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ladies and gentlemen if you've been following  along in march of 2021 you'll know that i've   been breaking some records i had never crossed  27 30 in blitz on chess.com and this month i hit   2 800. i've also been consistently over 2 800  in bullitt and recently i hit 3 200 in puzzles   i haven't competed seriously in over two years  so i've done basically no training so this has   been kind of a breath of fresh air for my chess  this video is the shortened version of the nearly   one and a half hour stream that i did to hit 3200  puzzles you can pause during the puzzles and try   to solve them keep in mind that chat can be a  little bit annoying during these puzzle solving   episodes because people will literally just go  and find the answer at the same time people will   also spam complete nonsense but with that said i  hope you very much enjoyed thanks so much for your   continued support and to be perfectly honest with  you it's nice to personally have some new goals   uh we'll we'll try to hit our peak today let's  just train we're 31.55 what is this first one wait i'm very confused what wait what check here mate check here here  here mate so this is probably one where like   the difference between the two is that  one is like force made or something   like that that's probably the difference so  for example here here here c5 to go knight c6   queen f6 knight c6 d5 take like rookie one so i i  think it's this it's not that what it's just this no no this is a pending puzzle no way yo i mean  what i beg your pardon no but come on white will   win this position 20 times out of 20. what okay  well that's a salty note to start on uh yeah well   i'm not i'm okay i mean pass rate of zero percent  outstanding no one has gotten this puzzle right   that's great uh what is this all right they've  played e5 uh oh this is beautiful this is de5   95 rookie 5 rookie 5 knight c4 forking the queen  in the rook and threatening to just take back   without losing the knight and if dc4 bishop h7  with the discovered attack so you have to take   and now rather than the normal move knight e5  you play this move knight c4 bishop h7 and bam   what is is there's no way this is from a real  game okay so i cannot take this because they   will make me right so i'm getting made in him  okay well this is a check and that's a check   that's also a check oh man seeing through  all of this chaos is gonna be so difficult check going to lead to mate for  sure there's got to be a mate there yeah bishop f7 at the end so that means that queen  a4 is probably the right first move rook before okay so they can cocoon basically so queen a4 here  guys it's probably going to cocoon somehow check   kink i don't think i want to let the king go to d3 so check here i mean rook c1 looks right bishop  here should i just take it take take queen a3   rook b3 queen c1 king b4 rook b7 should win  the game so queen a4 rook b4 rook c1 here check   here check if king c4 i have bishop f7  and i'm gonna win the rook so rook b3   queen here he can't block king d4 i take i think  that's it i think it's got it's got to be that wow yes wow that was clean that was a  very clean calculation i basically just   that's how you calculate i mean literally like  i just took away all of my opponent's options   it can't go i calculated rook b3 queen c1 can't  block because i guard so if rook b3 then this   they can't go here or here and that's it that  whole thing has been solved that makes sense like   i calculated this the oh this this opponent has  this this and this none of them work which means   we've solved rook b3 so now uh we only have to  calculate here and here because they don't have   anything else if king d4 i take the rook that's  solved and then if king here i have check and then   the king moves and i take the rook so we solved  everything which means that the whole idea is   correct so the way this works is that we look at  queen a4 and we go okay two legal moves by white   this loses to rook c1 which means that we're only  left with this rook c1 only legal move is here   it's a lot easier to calculate i mean there's also  rook c2 but that is going to lose immediately so   the way you calculate is you have to  calculate by options you have to go if this   solve it if this solve it if if one of them  doesn't work but three of them work it doesn't   work like if if three out of four work it's not  right because that means that one of them fails   so we calculated rook b4 and then we solved  it okay so this one is either queen h1 or here   if check here knight g5 no then queen takes let's  start with this check take check king f3 knight g5   oh the king runs this way i don't like that it's  it's gonna be something stupid it's gonna be like   here here and then like rookie one like something  really dumb i don't think it's that though i i   mean somehow what about rook h1 and queen f5 like  a slow move like rook h1 here and just queen f5   allowing the check because i always have king d7  i'm threatening mate they can't move the knight   i think that's just the right answer i  think it's honestly hear hear and just chill   