knight b5 okay he has a trick he wants oh wait no  knight be five replace knight b5 i work b6 i think   okay goes knight c4 logical move my king up  so i can move the bishop and not lose the pawn   i mean again this feels like i'm better here  i don't know how much better but let's go here here i'm going to try to get behind yeah  okay logical go here target the knight   let's go here because now i can  trade and put lots of pressure i'll pre-move it yeah now i think this should be  winning if i'm smart um go here to take the juicer   yeah he's actually in a lot of trouble  now i think i think i'm much better he   has some cheese with rook b1 or g1 but  i just slide back to g2 and rook b1 rook   g193 would be a very unfortunate checkmate  to walk into but i just slide the king back it's getting very low on time too he goes  there and i go here to target the juicer and   now i go here he's oh wait he has no then  i go 96 kg7 no i mean this must be winning i mean knight f7 d4 require d3 yeah i  think i think this has to be winning   yeah if this isn't winning i i mean i'd  be very surprised knight f5 h5 takes h5 takes and i'd win the game  okay i mean i'm just a juicer yeah this this must be just winning  knight h6 is actually better i think but   okay let's see actually i should just  put the knight on g4 what am i doing   yeah i put the knight on g4 and this is just  very clean um let's go here in knight g4 now i'm going to re-reroute the king and just walk the king up the board  and this will be a win very soon um h7 is good okay and now i just have to be  a little bit careful how i do this over here really no easy way to win this i mean everything wins here so i'm not i  guess i'll just go here and force a trade   and now i go h5 and knight g6 quite easy actually thank you so much that sees mcgee's for the  four months thank you so much jace mcgees   all right very very good four out of four  um there we go that you guys of course is   how you try that my friends is how you  play chess like magnus carlson you get   a very slight advantage uh in an endgame and you  just keep squeezing squeezing squeezing squeezing   so we get the win um very very good stuff  four out of four which means we are going   to take our first break of the day and  i will be back in one second you guys   all right you guys no sidecam must be cheating you  don't have to have the side cam on for um how to   use it for the rcc peter rick miracle for the five  android for the prime thing so much appreciate ideas guess at gm you have to do switch  gm play the game based on style opening   there was one game when we did guess the eve out  where in my mind i had a slight suspicion based   on a pawn structure of who it could be it was  a top gm um we will do guess the eval later so   um i mean i'll i'll actually probably what i'll  try to do when i do get the evals i'll give you   guys some idea of what um what i think the opening  was probably advice on productivity um there are   24 hours in the day you guys so whether it's  chess or something else um you just you you have   24 hours to use it's a lot it's a lot of time  a lot a lot of time a lot a lot of time to use okay anyway we're on four out of four very  very good start obviously so i cannot complain   do you think tony will be a super gem it's  way too early to tell with tony i think um   you know i think for tawny um time will tell  he i will say this tawny will be a gm unless   he just suddenly hates chess and stops  playing altogether um so tawny will be a   gem whether he gets far behind beyond that  who knows very it's very very hard to tell   because again to give an example you look  at hans hans is someone who if you look   maybe a year and a half ago was what 2450 fide  roughly around there somewhere maybe a little bit   a little bit above that maybe 2 500 ish i'm not  sure exactly where he was um but when you look   at when you look at it from that perspective hans  had the sudden burst out of nowhere where he got   really serious started studying playing all the  time um and and yet a year and a half ago by fiji   he was he was probably worse than abba manu mishra  and yet i think hans is going to end up being a   better player than mishra objectively so it's very  there's this window of a few years like 16 17 18   when it's very hard to tell what will happen  who knows who knoweth not mia all right anyway anywho waiting for round number five have i ever played h4 on move one no mishra is too  young though well misha is like 15 but this is the   point like mishra for example had a higher rating  at 15 than hans had at what 1718 and hanson lee   out of nowhere has this huge explosion um and he  goes way up so it's it's very it's just very very   hard to know what's going to happen thank you so  much two blocks occur for the 18 months appreciate   misha 14 i don't know how old  mishra is at this point i don't know i think such a band for the 37 is holland stronger  than danny yes that's not even a question i mean   hans is like what 26 90. i mean hans is just  a better player yes so that's just reality do i think wei is a chance to make another leap  for his heat forever actually you guys look   at wei yi wadi is the perfect example wadi was  what 16 wasn't wayy like 16 or 17 in like 2700   and no improvement hans is like sitting at 24.50  at 18 years old and like suddenly he's probably   going to be higher rated than he'll probably  be higher rated than wei yi in within a year i   guess i'm not saying he'll be 27.50 but i won't be  shocked if he's like 27 10 and somehow he's higher   than wei yi who is 2700 at 15. so it's all very  it's just very very hard to judge that's that's   the problem like you just you don't know who's  gonna have that sudden explosion out of nowhere so yeah greetings from cuba greetings to you  too so yeah i see a mod is playing otp in the   canadian open no i didn't actually  um i i yeah don't know being a sad   2810 forever 2810 is very high rated  though very very good very very good um but yeah all the junior players are very  good the point i was making though is like   you never know these kids who are 12 13 14  15 it's way too early to tell they could   either like they could either be like 27  50 they could also just plateau like 2 600   you really don't know but i do think that um i  do think without a doubt that tawny will be a gm this is live you guys no delay do you like  nick kira's style i mean when when the guy   can keep his head on yes i mean that  first set against djokovic was great   the other day and i mean like i loved  watching the highlights of when he and   kokonakis were playing in australia but  like when he loses his mind the second   third side he just starts yelling at his  box like i i can't i can't understand that so yeah who knows why are you rated 3160 on  the leaderboard with 2018 on the board because   this is quick chess you guys and these are online  ratings as well online range generally plus minus   about 400 points okay oh i get parham i was i was  talking to potterham this morning about what he   should do in the future so it's kind of funny that  i actually have to play parham and round number   five i think you know we're on four out of four um  yeah let's