High limit coin pusher season 3 episode 24

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a thousand dollar buy-in got a hundred quarters ten dollars a piece got a three big old towers in there a whole bunch of silver hopefully we can get a bunch of that [Music] i was doing good so far i think we're going to stay on the left side see if we can't get this just focus on this one big tower right here [Applause] and we'll work our way around [Music] i don't know about you all but nice holy moly that was quick i had received my stimulus check 600 stimulus check and couldn't really think of what to use it on [Music] i thought about it long and hard and [Music] i think the best thing i can do with it is give it to the viewers [Music] ah anyhow thinking do a 600 amazon gift card trying to help everybody well i guess it helped one person out instead of helping one person now i'm going to try to help two people out they're just i'll tell you here a minute we're done running out of quarters be right back wow i was bought in her mouth didn't even realize we'd won 2 60 already that's amazing nice we got a whole bunch of quarters too probably got about 200 now so where was we ah he's talking about that giveaway anyhow there's this youtube channel so tom finds treasures i've been watching his videos for oh gosh probably six months or so anyhow he's pretty good i just thought if we could maybe help him out a little bit he's only got like 300 and some subscribers he does real good but whatever reason people aren't subscribing so i thought you know if i could get some of my viewers to help him out he's got a goal get to a thousand subscribers i'd like to help him out i'd like to use my stimulus check to try to help tom i'm tom fein's treasurer get to a thousand subscribers so if y'all could subscribe to his channel preferably uh you know watch his videos at least [Music] so how youtube works so you got to watch at least four minutes of this video before i count you as a subscriber otherwise youtube just deletes you in a few days so if you'll do me a favor go watch four minutes of his one of his videos and decide to like his stuff his content he's been making videos for years he's got 100 over 100 videos if you like his videos hit that subscribe button and maybe let him know that i where you came from old coin pusher sent you over there he said him and i don't know each other at all i've left him a few comments here and there but he doesn't know i'm doing this so this will be a big surprise for him so let's work that right side now pretty much got everything off the left side but i don't want blabber the whole time about a giveaway but anyhow i just got to get it out there and get it finished because i already started talking about it go check his channel out and if you like it subscribe and leave them a little positive comment obviously you have to come back let me know that you subscribed and you enjoyed this channel we'll let uh i'll let one one lucky winner know oh let's say saturday this coming saturday so i think it'll probably be tomorrow but you know then when who the winner is but don't run out of quarters though maybe right back wowza we have a 12 100 nice i had no idea i've been talking a little too much we got uh four of the silver half dollars these are 50 i think no maybe 40 silver uh if you watch tom's channels he'll tell you all about it that's what he does he he goes searching for for silver at the banks and stuff it's pretty interesting i mean i enjoy it anyhow let's keep going let's get a little more of that and we'll go for this guy right here so yeah thomas finds treasures it's good stuff like i said he doesn't know i'm doing this he's not paying me nothing to do this he didn't ask me to do this i figured i'd help out two people same time definitely not a millionaire or nothing but not trying to say i am anyhow let's get to the game there's a 500 chip over here see if we can't get that while we're working we'll work over here and see if it happens to get that on the left side sometime don't knock down that big old tower it's got all that silver on it [Music] that's kind of what got me thinking about it all just i really really never cared about silver till this year i'm sorry last year didn't really cross my mind a couple of viewers had suggested uh oh nice just made hey we got that 500 chip sweets anyhow had some viewers suggest that i searched through my quarters look for silver i haven't ever found any but i'm sure i'm sure they're out there old time finds these silver half dollars all the time so i think we're gonna go for that big tower now see if we can't get it i'm sure it's going to fight back hard ain't nothing we can't handle though after that last video you say for two hours anything's possible that was the last they recorded right there let's check it out see what we got alright right we ended up 1320 bucks nice got a 1967 half dollar and look at that we got about 300 quarters now we're going real good see if we can oh butterfingers see if we can't get that big old tower starting to lean a little bit so it shouldn't be much longer i wouldn't think there's a bunch of money on there though these purple ones are 500 a piece [Music] bunch of purple ones on there i got potential to make quite a bit of money i got max jackpot on this at five or fifty thousand so that's the most we can win oh nice oh that's a bunch of that silver fell off