king g2 rook h3 queen h3 and knight f4 just you  don't you don't need to kill them in the view   of this i think it's just this and this yeah and  now rook h3 here and it's just what i calculated   amazing and knight f4 and then bam beautiful  beautiful so you know you don't need to brute   force it it's very important like if it doesn't  work it doesn't work you can't force it so something like that i mean it's something  there probably right i mean i have nothing   else okay so let's just start with  the most obvious move threatening mate   they take i take i don't actually know  which one is better to move by the way   probably i would say probably this one okay knight  f5 i just have queen g6 and that's winning so   here here here okay uh that opens up the bishop  knight f5 queen g6 is winning so how do they stop   mate there's got to be a rook move like rook f7  so here here here i'm always bad at this rook   f6 q7 king f8 queen h8 knight g8 bishop c6 takes  knight h7 yeah knight f6 is forcing but i don't   think it's very good i i mean this is such a  congestion oh my god okay i'm gonna go here right what the hell was that it just glitched bro  what the hell was that wait did i lose rating   or no i don't think i lost rating i  made the wrong move wait actually what oh oh oh ah well um why did i think this was winning for me that's  actually you know on a serious note on a serious   note that's actually very frustrating because  and and by the way this is very important for all   of us it's very important not to just throw away  something when it frustrates you like you actually   have to look at like i gotta i gotta think about  that position mentally like i looked at it in   my head and then i just i never see the mistake i  made there is that i didn't evaluate the position   so i didn't actually i didn't actually study  like you guys have seen throughout this video   how like how well i'm calculating like the but  then there's moments like that where you just   i don't know that was so weird like i saw it  and then i just like i moved on i didn't say   it's good or bad and then i didn't go back to the  drawing board so anyway now it's very important   not to tilt okay so what has happened here pawn  takes bishop so material looks about equal like   um that look that move looks painfully obvious but  let me just you know take a deep breath decompose   and then play queen h3 immediately no  just kidding um although queen h3 looks   i mean if it ain't queen h3 i don't really know  what to say so i'm down a bishop because they   just took my bishop but i guess what i'm trying to  say here is that i have some sort of checkmating   attack right here's what i think the answer is  i think the answer is queen h3 king g1 queen g4   quinji2 knight h3 king h1 queen g2 king g2 knight  f4 that just seems very easy check here check oh   but there's king h1 wait there's king h1 right now  if i win these two pawns and the bishop and this   pawn i end up in an end game up three pawns of  course that's correct right the check here check   queen g2 knight h3 is winning for me 100 um  so then king h1 is the question so on king h1   what do i do i can play knight f3 there hitting  the queen and the bishop so then if queen to g2   i can play queen f4 and that's winning and if  queen yeah that's probably right so it's this   this and now knight f3 disconnecting  the rook from the protection and now i just play queen f4 because  if here i think they just cocoon   and that position still looks good for me but i  think i just play queen f4 and then i just take   nice we didn't tilt we get our plus five back and  we keep moving uh okay so this position is i it's   it's knight c6 bishop c6 rook d1 deflecting the  king from the bishop however it's not always that   easy because knight c6 they're going to play  a6 and i think we have to go knight a5 check   they take we take the bishop hitting their  bishop but then hold on then we're trapped   wait a second then we're trapped i don't like that  very much um here he so here a6 maybe bishop a4 b5   that's what it is it's b5 and then knight a5  and then if they take we take b7 and then they   move the bishop and at least we can get out  so it's this this go back inducing the move b5   which creates dark squared weaknesses like right  now if this this and then we go here take take   we can't get out i think it's this and  bishop a4 take rook d1 and now we do this   yes 3190 it's my highest rating ever i think i  don't think i think 31.89 was my previous best oh   no and they immediately throw me a study but why  they do this brother i mean i don't like this this   is not a real game probably this is a what's an  what's known as an endgame study so there's gonna   be some weird way for me to like mate them okay  so i i have a feeling in most of these studies   the first move is something really quiet like that  which threatens knight f5 uh and uh so for example   here check check right back to them and um i  think it's i think it's this but let's say e3   knight f5 king g6 take take okay that's just  obviously winning uh i mean i think it's this   but it's always something really stupid with the  stat