play e5 he's not oh but he might make a   draw ah fudge me fudge me he's gonna make a drive  um shoot why did i play e5 i mean eleven uh okay   well you know what let's play let's play like our  good friend kriyari let's let's play a schliemann   delayed schliemann which is by the way  very very bad but i'm gonna do it anyway   no if i play if i play the berlin parham is  gonna make a draw make no mistake about it so   but the the delayed one is not the same because  now there's some kind of b5 i think it's a little   bit different i believe because there's b5  somewhere in here i'll take and play bishop c5   or do i play h6 i mean i don't normally play this  so it's a little bit awkward i guess i'll go here can't castle i mean d6 has moved  h6 is also in the b5 is also moved   i'll just play d6 consolidate the structure  i'm just castling king h8 or something yeah this is called the schliemann or the  danish thank you to joe jarrett for the prime   actually um daniel daniel daniel speaking  of of the double himself was playing this uh   in one of the meltwater events i think he car yell  at chad like curious it's okay it's okay it's okay   spam more hearts it's okay thumbs up right wasn't  that the other he was doing like some thumbs up   thingy that i didn't i completely  didn't understand that either by the   way but yeah he was doing something  like that i'm gonna go king h8 here i i remember he was doing like thumbs up right and   he did that after he lost the game  too which was kind of insane as well   okay now i can play bishop g4 97 is the move  i kind of want to play yeah let's just do it because the problem is i'm now  going to take the take this so   i guess i just pre-move it it's a safe pre-move  what was my advice oh it's just related to what   tournaments you should play i mean i feel like  you should probably do something like uh um   um i think he should uh he should play  in europe but something along those lines i like my position here by the way i  think i've got a very very good position why is parham thinking so long   am i missing a tactic or something i i don't see  a tactic i mean i've got great ops here as well what is my opinion on the bullet session  between all the resident daniel vera just   a very very poor decision by ali  reza that's all all i need to say why is he thinking so maybe his  inner don't tell me his internet died   no it didn't okay okay so he plays bishop  e3 interesting choice i can play b5 here   i get it so he wants to just trade the  bishops he doesn't he actually doesn't   like his position which is interesting um  i could take on e3 i can also play b5 here wait a second how do i do this actually  if i go b5 he's gonna go bishop c2   maybe i just let him trade the bishops yeah i think i'm gonna just i'll just let him  trade the [ __ ] and go like bishop b7 maybe oh it goes to b3 i did not actually i thought  it would go the other square way that's um somehow i think that's wrong because knight  is before i just take the pawn my king is a   little bit weak maybe but i'm not so sure if it's  actually weak so i'm gonna go here in queen g6   what is that wait okay first of  all i have d5 or f5 i think d5 f5 bishop c2 i still think i should play it though it looks right to me objectively i'm gonna go f4 and play knight g6 might be wrong actually but it's it's getting  very oh it goes queen e2 now that actually is a   huge surprise i guess he's just gonna try to play  g3 and draw the game though which makes some sense i mean i have knight h4 lurking  as well also bishop c8 maybe let's just play rook f6 like  a humano and then rook f8   and i have a much better bishop  too on the diagonal the scope   if if anything ever opens up this should be  better for me okay a4 i i understand that move   um that doesn't actually threaten anything c6  i don't really like bishop c8 doesn't move i   want to play so i'm going to just play bishop c8  now he'll have to go h3 and i go bishop d7 and i   kind of like my position a little bit more now  because now i can take and i don't know it's still   tricky though but actually time is getting low for  both of us so i should speed it up a little bit i think i can play rook cafe i can take and take and go knight a foreign  e2 i mean okay he doesn't he doesn't bite still take on e3 and play knight f4 i'm just gonna go c6 consolidate the  position i mean he's way down on the clock so i think with a pawn i mean  let's do my take with a knight me three okay let's go here i guess that feels like a mistake legendary triple stack legendary triple uh oh  uh oh oh wait what did i wait did i just wonder shoot i just made a mistake oh my gosh i just blundered this  completely i just got too careless i threw this that was winning  for a move why did i do that yeah it's just a draw i just played rook g3 and i just spazzed  cause there's just winning wasn't it what it   i thought richie was winning oh of course richie yeah i just go here and  takes i put the rook on it that's so stupid of   me because then on g3 he guards i mean he guards  i'm such an idiot it's like i thought rookie   with three was winning and then i played then  i played then i i thought richie i i was pretty   sure richard was winning but i thought richie was  quicker and then i didn't then suddenly as soon   as he went up through it's like wait a second  where's the maid it's just gone i mean because   this is still good but yeah this is not winning  though see this is winning after d5 but it's not   i mean d5 already with us having like  10 seconds is not an easy move to find   yeah oh man richie four is such oh yeah all  the way knight f no but now that's right yeah   okay that's very unfortunate  i should have won that game   oh it's very upsetting so i completely outplayed  him thanks so much nelly cruising for the 17 murky   murky ass i think you each are for the primes  that's very frustrating mind you at the end   i might have been losing two to be fair but  that's frustrating i still draw a draw is fine it's not what i want but a draw is  okay this is what you get for not   reading xqc's endgame book yeah exactly  yeah yeah ah it's okay just frustrating   cause i would have been on five out of  five and i would have been in good shape okay yeah frustrating god is not over five he is two  out of five oh okay i'm wrong okay   boarding on five out of five guys  having a good good day quite a few guys on the bright side at least the  music is banging yeah music is good   yeah no i mean six plates doesn't matter because  you're not gonna win every game generally but   it's frustrating because it would have been  nice rajabov is out of 24 that is actually true okay all right let's go we play a joe baba or as   yasser would say yobaba now the problem  is i have a draw he doesn't have any draws um yeah i don't know what i should play here  i'm gonna be solid i'm gonna let i i mean i   guess i'll be solved this time or should i play  oh that's right he likes to do this one doesn't he oh okay oh that's right he likes this one okay  um i'm gonna do something a little bit dubious   a little bit dubious it's not like this is like terrible but it's  not exactly what you want to play either it's just a very solid very solid position  for