oh yeah i just dropped one of those silver half dollars in there i know it's been a little while since we showed how this thing works so let's go up see how i drop these quarters in for the new viewers you may not know so i got this this big old hole up here i can just drop them in [Applause] much better than one quarter at a time so that kind of maybe help you out understand how we're able to drop so many quarters at once and occasionally i mess up and drop something in there i'm not supposed to like that it's over half dollar we'll get it back though let's get to it it'll fall out eventually it's got to be more careful pay attention to my quarters a little you better know when you're gonna run across a piece of silver max dealing throw it in the machine when i was younger i used to work at the gas station it wasn't all the time but i don't know probably probably once a week i'd end up with a some sort of silver coin i just worked on the weekends so there's just one i just worked uh 12 hours on saturday and six hours on sunday but we don't run out of quarters be right back we'll get back to it all right right we got 60 bucks not the greatest but 60 bucks to 60 bucks we got four more of the silver half dollars also that's pretty nice we still got probably 300 350 quarters we're doing good on quarters so yeah i used to work at a gas station on the weekends just to make some extra money and kind of enjoyed it too wasn't looking for a job i just in there buying a mountain dew one day the owners they knew me my name just because i've been small town they asked me if i wanted to work for weekends because they had somebody quit so i did that for a while anyway i find some silver every now and then there's an old man who came in and told me about it because i really didn't i don't know i just never really thought about silver he told me how to i could drop it on the counter and make a different noise [Music] asked me if i'd save him for him so that's what i'd do is just i just keep him until he showed up and hand them out to him and trade whatever it was recorder or dime probably would be worth quite a bit of money if i would have kept them all by now i didn't know any better made him happy getting a whole bunch of them silver half dollars right now though so oh boy that that's the last of our quarters we still ain't got that big old tower to fall yet we'll get it it's just being stubborn we're making a whole bunch of those half dollars though anyhow be right back wow look at that 23. silver half dollars nice they make any money but i got a whole bunch of those half dollars we got about 400 we'll just quarters growing quarters in there apparently let's get that big old tower call today oh uh i'll announce the winner in the comment section of this video on that saturday saturday after this was aired so [Music] i want to come back and check the video out again turn your notifications on or something that way you'll know you win almost likely yeah we will uh we'll announce the winner in the next video also just just to make sure we don't miss you i don't want somebody missing out on 600 dollars well corn fisher jr he did a giveaway for christmas morning i think he gave out 500 bucks i think there's it took gosh probably a week or two for everybody to finally come and claim the prize which is okay i mean here's what it is it's getting scary there for a minute i was afraid somebody was gonna miss out on christmas before bob's giving out christmas you guys aren't subscribed to coinfisher jr you might want to check that out too that's my other channel i play uh play character named bob changed my voice a little bit it's pretty neat yeah we're out of quarters be right back oh bob got 12 of the silver half dollars right there but nice oh yeah check that out we got about 450 quarters get to it let's make it rain make it rain yeah that's pretty much how bob is he's just full of excitement and his character that's a coin pressure junior just a little teaser for y'all if you i'm sure you there's no way you missed them by now but just in case not for everybody i know that oh yeah look at that tower it's leaning good now there it is nice oh no look at that i almost dropped that one right there into the thing just barely caught it in time 1968 [Music] pretty sure there's a 40 silver i don't know what they're worth but probably like four bucks or something i'm not 100 sure on that oh butterfingers yeah well bobby would have said that we say old butterfingers on this channel come on kind of stuck right there you can't tell it's kind of plowed right into the edge of that it'll follow it'll take a little bit that's the last ever quarters [Music] let's check it out see what we got all right all right we got 1500 bucks five more of the silver half dollars nice we got about 400 quarters 400 quarter challenge let's do it let's see what we can get 400 quarters what can 400 quarters get hopefully a whole bunch of money there's probably another there's gotta be ten thousand dollars in there just get it to push out of there oh butterfingers [Applause] oh yeah those ten tens are moving so 500's will be close behind it i'm sure i dropped another cold [Music] yeah probably ought to make another one junior video here soon it's been all right it's been 16 days since we made a video cornfish junior oh wow that was a good push nice that's the last several quarters though come on let's see