High for the Holidays [Full Episode]

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(uptempo beat) (creepy piano music) - Oh, wow! - You pointed the finger first. - I promised myself I wasn't gonna do this. - What's more summer, than daddy? (laughing) - Why would Ally have you do that? - I'm gonna faint. - Everybody is lookin' at me now. - Who's acting high? - I've never been in a game where the Stoners sacrificed one of their own. - Yeah. - We're gonna say, "you can't do this to me", but I can. - Oh, no! - No, no - No. - It's up to you guys, hey come on in, come on in. - Oh, man. (ominous music) - [Allie] Two secret Stoners, will attempt to hide their high, without getting caught. A 'Poser' is on their team, to help throw off the scent. They'll know who the Stoners are, but the Stoners won't know who the Poser is. Through a series of challenges, the other players will try to sniff the Stoners out, and eliminate them from the game. Each turn, the Medic can choose one person to save. They can even choose themself, as long as it's never twice in a row. The Narc, can find out if a person is a stoner, and use that information to eliminate them. Rounding out the table, are three additional citizens. If the Stoners can eliminate the other players, and be the last one standing, they win. This, is Paranoia. - Ho, ho, ho, and Happy Holidays! Aren't you guys freezing? Ooh, December. - Oh, brr. - Me too, I'm freezing. Welcome to Paranoia, everyone. Today, we will be, tackling the holiday season, okay? Whether you celebrate Hanukah, or Kwanza, Christmas or Toyotathon, there's a lot to navigate during the holiday season. Unfortunately, two people at this very table, just took a giant, milky bong rip. Look around, because two people at this table are high out of their minds. That's right, find them, sniff 'em out. Uh, great, we are gonna hop right in, kick it off with some snacks. How's that, you guys hungry? Don't worry, it's not gonna make you look high. I'm gonna faint, if I keep wearing this. (laughing) - I am gonna faint, it is down, and I invested in that. - These aren't holiday snacks. - Uh, excuse me? - What? - Creamed corn. - What? (laughing) - I'm so hot! We are gonna fly in your first challenge, which is, to decorate a holiday cookie. - Ooh. - Ahh. - And also, follow up, guess which holiday they're from. - Oh, the knives. - That looks like a. - It looks, like a stein. - Um, really go to town, there's no. - Is it a competition, in terms of, like, will the cookies be judged, in any way? - The cookies will be judged by God the father, um, the maker of Heavens and Earth. - God, the father. (laughing) - Is he coming here? - The daddy, the father God is here. - Daddy's coming home? - Daddy's coming? Wow. - Daddy! - They'll be judged by the police. I've invited the police to this game. (laughing) Um, okay guys, let's find out what you made. I want you to show off your creation, tell me what you think you're celebrating, with that particular cookie. You know what, Shawbock, let's start with you. - Okay, great. Uh, thank you so much. Well, with this beautifully designed cookie, that just fell apart. - [Allie] We got some footage of it. - Um, I made it into a horseshoe, and I wrote 'lucky, spelled correctly, L-U-K-Y. (laughing) And I believe that this cookie, was for Saint Patrick's Day. - All right Ashley, you're up. - That's a bit, that's a (beep) boo. Um, to me initially, it looks like a vagina. Uh, so I thought I was celebrating, maybe Women's History Month. - [Allie] Uh, huh. - Upon further reflection of what this challenge was, I'm thinking maybe it was a heart. - Wait, so you thought Women's History Month, and you wrote (beep) boo. - (beep) boo. Um, yeah, 'cause women have a little bit of attitude, at least my friends do. And then, there's a little heart, that maybe, is blood. (laughing) - All right, Raph, uh, tell us about your cookie. - I say, I thought that it was a horseshoe, so I made a horseshoe. Uh, to represent the opening day of the Indianapolis Colts. (laughing) - Ah, yes. Trap, we'll move on to you. - Um, uh, I think mine was, supposed to be a candy cane, but all the, like, pinkish frosting was taken. So, I just covered it in chocolate, and then wrote 'hi'. And then, a little bit broke off. - All right, what do we workin' with here? - Uh, so looking at this sugar cookie, it kinda looked like a cross, um, anytime my relatives, or strangers coming up to my door, talking about religion, I just say, "Yah". (laughing) Just a simple 'yah', to them. With this cross, like, I'm thinking it's some