both sides not a whole lot is happening   um it's gonna be very hard to win this game see  he's actually jonesing he's kind of jonesing for   a draw a little bit here i don't know what i'm  supposed to do to win this exactly it's just   very solid you know i was a florida man for the  eight ewe for the eight months thank you so much he's definitely jonesing for a solid very very  solid position because this is not actually how   job normally plays he's normally a very aggressive  player likes things that are much more complicated gwen jonesing yeah yeah gawain jonesing oh he's looking for attack he's looking for some  cheesy tactic like takes takes takes takes and   check takes and winning the queen with like a  fossil that's why he's using all this time he'll   switch to xi co2k for the formers i was wondering  why he's thinking so long it's like that's why   he's thinking so long he's looking for some kind  of cheese he's looking for the big cheese here and now he decides to just be a rock and  play bishop e3 and just like draw the game   that is very annoying by jobava i guess i'll just go back i mean  i'm not thrilled by any of this a draw really is not good for me here  that that's the problem with the draw   in the last game is that now if i draw  another game i'm already on on in a very   tricky spot because then another drawn  i'm just done almost that's the problem okay plays queen d2 logical um play [ __ ]  should be seven i mean i'm just making sure   there's no cheese here i can also go knight c5  maybe not a bad move i think queen uh queen f6 c3   knight c5 maybe okay let's just  go clean up six be solid here i mean i feel like they're gonna be some  tricks like knight c5 maybe maybe not   probably i should have played knights  five immediately i was going to do this i do this i mean knight e5 is fine  i mean i guess i'll go work b8 here it plays bishop d4 i'll just go back the e5 i have  c5 i can also trade of course i'm way up on clock which should matter okay  goes bishop c4 so now he's now actually this   is getting a little bit a little bit tricky  to play i can take on d4 97 e5 d5 looks fine e5 i go d5 for sure which is what i'm angling for i guess oh i can play bishop b7 i think i should actually i don't know if it's right though  it feels a little bit wrong somehow there goes queen of four very reasonable move that   um yeah he's trying to go queen queen g3  and force me to trade something that's   actually a very good move this i had a feeling  bishop b7 was a bad move and i think it was   i play knight e5 he'll take and i take and  then he's got 95 queen e5 which looks fine wait a second okay so i don't want  to play c5 bishop e wait c5 bishop e3 hopefully this isn't a blunder i just  take okay looks like oh wait we have six i have bishop e4 which feels  like a very computerish move   is it good or not is the question bishop e4 i  think it's such a tough move to play for a human   yeah i don't trust it so i'm gonna go queen of six ugh oh no oh no i just played the wrong order  shoot i should have traded first wait oh it goes there wait okay wait wait  wait wait wait that's a mistake here i think 92 first and white was better  but he played the wrong order now now it's a game okay i guess i go here yes i take with a pawn or something here i guess um i'll go here cut off the square seems like a bad move somehow yeah i go  here and i take and i'm just up a pawn   okay that's a mistake okay can  i win the game is the question let's go here go here i made a mistake why did i do  that okay let's go here in here i have this to cut him off no no entry let's fix the weakness here oh no i think i just misplayed this maybe got you i got you man i got you finally and now  i go king e3 yeah i got him i think i go here i   go wait okay i've got 20 seconds let's just  relax take a deep breath i go here in king g4 now we get the win because he checks and  i go here and he can't stop the queen   he's so much a zelda guy for the fourth thing  a dtc for the 14th thing is salvatore for the   nine thank you so much to fix magnus for the prime  appreciate yeah very tough game but we get the win   um over joe baba moved to um five and a half out  of six very very tough game he played very well   and so much at damn bro for the nine months  appreciate let's see josslyn's game he's playing   sorry what what the wait what the heck why does  white have two queens in 50 pawn what the heck what the heck why does johnson  have like two queen i mean what   i think we're back right are we  back so much nip baba for the prime i don't know what that was like obs  that was just obs doing its thing   that was obs doing its thing as always  now i get on draken in round seven ridiculous i'm also getting very poor  pairings in this event i have to say trying to remember what the line is i believe castle's h395 is how  you're supposed to play this um yeah i'm playing on drake and no that was  obs like it's crazy i mean this has happened   multiple times now it's really starting to get to  me a little bit i'm gonna go here takes and takes i guess i'll play f4 here just to  consolidate he's gonna go bishop g6   i mean i can play g4 or even b4 but i think  i just play like h3 i'm willing to trade i probably should have traded on g6 but whatever yeah it's very frustrating um very annoying i think for a second oh it's it's we're not on  we're not i'm not lagging right now i don't think i can do this and play b4  and play knight knight f3 i'm gonna try to play against  these bad pieces if i can   i can play bishop d4 i can also go like e4 i guess it's fine for you yeah i mean  i it's really annoying really   annoying to deal with and now  i just blundered too obviously don't get thrown off yeah i'm  trying not to but it's kind of hard i think we're good though i think  we're still good i can play g3 actually play g3 i think i'm very slightly better  here but yeah it plays there ninjutu looks safe and i have g4 somewhere in here okay how do i do this now is  the question g4 allows rook f4 i think it's right cuz i trade and go rook d1 all right let's see how do i do this  now i should be better i'll go here i'm too low on time i'm thinking too much though so here and maybe h4 is better i go h4h5 yeah i'm just i'm just losing my bearings a little  bit in this game for some reason go here and trade   rick d6 was probably better somewhere but yeah  i'm just i don't know i'm just like a little bit a little bit shaky at the moment i'm still  positionally completely fine but here oh did i just no i didn't just  blunder did i i almost did wait   oh it's okay all right let's just  go here consolidate everything you can play g5 but bishop g3 looks fine he's  going to try to reroute his bishop now of course   we'll go here new rook f2 don't believe that's the right move wait a second  i can play rook d2 to force a trade then it's   probably still a draw if i really want to force  a draw with rook d2 or do i go g5 and go for   the hero play i'm gonna go for the hero play i'm  also down on time i just realized again i'm doing i mean i should be better here but  that doesn't mean like it's winning i'm just throwing this game let's go here still very complicated wait if i take night of seven or something