with these positions but actually that move   just looks very good i don't understand so like  here if push check and i win no so here here no   i i don't understand king f4 i mean it's gotta be  king f4 queen h8 and then it's gonna be some like   really subtle move something really subtle king  f4 queen h8 rook c8 queen f6 knight f5 king there wait looking for their check king h7 rook c7 you know what i'm just gonna play it i got it you combined the ideas check here rook  c8 if takes bam check here rook c8 if doesn't   take like queen here bam if bam bam bam bam then  you go c6 king f7 rook c7 and you and the queen   i'm happy i found this and yet so the the whole  point is this idea this looks like you're losing   but you pin the queen you deflect it and then  you you it's called attraction it's called   attraction that's a very tough puzzle all right  here it is let's see if we can hit 3200 so here   here here here here so that's that's currently  where we stand every move needs to be checked   otherwise we get mated okay gf 500 is the  first move like in a game you don't even you   don't you don't think here you just take you  have nothing else like what are you gonna do   of course this is the first move like it's the  thing i i don't need to calculate everything i   know gf5 is the best move i mean who wouldn't  take this attack right now you actually have to i think i need to prevent the king from going here here i have some f6 at some moment also bishop c5  like to sacrifice no guys it's never going to be   a move like this you got to get these moves out  of your head i mean there's a king on f7 we can   check it like seven different ways i mean it's  it's you can't it's never going to be rook c1   you have to train your instinct right now i'm  just calculating between queen h5 and queen h7   i don't have any i don't have an answer i think  it's this i'm leading this because something tells   me the king needs to be on e7 i can't figure out  exactly why i think that but i think it check take   check king d7 queen h7 okay something  went wrong because the king escaped so   check here maybe i take this  pawn but then the king goes there what if it's like rook g7 queen g7 f6 something  completely ridiculous no no probably not okay so   why don't we go back to this idea it's definitely  not rook g7 we don't have some sort of fancy   sacrifice because rook g7 king g7 bishop d4 wins  the queen but this this that doesn't look right   that just doesn't look right at all i mean bishop  d oh god oh does it look right oh my god oh my god   is it rook g7 queen g7 oh wow the queen is trapped  the queen's only move there is to go queen g8 and   that doesn't look very good at all because then we  have queen h5 and then king e7 and then rookie one   then king d7 and then it's it's still not over  so here here bishop d4 here what about rookie one   just rookie one rookie one and the king can't  escape rookie one and the king can't escape   just rookie one and that's it quidditch  five is unstoppable holy okay so hold on   a second that means the only other move is  this then we go check king d8 but where's   the win where's the question rook g7 here it's  not over it's not over you don't just play it   don't just play it it's not over you know the  craziest thing is it's about to like remember   this this move the guy suggested it's about  to become like super important okay i mean   in a in a in a regular game i mean rook g7 just  looks so beautiful to not be playing it i mean i   how can it how can a puzzle have rook g7 as an  option and then it's just not the right answer   that's so mean that's just the cruelest thing ever  chad i don't know honestly i'm at my wit's end um oh god oh lord oh help me   okay it's not that either okay it's  not that either it's not a check what bro is it this did that guy cheat or get lucky did that  guy was that did you cheat on rook c1 did   you know it was rixie won that had to be a  cheater right like there's just i mean did   he just i mean because i think his rook  c1 is not like a crazy move like clearly   the person if they didn't cheat had no idea  that this is okay and now what now what this it's i don't even think it's that i  don't it's not that i think it's this and then what i i actually i actually have  no idea who even suggested rook c1 i just   saw it suggested like it's still  going what is it this that's absurd bro this happened in the game there's no way  yeah it's a custom position white didn't see this   white didn't see this okay well i  played the second best move yeah   i calculated queen h7 king eight  queen g6 and then king d8 queen d6 okay i got this far in my head and i thought  i was winning here but i guess i'm not   yeah so of course rook f8 is very natural we know  that our opponent is going to go here and then   what then then rook a7 and rook f7 or not because  the knight b5 is it rook a7 first queen back here   maybe not no they guard everything it's  not rook a7 i can't let the queen get back   i can't let the queen get back  it's not that is it rook b8   and rook b2 no but then queen c6 i don't like  and then rook f8 queen gets back rook b2 takes   no that's