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what is up everybody i am back with another high risk coin pressure video for you all today and as you can see here there is a huge skyscraper of quarters in here today and also there is three mystery cards in here i have no idea what the value is we're just gonna have to try to win them then uh they will let they will let me know how much they're worth if i win them so anyway and i also heard there's something hidden inside of this tower i don't know what it is but i just heard there was something hidden for all i know it could be a bitcoin it could be cash it could be a chip it could be gold for all i know i don't know so anyway it's gonna be an interesting video so uh sit back relax and enjoy so yeah eight hundred dollar buy-in today they gave us a good amount of quarters more than they usually do so that's good so anyway let's get right into it all right so i put about five six seven dollars in there let's see what happens all right not bad come on well my guess is the cards my guess is the cars on the left and right are gonna be falling off before the tower does the ones on the left and the right are gonna be falling off before that tower falls off they're already stuck back there there's so many quarters stuck in the back there i guess i'm gonna have to go ask them to fix that and i'll be right back all right they fixed everything [Music] yeah it would be nice if that tower would fall because that's a lot of coordinates all right come on get that tower that tower just moved a little bit oh my goodness and that card's getting ready to come off of there we're still doing good on quarters so we're not about to run out of coins that's good that card's getting pretty close too so if you're new to the channel be sure to hit that subscribe button be sure to hit that subscribe button and uh yeah that that card i don't think that one's gonna be falling off it keeps sliding backwards the one on the left side probably will though [Music] so yeah be sure to subscribe if you like awesome coin pusher videos yeah i think that card right here is touching the glass so i'm gonna have to go ask them to get that out if it don't fall out on its own so that is all the quarters there's nothing left all right so we got the mystery card on the left side that could be worth anything i don't know how much it's worth so that's good we got at least we got something back just in case that tower does not fall off there so yeah it got stuck i'm gonna go ask them to get that out so i'll be right back all right so they ended up giving me a new card because they could not get that other one that fell out of there i don't know why they couldn't it was just lodged in there good they could not get it out of there so anyway they gave me another card they said they would still count it as the same value as they was going to give me for the other ones so that's good but like they said they're going they're going to try to get that out later but anyway that that jack card right there that's getting pretty close and uh that tower it's still it's still up there still trying to knock it down so anyway we're not doing bad on quarters we still got plenty of quarters so let's see what we can do [Music] all right come on get that card off there it slid backwards [Music] [Music] now that tower it's moved a little bit [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right that's the last of my quarters let's see what happens all right not bad come on all right so a decent return on the quarters i just want that tower to fall off there all right so a pretty good amount of quarters back hopefully that's enough to knock that tower down once the tower falls i'll have plenty of money back well quarters back at least [Music] do oh the tower moved that time oh my goodness yeah those quarters are getting stuck in the back there look at that i would hate to go ask them to get that out just for that no i think it's fixed it fixed itself all right so that's the majority of the quarters i got back now those towers are kind of tough to knock down it's hard to knock those towers down [Music] all so i don't know do y'all think that tower's gonna be falling down i would hate to do another buy-in but like i don't know do y'all think it would be worth it or not so all right getting a decent amount of quarters back [Music] all right come on move that tower that tower just turned to the left a little bit wow i'm starting to run out of quarters i don't know those towers are kind of tough to knock down so for all i know it could take another fifty dollars and quarters to knock that thing down all right let's see what happens it's just like that tower will not move all right that was all the quarters i've had all right we're staying in the game [Music] i'm gonna try to do the two dollars at once technique or i'm at the double row technique all right that that is all the quarters i've i have so let's just hope that does something good see well that tower is in the middle it just it's just pushing it toward the sides it's not really getting the middle i don't know what do y'all think [Music] let's see what happens all right a few more fell off there all right all right i feel like this one's gonna be pretty good [Music] all right second wave come on i don't even think i have a total of two dollars now all i've got is 1.75 [Music] i'll tell you all what i might do if i don't win anything back right here um i'll let you all know what i might do all right i got one quarter left let's just hope that uh i can win something back so i can keep on playing one quarterback one more [Music] that was not where i wanted it to go well i think i'm going to uh go ahead and cash in this card right here i mean i've i haven't spent no more than 800 dollars because i've won this with the 800 that wouldn't make any extra money i'm spending out of my pocket it's just what i won so i'm gonna go see how much this card is worth and i'm going to do a buy-in with whatever it was worth so i will be right back all right so it turns out that card was worth 250 dollars 250 and uh that's how many quarters i got for the 250 buy-in so let's just make it count let's try to win that tower i'm just going to get a good lineup back there and just see if that tower falls once the tower falls i'm good because i can win a bunch of quarters back probably [Music] so all right that was a pretty good one [Music] all right come on push it's starting to get stacked up now that tower's making everything hard to move got a lot of quarters back though so i'm going to do a collection i'll be right back all right so a pretty good amount of quarters back got that much right there that tower is so close to falling off of there [Music] i almost forgot about something being hidden inside of that tower that's what they told me all right come on get them off there all right let's see what that does um didn't get nothing on that one all right