wait  well i'm thinking too long again geez let's go here trying to get really tricky here  with bishop e7 oh takes knight f7   queens oh wait no the name  is knight g5 maybe not wait oh wait a second it's very tricky because  he moves tonight he loses the bishop very tricky just thinking about the position trying  to come with a move here oh he takes okay but why is this okay wait why exactly is this  okay for black i'm confused is this a draw oh this is disgusting  is this actually just a draw it's a draw oh that's disgusting it's just a draw i think i can't yeah  i go here i pluck and it's a draw   well done by andre can you found  a nice nice way to draw this   oh that's kind of gross that's that's actually  really disgusting i mean i was winning probably   before i lost my mind somewhere in  here was i ever actually just winning   i should have played edie of  course this this was stupid   was i ever actually winning in here or not  though is the question better but it's not it's not great still better after queen  d3 wow if i misplay as we get here oh oh hg7 does win oh cause i have queen e7   wait no wait a second wait wait a  second wait the bar just went way down   wait wait actually wait a second wait the bar's at  plus two now it says oh maybe not maybe not wait   it's that plus two and now it went down to zeros  it wasn't a draw at the end you had rook f1 wait but no but rook f1 queen g4  this is winning wait what oh king e3 oh rook f1 is actually winning  i don't know for some reason i   just assumed there were too many  checks in the middle of the board   wait a second wait a second so rook from  queens before king f2 here check check check oh i can also block wow because otherwise  it's a draw oh wow there's bishop c3 i've checked yeah because then i then i can walk  out okay i mean very very tough though very very   very tough to spot probably i don't know i think  i had 20 seconds maybe i should have just done it   yeah i mean i mean i had like 15 seconds maybe  i should have just done it but it feels it felt   scary to do that though it felt scary to play it  with 15 seconds i don't know maybe i should have   but 15 seconds i don't know okay jose's on seven  so somebody's gotta take him down i have good tie   breaks at least that is one good thing okay so  i get jose with black now he's gonna be solid   i'm gonna play what i did against um what's his  name parham i'm gonna play this uh this uh the   schliemann or the yenish as they call it sometimes  he's totally gonna play i'm gonna play f5 yeah i have to go for it here he's  on seven out of seven if i don't   i don't win this game okay  he does play that one okay um hey go here just 97 next move i guess please see through i'll play d5 i guess takes knight c3 is not really  very pretty for me but it takes let's go here 97 castle i mean i have to do something go 97 and castle's next  move or bishop e6 first maybe he's thinking for a long time here  which is interesting let's see okay i take what's just doing exactly i'm a little  confused by this choice i mean i'm not just going   to gamble pawns i don't care he can he can take  the pawns i don't care i don't care i i need i   need to win this game i'm willing to jettison  some stuff here i'm willing to jettison stuff   i'll take he'll take i'll play and go here and hear queen c6 or d8 maybe i mean i also have queen b4 and queen b5 but  that doesn't look right before queen c3 doesn't   look right at all problem is i need to win  this game that's that's actually the problem   so i think i could probably save this pretty  routinely if i played this a different way but   i mean bishop d7 is a move that looks right trying to figure out how i  do this there there queen c6 i'm thinking too long as well so let's see six 893  queen before queen c3 i think i have to do this   this isn't what i wanted to do but i think i have  to just play bishop b7 and c5 and play down upon   play for counter play it's really not in the  spirit of the position but i have to do it if he takes i'd be shocked actually  because that looks like way too much   but i guess there should be seven  c5 i mean i have the double op combo   diagonals maybe long term can come to  life we'll see probably not but maybe of course i'm gonna go c5 i have  to have to open up something here yeah i have to go c5 only move i have to  open up the diagonals here for the bishops i mean you can probably play  knight c3 to try and force a   draw that's the problem also is i  know that he wants to force a draw   he's one point clear of everybody so  he's very very happy to draw the game because i pre-move it why not let's say pre-move let's just go i don't know if this is right but  it it's got to be right to open up the diagonals   now i can also take i'm just going to sidestep  avoid a queen c4 move that just loses the game because that would be gg that's why i have to  sidestep yeah this is not a great position i'm   not i'm not thrilled but there is play i mean  there is definitely some play here for me so   i can also go to a7 i can also play rook off c8  we also got a beef ah what about bishop b4 maybe it's in the spirit of the position for sure but i  don't think it does anything so let's just go back it goes there i'm gonna play like go g5 i'm gonna  play rook d8 console i think i'm gonna go g5 g4   yeah i'm gonna play g5 g4 and hope that there's  some play here he plays e6 let's go here maybe why did i play bishop a5 that  was such a poor move by me it did   absolutely nothing and i just  ruined my position for no reason that was just ridiculous why did i  play bishop a5 immediately so here i mean i have g4 maybe or something no i  mean i just threw this game for no reason getting so careless i mean i just just so careless why did i do that very very poor by me yeah why did i do that i just  i threw this game for no reason yeah and if i play bishop 80s queen h7 as well  like what what a what a terrible decision by me yeah why did i do this it just loses i don't know why i did this  you know this is so bad i'm sure this is losing somehow but i should just move oh i should have gone to  g7 too of course i go to g7 and it's fine   i went to the wrong square as well  yeah i went to the wrong square   oh this is so frustrating i was gonna  go to g7 and i went to the wrong square oh this has been a very frustrating event yeah i mean i was gonna go to g7 and i didn't go to  g7 yeah king g7 is still bad but it's i mean   the whole game was terrible though i mean this was  just too much by me i think somewhere around here   i was okay bishop b4 was fine of course bishop  b4 was the move i knew it was the right move but   i mean i the problem is if i played my normal  stuff he would have just made a draw anyway   yeah king king g8 was just a very poor choice  but whatever it happens thank you so much for   blue jay i think it's so much massively thank  you to emir gunner thank you to what wttn   no it's very frustrating because of the previous  games this game i'm not mad about the previous two   i am pretty mad about um i resigned towards queen  h8 me yeah it has nothing to do with music i mean   i was in a bad spot i tried and i didn't find  bishop b4 if i played bishop before i think i   would have