that's gotta be wrong wait this is  so simple this is so simple rook f8 here takes because if queen a8 check i have rook  back discovered check and i win the queen   by the way i have a question those  of you in chat who very clearly   uh see the answer before me  are you just like grandmasters   how come when i solve puzzles all of y'all  somehow know the answer like immediately   some of you just solved these puzzles like so fast  but you're like 1400. so how how does that happen and now you go here and now you don't take  it with the rookie ticket of the queen   how does that happen how you all that good some of  you guys are obviously like very good at puzzles   a thousand engine monkeys   it's one of my favorite like phrases engine  monkey all right let's go it's this right very good okay knight f3 only move queenie two   and then what is it like some  gangster [ __ ] like king e7 um it's gotta be this is it like d4   oh [ __ ] it's about to be d4 it's just d4 just  march it down because bam bam is just game over rook d8 king c1 d3 oh that's murder  oh [ __ ] that's murder it's oh but   but how it's not d4 i mean how it's  not d4 please please explain please   how it's not d4 please no go ahead  please explain to me how it's on d4 no better but how is it not d4 oh my god i didn't see that i didn't see  that move oh my god it's king f7   okay i would have never in a million years  gotten queen f7 i mean king f7 so it's fine   okay so i think this one is uh is some defensive  puzzle i have to play some defensive move here maybe it's not that it's not queen g6 because  queen g6 is just a trade and then i don't win   any material it's got to be taking the bishop i  can't see it not being you know it might be h5   it could be h5 bishop she said no i it's gotta  be this all right we need seven rook c6 rook f1   king f1 rook f8 king g1 queen e1 king h2 queen  e5 king g1 how am i not winning there i mean it's no point sitting here and it's probably this too  queen e7 rook c6 rook f1 oh oh okay so i think it's queen e7 rook c6 check king h2 when e5 king back to g1 rook f1  king f1 that's what it is that's what it is   it's queen e7 rook c6 queen e3 king has to go  here or i take with check i go back there's no g3   because i go queen b2 and i'm if kg1 rook f1  takes rook f8 and there must be a mate there   so that doesn't work so queen e5 king  goes back to g1 right then i take take   my queen is here the rook is here and rather  than letting the king go back i go queen a1   king moves up i give a check and if the king  goes there i have queen e5 and i win it's this and then i give this check and then i  drop the queen back oh my god oh my god oh my god   oh my god all the right moves baby i want to  see they should have made me do the whole thing and then king g1 and as the solution takes  takes in queen a1 oh they should make you   find this move they should make you find  this move they shouldn't just end the puzzle   the whole point is you can't let the king go  back you need the king up and the only way   to get to a1 is to do the little boomerang  and then make it back there i'm in check step one of the puzzle has been realized  it's probably just king h2 right but it like   there's going to be some defense here okay i mean  if it's not k2 sorry uh okay is it just rook d7 that's funny and now i just win the queen oh we back baby let's go i smell it don't give  me some bull oh my what is this there's like an   opening puzzle what do you think this is what  do you think you think i'm an idiot think i'm   not gonna get this right you're very welcome glad  you're enjoying it okay so so the question is in   that position what am i gonna do what do i gotta  do i gotta if i take the rook if i take the rook   nah that looks booty i don't like that now  you take the rook there's like knight c6 bro   i'll get decapitated it's 95 and then 94 you think  it's 95 just very confidently giving away your   queen it's got to be this and then this but that  is where it gets a little bit you know a little   bit yeah oh it's bang bang bang bang and then bang  and then bang and then bang oh my god oh my god oh   my god it's bang and then bang bang queen h4 bang  yes yes 3200 we done it and you were here and you   were here to witness greatness and you were here  witness quickness listen it wasn't always easy   it was not always easy but we done it now next  up is 3300 but we're gonna pause for today
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 512,489
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess openings, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gotham chess, psychology, how to get good at chess, how to study chess, chess lessons, chess tips, chess puzzles, chess tactics, how to solve chess puzzles, chess puzzles for beginners, chess puzzles hikaru, chess puzzles explained, chess tactics for beginners, chess tactics explained, puzzle rush, puzzle rush survival, puzzle rush hikaru, chess tactics training, chess tactics gotham
Id: JolU4KpLP5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 2sec (1622 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 29 2021
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