type, like, maybe Easter of that sort. That's what I can think. - What are we workin' with, Nico? - Okay, so, here is my cookie. And, it says daddy. So, like, Father's Day, no, it's Daddy's Day. (laughing) - Oh, yes. - It started out looking like an S, and I thought, maybe like Summer. And what's more Summer than Daddy? So. (laughing) - Yeah, so, this is my cookie. Over here it says, RIP Irwin. - Oh. - Immediately the cookie looked like a stingray to me, so, I'm using this cookie to celebrate Steve Irwin's life. - Great, on Steve Irwin Day. - Yeah, it's Steve Irwin Day, yeah. - All right, Teresa, well I, uh, did the same thing as Nico. (laughing) And I also had the one that looked like an S, so I don't know is there some sort of subconscious S? - [Michael] It's the Summer, it's the time for Daddies. (laughing) - I don't know man, my Dad's birthday, is tomorrow. - Oh, wow! - So, this is a birthday cookie for my Dad. - I'm just like a soft clap away. - Are you one of the people, who calls your Dad, "Daddy"? - I call him, "Baba", which is Chinese for "Daddy", but um, it is Chinese for "Daddy, 'cause, "Ba" would be father, "Baba" is, like, "Dada", you know? - Cute. - Now, we are going to move into our first round, of game play. Everybody close your eyes. Two stoners, open up your eyes. (drums building) - I'm Teresa. - My name is Raphael Vargas, Chessthang. Hey. - I got the Stoner. - No more work for me today. (laughing) - All right, who wants to go first? - I'll go first. - All right, are you ready? - Yeah, if I can remember how to do this.. (laughing) - 1, 2, 3 (laughing) Are you ready? - Yeah, wow. - All right. - Okay. - 1, 2. - Wait. - Oh, wait, I'll pull this right here. - Okay, okay, okay. I'm nervous. (laughing) - 1, 2, 3. Wait, more, you haven't even, you have to pull it like you mean it. (laughing) Yep, yep, see it just moved. Raph, you want help? - I'm, very small. (coughing) - Who would you like to eliminate? (drums beating) Close your eyes. Poser, open up your eyes. My name is Mike Trap. I'm the Poser. I'll probably aim to be, a little quieter, kinda bleary eyed, maybe just like a little slower on the uptake, and see, uh, see what people do with that. - These are the two stoners. And, close your eyes. Medic, open up your eyes. - My name is Olivia. It would be a bad favor if I get eliminated first, 'cause it could save people, in the end. - Who'd you like to save? Great, close your eyes. Let's talk to the Narc. My name, I feel high already. (laughing) My name is Ashley Holston. Oh, I'm a Narc. Everyone, uh, is reading into everyone's action and, a lot of the time, they're wrong, and I don't want to be voted out. It's my biggest thing, I just wanna play till the end. - Who'd you like to know about? Close your eyes. - I'm Nico. - My name is Michael. - I'm Alfred. - Citizen. - Yeah, Citizen. - I'm Citizen. - I feel like, if I just sit back, and start to, kinda see the ecosystem of the table, I'll know exactly when I need to strike, and start getting the stoners out. - Everybody wake up. It's the Holiday season, it's a lot of fun, but, it's also, equal parts, stress, okay? The nightmare became too real for someone. Ashley, I'm sorry, you've been eliminated. - I knew it was gonna be me. (laughing) - You cannot say a word. - Pissed, pissed, um, very upset, because, I got voted out, the first person to get voted out, and, um, I had a job to do. I didn't get to touch that job, didn't get to do anything. Nothin'. - So, Ashley couldn't have been a Stoner. - I've never been in a game, where the Stoners sacrificed one of their own. (laughing) - Yeah. - I guess it could happen, honestly, to throw off the trail. The two of them open up their eyes, and one goes. (laughing) - I nominate Trap, is there a second for that? - Yeah, I second that, I think, actually. I saw, watery eyes, I don't know. - All right, some watery eyes, all right, watery eyes Trap. - I mean, we covered this in the last game, we're just over worked. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah. - There's a reason all the writer have red, bloodshot eyes. - We played a game with Trap and Katie, and everyone was like, "look at your eyes, both of you have bloodshot eyes." And both of you were like, "No we're just in the writer's, (laughing) we're just making so many sketches, man." - 'Cause we're gettin' up, we're doin' things. But, yeah, I don't know, it's too early for me to go. Bleary eyes doesn't seem like, uh, like a good thing. - Yeah, but, you're all like. - You've been so quiet, and you, for awhile you were staring in the corner. - All right, everyone. I need everyone to close their eyes. Raise your hand, if you think Trap is stoned? Hands down, eyes open. Trap, you're sent out of the game. What were you? - I'm the Poser (beep). (laughing) - Whoa, that was good. - I was starin' there, on purpose. - Wow! All right, make your way, to the Loser Cabana. - I had them all fooled, in the palm of my hands, a masterful performance, by me, master of disguise. - This part, is a little bit hard for me to talk about, okay? I don't talk about, I have a kid, I don't, I don't talk about it a lot, I have a child. And, I, don't like hard conversations, so, I think it's time for her to know, that Santa doesn't exist. - Oh, my God. - Man! - Oh. - I know, I know, you guys are gonna, you know, you're gonna say you can't do this to me, but I can. (laughing) Uh, let's bring in my daughter, please. - Oh, no. - It's up to you guys, hey come on in, come on in. - No. - No. - Some people here have something to tell you. - Um, what's your name? - This is Paige. - Rayla. - Nope. (laughing) - This is Rayla. - Hi Rayla, hi. - Rayla, Santa isn't real. - But, but the thing you ask for, you'll still get, because it's actually your parents doing it, and they'll fell really bad when you feel bad, so like, they'll like. - And, Raph wants to add something. - And, we all love you, sweetheart. - Uh, huh. - We're all your Santa. - Yeah, that's a great way to look at it. Everyone is your Santa. - I don't really want my daughter to grow up sugar-coated, okay? So, let's just, let's talk about the lies involved. - What does Santa, like, really give you, right? It's just love your parents, so now you can just cut the middle man, and go straight to your parents. (laughing) - Shawbock is a real parent. - This is so. - Oh, do you have a child? - Yes, I have a child. - Great job. - Santa, unfortunately, is made believe, but, you still get presents though. Your mom, Allie, will still get you presents. - Yeah. - But, one day, that will stop. - Yes. - But, you'll be ready for it, when that happens. - It's true. - The world doesn't give you more than you can handle. - Yeah, it's true, uh, the world doesn't give you more than you can handle, sweetie. Good job! Everybody, give it up for Rayla, and thank you. You did a great job, you can head over there. Thank you, so much, and thank you guys so much. Bye, honey. Okay guys, you made it through. We're gonna go right into another round. Everyone, please close your eyes. Think about the joy that you just sapped away from that innocent child. (laughing) - God. - I want the two stoners to please open up their eyes, and tell me who they want to send off. All right, Poser, gone. Now I wanna talk to the Narc, okay, now let's talk to the Medic. Who'd you like to save? Okay, close your eyes. Everybody wake up. You hate to see it happen, my daughter, was really angry, she came back, with her law team, and she's suing one of you. (laughing) For hurting her feelings. Uh, and so, one of you is wrapped up in litigation, I'm so sorry, Olivia, that's you. You are out of the game, uh, and I need you to lawyer up as soon as possible. (laughing) Uh, do not tell us what you were, you cannot say anything, make your way to the Cabana. - I (beep) up. Looking back, I'm trying to do some self improvement , and not be nice to everyone, and I (beep) it up, right there. I was nice and being like, oh, like, they're so innocent, they're fine, let me save them. No, it bit me, it bit me really hard. - All right, deliberation. Who thinks what? - You've been pretty quiet. - Generally a quiet person. - I'm also not gonna put that against you. - Everybody is lookin' at me now. - Raph, what do you think? Do you think that Alfred's been quiet? - I think Alfred has been quiet, but that's because I had him on one of my podcasts, so, my only other interaction I have. (laughing) - Is when I had to talk to you, yeah. - Is where it's a one on one, hour long conversation. - Right. - But, you're more talkative, in general. - You are. - You would normally talk, a lot more than this, and you, especially when you're innocent, you have a lot theories and you're throwing around a lot of accusations. (laughing) You've been sitting there, very quietly. - You're so right. - Also, Allie specifically had you say you say something, to their daughter, why? - I don't know what to tell. - Why would Allie do that? - I don't. (laughing) - Why would Allie have you do that? - I think it's Mike. - I would say that I'm a Citizen, I'm going to say that, I'm a Citizen. - But you can't, that could be a lie. You