made a draw but a draw wouldn't have  got me much anyway because look at the scores   yeah that's frustrating and then the disconnection  probably affected the game against on dragon too   um annoying it is what it is yeah of course  no it's just very frustrating because i should have probably the game though the  game that really set in the wrong mode was the   game against parham that was the one that started  everything in the wrong wrong trend when i played   rook g3 not rook g4 dangerous has a really good  moves i mean the problem is i played something   dubious and then i tried then i didn't like follow  through with the plan and i didn't play bishop b4   which you guys heard me i said like it's in the  spirit of the position or something i'm like no   i'm going to play king h8 or whatever it was i  did i forgot what i played but yeah i was like   it was in the spirit i've gotten bad pairings  as well but okay that's that's just life who   cares bad things happen um this looks like a draw  rook c3 yeah those will be a draw very frustrating   very very frustrating i'm still playing  good chess though that is the one plus um wait a second wait a second   uh did parham just blunder or g3 richie  wow rooksy one's apparently a draw mg3 why was this a wait why was this a draw i'm really  confused why was this a draw i'm so confused oh because you can wait you wait yeah now black i'm gonna have  to look at this first time this king of three wins wait i take a look at this  for a second yeah okay make mate finish the game   why was this a draw rook clear or here oh because wait no this is just a draw because you  can just kind of now you can   wait now you can wait but then  why isn't oh kh4 then you take oh very interesting end game that this  is actually a draw very interesting   useful useful end game things which collects  owls for the 22 months things so much   interesting oh straightforward  draw yeah something like that   and if you go king of five you just  you still just wait i guess here here and i don't know like look here this is action just wait and it's the same thing i guess somehow this is still a draw wow oh very interesting do i bookmark games like this  no but this is actually a very important end game   for like a real tournament to keep in mind  to know so i have not seen this one before um   but it's a sort of end game that like if you know  if you like if i've seen it now and i remember   i'll be able to remember it later so it's actually  quite it's quite useful to look at these end games   quite useful hmm interesting very interesting  and what he did in the game just lose   it loses because now your king is  no you still can it's still a draw   but now it's not a drugs now the king gets too  far up the board like you need the king to box   out the king i guess is the point you need the  king to box the black king the king can't get in   very interesting so now you know what you  won't need to review i mean not really no   no i mean now that i know the setup if i have  like a world blitz like a world blitz or rapid   game where i have like 30 seconds and you have  to like make an in decision on instinct it's   very important that's why you need to know these  things because in like in like classical game you   might still be able to work it out logically but  in a but in like a blitz or a rapid game where   your time is ticking down you don't have time to  do like a five minute thing or a long calculation   knowing this will make a huge huge difference  thank you so much to mr blooper for the four   months so this is actually very instructive  very very instructive and this is the sort   of thing also that i would say when you're  studying chess is really really important too   um you can search a river dart for six months  like it's not all about openings and opening   preparation all that jazz like knowing end games  is in many ways just as important if you're like   an im or gm level just this is a very interesting  one anyway you guys we're on our break so i think   i'm gonna go use the restroom quickly and we'll  be back no classical just stream yeah exactly care stream yeah for a few minutes yeah i'm  sucking something not doing very well today   only on six out of eight but i can still  win three and maybe get get to like third is it hard not to use your main opening sometimes  i mean the problem the last game is i couldn't   play i couldn't play the berlin so i played what i  did against parham earlier uh it just didn't work   out but if i done what i normally do he would have  forced to draw a hundred percent and i would have   been on six and a half which i guess would have  been an okay score but it's not good enough to win one king chill for two months dude  chess's main job side job side job uh next rcc is on the weekend but i won't be  streaming on the weekend you guys and i have to   go to uh california on the over the weekend so  um i won't i won't be streaming on the weekend all right um anyway no weekend stream gutted yeah i  i i have uh some stuff i have to   deal with um some stuff to go take care of all right anyway uh we should be starting  pretty soon i think when will i stream   puzzle rush survival i don't know not  not for some time i i don't think so   not for a bit oh the thing is actually it's  like no guarantee that jose winks he's gonna   have to play like fabiano and do bob who are  right on his tail twitter investor is his main   job twitter is up five percent i did actually  notice that twitter's up five and tesla's flat all right waiting for round number nine  i guess you prefer winning the rc and not   winning title two oh yeah absolutely winning  the rcc is like worth a lot lot more than um   than the rcc of course but it's still i mean still  frustrating not being in the last round to win it so okay anyway waiting for the next game you're playing later once you  yes i will be playing the later   title tuesday yeah i will yeah yeah yeah for sure joshua is just the goat i mean actually  for jose though jose would probably give   anything to be doing well in the rcc and  not actually title tuesday because jose   could could qualify for the the final uh the  final 16 of the rcc if he was doing well there   my gosh is it like my very unlucky day or what  like how is it on six points i'm playing day at   i am getting literally the worst pairings i'm not  even winning the tournament this is ridiculous i mean it's just insane like this is ridiculous  i mean it's just absolutely ridiculous it's so much a shock met for the six months i mean okay why did i play knight c3 i don't know  why i did that okay let's just play like a   i'm gonna go here i'm gonna do something  very weird i don't know what i'm doing   exactly but we'll just play chess yeah  yeah something happens no no kidding i mean   yeah i'm kind of shocked actually by this pairing oh i do have knight b5 as knight  v5 is actually lurking here   e6 might have been a slight mistake  by dayak actually because knight b5   looks kind of scary here maybe more  than kind of maybe it just is scary this actually looks very bad for black which is  why he's using so much time here yeah he's using   time because he suddenly smelled the rat and  he realizes there's