about a dollar fell right there about a dollar back that one corner just moved that tower did you all just see that that one little quarter just moved that whole entire tower forward oh my goodness all right i'm gonna do a collection real quick pretty good amount back that time i'm gonna say 15 20 right there [Music] all right let's see what happens right there come on all right that one was pretty good come on [Music] that tower is so my hard yeah i don't know what it's going to take to get that tower down all right pretty good amount of quarters down there [Music] i'm not going to put the quarters back in the bag takes too long all right oh my goodness there's so many down there that's just one handful of them [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do there went a bunch of them up on the left side there that was really good the tower has still not made any more progress it moved right there it moved backwards though like i just need it to fall it don't matter which direction just as long as it falls off of there [Music] all right come on get that tower that tower does just i just don't want to move [Music] so the left side is probably the best place to get the quarters out [Music] so all right at least we're winning a good amount of quarters back so if y'all have not watched the video i did yesterday of the castle of quarters that video was insane that that castle just like fell backwards i ended up winning i bet over 150 dollars in quarters i still haven't counted those quarters yet but i think it was over 150 i know that so all right well i'm starting to run low on quarters starting to run low on coins again that ain't good [Music] that tower will just like it just won't fall but it's funny how that one quarter a few minutes ago it fell off there and it moved the tower i don't understand how that happened but [Music] all right come on just fall off of there come on well good news i just seen it like slide backwards just a little bit all right come on i think i'm gonna go for the middle this time i'm gonna try to get it in the slots that go to the middle all right those look like the slots go to the middle so right there let's see what happens oh no only one quarter see that's why it's better to just put them like all across the play field that way you get a bigger drop from the back there like all that tower needs to do is just slide backwards [Music] all right come on please i'm begging you machine get that tower off of there all right yeah this is one of the biggest battles i think i've ever had at the high limit coin pusher that tower just won't move it won't move at all [Music] all right that that is all of my quarters right there all right come on second wave get something off of there all right not good not good at all [Music] [Music] it's a horrible return on this machine right now some days it does good some days it don't pay out anything all right come on get that tower like all that tower needs to do is just slide backwards well i mean i would hate to do another buy in like another 200 buy-in and that would be it that is all the money i'm spending on it because i don't even know what's inside of the tower i don't know for all i know it could be a 100 bill only and then i don't know how much that card's worth plus i don't even know if i'm gonna be able to win that card so i don't know today might be a losing day i'm not sure all right 50 cents i'll tell you what i'm gonna go ahead and do another two hundred dollar buy and that would make a thousand bucks that i that i'll be spending so i will be right back all right so they gave me a pretty good amount of quarters for a 200 buy-in let's let's get this tower off of here i know it'll fall but i think this is one of the biggest battles i think i've ever had at the high limit coin pusher let's just rapid fire see what happens [Music] so this makes one thousand dollars i have spent now they're starting to fall off of there [Music] [Music] yeah that tower probably weighs a lot i mean that looks like about 150 and quarters right there i don't know about 150 but like at least a hundred dollars in quarters i'm gonna say [Music] [Music] yeah that tower i see the bottom of it it's like the bottom of it's trying to move but like it just won't move [Music] wow that one was really good [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] yeah those towers are those towers are tough to win i'll tell you all that right now [Music] [Music] so now if i look at the tower from the side pointing it looks like the tower is starting to slide backwards that's what it looks like but it is not moved for like i'm going to say 10 minutes i've been playing for about 10 minutes and it has not moved [Music] [Music] all right come on get that thing off there come on yeah it just won't move i don't know why [Music] well maybe if i play on one side then that'll then that'll help her i don't know let's try [Music] so well the bad news is i'm starting i'm starting to run low on coins again so [Applause] i don't know what do you all think it's not really moving any at all [Music] so i have not made one video to where i don't drop every single one of my quarters oh my goodness [Music] [Music] all right come on get that tower off there yeah it's it's just not going to fall off there y'all was probably wanting to see it fall off now i don't know i don't know if y'all are gonna like the video or not now well well i'm gonna make a part two to this and i'm gonna get my revenge on it if i don't win with this little amount of quarters i got like two dollars i don't win with this then lock [Music] well that's the risk you take when they when you play these coins that's the risk you take you can lose a lot of money very fast that tower it's just like well if this tower is still here later locked i might come back here and make another video on it uh part two of the tower of quarters of the skyscraper of quarters i'm probably gonna call it the skyscraper of quarters and i'm gonna try to win it so this makes a thousand dollars i have lost because i at first i did a 800 buy and then i won something with that 800 buy and then i did the other 200 one and then uh let's see that might get it right there [Music] let's just see what happens last quarter well unfortunately i lost this time but like i'll be back this evening probably and i'm going to make another video and i'm probably going to do another 1 000 buy-in so anyway well i guess i can say hope you all enjoyed seeing me lose but like i know you most y'all probably didn't enjoy watching that i got a few more back not bad 1.25 right let's see what that does i did not expect that i got a bunch of them out of that [Music] yeah that tower it's just hard to get them off there [Music] all right got a bunch well i wouldn't say a bunch of quarters but we're still in the game [Music] well not good i'm staying in the game though that's kind of weird that it just keeps on dropping out [Music] quarters 