could lie in this game. - I'm just, I'm telling you, I'm saying what I believe is the truth. - [Raphael] I nominate Shawbock. - Wait a minute. - [Raphael] You talked yourself into it. - [Nico] I second it, I second it. - [Michael] There is is. - You have a nomination, you have a second, you have thirty seconds. - You pointed the finger first. - I promised myself I wasn't gonna do this, and I can see now, how it's all coming together. - What's his finger? - I promised myself I wasn't gonna do this, such a like, reality show. - You nominated, right away, Trap, and it wasn't Trap. - He was the Poser, he was acting high. We did, by the way. - You're the first person to point fingers. - Any other Citizens, Narc, or a Medic that is still with me, that is a win for us, you can't be mad at me, so, whoever's mad at me for that. - I'm not mad at you for that, it's just the fact that you're pointing fingers first. - All right, everyone close your eyes. Eyes closed, raise your hand is you think Shawbock is high. Raise your hand high, if you think Shawbock is high. Hands down, eyes open. Shawbock, you are sent out of the game. What were you? - Citizen. - Dang! That, unfortunately means, the Stoners have won. - Oh! (triumphant beat) - The Stoners have won, the Stoners have won, baby! - I knew it. (laughing) - The Stoners win, because the next round they would have just eliminated someone. So, we could play through, but they would have just eliminated one of you two. - Everybody acts so high when they're not. - Mistakes were made. Lessons were learned. - In retrospect, there were signs I just. - It was a huge success getting Trap, and then the rest, was a complete, unmitigated disaster. - It's just, it was a hard one, it was really hard. - I liked the part where we talked to Allie's daughter. I felt maybe being high helped me be more level headed, like, I was kinda like, oh, well we're all gonna go through this at one point in life. So, I feel like, maybe I should do that as a business, just like, tell your kids hard stuff. - I feel, still high, but I feel good about the win. - [Allie] Do you feel like you had anyone gunning for you? Any enemies? - Yeah, Michael Shawbock. I feel like I had one person, that was gunning for me, and that was Shawbock. I have no plans, for the rest of the day. I've cleared my schedule. (laughing) I'm on air? - But now it's time, for a sober moment. Happy Holidays. I just googled it, and did you know it cost anywhere between two thousand dollars to twenty thousand dollars to get a simple marijuana case expunged? - Pretty crazy, right? Plus, if you were convicted, and you want to get your record cleaned, or expunged, now that weed is legal in some states. You have to request a copy of your criminal record from the Superior Court, then, if you've completed your probation or were given probation, you can move forward. But, if you're still serving probation, you can petition the court to end your probation early. Which is a whole other thing, then simply pay all the other fines, and then, you can apply for record expungement. - Wow, that's a lot of steps. I mean, it sounds impossible. - In some states, it is. Record expungement is so complicated, that even in California, only three percent of people eligible, file a petition. - Three percent! That is devastating. I mean, there's gotta be an easier way. Can't tech help us in any way? - Hell yeah, organizations like Code Now, have come up with automatized programs that can review and expunge applications, in a matter of minutes. Check out their website to learn how you can help. - Hey, did you like that episode of Paranoia? Well, I've got great news, there's plenty more on Dropout. Go to dropout.tv and sign up for your free trial, today! You don't even have to take, a drug test. Just kidding, I'm gonna give you a drug test. I'm on my way to your house right now, to give you a drug test. You better not fail, or I'll arrest you. (laughing)
Channel: CollegeHumor
Views: 261,128
Rating: 4.8768454 out of 5
Keywords: Collegehumor, CH originals, comedy, sketch comedy, internet, humor, funny, sketch, ashley holston, michael schaubach, mike trapp, raphael chestang, ally beardsley, ele woods, reila post, alfred aquino ii, nico romero, teresa lee, olivia aguilar, paranoia, challenges, game shows, games, drugs, marijuana, stoned, suspicious, parents, parenting, bad parenting, kids, holidays
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 15sec (1155 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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