a lot of danger suddenly   it's queen a5 but thing is i think knight  b5 is actually they're just very strong here   uh he maybe tr play a6 or something i do want to play king b1 but i  also don't want to play king b1   i think this is the right  move to play this i'll do it i also have some 92 tricks as well like 92  knight c4 looks kind of interesting as well there's a6 somehow i think i'm much better here   i don't know what the line is but i think white  is much better here somehow just my instinct somehow i have this feeling that white  is just much better in this line but i   again i'm this is not classical chess so  i don't have the time to work it work it   all out so i'm just going to play good good  standard moves like bishop c4 and bishop b3 yeah my instinct is that this is much better for  wiping in a blitz game it's going to be very hard   to prove anything so i have to just make good  moves i can't i can't just like it goes there i'm just going to drop back if knight g4 i  go queen d2 and i mean that should be fine   although i probably should have used  more time before just blitzing it out the problem for dayak here though  is he's getting along tommy black   doesn't have clear plans he does do it though  interesting i mean i guess i go here of course i'm not sure i agree with this approach though  because i think he's gonna have some problems here so he plays it in this order which gives  me alternatives as well like bishop e7   91 rook 2197 queen d6 maybe  then okay that can't be good i can take oh i have e5 here maybe  oh e5 actually looks very attractive yeah i think e5 is just a very strong move  i cut him off i cut off the bishop's access i think he missed e5 and now i think  this is going to be scary for black i think i'm actually maybe winning here okay now i have 94 which  looks very very attractive i mean 94 it just has to be good i  think yeah this this just has to be good if castles i can take a queen g3 thing is i don't  want to let him off the hook like i did last time i take i did realize that i missed that  too of course like or wait maybe   i'm winning though i have some recap  seven trick or something or rookie six   wait a second and why did i do this why  didn't i think i'm up like so much time and   i just blitzed this move out for no good reason  poor very very poor technique by me as always okay let's see knight c5 bishop knight c5 knight  of three knight d7 knight c5 bishop b6 will be six five knight g4 in d4 e5 he's getting low on time here wait this should be should be losing somehow wait maybe it's not though do there we go there we go finally thank you so  much to the constantine for the nine months   appreciate it thank you so much for the resub  he is a very good player by the way i will say   that he's a very very good junior player i  do think he will cross 2700 at some point he doesn't i mean the other move actually loses  two of here i just take and then i make the check   he can't take some check he has taken he gets  made it anyway but i've never played him over   the board but he is a very good player he's he's  slow but he finds very good moves and he actually   his reactions when he has seconds on the clock  are very very good like he was able to hang in   this game in a way that he should not have been  able to and that's the sign of somebody who's um   who's very very talented it's like very  grishak ask i guess is what i would say   so yeah his current feeder rating is like 26  70 and he actually blundered or i blundered   because he had queen h2 which i didn't see which  guards not i don't even know what's going on i'm   still much better i'm still better but it's  not easy oh is he 26 92 i didn't know that   oh i thought it was like 26.60 he's  actually his ratings gone up broken yeah   i didn't realize he'd gotten that high  jose won again who did jose beat duboff who did who did jose be i mean he's gonna jose is totally gonna probably  make a draw in the next round or the final round   but um but very impressive hans is almost  2700 yeah hans has been crushing it too who did who did he beat though actually i  wanted he must have beaten dubop because   dude that's the guy whose name is missing  um let's see josslyn oh he got bortnick got bornick although he had some good  wins too he beat bogue down as well   that's still kind of annoying though to see  him on eight out of eight playing eight out of   eight and he's playing bortnick and i'm on like  six and a half and i have to play dayak kind of   frustrating but scores are pretty thin though so  i in a way i actually am rooting for him to win   i would like for him to beat somebody here because  that way i do have a shot at getting maybe third that's so disrespectful to boarding no i it's  not like i got worse at blitz i just haven't   played blitz last time last time i really played  blitz was like april maybe i just haven't played   much and then i also lost that stupid game to  um i lost two games in the rcc and the blitz in   the blitz because the rapid was drawn to um  jules massard and one other player but yeah i read one question aloud and  answer another oh okay sorry   uh excuses no i just haven't really i lost like  two games which cost me like 15 points each   and i haven't played just regular blitz in a long  long time i will play more blitz so soon no doubt uh do i think nihal will have his birth  too what is knee hall's rating knee hall   has definitely been um been improving right but i  don't know what knee hall's knee where nihal's at   these days because nihal is the one who i  thought is the best what's disrespectful   abortnic what is disrespectful boarding diac  is a better player what are you talking about   i mean you guys you guys want to like get  banned or something what is disrespectful   about saying that like dayak dayak and on draken  are better players important that's just a fact   i mean seriously what's wrong with you guys today i mean bourning is a very good player  but i mean boarding is not a 2700 plus   player the way that diac is going  to be in the way that andre again is yeah very very bizarre thank you so much to  tv twitch for 29 months appreciate thank you here for the bands indeed all right round 10  should be starting in second i just don't know   why people are being idiots oh and of course of  course now i have to play eric of course like   as those as those tournament like no chance  at first but i also i'd get literally every   possible pairing that i don't want and now  again the question is i'm gonna play e5 and   lose like i did to jospem or not just  just for the memes i'm going to play   the same opening as i did against shaw  so let's see if eric actually knows it   why not you search the heisen og for seven  months yeah it's just pretty funny that i have   to get this i'm gonna play what i did what i did  earlier and if it doesn't work then um we'll see okay see eric doesn't eric doesn't know it   either because it's not it's not a  common thing it's not a common line fine i'll just play something slow here like um this is okay i mean i don't actually play  this line so i'm kind of just winging it   i'm winging it levy style and that's not that's  i know some now someone's gonna be like oh   man