what 400 quarters be right back that's not bad enough with 2 700 bucks and for the silver half dollars so 400 quarters goes pretty good we still got probably 400 quarters so we got from collecting all of our earnings ain't bad oh butterfingers let's see if we can't get the rest of [Music] that i think i can remember right i don't want to be all talking about politics and stuff but i think i heard that we might be getting another stimulus check i don't know if that's true [Music] something i'd there's a rumor going around just a small one i don't know where i heard it from must been somebody at work one of my viewers left a comment or something i'm not sure [Music] [Music] well that's the last ever quarters that went by pretty quick let's check it out see what we got those 500s are moving they moved all the way over to here now it's doing good all right all right we got 3 900. nice so we got about 400 quarters see if we can't get the rest of that we're going to stay left see if we can't get those 500s oh it's working it's moving [Music] oh sweet that looked like 2 000 we just made right there nice left side really helped out i can't believe we lost all that big old tower just fell right over on the edge that's how it rolls sometimes luckily there just ten dollars ten dollar tips fell over there so we got a couple thousand bucks on there we go i got five quarters left let's get them in there that's all of them oh so close they're just teetering right there all right well let's check it out see we got wowza 8060 bucks that's crazy i don't i think i forgot to show that but i got i think i got one of these half dollars on the last time i just forgot to show it so we got two of them there but i think one of them is from the previous haul we still got goodness probably 300 350 quarters let's see if we we can't get them all old butterfingers [Music] this [Music] oh yeah i was about to go but we're out of quarters let's see nice it fell right there at the last we might get one more push oh we might get another one i think that'll be the last one right there all right let's check it out see what we got all right all right we got three thousand fifty dollars right there nice we still got about oh let's go with 350 quarters there's 1510 bucks on there i think we done got all the silver now we just gotta clear the field i think we're gonna stay on the right side a minute so we can work those over this way a little bit these normally don't fall straight off the edge you gotta kind of work them this way sometimes they fall right off most time they they like to come over to the edge and fall off so we gotta get them over there it's gotta be a little further than the halfway mark which it is got that 10 bucks it's got 1500 more got about oh about 20 quarters left let's drop them in there we'll go down and see what we got as soon as that clears out you might get might get one more push oh yeah come on all right be right back i made that 10 bucks i think we lost a few quarters we're still in them we're out about 300 quarter range quarters costing 10 apiece but they don't have any resale value i can't turn them back in for any cash or nothing so that's why sometimes you see me playing even though there's only 10 bucks left on there because it didn't really matter at that point just kind of playing the game and enjoying myself just made 500 bucks nice i know i don't i can't turn the quarters in anyway so old butterfinger that might be far enough to the left we can play the left side now let's try it out [Music] ah it's getting fell back a little bit on all right we don't run out of quarters again let's see if this will give us a push nope all right be right back we got that 500 nice we got about 300 looks like we might have a few more quarters this time maybe 310 320. surely that would be enough to get that last thousand bucks right there let's give her a whirl oh it's getting closer oh better fingers dropped like six quarters come on it's getting close that's what i got left on quarters by about 70. let's see if we can't get it all thousand bucks for 70 quarters let's uh let's try to not double stack them come on i actually only double stacked two of them there oh yeah i got two two quarters left come on can we do it ah probably not yeah it's worth a shot we had 500 bucks though yeah we're out of ride we got that 500. about 300 right around 300 quarters should be a piece of cake now i would think let's drop a bunch in there and boom it's ours that's the goal anyhow yeah i didn't need to drop that many we don't got it we did it look at that we cleared everything off there we lost quite a bit of our 10 chips over here but that's all right so it could be crumbled sometimes i'm going to tie it all up for you we'll be right back all right all right we got 32 460 dollars nice we got 56 of the silver half dollars also that's pretty sweet right there nice well if y'all like what you're seeing you haven't already hit that like button go ahead and do that and uh subscribe to the channel if you if you feel like it anyhow we'll see on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 155,325
Rating: 4.8860331 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher, newest video on youtube
Id: H8JvXUFval0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 34sec (2194 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 16 2021
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