75 cents the coin pusher just can't make up its mind whether it wants me to lose or win [Music] all right let's see what that does [Music] yeah it's not looking good oh my goodness wait what happened oh my goodness that was insane i did not expect that tower to fall off there look how i'm in shock how in the world did that happen it wasn't even ready to fall off oh my god that was so many [Music] quarters that just fell off of there there's a roll of cash there's that card right there oh my god that was insane i'm still in shock like it was not even ready to fall off and then it just fell off all of a sudden look at all those quarters wow that was insane i'm telling you what well i thought i was going to lose it first but like i would be more excited if i knew uh if i knew what that card is worth and if i knew what what was right there oh my goodness wow that is insane i i did not think it was going to fall off there goes a few of them right there wow well that card is stuck right there and that roll of cash is kind of stuck so i'm gonna go ask them if they can get that out for me i'll be right back all right so they got that card out for me it was stuck over there and uh this is what was in the middle of that tower this looks like a lot of twenty dollar bills i'll let y'all know that right now lots of 20 bills oh my goodness and yes the this is copy money hang on this ain't real money as you can see copy money but you trade this in at the very end whenever you cash out for real cash so anyway that is insane i'm going to count all this up here in a minute and i have no idea how much this is worth so i don't know if i've made over a thousand dollars i don't know if i'm still a loser or if i'm in profit and there's that other card right there that might have a good chance of falling off of there since uh since like all those quarters are underneath it and on on top of it just have to wait and see so yeah i'm gonna go for that right now and y'all are probably wondering how many quarters i got back well it's a lot i'll tell you all that right now i'm getting ready to show you plenty of quarters back so much money right here so i haven't done a question of the day in a very long time so question of the day what is your favorite season [Music] is that a good question of the day what is your favorite season my favorite season is summer because no school no school it's warm swimming i like all that stuff go carts four-wheelers all that good stuff so yeah that is the question of the day what is your all's favorite season [Music] [Music] look at all those quarters right through there that's a lot i still can't believe that tower finally fell off there [Music] and good news that card on the right is moving a little bit oh my god that was so many quarters that just fell off in the middle look at that so much money falling off of there [Music] [Music] so all right come on push look how close that card is over there on the right side i think that card is getting ready to fall that card is getting ready to fall off of there wow well it wasn't looking good at first whenever whenever i was down to the last little bit of quarters then it ended up it ended up just falling out of there still can't believe it finally fell off [Music] there so if y'all do not know what i'm going for there's another mystery value card on the right side over here that's what i'm going for [Music] so oh my goodness i did not even realize it i can claim that card right now it is touching the glass that card is touching the glass look that card is touching the glass right there you see it yeah i can claim that oh my goodness i don't know how much it's worth but i'm gonna go ask them to get it out i'll be right back all right so they got the card out of there for me i have no idea how much it's worth but i'll be finding out after i'm ready to cash out i have to put the quarters in the bag there's it's overflowing the hopper down there where the quarters fall out it's overflowing like i'm have to put the quarters in the bag i'll be right back so this is how many quarters i've won back today so many quarters i bet i've got over a hundred dollars in coins now just in this bag here all right so i think maybe a few more few more times and i'll be done [Music] [Music] all right come on get those right there look at all those all right come on get something off of here there we go all right so i'm gonna put about that many more in and i'm gonna be done for the day and i will let you all know how much money i've worn in total i will count up those 20 bills and i will let you all know how much the cards are worth [Music] all right come on push all right come on get some of these on the right there we go i'm thinking we do one more what do you all think one more try all right come on get them off of there [Music] that's getting ready to fall off there look at that [Music] one more this is the last one i promise [Music] all right let's see what this one does [Music] come on look at all those right there all right that that has to get those wow all right there's still a few more falling off there all right three more fell off there's a bunch of them getting ready to fall in that corner out there so is on the left side hey why not i have plenty of quarters one more dollar well all right that's gonna be it i'm gonna go count up my money and i will let you all know how much i've won i'll be right back all right so you are let's try that again you all are going to find this funny these cards are worth 200 a piece right there's 600 dollars in twenty dollar bills i counted that all out six hundred dollars and twenties and there's two cards right here they're worth 200 a piece so i have won my money back a thousand dollars that's what the buy-in was i did extra 200 buy-in so that made a thousand bucks this is all the profit right here so i'm gonna say i've profited about a hundred dollars that is really good that is awesome i just can't believe i broke even with the prizes and stuff i wouldn't have done another two hundred dollar buying i would have probably made even more profit with like the the prizes and stuff not just quarters so some of y'all are probably wondering what i do with my quarters i roll them and i take them to the bank and i get cash for them so that's what i do with the coins if anybody's wondering so if y'all enjoyed today's video leave a like subscribe turn on the notifications that way you get notified every time i upload a video i will see you all in the next one also if you want to watch some of my recent coin brusher videos there's one right here and one right here and if you want to subscribe my icon should be like right here so see you all in the next one
Channel: A&V Coin Pusher
Views: 20,802
Rating: 4.8205128 out of 5
Id: 8fM5DDal63g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 8sec (3728 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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