you're like you're roasting levy what's  wrong with you man um but i'll take in castle okay i don't care about this pawn  i just play queen d4 or something   yeah yeah yeah here we go now it's supposed to  be like oh man you're roasting levy what's wrong   with you man um anyway okay that's so rude to  love you thanks so much for moonlight for the   tier one thank you appreciate it okay now let's  see what what am i doing here exactly because i   honestly i don't play this line so i'm kind of  just like making up stuff as i go um it seems   like a good move with bishop g4 knight t5 maybe  it's nothing special but i shouldn't be losing i implied jocelyn was lucky to be paired with out  of the pairings he could have gotten yeah that was   a great pairing for him i mean make no mistake now  i mean this looks right let's just go for it i can   sack and sacrifice looks very scary actually for  white like really scary this might just be a blunt or maybe i'm just bad at chess  and i miss bishop e3 of course but i have b5 but again it's i can't  win this this wow this sucks i can't   i can play b5 and it's going to be  probably a draw this really kind of sucks ah maybe i could have taken but yeah this is not what i wanted  probably is going to be a draw i mean he might go 19 wait actually he does a 92 which  for some reason i also didn't even see   i could have played that and that what am i doing knight e2 now that's interesting  that's not the move i expected actually go here and take maybe i think this is okay unless i just i mean  maybe i just made a huge blunder i don't know   i think i take it i'm okay but i've broke  up four or k4 maybe i think this is okay   we'll see it might not be okay at the same time i'll go rook f4 knight e4 now that's not a move i actually  expected um seems like a surprise the question is   do i play like queenie do i just go knight f6 and  make a draw or not unfortunately i think i have to   blah blah this isn't what i wanted to do but i  think i have to do it probably going to be a draw queen 2 is a little bit  surprising actually as a move   i don't really understand the point of it  ah he wants knight g5 or something wait i mean take on e4 i can also just play knight  d5 i guess i think i'll just play knight d5   does knight g5 can go like queen f6 okay it's  gonna play there i think i go here in rookie seven   with h6 time is actually very even i just  realized so it's like uh b4 is i'm going to   do it because i need to win the game i would  not play b4 normally but i need to win this   game so i'm going to play b4 playstore b1 which  i think is already a slight mistake let's go here and go here fix the pawn fix the weakness slight mistakes by eric but i  mean he still should be fine   gotta stop knight g5 i'll  go here to go after the pawn is why i think he made a  mistake bring the rook this way so here on c4 i guess in h5 i don't know what that does exactly if i  go c4 because everything is covered and now the   night's week too now eric's missed playing this  quite severely it was queen c5 which is a move   i mean again the problem for eric though is  that now these pawns are becoming very very   menacing on the queen's side of course i miss  96 obviously because i'm just missing everything that's kind of unfortunate okay but i still  i'm still fine why am i why am i panicking   no need to panic i'm still playing why am i i'm just like panicking   for no reason i don't even  understand what i'm doing okay let's go here of course i thunder i'm gonna try i mean i shouldn't  be trying but i'm gonna try i think i'm gonna win this  game actually he's got real um let's go for this one because h5 is also hanging why what do i do okay there we go there we go checkmate terrible game but we got the  win okay i think it's so much a cheeky j for the   12 things which to detox golf i think i was just  winning i was just completely winning somewhere   back somewhere all the way like even back here  i was just so much better and i just yeah why   did i refuse to trade is also a question why do  i refuse to trade and just get this past pawn   still winning and now it's a draw but then  yeah he doesn't play rook c6 or oh d4 also   wow yeah but it's a win win is a win but yeah we got the win um and we move  our way into third place jose makes a   draw so my 11 and save thank you kpop for 22  codemaster so if i can win my last game i'm   i might get min lay where if i beat min lane the  last round i can actually get into second place   maybe maybe but we'll see again it's  too early to see if i if i get mid   lane in the last round i beat him i can  get second place and switch to avanade that's probably what it was no but if i i want to play min lakes i wanna  have a shot at second place that's what i want   i think it's just slander for the prime i don't  want fabiano like i want minlae give me min lay   don't give me fabiano i mean we're both like not  getting first place don't give me don't give me   another terrible pairing yeah actually it would  be this would be really disgusting if i if i play   fabiano in the last round but i think i have to  play midlake because zintman lay and jossman play you want him no i want men lay i don't  want fabiano if i play fabiano in round   nine i might just like off from a draw and  move one that'll be a little bit too much excuse me one second trying to drink some water and it goes down  wrong give me one second worst timing ever lost the water yeah thank you so much infinite   just tv for three months yeah i just  drank water it went down wrong yeah it started no it didn't start no i mean  normally i mean who cares if i play fabiano   but it's been a very rough event i mean i've  literally had the worst pairings ever and so   to be out of first place and playing fabiano  in round 11 would be very uh disappointing um okay all right i guess there's still some games going you almost have to win yeah but  that's why i want min lay that   that's why i want men lay in the last  round because if i beat him i get second   they search the nerd stone for the 11 due to hotel  for the three thank you so much appreciate it there is rook f7 which just wins in every  position king g4 okay now white wins h6 or king h6 yeah you can just trade all right round 11 let's go give me a good  pairing give me melee that's what i want   eating fabi might bring your tiebreaker of men  lay no but i want men lay i get manley yes okay   i'm gonna play e4 no no no let's  just go for it let's play e4 yeah he's going to play this one i mean there  are many different ways to play it i'm going   to play something very slow i don't i don't want  to walk in any prop i play king's indian attack whoa what's what just happened okay place this okay logical i don't know why i played this opening either by  the way this is a very questionable choice by me a very very questionable choice i don't i  really don't know why i chose to play this   very very strange choice by me excuse me problem with this opening choice by  me here is that black is like too many easy   moves at the start that's why i don't  know why i did this yeah he's got this   and now suddenly i'm like already like  confused as to why i played this i guess wait wait a second wait a second wait a second  wait a second slow down take a deep breath   d4 queen b1 knight c6 is not great and now  i'm down on clock too this is a total disaster okay wait but i have to move why i have  to move why why am i unable to make a move okay i'm just gonna play this this might  just lose but i don't care um excuse me i'm gonna do this this knight c6  i'm trying to get really tricky here   i don't really know if this  works i'm gonna go for it i'm gonna go knight c6 a lot of pressure on  the diagonal as well this might not work but   the good thing is think of kill streams this is  gonna be a decisive game i'm going to win this   game or i'm going to lose this game but there is  really no in-between that's that's the good news f4 i want to stop 95 here like queen d4 bishop b2 let's go between d4 this isn't really very good for me   there's probably going to be a  draw i misplayed this already unfortunate very unfortunate yeah this is  just gonna be a draw i i can't win this game very poor play i should have just uh in the  opening i should have gone bishop e3 right away   i don't know why i didn't just play bishop e3  when he played that so stupid behind me i guess   i'll go here i can still take i can take with  the pawn as well i mean i i'm this i'm gonna   make sure this is decides one way or the other  i'm gonna make sure this is decisive like i'm   either gonna win the game or lose the game but i'm  not gonna leave this where it can end in a draw i don't actually like that he did  this by the way because now it's a   little there's a little bit of  scariness with this weak king side   i mean i thought he should just leave  it closed like some f6 and consolidate but again i mean still black  should be completely fine here or does he just have knight c5 as well yeah i just got knight c5 and  i i mean i have nothing really if i can go here though so it takes i take i'm trying to be very tricky  here but yeah i mean i can go bishop to e5 is no   good i mean i can take and probably draw but i  i just i don't really want to do that i mean e5   is another way that i can probably draw what is  he threatening bishop e4 and 94 are both moves   you know what i'm going to make sure this this  game like i said he's going to win or he's going   to lose i'm not going to let this be a draw i'm  just going to play something i'm going to try to   confuse the matters confusing the issue if i  lose i lose but i i refuse to let this be a draw so if mine wins he wins i mean i'm gonna let him  get second place or i'm gonna get second place   but i'm gonna make sure this is not a draw although the problem is he has f6  now again i don't really know how   i'm supposed to make this anything  but a draw oh my gosh how do i make   this anything but a draw i don't know  how to do that okay let's go here maybe i really can't lose but i can't really win either   i don't think he almost just  blundered wait okay let's go here   and that was almost a blunder to rook c1 he's  very lucky that wasn't a blunder also mentally   has a habit of finding ways to mess up uh games  at the very end he's kind of made some unfortunate   errors in recent times like in in bullet  and everything so maybe maybe i'll get lucky bishop's c8 but he's queen d8 and it's a draw   i refuse to let this be a draw no  draw we play we play my man no draw no draw you got it you gotta prove  that you deserve second place 28. wait a second check rookies i mean this feels  so close to being so bad for black wait a second somehow he's okay here e4 let's see bishop e4  queen b6 bishop d5 queen e6 and it's still a draw   okay let's go here oh my gosh i think he just blundered oh i think he just blundered rookie  7 bishop e4 is just winning i think so i just take oh my gosh he threw this it's still not actually trivial but it's not trivial to win  this but i should be winning uh so poor so poor so poor just so poor thanks so much bishop but i also flubbed it i also flubbed it horribly  because he had king g7 here queen synthesis is   just a moronic move after king g7 i have nothing  oh my oh yeah but i mean he flubbed us so hard i   told you guys like this is a this is fine but he  just like he he couldn't he couldn't keep playing   the game he was so set on trying to be defensive  that he ended up blundering this this line   but whatever it's a win i think i'm gonna  get second place we'll see i mean i have an   edge it's two points and i won my game over  midlay i think i'm gonna get second place i'm not sure i hope so think of such corn gas  for the prime yeah i know i missed meeting one   i saw this seven but then somehow i thought the  king could go somewhere i i don't know what's   wrong with me i don't know i'm just like i'm i'm  smoking something geez oh yeah second place first   loser well considering my score was six and a  half out of eight though i'm very happy with that   no this is like that was the last round you guys  that's that's that's all she wrote it's last round   fabiano is not in first um you got to nine  everyone won but i think i have a better   tiebreak than on drake and we'll see oh jose lost  to who who did jose lose to did he lose don draken if he lost on drake and that  might screw me a little bit i don't i mean i had it i have an edge here   i don't know if that's good or bad we both played  josslyn though we both played josh when we both   won the final round the meet and won okay i'll  i'll pull it up um mate one was right here at the   was right here i mean it goes here and this is  just checkmate and one i mean i'm just i'm just   a bad chessboard when i say you can search the  error for the 10 meander for the prime underscore let's see i mean hopefully i don't hopefully  things work out i mean this will be a great   tragedy if i get third i mean i have a big  enough edge on everyone else that i don't   think i can go to like fourth or fifth but worst  form and too much respect i mean mendeley was   just he wasn't trying to he wasn't trying to  find the best movies just like i know that i   just sit sit like a rock and draw but then  he got careless i mean that was the thing   so let's see are there still  some games going no not this game let's see next title tuesday will be tonight at 5 p.m  eastern time i believe i think it's a 5. okay   that looks right let's refresh let's refresh  let's make sure yes yes we get second place   65.5 so we um very cleanly get  um second place actually very   cleanly very clean that's that's a that's  a great result i cannot complain about that   all things considered so all right you  guys i'm gonna take a short break go use   the restroom i'm gonna get some more water  so i don't like uh choke and and struggle um   but i'll be back i'll be back in a second and  we'll keep rocking and rolling so give me a few you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 139,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns, hikaru titled tuesday, hikaru titled tuesday 11/11, hikaru titled tuesday win, hikaru titled tuesday playlist, hikaru nakamura titled tuesday
Id: cJI6ytWi9L8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 23sec (7403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 15 2022
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